5c :1 Bar jithat ft "is CHEAP and (II III MOINWXI. {lsjor Leomrd, Toronto, has boonsp intod inspector ol_onvslry. Lisut.-Ool. snnsollhss been sppoinud lnopootord the eastern inhntry division comp:-id millhr district; 5, 8. 7, 8, 9 md I`: Liout..- I. Oust Istuo bu insgsotot onto western division inclndi .d|stt-his I. Bad. 4 And I0. This step hss ntshn by the msjor-gone:-sl commanding, mainly with s View to instituting snd maintaining A uni- formsundsrd or am . To is and the swuding o! marks 0 oicionoy will dovolvs upon tho inspectors. But it is expressly provided that (oh sppolsttnsut of those inspectors will in no dag!-so lousn thooxlsting responsibility oi the D.A.Gs. of the rssnsotiva districts. mo oxnung tuponuluuty ` I I-upootivo dhtricu. The Enlargement of tho (lllonpu 0.3.] will be Proeoodod With. 0'l'l'A\VA, Juno 5.--Phno have been pro. pured lor_C.he Unloupa cum] onlnrgomcnt ;t'r6: The work will cost About CI,- ziniutors no meeting in council to- dnaln Montreal. -{nu lgnn--A 'l|.._....a.. I.-- L__._ __ mnaeu. u me me uunmn process. Rev. C. . Ameron, 0! St. John : French Preeb torinn church. Montreal, has re- oeiv from the French Americen college, Springeld. Mum. the degree of doctor of divinity, conferred for nervioee rendered in the cause of religious education and on be- half of the French-speaking people of the United States. he llswniiqn government has refused rmission ho Volney F. Ashlord. of Port ope, Ont... to return to Honolulu. He appealed to the British government, And itis understood that he will be taken to the island in a British msn~of~w|r and landed. d in the Hsvsiisn protest. C..EP. Annron. St. John : Franc}: 1W$II'*- Tonono. Juno 8.--A hlgnnvunv vdnti jI1|&n.nnnnl.n_ A detachment. of Turkish troops. eight, '- tive in number. which had returned to t e recently besieged town of Vamoe for the purpose of removing war material. were attacked by the Cretan: and out to pieces. only two succeeding in making their ec- cane. v `W won or mono platoon may we bnmn troops. Tho imperial commissioners having been a pointed, the conference to discuss the ncic cable scheme will meet. dail at the nnlnnhxl nllinn in lnnrlnn until n An:-:l\n rnclnc come acnomo will meet. Gall at one oolonlal oioo in London until a ecinion has been reached. The sittings are to be privnta. A damnhlmml. of Tnrkinh trnnna Aiahf.v- covorou uy insurance. Arnn menu! are being made for the celobnt. on, on an elabornto scale. on July 15th, at. Fort. Ontnrio, Oaw and fort Niagara, of the centennial o the evacua- tion of those places by the British troops. imnerinl hnvimr been puousneu um: week. The atom and dwelling occupied by Robert. Paymer, cg and butter oxportex. Luann, Ont... wu eotroyed by re only this morning. Lou about 81,500; part-ly covered by insurance. Arrnnnramanul Am haimr mndn for him nnjuul Ito-$1 -it ZOO. In. R. V. Luau ol non`: m v. Chlrmh llllllioo wu muuruowu to and one muuer plumbers of (`Anndnto organize their tip- minion association. ._ The Behring Ian convention will I int A commission to decide in ta Individual Canadian clnima. The remit. of the work of the commission will nptbe published this week. The norm and dwnllinu omnnind lw '1.jno secretary at we wouorn Uunun Im- migration association at Winnipeg has re- beived a check for SL000 from the do- pnrtment at. Ottawa to further the objects of the Association. A It o|..\......o-.. nI......l.....' ....:.\.. :.. lm.-. Ice neween so unu av ween. Charles W ner, while working on I tumor at. Gi mour`s whnrf. Quebec, had - foot crushed by a heavy piece of square ::ber. The foal; may have tohe unpu- moed. - The University crew and the Annet- dam rowing club are the only foreign on- triee in the race for the gnnd olull cup in the Henley regatta, which will e place next month. The secretary of the western Canada im- miuntion association nl. Winnixno Inn re. Au t.no1nuI.or pIumnora' souuon m wove- land, Ohio. yesterday, the executive oom- mittoo was instructed to aid the master nlnvnhnrn AC I`.nnntIn in nrnnnunn ll.-in tin. rule 0! [J10 '1'|lI'll. Rev. W. G. Dean. of Edmonton. hu been elected president. of the Winni Methodist. conference, and Rev. '1`. Buohman socretsr . The SS. Conoon-trim, Donaldeon line from Glasgow. reported inwerd et Father Point. at 6:30 a. In. Clpt. Mitchell reports hoevy ioe between 48 and 49 week. (`Ln-In. In.-mg- -whilg -ynpluinn All . Prominent Hen A dosbrsaotivo wind] and hsivl storm wrecked many buildings and seriously in- 'urod several orsons north-out ol Ponder.` hob t. Int nig A national oommitue has been formed at Athens for the purpose of Assisting the Cubans. who are in rebellion against the rule of the Turks. n-.. w n n.... .: Ia.u............ 1... NOV. James vmwycx. xumuwn, has been elected resident of the 1-hmilton Methodist oon ounce. Rev. F. E. Nngont is secretary. . A destructive wind and [nil ntnrm mmoo. Iandon Methodist conference has elect- ed Rev. Goo. Jackson, Clnthnm. to the presidency, and Rov.Chu. 8mith.London. secretary. ` Frnnk Magownn. of New Jerae , and Mn. DRILL Ila.-mg. Inna M:-n Ihllh D:.l. Uvvu uuuu . J Mrs. Edith Bu-nos. nee Mina Edit Rid- den. of Toronto, were married in Chicngo on J une 2nd. D... In... V-nuznnh II.-nilomn I.-- Anglican We-cu : link: led). Iln I: V `Anna: ............ tn..- your. - ~ Bush Thompson will sail for Englsnd on June lth. His goal in Hanloy. and there he will again contest lot-the diamond sculla. The United Stabs sonata bu conrmed 0-1.. .......a....u.... .4 wins... m.......|.m ..c `rue umsea sums aenu-e nu oonnrmen the nomination of William Churchill. of New York, to be oonaul-general At Apia, I Snmoo. 07.51"! 00l'0ITal0lI,Illl0llIIDllI ID UQIILIKIL It is said that Signor Orilpl will under- goasurgical opcotion soon at Naples, 3: the oatnrachp in his oyu no spind- IIIE. ` A nun run: up nu-I. - m- mmw of `It. Vundu-hilt, in Cu! I4dIu-ohm. 3 widely knavn _8wod- Sah nstnnlilt, will visit tho wilds ol PAM- gonio this V ~- Mulmo Id, nohoo, who fell from-n hguao Wednesday, iod from the diocese! injuries roooivod. Gourd Rohlh, , the German tnvollor and oxplomr, did Wednesday st Godu- bora. in Munich Pnnlh. sir George Joluuton. H.D.. l'.R..B.. nhvnioinn oxtnordinnrv to him mean. died omunoo nuaunun. no u I unrmnn. Li-Hung-Chung took with him I km: 0! credit for oxpennu incurred as the cur : ooronabiomnmounbing to 400,000. I It. in acid that Blwnor Grhnl will nndnr. QNCW Lace Curtains from to $5.00 per pair. mr uoorge common. u.u.. l'.l(-.B.. ?hoL:inn oxtnordl to the queen. diqd n don on W y. Jounh Dunonh. 3 voumr mnnmnd nim- Tll JOBFI. VII IIHIWHUI In HID UFDCWI river while out ailing In 1 011100. Dr. Goor Eben, the novelist and Egaphol in . doniou that he iunboub to em rnoo nddhina. Ho iunhrhthn. LL}-'nna.(`.}mhnf1mE with him A hum- "IE. suicide of Henry E. phmpun. in Ctjlohestor, Conn., [nth third. auioidq h I single family in that town within VOII`. In. , . Bqhlo In to hnvo Budd. hamj oonooru ht'h.P.*'chC'HC cold tho ;.`?'.;`.f.".'.'2.. "" " an uonuon woanouny. Jonoph Duponb. a you mnnmlcd nim- hon yearn. wu drown in the Otuwn river while Inillmr 3 mnoo. rnnipur-mu tho anohmoonuu-cuuauquulroelnu lnnalInt.~_`A: lnnnn 1IIuQ'In- ch; wnamnn Tmmcs T0-DAY] HERE If llilll IHOIT ORDER FOR swung sump. ~ Pl MIG IISOOIIIIDIOII. AI: thonutor plumbers session in Clove- and. Ohio. vanmrdnv. the axnnntivn nnm- ` in -1 H0 ZIIG. Rev. James Vmwyck. lhmilton, bu man elected nrauidnnt of him I-hmillaon _ ` For New Goods go to` `New Fancy P-araaols, $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75. INSPECTORS APPOINTED. h.Brit.sin will Itnugthm hot novy.ntHnli- IJOIIIIM BIRCH. A has Pm-in up In. Ni- ron. uchtor `My. [not] I lubed 80.80:- N LsJ.I'36o'i. 5:" WW"! " F ` ' thO0IEOi:I:|'o' WW Ilcpy sum .1 ` Wu. Inlahouchero, ,,,,.,6,,_ hnbytho - 1...... inlywithn niganm kg, 1. o ionov ....u -v-v--------' -- --'~- -'- -I 3 min. _ Ladies Underveats, 5c, 8c, 10c, 12l;c, 15c. \ TIC V-Anntlnu (nk `haiku, nl IL: in Cllyfl WXIQI VII Inf)? $'.:'.'..?f":..'s."1.`F.:.r7...':.":';,"..;:...'f.:?" I than WHO WC` DOUIEU DI IO EGO pI'Il`O. _ _ ' ~~-v-~ M -' '* s:..":.`1 ...:.*.:-.*~:-.,...."*"..~::.* Ir. hbouchuo, sud q nplritod n 8: ...'.'.-..n 7"..'.;'.`.""`:."` -*- '~-.: , . . .. _. . an an uaonou ~ I-ha--uuu ..no:nnana.par'n.nuoenuduor Tho wieh tlnno gnln Iuhn homo to into It lmpodbb for any con- hm. Int night for Montnnl. a y to wound. Yum. me. D. J. Itr. Algerian from Toronto Op Mom M.`DON.VII.l. ~ N-cl touched at Swift`: Int tuning. - ' '_`-- Thur. Spartan Iron lloncnsl toTo- M""`M'-- nob. mild 30 Built : wind ycsurdoy. ' ThoK. El. l'.0o Illootol lnkohuga olund u Wnlhnd and 90-day. bound up light. The than huge PI-olonhim II-rind. light pa-on-hr (mun mrnnnf ruin Inn- aura. Intho house of common: wdny Mr. lqlaouchon movod that the home ndjourn in ordortoforoo tho govcrnmnnt. to ex- phlu thdr poliny in the Boudnn. The on- tjra nncmitjon. rith the execution of puiuuuupouayinuosouann. The tiro Mon, with the uooption then`: member: ol the Rose- by Illp nod |_ about nnnunnd. one green ngnu 0| uepn. Inn. :10. gyros: one of ower etaehng occurred Ceuruluioemetory yesterday. Lndiea who uh t. em on egnve were utonlehed shorty otter to nd they were stolen. other women having taken them along with other ower: in potl no mule I bou- quet. Bupednteldenc Nicol will make an :peedy exunple of my penone he con cep- |ll'I. at uetncu mum. Que, a mu rec ueer mede its appearance on the track between the two trains and was perceived by two nilwey employees. An exciting ohnIe1c|- lowed; the deer wee ce ht alive. It In cold to In American for 0. ` t. Bernier, overnor of the Quebec jnil. recently meking important changes on the ground: about the Wolfe Inonument,nnd the front of the jail. A number of humen bones, military button: boarin the number "74, etc., have been uneert ed. Theee are undoubtedly relics of the greet light 0! Sept. 13th. 1759. A.:rron one of ower ltaehnn V New Striped _Dimitiea, '12i,c yard. names. A few dnya ago an the train of the (hand Trunk rnilvn was crossing the down train at Mothou ilk. Que., line red dear muln in -nnnnrnnnn nn than trunk Intwnnn mommy. When Katie (irundt, wile of Conroy, the 0 onabnm. wife murderer. lint. name to chic city the wt: omplo ed as a domestic with Mrs. D. J. Our ct. She vs: I 0 Iondid nu-not md ll ne looking irl. ewu warned against. having nnyting todo with Conroy. but did not hood the advice. A 3...: A--. ..on .- 5].. brain nf 0|`. {J-gm-I day, doolunn a mu holiday on mommy, Bah inst. T e nfbernoon of June 6th is xed by by-lnw u I public holiday for the dpoormon of the vee of deparmd ones. But that dam in ing on Saturday this Kearhho holidny in being carried over until on V. upason I0 negoouto ; mswn. , It in hold that the more convenion of the Island 0! Mad ucar fromn French protectors! into I ranch colony puts an and to commercial and other enjo menu lptwoon Great Britain and the {Inited States And Mndngucnr. Both the other nations havo Do be heard from. \A-....- Flllnbt :n.uIA4` - nu-nnlgrnntinn IA, muons mvo no no neara lrom. M5 or Elliott iuuod I 5o.roclamnt.ion, to- 5' day, oolurin ahnlf holi Monday, Hch inst. T a Afternoon of June Wll nuwnea. Herbert Wallis, late mechanical super- inoendene 0! the Grind Trunk railway, will thin morning presented by I deputa- tion of loromotive engineers with a Hand- lqme illulninetaed address. i`he presenta- tion Wu made in Montreal by Daniel Cameron. . Secretary Kerr. 0! the Kingston neocl- tlon football club, in in communication with the Itoretery of the Nupeneo Scarlet- it.h,n view to locating a much with that an in Nnpenee next week. This is the attempt. the local club will make -this to negotinte match. .It.in hald thnt. the more taxes. last evening Fred, ai` little son of Mrs. Fonythe, Clengy street, fell on A ieee 0! glass in Aberdeen park and out h a knee no severely that the services 0! a physicinn were neoetnry todnw the wound together with ultohee. Ilnuhap W.lI:. Inf` mgnhnninni Innnr. munng out. but tax mun tor two. as soon A5 bio after hnving oornplotod thin war he will, he uyn. have wan-Ann taken out for than who are in armors with their lava- In oouoowr uoor e 'l'n0ll1|)l making out tho tax bnlla for 181 noniblo hnvimz oom eat and but an roroy walnrl. Liout.-Col. Isle, Q.M.(l.,wuin the city for A low hours this morning on his way to Brookvillo. Dari his _ any be paid an unollicial visit. to 1. .Royal military ml- 1 6?-rs. Juno: Gillespie. Albert. street. who recently received notice of the serious ill- ness of her niatnrin Cape Vinoonh. left. this Lftcrnoon for that place wait to on the pa- tient. . II.-ml.-9. t.l.ina-`rm nnl-th Fruit. Wnvnl-HA Wide Awake Soap ? not eat clothes. Mona. Kooleut. thing'on earth, Fruit. Fnvorite, latent drink, At Pore Walker : only. `EB-ronona Maodon (1 during but my in a city will be the guest. of John Moln- tyn, Q.C., Sydenlnm street. She come: In her private car over the K. h P. RR. this nltarnoon. Bonn : hnndeunod 821000 in eleven --nlu at nn Fnnnnlun Timnronniuntlnn Both hum Qrndl Uzi vol) III maven nook: at San It-nnchoo. orgnniutlon in controlled by I syndicatn and no not the {uncut marine band at Washington over which Sou: once prenided. A numborol clerk: have our ice cream cent to them at their stores; this is as proof of its quality. Percy Walker. Tn oolloomr George Thomnson in buuv i plated been nfnoa, and qno work must. no cum- n four montha. Struvborrleu, inaapwou. bsnnnn.ohoap- and but at my n|kqr'I. Liauh.-(`.01. Inle. 0.M.()..wuin oitv ' 1 Rev. A. III. uvoll ll Ion down tor noon- ltpd in the Hamilton Mothodllt con- fnnmn Iltonoo. ._ ,On Tuesday next 3 dintriot moetin of Mn Son: of Temperance will boho in `thin oihy. Conan and .n|nill| mnlotalnm in I width: `thin city. Oooon munilh mnttln pnd prloalut R. Mohul'a lngston cor- pot wu-ohouno. . The budget committee of the roiciutag. Berlin, to-da , adopted the bill to re- orgnilftho ourth battalion. n-.l-Iplllgn Inrhng IQ Rlnnn, Piston. .UIII- Bantam. Salmon running is no plonutvy at T3- donuc that large numbers are being km in the ahoriqu. Boy! have been killing with sticks. 4- I?! ll Ihu-n nnnlnnn nl ILA nu-Ah. .Kgv_. E. B, How . tor 0! we unw- _f nape Mot.hagiotl:I.uroh.'Toronho, ha hw Vlgd It McCarthy candidate in out on . The contract for the oonatruction of the new 'I`., H. & B. spur at Hamilton ha: been Ii nod, and the work must. be com- . pl_v_tod Q fou_r moptha. L, I, ,__,_ _|_,__ -- "Sir Oliver Mont Ipuh at u bile I` gsrdna-hon ' hole In aoNoI:pn6l'l'uy|or'l._ h m '0 . At Madagascar tho lunch refuse mount to {nudge prospectors. V ; FCI& I5 350 'uu-Iu.f- Ill vit|I.'u;und am at maa` at Iaolnino, Quo.. nus . ' J. . Denys, Oduu. would like to ur- nwon buobol|mAhuII`1vMh A city loan. `H, ank. lhmrnr. 001.. in ham: [or I V a baseball nuwnwun may mm. ... .11. Cook. Denver. 0ol.. in homo for Ihbrt nation. He in a brother of R. and L ank, F fwgii1`tl`:e"r'e ,; til kinda 'of'|Quj1 , Qgme {p and po'ar,- 7b{5era -`and poof, but we iv 111-at` yoiavill may if .I.. Upol. \ For chap nfrjruou And Agata won 39 to Nngont. I lor I. 1 Rev. A. E. Love! in not down for Rock- niIo'tho (at-t.-I'n"l:'nt.I.alnon). ` . nhklllcnl . True Blunt, Pinon (int... carried on bonnet` {ct one Iayga hmnnnn In mmnhnrlhin dnl-inn hha `van. Ont... cu-mu on me Donner lw mo Inggun in mun In momborlhip dnrin the `yen. y of honor com of genera ' A jury of honor co ponoa oxgonon wl bonppointod to Arron the diuput: wean marshal Mnrnoz Ounpoa and Han, Iinnuvx GENERAL I-_AitlianA9H%s. k vlinvawlauulovuonvdollnhtln - Innlloatofiluo. ._n cI1Ln._.._ -...I `ll `II:-._L -.. .0, gg to Nngont. I '1`: Ion. O.-ul in tho Hnmllftm Mnkhlliilh non. 0! its quality. re:-cy wanna. Tu oolloobor George Thompson buy making tax 1896. As SIG. FRIDAY. JUNE 5, 1896 Lwibh Iiioll. '. E. 8. (or 1 ch 0 w- `L... )Iht.h::iotey h.umh?'Tor:>nwf`hu | l! Dilly ....a nu '`":.w '9'" ' ,_,j I .- OI I|l0WlDg BBO OIIIBII OI IQOIIID. II I politloul war. under the lmplnuon of the Jean M. to undermine the freedom which our labor: purchased at to gun I nrim. ' freedom to Komnn Unmouo worship, on: of ullowing the ohumll 0! Bomb. ll 1 mlitlml novcr. undnr the lmnlnuon ever -nsnenn. emu in sugmncenoe. ism, that of sll, therefore. sn "E uel Righter. and the mun question, 1 think. st this juncture is not. whether I candi- date is coneervstiveprlibersl. but whether heia determined to uphold the in rity of free British institutions in Ge s s- gsinst the power which in oesselesely end dexterously working for their subver- sion. No one who knows me suspects ms of bigotry or intolennoe, or of desiring to set creed ngeinstonsd; but the (ueetion is not of tolerstin the Romsn tholio oreed.orof vingt I b Inessure 0! freedom to n Cetbo o worship, but nf allowing: the nlmmh a! name. as 1 opunon as naving mat tendency At the same time, while Canada would cease to have any charms for me if sold to the Americans (an issue which I do not seriously apprehend). I am rmly con- vinced that the great need for the present is to guard against the invasion of another alien power which regards no national boundnries in the promotion ol its ends. I can even understand how some men would reluctantly aoce t annexation if they thought it would bring them deliver- ance iron: the incubus that already presses .upon Quebec and is seekin its malign `p on all Canada. Jesu tism is not sad, nor is it asleep. It is still. as ever. the enemy of free institutions. whether in Canada orin the United States. Besides this conspiracy against the best interests of mankind, any other oonspiraoy" how- ever -hateful, sinks in signicance. lam. rst of all. therefore. an "I1`.mnl To the Editor of the Empire. Sir: Allow me space to state that I wan not on the platform in the Academy at Sir John Meodonaldh meeting, an Imported in your columns. I have no hesitation in referrin bhe tnde lic of Sir John nodona d to that of Enurier and Sir Richard Cartwright, seeing that the form- er nime at the pneeervation of the unity of the empire unwell uthe eecuring of freer commercial intercourse irith the United States, while the letter points more or less olenrly towards ebeorpiion in- to the United States, and in recognized by leading on nenu of American public opinion hfving thet tendency At. the same time. while (`Anudn would ' row (ITIGI ). If the ottar Appeura in to-mon-ow : Empire, 1 ahnll be glad if you will repro- duce it in your columns if you `think It of suloiont. consequence In regard: E nu! R` hiss. [fit does not appear! shnl be sci I more Lrlnd if Von" will inn:-C. in. an hav- 11. ms. 1: at noon not appear 1 Innu no more glad if on" will insert. it. an hav- ing been sent to I. 9 Empire. but not hav- ing appeared. Yours. etc.. I). J. MACDON- NEl.l.. To the Editor of E;:plro. Hire Allnw rnn Anna: to all J0H!.".EHP.EB9N.&00~ to-unymeeue ox DnOl!ll|pll`0 nnorua I pore- nph correcting I statement. about my vmg been on the platlorm at Sir John Mnodoneld e meeting in the academy. but the letter is not inserted. I have tale- phoued the editor this evening eboutib, ukin him to insert the letter bo-mor- row( ride ). fetter Ii`-uni... I -1... I... ..l...l It -n... ...:II .4... pronoun. 1'no wmor nu gone to um. ru- o` lhand, but much ofhin work still remains wit. ua: :uuAnA Iuvnnun nv nu Aliuu nnu--n CANADA INVADID BY AN To the Editor of the Hull: Rir - I nmnlnnn hnmwil.` To the Editor HA: Sir : I enclose herewith A oopy of A lot- ter Aent to the Eu: '19 two days Ago. In to-day : iuuo of t.ho%Inpiro thorqja manh oorrecbimr Aummonr. mv n rnnee OI vvuee nu won the blue no- bon of the turf. ln I788. the Prince ol Wales, who later we: (I IV., won the Derby with St. Thomas, favorite, and ul I coincidence, there wen eleven eurten then, and eleven bone: nu in the nee Wndnnuhn Letter: by luv. D. J. laodounou an Pur- llnqtlu Innnllnal IIUITF, '0. `l II"I"l` Ilnutly IOIDIIOG. The following nppurod in the Mnil about live an o. It is apropos `nu nt. present. { ho w:|8tnr hu cone to Jul . fu- lne xouovnng nppanrou nn me nun ago. present. writer gone t. in land. 01 his men, and one Wodneodny._ 88 & 90 Princess Stroet. VI -'l'EA|. CONSPIRACY. gt! 100.; Cy II nnsvoxuuuowoutnoou-nouolln. 'l'.J. Wul0II`.|Iru-Quuxctu-,Itl-nuts Iywnh Qnua tnovn. `Domino. and cnavunntnporhclaunnlln-nuns nlnntn-In-. - [Cutting Rcmarfl If you ride a WAiRWICK" you ride the best. Perfectionis the motto of the makets. Bent enters into everything about it- beet devices. best materials, heat workmanship, and best workmen that money end `brain: can secure. . tfecfion Wu-wick." ew Hygiene Cushion hence the ~ See the Frame. I Built $uH5}13r; . lhuvoyuntooouudthoiotvioooollyn-. 11. Hnlhlknnrmim njjm-an. 287 Shirt Waists, new styles, big sleeves, 69c, 75, 936`, $1.00, $1.20, $1.25. - W Black and White and Black Shirt Waiets, $1.25. White Cotton Hose for Children. White Ribbon and White Veiling. Ladies Cream and White Parasols, 50c, 75c, Ladies` Black Silk Umbrellas. 50c, 60c, 75c up; Belt Buckles, Belts, Belt Ribbons, Corsets. Ladies Capes. Belt Pins, New Lace Collars, Leather Belts, Chiffon Veiling. P. J, VVIXLSH, . Floor Oii Cloth, 25 per _._.I 00 T J. CWIINIIAI3. Ihg Strut. 00 4-n-To-uoaa-9 " ` ` +oo+o+oT34-`ob " 7o-T'_`_-to [Saturday Bargains TWEQDELL A_ _l_'ailoring CA0`. nu-w l\l\l'\ -n-an pun-I-11 Inn-n-n There is full value in every ounce of the MAjESTIC Bicycle, and the makers are so sure of this fact that they guarantee it. . You will probably appreciate that they could not afford to make this statement if they could not back it up. . [MAJESTIC 178 Children's Parasols. 20c, 25c, 3Jc to 600. $75 5-1 -31: IH$llVVlI I 86 Princess stroot. 160 Princess Street. iXJ.`ELEH's ONE DOOR BELOW CITY HOTEL. E| BICYCLES This is the amount" y`...y have left to spend on something else. AFamll y if he-Ilka in ma IE:-`n.'A lnhnhnxn LA-h-no and Anni}:-I su1H|~:RLANyjs.%:v Up to mushy '>j` That's what you will nd in our Shoegenungh. space to make-themeerer, fell comfortable and-just, snug enough t ,_GmilI'E'~_ ~ wrinkles and 0Il|`.. Shoes are capable of o.I4_~;_ ing I deal. but no, matter ow hard the strain); they die of old age. vylIile;' their brow (ngetqplaog, of; couree,) unity; ` _w__, h,{ therefore peace __ "q_)n'-Hf tentmeut reignetli; n` uminent Enve quick)? recognized its `Imootn-runn nu qualities. fured Women Are enthusiastic In Its prune. It enhances the gnootumou o! tbolr own attitude. aert Cyclists Ufa UIIIKU IIOII I I'IIOOo Wn4noon..0nt.. Juno 5.-Tho Onhrio medionlnuoointion niobod it; work you- terday. that electing oloorn for the on- suing an follows: President. Dr. J. Covon , Windsor; nt vice-president. 1-`. R. Eel , London: Iocond vice-president, C. K. Clarke. Kin ; third vioo-ptosi- dent. H. R. Mao ,'l`ot-onto; fourth vice- pruidont, J.`)P. Armour. Sb. Cnthu-inen: gononl uocnhry, J. N. E. Brown, To- mnto;udnunt aocrohry. E. P. Btaord, London; hunter, 0. H. Cuvoth, To- ronto. Thounocintion will hold the next. annual medium in Toronto on the tint. WHIIXIAI A Thnudlnw in Jun- IIMY1 nlcnuno Ilovnnnu-I. Aunt. |Iohh_ut.n Induce nag nnwq ; .$75 3o-r"i3`;3?i7 one knowloduo 01 wheel: 1'1 in riding sh n?m .:to.nt cum 0 moo a " Goods] the SPECIAL" the most tory mount on the will will no! no llltftod. bonnox. Juno 5.-A dupotcl: from Nnnkin to the Globe up am the report. that n Gerlnnn omcer nnmodxmuaawu 'TAY.'.0 R351 hillodnfovdnyo Ago b bod- gunrd 0! tabs vlooroyol Nnyndn in if oornot. Thooloorwumltrueod bytho Chino-o, howovor and :81 the nrrivul of the Gd-nnnv In; huh urn nn- -0 K{.....,'" 8...... '""`u.?:'."""ii'.1"r.%'3.T'L': the Gcmunwuih felt no new no Nlnkln. the vioomv nmlnwluul for nu. nnnuu new In Town! the fin Wednesday: Thundnyin Juno, I897. nnaweex ma clue services. The re rt of the committee on confer- ence relnhon was adopted. It recommend- ed the eu nnnuetion of Reva. R. W. Monk, 8. . Depew. George Brown. R. Hazard and George Dnnkle . Rev. J. S. Clo.rke.t.hou better in hub, is still on- nble to do all ministerial work and was therefore auperennuneed for mother year. mu we wegea or tne nletnotmt church, wu` blonght before the committee. and the preeident wu instructed to see to him. During the afternoon the conference was somewhat stunned by the reception of the Rev. Mr. Mellett e reei nation. He he been e feithful pilhr of e church for the put twenty-four years. And it wee with the greatest regret his reuignstion in: ac- cepted. The reeeon he gave for retiring was that he was not in harmony with some of the present method: of the Methodist church. for inetence the holding of enter- tainments, Iocinla, reedinge, end the so- cietiee of the younger membere. which. he Mild. le-ened meetlv the etfnndnnm at. clause or one members. which, he said, le-onedolutly the attendance Lt. midweek and eeeerviees. Th` nnnnv. an! IRA tenlvnr-GOO`; out: ......I... Ir. Hallo nouns. Tux-roN,Jnno 5.--At. the Bay 0! Quinta oonhunoo I young mm who had send in- judicionuly, And seemed to glory in it. and who wu aid to luvs rnaduhhomonta Mm. roooud on the experiences of ministers land the wogea of the Methodist church, In: bmnnrht hafom the oommlttnn. and or me omlann Inpoa Into the water. Bouu arrived {mm shore and every one wu rescued. Within I minute after the last person was taken of! the warmer ox- od. Sugar nude 8 full confusion. o In not thought to be insane. uugor um nouna mmwnon ropes. An lnvutlgstion ihowod chum the villain had so xod the engine that an explosion was imminent. Bouts were immadinhlv Iovmrad And tho mumm- oxpwuon Immmenn. none immodinholyoworod and the scream- lnl ohildnn hurrini into hham. Mnnv Cultured ImmomAwIy'Ioworoa and one lng ohildnn hurried into them. Many of Mn ohlldnn Iupod into the water. nrrivod fmm sham and avarv one noel. Teaches-a and child:-on,.ho aid. say your Inc ptI`yon, u I intend to blow up thonteoln . He would do it, he doctr- od. uomvon himnollon cho bone : mu- tor. A frig ttnl panic prevailed. and -u...L.... lb. LL- ....._ AL... oL-......l.... .... cu. wt-won nunnou on me noun mu- mombon of the on ohrow themselves on HfAanl- and hnnn inn 9.}: n-Anna momnon on one on nnrow nnomaor Sugar and bound im oh invutlntion ihowod ah. A-II 'I'IO- FIG UIKIIUI liXPIOIIOlI-l-.III Behool children Saved. Bnux. June 5.--'l'bere wee n terrible penic yeeterdey on an ercnreion steamer on Gremmener lake. There were 260 pnpile of the public eehoole on board the steamer. When the oentre ol the lake had been reached the engineer of the them- goel, e man named Sanger, appeared on ee . ..._..-_. ` ouooooa `lo no noun-g. Loxnos, Juno 6.--'l'ho Morning Post publinbel Adolpshoh from Mud:-id saying that Senor do Lame, tho Spunhh minister, has protoltod to the American govern- ment against the parading oi the Cuban ag in I procession in New York on May Slut. All `the: the Banner l:xplodoI-lluny n..p.....| nun... n....| GUI'lOw'IfI0l5lIOWUI'l,I0l|I IIIIO would to Spain : for-col at. home. or It-my of operation: in Cuba and her military ro- :'.:Ti`.;`.....""....`: `"...``````'.,..........'` ' "` ';',.":"' In ox to a - tarinrqnrdtotbouny of opontiomh: Cuba, and it may In Hut when the publi- cation is received nnd oohdderod in Mad- -hl I-In n-nl-In gum.-nungnl-, vnnu hu not oxpouluon. ww You, J uno 5.--'l'ho IE0:-nlll.'n ington oonupondont. says: nun o - bonto public nddnul just. iuuod by the war dopctmont regarding the military stun h dlJIoporwano!thoworld,Aohc in o- Igld to _8pt.iI_1'I nt_ h_omo. nuul. According to tho hlioation. Spain has now in Cuba I18, non. of whom 20.000 Idbdhomsgnin on Fob. 12th. 1890, :nd_ computed ninth ox ition. The drink unadmon. oondltingogf 6.317 mm. In 1_otm:od'on what 10 oonaidoud voll- ablo nu by that Ool. Bermudas hu omuodtho l`roolnwinhAhrehodyoHn- surgeon, having not with nonrooly my ro- Iinhnoo hon Spanish troops. It In rnmond that the am`. IA.|ll'Idl sunk mlunoo non upuunn troops. It in rnmond that the nu`. Ian:-Ida unit a coat guud hunch M. the time of landing hot expedition. Nlw You. Juno 5.--'l'ha Build : IIIIBII Xlllluuuuu-u up; anu- hakltftloltllhhlaitlolu tucked In city. Thowvnsn noldlou vonqnuwlll I earn oian vol-oordlil to dlnnon and hayonotudnndldt In th_onoad. Ncu lllnu Do I :-linen u put?` at ten man and ban were hdld an by Bmnlnh nrllnll Uh trllnonl puny or non Inn and boys were :1 by Spanish noldicn, nnddtor lad A jootod to II nmtanlinzlinnlhim cg :'nn ntrunn u.n. soiul-cu ~ouuuunIu-Iun'puonI'-Ir-toth- slut-ulna-nl-unonuua In As- ._:.. -1 an. 1..-uh I.-n... `fa: amnion ronoss ARI name . gaunt. wonx. @011 are wearing _white gclothin made up with fine * -embroi ery, insertions and T ` up you should be very %cular about -the soap "3. your clothes are `washed V lgwith. n to one mom um. the nunod Kmuso was I M (`III Ann `II '3 Iuul-. need me mnu: expoumon. '1'ne III expedition, eondeting 016,317 men, d in December Int. WIII Not IO Illtod. M. 1..-- x A 4---. A - I A MINUTE TO SPARE. si.T. E'sLi'." "'$'.In"uL'.'EE'T..& T..'$'.I zhonyn t it tothe Unitndl purn mwrwu. in jourml in not attached by even tho slightest tie to oithcr puny, and in (to hr in ndvnnco ol both that its distance from each in about the ulna; but whilutita uym puthiu are with liberalism it with plenum admits that it but I strong feeling of n- mo mum and m with which it in now usooinlod. We wretched aggrega- tion at Ottmn mtut be out out. and new and upright. men placed in charge 0! the part Interests. in innnnl in nnl-. nmnnlnd In. ...-.. bk- mauxwa oy won a alagmoolul associa- tion. This journal urges the concern hives to clear thomnolvea of their diu- gnoeful connections n Obtain. For conaorvnuum to ho branded with dis- honor in cuue for ngrot to every run, no matter whnt his political opinions, and this journal entrants tho rupooublo con- aorvntivu. md chore In many thounnds such in Ontario. to purify the port from the shunounddi with whic it in now unminhd. an ilnfnhn ............ Bnbooygoon Ind:-pendant. This jonmsl earnestly entrants the con- ssrvutivo party 0! Ontario to rid itself of Tilprenlnd preserve its Isms for honor insu ted by sdiah disgraceful associa- iourml unto: the nnnlnrvn Expert Cyclists or sixteen no one." Tho Herald correepondent was told on Tuesday that there would be a strong movement to have the nancial declara- tion at St Louis follow closely the lines of the Indiana plank. The information came from friends of McKinley. That same day the movemontto have it accept- ed in sound money centres was begun, and. yesterday it was actively underway in New York. Philadel hia, Baltimore. Boston. Pittaburg and at r cities. Conservatism Dngncod. Bnbvoygwon Independent. This inurnnl can-nnnhlv nnh-nnlu me mns reads as Iouows: e sre rm snd emphatic in our de- mands for honest. money for the most. en- lightened nations oi the earth. We are unnlterably o ml to every scheme that threnbens to J; or depreciate our our- roncy. We favor the use of silver as our- rency. but. to the extent only end under such regulations that its parity with gold `em be maintained, and in consequence are opposed to the free and unlimited snd independent. coinsge of silver at the ratio of sixteen to one. 'l`l.n Il'-..l.I .................I....o .....- ;..|..I .... This In Bolus Bought so an Pronounce- mont of the Convention. Nnw Ydrcli June 6.-The Hsrsld says it has information from the most trustworthy sources, which it cannot at this time dis- close, that the efforts of the McKinley msnngers at St. Louis, so for u the plat- form I! concerned. will boaxertod in the direction of hsving the noncinl plmlr ol the Indiana state convention Adopted. That is the host. the out can hope for. The plank Wu drawn by Chu. W. Foil-banks. and was approved by Uenornl Harrison. Tho`lank reads follows: - ..-. 62...... ....l -.....I....4:.. :.. ...._ .1- me name or one paetor or me onuron: mat. they continue the publication of the Leaf- let this year and that Mn. Bandere, the editor. be ee ially thanked for the able way in whio it was conducted: that the printing of the annual re be placed in the hand: 0! Mrs. Numit . the ex-eeone- tury, and that 1,600 copies be or- Jered; that the missionary lend- ing library now in use by the Quebec branch be adopted by the board. and that a cent a day and return postage be charged after the rlt week; that Mrs. Meoallum be asked to visit the churches which as yet have no auxiliaries with a view to organizing such an eoon as - eible; that more attention he paid to work among the children. and that the junior endeavor eooietiee among the churches be urged to hold missionary meetings once a month. onaeavor uoolemes so mesa o wwu-as tne uuanes 0! one Misses Me ville; thntthoy contribute I15 to the publishing society and so secure It rmnnent iilt of the officers of the board in the oolumns of the Congregationalism that the sum of 830 be spptopriatod to put a headstone at the ve of Miss Minnie Chrke, who died at or work in Cisambn; that the board give this eat, as least, the sum of 8600 to the war of the Canada Congregationsl missionsry soeiet ; that in distributing the Month y Leaet each auxiliary be requested to see to it that I oo y is every month placed in the hands of t e pastor of the church: thst thaw mnhinnn the nublimhion of the Ignf. um and mu: Margaret. n_noIv:ue,or one Oiumhn mission; Iooondmhsh the Auxiliariu berequeotod to take up I sbunlolferring 3n their own churches on near to thanke- niutna 1|-n no nan-ihln and that lm nnnnnu I III I00. The lather port of the session was taken `up with the rooommondnom of the busi- ness oomlniuoo, a u nopoil of which we give. It VII dooid nt. to continue this vnnr On nnw ILA nnlnl-inn 0:! Min: Alan MAI. In men onuronoo no manu- giving day as possible, and that the money raised towards the Mlu-in of the the nublinhimr sociebv and aocura .5 '8. fjthem washed with Wide Awake Soap. 5c 2: bar. I you will not be troubled `with them breaking and itparing at the open work. you insist on having mvo. H. uoolaou unr. to conunue um you tofagtho nlnriea of Miss Halon Mel- villa An in Mu-caret. Melville. of the 3Cr' to" "1{$'.".Iu-ie. H.1.n'u'Si`.' ville my Margaret. Melville, the Oinnmln miuion: umnd.tMb the Auxiliariu Iinvsa nu-u Irv vvu---nu u semen npuea by 1 mum vow mu 3 hearty round at Applause. 1-. Hill then came forward. and in n few nl word: exp:-eued his thank: for t. r oordiel ep- preoiution of his efforts. Ho conveyed to them At the nine time we greetings of clue Canada Congregational form n mnuionu-y society and their hurty nke for the oo-operetion ol the women : board. Hi: lecture was part ol en elfort to oorreclu mi|telix'eit.l:etu:gu to`: often mode. that of mngnyng meoinery of anyone no- clety. The chief end of such I uooieby wu can keep oonehntly belore the people the Actual need: of the mission eld. and the work being doneec the present time on the eld in which the society was specially inherelbed. I Inn 1.... nnrf -0 um ....:m. ..m. L.I.... won. Mu. Mnullum prpponod I I vote ofthunklto Rev. E. M. Hilor I: a mod. sink and imtruosivo lecture lutovenin . so well no for I" the work he had donoint putto lnrtlur the interest: of the board. The Indie! nplhd by Ihndi vote and 3 hen-tv round nnnluna. [OOH] Illtfl VVCIK II` "OM con- ln ooo. Mn. Nnnloh hid the :1 run Human: Inlju-inn In-tun nntlrn 3'.'L"'? ""':'.c`s':Eu'.""'SoaI.".T.iZ vat. honly tron this ch! Iion. Tjiomwlmofollloorutundn an Iowa: Pnnniulnnf. Mn Iluullnm, Mnurillns vim- 'l"IIIlC'IIIi OI OIIIXFIIIODGI II IDIIOWI: President. Mn. Mnosllum, Muvilleg vice- nnnnldnnlz, Min Dnnpnll. Mnnh-nnlz nm-ran. rnnuont, Mn. man in Don pruidonb, I ma, uuvme; vaca- I, Montreal; oon-cl sooutary. I`:-ool d, Bo - mnnva: tmnurar. 1:1. S|nd.o'1l'o. Moz- n to: Man, is the...- Cleveland. urn. uncouth. n. uunuauno bond for-shalt cont mudnu and aid thtehobuaui olhouoo onnuwonld kavoborfnpth yautolornthomlnt-` hr than in the put. A Ihndinghvob a! thank: wu given to 3% I.`.:" .{'......"" ""..'.:'.""..':} a; nun was hm} inland: pnnnud bar from con- nnninnln Til IIIII I lUUItI-tn qunnt Khulna Work. ` -_ Thnfdnynoml union ofhln Oanuis Congregational wo:n'n a bond at minions with cboolootion of ooon. The iouwonnll bybullotnndrailhod in nll rommndnbnnnu mount the nalltary. IIIGIIOIIWUIIII lrynllunlnnuiluwu III ml! nblnonu ouoopbtho . Mu. hm. pvuidont. that the mud for-thnir mnmmad Iunnort. oouauaatmuafiiuzu. TH E INDIANA PLANK. Mon ho runner- ` llnlnnotk. ronoxm odvod =1 LADIES;