Daily British Whig (1850), 29 May 1896, p. 2

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ncmao `O o! Mn but J ol ylluh and aims: !."5?%sn. Proprhtor. lnnuu. Bu 753! fold. MOM 0300! my- . ocfsllovnnou ronpionly of 01.550!!! 01.000 I you-. J05: 'l'||bn, doputy minister of ab:-la. no Impoun- nusud sttho ago of fty-vo. And on be` seen my dsy In Ottawa. 5 strong. healthy, vlgoronn man In the prime 0! lilo. yet he in dn-swing a pension rourvod for sick, flo- blo and Aged persona, of H.580. n....a.... an. my. van!-n at tho Mmknnnlo Toronto Tolunm. A man who came on non to being near- ed to death u Robert Birmln hum, Euq., was at Oolllngwood. Wu pro bl qulbo ninooroln denying the rumor 0 at he thou ht. of bringing on Another H ht withlon. N. Clarke Wallace in V out \'.u-Ia DI. um: I!!! |.~I`lUIII. Ul 'I.vuv- Durlng the live your: oi the Mnokonxlo government the roooipu of thin fund avorngod morn Mun 040.000: your and aha gmymenba were undor $100,000, whol-cu o nro now only receiving $4.000 And paying out 0268.000. n decit of I900,000 ` oldod ngnlmt the governments. 45.11: I-- uvv-v.--.-..-. Toronto Mu. The Orange "machine-workers" got. a grab not:-hook' In nnd lodge. It. wu urauution whether t o ovornmont. or tube 0 or should Iurvlvo, tn the dologntu do- `I IIUIK I I Toronto Nun. Than In no There It not enough difference be- twoen the nude llolol of Mr. Lnurier Ind Mr. Mocarb y tn prevent the lat.- tor sooeptlng I rollo In the former : cabinet. if no bl the opportunity to take Ann XI IDIIIIII A mum who earn; llllllorl lllllll Toronto Toloumm. 'l`hnv who lnmr They who laugh M. the prownaionu to otntoupnlhip of Robert Nowmun. the MoCnrt.hyltao oundldnto In Wow Poterboro. were not) in the Colllngwood audience which heard Mr. Newman overlutlngly extinguish those rising youn summon. Major Samuel Hughes, 0! orth Vlctorin. and 1). Taylor, of Deeds. - . . -.,._._ -.-_.n_ IIHVU lllu DCIIIIIIIJ un vuuaunu relief. Boapon re-opens jumz IOTH. Guide: on gpplication. a your. sun who tory prou And polmohnu hnvo the neck to doolnn mm in ms the llbonlu who Abused the Iuponnmuud system. They cannot tell the truth 5 lb doe: not ...... tn In In thnm. I III IZIIIIVII UUII vuu seem to In In them. :-:___ lnjury to fur: noun. Park superintendent Phillipa complained at thevity hall, to-day, re nrding heavy trailic on the driven and ma 3 in the city rk. He said that farmers drive their oavily laden waggons throu h the park. and that city outer: also 0 end in this way, with the result that the drives are much injured And labor rendered useless. Ho nukod that: by-law be pinned regula- ting Iuoh trnlmund thnt notices be ported in groper plocu. prohibitin the pagan e of eav vehicles through t 0 park. e ..|...I .. IA o.I..r. nnmnthino ha drum to ma- WIN] 1'! York. in roper placed, pronlnwln mo pnaaa u ukod n no that something be done to pru- vont. the wholesale destruction 0! ower beds and lnnta in the park: by dogs. Md. Ricgmrdnnn ralarrodhhn to a city beds and lnnta tn the perlu ny uogu. Ald. Ric nrdson referredhlm city by-lnw which enact: that : "Except when parks are being repaired or im- proved. and by leave of the committee. no vehicle: other than those intended [or pur~ see of health or reorontlon shall _be driven on the rounds through the park:-." Eur numpna usu-nu ; Uilllpuljuu Monrnnsn, May 28.--The Hon. l.. l . l'eiletier took Sir A. 1`. Caron to l)orches- ter yesterday, where he had called a con- vention to accept and ratify his candida- ture. but. even according to Mr. Pelletier -there was serious trouble, the entire blame of which he. of course. throws upon the liberals. About a thousand electors were present andarow occurred, which reports from independent sources state to have been wholly between the Peilotior men. who were willing to accept any nominee oi their leader, and the regular conservative electors. who refused to have a man like Sir Adolphe Caron foidted upon them. However. in the end Mr. Pelletier seems to have got his rtion oi the ath- ering to go throu h th: `formality 0 am copting Si!` Adolp e`e candidature. ll rnynluuun IIIIVUIIIV. A physician says there would be Iona lung troublejn this city it residuum would keep res burnin in their homes. The nmnoa hero hero in no pioinb that wall: in a house omoqui dfunpmnd to mmody thin evil ho udviau I nnall re. To those who have grown in their homes is in quite an easy Inuuor to keep a fire going, but those who are not so fortunate uhould t. up A small "box" stove and Imop a fire burning in it during the summer Inonchn, that in. where the kitchen fire in pmoi.ioal- Iy inolabod. -\_-_-_.~ I ...-nu..s- I Inner: IIIIIIIIII/I7- Tho annual moetin s of tho In-morn` in~ ntitutou Tor the mum. on of Ontario nm to be held aimultnnoouuly this our on Tues- day. June mh, at. one p. m. ho Fronbemso nuaooinblon meets in Kingston. that, for Addingbon at Controville, for Lennox nt Nnpnnoo. South Lnnnrk at. Perth. Prince Edwnnl at Piotrm. South Ronfrow at Ren- !rew. There we ILM7 membyrn of in- stitutes in tho wovinco. Tho lnrgont, membership In in orbh Lnnnrk, 330. Wlll VIII! The 0"]. Mayor Elliott invited Sir Charles Rivers` Wileon. lady Rivera-Wilson end party to remnln in the mt. for n vinit. and to enjoy A nail down the r ver. As the period of the president`: any in Cenude is fully taken up the invitation wee, perforce. deolinocl. The mayor then extended his invimtlon to men r Keys. who promlned to null him- neli o the opportunity 0! oxplorln the BL. Lawrence M: the eerlleet. pouiblo ate. onninnnu mom. nmsnon um caunm rename. gunu-uy vv vluv -nu Vv vuuvuv, )l`u<|6|l00 and forooi ht ol Aid. -lnmoa mwnrt. manager of t e K. & M. forward- ing company. in this uit , the company`: eet oihargoo oomplo their first trip thin season. without the loan or dnmuge oi nbunhol oi the groin composing their cargoes. notwithstanding the hot that they wonthorod two the ex-cent nice: of the your. one on Like Superior um one on Lah Onturio. I II Uylullll-IIIU uni vuvru. The nrohbluho of Ontario in taking steps to systems no she work 0! his diocese mom oflhotuullv shun vu nouiblo bolum stop! to nynulrmlno mo work or his diocese ollhotuully blo before tho noon: divllion. Ho wll Mk ouch rural dounory to notify mm of the conrmnlon urvlou and other violations ru uirod. and Arrange that they shall in hol about the sums tlma. Irrnngu mu same time. Innln O'Brien`: runny lloulng. M. 0`Br|on, wrmng from St. Loon Springs. Qua. whore he will manngo In summer hotel. can chub ull his amnlovooa I nun -u-u-nnv n - ..,.....,-. ,-.., ....-.- .... I minor hotel. can om lo 5:! Punch and onnnoc undomnndp 19:: lluh. Ha ha I dlioult blmo making Mum gnaniu moaning by It nu. The howl will opomdon Juno 4: . uuounnnnly nu In II. wild In may huh. lulu wlillanqy In nogh ol the hrllmnn. Th :'."'.'3".:'5.*':"'&"*"...'l;`..-` What In the an o! SPOWIM about your ohakon norvu an polo moo! All on votodoln buynibohox oH|lar`I ron Tonic Pill: at W560`: dr non. They will build you up In than or. The political situation In the Uniud lhhnonthoovooltho tlal nom- Inatlngouvontlonolo minhly covered :sIIhJInoBavhwolBovhv|. Apropo- Ihonlnl 1:! cubic In Aluh It jlll MIA `nun-umlnnnl Have the certainty of obtaining ..I:-I Inn is pdonol boom- o! tho vcnqnt Illa usually ::f".. I In &'.'2.'.'.""" u -Ioldn. our III of Into food- in 3 new III. In Ann: I Orodlt to The Hunger. Thanks to the shmwd nnumgoment. Brmlenoe forooigcnb I. Onnunu-I, uunnnnnn nf A K 5 ll `nu-wnnl Y n..Y.t"::`.L'.."':.;'::..'.s'.:'.`"::.:**:*.. :..t ulr Adolphe Um-on`; Onmpulgn. ............ M... on , JN... "nu I Bnbort D|mm;-l Tholr Lights. .. 'l'-|-.-nun: 'I`hoIr 'l'ndo ;olIc|u 43:00. An nl..-.., PITH OF THE PRESS. Ila Like a uhonc. 'l'o` Inunmullo tho Wort. . ....u.a.:..... ..o n-.- -1- :. military Men! Injury to Put lloudn. ......-l..o..uInnl DI: Hllna nm Ajln 1 it: I. A I l|yIIOIIlI'l Advice. `.-x..:.... -....- AL-.. ..m..l.l |'I'1a'i1n1sns 03153 WALKS; |ANADA GRANITE O0. IIATEN| - .._.......... The llnrbor lute! Mind to ltop loodlul Whlullng II] l0oulnn-0h.|$otIIg to the led: ot lululu 'l'ouIon-0oorI Wilson In the Donn-Actor. Ohalmnn Canon and Aldo. Bchan. Don- nelly, Mn-tin. Suture, Btmlngo Apd 8kln- nor were present: at the meeting of $110 ` board 0! work: Thurndny afternoon. Ald. Sllnnar moved that. thohlrbor bnard OI worn Tnurrauy uurnoon. Aid. Skinner moved tho. harbor mum` be inm-uoud to notiiy captains of ouunon npprouohiu thwoit. , in modiiy tho durnbion and ion noon 0! t oir whiotlu at. night sad in the only mornin , on than in just. csuu ior compiaino on t 0 port. at resident: of locnlibioo non tho harbor, who no dimu-bod And nnnoyod by the "roots" of s pronohin bonu. The motion war no- oon ed by Al . Bbontt. and carried. The chnirmnn said who park: oommituo purpooo closing the thoroughinro running through Victoria park from Frontenac street to Mack threat. The choir-mun and Aldn. Bhvub And Skinner said they would 0 pore ouch notion. Ald. on hold that) she board oi works mtg mm! at. me toot or rnnoolu m-sen. omo ol the condor: for tho contract of oonabruohing granollchlo wulh wore ro- oelvod after the honr at which it wu ud- unu-Hnuvl H-mu wnnltl nlnnn, If. n] dnnlrlnd oelveu ether one nonr on wmon in was no- vertised the would alone. It mu decided that the IL! Ihould be considered. Aid. nnelly objected to the custom of receiving tenders in enveio that are not marked `t.enden." He d d not. question the honeehy of the city oioinll, but he maintained that ecrioc bueineu method: should be followed in such mowers. It was quito pneaibio, he held, to open any oi the tendon received, to examine it, and to communicate the figures contained in It to another reon who we: tendering thus the lumber in ghb make I lower bender. N o no- tion wan taken in the matter. win. umhn-. mu-n mmivnd fnr nnnnt.runi.- Mon taken Ill mo manner. Fl vo tenders were received for oonIt.ruot- ing the ranolibhlo walk between Syden- ham am Clergy Ibrooca on Princess Itroeb. (leor e Wilson putln thelowut. otfor, `2lj`o. per meal Ioot. for curbing and 270. per square foot. for the walk. which was no nantod. We Make Any Style oe Lea. ho potltiou of J. Herron for a lower, on O Kill ncroeh. was referred to the engineer with instructions to report, on Momlny. Brvnnt. & Unrneuio annlied Ifor the cou- would anon BODIOII. Ald. has no jurisdiction in the matter. The engineer laid the thway was not a moot. nor was It mark on tho map unuoh. Aid. lxinnnr Add the rnnttar should be It. marked Ina uuuon. Ald. Skinner aid the mutter should be left. to the park: committee. which should report to council. when the queution ahould be disputed of. The onzlnoer mu instructed to prepare mama no mepoeou or. The engineer prepare eneebimnta of the cash of repairing the aim! wharf at. the foot of Prinoele street. m. A, nu hnntlauu lnr the nnnmrunt. nf Mommy. Bryant. Carnegie a plied |for bhe_oou- tract to plane nmno-p noes M2 the street. corners, and the engineer was instructed to ascertain from the applicant: the price of their platen. etc. The netition of Rev. J. I). Bovd nnd of their platen. etc. The petition Boyd others. Ior the re ltration of a screen In the neighbor-h of the new Victoria school, was referred to the city property committee. H Wnnnnll nml mm hnndrad nnd fnrLv- committee. I). Funnoll and one hundred and forty- bhreo other citizens petitioned for the ox- Donsion of the shoot railway ayntem no the outer (J.'I`.R. austion. Alll. Donnelly moved, seconded by Ald. Stewnrt., that the petition, with the exception ol bhe lant, clnuue. be referred to the atreet rnilwny nmnnn nu (`.nI-riml, com mn . Curried. Ald. gkinner naked leave to rune n tree on the street In front. 0! his res dance. and the request. was grnnted. AM. Stewart, drew tho ntabontioll of the the request. grnnmu. Md. Stewart commitboe to a telephone pole, on Wont. ntroet. that has been dmwn out. of ponitiou by a wire brace, mud chm now loans l\0l`08lI the aidewulk. A Well Filled llonrtl (lretn mo nuyon on Tlmnclny. Tho Frontonmc choose board meeting, Thumlny. was well attended and keen in- terest wnn taken in the bunineu of the board. l`roaidonL Avery resided and an- nounced those cheats on onrd: Whim- Ulonvnle. -I5: (lrnnlto Hill. 00; Hilb lid e. 20: Oreuon. 40: Mnnlo Land. 40: Mom In; \N.ALLEN &SON Iln ot Golda loot. Drool Shoot. Ulonvnlo. -IF): uramm um. um lulu l`4G e. 20: Oregon, 4U;Mnple Land, 40; Mornng Star. 40; Pine Hill. 30; Rose Ill, 80; St. Lawrence. 30; Pine Hrove, L Sunbury. 40; Wolfe Inland. N); Union, 100: Forrest. 75; Model, 50: Sand Hill. RH: (Ientrnl, IIH; (,`cmu'm ni, H0: Cold Springs, 40; Howe ls. lnml, J0; \'oronn. I00: Sydeuhnm, F20; Koennn & Son. Mi: Hinohinbrooko, BU; llnrtiugtoll, 71'): U01 um --Crow lake. `)5; Perth Road, 30; Silver Springn,30;Wng.u~- villa IA: Dnmrt. Lnlm. M). I'orLn mmn, Ml; rnlvor uprl ville, IA; Doaerh Lake. 150. Rhhlinn wnn nnr. hrink vllle, In; lloaern LMKO. DU. Bidding wnul not. brink. Mr. Russell opened Meixnnd onewmrter nouns. and blddin corned at L. . M urpln "n oll'er of six um nine-nlxteontll cents. l ouelootod ei lxbeen fncborlos and those accepted: (10 l Bprln I, Hlenvnlo, Keenan &.Son, Pine Grove. nno Hill. Sb. Lnwmm-o. Hun- bury. Model. F. Vnnluron secured these aolentionn M the name gure: Hmulte llill. Mornin Smr, Maple Lanl. 8 dan- luun. L. W. urphiy oll'orod nix am ve- nixtoenth cents for n I the colored cluoouo bonrded, nml chemo luoborien sold: Crow Luke. Silver Springs, Wagarvilla. ` Rm-aml fnntorv owners naked for tho aor- Luke. auvor apnngn, vvagurvluo. Sovoml factory vicon of the inspector at once and he wlll nmand to those mlla immedlnbely. He will be In. tho Catarnqul hotol on Saturday night. when any request. for his sorvicoa wlllbapr0mpt.|?' oboyod. On motion it wnadooidod to mve unblogrnm u notations doliverod to the board every `hurndn_v nfternoon. Factory owners were advised to bagin making colored choose nfbor J uno lab. Montreal mum unormmg mo manager to y nll chm non for money from the super- mwndento the bureau. This would be an oxtrrmrdiumry course to be xurunod by Tuprer. and nlno by the mi. 1:. won d moan that the uromier could oven ride over r inmont nndignore the auditor. but b ere In no truth in the scar`: It. is merely written to show how great. u nper in And how wicked auditor. nemlMo Dougnl` In. There was a mu. erenoo between the nudIt.or-gon- oral and nuperintendenb Demon of the human. over the expenditure of comm np[;|roprinuona. This difference mu of e we ntonl chnrnotaer. u the deputy minister of nance tolls your norrenpondonh that ho mauled the matter between Mr . Dawson and Mr. Molloumsll. nnd work In tho human is going on, endlila peld {or in the name my in it. elsuys went. without my inhorlerenoe on the put. o! the great "I." ...:.._..___.-:._. nu-.. m...-.A.. n- a;4..._._.| WIVIIPIIXUIII """-_`-_-:1. llut lntandod to Show How Mlghty Won tho (iron: I Am. A report has been sent. from Ottawa to blue" M ontronl Star stating that the Auditor- gonornl hnd ataoppod the supplies for the printing bureau. and that the work of the Lnronn was now boin oarriod on through A personal letter whim the munior gave A Montreal bunk informing me manager 1,0 mm ehounou monov moor- who will not no :' . nun orovnd. who live nbovo tho :$lh'l:..:R:n:lhr`a:`Ihn"wnn clunclim ivnan wants. I. IAIIIIIDOI. m lune nun? Osman. . Ontu-lo. ` unobou. . . 'IC`w'I mu aoclclvo u no . A unolllo Okla an undo you nwhlndn non `hunt. nu ma nut on w on O.I:\l| at omen cl not till ; . our omounlunu grill: W 0 ,VO OIOI I cw Brunswick. . on eel: . . . . . . . . . . .. non vnnllnloml`. |n|Io................ oI-|h- out `hi-rorioc Nth Oolumhln . . . . .. aII|)O1\.,.... nonuoru pun: . to luau my mm IIIIW W-C-|I- II \"IV I'--IIl Cnmdn has 714 Id roprolonhtiven. de- monocrneing cloary hat Canada in over- govornod. I-[cull thnllw Illlo. (lovnn. Inn. FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD. 3? i |`o\|l ............ .55 a on Thollbonl It resumed. will out n lnnn thin nuns . n in no lint Mlle: doc: I ::: n-:.:.:;;::-- W` ' ' ;o:.':::`Il|.:r.<>wn:od. Ilw 'TWAS A CAMPAIGN LIE. amaovm compmv. l\-QAll\ j _.y .':a'.'.1 .:.;..:L roxerreu nan nnhu ll) u\1`ormorIonIo hlumhln .... tn `l`o Demand. ` man. A than Ilka IN Ill IIIIIC Illulou ` UI `I'IX2T-l IlIl11I' """" ' """"'- `Plot or TH} An11:u TH! llouoow. lay B9.-Tho out`: mnnllubo, ' band a the oooulon at Mo ooromuon. V||N|7'Y NIWIPAPIRI. roam: lu-unto! mutton In Euro Rank and Polnnds reduce: the Inn mx `n 1"" "' "" "' 553-7 by one-half for ton yours, nnd mum or ro- ""' "`"""`| ll *3` '3' duou All Inna quuhu I" potty oonvlc- `" "` """" "`-4 9-I 9' 30"` Mon: involving prlnon or nu up to 300 "" ""' rodblu. with tho oxoopolon or person: un- "4" wd- 0' '0 0|PWn ml- ggnogd hp "55",. .mh.n||n'. mm. ' u. in building I new homo lot MI tortion. lraudnlont bankruptcy oro once: K9mP"m' `"5 5"` "8`` W` '`" gsngt, honor, as the noromdlng c|ub.oompoIod oxolnnlvr Furbhor. bhe mnnlluw nruoribu tohnb ll 23 I,,"-_ , _ nu nonunion or Inluldborul coun- lntlnn nl In-Cannon. the our to restore oivu ngnu to move who have led blemeleu liven since they have completed their beniehment. end to reconsider the cane: oi those punished eummnrily who, b their uubeequent be- havior, merit indu gence. Political refugees are eooorded immunity from ution. rovided Iifteen years have 0 speed einoe t eir offence. Further clemency in to be granted as follow : Refugeec from Lithuenin and Poland. who tool! port in the Poiieh rebel- lion. but who were not guilty of murder, cruelt . robbery. or nreon. are exempted from urther police eupervihion. and are granted lull freedom in the choice oi a re- nidence. provided they take the oath 0! al- legiance. On the other hond,refugeee who ireguilty of the oencen mentioned above are to undergo three yeere eupervieicn by the uolloe. 00 IIIIGO she pouoe. ngunar. honor. Further, pruoribu all clue: in Siberia. lfbol` anlvo you-a` oxlloln the rumour porn, in, after non you-I. cllowod to ohoooo their plnoo of rul- donoe, oxoopt in apical emu snd govortr mm, but bholr civil right: will not ho ro- am . lwd. Exiled crimlnnll have I third of their nnbenou rcmmnd, lilo Iontanou are oom- mubodco owonty yarn, and many abhor punlohmonu are lightomd. Ronrdinz uolmoul prisoners, the mlnlr pumonmonu ngnoonou. Ecru-ding libionl prisoners, toro justice I authorized to nut. ac- cording to the nature 9! tho 0 `once. re- mission: of punishment. in Addition to those in tho genoulnmneut . and ndvioo aha our an unborn olvii rzhu to than It In be the Iennrof Dumping Major Iollllllvny. Uxmuomc, Mny 28.-~Up in North Onta- rio the content between Major Mnllillivruy and Duncan (irahnm promises to be a close one. The letter, running in the nominee 0! both patrons and the lib-` min, in nlmoet oortain of the entire Catholic vote in the county. This urine: from the {not that Moiliivray in said to hnve wrlttan a ver interesting and warm letterto Phillip Nrwrae. oi Breohin, ox- roeve of Mara. At. Hm him: nl thn nnnnml randimr (1! the Illl$lI.IIIl UI `IIIIIIUIIIIIUCIU III 1l\llUlVll UV genoulnmnuti, the to nature rghu who hum lad blnmelou they or Mara. At. the time of the second reading of the relnodinl bill Mr. Mm-rue, an lrdenc Catho- iio. wrote to the major, telling him that ho had better be cure- fui how he voted on the bill. The major replied timl. it, was none of Mr. Munroe`: bnainou, Ind inti- mabod thntho could em in again without. any Onbholio vobeo. 9 A oonm uenoo Mr. Macros and his numerous irien a are de- cidedly soro on the mnjor. Clnyton Oomotory. Cl.A\l`0N. N.Y., May `. 7.-A viait to the CIA ton cemetor Iopnys the trouble of wal ing a mile mm the river. Thorn is buried (lordon Cnswell, the first paper maker in Jefferson county. He came to Clayton from Wntortown poor. but went into trade ml in clothior, leaving qnito n little property. He died in lhiiiii. His son l'err Cuwoll, in still living in Clayton. nearly 0 hty years of age. Tlia In owimr odd inscription in cut in- nearly elnoy years or age. The (0 owing inscription to etlne monument} and nmy excite n smilol00 years from now: Human Allen in my name. Englhh in my n Mon. Clayton in my dwo ling place. And Uhrhoc in my nlvmlon." Here also lieu Capt. Denison 0. Pierce. who died in IBD3, the man who crossed the ooonn with the first lnko vessel tlmt. everaturtod from (flnionxo upon auch nn udvoncuroua journey. This was in mm. nml old sailors predicted thnt. he would never eomplebo the voyage. Her name was LheDoen Richmond, and the was In ooncm-board schooner. Death 0|` 'l"||mnnI llooth. MuR1`0N. May `Z7.--It in with regret wo chronicle the death of Thomas Booth. um old and respected resident of this place for upwnrdn of thirty earn. About nix yonrn ugo he bought :1 arm in the vicinit of 1\....I.... . (`nmun-n uamr Xlnrrinbviiln w Inrn upWl\l`(llI 0| Lhlrby earn. About Illx yunrn bonghtn Conley`: Corners. nenr Merriokvilie, w iero he withhia oungont eon moved. leaving his son Frot on the old homestead.` On Saturday, lllbh inst... he drove up horn to look after the farm work for a week while Fred Will to not no jurymen in Brockville. On Humln evenin he took ll severe pnin inlriu houuii. and eapito medical akiii, he died about {our o'clock Monday morning. The Iui now: Wu telephoned to his wife. who was no overcome by the shock up to be unable to attend tho funeral, which took )lnce here on Tuendn afternoon. and was ar oly attended. no church was boeutifuiy draped and lioral olferin a numoroun, oohowing tho esteem in which he wuhold by old friends and noi hborn. 'i`ohia wife and family in exten ed the honrtfolt nympnthy ol the community. leave." Archbishop Lnngevin oonaonted and Sir Ohnrlu drop on his knees before his race while 9. no latter blessed him. Sir Ihnrlea kissed the bishop's ring. Sir llibbort. and his pn were observed to smile over the nhir no they draw) away from the univornitr. It. wna A good Catho- lic. who knows nl about it. that told your vormo xondent. and he was very Inuchdim un over the use which his religion wu hug put bo. -.-.-..~?....."" V vllpulmauupm. ` nan nnnnAn L. TYT The Famed Sand Banks .A..|..I. lllnnd lay the Arohblnlmp. On /nu, May 2.-Sir Charles Tuppor. utter reburnin hero from Winni mg, and before leaving ore for Nova Scot. n. onllod ut. Otuwn university. accompanied by Sir Hibbert, nnd. had 41 long iubarvluw with Archbiaho Lnngovlu. After the interview was over t. a premier. turning to his grace. mid. : "Your grace, I am going} on an im- porumtmluion, undl would ool all the more secure if I had your blessing before I leave." Amhhlnhnn Lnnmwin nnnnnntml And Rir I human may When Notvllino-norvo pstn oun--la mud. Oonpnntl ol the molt vorhl pnln oubdolngunodhlknovm. orvlm mu Nina npnups nlhnn thou- mllu. non . llllhuplll In the hot candida. and tho of palatal nhodont. has-nul or uuuul. ulna; not luhinnory union. Uuoqulht slain:-In . Mothodlnm In Ohlnn. TuRON1`0. May `2D.-Tho Methodist. mir nlon bonrd hu received a letter from the Rev. (loorge E. Hartwell. He names that mission work at Chen l`u, where the riots were, wan ronumod early in January. im- modintoly other it was announced that the Chinooo government. had nomad t-he Cann- dinn chums. About 1150 native laborers were employed, snd the buildings were oxpocwi to be com lobed before the hot. anon apenod. In 0 o monmvhilo the min- Iionnriun were llvln In A home furnished by the Ohlnono ol oinls. Mr. Hartwell cnmpluinod than gombling and opium habit; on prevalent among t.ho- -more wealthy nluou of (she natives. and um some who pormibud hholr ohlldron hon.- taend the min-ionuy uohoola und profound u strong denim to become hotter Inqutlllhd with the Christian tanohin played gumoa of ohnnoo for monoy.nn were nonntont. upon 0! tho drug. Ion. one A Deco. ' Tho liver uuunulnung propu-(`ion of Hamilton`: Pllln of Mnndnko And Butter- nut nah than the non oortanln and and} nmody lot bmoulnou that an be o Inod. It you Mn boon cub act to bmoua attach an un diroornd. unil- wn`I Pills ol Mnndnh and Butternut- thozolnovvr full to on?! bllloulnou. Bold u oon'I dmguoro. .............. .......... ..... ...... .........l DEC Zflly "ITIIUU I cure in n .... .`a"."u"':......' "" `5.`;3.?3.3.'.`S~ '" 1" ` nlv to luau-`n oommuhuonn nob: -IENJW, W IQ`-'-IF TI" Ii XII I not-did hm-an to ptuidonl Inn in ro- y to oongmuhuonn upon nonunion 9! the our : ooromuon. Ho `,3: "You mg: in sun that the [holy mnmthhn ol Franco In 0-noclnlly uno- q. I I C II", T U-IW X . XX IIVZ : knot all agno- I fool lh0.|I..:l:`I, no In Ah... -nhnm Inunnnlg " nbnlomo. 1 nuns: bhcuuolomnuononb." 11-oIozAn-3 I-nooLAMAnoN. lllnlnulnaru ludnko Plllu can IlI|odI- n-:1. (Inn A Dang. A FATAL LETT ER. Aro Inpoehlly Agnostic. ..u.. ll... OI _Jl`L; A... L.- [um .NEws_g'ffg_gimsn1c1T] I'M Into uoudauod llnpo-`no TIIIIOIIOM 'I`|lI Coll- lorcubouu-A Editor of the Ospo Vlnoont. bnlldlmr homo lo: M: nnnor. mmor wooa, or we uspo vlnoonr. macro. p0I'. orgnnlumn known oi ludlu. Thu Mabhodint. church 1!. Burn : Bur Iy ox mam. The Methodist. church 1% Bun-y Bay has bun donated I pulpit by the Memo- dlnta of Am for. .. a.......| m...a....... -....n.. a. thus .......I. no nreoe nee ever DOOI1 mum: on me yeah Hulune. lost between O'Neil : Point. and renedfer Ielend. ebout. e yeer e. The corner etone ol the new Lut eren be mu on Sunday by Rev. Mr. wonuu. George Wurdoll, Smith : Falls. aged nlxt -vo yearn. died on Thundny whilo In his room, to which he had ant. wnlkod. rn.. n.n.|..... ............. ..... .4 mnnmn N!` n v... '.-._,.-. ...--.__-_ .- ... mun. huunou. . jT da 3. r. and Mrs. Vnndewnter, Bellovilie. celebrated their golden wedding Monday. Among thoae in attendance werex `Mrs. Hnrford Anhle and John Vundewater, Pouglnkewzale, .\'., adnughter and son. Mm ri ht. an ado bed daughter of Mrs. I-ldwnr Swn no. 0 Morrinbnrg. hu fallen heir to O7 .000. but Ihe cannot. be Innml Eh. I. nhnnr. nhml-um or hwnntv mono or Am nor. Sovorol Ilborloroo youtho In tho woods won In-ood twice by I oho boor. Thoy nally got. away. Bo did the hour. No troco hn boon lound of tho mu urennmor nluna. snout. you Tho corner stone church, being bum: in E hvillo. will be laid Sunday by Rev. Wands. (looms Wurdoll. Fnlln. mod ms oouroom, no wmon no use an wanna. The Bqxbun oompuny on ad 8100.000 insurance on the: property dam-oyod. About one-third or the locus In the town are covered by innurnnoo. The ruldanno ol Bnmuol Fllh. Three The rumonoo ol anmuol nun. Tnroo Milo Bay. N.Y.. wu struck by II htning on Mondn night. Much pro r y wu damned. tnoonawulnlu . Aullu Di]. 1.`. I .. WIU IIIIIIUI ll 1-1:: nl ht. ; dnmngod. t. nlo one In: lnjun-or A pout. omoe hu boon establish dnmugod. but no Injurou. A post. established At. Egnn enbatnln NI in dlutriuo. Mail: toritnrotaobe toodh-omE n- ville on Tuoodnya, TE;-ndnyn and 8: ur- dawn. "HIGH IIBII` D0 '70U,lII). DUI IIIO KHIIOB 0|! found. She is about nineteen or twenty warn of age, and left More-Isburg some time no. time u tlmo W. . Kerr, (Jobourg, hu luuod a writ. on behalf of Eliza Jemima Trick, Port. Hope. nguinat. Richard Miller, for 32,000 (or breach of promise. The dolondnnt in over olghty years 0! age Jud possessed of some property, while the fair plalncilf in not. ( uibe that old. A R. lnullln rlnnnrntlnn vnnlnnrdnv naked 1!: corn: In .1 I - .3: ` f`.2'`i`'i`:.'..``.`....`.`.:. oollonl. I k of Hon. Baku ovola 0 Ion `Pooh oi on. I! no` Tool: *0: nm rtohty lone: 9 In in thin nuwlmh I gone;-u uibe that old. A Be levllle deputation yoebordey naked Sir Charles lllvere-Wlleon nnd manager Hnye, in view of the great. monetary sup- port. given the (l.T.l{.. be have more men employed from the city runnln the trains. They should give more empo mom. to oung men who were capable of eoomlng mluanman. etc. oung men will) wuru Ullpuulu on uwuumu-5 mkeumon. etc. (ieorgo Black. Smith`: Falls, has been committed for M-inl for ubbolnptod Al- snuit oh; girl. He took two of them to Perth. left one there, nnd while driving home in the evening, tried by force to carry out his evil purpose. The girl mndo n deapemte resistance. and meeting some men, naked Assistance. One of the younf men oumo home in the carriage win: them. I IIIISIIC \IUL' |l I"I`Ull VIII- Onrts.-m, May 27.---The `. 4th passed oil very quietly here exeeptin a low "hoo- does who came to the vii age for n time. The society of christian endemor held their usual niec-tin last night Tuesday). Monday evening` eing devo to their anniversaries. he evening was spent dis- cussing temperance. This little society has become quite attractive for the youn ieople, as every eilbrt is being put fort I y the members to make it as interesting and beneficial as possible. The bible class, held over Friday evening by the Rev. Mr. l)ibb at t no rsonege. is well attended. Mrs. J. 'Wi).aI)enyes entertained about a dozen oi her led friends on Momln after- noon. 26th. Tie sale 01 A. T. 3eoth's Kdroperty takes place to-day in Jubilee hull. iss Ida Lewis is stoppin in Kingston and having her eyes treatet. (leorge A. Booth, youngest son of J. K. Booth. after an absence of ten years in the Western States and llritish Columbia, has returned. and is renewing old lriendshi and ae- quaintanoes. Mr. Sim ison. of \ 'atertown. at O. 1). Lewis` yesterday. Miss Huge. of Newburgh, was the guest of Miss A. ooth last week. Miss l.. Booth spent a few days in Kingston, the guest of Mrs. Mar- tin. Miss liredeu and Miss Bailey spent the `. -ith in the city. Mrs. illev.) 1!. '1`. llibb presented the father on `.. 4th Ma with a daughter. Her name no doubt wiii be Victoria. ulllfll I lllruluny uluuuneuuu. OM.\uI.i:wru.~a. May `.. (L- l`he amuvornar of the birth of Queen Victoria was we I celebrated here yesterday. The day was all that could be desired. and an immonne vrowd gathered at an early hour. The moetiuterelting feature of the day was the boat race, which took place about three o`nlock, between five men. nearly all residents here. Tlmnmn Foster Iurprised his friends by winningdtho race by about three boat lnnythn. r. F0-ter in a green oarrunau, ii boiu tho ilrat time for him to handle tluu ours t lill season, while his 0 )- ponenta were oonatentlly prantioing for tile race. A dancing plat orm was erected. which gave aporbto the young folks. A groan{ pole and loose wire were also erect- ed, w xlnh nome parties rucoeeded in walk- ing. The fire works in the evonin pm- nented a grand night. While . 0. Phillips wan giving a number of pleasure aeeliera I: ride in his little steam yacht. it balked some distance out in the water and the engineer was unable to get her to move by steam. They succeeded. however, in uettimr her aehore nafelv. Robert Bowie wouwnnpurnouuu. :uu-upuuuu- lymcllnvono I-now. Yooumonn uytlml I; uoouuund to annmviththxucrbhddnrttooblo. nnu-yunduulucruouunuo ulpno. nndlsmfoolingvnll and lblrhdo wotkwllhpurlootunmluudtqiul - ."...".`.."`}'."i .K1`x3"........a" "`&".`.`.'`. aqua I Intuit; ruoounuuu can unyonowilhklhworbhdduuooblo." That`: Do. No one thinka of taking n lumdful or old fashioned pillnnowndn a. when uooplo on sick the use Wade`: Mynndmke I ills wh oh cum all {ix-or and Itnmmh tmubleu. one pill ll done. 215 down for :25 cents. only M Wade's drug store. work. h`.verybod_\' oloo sloop: huh. ho ham to work. All `kinds of weather mln Mm at hinpoab. and he nubm often from the M- nult. of xpoanro. This taken the form In month one: of Ilidno trouble. Rhln-u nmnhln n I; u Anrn nvntnun. Illd : "I have been uoublod with kidney oom- plnint. for n gnu. many your. and Iullbnd extrema Agony st times from pin in the back. My root wan uonllnnnlly brokon at n ht by I fnquom. dulro to ulimk. an I had to 391. upno often than Ioould not cloth. "I Ind hlnn nnmuoun mm: in nonm- noump. "I had taken nucmroun mm in noon- mondod for my nllkmon. but obmnod _no roiiol. 1 hard 0! mmtloblo cum olfact- od b Donn`: Kidno Pllln. and ptoound box mm Mound`: ru non. Fro}: tho oommonounom I on I gnu ro- Ilof. Hui it not boon for the pill: I vmnld nothnvobonnublctoptbns onhohouo. In the noon: unto rather. `I An: nan sloth unnlu as. Ann and. nhnn In sin roooul. urn ma ` " yum a not akin? 153': linoy Pfllu sy kidnap. urinary and bluldcr Mouths an all put. nndlunfulinnnll nblrtodo my by swam. Illoyeuooeeueu. nowaver, m gemnghor safely. mo given notice to All thoee who have boat. houses iwfront. of Cedar park to ro- move them before mhe first of July. Mr. Bowie intends building a bathing house instead. WATGHMAN, What 0! tneNign1?| A night.-wntolunnn Iuu uncomfortable work. |n`,u.u-uh-nlu AI-an nlnnnn In. In MA: to most. or mane l~l`0\l0IO. Kidney trouble n In the entire nyutom. Com it ho cured? ll.-.| wlmt. Jnnnnh \\r'nn1nnAr, unhsh. um II. no ourou 3 Raul what. Joseph W nor. watch- muut the opera homo. nmlton. Ont... has to any of has experience. H0 in well- inown In Klngnhon an I npuublo oitllon who well remember: the pulmy day: 0 Sir John Mncdolmldh time. In Ipulting to` `our npronouutivo Mr. Wucgonor u ( ` III knnn hnan I.u-nnlslnrl with Iirlnnv noun. -vwnv v-vvu I--v-vv U - Innlly `I3-L: boon yank). Hultgnn Inn}. hntnnnn n NAII l Point. ' - uv; ITO COVOYOG by |I'lIIl|`Il|%. The ruidonoo 0! Samuel Flnh. Mil: an N V was 30.1-uni hi llnhtninw `.".'":..'"..`.`":."':{" `I. n. wnmc. :- 86. John. Inna: Queen`: lilnhdny Celebration. .. ... |<.J-\l|kI an all JFK: nnnnrm .I'II|II'$Iy WIIIII III uhnd our mrtv dnntmvad . and Balmoral Carpets. Balmural and Tapestry ms. shown in Kingston. Ice Cream Freezers Water Coolers and Oil Stoves RICHFION D & CO. MCKELVEY & BIRCH |ThEP`01ile`sIlnsuranceco, Toronto. mmuy meet us `ovor tho nln ol loot ovonln. Qollong w. mum: mm onuu. aonouoly ur ror I lorzr tlmo. has rocovorod. A. Anolollno on wife spout Bundoy at Bbollo. Mm Aulmln romou on tho otr. Saturn. Donnlo opom tho Nth at Ma ho tumod to Bollovillo lm night. "Unolo Tom`: Cohlnoompony vlollod cl-lo plooo on May loch. Tho nteondmoo woo bolow tho work. Tho Iloooo lou no 16- tinf nponow wlro lonoo and voron is. 1th ohhrll lrnprovo bhooppoonnoo ol blgolr prom . Tho Toonmoooh and Poorol no oxpooood no urlvo (lulu root. 0. W. Smith whol- -:..n ":.':`..:..':..'*:.3` ...*~.: ,....*~*- ' 3 ` opus. tho Nth viola. Mr. laoohwoorro brothor Wllllon. Iro. Boo Wont- mn.rl.\'.. and n Godwin. I 3: vorothoguooioollro. N.LBnl . Ooooluouuwoolhlo oooo oovoroly th onuoluo wool. hrrnon no nurnlaorftom horo olloodod grotto hlrobdnyooloorulonlnshoollqon min and Iondqy. Tho ohomor war 0 concert orrlvod hon Onnd or-boon wnomla.lodoow'lI| olnhor. Iho In-nhlohnhonnonhng lh Issues Policies on every plan of insurance. including `Ordinary Life. Limited Payment Life Endowment. with or without profits. De- ferred Premium. Annuity Bonde at lower rates than any other company. I00 Wellirgton street. Ottawa. Head Office of the Company. Don t dispute with a woman when she says our goods are the only ones to buy, because she knows what she's talking about. nmuo ...-n... utih Imr mlmn ahn anus nnr nrirr-a are mnnmr savers. 'I`lII UVIII-U II. IIIlI"K. Cm.I.I.~:a BM`. My 7.--Mn. J. Walker u M the Mann her home In the cit . . J. Rankin In buildin In new klwhon. . {hung Dnu-Onn\nul.I\ In v nlnn 'l`ll\l`I hula H. J. Klnlln In nuuum new uwnon. an. (inn. Porumouth In v dung Honda hon. W. l)onnln'lmlo child. aoriouoly Ill for I Inna mun. hm mnmmnd. A. Annlnunn JAMES RE; D S, 254 and 256 PR|NCES:_'STRBBT. v unwr- EVERY PAIR STAMPED WALDRON." Colors Fast. Satisfaqtion Guaranteed. | For Men, Women, Boys and Girlr, at ' . Caou CD233: Idltl the tum: to wrltc A wanna M. John In lluoh Intereetod In the lie- oent Mu-cllenl Dlemovery. S1`. JOIN. N.B.. Mey %.--The men ooeee of mnrvelloun rentomtion to heeitn from various forme ol kidney trouble which hnvo been oonntnnti eppeel-in in the daily prone of tho dam nion hove or some I time awakened the liveiieet intareet here. and tho mnedfv b{ which the cure`: were eifocted. name _v. )odd'e Kidney Pilia. nro obtaining grout celebrity throughout the pmvinno. The nppenrenoo of the teati- moninle oi re. Route and Mocormiok stat- ing the bonotitn which they hed reomll derived from their use was oonni ered eu - oientnigu oi the merit: of the remedy. and the other mtereeting end wonderful one: which have since been chronicled hue oeueed the upeoio to have an exceptional nie. `ones ll) uuy, ucuauac uuc l\IlUVVI wmu ans. 3 uauu--5 uuuun Don't argue Wllh her when she says our prices are money savers. She talks like a sensible woman who knows what's what. No baits, but genuine bargains at {Stockings That Wear . . Wood`: Phoopllodlno I: sold by ruponnlblo wholesale and null dmnlau In the Dolnlnlon. ' _- --.. - - ..-_'...-.....-. .. . 6' In the result of over M5 yum trutlu: thounndn 0! out um: All known drugs. untll at Inst we lnvo dlnoovnrod the true umody nnd truunnt-A ( oomhlnutlonulnt wlll uncut I prompt nnd purmunnt curs In all cannot .S`n-om] l)o6l'II'Iy, Abuu or f.`uwu.v, Nu-1-mu Wmbuu. Eaulxcbm, Maul || urr_y, l'.'.rcn.riw U." of Opium, Tobarro, or Alzvlolk Stlnmlunlt, Ill 0! whlch soon leul so lnunlty. Ounlumptlou and n only gran. Wood`: 39" 7'3"` - Phouphodlno hu bean uml Iucceufully hy hundred: of cue! thnt loomed Almost. hopeleu-cnuu that had been tnnwd by the most talented physi- Olllll -cues that won on the vorgo of dulpllr and luuully --onu Lint were totlsrlng over the gnu-but wllh the oontlnuod and ponovarlng uloot Wobd'I Phosphodlno, than one: llut hnd been [Ivan up to dlo. won featured in manly vlgor sud hulth-Raulor you need not dupolr--no mu- (or who hu [lvou you up I! lnoul-|blo- tho romndy in now wlthln your roach. by In um you can be restored to I llfe of Iuufulnoul and hnpplmh. Prloo. one pnolmn. 3|; ulx pwknnl. I3`. 1!! ml '9' 0` P00!!- Out willplntxr. slx guunmlnr-I M (IN. Pamphlet (NO to In] Iddl'$. Th` \MnA.l nlnn-nu wlnall, llf ._ nll. Ten bales .of new designs in Tapestry They are the rinost artistic p tterns ever REFRIGERATORS ! -d-------------- |. Ideal S|llI}!l_|QI`_ [nesting AN EXCEPTIONAL SALE. 35. 40. 45. 50, 60 to 900. DON You DO IT 1 Wu! flnul, H: gnu": rurru IV (Irv. I Iulyluvv uvu up an; uuuuvt. Tho Wood company, Vllndoor, Ont-, onnuml .._.a.___.--- 7 _ 69 '71 BROCK STREET. KINGSTON. y Oolllnu Ilny lludgot. 1... u-.. 0! Au... ,1 V The Leading Undertaker and Furnlmro Denier. Wood's Ph08[)lI0dIn6.- no amt /fnrlisb I-`emery. R. WAL.DRON S PRICES : I -60 both! for yo thnn In min. o'vo told you to can anon; no] In wins we could do it E In In I ohunoo. Iflouhollovo 1 & II we nu you out: nly expect of . am: to an an to tub- M 0 truth of our Von!- I REID, Manager. Get the Best Shoes * tor the Last Money wnv_g jwmslge 2 HOWPIM YOU ` NSUEHERLANWS. A to am Footwogr. A i i 3. Huang. anon fog In lions. u llx`n| uihamuhlb: ....King; OF CANADA. lllj .IVILLE. (INT. S!RA6HAN'S VVI \I&&n :- 31 noon nun. uu Fauna Cu Horn) ._.._n.n._.. nA-..4_ nn ll Of course can get ulon without us. but we thin you'll nd acquaintance with us protable. From us. Because we lead in Low Prices. I I Come in and see our Shoes. `HE S|f3.QR.E.'__r K |N`0STON. ONT. will Pgper I\I -III-I\II Ipvv-u I sr.<.;oHT NEW BRUNSWICK. -I 4- `F WEST POINT. NEAR DICTON. ,4 _._, A ._u--..u..- u.. u not noun I` u E knot? chi: yrrvlth -adorn - 0 ram 1 I t 0, nova: Mon In plum mg. lnclmlln Bu-bod. Plum t. Wovon and . It prion S whit nmnllor manhunt: pay for moods. Boots You D_osire.Z - -1~-o'lIul- Illilvulunln ulouomlnnumurrmmu. -T "'Hn*rr & IcnoNAI.n, PI-oprluton. ......_.I .;..u -_...A...`. n..;..... All Inn. no woo-I work nq11`~~cI. ` In -onplu at the III-an rvuvu, n--u. . .-. -... In Innny roupo-`tn the mono. nttrnow Hum- mor R0 on In Ovmndn. Emil` ruched over (bnnd nk Rallwu or { Ihumor mo Ploton. On the Lake horo, n the sumlan noun 1:! Ontario. never too warm, with nnpor hashing, good nhing, driving nnd hluyollnc. he held In oommodloun snd ohurrnm sun. Psmlon mny nonurc u nun cottage It nppllenon bo mnulo In good IIIIUII. J _-...._- .. ........r. n _,. .._, i `A oulmrnon at Hull. Inncnmo __._. n4\9I|l'I' p`. was jun I -Iu-cu- u-uuu. N.II.I.AN.Pnp. nonhntonllnhnrin Iv us Dluuwn no Dunn Ian: Inc. no 000. no unu an POTINT lulwmu. Dcrnsunoul In lurmnwnou Mi>T6.' ' 0. B. $ANTLIBl'IY. KIIOVIIIO. Ont. ' WITH Hotel _. Aberdeen. (I. B PUGSLRY. Prop. W Into nuwud of the Dnorin. nun. `nun. BBI.|.lVII..|-3: ONT. ` I:.."".."\".`.5{! any-ug-agu y----- Zwnxn an I n- " and uudnn no 01 -n :&??:an%`:un:o : s 3 .1 o 1 "'60 ' 0 honor I one Job r n as I; unis. ntylluh uhuv 5:33: `:n13?1'`:r. " ii!!! unvdl5I;3'_*P:?fpp_._ Ponmhllfdwm THE iii-m'.'n.. UNI`- IIWQOO Wttk. mug.` I...-.14- gm Place . Hun Innnor ullmnte In the World. Ian I llrocnu um Ilnehlng. .I. .1. al- HOE. "".,," '".".;.[.....,. .. `-:`:-*':"'`5'-g"'*` :.'I*.:'::z;:r:r;u.5;: .:` fono . hm. In. an we Ind! N'Moa via 5 1 u of on oqntnotq 1: q ICIQII Of IIIII ROUND` $2-'-.13`-.'`-`-=~`*...... unt un {'11. I01 '00 ;1%:.oro nut W 'r?:'r'a:. bu n` II I 'r:. .....:.`.`:.t.-. '21.! no to oh I I ` "` ....'.`.`:". . .`. ,!'.'u`.'... THE` pA1[._Y. WI-IlG.| WALLACE 'l`RlUMPHAN'I`. N. Cloth Wollwo. the gnnd muhor oi the sovereign grand lodge of Ontario. bu triumplwd over the government and those when it induced or hind to took his hu- miliation. It in 1 now expo:-ionoe that the union-loo of the government should under- take to nnnipulnto ono of the strongest Ink:-ml societies in the country and by mum hitherto unknown or unreoortod to. 1: v u , |:,,__-In L__ .I-..I__.I 53...; 73.`?:`l?*$.`am: .`.'a.""-'-`s `M nn'g'>tluu.'1lo. nor lino: |`!9!". ' 4 ` !::' at 01! noon 0 E040 '0' "$"t`.; ?.%I}".:`.`23`.`:1%`b`f:3.:?" mi-'-1-' lo! 3 uulo id 3; t I u . 80- mm- for uinnhn .ot vnrno` on-nun. or ' db. mm ngsn on 4. " .1ot'uf.pubuJm. lomonlbmmn and subscrib- V N no and poulaloln an uno- ocn o moo M 5 uoohhonu ol `mua holrunounlfl IOIWMW0 1 (In. W" HIVCIVWI IIIIIIIUWII UI Illllwuul nvu vv. Mr. Wellece hlmlell he declared that loan time belore the meeting of the grand lodge he beoeme ewere that an eilort in being made to crueh him. by unhlr eppeela to the Orangemon privetely, by the Attempted election ol deiqetee who would. in grand lodge, be more considerate of the government and in fete then the everluting principles which they protein. So he had toeend out A eirculer. winning the brethren to be entheir guard. end an e reenlt he was euetelned in his speech. hi: rulings, and his general conduct by the gnnd lodge. irh. A.-In. nl um -nnninn urn m.-er the 7" Largo new hotel, oontnlly located. good Itovudlna, good bodn, plum hutlnq urn II .0! voter to roof union. oleoh-lo ll; m 0 be In. huh: o inn: and Ghonpontln. gndwhrl roads, all halal \lrlvu.boAtlm1 5 ng nonvonlon . Jone Inllk onum Ml cut 11 llvoroul twice dvnlly from Fir " E. In any; germ moo on or ad: h 9.1: I HI: ! r III `DDR1! ounuuuu uy vuu 5|-uu Ivu`va The ght oi the eeeeion were over the adoption of I neriee of reeoiutionn com- mendewry oi Mr. Woilwen notion in end out of periiement on the remedial bill, and oondemnetory oi the action oi thcee Orenge- men who. on member: of parliament, desert the grand mentor uimn thin question and acted in e wholly indefensible manner. The men who were wildest in their oppoeition to theee reeolution were Major Sum. Hughes and Geo. Taylor. and the grand nmeter . end grand lodge eat upon thorn without. mercy and without ceremony. The apolo- gies they offered for their wnh- bling were ieughed to ecorn. Mn- jor Hughee. on appeal to the chair, was ccnvlcted of acting M In ongineer of the night shift during the remedial bill siege in the house; And Mr. Tnylor wee Ilmply repudioted on he undertook to reveal some puty necrete. known only to himself and juetilying hie absurd entice on several oo- cneione. A n,,l_r___ -r AL` ..-.....I |...I.... ....-......-.l olordou 53.1%.. Ulllllln A division of the grand lodge occurred in.the election oi a grand secretary. and Bob. Bermlngham wan re-elected by a narrow majority, end principally because a large number of the delegates had been unable to remain for the V005 and participate in it. The events oi the week have taught Mr. Berminaham n leuon. end it in this : that however iriend~ ly the Orangemen have been with the conservative party in the poet on the remedial bill they are egeinnt the govern- ment. and they will not tolerate the dictu- tion 0! Mr. Ierminghem in any capacity, either he the party organizer or the grnpd secretary, when he rune nmuolx oi the order on the eehool queetion. The blister- ing he received at Collingvvood will have ite eeote for good in the Orange order the country over. The wry pnporn are drawing a herring moron the trail on tho superannuation question. They allege mm. the liberals are very much at bulb for the abuse: of the system. Are they T how us too. n...x....n\. 1.... .....s.... M. M..u..n... Ill `U`4|I|ll' - V|'l\3|U| IVVUIII SVVIIID VIIU names of thooo who have been Impor- nnunbd Irom tho civil service. the government: by whom they wore Iont into retirement. and the coat thin action had been to the country. And this was the remit. the on Jun. lot, I895, thorn were 530 nnponnnuutod omum to whom the government paid lllnunn) $850,000. Their contributions to the fund amount to any 005,000. so that the noun- try In out shout 0200.000 I year. Of tho 539 bomolu-loo." on they no oullod. how many were listed by the gov- ornnont In the la! in you-In Only 014 m than .hhIQv.hun hm: rllml wnny nnT-ma High: m---` I? `I'll an Inn In blhhod vm '""' an n'1"y.u ,`u paid 1: adunoo; ot uvrhoo V.._...._--. . ,. IA-L-A -.. Ilnn. vuv Iyuvvlu. nun vino I luv us vulv- During the last. nouion Mr. McMu||on Iuoooododuftoralong and patient. wait, In getting An oioinl return giving the nu:-mg. Al thou. nhn luau: Ixnnn n||I\nr. WWII TXTVTZX I1 "U W- lonnlllo In llpooIpoDn|.go9a gratuity on ntlrlq." In 05 my. since 1800. lhcoluiunpnllldul lhononnouuuu 0! 00.08.87. an uouunplo onus nk-A mn nnininn nl VIAAA-L `I. ` 8%. Jo n. Inna. -JO. T `CU "I'I3X'j -Ir--I--no "Milan:-vlog-,AnI| Wu punhdluoo Io- Qlulllt ` tn nllonnoo of CL!!!) `_ -4; -LIL L. II-gg l_ D-.. ITIIIIICIB III III! IIUI uvu lvnnll VIII 944. 0! thooo thlrsy-two have dlod. looving 9|! of thooo who hnvo boon ouponnnuocod oinoo Hm. That in not all tho nutomonh ohowod. It. oppoon that olnoo I870, whon tho oonoorvuivoo ro- Imnod oloo. tho mmbor o! cloth onpor- onnuoood woo 400 out o! tho 530. lo the AL... ..q A. A-_ -_I- huh. E..- -.. AL- Il-A IIIIII%l Ivlu `VI VII! In Iuvv vuv. Iv Ulllla than no to-any only forty-vo on tho lint -Lnmnnn nnnnnnnnnnlntl hi All nnnulnnn "V`IIIZ ll ! dill. in V0! the Iory government with Int:-odlod Ibo gntuity lawn In oouloon with tho apcom. and I poduvo ouhlcclgnlul which tho pooplo but I -I-LA In nun.-n A at-II ......-on V-1`. vi` W'I""l K H7. I IIQIII 00 IX. "A oh nrvnnt." up \ho0|Ib."Il|o|Id|NI In I My ynnln \honrv|oo.nndwhopoodbl_ywu a.. ...4| In In Inn-mung nnh . ._g..n. W Vivgvdnih IIUIV -Ivxuqnv I325 Rabu-rwollnoo. pounulor n Vlciodn, 3.c..v\a-o plan In mm M Mr. IhtapoI0.I.P..IuNlN 1085-440` -'In\lnn-uhmnnllunn nnlndlnln up -iIu:`u-uuv- ygun u :3:-. -I 'l`l|Il|II.hIwI6IIdldlvyI.I hhII|IvoIpn|Dl.7IO|ynr.l , `Linn, nnnnlnnlnnnnilnhnnulnnn 1 W. jijl UCFIIITU WI u-amino 3 clN.IulA.l..l UIIUIV DIV wrung vuq uni,-uvv vu UIII uuv whowou Iuponnnuuod by all pnvloun unnnln . ilhuhlatls and Dyspcptlcs vxsrrma )l'I.. I ICVO l'Iu`InI:0WI.|In`|:'.Vl;':|:G*5' 100"!) av?! notboul I!- r."" ....*:il`:.":i::'r::' :..:=: :73 human. A _| 0" A;mouNcagaNT. An-l THAI. THE FIBBINH OF TORIES. --own per 0rla;Iu Dim. i`.'.'.`.`u'..'2.`.1' `.". ..`2...".' nu-.:f.ou nnql. I135` nou'iuuo"" '"" 5 M!" rilowod two nlunzv 6 K ootsub ".`:"3vf1 lII`g._.bOl_nIuO'Ip93- I II tn. buond noun -or nfn not for Iplou orwofou anal. 5 Announulnontn nu Inb- In lino : uncut I cAunnnIA&%`sPnm_1;| T72 :'-----_-- ..._` `

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