Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Mar 1896, p. 3

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nuvvv us aulnus IVU DOIIIDGD my stock. Below Us Us No Competing Prices. We will commence with Bar- gains. _ _ We will continue with Bargains We will end with Bargains. All the leading and representa- tive styles in FURNITURE. JAsf RE_l_D, Z. v.4An__ -n_A_...,k `Iho Blcynlo an I came at Divot-as A Nuw Znulnndvr recently h.-vl the nu- daolcy 1" in-Inn a mu fur dlvorcu ngnlusl his wifu nn thu ground that she was I nnnrlvnlx\'m:n nwnv {rum hnmn nu hm- DHFFUIH 0| LIN` IVIIIHI Fl Wf`Kl[)()l]. It was In olnsu shave, and In tolling of It yunrz-1 ufmrwnrd tho vhluf wnuld my that ` but for Ms supplunosu uu that mumm-ublo occasion his mu would h:\\`u paid the pun~ llty of that unturtunato full. mu-reieu anomguu. nouuuu wwn oucnnou. While waiting tho men fnrwhnm Crow- ley was watching: came suddenly up t,ha street. udvxumm toward him. There was no mistaking their identity. The aims tion was uxt.r(=ln0ly critical, for in the bright mmmlight. both parties were visible to mail uilmr. Ur0wl(~y`a mind was made up in a limb, and he determined to cnpiuro the men ut. nil hazards. He made a spring for the {once which separated them, and in going over thu pickets his clothing naught. and he was saut. sprawling on the usher nidu, right. in front of the men he wished m urrust. But. the chief was oqu"-' iotlie :n:wru,;v.wy-. im-full-+io11m:u;M to twist his imdy so that im would turn a oomploto 1-unnummult. [in nine up on his foot, with lulu gun at |)l'\`n'0l.)l, nud thnre wna not-hing fur the onmka (who already had mlmir hundx on their weapons) but to surrondur nr rwcui\~a tho uomA~nLs of both barrels of the r'.hluf'n we-upon. Ii . Wm: 11 alum) Shawn. and in tnllina of it PI-onlnd to Love. Donor and Obey llor. As- _...-... _._.I.n.._ 1.. n...4|_.__n n._ plll OI] IJUUHU HLTUBD. Shortly nftvrwnrd they wen: again ro- movod. By that time thoohlnf had located them and, nfter inspecting the place and watching thn movunwnts of those In charge, prupnrc-d to capture them. He olosud in about the plavoun n bright, moon- light, night. Captain Loan und Pullcahltln Ellis were on one oornnr, two dotoctlves on nnuthur, and tho chin! nnd Polioomnn Martin on :1 third, lying beneath a palm troeln agzu-(Inn. All wore out of night. from the houm. Both the chief nnd his men were lmnvlly nrnwd, fur the men they had to deal with wore known to In: desper- ate oharaotven-I. and no ohmu.-4-u were Do be taken. Crowloy carried 11 short double ban-eled shotgun. loaded with bnckahot. Whlln wultinu thn man fnrwhmn (frow- OESK9 HUG '(\I`0 lll 0lHl\'lGlB(l. While waiting on In) snnt. over the bay George Hrothurum and Jnok Rlloy, nnothor lnmnm of tho jull, uverpnwarud the keeper and made thelr m-mnpo` (lrowley had great dlloulty in finding Lhmn. When the pris- onuru walked out of the jail they were men by n porter of u down town fruit store, who wok charge of them and secreted them on his prmnisus. Thu 01 use uully became so hot than the porter beonmo frlghwnud and mu] tvhnm runnovod to A plane nu Bounu street. Shortlv thov twain PATRICK CROWLEY. I draft for than amount he risked the firm if it; would oblige him by tlruwing u check for 080, for which he wuuld pay. llownrd got the check. but lnstand uf mailing it he and the Brmhermns gnuharod about in and neatly raised the sum from 880 cu $1-1.000. I They took in to tho hnnk of illokux & w 1 Spear and cashed the ohook. The fnrgory was soon discovered, and the matter wan reported to Urnwlny. He nrrusmd the men, and they won: sentunoml 1.0 14 years in mm nnnltnntinrv. l`lmv1mmmled the all Inuy WUl'U BQHIIUHUUU [U 19 yuars In tho penltentlnry. 'l`huy nppunled the nud Wm-0 mznln onuvlctnd. Wmln wnhlnu t.n hn snm. mmr the hair Big Bargains the moon stirring. ( After the men arrived in Sun Frnnoieoo they looked over thu ground and-noon en- gineered a scheme by which they made a considerable haul. George Howard went to '1`:-eadwell 8.: Co.'a lmrdwnre store and bought 0 Imnll bill oi goods. He told them he was a farmer living near San June. In the course ot the conversation he ldmltted that he owed (I bill of 830 in that town, and an he did not want to lend III `IIIIII uuupu:-w -n-o Pntrlok Crowley, who reqencly resigned the omoe of ohlef of police of Sen Francin- oo. had been _a peace oioer or chat. any 013 85 years, and tor 94 years we: at the b of the department. 0! the many hall.-breadth escapee that have dotted the omolul career or the remit: In; table! of police that which betel] him In his attempt to oepturo George G. and Louie B1-other-ton nnd George Howard, I mo of notorious eastern orooke, in perhaps the moat etlirlng. Am; the mun arrived in San posa won. wnarns \-/ HI TURNED A SOMERSAULT. new cum of Polloo o;xm on tho mop non 'I`IsnnA nan-I-AI; Han. lo Llvn loom. Tm. [he ;_'g:::,`3 OWBI1 ' My I` -5 _ Electric` ` ::.-.:.-;.g::.::':.'.:.':' "' '*'~' Ilhlm llllo Ibo `illjjlvljl D] IIIKUII `trad h lnovIryIv&|.k:o(lihthn' - can and - n. us:-3-Ia. *' M Wuiontilo riuntuh by tho nhlen wh- inn A-u-ion Iiu ova prodnood, .1 Idwnnl .PIulpn.I.D..l..LD..oI Dart-~ month , it in proscribed and public- lyondouud y the but pnotiuonan in OVIIGCIIIQIA-cries. II In: boon no nerurlnng un ur ncunrv npru nu. luau, FOR TEACHERS AND STUDENTS! l'Ynnn .ununn.In- nf .Q'\A'Q-A' In-nu nl l`nDO` I Inown to Iumclne. _ Tint diagovund that Inborioul, studious. A-n-in Inn ovc I runtn usury uompouna pun-men mo 1 blood as nothlnj clan out do; It in units`- bllil load: it build: In Ihnlhlui narvn: I moon nothing also no; II II Munro'- bnil food; it bnldn I Ilnttond norvu; it is pn-0-imntly onognnt health- nnkur known to Inodicine. II II F`-OQIIAEIQ IIOOIII FIQA .|a..........a .4... m... I I ll: out-on dbouo! II bu and tho. lint oi tbounndn ol onlfororu. B Inn; lnntlnthnunnhnanna I mu ox soounnnan ol onnonrl. u nu: undo tho walk strong. PIiIIO'I Celery Compound purion tho nothing? oln mn do: it lIlI.Il'D'I . Endorsed and Prescribed by the Ablest Physicians` in Every City in America. "- 7 `Publicly Recommended as do Remedy 0l Add Kind Ever Wes Belem dd Tllddsadds Wddlll It Has Made Well. [It Puoinos the Blood as Nothing Else can Do--It Is Food or too Tirol I J Boainv--It Makes Strong Noovosl /A-LLAN LINE F A. BIBBY. IN BROOK STREET. THE s loudin hank nndlivorynnbloin thouity. Telophona 0. El. :PA|NE S GELERY GUMEPUUND THE BEST REMEDY T0-DAY IN ALL THE WORLD. AUl)['I`0R.`1. AOPHERSON & HOOPER. L Hm. Accountants and Rants Anon! [Me And Aocldont Insurance. Mon to loan at lowest nun. 86 Clarence street, ingnmu. B. Ihcrnxnnou. R` J. l| snn;a. at low rat-0`; (-1.! i;|\;t;;-02;! ;n (~ny ! and Firm Proparty. Loan: uruntm on (`My um! County Delvomurau. Apply to Tunvns` Blmms. Mvmngor Frontenac Loan and lnvent_ - mom. Soolaty. Oloo opposite the Post (Mme. v-.u-:`..- I .-.-V . . . .v.._.., 0011. 0]? WILLIAM AND KING S'FREF/N (LATE nn. mwnvi slmuukv) ()r-`rm: Houu-9 to 11 n.m,; I to .5 p.m.; 1 to n .m. . .-Dr. Hoirlin hm: given npeclul study and attention !or (So last lllyenrs tn Dlnenmvs of Women and their treatment. . ' Telephone Ho.5w. I 9. 3. lo0A.NN Aooouxnz AN1xn.u. I 0 Entnto Agent. Ram: and accounts (`.01- foomd. Money to lonn :9. lowest mm. (mice 38! King mt... over W|do`| Drug Hears` luau: uuww vs-an`,-.-I . Funds over Ibi,0lX).0t0. In uddition to which tho policy holders have for security the unlimi- ml ubilit 0! all the Itookholdors. FARM D CITY PROPERTY Insured at lowest ponsible mien. Before renewing old on giving new hluiueu got nun from STRANGE & STRANGE. Agents. W. J. FAIR Spooinl Annt, King Street under0nt:rio `Bank. R II. ABBO'l'l` I IL, WILL BFJGIN THE 9 Practice of hodlclne in Kingston about April 1st. II forms phone 5). R K. KILBORN Il.D.. Il.(?.l . 8: S . LAT | Medical Sn 1' ntondeut Kingston Unne- ral Hospital. co formerly ooougilml by the late Dr. Sumdern. Telephone No. . 2. T. HANLEY E SONS. Grand Trunk (`Icy Passenger Depot. Foot 0! Johnston street. Kingston. Ont. =, London Auurnnco Corporation W. H. G0DWTN.'A(lllNT _, ,__ _- ,,__...____.____,,: _. . , the place of dfufilorlll Nervouu. lthemnauc Klnlnur and Ur ntl Troubles. and will offmsl, uurou n seemingly hopeleu cases where every nth:-r known moons . Anry ulugglsh, weak or dlaonnod orgnn may h_v Luis means be routed to healthy autlvlty lu-{um It is (.00 late. l.z,~e-.dlm; uusdlcal men um and recommend lhu Uwuu Bulb ln thelr prkwtleo. Our Illustrated Catalogue 2:: Ii)! fnllont information rt-gnnlim: llmcvr- 1.--. ulmmlo and n.-rrnuu-1 dim-lw _ 1-ril -A-I 2: | London &Lancushlre Life As- surance Company. PBACTIOALLY A Cnuoun Couruv Wrrn Bnmnn SIOUIITY. oaorveu are dopouitnd annual] at Otfnwn and now amount. to one mlllioz. ullllru. Ruben lower than the majority of omces '1-\ . WITHOUT MIDl;3lI I .7 I H 7 Eleotrl I Had. I I t hid pln.o:o73 r"n'a1 uT'i9ervon3. Rageuxnnatlfcc Khlne nd nnrnu n ummimplv hmmleu oases every mlllioz. dollars. any and choice plum of inaurunoe oured IIILLR E. GITNNTNHH AM. London. Liverpool and Olobe Flrc Insurance Company. m._A_ ....4.a1annnnnn Y. npldlolnn on wlulnh Fire Insurance. vvI-- TVUIIIVDQ cure Rheumatism mnibuo. ~ . com-an Donut! ;' . lame Back. 9 (Formerly Pnrtnor with the Late K. N. IFENWICK). Whore envy ochor remedy bu lnilod ll '0 Celery Compound in made people to . _,_: A-3-i.~' Weston & PEMBROKE Canada liallways Ion run` Ann wouma. The latest cud only Iolontmo and practical Electric 3010 made. `funeral mo. produchm 5 genuine our-rant oobrlcilw for the cure of dbeane. that can he rudlly {on and - laced both in Tuna y sud '01`, and uppl ed to any nut. o the y. t can be worn st of ammo. that be rudllylelt. And nnupsrt y. can my 3 0 during worth. hours or aloep,hnd WILL POOITIVIL Belt AU1)l'I`0R.`3. Anni: Me Jlowut Bbcinrence ONE`! TO LOAN IN LARGE UR SMALL snmn. rate: of imermu un (Tny ind nd Tunwis ilmms. mini. Soniatv. Olnn onnonlta the - vs.- The only venomous bird known in-ho Rpir N'l)ooh, or Bird of Douth." u nu- tive of New Guinea. It. is the nine of a pigeon, can only tiy A few {out inn] is uns- iiy oaughs. Its bite onuuc excruciating . palnasioan of sight and sometimu iookjow. No person bitten by it has recovered, And ` death come: within A few hours. R. H. BAMSAY DUFF`, I04! HAHOT H'l`.. formerly occupied lay Gold Cure." Tole- .hone ._Il. . GENEEAI I3Il;;\E?l;i'0NER. .... ......... .. mun J. A. STIRLING, M.D., _ _,, _..; A..- IvI_eBi c575.` csf KILLS 9 CUNNINGHAM Role Agenm, K union and I)(ut.r{nt.. ? Single First_-Class Fare, lag!-n An-II I I A I Q, ~'.`lec{r|c Belt 84 R_'.`}'.!'.'=.:`_ . ..-...A.-4.. - ..._. `._ "Fun A ` `6i'ALT INSURANCE. I>%E~+ATL_; JIOO Dlllll Ul l|.llul'IllUU uuun PCUNNINGH AM Menu. Dhm-in FROM MARCH TILL SUMMER! ndlly felt can alum. hnd luv: u Dluuo. I III Illlll IIIIIIIIIDIO $100] In nun lpoopljvroll. [union shot! rock of 3 dinnnootdobilitymd nervous ctbuudon. III`! ly dm-on out nounlgh. V nuupfldyspopoia and rllollllllinln {NI Ibo mm. It remove: that hnihdl. or 5 fooling. which bouphna walnut! wnrnnnd poor blood. Onrvwkdu-ad and wanna no but nursing at poem who no to jnh presentational .-otnndnnl <-.errlnu1e.slpzna:l the principal. Hood golna March lmh to April uh luv v.- Good for return until Aprll lath -""' _" . pm-lal rates to points on Intoro--lomu}`=' y. For tickets. Pullman accommodation and ollur [Information npnlv 0.0 HANLEY & SONS. on at 1*` spring Inodicinou, uni.` an weak 0 ng an zhoinnn wall, 3 in I the large cniu. Toronto. Mont:-cu, Qnhgo . Huliluon, Halifax, St. John. lagdog; 1 Oiuwn sud Winnipoixtho loading nun. RFC? have found I. 0 the damn; for Inoaco Componndu hr nrpugu pour l. in a nd ..... ....... .,....;-.":....::.'::" -"v--2 Pniuo uColu-y Compound hlon during F50 Cf`! lpnt dngzhuonn non than III llllll roam-kn gang, in mm lnoonhl-nu. of F | Or aide. try bellndonn plantain-,l 25q. _`Wnde`s drug re. Eh Wllo Lough: st Elm. Frank Gaylord of Wellington, Kan, sacks dlvoroo from his wife on the ground t. it she "nmkoa him the objnnc of III na- turodjokoa, and Is all tho tlmo uncaring ' and laughing at him because he llvoa In a Knnna." Ooyotu Catch tha Cub. Coyotes hnvo kllled all tho oauln the town of Valley, Wnsl1.. sud lu hho nol[h- ` horhood. They come boldly lnto the town l at night and plok up ovary on they oomo 1 um-mm | OHIO!` (lily HI [I gnnuamnn II II III V! II` r -isncan sad eeu+cq:';3 -no-acne Mm so]! because of novel-ems oflu _ . 1 ?`` ``, oonvulsod his (mum. He was taken to ' the neurons workhuuao, and over nlnou than hu done nothing but laugh. PI BIIUW1 IIHIIHPII [0 D19 hL`1`l| II IIIV (`HM lI1l|I II. He: Is very tum-run-, and H navur ucr-urn d to any one hurv [hut bu was mzuseuan-1| of I "Chrtntliku" upp(`url\m:n. Sohmdor wnm mu dmwlng crowds, how- ever, ma Inn!` nuuuulmd, in spllveof thu expu- Illl nun nluvll u---u-us A um-zo of lnsnnlty u! u ourlnua sort in just, now uxolllng ounsidumlylu lntnrvul. among Hm medical frulurhlty of Lumlun, my: nn oxulmuge. A uugrow `hm! Um other day In an gnntlemnnw h at. WH- .lnnJ'in. and v.~mv.l.ri.rr' "'1 .v.\n.nrnn I hlnr paswr. . When the hnulor was confronted with them fucias ho lost his tempur in a inui-it nnturul und umiivine nmnnur and alum-ti Ruv. Mr. Koiioggin lnngmuzutvimb was far from llihiicul. He even trlud to mull: his noon:-aur, lmt, WM prnvunlml hy spun- tncnrn. Still nmny pnuple in Alton refusud to bulieve (JIM he was A frnual. 'l'hnn n Innunnun I-nlnu (nun Rinunnhln no uuneve uuw my was In Imuu. Theun nmnsnue czunu from Memphis, Mo.. wnrulng thu puuplu lhllt hbllrmlur was an hnpoutor um! had huen expo:-u-I tlmm, I \ BCHRA DEB THE IIEALER. Iogg at once denounced Sohrnder M a fraud Ind a l00Illi(|l'0l, identifying him an the same man who had visimd Flora mu! Louisville a your previously soliciting funds with which to ruhuihl u Muthmlhet; church which he said hmi burned nb Phil- lipa. Wl8., and of which he oiuiuwd to be pasmr. When the I ! he lmnon or me ueuver nemor rsonumwr. Healer Sch:-Adel was doing :5 runhjng business in Alton, selling about 1.600 of Mn photographs 5 day as I good price and Incidentally blessing bnndkorohlefn at no much A hloasing when Ruv. R. J. Kellogg Arrived from East. St. home. Mr. Kol- Cool-no Aunuu Bohndor Oluflitl WIS Being uh Ailvolllror IIIIIIOIH. Goorge Auguatul Bob:-ulnr, who bu boon posing lu Illlnoin and adjoining mm on a divine healer, bu lllll against I ands. He wu enjoying a great. popularity In M-, km. 111.. and vuu mnklnn money In lnrno ue enjoying great popummy m M. mu, 1H,, and was making money largo Ilxed wad: by the simple method of blem- lng handkerchief: and pretending to cum nmdnlmn nnonla of all sorts of mu. in Im- my nnnunronxem anu pmwnulng to cum aroduloul ple of all aorta of mu. In ltatlon of he Denver healer Sohlatter. I -Innlnu Quin--(Inn nlnl tlnina ll Ivllnhlnn A Hanan zxposio. Too M unh L.ug}n;. ,1 I........n.. ..0 .. ......I.. Imam`: "`"" ' " `cunt Nll ho n ovary Plnl I ..`."7-... W 0 dunno. ndir-nut` ohlldua C - guokunu nouy nyu|:.I l`I:I':. o`:m|'nuoor o_r . n can `on !"-"" '3 ...%':::'.."?"~ "*0. nu - postman: that Ipringl..ut.h All in dan- guginuhnd. Itnpu-oninooounhulllh I min oomulnm in oxtnordinnry powcu . J.'.f';E"`.......""` `.'. ...'?'"..`.t` "`'``"'` ' "' and k 'thom well. Buninoulnon who uonotnooinq sound] , Ibop [Mo undo .Dt|oAnddok|!In|oL houIo!lndoor I;-';n3?-'iuIng 33.31! polo d dot! .....r"........i.........;'. := RA TBS for ALL -339.11. {Large qiihntitie: of gr-atnapnan through inert;-aiily-i7 ndt milk` The horse races, w` ch wuo to hnve`t:1Y'.'?V place here on the uh inst... have been de- clnred off. Mr. .d Mrs. E. C. Sliter are visiting friend .u Smith`: Falls. Visitors: F. Smith mm mater; Mrs. J. Cunnin ham, South Lake; A. Parks and R. W. oton. I Gnnanoquo; J. J. Burk and son, Mait- lnnd. I vuvnnvuv l'IJI' Auuuuna : MONTREAL, March `20.-W. C. McDon- ' nld, the millionaire tobacco manufacturer. has donated another half million dollars to Mcill university for a building for the study of chemistry. minin and architec- ture. This brings Mr, Mo )nnnl(l'a donn- tiona to M00-ill up to 32,000,000. House furninhin can be bought cheap- est, and best from t, one who rnnlLenapeoiAl- ty of that class of goods. Buy your new carpet: at R. Mul~`nul'I Kingston carpet warehouse. R.-.n|.u:ll- ...'o:-nn. mu. -.....\.-.`..n L- -_-o I waronoune. 3 Brockviile citizens are preparing booroot n \'.M C.A. building. Miserable by indigestion, constipation, diuineaa. loan of nppetite. yellow skin? Shiloh : vit.alim`_er in n poaitivogun. Wade : drugstore. vu Swn'r`s Commas, March 2-l.~-A and eventlma taken place at the home of J. Galloway, boln the death of his youngest child. Laura. b3 funeral on Sunday. to lvndhurat. cemetery, was largely attended. uch lvlntmthvip felt. for the bereaved mrenu. A. Muawra I! on me suck nu. ' in M. MoNa.mea returned home on Sun- daynfmr spending two weeks with her friends here. MarK_McArdlo u M. Mon- day and Tuesday in Elgin an vicinity. S. Shook is engaged to wake tl. hoese at Springvale fuobory during the cm ing non- ` Jon. Large quantities rain pass I .. .... ._`.. ...::--:;:.-..+~ the Lvnd um mills. x. nnnurar. comewry, was mrgeny nownuea. I-ympnthyin felt. for the berenvod unrenta. A. Mustard is the sick list. in: M MnNnmnn u-noun-nod lmmn nn Hun, SWEET'S CORNERS BUDGET. u v: Uvluvurn . Crosso a Blackwell. Lm..Lom1o6 and Export Ollmen generally, On April Ind. llnl, Uh. 5th and ash. Good to return unti` April 1th. 1&8. il'nn$E" ' 254,&256PlllI1sSSl`RBB`l'._ I.J.!-Ill!-noun nluilol Sold Wholesale by the Proprietors In-nlncvnln 0 I [EA AMI] A PERBINS AGENTS : J. M. Douglas 8 00. md Urquhart & Co., Montreal. ouwnxnn wnrxh . of every Bottle of the - ` ' ORIGINAL YYORCESTERBKIRE ninu. IVIIIYWHIRI. oassnve nmf me sum was U3`-III U DIIU I Worcester ; whe star; _ V V._ "9 Ltd ' nen generally. j RYWHIRI. ` _ ' \. P INTED I IN BLUE INK : DIAGONILLY l0ROS8LTE`- mars mamas /" FARE AND ONE-THIRD llztwxovorld could no! lau- ndm. " ~,'-**l`i;i$1E'.?;i'5':i VI IIIII E ll` I BELL`. YEP! LID: IUIGIOI` r I ur . II I` n ' BAIldor?:oQ`.`Hl:`J.l`1conn I root. 0o1::.:n1.|n`lnn I (VHO. W. BELL. VET I DooQ.Qr ml 81 lbnldonoo. (too. Tohphon 4. Llvory. Brock strut. ACDONNRLL & nnnnnn. nnunnu [n mntcon. me, I onnnou star! I I1. (I. . MAOD0l(l'ILI:..Q.C. J. I. l`AI|l.l.. A Bonding and Day School for Young Ladies. "Cloaoburn." Kingston. . . ` .Full mt! of Unlvornlty Gndlohl. Sl'E(`.lAl. ATTENTION given to Itudonu preparing for oxnnlnnuona. Tho running In- mupau-in foroxnnlnuuona. l'hore!Intncln- ua`nr~le 0 home uomblnod with high monhl tr: n n . U TIIR l'Sl(`AL l)EPAH.'I`IENTl| In chi. of Almwu lfmunu, Eaq.. Inn. 350.. AD. .. lhnland. - Only lllououtln put: A: nclluul 1.4!!) in other makes. nuns! t\l\ ':1r 719' isiays of Annwu Flnuu, E59,. Mun. Bum. A.0.0.. En land. R ndentn received It any time and 1000 u-hurned !runl.5iMo of Inlrunoo. Klndornrtah In oonnuntlon with 00 . For terms and pron tun apply to . COBNWQLL. 1.4,. Pr noipul. -pwuruvv' ' '- II oluupor thn nny othu Int-ohu 'I'no- wrihr. For full lnlonnutlon call at [Ih%k:%:i g%st}zh%"hi}ih}ass College KL'1.___..?9}?!..___`S' =- Everythlnu In Slum, Even the Price `F313 -; 4 teims proufootun u IYTHI &. LYON. BARRIITI t E. 31% am. Ontario Chunbou. urns. 0.0. Suwrm: 0. non. n.umm'nsfIot.n- _9_r|. v:.iaLa" va.---- Spring n..uyT.-J_.K?.'n}I.T.7,:Zoa, and are Vag ravated by a morbid condition 0% the, system, and by local causes of irritation, etc. The roal cause in lmpu re blood, and there is no skin disease 'wIh Burdock -_i..-_ -.:-.-1:-`Q 7. VE 1`ElELIY IUIGIOI Q Bur .` Dnopon tilt! . , n no . 11 ll lonphono M4?` I-Brunch oIl'o- 50% / Brook EDUCATIONAL. V '?ypve:v;'ltf VI nnrh ll A-Ahx-I IJIII In T177? `CC V V u-vv does not cure if taken internally and a` lied externally according to diroctlona. It heals up the skin and drives out the disease. Salt Rhdum, Tetter, Shingles, Scurf, Erynipclu Scvofula, Scrofuloun em... 1113.... Alncnnnn man .1: Erynipolu, 7 Sam, Uloro, Abtcuun and all nlrnllnr innnnnn urn Inunrinhiunnoazl gm-. I .- _.._ `......--.~ ... m\WI"`."l;B-WEST RATES. v--so-v - ..v- ~---ovv nu.-- Golly Aprll I. I. 4. I. O. Returning an or before April hh. HIM, nn -I-nnrucnc nun c-I-nnnu-I St M or from Llvnrnonl. 011110`. lhlh-C. I. "I_e:'_}._'c:>"22I'5}'/?i'.9S { -....- if 0-ab-.. Int--nuilu READY WITH OUR EArER 5 . rluobocu pan lKO- or II a"-u :37": 1.7:: u'a'.'n'3c.3'u'T.'v'? ?1: rdr :::m: cl Inn wu ' ) n by c. s. um'.n 3'a;'3bonfIma (Inn. lulu an-mu for KINGS ON. ONT. ..-:~ '., ioTITii:'niii'B' :'|s'-u:z`o:.:r anl. and mart: 1-.Q I|.od n aid or y mm. 5 .r| ' l.00IDM I80 _ -4 can-nun: I -' PIANOS ""`. `L4. 5.. moan-Aj .SK!N_ PISFASES RATES OF PASSAGE. SINGLE FARE 052:!-in ntroot. ', B W, l"()l.HEll, 1. Pan. An. (ion. lnnnnr. *- 'r..w.---=r.- W b I .'n':!.'::'a`:ur:B's_'s.:,;:.:.*:r':.`:-`q maldory mm. as a` II: no Bil orzlxtgqug wlulnuv IV"! `nnrl 1`. I `ll-BY ` -0.`. A`OI. J '. GIIoIII.HI.4-l|iV'. RQOIC. rug---.y---1-- m:oncA'L.` IIH CW1 lCIIl$ lll IIIO IE2` lhhdon pa-lag lntotbopouuaionol no twolfth into`: youngor brother. with wlnomllnjnoo was at hunts dnwu, mu 5:: non! nun; Inkvn In the-rohy. non sun In Lon! mum >1. mm. no at tho "sherldnn" duke nl SOIDIUI. who nnlnhod at suonhluwayfrom Bon- toAdonuIhoolouol I hnnIlnu- pdltith ll Ibo nwthorn sun of bulb. lib UUIII IIIO pl'0VlII. lull III. Nor in the Furl of Aberdeen the only English poet who cumin in danger of being divested 0! his title Ind uncut-on on any moment by an nppen ooo! Ilm r1ghz~ mi lord. There In, (or in no, the proc- ont Lord Boihnvou. whu nuoom-dud to A onlyln ouun-oqucnoo of the late '1 younger brother hnvlng dlsupponroui whlloon I trip lroln San Fnmolnco In Now Zonlnnd. Two ohlmnnh so the poor- un have rooonlly Appt-and. one hailing from India and the other from New Zuc- lnnd, ouch asserting himself to bo- llw missing brother. This Belhnvnn pr-ex-ago in particularly unfortunate in this respect, an In the last two oonturlns cannon: and ooatlyllugutlon hon ntlunded tho uuocem lion in almost every lnuumoo. Bod not RI! Rnnnr Tlrhhnrnn lIllnl\hnAI. llun In almost lmumoo. Bud not Sir Roger Tlchhorno disappear- odn Ieawhllo on I Journey from VA!- nunhn to Aullfllll, ch. lcngllsh govern- ment would nova have boon compelled to spud O000.000|nhplprm~aodlnunInd. the Inmonop Orton. whn clnnlnrnd mumm- upuuu wuu.wu III 3;: prnmoumgs saunas Impede! Orton, who doclnro-`I hlmnl. Go In tho mining buonvt. llllclnlm was one 0! CM moat clove and Impndom swin- die: of the outcry. won the mothvr o! the tool BI: Roll! bun; tnkvn In thereby. lmwnd 8:, km. JOIIII OI AIIHITIII. ` Tho nrohduku, nttar hm-Ina ln We must. iomnnuo fnnhlnn dlvuutu! Mum-If nf` all M; hnnor nnd mm as n prlnru uf" lhu nlgnlnglmuno of Austria-llung.-ury and nuumod the nuns of Jnhn ()1-uh` snllual some four year: ago on board his good ship. the Innmi-`me. from L. Plnln fnr some Iour no board his good Ihlp. tho Wipe. [mm L: Pluta for Ytlpu-alto. ho Ilngm-rite was spoken half way between La Plaza and Cape Horn. but snermhnt. panmd out m` hunmn night louver and mu newr hoard uf again, all the oom made by the Austrian, the Chilean And other SouLhAme1-lean gov- ernment: to and some trace of the arch- duko'| Into proving luulu. [I "I0 F1110! Ahnldlnn lhn nnlv I lIly. ~lI'l l1lll\` Hlh. HI _\I`.`l|'H H`, V05 Igu {rum .\\v Y: M Hrnzil nailing \'(`..HsvI nu lmnrq. `cl: has u-u lug heforu Hw nmst. vhlch r port in safety but wll. m. I very oooentr-in ant h.-ul .....m m around the: wsrld [or yvurs wlthm ting his relntlro--a knnw of his mv-\` henna It. In not hvynnd Ihu hmllnh ` ulhllhy Hut he may Im ~t|ll Illin- whurv ur nthor. Nutlnx Ilhatmnlil onrvs to discover nrnum -I hla fun- Hm nmmwr In \\'M1!h hu -.uin-d Hu whllv nl' sun. nurluw hm un-r hm talnud lhc-rmn. nor in Iln-ru nny nl oorusluly of his death. lmlmd, hn I an Hkolyw turn up nonw lay an A rv John or Aunmn. Th. .-nlulnl-.. -u... 1....-4.... |.. .|.. Abovo Us Stands No Compet- lnn Stack, `ii? 310 Fiji n&.uu|2.s`uhIhran hjjjbju `nlnj .s. 1;...` orrnuu, mnmu hvmn hm! hm dun llonth -an I V\Il(IlI| .-clm luul nmwhu-(l to hm .nm \vn'n .-. urrlu IU, IIIII HUI` III I [III \ lI'\ .'|K(' HI Ill` hvun [zruully ll|zuIL by H: lmnnl of uyuung } luul pt:-k<-I up ur Murmu- hur ml! In !ln~mpm-1l_v : vnto sun:-nvlnlry. 'l'Im-n l|I\_\"-l uflur I huun hurlml M. sou slm mnmlulm-I u hm Ill nml l'I'|l|lIlHl`|| In her mhln. wlmn ho-rllmmlm-r .\lurh-I, now um of l)olnwnrr, want huluw cu ram hm oomecvure nnu lpeonmnun. Of the latter kind was the disappearance at sea of Prince Frederick William, hind- grnvo at House, the chief oi the nonreign- ing branch of his house. Being (inmat- oned with the biiminons which in the hereditary Ioourgoof his fzuuiiy. ho Ami-led on a voyage round the World nti-muiad by n inure suit, of oioors. gomiomuu in wait,- ing and sarvnnta. Erurvwimm in India. in Australia and `u duo of Adolf lahlonbnrg Bilnilnr to Thou of Prince Frederick Wlllinm, Lady BI-nut). the Earl oi Aberdeen, Archduke John llld Sir Boga! Tiolibbrno. Many M are the mysteries oi the omnn, than are low that nppeni_more powerfully to the imoginntion than do those strange and nnnooonntnblo dinnppom-moon or peo- pie from chipboard. without any claw an to why and how they have vanished from human ken, writes Ex-Attache in the New York Tribune. in sumo imatauoes they may be attributed to nnoldunt, such an is believed to be the (mm with the New York banker. Adolf Lndunlwurg, who is oroditad with having been plwhod over the bulwark during the night by a nmhimn lurch of the ship Niagara, on whluh lm WII coming up from the West indie; to New York. in other instance: they are ascribed to anddon and temporary aberra- tion of mind, whllu in mnny iaheru in absu- lutoly no motive or came that can ho d - covered, even the very mnthud of dlsu - pearnnoo remaining a mutter for mom oonlocture and apaonlnnnn. Of the latter kind dlnnnmanrnnoo ;71iY'1W0FT11E Sm] Many Important Secrets Locked In the Bosom of the Deep. muccomr mu: n1sAP1-mncczs ..-gun: llxuvllll mlt Hm .-il|d lug EmzH.-dmmn I lhvnnrvel uml "npm'll_v nf prlr ~' uflnr ln- luul / .`..._. -. ..---.-.._.. Ocbln an and npvudn. moouunq to nuan- 0r,|om\`lon and munbu o! DIYIOIII In mm- loom: in-onnul Galvin. Isl; $0 return Yu.l_ lo. l-0Mnrio mac. - ._"}.3".$'..':'.`.:`.'.':?."' Chic! ooo-uo. lnvunoo vmrl. Ii-not oIoo-l`.or. King and Ghana nch. oppo- dg ll-ush Auction: Bola! Kingston. pg, |nd,unushc0ory_do`|lvory I nponjully. fill?-ORB I0. III. -\4-slxrdb-n A Tdoulouocon-mbsuon. _ JAMES SWIFT Q COHPANV WEOLXALI AND IITAI.b-lE'l` IN `PHI IABIIT Yutl 38190;. " D-Cltnnco strut whorl. 0' IVIIY UXOII PTIOI. ooul um "0111!!!-on:-not 1 ubnlmnu _ Ann: L 1Ann..n.n-ma. ISTOVES Whut nhout that Cough or thnua \`\'er\k Lluugzs? \Ve mm supply you with all the l,~ml~ inn preparations forehher Wank Lung.-I ur a Hripw Cold. CURACOUGHA If you Want the Cheape`-s-t and Best FURNITURE RANGES, HEATERS. COAL-OIL HEATERS E. B. LOUCKS, DIIIIIVVE l\I l\ |I'I'ANIl [full ff` To or from Liverpool. Glucov, Bolfut, Lon. don. London-lorry Ind Quoonntown. . .. _ __-..~..._. 3 .-_A IH. BRAME Sl The oldit and Iargu manufac- (men of Varnish In Canada. Japans, |Oils. Now, Look Here I =m.;.I=`- ;.'.'.' I: u: an no . 001] m Iurlovoovunul Tdoulolo can-intention. Varnish, }BAYLlS MANUFG co Paints, Erum|eyBrns.|@ Stand] .-- ._v--`---. .`.-..~.ru Ivor; roqnlnite for aha tong. Cu-uhhg without av: -burn 'I` -I-LEIIL Ill A-g-on Has Removed to the corner of Wellington and Prin- cess streets. sold In nmglu Prince Street. -vn- HI 'i'ooTH"& co., (huts-nlolnotliootl.) IF. 'VISBET,l Prlnoou Shoot, corner of S1-danhnm Strut. Klmutun. - Sold in Kingston by E. 0. Mitchell, 124 I Prinoau Streak. 16 to 30 N azareth Street. Bookseller and SIEIHOIIBI`, N\C)N fR E AL. Harm Fnrt \\ ilHnm. and Sun Full pI|rHnu|Arn at K. {E I Think om-so I . ooxw/N, V Aul Gen. An. I -IIIM k 0! All Descr|p- tlons. Of All Kinds mm 1)A1'LY. BRITISH wi11a.'i*nUBsDAY. mm; 26. 1596 ltarvnuou In London. Thirty-nine v.nn i~,c. of noun by mm non were brought In by London coroner! June: has you. Soul unin purse And curd cue, lather lined, 500., at Mitchell's. ---`Zia:-- -.----.. .. ..-.-. ....-v. in vuv; n-vs: - At: recent wedding In Portland, 01.. the groom promhwd to love, honor and obey his wifu, whu II II wnmnn sunglll Ind madu hhn ngmo to thin. A Queer Hobby. l A lono n-enk-n banker In WAleo-apondl ' much of his time and money In oollootlng door: through which Illustrious person: pound at one time or another. DIE '1!!! (HI LHU gruuuu Llll- Hill) \Vf|N nearly ulwnys awny {mm home on her wheel and l,h(\ruh_v ueglocnng hor domes- tlo dutlos." This, he cunwmlnd, wan "habitual dasenluu" within the moanln 4 of the not. The sun. was doclded aanlmt him, and the married wumun of New Zoa- I land with n fondness for the wheel breathe more lreely. nu nu-...~u on-. u. u-u. Tad Dillon, n prh-zmmr uimrpzoti with- forgury, enuapmi from juii nt. Buramw, Cul.. under dillivuiliius. The two oiiiuura who had him in uhnruo luib him in Jul) while they want In mppor. but they look i the pruonutlon to luck in puir of haudous i around i)illun'u unklon. They wuro so] tighb iimi; lliilnn onmplninuti of the pain. I 1 Thu oicurs wum Rulln hut in low minutes, but whun they rmurnud Lhuy found they door open and fuuiprilli in Limdust, In- dioaiing Lhui. Dillon was taking lung jumps tuwurti l)nggult.. Thu utiiucrx-1 {ul- lowod the (mil 1`-2 mlius and than inst. it. In tho morning lhuy disuuvermi than I)illon had douhlod bark inward Barnum`. Hu had fnuml a hut froquvntml by trumps, and |y mmns of n pnir oi iinilpillttid had our tho links holding who hnntioua D0- gothur. From tho hut Dillon had gone diraclriy to liutsww. and from there: the otficora have no trace of him. Diiion'u trip from him Juli down the Irnck and batch to the hut must imve boon at no small por- aonni discomfort. Thu trail showed that he had M. Limes rullod (or II diemunoo of 50 yards. thin probably when the irons bo- ` oluuo mo painful to pormls him to Jump. 1 LT l TV.` I LII`-IIII-I13 TIIVII :3 I III I-IV I 3 (Upon ~\vr"v-nd-'-r nf -Atnndnrd. form of Certi- MN: nimunl by Principal) SINGLE i'lR9'|'-GLASS FARE & ONE-THIRD uolng In-ch It to April 4. Returning on or hofore April MIMI. 1350. The nl-ova nun apply to Del mic. Haul: S00. Willhqm. .\'u\tionI oust. nnrtinulnrn I`. and 0. R11

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