and who blood-pouomng `nu: ma: xv- Iultn. Thoduonndwudghhonyun Ailllifljth MARINE INTELLIGENCE. v PERSONAL MENTION. Spa-I:l-l ronbytery eeting. -..-..:..I .......o:.m at thn Kin nlicit. pntromgo. Frontenac um. 1 day nnd night. Tolophonp No. ' II WIIUIII3 Z _ ' - 3 v W_nd-Bu,-mot street. corner V` ` _ I 161000. oppooltoto W ` did. "no In! mm. All I 6! 15110 Llbcnl ouuu will be hurt! in ` L >glnn III:-luau No. 39. moot: 'ro-niche. `W- R l')lnK_ |.._4__.__.,_ Death from Look-Jnw. u_..x_ -|.n--. .I-.._LA-- nu` . ~ , ONTARIO. TUESDAY EVENING. JUNE 2. 1896. < rucl ny rlbes his :1 very electric rand. In a it PKIAGRAPHB PIOKED UP BY OUR BUB`! REPORTEHS. Ihoipho at Ivory` my I.lto-wh:c no fool: Au lth; About-Ilocun Eu- opputhnltlontionotfhou WIIDAN `Inux Run. 11;. lowest mo, 33. to Guelph and re- mnrn. Juan l.l'.||_ .T.R. tum. June 4th, G.T.K. No minute about it. Stacy : removal sale is the talk 0! the wwn. I'M-Inn-n gm nmnmsd Invimr new men! The lowest: mm, vs. 1 June 4th, G. I`.R. `Na mhhnkn About H5. uuavu inc all on one wwrlt. or men are on aying now she from the city Mlrmmont to Onmrg nlmnnh. Dr. Curtis will erect e modern residence on the southwest, corner of King end Earl AM-uni; . sbfoou. Everything in dry- 3 reduced in price at Bum `I romovn nlo. Tho cm oerk last month registered prloo Sun `I removal sale. The city registered twdnty-four births, twelve marriages and owulve deaths. `Fl l".n.nlnn|mm ninnn lnunar from Chick- IQQJTAUP A Joe * ;.'_._.'-'s."._5._'::::5-..*::-.'::: oomcrIn-xaluoI.&-uu.. l#s....;-__A_'. A _ owulve deaths. H. (`unnin ham, piano tuner from Chick- on-in J6 Mcgulayk bookstore. '1` a chess club hudluoontinued matches in its eutinety. James Ramsay, the grent. honey man of Williamsville. has 'uat succeeded in hous- ing A swarm of h 5 heel. Mn is quite early for them to swarm. as in dxia climate it. is generally much later. Yeaterdav afbernoon. while W. J. Orin McAuley'e bookstore. T e cheee club for the summer months. Next. fall it. is he to orgnnim on I broader scale and n di rent buie. Prints, chembnye, gingham:-, bargain prices. at Stacy : removal sale. Mnnv lame excursion: hnve been booked prices. Stacy removal sale. Many largo excursions for t givorland everything points to u very ny and prolperoua summer among the lllands this season. I In! A nAr`Anf. Hf. nrdar the SDO0i.ltV the lllands this For : rfeot. an order the Specialty Corset; at 1-5. Hemuleyk, Brook street. A fruit. stand is to boorectod on the K. house. Tweed Oddfellows are distributing in town posters, announcing their big elnonatmbion on Jilly lat. Kingston canton will excurt. to the celebration. Vn... huh Inn. hunt` in wnnbnd to ulnv nl, beaccepbed. Special brain, Pullman attached. next Thursday, $3. to Guelph and return. To- ronto by daylight. The hnrmonv club had a satisfactory pre- route by daylight. The harmony satisfactory wre- pnratory rehearsal at the city hull `nah evening. All the members were in their places and the work was gone through in its eutinety. Jnmaa Rnmnv. Irrenf. honov it. is generally much later. Yesterday afternoon, Orman. street railwa motor-man, was do- in some work at his gnome. he slipped and fol o` a scaffold. spraininq the wrist. of his right arm very severely. The steamer North King sails for Roch- his right severely. The King ester every Sunday it 5 p.m.. via Port Hope daily. Thou. Hnnlay, agent. No one seems to be impressed very Gronm Houlu. Rho nu-or lookml more hnndwuw or man howllnhlnq. Rho wu mm-h planed with her lrluk and AM it a very Mull cogn Ilmonl. hht we think. Wu vol: um-voul. for In `Inns Mien fho nlmout palm: n hno our nd: nu II In no 0 to mnko It.` 0 on :11 the n w and most Yorulur tlrlnk-among w ioh up elm nl nihu :- Corset; at Mrs. Bemuleym, Brook screen. A fruit. & P. ground at the corner of Ontario and Brook streets and will be open during the nvnnrninn nnnnnn , excursion season. There in one thing about Snowy : store --I sale there is always as advertised. "Ru-it.i:h mniln close on` Tousdav is n sale there is always nuvernseu. "British mails close Tousday written notice in the post office. In this :1 sample of the kind of men the civil service examiners permit to pass ? Gom-are Adair. has been awarded the con- examiners permit. 7 Geor e trlolz 0 levellin the ground Mound the dnir school an of laying oubdrives. His ten or was the lowest. China mattin 3 15:`... `00., `. 5c., 300. per Kurd at R. Me nul a.Kingnton carpet, ware- nunn will excurtto the celebrnuon. The Nth butt. band is wanted to play Nspuuee at the celebration there on lo- minion day. Providing regimental duties leave the organization free. the offer will be accepted. Bnooinl train. Hope daily. Thou. nnley, agenn. No one seems impressed very favorably with B. W. Folger s suggestion to conduct, a fruit. stand at. the unmet. mil- way junction during the summer months. "hing Ron .-myn there are millions in it," for the right. person. Uurtnln damask: and heavier weights for for the right. Curtmn damask: weights ohnir nnd sofa coverings from 35. to $3.50 per yard at R. McFnul s Kmgston carpet warehouse. 'l`Lu-nun}: Hun Irindnnlll nf MPH. NiOk`0. Through the kindness of Mrs. Nickle, the little girl inmates of the orphans home were given a free ride over the elec- tric system yeaterdn nlternoon. B. W. Folger will give all tile inmates n free ride at some data in the near future. rn...... :. nnma um: nf Lhn Nth bunt. data in the tuture. There is some talk of the taking a tri to Belleville on dominion day. The `eterboro Rangers have been invited to that city. and the Nth is want.- ed to swell the number. The matter has not. yet. been officially considered by the ollicers. l`:h...m Lamina ninmnnn thirtami be- Fifteen homing pigeons, thirteen be- longing to W. Hare. and the remainder to 8. Allison. both of Toronto, were liberated on the market square this morning. The birds are being trained for the nnuunl races of the Toronto homing pigeon club this fall. In....... .I..II...~. nan: Fm n minl-At. tn (hmlnh xsixrnr-'rmn.D Y]:`.AB.-I man car attmhod. Stop M. 'l'cr0nl.oIor supper. Return by my train up to night. of June 9th. Don't. miss the trip. Tickets from T. Hanley. this fall. Three dollnrs pays for a ticket to Guelph and return, Thursday. June 4th. Special train leaves Kingston at l:`20 n.m. l'ull attmhed. Slop M. 6f`?>nl.o for .......a.- Rntnrn Iw nnv Lmin nu nizht. Win: the LIOVQII of Human and General Sports Are Do|n[. H. Wade has hm] his ntea|nyncht,Besaie. thoroughly overhauled. and she now pre- sents a handsome appearance. Malvilln Rnhinmn has ordered '\ tandem handsome Melville Robinson bicycle to nccommodate three riders. It will be here in the courle of a few tluyn. A. J. Lee liul purchased R vur lleol. skill` nnd will have her in shape or any meet: that. may be sailed in this locality this season. I ..I.'- llunl... la nndnnnnlv zrnininn for mcmms gm DAY, this Leslie Hughes in arduously training for the coming canon`: racing events. He hopes to mnko a good showing at 0gdena- burg on July 4th. A matched road race has been entered burg July 4th. A matched into b "Cap." Googhegan and Dan. Sn? der. 0 the street I-nilwny company. T to distance is no Nnpaneo and return. Whiln nut. ridimr vestnsrdav and when in Nnpnneo and return. While out riding estnal-day he ond Weakbmok t. 0 seat. of the wheel ri den by Hugh Nickle broke. He turned it upside down, placed I shingle across it And rode back to the city in triumph. Q4-wnn mnmhnrn tn! the Ilth butt. band rode back the city in triumph. Some members of the Nth bicycle club nrewondering if the rams poetponedlut. lull will be held this sum- lnr. ll uo. they would Rh to be informed It once so an to go into training for the arena. noun nwnnl-I Am trvinn to IITIIIIRO ll Horse owners are trying to nrrnn e match between KM] Cerver. Con. Mi Ian; Bab U m. E. . (hllnghor. Harrow- omit: ulor. E. I`. Bnnnignn. and Caunqui Boy, 1.. Mu-tin. The owner of Puuzler does not like to send him on the truck in mile beau, end besides. an the uninnlia eliglblofor n noes. hqdoea notlike to risk he ng I record booked ....:...o. bum 'l`Imuu hnvimr the ahir in Vilnvn-v. . not like risk raving moon: noonu nguinct hum. Thou having the hand hope to bring I-ho ovont. tn I happy inns. Chairman union Ana nun. uwwlrb. Bohnn sud Donnollv won prawns at n spook! muting ol the bond or works Int onningeonoolvotho report of the city angina: In; tho position for n nurotono` Illt-not. Thonportwuin favor o! Scnting the Petition and con- structing dninon 0l(iIl street. from oI.I-ow, nouth-westerly to the main uldrninonliilngltrooc. at tn enn- mud out 0! I368. the city : dun of which would be me, And the props:-sy n-.....' uh-ad mm Th: rum):-Q 113 IKTIFITIIUI I-mucu- Potty-nvun duun at uVO'f,.I`II'O not by the Dominion Bxpnu . has and to Dubolo. Penn They won Fndu-ktton. .B..whou Inna nndonnuling Obit - union, llbophoullnnpondfc prop- nuon pll-pout. -"'..4.-hff` menu. Horse trying to mm o nnfnh Kinv Cu-var. um-v. - Iowor '0! 0'IllI lune Chairman Canon and Aldn. Stawnrt. LL..- nntl nnnnallv wan nnnant SPOR:l;lNG PARAGRAPHS. for Kingston I B. M. munou. Ihui 8146. `rho Vary nun low: Orowdnd Into III lnnunn of Insoo. `I'll! VG?! IJUII IIIVI unn-u-u u... ...- Ir-Anon Inset. To-morrow evening for Scan. The funeral 0! the lute John Gowdy, of this city, occurred at Guelph to-day. Herr the Mny Queen. CW] Ihll. Tues- dav, June 9nd. 8:15 13.12:. Plan et. Carey's. The river nnd harbor bl hue pueed congress over the president : veto. In 60. to 60. Cocoa and .nAni|lu msttin in all widths and prices at. R. MoFun| a ingnhon our- pet warehouse. Good roads carried with you if you rid_e you ride It Wnrwick cushion frame. 800 W It J. Cunningham ; All bands bow to Songs. Everybody Cunninghnm .All bands should hear the concert tomorrow even- ing`. It will be e rue treat. e w potatoes. new cabbage, new ripe onions, home grown cucumbers and Cam- diun strawberries at. Cu-nova|:y a. n......'. mm! nrive An Afternoon perform- ntrawberrioa Cu-novaIy'a. 8ouu`a band give an Afternoon perform- ance tomorrow in Bolleville and come here by o In! train. on-ivin at 6 p.m. T 9 music of Sousa : nd is well worth on-ivin at 6 travelling far to hear, and no wonder peo- ple are coming from Nnpanee, (lenanoque and other plaooa. If nnvone enquires about a loaf. pigeon lund attend. J. B. Robinson, London, the South Afri- can millionnire,to-day, received a cable ties inch from Pretoria, stating thnt. the lemgars of the Johnnneabur reform com~ mince, under sentence of lilfteen years` imprisonment, their former death sen- tencea having been commuted,would be re- leased in a few days. Mr. Brlttuu Toll: About the Cyclone at St L0|l|l Lint We 8|!- E. H. Britten, of the St. Louis repub- lic. will spend the next three weeks in the city and elsewhere visiting relative-. Speaking of_the St. Louis cyclone he says no person has any conception of its fury; words can but feebl ex reuse the fearful- nena of the scene. he ull effects of the ,...,.i,.... i...p-A for nhnnt. hwantv minutes. NO. ll. IIIIIII av-uq-no a.-rem... unnrnn (1....-..Invu [-luunhnn. of the `rue luu onecus U: Luv cyclone lasted for about twenty minutes, and in that time many millions of roperty were destroyed and scams of lives out. The cvclone started in the south-west. destroyed and or lwes lost. The cyclone quarter of the city, swept down throu h a fashionable section. thence throng e. thrifty Herman settlement into n tene- ment division. nnd thence among the fac- Lories and n small portion of the business section. It ufterwards crossed the river and seemed to have spread and completely wrecked the grout freight houses in East St. Louis. rm Rmmn mum while the furv of the 473;wmg sham . K. Halifax in tq nve a church parade of bicyclists on Sunday, Nth inst. Rev. N. Lpmoine. Episcopalinn, is one of the lead- ing apiriu in the movement. In the cricket match between the Ann- in the movement. tralian and Oxford elevene. which was continued from yesterday. the Australians, to-day, scored I30 for ve wiekem. Rama of the carter: have been very since. Sir Charles Tupper. hart... will not ar- rive in Halifax until tKt~l0l`|'0W evonin . He will be driven at once to the drill sh . where he will go on the platform and speak immediately. Miss Julia Stevenson. daughter of the immediately. daughter vioe-president ofthn United Shaves. and Rev. Martin I). Hardin. of Lexington, Ky., will be married this eiening at the New York nvenue Presbyterian church, Wash- ington. The pmsndenl. nnd Mrs. Cleve- attend. I R Rnhinunn, London. the other plaooa. If anyone enquire: pifon he can get information and the ird from box 73. Nowburgh. Ont. Band No. R. Halifax to gun parade Some of merr for some days past. They were give nbarreloflager as 9. result. of A nsebnllconteetmnd fun has been keen -lung Mr. Britbon enyu while the fury cyclone was evidenced in a path about a mile wide, yet. all over the city dunn was done by crushing of walls and tum - ling of chimneys, etc. Huge buildings of steel und stone, built. for ages. were t.wiet~ ed and born out of shape and dumped M heaps of iefuse in the street, while in the immediate vicinity little tumbledown frame houses remained intact. vm.- c..z...i.. n` elm nv.-Inna in some cases frame houses remmneo lnuicb. , The freak: of the cyclone in some I wereasainusing as in others they were 1 tragic. He recalled the fact of a lad ; typewriter, in the seventh story of a buil - ' ing. being swept out of her room as the , wullwent down. Circling in the air for possibly a minute, she was deposited on the roof of II dry goods store across the street, and some {our stories lower down than she had been. She was not the least injured. In another instance a piece of machinery wei hing seventy tone was lift- ed, <~nrrie a ong distance and deposited in the back yard of an inoffensive citinen. The building will undoubtedly have to be renieved to have the machinery taken out. Mr. Britten. with a friend, Mr. Penny, were in the seventh story of a ten-story building when the storm was seen coming. They thought they might be as safe there an anywhere, but in |\ moment the cyclone unroofed the buildin . Then they at- tempted to get out. ey found the ele- vutors had ceased running and conse- quently had to walk Jown many nights of atniru. They scurried along the street. avoiding ying bricks and other debris, nnd in one instance narrowly escaped death. A piece of timber, fteen feet long and four or six` inches square, came snilingdown the street at the rate of about fteen miles an hour. It aliped by them while they werehugging a w and struck n man two feet beyond them, tearing away his lace and so mutilating him that it was impossible to recognize him. Hnndrad (sf busineee men were detained OTBII1`. vrixs impossible recognize mm. Hundreds down (own all night. owing to the impea- mble condition of the streets and the dreadful character of the storm that fol- lowed the cyclone. The scene was most. distressing. on those bueineee men fren- ticnlly sought by every possible means to eecum some word on to the safety of their fmnilies. come of them from two to four miles way. Mr. Britten eeye tint thoee who passed throu h the cyclone wil; novel` 0 . have the scene: 0 from Inemor can-A Conuldoro It the Bunion 'l'o-thy Iloforo vlndgo Prloo. -- , vv,_xn-_ l:I_.-- |l-.....l...o..-. IIQYOPO vlllugb (rune Penn vs. Hamilton Brno Manufactur- ing Co.--An action for IIUO for breach 0! nnrrnntv for failure of two package can-rior Co.-An action for IIUU tor nroacn or warrant. package linoa in `mu oioe bodo the service gnu- nntaed. Verdict. for full Amount. with meta. I. L. Whiting for plninti; J. B. Walkom fot defendant. u- u lhulwin \-n. .l.\\',' Al-- fot defendant. W. H. Hodwinrn. J.\\'.' Action for an account for 856. Adjourned. L. M. Murphy VI. R. Kidd-Action for In uocount of $47.82. Adjourned for cloth to take nooounu between the (lot. w [I nd|'invI.I1)ndon usual Fin botwoun the hut. W. H. Godwin vs. London lmnnnce 0o.-Action no rucovur $4.84, nt.'a oommiuion on insurance policies. J udgmont. for phinti for 821.87. I`. L Curtis n. J. Quirt.-Aot.ion no Judgment. for plunun Ior um-u. (T. L. Curtis Qnirt-Aotion compel puymenb of an account. of OM. Judgment. for plaintill`. A. Tryon VI. A. A. Godwin and P. Filu gnmish0e--Aot5on to compel pa G ol snnocounto!O9.'o'5. Jud I or plain- mr ...a...n. zlalnndnnls ionrnad an to It Will ROI Augviluo Luxnox. Juno 2.--ln tlwlpouu 0! com- mom to-day Phili A. Lunnmonurvuuvo. GENERAL PARAGRAPH8. A FEARFUL SCENE. buvnsoou COURT. |"131nN'I-m_n1oAnn B1LL. |ANU TRIED TO BORROW MONEY HIVII Iuu-w -- -- . ON OONTRAOT8" no noun Inn nun: than any um Donald-ohnd Ilnlonoylocuodou Oontnotl lay lot Iolln to `lion who Put up the luv! Aclvuou. nu 1.1.1. u.n. nu. ma R11. hnrn." Just the thing for present wear, opened up this morning, in Straws and Milans. These are scarce goods. Call early. | PI! no III`! Auvunculo `'11. Leigh, Sell: Bron KB. Shove." cue the entry p|Aced in the rivinh-Amert cAn hotel register by A young men.tplIe conepicueun item: of when [Armenu were I long, linen dimer and A wide-rimmed. high-crowned, emw hat. He decanted his autograph with countleu ourishes And sweeps, preeumedly with the intention of compelli Athentilon And Admiretdon. He spoke wit A melenohoi YAnkee (mung, And expreued the moat Ielt contempt for everything tint wu not United States. Hie avowed mission we: to ve the way for, this month, 0! Sell: roe circue,And heohimed to hsvemthority toen- ter into contracts for feeding. hauling And otherwise cnrin for the emplo eeeof the chow, and in u on. to. mike A1 neoeuey Arrangement: (or its exhibition here. e cultivated the acquaintance of eevenl Iner- chnnte And bueinene men And After impres- :.... ...... Ah-nnalvilrith his own imnortenoe Dai I1 would borrow or nubempu no narrow "a or an "an .\" from the auooeuful contractors, as he "was short of chnnge." With some his request. suooeedod; others refused it. M. l...'..l. mnminmd nn hin mnnue of en- refused it. Mr. Lei 11 continued on his course of en- joyment. or he put. in a good time in his intervals of rest from business, until Sun- day evening. At. About ll:30 o'clock that ni ht. he sent for a cab, and lie ing the clerk at the hotel to send all letters, etc., addreeeed to him to in certain house near the fair grounds. us, he said, he was going there to visit. he drove off. And he has not been seen Iinoe. It. has leeked out however that he succeeded in borrow- ing :25 from those whom he favored with contracts. l w......:.-u ulinwn hhgf. Sill: Bros` show is ' Enquiry shown that Sills Bros` now in Colorado, and could not possibly reach Kingston in time to show here this month. And so far as :- |....u.m Mr lnioh had no other here this month. And in as is known Mr. Leigh had no other authority than hio own to make the contracts spoken of above. Some of those who wem Iuoky enou h to get. them are now winhin they h had nothin to do wan. Lhn inl v lime mm with tho '5 nkoe winhin they hm nan noumn no no with the jol { little man drawl. and t. m contempt for Cunadn and Canadians. n :. ...;,I I... mnl. hi. war In the outer ohuite and bulmell Inn nnu uwr impun- ing them ntrongl with his own importnnoe and spirit of fellowlhip. privetely in- formed each that uen elpeoinl mark of his favor he would give him e paying eon- trnct. He leased the fair grounds for nev- eml days: made arrangements with It hotel muntolodge end board several corps of advertisers and bill poetere who were to visit the city at intervals of two week: to advertise the coming of the greatest show on earth; en- tered into contreotl with e beker to sup- ply bread for the performers, actors, eto., with e Iiveryman for horse feed; with n hill-poster, and with men in various other departments of trade. All of whom huged themselves in anticipation of the pro to they were to mnke. Inoidenttll Mr. Leiyh would borrow attempt to rrow "n nr an An `" from the auooeuful Canadians. II: is said he took his way to the outer H T.R.. depot, onsunday night, and bjzenoe Look train for Toronto. A very successful meeting of horsemen was held at. Napaneo last. evening that wu attended by representatives from the dif- ferent. towns in the district. Among thoae greseut. wens: W. Molfatb. Piucon; James uawart, Douoronto: G. M. Tisdale. Gol- borne; J. S. Henderson. 8. Hnrknou, G. Mcuowan and Dr. Bell, Kingston. And others. A hmujnn `ml nunnina nirnuif. was Klnguon loot WILI be Fold on July I `uh Ind um. I .`.- ._ .3 1......-.._... ONE MEEIE NIGHT, THURSDAY. JUNE 4 OMIBPS. A trotting and running oi formed. and dates were xed m Napanee. Jul lab and `2nd; (1 Jul sch an tlth; Kingston, ant Nth; Piotou, July `Zlat. I l"mnInn. Jnlv. Qth. 29%|) I circuit was an follows 2 Uennnoquo, July 18th and 22nd; Trenton. July, Qth, and 30th: Colborne, August 3rd and 4th: Deseronto. September 7th and 8th. As Cobourg. Port Hope and Brighton had no represen- tatives present, but wired their agreement to the decisions of the meeting, no dntea were arranged for their meets. `Emma To Unite. A meeting was held yesterday after- noon at the public school board rooms be- tween representatives of the colleginto in- stitute and public Iohool boards in regard to nmalgzmnation under the new not passed by the legislature at its recent session. Those praent were: Messrs. John Mc- Intyre, Prof. llyde and (1. Y. Chown. of the coll iate institute; R. Meek, A. Horn. and -I. lnllowny. of the ublic school board. The subject of emu gmnation was candidly discussed in its bearings u n the taxation ol the city. the economy t at mightbeaecured, the better feeling be- tween both bonrds. friction being an im- possi'bilit , and the fact of a oompleln syslenio education [for the children. It was umuiimously recommended that emul- onmntinn bake nlnce at the beqinniniz of unanimously recommended mu. amu- gnmntion take place bfinning next. year. The result. of the oliborution will be, of course. hid before both boards. mnde her debut In an operatic uruaun many European on itele. with unanimous acolnim. and took e euy lead of Ameri- can debutnntea. in gnnd open, in Phila- delphin and Wuhingwn, in which oitiee. until the o nin of Mr. Scan : present tour, she ed t us in only sung. The great. dailies 0! those cities entliueiutionlly recorded her instant and electric triumph. MIII KIIIIIO 'I'l'II`I]- It. is with as necinl pride that Mr. Sousa introduces to tIhe American public proba- bly the finest. and moan thomughly equip- nad Amarinnn aournno of recent. veuro. my the nnect. and most unorougnly equip- ped American soprano years. `o a handsome and regal presence, Miss Tracey adds 8 magnicent voice. trained to every requirement of verse] art. and she is in truth I reigning queen, both upon the operetic and concert stage. She has but recently returned to America After seven years of atudy with the greatest Inntnera: mede her debut operatic urtiet in mum Eumnmn mnimle. The new Manhattan nuuonc cum, on New York city, today fyled with tho loo- Iouryofauu a certificate 0! change of name. on and after July lit. to the Knick- erbocker Athletic club. mm.-. a.....a... :. n......v.n-nu. Ilntlmdinl. orbockor Athletic club. Flower Sunday in Queen Itroot. Methodist church ha been xed for June Slut, md the oohool pic-nio on July 7th. :0 Clunnol Grove. Tho Monlnbhn athletic club,ol .1... v...|. .n... o.._A.- Qvln .m. an unc- Jaunt y Sailor Hats About Livingatorfa position as the leading L Clothier and Furnish- er in the city. I\o doubt about the char- acter of the goods. No doubt about the la e yolume of trade. 0 doubt about the enor- moub ` variety. No~ oubt about the low `~ W9? ` W ARRANGEDA cm-cuIT.* 'N0 DOUBT `III!!! o Trnooy. ..:.l.. n.-o `i-7n`i?:':E"E17vo~a::1~T7.r"eT . . n Lighten mudorlh vrlndl. line. 11 llu higher tonpcnhm. ' An Extremely _ Interesting `Bit of? News for Sharp Shoppers. Most of you know that the end of the season is four weeks xiway. T9 moan: mnrn in In: than tn I3!) Iul Invnsua A new lot. Lovely wreaths for trimming children's hats Igc. Ar- ticial Flowers, Birds, etc., IOC. and 15c. Parasols I Darasols ! -,1 n_......I.... nn`...:nn nl 0! Inc season I: IUUI wccna away. It means more to us than to you, particularly now In view of. the fact that we will have to move our whole stock to our Hemndelled 3 Sllll About that time, on can there- fore depend on it t at everything in our stock of Dry Goods is sold at Genuine Reduced Prices dur- Y)l?llf\\7AI CAI IT `I \ ClIUIllC |\Cll|-IDCU I I Ihv \ ing our REMOVAL SALE. Inspection invited. IPerIorated Texle. admits perfect ventilation and is waterproofcd to resist moisture and rains. All colors, 25c per yd. W. )1. uulsnmuu, Fmmnu. Dunomn nu) Eunu.ln-In Pul- oou street, blool above old stand. _.._?-_._.j_.?.._.. .1.-ms. xusw, Tn: Lsurmo UNnnnnx1:n--abnth Prlnonu It:-uh. Telephone 147A. Open Dny ud Night. -j HENRY BHAIE. LIADIIO Uxmnnxn um V` ...u.InI--ul Prlnoon st!-out. Corner Bydez mm Ibroot. Tok- phono communication. III III.)- IR!-2l.A.\'D-In Momreal, on June lat. Thnn. Ireland, engraver, in the 78th year of his IIUB ON SATURDAY AF'l`EllNO0N.ON JOHN- utnn or William atrootu. hetwoon Brook and City Park A Pair of En Ginsu. indu- vill he nuituialy rewnrdad hy return In to this oice. Pal aaula I ruuuou... . Our special Saturday offering of these goods was so successful we repeat to-day and all week. Lace Tximmed Parasols 85. Frill Trimmed $1. Children's Pam- sols 20c and up. The best large Sun Shade for $1 we ever sold. Paragon frame. fancy handle and fast black cover for $1. ans MORNING: on Pnmcnss on KING ntroou. 5 Pair of Gold Rimmed Er (Ilmouen. with olmin aunnhad. Ihldgr 311 1 Er (llmouen. Finder V ll be rewnruleul on having at In. B. W. Fm.- m:n`n. Kin: utroet. GENTH FOR CITY AND ()0UN1`BY.0N sultry or nouuuinlon. to nollowing It- claims. Apply to J. Lllshloy. spat. H3 Prin- oountroot -'-_- 7 . Al.E!-XMEN WANTED IN EVERY D!!!- L triuh; new nemum; samples free; salary nr nnmlnhhlinn with exnensn.-u from sun. ROOMS `J0 LET` WITH ALI. MOI prove-manta. with board. It! street-. Prion ngpdornsto. TEETTEAI YACHT Ll'I.U. hyd feet. beam: speed 10 I Apply to .l. Annunsun B_noa.. I --v. V HOIGE BUILDING L 1 lane in rolrlnow dnln).I Pu-nonsgo. William hunt. I Prim-ens and Allrewl attach. I)ulN|iI.I.\'. J3. mm: AND nxvlfumu am 1-nmoms ntroot. next Io Laird`: Pdnt Shop. Apply to 8'nm:v & Stucv. ._?__._______. WU Blllnhl .. .-. `A. ---_-.--:-:-- HE PREMISES ON UIIN WWI. known an Inliwonh oundry. A yto J. B. llolvn. so Clunuoo stud. I Found 123 Princess 31., [mu Side .._.?.__.__:?____.-... A KIOBTAIILI DWIIJJNG HOUIR U I-rMlold.wlIh nloe `(rounds sud cu- nlon, unluhlo for summer Iuhlonoo OI {curly haunt. Apply to~'A. Rnncnu. Ptnuu ntnot. VAd1.glLI;l'I_`.l 330? nu)`:-all` . OI IIOCI I|l'%\. I plill 00- 0 D Ohfwn. 1luboo.I;ootovoI`lI: ISICW BID 0! OVOPCWII XII. plate J. P.(in.nIu|.nvI.0lnonoo mus. - --- ----- --- ------ nu .nunu-nu ---j--?.:_--:'--.-:--- BRICK HOUSE N0. N QUIIN I"BII'l' now oconpld b In. Donochu. Potlu- nlon he lay. Apply, to J. B. - --v-V -- FURNISHED. THE HOUSE 0(X)lTPIl:`. BY Prof. Horn; I bath IOOIII. not A cold water on ouch n. Apply no Johnston nun. Kinnton. each Iv v.;.u.:----_-....___._--,. ., yq , ?'T laA.BBI3'l0BION3NII OLABIIOI d0ntsrl nch tulnlniwhso all u|d.:nohll o roon:'.I:-nun. bulwlll wmbonn usvluu not an J"`?.u'..':; 1...'}.`.`: .;."`?n .;.`1"...'1..`.' .;'.".`.`I. on an: . ooubmuou olootdu `mm sud _. L..A.J IL-an-haunt, Inn ll`.- Evcrythlng new and up to date. A Grand Company ol Sinners. Dancers and Jolly Entertalners. digested by the men anuclu. CHILDREN TAKE IT RIADILV. N sA'rvR-ITA'v jrqol R ______._._____.___ 00349 10 LET, wrrn noun, ass qua an-oat. . OONH IODEEN II- nrnvomcntn. It I'M Barrio WEATHER pnouan. ----A----u _ rAuxLYwXs"H`m'n. .u-1'>1.v'1o"uns. K Samoa, a widow. 277 Earl street. ESMEN luh; mmiasinn ex uses Bans. 00.. Ilontrea . Que. L }9`c for Wreaths I ......I.. In __..._:__?____.:_ VALULBLI 330! AND PIIII1. Ind ll Prlnoou at pnuont oo_- For Sale by all Dnuglstl. .-___:_::_- "w. u. 51Ts:TNX._ -Nana Ann I`unAI|n TO as LET. HENRY BRAKE. unpmuuuwu Lin `. FOR SALE. WANTED. BOARD. _L_ds'r. WHITE cR00I<.| W. Iunuul. '. In -101; shoot. Buckskin In K til. WITH ). next Mothodlnt `. and lot not-nu Apply to JOIN V, 33 FEET IDNG D miles In hour. . )6 Brock shoot. It`: ready to put right on and wear. You use now We made and trimmed and no and tool how it iits,and the prices no loss than but you pay the tailor for having the placenta oi having one bum to order. This store is run in the incoroat oi cub buyers. Our prices are away down. OAK I;I5_L_.L Good Clothing. A 0ihntunnm.opmnome Block IIIIIIIIII Onlontllo Dun uuulll when 1-`... `nlauluulnuoot. hon vac olhhocu unn.hovton.0n0. Torin PHILIP sousn. Conductor MARTIN'S OPERA HOUSE WEDNESDAY EVB.. JUNE 3 SOU SA S Ilsa Ilnnle Tracy. Soprano, ML-Is Martha .ln| \'inlinlI.. Mr. Arthur Pryor. 'l`rumlmnv. ED. F`. RU.*|ll`H Mammoth Hp.-nmnnlur >-I-C-I-C~!-CC-I-C+Q'l-C ._.._..-w--uuunnu V`I'T1t-7 V. . Amer Cullfl - COIIUII I"I'ION. -7 - v_w`V-;Ji*T.R(ga]`] } hhnrotarlou. J. IoD.`IOWA`l'. Campaign Soorabny. IILIPHONE 860. ';nIul\.l\`a ' 1': \ FOR I0c. 1" ` cvwun mu: ll nun woIu.n. n nlll ..o..m luv 0:: EUUEHE Till Wulunn. H. wll| stop my Cough an! only nuts 10 1-entnn lmttlu. Clnllcll-on Illa It. Take nothing else and mu nro nfo. MHARQY -3 Priros-.~1 ou.1.'x~. and boo. Sent now on sale. Isle. Sold In all wide awake nlrnghtn. mch an . 0. Mitchell nml H. . Mn- lnmd. Alum our Wholoamle Agent. .1. u. unl.l:0l). (my Drug Store. Also wlmumuo Axum. J. I}. In-LEOD. Clty Drug >-Q-C-O-C+C-I-C+-I-: STOP TIlAT M6 MARKET SQUARE. BAND FIFTY MUSICIANS If you ride a "WARWICK" you ride the best. Perfection is the motto of the makers. Best enters into everything about` it- best devices, best materials, best workmanship. and best workmen that money and brains can secure, hence the perfection Warwick." 2.. Olin Nam I-l\!K7iP!'lE CUShiOn EWITII gpugh cure 0R|EN'S Kingston Oounull Dooldod to llghftho [bu to the last Dllch-'l`lu Inn and Ald.lloI- nolly oppou not Marlow-Appreciation For that lnyor and Au. Drnnn. The city oounoil hold In regular fort- nightly moebing int ovoning. an or Elliott in the chair, and proton, Ado. Allen, Behnn, Canon, Curtis, Donnolly. Horton, Livingston. Mnrtin, Minna, Nowlanda, Richardson, Wnlkom, Stewnb, Ryan, Skinner, Stningo, Tait. nmmnninnhionl worn received and dia- MISS DRENNAN MUST FAQ! A SUPREME OOURT TRIAL. iwlll. APPEAL THE ACTION. posed of no follow : From ciby clerk Blevins. Toronto, nlxlng oo-operation of councll in securing redun- blon 0! rate of postage on drop or city lot- bera. Referred to nance oommlutoe. n-.m.. 1` f!|-nlm ulxlmr I-abate on billiard St:-tinge, Tait. Oommunloeuonu poeed of follows From cibv Built on Honqgfj vo.\mI'r'ru-.-I unruwrn. The nance committee recommended gnyment of the following accounts: J. owards, coal and wood. $46.82: W. Robinson. atone. (L06: 5. (lrimshaw. walks, $60; J. McKcgney. carting. $88.29; Ontario Sewer Pipe Co.. pipe. 8530.55; J. Skinner, sundries. 8l8.85: . Corbett. an plies. $141.2-I: labor pay list to May 271 , 31.381197; H. Wade, soap. IL20; A. 8. Oliver, M.D., medical examination of J. Palladeau, :35; Dr. helan. medical exami- nation, 85; H. H. Roche, stamps. 80; J. Doroth , ourbing atone. 330: J. Harrigan, horse-snoein ,$8 L6; MeKelvey & Birch, repairing c emioal engine, 85.12: J. Lnturney. repairing Waggon. $6.75: estate of P. MCallum, hay, $9.90; steam laun- dry. $3.-0: Carson Bi-os., horse feed, Oll - 25: E. B. Loucks, hardware, 8l0.0.'l; broken stone. as per oouncil s order. 8957.- `2U;parlrs pay mil to 27th May. $38.05; D. Campbell, cab hire. $l.ll0; A. Reeve, romrwing nni-mnr-op R0-J I-Fnmlm-Ann hf? supplies, H080. e followin water works accounte were recommen ed for payment: Dalton &Strange, waste. 82; G. T. R... freight, $`2.2.'i; Bushnell Engine L`o.. engine oil, $13.50; J. Henderson & Co.. stationery. 311.76: 1 . Fallen. stone. 3-M: E. McFad- den, carting, $6.32: customs duty on tap- ping machine. 8l7.l0; E. J. B. Pense. printing and advertising, 828.85; D. l*`. Armstrong. auditor : fee. 875: R. Hen- dry, jr., auditor's fee, 875: J. Corbett, cement and hardware, 8525.33; Rane , Reid & Helb . repairs, etc.. 823.91; T. Thompson, eefor-inspecting boiler, -$10; lnbor pay list to 27th Ma . $257.39. The report was adop without amend- ment. Alal. Carson resented report of board 0! works an statement of engineer Bolger re sewer on 0`Kill street. The re- port haa already been published. The engineer's statement appears in another column. am n......aIIu mmlainad that he was Referred to oommmoe. From '1`. Grebe asking rebate on Iioenee. Referred to nence committee. wmm Mn smndnn tn mun. Referred to court at revision. City oommluionar Gordon called stun- tlon of council bo the nooeuioy for passing 8 b -law govornln the orooclon of guard: or onooo around ulovordu on the public am-eon. Rotor:-od to board ol won-kl. Ram-nun-I ardnn nl lhl board 0! hit"-II Rom-rod board or worn. Bocnhizhordon ol the wrotofor 0 batty nunod ulinfthnbn by-luv be panned hung the emotion of dry earth olooou. O. olr connbruoeionmnd fixing a tune for the cleansing of the same. Referred to city rope:-by committee. From W. G. rang re taxes. Referred m nnnm nnmmitu-e. to board of works. Ald. SLrainge-From P. Halfner. protub- iug against action of oib in removing snow from walk opposite hll lot and ohargin him for the same. Referred to the hon Al manl- Referred oommmee. From Mrs. Saunders re mxee. at revision. it-.r nnmmluinnnr Gm-don mllod to finance committee. From I`. Onler asking that charge of n city maven or lor cleanin pit: {or two blind man, iving in Chub am street. be paid by council. Referred be nance com- mitabeo. 1892-93. Referred to court or revision. Ald. R.iohnrdson---From (3. Gilbert. and others for Mphalt walk as a. local improve- ment. on Barrio atroet; bouvoen Union and Clergy ab:-coca. Referred to city commis- sioner and board of works. n.i`mm R. (Iowan and and board of works. Ald. Newlande-From R. Uowan others waking for opening up of Barrio street. Referred boboard of works. Ald. Richardson--Fr:)m W. Mundell and others for a walk on Arch street, be- tween Union and Deacon streets. Referred board of works. Ahl m...imn._Ii`mm P. Haher. nroteaL- mm W. u. Lralg finance committee. ll`-am ll` nlnr naki nence me penecuon vv KtlVVIl..l- See the New Hygiene Cushion Frame. J. CUNNINGIIAIWS. Klnn strggt_.__ mm tor an of words. mmwe. l'E1'I'l`l0N.`i PBISIINTED. Ald. Skinner-From J. Mudio re taxes Relenred to court of revision. Am`mm (3. Aid. lionnelly explained that in accord with the report. with the ex- ceplionoi tho rocommondntion to mrr tho llrennan cue to in higher court. I the city hoped to win on a technicality on|y---onthe ground of insuiciont notice -he would not wish to see the one car- ried further. LIA ..i.I if nu. nitv had no Aid. Richardson snid if the city other grounds for hopin to win than tooli- nienl ground there wonl be no justice in going on with it. But. when the one we: tried here the oil. 'u solicitors reeted on n technicality. an hoped he win on that round. Otherwise they could have rought. other evidence that would hive won the action. .n.i n.i.... -nuld not. unmnori. I motion the action. Ald. Bohnn would not on port: to continue the once on 1 too mimlity. But. the wording of the chic! justice : report left. good round in his (Md. Behnni) mind for 0 ing to win. Chief justice Meredith but hold thnt them was no neglect. on the oiI.y`s port. Ald. Wnllxem pointed out that ho, nu one offers to Miss I)rennen to eeule me case. but. she had rejecuud them. The amount. awarded her would. if put, out at six per cent... yield her e pension of $90 I year [or life. Severe! citizens. in the wit.- neee box. had shown e etrong animus egeinet the city. but chief 'ueu'oe Meredith neemetl to hwor the citf. he speaker had the strongest hope o winning the cue HOV. The mayor begged lenwe ho expreee hie eh-any nunoeiuon to continuing the cane. the city's pointed counsel for the city, had made advnntngm Miss Drenunn to aenlotho ..-.- r...o. -kn Ind rninchad L"d:ImIuJ.m W-Hcionm ud optldu KINGSTON, Ba, more than anyono obs, had givon both timo sud labor to mute u doxnombntion I moons. He had devoood uhno waoh almost wholly to the work. and to him halougod in 0 medium,` the ondit for the Iuoooidu mm mo of the nndchking. Ho deiorvod Io. pooh! rooognltiolrfor his efforts. and. u spotter wu Ind so any. oiziuna worenlnndy :6 walk w th the abject o! mnklng him a suitable present. in tninn nl hhair nnmoaintion Of hil OEOIUS. ` mnklng him aumblo prolenv u token of their appreciation Pnngnphl Picked Up Along the Wlnrvu And lluwlnn. The slim. Mylo: and Rival. from Super- ior Ind Algamn; with wheat. for Kin hon, are in bho Wollnnd canal. The r. 8. K. Dunn, with timber from Toledo, is also on muto to this city. ' Th. lv`.dIm|-dnbunt starch company pur-_ mute to this city. The Edvvardobulg company pur- chuod the wheat, chat. formed the ca 0! the K. & M. F. Co : a Joseph Art. ur. sunk at Cardinal, from 0 British Ameri- can Insurance 00. The grain will have '00 be taken out before the barge can be Plll-Q ml... .e..-nnr Jnula Bain will runtwo rniIed.. The eheemer Jeanie Bain round tripe daily between Alexan in Bny and Cape Vincent. The report. b b there. will be no eteemer Obie season from Cape Vincent among the islands, was an error. an it. ha: been decided to piece this boat. Ilovononn oi tho PoupIc-W|ut Thoy Arc luylnj sud Doing. .|. March, late of George 0`ord`a shoe store, has gone to Syracuse, N.\'., in search of omloyment. I).-, .I, It`. mdonuld. son of J. A. Mac- pom-on or am ioymanu. Dr. J. F. n onuld. donnld, in: 10000 of weights and muaauree, locates at t.. Cloud, Minn. Charles Moore and Mrs. Moore. of Ot- tawa. Mrivod herelnc evening by their mheladya and will remain in the city or a brief viain. I W u.m...I. nl Nnnnnnn. in mouruimr bon county. 1 . J. Howland is in Toronto today as dologafn co the convention there of the Catholic order of Foresters, from St. M|ry a court. of this city. E. Bricelnnd nttnndn. representing S0. Joseph : court. Wolfe Island. D I-hmr. lam winn nlark at. the Ciw the islands, error. as it he: been hoe on the mule. end the will A run on Sun- dnye` in oonneouon with the Sunday excur- nlon brain to Cape Vincent. (famine dnwn Lake Erie last Tuesday To our regular flavors we have added I-`lorldn Fruit. Iced Tea and Queen sherbet. slo'n Vincent. Coming down night the steam barge Erin, which was in rt here early this seuon. was struck by ightning. Capt. Sullivan describes experience thus: It was not very rough night. but the tangle of reworks in the sky was In fact I never say anything ll s it before. The ery shafts seemed to go in all directions. A mrieot veil 0! close! meshed glaring tluid covered the blue face of heaven as I stood near the helme- man. It _was about ll o'clock on Tues- day night last on Lake Erie and I had two barges in tow. Well, whilel was pacing to and fro across the deck a big bolt seem- ed to lull from the mass of lightning over~ head and smashed right down on the miz- zen mast shattering it half way to thedeck. The bolt then burst and the molten metal ran in balls of live re about the deck and in their ortlur ain burst and vanished. I never saw the II o of it. I tried to ut my foot on one of the balls, fearing or my vessel and received a shock that I am not um. nunr " vuuuun Iluu yet. over." for brlol vista. I. W. Bproulo. of Nnpanoo. in mourning the death of his father, Henry Sproule. of Ottawa. Deceased was seventy-nine earn ougo and was a prominent farmer ofLarle- P. .1. Howlnnd today Wolfe Inland. P. Hunt, lube wine clerk at City hotel, shipped today In the same capacity on me uwuluer Sputum. Ilia plasuu has been taken b E. (`oylo. late of the Athle- MC house. rank Quinn. late porter at the city hotel. has also gone on the same steamer as bamzngemnn. and his place at the City hotel has been taken by A. Neil` Kin. eon. Mina Louise M. Duly in here to sing the soprnnn solo. in The May Queen," this evening. Miss Duly proooedn from here to her home in Napnnoe, where she will spend the uwnmer months. Miss Duly has resigned her sition as soprano soloist. in the choir of (Y Irish church cathedral. Mon- treal, and acce ted an appointment. in the St. James Met. Iodiat church, Montmal. UIU rupuuu ul uuv vvu-5- -.u.v.. . ........ the retirement of Rev.vE1r. Wimnrt. 01 Mcdoc, and to license four students. R. P. Byers, B.A.. of Hnnnnoqno: H. A. McMul~ len. B.A., of (`owo||; J. R. Fraser. M.A., of l`ict.on. N.S.. and E. C. Currie. at )reaont. nultionod at Porumouth. Rev. Ir. l"leming.of Hnrmwamith, is pret-iding. This afwfnoon Elder Woods presented the report. of the con regntiou of Mndoc church, and the pres ytery procoeded to discuss the matter. Hpeolll rronnytary I-nun.- a The special meeting of the Kingston pres-bytery is being held today to receive the report of the cong anion ardin Rev. r. Wis art. 0 \l.A~. nml on linnnun four students. A '0ycl|ng Ilhhlp. A cit nldermnn wears several bruises on his me this morning. the result. of three bountiful and athletic someraaulhe. performed after his suddenly leaving the saddle of his bicycle And reaching um gnund in front. 0! the wheel. while riding wn hill this side of the toll gate on the Collins Bay mind. A warty composed of T. McK. Robertson, V. A. \'anTiuuel. A. Strnrlmn. F. Shaw and Alcl. Redden wheeled to Collins Bay. last. evening. and enjoyed n plounnt. trip. On the return run Ald. Madden`: whoel broke from his control. threw him. with the result. tlmc the bruinee nloresnid were inflicted. A Guelph Pioneer uone. l`. (3. Kennedy has received notice of the death of hie lather. llunoen Kennedy. at his home, in Guelph, on Sntunlay morning laet. lleooaeed wan 'a Highland Scotch- man. we; sixty-eight years of ego. and had been n resident of this country einoe his boyhood. He wan a ui:"u(-reoimen ol the sturdy, honest. ehrewd thrift Scotch eettlera. who have left their moo inell'aoe- ably atamged on the hiel/ory of this pro` vince. ne daughter and six none. of when P. C. Kennedy in the youngest, aur- vlve him. Ivory llour. Ionll. Noon. light. We have remodelled and retted our ree- taurant throughout making it one of the neet in this city. Our lunch and refresh- ment room in spacious. light. airy and fully eqluipped and we are prepared to provide co d unehee in a manner that will be ap- preciated by the general public. Our utilities for supplying ice cream. lunch beeheta.'etc.. are of the beet We ree tr fully eolicit Frontenac fe. Onaned dav night. Telephone Death from Loel-Jaw. Mign Nottio. oldest dun Inter ol Snmuol H .31-ookvillo. died nnd: ni t. in St. Wnoontdo Pnlhoopiul, 0 Ion .juv. Aboutundnyougo the had the tumor- uumtornn I rut nail into her tooc. Nochingvuhhou to! it. :9. the time. nnd onshobch |lqy|howonH.oKin - ntonontho Empire State oxcunion. I iuhoughlohooanght cold which n gru- hd hhoblood-pohoni `II: III: gig; 'l'hnrInn-nnd wnsdjhhm n30 Crushed I-`rulta -- Pineapple. Apricot. Strawberry. and last and boat. I-`rult Melange ... 4