THAT IMPALING CASE. Iuiol-or lolnnoll. Imp mu. uncuuuon ouornlmvouvo-on no lnuuonnmhcrohho (unity; and prom pouulionh tlnhmntohdd and olnthlnahn ` ho nolont wi- donoo that thoy bolong to la. The unonduncno inwoduood by action noun In very impottnnb. Fctooolou my at ohnanln found upon sh pruning property of or in pouuuionot `othsrooonpnnoolshopnnhuvun Bub todiocnn lolthxu. Byshounondi Inctionthopowortodlltninmollgwm in uhoniuny. Hanna-anew an? inhoamnwillootholh kn: n pnviouhmnt. The dmovmd Ion ontbopnmhundll ll lordmnu. -new nu nu uunnnn-... 4-...-_:__ r --vwwuvvnjp `IVO II ` Gal :3 Pm- ... ..:'..":.,...... an an inll nun-Inn, X IBIDHII n case of distress for the non-peyment ol texes when the owner or person neces- ed is not in position. the goods and ohet- tels on the remlses. `not belon ing to the person lisbe for the taxes. all not be sub eot to seizure; but this restriction she I not epgly in fevor of e rson oleim- ing title un er or by virtue 0 on execution egninst the person so lieble. or in favor of my person whose title is derived by ur- olisse, gilt. transfer or sseignment ` In the person so lleble. whether sbeelute or in trust. or by way or mo or other- wiee. nor to the interest 0 t e person so liable In my goods on the premises belo - ing to him. or to the poesession or whlo he is entitled. under e eontrect for pur- chase or by which he may or is to become the owner thereof upon perforrnenoe of any oonditlon. not where goods have been exchanged between two s so lieble by the one harrowing or in` from the other. for the par of clleeting the olsim of or the rig t of distress for the non-peyrnent of totes; nor shell the re- striction e ly where the property is cleimed b t e wife. hushend. cleeghter. son. deug terin-lew. or-son-in-lew of the neuron so lleble. or he ens other Illntivnnl -on. unugnwnn-luv. or non-an-law ox tho non liublo, or by on Qhor nhtivoo! o, incuuuoh othorrontlvollvuon tho nu-amlnn n g mambo: nl an hump . A-ul II000Nl'I'l0\' OI` WHIELNIN. The Cenedinn vheelmen I euoointion may erect. and meintain for (she benet of other travellers upon the highvmye, oign- V posts at road intersection: and wherever neoeeeerytoguide trevellen. nnd mile- post: no show diehnoen. and dnnger eig- nal.-I at hills which be deemed dun- gerouu or unsafe {or b oicle N-evelleri. DISITRISR FOR TAXIQ. DIEITBKSH FOB TAXI3. Section nix make: provision for the ox- omptlon from disc:-on for non-payment of tuna, o! the goods not bolonging to the poruon liable for the taxes. with certain ox- oantiona: I-AVATTJKIX Al7'I'KDRllIDc The council of Any city or own may provide and meinmin Iavetoriel. urinal: and water eloeeta where they deem nonem- modnhion to be required, either upon the public street: or elsewhere. and may eup- ply the ume with water. end defray the expeqee theme! and of keeping the nine in good order. I.I00(`6Nl'l'l0\' 0|` WHIELMIN. n`:n':;-Iv unm-roux oou.|n-mu. Thofollovinghaddcd to action thir- ll. Who:-otuuuuvd I00! byaIInan:.:|I:TI to :1 nmgnmljnn-an--I.-_.L IAXYAI. lhll'R0\'IMIN'l. Section 618 in amended by provi 3 that the eeeeeement for local impro no shell be u 'n the property immedfesely beneted y such work. l.AVA`l'0R.lX AUTHORIZED. CLOHINU 0| IIUIWLYI. No council onn alone 5 mad allowance. laid out under original uurvpy. along ohe bank 0! I river, Itronm or Gho short of my lake or other wntor. unhil the by-luv pro- viding for Inch closing shall have the up- provu of the lieutenant.-governor-in-noun- oil. I gnu I In nnnvnulx-nu ox now.-o. II mun uny. In actions for dam for non-repair of highway: the ram _y in conned to tho munici litynnd no membor of the coun- ciloro nor of the municipality in to bo hold personally liable. Cnosmu or uanvun. upon me muowux, nun no rouuooa to seven days innuendo! thirty. u horotaoloro; and the notice mulb now be inn In all such cues. except) in one of 0 death of the person. and the discretion which the court formerly pououod II to tho giving of notice. in taken uny. In Action: for dnmmu for non-ronnir of at Upt; om hwarl .%:------------- muons FOE Duncan. The time of giving notice of notion. In Toopoob of claim: {or dtnngu. arising from poraonu Idling om to snow or ice the nidowsl , I Ibo reduced to leven dnvn innuendo! hhirtv. horotaoloroz FARI IRS IKLLING AT SHOPS. Fnrmeru and other producer: mny I0" produce at stones or aim at an hour of the day. This was Mr. R: cook I amend- ment. an to which I deputau on wont to T ronto, and as the rule *`ynfi'in Kinarston h mn toooll 1h'o""`: any hour o! the dnyaho unend- mont. oea not otfoct the city. muons non nuuun. men we IN! or eeeonu onenoe. The section reepeotin the lloenlee of hawkere. is amended to I include pod dlore`; And the term hawker: leinherpreted to include person: who no agents for oehen, to I0" furniture, oerpeu. uphol- etery and millinety; IARIIRS IILLING AT SHOPS. wen u we mayor. The council of any municipality my o`or rownrdn for the conviction of person- guilty of poroonntion. A police officer ms rolouo 3 on or- ruind on I charge o being drnn wibloui. being disorderly, even though it be more Linn the lint or nooond oonoo. Th: nnnnn rnnnanna QR: Ilnnn-an nl vvmon mvomu amcuy or mamouy we Payment: of many. not Ilnll the enter nbo any contract or obligation on ho pan oi the municipality. nor nppolnt to or din- mlu from office any officer under tho con brol of thy council, or do An other corporato not except. in one oxtrcmo ur ncy. orhnftar cannon: or dabanhuru an I` ur nay. oruftar coupon: or debentures u-on qnirod to bouignod by the tronuror u well u the mayor. The council of nnv muniolndltv mnv rown: or oouxwxu. No municipal council shall, after am December, put any by-luwornaoluolon which involvu dlnctly or Indlnobly the mvmonb of monov. nor nlnll that enter uupuvy liliurnlllg UIIIOII llllll xurunwwn berthe counting of we ballots and bye eeeling of the` hats. deliver the lame peuonelly to town clerk, end elnll. under no oironmuenoee. allow the some to be taken tohll home, 00130 or place 0! -nbueineu, or to en home or place whatno- over, other then b allot of the clerk. Tho u-IQ mmtlnb nf mnnhdml nnunnlln 0IolIOl' umn W10 OM00 0! III! IlOI`I. The nt meeting of mania! council: shall be hold on the noon Monday of Jsnunnr. lnnhud ol than third Mondnv u mm no new me Iooonu nanny or Jsnu , lnntoad 0! the third Monday as homto on. IIIIU l'OllIIln II llll 01113 0|! FBI IVCIII 01 the lllng dny until III the ballot Bonn and not; have been rum-nod by the do- th. and the not also providu that tho enubv romn-nlnir olou shall forthwith puty returning Ihl forthwith slur tho mlinz tho `pockets. lane EIIDIC; IIICI HID IOU CID PIOVIIIII IOU IO 0 rave as ten o'clock u noraotou. The roournlnqj ooor In emu And warm shall rennin at In oilioo on `tho owning o( Dolllnn db! bonl l-\1IuIIu Dru-lngtluuuion oltho om-no ugh. Atunnotno Important omnndnnntl nu ma]: on the municipal and npulnont .0 * Onoomudonuho run! uninhi- pnlloiu no that. prov! In; than any `townnhip council wigs by-law pro- viding tor changing (or tho non!- twu d um-. and oouaoillqtuo : :look Instead ol onln 9? _ u m Onion; and In yownlhlpq dig. into wards. to ohn tho hour to; inn- nnu M nnnnnd lilllnh link` anlani tn wwu; Inc In pwnlmj in ; Illw tiouooloonn I ftonilwjiyo tfplook to one o'clock. having III` h6lIIljInbion' for move us ten o'clock lmdcofon. Thu I-ahnn-ulna nhnr In Milan and Minn- Auzunufuu mm: LAST man or not LEGIILATUIE. I ` jfutml I11; nun-`.41 _Ia.p lull tho lluou fluo- uhu In no'nuu-l'Io I Luminous. `he.-I..- AL- ..._:-_ -1 n._ n...-...n- |-..n_ j`Mn s` ~Fe%e`t 5'aTo'u7o.7'-`-'.'""'uu- " .'n`..a%.&" . cum Ina 2`&3.'.7I'1'..3".:..""%' I.-':"?a.7`s."..m am not an lib nu holding by Chad lthoorltlal 33 .nnd|hn':.xnudanoln::id'al: ........... .... .' 3.?" "'"rw"" Inn: in 0 o t A mull nponn?::I community A! the shock of n thunderbolt Thouhook, Although not norpotd innit 2."$'1.`.7T".'..3.:..........;I.-'.........;'.2.'i':`:`.:`.1 ICU: V-IIIIIVVII IIIUIII WIIIIU oi Io. Noloon Lopum. lovely dooooood. Ind .000 in tho Chooon Friends. Find. Oonwoy and hlnily hnvo movod hero. A hob piotmo vuhkun of tho inbor- hr of Lnlbolgfo ohumh boloto tho Io- novol of tho honor doootouon ol oworo. Th 0! Honors in both ohurohoo hoto woo no. In. J. Oonnolly is con- lnod to tho houo through illnou. In- dhgo corn con to land Iron 8. Winter. eonsE_T1;_H_g_1g_13wARE| the lack Vllooil IIOII. Axnnlnumu, April lB.-'l'honnnoun'oo- Inn! 0! the dumb olono ofourmonthlghly nupooud durum in the pouon of Vincent rewrneu me nor ewmee m mngeton. An eiforo in being made to get more lend fortherulwe here no on to have three ouch. one each ta-ein. Mn. Hugh Onmbri hue returner! homo. Alf. Com nolly wife have moved to their enm- mermeorton the Canadian Aide of the river. We en pleeeed to no June: Her- man wound efoer hie eoeident. John Even end Deweon. with master Clu-enoe Euro. I-uhen do below Woodmuckou. Mu. Venluveu oogrephed them while nu you to Hamburg. The river hare I u u high :1 In over nmombor seeing it, and In still rising. It in a line oi ht. to soc the vntor going over bbo lnlla. he umo boowoon the nw mill and ehnirfwoory was carried out. And the lower oor of the saw mill In undo: water. Min Non West. has returned to hot Itudiu in Kingston. bolnn me man [And A Fine light at Yu-ter-Newe me the June- uon Vlllnge. Ymxnn. April H.--Plke shing has been good t.h`e Iprinm some goo plenty of them end eome got A ducking end no puke. There hue been so many pocntoee fed to oetele and horeee that In mmy instances It he: proved en injur to them. Hugh Cem- bridge leaves to be e charge ol e cheese factor on Howe Island, and Mr. Fitn- Fernl goes to Pitteburg. The river here en hinh ever nmemher nneimr in. . nu mqvoa nnw one vnuago. 1!`. range nae movodfmm his lumber shunt into our midst again. John Burns died an Satur- day nig t. Hi: funeral to We:-sport take: place to-marrow. men nower wunama MIG .1. .1. Thompson mode their up noe end before they had eeen either Be 1 or Bederd the lumber made otfhhmugh the woods. They followed until four p.m.. when the chief run inbooonetuble Genuine`: hands, two miles this side of Nowhere. He we: tried at Now- here this morning lag squire Shaver, who sent him no rookville jail for uixty deye no hard labor. Tact. Bree. have` I gm of men at. work mnnirina hhn mm: F`. mnnrl Rnhnn~|. ('11..-I. nrou. nnve_ I gm: or no work npai ing the bu E mond. Robert. Clark has In vod into I. o village. F. Page haa movodfmm ahnntv into our ounuie rrom wnere no net: Inuden It and took it back in the wood: end hid it again. He returned to the boarding houIe.bnt`soon eterted Ilein for his Ipoil. Bell following found him seated on I log examining the stolen a. When Bell approached he Iterte(fot:drun'but when spoken to he re- turned endvgeve everything ugo. Just then Bower illiamu and J. . T ompeon nuoeennoe thov nun: uly. noun-u you up noxore mm was up, wont .to the carpenter oho . book A bundle from where he had bid on it. and Milk `E. hnni in OLA In-nan-In nrul kid 3. `main any were nun miueu only one 0! oop- Eeri. Tho then went. to the rdin onto and nqulrod if any ponon had le t, the houao durin the above mentioned time, and wore to d that John Baden-d cm oub about twenty minutes. They went to Bodni-d'I room.; searched hi: clothing. but found nothing, he boin sound uioep apparently. Thoy mouu his rubber: and compared with one track: about the time. Their iuvucigntiom led them to'|u|noeu Bodnrd. Mr. Tom. nah - --`v--y-g-w---.--_._ _..' , . 111: nnAiFrFonn `rm: vlcmn .3.-.':'.~.::.-::..--*..:a. unuuo we Iwra. '.|n0Il' luvumguaons Ioa tb urnulpocu Bodard. Mr. Tom. not Hen ' Bellbowamh his movement: the next dly. Bods:-d got up before Bell un. the oarnonter ahon. rank n noun. 1110 c `rk,uowor wummu. mu been to New . nrrivin homo nbnine In. Ho wont. into t. 9 store And hcoverod I broken no of glue in the front. door. 0 immediately notied 3. Tom, who wu the luv to" have the store that night. The two numbed tho more but mined only the of neri. Thaw then want no the "Hun mw una nve am-or wawnoo, twenty-nvo gold rings, And about 812 in 005) rs were stolen. The `rk,Bowor Wil Inc. had bmn tn NQI ,1!-rivinn ham: :0. ulna The ouder wu run Down And lent to Jun lo; sixty Dun. Bnbronn Mu.1.s. A ril I3.--Lut. Satur- dey ni ht, between I" put. eighh and nine o'o ooh. Tent. Bron. stare waibroken into and five silver watches, twenty-vo gold rinn. About I]! in oonneru were ml :1 unoex-onempxon, wulee Lane, could have eurpeued hi: speed. On he a . the pp unlly cloning between them. Just an 0 e horse wu uboub to break any n in,the doctor stepped into the rig. Inghuplhe rene, end soon im reuse}; upon 0 bone that he wu_behfnd* im" in ellnolfn Dtvid V !',ln3|f'ee. who for some thirty-ve you as been in California, Ftllrned e on Mondey lent. Bert C00 0 Piohon. was in to wn on Tues- IV. uocwr rewrneu no nnu men we none was apeedmg Iome dlihnoe Ahead until he roach some bad phoe In the road. when he vru tau hi to "go nlowly." The doc- torhook in be situation :3 3 glance and knew I! he could cover the distance before the bone [00 over the bed plnoe he was all rl ht. He broke awe and in in doubt- lul l thou-champion, llet Leno, could have nu:-mued hi: nmod. On ha -nnd, ll mg--rinllrllccl name on Monuny. ` `Tuna! Bun. V.8.. of this phoo, Jud lulu a bind: for days ago with '1`. R. Burl n ham : trotting hone `Doc." While WM amending I that hinhoue broke loan and lurked r home. The doctor I-churned to nd shut the bone nnnulimr Inlnn dhitnnnn -In-rl uni." In no ouuou mm notoor ruulu. E. J. Ho! M has been in fioton for oomo time, I judgo Merrill : and lawyer Wi,QdIoId'I. doing oomo ortmlo work. Mid Nollie Crawford vnupukon H1 Mon- day afternoon. I)`:-I. Brood nd, Button Mia Annie Palmer, of Trenton. ho a 6- were In ntboudonoo. She is m an hot Enter vocation hero, and who k In ootlvoplrt with the Miuoo Birdloll and Muon-upooiolfy by hordolighglul II n-rotm'nod homo on Monday. Incl phoo nnntl I In hil Inna! - (`Ann nun cult}. '7" `D : u buy Inignnnve boon. Howovor, their and: no mom numerous than when they Gut came to Wollln ton. Although they have boon on-moi , um they had onowdod houou. May their future work be bland with bottor rolulu. E. J. Hlih HA1 Imnnn In Dhm... hu- no uln" unnnu wu In turn Monday , "man looking at huyu over.` Bon- llill BM. ' ` W'll not i rm: M-"3 o'f... `Mn. 30: on Mondny for l wutprncnnndn to I I in much: with hi: uncle and Anna. _r. and Mn. om-mu Vnmlid. Died at her hue, Ron Hall. on Monday. lath inn. of hntn favor. May. only dun tor of Mr. and Mrs. 000. Rlynor. Tho has Blrdnll sud Muon, who for some Inch hnvo boon holdln ro- vivnl 9'01-vices In this plnoo. pnonohod air In-owollurnaon on Sunday onnln . Those India hive boon onrnolb and Nth ul work- on hombut result: have notkbeon at until- f ' they Inlghbinve boon. Howovor. ICU I'll Ollll tn wnlnafnn Allhhnunh ...._v,..... _ . Sh tlm our house is well ml wit in and without. Iinou it next to Godliness iilfhoatneu in its twin sister. my Paints at Corbett's. amt onoo r "iii: It oponny M. 5 uonlo. J" jtju ' ' 4 run I J Ah_nn. `uuu xrolllllnubludod tho` vonundnr thonuwuoHhowo- , Iuldopary am at -Bloomeld. Bhnlcy Chain` mum to his dubhosb Oiuinoqn" *9 In Batu:-dsy. Wu. Olsrk 5 vlnolta ride to and n his -dug David Butlln .un in- undi doing am. In Induy in Ilowly mounting from his tong iilneu. "Unolo Dan" locum in town Monday looking Ipdzhuyu Goo:-no @'.'.".."'. ..3';,i`& `.'..',','5..'..'.`. .".i"..""'..... {rain lion attended the` cl ndor the out - ::.`.. ..'.:"...'.'..... .....::'1:`:':.,...:.'.:_ Q` y:Luu1ou WOIIBPERI. / 1 `us.-'rho .- we in-byJ. .Noxontohinl 6 van enjoyed vpry much. A num- M nan-mm lam. L-.. -u....|-; .|.- _THE RIVER IS HIGH. STORE BROKEN INTO. M II.. ~ I door: from hunt maul uouotnarn uonwpt I rollovomydhftcumnd ngu ck booIonl|d`A Kidney flnoscudtlll oinlluouutou*ownhndInonouIdh thonloolllun idnoyllh. and Ada lhllclaodfornbou. Ivan Hanan "use novungpc I cup: a nun OI1 and vs: nmblo to turn in` bad vi holp,udoouldILuoc|yI-isoln the man- ing. Up till about: month I was I new invdidcd. Al IMO Gino enllod Inland : drug non ha pt rollovo my dhtnnu. pad may hool mild `A Xldnnv n In slut waning or li ng anything 00 the oor vrnunnbloto ring without nnbhnoo. I otninod the match: of my hlnddor when liiung the wove. And hr n long um pil- ed blood when urinating. "I oxperionood_nloo terrible pain In the ionofmy lmnnnnd vuvvrlynwoh fa guodonwnlkingovonnshortdllnnon. I could mnd no on:-ion. My nlghhvcu alooplon and I had no control out my lurinnu. Myuylhuwuindood ouupbb-I ly btokcn down: bldymont if bk. Whoa 'It.oopingI musssen pnyilolnn um ploymont ` wuhimr HR Mr. I . A. Monorio`. Pombroko Itrooo. Kingston. Ont... instructor in the King- aton ponctontinry for IOIIIO time, and a na- tive ol the oily wall and hvonbly known. .-v ' I . Abo B wol yous I ma stove an?! lN'Iil::d my :33. w`r.oh mm. ed mo bolplo-0 to do any heavy work. My phyoiohn Advised ISO to obtain Ilghtu un- nlovmont nouiblo. Whon umuninn. me an or qumno key. new anon uno for T . Nnptnoo. Deuronto and all local pointn. Train lava Oy Hall depot. at. 3:30 .m. R. J. Wllnon. wont. 0.1 . R. telpgnp oloo, Clarence Ihroo ____.__. .____ _ ._i.___.. .,_... Lifting a stom llllng nnmutonm. 3010 at Poison`: drug Icon. nv Allcu uulnnjilc V\'AsnINu1uu, A ril l0.-Tho United State: sonata. uh uh, hu rntiod the treaty with Gnu Britain. providing {or the appointment of a oommhlion to noon damage: for the seizure of Oanudinn salon in Be wring loo. Dill. IIIII I INDIC- Those pills no not. amnll. but they am not drastic-irritating oatburcloa. an small pills must needs be. They contain notivo vegetable extracts which hnve dimot ro- modinl action u n the auomnch, liver and bowels. Avoid rriutin drutic ill: b using Hamilton ; Sold y All do: era on drun Icon. Burial 0! ll: John Bohultl. Wmmrlu, April l6.---'l`ho remnlns of the late Sir John Schultz, are oxpoomd to much here on Saturday. There will be A utonte funeral on Sunday. The body will be laid out in the I Ilative chamber {mm the time of arrival burdny until the fu- neral on Sunday. llllnlltolfl Butternut PIlll-Hlld. lllllolont. -.-'A llnn n 'Ia|nn "018. As long an I live I shall speak of the vir- tues of 13.8. B. and I feel grateful to Pro- vidence that such a medicine is provided for au`ereru.-Ma.~A. W. BENNI~`ll'. Acton I'.O., Ont. ' I e I ' diltinctive, they E and keep their `V _better than_ others. _.eel.l the Finest Im- 91.-Int`: and [V at .1941 W A and show `the ' ` Vt range of etylee. one in pomn: After having used Burdock Blood Bit.- bero for ecrofulninbho I feel it my dutyoomnko known ch results. I was treated by a akillod physician but. he failed to cure me. I had thme Iunnin sores on mv nnnlr whinh nnnlnl nnt In I... -A until I `._.--_ .. .. .. .-.. .. uu.-nu. uuu nu nuuvu - , .... my nook which could not be he: od until I med B. B. B.. which hauled them oom lete- ly. leaving the skin and esh noun and whole. A. IIIIIIU .. I 1:..- I -I.-n ......|. ..4- AL. ...-_ lnslde And outslde. Internally used. Burdock Blood Bitters cleanses, puries and tones ever organ of the system. In all cases w ere sores. ulcers. blotohes, sdrofula. em, sppou on the surface an outwsrd application exer- oises wonderful curative power over the skin and esh, healing them oom lovely without: even leaving a soar. Here ls s one in point: hsvimr used Burdnnl: Rlmd Rim. wee ngnn. . The late Mn. Gen. Boohh had idea of her own on the subject of education. end few of her children were eentto school. They had meetere and teacher: at home\ but they went. into the work of the army at e ver early ego. and hhe world has been bher university. In oommiuloner Eva Booth e cause it. bee been I very good one. and if as little ol the lid: of course may be looking it in ony ne- tural. {run one Jory reoaeet Vjelfeamomen ` eiei wore, And the front plthlt e y in embelliehed with pietu end texte broidered in white eilk, The ehiel work of art is the see! of tlie army ebove the words Blood and Fire. To thie. which every woman warrior ween, Mine Booth hue added A sentiment of her own in the form of the word: "Blood Wuhed"-very heavily and elaborately done in white ellk. She says she selected thet motto when ehe wee e child. end that she hoe elweye worn it. The he bonnet the weere is heavily ehirned V th navy blue Iilk and the wide ribbon strings tie at the left ear in e bow that is almoet ooquettieh. In speech Miee Booth ie quiet and entle. In important mnttere she taken er stand in I gentle but Absolutely im- movable lnehion. It would not be eeey to move her from n etend which she thought wee right. Thu lute Mn. Gan. Booth bad idea: nl never sun. with one or two rather startling ax- oeptiona `her dreu in the uniform with which all are familiar. She wear! a lain navy blue shirt, which ap: at-oun her slender 6 re. She wants a little blue jacket, wit. plain, tight sleeves and a roll- ing collar. BuI>-u h jacket the (roar: thq `rad 0 aawovnan Woic. and the fl-on'i5nl.t.ha.L ianav in as-.; A , T `T "Lu: Novcug I caught 1 dwu in` had will nmuno weigh: about 100. pounds. Box- ohlof bounty lion in her eye: and huh-. which are 3 soft shade ol brown. Tho lair in very curl and the eyes an large and up ling. c has hi I: forehand and n Argo nose. The fun ly rcoomblnnoo in var strong. ill Booth : hand: nrn Inna And thin .Cmdosu FEGONOMICALLY nnrn out III` number: of women warrior: ' from that neticution. Her pupilmedo fine reputation: for ohenuelvee end did but great credit. When Ibe wu oontidenhly lea then twenty, the famous Pull Moll Gauche ro~ vlhtione convulued London, and the Solve- tion may look e Inent pol-Mn the t.rouble.- The gree ta trouble we: con- neoted with en may building In the very been of landon'I elnnu. Evlnkooth an eenh uhere to restore poeoe. shot the end.her little bind of womoz: much; out. as I target for nick: And once. end 2:; other day they mu-obed hook very nuob bruised. but still full_o! cheerful on- ohueium. Reoensl Miu Booth has been in oom- mend of t e Iondon province, which oon- teine 21.000 eoldien and M0 eld ocen. Eve Booth il but two inobol tell endehe welnbe n. Im m....n. en. ` ._..- -. ,vvv -vnulunt lllll IOU llIl\I 0ECIl'I- G weigh: I b 100. pounds Ker 9l1_of_benuty ll_o_| _in_ hor_ anql vu wrong. Booth : hand: are long and thin, with nervous, slender Inger: that IN never still. NH. an: m. 5...- ..A.|.-._ -;.-.'.An..... -_ `tor unoorrlnl ouuno Booth in Toronto. Eor brothor rolinqhlohoo Ialooomuond hon ob tho ond of Moy. Bofono tho no lmoou of up Evo Booth woo oolll Wu &E'?n tho olrooto at London. And no that no oho hoo ll- od ovory gndo ond ronk In tho may from oodototo oommiooionor. , Mloo Booth oonlod down in tho It-mining home In London ond ho! ho: oiooor to burn out In nuuboroo won-iorol thnb n-mun... rt... ......n.~......a. nu: no?u~:no1uIyapi>oinudoonnuncfmpo! an vs on um Caunds This new no l:I.`|VOd b oouuundunb Hubert Booth. No the hon Ind tor than-rial oflju tooth HI brother Iillndlllin Inllnnmnnnd Inn `IIIIIIOIWHIA. -` Tunonm, A I l5.-Oouimluionat In Booth: Ihtq 0 Ball n Boothaooulluly sent out (tom Inn to tboUni0od Shh- oa by Gen. on,AuIuionofdpIIoO.- `III hII`mGiLIAhIl|fl|fA nnunnm -an nl ;;"i.;`a.'.'.t's.m` ':.?.:'.H':.:.:' """. bow` lya tad PM the nlvnbion nnny :_: lIVLl_ ...__-- A ` ` - ArPom1't_n YO run;-qoL: una- oum oomunn. Tu lhlnngoo. uunuu An-{I In __'l`l. yof Quinb Ry. abort lino . Numnoo. Dauronto And all All-Wool Crumb Clothi in any and X Cu-petIfrom9ctoO1.?o ; L`: .`.. I ALgvAYs LATTRACTIVE -- v-gwv' Issues Policies on evqry plan of incur` . Including Ordinary Life. Limited ...Pnyniont Life Endowment. with br wlthouf protl. Di- ferred Premium. Annuity` Boqdmlt yloxinr rates than any-wothw conplnv-' ` ` I00 wellington street.` Ottawa. Head omoo mg of the company. " ' T` 1 !Tn%:I?:'9v19 &.wJInsuranoe Toronto. 75 I 71 PRINCESS STREET. . . . .6|VE SATISFACTION. . .. Warfanted Absolutely Pure, Economical. Durable and Quick Drying. |Robertson s Flohr Paint IPURE READY:MJXED PAINTS "MCKELVEY &BIRCH rmon. ~ , ; Ill Izgc_per.u.oII. Bordering and Ceiling Papers to match. Don't forget that we are Agents for the celebrated CLEVELAND Bicycle, the King of Wheels. and more copied than any wheel on the market. All wheels with large tubing are either Swell Special Clevelands or imitations, - w. _..j- `j. 86 Princess Street. Txie Axmlnisler and Wilton Carpets are the finest we have ever had` BFLISSCIS are also very fine this season. The TAPBSTRY designs are very superior. Crosuleys make of Carpets throughout, to be had only at the Carpet Wareroome of RICHMOND & co. \-/ Ru `I (.30.. !::5!. BR_$}" This stock is now complete. ivm ring god main from poor mavtcrioln-.-but boner" ulto I'n?be.s.motorials. Sow rightly the seed and it willbring fqrth good fruit; ' ` ' ` ,`. 1 uvvu uuun, guuu lulu, cu;., Wlll Ill DI , ., -.` wagtgd if you use common Baking . '_ I .P9\Vde_r. T ' . %1Pl}RE (i0l.:.D` Baking Powdr H,Ij'e,q {$31110 about them I Rare Gold. ;FIau`o:1lng.v,Extracts are as good as .:Dur_e Gold Baking Powder. ROBERTSON S ;g1=`i1=5ET - M-Q 69 I: '71 BROOK STREET. KINGSTON. R . {&KLBkcNfs` Our Wall Paper is going up but not in p 'ce-- going up on walls, beautiging rooms, making them bright and cheerful, and such pretty pat- terns, delicate shades, and prices are away down. Gold Papers J. HENDERSON &, Q9. -_- 4._A _`4 "GOING UK P 1 Is what you want. Sold only at DEPARTMENT in fine Baking are sown in tho mixl|gg t anti" Pure Baking Powder is the 6" most important send -be considered. Goodour, good In , etc., will all be Illlllflfl 1" Iran nan nnnnnunn Dl|ln:u|nn m saga; of Success? Familiar name, eh P Yes. it ought to be. There an `over 500 in use in Kingston and that of itself is a very good guar- ,-_ u__. antes of ITS .~sr~'1=ic';1`1 2NcY. ..TH_E....' 'ANoE. mos1oN,'oN'r. at I2c_per Roll. T"-x Lu Ion nohnnd 'ovu. noel . u =' n 31:`. noun mu. swim lino b;-:bfoed.vuder o %2Ls:%':~*29!hsA9*1`. & a The purier mm; % 2 U`: Q---w_ In nun ya kidneys j " 6335 STYLE rg.%;.utnmEnT, "xii not I simple one nnd does 110! ll receive the atten- ml-.. :5 ..-_..- Ill- _-.. XII KIWI I IUBUIVU BIIU I|lUIl' _ti9u it We pay nttuntion to this do t mad with to call attention to the {net ` In ihnvo tctntly receiv- ' h`Spting sh! meat of Sty- il lrhann Ennis n man ;!<'_3ns%F*"'s igwg-AA lSVcr&`Co.] 3558 V_ moses sf. - By pm-onizing Feat of ` ' 'omuomcn-u. mu;-. .......--...-.- A -1 R Tbbuuincdtbhunnyhuhoon Invdlkhlo. but than unddonll. nppnh cnIly.wbn|'dhonnrlMho lumen nah nnuntnqnnlqnuniulhn and has cl; thhou. bkliudowhiohmumdl hum: ddldivo uonbynn condom! Innshqluyuguawuunnndq-_ and who Inhunuoln no 0! rublni-' juihdnnuliollh oslnhuuhould .hunnl-ddhgcndonupuuothuu. `hm unlnnoucuohtu Nlnntodo Ilium. Thllsdqnlbntbugnuud hsqodlopupuondouuodlu :"';npuu_lIohQuth culvert bllcu-avian uuohouvo. Allllhhnlllluntlbqlllo. nu uadhlq II h_v0 HQ! in qylnuqvhm than _ hone nuunulilhlqullult-qynoluur oluhohl lull! ma.y.uLorm.aa r:..".:*..'..m _ uvruuu-vuvunv. Gnnud chm mishaps And nooldonta will ` occur in upllo ol ovary pnonqglon. that at ` the unit unoxpoohd moment. and dupib wntohlnlnmn, thlngu will go units. the ' emu-nu ummml vlgnmo in the prion; omgsonoyiawoulunhony. The lndnmhglqryumbom I noun-coo! snxluy. Aoootdlng to tho upon 0! n` upooiaoundouounyotnugo. ls inun- like uuythinpol tho mud in the cloc- u-loilwu-ld.ndlIonn nova ho do- npon until then in loan at. uupo-do to carry out elnnoom-! nondstloudthoqxpu-Iinpanorlnl when Andooonu-orlnouhoanlnnr-t unoounpnlcn wlllhcoonnlu it they nopougauuu. voluuumymnoan * Nlthuuddununnr-. cnIly.wbnl'dbonnrlHhInuouunh * all Ania... 'l\hI...'. -.u.n...n.n _.._ ___. I OUR FIRE DEPARTMENT. Thou woo A In in Now York A dAy or two Ago, And tho Appliuiooo wibh which tho mou-opolio io oqulppod, foiled to give tho oxooneion oxpochod from ohom At A criti- ool mouonb. Tho mule no A (in which dutroyod holl A million dolloro woroh of proper - ~ Inotinotivoly tho mind turns {mm a I-Aoding cl uhlo nowo itom to the roport. in tho city popoto. to the silica Ihot whon tho luopoolor of thoro lnouu-Anoo oomponioo vioitod Kingohon on Tuoodny. And dooli-od to loo whot our doporunont could do. Hm. tholroolorn hilod to roopond And next. tho hooo booono dofoctivo. A more Awk- word momonc for A dioploy of thio kind could nooho innginod. And in ouggooboo dovouon to dohilo ontho port on poid dopu-tmonb which my guud Apinou ropouhiouone. onntgal ush nigh`... ..uI ...k.a-..A_ _.:n non Ioblnlb to hit dlototlon. Hit fnlhm bu boon nouoooblo all along; 10 ha boon Inudo oonlpiououo by tho usurpation of his power by the bullying ooorolory of nook. It may in um rumor doe: him an in- juntloo when it up In In About to go to `England. Kl: place in in Canada just now. In doloooo oi the logiolnuon to which hohuoonmmod hi: pu-oy. In may ho. hmhor. that In in not going to allow. Sir nllnllnn tn nun}: `Hon nah`. gnu` --nu..- Charla to punk him aside, and ammo command In Ibo noxe campaign. But it would plane the oounhry to no she change in order uh when the crab coma it any ho undo oonploto, and oh It my give an un and of Tuppor and all that the name implies. Ilvllu -uvuvuuIu. III vuv nu-uvlv Iuulluvl and domlluno ubmty 0! Sir John 'l`homp-- man and nnvhn Kn: khan |InA.\|A 61` IULALA -nu ulnnuuuuv unnuu In nu vvuu lIlIlIll|l` |Ion. and novho has been unable to mko -_- -.L-gll n XI- `Ila-A-AI.-_ `II- l_.lI....- VIII Illv IIIDII uuw In: luuvyv ooo and to dodge impending storm of pnbllolndlgmonl Thu ho bu not H-an A hnnngnh nlnndnr -Ann -I|unuh -nu. .. ,......... ................... ....... ... .. ...... been 3 hrmhnh pumior you without my- lng. Ho ho: not the mngionl way: of Sir John llnodonnld, or the suture manner 4_.I A.-l_-_A _LlIlL_ .1 Bl- I-I._ llVL-..__ IIUI PIUIIIIUI IIIUIIIII IIIJII Ituvv vu lulu out people at the pnlln, Ilka the Acting promier. And lo I-ooolvo hln punlnlunonb lor going In tho fuoo of publlo opinion. Sir Ohnrlos r my Inn boon consulted (be pro- hbly ,,u _ I) lb was Sir Mackomlo blue .nin..,.d ,`.~';ag1odlnl bill dlflloulty lnw bbo oomrnon`I"`-ll! _ " P" llnpo, ho named to `la1~__uidd by his friends. and he onglllr `'0 |\4 0.5;. Inch vnnn nun in nmmn -deye. there will be e ohengelntheprr `entry the ooneervebive party so no yI'-IU FKIIIIIZIU, WIUIIIII UIJU lIUI| IUW mlerehlp. 8Ir Meckemle Bowel] will. it In eeld, Income the handler: high oom- Iniellondl`, which he can ll admirably, performing who dntleeof oloe u well u bin predeoeeeor. And perhaps better. while Sir Oherlel Tlpp` undertnkoe to Weherloo. Therein only one reqmb to expreel this arrangement. namely. that she nomi- nel premier Ihould nob have to face the ......I- at 41.. mil. Inn 91.. ...u.... .........:-.. lull. IIIIIIUI UIK l|lI'lIII|llVll VI In -IIUIXII. M.P.. onnounou oh no the clan of chi .........A -.4-ll.....-.0. -Ankh. sh- ..-_L I... Hula. -IIIIUIIIIIJZ IIIQU -I VIII VIIIIU III III. pnunb pu-llamas, within the next In u-n h||AnA cl II: I nknnnn In Ila; tum. __......____-. THE DOMINION PRIMIERBHIP. Aootnblvo paper. the World. not- bing under thn inapinon of Mr. Moolun. M D Annnnnnnn Hunt :1; Mn ulna` Al th` TH`E_ _pA1;.,_Y _WHIG.l I1 ' ' `". "'M""" "W ' ' to yum: on 03105000105 I I ho I ' J . IOII 0l'I0l`Dl ' CO. Anita; I ' Ybplhlndonlom onto you hulnnu; ranuu , no-any. nownorun Inna to be minus. and up he has nooivod letter: from pie in Paul county, oorlng to holp hr: Ir. Robinoth will shortly set [up amount "ponaloud" ttonor [tint-okuoolhinolhn|:thnHI. in lulu} gthilorl tlroulhout tho oounlrv I -Illiil-lowlnlroll. .Nll`il:m` M Rabi om. received- I I` ll .ma:rm x'x5C w.` Mowhorroll. cu. wn. "W" '"":."'- .';:v`.:*...'.`.`."*"`.': :21`; - , W .`::`:.`:3: .....`. .....: .........iv:.." ,....., wmon enoereu nu from beneath and Infured the bllddor kldne I. He says: " wuoonned to my bed or six weeks and Inn ru-ely able to work. feeling too weak since the injury over eight pen ego. Ihnve token one box of Dodd I Kidney Pille end cm Wt]? cured and as able- hodied an ever no n 2? life. One box In: worth one hundred d Inn to me, if it in Me to eetlmnte such a benet in dol re." The Iotlod who Adoptod II Dolull of Human: lainnngn. Ia. nuulan. NIPPOTL nnnm and lumber- mnn. In: in and Mlin on I knot. whlchon hit from math and waved thojllanqdpr lgldpep. VH0 or want vou Inoulu Do. To allow the ublio that the Itntement. in not oon-coo, t mph stated that I lofo {Jun market tn could hm tie dfcaund. o um puodbo much I not {cave the ri. andp that I hunted the clerk up and asked him whnb vs: the consequence. and he aid that. he saw the Imgiunto and he ndvlnod me not to bring any more of that kind and than would be nobhing (umber uboub in.--RonIn-r Mu- wI:m.. II. I. Hudson. Oo-barman. Iounly In- Juod -ProtnIdl| Knot Intorod the Body-cured B: one Box of Rodd`: mam: nun. Omnnuuu. April I8. (Spooinl)-H. E. Hudson. tnppor hunter and lumber- mnn. inland in mlimr on . Imm. roprovoonnmno nu: took to the market. and the clerk oonaoabod was three week: old and well fed. yet the clerk said is was not up to the standard, what val should be. `In nhnu u until. u... AL. .-s-...-... 1 nouooa In youroommnn or Apru Inn. n Eu-cgnph oonoornlng me. which I would no amvond boforo now land I been aware of in being prlntod. I un the per- oon nunod u hnvin slink veal. and I am nnnnnnul On nu-um t. .5 (ha us.) I um]. 4.. nvvu -u uuv an-Iuuulluv lulu UIII III gnntod. The man who appou-I to tho grontoab dlndvtntngo In Sir Ohsrlon Tapper. who, ,1: high oonuniulonor :6 014.000 I your. Mlod. nooordlng to Mr. Mulook. to do hi: dnhy in aha out. and the farmers can be ukly lolt. to sound to him In tho onnuing olooclon. manning no common or Veal. Pn-cnnum. April l3.-(To the Editor): I noticed in your columns of April och. nu-mnnh oonou-nlmr mo. which I would Ion'}.'.$.h"J' 13155 'nT.l'i v.`.'n'."3.I.'a"1 ":53 propuodtoprovo nacho null wok to the mnrkot. the clerk aonunnhul Inn rviul. UIIV wnyvl IIUII UV IIIIU UIlIIXl"V VVIIIUII 11`: followed. the Sun thunder: out that "there on Iooree 01 men In the Centrnl prison and In the penitentiary who on leu guilty before God and man then the in- onpeble men who are degrading Conide to- day an miniature of the crown, Ind the elector: who bowl for men whose inuence he done so much to deetroyl,__gg-933.41, Ind PNBN '33. -O\'Il'"1end Are on dl5'J 3' e unworthy men to: whom '91 The Inngnngo in nomewhnt , but the Sun in npoehln; for the lumen whose lntereete have been injured. and in dull time: without I perollel they need all the naeietenoe they can be nu-nnfAt` UVUIIHIIIIIII. \lI|I`UI' wuull II: II PITHT. Having than; expend the government : shortcoming. In falling rcuonubly bo pro- tect Mao Canndinn cattle Interests, in ex- poning bho oxpomn to the embargo which Al fnllnwul Hm Hun thunnnrn nut. Oligl CI; I` apuug nu IIIBIII ul aty- ' -vwlhh Anna-lean goon formen. . ?."*l`hoy an very nobby and ,:,...`1`I:.orou(hly up to date. See a ` Q In- we v-v-nu veuvu-.1: vuunuu, lulu uul v nllgutionthey Ignored b ooneent 0! our vernment In order t neemi ht eeved. iharouxpbauty llbeun er- etood when it is remembered that it was throng h their Inuence end on their behalf that t e oen-yin; errengement wu mode between the govermnente of Canada end Greet Britain, but no amount of blame .thet may be attached to the railways, who ere lever enythin but eouileee corpore- tlone eering noth n for eught but the eolnlng of money, In mitlgute the oenee of the Oenedhn government. when mem- ber: ere worn to protect the interest: of `the mople. and whose map I ;re equals`)- ee re reeentet we 0 t e e ti Edvesrrg theil: welhre hv m..e.'.).?.`.'.a p ere mu- F? 11333 ."." `.'.',7."..'.'..7s`2:v..' "o":'u.. Sop. boedvenoe their welfere by meeting and overcoming danger when it in presented. nnvinn f.I\nn' nvnnnnl lulu. tnnvne-nrnAe\O'n vnlrw 'UvvIIlIIlC IV IIIWIUUI WIIU no nqulnd no sooompnn our tn-dn loud o! ammo through 0: a, but his ob- Ionmmmt. In mdnr c ununu mlnht. nooomo umra on no me A moat by t r Iblpulubion to tho government Inspector ohnmo chrouxrhca 3. but M J3i?h'".a`uii'ud ehould be nuned bythe government end `become third vendvnn-vl Ullv I'IIUIIUwII|v. tho A reliable men id byohersllweye. toeonorn n eve rein. The nllwey nnthogaieye in en to the Ism- pay who wee eooounpeny every w ---u-. -Rina, on rlt` In In hereto ore. :- _ No n_:unle 'touybhnehe\ne Inpeguetdm ~ having aid hhhlb-deulnree that thenon- ` obeetvgnoeonbelegulnlomqgveedto by I odrgovernneub no prom: by personal `grenddoele lellney. OuntenndKen- `embu-kedbefore gbhebotderend Ibweelnlnotod that Mr. Xnlook VII mung: greet fuel {or petty pm-pool. Imnhe Tuner`: a venue: lonmd leneeol the bmeu-e'|nteuue at the re- qnuto! the pehongrend dloere. And xveetlgnauu Wlndeor and Sun]: by ugyuamgasmumsm. Ben-lo: Theutblebheb ldheve bundle- eununedby the mono lnepeotor, were 0 no lIIl'IOd"I`I all, mam n was rude by merely * walking h of the cum on Oenndinneoi. very reader can under- eund how , each In exuninnblon mm have been. They know. too that A * mlnmn named tan b o! the gov- ernment to protect the noel-ecu of Gene- dinn fax-men in the first plnoe. And of Hunt Britain in the second plum. did not meet the requlremenu o! the Agreement. which lblpulnbed ' should be rid by the nweye. to nooompeny _ nnthorlllee become name: the urea. Iaodilpootol the oath griounol uh undo:-Ohio: bodllpou of the school quot-` Mun not unltlunnh Annual-Iv nu nlannlnm. -n-UUIZUU UIlIl-|lIll'In `II GU30! `Irv ;ion,now, without enquiry or conden- Mnn. ' LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. POSTCARD PETITION.