-__.---..... I-guru-y g,___-nu mu. no I-willy lunatic. sons Uonginowonbmkunbytho I. Al the 0.1`. R. suburban train wu oom- ' ing into the city after meeting the mind i tnin from the out, About nine o clock this momim the engine. tender md nu of baggage our left the rails. botwoon Princess and Brook struts. Workmon were em oyod than this morn- ing And for some l_Vl put in replacing turnout tics and making other repairs. It In thought they nmovod too man spits: from some of the tuls.n they tumos complottly our vhon the tnln nuxhod shut portion of tho truck. The puunpr couch and front truck of the boggugo our ` ably v thoyuk pot.bt Eaullio vcitghotro! thoon. nq I:d wufoltthorniln turn thatportiouofthotnlnolthotrsol. our. thrown}: tookubontmhonrfortho wt-oolingofat ` toned mutton. Sotno onninownnhtnhnnhuunum A non. Thllia the fourth time that Mr. Stew- nrvlufo ha been blown open and its contnnm stolen. On the lat previous ocouionu large amount of vornmonbp and township money wu cnrri off. This time all Hut. was him wu Mr. Stewart}: own property. nut. none were seen. Mr. Stewnrt came to the city this morn- ing and called at the police station. but the chief had not yet arrived at his oioe. Such details of the uifeir M were in poe- aosaion of the victim were given to the police, who will do what they can to dis- cover the identity of the burglera. al- though the robbery wee committed in the county, which is out of their juriedic- tion. or nnonr onmo. The olty relics were instructed. after the rocoi t o the m , to hop as sharp look-out. or suspicion: ooking chnructors, but. none were Mr Him:-was-0 IIQIIIQ 54; Ah. ..:L.. ALI- ......_._ Robbers Inter I Store. lllow Open the Safe Allll SEC` 035. This mornin . shortly before three o'clock, e tele one In was received from Herr-owemith, etntimr that the store kept by 0. Steven et that piece hsd been broken into by burglars. the safe blown open and 035 in money end postage etempe taken. The burglars. ve in number, drove to the piece in I buggy. They tied their horse at in little distance from the store. and while three of them went in, drilled and blew up the safe, the remain- ing two kept watch outside. 1t is said thet s resident of the villa . whose house is eitueted opposite to Mr. tewnrt s store. heerd an unueuel noise during the ni ht; thst he rose and went to A window, rom where he saw the waiting horse and rig. and the two outside watchmen. For some reason the alarm wee "not given ust then, and the bur lure succeeded in loving the sale en in making their eenepe with their boot . They drove towerds Kingston from nrrowsmith. but turned in the direction of Nnpeneo after hsvin gone some distance from the scene of their orime. 'l`|m nit- unit... ........ :..-A.......__| _n,, wm never go no Kym." This explanation and uaertlon utlglled the youn man and he read to allow his place to mod as a I lng booth and to not as deputy return ng oloqr himself. But. this was onl one of tho `man out.- burstn of indlgnnhfon that occurred uring the dny. - no'oE`u17'i$'o'3|':'-s. VVl'|l'Il if. Lawmmcn Thurodg. Evening. DIIIIUI 0! day. an Inn: Bb LARY AT HARROWSMITH. vvwgnunu In my (06, mm I can`: DO`I :l`y a confidence by 3 owing it. Depend upon. it Ryan ha: not got. the appointment and he never will. And he should not. I say this and I an: I friend of Dr. Ryan. Moc- oalfe`a appointment in all righmbnb the other will never go to Ryan. exnlnnntinn and Annertlnn unml "rne non VII unis." we: the answer. "It; was decided on Saturday right. b the oebinet to appoint Metcele and yen. The preliminaries were arranged and everything we: in readiness to the appointment: chrou h the oonnoi on Mon- ` day morning. At. a at the of the one Cuti n Ieno hie meeuge t. at in we: `all rights. But when the newobeoene known in Kingston so mnny protests of such A vigomua end em hetzio nature were rent to` Ottawa on Bu nyny that the cabinet de- , aided nohboap int Dr. Ryan. Nowlhnve this from oneo the ministers. I have the hologram in my ken, huh I oen i. betray I ` Rvnn not not. the Annnintmnnf. Anti over. It: never will be nude." "How did Hon. John Coctlgan come I and word that it" was all right. then ? questioned thoyoun man. "The hot. in hhin.` wan hhn nnnwnr, "1 The. appointment has not mndo,u|u-bod bholnwyor, "And, I over. It. will be nude." "Haw rlirl An Jnhn f`.nn.la.n mm Ilw Il'IIlll'pl'lIO(1ll'Iq|Ill". " hut nppoinbmonb is the matter." he wu informed. "'1`ha0 is the rotbonut. piano 0! work the conservatives have ever done, and they will find out what they will lose by it." "THAI; Annnlnhmnnr. Inn nno. h-on IIW GI`. " will nob In: tho answer. "And L: cannot vo my place no polling ch again. In Ihort. I will hovo no- thin code with our poroy honooforch. I am lugusood wl ib.. At! !3.Wh-V. than : him mnmr P mm mm am ullgusnoa man 10.". L'.\\{hy, what : bho mutter ?" was ` law or : Iurprllod inquiry. nnnoinbmonb matter." non unyl. "I an pout you'll not u do uby-roburm ing oiling: thin your, an usnn. laid the lawyer. HARRISON--1 CO Y U1>n0LsTaR1Nc 1 mom. and who nu lunhoforo Iph deputy-`I-churning oloor on dominion ~ on days. uunnon vou ll not an dnnuhvmm o:?:..".:J 3'I'.'hu um`: nm'5'm.5"4 deputy-rohurnlnz ooor dominidn ole -mm nnvo pm) I oanaunto m mo neld. Annn inmnoo oi the height to which the diupprovnl of the re nod nppolnb- monk ronohodjhe folio ng lnoidonb, of which A Wmo upon-tor was an on-wltnou Int night. A omnrvntlvo lnwyu, promi- nent In mlonloh-olu And an omcor of she Ilnoggnnld club, onflod upon 5 young oonnu-Mn, when premium have boon up once! we norm OI` denunciation or me government that waa rolling through oho amt). In aonu oaaeu auooeu wan amalg- ed. at there are many who yet look upon the appointment an made, and who regard Inaoemum to thsooncrary an boln used maul to mouth matter: over unt they Ihall ave pub candidate In the eld. Al In imhanoa nl the hainhlz to which lnolmonocl onoyoun The in this.` the Vl rlanidnd nn nhnvl-v night kn -I-aw I-U QIZUIH III III: `III ! Q"UIII' -en le Isphlned wtn. Yeeterdey wee e dey emon de in the local ooneerveoive eemp. d- more eey they never before knew of each en art-on neweeoreehedemonqtherenk end e, ee wee oeneed by chereport elm Dr. Ryen bed been medeeurgeono! hhepenluen . 'l`he'etennoheeo torlee vowed they won :1 votegrlo eh ehieomlng election and on every corner were to heeeenend heard up of engry men. dlecmeeing with ueh feoee, \ enimeoed tune, end in excited voioee. the ohnox one eppointneent. During the 1 dey the enm oi the leedere were exerted on eelm she peeeione of bhelrfollowere end 1 to check the ehorm of denunnhbinn oi the an aura the psalms of bholrfolloum donunohbion IIDIIIIIIQAIIQ1 hhni -n- I4|'nII hlnu-nu. low OI; lunar at or. Inn : Appoint- -out In Ilnlnlnna nAAv. our hung! Ingulno. Ihulhnn QCII L4 `-`Ann-L`) 1| tho shun one 9 but norfuof. `nnnonxnno .1-led om (t an imitation and: o p In brown pa r wlshont any rout n Land on n; was nom- y am: up." In 3 nhu. M x a Imam. - mum and opduu HIRI'I THE RIVIOID VIROION. "V-U! W I-1. Jonathon vllloouunn |l'Nl`I. 15:16..-an: II . Waning. "lain I not own, '33. '1 -1-'.'E>3`.'.mu.." `if. .....`"'r.:.." "" " no nor. on. yulndny I hand no ooo Inohola doom as the n. 'l.`h()o'a :3: $`goosu-Iodonoollonttunl. Shin the I "no ur. mucus. n-on '1`blod:L.with lnhloobuhoholoorh, urind at H. '1`. Go : nnohonn Ihin mm-ninp. mq`$:alr-. mh llnnhr. Iron u-rind thinnomt vrllhaoolonoofhud oonl,oonoigno:Ho C00. 1-). r, Ihjahln ham I\n|..lp. ...n|. `Ila inane: Jana um I: Delayed on In lnllhl I-up. Tb Em onnnl oponod for bunincu Smntdq. Thou Inn only I luv boot: no pun through. All the cunt In tho Jana Rlohu-dnon & Bonn loot no up the Bnyo!Qninu load- ingfor this |.....|... .m. n........ 9.... n.___-_ Dill`!!- can nouono unm a supply 01 stone ha: been provided. The us now ongngod taking the vi mntarhl {mm the quarry. And wor on tho new engine bed will be re-oommonood uhortly. Mounbod window slndan mndnnlnilnd will no re-oommonood Ihortly. shades mndool oiled linen. may ho wubod oil with: upon ion the Iowan in the dominion at nial`: Kingcton on-poi vrsnhonao. Man:aln_n"s .8.` cot Pine `Iarlno M Jth Bags. 5' nooper. so Ulu-once scrub. The water works employees have oom- pletod the work on the bed for the new engine at the pumping nation up far on em bodono until supply of shone ha: provided. Thu an mm mun-.1 uuuuvu -. 1 an IIIU IIIIIIUIIX IIIXIIII ant`iTo'xpodlt'i'-anal" It Cnrnovuk factory. Ontario street. dhoatar Carnovo y. super- intendent. , ` -n.- m..|.|....|. ..._...-....-na...--.-u~-- - Inunuonb. The Iiirlbock com yolfon exceptional inducement: to bo bormwon and In- ventors. Ask for booklet. Mucphorson & Hooper. 95 Cluonoo Tho wnfnr int-in nvnnlnnann lug..- ....... mm-nun Iungewn oerpeo wuehouee. One 0! the condmone of the new ree- ment between the oity and the light. out and power company in thus if the city` should so desire. the com ny will light the offices in the city bu ding with the electric light. at. I coeo coneiderebly bolow the brine ehnmcd tn nrinm imNum...1. une pnoo charged to private indivldunla. Upholsboringin all its hrlnohen neatly and expeditious! v. numer- electric` In-t-in 3:0 ml')ol:;*l prim charged to private indivldunla. llpholstgng l_n ih_a hrnnphen neat! nrnwnolil. A Gannnoque letter no the Brookville Times says: "A large number of King- ston : bio clilte apenc yesterday in our midst. t In I queer hoe no spend Sun- day in. The army ol onnh and the whale in mid to have been re bed the other dag. however. in the On! of Mexico. nrI.ninnI.mtn|un- On... ....-A. I.-..... .....a ua . nowaver. In one mm 01 Mexico. nrbnin ntrobohoru. four mrds long and two nrda wide. only Il.7 per not at R. Mo nuI'| Kingston onrpoo wuehouse. the now Miran. numnor were allowed to stand. So far this year we have sold over two bushels lawn gnu, new supply just. received. 250. pound, ve for CI M. l-.'. C Mitchell's. A ll............. I-A;_- A` `L- n_.,,. n. IDLQU. Ten members of "A" battery were tried before the commandant; on Sutnrday af- ternoon. for drunkenness and inau bordinn- tion, and eight. of them received sentences rengln from eoven to fourteen days in cells. he charge: against two of the number allowed to stand. Rn far this van an Inn. ..l.l ........ A.-- running [or but non. nun you tut-nltun oovorod and www- od by Cu-novu oompan , Ontario atmot. Prom tneunn rouonabo charge: guar- Int . one an work. The steamer North King sail: for Roche- ster ever Bunda it 5 p.m., via Port Hope daily. T on. Han oy. agent. Street: railway conductors have been provided with double atop whistles for use on the opon can to Iignnl the driver to shop and mm. The conduobora n d them much more convenionb bhnn in reaching for tho boll. Vhl (Enid. Anti nan--_ worn ol bulldin up the foundations ol Frontenac Iohoo. Building operation: were begun on Thursday last and all the men who can be conveniently omployod are at work. TL. .o......-.. \r....u. In..- --n- A." n, I gun ! gnmon. Arch Itroot. ' The rumor put in circulation to-day ' about tnwn. that Thoma: Hnnloy was to be nppoinhd bud oloer of customs, was not 5 "grit canard. It came from A non- aorvntive source of prominonoo in local politics. Rnnid nmm-an in Duh... ._.A. t.. AI.` ponuoa Rnpi ro run is being made in the work of M din the foundations Bulldimr nnnrntinnn ` uuonnnoa ounmmw. Ch0l0O d hlotullihooh. dnhllaa, ; nlnl. phlox, Qmnbnlhoa. ow. . n V: out be hud npponbionjco M. E. 1 gm : garden. Arch Itnot-. rumor nut in n`I`l\||lAf.Inn 0 uumungl Ira Doing crooked. Thursda afternoon Fruor Reid, son of James Rel . furrier, will luvs for Winni- Don. Mnn.. wham ha will gnu. u.. ......|.... on I m. u. Mlwholn. Arohihoota and builders any that build- ing operations around the city this spring are very slow. Oomparntlvoly few new building: nro being erected. Jnma. Dal! l.....z-.. ....'n 1---- L- nu 7 v me one let kodn 35 n E. C. It.oholl |. A rnhgntg and hull UIJII WQOK. The dlrootoru of Mao Y.M.0.A. no nego- tiating for A new not-otary. Aulatanb mommy Ctlhoun. of the Monbrul branch. 1: bein favorably oonaldored. See 0 0 makes kodno loulnd In. M. cm. i-liav you seen our 0;dord Ties at rm and $x.5o? They are realyt e best values we have ever shown. HAINES HOGKETT 11.1. ' The Thousand mud how u. A1.x.nd`rs. Bay has not you been leued. It is stated than the matter will be denitely settled this week. TL; rlhuntn-. IKJ AL- \7 1: n A ,.,. Inonoury. p'iI`he friend: of Mr. and Mrs. John Hoppa and Miss Hoppo, Due:-onto. re-. `gm learn of their departure for Wgrron. ML- lIV|......-._.: Y-I-__I|._A-I ,. AI nt-olsu plnno tuner lube yormwlth & . Luvs ordon at Ho '3 Talent:-u .l mm will control tho output of the blndor twine hotory of she Kingston ponlhonhlury. Th0 fhdl nf Mr. And Mr` In}... uorlln II nu-u...I1oInuoy'I, Brook scrub. D. llollod ha been Appointed to n poul- hion in the Gananoqno bunch of the Harchmh bank. ' - Got 5 bottle 0! Noland : houuhold ammonia for clothing. Pint botblu 100. Mn. 0'00:-mun, ohn scrub. hu nold :2` doublo brick homo and corner lab for 500... )0. per Bert .1...-... ` Ill UIllIWI- For I t M order the Bpoolaloy Count: :0 ..HoInnloy'I, Brook been lnnalnhnd in n nml. ""v7T In . Thousand Illnnd Railway (galgnoquo, hu boon tnnuforrod uo. omoo. u: to Onlmu. Fur: Inn ned`: rubbor glove claw loo. as men. '3. William W. White. tnnllot, Toronto. I: in town. Fresh :1 And ower nod: In bulk to E. 0. lbohlllh. Th: Y. M.G.A. lmildlnm throughout ha been (Mod with Last ll; 0:. Rev. Huold Horny Arrived In tho bloy Inn night on I visit so hit father. chic! Homv. usv RPOl'lTEFi}t. `RIO lhl 0! Ivory Day uh`--\nneho Iooplu An `lilting AboI6-loIIll[ ls- PARAOAPHI PIOKID UP IY OUR upooIIIoAnonIIonol'|`lnooWloAn` Till-II Kohl. I.ll-_!- ....|.|.-- ..I-_. -I-~~-- -- In t is what you want when you buy your shoes. STUCK IN THE MUD. nramy oonalaol-ed. Ioket kodno loaded for bin. for lit.oholl |. OFTHE 1m. 5, porulh I variety 2. Flann- Iuuounu church dnlnnb , we a norm: guns. I! peony gag. 1'.`.`;`2'.' -n.......' `:.:`P..`2."...`.".'.._ Perfection: unouu. would In an uullury nl than ri I. 'nonlon.|hoW nth 2'-r.":."`- :`"-r*..;'7'.'..-I-'...-' .3 W-.'....'*=-*.= E I Anonnnhl numb nun mn. E23 "" '37)}. ii`. Bonn] VIIIUI ldnnd "IJXEYC u-nut`: -Uupuu noon. The on! hospital bond not yum- dny. Cl`.nI)ul pudding. and 0 J. Indie, 1. Simpson. Bov.jW. Gnny. W. I`. Niollo. Principal Grunt. Elliott, E. Ohown, B. M. Brmon. . Smytho. Dr. (la-not and Dr. Honld. '!'hunonth I woman to tho amount of U Ill` Inj. Thl vhlnn Dnnnb. ' dent Ureaup . Oonetltntlon Adopted. A special meeting oi the Kingeton bicycle club wae held Inet evening, preei- reeidin . The epeeial oom- mittee appointed or the purpoee Inh- 5 mitted adrnft ofoonetitution and la -lewe for the regulation of the club, whio were ` adopted. Bill: oontreoted through the ' recent enohing concert were ordered ' to be paid. The treasurer : etche- ` ment ehowed the Ilnanoee to he in a fairly good condition. The olnb now has a membership of sixty. witha prospect oi as many more beiore the eeeeon cloeee. A propoeitinn to pqy the athletic eeeocietion a cepita tax for the use of the track we: introduced. It wae referred to the executive committee to re- port on at next hr meeting. Club meetings will he he on the recent! Turee- inf in each month. A club run will he he d Thnreday night. or mom born I! dunno. Mr. Libtlojohn. secretary of the Cann- dinu annotation of amateur oarrmon. guys Brockvillo`I proposition to hold we Annual ` regatta during August. ha: been nonpo- ed. X. J. Rigncy in having Mn Hing Ikll Trilby overhnnlod And im vod. Bho willbodookod in and provi ed with n_ir- tight. bulkheads. B_y'l_!._'rV I in Bikes.` . vanocmr n -mm man. Imuy nounrs man or no expense: were the terms not forth. The no u libtlo higher Hun bho Kingston club Able to go and an answer to hhil eifoct. h been cent. which 3100 contains I compromise which it in hoped will be so- coptocl. At. tho nmmim Mondu nioim ntni: Mn cepma. At the pruning Monday ni ht: next the member: of the Klngewn eoroeee club will decide upon a captain. um omce having been left vecene. A full turnout of members in desired. "It Ilttlnlnhn ngnngkgnn nl Ah; 1"...` [or n Game on the anon`: Illrthdny Wlth the In-ookvlllo lmnulnu. Mnnngor Molnod yutenhy roooivodn letter from the manager of the Brookvlllo lacrosse club, which convey the term: on which than aggregation consented to plny a match with the Km n club hero on th `lbth inch. Fifty ollnrs onh 096 nxnannu ware than tm-mn um fnrth. Wlbn III BNO WONG. There vs: a Mr nthondnnoo pnlonb. as things go in Kingston, And all who were present won more than dolighud. bhoy won ononnood. - llllllg 0! III! Ill|lIl)l'IB|I ll WBI`B (IPIWII H`0m Personal experience with men whom he mad met. Fires nnd Firemen furnished symbols of ain and how it In to be dealt with in the world. Th- _.. .. ht. .n....i....... ........n .- one was u out on one nno or tumor : analogy, ugowing that man who Intended to have dllonltioa In tho dootr non of re- ligion hul on great dilcultion In the bhin ' that are nooophd In every da lilo, n many cues hr greater. Some 0 the moon telling of his illustrations were drawn (mm not-nonnl nnorlonoo with man whom he l'0l6l'l`|gl'oO EDI FIDO OI Wni ll OIHOII common Ionic. and calling at- tanbion to the Axiom-"` that people noodtolmowa good deal to be mode thoroughly Aware of how little after All they know. This In: illuubrntod with: wealth ol imhnnooa. Tho loom:-o through- out was :1 deal on the line of Butler`: a owing Pnoond in Iuum .-um....Iu.. In AL- A....A.. n... _l .._, An Atlmlnhlo Adm-E Delivered in nu. Dr. Jackson. of (lull. The lecture I: Dr. Jnokoon in Cooke : lane night, on " iron and Fireman. was one at the very best. heard In Kmgooon for mnnyndny. IN: ale to any that not one who looked ah the nubjoot. before oom- inn axnoobod Inch I on. He bunn bv OIIB W00 IOOKOG ID GIIO IIIDJOOD DOIOPO inf expootaod such tram. He begun I: re a rrlngbo the tin of what is all common manna. nnd unllinn AL ouvea nero. It I: noted that no Icon shun oixt. bolo- grama were sent from this city to thaw: yeabordn protecting against the reported ponibont any Iuraoonoy nppohmnont. lam Stock. Lowest Prices. auwomonu ll correoo." , The aonhetnenb In the Toronto World that the appointment: oi Mobcnlfo and Ryan have been conrmed by the privy council is voriod by privntn lotborl ra- oolved here. D. I. .n.o..I nun .4. I... n.... 4.5.. A-I- In In tho Plus. M 3-10 o olook. this afternoon. word ruched us IUOPNII positively oh Dr. Ryan had boon a po ntod surgeon. "You can any bhntl wl I bobC25 tn 86 that my staoomont in correct." Th. .r.o.m....o. in u.. Tnrann uI...|.a uumon campaign. unoil ma manor of the `zrpoinomani. haa boon aattlad. aatialao- I 3 ....i:..'.:.'.2..?.`l.`:`3..!.`..Z .`i;.?,`i ..".?. poinbmanb should be made public an i 5 afar 0| alachionn. Tho aohama wan to have it l|:0O0d by Dr. Panwiok and his irlanda I the matter wan still in abayanoa, and when t.ha'alaoialom yam _ over to maka known what had boon done 9 in the mawor. Bno,"aaidalaadi aup-_ porior of Dr. Fanwiok to-day. "Dr. yan 1 rooaivad a rivau tip,and hi: fortune noaxalood ipx that he nu-aig tux gave ` bha whola thing away, wi who I. result that thaa poinimant wan publicly diacuuod and 6 a govarnmanva Iolmna ' of ailanoo. was iruaoratad. We hava do- . oidod not to niaancl on oaramonn Iran- I k promiud aha polls 3 baa :a:nad'.i.o and in wall- ualiilad ior.ib in ; ovary raapoob. We wil not in put oil, nor aoib-ooapod inbo aoquiaaoin in the V0l`hlnOnO'I noandaloua action. i jurtioa not donato our man the oonaarvaciva part in Kingston noad not go to tho bran lo and oxpenu oi brin in; out a oan~ didala to opEo00 Mr. Br econ. There will bonobao -down from this poaioion. 0! than you may rub aaaurod. urumo pouuool nolooro II oonnouloo with tho roporood oppoinluone of Dr. _ Ryon. but ovontng o In-go nnnhor 0| ohooo oonoorvoomo who uppers tho claim 0! Dr. '1`. ll. lonwlok to tho ou- mnlhlp oollod upon him and uourod Mn 5 thoy would not otond oolmly by ond ooo Mo chino Sgnorod. A doo|oIon no oomo to. and woo onnonnood, and Dr. l`onwlol I Mend; will nob go to hho polio nor will hhoy coho my n tho fodoroi olootlon oompoign. unb tho motto: of tho y. In In nnnrhod mm M. an ....o. c..a...a..a 4 A OOMPR__OMl8 OFF ERID. ICIQ Aorhlahuboonnaohod In local oun- urvmn pnmloal mutual In nnnrhd nnnmnmum .4 n... A OIIOIO RIAOHID. 3 n-;---:- nr.hnwlok'n lrlogdn Inn `lulu 3 III: I . consul Ionplhl loud. -n-gl |..u.JA-l k.._l .-.-A "FIRES AND FIREMEN." All frioniap of the Libral cause will be heartily welcomed. Bobunoon Indopondone. " """ " "! The nomlnntlonn for thegononl ohm . _ _ tiom ah plnooon chm: or .8. unnmnl for H .._____r____ '."....""". ...... .. 33... ...... ........ 'rv29.~_I9_Is. ms .:'.;".:.......' ';::.'.:'.:..:;' " 3:3: hon Htmlo of ohingdono buwcon tllolthnndlhoihd. on >_ mom um mommy nu lound and In and. Doouuod wu born in Nnpsnoo eight - town you: Ago And hut llvod in Bolluvll 0 for About fhoo yous. Hot hnnhsnd dlod noun van um. Thu ohildnn who um-viva tor noun nmon years. not manna and NIIO you: #1; The childnn who nu-vim Mn. . E. Bolmhr. Bollevilhg Mrs. P. 3;.) Morrm. Pioton. ma Wm. Wright :3 null; Dobunoon Tho nomination: for 1 Dru 9 ran}: vlv:1gnnr,{u|ngntOI'd(`I.IdBnO IA. . _ In at n npunoo on Monday morn!` Hz the rcI`donoo oi hoi dnughtor Hrs. . E. Bohnnht. The lab Mrs. W In round nwollu usual and this mnrn no man funnel Anni In Inna` un Ina mg-guuon or Am. Anon 1 mo- ing of obs nance commmoo will in bold to-day to diapooo of thc muster. Ill (HVIIIOHZ ou-`I'ho mayor Aldn. Allen. Bohm, Curtis. Donnolly, owtaon, Mu-Mn. New- llnndn. P.9u}lon. Sqnrt, Btningo. Tait. 2. Nay:-Aldo. Cnuon. Dronnnn, Minna. Riohnrdnon, Bklnnor, Wnlkom, 0. on Chi Iunnunn nl AIII. Allan A must. uuul In -II. flll Wjlh Bollovlllo Bun. M Pnul Wright, daughter of she Into Dr. rehmlmluin. Nmmo. am oulv no snow. The amendment carried on the !ollow- ` inqrdivioion x AA: _ I"|\n lI|nD9\I\ LIA: A|I-- Igkgs. I IIIJIIAI non . 3.2.3` you-9' P I Am. urennane mouon wee mm or order. Md. Behen eeid she mnoe committee hn-I decided to apply the proceeds o! the Idle of debentures to the non of the Dren- mm unit. They did not yer know how much would he received from bhie eele. On the former ooouione referred to by Ald. I)ronm\n.t.he fund for "lnoldenhle" amount- ed to H.000. Thu nmnm-lmnnt. nu--Incl nn lm lnlhu-. Inoaly no on sold. Md. Donnslly said the so-oallsd oitiuns committee did nob rspnssno she snhlrs ulscion. It. would be illegal to vote ) out. of the "incidsnbsls" fund of 0400, at the rsqnesb oi a committee appointed at is messing of oilissns numbsrln. no more than were Rrssonl. M; the council rnsseing. He would ks to sso the Quinn : 0 wn ooms hero, and if subscription lists won oponsd he would contribute his mihs. He thought Aid. Drsnnsn s motion wss out 0! order. Alt`. AHA!-I unit` tho nnnnn nnnnnll-A`; commmeo. Ald. Dnnnon polnbod out ch on mob of two former oocniom the council ind I motion so grunt 8800 so I visiting regiment of 300 rnon. The motion who to cram she mm nkod nnd romutln the nsnoo committee to provi 0 fun for bho same. The mnoo oommlbtoo could draw on the prooooda of the dobonturu shortly to be sold. Ald. Dnnnnllv mid tho nmnnllnl nlnnnn in .!=.'!!L11I_Lm~l mu. mun mm more nu on om way clan-ovidinf the money and him wu by M In; in mm tho fund for inoldontall. which been nduood to I Ilnhnlln. It. won] be mnonnbly Mo. nowiIhnhnd- ing. to have the matter to the nnnoo commmeo. AM l\n`nnA-u -.n|..s.A nus lL..L -.. _-..L Are all combined}: thoshn-uoold wm runny maoromn tune on: . Al . Drennanuid that i the amond mono should carry I noolnl moshing of the council will have so called to mute the grant. If the Minna oommiiztoo can- not obtain tho noouury sum they will hnvo no holognph to the oloon of the Queen : Own, ouimlling Bho inviimbion. Aid. Bohnn mid ohm onlv am in Riohirdnon, Wnlkom. 6. On the mansion of Ald. Allon me- Im tho nnnm nommitun am In hold nrluuo nut. Ald. kinnor add the cltiunu` commit- coo Ind lnutmctnd the mllibnr oom- mitoeo ho Invite 3 rogimont-, whio they agreed to ontoruin for ono dny. This would ooab in she prooono out 0600. The Queen : Own hu Igrood co pub up 51100600 for the second day. I! tho military oom- mmoo cannon onmmn the roglmonb. It will Rmtly diaorodlt the uitv. IIJIIWOO OIIIIIOD ODWIDIIH II I` rontly on A! _Dreppan gold _l_ t open MUSE 'IiL'Jc`x{ Style, Comfort, Satisfaction una. Ald. Curtis warm favored the propoul to oolobnte the birthday of the gran monnroh the world Inn over noon and if the money onn be procured, he wou`d be bhc HMO 50 D5 it. `III Linn-r nnhll OLA nlthn-n-` nan.-.lA gmnlu Irom muting I no. Md. Bolnn no In nrnondmont, qooondod by Ald. Curtis, that the roquoat of the oitmntoommlttoo for A grant 0! 0300 be roforrod to the nnnce oommmoo, with n roqnont that if the funds can poo- nlbly he provided the tltlon of tho oom- mittoo bogruntod. 0 was In thorough sympathy with the oitlnanf oommittoo. but the council could not voto my a mm of money without first havln made pro- vision forit. He hoped the nonco oom- mlttoo would be able to provide the ontiro sum. and ho thou ht the would be able tn tin nn, nr novavh n nnnr w an unnnh An I:- Illm, MN] III DDOII DD MIC WOIIIH DO IDIO todosmorprovi onuryumuohu wu ukod. mun. Inn pomnou om; I gained from mnklny q mom to mac tuna: tor mo sumo. Id. Dronnnnmt uomo length. expoun- odon the wisdom of makl the grant. and described bho propnn om and ar- rnngomenu muio. so for for tho celebra- tion. nnd pointed onto him bonot to be trained from mnklmr I cant. ween uwn. ommlung who nmuuon. on Ilnrovidinn mono! bv m mo and by um gram. : Ald. Drennon moved chub O300bonnb- ed toward: the onto:-Mlnmonool oh. vhlt in; mono on May hh And 9501:, and that t o Innnoo oommmoo be roquolood wmdo funds for the nrnnhnn gt. -nrnn Iannu nvnAI`n mung goon onm-numnonu on won nou- dnf, and pooplo of ouholdo plus: will loo forward to much darn. and will al- wn I oomo here. All olt um will bonoh in he and by this grant. a movnd elm Iaoohonmn. Ilolooollt to too oltlouo In loourlng . Vloltoro on llolidovo-`no rlonoo oonnmoo wm hdoovoo to loot tho Vlowo of tho Oltiloli II tho Intol- At tho city oounoil loot night .7. D. Thomgaoon woo roooivod ond. on boholl oi tho oi loom oomnittoo, In tho council to moko A grant` towordo ontortolm mont ol tho Quoon'o Own riloo on the 94th ond ililth inst. It would ooot About N00 to ontortoin tho rogimont. ond ho ukod tho council to Front 0300. It won in nt that tho oit Iono ohould to h t It omo on much so poooiblo, ond that t o oity nhould bo odvortiood to tho [rootoot iblo odvontogo. Thin would to tho t woy of doing thio. B. W. l'oi r aid ho hod boon toldl? . on oldormon t ho wouldo pooo o m-on . . hooouoo it would bovirtuoly o bonuoto tho otroot roilwoy. Ii tho oldonnon thought no ho would to plooood if thoy did not alvoooont. Ii thorogimontdid notoomo I o otroot roilwoy oompon would hovo oomo ohow in tho k on would Inoko on much u if tho noon : Own riiloo did mm. H tho oololn-otion voooouooooo ; pooplo from Roohootor. wonohurc And othor Alnorioon oitioo wil oono to tho oity.ondiroinI.000 to I700! will ho oponthoro. Ilpoo o oro ollowod to go out of tho city in 08.000 will go out too. Ii tho omonotrotlon ho rumou- iul the city will got tho ro utotion o! ro- vidlnggoodontortninmon ouch oli- dlvmlnd nonnln nf ouhnlrln nlnnon will V." Ylun.-` `N0. 106. f u, -.~ . _______ ,So the 0 7' [ Membprfm Kingston SW13 G035 :`j3`- Th '1' er 3.31. nnmon. 9.5; i:;i.:f';.'::.?' .;,.;:::,. w. VvI'I1l1IlINl'I ll vnuu nluu and mom ng found dud In bud. and born In Nnmmn nanny.` NONI run drrv oounon. Auto TO MAKI A cum. Dam: of In. Paul Wright. 1110 Sun. ENTERTAlN_IS0ll)[ERS. .2----4-2.__-. A I) Iullngpuuon. mn Imrlnnnndnnl. JOHN H. %.e.1;.:a.' "r..." Afl -A .Ds.A 3..-nu... n`.-..'I $":.'3f'1Pg8ra :*.:`I-1'~.="*. ' 5311 `n".l::"dn:3.~: -r.eouimr.i:;i'51aoT.T""' ""' " IO . ll-IIIQV` 1-ml ig._..r3.: .'.%`.. room: room on. III. u o\ Scan`. TH` 33:. :.+_;,-;_,'-3.513 : . 0 mlh ILAII) Comrrrea meannas. ONTARIO .WARD-Tuudny Ivonlng. ....-V-::*.':*.'.~.r:..:w - ww- , ___._- ..__ IIIOK H01 I No. BBQ I -4 -11% ulonqglw Ann?! :.!I CO ulon ulnt. Anvil 5` _ W - ..--.. :=,`.*:*:.=::r- .g.':;*:.. ":3 3- IYI BRING ms. nrnnlng und IIIIIO int I Do mm: 00!! AIY. I oh: Minn. Oh one. Q":.'.' 139:! oo'A?:n In 3. la: 0 the o 67. on unto. Ghsdmbnal. Ran C?! n . mm oonm. gonhynnoi an marvel] 4 5 10 on n M on In Hoogn on mum. Icht son Lo`; hood clmhu naounm tzhnu.` "n"f)ouI`|n.oIr` '8:n:AIv. 13:: `um 1 china. Mu un- 0 1 Ann; AlIlIIiUlA' 'lp`hY. Vxlnorvn. 1`): 5 A o at; w rouommom . pp 1 W`n.uunum. 130 Buns an-uh. uumanun WANTED IN IVIIIY b Idol; 11 w uuon; umplu 3:`. r oomml on `my 0 nun tom u un B100. 00.. onuu , Quo- --. . nun... . _.._-.._ , .. ID -- A0lDt'l`l ll "AW! W Iunoru " by on? . `I 3y guhsdneona. rnnon WI I on In Vwrfonx 0911; 01.50. comm loan H Ill AN'l`II)-0LD BTAKPB I6 10 W old. or man`! No. to bowl. A not. IOIIMI. dude u ._...._..._..._.__.._.....:. Ag!!!) IHXEDIA ELY. rvn. ch an ygpll recommend Ann 1 n ' `Yno'I|ll'|: go drdotr. V I 9 . r our .0 I thin woo. ' m _____..._______..... A `1`..`.. .`." X333. "...`3?a f...'. .'.`.'2.".i uj .sr\:|1:u ..._... .._ _._._,._.___ ...-- N BU DAY. A LADY'B OXIDIIE M3, 3" hr .."`1:`*k'-."". % V 0 In n to u I wudp gy natal:-Iain; ulna to 1063:: IBIDINOE 1 now ooolml Mum-In Portsmouth. on May 41 VIII of W. H. Mndlll. of 3 laugh! --$ D I wl0|:;Louo.nu{1l: b.o1. k&..u SALBBIEN WANTED IN lg-IYJ nlo\:_nqw uuon: umnln n n 1`vum\\*. Prof. Doronwond no 3. A. hobo]. Mowing of Ontario Ward commit tom oommlhtoo mom. .E9_'!M!TIf new r....'.'1".1::.:.'..*.'.`:::*.':.'x..:.`i'.`.'..';- M 0`: `II CHEAP. A to n.P.1 In ordor. wl awnf A pt ugly llmnor to run nu. B0?` .Al1Na1")0 2.1313 AT 0BINDO 'I jj __ _ , 7-- `.._-_ ..- -..-. `. .53..".?1 ...a." .'s`..'3. f.`.`il'..'.' than m on. ISTEACY Tapestry and Brussels Carpet ` P3101: TWO omI'u- we Ane_b|=Panmo GOOD : BARGAIN3 `&.`.H.".a uh`: !o:a';urIm:" Wine :3 In oully nulud an dlgnu by the men Ilene. OHILDIIN TAKI IT IIIDILW JHUl'\UUl"5 huummva wms Pnnnun ............ .1 `neon: 796.` l munm ON Ul own an I van`: nn rt. ml` otvn. In ntmt. 3`r3:`5 v---- - -----rI-IqIllIC| ldrmufmquhwnbpfpquun , VIII 0' <=:.s'.....&;'.`.'.:.':...Sa,'.' In nu nnllv .. vvnlnl ` non`! wleh n mo onto. j for balloon Chlldnn. Invalid: and the Aged. JAOK8ON'8 $.10 8 min: 3% wnmn, nauuaunu. .-.__,.- h A-;-.-9-v-0 [A -u-Iuuvi UIIIV Puuuu the MI modlanl who of `In: I..P' % ,0I. ow,`----v-v--u?-jjt For Sale by all Drngglnn. V 1 -.---__._-_._ ._. :1" * uq 3': II; q . Ii) .||IY.1 1:---1 TO BE LIT. IN REMNANTS OF FOR BALI. REMINDERB. WTN"1'i:'5T` LOST. BOARD. "If COR- BEn'l9l..K t h 0 nnI&n- -non BIRTKI. AL ...A_... I00! Wllll so. comm 1:5` 0"" m 1|:n|Lvn:l :5`, an 53 `mm a. 1735' nu; an tomn. ,`;*:`. -a`-?.'.3'-'";"s? ?:..`. .'I.....L .3 -rwr aunt. 3 I'D In Grant Value. wk, on `roll an WARD - [oA;< H__.5_LL| :3.`-."i'a o'u?w`0133V:La"ffE*'l ISUIMEREUNDEBIEARI A WALSH, Tana`. - Opera House Block HWFUHD % I max; ESIINV w. J. MOORE: on: mice 31-one. 183 Princess st.. north side - Kingston u-...;*:-u... Anphrodisic hnnInnl_m.nan.-II.-A`t.L. m:p"ahlr1n donopromptly. Anglos] nun-tunontn and A llunou made an npllrod. lunufnotnru-o IOIIOII. Black ground, with White pin dots. Also Black and White stripes-very natty effects and our best quality nish. T HI I II (I U I l . w`%:i1`7s51o'I'{n y.:h.o- ayfwegok. m- I In . opnh-In dons promptly. pylon} I_uu;I_unonj.n Anpllunou Black and White ' Shirt waists ILLID TINDIBS ADDIEID -10 `PHI IId'::d:l.1.`TI|1I30l`l for " punnant Wan 0! AY.__Iw IN 3, for tho -'"'-""'" .....""" ?*Y:.`.?.'E':E 2:!`-.3 ..._... ...... A new lot high class` Collars to-day. 4-ply, 2 for 25. To know that 1 Fine Scotch Tweed suit can be procured for That our Millinery- effort: a being daily more appreciifed.` Low prices, high quality. the beat of artistic talent given each order. HARDY S dpened oh Saturday- a can IAIKIT NI-MRI. $17.00] Machinist-. v 18 Montreal -mac .__-._.__ .1`o coN'g_r_cAc1'ons. snocnunnor. wnuo ondouoring codin- onool than with I nnnll suck the nti brohmdhh Mndltrnck thinn- nnr. which MI. 0 In` tlnoanridgo. Un ly the van tumd toward: tho and thbullot cntudtho Ion dds bolov Ihgohut and Iuoknrda and downvuds. unplug hurt. but pnalu wry Inn to It. won rmly hntonod in the chamber. hilo oodnuoring to din- lodponool tlnmwma uullauok an A lollonnlooldout. .W. C.B.Rnt.hhn. tho 'l`omn|onpn- nnutlvo ol the Duuoato rm ol that nunonvoundud Nmnlf dangnonuly. ihuot fatally. yuhtdny. while cleaning I nuty ngqlwr. uuuu. yl nvolvu-. ml. numnn. mo president being I dela- gate ox-oieio. Tho ngondn for tho umunl meeting was than read and voted on. - several Amendment: being nut. in In the Kingston council. The annual moo oi the national council next I! . lay lllh In Mont The shoring cloud wit`: 3 van: of thonntiom anthem. , uuurwllln mo nnmoor of hours of work , po_r w . when factory logiahcion exists. and Alto taowuda scouring, If Foun- blo, uniform logialncion for the dam nion. _ The president and oloo-bonnsrs of last. you Inn than re-elected :5 follows: Pro- sidem. Mn. maor: vino-presidents. Mrs. Swift, Mn. Ilkom. Lady Cartwright. :11. Mrs. Skinnloir: insurer. rs. . inner; oonwpon loo:-our . Min Mnolnrx rooonling noorotzrey, Min . P. Smith. The following dol won elected for the annual meeting the mtionnl council next weak in Months]: Mrs. Lewis. Mrs. (`Inna-on. Mina Mnohu-, Mrs. H. Skinnor. Min Sullivan. tho president being dela- mend: tho nnnunl V A ..__...._....._... outrnnvohunlyolus. oltbcnuutlvoqnnuho jinnjlh--. 1 accomplished in 1 day, but that by "love. labor and poraeversnoe." all good result: m my be eventually ooound. Report: of the two local sub-committees. a pointed in regard to the dissemination ordomonlhinghptpon sud pictures. and to securing a ortor hours for womgw worker: in factories. 0913.. were also p canted and their recommendations adopt- ed. vending in the latter one both tmnrds ahormnin the rmmbor of hours of work [Dr . Whln fnnfnru I`.-I-lg-.. such (av. will It Iboondi V nnanuuu-)n.m.u.. am '`.?.....1' . euuu nnetpnoee licensed to sell liquor should closed at I reuonnble hour ever evening, and Alec that A women ehou d be appointed to attend female pri- eonerl while detained at the police eteblon --on object thie council has lor eome time been trying to secure. In the latter one no Action hes t been taken. but the council notice: it th much utiefeotlon that the license commieeionere hnveimpoeed the condition of cloning at eleven o'clock, only regretting that en eerlier hour could not have been decided on. `Althonghuot lleving Attained all de- sired euoceeethe council I! not diloou knowing that the "epplleetlon of the golden rule to law. custom and eoolety. which ieitoigrofeeeed heels, in not to be lnonmnllnh in g dga |...e um; 1... nl.._. .`........ nulv vu n-w, uuuwm Inu l)0|OI'ay." ism rofouod accompliahosin day, but blunt porneversnoe." wood mmlu Petition: were none in to the hoepienl board regarding chehrrovilion of Arrange- manta fornfree don airy -hr the poor. the abaenoe of which cannot much suffer- ing as well u ill-heulth. This he: no& you been complied with. though In is hoped that nomeohin may in time be arranged. `Petition: signed by the pruidonu of I the fedo- ratad oooiebiee, were sons to the cit. coun- cil aekin chntplu-ea licensed to sellliquor to ..._.... ........:.._ -...I _-V, -- - gretma . The committee which met the Ichool bond was more nucoeeeful, lenvln them with the understanding thou the nItruo- tion of girl: in needlework, em. would be introduced as soon as the neceuer eu- thorintion should have been receivexf from Toronto. D.n.him........ .....:.. A- .I,, I V, v- - uu sowing, 000., In one IJDIIO ecnoole. and one to meet the pol ce oommieaionere in reference to melting some Iuiteble pro- vision for sleeping eccommodabion in the police oelle, the total absence of any ouch eooommodebion being out of kee in; wlbh with the nerelly humene up! I) of bhie age. Alt. ongh thin application vue en- dorsed by representative oitilene. lo and clerioahend eocom nled by on o r to provide hell the oel a with euitable accom- modation at the pet.monen' expenee. it , was gmeuooeeeful, which is much to be re- gretted. The cmnmlhtnq whlnh mm. 9.1.. ...L....I pneuure OI the meeting. Thole meetings were held during the put. year by the Kingston local council, and In addition no paper: read and roeolu- tiona eenb in to the general executive. committees were sprinted, one to meet the Iohool board in re erenoe to the gonchors ol sewing, 00:40.. in the ublio schools. and _to polce 1'ne ennuu report: ol the Klnguoon local counoll were presented by the (reu- urer and secretary Immediately After the tunnel opening proceedlnp. The necro- t.ery e report referred briey to the lat en-' nunl meeting in Toronto. to the excellent time and eplrlb of the dlncnnllone, el- tbough the vote on the queetlon of ellenb or audible prayer wu deeper dlup- polnclng be the Kingston el Arne; and be the kindneee end h0l;F0lliQ] shown b her excellency the preeldenb ol the net onel council end by the Toronto local counoll. which greatly enhanced the pleasure ol the meeting. meetlmte were held dnrina th- uulgnlrl, an H. ljnonull Bodulihy of tho oh dun at In-y, K Buluvnn: Dorou room , Min Meadows; lnfunu homo and chldron I dd. Mn. Wnlkom: ladies bonovolont society of St. Mary : on- thodral ; poor relief uuoclstion. Mn. Manchu: house of industry board. Mn. Skinner; humnho ooolot. , Min Como; auxilinrybo Y.M.C.L.. rl. Bnolxhonuz onward and lnipvnrd noolobtv. Minn Muslin. The Annu nnnrt; n u.. ln.....o.... T. F.%A|SN Ell] lhodlun rnooclhln nl lhV\ ...m L. AL. ...__un- llIlll' non! Ina vnaowr M drool 0 , b J ~o....*-~.., o:.:.~.,W.;.:2.-.:-Z, t'-.: . '5 DIIRHNII. MID G. Mlmnlnn Hm.InIlt.:: dill! 0` ll KI ..,D_hosnla ; Bodnlihyn NH`). K Eulllvnng ooa atnonannoo of voting dolognhu from the federated nooiolzlu no aha nnnunl moocin of tho Klngnton woman`: oounoll yube v afternoon and nearly all won Mprooonhd. Brio! `mt lntu-Mug to HI! cox ! k P"... ..b` _:ho gnzddmumor "'35.: runny,- or me years work won pruontodnby oh 1! an outer ropnun- 'h:lvup~ 0.! th? following: 01'- hnm' homo And widows` Mondiooioty. lb`; ArI.__Rolu'I:Y.W.0.A.. man .I .'i.'..,'".?n'1u.'"3 .'a`. "fK.;':"53." no3?v".3f A 3 when not at voting dolognhu Innunl Iumnung m Anyunn like orodltablo mambo:-I-on A la! -dAy-or review of tho work done b All the bonovolano fomnlo organ don: of the city? Whnhovor the reason, in In: py that they do not generally ovinoo momubo I rib. There WM. llowovor, an then voting dnlawnhnn Ihonolnptu Who Worth Iholruu no no Annual GoIIoclng-'l'|o Ioontuy Undo legion of tho You : Ion-'l'Io lloouon 0! OH W!) In It no dl cult to ta I good oodl- onmo Kl n ladies I on afternoon mootlng, on In um won-k done I: thon- own tax, when boy will crowd on crush to look on at n coll oonvoooon? In is the ogro of houooo In; or too muoh "afternoon too" that hoops them from u- oombling in onythln llko orodltoblo In! -dnv-m- rnvl--r . l Mon Puma uPmi1"sHouLn_ B! I 1-; 1. g.__._ {ma councwun woman] TTT our $18 "ms:-:*:-..*..:t~ Tvfp3c}'E6. _ Ti: KINGSTON, ONTARIO. TUESDAY 3 EVENING. AT 5. 1896`. `III winner cubniuul the Jollavlng lms at his and and : 0115.764. c ndltul. 543.8; Oltldt nnh-h-. Inn a.A.I n..... on --uunuuuiw KIIKIOO '|I`.I|8 lmgm 5%. gunner n:y'| no :2. my pnoundnuny 0! IlnynunhoroHhoOAnudhn)l noon nooounlohvoopodul u-oloo vr son A?- Ihcdn. 0uohunnnio|oon' nivonix and its l`oundon" vi por- Inlhol I .4... Competent staff of Upholsterers at your service, either to make over and repair old Mamrnsses, Parlor Suites, Couches. &c., or to make new to order. (:5