Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Apr 1896, p. 1

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dlm WIIIOII WII IIIIU I'D pfllll IIIG Capt. F. Btnngo 00 not as Ioorohry Era tom. The In: nunod pruonhd show `on of tho pro oaed club house. Ono not val also u Now to construction on- an "hnltlnnlun nal: Ah 4]): {not nl RIO WWII VIOW U0 00I|I| aI'|l0Dl0Il Oll- tho " 0 side 0! the dock on the loco of 8lm_ooo Janet. and o ooh: for oonotrum olon on an dock no noon : but IIOIIO. The last nunodlhtch priwidod for a two- -hmn-Iutnnn Wlvlln IQ .$InnIIl I'M Into: of I om louo Ian I: the lulu` otnln luoIIIvo-`I`ho Olson of _tho .01-am. an Inthnluulo Inst; "I WI" OVCIIHIIIII QIIIIIIIC WIWI llll I`- oonbly tamed club. Arline was presented oonulnln the nunuo 106 persons: who Itgnllocl olrlntantlon of becoming mom- Iua-: fl hl-A `an Inn: n'nn\Al. nan Iulnhnm than Iilll HIGH IIIIIHDIOII OI DO00IIlln bon t! the 100 wt: placed nae higher than [Iva dnllnn. Than worn over a hundred W 0VOl' I70. DIIIIGPW. Junu Wilson vvu and so proud: and ihnt. F. Btnnno an net as nnrahrv nro ohm AT mu: O`0LO0I(. HPIERSOVVCAL MENTION. niifi him. I uolt Olnb In-otgnnlnu. .... ...l .....Al.... ..t LL- ll` FORGET 2 or---ru----- ...... `rams us; 'u|"+_1".' ~ v~ ` IIDDIIIXWI DWI DUI. Itch two `. v..f"&`e.."1'.;.-..".:`36.`: ronntruatod for bemoan KINGSTON. ONTARIO. TUESDAY EVENING APRIL -14. 1896. II`? In CHITRO `U011 50 T33 I10!` [0 pI'O(`%(I, but. nhe was fully uleberminoul not to re turn. So earnest. win the in her deter- mination that she decided to place henoelf arneunble to the law. Picking up in stone the threw it against a plate glue window in the Item of R. Wald:-on. but. not with eu'li- oient. force to break it. The police were telephoned for and Mrs. Belgnrde we! re- mmed to the station. The committee of Inenngomont. of the house of industry was in session at. the otlioe of magistrate Duff, and her case came up for dieouualon. Mn. Belgenle having signied her willingness to enbor the home of industry recently orened at Athens, it was decided to take a gun; on! lug: luau: nnljl ih nnnltl In Innrn. oh: 0! not here unul :0 could no learn- od i room could be Iound (or her then. hlgl llnuunv amt: fnr u: nnnnnnnrv in. the lioeloplulnly. " l you don`: you'll be brou M bank hem, nnd'iant to jail! for A while. aid the ninar. oioor. - I won't. leave Kingston to-day. I uould put. in twenty-one days in jail niooly now," wns the t.n\mp`n nnnwor. And he will be given the form if the police run ncroul him within the city limiu. , lhde I Good Isle. Woods Broe.. bloyole tire mimulnotur- en. lm,ve sold at in good figure. the potent rlghtrgg manufacture their bloycle tires in England. They hnvejust about Iold the ri httomonulncture.t)1eleather in Cen- uu to an Ottawa tanner. retaining the righttoeupply the laatenlnga. The fee- tening use l in similar to but un improve- ment on me Dunlop fastening. N tin- tione are ndini` for the sale 0 the tent ri ht Jn mum and .Uermeny. lchnrd ueeell, Hamilton, who is inter- ested in the rm. will leave early in May for the continent. and it is uxpected he wlllbeeucoeeelul in oloein the sale in the above two countriee. new rubber tire is now being made by Wood: Bron. which promises toeolipee everything else in the shape of tires now ollerod for male. ZIIIII U0! l'Illll'U I'I'\IIU\`lI1llIe Mrs. Bel nrde, who ran sway from the house of gt-evidence yesterday. and who started book in company with two male st.- tendsnts st. the insmutton. much against. her will. did not proceed very for with them. On reaching the corner of Welling- ton and Brook streets she stopped and de- clared her willingness to die rather then return to the institution. Those having her in charge tried to urge her to proceed, but. nha fullv ou lnoomoonm no mum In!` our men. Ohio! Horny wrote for the noouary in- formation. She was nmovod to the homo 0! industry And mrofnlly looked nnr In In Not fnnuollod by becoming- Ilounl Bough. Daron Nun. ,_ The Inn Dr. (knot: tnvolod extensively in the Unihd Bingo and Europe. Hun viowahudnlwulboon bud and libcnl. III KI. UIIRQI DEX` IIIII Iillto. llll gvlhudnlwnynboon broad wuanuhrohnodomthoughtnnd A 'Nb|o Ioholu. Untnmunllod with denomi- national holioh. Dr. Canon bcuunopopw In with all donovnlnniou in Dntroit. godwnolau Irtvihd In gddnuihtholio an pllnri I; pulpit and the chole- ut longing: turnout shay: wriuun out In full. bub gallant!- and his It-ithn cannon and upon unu- mnnnndv. 3" '|To"'M..a.u"" :::`f"'&'i duoninnliut at his to country. Dr. than In: no Luann nun Ihoaplicduhmndhd ` mu- Ilnohb non. lit nun ovunbollbbuun TITICIIUXIIVIQIIIIJ. Dmthlun unto united` I A cheeky 'I`I'Imp. Two trumps sought. shelter At. the police Nation last. night. This morning. when they were given the article: taken lrom bhem lut night. in the search the all ouch guests undergo. they were. u ulual, warn- ed to leave the cly at onco. One 0! them hnd no intention of doing this, and told "l mu dnn`t vou'1l brouzh nem, an -I .... `I"I-led to Break a Pun of Olnu `Hut 2 light Got Polloo Protection. ll.` 1).. .....l- ...|... ..... -.....-9 I-unn I "For Mcmbcr to? Kingston muugu in tall unmup 3: an I .Dr.Onnunovu-hlly 1 NOWaA&\5I`%ht do-nnlnnlnlhh Inmnnlrv. Wlll Start DI-Ill At Once. Lut night: meeting of oloern of the Hull boat. was held for the purpose 0! com- letlng erren menu for the lllllllll drill. he"oomp|neI will be organized next week as follows: Mondny night. "A" 00.: Tueedny, "C" 00.; Wedueedey, "D" Co. ; Thursday. "B" Co. The men will be pro rly ewornln end will be obliged to un ergo medioulenmln Non. Only those nhnlmllv oeneble wll be nooepted. undergo modioaloxamln non. Unly anon hylimlw capable noooptod. earl al the companion have boon fully ......... 9.! null tlmnn unt. ntmndillu on the hynloull capable mu no noooptou. companies rooru tad. And those not attending night of orgnnintlon will have slim ohunoo 0! getting their nnnou enrolled. llvwa ?_I._. An Alloted Iumlly. Direly eiioted ie the fa iily of John Whiiebreld. Begot street, an r K. & I . RR. 00. Hie entire family of five children have been in the general hoepitel for some days, euifering with diphtheria; a con la of daye ago he himeeli wen` taken to t at inetitution, euifering with the name dread diueue, and now it has been decided by the family phyeicien that Mrs. White- brend eieo reuet be taken to the hospital, nlthou h, IO far, she has escaped infection by dip therln. no Do: Went `lo church. A Kin ntroet merchant. who is A regu- lar atten ant at morning service in Syden- hun etroet Methodist church. found it inconvenient to attend lut Sabbath morn- ing. Inltead. however, he was represented by his little dog, who found no difficult in looetin the right w nnd At once our - ed himne lg: toongoy A "nnooze" until he won ejec by the occupant of the next new. An nunouu oluo. Bov. 6. R. Bcomloh hold: I blbh else: `.35. `.""'. .:...::!..':..'. ..`::`a"?.: .:r......"': '3i?oi$'::n| um am. uuau uni shin nnmmanta are Iced BBQ OHIO and plus onurun an: nun -vI study. and this comment: no from the dllcuuiom of Inch hhlniora II M. S.'Burnet.t, Thomu Mill: and others. 7' ml marvel In mo pnoo. Iv oonta ouch. Thu. 1: if you no quick onough to ublzond W ! to-mo:-row. ._._._--.--.-_.4n..- `fl WIIIUII ll: Gr. Gsul&;' for major 2'3" "1'. ..... .;..g .. `:5 ``:......"' .`a`{' I I E II ' hx.%r. Manon did not wait to Gain): his Hun. Bola mnrkod on tho roll shunt without luvs." . ` ,\_ ` A luv Iupu-uncut. Gmnloy Bron. hon plnood In their now won. on tho comer of Prinoua and Busoc -mm. 3 ho rudyunndo clothing 0- pu-tmono. oh!) and durable two and three suit: In wood and Iorgefor boy: lent to fonrtun years at. very reasonable nrlou. ` ~ Doyl mun tour In rouonnblo prleu. Study the on In laldlnw [lab on non pansy you willuotlm-on . lauiolovo. - A BROAD-MINDED MAN. WOULD NOT RETURN II Ila ABUIOIIF, ID VII GOOIIIX I0 Elle I at her here until it could be learn- uunn aunnlal Ln fnnntl Inr hnr Hum: `Aunt Without loan. -..n .\L__I._-.I __ _..-... 1. A law Dun-snout. n Dunn Kan; nlnnai In I KING Georg` 111., who oonldnot undmtand how obs p apple goolnlldo the dumplln would man! still more I pillow can undo of line coc- ton without I sum, bus the real marvel in the price. 10 min. In If mm are nuiek See our stock. mm: In nn exoopuonnuy Ipoou Amman. and itdownor anticipate: grant. t inga from it. WU IIIQVC HOW lll |'0I'I PITVIIOKU OI lIl0W~ ing you our purine eh. you want. one? The neoromerjh wil be broken soon. They are money niv E. C. Mitchell. At the me ng of the Kingston yncht club lent evening J. B. Cnrruthere an- nounced that oho treasurer could draw on the old yeoho club for u belenoe on hand of 345. This willlorm quite It nest. egg to start on. '1`... . .........a no u..I....|-. |..|.a.... ........|.... wnon noun may no Ma and reserved. It is rhthor humorous no no I young bank clerk ahouo nix mo ml. weighing probably N0 pounds, cent on I manage to another hank And Looompnmod. an I pro- tector. b another olork about vo feet. tall and Wei Ing ll pounda. l`ilt.v- our inch black henriemu. extra no can nnn one to sun. mm. Sale of work nnd afternoon tea at St. G00 '1 Hall on Thursday. Doom open at 0. no p.m. Admission free. Ei ht. p.m. the genuine and only Mrs. Jar 3?` will exhibit her famous wax works. A ...:...-.... on. . ..s.n.a..... u.. mu-non zw. : onuaren 100. John Cereon hn e Eve-deya` old colt. by (loldnmith Mid and Woxford (both form- erly owned [1 Joseph Up r) for which he enye he woul not Luke 10. Young u the fool is: it in nlreed{ apparent. that it I wil| be an exception: y speed animal, imowner nnticimmn wrest. t. inn from Pnncnphn holed Up Along the Wlinrvol Anal Ilnnnhnrn. The his in (Spun and boats are running :6 Toronto and Hamilton. -n.. ....... n:....... 1... ..n......a o...... -r.. no Toronto and uumlton. The pro& Ninpm has cloned from To- ronfo for wage with 16.000 bushels of I): '. "I02 aohoonnr Uncut at the his in nanny. The schooner Qnoon oi the [Alan is Iondln when at Pbloo Inland for June: Ric tout Bonn. It. in expected the will be tholne An-lnl here this canon. In I. nvngnhn AL. nun... D...-.n.... vnu no mourn unvu note was It is ex and tho Itulnor Roumonnt, now` bail in; in Enghnd for the M. '1`. Co. . and which was so be niuhod by June lat. will be dcllnud here some time: about the middle 0! May. Thu nuhoonc Fnhioh tn. ventardnv. mo mama or any. The nuhoonot Fnbioh wu. yesterday. hnulod Around from the clip In an o! Rlclnrdnon & Bonn okntor to the dock at nmmu nrouna n-on we mp on Rtpbudnon cho.!oototPI-inouuutroot. Agungot mu} us at work getting hot ready for no. Tho bug Walkorwucucoouful in nuk- ingthouri tocndlroln thodry-dock vaohldnv . Tho ion slam: the IIIRIDOBI1 WOIICIIIOII I nl|OQl']1`l00I yeohnh Thoiooll the uhonwnzloundtoboqnih oofhosgb to- wudnhoniddhohhoohnnuolitil nolid nndnnitodyot. __ All Bk llim in Ibo Iowa nnnnllho OIHIITIOI ID A. U. JDIUIIDOII I UFO. Sound momborn of the old Croacont Immune team were dluutlaod with the obliteration of the name, Ind bulk of re- orgnnlpmg an a junior club indo pendent. of the Kin (am. Mon : Auhmoro nook: 500. special 2542.. nt. I`uylor'n. Topoo In to Admire, to price In to deaire n bonutllul oomblnod puns and card use for 600. Other good: In proportion. E. C. Mitchell. "`n.nI1 wnrhlnmnn Mann-u OLA nnnnl-nn. U. mlwnou. b To-day worklngmon begun the construc- tlon of a drain on Johnston moot. between All:-ad and Gordon streets, and nine on Ban-ruck street. In the vicinity of Ridenu street. Aboub forty men in all are at work. Children`: kid glove: At Taylor's. Every student. should have 5 Queen : college amt pin. niahod in enamel. For sale only at. A. C. Johnston & Bro. We have not had hha nrivllum of show. to sun. Try I pound of Mcl.oot|'I baking powder put up in glue nu only at 250. per lb. Tho than [or o J uvonllo Uuild concert of 81.. ndnvh ohuroh In the City Hall, will be open 1% Honduran : book store on Wodnooday morning next. l6t.h inst... when Holst: be had and reserved. no an n voumr value. mgo. nu lnylorl. _ J. V Carson and Mrs. Carson left. thin afternoon for Toronto to Attend the horse show there. They will remain in the quoen city fore weeknnd Mr. Carson will. while there, purohue I carriage horse if ho can nd one to suit. him. Rd. at um.-L ..-ml .h..-........ 5.... no as wul exnum nor nnmoua wax mission 20. children 150. Jnluv. Damn.` I... . un.t.n1 -u~r.<.-n YEAR.--N0`. es. worn Ana In Wm 00 punnoa rl idly along. For a good souvenir ol "8uoon'a" or. college crab pin. lubed in dferent. oo or enamel at A. C. J nnbou & Bro. Hnnum mnmhnrn nf OLA nlrl f`-nnnnnt MIG vol rung no pounaa. l`ilt.y- henriettn, extra vnluo. 67o. at Taylor ; Mrs. (Enron left. muctnnouncw Ion Innnnunon mu bolnmlon nonhng at thoopon. bout. Ir.`lncu woutorlsiohnnd nnpn nIna-n-g- tn Kgnuln nc `nylon. Aid. Richardson I! of opinion the harbor will be free of ice by Soturdny next. Ho up 0 a good warm rain and I little wind will work wonder: in removing the ice. (kllo\vnv n hlf And on): no tukina the all emu. man not uylo. quuwy and now pncea. Workman begun yentaordny to excavate on the site of the proposed new school. A strong forde ol men is employed on the work and it. will bo punhod n idly along. For wood nouvonlr of " uaan'a" net. and up on `nylon. A fan oenb bowls of our household ammonia will do I lot of cleaning for you. McLeod`: drug Icon. Black Alnmu. nlnin and oured. ohean. M0l&0G'! 01'?! IUOPO. nlpsou. plain gured, cheap, I at 'I`nylor |. Amhitnuh Elli: in omnned in oreunrimr an 1ny|or'|. Architect Elli: is engaged preparing working Inn! for a new Presbyterian church to created at Weabport. Buv vour mrimr nu-nol at. R. McFnul's. now pnnua nt TnyIor :. A m m..|.. wan work wonaorn In removing me we. (hllo\vny hat; And on Are taking the lead for ntylo. quality on low prices. bemn ventnrdnv ncuwnou. Lace curtain: 360., 450., 1500.. 75c. $1 and an Tnylor I. ten mm. bottle onurcn I30 03 G03 51': VVBIDPOIT. Buy your nprin pu-uol at McF|ul's, all guaranteed th a your`: goods. [about at. lo: and lowest. rioou. ow prinbd md about cotton dreu goods Tovlor n. nnmyn u umnrous nuaoa no-any. Garden nnd ower nod: in grant vnriocy at. McLeod : drug Moro. . Free for nnkinc. conic: of the now Can. an Monaco rug wore. for aukin , copiu dlun monthly, omnn and Home. E. C. Miwholl. ` Inna munoglnn !lKn AKA Ann ".'I!n II ` nlon I I 3EibN _BI{os. no A. U. .1 nlwn a bra. The Inn v. W. W. Ou-con wu inuurod In the Ontario Mutual for 8l0,000. It was In-Mon up while In In lhbionod here. Mon : ovordla. 506. 750. 81 at Taylor's. For I 0 H6 ordnr the Specialty Gone! :6 rt. Homllo `I. Brook mean A solemn month : In nd wu mung at St. 15 osthodnl thin morning in memory '1 0 Into Mn. Jam ' Davin, mother of v. Fr Thvln, 1:! II on, HIIIIIIU ab Kurd Ann. llllllfy IIOVUIIIIC IUXIVCI Hardin. An 0 old of the enlninllr wnrohoulo bu punhuodn bloyolo on will wrutle for 5 time with lull cranky stood. New Inn umbrella. 500., 76c. and up st Tnvlol- n. LIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIWIIX, Vt!!!-g IUUo IlI\l 11.: luv '1`: low. Quinn : uollogo crow pins in ommol at A. O. J nlwn & Bro. Thu Ink.` :1 W T nnrnnnwnn Inmu-Ad NIIIPFOOI Olll.` Ul-"ID. Kootonsy one lol- hood : drug Iboro. There was no oouio this morning. I. rhoumnbhm to Me- n ot bh`o police court ma gum. wt, 15:. u :0 Taylor ; lllllluory novbltlu Ab Hudv n. uooivod yutaordny -:_:--. I'M sun of may on mo.-wnn tho Danni: LII Inlhinn Ahalt--IIIIIII Il- PQRAQRAPQAB mono up 37/ our: ausv nu-ourrzna. mo only an A. U. gtonnuon a bro. We have not had the nrivilogo of show. mr vou our numb: var... vnu ono? . awn... ...... ..,......... ... to hv. Fr. Davin. of I-hardy`: Cl umbrella nudod to-day. Garden and ovnr load: in an-out vnri IIIIA -IVIVII H 1 1 a 1 . I . mo 'v'.h':m?'$'xo' &:a3I:-'1` ".;'o31'.'1ey -3"" INCIDENTS on THE BE I HUT an Gallo ' Hon : nlg u.pgw: Koounny mm :3 . 0. chairs. 5 RM -' loloab.` 01.75. End `I. n P00 I van. for rhnumnnm I no spin or -vwy In] unu-wan up Pcoplpllbfnlllholt-Iotlllj I0- Inpu Anontlod 0! `than when` -nun mam MARINE INTELLIGENCE. um. he will louow their anlnplo. Mr. and Mn. Front. were heartily con- gmtuluted by I host. of friend: who called vonberdny and who wished the lnppy couple long life. They won undo the N- cipienta of many utiful and qonely pn- nonu. some of which came all the WI} from England. Voyage Through the lee to Beach uorden Inland. The etr. Pierrepont. left. her moorings this afternoon and eeerted to out. her my bhmu h theioeto Harden Ielnnd. Capt. A||on edcomlnnd. and engineer Dick- son had chorgo of the "lower regione." B. W. Folger, ]r.. end an party of guest: were aboard. The eunuch old veeeel mode very elow time, 01 course. end we: repeatedly compelled to book oi? the ice. eglodmoke o epglrt forhw'::i`wit.h inegieeeed I .o\m.in mug eongeror otter diehonce ungl she met more than handily heavy portion of the ice eld. when en- other book-off endnnother reoe Iorvud. The voter f|'0lIh|WIl Igieid wittomwde of e utoreeeget In t progress a tho hone. miomsmnm wuerthet on I` DOV-WOOH AIIIRIDOH unu {noon . N.Y., had much diloulty in making the trip to this city thin mornin . When it came in ai ht. of I-peotatoru w 0 was standing on t o cit hull `chop. the ski per me soon to be wa kin . ahead and puing the uoow after him. gnu nil wan not but hung loose and useless. Four pn- aengors. two of them women. were aboard. Colohnud Tlulr Holden Woddlng inur- d|y-Bcoo| unl Oongntuhtlonl. Fifb years of blissful woddedlife with- out a oath occurring to break I link in the chain that binds the has py family th- er. Suohia the reoo of Mr. nnd l`l. I-`xlnagn-A I`:-nub. Hunnhnrn ntranh, Irhn van- ldwnm 1"r0el.. remnroue; Unnrlea rrnen. Boston; W. G. and Arthur Frost. 0! this oil. . Beaidoe their family of seven Mr. an Mrs. Front have lived to see them- solvoo aurmnndod by fteen gnndchlldron. The pnrenu of Mr. Front. lived to be con- siderably over the oencu marl: and his vigorous constitution lee e to the belief nlmt. he will follow their enmple. Mr and Mn. Front. were hen-tilv lc0'RBEII:s..HAB;vwARVBl awn ugvrly W'IlIlllIlIl.' was progn- onto bout. Ionolbrila to wngortlnt aha would not ouooood. on in the great majority had uuiclontoon on in her powers to bolieve `hr capable under such okjllnl dinouon tonooolnplllh her kn-in The Wellnndvnle "rerreon" meet us un- equalled for general exoellenoe. While euloiently Ii h for generel track racing. in is still rigi and strong for roed ridln by experienced wheelmen. and for roe rowing is uneurpueod. See it at am- clm.n`e. \'nnAnInu nnn-nnnn lawn hinvnlilfj nnmn cmurs. Yolberdny afternoon two bicyclists came into collision on Brook street, near Clor atreet. Davie Mitchell, a young son of . Mitchell, was injured. Hie wheel was badly wrecked. The othar bloyolltt, I atudent, Wu scorching In turning the corner quickly. ran down young Mitchell. The ice wow that carries clue mull: end nu--Anna-u hnhnnnn Rinonin:| nnrl (`Ann such is me record or mr. nnu mrl. I-ldwerd Froet. S denhem street. who yen- terdny eelebre the golden anniversary of theirmurringe, eolemnined at Aoorin ~ hon. Lnncuhire. England, in l8~|0. r. Fmetie eighty-three earn old, and his wife eixt -nine, both ale, hearty, cheer- ful and g ve promise of living to eeemeny more hnppy days. There he: not been a death in their family of seven. The children have athinerl meturit end will moet. probably live to the e 0 their pe- mnte. The member! of t. e family are : Mrs. Henry Suvege, Williem Itreet; Mien Frost. ueiebenb eupervieor at the Toronto hoepihl for the insane: Mine Mary Front, Edward Front. Pembroke; Cherlee Froeb. l>lnntnn- W (I And Arhlmr F3-oat`. 0' Mill mm on unuon nutna. am umuou about and cum but by n dtucnt romp. Iottholonoll ofthofnulo. prompuy roaponaoa no. Capt. Howard, R0 :1 Canndian Dra- aoonu. Winnipeg. an.; second lieue. Bickford, Governor General : Body Guardl, Toronto. and Capt. Nellee, 38th bath. Dufforin Riu, Bnntford, have Arrived to take the short course of instruction to the R0 nl miliur college. The allnndvn o "Perfoob is Ptineou MT. The Ice that onrnee one mum mu between Kingebon and Ca inoen. *1: ....l.l..n ||\n 6.:-In on duh nil-.v n I-nnl-nina Inabruomonu purpoooe. Interior house and cabinet work, store and 03100 ttings, of all dencriptionl, done by Cnrnovaky company, Ontario errant. A call made by telephone, No. 74. will be promptly responded to. Cunt. Howard. Rovnl mormn . [.b.- ol. Vidal, of No. l regimental depot. R.R.C.I., London, nrrtvod in the city to-day and took over command of the dinbrict. from Lt.-Col. Cotton. D. A. 0. He will act: in Lt.-Col. Cation : place during the absence of that. oioor in England for instructional Inm-iar homo work. we nave mom unmet-o. unnu umon. An Accident occurred to the on inc at the knitting mill at. noon, nooeuitab n the closing down of the machinery (or the A tor- noon. Repairs will be made before the momimr. "00". I m.'ri':a ` Amerloen D0001. The lloenee eommieeionere mob lub even- ing and dieouleed the Bwloeer lioenee trem- fer, but no eobion wee taken in the meteor. When houeeoleening heve your turn!- tuxte upholebered and renewed at--Oernow sky com ny'e feobory, Ontulo etreet. Telephon 74. Among the freight the: errlved in the city over the 0.1 . . yelterdey were cer- loed of peenute. from the southern etebel. !or A local deelet. The Welhndvele blo lee elm to excel In every wey. They ve new leewree and gu-an Agni-nhlg in-nnuu-Aennnf. Han I.I\A 'l.`nO wousnuvuo ma non mm In Ixou and over? duirnbleim rovonnnt. Soothe I Perfect wheel at A. t.ruohnn I. was tho nnhhin-Q. Ant` nAf.Q.i$f. Illil fill` "l Ol'lO0%" W000] It: A. ubruomnm. For the nobbiut nnd nnttiout. suit: for ` the little fellow: call on no. No mod to uni 0.1.. .9.-.1`. Ant. Al 91.: luhinn imu-nnln, will In I newly papal-ml homo. Our new nook of WALL PAPIEBH Iuujunt lrI'l\`O1l. In hob vs no null I-may Arranging |l., 5:1`: not no c-rovnhul that wn cannot can u on Mn. Do'vn. v'iIi0iv3,glondI In hhll city, M0 for bug homo In wall may. Lloub. C. 3!. Strange, of Konlnnl. II in th my on an viola to his many friends hon. The in `And Smith : has _n.n. bill has In third reading In the un- Mao. A largo about of blouu. melon and mm for null boy: :1. vory low prion. Grand Union. - Prol. Sham, of Queen's. hu bun dad to the oxecubivo oonunimo of the amt: Association. Mr: H n {`.AIvInAnIl um. nnford. (ll uloolaulon. Mrs. D. D. Calvin md Ion, Sanford. ol ` Garden hlund. an auxin: at the British American hotael. WI`. Ihunnn nnnnndnnlnnnn-I mnh Injh nvan. nun noun ommu use an -. lnnllutofluoo. `run lawn now: unvu-u nun - 3 ' . Jomu Sum MB {or llontuul to-day. Blur!!! Ferguson wlllnhortly ho able-to "z'a'5mimp.o Thom 1 {son at tor n I n :- villo today on hulonrnauclnou. M i ....::.$. :.'.:;.. .:.":.;`:`m.'.1:t..:':`.'" c--nu uuv -uv-u vvuuvv V . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . _. he The {Nellnndvn 0 Perfect nngllgal Inn n-amoral nvnAAnnA lhn THE PlERREPONT'S START. rt 8:l5o c|ock the Manner ruohodo .5 AH` nnlan lnlnnll Rh: nil! FIFTY YEARS MARRIED. a:ut AL` PARAGRAPH`. Vpiaints at Corbtt s. % an A em onus, ooea or the web. The ltlerryweether engineswu next put to the met. end it wee found that ten minutes were required in which to get up steam and repere the engine for eotion. The euotlon- oee wee found defective. and chairmen Mertin will have two new and stronger eight-loot lengths procured. The Chetham engine was tented at the Onterio atniiet etetion, and emm wee kIeiued in eig t min tee, every ' wor n very smoothly 3nd the teet going emfnently eetiefactory. The weter worke pumping etetion wee vieited and the record of work done in laying Imine, eto.. einoe I894, end the condition end efficiency of the oity'e inter uupply_wee e into. It In lound tint two milee mine have been laid down eince 1894. and that the water mpg`; in quite eulolent. It is understood thet outeide oi the de- ran . le men were then tested in throwln four Itreema of weteneimulteneoull ,fro one hydrunt and the teat prov very eetlafnctory. The next teat we: in ruining the ladder anet I buildin supposed to be on re. nor Montreal and Prinoeea atreete. wu chosen and the ladder we: raised in excel- lent time. but four of the rung: were broken, some in tekln the ladder of?` the truck, others by the weight of the remen unending. This detnqted from the suc- of the tent. 'I`|.. 1.1..-.-uunolmr nnoinmwn next nut e Wllklneon ulldmg, oor-` quite uulelonb. ` In undo:-wood oquide lny on the put: ol the Brock atnot con- tingent. and the nhort-coming ol tho Morrywouthor suction-hone (on which the inspector did not. lay um gust ntnu. 1: ounce "wally strong ll nquirod to am. the nn-um exorud) the tutu. on I-onto. Q.M.B. Dnnlop, of the Kingston eld battery, announced that the oivllienl pre- sent. would return the com limenb extend- ed to `them by the I -eergeenta and eergennu of the battery by entertaining the lumbar at I smoking concert. on `Fuel- dny evening next... The ' Underwrnm-I` Inepector one the Ion lone Work. Inc tor Howe, of the Lnnedien re un- derw ten` eeeooietion, paid the city an of- ficial vieit eetprdey, and inepected and touted the re de rtmeni. in order to form an eetimote on w ich to rate the city e in- surance. An alarm wee sounded from box three, corner oi Montreal end Queen etreetn. and the Ontario street station mule promrt reeponee. heving its men at the ecene o the nuppoeed fire in two min- ntee, forty Ieconde. The Brock eoreet con- tingent d d not errivego quickly. so owing tn eome once at preeent unknown. the slum did not intimate where the lite wee nu poeedtobe. and it wee necessary to ca Ontnrio street hallfor informetion. The contingent urived on the wane three min- utee and fty~vc eeconde after the Alarm PIIID. ox `wall can none nquu-In mo: thptguunmoxorud tutu. I: the whole. won quibe an tory. Thqlnmonmr wu nlculod to 000 that the whole. quite uuonowry. The impootor wu plcuod his noomugndntiona undo At his Int min, in 1804, Mn been osrriod out. Q ITIIBV AVIIUUO 'l`oron\o'uloho. - With In the rumor the Min Borth\l;S::t.intobomnrodtoR.(}Arr- HM-I-in. I pl-ohuoro! civil engineering o! the Royal mlli col . inpon. it mnvbouid that in right will Inn hllogoodwinhooolnll who have mu her. Bhowillbo may Inland in Ottawa, when IIIO In oonchntl ongngod in Iomogoodwork. Mr. Gum unit In an- and to an amount of oonnnbulption. Liout.-Col. Danton, ILP. for Wat. To- rontouvhollufor may Inonihn ban in with onnoar oi thutomnoh. in notoxpoohd to live through Io-dny. `GEJSTLEMIEA and I pl`0laIDl0 any In 506 ln0Iol10|'lA(1. Amon thou recent worocapu. Hudonv and ivie,nn Liout. March, ``A ' but- bery; ajor Skinner. Mth bum: Capt. Blokford, G.H.B (3.. Toronto. and nor- gonnc-inuructor Campbell, R.R.C.I., To- I-onto. n M R Dnnlnn nl than Kimnfnn nld some good won. Ir. burr-ulrru II 1 titled to any oongnsulnlon. terv. The romnindor of the evening was a no in song, a hand story. Imongmt one who oontr boned being Llout. arch. Burgh.-Mnjor Shroud, Q.M.8. How ill and Mauro. Connor. Br Ant. Jones. obboct. Swain and Lioonlo. he offnirwubrought to I close at two o clook n.m., the cor- ennta and their nests singing Auld ng Sync," and " od Save the Queen" and oxproulu the moat oordlnl wilhes to Stat!`-Burgh. ng for o pleasant. voyngo and prouble any in ehe motherland. Amnmr than m-aunt woroanu. major um um nnow non-oonu. xor mou- wilheu. I know I'll be woloolnod y our brother:-in-arm: of the imperial service. said be. "for! go there from 3 oountr that in the brightest. colonial Tm in the Imperial crown. And I oountr c at. but evor nhown hor rudinuo an her ability to stand up for her ghu. Ha. I he warmly of the Kingston pl-an for t a fair play it always given the hub- tarv. tong. nunua nnnlcrpnntw major and la fellow non-ooml. for their Amodwinhen. "I know I'll bu welcomed onborhlnmonb took tint (on: of I mokin concert. and was on 0! an most in nu! .m.-- at him moan ever held rln O-Jul: nm "Inu\h.iAnrInnl" and End self. t n` 0.11: OIVIIIIB lI'l OIICII ' "both!-urge. Long 1: In gquyfu nnguud :or'n;e:uouoL't Dllfm. ED BEFORE SAILING. ` loaouhlnundrornnluuoulhr , polson-A II-loudly anchoring And a can mould of Inch -' `lIo_lln1uy Wlahulortlolon.-0on.-l`|oooIv pn-onunulonocnnoa. Auoonool unusual "Myra ouotod, Intln -room of um-puns anti" :5 Taco do an bu-mob luo ovonlng. hon thoc Ihl-naps on ad - gnu of ":";"bnuorv n.ndn|b:ut :75: IWELL DRESSED] }';'..'.3'e.'Z:"-'52'"n.u.e"'""'$" .':.3..'" :75," olvlllsn friondn mom ed to with boll unsung. in nf.A`.nnInnn Inna -1141 Ingram 8TA_FF-BERO1". LONG ENTERTAIN- `"`&"" ""'x......"$.{.'i.'.a u......... M - te- mjgr ap_d _fe_l|_ow no|_a_-__m_m. 105- the!!- TESTING THE DEPARTMENT. rn s1mcmrs' SIOKER. ?he Da s Are oming. sprmg_(qge_:_og_oat% %L new spnngsut |"il`H!.l3_I_g__n_E |T- L1/\MBERT,] A Ioohcv N000. PRICE TWO" OnN:`f_: THE 0U8 0(DITPIED HY HIS. J. I .1 Ed in A o m" IIIIOI I on IE IPOIn.IO00I from Johnnton shod. Apply 0 Cuu>nu.-In Kingston. on `.l`uoIdny.'. April Nth. 1896. Jane Roddlok. allot of the late June: Onmpboll, aged N yum. Funeral from hot Ion : rolidlnoo. U1 Prinoou street, Thurldny at 2: ]5.II. Friends and aoqualnunool no ruptu- fully invitnd tolttaond. Hvxnn--At. Pihuburmuiu Mu-y Hunter. 68 earn. Funenl M I lean. Alex. Scale idnnoo. Front Roqd, Pibtaburg, malty afternoon, at 2 o'clock. - '\nvl n_'n Ylnnll-nn an Anvil lfll, I. nnornoon, an 2 0'0l00l. DOYI.[-Ill Kinglhon, on April lrh. ION. Charles Doyle, egod twenty-but yang...` Funeral notice later. . r ' OR BALE CHEAP. Al H.P. BTIAI` Ynoho In good ordor, vi av 50. Oono only llc. per hour to run or. II thin oloo. ANTED BY YOUNG IAN O! 6 dress. A3 kind of lab! ` Eaforonoon. drouG." I10 0 HINT! [U5 U1] I AIIU uh or oolnmlulon. to ohlnu. I: to J. lnhhky. one strut .:_..._?._.::....____._. A HOUSBKIIPEB. ELDERLY WOILI proforma. Adamo lo uwonn vl one I homo. Apply :11 in do nos. 1. corner - DuI\'t you know 013% n man will um-or londorlnn mm In tho woo-hhnl than he wlll new papal-ml luuuo. POSITIONS OPEN lOB\l'lVI salesman on IOIII7; oxporionoo una- ?:`i"3`u.`:'%:3:P`oo.?3: m.. `;.. .. m. no. -2- |ii".::3' *4;_.,'-h.:"' *.?".:..'.': Agvnoy. III 3 IIIIOO. - ,__ _ _- ____ -.- -.._ .__ A- ...-n . Vim In! W wud by -1-Ami! 3'}??? 00 No. no Akl maria] ooo _ c nvhd w ill odor!!! nnoggmhandu usommlt. unnu. nun Alunit. nu-mung: ijl TIBBEI E13. Lu `Ulnh unnum- runoff?-`ems. sin. `I phono oommunlontlou. Aw invnxnn at o unmm Ooln-nu. VSIY 000! AND A HOUBIKAID. BIL II t otvonlnu to In. E. 051.711.!!! u no . ANTED-OLD BTAIPB I6 '10 II YIAII old. Forum I Io QM GIG. Lawn. to Adolnlao u not. ronto. jwj urn: D-OI.l.)B'l`ATPB Trio in Ipsoh. Lowl,(9Adolsao not, llllanvorylow.` hoe-1.: ED 4 0156: 1- on. unv to In. Dun. Haydon tn moot. 42 51'. Q A LARGE FRONT E LIT V loud. Apply to 3 Gupta 0 A H. Oona only nu F%.*.*.:.::. OOICIHJ D RIOK I now Hon |"""`.`E*'Ef`W_;. ..`!"" [Pearson lgnptstwky I 0. IlTOIlILl.,- - chemist and optlolu Ill PIINOIII l'I'Ill'l`. OPIN IVIBY EVENING. -I RD; I\l Tn: Lmmluo Ullialft shut. Tolophono A. lladier n-rvuh I.uwu.|..:L yuu I0!` St_Yle and Price. `hey are made of Clog, Velvet. Silk and Tweed. Prices from ' ' $1 to $12 021;: f`;-ya...` -....I --- A.I.-__ AA` No bigger valud i__ the market than we show. No nag`.-- _A._I2-I. ..-.....-._L.. 1-4 -5-out yuan "Io -uvwo IVV gore atyliah garments Io: ,. the money. ` I`-hand am today. nlt can Wadnonshy. W _ j `)N SUNDAY EVENING. ON . You or Dlvhlon that 5 I Hndor k mil: return to Wine bl (|II& " aIvI|nIV In nut" nun} mu -ll 1 , urn`. p-p-u . l[OllI Dy lhl MOI! IIIICII. fcmLon:u TAKI I1` RIADILV. LOAK HALL| ` {iii -ImIII H d u d I M ut.m".'.`. "KXan.".-6." u:o:K3.'5":," GENTS I011. 011'? AND (XDUIPIIY. all Bowing Mun. . lytoJ.lahhloy.uon\. `II -an ntrnn I at I ' OI : si"."`.'J:. 'i'4`a`}`;.h.'s`.`.`s{-"' j---::-.-:?-- 7\\ll" E NU.Ii`!ii!xs_:!!;Ii .,-._-,, ___ __.._ -,,.-_. a--.j-Z-2:1: ,lI'rI0l 5088, ON `Ill I81` 0!` KAY. A com one loonlioa hthobuhouooaln `[7310! *0, KAY. oon von In the buhnu oonln mom. amt-mu; , 7* no 2: V. no will ' :25 ...%..h ..-.."& ;_%._ VIIIII DI Cgd Liver _`Q,l.| Com land with 1 very new: A .II I- IIII-A; `A .4 .. --An -A ._ _.. _`__: cw-ylu Cogze and see them uf See Them 1 V , Study Them 1 Compare Thprr, Beat them..if you can for `ll'A anal II-2..- For Dellcete Children, lnvellde and the Aged. _ JACKSON`S LI I ICXIIIIJ IIIIIIH on: PRICE '31-one. 123 mum st. `norm sldo - Kingston \l Gill I-I V U I` new Wino a nully null dlguu y tho moot doll: HILDIIN TAXI l`l' II wan-nu Enoumuflu. CU-Iuuuuitv ivy.` Pououu the MI medicinal Inn of n n I a Q n For sale by all Drulou. T ' TO BE LIT. FOR SALE. RINBY BILII. Inn":-I-Ail: um lam `WANTED. BOARD. ------4<- Have Some ,.'- ___, 1.._r.-'auiAu_nu.aL;. :v--_v See thatQ.your house is well painted within and without. Cleanliness is next to Godlineas and neatness is its twin sister. ISHABBY ?A-an-- - - -- __ EIPOUUIP ;K'.AW'llN0 a cum.- Iuu naocmrou. `haunt lhhli Fancy Parasols Our whole Parasol stock is new and prices close. Inspection in- vited-buy when you get ready. [$1.25 150C; l$Loo van nu vvuuu vn - To do it superbly min 1 Bicycle. JOHN LAlRD,% .u1 vnnccm ECONOMICALLY HARD Y S PURSES 1 ALEADER. Pnlnkn. Dooonlon. (Hinton. oh. g__ _ -..s-- _- men`: Around the House Put on 8 lime style. Rain or Shine Umbrella. Steel` rod.-hollow paragon nal` tum; lillfal wood hthdie, good cloth, fast` dye. At 81 $2.00. The Newest and Latest Pntterns. Large variety of Snmples fxom American and Canadian houses. M one dollar we offer {ha most desirable cvery day, all-round Parasol you ever saw. Hoglow bn, fancy handle, good size cdver of nest weave and fast dye. For 5 good every day un Umbrella, of good size and gooditn`. 750 for the}- tbr one. ' .---` nrwuv-u--v--. u. .-... uu . m-1 moor :1`. , '"'Fiiia'iiiA'NTFonn _T_!!.'? "'_.T." _-.I nu. .u.-- p... D-nun, ` Real Seal Pu-rec and Chrd Case at 75c. Would be good value at $1.50. All I II III-Ill I PRINCESS STREET. Who lilgc to be By patronizing Can do so '_""'.3 `L250 `I `J STYLE] t\dharn from Bum an-QM. [T TAILOR. 7That we are Offering Iome rare bargains in .50, $r.75,i ITOO IIICI J . I IIDOF. The committee was instructed to pre- apcre rules end drsft A constitution and submit both to the club. The name of Jsmes Swift was propoeed {or honorary commodore, but it won shown there was no such office, so ho was elected an honorary member. In its formation the olubhss boon ivennmoet enthusiastic stsrt and it is oped every exiwursnent viii be given in the matter of en riptions to- wards the erection of a euitnble clubhouse, to serve M s headquarters for both water and ioo-hosting. ou a mm on ma puunu. Lieut. Mnckio, Ottawa old buwory, has arrived to take A course ab "A" bnthory. '1`. Mooney. M.D., of this cit`. ha been up intod house III In in St. Inry`n hol- pi I. Rochcwor. N. . lloorgo Bunot, after viuiting his parents at Rentrow. hu nturnod to complete his studies as the bunineu oollogo. 1'. Mnollum in mnklmr val-v uninha- mayor unu-ypot "A" ouury. nu noon appointed 3 mambo: of tho Boboehooolumu uouohtion. formed at nrvivmn of (km uuu UIIIII E"UI"-IlI IIIC The annual muting of the Kingston golf club. held In the oloo of J. 3. Car- rutherc yoaoerdny afiornoon, Wu lurgely Attended. Report; of thp treasurer and the loorotary showed the club to be in a ouriuhin condition. The reoultof aloo- tion of can wu : Cngatain, Prof. James Cappon; trouuror. C. ( ny Blnnnon; soc- - .-rotary. O. A. Robinson: committee, J. B. Cnnvthora, Col. Cotton. Du. Wnlkem and Mgljor Drur LA ..|..|.K.m.. On shark nlnv on tho Huh: \J|'II nuuuwn cu, uvu vvuvvu. u-. u -uuvuu -nu Mn`or Drur. he club open to start. pin on the links Saturday night. It in thou i the ground will beautonentiy dry by i. at time. It In: docidul to pity the annual spring match at. Otuwn on May 26th, viding the lists was suitable to that 0 ub. The membership this you is about the name ca last, but it is expected to incroue. IIII IMMIIOO II IO INIOIIIOQ OOHORB. 1'. MoOoIlumi| mnklng very nationa- mrypmgreee under treatment. The re- port. that hie epine wu injund wee with- out loundntion. LHJJA nnnnnin \.'nn Lvnhnnt dnumhknr OH` IOIIIIGIFIOII. Little Bonnie Van Amburg, dsughter of Prof. Ven Ambum Ploton. died lest week in Detroit. little girl wen a clever musician. - Rev. Dr. Smith. ol Queen's, occupied the pulpit of St. Andrew`: ohuroh. Belle- ville. Sunday morning, end delivered an eloquent discourse. The Perkdele Methodists ere mehing mt eorts to secure the transfer of Rev. . H. Bpu-ling tron Montreal to Toronto conferencesndso become pestor of thet church. _ Major Drurypot A" bettery. hes been ennnlnnd of thehetoolaeoolumn IHIMINGI IIIIIIIXI OI NIIIIIIIRIIIOOIIIIIIII uaoohuon. nrvi (km Iiddiouol column of tho no and Gold fauna lam I350. Ru. Jun: 0|-chum died in Toronto on Monday. and Iovint years. He nufforod fmm pqnlysiu. Hla ughtnr wu femor- Iy A teacher in the Kingston oollqgino lu- ulweo. He was 1 ouponnn-and Hotho- dm. olor man. 80 canon. ol tho Ouum eld but.- her . Spams. of tho (`moi brlgndo ol :1 Ianuotmmcltrunpour oluugol tho Wollnnd canal Gold both:-y. an ut- unlnd so "A" llold battery for the short count 0! insttuotlon. .ln-@ hhll M K: x-idhlnn In v svec 980$- lovononu ol the I'oopIo-WhM `Inc: An and Doing. T. Wade, New York, in In the city. Dr. W. Coy. Chicago. in in the city. John Rowllnda, Toronto. is in the oity visit to his punnu. Lieut. Mnckie. Ottawa bcworv. ll 0| IUIBIIIOIIOII Jana Btnnhn. `Boston, in visiting in thinoity. Ila lull hon in I889. visiting may cilia in the Unihd Sum. For Ivoyunhohulnun oonnonhdwishtho BoIonY.I.C.A}.ntudyi phydoil Uni - inn. llohnor on m'.u|..u.n...3.: a aazen were anggaetou and rejected, nally the nu tion made by Capt. F. Strange that be called the Klnglton yacht o'luh, was decided upon. The chairman eon ratulntad the members on their choice o a name. At thin ate a Capt. F. Strange wan aeked to take t e chair and J. H. Macnee to assume the omoe ol aaeretary. and the task of electing oioere wan proceeded with and re- eultod: Commodore Capt. F. Strange. Vice-comm ore. Ald. Riohardaon; Rear-commodore. Dr. Clarke. Puraer. W. 0. Kent. Secretary, J. H. Macneo. Meaauror. H. Cunningham. Executive committee. to consist of at!!- oera and Dr. Black, chairman, Messrs. R. E. Burns. E. C. Gildernleeve, F. H. Mac- nao and J. Fiaher. TL- nl\lv\lI\l..AA -an Inn.-.mau-I on new`. A to no um cl hunt cg`: A--lm. LII! gunman Au club. ' Thohak of deciding on n uuihtble name for the club. proved I diloult one. Half damn nnggocbod and rejected, nnllv the summation bv Oanb. nuuuu ooum no oonsu-uonsu tor newoun ssoon 01.000. Mrs. Onmeron. owner of the Sirnooe street whorl, oered I (roe slte for the proposed club house for ve years. I! at that time the wharf Ins roqulred would buy house at. srbltnolon value, or otherwlse would gnnb as further five years lease. If my bub houses now sounding hsd to be removed the club must pay yearly rentsl of same, present tenant to hove use of ground oor ololub house. The offer msde by W. Robinson was almost. the some as above, only he would be wllllnf to erect. a _sull;- obls building and lesee t to the club. The matter wu nslly left with the executive oommMoe,eleot.ed lsur ln the evening, to ramrt u to also. fenslble scheme for oommuwe,oIoonoa mar In mo evemng, to re rt u to also. feuiblo schema for huilb In , ebo.. ah the next meeting of the nlu . IIIIIIUII club` [um xmcsrou mm` cw born II we no puooa non mgnor nun ve dollnn. There won over 1 hnndrod utbondqd the meeting last ni ht, and It In upuobodtho mombonhlp wi be Inoreuod to two. hundred. .'I -man Wilma wan nnbul tn nmnln and THO IIID nnmoa IIIWII ho h.pIvvIaou Inc awo- g,7.,..::~.?2 $.22. 0 could bu conltruotod bemoan Illlnnv II [III Mr. nmnrnn nwnhr nl` IWAI ORGANIZED AT THE` FRGN- I oonunun one name: or mp persona um I nlllod Inn t! the loo nlnood hinher FFECTS `.;_

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