Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Apr 1896, p. 1

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uuctoo ovomopo no quay. Alcl. Ourtlo onld tho Ilnnnoo oommmodo objoou In making tho noommondotlon vrorobolauobnnd tho olty`o roooumoo oml not so lnjuro tho ololonoy ol tho n clo~ portmonb. Sovonl duo dollbontlon lod mom to conclude that tho ndopblon of who oohomo would lnoronoo tho uoolulnooo of `lino dohportmonb. It turns ho` rbomgmliond nuootylo ng Mo on y oopo and bnuudo. n tho lluonoocommmoo l>o- llovod oh tho 8 Into! Ml llgllt oom- Inmoo woo ono ol opoud ng ooumlebooo Ihhamuld do xi goo. . You 0 nnon no o potoono ourondlonono and lo noko [root Mnoo lot blaovooolvoo. hoglvo olnolr uoonolon so nnuoto oonootnlng am on doporlunonoo onlyondto ttlmbhoy uuoolooood toloolnltortho nhnoooolohooltynlugo. It would bononl buolnooo so -aonoonluto tho Ilro dopuunont. Ho woo ouny to hour the non woo rlvolrhlaoiwoon tho mon of Ion. boon .s.mm.._t o um: an In non "IhO0l\|I0IU%\Il` |W0lOI\$|`N|O pubunm Willis ' lhlgtn than an may anon anon lot not nmovilzij: III In tho norm sunulnnht world 1! In duke)- odhylrqllknmynmou mm '\IIHhu'inrw!|l khan. Amm M Human nonhun hunlnhrvhurod and hvogu than none Sh ookl nuhnln Wlnu. but It tlounltor Md ' allot- alnul In than numnlv Ihv would IIIIII IU`{NOT IN THI FIORM ORIGINAL- LY IROUOHT DOWN. II onulo Illa Ian I In In OI -'l`Inoo||I|hIIIu IIOII Wale-_ not-ad-:lIrDIuI||InI Upon the Im- lama mum "anon tn uunuum. Bu! olnsnoo comm Mala uumd ohm mom my Ihouldbo one no roduoo the oxrouu In bhll oonnooblom Inrlnu I.hn`hm|unh dchgu tho rule: of " .3?` ':?`n'. `3a".'.3`1'2;' n o u doboto vgoro ouopo?1.dod:o 3 ozhn.||u:\vlo.o:l: .:..-a::*.,::..1"e.::"" 25.;-5 olnulo by olouoo. 00. TI d I . :..a.'.'. u'32 1'...'2`.":`..`..`3L `.I ...2`.."c.u.'."A :';4:'. .`:':'::.:?.:.m-`::..:".:'.::':.:."""` ""' ooivod bhob dooldod tho oom':`\l`b':o obllborobo bho olumoo. But on tho bndgot. V" '9 Pd. lb no ollowod so an d I ma Om-M " ` . unld no oblooblon had boon ' bhon primed. lb mu uuomu no nunu. Ald. Gum: Inld ohhoblon made to tho oluuub I M-unuo who was oonnulud on the sub ooh. Ahl. mohnrduon nld she trunboa ouch UIIu`WIII'|VIIl' XIWCN IIIIIIXIOI the we nllllollh-(`ti they try to so which on 305 to a mo am (Apphun) lnhoonurtouuootlln lworomm-an nnaushnnun out In `villi: H; DIIQII I3. val: l||`:l`y` I at In canals: clair- ugl \. who had Mon at now ll Ilonnuon-`hln: haw cum. I In odlhnusl oi ` bulb. mgr 0 H K 1 3 tab no withpho has nnllunnldlluhntlnnnlnhn M III to lo "1. hotly on but -Duo Aid. Bobon bod obo but too IOIO. looold lnonoo oomml bod ombtodollooooouboblooloor tbon {non pnvloao your. A dobt 08,000 from I oothod to bo noonho dobonouyo dobo lnorooood out 010,000. mi ho oooooo- odvoluo o! tho ol dooroo 000.866. manna ooh . In tho ourorbo. . moro Ion Mu ouch-o rovonuo o tho oily.` No Inoolvo ootnotod my mom- bor of tho llnonoo oommlthoo. In orrihglng tho bud 6. otboo than bhovor boo In- toroouo who clay. ond tho dooro to vo oooh oommmoo II much on poooiblo. V llo porln tho oobhnouo no on low o guro no mun... mm. o propor monogomonb of o o . Thoyrooommondoblon to olooo cho On- tmrlo moot llro hull bod boon modo In tho nnoyor'o lnou rol opoooh and hpd boon dloouoood mt? Ibo Ilnonoo and bbo u. wotor ondllg ooommooo. ond oloo by tho oi op" ound In- - ":_ 7-; 13.. _. Lg; '33... m.:dIlt\vuII:.:an5onol Ovuynuvh uhlh at in- hnllnthhwununcllhdtv n pun um lulu luau us Q with tho uncut) Wood Inu- imam 05. in he GIIIIIOII Malian on It 0 Ionian |\ the Hull: Itlh mm In 10 Mtwtoogvlmulwul ou- hludh vtllboolauud In the lulu! ` ' '3 O?! '\b Euncnr {As 1>Ass_nnT| KINGSTON. ONTARIO. TUESDAY EVENING APRIL 91. 1890. tho Onbnrlo ohrooh hull. Aid. Wolkom ox cloning the lower ohhlon. Buh ho (1. non ohlnk lb nooocoory to hoop on onglno bhoro. no who prooouro In tho bowor was no gm um hooo reolo on oulllolenb for all mrponoa. Tho plnoo lo (too large oomduly. ut ll tho olty nboompba to soll in now. who onrporntlon will bo Inudobo po "l.l1mugh Lho nooo for lb. A omollor lml . oqulppod wish hooo roolo and o proporforooof men. would anowor hlso ulmnoman uf blue lowor port ol the on. . Id. Sbmlnge thou he A omnllor lun I would be better nnlto to blue loworuThy`o noodo tlmu lo the pmoonh lor ludl. It would be lmpoulblo to call no Onunrlo obroot properly to any ndwumt . and he therefore thought it. would bo w no to hold la n. nrooanh. the department would muse oomuuon. Ald. Mnrtdn claimed that the belt: Interest: of the olby demmld chm the re de rhmenb should be u lb new oxletn. e npelled the lnelnuublon chub there le my lnellleleno ln the depertmenb. and and he did not beeve the brlgule ls lnellloleut. The rlvulry exlehlng lo we- duomlve 0! ed. and hue never leopard ted the ufehy o pro`:erb{. u had been l_neInu- ebexl. Aebouln ng u sum: of money with the Idea of lorlylng hlmnell. he polnled out thehlxemul relueed be place ulnrm boxu where they ere needed. end hln relunl wu mused by vmno of money. The Break Itreeh Itallon in too email be Moommodnh bhn men of boch helln. and it would be a ver uontly work to enln lb eutllolenhly. lel Youlden hnd tel the epeoer bhet the Onterlo aoreeh men reach- ed Nugenc & Tn lor`e llre before the Brook street. men. and led e Ihrenm pleylngentlm fire and Irevenhed u very dleuu-one reeulh. by the 0. me the Brook meet detachment. urrlved. The only reason he could glve fer hhle mu thumb the Onberlo utreeb men hold nehorler' way to go. The tooth of mehlng the propoeed change made lb ul- moel. lmpreoblcnhle. when lo la oollaldered than the full value oenneb he ohbelnetl lor she Onmrlo ebreeh hull. AM \A'nl|nmn numnnml nlnllmr the to M nruonb. Al . l.|\'|n ton had never heard of the umlorwrlmrn nntnbin that two re lmlln nhould be xnn|nu\h1otr|n the uiby. but only that. u pmporly equipped mu-(on bokept. He did not think two nmuonn uaceunry. The dibmnm in time 0! arrival of tho two dohohmonta as ron om be ncmumbod for L... oh. hm. Hun}. nhn-mn Am Ihlmvl ba|o~ WIIUFEIOIV UllU||| A la Ll \-hun American '5. .. Novolglu in _... ;"\~=1g-_w'- _ _ douwhmonta at tin): be nccuullnou mr hr the fact that nlarlna are nlwaxyn p mnod. rat to tho Ontario street ntntinn. ultorvnu-dn to the Hruuk ntroot lmll. ALI llnlmnnnnhl nnt. muIarIh\I\d how iltnrvnu-dn the Brook ntroot mun. Mal. Bolumooultl not \IIl(lQl`Ih\I\d nldonnon uould no thnt amno uhml was nooun\r{ nml pnanlblo. and who won l yet votes mt the ehtln oluuao. Mcmborn M tho nume committee vlaltod the On- tnrlo utroot tlm hnll not out memhun of the rs. wutor and light committee. but It! Aldermen aml an mombon of the tlmumo omnmltton. mud no one had the rl ht to [Almaty thomln (loin no. It In a non IOIIOO to tall: about two lmmonna ox tonne of enlarging Brook ntrnot utntlon. I-om actual muuvuromeut ho could state that that station In not to very muuh too small to accommodate the nppuntuu fmm Ontarlo strut. And them no two Implements ntorotl in Brmlx strut hull that-an never m-od.nml the llro. water and light nmso know it. It would Not very llttlo u oroot A atructuro to ntom thuoln. The Itomnan lnoln var nldom taken out ol the utnt on. And V I0 lt in tho tam thnt drum the chemical onglno In ant bunk tor it. No would got our thln lllonlty by keeping the other tum in tho I: utnot station. Only the hon ml in mod lrom the (htuu-io attest hall now. and that In all that In nooclorl thorn. Ahl Rnhlnnnn ulnd vrhv ("d not All`. Id It MON. Tho mnynr pointed out than the nance oommmu hu him the tion than the Onurio chub hall In too and mm a Imnllor station would quite culotont. Am nnhlmnn mid n. vmhr And Ilghsoommmoo. Md. Bdrm mood that ho nu ohnlnmn 0! up oomlnluu mmmlmughm. rumor won an council Mu! Md nuppow od It then. TL. mum: minim! mm hlnl Mn nnnm Unlnrlo unto lllll II 000 lugs um Ian I: Md. Roblmon uld n. Inter and light oommmu had come In the conclu- lion not to out: out this noommomhuon. ovum It It won urud- Tho alum Yhlnly dooluouho ponl\ooIoutlu|ul.. AM. H :1 hold shut his comnmu in ma name In In dodnto haunt tho ctquil thonmm ooumlun. ' poulblu to ma tlli olt at Inc nu Eli! a! ng. ml expanse: mu roduoqd. Th 9 an in done In this Innumoc. the dune mm the he dorrhnonha oloncy will ho lnorouod. In city : ,1: lnmulmmd nomothln; mm In on: $0 ohmic ndmon `of slain. hat In tho duty ol 6 0 mnoo oommmu It not to on-an on city : mndilf Ald. Nnlon did not like oryinl dowl! boon qono In previous an. M bro Ohlublrlql of,B| _ `nym- ` o N IPOIIII` POIIIIOO 0! 0|!!! Ill wuluu Ald. weon moved. uoondodi) ` Allan. bhcb ulna olmlb be smondod yum- lng tho wordu. "provldod M dou nob Ibob the ruenb Innurnnoo o! hhe o|tv." A .I An... mmhulul him nnmmll hhlh In hull ahead of the moon uunnn mun. Ind I0 rovonud the MI oom- munlontlng wltln, n noon-houu ln whloh A lugs qunnhlly of lnnmmnblo mthrlnl mu kn 0. A: to tho Campbell : nlll ll:-o.lt. mu 3 not hhac than Va 5 mo on Bu-rlo aural as tho blmo of the mlll lire. and both douolnnonbn ol tho brl ado wore Ma lb. Ald. Allan ulxod would not In well (or Ioma one to wt-we to Mr. Mobonn. ol the nnclorwrlborn` uuoolatlon. ind onqulro whothor or nob tho chumro I-opened would nllbol. the olby`n lmunmoo. o oonoonbruln the tloparernono would oonfunlon. and that is all that In nooclou um-9. Aid. Robimnu naked why did Aid. Bohnn brh up this question in pronoun {nu whoa 0 was on the nu. mm and lght oommmoo. thntrho, gu ohglnngn to tho city ilmnain Aid. bi notliino oaying down tho city. and would not nun thou And but-it. Ki ton in nuuodiwor than any otim oi in Canada. The iinnnoo oommittu. ot orwiu tho houu or iordn. bu reputedly taken on ituli to sdviu the lmvnto and light oommittoo. and no othu. '1` 0y bon by Itnting in oihot. t that comm ttoo no not onpoblo of dol in work. And by trying to appoint n npooiul oommittoo to do work. which the iiro. mm sud light dommitton land to-thy com lotodin 8 mo uroditabio mun- dor` The En wow-.Ami light oommitiu does not nooa udvioo from tho house of lord: and will not tnlu. AM l\hnI| mu. nnnrun nlnlln `DUI? I' `WI lord: and will not MRO. Ald. Dronnun oloulng loyor IM- Mon. Ho bolls mm wan nocuury In the lower part of tho on . But bho nlnoi oounnmu ha I puma rlghc to recom- mom! ndnntlon of M10 ulolmnbol. and tho com moihu pox-hob rlgm. noncom- monlo? nduouon ublmubu. tho apukor poinhd out out: In which ouch hghoon qonolnprovloun NI! A -1 `L- h.._.|-_ .1 III. mdnnnh warn. 3:3 ".'.5&'i3Lu'J&3?'uiI.'6:B5~ T A d. Anon romlndod tho oounon hhah In I894 ho only, of I the tin, water and. light oommmu mombon. op I, Ilmllnr scheme on high. The Omar o shrub reman urrlvod nu oho Nugonb &'l`nylor fire the othor mornh . n mlnubo and I mi ahead of be Brook mm on... mu-I an nrnvnnlbmi Min PI nom- Iuufnos. u muli. in-1. pouII.:| '32.; uh: nt I11: lldnl. _Ind_ oxpgno_og_mgm_ roduold. _j"LL I7 cnuoddvhup \l| luglvlglvplvvvlunll vuv l\UIIl'l IIIIIIIII fnoturln Co.. Toronto. II In the alt . Hugh m boll. pnlnur. Ion Mr say for Wnborbovm. .Y.. In touch 0! employ- mono. Inhn Dnkh nf I'h\t1n| Il'IL'All |n lhn non. John Robb. of Clinton. nrrh-od In the my by the only morning brnlu. on n busi- nou mluion. Ihml` Iluuhllnln will Inna for l\I.tnuun tn. \ronu.ouur omoo. Nolnon Swmor Mb today for Hum (Hay, Mnnhnnn. whore he intonda to mnko Inn home In the tutnro. Mn. N. .1. Madden will shortly lemvo for 8 mouse. N.\`.. to join her hm-band who n In lmnlncn nhcn. Monmenu at In Pooplo-who They An . Iopllc and Ilolnp. `W. H. lhly. Nnpcnoo. In In bown bo- ( l\`. (In \" .3 I -. H3. Tgylormpuumlng oh. Kemp Mum- fnotuu-lnp o.. alt. "mph mnhnll. nnlnlnv-_ In. I.nu nv Mr mmlon. Pmf. Ruddlolu will leave for Ottawa to- morrow. prlor to making his departure to she orbh-wont. r ..|. 11.5.... ...n... 1.9.1.... I... mu 9.. mo orm-won. I` M: Baker. who loh here In! full for New York. In employed than In a lamp \roMt.ouu-' oioo. n.n..... n..a..... mg m....a... cm nun. who II In nnuncu morn. R. Auoluhino. Inc In the employ of Joseph Fiohorr It now employed Inn wlmlo~ nulo new In ow York. Ilnv IN:-shawl \N||H.hu-1 In nnunnnl ln Min we -mm Ill NOW xorn. Rev. luohnrd WMM in oouuod to his mom bhroui: llhmn. a speed y room-ory Ia auriuutly o for by many. Rev. Neil oPhornon. punter of the Pommlon luhytorhn \ urolu. has been pm-outed with 3 bicycle y Mn oongmmv Lion. in. .....| M... n... nu tnmnlnu 3... Man`. MOI]. Dr. and Mn. Coy loft to-dny for Mon- tnnl to ma Manda. Tmy will roturu earl nut. not and prooood to their home at L Ii0I`0. Tho mnmmr of Al. O. 1-`ioldn lnimtmln Bundny. All lnvihd. Grand nlghb to-marrow lb St. `Paul : schoal room. Brownies. high one to 7:30. curloo. coo. Programme :6 B with singers. etc. Admlulon. 100. About Mnnnmn vmml man out ow. numuuon. me. About: Nancy-n youn men down to Wllmoth crook, mburg. lune night und nlnughbcrod several hundred motors. Thou lh an very numerous bhli anon. "Wu... mung. nl Insular: nnpl nlnunn Maura vuluw In HUI!- pob ware nun. Two Indian at pen wu-enouu. Two trapper: from Rogln, Quo.. were In the olhy to-dny with over MM) uklm of animals which bhoy uourod no tho 1-`omit of as aw wooh` trip up the Ottawa 1- v . I`u:nmnt`:I all-uni. lnnm M`; |mAnufnnhn~nrl l'I\'OI`. lmporind direct. irom bho manufacturers in Germany. bhroo ouol ouhmom and not- tmnhouiory and gloves. No home in the dominion can show better valua. R. Mu- Foul. Kingston our b vmnhouue. The Free Mobh ilu u i _| dim-ioh are making nrmngomonu for is holding of their nnnuul onmp mating in lake Onm-io park. commencing June each and inking ton days. The douinhnnonin of "A" bntizorv to Nuke Mn-. n. .I. mnunen w )1 who n In bnnhnou mhoro. H Annnlnnn IAAA Ir cu. ulnoqo. The manger of Al. 0. Heidi minatmoln has made Clarence P. Jone: u tomptmg ol- for to become 3 Inombor of the oompnny next. nuou. _ H I\nnn|pIn-xn \\'H|n|m was: In khn nv non nuou. 8. Donnldnon. Wilbur. mm In an city to-day. Ho 3 it took him throo day: to much the only m his home. I dlaumco of nlxhy- ml 0:. All the district around when he Mu In under mm. ITIUIIUIIUIII (tit A town days :30. while on the xluorm at the outer depot of tho 0. T. 5.. Md. Donmlly. In com with mother oluun. `noticed we ably Ind young men on- duvorlng 60 dlnpond no pun: to Bollo- vtllo. They obnd shoe: for sale co nvtrnl Lnnonn. nqyingndbhn they won dud vote" and van to miss norm moncy. Innnunr In 3 question they and than u had lnonglvsn tho Hanson Audi ll (inst) hhmqu R lost. but I 8 Ihnvhndnoin Monohmnl thnmlnno hl I10 III` to Iovlllo on. All Innnnllu M I April ~ ma, mo. 0----an-:1: . no \\ mm `.i`a"`x'>!.'.'.` {i`, . and ..e u.. howhothuou-noI::hndIunodnny `D an Dollovlllo on the duo mmomrz tho chic! It. on oomullng ii`! ro- oordomnmd Mtln Md not donor-o. as. John ! chum. ruuuoun. nu noun lut owning with a Mr mundane` Tho mdtlon upon no method and com- uunlod upon. A count ouuhung 0! Mann. Inn. Gould and . in i`...,..s""..`..`Ja"2.7`2`...`.`3'.a.".' $"..a""""'......"`."2'c Imnuingllonvonn. no the mount lo. notulupunhoupuuuwu-nus. um. Ir. Debbi twin nulvul cal` unm- Rtsattmuhrupnnuhd pnkl. ndlucuouhtho choir autumn rirtandont Ibo uqnu of thvuur y want not lll uvo ulwuunw. at I no ,0:-dot tin Ipooiniiy Donna at u. omivro. In-ooh In-us. All the oimu undo as the dairy Ioiaooi during the pub winior. were Iiaippod Montreal on-day. - Wm. Swain. u-It-olut piano iiunor. into Wurnnvibii & Oo. Adina Military Bcoru. oiix. mbcroi lo Ki toniuin viii!- ix; hnogo for a mu dnsl. robin-`nod ho niomwn 6 in morning. Ha want; In ninth: u lunlhnn and nu no or ono nunumg nlnu ol nnoxunuruu, Wouport. Three out: uuhnuo and cotton hosiery n,d glam but just u-rived at R. Mo- ` ul n. Bplondld vglno Ind price: are my low. _ Tho churolm was and with now mil- Ilnory on Sunday. The dluplny no mo and costly. "1`\vl|l ho conblnuod next Sunday. All invited. (ll-and nlnhh to-marrow Bb.1 nul`n we emu Is. on oonuunng nu 1 -u--u -`V-v.-- -_. -vv.- Wmuagoumulnumnm {Cm oi as. John`: chunk. Dunno! . (I hut nnnhu with I hip nhmlnnng `Mn puunuruu month or at our: uuw nu-on-runs. looplsho lnlklu Lion!-lothlu Ia- IIIII the Month: at Ihuo who no lnhlnn Inn. - fk lulu 0! Ivan Du I.lIo-WInt Ibu- -miVVIl'\h man or heft)!` mu l||\ of &l\?'"` hhtikuol `I1 V {"" n:-OI I o.':5n. uni Y} of it uh. .31: .um we huh 0 . .5. `lilllmi. I`rnnh-0. ` 1" ton! IN! alt. l`u|-ulml. ` Amn `Mb. mo. \ `I'll! OOH IHDIIIOD MIDI. Oom and hour the M010 wonder, Mlu Msblo hnlun :5 0| 8.0.3. oonoorb. Db. (ham-an`. nvintnn. Thnndnv null. luv. 5. uunurm Ana u. '1'. mynmuu oolloohd In B hills and Pruooth In aid at Q 0 building and ol Knoxohuroh. Wounorb. Mum rnuun in one a.u.m. oonol George : ovnfnj. The non. Rev. B. B.`BurnI and . T. R4 nnllnnhul Illllln In-nnhvllh and I bnlu Three onus of hooiory and glow: have {nut nrvod from Germany, our own dlreoh m ruclon. They cannot: In button In va no or mice. R. Mufnul. Klnnton our- ICEENTMF ms nu..[ L In bonus as Iowans. The uijoumd Ruhr vat: mun in. John : chunk. Pon-nu . run I 'I`III-I I030 ' {:3 user an and an dlnoonno. _.. .. r.:"::..'.":...'.*."...;":'. Em Iiblowllls I '1`. khan $50` "ran. nonlu vu-vu 01' I I an Y (GIVEN THAT ! I`. g R in own BM mmiun nun run no I! or JIM _b9no_II| of gum .I UIWKIWII UIIII IUI'lI|II' "Anna -nu! Lg`. AL; NAIIA um Ir . '}Y.'.')"' ""m.,u' `"'nclfs .Is':'.' `: .'&..".$'.`.' had In stoma! Inning than to In Icvlllo PIRBDNAL MENTION. `IOII. THO OBDHOD DI DOIDUII Ill rloo. Mnfnnl. Kingston ` nun. 'l\`IOdNBO||I`I&c ..... __. ...|.n- -.. AL- `. P. ham v Iolhr a Ind EV! IINOIIIII. Ill prd Ipnohlt nm|llr n..rII-ooh shrub. , .IIulIII and n 01,1 In 0. enable: us to give you HORI- Reynold: and Prlloulh luulylnu nongmun mwnwn. A dolighoful blmo was spent. Iub evening lnbho noon moot: Mohhodloh church In connect on mm the christian endeavor oo- uiohy. The occasion wu tho study of Oh: mo and ohnmuw of Fnmoon Rldlay Huworgnl. The chsir was: occupied by . \\'. Walker. president. and tho nubondnnoo wan nomowhnb larger than nnunl. The pmgnsmvno ombnsood n more bl raphlosl nlmtvh by R. Meek. nndmp mm her noamn hv Minna Phllllne. Wnlkhr. Abru- nkotvh by N. Mock. nnnmgs rrom nor lxoomn b Minna Phllllpa. Wnlkisr uun. V inter. Davin. I`u\t.oon, Walnh. Singleton, Monnrn. J. B. McKay. I`. An- aolutino. W. fhinrnlinll. E. Ely. and saloo- uonalmm her hymns. solos. by Mia L. A|loy,nnd choruses by who uoohty. Thin manner 0! abndyinn roll Iona limraturo and of Min hm Irnuon mm In. in vpry ntrnnt. m an pro cable to the young poo- no ' | \/ . -;-~_-.-1:-`:":-.: . Tho Auor llxhe company Inn won its muo In Englnn for lnfringmonb upon Its nabontu. And nornotunl inlunntlonhnn boon won. Lnnh ovonl tho momborn 0! Sir Wil- llam Wallace m 1.30:): 0! Boohlnndmponb a plenum tluno In their lod room over tho school board room. Ohio R. J. Mo- Downll pronldod. Anplondld mmmo of songs. rondlngunllrumonhl to Mom, om. wu romlorod. ._,__..______.A Lloonud to loll. This nfurnbon the county ol Fronunm lioonno oommlnlonon mus at the Windsor hobo! And granted Iloonuobo ohuo unoccu- ful up ionnhl: Per mouth. I}. Buunro. J. Bhorth. W. lulu monnu: l`olr)tamouth. Buupro. Bhom. J. Wntlnlno Bormlnghnm. A. J. Mlhm Burrloold, . BurnI;K|ngaI>on Mills. 10. Bmddon. O. Oannlnm Bnmrl Mills. J. Mm-n\y;Formoy, l . J. Qnlloyg Verona. It. A. Jackson. S. Amine I10! Bydon- hnm. J. Bwlmr. J. Hognm Kn-roviumloh. '1`. B. Cook. 1). Graven; Mount Chaney. ii` "" "?."`. .`.;"'{< J; .`?"`.'.". '.`.`.' ny.. . n my; ' I nun, . o- hnron. l.. oatmllo. J. Brrgrhyg Bimooe In- hnd. J ")K!l|`BOdf o .bJ.kJIlh\||l t urn 9. . . I on. No 0. . Ashley; Outnrnqui drh-lug park. J. W ( nun. Then an no linemen tuned for the tovmhlptol own hlund or hon-tnglon. ... ..... .,...... __............. _.,__,, nix! -lh niaodnln. one ufluniuiala worth MI. 9 on unjnugu-nun unpol-~ form wondoul fun with the wuponc` Illa bnnbmk riding in Alan romnlublo. No in one o! the whirlin dorvinhu md can a In about for three `tours wlthous row ng di . He comes from the Ho And. His rothor In with Buklo Bil with whom he nloo spent many yum. Ho vim: all mvupnpor olou and romukod slmt. the Winn building vrn the uent he had enurod in this country. __........_._`.__.__ Pl III... vll loan IOPMIIIOOIOI worn aim: to load poulol-Juno: lllohu-dun a son. v when homo cloning but your. turn!- tnro upholuorotl and renewed at Osmot- IIW oompunI | hobo:-y. Onhrlo Itrub. To ophono 7 . 0 Dr. Wilton Pratt. Roohuhr N.Y.. an old graduate of Quoonh. II In elm olty for the purport of writing on the Onm-lo oounoll `onmu. The youn`vlul Lnuah, when log wu broken by . O. Konh loo-ynohh Int wlntor. |u this to an rho limb now. 110 mu Around no-day without one Md or on-ubohu. Inna:-Int hams: ll". nnhlnlh umrk. ICON promptly no ndod 00. The nooontlon football club had I routing pnobloo luo night. Bldu were chosen And Mum work um-mod. Tho noorotary Ins wnbhn to I the surround- ing towns Ind vlllngu uklng for mnbohoo. Two new ball: hnvo boon purohnsod. Hntnrdn Alta:-nonn A don owned by W. nw cnormue anironuu. MARKET IQUARI. $5 `M: .3153; I..`..'J1`5 ~- In up 9 In 4 Mn. `from! Jun `I ` Xi ?" $`:`: .`.`.:'rZ`.,`Z*..3....` ":.:.;.:;,:_._,,.;,: :.r.:t,'>`,:':::;: Two ball: hnvo boon pnronnoa. Saturday Afternoon A dog ownod by Baum blb the hand 0! 8. Duncan M the hunt. nnmod was pnulng the non of tho former. The hand In badly swollen and mu all-cued by I phyllohn. The police have {won Asked to destroy the Inl- mnl. 'l`|m `nuns: links nnncnnni has wnn In In England (or Inn-Ingmonb us rnbontu. perpetual named. This doolnlon M I have an Impor- tant boning upon the Cnnudlnn one o! the same older. to be tried no Muntml nnnn ' All Arsmnn IIIIII VIII!-u. Tho Wum was visited today by Huljl ln Muhofodn Cherlhmx Arabian sheik. the lomlpr of the bnnd wiulu Fields` Ininlcnla. Ho om 1-punk ms-unseen hm nngon. `urn -live modnln. at w iuh is Ohm II; In a nun hnoalnr nnd nun um-~ An Apr-ll Wodlllng. M. eight. o`nlool last evening John Bail- lie nl the Roytl milihr ml was nnihd inmnrringo to Mint . B non of thin city. Tho oomony mu porformod by Rav. H. R. Benmhh In Btu. (kol [!.\'I antho- druL Tin bu-Mo loohd charming In a white ouhmm dnu with bluo mum! 0 She was nomad by Mb Graham. nmnm Ill mmnorhd In Suit. (hnon. Bho ulllhll ny MID ullnun. `nu room In uupgortod by Burgh. Iw your coup 0 drown to `ho ruldonoo 0! Nu. nlmn. Qnohoo man. whom a amnpmoul I-upon nu psmkm of. Mu. umol gun Iptnnon. wnu-nng unr- mlm. In r uunuoml AM An uljunct 00 III Al. HON mum mtnotnlo And Ducted Auction." Thinhunol hlnhrgut und Inounonl ontorhlunonunvu pnund to inu- dtcm public. This company will In In chum M the opon bonus to S. \ M lli on with vuuln. -hurluuhmdnnupn usloluln old can -u-uhlhnhnr. 3. W. Bu-Incl uhulioqml. nun Ill no no. um. on mutton mum oak Ch oIhINII::`1 : vhwunnhtnklusouln III. In 'l'II VOW IAIIII III! uluwuuu. IIII Ui- ' ` Innlluhtlluo. Yaw. Yaw. Yuv. Yw. so open bout. to-not-row M be. Dr. Mandel Mb bowls` for New York. `Dr. w. Thomron II m . lmnunsn On : grind piano and It all Yaw`: Onnndlnn GOIDOII. Jam OM13. Iuporlndono at $5: In- oohlor lilo lam-moo company. l`u-onto. II In the olty. _ Mr. Inhhlllnn D|ok. oh no Violin- Mr. Inlmllhn Dok. [rub mun. M. `Yuv nuho opon Mun. Immor- row . ' Yomrdny R. llolllllnn WM, bmnn In tho hand In I nun hull don. The hum! istylish ' 3P!.'E. nno nnnu oy I Inn. is horribly uvollon. To-du I local II oruwhil. Inborlor house llld onblnoh work. Icon And oloo llbtlnp. of all dolorl tlom. done by Cu-novuk company. on no mm. A null made y tolopllono. No. 74. will be promptly ndod bu. The nnoonlon foohbcll Hmljth Mchofodo Chum`: In-onpo ol Ambn. nriublooom 0! Sin death. ION- bam. tmnbl upinnon. whirling dor- mlnn. In r unnuonnl nah:-nun. 110 any I` I`. Kilian uid to IIII slur OOIN. this when in M `I CI. in h- IIII DlI% |: thlulvn |l'IBl lI'v_ Id! llI|lIIlU' I 1} III III: II- in n horribly dl condition. Kilian Md m cm. mm ol do|IIw.*wI'k:; 3.2.33: '.'.`..`.`. `'5.;'! ..`.?.` ".:'V`m... ..... L....L...hgmI -an nunhhnl nnnllu Ah 1'1-an voiii mm Ion ammo-.1 nu Ilui I -11: Yuhrdny R. Ilolllllm Ill. DIIIOII In tho hand by I IN]. hull dog. hrrlblv Ivmllon. To-d local Ihoo dealer anon on! shout My rim- driven with top boom nvorulnl In nrioo from to M. noub any nut amen win Iop wow. nvorsglng prion Auoon u the loo wl I mlh tho Iloog Pl lIL.w1|lIonvo Ion hobo! We] pou lo:-Juno: A Inn: mu. II he com n--A In l4.||n|n||lF'nII In M IIINIIAL IPAIAIIRAPHI: lmdyIn| lhllgloun Lltontnsun. .I_Il..|.ADuI Hm; um: nnnnl lush I\'I u... -v-. `lhblinuut. Inlnnnjn I An Autumn um: cation. nv_.... .....- ..n-u-.I A- .1-.. L Nonca T0 csjaonroas. rlnlbhluollnhcth ljuhn-nan; 5| hd nhn flolwihloflthd. mg.` -A4A4aI A` 3K; null-A y awonon. w local shoe dealer and 0310 My plum: llllvuu-n with Ian `DOOM. Mrs. Boll. oi Uwun. wu In onoornu mood yum-d ofumoon whon tho Iron gubu ohm boh nd hilkffw tho ponlhnutry and -he n on hot Mo oonoonoo. Mrs. Boll bmvolod ovor tho (I.'l`.R. with tho other Otuwo prinonon. (huthior. Thlbonn and (`nus-lotto. bus on In tho oopoolol one 0! Mn. B. tlmxor. Ion-murky matron at Carleton county jn . An om a photo- nnnhnr uhod nu-mlnlon to uni II. BOII nub Qhlr wrong. no ovpmvwnu with I ` It Inbo her fl \ ivortf ` J. `llofnh re. Q.C.. for Klllun. laid the soonud in nllnblo Information that Mrs. Kllloon In min` to the Unmd sun. And he damn as ho ohlld uhall not be Minn nwnv, and In wllilng to provlclo for him. '1` n numlnmho uid he mu well aware Aw: , and II mum; no pl`0\'luI lor mm. T o nmgmrabo thn Kllloon want no proper ponon to have the DIN of tho child. The woman ha: been trying to turn I l|v|ng for herself and children. and to and them to animal. Ac Ioonu the Minor can timl n propor home {or tho boy he much do ID. Until such time the mothor must luvs clmrgo oi time. 0 Thomnn Durham: and Jumu Tlonu two Indiana on tholr my to (imlon [aim to work on the Unlvlnco. oomnbo ovorin thoolbyluhovonln mdsob dr nk. They grow (]\M|`l`OlI0m0 an my rsnlmnd hnuoumo on Onto:-to nhroub. Tionu his his chum. They were "nm In" by n Lxolloomnn. And In eourh to-dny Tlonn Inld e was not drunk. Dnrhonn pludud guilty. Thus called an follow-nborlginu wprovo that ho was oobor. but oh: VIM- nou admitted this he himloll had boon drmllng this morning. nnd wu Allowod to nu down. They were each ned ll sud om .wh|eh was d b a "boat of the gun ." who won _ bh mm In bogln wor ho-morrow. ~ % Halncs 8:. Lockctt. nmployeee `the Power company Hark The Dope:-tun of I Qomnde. Lent evenin she employeee of the Km 5 non lights. bee and wercompen on b e oooeelon of John Old :1 : eevering In eon- neeblon wlbh the oompeny. eltere period at twenty-nlne you-I eervloe. pmeenhd him with e buuutul out eeuneheireee e when of good-will end friendship. The are-entnmon wee made by she venerable elm Kerr. men 0! the geedepertmenb. who reed e been fully lllnmlnebed eddreee the eenbimenb of which wee so the ebob hhne his fellow emphyeee were lorry Mr. Oldu wu leaving (the employ of the com pen efwr twenty-nine yeere of felehful new oe. They took edven ol the occasion to pneem him wl h the deek an e memento of the leeeene ex- ....imm. `ml wink-cl Mm all In nnnnnn porionood In the rub. Mr. Oldn. 5| hollth quite Nixon by surprise. mudo in unit: In rtpl . thanking his old oommdu for bhoir kin o:3)nuiona mil bountiful lit. The himoh nrrlvod when he oomi ored in hi: dint,` [ho hlmuli to make A change. home In notion in leaving the company. The dock would serve to kgop gran mo memory of many hnpg`{\- days a ni with the employ: oi bha imninn mm. but: Ind novnr oom- nap w bho I puny. "c'> ..`i.1'.'.' 'o.iin1',"';'.. 7' `1i.`{'6'e' ."{.'iI&E3i fnphor ulod pormlulon 0 have hor ploum taken. but tho Ilm-M n.I.I sh`. nus-Omhx nlumlnl In churn mnnr Hm npnor and Eu-mmlon no at Ann. mu how pic um but aid the curtain should ho drum our tho unfort.uuIto vromm. Ho Alto doollnod to It hot to be msorvlovnd. Bho i-rah L. IN`; IN... Lima 3).: um: lmmnnnt nu! To O;rnot A: on Imam. % so an t n .... ".2:L`.`.': `.'....... `.'. 'l3i:I .'.'?. aunt. muotjxudhu `Ion Mlxmn 3:: o n m 0. 5?." mac huv\i'::.boo t \ oonhnod by Inoorrous fencing. Mr. Bu-up now pro- ln udorto some auburn to (In omaaua or um um mwkmh sh. dninvrn du . on fun In muauyh min the in n rpropor otmugdnin. Ind toobhlnh-onshoui .in numshordor. ndoulol an much mlonthoppullo uhohhutrucuwlllbod b by thomvingolthounul In quash the em council had out musAnou_;_sr_1couAnn:L. FA'I'HII'IN_ heiht. V In cm: lath In Iluhu and Ion Ital! Ohllltu lth hol-LOIII Olvu to In um can u Illhhlo Inc In Invllol. . H1005, van in tho polloo am this tug:-nlng. It lm out ohlldum cl ualoby. wl my ly provide for M ahd. wu pub In the vmnurhox and I the van on M. nun want: :30. ` uouunt oi the hula loh nhootholrolnlg ohlldnn um I: . Ihn In an at tho oh run. No no earning bholr own living iinoo shay won put out. Psmqk olghh ro- ndln; whom bhooom In was 0.1: vlng with M! hbhor. Rllhon mod so go homrdrunh me! put the u om. whun they hnd to out uholhr nth tho not hbou. Ho mnpood tho II In-you ld c o 1 o 1. 3.. .3 33. `.'.'Ia'1'.'.i %'u`.'2"'n..'I'.'..2' M. he hl 1" In bod. Ho did not gin I cont Mm:-do olohhl Ind boring bho hmlly. Wlbnul ha in work n Ilnoo luvln her huuhnnd and ant to boy tam-4.. on nnlmnl. Inn Wadnudny um. Klllum mld he could send the ho to tho House of PI-ovidmoo to-day. tn the Imglatmtn gnu Inltruohlom that: A police- mnn Ihould Ioo oh shin wu dono At. once. The mu stands In the mom- vm........ Iinnvhnnnn Incl Jnmu Tlonl. dock memento or me wanna ox- rionco. and wlnhod him all gin nucool n the nut twonarnlno yours hhlh he ox- porlonood In the at. Oldn. uluonnh uulbo by :s1`.25 5:` $1.50 no not no no muorvmnu. am rum 0 has has that Ihi lrmootm md will anew no "unul my brush." Bho Inmnuh tn nmul. mu acorn no "mm intends to upped. OIIW WWII! uluvun nun luv nu. vllv Pm-Io to Iohool. Iub Wodnudly Kllloon wont to the Iohool And tool the ohlld my and took him homo. Wltnul um mu Kllloon iouldgohonnutx diy drunk and not the house on In An um .I.. _|.||.I `It; - nnghnnnai in nut Mn unld muoon IOIIII [0 noun I1Il, II I tho child. K0 thruhonod to on! tho children : bulb VIM the noluon to hot- menb sham nnd hug and has ehmunnom oub their throats. o hon nonhly 0 dual-.\.MnAll wlhh n kna. I`. ruhnlnn M) IVOI-AIILD'IIN`I ma |oom'v`MAi A I _. _..-._... .-. a_-...n.. u Bunhod tho Ihnlttnllnry. Mrs. Ball. 0! Ottawa. In ohoorful mu-u-I 1-nan:-Inn nhmmnnn wlun him Imn `Eon ; Afraid .~s 1x'rY-'rmn.n UJVIIGSRIOBILI | '"""""'I-I~ _.:__ GAVE AN OAK DISK. my any: In vncn mo ompuuyun w Kingston ght. powor v. l nu uonuy Iloou knife. t. ruhnln M Ihc dared to upon 8 d man Wvrwo emu ,.. ., ,._..-._.__._...A..-_._ |J6wI`."I'o'A5oTsi3'o"iln3o1T'lb":3`uK3.'""' "" *`5**R`***3**? : 3.w / IIMINDIRI. ____._. J [V31 Field`: Mlnntn-o\`u.opon hum. till Ivolv I . ` ; nlolplul Ilulld (`lonool-0. II oltyllll. ml: evening. _ wnnninmr. '3? 6' MM Inn lvout mm! mo tlmr nlwh Ito: $1 lunlu at Ittmfterw lnhnlntn V romeo to - um um nun tin-non, I1 _I\[ mun! mu ovvnmg. I Furnlbum nlo st 0. Bw|ln'I. Itllll` :6 I2 o'clock. Furnlburl ale uh Mn. Ihddufl. N mono. :0 W330 mm. Yaw M opus homo. B pan. 3 "D" Oompnny. Nth. panda :0 I pm. -_-.9;-1.- TI-I from noun: n.m:\n':o\i it: :tou`.}`..\:a.'. ...? .`33.'%?' 0 HAL! OH! P um an oo{ M ` tn |yllo.pu- our 0 OI. FQIIIMIII ll XIII ! I - 1 |~.::-3E~..": -s:."o.,.. mi. . no. 9 auua3"'3oTu-n ' r.~.~:-.:'.":~..:.':.-`...s:':~.....""`$ mo. M T 1` U . `_ 0 , . A 10., \) `L; - v Wise gsumcum Wear guaranteed. Slclllunu WI do not keep for the rluoh (hit they will III or pull, the III- lng double t iclmou of the 7 consequently nun not wou._ For reliable Mohnirl coma o"\ 'l`nI I III-uh. t}..',`?.:5.5.sa.-I{'-` .'::-`x.'::.:e. strut. H mm IILUIIRY PLIUII .QCIIhIII&tld Dmuhnlu. M::Mg;Krrn:mxou`i -_ -`--7 - `. A GU88! 0. Pl: A1` GNU. . Imnmc mun` um. I. A'5f}3`?`E..`.1! ...`. u`{. mi. I hnnou I mm mm. w'* i=TH:~*::' -'=.;.;._aE howI.&A 5 II . I `-`:::`.-.-:*.-:::. m;-ac" ...'.'.".z'.'..':.E`. .c~""' ` 7` P0! ION! OPEN I03 II Ha mm on ualu-3; a% mantra: notmnmm om . NW, II. i -' -"u II: |xk"`%.:=`*:;*'*-a*~z' umrnnmn: mlmlnxhumllw AK" As this is undoubtedly nun hair Dru: Goods anon; L who want mm and `IA; In now in thin cluu of good: _ nee they not the mmrr NARI. ever to able Mohair Mull Brilliuntine is told by can from in: A shown In h%3IfIt0o" L Q; 1 < 5 I 1%W -1rv--v-v-v-u-cu--rv-~~""' I sue to ms Per Yard, W ______ ,, `:"r`.'.`.`.`E`. ".F. 12 .`.?*I.`w f HI.'.:l . ` --._ `K III II Wk : on`:mmn)o I13 . om nnnoc non ml. 1 to II ;1::.'::..W.'r:: 4 non mmlonto. W. I. Dlilllg .5". if. !'...":."`:`.`..`'.". .ll"3t`J.`.'&`."""""' The nutut. now out llnou of Ladlu Low Shoes at nun IIATTII 01!` Tall IITATII or column oomnn. of who (my oi Iuunon. In tho county oi nonco- noo. mo of tho `Down or Ganonoquo. In the County at Ludo. wading on Oomusu & 00.. Dry Ooodn. Insol- vent. x __..__. .._.. .... .-..... `;%mi\Aua si_ ['0 0|- nu_'I5i 1'iV"i7IInI|. -...--.. .... mu ....a-Mn . _' nnuu` 1': Mn noun a no or shone oommulonmsn. OOH!-.| ` menu 2"--'`~*"`* i?-.~i. :` no at. T WIATI-III nnonmtnnnm ~ : For Dollulo cm 1001.57 lnnlldo and mo . JAOKIOWI mu n-In-nun Ilnlll %."'-Ri`.'3 Worsteds. wliifnn TO anrr. lllllih IIII1 Poouuu:`:|l.M3 Z I For Halo by all Drugnhh u hsalonto. mm nu:- nu mom u an on. On.` JAB IV mum Ulmnn Ilophono MM. 1-0 6: LIT. W. I. DBIINAI. Mnmmn um lnnnmn FOR SALE. HINIY IHLHI. nnnnnin All) In "WAl`ifI"b. JAB. RIIDu I vnnnnuu hI_ N|"l (OI ro`"u no `no E".:`i`1.1`:.t.'3:%3:"; for Member fa: Kingston |% 3. M.=..3RlTTON. Tweeds. 'n.u.In-u.auu-nu. .....`A1-__ ` n n. :5 :2: :.::'...::':.':.. :..:r. m or atom tho d|\ rhoves 49 on THE DOLLAR RY GIVEN THATT II Mmmloun It 0 In! or .1 aw J. . 'H+`` '.:.r`.?.:"Ae.`*.`:: 0 mi p.In.. t I the pur- Mhmontuf nu-_ Mhlrn. l'l1Ill'l| uni nu mnhu nor |\ lulu. I III In M I no on- ml Illa their a I nromm "" I have I wsln mu ; onus, par `Run \u 0 o no. N nus: ol. , . . r nth uuf; Mules. If n I W um M rumo- Ilh u\1II|. Ii. own ! luv! hr Inna I. I have roolvod I m-no I In mm r. ( . to no klxhn I-mu \ mm In - unomllurrlo at z- um lnPtuno.wt 1 run` munmu. RA mm 3. owing Mn- nhinmgtcrn um um `ml nouly nun: I \ #1`? olnhvlu ow Iluh(uw(n|m\My)|l 3 Hum Uuuuot. nu ml 1 1; Mon. -I l-lulu Iron $4 . pr-1:1 n,n`u?-I ` I H M0\Ml`l\n,-nu.(`0Il (wk Htnx-us. hslnuo our r. wlthm-o-u. Pltuvn I'm: Klmln (`com-In. (huukum-.uIu-mvuu. dn\uu\nl. outer-`Mun ~ on: mice STORE. 133 Pmom 8l.. North 8|do' - ll MM! rnmu-u,(`nnl vnuk Hl`.n\`t.| rcuuuo Hlur r. with m--u, I`! n KIM! n l'hom-I I. (huuk_um`. un...u.n.rR3.\.mnn,\Xm.u.n. Arm um kn-`In-n nun. H r UM`|huI ()|lv\M.|:. Ulwlmxhvr an-I mm n ml:-.u M44 n! I I-mh lumlw-r|uIvnr|m\nM urnrolm-. Tho Nuum, Howling M|\-Iu||m,(VoM- and Ouw will Iuunrm-ml M M u `I mix Into. 1` I` m I . . IIHID. ` ` .H J. NoA?a`."R.. `Alto l0.nQm. \` novuu your: old. bum 1 lm ulu. - mam > xlllv nan Ml-I. fnl ml and I! Ion I . Inn`. fur unuwml uhlo In I ml I of Q PM mlmuhm. ma mun urn loinllc If mmwnlomu 1 |I|ItI$0[|`l| . nwk uuool. our \. . . . . ..'1'l1l]-nu. a%-%g;;:s::.VwMIN!I_ats lb-M--hue llnuk and Wing llouuwrn--~IA 10-l loknn|nny Dmwm--10 u..u| I .....|.. Bruin rim.-IM- Reg.}xlar.pr`i.ce, 66 yaxd. m')'w 3oc u ` u 8C 1: u 4C 01.00 ` goc Wu AIU`=n1;.'?I~I.l`lY-.I'III|. D .`I;..:.wur `unt: I. ___[_[\_Ayg _r_o3o_l_\_rod h`1m-no - -- _._...`.`r.`.`:... .. .. . ... :--~::_ The llrsl Steamship: trom Mon- treal um your will be the ununnl nu [LI];-\ I I-|A\ Mn-. u VA m"V 1 II M ~ . . ...I:.c M`.3m'.';'.a.:':...w:.:....% V 3: .1 For I-ohnnml Nahum: I-y nlmua HHIII or My New York Innu apply M An I I I In I I I 1}i'dE}|E;':'{'amship Agency ` A1 (`I HEMP: CT hncnphn Hahn up Alon mo whuvou _ ' And llluwhon. Tin ctr. Mylo: will be hupooud by (`-ngb. lionnolly thh Mu:-noon. he mlnlnur ol luring bu ordorod two gun Mo 0 so In Iii: Lake Erie. The M poon Ah Mic.-hi n to have n......A.. Inn at man. In nnkk t`. Imam |iuBsoAv,;K;9;21L 2m| No to no pIu?:m u ' . 'i`ho pen on Mic? Ruse twenty ha 0! hr In South (`. lmao. The Tolho. grain laden. clawed [mm Congo. Batu:-dgy. for tllln port. Cnpt. Arch. Moaugh arrived from St. Othhnrlnu. shin morning. to take charge of tho nu. Bumochburu. nu ctr. lnhmlu nhnnd thin moruimr tho nu. Bumoclburu. Tho Itr. lnkndor olnnd thin morning for Gluten. to menu: bar rout! for tho anon human that point and Aloundrin I. `git tumor Hamilton um Imspoowl by On. Donmlky \hh morning. mu found In at common me! no taken on at Al; alum- . OOIKIIIIGII Inn III cum on on mwgymum` to: u n 3 `argon: m A dutlndtoh bnhnthtunuon. M 01: lulu:-day UM-ctr. Ghllll loulod a.wo on. 0! train on a mum or In. tlnn dxhcn hot. Tho an Amulet ION the govommont city that thin naming and In now no use buy what boltlglltstd out |n&eop\n\- than for running nun Imvmn po Wu- W. In . Thonld. QM` mute WI |0.I\.|hrlIII.trrIvotl\hl|morn- '.a:..":'.'."."'.:`."...;':.`.`:.`.`:'.;..`:`:..K*.':.!: Reqttlllll` price. 3:33 y"d. "f}Ww7|gg ` (I also `L 1-15 10-l |0lInInn)' lmnucrnuuu Iladtl. Lnmaho. Fodo Chorlm. Tron no 01 II Our stock it entirely new. Prices no clou. qunlity A 1. All the natty styles. reefer, lmicker Ind cut-nwny. for boys 4 to 14. Boys Suits from $1.50. Glrl._s' Capes. 50c. vuvuwq any-u---nun nun... ...- .... I In Iuxdutho on than. am?` his hon bath ova-hula 4 to-Iud dim; tho winn-. Fezznas. 25c. - A most complete range of Poles in Wood, BI-nu and Enamel. Also Curtain Pole Trimmings. Oak Ham Complctc, with - dndqed botdpr. `Plain. no. Frlngo. 3oo. Spu- clnl line, washing kind. dndod border.` complete, 38:. Better ones, 565:, 75c. M Curtain Poles from I50.` Olul Ev.`- IlV|I|lU VI rll nun Olu noo M-ton`: Ihnmmeh Mllltuy nmul rho 0 0 numlo M nuom _ In Al-t.on'n Ilnnnmueu Mnmuy m If ml: n n. r hm. Mndu. nu now on nulo. " NiA`infriI"i?f'iinI\Iuo`:No'I. -._.._.__- ironrgooh -PAIAIIRAPHI. "4"2"c'LnieIence st. HORSE WANTE U. ........n nAp\I\n| u Ann \n\< v ..'I'Hl. . K H-I Vvrlliunnro KIN!) MARK. N0 l`()\'lm \_n\m hmnl MM O Ul\Ol'l"Io Troupe Arabs mumnth mum: `MARK. NUT UVK h 15` lm uh. m-NM 1. Inmm, I On lunlulo In luu with gun ulunbnnrlulln. X. Iuulurn wH_l\ nmmup. your. .Y. lluston mm AAAL mu I Il\'lll[ 01 UI,I\N I yuur wuulu In made. Ald. Ry|n--"How ?" The mnyor aid the com or llghun and hunting would boroduocd, tho GIN hr of the chomlonl on Inc ooul be dlnponood with Ind tho moo nnionl porlntundonb caulk` do his work` A drlvu could be dis- nnnd wlth and he Mxu would be re- . and Th: u: nnnlnn nhnnld bu rnmnvod mmd with And mm mm womu no ro- nood. The fire angina uhould be removed to tho upper hall. in nnuvor ho a non- uon also mayor nld 04.000 wu olh for tho rroporhy norm you: ago. A d. Minnu hold ah the tire enllno the Property A d. Minna engine should nob ho removed from tho 1 Mar part of uh. olty, where the bulk ol the hunlnou In dun. It: would coat. ut hub 891.500 to hnild A Iuihnblo station, and the full vnluo of the Mum hall cannot be obtnlnod. A ml gun mm mm! thou. bho plume In worth 00.000. Tho bunlnoumon of the luwor pure of the alt} an Imam. a unit in mmnnlmr romovnl. one 0! govemmenb out or requirement. Ald. Behen Asked to withdrew the oleuee. u lnlonneuoyu hed been received to chow chat is wee unneoeeeury. Md. Hewton oppoeed me. All]. Ryen moved. eeoonded b Md. Stewart. oh the clean be Ioruo out. The motlon wu loet on 1 vote 0! ten to A eleven. M... mlnnn. Inhl Huh In :...a`i..... in- alovan. Mayor Elliosc aaid than it had boon in- correctly mud him he. in his inaugural addrau. rooommondad oho cloning of On- tario mm iiro hall. Ho road bha poriion of hi: addroaa bouohing bha aubioob. which abated shun who hall wan too axpannlvo co maintain. and ha laid Mm ih ahould be sold . and a amailor nation in the lower rhion of tho city 0 nad as a mini! ooao. ha ra, water and ighi committee this yoar aakod 0800 to repair tho oor oi oho tion. Mr. llarknau` lob non to tho aoinmith u-hop.at. bha foot: 0! Prinoaaa annals migfhb ba hon ht. a hail oraocod amila an n; of II. I a you would ba llll I. Jowor pun 0! we may Iui IHHIUIII I uuu. nu up ng removal. ho mayor mid the water prounre In the lower part. of tho town In router than It In In the upper. nml than are an angina in not mmuuu-y thorn. AM. Mlnnu mid H the lull be hold the nob morn. Alul. Minna Mid the bull ulty lnnurunoo will 30 u 1. The olby luul hard work to not into (1 an A. and one of elm ntlpulntlollu M. the time was that In nation should be omnmdgln the lower part. ol the any. ALI mu: nnintnl tn Hm nnm Mmnm. ol me out -. Aid. your poiniad to the summonin- monciod by the iimuwo oolnmihhoo, M an unnwor to the nmym-`n ahtoinoni. than mniuinmnno 0! she -union in Oooexpotnnlyo. Not more Mm. .600 or .000 am he got. for tho pmporhy now. \ hat. kind of I building mm in built; with that mm in soon the nnmrutua. dryinn building In bum wu.n man mm nppnrutua. drying towers. ow. Tho cont ol onlnmlng the up- per -uuou to Accommodate tho men and nppautun from the lower one will In ram than the mm em could in uwul. n dioutl mnnommmoo In she admin- lnmhlon 0 its buninou tho llnunm oom- mittoo onmopu In duuy. Am. cum. nance oououltod tho uuojoot. Alal. Rlohordoon yoor Innroooo tho oum ookod for. but you It won now o porotuo that ouuood tho nood. Klngoton o yiug for tho odunm tlon of thooo who I ould po hoe. Poo- plo ohould be willing to poy or Choir in- ootlon. Ald. Onroon hold that. to the council nrtlnto truotooo on tho band. It hu no r; tto lntorforo with tho govommont or tho lnotltuto. Tho moyor sold tho quootlon was not of govommont but of roqulromont. U-Zw-- _7v-----_._- M 0+1-Q "I. I. ousovulv unnv wzxnun in. gun; I so no cltlun mum. .& ' .. aim snoummu wood

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