Militiamon are pleased to learn that. quarter-mnaur general Lab Inadocided to recommend the Ina-Enold magazine ride as the weapon for the Canadian ser- vice. An appropriation of 840,000 will be asked for purohuoo. Johnny cannot get. uIodbongoodguna.nyt;ooaoon. .. O Tne bl!` at Ottawa in blamed for all the scandals of the lulu few days. The result. is n renewal of the agitation by senaible and sober men for its abolition. O 0 U The peoplo will be glnd of a chance to get. at Ottawa I change of governmehb. They have had enough of the kind that now provnih. unnv vuuu and warn noun----wnuv Il-vv nu-on peld ell they earned. and who, in some ceeee,erepnehed eeide to make way for politicel friends, end no, in heelth, become e eerloue clusrge upon the country. The enperennuetion eyetem was never menus to be ebueed the way it in, end never ineent to be undo the me- dium of loading up this young nation with I liability each an thin government has incurred. The money spent on idle civil eervente, on men eble and willing to work. would more than give the broken-down military men the help and compensation they I0 much reqnin. ` 1:DI'ro1iIfL NOTES. It is understood that 3 none school can- not be built by the public Iohool board by the amount of ln0l.IOy at in command. 3 9 wont. Bo'ln.d lled tho hear podtion molt. tbly in Iovoul station: in Ontario. I. I. .n- ....l 5.. In `-uIu...m AL. inn...` nl "mg%aT.T?.T&TZ'}Q:;:nn: ntIlUuu'hn: in IL; nhmnlnl. In thglt ll A Illniuunyul -III'Il IUUUIUIII Ill yuunrnh Eoiluoviudkibo wlthonuthoinoonnd hnuuhubhnoo.` M ' Thu that onoonpxiotlt naoundslw the govnrnnunlx Bothmnnuhouldbo ro- nu-n1naI' Cuun -n-`In `It in -nu-. nnaIanAfAl` ulw .I1yIIIIll$pllh lvvyl-I Illml IIIIIIIIII low It` moved Item want. It in not Iuggatod om uuytsognnua umuz mm. which they may notuoo iriloly ond'_wolI, but a poniioif. lined ac ngdlu than ind in nvnnll Muntmlknntinnn On mpg}. Oh: Anna:-ngn. `nu-yuan. --yawn -v nu'uu-n vuuuu run In mull contributions. to new the unorgan- ninn nl Klan Kn-n TL; Anna-lngn -nu-nu. 1 .3V5_E BB0?- ll-I UIIIUUI Dbl? IIIU IIIIIIJ -Inl-Dug pendon uh boon.p_IIIod by thohundrod, and without ranching I uullsotory ro- ad. but tho nation on: on the side of _.-L._ --.1 |......__n._ uunv nun IIIIIIICIIIUJI The Genedien governmentreennot pleed ny defence of its neglect ol thoee whoee ' ere now brought to the pnblio notice. 0 men who-ere out into reuimnenb from heated for etthe public expense much more then the civil eervnntewho have been In -L_- _.__..I -A_I _L_ _-_ --__- the military service in III-heelhh deeerve to ` lllluu vuulnllllllwlu. U1 IIIUUU up aim of the hour. Tho Amrjopn govern- ment, uh thtolou of the "continental Int. had tho gtfutut dllcnley 1;: providing. to:-than who boouno tho wndo oi the men. but an oilort wu undo in 1-IIIB di- rection, and In via populu-ly necked by who pooplo. True the `poifaion syntom of QLA YT-\lfAtI int`: Inn: hang: gluing!` Iuuv. Inna In-U I-Iwnau mdoy and Immunity. 'l`|u. fl. nu-Ii;-u gunm- Bounty I- tho wank oom- Edni`-Ih: tint vinund nchion RM and gnu I-alga. OI- lplnnou Ina top ouggleo. no -mo grief 0! the conservative Itnmp Bl`. 153713. n.l..I.....L.A.-I..:_ and lillnn mcrlcan Politics mcrlcan crfumcs The Demoez~aio12epub11- can combinatioh of the Cleveland-McKinley Jingoes it very difficult for an American pertumer to import his extracts and `mains an acceptable perfume at an acreptable price. Pay . another duty and bring them .n.a'.A_ 1-u_....4- -...| 51...... .'..... nooompmoa by nor armor, nun. UInr|,wno iuvcry ill.-i`nnk Clark has nonnnd Iucionlly to take charge 0! Iain toutonguu.--'l'ho wuhrhnodup an Inn: bridn botvann hrs and Hmnmv ` Udhlindudlh. Noun nun. A B.-Aruuou'n doilhu-gnhgn gin Buo- nlnn no wait an .........1.`... -" 0:. .91.` 3 Ano will alv- I IDBIDA, Apfll I .-' 1 I10 IIIOV nnu are leaving us var fut. --M ud lake cross- in in not ale or oven podoou-inns.- Munch Louie and Mnry Walker opont their Eutar vaention with their J. Gnllnghor and dnnghbor have returned totholr home at Portland after nponding uavonl week: at Camden Int, Wilton -nul Ilnronrnrnli. J` Inna-D. ILA an-n. '.Zv'.'}';'f 'Ji1.".'i."c `".I.'.'.iL`{. "i:'Z'.e,' "3 and HAIEOWIIBI -W ngrot tho d Mun (J T unntar nnll ilk Tha- mu I'lAl'_l0I`Il'II|tI.-W0 nuns nu unpu- buro of T. Hunter and wile. They Inn moved to 0don|.-0nndnn Walks: in gone to live with her dnughur. Mn. A. Anointing. Westbrook. -- G. Smith In! secured the milk route between here and lIu'rowunich.--Vioiw - L: In. Mrs. L. Storms, Wilton; Smith. Westbrook; J. Creamer And wife. Glen- vnlo; Mill L. Holmes. Invonry. IIILI. BOOK, April `I. - nun unmo Rynn rpm the Euur holidnyn at homo Ihrynvullo, Eating: county. - Mi- llnynvulo, tuning! OOIIDII. IIl- Jewel Wheeler bu rammed from Own? ncoompniod by her minor. In. Claim :-_.._ III _I`--.5 BI.-L I.-. -gag...-.4] NlSBET S| Aruoon no open acuoou um! um manor holidnya.-D|'. S nkie visited our school last. week. Mina lira A. Webb in vim.- ing friends in King!-hon.--A. Rochefort in visiting friends on Howe Inlnnd. April 7.-Owing to oods in the valley the pupils have had s long Easter vscation, school being closed for s wosk.-'l`homss Wstson has sold two car loads of pressed hsy to J. L. Gallagher`, Hsrrowsmith. snd loaded it on Monday at Sigswol-1.h s ststion.-Bomo fsrlners sro mskin sugsr. others lining up fences. eto.-- s we glad to bear that Rev. Mr. Robeson will resume his sor- vioss st. Slack`: school as soon ss the rosds srs posesl:ls.-Welcomo is thonsws slut. Sabbath school is sboutnto be no nod.-- Vlsibors : Mr. Rsl, Veronsgwrn. gets. and Mia Ids . Rod , Fennoy, at Goo. Ban- s; Miss Lou . Barr has gone to Bodford and Wsstport. to visit. friends. Fuonms, April 7.-Tho snow snd grippo Ara lanvimr us vnrv fast. --M nd his cross- mgua me oraer or we uny.-uur cnoeu factoryo edon Mondny, with a large aupplyo milk.-0ur teacher. Miss Koo- nun, returned on Monday after her Easter holidavs; Mina Abbott passed through here Monday on route to her school on the Burnt Hills. We are sorry to report the death. on Saturday lut, ol Samuel, the second son of Fred Nobos. The remains were laid in St. Barnaby o vault on Monds . The funeral wu lar - l attended.- in E. A. Borrigan left or rdooh to open school after the Enter hnlirh|vn_--Dr. Snnnkie vinilnd nnr at-hnnl '1'VIl`.D, Apm n.-ueorge ucuomuu, jeweller, spent Easter at Mountain Grove. ~-John Wett,of the Tweed News ste. spent Sunday at Smith's Fslls.-JsmoI Quinn's baby boy, Aged one your and four months, died to-day alter A somewhat tedious illness. Mr. and Mrs. Quinn have our simpath . Pressed hay dealers are still may; me of them um ordering fresh supplies, the demsnds having ex- ceeded their expectations.---Deelers in ricultursl im lements are beginning to a ow signs ofli e.-An entertainment by the committee of the R. C. church is to be given in Detloi"s hell on Wednesday night. . Brawn`: Mn.Ls, April 7.-Sugar-mak- ingua the order of the dny.-0ur cheese fncmrv onaned on Mondav. Intro at. J. Mouuuougxrn, ueaert. mu. on non- dny night..-Mn. W. Craig, an, ill for some time, is slowly recovoring.-Mr|. Curl is on the sick |iat..-The roupecba of oil at. High Falls are favors lo. R. C. Stael thinks he will have oil in three weeks. -A number of young men have gone to spend the summer with Uncle Sam. Mn. Q Q1-nunnnnn nnnnnol nannalnllv nnmv an IPODU WHO summer WWII UIIUIG Dllll. IIITI. S.Stevenaon passed peacefully nwny on Saturday; the funeral sermon wu preach- ed by him Rev. Mr. Meredith, on Mon- dnv. ed Dy day- Txcnnomm, April 7.-Feed is very scarce in this vicinity; some of the farmers are buying pressed hay from Hnrrowsmith end Ottsws._-'I`here has been no service in the Presbyterian church for three weeks, no students hsving been sent.-Miss M. Hickey, visiting her sister. Mrs. G. Berryman. lately, has returned home.- Miss E. Harris is visiting at Perth road.--- Our school teachers have returned from their holidays and school reopened to- day.~-A number of youn people attended the party at J. Knapp s, ross Lake, and spent a very en'oyable time.--Mrs. W. Swerbrlck is slow dy recovering.-Visitors: Miss J. Beebie an Miss Gordon, at J. A. MnM-a|mn'n- Mm, nn'v And Mini J. M!!! J. 1300010 and Mill UOPCIOD, II? J. A. McMahon's; Mrs. Dull`? and Miss J. Crozior. at J. H. Shibley a. Vi"- l(|I A b rm cu. hyu8|'.1I.8r':|tort`t. 33.25.. V very baa conumon.-A number or our yo_ungMpeople attended the enjoyable rty at J. oCullougb n, Desert Lake, on on- dnv niuht..-Mn. Cminr. ur.. oonsnsnea or ummp spooonon. voou am: In- strumental music and rociontionI.-Quito a number from here nttondnd the parlor social at. B. Guest roaldenoo. Mu:-vale.- brge ocks of wild goose have been noon going north lat.oly.-3ugnr-maker! no uay.-P. Judd lost: horao lull wook.- The boboggan slide seem: to be I thing of the pub. However, thanks to lb (or mak- ing many long winter night! cheery. uu:Nvu.I. Apm~'l.-'L'ne 0 ur lllpper given by the young bmhoorl succin- tlon" in the Orange hall, on the 3rd inst, ; wu lanrolv attended. The Dronnmlnei uon" in me Urnnge nun, on me an Inn... wu lsrgol attended. programme oonaisted o Itump apooohon. vocal and in- ntrumenml and I-ocimtionI.-0uito VnnoNA,ApI;il 7.--Su making bu oommenced vigorously.-- on are in I bad con it.ion.-A mun r of voumz neonla eniovnble nartv ' Cusunznuuq April 7.-Euterhido `ed V?! quietly in our vicinity. but lttlo `econ og to vary the usual monoaon .- Thc school In; cloud on Prlda pad on- dny.-8ovorol romovcla ore at us place in our midst. this wook.--A meeting was hold on Monday Int to consider the working of the cheese factory for the coming Ioluon. The factory will probably to-open olltho 97th inst, under we now hnndl, only men who hall from Bydonhnn'1.- yer mooviniln connection with Zion church will bo old in who paruonngo on Thursday next. Gnu Lau. April 7,-`-){:-. M y, Pnrhannhu the oonbfutof :1 ng ohooso f:otory.-'1`. Duty, '1`ic`bo,rno. bu nmhnud Finhroek cheat fuotoj-y.- 1-. Mord. our forms! school hubs:-.. inuvv Ill u |ulv s$I'vU up!-III _IIAlI III! seventy-ve cent; per Ion. - George 0nnnon | house than _ he I. elelgh nu away on Monday. They were on bated before they did much injnu-y.~- ha 8. Regen bu returnednfter Vilma; lb Welt: pon.--W. H. Fhmin bu purchased I thoroughbred oow.-- lakes. the chief roud for travelling. no now quite nnnfe. WHAT oun mans nus STAFF` or oonnasounaurawncra ` QIIIWOI llllllllllr IIIVODXII Oil IHOIIOK ID 01 lnh.--G. Bumnllia able to be out ngdn. --The non of Dnvid Hannah, nick hr some time. in noavirl .--llhl Addio Knnnolly puidthlsphoon. ylngytthinvook. Gunny : Loon, April i.-Bn'd nub. and Ilow travelling.-.-Our school [0 $94!:--T#9.%h-W-8 -. 993" IN. - amt nnunu .0 es. nn.u....| na...n.._ umnuou nnnuroex apnea noun.-ur. hfotd, forynu umber-,: is have renewing acquainmnoeu. -- Goo:-we Kalllin; has returned from Smith : Falls,-- Quito I number havoboan on thuiok lint of lnI'A.--G_ Bumnll in Ahln to In nut. nndn. .-FUIIQIIOOI -o`gonoa 3-lcliawf-`-'-'B1'rl`:::l*`|:`ving I sugar 'l:u no he c any ukingouoof tab: uvub lap. - rice of lymp nngol` from Jlxty to Ilon. Gannon : hone: guano to I Ihiwh 1-an Icysn agent ulo Isuur holiday! :8 homes: Mnynvullo, Hating: lnwnl Whanlur bu mmmad from Ouwaro. Btu. BOOK, April 7. Minn Jennie Rvnn nnunt. tho Ennc hnlidnvl :2 human iAlh H&_-|h.d`l Twnn, April 6.-Goorge McDonald, oumllm-_ ananl. Ember at. Mountain Guzmuu. April~7.-The o anpper wiven bv the vouulr baohocrf V?14on:s% M? and te on1'..n-an i;Absolute Cure for a ,,,,__ , w;o'_-g_-,3,-_;g+ geases" of the lqdneys - -'4'-`v-,,';1`;,-,,"-',%f_-`;.':f.`:'. 31'. " "` lollhlnolornuuntnnnnou round I new ups:-nor. nu: ma une- rloorning nilliuory with list C. Sexton, of Athena. Min Johmon bu npont P. Bhok.`wbohu been ill vi I. phoid . T5010 Ll .:o'uhotot.hiI oprin nn.l`:i(::d- ht. Thogrlppohnurriodolu number `r'*u WW -**'*' W, In-Ilunrllnotlnnhunonu lei-go Donn nouee Ior W. U. unnppel on Crystal Bay. C. C. Price has erected A water tank neer the hotel at Fine View. Mre. Diepolderie hevin her green house removed end pleeed ween -the store and the residence of George Eager; W. F. Newton in getting revere] hundred cords of etove wood sewed for 00!. re. The eneocintion will hen e ooel honee ilt u; an-hue non: `ha nnninn hnnnn, A The Iuoclnlon will nun out! nouao num. this spring near the `no house. A unlmol mm-Minmno in ochool homo this spring no no name. A nllool onurhinlmnb last. owning was well attended. Work as Jay Gardner : bout ahop in going full blast}. turning, ing. ulwlnq. oto.. beside boot build ng, bod: stories being in nu. nu-p at an mus. Bun Emu, Aptil 7.-C. Johnson has his bush: fnotoq in full operation, having rohuod separator. Min Id: Batu hu-nin: nillinorv Barton. Viloh rou llnd. You can gob the genuine Dodd's Kidney Pill: from my drnggiat or doslor in Can- ada 16500. I box, or by mail from the nun . Mndinina 00.. Toronto. Ont. ID.Iu Counts BAY, April 'l.--The funeral of the lube Mrs. Gmhsm took place from her dsughoer-in-law's residence on Sunday, March 29th. Mrs. T. Scout/,wifo of nformer blacksmith hers, died at her father's resi` dance, on Monday, from consumption. Visitors: R. Grsss, wife and son, at D. J. R.ankin s; H. Assolstine at his father's; Chsrles Lsoman at J. I.osseo s; C. Flem- ingsnd Mrs. A. Asselstine at J. Pi-ingle I; Mrs. Gibson. Harry and Jennie Gibson at N. L. Smith's. ` Rn}.-u-+, (`Angina Arlnlnhnntnwu Inn mnv. N. L. mnu.n's. Robert. Cousins, Adolphustown, bu mov- ed to the villnge.wbero he has secured work with the rnfhing company. W. Bleckley has beenlaid up for some time with a epreined arm. .There will be three removals here this week, Mrs. Davidson, mold and respected resident of Parrot : Bay. died on Friday evening. She has beene patient) euerer from cancer for a long time. She leaves two sons and A daugbtaer, Mrs. G. H. Squire, Kin stun. E. C. Carrie is to mend his th rd sum- nae. . If Dodd a Kidney Pills were not indeed "the beat in the world." no one would imitate them. _ III}... in J"rn|I!`l` nn who runnintn Huh % LAIRD. g..~..:._____ j____ upon you! Never let enyonewpm-suede you to buy I eubetitutae or imitation of the reel article you need. The genuine are at up in round. at. wooden boxes, white entering on blue hbel with rad hand. wooden ooxeo. ` with red bond. VA.` 4;. n nub. ow nu lllvor Look. Tnousaxn Isuxn PARK, April 7.--Tho rivor is clear Irom here to Alexandria Bay and the croaain from Grindabone Island to Clnyton in bad or foot. passengers. In a few days | nteulnor can hnvo a clear chan- nel {tom Cllyton 60 the Bay. The river in rising, bein About of hboon inches higher than Inc In 1. J. R. binaon has built. l In-go hon home for W. O. Chnppel on C:-uh] Bay. The mole used In the omce or U. u. Corbett, noted in Monday sWm0, is an old one, but J. A. Timmermen. clerk of -the sixth division court, uses a bible which has seen service continuously in this court since 1889, when it was presented to the late Henr Pultz, then clerk of the court, by Rev. ohn Leuer. Methodist minister on the circuit of Wilton and Mill Creek. (now Odeses.) As to Mr. Machnr's sug- estion thnt dilferent bibles be used for sdies and gentlemen, Mr. Timmermen suggests e method of kissing which a ludy iving evidence in his court once used. ter being handed the book she coolly onened it. And deoosited her kiss inside. Amer oomg nnnaea one book we coolly apenod it, deposited her inside. he bible mentioned was printed in 1829. J. Louee use nought. O nne my cow. The crossing between the inland and the msinlsnd is very unsafe. B. Pringle, of Stella, Ind a horse go chrou h the ice and hnd hard work saving it. he large ice- houuo, owned by the Leslie com ny, was torn down last. week. The c ildren of the Sunday school are practicing for their annual sugar social. _.. .._- -\-;\-nunt-In The Unparalleled Succeu of Dodd'I Kldnoy Plus I: oltoo the Envy and Greed of Un- nnrnnn nnn lmltntnrn. Il7l'l;I]lIlluIIl IIIIIIDIUTIO A kidney treatment in pill form was un- known until Dodd`a Kidney Pills oamojnto DJ mnmno mom. Who is defrauded und who pockets the proceeds when a counterfeit coin is passed you? Never onvonovoursuudo you buv am ammo. 11:01, ny mu n-o1 Dodd a Medicine 00.. Toronto. Ont. uaugnwr, mrs. u. u. squire, mn soon. spend mer here as student. in charge of the Pres- byterian mission. W. Speers,whois learn- ing the furniture and undertaking business with his uncle in Gannn ue. spent his Easter holidays at home. hose who have su er bushes are busy making syrup. J. i J. has bought. line buy colt. The nmenimr between the inland end the gnnmng unm me treenen nu nnnanueu andthedun can be re in-ed. Min Agatha Boot. end Gertie Hogle have returned from Kingston, where they have been for two month. E. I! la has left for Little Fella, N. Y. Dr. euler hu returned from Kingwon for the oollego vacation. Visitor: : A. Hen . Napnnee, at the Dominion hotel; G. Be 1, Toronto, 1% H. S. Davy ; Our Ichool anchor: returned from their mu ween, u one new new II m xorco. A meeting in too be held tomorrow night to he-orgenine the baseball club. Weltnr Watch hu reeigned his _ ition an anion agent. on the N. t . RR... at. hrkin I. and has gone into uhe store with hlu brother here. The bible ueod in the ofce of C. H. (`tn-hat}. nnln In Mnnnu n7nn1 in Int] ah` Q ` t\-_-4 A_.lI HVL- -___-I _..-A.... G [$70 lIHllIII|$Ul HID [It'll puuwnntnntion. About Iponl 1: 0-inch 1: lmprovenonh and The fund: derived nhowod a decided in- iugnnon wu ohoun by In an nl.-an-nan - -n.-A-.. noquuu we oolnmonl Illa uroeu vmn nova-0.1 foot of Inter and immense blocks ofloo. Unfortunate! thin puns atop to grinding until the realm bu subsided | Uffl I.-LIX Iznllll lacing 0! b. Al:n`:h.ohuroh gun he` `T mg H E Immune unou ortho you up lnunndnn |rIn0I'Il`utIll|cf.ion. About u n. a. uevye. Our echool eenohere returned bender, expecting to reeume echool on the 7| . , but are prolonging their holiday thin week, up the new luv 1: in tome. A mating in ha ha hnld tn-mormw mun up ulna? -nowu n aoolaoa un- drone. Irgnlon nov. 1`: '1'. b, as clergyman`: wu-don, and the meeting umnlm ohotnd John Ellison u launch : I n. `Hanna: urunn wunqucnm no not an udnnun. Tho gentleman olmnn u to the dioeonnn I nod were: '1`. G. Wi aon.Kings- ion; 3. Hurley, and G. Ferguson, Oduu. ` - Alnudhuuollud. Wood. I mile mehomupuu.ouwunua.yhu,m. nonnuniolvu unltadeollu lluulo Wilson of tin Oownnhip of Camden, by Rn. . ,Dlbb. Tho lunbv oounh. ._.-.-----... IlVIlOItIIodi1.l|C6IrunplI' by uoorp unou, * The homo of I lad wu dllturbod Int Sundny night by I 3 out It In not known whence tho lnook onmo nor whither he aumuy mgnt by guest. II`: u not Incwn whence cpook come nor whither he went. Petohence he rcee from the turbu- lent end en wear: 0! the mill stream. The most In practical joke on April lutwee treted by the swollen Intern of Hi! reek. which eweptlewny th her of the mill d d e ell theP.:.cmmon:`:i;3 | mu mu nooung unlnnnouu ovoowa Joan Eilitou u pooplds :1. `Human Gnhnn wuxcqnutad to not ddclnnn. Thu Innhlunnn olauou nddmnmntahho wuoon or me uownuup or Uunuon. by in, The luppy opupln. with 0 nuubu of friends, out down to A menu wnddlng breakfast. They will uh I! thofr ubdo on A farm owned Lu annmn ma`: uunyvuvull W. 1 taken choir: on. The of (II Onugpl 1 I.--The annual ` no-ne of b. AIhn'| ohm-uh in COLLINS BAY CH RONICLES. -_.TH OLABOIQVILE. BE NOT DECEIVED. l.l(:l3g. I Baseball Guldo. `ARE THE. BEST! They gin nun muer. Norway ino Syrup cnroo eon ha, ooldn, honraenesa. oroup, sathma, sore tiuoob and All Inna tmnhlan. onraeneu. oroup, all lung troubles. Not. one in twenty are free from some litclqailmont. caused b inuooion of the liver. Use Carter ; Little Liver Pills. The result will be A plenum. unrprlno. They give itlvo mlief. Nnrwnv ine Bvrun eounrha. ooldn. The Best Bomody for Horn: Is Putnam`: Painless Com Extractor. Rapid, inloaa. its action in: marvel to I" who an tried it. Fnn_oy getting rid of painful corn! in twenty-four bou. "Put.naIn'|" does it. tea. Mrs. wm. ucmwsn II in. most of the farmers hnvs started angu--making. Miss Ms gio Wilson has sn-wed home After an a see of five weeks. Miss J. A. McFar|sne has ne to Perth to work (or Mrs. Wm. Meig on. Visitors: Miss Me- Cullouglnaf. the residence of her _sisI*ar, Mrs. Mclnbosh; chief Wilson and son Lloyd, of Carleton Place. Are visiting M. the home of the chief's father, 0. Wilson. P. W. Clement. is home again. __ - -,..,........ ..... ........ holidays with her sister, Mn. R. Whnlo . Severn! parties took hoe lately. one at Copeland : and W. .Donont I and an- other at E, H. Wdln , Enter Mondny. Btolln Jotllfl. Bram, April 7.--William Ohown bu rebumod from Toronto, where he attended the grand lodge of Chosen Friends. 1'`. Calvert. spent. Sun y amon at. friends here. On Monday vening, arch 30th, while the scholars of school aooblon No. 6 were returning from school, in crooning the creek runnin through Mrs. James Flemin s farm, t a current caused by the recent b aw capaiuod the slei h. precipi- mtin its ocou nto inw t. e stream, wbic carried I. am rapidly down the stream till Cnrrtnln Planning An!` lulu nua- l|3l`B8T!l Dlll Csptsin Fleming and his crew, To their rescue uiokly ew; And by the time y aid they nu. Saved all from A watery grave. Two lime girls were being carried down the stream. but. their progress was arrested by camhin on a. wire fence. - Another wee saved by ctnbing on e cake of ice, and there remaining till assistance arrived. All escaped with nothing more injurious than e bsd fright. and rather a oool bath. H. Filenn. qr.. in an the sink list. Mrs. I DBO lfllll ana runner M)0I DIED. H. Filson, ar.. is on the sick lint. Mrs. S. M. Smyth has returned to Toronto alter a nding a few weeks at her father's, apt. Poll '5. Mrs. Polly in slowly re- covering. {The sailors are leaving us for thoir summer : occupation. The loop- yonr ball on Easter Monday evening was a decided success. The music was nbl lup- plied by Prof. Benubieub string ban . lluuiion T; 750- u3'6'9ur. mo. nu-.l.lno. . ` Eills :"" "`.'....'..':*.:'.:*~....., .3; -u " , ` to `J h. n 6 WC 6}. . u _ n . $5 oolhl nah. I:olvo_unou oxgnonh. one lnuruon. 5!: . CWO 9 3,95 1*; '`i'::;,f;,.':'1'.5L.*3"It3:a`;.*n-.r,=r.*;.':".t*;:-z an I-dice Bunnyelde BI-evltlee. SUNNYSIDE, April 7. --Mr. Williams eele of stock and implements was well attended but. prices were law. He has moved into the city. Albert. Ayleeworth takes - eion of the form. About fty eaten ed the At Home" in the echool house and enjoy- ed a sociable time. good muelo end refneh- menbe. Chairman Uorrie. of the S den- hnm road. and hie stall" have widen the road throu h the bent: for w on treio. We think 0 e train hands of t e K. & P. are accommodntinu. an the would rather atop the trnln than kill one e that stay on the track. ms was the cane reoentlv. anop one urmn noun nu came mar. any the track, my `gym: the case rooently. Farmers and gaiieneru are busy getting ready for spring work. Mrs. Jaoo Hm- pell is quite poorly. Viaitom: Jolo h Hay- cock. h-.. at his uncle's: Min lurk. of pen quite poorly. vumom JOI0 n nay- cook, jr.. unole`a; in lurk. of Adol huatown. at. Maloolm wlefs; John G. arpell at the residence of hi! uncle, H. Harpell. Elphln Epllodes. ELPHIN, A ril 7.-Deeth has entered the home of Jo n Ureig, Misaieaip i. and claimed their little daugbwr Lux. "Mr. and Mre.Oreig have the henrtfel sym- pathy of the community. W. Bel! r re- eeivoda very severe cut on hi: hi last week. It is mendin M well u' can go ex- pected. Mrs. Wm. clntoeb is ill. Moot .1 al... l........-.-. I... .9--nu-I nu.-.-,on.I.i.u- ownou oy line into rnbriok Davidson was sold last week by the oxooutnrl. Charla Daxidson puwhued the form. Arch. Steven: the house and lot in thin VIII 9, and Daniel Davidson the vacant lot. in Day. Bxoolxvillo, in spending her Euoer hohdaya nu-t.iaa took nlnca lnmlv. mm .0. . VIIII IIIIIU I'I" I Iivulill Lnrm, April 8.--Far1nerI are beginning no to maples and expeota run. Rev. Mr. guxtnble preached Jo n Votery a in~ fant dnu s funeral sennon in the hall on Sun ay to A large gatherin . The bereaved father and moi her have 9. a sym- nnthv of the: entire cnmmunitv. Manle DGPOBVBG [BUICK EHO ]0l IO!` INIVO (DB IylD' thy of the entire community. Maple af lodge is in u ourishing condition. L. Johnson is moving to the village and intends to retire from farming. A number of farmers are buying feed for their stock. A little dau liter has come to stay at. Jahn Mi`ler a. . Guthrie, proprietor the cl: ese factory. has prepared fo the coming sulnmer a work. Visl rs : Henry Stoness and famil . S denhnm; William Waters. Cortland ; Lilac Grace Henry,Wilmur ; Mrs. Clough and daughter, Devil Lake; Robert. Lake and wife, In- vernry. -:n|_|.|_ n_n--.n__ T DI-owning it Ilene: and lanes: 3: the II`!-run. ` DIM` `Apt-ll 8.-Not much N`b!ook mud g ...:`',;'..u.:..,. 2.. I`. ...,...m hr, from West in painting `our- for ` Alex. hvonu. Gan-my Do Wofo luruoonrod the plane vunhd by W. Nlblook u blwkomith for A. Savant. Herman Johnson bu sold his houio and lot to Edvm-d and In the Con- bnl hotel for 01.000. Wm. rah raooivod con :-load of salt on Friday luo. Alex. Stevens is buying all the syrup In on I03. uugn nave nob neon found. Thou in about nixty foot. of water when they went down.- . A J Im.....a :. ..m_.. - _-._ n..._.I -1 L- COW?! A. J. mood in ma; . new kind of hu. row, the teeth not with I Tho coun- cil met but Satnrdn yo] I the nunbon t. A. G: in ocoupiod the chair. ur Allyn. Bmi `I Falls. wu hora Int. Satnrdny visiting his Iimr. The property owned by the lab Patrick Davidson . _ _ . -_ ..A__. D. "Sunni Bwvonnon, Suki ! . lost 5 run! horn: in the lower lako Tunn- y. in-u.,Bwnnnn and two coal Inn atoning tho lake, and not hing acquaint.- uf vial: it. drove clone to the Narrows." whore 0119 too in navy` good. The team andfront bob-Iloi I: went the II. hav- ing the hind aloig , box and occur II_ on the ion. Thou was no he in t. king bolt, which probably ION; she ooounnnu . now, wnlon pmnsbly and the oooupnnu ' from a vanity 'n.vo. Thohonuu nor Ilelgh have nob found. Thus in about nixzv f$f. of rat`! whnnn (Jun: -Ant. EE"rhaTy7"r{iiei""".'-i"u't2'r'.' '1"i.""p;e' owlrod by Lab Patrick Dnvidgz Sold hat wank bv Mia nxnnnlnrn, l".'h-u-I-a Kidney Pllls Kidney Plus .. Rem `mbor.. DOAN S Kldnoy Pllls Kldnoy l?|l_lAo DOAN S With In (or our Iuutlhl land I of In-plan. , I an In swim` I * it I lion; . "Barium Aluovhou \ Q. -...| ..._ -u-- ..-- n....|.|.; nu.._ ` DOAN S DOAN S E "i'i.'I'3". '.'.`8`i"' 5."? 'n'm'.'; , pmbsbly n wumry inn. The horn: 'l`Id Bits From Llpllllh . n....n n 1:-........I. ....|. . nun A {The People's Llle Insurance 60., Tommu, Issues Policies on evefy pla \ of- Insurance including Ordiiyry Life. Limited Paymo-M Life Endowment. with or without profits. De- ferred Premiurn.` Annuity Bands at low: rates than any other corrpanv. - .. lO5`We_lIIrton streetf Ottawa. Head Office L n of the Company. ~ 1 um. ' ' ' ` t Sold In bottles at In. 1d., in. 9d., 4:. ad.,|nd 11:. each. None In genuine withon the word: Dr. J. Collin Browne : Ohlorod e" on the Govornmom. Stamp. Ovorwhelm n Iodlool Testimony neoompanhn nah bott 0. some M:mmuc1-unn--J. T. DAVENPORT. as Grout. B\ Bloom-bury. London. Eng [New Spring Goods for Eastr` @ Q CAU'l`ION-BEWABE OF` PIRACY AND IMITATIONS. CAU'I'ION-V|aoo-Chancellor Sir W. Page Wood stated that Dn. J. Comm: Brown VII undoubtedly the lnvontor of CnwIton\'NI:; that the whole story of the defandunt Frooman wnq deliberately untrue. which he regretted to II! had been sworn to..-Su Thnen, July 18. 1d,.,8u. 11:. Noge zonulno wighqn, tb_o_ w_9rd._| `ma. . all P_aper5 m . V I _ . _ .,,.. mv at-rum uo.`.i?l'i. iZma3:".`5-`i n':$?`.fJh'Z.sK3o;.`$1231 .. . n.3{'i n'..`3'..37.. mi with eny medicine in eiouaioue as am Anti-spasmodic and Sedetive. I have used it in 0011- eum tion, Authme. Dian-hcea and other dineeues ; And em rfoctly ntiued with the null." ` Earl Ruuell communion ed to the (`mile e 0! Physio `em that he received 0 dupttoh from Her Knjentyh Conpui at Iinnille to ghe e not tint cholera has been raging furlnlly.end Ruuell oommnniontod Phyniolimn Consul the cholera been that the only Iutuinv f anklorvlce was Cm.onnn1rNI.-See Lancet lat December, mu. _ CA no -BEWABE or PIRACY AND m1'rA'noNs. Pane lCHLORODYNE- are the finest we have eve;171*t(ad' Crossley s make of Carpets throughout. to be had only at the Carpet Warerooms `of ` Brussels are also very fine this season. The TAPESIJRY designs are very superior. NICKELVEY BIRCH READY MIXED PAINTS, GLASS, PUTTY, BRUSHES, PAINT OILS AND VARNISHES WHITE LEAD. DRY COLORS, RICHMOND &_9_. F`?!-V-:`\V 7 It i` E0 our loam. How my oxpnu churns on oumu_L up ` LEA An Pmnms' DVIII VI IIUJUICIU II IIIIU l'I'U|Il'IU`|All'3 Worcester; crosso & Blackwell. Ltd.. London ; and Export ollmon generally. !_ 3o dofen New 4-button Kid Gloves, bet quality . ` . 25 doien New 7-stud Laciug Kid Gloves, 5...: quality. New Black Kid Gloves, White and Colored Slitr "tr . P New Nooiqnitue` ma c1oves,.m.a. gnu Cnlorr so doe; Newest Silk Parade. 75. 01 on. #233.` 8t'. h ` . .,' sold Wholesale by the Propriqtors Wnvnnatnr 0 T ' w. R. MoRAB 4 co.. A319. K'n%-ton. In good assortment. at bottom price. AGENTS: J. M. Douglas; Co. and U|'qulnrttGo., Montreal. olrrnxnn wnxppmn _ V of every Bottlavof the H ORIGINAL . WORCESTERIHIRE This stock is now complete. and Don. Ixprou Goa The Axminister and Wton Carpets .. LI..- Won: .1. cqLLn*EbwNa5 IITAII. IVIRYWHIII. PRINTS ! osssm rim "rm: 8IONA runs % ` _ARPET .. _- _ L THEHORIGINALAND ONLY GENUINE CRLORODYNE 5-..:.*:..'":`i. .: r.:*:..".:..'.':.::.:..*:..`::.::': :*-"W lnurgliloogx-sown for Ooughn. Oomumpuov CHI-0RODYNE 3`x1.'i;`n`o?.$E1'.?A `u'>`,`.. .`.?.'.'`,"." '` " "` "" " CHLORODYNE ::'.. '*""'~ " in tho only palliative in Nouslaln. Ehoumuthm _ Gout. Cancer, Toothache, Meningitis. oto. CHLORODYNE '.'.`i.`.`2'.`-.' ?$`232f'n .'J2.`E:.% L`}ZA.?='i?' 1| Brock Street. Kingston. If Landaonl at so-.reIn-u R.`T WAL_,{DRON @ @ `DEPARTMENT Vooohull cut: uhort ll stench of Hy- steria, Pu pltntlon and puma. coocnnll check: and arrest: than tot; ofton fatal I (Human: inhthorin. Favor. Oroun. Ann. i SAlICE. m aw:-m.% ouaowmv mass m - PRINTED B Scantlebury, 9.0- Bax I30. an Inn DI-uuuvvuu J, I P.0. Box 830. lellovlllo. Ontario. - Nora: and Layout | Hi. LII]! nnoty . gll bonus. ; n '3 BOOKS II 0113 .... WPEBI M I J toulnc. ram VII! low- ; Yof Br! dlor Conan ylo. Lnnlkrllubud-` .KinZ MEDICAL HALL. up u-ova.-pg. name an American pertume mi! 36113 `here for even50c lnaunoel Its odor is sug- of American politics `You can buy abet.terFrench pdrlmne at halt the price. '-"R-3--`_IU'!l VIII u- --Iq IQ __&5&C Vb.&`ny.Iuu-ohdn __.`Ifj $-ngg-has canon`:-mwucna. Alqqanlh Iuqnndob lb (hu- &n`govut-dh 0;. `ha ` d: uiihy. tip, h lnjinlhlnnnnnsu L..g_. __.ln.a eeenintheendienoe chunber. The Dunn Journal. en independent eoneernve pper. in authority to: the etetemeet that Sir Richard Oemrngwe reprimand 0! the drinki 'oeI of ---g -.-.|..-. u... -an en. -nun In __ `uncut unaounualy ursouq jnnd Mm; drinking; 3 ha antic`: nu lnjuy but I grater public one in undid hind smug nanban an . -uuupuonuu vmauy 3:: onto nuaunnt. | anally pulhnun cun- noiouu Du Intlanhlullylho :1-an In nuIIInbndinn|rlinnnhndh:ndiL It ia recalled that Mr. Greenvvay vvae onoeareeident of Ontario, that he lived in South 0'nteHo, that he wae a conserve- tlve. and that he had to leave the party be- cause of In nmeeaonable high tari polioy. Removingto llanitoba and engaging in farming, he has grown in knowledge and experience. and atanda todey no one ol the eonndeet politician: in the dominion. Ia he deairoun of returning to the commons ! It la not likely. Hie health baa not for aome time been good, and he has been obliged to leave the hard work of the gov- ernment to hie oolleeguee, two of whom, Meeere. Bifton and Cameron, lately acted in the oonferenoe with the repreeentativea ol the delninlon government on theeohool qneation. Mr. Greenvvay in being urged to-nerve again. health permitting. in the commons, and he may do ao, in which event Mr. I ...-.:.- -till L-.. 6|`- `IA Al - rennin -kn M BI kl HI I Douay}? offao. ' 8 ""' us. VI - ,....l,..,... .. ...... wuvuu ....... noerhin ponon made an interruption in dobwo, but was not recpomiblo for what L- ..:.I A non denite itcm in that in the Oh- tain oorrupondonoo ol the Wicnoumhicb up elm while Col. O'Brien Inn adduc- Ing thohouno "I ministerial member at our him holpleuly drunk and smoking I Alma. '9 It -An hm OJ:-0. "Ln |u.A Ln... uuu uuuynuuunl uu-nu uuu Iullvnlu` I cigar. 1: In: added me "he Ind been -In gll -uh-I-6 --ul hgtl Qgb-n -l.:-L-- 6.. IIIIIU VUIIIT Iv u-nu -u ouvu anal vuu ` connorntivo pnpot at the capital to- unto the roloctiona of Dr. Mclhy, of Ilhuul-haul: anal tlnnlnu.-4 in ...g..... 6l..5 u then in no :'.lrunkonnun in pcrlimnont and that men in an intoxicated state are not ,-, .n_ . ,1 n -nu uw Inn uv -v, nu w-uuu vvwuv nun. Lcnrier will have the aid of I man who understands the tuna of the prairie pro- vinoo and North-Went better Mun my Inn now in public lilo, nnd who will lend lnoompuflblo proltigo to the new govern- ment. It is hoped the rumor is true. WHISKEY IN DEBATE. One could infer the condition of things in puliuneno when Sir Richard Cart- wright. acid I continuation of the orgies would provoke I personal attack on some people. And I demand for the Abolition of AL. 3..- Since. then the roportc have been had man closely, and the meaning is un- .l-..L.....I -1 . ...........-.L 5- AL- -u`....s L|.-A vI`uI- :1 Wu. -nuvu vu-v uv u-u vvvu up I" night, end hedtnkeu whiskey to keep him alive to ho was needed In part of the ninieterinl mnjority. And thiaoomeusolnndnoeoon slur the `rho corner Bookstore. Oil . Prlnous and Wolllngton so." nu vnun Inw 'lVl- wnxmr nnT'1sn II nu-. O|EgInnl.,$I.pnbllnhod oven nth: morn- n psldlnndvnnouo rwho u . a. W .;;`!`a`..`h`n.'; .`P::.a:.:2: -:B_0!0f!Viu., , _... ... nuuuul uouluumvu-v uvno vv Irv Cu Iluv -yr-V- eentative of Manitoba. Hie plece in even eelecled for him. He is to be minister of the interior. vioo Mr. Dely. lor whom A search may Inn to be mnde after the next election. A bigger failure in `not on _..-.._..I nu-nu unv-v unv-nu , ---u vuv Invnllllls nu un- dnntood of A psngnph to the offset. that - .go.i- -.4-.\.. -.:I` g. :..o-.......n.... :.. vulva -nu Ivuvuvnvuu VI uu. anunxu , U` Woodstock. And docluu in essence that AL-.. 1- __ .I___I.-__-__ __ _-_l!,____L ,___I % .'rs':'.'.`."..':". .,.. ';."'..:.'. .: ..` UIIIUIIOIIIIIII cl ' or Inn: uhuu ulouougohdod. ldnpooulol-prof '*||0 un&`_ onummu no u ooasnes navuvum. ' we won; .. ...`.`.?':.?...';.`Z. . .`.."`\2: g;:.':s::~g;. us. . -":.-.::.~:.':- .::- '`0|| out I $3150 head on Ali lot on. All adnrflrmtnu no I` 10 any at the urn us or. on 5%.: ....~ 1. 1. .3'.'.`.'.'.`.L""""' mu of unincorporated g_uoohilonn___n nan ruuu vs: avunuva--q. The air ab Obmwe in full of political n:- more. anda great many of them are of course based on ction. 0ne.of the latest. is that Mr. Greenwny has eet our. for On- `tario, that his deetination in Ottawa. and that hi: mieeion ie ho confer wish Mr. Inurier in regard to his admieeion to the liberal oabinet.,t.hab heie to be as the repre- ____-n. _-- L-.- 5.. L. ....-A- -1-.. oh- ..'.-9. u`mix.'.?""""" ` .1 1. E a_"-;_ea,,;;,;r,;;.-v-;.:,: :`;..*:'..":..m.`.'.. I work: -In i-wr"5. 'iE``v vr'.'5. :E?_'1r i:'r`.sE ITHBA WDAILV WHl(.. 08 o-..?-- ..... ., l nouumluuounoomon . it no in lit! lb. In-uauoounu ;`:a....E' " wk 6 loo. .. inch for out &.I1nlInmnlIllI 0!." .wnl:Iod, for 31:.` 63:1 . anything llIlUID IlII ulonnouhdod. lluunnu` *:,'.:.....-`-':'.""@.:.....'E1'.'.';..'.'.'I3`..' ..`.I...' I` Int ~;'x'u``."i .n` =01-o thdcivo. 0BlRT'% I For Member to} Kingston m "can vplcn. mm mun was 1. pun 03% H II! nolouu CVO! Kl mod to u'._!.."v. 501:?! F3` ".'.3".;'3.X -`'&L`Jm'1.`.'s ""' .` "' Mluuuoa nv '....n3 ova-.wo.puuno. uh uauoutlvo rtion, la.` -* I I in lines and out, loo. " '00 a In. 3.` I--uu In uuv Iununa uutnvuu vl Lnoubonwunot tooq-rp. It ro- :~_= ANNOUMCEM ENT. _ AIR FULL OF RUMORS. v, p n ,1 ,,,u_-.:_ "OPVGV P09` Orlnm Dioor. rl dual iiiilalo sd' 0' _|`:mn._ pouonntl-: uopoxutblo -v-.--..__ ..__.- . " `I337 "' K _ ug - uduod nu wl':1a.l*nwnoxI,:'I9I_|.ID!|'1'- Th6 Amnzln `Marriage. by ~ 000- ..r"h| 750' Thou rtofLIf b w.H uuuoon."'Iao. " " A Blah Man : Daughter. by in. J. H. Rlddoll, 600. _ okplom of by A. Conan ovln. oz in our .: Ill and he pnuou. . . B. PINSE, Proprietor VB. PINSE, nun. mm nangunauwr mo monnur Inn on: nptbonmmdto-dnyiaulwoot and para uvbon at mpdo, notwibhoundi the A-ttionloflonopooplo tho the 0 win I-ocnn halos lowing Canada {or lnglnnd. Prof. Buddiqknlaohunn of chic: nude in New Zonlnnd. I. in Inuit; aid. in unless Inst. -um uu`--nu. a nu. .---cu-an ---u n-- sun: cheese Ii'nhNoi'w Zrlanl , Iila ' 8 non . 6 O varygoodthn 3 or no .Pm!`.l|l.I`I:_liok?lnoupoIIeuhf|'onn onen- u non o o nn`:|hImlin|ll collection or on up noun TM in all put: tho world "pon- nglho mammoth chute. II inclu can length ooutnwony earned on between wuurn nnnmnun md Ella. It is said by expert: tint the prevailing colors of eyes Among pnnienu of lunatic asylum: are brown And black. Grey eyes are Icsroely found. Members of parlia- ment msy therefore turn grey as A result. of these exhnuobive night. and :11 week sea- .I..... -lbL.uaL Jgngngn On AL-in Lggl..- A Io-lldc 0! III Pan. Prat Rudcliok, who had clurgo of the construction of the mammoth choose which won tune for Cunnds no the Chicago world`: fair. but I portion of the cheese still in his pouodon. It VII received fromnghndoftaor the Inonaur out nnthalmundto-dnvilnlwaat. and mm In tho house of oommons, on Tuesday night, Mr. McDomld insinusbod that some members were bribed to support the government by promises of oice, and Sam Hughes distinguished himself by calling Mr. McDonald. I "hls.ckgusrd." Of course he had to tskoi: bsct. The Pnbrio announces that Mr. Ouimet is retiring from Laval and (tom public life, being disgusted with Sir Charles Tup- por, hi: loader, Ind dilgustod with the in- briguoa sud trickerieo to which he has been exposed. All the name he in on active spirit in the I o.ampaign. Ul uuuuu UAII-tlnvuvw Illauv nuu nu vvvvl Iionn without bhgir brains. A local lile ineurenoe expert. contend: theb e women in good health en the age of forty-ve is likely to outlive e men of the name ego, because she in, u e rule, more hempenbe in habits. and in lees liable to Accident}. Henoeforth wealthy widows of forty-n can be oonaiderode permanent mM,rimoniel|nv.eetm:nb. . The foot that the world nukes and onto each year 1,900,000 tom of butter And cheese ought. to onooungo young men to neck on education in the production of these commodities. In means I living for the farmer oi Eutorn Ontario. now tint the had crops have foiled to produce crops of piano: and top buggies, to the want. nief connorntivo ltnmn The Orange Sentinel compliment: the lagislntnro of Ontario on its splendid work, and doclnru that "the work of luv-making in this province in in we bands." Score mother point. for Sir Oliver. 0 U 9 Sir Chula order: A continuation of the siege on OMMVI, but goes to bed as usual and when his rut. Who ever heard of a oomnnndor who wanted to root on n owery bed of one while hit man fought. wi (bout food and sleep? . u `BEAUTIFUL EFFECTS