II VIIIIVIII] IIIII` I III honor. when vi ha pa-moon pain sll lug tradition: at daemon. Lowo||'I aim upon nnothor poll whom he nude {amount with M1 linen ' l`-I.- II E-I-I--A-ALI Uilvlv VIZ t in I If 1ud,nvin;nul. but Hr. Robluon uulylounnp~." It In undoubted. and the elements an propnrlng for A my. Winn nnlnnkna, nlnlna nu Mun -nnhhlnL an aunt uq-iagnn pg,` lpldwhnlha hob ondupd by Chan- nntlonarnoo." Vmou ofdlnndurnd dlugumon ma, ding:-no rho Iulnn-A {aha snot: man $35-' -an I HI SPANKED OLIVELAND. |.._._- L-- Ll. LA-J. Ohulu J. Ry'l`o-159:3: dzoldo elm lo :44" -and nnnnnn Mn lilhnnn In Tlnnnln and Al Adnlnblo Donne. `n-`HA... ll-_.lLA |_-A.._-._ "1" .'aI|.';`."'." LITTLI 8T.JO8IPH. -11! mm how ovu-nhlu d*n I ~ I Got the Best Slio;s Q. lorthe Loutldonoy |m I nook, \ and I clot u now prlmnfor unmnowutuy would have MIC at that gum. Tho commit- hudid notulil) room. They wanted Icnvotooollthooldunmuldtoapoud the monoynooivodforn mvutn. `ou- ponvruul urud. Chairman uni: mbmltud tho upon onho 0 oomnmu. which has boon lnlhnwmm aid horns us dun: now than they won two vnokl an hrlmn Mar winuringthdunimah vi Inouooo an low prim: for than now on they won Mn Eaton AI Ihnh thin. Thu uamlnin. I11` 'K'11f5'tommnn naked I! honolluh hu sdnnood money cons. In the pun two such. Horton V ll be my costly soon as '\huuno nu. llthon. not uudllght oommmoo do all choir hunlnun ll they an doin this pm of in, than us no wonder the mmoo commmoo had to than choir up nion. mninunu nu. ms... ....... a... .....L- -... -. 2...... Muu-Mn add him unveiling upomu amounted to 096. No mom would in uk- od for chub purpolo. Mr. Cu-non pqyo his own oxpenau. umurmnn Nnvun man man monoy would towards bu-in A now turn. Mr. u-con had mad 0. Mn I bum osnnot be t. for loss than 8300. It will out 085 or 0 tobring mo mun so the city. Md. Donnolly and If any put of the 896 had been and for unveiling or ponuu. Chnirnmn Mnrbln brouhb In the report of bho Ilro. water and II to oomrnmu. ro- eommondln that loan given tho oom- mlttoo to no I their old tum of horns. and me the money no obtained to mmhuo A mum of homes for the tin 0 taunt. Tho could make the mmhuno xv shown on- ooodvng their nppmpr men it tho homo in me now won to be sold. `hi hvnnnnn nnlnuvl mlmb ALA .4__Xnn-- DOOH unmrly uouo with 0 the oommmaoo, Aid. Bolmn mid Ald. nno|ly`I infor- mation was inoorrooh. Dalton & Stung. did nopul. in the lowest. bender. They were given all the time the wanted in which to lI`|I\k8 the tender. 'l`{\uo was no unhirnou in nwnniing ch. oonu-nob. Ho did nae knmv whgbhor or nob the unpain- tandem. know that any firm WI! duling with tho manufacturers. It was unfair to cu-nmno. in his nbuonoo, that ho did know. |`ernonni|_v Ald. Boln\n`did not know any- bhing about it. If any fair plug were given Dalton & Strnngo mnoivod iii. The ronorh wu ndmztod u-mm... nmnmi. The corner Ioolmoro. cur. mucus and Wellington nu. % given lnlton it atrnltgo Noolvod It. report Adopted wthoul. amend- menb. l`k.lnm... n...u.. |........LA 1.. `L- ._..-_. 1`. nooerusonm pipe may could not give 3 donlto answer. I! they were not doullng with that rm. The water work: on r- intondont know that tho other rm ton5:r- lug did deal with '1`. Robortcou. Dalton & Strange hold that their tender vs: the lowest. and they claimed thnt they had been unfairly dult with b the committee. Ald. nnn|lv`n inlnri use now wan to no soul. Ald. Dnnnnn ukod wlunt tho oommmoo urpond doing with tho money nooivcd Err the homo: now in use. Chairman Martin and that would no bu-inn Mr. llll WIIIOH WIII U0[W.G WITIHOUU CUM n Chairman Boimn prooontod ropor of water work: oommittoo. which has nlrudy boon ubliniml. All . Donnoily nnkod ii tho lowoot tondor ior plyinig pig loud. oto.. hui boon no- ) no . bhninnan [Johan replied thn there was no lowont tender for iron pipo. utho iigumu were all tho name. A: to pig loud haiton & Stun put in a tender for tho whoio contract, ut on uoerininin that tho ituma were Iopnnto. they won (1 not accept the contract for one ium nlom. Ah]. Hnnnnllu unit` if. um: nlnhnml u}. accept: me conurnnn [or mm Mono. Akl. llonnolly said it wu claimed that no information wn given an to what malu of pipe mm roqnlmd. When Dnlbon & Bhrnmto were nknd if thaw nonld nnnnma or pupa mu roqnnmu. vvnon unlnon a Shun were uknd ilthoy could procure 1`. R0 rt.son n pipe they could not give answer. they dnllmr npm -.'m.n. uzw; Monolvoy a mum. Imp oooln. 071.30; J. Dohorty, stone. 80.10. The nport. mu ado ted M rend. Chairman Carson In mlbbod the board of works` report, which boon publlnhod. and which mu ndop w thout ohm nrooentod romr In! IDIIOWHI WIIWT WOTKI IOOOIIIWC were rooommomod: T. W. Milo, palm.- lug. Slug '1`. McAuloy. book-blndlng, 03.15; W. Hnnlatb. oxponm to Toronto. 017.75; U.'l`.R. fro||{`ht.. H.901 E. McFad- den, oarbln , M3. by labor y lm to April `.'m.h. `N0;MoKoIvoy & |roh.It.op oooln. 871.30: J. Dohorhv. ntona. I0. 10. DCIIOT D0 RFIIIIOCL The committee recommended the A pointmenb of blue mayor and Alde. Curt. I and Richardson M I committee to eweml meebln for mnklng m-ran mentere meet- lng oltze British eaeoolnb on for the ed- vnnoemene of science. The followln water work: eooounte warn rnnnnunmuu-I - 'l' W Mlln I\A|n6.. FBIID OI I:0W0l' NONI. OH I). K`lOllGO|'I0I'l \` U0-. city clock and police department. 011.46; 1). M. Molmyro. witnou lea, Keats vs. city. I16; 0. Llvln nbon & Bro.. police do- pnrtmenb. us. . Ilondonon & 00.. Itnblonory. 83. It wmn recommended than nitv oommu f;"f?--'%v.'.'.x.*:'.3'.a..':-.&-, IDIIl0llUI"y, 531. It was recommended that ole oommu uloner Gordon`: roquub for I B: cook milk halter bo grnntod. The oommlttoe roaommundad the In. onoru Iuruu. Ill 5. an un 41. um. wu- nm INOO0 uwor. 08.50; . A. Skinner, aundrlu, 010.86; lnbor pay link. to 29th A rll.I1.0lB.08;J. Boom, codur mku. ufoo. house 0! lnduuhr{.0$uxo. 0760; n- oral hon (Ml. rant, I. 1 Hotel on. ram. $332. 5 orphnm' homo, rant. 360;ohlldren'n nld Iocloh . `glut. 900: poor rollof. rank 0200; .0 rlou. nbono account, 01 . J. nlmoro Ind J. Koomn. Mono account. 830: mlllbln donnrtmnnh. IIOUOHHU, IIU. J. UOHIIIIOTO Illa J. LWIII. account, 030` mllibln department. rent of Lower eld. I; J. ondorcon & 00.. nltv nlnrlc mu! nnlinn dnrmrhmnnuh, III AA. nuorrou nooourn ox uvmon. Ald. Tnlt.--l`rom B. Bmlbh [or oxumlon of moor work: nynmn Along Shown Itmc. Rom-rod to water work: dopnmnont. Ald. Onrlon-From W. Robinson and ochon ro loan! Improvement on. Rofomd to board 0! work. * unm)INo0ImlI1'rll nronu. The nunoo oommlbtu rooommondod h E 1`.'i`."`.?..`L' .`".'.&` $ .. .E'4`. .'5f...! .`. pn menu o: more nucounux nrn pny ro 0o89bh April O`)9.2lgA. Mollquhun. onornl Ierubl. I a B. Anqlln & 00.. Wil- Am mun nwnr. I150: .. A. Rlclnnnr, mmmoo. Ald.'1`A|b-Frorn John and Mary (in!- lughor `for reduction to II proporoy ab uomor Montrul and Markham sonata. Referred moourt 0! uvhlon. 'r|H._.l'nnIn H Rmlhlu Inn Anignnlnn WIIHJOWOT 00 I00. A-l . Martin-,-l`rom Thoma King uk- lng use 01 244 foot of hog. for which pool- tloncr will pny.'Rolu-rod to the in. water Ind light) oommTtt.oo. Md. Rlohnrdlon--l'rom.N. P. Wood And other: that water worlu Iyltom buxtondod {rem King Ihrool Ilongmvlngnton nvdnuobo Union throat. Rah:-rod to vuter worh oommimo. Ah. q`AIh_Trnnn Jnkn non-I "Ann L1-I, uuun long: to M0 cm or Ulpo. mm lob. be wnmod. pgblbionorl an-ooln yfor the name. On motion of nrtln, uoondod by Md. Canon. * nnilnn nan: -A'QnnArl in AL` -Ian. _.._l.. `Pl'n'l`l0NI ruunnn. Ald. Nowlando-From John Oamon Ind other: for now me drain on Prlnoou numb, between Glory and 8 donhnm some. Rn- lorrod to of Ivor I. Ald. Marbln--From E. Oh: man sud abhor: uklng bhnh I)lviIIon I root. tron: Quoon Itonpt to tho and of Capo. Button ! lob. be wntorod. nobionorl an-ulna ho ymr me name. un mouon or Ala. the potmon wu referred to the clay onginoor with war to mo. `.1 IlnnMn__WnInm I`|u\vn-- III..- .-I. d I . Iomnll nu lubed 6 0 uallulunloulon Iron (9. U. Robb. ohm onglnur bollorlncpooon lnumnoo oom- _3 g; .. j`z'."a 2 ""n.'."..."i*.".$`.;':`u..`.'..'.: From Min Mayne. It cuts. Refund to court of uvlolon. 1|-WIMIAII DH XIIIIIH It I -I'-UI The mayor punldod at Inn night : oun- oll mootln at whlolmldl. Donmlly. Dun- nnn Ho n. Mu-Mn. Mlnnu.Nowlnnd|. Man. Rlchardaon ammo. lmlngn. Tait, Curtis, Allan, iohnn nro pnunja. UOIIUHICITXOUI IIOIIVID. Cmnmunhnhlnn lunn (1 Ilnhlu .54.! fgnnf nm>aa_;rI_g_mAi%;1onsEs;4 [Houdini wwjarouhnou av ` I oouucm LAIT mam. A _IopotI oouIuu6-nIIIo Vcnu l.Inaunnn..lnu- unsung:-- -gun. OGIIUNICITIDUI Oonmunlculon from G. O. Robb, . unzlnoor both: Innnnnon lmunmn 4 IlZIIIIII-.'l'IIII .3-IIIVC lo! IIIQVIII Iliolhl-IIIIO II` Ibo Putin. II I"VIIlIl|II `l`I`l'l'l`l0NI nInlnndn_l'mm Jnlm n A '- V. - wiixd; 'rimsn.u?. MAY 5. 1396 luau nuuouuu my IIIII` nu bonuw monk Ir. Andaman. Ion in vim- iw Juno: Baht. A. 1430:` lo:-Unoh8nn`|doIAlu. On vhlh B.0rvoll unload! a bound unbnl Julpdchod and iohdhin in II: hr hooking Hour at Ihhoth. 0-hddngnhoty. - nearly ul onrongu Inning: run in much modal for the Imudowu. I. Mann Ion ousuunlvtoukohh noon shun. Iluniltonnlxd mu . laonp has h|nd`Joh Nuohluuthtouho i uhnnn: ----vu -.-.. `vs-vv.--- us: v-o on Roman. Our obtain loud. Much nynpn in H for tho Ibo: Mnoollun in gal : ml human. luau. nun: Iynpuuy ll ten for tho lino: ip shit ad bonuw nun. Ir. Andean. Inning]. in win. un'ob.In I ' ntT{:oJhultl`:.;'nn phusnt our I0. 0: ton van vubhlhorllmo boy ..3`?..:s...a um ohoohonld nu Dodtl`| Kidney Pill: and prophuiod am they would own her. Sh: wax l`romNnnHowdonIlbcnnho honthr. and the: kiln four ands half boxu. logy it with hcnuolb ti- tndo lun porhct|yonnod. l)odd`I Id- my hilt In the on tnodiolm in the world that has our on I ouoot Bright`: din- ouo nwohnuup. Palm IIIZA`-D. In 4.--The [man no nearly All through wading; min in much ll!!! tholmudowu. Hun-nv Ian 5| V Iuull DI III1.'II'I Illjli l'I|l' HIIIIXII cured by Dead`! Ildqqy nun. Nun-mu (ssnolnl . May 4.--Mn. T. H. Malta. tumor 0! IHIWOL ammo have M a Int noon. ad nuhnd an yuan with BI"iM'I din:-co. Rnporud to be put holp nnd dying her mp mum on tho aunt. in nmnnnt hunk. urn n holnxmn. by mu (Mao. . . .. ........ ..1oo '55 holy of Ulla. by lldwln Arnold ...... ..`Mo oh: lolly. 0: Ant. by 3. n. omnm. . . .00 A Indy 6! Quality. by In. Hoduon Bur `ma as-ooh. by lulu Oonlll ................. ..u.oo Idol but and won. by air J. W. Dnwnonuo 0| m I D: f I .. |0: .5 how. `J`:|I.\'$|rrn :.: Vo.:';: Inolnot manna u.'i3`."i.'p"K. ' A Vloun of Bright`: Dluuo for luylun Onnd up noun-n Kklnnv mm. by-IIW VII GNU POIG ma puuu. ` Ald. Bohun introduood n by-luv to Ngu- luto the holgho ol awnings ab nix foot six inches. E10 :9 {law W15 _md the moon- num ro mum puudu `NIH. (`A\I`l0n Inhmduood I hv-hi M $lll5|\l|I|DO|' 0! Elm um M1. . irmodnood I b_.y-law bow uiuond the market I: -law no an to Incor- pomto the unonduon [made In the On- tario logiolntun Ina wiuw-. '1` 9 by-luv nu duly road and pund. lllllllll`, IIIU, VVIIIOIII.-" IV. Nay:-Tho mm` Aldn. Bohm. Curpon. Curtis. Martin. on. Shvumstnfngo. -8. --U. Council went into oommmoo of the whole. Ald. Nowlnndn in who ohninnnd Ald. Dron- nnn lnbroduood an by-luv be amend by-luv No. 064.60 nukotholloonoo foot of khoutmn uynbla unuunlly iunwnd of dniLy. The Ly-law duly road und puud. introduood bv-law to mom I uommly. man we OIIMIO In the board 0! works roforrlnxbo gnnollthio walk: he ntruok ouo md t at tendon be called for. for oonutruotlzng the walk with granite chap: or with limucono. Inn lnnnn apply! an 0].. h.Il.\mKn.- u uvu-nuuvuu vuv wunl wlvu 'lIllIUU ;;\ IFa ho motion ouriod on the following divluion: \..._n.u. nu-.. n.u...-n.. n..._..-.. nvn non : ( \':u--Aida. Allon Donnolly. Dronnm. Hutton. Minnow owlundn Riuhuduou. Skinnot-.'I`nIt. nlkom.---I0. NAvl-'n|l lnA\.*nI`_ `him. RAhAn, nrnnn IIIIIOI DIIC WINK. Ald. Nowlnndl mid he had kid I walk on hit own promlnoa and had mood granite ohlpn. He had uwud neventyvo oontu I and and the wnlk had Icon-I the front. of at wlnm without nu`erir~,v any nppnront injury. He did not think them was as good I ubllo will: in the My M hie. Ald. nlkom said he thouuhb that the A Id. nlnuoo shrunk 1 od for. Alpl F. NlSBET Sl on tor. Ald. (`anon aid oh old wulk was in a dangerous mm and (Icky would be dam- prom. Ald. Wnlkom movnd. nnnonrlnd hv Ald. nmnuor con man II nomg pnm. Ald. Tull uid limestone could be mod wibh u munh ulvnntsgo. both an to coat and dunbility. on granite. It in not. rally the grnulbo but the oomonu that mnkon she walk. Alol Ngmln-ml. ..l.l L- L...) |..m - ...-I|. Wulkom movod. seconded by Ald. houmolly. that the clnuoo in the board 0! works rcfon-Inn no nrlnollthln wnlln has one rrnnm qunrry new we torn. A d. Howton aid he had been Informed that local rm: could do the workabn. umllor oolh Mann it being pnld. could be mad ItOl|l.`lOI'. UPIIIIIO Olll D0 ODMIIIOG the ranlte the (orb. A Hutton nid he had boon i mun cnrma. Ald. Howton nlkod wh the contract: for 1: lug grnnoliohlo walk: and been nwordod w ohoub calling for tendon for the nine. Ald. Canon npllod oh no other oom- :21] than am to which oho contract: had In given could obtain gnnito. No other company could do tho work M cheaply no can the oompnny that has the contract. Ald. Rlohnrdnou thouuhr. tho mnmr h-d no one I N Onrriod. ALI ll Unrma. Ald. Howton moved shut the honrd of works report In re-oonnldomd. The mo- Non curried. `III "nwtnn nnluul ml... 5|.` ..;..\A.......L 0.... us 01 mo queen": Uwn. Unrriod. Ald. Drenunn moved, seconded by Ald. Martin. ohu the water work: oommlttu bo inlaruobod to have tho wubor turned on lb the Mr ground: on May 26th And 25th. NEW Books] zoun. unrnoa. Ald. Dronnnn moved. Ieooudod by Ald. Rlchndlon. that the cotton be taken from the olby hall to (ho orynul palace for the mo of the Queen`: Own. Carried. Ald. Dnnnnn mnvnd. nnnmlul luv Alnl uwmon x You--Tho mnyon Aldu. Allen. Bohan, (lurtil. Donnoll Dronnnn, Howton, lin- uu. Nowlnnda odden. Richardson. Skin- ner. Shawna, lmlngo. Tslt. Wnlkom. 16. Nay:--AldI. Carson and Martin, 2. oormwbwo Ivllllllzl. ` Ald. Dronnnn moved. seconded by Ald. CIPIOII, chub tho chairman of the board 0! work: be luutruotnd to I00 bhnt. Allrod threat from Prinoou ntrooh to the fair groundu. Also the line of strata along which bho militnry pumdo will pun. be wntarod by the oloy wnboxjlng out: on May 26th. Om-iod. AM n.......... ........-.I .--......|...: L- AI.) IIIIIGI II DC .0 |'.q\IU.Ca Md. Bohnn rolm-od so the gnvo Ibonu no present In the I`:-onunnc rk and aid that I mlllbary oommmu In some your: :30 promiud to remove chum bocanrnqul oomoury. Some stop: Ihould be taken In tho manor. 'l`|.. ...~...u ..... .-l....A.A .... L- l-Il-...z.._ Tho roporh wu odopbod on tho following dlvidon V..;._'l`|.. ......-... AIJ- All-.. n-L-_ Ium no Iponh on on at one other pm-In. Akl'd. Cutll uldhzhu Md. (ihroon! was no 00 mar h 6 no 0 t o pnrhngommtuuo? Ho mm. my ox- omnoolu motions. and he (Aid. Onrbll) would be wllllng to rulgn And leave who msnufomono 0! put: In Ald. 0|:-Ion : hand: If he no roquuood. Bohnn refund Bo bhn DPIVI Ihonu -5 mm no nopoa no. Aid. Canon uid oh if the money wore given for the creation of I pavilion in Muc- onuld puk ho would move that A similar mm in upon nob of tho othar pm-In. Md. laid than Union wu on v Iooonl parmtooordlng no no nIIdI0orI' upon for that your. ' Md. Dnlnnln ukod how much In was pro to apond on the other pain. A d. Ourbln oould not my onotlmtub at pnloub. It would ho a Inga sum though -no luub ho hopod Union nld lhnh If the mnnnv worn nsi'4"o'u.1& '{n.'.i'.;.'.7".'.'.`...E' i..aT"".'.'..".;'..'.' on Vloborh pu-hnooordlng no the audition upon your. Ma. us:-Ion um mm In 1895 onl 02.67 bud boon ox dad on Vlotorln par . ` Ald. Wal om pointed out that it wt: in 1804 (aim the iugnn named Ind boon appnu on vlnhnlll nu-k. nnnnrdlnn n Oahu mullin-n' ` novlngbon Ionaou worn osnnoo ho dono with tho I I ah tho oommlesioifodu . '1`ho`ro- oro propooodbo vort mono n- taondodlor nollhhlo Wllklg and tor ro- mm to building bio pmllon. Aid. Horton llld Iloodomld and do pu-konroolwntodon oholoko o|:oro.u: mplofronollpamoltho day rooorno In. Thoroforo tho nonoy o no on ohom lo ohorod by tho pooplo of o wholo on . Km. Walkom uld ho hod lntondod to build 5 new bond- bond in tho pork, bhlo you-, It ho bod I ll boon ohoh-non. Tho ooroukor no author for tho ohotomonb oh [root donogo In em to tho gun by tho crowds that walk to and from tho lfkl Ill Illh. I Mun nnnnlg may-A cl. JAS. REID 3 I 256 PRINCESS STREET. _n. nun. llndonnior. xmocmn :r.k Ho could go`: ` at tho collmllovoo haying po or music In tho , . "Aid. Bkinnor ookod whoro tho mcnoy :0: who prcpoood povlllon no to como Mn. ' Ald. Omh cold tho uoummoo bod uk- od co:-coin ocrno for cox-coin worh. Thon- ooollnotoo bod boon out down, and Iho In- condotl work connoc ho dono with tho honovnMhooommm.n'.a|.m..1, -mm... DIIO crown: unu Unit to and from (who rku at night. 1! (ho pooplo won at- noud to om oontro um would In avoid- Aid. Onion aid that In 1895 on]: I hon nxnnndul tn: Vlnhvu-In n-n lIhvc;_ any on. nnnnlmmnnl-an-n--n.. I IIDIIO VIII Ill BN9 Olliy HIS. . thought that the u [Mn the mntrnut should be L out an chub under: should be uk- Ti: oriu HELP. V 09.67 ---y- rv--v- CUI Cti 7` C Y kidno trouble. "T y no a most excel remedy for kidnoy trouhlu the but it but out been my | funny; gooono won. V . nun luau. Iuvllx um V 00!. 0wing to the boot t I have derived {tom theit use I have the strongest faith in them andro- oommend them to nnyonoi who has pain in back or any oi kidnoz ~ 001` `-4 A __4-A -._-_II- Ulll uuul I] _III (III: KIIIIQ. "I procured 1 box of Donn`: Kidney Pills at McLeod`: Drug Store and the use of them has nmoved ell pain and made me feel fresh. strong and 1` one. Orin: tn Hun In-n I I L... Everyth July with: to mice AAA... :-| um, uuq Icu uluu, Well out nearly pl] the time. I am-...-..a . p... . III PUIICVI Ill IISII UK Inu- estimony from Kin ton peo~ ple in more convincing are then testimony from Chicago people. Here is what A Kinymon igdy sa about Donn`: Kidney Pills: rs. Michael Flood. t Bfock street. Kingstomse . oroveru year I have _su`e much piin in my back. I have doctored It times but on! received temporary re- lief. an felt tired. weak and we nu} nun:-In all on. 5:..- ' IIUIIIU | I'a Things which happen to our own people and in our own city can be more readily believed than things which are alleged to have ha pened in Asia or Africa. estimonv froin `Kingston ;_aeo~ v Nothing like home talk for home people. Thinnn lnnnnnn GA Ann [They Are very Good] Kingston People Say so and They om: to now. IIIO pl`|0Q Hi IIIUFICE Nor Pine Syn: ionoomblnnuon of hull ton and u ntnodiol which mu-on Inunhn. Golda. nnrnnnnnn nlnnn noun Inmu Ilia In nmoulu which euro: u ho. Golda. on-anus. Camp and Hon mu. own In tho moth aboun- no nun. For unyouo ot nu-vounnou. ulooplow noun, wank ooomnoh. Ind! Mon. (unpop- ain, cry Du-tor`: Liutalo crvo Pills. Ra. lie! iunn./ The only nu-vo modioino for the price in Inuhb. Normv Hm an-an in n nmnhlnnlnn nl In: in to vonourg. Port Mops Tlmu. `Rev. A. B. Demill, principal oi Domill Indian college. Oshawa. burned inn week. was in Cobourg looking Mwudl the noun in of the old Victoria ooll bulldi fol! Dornill. Ho oomnlbod.\:ith mum Hayden and othcr prominent alumni, and it. in aid that be but boon prominod 05.000 if the college in romovod to Oobourg. As he any: it; will roquiro Il5,000 to in u college in O|h|wn_ Onbourn rill nm hlv '_9.`'1Y'.fE993?;i5: .9A-:.-.-.nr:ass #4 Wei-}. ~.*.~...r.-.-:!2r..2-..*.'.-A9. as-aw i{o'I.'yZ':"u7xil'Fo}{GTr'o' iTaf6oo"6'iX'oLc't? college in Oahuu. Oobom-K will pm bly I be the hum home 0! Dom ll. Il'|I\ll l|I\'0 ID. llub nobioe than them lo only one bomg in the universe who can end will dlltribute the trophlen of earth and heaven. In in the Divine Warrior. tho Commander-In-Chief of tho Centurion. the Champion of A . the U nlverul Conqueror. the Son of (5, Juua. You will take who Ipolle from Hm hand. or never take them st. I". Have I-[in friendship and ou may defy All time and nllotornlmy. bu wiehoubita on on I pou- per, though you had a un Verne at your command. OIIIIX Chrm. in going 00 divide up heaven in the same way. There are old enbecee in the celentlnl world that have been In E` - eeeaion ol the inhebit.ent.e for than 031` ours. and they shall romnin ea they are. here ere old fnmily mnneiom in heaven lled with whole wenenblonn of kindmd. ooao man new a pomonmenu Through the ntornnbionul series of Sun- day school leuonn the next gonmbion all ohrough ohrinbondom no going oo be wiser shun any nomtion since bho world Itood. The iiinm om in oomin . God out do it. No housewife with n o nmoil cloth ever poiiuhod 1 silver has n with non one chm Christ will rub o from this world the tarnish and brighten in up till it glows like . heaven, and obeu the giorioun apportion- lent! m...a.s i. ....i.... 4.. .li..i..I- .... L--..-._ 1.. .L- 'l'll6N Old nmuy ml\lIIIOllI in IIORVQH generation: of kindred. and they shall never be driven out. Bub hrilllnnb M the nunnn And lilm nu. um may umuu never be driven onb. brilllenb M the nuneel and like the leaves for number In the celestial homes you to be nverded when Christ to you end million: 0! other: shell divide the a II. Whnb do you want there! You | all have It. line nnnn that II...` R. n..|.. ....- I..-..... muses, who now nAvo An inlumoionoy. If you think these oifonoon Are to no on iomvor. you do not know who the Lord in. (iod will not wait for the dAy of judgment All palace: of sin will booomq pAiAou of rl Moouonoaa. The time iuizni when nlithe {Arms will be owned by 0 I An (armors, And All nine oommoroo no lied by christian morohAnt.o, And the Authority hold by ohriuhim oiIoiAlI. And All the ship: oommmdod by chri|t.iAn captains, And All the universities under the instruction oi ohriucinn prolouon: ohri|- tinn kings, ohriutinn prelidonta. ohrintinn governors. ohriltinn mAyorI, ohriIhiAn common council. Yet: whno A scouring out! What: an upburningi What. A de- molibioni Winn A murrubion mun pro- oodo thin nrportionmenti I nt.ornAtionAl Sun-_ ._. _.| .,u 1, , will become eohooln. er: gellerlee. mueemni, ;{ mnulume and churohen. The world in n reedy getting dieguelad with men of then emueemenbe. end no wonder. hes about the eterving millions? Something wrong, most. certainly. In some wey there will be e new epporoioumenb. Many of the millioneire eeutee will creek to pieces on the diuipetione ol grandchildren and then diuolveinto the poueuion of the muses, who have ineulllolenoy. you no on mu me name in maoninory now known mot boinvoniod. And. so grab Bolt 0 City has no rain nndoould not rain on apple or I buuhol of what in a hundred years without articial help. but is now bhrough Inch mean: one great. on. no nlltho un roduotivo m of oi the con- binonba w lbe turn into hnvub Gold! and orohnrdl. A half doun Do Loon will iurnilh the world with all tho can: I nooded and will ohnngo tho course of rivora and open new lakol. Ind the grout Sohuo duert will boout up into (Inn: with on ucoundin yield of bunholl to tho acre. The morn will be drained of it: wotorl and cured of in Innlnrin. What. arm gun will k......... .1 AL. -_ ponuve and OIADOPIW building: now do- votod to dobulng umuumonu! They will become mulomnu, Rymnulumn churohu. The umrld in [MI Ilokolllioh . ~ ~ - - - ` - - - - - - --01.00 .T`.'.`.'..?.'.'. .f?.`.`..`.`T.'. ..9f'.'o5.3`6 ma cured or In Innlnrln. What, you n , will become of the ex- pensive and cl: rate building: do- dobulnn nmuumonu! Thaw` roum. ` " Whnb about other unproductive or ro- pulnlvo regions! All the deserts Ill]! be Irrigated. be water: will be lorood us` to she great American duorb between on and tho Pacic by machinery known or yet to In lnvontod. And. snub his uumunlwnwu IIIII DIIO ll'0lO- region VII once 5 blooming garden and I fruitful Gold, thou nylon: my change ollmnh and nr:il.r:dl>o I bloon:lng!:Nlon And I frulbfu Bub nrotlo an nuroblo. in non':o nhnpo, will belong to the Redeemer : m m. [V5.5 .L....n ..u.-.. ..__..-.I.--AL~ -r noun Into tno kingdom oi God. Do I null man all tho onrth will unr- undor to In-int? You. How about tho uninviting ions! Will GI-oouland ho oungoliud The ibility in that utter a low more him have lint an duhod out among the ioobcru that` East (0- irlgontor. the polar my on. will nn up to the walnut nnd bur. And that _ in- lnbitnnto will come down by invitation in- to wlonblo olimnm or thou olinutu may Iofun. Ind an it lsu boon politinly domomtntod that tho nrtio~ region qnoo n bloomlmr nrdon I in-umul vv -I-llIU`l'Vl' Huh, -I I.`-IR. TN` nun : cu-non won on Division of the 8 in." iron Iuioh hm,-I2. Rio hopcfu claim vuthu "0hricbiI ng in on p c. on on vc divide u all ohcl cu-tiannd :2d0i}o'olc;:nc to ttfc our mu ii W9!!! strong in faith and many, in our chrmicnioy." The church Ivan than 0 hi ch. 11 th 650.- 000.000 chricticnc cock salvation of la than thus conic etch the whcio world will he lpcodii udcomcd. Certainly. with the church ric ng u to its Ml duty. no chric-' tion will ho vii ng in hrin Icil than thrcc Ioulo into tho kingdom of POI! I ll rth Iill IIlI'. 'I'IDI|lOI'III!po IIIOIOIIOBOIIII win to nquuua III`Povony )0 ' luqwnnolnrdlnotmihgdon. Wunntoron, D.O., llazhl.--Dr. Tol- man Ionnnn in an H DI-I-Inn nl ncv. ph;LiLMm: rnnoncu aovous man. a %-;1umv11;o_r us; In Go to cobourg. Tlmn. 1.5: Low Be the Guiding Stu` that will lead all Wise Buyers to our Store. All Stocitin s stam;:od (with our guaranteed hot in color and quality, _, ..v - vvuvu Incl`! I|IlIII u %i:{r}'n'-Ic;sie}}'ror Ladies and hildmn.ih all sizes. at R. wALDRoN's? Issues Policies on every plan of insurancef including Ordinary Life. Limited Payment Life Endowment. with or without profits. De- ferred- Premium. Annuity Bonds at lower rates than any other company. I00 Wellington treet. Ottawa. Head Offlct of the Company. [Too Pooolo sLHoTo1soooooo 60., Toronto, Stockings for everyone- 75 & 77 PRINCESS STREET. [PURE READY-MIXED PAINTS Warranted Absolutely Pure. Economical. Durable and Quick Drying. |Robertson s Floor Paint [GARDEN Hos MCKELVEY & BIRCH HICHHON D & CO. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (03 Q ` ll When our ohlldnn show sign: of any of tho I vo mentioned tron Ion. vo thorn Palm`: Oobry Compound u is on In no abhor modlolno go wolluiuptod for unit poonlhr dhnnph. It will soon bnnlln ovary lymph: of dluuo. give nnounl uppoma Inst nloop and char. healthy oongplox om.- nppiti voiti Ii;Op-'-|`ll-(i"0l:`l".` From every part of our dominion. no enenlu be remembered the!) e be e or M`: nervous eyetem ll ex de- onga ee`I |ve`l.tlve,h.end very 0:1] e- run . one on pee ere ner- vous. lrrloeble. do iaoengleep Pwell, hue verhblee nllewneee ol elln.end ereptlehaon we, neared the blood In disordered end the nervouu loroe With '.7_5C-per yd` It Plants the Feet _or the Young on the Sure Rpck or Health. It 1. now en established no um um: lathe:-s and mothers Inn ssnb In manila: I msorlzolboys And glrls who ereslllng snd grateful Iebueu loetllylij in "ii is- en sl ly. susr Iron I weskened oon- tskosblo lsngueso thee their all ten dltlon of the nervous system. nu ssvod Irons Issue by PUne's Celery - young ple snshohed In-on the pen. Is should be remembered the!) bolyylegor Compound. Many osoes no on Mosul ol V 0 oxooedinf onto, sensitive, sud only wholnb ephyslohnsbed elven up.ssln- rsnged. When the young people curable. ` vous. lrrlushlo. do run llnnn mm, 1.. n. m..|... ........ ..|..... ....u..-- --_.__ n -[ "-`:4 Pills axdiglzta :3" `:`:``.:o`:`;-'3 V ,an eon .r.:':'.'m.f. .u."' .iKb'I"ol u'td>Cure for al 351$. ::.':5`:`:."`"""" `W ` _ . Uf. `II .0` of the kxdneys ;`;.;.,.,._:_-..f'5g.f.;.;: .'.'.:::..1r::....` Palne s Celery Compound Gifvee The_n_i u ' Nerves. Pure. Blood and Healthy Bodies. e ELLIOTT 3303., Lawn Rakes, Lawn Mowers Pruning Shears AN 69 & '71 BROOK STREET. KINGSTON. "ROBERTSON"; HOSIERY .---GIVE SATISFACTION. . .- A Brussels Carpet with a border at the above price. a new design. new goods just received pn Tues- day. It will be imposible to re- place when sold out. If you need a New Carpet see this line. to be hagxoqly at FOR BEST SUITS. A Good Assortment of Best Makes Is what you want. Sold only at vuuum Invent uonl In Inodlclno. know! from ripe oxpor once that his wondorful pruoription Paine`: Color Cola and wujuuo mind for the not Al um. nuonn. N... 1. ch. 51.... a. I...u.I ._ n.- Inn- cm. In hunch. so am shay um! I able to but up In tho hot mother when to oomu. o aooompllnh this dulnblo and noouury work. Puma : (Han cunmuma oolnol. To aooompmh um dcllnblo oouur I Pu! ' Col Ooln d roshoon 33.,` nut-on:n.d man oo::.un New In the blunt to build ur the limo wil an unlnu u hob rnthnr -hm in ur. run up rod their big valuable invent fnnrn I-Inn Avngn A }5`Tbii the"sys- 5?" \ sing...-3 T3 9 I . .ponvoM .9337" 3 u ` , a mo MM |nh.I1.vBoIn 1.11: o n,-am. oulnumou, 1 . "` "'"`:. .`.".a.".'.`.:`:: I lino: hduud an 0093!.` "NEW" _,,_ PI Dr. Phol upon whom oollogu contor- Id In 3 honor: (or his doc and mlnublo lnvublntlom In Illidloinn. {mm KINGSTON. ONT. IIIMO IEO I!'I l0|' nll G00 and In Inodlcino. now_ bhub hi: wondnrful %99P;% 1`a?.':'.55:.`::5'5'$.,.`11E*3:'.".'5::. F` 5 VI` CPI! VPIIIPIQ lIl.l.IVll..l..B. ONT. h;'rTu of Wu! fun. in mm In of Wm > I I I > 1 x > IIIII Illtmo lol (Inch! an Inn whn . ?""` " ""575 I |nIKing% OF CANADA. : IlLLlVlLl-E_ nN`l'_ 5 AND NEW EDITIONS. AiV.-'-3-$`'.V'.'f~I*'. s' `L You mi 9 of ammo can get nlon without us. but we thin y`ou l| hd acquuinunoo with no protable. 'C'0l|'I| in and no out Shou. 'B`ccuuu we lead in Low ELLA . I look Dino:-malmquc out 1 nuuuunu-u--u . . . n .-u u u . - . . . . A - . . .- pnhnaol lIIIuIhn.uu| tho Hula chain; In Iouun vu_ hshnpou - ovqvululubpnluutothnnohlno. Iululolvucuhqdigiloduaqhn Irything must be sold before without reserve, no we intend eke improvements in our M}: up you oomlil: 515005 3 glB,: `1:. 9.1.-A-:. ':= 4 .1: to who 3 post: to J SECRET `two-.,.. .-..-Y...-.. .. llonnholzl Iuonno a..n.........u-...... ll. I\ulooh.am.hor u........`.......'lo vvuw vwujvwllujx Dljlllt. Iululolvnunhquligilo dd-non hldcwnn rip nub no puny in-mp. Au h...n..;..u Illoplucludqlg-hwhprqynsm quilt itodubnnnuihrsholndp. puhuut lhuunhuqnd Hub vu huvvnndnnn-I-nnL.....n.. IIVII. III! III` IV GCII lllily I XXI- Whlbln Ilonu-on as: Charles had the opponnnlty at uullug mother party trolhloand HUI lode it. hit. Qulnn.Q.C.. nnhoohononopponomol Ir. lohuo l|It.Ann`od|vlnlon. And wuphdoa: Ipplunlpvlti M0 Indonhuding ho yuld. It cloud. is uhn Into she also at uolloltohgononl. He was our- sohun tho Ilrllhion hppor Iun given Ila }ob.uud lnnodhbly hvutonqlh. IolIM||cI\."||d duluothl Iovill sbuuhnlhooonoat Ulnhntntlnlul. 0! ooumlonhp pu|nIhpuIIouNIl'|.ndIunodo- in II nulcn. not In tho until; an Clnrbugllhollndhhtunnllo. In llodhnlu lbuldllnqlvlthu Io. Wlovllipmnhnuhpput `K nun! tlopollllnl vurlcltnh ~ vu m pnuv cum mum`. Inuy mnnoo (I0 Inch tolhm the N80 0! public favor vhiohhrunning in Mr. McKay`: dimo- Ihn. and um toolcot Mn. n libonl . BIL. I- `.4-gA-.-l n:.. nL__n__ n 1 A nuluuunuvuu uuu uvun pttonlll 00 now Donald Mouw and J. 8. Hull. and than lndlouod uni both Ind O vary In-go lollowing. Ndlhu would [in wny in fuotohho other. and. nut onuouioing all dny Bundqy. Dr. Roddtok In Ioloohod to Ill oxoludon ol bothllolnhr and mu. no rlilully rumba. and 300 as hno\IoI\|d.Mw|iIonon ubmlnosho puny Iul thy 01 III IInr\.nnd. wound- Q. In IDIIIA nun. Lnllnn Alngn `......-A J- I -an Inn; IIUI Iu Iiriglml. WWII!!!- zln pmlo and lullng. they oumoo do man): as an... on Am. .0 ....|.n.. o...... uvv nun. vuvlll \IIlI'llIlJI'Ds M Monenel Sir Chan-lee Tapper end eevenl oi hie oollengnee epeni Seiurdey evening end Sunday in the reconciling oi diihrenoee which had erieen between rival oundidelee for 80. Antoine division. l.....l.m.... Iuul Lg... .........A-.J A4 L,.n um. uuuuuuu-cw wr no. IIIIWIIII cuvrmon. Roqulmlonn had both pnnonhd to both lhnnl Ilnllgnhnn nuul I I Il..I _.._n uvu UUUIII vu IIIVI Illppvu II DW- In Kingoton one oonoorvativo londor hu boon movod to publicly protaot ugoinot the rnmorod notion oi tho govornrnont in do flonoo oi loool opinion M oxpnoood through tho oxoontivo, and. in puuing. ho ho: boon oondld onough to intivnoto that tho party hero woo dood I Oortnin it in thot tho govornmont ond tho porty. jndgod by tho oxprouiona of it: mombon. hon got ooriouoly out oltouoh. ond tho golvoniling oi it into lilo will be nothing ohort ol o Iniroolo. Tho gontlomon at Ottowo prolooo to know ovorything. and on vory short notioo oro proporod to pro- phooy what thoy on going to do. but it in nlo to In that if thoy do not know any moro about tho othor oomtiwonoloo than thoy do 0! Kingston thoir prophooloo will not bring thom comfort. An Manon`! ll. n|.-..|..- m......_._ _., 1 TROUBLEB 0!` THE PAR'l`\'. The ooneetvecive machine in not in good working order. The party wee Iuppooed bobe under greet diueiplino. and it. we: formerly verrtrueeiul of in Ioedere end diepoeed to do jnet us they diouuiad. But uhe oebineo iheel! having [one on ebriko she party imbibed lie _epirib of rebellion. and here and were the wheels oi orgeniur tion eeem so have elipped n cog. In Kin-ntnn nun nneelnrunllug l....l-.. I... IIIII VI 'IU|l1U|l}l1I With such I rooord nnd experience be- fore than she pooplo not be fooled Into the bolls! shah Ilr Hlb rt. Tupper In no- Ing to turn the 06,000 not-uhod so him of- oo by unlqno urvloo. Blr Ribbon. though an on-minlnbor of juuoloo, has you to nuke hlo marl: an an luvyor. ind ha will lnvo nll tho man blmo to do Hula after the 93rd of June. vuv I-w nuu III uuu uwy-I uuvnv VI JIIUIVUI Why ohould tho Guotto look to lmpooo upon pooplo. ond` to dollborotoly doludo ond dooolvo thoml Tho omoo of solicitor- aonorol woo orootod ln I893. Ind tho argu- mont uood In Ito dofonoo-on ohowlng tho noooollty for lt-woo thot Hon. Mr. Unr- ron. who mu tho rot oppolutoo. would ho oblo to do tho govornmont'o oourt buol~ nooo and no oovo tho country thouoondo ol dolloro. But. otrongo to any. tho outlay In` I893. In low oxponwioo. woo tho hoovlocl. on rooord. om.m.oo, Ind tho ooondnl of It In thot whllo Mr. Curran woo drowlng 06.000: your on govornmont oounool. ho no oondlng tho buolnooo of Mo otlloo to on outoldo lowyor. whooo hoodquortoro woro , only 900 yordo from tho oolloltor-gonorul'n omoo.to D. O'Connor. who woo pold.lor tho yoor ondlng Juno 30th. 1808. tho onormoun oum o! ll0.I48.39. I. IIIIAL . . . . . _ -....l ._._.l ..... ..l-..-- L- I I I I v K WUUIHCTU UIIU VVUIIVIJ. IVI III III` VIIIUIYII capacity Slr Uhnrlu purposes taking no- tln work In the ooum. than saving coun- ul hot and giving the counory the full bonolb of hi: oxporlonoo In tho pnobloo of one In and In (tho dopnrtmonh ol jumoo." `NHI -Lnnhl mlun llnnnlta IAAII Om In-rung vuv VIIIVI Ill -vuvuovl "UIIUI in Tho giving of this plnoo to Sir Hlbborh has not been planning to mnny conserva- MVOI. Ind vmh thin knowlodgo the (lump prooudl to plead: By tho appotnomonb of lllr Ohu-In Hlbborb Tuppor to the ponb of solicitor-gone:-Al. without 1 out In the cabin much poonnhry bnnob In lllnoly he won: the country, for In M: ololnl Annually HI: l9hnnIAn nun-on-nan Qplolvus In. V?1! T. . LAMBERT. hlullann -nu.-- e..'aI..'a'.I'..'.'E'I.'..'i'. '..".;..,"'s'.':".".".'J.7.."u..`.7,'.'.'I".".I em all 0! Sir Ohm-In I-bborh Tuppor to the onion at nolioltor-gonoral. TH. plating an. ARC: nlnnn on II: Illhhgno. THE_ pA1;._v_wH1G. Ulla v luv 5:53 I luv: un- II II`: ruuluod for ohoonu-ul (lunch .4 I....I..I_- 1.. -_....- .._-`l-I ..-___..I.._. _- A4 ..._.........-. DEOEIVING THE PEOPLE. `L__ ._-_-A..-.I D-.. AI.-ll ____ __| M- T " ""'i}'.'9 MI Inna. .`XE.y".?u". puma: unpou h t Inn to Wont-I. Venom: Won _ ' lhoovhu.whhI vouch .,.|hlId|h|od9|uvu| 0: mm {.-llhlnlllmlmvmocnnnun gyr. - ' """t" Ingmar: 'nTmnu run - A Idhbh linen: In nnuond amino and no llh thoblll ll dolhmliolrn Ila oluudnko and minus. huopilb oonh|nnoulonoI.nont at month. I: but non Qunglb I lint. ma ;":.`..;".'..".:"' ram` .n"ao-nu ":33; W. Huniiion Mon-M. Iootumon min- lug inooring. in an uidnu to mom. rio min ng uoooiotion opooh highly oi tho two month` oouno. ed on no tho school ololning. Kingoooni lfiiwi: do- oigmd to vo puoopootoro, In no mon and minor: II; I mind ihoorouooi mdprwu count iobouoriih Iimnior work in bin and in tho may and in tho laboratory. II iurniohu tho foundation on union ' n mm con prooood for himuoli. It in a count vrhioh uanglond Iurvo I'I oinoold uh upbolonon ng n it pmtonoionoi oonor. Thoooixm Ibold In mould nu up boron ensuring their pmhnnioml The count nbold In the winter. dart January and hbrury. and hodid not A now nnothor oohool of mining clouding 5 dance Adm: $._.n__g In_;.-..,,. ..... - ._ .. .. mnn wno mnuneu mm `yeere V0. lhwide wan eexion 0 she ronbybemm Chumh in that town. M then Mme (Inw- er Cleveleml wen a boy of six. chubby. large for Me eye. rather rnieohievoue and exoeedi Ly stubborn. He oonbreobed tho hebib of n ironing snowballs as the eoo\~r`in the church over which aha sexton had dominion. Thie emueecl Hrover. bub in- Jlimd the win and annoyed the eexion. he letter loeh hie temper on one hieborin ocouion. placed the future president norooe hie knee and 0 ked him soundly. Thom Davida ion 3 `ha of Gmver Cleve- iendfor muiy yam heteefter. but had heard much about him for some oimo eh Devirh went very pmud of the letter mreoeived mm the president. but we: unlucky enough to loeeib eome time be- fore hie deem.- Thomu David: Tho only Inn who Iwr 'l`hruIaul The Pnsnlclut. Nnw Ymuc. Mny 4.-~'l`homAA DA-Ids, the only mm who our spanked rovor Cleveland. died A low dAyA Ago Ab Sam Dlman. l\ umA|l town mar Pundonn, CAI. some chm bwk hohnd been the proud melhionb of A letter from the pro:-idoub of the Ynitod emu Anlulng Afbor hln hulth nnd showing by elm tenor ol the oplntlo than A mom who haul been who ohoaon tho oxoontlve of his oounbry VAA ofuoo lnrgo A onllbro to ohnrlah A grudge Agnlmh the man who tlnmhod hlm rn Hnvhln wnn nnlum n M.` .L...n-..z.... In to ram II um-muoonm a miracle. Whon tho waver hnd no down. Fordinnnd Daniel found on Q 0 bank the Home mm. which turd mouurod ono inch in length. "Thus 0 0 words at the Priuo worn unlined." In ntho Oourrior. `lure won and and the! we 86. Joooplu A no." menu; no mo mono oz mo mum-. Home womon cum to him and bcggod him to lnvoluo Divine Provionoo wit. u vl w to obtain that eholco mlghh move on \ 'h- oubnwoopln nwuytho vill The p. at took n nmnl status of St. on h. post. . mint of the parish. And throw 3. into the river, nyln . "save thyloll. and save us." Almoo immodlnooly the loo oom- monood to man on nlowly. The has thus the bridge wunot can-led way when everybody uld thnblh wulmpoulble for It to rain I: um-lbubodto mlmolo. man Hm cum: hul mm. Am... vnu . l`.h'e.Oourrlor do Oharlovlox says bhub M. I moment: whon tho hm nu ofioo u-ound the tort WON moat hronoonln . tho rllh p on wu Iundin on sham:-Idgo coking no the none of tho lsuhr. some cum to him. and humor] him an J I'l'IUII IIIVIIIUI IIIVIIID ll]- vnnm. Ma 9.-Amen hho phuooa that an rod moat gy tho rooon oodo wu bho vfllogo 0! St. oooph, noor Duo 80. Poul. county of Oharlovolx. Thom tho moor rooo oo rnpldl that tho vlllngoro hod mu-ooly blmo loovo tholr houooo. and for mnny hours hhoro woo rouon toloor elm tho in o hoopo 0! too gobhorod around tho hr dgo would no any momont swoop owoy both tho bridge and tho wholo vlllogo. The Oourrlor do Olmrlavlnx nnvn Mun nf. "Tho conurvntln pu-by mnnngon will probably plnoo Wnllnoo Nubm in some Ontario constituency. Wnllnoo in as To- ronm man who bollovoa in the machine in politics. who helluva I Iupporhor of the govommonb Ihould nob hsvo I mind of MI own, bub do jlllb on he in bold. What con- nlbuonoy warm such I man to roprouut. I6? Alleged lrnlo During the llooom Floods ~A PI-Ion lnvohu Dlvlno Md. I\a . n - - .. II... n In In Ibntod than Slr Donild Smith. hlgh oommlulonor {or Onnndn, will be around: r of Int unlbod kingdom on blue quoona blrchdny. And all the bory nporn n pllud the movement. Orn ansard :1 I878, cloning day of purin- monh and road Mm Sir John Mnndonnld and dlr Charla: Tuppor ehoughb 0! Mr `. O U Q "Put Tllppitvlll powor bvooum be In the friend of Jouph Ohunborhln." In to in IL: wnhninnnlttl AI Alia nnnnnu-unun Ignn-n IIIUIIU In UIIIIIJII VIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. ll 00 III the webohword 0! the ooneerveuve laden in Ontario. The weoohword 0! the feogile will be to put Tuprer where his em ly b will oeue to edfu I hey owned the coun- `ryl I I U .`:`.`.`.{;. Ono mnodlnl-In h'u `ggno Into mm- monb. O. Fnlaurno, of South .VIo6or|A. Ho wouldn run for to-oloohion. Ho wn afraid. Bo tho` ruponllbllloy wu loaded upon nnohhor nun. in mm by bho mum of Ru. Ho will romnmlnr the 93rd ol iuhliaz ; A From I wan another by one 0! guy. remember the 23rd ol une. II-yu VI lull! ulllulullul Illllltvn VV "IV A photo: 'I`uppor n chock. Mnodomldh non. '1`nlllon'| bard. Manhunt nook. l`0II`.. ;nmon'| aura. on u I no Hqru of Ion El 508'"! hrs In W0 would ilk; to no I Jzuposlui photo- graph of that dominion oablnot. What a nlu-An. fuuuunln n`|A`In |l.n.lnn.l.l|- Iunanra. II on up I you beyond Mugs. Bomhor Sanford In'boom`od fouonbtnub omen. What In his qunlloshlon 1 H0 in wollthy. I: aim` all? Dr. Ryckmufn Ihndnrd. u not up In his Sunday nmon. nu bovond Mm. /_:..._.._._ EDITORIAL NOTEI. On dlb elm |hOl'O'l I hitch In the pen!- unuy appolntmonu. What : oho mn- tor now? r 3. Q 0 ' Vlluflt In lI I'|lIlICI HIUIIIUUII villi I will not oppose Mr. Gibson ln Llnooln an; Welland. Thu : rlglna Clurlu. Pulls- Inont hu had enough 0! you and your mandala. O I I III III: `Pippa; In his lnndn Ml. He also `Ana-tu`oo into trouble. and he 1 n; In]: ll) of mg now? '- ~- Con vou