Th'6`WIU`:v. . - . 1T luau, ' m V 3 .mJ.\1`1,uw u::.vn1. , uznuwnnmum u omnwuo. , . ITXCTVUCI TTKIIIIJF III-Ila uh. proton-vd berries or pluuu 350., 51 gi biaouita 250., large cm pine- npplukggu Cruwlordh. loot! nanutllul Largo whole pineapple: pronrvod in granulated sugar 25::.. 2 lb. can a plea 5c.,bot.cla mixod pickles 100. J. raw- ford. ) 'l`ho'BoIt of the Bulls. The Wine lull, King street, the finest numb} room in Kingston, can be en- jlsd or dance: and r eptiom. Good An roo ml and upper r ; piano at All times. I100" fl] 3!! UGIIKI- No npoouury to y 39 cents for Har- riaon'a" perfumes w on you can pnrchtu-e the nun from us for 30 cents. See our window. McLeod`: d'rug shore. 01TY AN D \;|ClNITY. "8nx:yTW|l Drunk Agnln. .:......1 u:.. -A. Th: llnlntoru Propou f_L_ I'\._4I... -..-JAG`-I 1. D;n'Q my 39 cum. _.-...... 5.. ..-.. no .4.-.4. was comm - whn!.e\\?oc_,pza I rather be succum- n lnilnro u A pre- declaring the mun bofonnd in the xormwunouvnoornto papar- I@g4`PrinoouIotroIt.| nhundetol shicwuotforthopuponoloornotiugde hognvon. Connltndonlnu. . lA--nan. an-ul Inn. 123 PRINCESS 57;, nonvunuoa. uonuuruuounu, St. lavnneo van! oouurvntivu Inn olocugrlocbluphn u-ad boluwto ut- dnundmoy 'lm_|h' caning unnor Wly. Remember the oonoe. nnd entertainment Mn St.. Lawrence church. Pitulburglriday, evening, March 27th. All Kingston talent, I including chairman. I-In vnvnnnmd n lmnhnlnr nvnr Thin winter Ibolontrul shoot niln; con yhu ' Iholtnou doputlnnt oltcoily wofornpovingunow `nun ILA vnnin -hnnhnn AI: nnannnnw ling counny nu snounou copsmnonn from the Itneuwhonoo tho company has Inch hid. n:.. n. r...... . ....|..... ..o ..s.. nun ur. nun, I gnauu or me [inpton woman`: ndionl collage. md now I undies! nluiolnry LI Mhow. Indls.|uhunodnndhouufortl\obom- "`#..'. ."E' -poanuogn an , A no or York. will In at Ma nho0ocnnlI.nnt- "wk-nu, an Iptuiulht. Lu 0! New York, will In at 33......-. papr- Pz-.- 94. 1 .**~?.- *-'- . "-\*!"*'.' \ nruct. 0| um can. A friendly word. Go. for I can npplos, ac. bottle ontnup, 100. home pickles. Jun. Crnwford. TL; -ru--at I-nil:-U nnlunnnnv -mnlnzl tn could not. be oouelneu mun use any. The member: of Ibe Robinson concert. company were present at the Nth butt. concert. Tuesday night They occupied e box in compeny with e few hiende. For A nerfect. t. older the Snecieltv no: In mm I luv mencu. I Specialty Con at ru. Huunlo I. Brock Izroec. Lut night then: of June: La- lie, Agent 0! the Canadian Explain Ca, in chin city, to Hips Linio. dnnghtor of the has 8. P. White. took place in To- ronto. FOR THURSDAY & FRIDAY] moo: mane nuru ulna. amt mm. In October last we purchased over $100 worth of ursen. of tint lot we have live` left. We Eu-ojnnt. received A nowlot. which nrelbettor vnlue bhnn over. E. C. Mit.~ che I. LIAN.-w " in chart. nlnrv in (Inn:-nl 0|... "LIIOIIII ," ll IIIOIT lI'IOI'_Y In UHWITII, IDS paper of L 0 young ple of the Metho- dint. cburch,Is from I a pen of Mine Norm: Brmi. of thin oilv. urnwmm. The root rnilwny oolnpnn wmted to plank the triangle between t o trucks IL the junction, but the noculnry permiaoiou could not be obtained from the city. The member: Robinson concert. I In: 6 lulu uni! nllli nu KIIIKIIE llll VB wml. Wedon t. try to see how cheap A unit we can sell you but try and get. it no good as possible and than get the prim down to meet. these bud tints. Star Hall. 1.. n........ 1... .. .......s.....a ....... um (III! ODIIPOII, I3 ITOIII Brock. of city. A frinnrlli word. mavoloplng local muons. no gives pnzeu, for the boat singing, oratory, elocution, acrobatic and dnncing npecinltiea and th like. Rlnnly Jugs. anion tlugb. --n nnn-I tn nun. Ull. Rev. Dr. Ryckman want to Toronto: last night. to attend an executive meeting of the mission board of the Methodist church. Remember the boot quality Harrison : perlumea 30. per ounce `pp-gyorrow at Hardy's. ""' All the latest American and Engiiuh fedora and still hate just arrived at. Gallo- way's. Prices to suit everybody. Wrininu mu-bar Nawlnndn hu cone t.ol IIU PB UIIIUUWJ I! CW|UU IA)-uny ISHU UIIUU oomorrow. None use them buc cry for more. huge riaenpplo preserved in granulated Iugnr | or 25c. Cruwford. Run. tr. u........ m... I... ....:..a W. I0! znc. unwtoru. Suit. fcr young men for spring. We have them and they uro good litters and dressy. Scar Hall. A nitimn hm: in viuw n nnhamn to main A citizen has in ViUV a scheme to take the Nth butt. bend to Belleville to give a concert. there. He he negotiations now under wny. Remember the concert And entertainment ` dressy. aur mm. 1 I We have engaged MR`. J. GOULD, of New York city, to in- troduce the ' Celebrated Perfumes emu BRIE. R. Ooy, boat. builder. will take posses "yon of the boot. establishment foot of Sim- oeubreoh. April res. Orders lled and repairs done on short notice. Limeutono Lodge, No. 0|, A.O.U.W., will meet this evening. Business conni-. dernzion of purchase pnraphenalin. A lnr attendance requeatnd. . A. Cornwall has been elected Dreai lnr nutenaunoe requeetna. 1 preai dent of Alenndrin Bay, and the poople| voted 8150 (or: re alarm and 81,000 a year to Ii ho the town byeleotricity. Hnrrv indlev hu struck a new wav of I mua. Black drum: suits the are equal to cus- mm make. perfect. in M and quality. Star Hall. D... I)... Dn..I._.-_ __..a DA I`n.-nntnn way a. rrlcea to sun ovoryoony. Wricing muber Newlnndu hu gone no Oswego to` attend a teachers institute. He in billedm spook twice to-day and once howl. { Join in the jam and go to Crnwford {or a pail rupborriel 25. or I can apples 5c., cntsup 6c., fresh butter 180.. bag potatoes 300. nne wry u nti hate. u nna. to II nu ma cown byeloomcnny. Hurry indley way developing local talent. He gives prizea, aimrinn. oratorv. elocul.ion.| zle. And ma anawerna oorrocn. Miss E. 0. Rose sends us the Riverside, CBL. County Reex containing several well written article: from her pen. . Wmlnv nhumh, Pithlburk. hold their: ' noon. 30c. bag beat potatoes. l8ia. beet butter. ! 5 lbs. ginger biscuit: 250.. large pineapple . in can 950., mixed pickles 100. J. Crnw- l ford. l w A M:u:..... nl D.-m.aA.nn. R. I, 1 A thing of beauty is 1 joy forever, and ifyou wants beautiful thing in the hat line try Galloway for Bennett : celebrnbed ham. --AND: ~~_W3d_o's Drug Store. bomato cauup On. , potatoes .300. ` Harrison`: (New ork) perfumes. All odors of this make 301:. an ounce at Wade`: drugstore. Wnllin Wilnon. Cnlnboarie. twelve vears drugrttaore. Wellig Wilson, Cnlabogie, years of age, sen 5 us an answer to our egg puz- zle. And his answer is correct. u:.. I` n D... .....i. m. um Rivurnidn, after. here, 1 nnnn tom. 1 W. A. Millig-an. of Providence, ILL. is in the city today on a business trip, i and is a guest at the British-American hotel. Tnin in OLA {am and :90 In nrnurfnrd lnr I now--"Iou tglr gnppe." Spring ovorobata in all the newest. de- sign: and made up (or this spring : trade. Star Hall. Ii`:-nnh lnnn R A until a hut (lav: nan ' nargun any sue. { Largest, noao cured and eyeleu pine- apples put up heavy granulated sugar 250. Crawfo 3. A -nni-I Anna-lminrnnnt. nnrhar Mnrtnli zoo. UmwIoru'a. A social ontxrtainmom, under Morton` Presbyterian church any ices, wm 3:: held ` on Frida evening, Marc 27th. I Don b organ us when you want. a suit for J` glotlxlr boy. We can save you money. Star ` a . Th- 1.....- ....'..:.... Mmmannn nf ch. Hall. The home miuion committee of the Preabytorinn church hu voted 83,172 to 1 Kingston preabytory for 1896-7. I T e sure oath to ooonomv. Crawford Km Lon preabywry 101' 1590-1. '1` th ooonomy. ginger or a biscuits 5 lbs. for 25o.,| tomato catauu 60.. but Dotatoos 300. ginger or soon msoums 0 ms. wr tomato cauup Go. potatoes _Harrsp_n.'n perfumes Announcement V 3% A R Extraordinary.` well written article: lrom her ; Wesley church, Pituburg, their, annual on Tueldny pvening. Much 3136. City talent. will assist. Dr. A. 0. Allen, of Deadwood, S.1).. nflnr nu nlnnumt. vhit to his relALivoe| The spun at Ivory Day I.m-wn: nu Pooplo An `lilting About-llothlng ll- onpu the Attunual at `those Who An Tuklnl Rota. I Baths low prices all duy Friday It. '1'ay- { on-`I. , wooI.'wouIa no punulnea assured of in reliability. Snmahhlnc than the ma Frank Olou. B. A., until a few days ago a teacher in the oolloginto institute, has left. the city for M: homo. Buv drv uoodaon Fridnv at TnvIor'u ` nanny : no-mo:-row. pom. mnunu. i Fresh humor 180.. pontoon 300.. can` I la 6 . il jam 260. J. Crawford. pEavn":;;h?:r lllilhl. mo and zhreo niece. up ta oc.. pan jam zoo. .1. urawmru. 1 ya aohoof Quite. two and piece. , all Food wurerl and mode to fit. Btu H11. A -urn.-6 l\' nlnnh -Ana rnnaivg this ' Ien. the city tor mu name. Buy dry goodqpn Friday Taylor's` bargain day 5519. J I Lurlreaf... naat. cured oveleu nine- n. uunnmgnun, puno ulnar. as am ' Auley u boohnoro. . Aid. and Mrs. Mug:-nth, ol Bollovillo, are spending I few day! n this city. The millinerv ondninn continued at uaureu or nu rounnuug. 1 Something that the mnny people do um I wjllingly. and others quibo willingly just v now--"lou tir grippe." Inn-inn nveidonta ' `PARAGRAPH8 PIGQED UP Y OUR BUBY REPORTER8. 300. :1. O spenonng law any: m um city. The millinery opning continued Hardy to-mo:-row. Don t. min is. I I`:-nah hncmr 180.. noutoou 300.. Inn. A report. of Escott moot received this wookywould be published if the editor was nun:-Ad of in ralinbilikv. J Dunc IOW prices Ill uly lrluly ID Lay- F. Abernathy, Ohtnwn, in visiting reh- tiveo in this city. Barmin dnv continued A day Fridny M, For he hated women. he said : Yet he made one womtn hn pr- 'TIm the one that he mix 2 ha ve wad. \lI...l....n 5-.. A- ..- L-.- `L--- - -...'L _ nnco. the Montreal nilqa ......-....- I... mm 1).. and. .I.n.n....A..m mcmms or rm: mu. eu. Meliu{I." In Ihort Mary in Onwnrd. the nor nf L n Innnn nnnnln nl Lhn Mnmhn. . A. u. Anon, ox uonuwoou, a.u..v ` a pleasant visit to his relniven I, left for the far west yesterday after- yrs. * Cunningham, piano tumor. at Mo- v`n boohmro. n this my. sin day continued day Friday n. * sixmY-THIRD YEAR.--NO. 73. In 31 `II If VII Ill'lVIw -l I (1; this hhdndn Tb: o chin nqac wrung nu mind she Mlill, W. llornnrh[in It to tbcity. This morning Damn an al- btod to proceed on his journoy`vith his Ibuu, the caucus (uid:-pyinc Ill haul cxpuhu onuilnd. 'l'hoo\naI-ehh- ad the a lad trouc. -, _-_ _.L__ -_-___.g IOBIIIMP Union Ind MIVIIIXI. A tumor in Woodstock. Out, hon apple Ono wlnhh ptoluuod nailing but grouting: yurnud in hInhd`='wI- InvWoIIo`lI% llhs Ioobutor Union and ldvuthu. A kind in Wnnka|!I_ 01. B -'::*"*'......".;"'.......=' ?". :......."" '1 2 Tnlluuunutl. V .....nn.._n..nn mum. \'ootaetday ulna-noon cutout oloinlo .i4t.ionod at Walk Inland Iaiuod I whim hone owned by I Inn named Rattan. who nuhhphcoolxvddusachuounk. . He said he VII driving to Good: to Mood: as Adolnhulown. `I'M son. I Don't. for et the band concert. opera house, to-ni t. Admission. 100. B. W. F0 ger says there is a fortune {or any old woman or man who will conduct a fruit. stand no clue street. railway junction this summer. Saburday S. Sucherland will leave for Chicago on route to St. Louis torooume . : his duties as repreeeintative of a large ' hoot and shoe houue. ` i` H '1` n........|I \Jv.o-.,....,.. NV ......, `WOOD Ull`Il'I0 Ana UIIKWI alm- A law day: ago an 0H woman called up- on ohairnun Du, of the bocrd of vor- non of the Home of Induutr An com- ` plnined that he Ind been un alrly treated in the institution because uho Inc a B0- mnn Catholic. Her colnplnine was found groundless, nnd wu to be atttibubod Coo use "vagrant fancy" of extreme old Ago. A long communication fmm Basin : Bu on ny onmaeu vno neve no eunnoruy or reason for their statement. It ls not credit- eble to A community 0! the old established charnctar of See|ey s Bey.t.het such Injuries should he inflicted upon one whose sex leeves her eeneeiellv onen to slnndn. end onomo no mnwua upon one when leaves her oopocinll opt: to Ilnndot, and halnlan for the da nca onan Innn alik- I5 UQII DECO WIIJI III OXCOIIBIICQ. In t. 9 case of Rev. G. J. Low, of Al- montmforaolnlm upon the olorg trust. fund of Ontario diocese. the IN: bishop and clerical secretary have been summoned to give evidence before the manor in chnneery, Kingston. This ll not one of the In py incidents of thc porting bo- twoen nurio and Othwn dioooou. A lg- rlgan gun nn n -nmgn n"Qrl Inn. HARDY S, ans --vagnnn Ilnuy" or extreme on: age. lon 300l0_V'l Bay enters moo the defence of A young girl agninot whom there have boon circulated moat. injurious nnd cowardly reporu. not In the uaraonp who hnva rm:-on to snack. mont. mgnnoua mu OOVIHII] reporu. not by the persons who have reason to k. but by ontaideu who have author! y ranmn for Iutnnnnt. It not undil- unpu. uuooro aonnloon. Inoonamuu ovoruer of the R. O. 0. navigation oom- _ I pnny,|1u in the city. 5 ` James Bum, neriouulv ill for some Mme past. is reporwd out of danger and pro- ! grossing towards recovery. 1 Fred. Oberndorer. Toronto. is in the want or a movung npmn. G. Mulcolm. e member of the Perch brass band. came to the (xity Manda , to attend the concert. given by the Nth at. band. He remained over Tueede and also was present. It the eeoon formnnce. He thinks the concert. the t. he hmu ever Lunrd by a military band, end is delighted with It: excellence. 1.. . - M. ..o :2... :1 ,1 I..- .0 Al, drawal 0! the case. . Mr. nnd Mrs. Y donk, Wntortown, N.Y.. were in the city yesterday attend- ing the funeral of the lube Thoma: Gal- lngher. father of Mrs. Monk. Jnmu Unl- lngher. son 0! deceased. cannot be located. he being away on a six wepka trip. To A Wmu ronrenontntivo. this morn- mg. A cmzen compumenwa zoremsn aonn Wright. ver highly for the eicient man- ner in wbic 1 be dilchnrgod hi: duties thin winter in keeping the screens clear and the sewer table: open in the face of so many ditliculties. ` ' Furm stock snlea : At. the late Patrick uuncumes. Furm At the late Ki|du"a, township of Pinoburg, Monday, March 30th. at one o olook, by Wpz. Mur- ray; at. John Caat.e|l'a, Elginburg, some day and hour, by S. W. Davy; II: In Cook a, near Clarendon Sutio onduy, April 6th, at one o'clock. by C|mp~ ball. A pn I be! I. Eln- Den. Some time befon leaving tho cit. W. J. Ricknby, organise. had a scheme In hand to form 1 musics] union {or the advance- ment. of the art. The scheme mm on- dornod by some of the loading muuicianl, but since Mr. Richby hu left. the city the movement. is likely to fall through for the want. of moving spirit. H. Mulmlnn. mambo: of the Perth The call for funds for the relief 0! the Armenians in very urgent. Have the peo- ple of Kingston sufficiently denied them- lselvos to help their distressed brethren! ` U. H. Hnguo is treasurer of the funds. I The costs entailed in the nolice court I specialty. ON SAME D.\YS WE HAVE OUR u. r.. nnguo I8 creaaurer 01 one mnua. The costs entailed the pollce cue. Anglin vs. Cummings. were paid by Mr. Anglln, but counsel and witness fees were paid by each party themselves. Mr. Cummings apology caused the with- drawn! of the n. ....a u... I `u....|. w.s-..n...... no oelng away six wepxl mp. To representative, ing. citizen complimentnd foreman John Wriuht. verv hiuhlv the eicient sore. Dimer. from the mnnuhnceuror. two anon A linen towla. I h b best. value over shown u by anyone at R. McFau| a Kingston car- ] pet. warehouse. House furnishings a ' specialty. I Tn. call for funds for the roliafoltho UICKIIIIOH B Lauumg. Several deep cavities have appeared in the rondbed on Alfred street. They ap pear where drnim have been opened up iund not roperly filled in. y Minn I. Thnmnaan. Slinm. Ire.. the l and DOE I'0p6l`|y Dlleu I. Miss - `hompson, Sligo, Ire.. the 1 guest. of Mrs. Halligun, Brock street, for some time past, left tau-day !`6P'Wat.9rt;oWn(. I N.Y., to visit. relative: there. ` (Ivar (H-nu -kiln .9, Mnuubpnnl nu, L`. Y., I/0 VIBH4 TGIIPIVOI Inner`. C. Oliver, diver, while ab Montreal re- cently took ill and had to return to bin homo on King street in this city. He in autfering from I inful Absoou. Both the mem ta 0! the firm of Brihbon auuernng xrom mm: Aosoou. the the firm of & Whiting are in Toronto. Mr. Whiting in them in connection with the K. & P. H. R., re the receiver of VA road. wi.n.. .i...'.... .. oh- ...o.... ..:..|. 1...; n. n., re we recewar or r '1 row. While almtin ab ch! gsbon rink hut night Norman ibclg llpped and fell, three or four persons x g on to ) of him. He was considerably bruised and elt quite sore. mm mm oonunue xor nnouu own wean. Fred Mcuire arrived in the city last night. from Toronto. He will not an ohief ' reman on the steamer Spartan this sea- 80!]. ' quot Bnu suoe nouue. ' R. '1`. Connell, Wabercown, N.Y., pau- 8.1 through here to-day with the remains of his son, aged twenty, who died at l)ickinnon Landing. Several dean cavities hnvo nnnou-ad I. Ounce rW6F New York l5erfumes VVIHBIYB, OLD!` IIOIIIO 'Dl0OK. Examinations in connection with tbs = medical college commenced this morning ` and will oontinue for about two wash. 1 w....a l\.I.a.1ni.-- .......'....,| ;.\ n.. ...'... 1...: grossing wwm-as `, Oberndorer, Toronto, ` city for the purpole of amending the funeral of hits brother Felix. New Bermuda omom at Cernov|ky a. Mrs. U. A. Thompson returned yester- `day from Montreal, where she has been visiting her uncle, 1). Fraser. I An excellent: selection of Soomh luitinml vu-mung nor uncle, u. uraser. J excellent selection of Scotch suiting! I and English worsted: to choose from at Walsh's, opera house block. Examinations in connection with the 'nouae, 00-nlghli. Admiuion, Iuo. . ' They are now making ponoill with pa- 9 r instead of wood as coy-eringu. I Miss M. Sullivan left, mods; for Wam- I runny : no-marrow. /Don't. mm In. A prominent, cleci will become n bene- dict In I low dgjl. The lady in I resident I of the city. Order vour Inrimr overcoat or unit. fmm . j rrnoen ngm. Choioo salt. atlmon trout 50. I pound at I Carnovaky a ll: and oyster market. 3 A nmun hn devised I Iuhamn of unner- K UIl'll0VIKy I lll nnu OIIFOT IDITIUI3 I A qiuun has devised B schema of super- unnnnmion for the members of the local police force. J. R. Donaldson hu bought I new ; bicycle and in in native ruining for the ` lpring rnoea. Mrs. Jack. of Bollovio. in viuitimz her sci? '1'1'.'.`fx. I Annn = Per msbeaa 01 wood ooyernngu. mods; i town, N.Y.,on avisih to relatives. 'n.- ...:n:...r.. .......:.... gt. i town. N. X .,on avuib rolntalveo. The millinory opening continued at Hardy to-marrow. /"Don h miss it. nrominent cleri become nor did not goo! Ivork whilo I gnu away` I I vary 301! my lnomh have to wall nu. ma. Iorl "wait no undo very best. In: in-I no-I you lung 1- Has. IIOP LEE. - 395 Princess St. ONT K INRRIYIK , or we cwy. I Order your Ipring overcoat Walsh, opera house block. All new goods. E Priool right. ' Choioo salt. admcm trout. 5a A nound lprlng I Jack, Belloviilo. visiting daughter. Mu. (Dr.) T. M. Fonwick, Barrack parent. 4 (1: nr. l}Hh`M. Jnhn-Man nnnnhnnlnnl I'M Von Luau lay: orowdod III `I0 I-ngllnn at Incas. HIM!` HAIL _ Lenten services were held in All Saint! church lash ovenin . A I [An in nan Inn!` in hi: ham. fmm I Ollllfn I655 OVOIIIII A. J. Leo is con nod to hloholno from I severe smack of grippo. Don't. fomat the band oonnort. opera Ievore IWICI OI gnppo. fo 6 the band oonnort, opera house, tao-nig t. Admiuion. 100. l Thev are mnkimr nonoill DI- bnrracn screen. Cups. Gilbort Johnlbon. mechanical woruer R. nnvimmon Inc nor upouuu upuu w Innau. Illll zl for the do co open low silo- Iod min. I-nllou 0! Ina. Kip herring: at Oumovlkfa. Sp n undarwenr big uoomnont ate the V ltur l-In . GENERAL Pamamkpua. illru, Conan. `nu, ruuons um sun nun II Hall Pilots. Now in tho time to buy, Sin ol the Ilod Flag. next door to OLA -hln ICIIII III ! VIIDWIII i Inn-rimn At. u-nova] We buy on: woods` and wounds from the mill: And manufacture it ounolven sud 5-pay no middle to. Tim is the reason that we Mn no I you a suit for the umo n-ulzo as other morchn`nt.a pay for it. But I l. . The millinory oponin oontlnuod It Hardy ! to-mon-ow. Don : unit: it. requests were invariably ignored. Another matter that in to be inveetigeted ia the mana ment and working of the aanitery app iancea for uonverting and re- moving refuse from the building A new pumping engine. oonetruoted According to in design prepared by the engineer. .wAe rocured A chart timea o, to do the pump- u Ata coat of severe thoueend dollars. Al refuse matter is thrown into A receiver forty feet in length, iorty ieetin width and six feet in depth. Here it unde e A chemical prooeee. after w ioh the liquid in, or Auppoeed to be. pump- ed into the lake by the new pumping engine. and the remAining metter. [having underyone a prooeu of rication, in used An A fertiliser on t e penitentiery term. It in reported that for aome time before the inveetlgation Aeked for by the three ex-ofuiAia, Appleton. Pu h And MoConviile, the content: of the b g but were Allowed to remAiu in it, an they could not be removed by the ordinary method. When the day for the holding of the in- veqtigation wee named a number oloon- vicu wereinduoed to remove the refuae by bend. ' that I told all I knew IDOIII me anur. Notwithstanding this rnyeteriouu uilenoe, it has has been leerned that much of the evidence taken, yeeterdey. related to the heeting of the penitentiary, one of the charges being that the institution wee seldom or never roperly heated during the past winter. me witueeeoe testified that the nirin the lane was always kept in eauioientiy hightem reture. Among the witneeeee, who teeti ed to thie effect. was en oicial who hu charge of one of the numerous departments of the peni- tentiery. He swore. it in eeid, that the engineer is I most eicient, cereiulend see one officer, and that the subdivision! of the penitentiary have been kept oom- fortebly heetedi. The next witneee called In the assist- fortably heutec. The ant to the precedin one. and hiahutimony was contradictory 0 that given by hi: eu- Jerior. He swore that he had repeatedly `men compelled to lend Ineuagea. seven! times in one day. to the engineer : do t- ment, requesting more heet,and that on invariably ignored. Another inveatlgwed nmined, some of them being oi('ielI}00' nected with the penitentiery, end other! being outeidere. whoee nttendenoe wu secured by dispatching the warden : mee- eenger to summon them to the enquiry. This oicinl wee kept busy dur- ing e portion of the day performing this duty. The etrioteat secrecy wee ` mainteined,eud no one except thoee in- tereeted were permitted to enter the epert- ment in which the enquiry wee being our ducted. Beverel pereone. oioiele end others. lmovn to have attended ee wit- neeaee, were nixed for particulars of the invec-ti etion end the answer invariably receiv wee: "I don't know enythin about it, exoe t that I was I witneee, an that I told all knew ebout the eiir." N.-.n..:oi..o.m.linn this mental-inn: eilnnne. sn."So?Ei`}3;'l'1x}'1'Jy;.ui1T'u- -flioumod until this morning. Witnoue!~W]ero or as of them being oici 1100"` with the mnn..m.s.n. U""oln[I from the Proooedlngl M the Penitentiary Enqnlry. the investigation into the management. or the alleged miunnn menu, of the engineer : (lepertmenc at t. o nltaenbiery. has, apparently, brought to light matter: that have warranted mupocmr Soewnrt in continuing the inquir until the long lies of charges preferred y the able! keeper against. the engineer has been disposed of. "The enoulrv beam Wednesday morn- hearing her again. Miss Evelyn do Lntro Street won olden opinions by her violin playing. 0 has not only: ne control of her diicult in- strument. and a Qhorou hly musiclnnly spirit, but s plensin mg dignied stage presenoe.and a charm n msnnor. In is to be hoped that on some uouro occasion we may be favored with another visit from Miss Screen, Wnhnr Rnhinnnn Han nnnulnr vnuusr muss ucreen, _ _ Walter Robinson. the popular young tenor of Toronto. la well-known hole by re umcion, and last nl ht. hie sweet. and cu blvated voice was card to rent ed- vnnbugein she eeleotlona he In ohoeen, especially in the ueremde by Neldlinger, nndln the old son , "My Love : Like I Red, Red Rose," w nloh he sang with much tenderneu and feeling. The concert on the whole was A first-clue one And deserved e much larger house. jj ` Hop ho in-I Innndryl holanco III] N TIL timo Roy Lu tom: but M City In live, hiucu shoot. lib; Inn-lo Lnlln-Iry: my van- non: vemoe." The many friends of MiwAd| E. 8. Hart. who remembered her laying on the occasion 0! her former visit: here. and had followed with great. interest her musical on-eer, expected greet bhiu n of her in view of her recent nuooeeeee, n Toronto. and they were not dleeppolntnd. Min Hertz hu returned {mm Oerunny I nish- ed musiclan, end plays not on with rent. hrilliancy of technique, hutwit. e. do! may end renemz of feeling, and 3 correct- ness of interpretation. whioh'will ensure hora warm welcome here whenever she may give Kingotoniane the pleasure of hearing her Min Evalvn do Lntre Street golden precumve one. end moron my ecuoyeu the excellent. p Inme wh oh wu pre- sented. Mine Ro imon. since her return irornenucoeaeiul career in London, E ., hee had I very nbterin reception in [*0- ronto end eleewhere lnt. in country. She has I pleuing voice. and her singing, thou h not. ohu-ecurised b any great dept of feeling or breodth 0 ex reunion. created A very evoreble lmpreee on. and won her eeverel hearty encorel. She was ab her been in two or three Irish and 800140 gangs. which deli hbed her endl- enoe, A d in the duete viii. Welter Robin- son, the ever populu Oh Time We Two Were Meying," and A Night in Venice." mu. ........ r..:.....a. ..r us... AA. R H 'l`Iu Audfonoo `Wu lot In lnrgouoculd Inn Boon l)uInd-'l`ho Young ladlu III; Iwootly And Played cleverly- Ir. Robinson I'M A Good Iololut. The audience which nested Min Bever- ley Robinson and her concert oompanypt the open house. last evening, though -not to [urge u it: might have boon. was an up procintivo and hborou hly enjoyed the excellent nrocrnmmo Dre- mun A SWEET comma. `rt-I : conoanr LAST NIGHT wnl Igllllir H16 Ollgllll `1`h\2a_!'! 5: mt. continued `tut Lo. ymcsron a no. A Positively INVEBTIGATING CHARGES. nnat. me ongmeer nu Deon ulupuvuu um. Phe_3ggujry an Wodnoodas .conc.imiod1!I yuud mgu ournod `il fhin mm-nina Wil.nnnnnl*WerO an Aluuclxiu . llI.'I'1.\u III TIII [baton lionhullnnl Beauty will be III! on SA ITIDAY. nu APRIL. In Its City nilclnlbcr, AI 8 o'clock in Chg,` us Iota. : Made if you buy them of Best Shirts You have the V'I`s'u86Ebs'. 1 1nd DIVIIIOI 9: '.`u.." 2`2i::: .4N'rnn-ox.D`s'1'f|tPs u 10 VII old. For mun` pokho MUM. bowl. 0 Adalnldo a root. orono. GENEAL SERVANT. with reloronon. High 1 to In. IIIIIOI. 114 Burk o nvoulnn. at K i?D>' L. I1IhAoI111Io`l"Ihlbyn .&uAnn&. In. I Ovoulng. GlN l`I-5 FOB 01'1"! AND nln or oomlnlllomto ohlnu. pply toJ.LaIlhlO1. oountnot OSITION OPEN FOB FEW PUIIIHG lumon on nnlury; nporhnoo ouur : vorlnnnunt om loynom. unw. URI Bios. 00.. Itrptllml. tron]. Que. I\ now ooouphd hilt nlou In: In. Apply at 1 _,; ,,_._, wo muck H U2 Pnk. wtth A Anni: to Fun in` Kid: Rosin no .....'::.'..::r"`.:'..:*,' 5'3: . . - HE RISIIIDIOI. 003)!!! 0 and Division ntnoh. ooo Oumn snonoor. Pououlou I THE HOUSE OCCUPIED IIY Ill. J 0. Innu. 18 Sydonhun strut. oooond door from Johmton moot. Apply on the pnnboo. 1 13% :1 - -`g - ucrcu Till AIUOUKVID III'l l.VH 0' vi} I'l'lDA\ . IL: in; about 1:15. on Brock or Oloruy attach. Fin in will ho suitably rowudnd on luvlu It at thlu oloo. ' g nvui-r wu-rm.nxnnr:rzoInon- n oral Servant. With [0 OIIIOOII IO wnuhlnu` Anni: to III. . . IIAI1. Q D to Apply t .1 King at rut. arm 1 `olook p.n. Rinsmiifon x . 791003 oooup! by I a TWO BRICK II US!!! I I: 1 Apply to Buw. ll W, ._- . Dill). ` JAUTKSON--In Kin econ. March Mbll. Max Jackson. third eughter of Plnlllp Jnv eon, aged 2| yearn. Funeral willmko place from her l|IlIu"I meidonoe, I7 Pine street. ling Allu- noon to 2:30 o olook. Friondl end no- qunintanoee are respectfully invited to attend. 0BIv.NnonrrIn--In Kingston, Knoll Nth, Felix. fth non of Sixzon glseandou-let. Aged 20 years. 4 mont I An Funenl _will leave the xldenoeqtl `GL4 father, 88 neon street. Irlduy morn- ing. at. 10: o'clock. Friend: and no- quninganoee are respectfully invited to Amen . `ii1ET1iousn occur-no BY III. J Anal: nnmluo. vv. -. nu-nun-av. rnnnu. Dxucmn umunu mu ntroot. block than 0 nun HILIRX DELHI. nmo Umnnxu um nun NLS3... an-cot. Coma Bydnnhum .53. 95. oammuniontlon. v-;-'\. inn: sum. Tu LIADIIO UNDIITAKII-U0-HQ strut. Iplnphonn MM. 0003 Dllll I! living out o!`tbG city. get our zmmple boo SRVAGE BR03- Direct From the Manuttctll ers In Bradford, Eng. Prices lower than ever; q\I- ties higher. :50 piecesjust open-. ed in blacks and colors. We have in blacks at following prices : 30. 37?:c. soc. 6oc. 75c, 90c, $I. $I-35. $175 Per yard. This fabric will be very fashion- able the coming season. Fair wodihc `pnoodnd bbaiigit lull; o! min or shot lower sumptuous`. New I Brilliantincs And Alpacas For Mcmbcn; Bo I'M PRICE Twoxoznmrrs 9 A ..,, K PLAIN GOLD RING. BlT$IE1..$0[I'l andOh|lmu'|'Churo on. odn youn- ur 1:15. Broc Olorn NU_T'!7Tff!\'!.'.E:.\!'{!.'I|*-I Genuine lucnlu In In`. Pumhhinn. ihiru, Collnu. T101, 'Udons and Sill Hon `a RAID Pub.` No: in II` than to but LARGE FRONT IIOOI IOLIT . Board. Applyt.omQuun nun`. -------:,?,.-' I IIIINOID Hill: wtxlII.lIlM `hilt. Call and see them. Cod L"i"':'ou- on Comhlnod with I van: nourlnllnl WEA T Fol:-bellcntc Chllduhf Invalid: and the Agod. JACK6ON 8 %UU EIVCI` ` Combined with I very IOIIII who and is null mm: and dl ulnd tho lad gm. Pououuthonullnodulnll value! I n I n,,__. L` lot this by All Drugjinua -j IHIIP Lugs uuunnv| BIT IEN [IT nlmu-vchurohu. : Brock 010317 ll be ---:-.1: TO ha LET Kg!-IEI] PROIABILITIIB. FOR SALE. -*;r.:.:::~;;9:*H'=:-...-.-3 HENRY DELHI nmnmunnn A-n lhn` WANTED. B_OARD. JAB. REID. IYIlnlI'I'AIII-1 lost. laps! colorings . . . . . . . . Pretty Designs H At Hitcholrs Drug Store RATTENBUWS BANKHIJPT ST[l[Kl WALL balntlng. REMOVED TO THE Market Square. Rgnnlnn hxnlnn In Kan`. Invnlnhinnn, 390 NOTICE. -\unIvnuwI\ In-I-any; I KINGSTON, ONT. . U04 Kapsomlnlng. - ,. ALA .u_ _. M lllincry Opening. "PA PERI Der Ounce. the well known Decorating. Telephone 373. [ In I IIDO VIIII I00 Illllll mm. John Gnkin, jr., nil rig up in. ice- yucluz Flash as once. Ila has the old_'cmu-- plants and camber nnd will use than for the rounindcr ol thin r -on. He expects tohnvo aloyncln in at nco. pro~ viding another is nllen A\ thin anon. I607. Iolvln '1 I_noI', DI Jnurricnvulu, In nnornnmnlnludtlinincidont aasold I) Ihobutlltolthodcndnnununn: llwil L. an-`:5-nan] lhgh nnn M-urn The popular Bridal Rose. Camille. Casia Bo- quet; Crab Apple Blossom. White Rose. Heliotrope. Jasmine. Jockey Club. Lily ofgthe Valley. I I.Ie `'3 sure nmng" tor mnguon. The Peterboto Review nay: R. J. Wilnon. ol Kingston, eendidue for the vice~preei- dency ol the C. W.A . is n man and deeerven support. from All eastern wheele- Inen. He cen rely on Peoetboto. A half mile inch in beimr hid out in the no my rveutnoto. A half mile truck being harbor for born ncing. A hum of boron and n scraper were on yet`! in rnmoving All uupotuou mow. ' eomminao hav- ing change 0! the noon in Mean. E. Wal- lace. J. Johnnon and C. Milhn. Vnnbgp-cl-u Albgpvuu-nu 1-Inn-inn Lha IEYL moo. J. Jonnnon am I). nuun. Yesterday Alhmoou, during the pro greuofthoiconchtnco. 3 comer, who drove out to due nuisance ol the F1 ing Send, found a red plush-covered can ion embedded in the ice nouly I mileo shore in line with the knitti mill. Jnkn gniin in Q n'- nn H. inn- IXXIDIOIKIIQIIZGIIICBIII: IIWIII In nnnuhrod that than Mann. lnmlnn n-II main. AI-nnandn hold IIIDWII lllunu mucus. The bone races at Howe Island were successfully run 0!! yeatordny. Quite a number from this city drove down to wit- ness the events. Five homes were entered for the thrqo minute troc. It In won by 1`. Con`: mare. with P. Luis bay gelding, second, and A. Simpson : gray gelding, third. There wore only three smrtou in the colt nnco. J. Beef : colt vron first ......... n n.a.....n'. ........a ma v Rn... Bring your bottles ; have them lled while enjoying the owers. These quadruple extracts. regular value, 75 per ounce. Will be ...m nn Tl-llH.` nnrl FRIDAY. I Uptll Notat- Au 0. A. Kingston. Toronto. And R. J. Wilson, Kinguton, no in the eld for the vicepresidoncy ol the C.W.A., it looks like a thing" for Kingston. The Pamrbom Review nun J. Wilton. money, 1.). unocon n, aoconu, Am: r. nonu- biah'p, third. After the race, E. Wnllnce numbed J. Welsh`: Howe Ialnnd Girl"' ngninnt. A. Sim n : Howl Boy. the non to be Inn 0 here this wood. Frost, J. B. Uarrutners. The Flying Soud got well awe , closely pressed by the Icicle. It was a erd beat to windward to pick up the southern buoy. The Icicle got around first, with the Flying Souda good second, and the Deance onl a fair third. The Snowbird was next an the Jack Frost last. On the wind the Icicle forged ahead and attained a good lead. The main boom on the Fly- ing Bond broke and threw her out of the race The Snowbird struck a crack and threw her commander out. Luckily he was not injured, but the yac dropped awe behind. The Icicle nd the nort ern buoy with a long space in- tervening between it and the second yacht. The leading yacht made the lap in twelve-and-a-quarter minutes,ora minute- nnd-a-quarter ahead of the Deance. The Jack Frost was lourteen and the Snowbird fteen minutes on the lap. The Icicle was splendidly handled. keen judgment bein used in tacking. She increased her lea and nished the second lap a leg" ahead of the Deance. Her time was exactly the name an made on the first lap. Although the Deance loat while tucking she picked u some of her lost ground on the wind. 8 ie made the second lap in the same time as the first. The Jack Fr-st covered this lnp n quarter-second better than the first. The Snowbird was fteen-and-a-half min- utes, or a half minute later than the first. The Icicle gained a greater lead in point- ing for the southern buoy on the third round. but the Deance icked up again while on the wind. Alt ugh the Icicle had materially increased her lead, the Deance did not lose any time. as was shown when the line was croaeed by the first yacht in twelve minutes and the se- cond in thirteen minutes. The Jack Frost was fourteen and one-half minutes and the Snowbird sixteen. The last named dro - ped out after this lap. When the lcice nished she was over a leg" in advance of the Deance, and two ahead of the Jack Front. The time for the lap by the three yachts was twelve and oneiourth, thirteen and one-hall and fteen and one-lourth. The actual aailing time was : `M l_ _ `rm. result 01 use race gives me Uenunco twencv-bhroe points; Icicle six and the Jack Frost. eight. The lint nnmod yacht still lead: in point: for the trophy. with the Snowbird second with thirteen md the Jack Frost. third with eight. into. W. C. Kent wu heartily con nitu Mod for the beautiful manner in whic he handled his yacht. He had J. Mooney for his Maint- ant. LDC COII J. 5061'! OOII lll`ll.'a D. I)riocolI'n, second, and P. Bonu- biah'u. race. J. Ulllln. I'.. III noun givun A trial -pin when I e etrnok O driit of snow end not to pieces. Her oroee timber, six in- ohee square. wee broken in two II than I; ithedbeenenvlIn:itoh.. Her a boon wueleo eeuehed in two. Within the epeoe oh eeoond of time. whet wee e thin of beauty and oi e , was render- ed a roken, helpleee an nhnpeleea mun. The Pastime elm met with an accident. elthough not quite so eevere. After being reefed down and everything made reedy forythe rece. she wee given I turn to see how she behaved. and striking a herd- gecked mow drift. her progress was aud- enly checked, the result being her meet was buokled." throwing her out of the race. Charlie Chambers wee present with hie ambulance ( P) and went to the rescue. towing the disabled craft to the anchorage. The Spectre sustained a aw in 13 backetey and could not start. ~ There were only ve starters. They were-. Flying Scud, Ire Folger, nailed by K. Cameron: Snowbird, H. S. Folger; Icicle, W. C. Kent; Deance, John Fisher; Jack F roet, J. B. Cerruthers. The Flvimr Send not nwav. cloeelv |1c1cLE wnmmmn mmrf Ternhltea. Two-thirde of I gdle blew from the south end ewept homes the oouree during the progreu of the ice-yeoht race yester- day afternoon. The chip I aboard the yere complained o! e ittle too much breeze.` The character of the foe pre- veiling we: not the meet fnvornhle for I ` race. A eerie: ol enow drifte nbounded and between theee the nnfeoe wee cover- ed with from two to tour Inoha of slush. Some of the owners of the lighter boete were not fsvorebly lmpreuod with such condition olehira end vented the race called off. but the regettn committee de- cided to make the yeehte start. All nails were reefed down to the Int pointeeving only a "reg ying on some 0! the boats. nrevioue to the race the Fleeh. owned by . Thnhgctdnnllnonnt of Bnosonnd tho bun; Want Anna under my Spreads-low nu Contact waged And 'l'-pnlnnlad. nuese (llllllllllplc :'.\uuu.a, ncggumu v sold on 12HURSl)AY and FRIDAY, only nylng some 01 we nouns. 3|-oi.o.uI rnpo b`yl . k` . .. bd ` 1 ' t ' -nrin -ha`: Jnro n;::k A ($31!. go;U:no.w Sid VERfj.|,VELY ICE-BOAT RAGE on nu.-l\|A(nl'\A\l RM. Melvin Taylor, 0! Monickvillc. in . nonnnn. volnnnl thin innidnnl an mid In JICI rr0sn..`..... .....1: 1.; Tbs. result of the. ue Deance ;wnnLv.t.h:-an mints: Icicla SIR JOHN PRAYED. wsbfeki. ` KINGSTON, ONTARIO. -THURSDAY EVENING. MARCH 26.; 1896. *'~A W IO IX Oflglllll REID. ' n-Bun`: Iutannmcr madontour to pan the ncrougtl ol the Eohdnocgoc `ht n`la-from We venture to say never in Kingston's history has there been such araredi_.~*play nor so large as ours will be these two days. Come and look ovcr_lhe display. No one asked to buy. mo munngemom or me new nno. Mo-rs. M. McI`nu|,J. Riconnd G. Boyd have reached Duoronto from Kingston. Mr. Mcfnnl will be chic! engineer lot the. Renown; Mr. Rico chic! engineer for the l)aon~nw, and Mr. Boyd chic! engines: for the Reliance during the nut can-on. Thou vennols_\vill immediately be ptopnnad lot mvig-salon. L Ilfl 0! Ilfl lllhlo. Anti on the theory that all domestica- tod Iron wild uncanny, usdjhn uh cmnod nanny tines nah uinnlnlninodnunn poteontngc oltlu Noodolt|Ioon'p'nolitIopociu.And that one: in 0 (not while curtain mule would \IloI_hck" Ind ptodnoo an nninnl sini- lnr in nnnunneo to tho original eunlo. . lull ptomgo lnnI.lBIl I|lT.l- I n nppunneu I origi an . Prat (Ln-Hunk Iut annular made a tour I lnrlne Pang!-Iplu. Tho str. Garden City, Toronto. has been lold to the Cr nunl bench aboumboat com- puny, Buffalo. or 845.000. Charm:-I have been made. this week, in umrnlo. tor umvw. Chiugo, of limb!) bushels 0! com 00 Ogdomburg nt. tour cent: f.o.b. in and out. Oats lot the name port. were chnrcer od four And three-qunrtern oonu. Tho steamer Fearless. owned b W. K. Smith, which is not tied up at his foot of Queen wrist-, is rrneivinu extensive ro- Eli": The scanner (I do service on the idem canal during the coming aeuon. A uumbont. company is being organiz- ed to run steamer: dnily during the sum- mor months between Bolloville and Thous- and Inland pores. A captain of one of the R. h 0. boon: ha: been Asked to his K. C U. 0005! Ill! lI IIIIUQ the management of the lino. McI`nul.J. 7] C II.` III! SIC IJUTCIIIIII Rev. C. 0. Johnston. lecturing in Ham- ilton on "The Men the Age Demands," referred to the "mush pot at Ottawa as A conglomeretion of weakness and wicked- neee." He made mmplimentery references to N. Clnrke Wallace and Wilfrid laurier. suggesting that they are the kind of men the age dernnnde. The former. he said, I'n_IdO tremendou sacrices for a principle, And the latter hn dared to face the entire hierarchy of Quebec. Compare these -tmng men, he said, with the weak Tuppore! He enumerated mm: ' more of tire qualitiee thet should ennui out in the men the age demands, the chief of w ' I:-was coneis ency and thoroughness whnteVeL undertaken. He woul ful B8 0 ehmnnger th u mier. He concluded b the egedemnndn woul church and the home. Ana Island poru. A capuun 0| or me R. O. ah. --n-ngnnani nl Oh. nan Hun aummamy mm mm. nna sonwnceu nlm no y a ne of 820 and costs. or no go to jail or a month. The prisoner had no money and In, therefora, sent. no Castle Cor- bett. New York Pertumqrs. - All visitors to our store on these days will be entertained by Mr. Gould with new selections of Music and a rare display of Flowers, while d,iICOll`l'lil.I,`Oll tlfe virtues of the 'perfumery and spraying all .-.4... "a-at-_y vvuu uu nun fl--lu- It is but a few days sinceSnxey" Agnew pleaded with the police magistrate nnt. to send him no "nil, on conviction of having been drunk. ut. to give him A chance, in which case he said he would go to work and forswear drinking. Last night. con- stables Kennedy and Timmerman found him in an advanced stage of int.oxicat.ion,on Princess atroet. and promptly run him In." The ma iatraw, this moming. dealt summarily wit. him. and santenced him to nu.` n ne 820 costs. no inil Bllvulu no nuvuuuguuvun /` It is alleged that the refuse remaining in the bigreoeiver at the penimnblnry for some ya,hnn boon dopueitod on the ice ou the harbor at Portsmouth. IL is such lth as this that. the board of health is moot nnxioue should nnt get into the wa- ter 0! the harbor, and the marker may be looked into. The tank contains 9,600 cubic feet, no small quantity of im unty to dump into the water from which the city is supplied. Eloaped from the "House." An old woman named Eliza Brennan, for some time put an inmate of the house of industry, made her escape from that in- stitution yeeterday, and wandered to Willinmsville. She was seen wlking aimlessly about the streets. an . C. Timmermnn noticin her. queath her as to where she`liv . Upon nding that she had strayed from the "house" he ea~ carted her back, and gave her into the keeping of matron McCullngh. nve the Fender: Kenny. Superintendent B. W. Folger. of the electric street railway company, any that the company has obtained {our tenders for the street cars. Two 0! these were pro- cured from the United States. and two were made in the city, by McKclvey dz Birch. They were tested in the presence of city engineer Bolger, and Mr. Folger says will be attached to the care as soon as the ilpring weather has set in. Should Be Oongnmlnted. Mayor Elliott. in of opinion that city solicitor McIntyre is deserving of congratu- lation for the able manner in which he handled his first case for the city and on the favorable ending of the case. The mayor claims the city defeated plnintillin the case on every point. ol almwru was mir. 1 no ice was now am: quickly covered with slush. Some of the skaters wanbod to dance, but the stairway lending to the gallery was bnrmd, and they could not carry into eect. their da- sires. They Could Not Dance. For the last time this season the 14th batt. band was in attendance at the Kings- ton akating rink last ni ht. The number of almterio fair. '1` e ice was soft and nuuulnlu nnunn-AH unit}; alum}: Hnvnn nf Ohn arillllu V1 urn- Any order: of grninin, em. . entrusted to our one Ivi I be executed by John F. Martin, whose services wehave procured. Savuge Bros. Telephone 373. 'l'lIl lunluorl rrupouu. Hon. John don. minister of agricul- ture. has not! ed the board of a pro- poqslyg gnlnrgo who dairy school during the coming summer. to as to furnish more accommodation in we cheeae and butter- muking departments. 'l'CI1lll llllll Illl I'JIl!lIl'IIl.lll - To Washington and return. via R. W. A: 0. RR. Tuesday, March 31%. Tickets only $10.50 return, good for ten da 8 in Washington, Philadelphia or New ork. Through sleepin and parlor care from Cape incent, N. . For particulars ap- ply to Fred. A. Folger. foot Brock street. Manufactured by LOUIS H. HARRISON & CO., New York Perfumqrs. All ....iAn-- in nu: .on.o- An Ck-an Java HA snip