`"'I' K ` H HUI uuuuuqa ......."- ""'-w"""`-..;l"*u`.!*r:.*`.?.::'.f*"'*.....`' not I In nlualo he zine-Iulhluo. but adios] at- .IV0ll MI. I . look I dun cl nnulhl bill In chum voIld|IvchIuIpoIlFhtNI.uI|lIn- sin ti hunwiulcotluybvm -nlnnnak lopubllcsl llnnhwlou. Wlnnlnl hoe Pnu. A space but column in width and our- nnnnndlnnly duo is ulna in A lending Q MIIIIIU E..'UI-IIIII New York Ineuongor ho a have been rohlbltod from wearing whis on while on uty. 0! course they an ID libort to war all they want while of!` uty. That -um: rowonlblo onough.-Dot.roit. hm P:-an. run uuu nlnuauuuuvu. a.-vn -uu-.--. there in on! 020,000; for omul ur- , 8486.600; .000 {or A lortnig tly uhin communication between St. Inllnntu NQII KI IIIMI. ..I.._..-u.-... -gnn-lg: nan A lauonblo Regulation. V`A-L -g-Anaun- Iuuon Kg: COGQUIOOXIOI). I hnnnln. __,_- ..-, fh A'n`\;;lv ` Twlvnrrlau. by 009 Orocmll. Bo- "r'I-I rt fur a W.H uulIoo'n?$ao? " ..':.t:.~. - `I'M exploits of an Adler by A. Conan ylo. ---~- I lllogsl. .-A I.-. I... Th " V` mt TOI-LI on TH: non atm- % `1|onAoAm.- Acociuponuu nuunooin an m- tnnoloallluiuooucl nluuouo -l.I|Io|II|cn Ulhtlh Good. KI!loIli`A l8.-(To HM Editor): In reply to I" letter of the 24%|: IE. I Am nhuad no no bhunbjoe oi boll! thon- ngluy uuouuoa. u nruuu nu ma nuke the piototho truth. an mm oonuquenb y be productive olgootlrooulu. lam lorry, however, that you bus on boullv dmntoruhd in tho manor. as am... m-lnnlnln. m nmunt Iln nnthhnll nl I ' reply to "l'. WI" macro: no mm mm. 1 an no thunk ro- ughydlwuuod. M` II at _nu movie to the llrom prlnulplu, u M ch: qneltlon. Thou onnoud "W1" um: `'.I .. lI'l"'IUIIIII. nuwu will no em than who hobo I count cum-u-y co the rulooofnwun uvonnllytho advan- eumro. And to on that tho toll system use on udvontoro I to toll you who you already know. It won sud Ill In 1 non- mou ndvonturo than Im boon o htndnnoo sud I nuisance, and Iholl ho lunch so long on It am. Now tog bbi but Into their nnturnl order my boqul on adven- tnro, bub nob In the some that they no to. 'l`Ino the road! mlnht botmor Inn boon but not In IIIIO IIIII may ID. Thaw the roads might oonm-noted by the count In quioo ovldont. mmmhmndlnz what . B. In to the LII-ll UIIU IVXIII IIAI Ill! VVVUUI Ijvv wvvun oou.nt` notwlthrhnln what` 3 totho contrary. t o 0 o no have boon ablo evorp:l`:\l,:o than to n` on Induat.ry--tolls are oerulnly |uoh-u:d boon Amount. that not only louver ndlvldond to shock holdorr but alro mnlnnlno a good- ly number of hmlllor. Inroly they could word to 7 "pay 1 dlroot M: unonnoyod that would pug tho lnm-out on their Innsb- monu In hoop the mods lngood 1'. II the shook holder: no not rhorlv _ 3 lair interest on their lnvorbmonu share 0 5 grant lnjuutloo; and that the country should` ray for the mnlnunonoo of toll oollooton 3 also nnjuqb. Bobh go prov that the road lh `d M '00 M` 3 . I`;erno|(`\nrt.Alnlv in pro blggifllllly in IQ roads should be lroo ubuo pro n There qeruinl in pno bcrbnllj-l.nru1 she not of building 12 o roads. The. no! lo of setting up toll gnuutn inc 1: on w o no lo lndum-ion: u to bomu-ho or onvel on other buuinuu Ioorulnly bu- bnrlun. and the rsnkooo hm-bnrlun. upon!- nlly when such might: have boon sully nvolded As shown ubovo. We |uve.howovor. a certain roopeot lot; one 6 elm mnku us cling tonaoiounly to o d (arms and old uugu. and induce: ul to mod. any now than ht. or plan in A spirit: of wu-Inou. This 9, in many rupootl, good. but.novor- bhelou, it In no honor t.o'nnMquny to copy it: mistakes. m.o..n. Iglvnr ha: hum nnndamnad bv -:aLt1.Fa:::a.::'.:..':t;a its mistakes. Statute labor hue been oondemned by F.R. Thinie mioleedin in the mein, u we do not pro one to up old Itetute labor II I means 0 keeping roads in repair. el- though many 0! our rural made, main- tained partl by statute labor, are in even better oonttion than the toll roedn. Statute labor has this ndvunte e. that it niforde the farmer 3 chance of a- ing the work which he would otherwise heve to pay for. But still the statute labor system in pregnant with evils. A path-master ie ohoeen in each section, and ntheee understand but little about road engineering: rent rt 0! the lube: in min at. Th eiew y many rural roedu Are n such poor condition; end perhepe we mn trace the orisrin of thooe noent in man common; mu purnnpu we can trace the oriyin letters condemning col ronduto than was cause. This evil could be overcome by engaging competent and pnotiood road overseen; and could be onrriod out. most obotively in the councils. 1 oonuidor do- ing uououtlabor on in public road in un- just. and the more public the road the more unjust. imio. The council could on- ageiabororu toimprovo these roads And mve the just proportion chnged to etch nu`. '1`... R. using how we would discriminate except b a toll system. Disorivuinste against w at`! If he means ss W" puts it sgsinst those who sre remote irom the city our answer is: Disorimimtion just here is s much dis uted point. If we no slltnxed alike an the inner school sec- tions pey more than the smniler and more remote on is. and yet sil receive the some legislative grsnt. end all acknowledge it s wise plan. Then what reason have we to telk About discriminating sininst our less fortunate brethren who nreo liged to drive much further to dispose oi their produce i 01' even if it was decided to do so. msny must have me e in his letter would con- clude nil sstisinotoril . This disorimins- tion uneasiness ust ere reminds me oh pol s I-mes. sun-melting s uge snow'r?iTn d siter they had it oom- plated they knocked it down with showers of snow bulls. It would hsve melted, you know. I .m uh-Ari whssm I not. that I.00. less scrutchin s oi the pen than F. E. _ know. I Am asked when I got that 08,000. Answering. I wrote it as an estimate And worded in no. bub F. R. ohm the order of wording in his quotation or argument : take. or ierhn from well: eyes: and than he up t. o pu He does not want mislead- ing uummenb. Kindly allow me to repent shat. with emphasis. Hnwnvnr. we'll use about how far thnt. that mm empmum. However. we'll use how hr utiznato in sunny. Now if the city : net. proceeds from bolls nmounb to 03.000, it. in self-ovidenb that cho grou proooodn Amount: to considerable more. A.-.iu 1 thin} In in nn nnhlr Antin-uh: In oonaldornole more. Again I think It in no unfair ostimnto to any that tho nvorago [armor pay: nearly twice at much toll in tho country going to market and returning no he pay: on the market. [am told that on one 0! those road: there are five gates. Now, boulde- thouo goings to market there in u very con- siderable rive in other purnuita, which you to null tho amount taken at road guns. I think88.000 in u very liberal- perhapl too llberul utimnto. In conclusion I would remind I`. R. perhaps too nneru enumue. that it in heat to evoid qulbbling when he quotoe from an opponent. as ouch is sure to be unveiled even eooner then the evils of the tollayatem. end we wouldbe cued to hnvehim beer in mind. lxlndly, t et we have no war Ag-ninet the toll gate: or the road monopoliete. Every mom hee An equal right under the preeent stein of thingeto become a road mono lietl! he om; but the preeent etete of Inge with ree ttomonopolleeie oerteinly wron . en nowhere more markedly no then in t e toll eyetem. Lech 0! time vent: my further cor- reepondenoe but would be pleued to heu- lrom others on title lnportent subject.- Yeure truly. F.A. IOIIIII uucu um-puny. Kulonou. AV 0.-('l`o she Edluzr): Ra Riv. Mr. Black: New in la nlghlluuo about dnnoin : Hit uplumlon in an Isu- u I rhoulnno duck. Bun! Mr. Black man in Mill` that own orlln mil with to In nnnnh-`Anni. ll I$I'!fAh`I ll nnnnlhlo. Gun-. be man orummlu win no booomidorod u rupocbublo u poulhlo. and pouib thin may nooount tor the nu- tiuion of n1lio|n und Roman Culhollo In in no food 0 quash . A [tutor than luv. J. B. Black Add `Judge not that yo be nob judged."-On Wno In Annm- Gnu. The Onrnorlooluooro. 00. Urban and Womuton Bu. And lndly mark or 3 non n `Inn : nbillty on 3 N W V inns who also wrl for 5 living. Ir. Pbrhrhboolu than that be In n no ol about-uncut. um and nllnonont. n uanvko don ng In (Ho wotld, lovcmtlmublo Chi numbing my ho. Innulublouunbu ol Ihohunu not. what: Ihallhlluvou sun like olhil l0l- V IIIIIIUPI II no Iaulypup Hamilton Hould. Tho hanquob to Gillan Punt In the National club. Toronto, VI: 5 phunul and tndly mark at tlon of the can luau : nbllltv ml`! 0! MI |&u`IPUI0l&I'IhAlIXIIl- ' mm loath: Good 00:35.). ._o..n A... 0 _l'I"n hhglhll Ollboll ll NOIAUDOF n II: bl jg at up 1-pun. _ 01-nvm. .Aptll "0.-(To tho Ether): Durihgn ml olnohion nppuln for nnnorbvwill Iudebytoho prouuonmu n..?"' i`.-i'.ohot&on-1 "' "x'a"'":'u-'5 `I nzwm-M wo- n|:m. undo by tho ht: In oHholroldIn`ol. ng guilnonhoodglnshonoluo as in- porhl lodorngion. so much nommn would not ho wt-Mon and oloqunoo wand on this nbjoot were shodaoopln to India the has thus I led- on on of tho British onpin exists today, Inn fur ulho oonu Mug and conno- quntly auimgraung nuonoo of pro- uooninnonoolltcrltnlporta will par- mishtooxht. Innahru (hand: in conhucd tho nib II to Olh. ' Inuohru Quad: In con tho ovidonou 0! corruption and cl nlnoopniumon i and cod lnnlI7I no IIMI!.'.;NIlt:lIOI. ll: In 137! no run]. rot umanoo. an ' on-mo mum Tn . a sharp mu-go, 33:10,} um-nod (Ind III: M 0 htboon l'I- Juan udbyhoouolontou sud In-ltnn in km 1 31.: And other count:-lot: when It hung! a ' e no pox-potato Ian) was Grub om` Btluln In bola; than out o! the olvlliad Y 1,` union 0! the world. and I: now obli in" I tnun but may and any to form or T5 unndl on dolinoIIoln`lnvIR0l. _.__._,_ { ....K,ing` EANADA to no not Anny Ill any no good: on dohnoolounvagu." At Great Britain In Iuppoud goods aounooIou'nu.gu." supposed to he chu lnjurioully ahead by the very protaoobivo manure: Blr Elbbort and his party no uulounl udvoonh. it ms with rouon bo -Inn hint in him nun Q rink in lnthor nil Bu` IIIIJDIYI Iuu llll puny in ugu that in M3 one 9 wish in hchor to she thought. This in but ono of may man and pouy. not no any Mac unr- tlom hm tho honor and dlgniul ot the united In , tint no being nduntr1- ounly oirou and in this and oahor countries by the advocate: of protactllon. And no- oouno In I Inonufo for the hatred ngnimt bho tight um. talc," which In much I no- tloublo feature of our tlmoo. An u: at:-nnannh Mn t.hAl'. bind! the am- tloublo lawn or umoo. As She st:-angst ale that bind: the on- piro togohhor numb alvuyl be mutual ro- upooo and lovoyuuoh rtulona by public man like Sir Charles Eib rt Tapper must weaken the very foundation on which the unity of the on 1'0 recto. - A Inn 1:! ch. mun gun at mnnntinn unity ox the umpire no A III!) ol the noun outs of coma tion in tlih pluou Iinoo promotion wu num- du in Canada would ll pogu. ond &ho noouurlly bear A null proportion to t 0 whole. involvln 5 loss to tho people of mnny million: of do an. Inn non oou to ho nooommodoto of million: or aounn. Many pout the buoinou 0! In omen hue been built in mull towns to nuonoo the vote of the `I Anunln Ill IIII-II | electors. Canon houses have been opened :11 over the oounbry tn provide phoee for lmoel Iupgal-tern; but she not Iteal e mm by Iv ioh hundreds o mlllionnof dollars IIIVQ been taken out of the pocket: oftho people by the tariff and ut Into the pocket: 0! the combines an certain favored manufacturers. to i. no: -nml-nhnl-., dun-Ina thin on-nivnl fnvorod nnnuucturoru. It In no wonder that. during this carnival of unbluahing plunder, farm land: have fnllon In value loruy r cont. nnd In on. (cost of living cons! cred) in.` roporl. on, !or the but authorities tn: common Ienu teach that :11 such extravngnnoo in ultinnnboly d !or by the tumors nud luborou of t 0 community. Th. Mm. in onnorluno. In no hr at Cann- luborou or me community. The time in op rtuno. da 1: concerned. or loyal oitiunu ol she em ire to doltlw the inuence of the blun- to ng boomutera who bout. of their Ivor to oorrupt tho whole empire. 1: to using promotion thereon, no I our: for 0 a ver- Iy and dnainugntdon thoy have trendy m-aabod in aomo of in nu-ta. by she -uo~ F. NlSBET S| plvvvuuuu uluuvvu, In I vvuv Ivl nu: vvIon' th y embed in aomo porn. by oeufulndvoono of niunlnr mouuru. Nam Rnuth Alan Ind: hha wnv. She New [south Wales luau me way. bus in now ohoulder to Ihouldor with the mobhorlnud in her tndc lioy. Surely Cnnndn, the brighten Ind argon im in bho ring of British melons shun gird on the world. will uvoop from her path the band ol boodlu-I that now ban her way to im- poml unity.---H. Wuunuwrol. H lIIIl'I'a Snalwrox, April B.-High water aweph awa tube bridge south of Gordon's Corners. Hal the aoobion around hon are aborb 0! lodder. The proapocc of a into spring does not improvo the situation. The alternate thawing and freezing in some- wbnb impm ltioua for fall grnin and moadowa. his in nut an extra good your for an at making. Flu-more have a great. deal 0 oiover need to sell. I. minm inn hum varv uravnlant. for _:-n..-. A ll! 0! Good Advloo from one 0! Their Number. nu , A , 2: n I"ll_L .___A._ ....._L ill. Peter Molmn. Irom 1 pun ll) ml log boiuw the knee jdiut. has been unnble to leave his room for two weeks. ,1.-.5... 'r.ulm- hu hm-mn nnnmbinna on A deal 0! clover need to non. La grip ha been var prevalent _t.hroo was I. Min Wu ker ha: been 4-..".-.-m..lu HI urith it. hut. in rmnvnrinw. _bnroo wean. Mus walker nu noun dangerously ill with it. but`. is recovering. Her hthor and brother. William. are also ill. Pew` Molmn. from pain in hi: Ina h.l.m thn knee i`xint.. has leave his [or two ween. John Taylor has begun operations on 0 new bun. J. Smith goeu to Pu-ham to build I burn for Mr. Ayerat. Mr. Martin hu moved toJ. Vmluvon I farm. Pro- pantiona have been made for the opening of the cheese factories. nnuinn In rnnnh fnddnr il I lOl`iO|Il of the cheese memories. Bu in: so much fodder is I serious drew ok to I rent many farmers. Some who sold bay 0 esp lest your and the year before for C6 or 07 no now buying.for double (the money. This l! A very good way to fell behind. How much better it would be. especially when hey is so cheap in I you of plenty. to keep over a mow of hey to provide egeinet scarcity. for near- oity surely comes now end then. When it does oome. if not All uined for home oonsumption, some could disposed of at I good price. There must. be bad manage- menhfyvhen on ood farms farmers are short of feed. neloolieh move would seemtobeclesnin the burn: out every spring and depen in on the inoominf crop or fodder for u urge stock the to- lowing winter. Even in I you of plenty some who cell themselves good former: ore obliged to bar Reports from distant points indicate odder being sonroer thsn mum Newborn Public School. Sr. V.-Honors, H. Shnw,W. Gull: her. M. Ryan. A. Eaves. First. class, W. air lath. In T? _Wnnnm_ Qndin Mnkinlov. A. W. Jr. V.-HonorI, Sandie McKinley. A. Duncnn. Finn olua.F. Singleton: uooond ohm. M. Piano. st. IV.-Honors. G. Envoa. M. Denby. M. D: vol. A. Shorts, E. Stanton. First. clan, . Shaver; Iooond class. M. Leech. H. Father. W. Riohnrdl; third oluu. M. (Ann. L. Tact. J. Gallagher. E. Footer. F. Loan. P. `Putt. 1.. Brown-ta. J. Lnyng, G. Gull her. Jr. .-E. Oullcghor. R. Grothier. L. Barker. 8. Donb , L. Johnson. Sr. lII.-J. oriu-lay. O. Froomnn. B. Saints, 0. Donby, M. Cunning, G. Knis- mp. Mb. Jr. m.-o. Rlohudl. N. llorhrity. L. `human. Iynlo Shunt. A. Sploor. E. Gorllino. J. Moduli). L. Davis. L. gngloton. G. Brynn. M. Bpioor, M. town. %`.'.'3.'.T '0 IIIwIIIIu-- Hnuovn. Apt-ll 7.--Grippo in quite lent. And marl all an nlfoohd with 8. Our uni uohoo opouodon A Hub. and in ourl in; under Minn L F` olninc. of Am ` uland. Tho recovery of Ml-I Bald: Boots. who bu boon oonmd to her home for Iwowooh. with oryuipolu in her in planning to her friends. `I in in 3|-at - douund. {.3 lm 890 an the 1' ruling cu. Olm-In Boon ha ronud tho In smith .1...` huh nnnunind by N. Wormworth. IOIIIIQDIIIOI. Nlwlulu, ' I 7.-John Jcnninso la EIIQOIHII III: nownhod. ohu Isnngntlnhrn hbbauo. The union thin vlelnhy no plant! :0 hovingulltlllnnkbrvautlon. Juno: Shun Inn third to Ir. Pntnonh Ions. II: lholio Wolhnh In unva- Chu-In Boon nu wanna use blnoumnn tho may occupied by N. Wormworth. the mar having moved to Oloync. The iuhnb daughhrol Kr. and Mrs. Pndorlck Oolo in dangerously ill. An two you mun Inn I-churning from Andy Burch- uihthlnnunt. In! week. at Oloym. the hon-onnuuy Iuvin tho boy: to unit ....a nun! min lnnnonu of the beckon onus! noun. vwuon: aoun Built and dust. II Chris Guy's; Ind Iltoholl. othllolltdnlln. 0. Guy. "WILL fui PIOPLI Poutn. xlvuvvu III Ivuuv vn no: u-. -_y ---~. -_- udulndvoono New South Ales loads the way. She I nnw nhnnlar ha nhouldnr with sA__ye9E BB9- IMPROVIDENT FARMERS. mzms 71 [H]; msmcr] oi-not 6r-,tH:'A'aTIaLu mint vaomwv unwu-Amps. nip Ian at lloodoulnuol Iupo-nu nuuuu-rnwuuunn In as con- tvunndlnlhnnh-ulllallnlifllll "-ClT*CUIC$CjZIZ` uthiliono ` lnvtouun `Na with Gnu coll too Kinglwnlun. Fred Btmnll bu boon tad vllhp clerk of Capo Vlnoont. `wpd. In to build 1 hr! ........'m"5"`.;........... n'v".:'n:u luv. nun. Imam: mm. or I nu-ly Ill: 1!. Katrina, 1 and on Sunday. Juan GONG. ol thlllnloli Btlll Illlrl Falls. bu no to Osklnnd, .00 ro- an tehln 0510!: V .......u... unnm ulm am In Olnvmn. ION ICIIII n ornoliuc McCoy whodhd In Clayton 17.. recently, hoiod only when your: o In; 100 an of ago. The by- w to bowl tho hark-Perth electric nllwuy for 06.6110 he paid am rending in the Perth town council. Corner lounge:-I are no pravalant In Komptvlllo that hdlu-have orgsnlud I club to protect. to tho nninnoo. Two mnnon w mash tron: the Cape club protect. at am nnunnoo. Two million Our Vinoont. hntoliory were mod in In 0 Onm-io, near Gromdior land, on Fri- da . salmon in the vicinity of Villa on loning mm castle from an un nown db- .... o.|..I-. (II. In vlnlmn ulhhin A law llllnorl In (I10 vluuuuy um nun -Iv ouohhnb ill: in vlom wlbhin 5 low Menu-1 VIII hours. hours. Mlu Got-tie Woodmff has returned to her home in Cape Vincent door Ipondlng Mm nut. two months with Sydonlnm the Men I TL. friends. The Wuurhovm bureau oi charities in: tiny cord: of nova wood for ale to the to- -ulo of compelling bnmpl to work for oholr dinners. . Edvm-d Hognboono. of Mnllorytown. unintentionally urn named one of hla tool with hi: on. wk 0 ousting wood on a "bee," I low days ago. Hnnnnh Komn. the vounz woman mur- "Doe," law any: ago. Hannah Kemp. young dered at Holland, Mum. Int. week. lived st. one time In Arnprior. A sum, Mn. Wuley Kemp. lives in Huntley. The R. W. & 0. ruilwg oom ny I ox- uurlion to Washington, . 0.. not week. wn hronized by 668 persons from out.- ern nada snd northern and wutorn New Vnv-E York. A movomont. in on foot boeahbliah in the county 11! Lnnuk, `a Mubuol Flu InIur- anoe Co.. to insure farm rinks. country churches, choose factories And other xaolabod bulldinfs. isolated bulldin . A. Frankvilfo! merchant, named Onl- laghor, has paid 0100 damage: and M25 coats to H. A. Crate, of Smith`: Falls. for having Ilanderod the labour by abusing than the scale: used in his acqro were not: scour- -0: Ate. Prof. V. B. Weaver. of Carleton Plnoe. while drivin near Lomrk with hirwfo and other In lea, A few days a 0. WM oun- front/ed by D ooded bridge. n Attempt- ing to own the party came to grief, but were rescued bi furmers. M... I... At. Ann. ninatvmvo nu-I of Paper OP UK A rm rescued b tumors. Mrs. Lee. At ans, ninety-two year: I ,died at the House of Indunbr on nndnv_ She won born in Edwards um. e, died the House or maunnr on onday. She wan urg, was the din hour of an En lllh soldior. and was wit in Ii ht of Z 0 battle: of Cryalar s Field an Lundy I Lane. The Unpnrnllolod lumen of Dodd'I Kidney Pllln Inxomu the Envy and (hood of un- lcrupuloul llnltntorl. A kidney treatment in pill form wu un- known until Dodd I Kidney Pills oumo Into use. If Dodd's Kidney'PillI were not) indood the beat. in the world," no one would imitate them. Hm In dnfrnudnd nhd who D00kOtI IO upon you! Never lob an one urlmde youto buy a Iubutituto or minus on of up ml article vml naad. \ Who in defrauded uhd ken the proceeds when A oounbarfeiu on n in pauod noon vou! III |l|4VV\-I V` you! Never le uu -uuuu.v__.. V. ......_.._.. ., , V,` you need. \ The genuine are uh up in round, this wooden boxes. whim Ototri on blue hbol with Nd band. V-.. ..... gm. mm u-nnuinn Dodd a Kidnov hand. You can gab the genuine Dodd Kidney Pills from any druggiet. or deelerin Cen- ndn at. 500. box, or by mull from the Dodd'e Medicine 00.. Toronto. Ont. amL_ level-el Sopel-ton lnhjeete. Born.-row, A ril 9.-Evan elistio eer- vioee. oonduoce -in the hnl for three weeks, will close this week with few con- vene. Tapping in the order of the day. A. Whitmursh is wearing A beautiful emile--it. engirl. Hillimu Howard made eying trndelnte . J. E. Johnson end wife went to Fm ville, on Monday. on business. Mr. and re. J. E. An lin, Bnbtereen. visited her in . '1`. Te r, hut. week. Mice Muggie Frye in visiting friends in Athens. operwnil well pu- leted. "Rose Terreee" tenement. 5 oo- uu ied by nineteen residence. Fred Gray. l)e)I:a, has been engaged to work the Shef- field farm on shares: Neil` and Weehburn have been cumin wood for their one- tomeru with ther new cirouler new. There is talk 0! in butter depertrnehb being fitted in our cheese (memory this spring. [Delayed in the mnila.] llII'I] -I- In mun-uly U-Iwvuu -_.-wry Ind Sunday. Juan Gold. ol thlulliou Milk IIIIb|I I hilt. gene Out. in can ngngbn Id unlit`: Flllllj: III wcun __IuU IVIVIIIIUI II- ..."".-.--...*.'=:-: 3......-' "=*:....`" .v\..`_ in! u |io"sm_u_1 =Tl=ea=dzTc. What is their cause? Can they be cured P They come from kidney trouble often. Doan's Kidney Pills will cure them. - i . People in "Kingston any 30. Here is one. Read what she says. Mrs. Presley. 190 King street, Kingston. says: "I have been a sufferer from kidney trouble for several years. The pain in my back was almost unbearable," and I felt completely worn out and tired all the time. Itried several remedies but got no degree of relief, and l was troubled with terribly violent headaches. When I arose in the morning I had J: very bad taste in my mouth an my tongue was much coated. uc--:__ n......o- l!:.I..-.. DH]. mucn COIIBU. "Seeing Donn`: Kidney Pills advertisemennl went to McLeod'e Drug Store and procured a box. They gave `me greaggelief from the very, ret.` Before taking them I hadn't been able to do I day's work for over a month. and [am now able to do my home- work with ease. I have notici- ney and bladder trouble` at present and the bad taste in `II month has disappeared, at aleo an the headachee. cal f_.1 BL- - --... gagagn ggul nuuacnes. "I feel like 3 new woman, and um lid to recommend then won- der ul pills to gnyone with kidocx troublg..hudcc'hc or him back. i . Onrloto Plus. {fan day: v'r||th J11: broth! h. \. ~.. BE NOT DEOEIVED. n Utpo vlnoom two monohn nt Ipondh; Sydonlnm 81? Filtlllluluvuvn --- - are the finest we have ever had Brussels are also very fine this season. The TAPEDTRY designs are very superior. ` Cross|ey s make of Carpets throughout, to be had only at the Carpet Warerooms of ' READY MIXED'PAINTS, GLASS. PUTTY, BRUSHES, PAINT OILS AND VARNISHES In good assortment, at bottom prices. McKEL.vEY 59 BIRCI UUHITE LEAD, DRY COLORS, RICHNON D & CO. i Copland Bre -! n`: 4` ` %',ngC ." [Too Pooolos Lilo losoom~6o., Toronto mu Tlj IUI' U-IIIUI Dluuon. April 0.-Jood is very mm `an: e --n 1 .._,3;::a:.a..': .;.,.`:.'.: _ . E` nmuhmm nuunnd or you Issues Policies on every plan of insurance uncluding Ordinary Life, Limited Payment Life Endowment. with or without profits. De- ferred Premium. Annulty Bands at lower rates than any other cornpanv ` I00 Wellirgton street. Ottawa. Head "Office of the Company. 4 Smut Dclallily. About or Dmm. Nona: Walnut. lnlubu. Halal Worry, Envcdw UM of Ouul, Tobacco, or Altvballt Slhnulanll, Ill 0! 'whIoh|oon|oudto Inunlmoonlunnpuonsndnn cu-ly|-ran. Wood`: Phonphodlmhubununad Iuoooutullybyhundrodlol ct-thn.tuuIIod .. __ .... L_.l 1.... o.......| rm Oh: man. uhnml nhnt-1->2:---9 II VVI-I II I Ilvvvyllvu-u-vv ~ -- lnhnulultol our 35 you: unsung Ihounldl otouuwm: unknown dru|.unul :0 Int. we hnvodlnoonua the hmnmwynndhumoka oomumuon umwul onooupmnpt and pa-mount ounluul uncut Ofluul, which soon loudto Inunlv. Oonlumpuonuul an 30' TN - monpnoamopu boon used Iuootuhnly by hundred: of mu um and almost hopolau-o|u| that had been tnubd by who most talented plant- ohn:-wuoa unuvoroou the verge of d-pull-and Annuity-ouuthuwcn tottering overthn 1-rum-but with the oondnuod And par-wring unqol Wood'nPhoaphodIno.Ghenouuthuhndbeongivonuptodlo.wun , roobond muunlyvlgorsnd |nnlv.h-Rud.u-you noudloedupnln-nomnt mp -Im r... nlvnn mu no u maunuhtho round: I: now wlthln your rubondwman1yvlorand|unlm-RuunryounouIIomupuu~-nomnr not who hu given you up ll lnouruhlo~tho rumody rowh.hyIunuyuuouhorutorult P-Ioo.ono pack-:o.t1:IIxv-olucudbzbynnlltr-olvomct - ` on-a:pam..u,..nu4m.~. nnpuunueoguuwq UL. 150...: na.-nan-m Illnalnnr. 0n{.. Olnldl. 0Iuwtllplnn,cu(Imnuauarv. rnnnpuuuuvu-:,.,......_.. ...____ The Wood company. Windsor. -. Onnudn. LQEIIEJ Wood : Phuphodlno Ia cold by tupoulbh wk and null druulau lube Douhlol. '1j_1;g nAxmlnis1er and Wilton Carpets - -4 ___ I_..--.. no-nu hot` This stock in now. complete. W. R. MoRAB G CO Afton Kingston. PRINTS I onglnom.-luuuuoo A n_._...._... __g_ lnul `Hunt for cum. _. A__.lI A Q...I I. .m- 7 I Brock Street. Kingston. (9 DEPARTMENT ' 7}; Manuradurers. Torontu .wliI continue in Edy Kn articlo that eats up tin clothes and ' hum your human. - V ~ does neither. Beiqf 8: soap. it cleanses out y wit injury. ` . Tru n `I'win.Rll'_ Ind VOH1 HE Wlu aInuhd&od.&6ouuI PIANOS _ ;. ~ Try A Twin-Bar. and yo_u W1; V prove it. ,4 , JOHN TAYLOR & C0 nunncu:naoo..naaonco.v`nm t`hdI'Bl'IhIlCG|Ol|lCO&O' wmaonthnlnowilmn tshuuanodqtagwhinu 'hAon no hndln In nnilnn =59_od Engugh I Inyuunjiutuuuuuv 3011*. mm ++oo '0-ONO-O00 9 `nu moms: and Latest . mnj ' Ann: unnlu I ' B: I . 13:`: ubal outdo "l~BOOKS 7 lPE/3| 7 -:-v-_ pertumer to `magnat- and MEDICAL HALL. EFFECTS -................_._. B. guy I for Member to} Kingston B; M; BRlT[Q._ 3' "'"'.'i'o."" '"""m' ` .!:'.*`*-71'.';;*::`:,:.;-.'r..:."'*:'.':`...:..`:t .x&._.. -":::':*"...*: "" ' "" . . ;_a:1'm5o33...;FdJ$%:o=.7h.t%?3 olhdh van {on no. . |-|!9vD."` - t Cl 00 our . `I. MIII !orn{'or3T|75_'3ii3 " mmtubne %.o!hum van .truE.Io-I mm M a or I o whirl announcement 31 r n on, 0 or noun] . n or promo anal. on annoy an onnoomonu snub- mm onnoononu um um- "`` 9. """ ""1:'.`:;,'.r,:` ".*:'.:::*-.,: -:- ~ 0% II bcwmc onm `Er:.x. -':a"u oi . .0 for 3%`; f'%.`-E- .".'."'\i'i!'-.%.I""'IZ.3.'.*...-*.-..,*;: IOI"|I ..' l'; o`.r.'-`l%,'$)f| ::5..::5':.;|r,.?`:y.ll`:'h":.I: we: 3 nine `W0 g|w'.`.9:? THE_ pA1{._Y wH1G.| :__. --' j"'--: - - ADDING TO THE SCANDALS. When Mo`Onrohy-Dnlbon, the daunt- lou-coorod down the government) boioro than Iooond reading of the romodinl bill, Ind intimated that some members were understood to be willing to norioo abom- solves. elm ia,go Again their constitu- onin ior 3 oomidornion, he won Ito:-med :1: by `rapper and his mun. He did not wiihdnw the imputation. but loft in boioro bho home an I nimor which could be ac- ogpkd ior what lb was worth. 'I'h.n M . m.n..-tin hm! around for tho OQVIIG I0!` Wliuw ID VIII wunau. Tint Mr. Moon-thy hed ground ior the etetonent he been mode eppnlont by the ennounoement that eevorei membere oi perliement have promleee oi Appointment in their pookote. end that ono of them bee been given hie rewerd. Mi-. Meeeon. M.P. ior North Grey. He he been e etrong eupporur oi the remediel bill. and he been eppointed now the oounty judge oi Huron. beiore the oloee oi the eeeeion. in ordortot.eke'|dventeo of A law which, peeeed et the int eeeeion, would deleteri- ouely eifeot hie ieee in taking ofiloe It a later deb. I. 1. _l._.._l-_._A L- .._L_ Al.-n AL. _...---., lb to eignloenb to note that the govern- ment he: been called to eocouno by the Toronto World in connection with ehle ep- polnunene. the feeling being the: it Is in the nebnreo! e bribe. end theb Iue ewerd end eeoepunee reflect: upon she edvninie- treuon o! juebloe, whoee purity le eeriouely open ho queetlon when men ere elected to the bench on eooounb 0! their polluooleen vice rehher than their peculiar legel nonin- menu. experience in the coum. and other quelioebione. The end he not been L...-I nl hhh `men, Pm-llnnent will be juluodin dimming it. and the liberal govornI?nMr!ItnI\Mu['hsttha_g;;1ipnn nlhv, ' nun: UI IIIII Univ. ruuucmuu-. vuu Irv ! 2::-::a:.'.::.:..-:9-_-'--I" '- --+- .:.-=*...=:-*.:;;=-:.:a; VI! rumor be ti-uo-and anything appear- ing In bho Mail and Empire mum be ac- oapbad aa a aorta! oioial announoomenc- Iha ramadlal bill la to be withdrawn next. week, and who law remaining daya oi the Iaaalon apona In paaalng Iuppllaa and in preparing for an appeal to the oounbry. The (am now in prograaa cannot ho andod too aoon. Mr. Weldon pmparly doaorlbed the aoono a the moat grotaoqua of which than la a rooord. n,_ .._-_|_ - _.--I. AL- |._..-- I.-- L--- in mun II I Ivuulu. Por nonrly o wook tho houoo has been in oontinuouo ooooion. ond yot doing proooi- oolly nothing. Tho loodor oi tho bnuoo. oilly old non. oonooivod tho idoo thot by prooumlng to foroo rooulto lio would ho oroditod with on lntonoo tool to ooo tlio moooun om-iod, ond otill ollbo hu boon obloto do in ontond tho ooooiono long enough owl: day to ooold llko o ol:-wiio. to ooli the onti-roInodiol- iotobod nomoo. to our up otriio. to put ovorybody In oghting humor, to drive ovon bio I`:-iondo into nbollion. than go off oo root. the rot mon to bodoooh night and tho loot non out oi it in tho morning. Tho country boo bod onough 0! this horoo ploy. oncllt ylll boil with ootiofoctlon any ovonl whloli will put on ond to it. Tho otortling Iooouro oi too ooooion. in oliooo lto dying niolnonoo. in tho rofuool of tho govornnono to lot ooulnittoo to rloo longonough toponnlt tho ropon of the Ivyoloonniooioo to ho noon-d. Thin ro- puo. oulooood by tho govornoc-gononl. Ioo loononlotod to too oouoou-y oi ooooo -- gggn an In ngmn Ill Ll... nlntl li nnhlx `$$%IVUuIUIIIIUUwuInt;ua Iuuw Iuooauinsuo tohiu. and Sir Charla `hppu to tnulruglatd Murdoon with gun dlouopu tn declining to protons lib the Imus. Obvlomly In I: go- `A; A. ah: nnlklnn -|n high 1%] II W Iuw In-auvw win the pnhuuhn hodulnd ounlonon) 0! lb qnttlon by sanding Ibo oonululun to Winnipeg. how Iulnoon in Ink ma- kty lkupuulll Iolullon at nu am. In. how cholully he In ndnrbmng Nnnltpnpollncul bulooa or turning. Rgnnnn-Ah IL: L nhnnlgnnal KL; I-I-C W UCIIT VI lIIIIUI.I 1'hup0nIIhduo\iIll'I|\0.cndsIo| -nnngnnnhhhnninn -IIl hn Inln LI It qpncu uHn`pupthI-ilgihuolonb Iluldnfuhdvohudsytohy. Io tlnyqdbd-hllvinlhngluty Ilhhldllllpwugno. ` _ _ . ... The Democratic-Ro:pub1L can oombinauon oi the OlIv't1o.nd.-McKinley Jingoes undo:-I it very dunoult tor -3 Aim-svlnnn nnnharnnr to `WWI `TC T WIC `C. pmuuuunpu will to tried by in vlaluihchrluwllhlnuot. - nu- I_.._a.. _._. ..'..L-u. - .... ._ u JOHN 0110 Aulounl "an '77, VIDWJI iulnoulh -nnInA1lI-AQ n llhbqhpnnlllngbulunglu Own. ANNOU_%-C BMBNT. EKG?" " """ """"" TEE nnon` yr OTTAWA. ,,_-_L-;_.._ _._.I -_._-I.l__ _. IIll,_yUl'U In-In v-an an-- ----. nah an acceptable perfume ... -._ ----_A-L1` ....a.. Egg. IX "VH1: Vvviwuuv In In `I: to do nothing with tho ._ 1. Anal.` Lg- Lnllaup -.n -,_ ,...____....-,_. W`-w I14? in palm: odon lon- yn M 01`: you n ndunoo ; Ind to the noun In mu 0! tho 190:} Job llllll. LII! Illu IIII uvu vvvu this `out. Pnrliarnont will be J) . _ , , __L.._ 1. _...I AL- ll|.-..I F;1?&?;1433'1$TZ '33 ; D `E%`w?S. 5i9i?s:sn. hop:-0001. ulna: Ihnuu. j ` .a:. T. T . W "'`' "* """' rouu on 1-H: non QUII din iortlu unodial bllllb will boin hll O `A`m. % ' B|r0hrlu '1'I1ppc-blanked` ,ohuucnd.E nulnuu-Iynhobdllsooehu dsywlunln aimed to llnlurloul "tholudor 0! (In homo. Tho lull Iqifllr. Iaurlu-"lnnnohod out In u gonna! munch on 8|: Charla Tuppur. Whoa? '.I.'hII`0|I no moo:-dot ltlnlnniud. . V I I I I *5. human tho nidtul bill dam. to the dniloly of Eughu, Emulation and Iodlmmy. who Mod qdnu 10, to no em. hm curled.` V Gummy denial the rumor tlmho In going to law tho Innlwln legislature to: polltlcnl urvioo at Oahu. Ito la null- and wllu-9 boil, and II golngtao hold the 9 U I Thea wee e lunny gure whlqh Sir Cherlee Tapper out when he undertook to rend Mr. Inurlet out of the llbenl leader- ehlp. There in ebeolutely no limit cache old nnn e oeprlgel. . . IQIIIID uvvwyls-wow ya--...-....- Qtnnnoeeptabio price. Pay _ A dutyandbring them Canada and then im- agine In Alxmdoun pemune {hut I011! here for even 600 .mounool Its odor is sug- - motive of American politics. You can buy abptter I-"ranch pouume qt halt the price. John A. Mobonnld. oonnrnn mom- bor for Victoria. N.B., bu doollnod ro- nomlndtion. It In nob olnrgod that ho ho boon pmnlud an oloo, but ho dooIn t Ilka Sir Charla Tapper refer: to the comer mm kick?-0 against his romodlul hill :1 an "lluigri aunt minority, and mi "con- Ipinbou." Thin in the my 6110 party in to be hsmonind for the noxb political campaign. . ` . 0 an y The Toronto World in dlaguutnd with pnrllnmonm-y lilo n It in now oxolnpllod in Obuvu. "Parliament," lb nya. "bu ouollvod in uofulnou. and the Ioonor it in diuolvod and tho members sent to the country the bowel-it will be for all con- ----..4I 7' "oomolnto But Toronto and try con- clusion: with me." llld Emerson Coau- worth, M.P.. to William E. O'Brien. M.} . "I! tho man of Shanty Buy me into EubToronto,"InyI the Tolognm. "tho oonohnion of Mr. Ooutuwon-ch`: parlia- mentary career in the any conclusion he would have to ta:-y." . U U " - Sir Ohprlee Tapper, heving relerrod M Mr. Devlin ea e llberel who Ind denounced hie ludor, Mr. Devlin roee end eeid: "I never denounced my brllllenb lender, who le to-dey the brighten am In the political rmemenb of Olnule." Mr. Devlin die- truebed the eorlee. end reterred to blue ehhl-Oehhollo on-nude of the Onnerlo con- eerveblvee. I I I Mr. Weldon put this. A very sensible sensible question, to the house: "If the British governmonh could not expect. to on then` school bill eh:-ough psrllsment In our monuhs before the grouse-shoohing commenced. how osn the Censdlsn overn- meno expect. to gee uhe remed sl hill through the house and bhe senate in three week: ?" And no one answered him. IIIIIIIIIII NQII Q: nuuuu Tho nu plomonmry oobimatu. ready for renntab on to rlhmmb, unount. no 82.- .Ml. 0! ch I nmoune than In charged to oap|u1Il.045.000, and 062,806 for un- rovldod iumu. The prlnoi I mm in 1,000,000 lor mlhh. char to capital for arms and Ammunition. For unnuul drill than on|`IH20,000; nnn. IARAMYI ,000 for A lortnln tlv poul, 8666.000; WONW !or lorunlgnuy nueauuhi communication John In Liverpool; 031.000 to recoup Nopthwut. mounted police for temporary relief uffordod in once ol Actual dumuuon, and {or the purohuo of need grain for die- trouod settlers; 896.000 for Iohoola. 000.. for the Northwont. govornmont; 090,000 for Onnndinn Pmio rdyyqlotmalnn - menu 0! mail I ' . " ' "I110 IIOI VIII ulugu. A peculer election bet. he: been decided by juaye Wood: at Btrnuord. Lest Janu- ary . H.Coultaer. councillor of Ellloo. accused Robert Annetron . lube deputy reeve. ol bein an enemy the bownahi . which the utter indignentl den! . Coulter related. end oered to 0010 he u.. T A wumr wu mnde And the monev Uoulber mama. mu onorou no new mu Inn was. '1` a wager wu undo And the money ui up with new Goon. of Ellice. Ooulter niled co prove hi: ohnrge hence the wit by Arnebmng in the Jivieion court. Jud wood. held that the bob Inn :1- loqn . hhnc each receive hie money back. nu! mink Armnhmna mu hhn mun nl tho 0BART'S I Jud Woods nola bun ma non :1 and what: Armm-ong pay the OOIM of the oourh. Un me evening or newer eunun uou. Robert 0. In I delivered lne uifelo hheetre one o hie lecture: in which the chrietlen reli ion le ridiculed end denounc- ed. Hieeud enoe wee emell. On the eeme evening many chm-chee in the enme city were crowded with devouh people who gathered to celebrate the anniversary of one oi the green luau upon which she chrletien religion in lounded. Ae between Jeeue Chriet and Robert (J. Ingereoll. the odilel ere eeill in {ever of the Carpenter ol uni ee. ll niltllnv III:-Iruun Hammon Snoontor. On the evening 0! Encor Sundn Rohnrb 0. Inn:-coll In a nun. But: the dilonlty in that Admunongrr In) sum upon an omn pow-foot int{o:I.I: of whisker-_|nd by diligent noon on to other mutton arrive at Ma dashing- tl t. I hhkorodbut to lab _>nno:`I;hyw gyw ago. non not. only vnuur -I|-ookrlllo Timon. Di`? VDCTIU 'VVC'III"'III- III KEG!` an 0 1: Prooopl to cannon jury. 600.; ornpnnol- liu I ury, II; Iuunnomu he whatnot. no`. x inlotunuon or oxunlnnibn of oinbaitncu. 950.; taking ovary noognlm moo. am 3 noooutry mm to his an In- quou. nllo. NM Baking lnquioitlon and lag mourn. 04; every vu-rant. 0|. Ila! cannon Iooolvo. . Octonon nuln companion (or choir amen nude: 3 union of tool an-ungod b{I`ho Onurlo govornlnont. The nobod- II I ll A If DI!` OOIIDII III WKIIII In Ml`- duo I I i ludi 'o`.'I ""'3.".. .. .."a..` 5" ..`s... 91"} :`;.".......`3* -*2-*"r= ........*-- ..:~..-~ not in .- llghud $0 ridloulo thounnppoud lanky- tn of an nuguaa cannon bus for lunkovhu munuuudmIo'nuous ol |$ ?lI[IllnIIIIlInw'vII 0! II! . mt =.r:p: uni bdfm vorldag with oonldououotlo Uulld sum- nl A-madam, LAIRD. .,..; L ui.II.Inc;II Slant. 4