Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Mar 1896, p. 4

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Iron `lurks To Yunnan. __.. III- \.l-._k CI `VX- nouuoc III. Ipc. .._-..-- ll.-`I. II _.' NOT FOR SALE. E111-y.In>n lute at I. run 'im1LY `nrtwisn 00-an Dlgnn On The Hon. Lennon, Mu-oh al.-A doopaech ro- coivod by a now! my hon an that Osman Dignn. us the o! A large force of dorvinhu. in marching upon Sink. The dupnch also up that the Soudnnuo battalion. inland ol joining the Don It oxpodition bu boon ordered to Tor. Should Osman Dlgnn innit Satin: sud Tolur lb ironld booomo nooulnry to rein- fome the garrison: at both phoal. Purohnee Pour Torpedo llnete. WA2uInm'roN, roll :ll.---Tho senete committee on non enire thin mornin ordered: lnoreble report on A bill provi - in; [or the further conecruotion 0! sub marine torpedo boats. The bill eutborilu the secretary of the no to oontuoh for four nub-marine tor 0 been of Hollnnd t pe at I cost not exceeding 8l75.(I)0 each. his: contract in to be conditioned upon the Lone hence by the department oi the boot oi t e eeme deei n now being built for the department. I tliie boet come: up to the requiremente three Additionel onee will be contacted for to be delivered with- in four month: from the time the oontrnct in eigned. n____ nu..- n. `In. en--- RICH TOPITIIIIQ Lnunur, Ont... In-ch 8l.-Tho prelim- inary mm the twoCunoy boys, would of the mntdor of June: Agnew. vu ro- numod this mornlng$bdon polio: tugb- t.nIoMolnt'yro. A r honringlhootol Uh oviduct given no the out-oncr'o Inqnolb tho btothn. John and Patriot. won oom- ulwodfor trilllor tho murder 0! Jun! oulnmh lhlut. 'l`lnywillpo- vhn.rhdn.|hoJunonn||a. foolish Initial In. Ioanun. Inch 8l.--Alh-ad I onl are run over nnu mu very slowly. he O.'l`.R. has 3 gang of fty men stringing huge onken benme, eighty feet. long, from bank to bank, and brellio will be Info at ever by to-niglic. A etoel bridge will shortly be constructed. The shery bridge. at. the Kin non road. west of the town. is moved \v th the currents about four feet. and in dnn roux. This wee only built lnet, spring. he flow in redunlly enbeidlng. and in a low days wil be over. mn and several 0! We snnrenoluere or me Kinueville l`elee (lad and Oil Co. returned last night from the island. where the hud been making a thorough teat of the hitel struck oil well. The well spouted fty barrels, then ceased. By thorough tests with the sand pump it was clearly rovon that the well would pump thirty rrell perday. The well was pumped dry nev- ernl times, but on each occasion quickly lled itself again and after each test the oil mime in faster than rhc previous pump- ing, which makes driller Simpson believe the well eventually will be It forty barrel [ion-day one. It in by far the beat well in (-omudn to-day and the oil in fur superior to the Petrolou oil. A meeting of the shareholders will be held to-night. at whi(:h u fullnr report from the driller will be pre- n..nvml thnr walla will ha ilnnlr im- A llallwny llrldge In Danger. Nr.wu.~m.Jc, Ont. March 3|. -- The freshen of the hut. few days have caused com-idernbiodum o to bridge: and cul- verts through 0. in section. The large crown Lone rid e out of the (LT. R. It. Linn here is rumo( . It. in iutruobum about twenty foothigh and thirty wide. This morning the mils were noticed to be Iunk about ten inches or a foot, and on further axnlniiintion the foundation, on the west side, was found in a dangerous state. The . to stone in eweptuvny. Passenger train: on ; and that slowly. - hn (1'I` R, In: I mmu of fhv man Or trml at the next. naslzell. La mint looks well and does not soon at al concernod over his position. He laughed and chatted with the guards. and was apparently; the happiest man in the room where t ocourt was held. He did not ask the witnesses any ( uostions. and when the magistrate asked im if he had anything to say, made no reply. He will be removed from the hospital to tho jnil this Afternoon. Lapoint was represent- ed by counsel. 80 Ian um Drlllor of the annular on Poke Inlnnd. mnnr rep I-mired. 0* medinmly. 3aAungg_1, eFFEcT| ' C -9---r leld to Eeve noon 0 `ll-lei to '|IOII the Auerleen Pulee--Ir. Knapp can come When IIlO_IOICI Are Better. lld Ir. Cole Gnu Go on With Ell Work. Cozu'rAN'rmorLn. Mei-oh 3l.-J. W. Riddell, secretary and. in the ebeenoe of Mr. Terrill, charge d eh|ree of the (1.8. legetlon. he: made A vigoroul tent to the porte egeinet the ection of he Turk- lrh vemor of Bitlis in ordering the im- medigte departure of Messrs. Cole and Knapp, American Iniuioneriee at that piece, end eecom led the prroteet with e threat to never lplountio relation: with the porte unleu the order of the v- ernor wise not revoked. Hr. Rid l e roteet wee endorsed tghlr Phllll Ourrle, rltieh embeuedor. e porte y elded to the protect and gnve instructions tothe governor of Bitlie to permit Mr. Knapp. who hoe been ordered to come to Courten- tino le to enewer che ee preferred bv the Turrilh nuthorltlee, Iedltion and mm- der, to remain in Bitlie and ewuit A bet- ter condition of the road: which are now unt for trevel. `The ' governor wu inetructed in the case of Mr. Cole to allow that gentleman to ect on he leased and toperlorm miuion work enerelz without hindrenoe. It in roger ed as li el here that the notion of the overnor of itlle was deelgned to tout the merionn pulse. Au enovolicel from the Arnenien The New York World Llod to Links cup!- tnl For n Olnh. ' Loxnun, March 3lab.--The St. James Gnnette. in its inane ol to-day, char 1: the New York World with having pub lahed n garbled and false version 0! t. e legter lrom the Prince of Wales, through his aocrotnr . Sir Francis Knolleys, t.o`t.he Thlrboon oln , of New York. and says it but otllolul au- thority to print the normal text. of the lat- ter. which is as follows: all ..n. Aimmrnrl kn Hun Pr-inn: nf WLIAI which IS touowe: I am directed by the Prince of Wulea to thank you for your communication. in- forming him of his election 3! an honorary member of tho Thirteen club. 1 nm direct- ed to reply that the number of invitations he receives, from different rt: 0! the world, to belong to various c ube are ex- tremely numeroui. He cannot uoce t them all. And to make a selection would invidioue. His royal highneae, while ap- preciating the compliment. much regrets that it in not in his power to have the pleasure of accepting the election. (Signed) KNOLLI.-`.Y.'4. lalpolllli Ulnlulilou ll! alnllu nrlun run Murdering Peter Moore. Bnomcvmmr, March 3l.-Thia forenoon, in the moral hon ital. Uric Lapoinl had his pro iminury tr nl before police magis- trate Deacon on the charge of ahootin and killing l'etor Moore on Monday. gmh Dbh. Only four witnesses wer_Q'cnllod. The evidence: was praoticnlu. Ilxo some M that lven no the coroner's` in nub, prov- in t. no More had meb his oath by he- ` thy Lnpoint. Arm hearing the once Lapoint was formally committed or trial at the next. nanizen. I ...m:..r I.-mu. wall and Ann: nnt. unn- Kl!(lNVll.LF.. Mr..ch .'ll.-Drillor Sim )- and several of Q3 shareholders of t. o Kimraville wnau uuinn s'rA1'u. noun av ENGLAND, PROTESTED. the American pulse. An enoyolicel pebrieroli was read in all the Armenian churches. on March 25th, announcing she amount. of relief which line boenhfiven to the Armenian euerors in Ania lnor and asking for more funde. at one same time warning die donors against. fraudulent col- lectors. who. the letter says, are going aboutiu considerable numbers oeteneibly collecting money for the relief ol Armenians, but really for revolutionary purposee. ..._?.._..____ -uu- nu-ugnrnz acts: ILlEl'\ Lnpolnt 1 1 SURLY SULTAN COIPLIED Mon : Fine Braces. `_""`l:Il'_OlIOCk New Goods to l'.IkB.H'roI_n at % ~Tay|ur's New Store ll an DI-Innnnn Rh-A19. novoulumulvuns. nuyu blybotthtlulholunondnn. THE PRINCE DECLINED. THE BEST IN CANADA. HAD NOTHING TO SAY. Oonnlnod l orrl`nnl. .. 1;. |1-..|. II lllk uporr. xrom one armor will no pm- Othor walla wxll be sunk im- TUESDAY, WMARCIEI 731, 18943 Navy And nun-Iry unnue. The color ball at Cairo. in honor of H.R.H. the Duke of Cambridge, seems to Ytrve been A apeoielly smart. function in evury respect. worthy of the en: iomua oo- eeeion. which it. wee design to com- Inemorebe. Taking place at. the height. of the Cairo eeeeon end honored with the presence of his roynl highneu. the getheriug oi the feehioneble world wan A very In one. the wmpnnfhioh num- bered , including most of the leeding nugee visiting ype. Owing to n eli ht indiepoeition Cmmer was un- nbe to be recent. Amon ehe gneeu were Prince "ohemeq A_li.3` lnoe Ounen, . -r. nuns; --U;-`-1.; I nu-op pictures rqiuunb in tho uni NIsBET sl IIIIIIIII II llllililllifo TORONTO, March 3l.--This morning as A wagon driven I) John Hamilton, monom- nied by l\ fr end. was about to oroee Vincheeter street. bridge, over the Don river, the earth broke awn beneath it. The horse jum clear of t. e subsidence of solid roun . Hsmilton and hi: oom- mnion a no jumped. but the former fell on his hand and won stunned. He is non `thought. to be eeriouelv hurb. An examine- tion of the onve-in Ihowed that the ood oflzun. night. had undermined the piling to the north of the brid o and eaten out the roodvuy. A bridge ighor up the Don was swept, Anny this morning by the rising water. FIBIIII vuluvu, an-u u uouu, -u-- Pubs. Baum: Pup.<;T{.Is: Mfor-(ion. Knowles. the Right Hon. Oooil hoden, 8|? Robert Pool. Col. E. Fi Capt. and Mn. Pi rgo. the ni ll`. etc. In addition to usual deoorutiom of fall- ngo plum and {en-nu. interupel-pod with nolomd lobe: 0! electric light, which turned kiosk into I dream of fairy- l...:I nnnnnlnl lnnturn of Mn ornamenta- turned the non mm dream or wry- lund. no 1| feature of the ornamenta- tion in decorating the ball-room were theoldnnd new colon of Mn bnulion, duped on either Iido ol the doorway, utmnnd withnfrunoof lituring sword: and buyouts. and gun! by 5 oouplo-of manonhohotulionuuonu-ha. and bnyonou. IIIII gnraou ny ooupwol ' monohhobotulionunonu-ha. Tbo at ado fortho alumna v I::dwn|nnaIit:hn .:ork ol chnoubywolnnawu quwonwon or no, mu with ma. non ol olloon md id. nndulomod vi nod. white ....I Mn. rihhnn_ In an clnninnnd In on: sud Indian. and ulomou mun Nu. wane and bias ribbon. It was duignou by one at ohoooonohonginont. Lions. J. J. B. l'u|oy.uulvu udtotho Duh ol Oun shut an I nouvcnlr onho Ir. 1' also ddqmd ol the work 0! all classes ls good. The lnapeobor says : With the general orgnnintion o! the inatltube, in as far as it depends on the principal, I have to ex run my entire nabiafnotion. There are. ow- evor. two foauurol (beyond Mr. Ellis con- trol) to which it in In duty to call the at- tentional the bot : (1) Owing to the hat. that A avmnnnium hal not been on)- The stone of Lltlntlon Author-llntlvely Ex- pruned. The following letter from Dr. C. F. Chandler. profeeeor o! chemistry in Colum- bia college. and It noted xpert in patent ouee, Appears in a New Qork paper giving in n nut-Ihell the preeent state of the liti- etlon concerning the Amer light patents _m the different countries of the world : I only. Hm lilmrtw nf nnnrlinu Inn this the amerenu countries or the worm I take the liberty of sending you the followin brief statements regarding the pnmnta or the Auer light : "In Uel-many suits were bronghtngainst nll rties, who were manufacturing munt es for the Auer light. The infrlng ers applied to the im rial palent depart- ment to have the will ity and scope of the patents determined. The decision of the patent department. recently given, sus- mine the validity of the patent under the broadest possible interpretation, covering the method of manufacturing umntlos, as wellns the fluids themselves. That the decision was in favor of the patent. is shown by the fact that the court assessed upon the infringero the court costs and three-fourths of the lawyer's feee. As `I eonuquenoe of this decision the slmres of tho (iermsn Auer light company have ud- vanood from 780 to 840, while the shares of the leading infringer dropped from 171) tn I0. night. The New Hampshire republican eonvezr Lion has declared for either Reed or Me- Kinley, as "either is in himself a plat- form.' ' Henr ' Hogan. pro )riet.or of the St. Lnw renoe ell, Momren . hu purchnaorl the Inch Arren hotel at Dalhouaie, N.B., for l`20.000 in cltixroperty. 'l`lm hnrlv n 'illimn Cmm. nenr Simcoe. !2U.U00 In on roperby. The body o{\R'iIlium Cmm. Simcoe, found dead in his fn!,hor`s barn A few weeks ngo, and who in thought now to have met. with foul play, was exhumed this mornin by coroner Hays. A jury was sworn uun viewed the remains. after which an ad- journment was made until Thursday. Ono Swept Away and no Plllng l'mlor- mlnml at Anothol-. Norlh Btalordnlulro lloghnont (cum. Navy And Military Gnnmto. um- ...\I.... lull no (`album in hnnnr nble be recent. Amon we gueeu Prince ohnmed Ali. 1 Prince Said Helim, Lady Cromer, Lady Helen Vinoee, Mnloum Peahe, Fekry Pup: Uheli, Knowles. Right hoden. . T ' . onllulount Vlul cc lllpoollon Do the nan-clan lulltuto. UIHIIIOIXI VIIIIII llifuusn In un- Oollojhh lulltsta Tho report of high whool inlpoobor Hodgcon. on hh recent. inspection of Kingnon ,ool| ate hntituta, has been nut to the hon and the principal. Iunglnon amnlgluw nu-uvuuu, nun. vwvu ueipel. The building is repor to be in excel lent condition. The value of the librnr at the_dAt.e of i this was 8894.7 ; value of nppenlsun, (l .80ivnlue of mar. globes. ew.. 868. In ouch So the vs no II the name 3: Ah the previous inspection. Subject! on the curriculum that are not tnught Ire: Drill. celiethenice. Innu- hioa; writing and reading are hug t in no- oordnnoe with the nlremenu of the regulnciom; other Iubgecbs are reported enllfnotory, u in also the division. of duhiee Among tencheru. Tho oharnotar of the teaching ot English, eludes. drawing, French and German. Ioionoe and commer- ..I.l nnhlmn In A-ruled nwond: mnthemr (Ill! llllrjwnn ll ruuuu -I uuuug um...-- Moe en good no air, to poor; rain; no good tooopoor. All membero of the beach- in on ere legally qualied; the general r nolple o! lnculoetlng dleolpllne in excel- nno; registers are properly kept; good provision is made for Iupplementery read- ing In English literature. Of the hut olere ol enlsrenbe fteen were examined; six of these are reported ood. three on fair. live as poor and one but . 01fort.y~three other upill examined elxbeen are good, sixteen llair. nix poor and five bad. The character the work of all clnesea is good. Th. lnnnonlmr mum: With the urenaml tenmono! mo Douro: u; uwmg L0 me but that A gymnasium ha: pro- vided, systematic physical education is novgivon : (2) Owing to the clone proxim- ity of Queen : university. the utraendnnoo of pupil: in the highest form (in which honor matriculation work is done) in very meagre. Instead of four or five in hhiu form, there might be, with advantage to Llm institute. and evenbualiy with greater advantage to the university. twenty-four or twenty-ve." -...- Anurn I nnu-r WALL J0 IU. 7 In Austria, the supreme court. recently daolarod, that as long as the Auor Light. patent: continue in force. no competitionx whabovor Igninat them will be tolerated. In France. A decision favorable 50 the whabovor against them Will be tolerated. In France. A dooiuion Auer Light. patents was iven. nnrl so far as litigation has procee ed. it has been uniform! in favor of the patents. "In mnlnnd. infrimrers have been uniform! in favor oi the pnbenu. "In mgland. infringers prompblyund vigorously proceeded against, and the one against. the Sunlight Com- pany has been randy for trial some months. and in simply Awaiting assignment of the judge to hear the case. clerk nl Port. Hope, and on aamrnny. William Albert Emmett. was sentenced totwo yearaleu one week in jail at St. Thomas for bigamg. It in mnnrlnd t. at two uersona named Thomas for bngam . It in reporbed taut. two persons Andaman and Gordon were drowned in tho froeheta at. Big Creek. Snmooe. on Sunday niaht, ` Ipcbrioron Hooasonufsz atiorr} Fnnoh and uormsn. Iotonoo Ina commu- olnl subject: In d n:&o?;rihmn- I'M: Aftornoon I News llolletl Down For lluly Renders. Holland V. Sanders, for fort: years my. clerk of Port. Hope. died Batur William Albert. Emmett. LATE TELEG-R:APHlC TIPS. enlists m DANGER. HE AUER LIGHT. sumo ollnunopuyouxorlino ubnndwu quiet I work 0! with llttlnnmnmol nml on .1 I. Mnior-(km. I. Iiu Mrs. Sereh Bowermen. eged eighty-elx, widow of late Joeleh Bowerlmn ( uried in 1876), we: buried Sunday, March Nth. from the residence 0! her eon-in-law, Dr. George B. Christ. . at Dunlap. lows. eu- other non-in-luv hug George P. Hoor- hend. banker. She was born neer New York. on New Yeer'e . IBIO: her brother Daniel was born on Fe . 90th. 18%. and in I descendant of the nohd Auntie Jenn of Trinity church (me. through the Boga:-due-Brewer line. Two since eer- vlve her: I-Ire. Pemelle Blonne end In. . Ihnglnun 1`-n-llllnnp Ilvhup in`: `Humans. DlIr."l'Illl?:II` DIOIIIII Illll -l'l re on out (or, v our Propllw tion. Wcunrn lawn. I'M Bun:-nan fumly nmovod hon Blooulold to Ripon Win. in 1856; Duhlb. III. In I000. and to Dunlap. lows. in IIH. urn none and Ion-in-luv won In union army (ton 1001 to 1005. Iwmws nu: rims mm] has uigned._ Col._Amyob I funeral occur: at Quebec on Wodnesda . An-I.-in ml I nnnnnn Mun rlanhl of than .in_{;l`v\`:rkey. IU yvlrvu-unv-u (4-.. 2' v-- a`:u wt` I`-""`"" -' '"""""""' V """ ljll LI ' H though uoh I rtohor quiet 11- Clhe b"1,1?k pr. 5: '3' `?' M30. olden uu:c.l by-1:" in rolulnntgueho d:;.` are an nagme mm math Mu` ufmimpw H-srp9r'I Wqokly. of Ncw Yon bu" ` m ` MM ' been p-r---one was-a mam ;."..':;.*:...:.:* -.::.r...:;'..:...: :::': bl c but no duration in share vi- 1 D:` mM"`f R' f .s7'iJl"" )1: ' 3" signs `lull be undo which shall have 3:000!- :3{e;g b 9" ` 9` M fat of Iubohnbitlly impairing the right: of ' ' G oom n .' The attorney-general h Jardoroti An in-, .41 .m"`;. goimon u` und". .0 prwh uvery mucn "|noc|ou' I: name ox mp "wunhol"of the lecturer. Kit. Brock ro- oeived many compliments lrom hi: lriondn and the warm thanks of the momborn of his church. I333 lolognphlo Tldlnn from |llPu'u of the Globe. Oondenud and Auortod lorlnu Reading - A ulnloo Glvu WI tho Fnnn. oollego. Quebec. 7 attorney-genornl In- veuthtion in connection with the death of Miss eichnrt, at Hnmllbon. Th. Lands. Enm. Mercurv nave the cov- Miss Reichnrc, at. Hamilton. The Leeds. Eng. Mercury ya gov- ernment; will Ihortly iuue orders for' two fresh battalion! of troop! to proceed to South Africa. 'l"lm wank nf Junn l5l.h hu boon chosen place in London. Greator New York will have: populm tion of 3,195,059 muting New York the second lnrgub city in the world, London being the largest. The ontriou to the 315,000 Kentucky mama in America are enrol-ea. J. I. Turbo. M.P.. has refused the liberal nomination for Buuhamoiu. Qno., and it will boolfured to A. L. Domnrti ny. man- ager of the Ban ue Juquoa Curt. er. It in said Sir . I . Caron. precoivimz he garment. workers A ply Ior employmenn. The French chum r of deputies decided unanimously. yesterday, to postpone the imerpellntion re arding Egypt and the foreign policy 0 the government. unbil 'I`hnrs(lny. \k I.:ln at n Rm in n nhnrnh and an Ad. nll rml rate I! '..'Uc`. , The journey of the king of Bervin $0 Athens in mused by the knowledge of the prowmlionn of Greece in re rd to Mace- donin. This vielt. the king In undertaken before abtemptmg an enbemaewich Hul nrin at hin forthcoming meeting with P inoe Ferdinand and the conclusion of nnenbento between Sorvin and Montenegro.` under the auspices of Ruseimugnineb Austria, They Were Bhoolul. At. tlm First. Congregational church, last evening. Harry Breck entertained I huge number of persona with n vary inbomating lecture on the early history of electricitv. He carried his Iiearers with him from the beginning through the various stages of development up to the pre- sent. time, dwellin particularly upon the tlibrent pnrta mu the method of mann- fncture of the inoandeooont. and are km from His courae.producta neoeunry to t 0 obtaining of tho hunenb and carbon: to the bran: nnd Lopper wires mod to conduct the ounent, and their methods of inculc- tion. He also gnve*t`Very'oloar on lumi- cion of the different mothodl of "w ring" houses Ind of "counocV.ing" the individual lninpunipouutinocirciiit. Tbolecturewumade more intorev-ting on noooum. ol thou loo- turer having them: part; with him And ox- plniuing their use And place in the In- tam. t. tho and 0! the lecture Iovcnl plniuin their mu plaoo III um nyl- tom. pmminont muons ox mmod themulvu uvory much "shock ' b some of the lnnnhnl" nl Lha Inntnrar. r. Brock ro- HERE IT IS IN 3|-|ORT OIDIR FOR "WHIG" RIADER8. l'IIIlIn J. B`. Chin mm, general store. Harlem. haauaign Pol. Amvnt. s lunaml oemu-n mt. Quoboo Wednesda Austria wil oppose the desire: of the Bnllun state: in regard to federation. The new ab-clan armored bttblolhlv Bnlktn Isabel xn regard to louorulon. The new botbluhlp Man was launched at. Blrkenhud yous- rlnv South Africa. .The week of June mh bu been for the convention of ohunbers of oom- merce of tho British onnpimuvhich will take in London. populi- the largest. Kontuok f uturity .trot.t.in, Lexingmn. Ky.. whio huvejuat. closed, number 825. The beat. in America enrol-ed. I I '1'... MP. has mhngd the liberal 'l`lmrsdny. While at a re in at church and an ad- joining ho-piml in Paris. remen found a bottle of medicine that the ' thought. was brand . It. was poison Mlj four of them have ied. Tim I` P R rnnnrl hnunn nf. (`.nrt.iAr. Rud- or the ban auquoa uuruer. Caron, precoiving hns no chance of being re-elected for Rimouaki, is feeling his way to offer again for his old constituency, Quebec county. Amar A nevam atruwuie of five weeks the hnve died. The C. I . R. round house at Cartier. Sud- bury district, with two engines, one of whiv.h was the big Mogul, No. 626, which was on exhibibian at the world`: fair, Chi- cafa, have been destroyed by fire. In: Mnnt. Rnv. Jnhn Hannenav. urch- 1 8c, 25c ca 0, have been destroyed by me. llhe Most, Rev. John Heumeuay. bishop of Dubuque, who bu been visiting Rome, will shortly lenvo for home. It is probable that the Rev. Dr. Tierne will be elected ooudjutator to the archbla op. The nmlimilmrv trial of John Kenrnev. Mc-Gill is indebted to W. U. MOUOHIIG for yet. nnobher donation. this time of $150,000, the income on $40,000 of which is no he devoted to the maintenance of the engineering building. and Min! on the remainder. 8| l0.001l, to the physics buIhl- I inn HITS. Capt. Hen. We ler hogs naked for 40,000 troops, and honor De Azoarr 3, Spanish minister of war, hna npproved t e requisition. The Spaniards have defeated the rebola under Macao, at Teneriaa lhmnoa. knllirg seventy-two and wounding am. The insurgents continue boeurrender in huge numbers. The: board of mnnnarers of the joint in huge numbers. The board mnnn rs joint tmtliv ussovmtion has al owed the desired increase of Lilo. on the rate on out bound gmin shipments via. hike and rail. With the opening of navigation the rate from Chicago to the Atlantic see board will be 17.50. instead of I50. nu heretofore. The all mil is 201`. 'I`L.. innrnnil nf who Illna of Rm-Vin tn dxlV. The quimuennial census of Frsnoo was nmde Sutur a night. It is certain to re- veul melnncho y facts about the French population. which for the first time, in ex- pecbed to be less than than of the British Ialnndu-. l..n n. ma Mnhnwlz rivnr hnann mnvilw. Ialnndr-. I(`0 in the Mohawk river began moving. yesterday. nndn gorge formed between Orikan and Whltseboro, N'.Y. Water on the ew York Centre! arm-kn is from two be three feet deep. All trains are run over the West Shore roed. M (`lnrhn fnllnnn nth]:-sand an an- the West. Shore rota. N. Clnrke Wullnce addressed an on- thuslaatiu meeting of the electors of West. York, last. night. at Humber Ba . when a strong resolution, endorsing t a course pursued by Mr. Wallace on the Manitoba school ( uoation, wns unanimously carried. McGi lis indebted to W. C. McDonald lb. .0 uunmhnr rlnngtinn, thin time of nn . `l1o Uuitod States secretary of war, yoaterduy, sent to the house of representa- tive: the report of the survey for A canal connecting lnke Superior with the Mississippi river. The cost. of such onnnl would be from seven to tlnirby million dol- lurs. (`nut than /nrlm' Inn Allied for be elected commutator no mo arcnmunop. The Xmliminary trial of John Kearney, chm` o with the murder of Jame: Agnew, on arch 1": and of Patrick Koarno , clmrged with ing an accessory that C. o fact. was commenced at. Linduy yeah! duy. 'I`|.n duimnmnninl nnnnun nf Franco was for his old constituency, Quebec oounuy. After a severe stru gle of live Baltimore strike of 310 garment workers with officially declared at! and the 6,000 garment workers ply for employment. deputies ' IXjUjnl-'o lth; out of \h`ol\y.coI cu nsnplo "$003. on. lovlolnu I One Minute Hca_dachc- vou \Vo_3`-lor nnd hmmr De Amarrmu. lonvjilm um `O23 ? New Spring Drgu Goods, in Alpnccit. Creponu, Sunll Checks and Silk Mixtures. we to 66 yard. - I _ `I 5q0`New Parasol; and Umbrellas from 50 to $2.00. New Tan, Black, White and Grey Kid Gluten. DIZZY ? Lace cogag, ksgiungu. Houiery and Corotl in gm: :6 In ' _ -hm ` P _...:4L-n n ' ujcn * To loioo Tho Oouyllrlo PI: tendon on - ' . IInI.vun- nu__ _-u_u-- \l-l_A-.. I.-. uh-an his I CW '1 In, DIICK, Willie anu ILIU UIQVUI. Col Q, Nagilinga. Hosiery and Corutu (rat variety a Ann 10 pxiceu. ` p. J. ` WAIHSH o lniontntho council uoo Iuopovror or 6 Iiody to compel the cruel. rall- wny company to quip blnir can with rundown: | Hnh.nIAnnln lnl and lu\ of BIIIIOO llocontlnu. I- fonds": Bub-oh-Int (a) and (p) of ohms nixtoon 9! agnomont between the city and the mmmnv. dlhd 9th III). 1893. loom MIG OOIIIQII? GIWG WW II , Inua, lvlun to be the on y portion: 0! o agreement. uppliqsblo to tho point. Sub-clnunom ptovidco. in effect. `that the cam and plum. ol the oomntny shall `be kept pfovidcl, In ortoou. `mu mu 0ll'|l nnu pans the oompmy he ta constantly in good roPnlr and n an ooiont and Isfontnhs cub-ohuu go.) rudlr `Tho qorporatlon shall have t right to auto Inch (Irthor I,-ulna. ngulm uions. onion and by-Inn mission to tho the oompnny "I am of o inion thnt hhose provi- sion: thtci y council may pun bf-luu, roguhbionl. rule! and orders, roquir ng bho moot. railway oomfvm to equip their out with tendon. prov d such requirement, in its performances. does not Iublmntinlly Impnir the right: of the oompsny. In for Imposing Ln unrouonahlo pounlu-y burden on the oompany. And. Ipruumo further. if there In nvnllnblo Ind procul-able a kind of fender {or electric ohrooh one which will. \\ho n apgllod. render the 0 tion of the company s can more sale or the public." sixteen 91 agnemonu between me may nnu the eompen{. In I803, -_._la...LI- In thn nnl-:0. umlnnx ln\ Toronto Stu. The attitude of the vornment of the dominion to that o Manitoba re- gnrdin he remedial bill is well ox- rroaaogbyithe famous dlstloh of lhrenzo )ow : UIIUIIUT \ Thu: nthituu HOW ' You own and you oim'i.. You uimll and you uhnn'l.. You will and you won't. You ll be damned if gnu in. And you'll be dnmno if you don't. Manitoba can hardly enjoil being trout.- ed in this way, and is u owing grub patience in continuing the pnolenl. confer- ence, while the dominion government, in abillbnllying and bluabering and vowing that fniiin togol. what. it. want: for the hierarchy gy coaxing they will get: it by coercion. ,250 dozen to choose from Ove} 00_0 dierent styles and patterns. `X71; anal] cynic n "`n'A nvnoi Ann `AP and fh hf uuu PGLECI IJB We sell yo a Tie worth 40 for 25c, and the best quality, lined with the beat of silk, worth 50c and 60c, for 450, or 3 for $1.00. CORRIGAN S cCO 24% V"; Large Size biight NWring Good} for Easter (-3. __ .__.____..____..__.....__..._ ".`.'. `Z T T; 72.1 '_`_.. 229 Princess Street. ONLY ONE PRICE. Old Whig Office. {Wall Paper! Wall Paper! We commenced handling thin llnngcvin Auutut Inst. We can now show n [nod lint 9! person tn whom wlhnve made union. 0 hnvo not had to uupply 3 sin In place on nuoouln of hronkngo or boning burnt out. Mndoln 4 sin bodiu an above, or w thout Ilnyuoir or High Uioomt. Prioo running from Oil 00 to 065.00. Every Range sold hm (ivcn nuwiufncclou in Baking. Hot in! Wutor for Bath: and B0- c . montiu nu. koooping fire over night. Durnbllity. Economy 0! -..-.xs.T;.'.._....._.-;.._.-_>,, , Easter Novelties`. . Fa11*1*o[1Ts% Active Range %mLWEXTRAVALUE 3 IN GENTS TIES IIIUUIIIIII I Oihy tolloltor Iolmyn has given his Enlontotho council who the power of I. hath no comnal ah: not 30 dozen New 4-button Kid Gloves, best quality. 25 dozen New 7-stud Lacing Kid Gloves, best quality. _ New Blwrk Kid Gloves. White and Colored Stitching, low prices. New Mousquitare Kid Gloves, Black and Colored, low prices. 50 doz. Newest Silk Parasole, 75c, $I.oo. $1.25. $1.50. 82.00. Lots Newest French Dresses, $3.50; good velue for $6.00. ' J . B8 & 90 Prlnoou Strut. Ladies Capei, new colon and ohaeo. 75, $1.00, 31125 - Qll . 3um;:.:a':.:.g:':n:;:*:,*:xa.*.::.`:.'.'s.*=:a.':.:'z.;.'a`:...a>-.'.}:';".:; w*r;:.:.: Iuplay and Ciro uu. ___.____:;;_u on ggcu _ TH_E oouuou. HA1: i.-own :-n,_---------_. Elmer Way In Neither Wny. An illn- v- 7. - `:36 P_rIncesa "ieef r CHAS. D. HOWN. `T . .... WALSH S '1 HENDERSON & co. Pinting Up and Down Down at the Egg: and up at the Bird that laid them. - -rt.-__ EPFC _.... ......I....LL-.1I.. AI... .`.-moi... IRIO Inem. These EGGS are undoubtedly the prettiest things ever shown in the city, beautifully hand-painted and all made to stay any place ._\-ou put them. just the thing to remind your friends of EASFER. 2 L_ OOMlllRQ;AL.. j - IDITIIAL IIOOI In. ' All. 6'! :}".:T_;:':".1`i'.e``J.`o`3:a';`:$.Au`.`.$':"`| '31" 00.15 to o. hI%oim fan 1: 34.02- oxtn, gm to O8 8 luau-Ilno. .10 to Q. `It:-3,11% Iokoo. 01.7 to um; Ontario lug lIA'|"-No. I hard lumobn. 75:. 1.4. mo I-U to Me. . 00 No. HIV-5! $0 &. 0-8 00 IN. g(`)]llIIAb-Cl.I0 to 01.20. -Jrovn-him. 17 to no.1 Wuhan In ;.:.__ unu`/oox. Iuuxzn. hrvnl-oox.. Noon. In. u.-Whou. *1. Spa, had; rod winter. In M; No.1 001. an ; oom In ufd: Dou.ln7d- park. an: or}; Ind. Inn .121; Ml ow Am.. 19: M; |wu:4:n-lonl out huv .nom: ll; 1 I7: on; o .outn heron. Dun . 0houo- the mod- |ond.Iln . 0oMon om-lo:--Amurlm\n Iii Inn-4 8-ad lspcuiate in.. .. IHDI "'9 Evoryluodyu buy! It and prion nu oar- uln to ndvnnuo. in crop the world ovor wu umull. . HIIDDHOI no small and crop out- look In lnonhlo. with uh demand heavy. W on or Pork wlllnhun tlvo hun- lrocl pot out. for ovory lnvennlcnt at {an- nont prion. Wt-no for the lamest and nut- book not tsublluhud on how tn In; In con- duo on he various no a nu. toonulnn VII No statistics nnxlull n ormnuon mou- nry to enable Anyone to hnnulo hholr Invent-' menu lutolll ntly. We coho loam Dull` Market Bullot n. which yumzu when an in what. to Invent. BOTH F . (7. W. S'I`AN.'4l'.`LL& 00.. Banlwra and Brokers. STANHELL & Bunker Brokers 0|-mmd Floor, l`r4\don nu1Td1n,oHIcAdo. nonnunonum nnum-n. 5:1r:n:'Ii.l:aJ .9-;dl:& VA Ihoapu. lmr MERCHANT TAILOR. "\1m|!"l:i'EAT. KINGSTON, ONT am Wash:-n King Street |_{IDI013ll'I.D _Illl,'l'nIo c mencan ouucs lmcrlcan crfumcs North side of Princess Street, ,'. next door to Hobart's (huh Lumbar! & Wolnh) Store It BOOKS 7?APE| ' I on the school Marriage. by | Thou um to In: '50` . mg. but. it. in mm. av-w~,.u_.L`Z....f3".. ` A. IIAW. MEDICAL HALL. D '0 A call sollcltod. woo: nu: III!` ncosnor. Ulurm Andrews. Fonh In uound again other an 3...." "......"'7'3u.?.'.'.`."n.u"".n"' `bid! 6 `IF. 0I 0V@i@ Innnnnngr. ...E .'.' .c 5...... "n.u....'""" und ludtollnn "Lumb- violinhl. n the nude. ohniounmx A {squad- innbinnl & LGnm an plyplnnnnwuucuonnr. *- mnou, Mu-oh 8|.--The home was in nation All nl ho debating the Iupply. Hour hbouo . tho ndxonl londor. o pond Qho Bondnn oxpodition and t o -nvnrnmnnrn Envnhinn nolicv. Mr. uulour aoolnrqu nu: ma nuroponn Iitulion vu nnclnnpd, adding that 3 Euro WI! In: no nearer. And that gun Iain vu no Jon involved in 0:: u-nag! trontioq, than I in ' the onxapodatlon wn decided upon. I`no honn Innlly voted tho supply. no me ports m rognra to me manwr. Joseph Chamberlain. secretary of auto for the colonies. tend desputohou from Cape Town under data of March 30th, aayin the roiiellioun Mntaboloa were we}! Annex ....I _.........l....h. oh. |l.o.-mu... MIL. me rooelnoua nuunoloa won armed And woromnling in the hhboppo hula. Mr. Chamberlain also read on ,duputoh benrit to-d3 : data. which said than Anti nu-nnn in Rnluunvn for Inn; lolh IICVL lorry `lino. I'0l'l'l'|'Ol. In-eh I). - Mic Mprtlu Lulu-an resumed homo After Iponding a not with he hrothcr. Chub! Ahdrewo. (Ian-nu fat}: I: numlul Aanln nnp an | WlNNll`l0,M.l the school I vm..... .... on 1.. tiouly enrxeu. tne representatives or man when coming to the sessions whenever they leel like it. There iea ood deal of rumor About, which evidently us some basis in feet. regarding the conference movemente. It in said that the Manitoba repreeentntivea drew that blood in gaining their point, that it was ueeleee togo on with the confer- ence until all rogrees on the remedial bill at Ottawa hed)been etopped. It is said it was in reference to theee matters that the cipher telegnmu were sent east on Satur- day. end it is lurther mid that no practical work will` be done until this in nseumd. The bill onmea up in the Ottewn house on Tueedaymnd then what in to be done in the matter will be made apparent. The domin- ion eommieelonere. it ie eeid, have come down 08 the rein in] horse. and their modeet demnnd 0 not look like the still` etull that in ng talked II: Ottewe. It in enid that I` Donald is completely die- henrunetl as to the reeulte no fer oi the conference, in which he has been nll through the leading spirit. III AIIII an Inn r. Loxnox, March 3l.-In the house of common: Ibo-day. George N. Curnon, r. linmenury eeorehry to the forei n otme, mid that ooneulu reports which ad been received indicated than there would ro- bably be I renewal 0! the recent: disnrc era in parts of Asia Minor. Mr. Curzon stat- ed else that Iepreeentntionnhed been made to the porte in regard to the matter. Jnmnh Chamber-lnin. eoorohrv ammo ' sevace BR03- Ufrlll Fuji UIIC. WIIIUII III I G | B mgasrr " ...;:*'..:!. nary! olnnnnwu ohm. ` nnvhnu ll--nah OI __"l'L` hang. up: not in on nsvlgetion between winni- en Lake Winni ,And given it the rig ttotnketolle on t _e river trnio. A Inrge government Iubuidy in con- templated. It was on behalf of his oonltituenta. the people of Winnimg, that Mr. Mntin ntood out sguinott oreltion of this great mono- poy. He demanded that much-needed an long-deferred improvement should be done by the vernment end not entrusted to private in ividlull. who have admitted tho they have yet to procure the capital in put into the enterprise. Mr. Martin continued the etrunle until to put into the enterprise. Mr. Mu-tin struggle 2:80 in the morning. whan the government gave in. The bill Is as good as dead, for min oouou at hunt. ll-.1`...-. In I-\AlnIvaAnf. um niftinu rnnnd oeuuon mm ems ma usu nnem. Col. Amyot'a dent mnkee the tluirbeenth vacancy in the house of commons since last; neuion.all seats held by conservatives. Thirteen is the unlucky number. Thu nrovernmonb haa received a des- Tmrteen In one unluexy number. The government putch from Hon. Joeeph Chamberlain, secretary of atone for the colonies. to the eectthut A conference on the Pacific cnble in-ojeot will take place in May in London. t is said to be more than likol that Sir Mackenzie Bowell will be one o the dele~ gates. and Snnlord Fleming the other. It is said to be the intention of the de- rtment of marine to connect the Cann- inn island of Soetwri by cable with the adjacent coat of Cape Breton. | mu be wmnuruwn. wnenner or non mm be true it cannot. be cubed. but at nll events, such rumor has obuinod consider- able credence around ne city. Another rumor has In that the conference has me- cioully ended. the representatives of ani~ mhn mmimr m the sessions whenever thev Pending of a bill promoted by Mr. noya. ox M mm, toinoorponto the Hudson Bay Cam: 8 Navigation Go, with oxtomivo nnd oxonordinsry powers. The bill, which hu tho oppronl and native unpport. of the government, ompoworu ch. company to oonurnoo 5 anti from Lake Winni to Hudson Bay. This tenure in. nnobjoot. on- nhlo to Mr. Martin, though the iouibility of the nsvigatsion of Hudson Bay in on yet. I nutter of doubo. The portion of the proposition to which he took decided ox- oopcion who that which bonds the Red river our to the company. empowers oopmon Wu was wnlcu usual we rwu river company, empowers It to do the Important public work of impmving Sb. Andro_w o Rapids, which In nsvlgtcion between Winni- ma an Lake Winninon. and rive: this eeeniou at least. Members of perliement are eitting round waiting for something toturn up. They are wanting their time and the poo- g|e I `money. Each member drevve ten ollere I dey for one hundred deye. yet the government : work this eeeeion coneie ol one bill read e eeoond time and one bu read the first time. This ie literally all (bilge government bulineee transected up to be. The all-mqnt. nmnga, wmcn wmp my- lor Myl require A man to take stimnlanu, and the oxcitomono and connement and had -in nun thn n-nlnl mhnf. `Ad nn fn (`.nl. `fho Hart of Liter llullooh. 15. V_ 4 . A F|0h,gd'a Daughter. by Mn.J. . Iddoll.60o. T 0 oxplolto of Brl adler rd. by A. Conan oylo. A mot's sudden deem oms morning. The sergeant-at-srms, who has been an observer for between thirty and forty years. said to-da that the experience 0! lisment was t at prolonged sittings re- sultedin death to some members. This extra session of pnrlismentnnd uncalled- for late sittin s ere responsible for waste of human vitality, of ublie money. for much had temper, or strained friend- ships and open quarrels. Valuable mem- bers of the house, like Mr. Calvin. of Prontenso, announce their intention to re- tire because of the demands upon their time. Business men would not object to is business session of perliament, but a fool session like this dis usts them. nl ArI\wnO.'l that mnlann Hus Huirfnanth W-uon a n | mor ii `E1115. 5.. A.` .....o M.- Tl-ll IUNIGT. THREIHEDVOUT nu ma HOUSE. wuuuuc lnnnuoa-xdvnnuon ornaa Ilvu Involved-Power: at tho quarto: Odin! Iron lake Wlmupog to Hudson` Han. Boy. Onuu. March 30.-It is seldom mm, as private bill engngu the undivided at- tention of the house {or I whole aiming, but tho proceedings of to-day were an ex- oo -ion to the gononl rule. Mr. Martin I in I vigoroua ght Against. the aoodnd Pending of bill promoted by Mr. Boyd. of Mbmuotm. toinoornoruto and one excmomono and connnomem. anu bad air are the causes that led up to Col. Azmotfa sudden death this morning. I` A nan-annnLnf..nr-nun whn hnl ham: an I! cum. Mlbobl to do an thing unless the mine bill be wit, drawn. Whether not this . L... 5...- is nnnnno In .r,.nu| hut Inf. .1! ms Hanson um 37." ICKUI lIIIIl0IlIn WINNIPIO, March 30.-'l`ho lnmj` m tha nnhnnl nnnnt. PAUSE IN THE CONFERENCE. 00. The all-night sittings, which whip Tay- or nu roumra A ltimnlanul. i3 1'. Blnoklo, I-Ila sayings Jn Doings. $1.25. QC UIIO UOIICIII oxpoamon Ind H10 nvurnmoovl I`. `an polio . M . Iuur "t the guroponrn Innlimn an nnnlnnnnd. nddinn that RENEWAL OF DISORDER. non we more aQhIVI,0 for but chit. we -5 IKE TIIII `I1! IlII1- Qrmolv. Ills. Much 3l.-'.l`ho natur- nlinuon oounhon in buy making citi- nnuoH.hoUni shut out of nab an onto uluaol rho . Then its any 0! Syrian: ham. and Tnrihh gonna- nonohu onhnd than all hone hr nur- vioo in tho'1'nrtln|I any In Armenia. In ode: to clap military duty in chil- uun Iund that an ruaonncltn nllctinnoo teacups mum volndlhoyuon alum! noun or In. -pun. Oounnnonm. 8I.-!`ho body olln. Inna Inna. hodixhuooa ..':.-*;;":*"..':.:.m"...:.:'1.`;'.`.' `$1 Alul-3 II nl-rnuuh Smuxtdmzl. Pm. March 3]. -- Ex-prank dent. Rnchvon. when loomnl in Scranton have around oonlidonblo feeling botwoon Protestant: uul Catholion. wn agnln n- uulud In Providence, I suburb of this city. has night. As howu sand in n Itrootonr 3 hrsulriooo 0! not was hnrlnd thtoughsho I n ow sud utrugk him on the buck ol the hood. inicting I Iorioun unnnml 'l'-n in than nhoh van nd but IIIIIOTI DUI IIII! I T-CK- I-`..x-mx, Ont-.. March 3l.--lu\st night. nbouc oi ht. o'clock. upross No. 10. on the M.C.., going oust. struck and killed a man who was walking on the brick non Pelcon. The body was picked up brought to Essex. where it was foun bethut. of George Dale. of Winghsm Cen- tre. Dale was about thirty-ve years old and hnd boon in bad circumstances for some time. hsvin been unable to get. work. boners on in person disclosed the foo; that his wife wnsin Detroit. A nowa- pdrer wping also stated thst. he and his '0 h been trsmping from place to .J...... Innbinn (`nun I-nu`: Inn -ntnn H-"A :l'ho COI n`r jlzokntoro. ` cot. Pncuu und Wellington stsf _ onlnrlo laglnloturo. Tums-ro. Much 30.--In the course of an afternoon meeting the house ooncnrnd in 3 good man of the votoupnood In oom- mutton of sup y. eonddorod some further votes. and udvnnood I number of bills I n s. The appointment. of a pro- \-innin hinhumv mmmiuimar mm! the ar- nne buck ol the mud. uuncung unoun wound. Two or three shots won red none wok choc. No an-an have boon snuggl- pd rou ping also smwa mu. no mu ml wio >pIuce looking for work for some time. ____.__.__..__ The appomuuont. U! \'in::\T |`:ighwn commissioner the ndituro of .600 for the western dairy arm wane the chief points dioouuod. the opposition nailing both those outlays. A matter of conuidornblo importance in the prospect of I satisfactory nomomont of the page question. A _._nA.... __ 3.,-1... Rudyard Kipling : Reply to the New York World's Ou. NEW You. March 31. ~Tho World you- tenln prints the following letter, which in gel lexpliuiabor : Dear Sir, -\our an gontion blunt. I houlil write L000 words or $l,()O0 on the oxt. `Why America Could Not. Conquer iuglond, has been laid before me. ll. irrimpoai-ible that I should accept. t, l0 commission, as it. would involve dia- cusaing the armed strength of the empire, in question on which no Brmoli aubjevt. has n infoimation for sale.-Sincerely yours, rmnuw KlPLlNu." (ion. rowan umyoon, ox mumo nocx. Ark., is strong for Molnleg. "There is no friction among the repu Iioane of Ar- knnnns." said the general. "they me all solid for McKinley. ` .lnlm M. Ewinar. of Milwaukee. who holds solid tor Mclunley." John M. Ewing. ofMllwnul1oe. l Senator Payne : proxy. said : "Wisconsin_ is, as she has nlwn 3 been. for McKlnl$ first, last and all t a time." \~ "' KHYUIII Town. March 3l.-~-Advieee from report that isolated fl htln Matabelea continues, the ritia great disadvantage in respect of e. The _deepatohee any major m and live othere have been killed in encounters and several men wounded. pt. Nicholson, in command at Bulli- o, nding the arrival there of Sir Riehn Edward Rowley Martin, recently appointed administrator of the lire in Bocliuanaland, Mntabeleland an Masho~ nnland. has telegraphed to the govern- ment here, under the date of March 30th, that the whole Mntnbele country outside of a radius of fteen miles eeeme to be in n state of revolt. After givin various details of the situation. Capt. gliohnlaon adds: l am afraid this is big business. and that A strong force will be required to settle the Matoppo district." em loy of Boyle 4! son, or am: town. he iunerol of the lste Mn. James Msdden took plnoe from her lsu reeillenoe. York Rood, on Sundny afternoon lsst to the Nnpsnee cometary `vault, and, was In ely attended. Mr. Msddenisreportpd to elowly recovering from the elects oi blood Jpoisuning. J. . Tsylor, lstel with the Rothhun 00.. And 3`. W. Moi-re are entering into psrtnershlp. and have purchased the stock and iixturee of George A. Blewltt, grocer, Dundes street. Mr. Taylor is widely and favorably known in the town and eur- rounding oountry. and will. no doubt,hsve a large patron e. Mr. Morris is also widely known. on .owing to his genlellty, will add many more friends. The new rm have the good wishes of hosts of friends and ndmlrersmnd success is almost eure to follow. John Coete will re-build the sheds oi the Royal hotel thst oollspeed with the weight of snow A low weeks ago. They are to be brick and stone ond oi modern struc- ture. and will be quite on addition to the R0 nl hotel hoetalr . . H. Downe , ogwhltby, s tSundny ...u|. |.:. 0-..: .. in rsuun _ 'l`m-.\.pm-,. J. 11. uowne DI vvull-uy, I nuuu--uu, ' with his (uni y in town. . Fomber, Bath. spent. Sunda with W. R. Gordnnior. R. J. Strong ialal up with an attack of plouriuy. Saturday ovanin lgar. three of our leading millinory comb lnhmenta held their nnrimr onenimzu. viz: W. Mownb, frhe Dernocratic-Republi can combination of the hveland.-McKinley jingoes under: it `very diicult for an American pertumer to irnport his extracts and ake an acceptable perfume at an acceptable price. Pay mother duty and bring them into Canada and then im- agine an American perfume that sells here for even 500 an ounce I Its odor is sug- qdtive 01 American politics. You can buy a better French perfume at halt the price. ~ -We carry a very com- lte line 0! French and griglish perfumes. leading millinery estsnllsnmenos now their s ring openings. Doxee Co. and the Robinson 00. The millinery creations this spring are alto- gether different; from lsst season, lane and tulle enter largely into all trimmings this season. and havee ver tasty effect, the dark colors predominating. The hats are somewhat hrger than formerly, and men of the Tsm 0 Blnnter nhapee are copi . and when trimmed no moat beoomin . What the India found most dlloult at th s time of the season was to decide what their spring hut should be, as the weather on Saturday night was not very springlike. THE REPUELTGKN cA'oIDA'r. The Opinions or Vol-lone` Mo Inbere 0! the llntlonsl Committee. 81. Louie. Mo., March 3l.-The mem- bers of the sub-committee of the republi- can imtionnlcommittee who held I! busi- neas meebinghere veetordey, are all out.- spoken as to their candidates. The followin are some of the views expressed : Gen. . S. Clerkeon. of Iowa : "McKin- ley will undoubtedly be strongest. for choice, but he is the weakest. man for second choice. and it in going to be a second choice men who carries oil` the prize. It is my opinion that Allison ie gm}; to be nominated. and for further rbioulura I refer you to the fourth or fth ballot in the convention." Chairmen Jose h H. Manley, of Maine: Mr. Reed is atail in the nee and very lnrrnlw AI . Hm fmnh. And what`: more he dency." Wm. Payne. 0! Ohio: -"Nothing can no )Mnjor McKinley a nomination. Ohio wil vote solid for McKinley." Hen. Powell Clayton, of Little Rock. Ark.. is ntmnlr for Moliinlev. NAHIIII, lurch 8l.-Uvor one nunurou of our dtiunl attended the funeral of J. W. Fuller, Tamworth, on Sunday Ink. The Bay of Quinta nilvray run n speoinl min tortho Muonl and Workmon who wished to sttpnd. Rev. J. J. Rico preaoh~ ml A varv imnrnlnivn Iurmnn. `T110 remuinl wished to sauna. Kev. J. J. moo prenom ed In very im in lemon. "The were laced nehe Thmworth vnult. De- c was for over twenty years In the loy of Boyle & Son, of this town. June: Mr. K9011 is stall in me am] largely at the front, and what`: more he cant. be side-tracked to the vice-preai- doncy." Wm. Pnvne. Ohio: ~"Not.hinq Aspoclnlilull PuIcul`_oI- 'l'n-1nnl-_- `llolnunoryoponlnn. Nnulu. Mn-ob 8l.-0vcr hundred nl nur nlhllnnl nhmndnd MIG fnncnl ARE IN FOR BIG BUSINESS. Val hotel hoatelr ' In ah. nnant. Sundav Tl-|l , Anus: lunarr.__- J ll0BABT'S I

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