i nt,j)i:count __ A _ ', 1 ., M . tow us A ILIIIAII. = 1% - mwommox moot WH1(i.j -..-_ RITIS oonhinodbununrith cl-|p.uho dnindlo with I` View tofmring hqroomphint. I'.'-."fO' run.-A son and III P nut pump: Ilnuoputnnnnoq `goodhnnd. and but The Antics`: popukr 2&:. Id] mndlo. Tlahnhn I`olnbr'l. Ivcng. enjoy tho larch- congmtulnmn mm on ma oanmawy nnu nddm :"I foe pretty safe in sayin that iln u per cm xnrtor gets in m ritiah Columbnil: wilbo a surprise to us all. Thaw have went. Kim: Dodda out here to thet Amount I! the conservatives Will. There WM 8 time when the Tupperitee boasted of their nbili to sweep Quebec. but as the ght pr reeeeethe most on- thuniaatic tor eoeet at euohn hope in not to be indul in. 'I`he conservatives now have eti l vain hopes of marrying Montreal Centre "where the redistribution has taken awn almost all Mr. MoShnne`s majority. eekinon , Yemaelm, Riche- lieu. Jncn uea Cartier. ioolet and Chateau- Euny. I all these saute were carlied the upperiwe would have a mejority of only nine in the rovinoe. But even the con- cede thntC nmbly and Veroheree. ache- lnga and Maieoneuve will beloet tothe liberals. The most ardent tory ex )eote~ tionu, then me that the parties wi l quit even in Quebec. W. Tnmnlemn chairman of the 0uDoei- Ill Quebec. W. Templeton chairman of opposi- tlon party, Vancouver, B. C., which party mean: a consolidation of honest. conserva- tives with the labour and reform or liberal party" writes to Thomas it.ohio,Bellevllle, congrntulntdn him his candidacy and nrldmnv "I (an nrnttv mfa in nnvln the nttomphed ooercion ol Memwon. Prof. J. Gent. Hamilton, a etnnnch con- eervntlvo {or years. and offered position: in the civil service, has renounced his rty and declared himself for flaurier. , own. And victory." _A telegram from Regina, N. W.T.. mg: rumor has it that DMHII has retired. e in not appearing At. meetings. Watson. of Mooiojaw, has taken the Itump, and he in nldho be Davin : euoooe nor. A ll n-my-r., .u.mnvnr. Hamilton. is LI: up uvvwcuv. Inn-J , .---.----r~~,, orgnnizin the camps: n on behalf of the conoorvstlsvo odidatuo, villa and Barker. It had been thou ht by msny of his P. P. A. friond: that hurt would not work that romndinl lqhlaeion. but he has d ppoiumd them. The report. is that M in to receive $300 in any event and double that amount if the conservatives wm. frlmm unnl A timn whnm the Tunuaritos -an - wt Ill DIVIII IOIIIIC 7-010 07!! U0 "3. l.n..p.In_'l'an-1 lnnnnhtloll. deter (or West Tbrbnto. _ The executive of the West. York lubenl ueooietion hu denit.e1y decided thlfgno candidate will be brought out. in opposition to N. Oluke Wulhce. - Ru . nu--AHA-Ilv nnnnlmnul vote `ah By I prnctically unanimous on the Hamilton conference in session At Gnlb 3 uveoping resolution, denouncing the nttomphod ooorcion of Manitoba. Prof. (hut. Hamilton. II M oonu-u Uomlnltuo xsoomn. IDIA WARD. To-marrow night. at Ounce Iruhnonr Division. I. ll hlll. I.. . ,. , V. In 5. WW9 III II nominntnd last night. an dutgrlor Thu nrnnnhivn of the V said to be Davin A. D. Stewart. ex-mayor, Hamilton, organizing oampai conservative oqIdidat:o$ovi|lo Burke}. ... `XVIII -UIIIIC Y--IIKC IIVII Iv ---v LlbOflIO-`I`o|1 lxpoobtlolm Oarlotaan liberal: have nominated J. M0- Kollu. ' hzrhoifooplo at so. John. N. 8.. refuse to on. G. E. Footer. Rev. E. 8. Rowe and A. '1`. Hunter wort nnuninnfntl Inst. niahf. ll L[nCI.l`hV candl- PERSONAL MEPITION. POLITIQAL GOSSIP. ` lvcllc. -K_.L . An` ._hun OLA IIILI. Ul",P'. III? 12 to 2 pm. inf. . cue. Strawberries And cream. n` ovanrn A. '1`. nunw LIo0I.rI .hy 4. non. nu vv M-. unmpu TELEPHONE 860. I. O3: tongue. Roast chicken. I Cooo. I rar wen anoew nor me. an 11.. L. mlwneu 9. Parties wishing to secure Long Island Park for Sunday school pic: 9 or other `yur 5 can apply to Chn Brophy, 59 Va lingbon street. There are enough 9* `members of A" battery in the city Lu Lhoroughly mount and equip three gun diviaiona. Some of them may nlliate with the Kingston eld battery. but the majority will seek employ- ment In the Unimd States. Pratt`: Liver Pills for biliouanosa, hand- nohe, dizziness. coativenesa. dyspe min, nnllow skin and all diseases caused y R -Iumninlu and tnrnltl liunr `Wm 11!. Kl:-. uown no uguonunurg anu rreacow. [An evening a small Ind threw a stone at A sparrow that. had nlighmd on the trolley cable. near the corner of King and Brook streets. The stone missed Lho bird and -truck I plate ulna: window in Wade`: drug store, cracking it. The glass is in- surod. 'I`.. surou. Tupper says with the most absolute itiveneaa that the remedial bill will be Introduced ifho is returned to power. Will those in Kingutonoppocod to the measure vote for Mr. Molnt-yro. pledged to back Tuppor? We trow not. We believe they are men of princip!R-- It in ramnrknble how mnnv uoonle have or pnncnpur- It is remarkable many people developed A sudden interest in the material interests of the publisher of the Freeman. A general answer sullioes: his defence is in the hands of his legal advisers, and n none is being kept 0! all injury to his business, not tn speak of his reputation. New woods onened out. dnilv and sold at reduced prices at money 9 romovm smo. Owing to rain there WM no parade of the Nth butt. IMt evening. A 8 tecinl iarude has been called for Friday nig t. T e oili- cerc of the clue nnder instruction were examined in aqund drill by Capt. Curt- wright. Fridny night they will be given company nnd btttalion movements. The Athletic Association have nrrnmred lay a Bonn, agents. A consignment of Tokay and 0 )orto wines arrived in the cit over the C. . R. for local dealers yeeter n . A car load of gin from Rotterdam. ollend, arrived over the same road, eeterday also. A street car wan p need on the William`:- ville branch Saturdn . and now meets All cars on the junction 0 Princess and Alfred streets. The inhabitants of Willinmsville are greatly pleased "with the service. Table linens. towels. aheetimta nnd all granny pleuou man we D0l`\'|00. Table linens, towels. shootings kinds of cotton goods roducod. Smut-y`: removal sale. A I\AJ`t'AnD nl Dial`... no-ant nnnnnlninn FQHIOVBI HBIB. A resident of Ridoau street. complains that braic on the sidownlk of that thoroughfare is next to impossible owing uotho gooso nuisance. He says that be- tween geese and cows the street is in a horrible condition. mom... in. n"... on... 1...... .i,...m.. uornnlo couamon. Sticky Fly paper three large double sheets for me. at L. (I. Mitchell`:-. ll--tum minhino on nnnnrn [nun Ialmul nnuow um am: an ulaeawe onunea Dy n slu ish and torpirl liver. `. .'nc. at Mc- Lean drug store. Hrnin ahovellera at, this port will not. make I fortune this season, as they are idle two-thirds of each week. They have the pleasure of amndin idly around and seeing grain that ahoul come here go on down to Ogdenaburg and Prescott. [Apt evanimr a small lnd threw not to open: or ma repuuuon. New goods opened daily old reduced prices at Stacey's removal sale. Owinn to min there mrade nnd bnbauon movements. The Athletic an-ranged to have can meet. the oxoureioniata MT the ntesmor Ameriog from (inmnoquo to-mob row night. Our fun me. On Mnndnv nan AI. maven o'clock the npeclu uiun. Tho comorvntivoa were arranging to- dn for I Icreot. our to parade around the bo. line with A bnnd to nlly a crowd for the political rooe ion At 4:30. Shades of who mighty ! Sir Charles Tapper. Bart... doaoonded to the Iovel of I ten-cent Ibovi? Why was not I wnggon, with in big ndvortisomont. and I horrible horn. gomnonu --sou nannv -I-t\ A_II$III?AI anouowr TO HOSPITAL. Typhoid Illled Ilu Wife And Iother And Tlreeeeee the Fltller. A men named Adam Creig. ebout sixty` ve re old end e reeident of Mieeini 6. wee uhz taotheoityby t.l:eK.& . stein reec in; hue eb he]!-put four o`clock Int evening enering with whet. his phyni~ ciene believe will prove to be typhoid, feyer. DI-ennen'e emlmlenee we; in wuit. met theetetion when the trein nrrivod. in it the enerer wee conveyed to the Hotel Dieu. Two weeks ego Crelg`I wife died o! t . e eon end e denghler. the on child threoeple. were stricken vi` shed They recovered. how- ever. end then: 3 new illm, elthough the peone typhoi venot e lethougnhheleefllictedmig sh as-nu. HI: thlnlnlt ecoonnenied mgnn. UM` lure me. On Monday next. at. seven o'clock degree team of Cutaruqul lod , No. I0. I. O. O. I".. will 0 out to nrrowemibh nnd exeinplily ' work ol the ritual lor the bone I. of the members there. The teem will be accompanied by A number 0! friends. nnd will go out by epecinl train. The nrmmzimz I no u nnncwu Inm but accompanied Io-day mu inn nun-nul- ':1.1`Au wmn, To-night. at, so IIIIHGVINAO WARD. To-mOl'TOW uucou. money : am. After the ten men absurdity. last. even` ing,o.nythin the News will any in this campaign wi hcweliotle weight. is than once capnblejournnl going to need alto- gether? . Lemonade. ommra nhoanlmbe and root gounerr Lemonade, orange phoa hate beer tablets, 10 cents abotb e at Mitchell's. A cit.i1.en, a well-known inst,rument.alint, rformod the feat. of swimming from hiskey Island across Dead Mnn`n buy to the mainland in front. of the ulul mnrine Iumnivnl um-on-Inn nos mu yeawruuy. \vednoaday evening, twilight. start. senrchlight. return, stop at Hnnnnoqno 45 minutes. 250. Mays mammal: I144`...-n Elna... n-{ll lnhn nnn, nurawnm snore. - Root. beer or lnrsaparillu in l()c. bottles, makes ve gallons At. E. C. Mitchellin. Via G. T. R. to Port. Hone at 8:40 n..m.. UIRIIQH FIVE CHOU! II: H. II. AVIILIIHUII ll. Via T. R. Port Hope n..m., and steamer North King. nailin direct from Kingston Sundays at 5 p.m. . Han- ley & Sons, agents. A nonnizmment. of Talmv Ouorbo mouse In noignu. Blwok and colored brillinntinoa all re- duced. Stony ale. After the ten men nbaurditv. mo mamuma In xrc hos imlyeetarday. \ednondav even mmunes. zoo. Next week (leorga Sears will take pos- session of his new store on Princess street. The building has been erected with 11 view to convenience, and will make an ideal lmrdwnm store. " Dnnt know nil -nu-uoI\nI:IIn In ln knfllnn iii: tho Newest and Chat` pint Illmnnnn {In Oh` (Ell III` TIC]-I ECU} Join the happy people on the America t.o-mortmvevenlng. Prints, ohambreyl. wash goods reduoed. Show '3 removal ule. y hiltory in the history 0! Ummda." Bonny: Tapper. Free peep to-night nt. this great I. R. H. Tova he: received his third oar npgmvoa an 0. . . A. Folger, of the Rideau farm, stale: that. durin the lust two days, arlpurugun Plantod in a in Ills garden grew seven nolnoe in height. Blmk Cap Ilfwl nxil IIIIIIIUI. ,~ , mount. was Ila. Inna. "Ann-In` In lain-an-Hour bin and lbs: I! I.I- Ian. Numb. - - - A N . . \ A `Ila lploo of Ivory Day l.l!o-Whn the Pooplo An `Dalila; About-nothing lo- oapol the Attcntlou of than who An Tnhlnn lntnn. umu great I. R. H. Toys bu received load of Mnnitaobc our. He has three more you to nrri vs. Reserve Wodnaadnv evonimr for the twi- to mm Reserve Wodnudny evening light And Ioarohlight. trip. Our man in shun cool. our soda as cold light And Ioarohligm. mp. Item Always cool. as the coldest, and aha avors simply doli- ninn|_ E. H. Mitchall. II 600 OOIGCD, IIKI H10 oioul. E. 0. Mitchell. rr..,...: n.:.u.n...... .. oioul. E. U. Mitchell. Tweed Oddfellown are looking after the services of the hub butt. band for the big demonstration: there on July lab. For A nnrfant. t. order the Sneciultv demonstration more July In. For n - rfoot t. order Specialty Cornet at ro. Homlloyh, Brock screen. 0. H. (`.01-bot.t.il nroimr into the raiuln jj-----------:- `FQM:lIlNIl.... ` -_nnL..n.L-u no lsandwng I now upgro manner. .A I-u olmo A .... M... PARAORA-Pl-I8 PIOKED up av oun ausv aavorrrsns. ' uoroan an Mn. nomueym, urocx screen. 0. H. Corbett. in going raining of homing pigeons on an extensive scale. He is hnving loft. tted up in the most nnnmvod mnnnor. INCIDENTS 0F THE DAY. BATUIIDAY. JVRI IUHI. " `lb hnnhlnov nuance "Antics" .-nnpthnlnhnlnn. Iumlilh. }. JUNE 9. 1836. "J " l""J ' The Other Blde 0! It. The complaint of steamboat men. made yesterday to reporters, regarding delay or inconvenienoe in receiving coal clearances is declared by more than one of those con- sulted upon the matter as to be manifestly unjust. The collector of customs is at his oilice daily during his otlioe hours almost without exception _throughout the year and never hesitates alter otce hours. if it is necessary. to et out of his bed to ac- commodate vesse men or importers. Few men in his position of life are as constantly at the post of duty as is Capt. Hamilton. and the Winn stall" personally have found him most anxious toacoommodate the pub- lic. Although a surveyor of a port is absent on another duty there are two others. Me vsrs Anglin and (laskin. quali- iied to give the clearance in question. no that the delays spoken of must be very triing. A _ A -4n.._ I.....__...u.... IIIIIIQII noluru ulu ulnlrs. A session of the county court opened at the court house this afternoon, Jud Wilkison, Nnpanee, presiding. T e nntureliyation papers of two aliens, new residents of Kingston. were read by the clerk, after which the grand jury was sworn in. It was composed of these mem- bers : Adam Amoy, Loughboro: Jeremiah C. Bostow, Kingston; James Baxter, Pittsbur h; Robert E. Burns, Charles 1). Chown, enry Dalton. David Hamilton, Kingston; Edwin W. Hod n. Starring- ton; Archibald Medley. -eor e Moore, Pittsbnrg; James O'Brien, Wo fe lslnnd: Norman Scott, Kennebec; Richard S. Waldron, Kingston. His lordshin briev addressed the grand Waldron, Kingston. Hialordahip briey the grand jury. mentioning among other things the ohimgea in the county council and the probable eeot. He also congratulated them on the clean sheet before the court, _n proof of the loaaeniiig of crime. Their duties were briey outlliied. It \\_me not compulsory for them to visit the (litfemnt cliiiritnble institutions receiving Md from the government unless. the{]_thought_it necessary. In conclusion I! lordiiliip touched upon the purpcee of the grand jurfv. the reason of _iuI orgnniuition. etc.. mu nished by saying that owing to the mlvimmmant ol civilization the nets of the nnd nished by bunt. to one advancement. grand jury was about outlived. The iurv retired. but before doing so II] J. CiJNNlN6lMM'S. King Street. nmn. The petit jury list. wan road over and. as there was nochin for tho jurors to do, they were dismisses. Such as could not. ranch home tonight. were given another duy u pay. -n__ 1|A|.__ nn.n.. nu IL An Action Impending. At a recent meetimz of the board of works called for the purpose of openin the tenders for the mile, spikes, ete.. 0 the old breakwater tremwsy. I dispute nron-e between Ald. Stewut and B. W. Fol r. sr., the outcome of which was that the ormer through his solicitor demsnded an apology from Mr. Folger for I certain expression all to have been used by the letter to Al . Stewsrt. In the event of on I logy not being msde within s stated time Ald. Stewart stated thst he would institute on action for defnmstion of character. 80 bu` no reply has been re- ceived by Ald. Stewart's solicitor from Mr. Folger or his legal representative. and veeterdsy Ald. Stewart instructed J. luludre to commence proceedings. The Fall: Jury Dlnmlued. Thorn Iinlug no u...|.m.. lulu:-4 um Court. grand jury nuout ouulvoa. jury retired, doin Adnm Amey. Loborough. was elected ore- Illllll. The poli needed impro new oor in being laid in the gun when a counter nlcq in no he pl pm-out the public from invading the por- tion noted to the police. The walls of the pnvem. mo puouo noun mvnunng mo police. oolln am being whim-wuhod. And the chief`: omoo in being overhauled and im- pmvod. .Tho walls of the city ongmeos olce are being hlaominod, and other re- pairs am being made. _-___` n...._o- n---n Inn-A -.AtInD_ UVIIIIII UIIIIV lanljv --vu--- Frontenac county OI-Ange lot! in in session thil Afternoon. in Vi n hail. county manor E. Bennett presiding. It in said that I raolunion, condemning fodonl inhorfotonoo in the Ilnnibohn nohooh nation, will be introduood. but it cannot daniholy ahead that such I nnurx h klnllfl. cannot. be oonluuy count will be followed. Il-$'l noun. nIn-IuIu. The uuninntlon of the militia olloon. who ntundod t.hupocialuhort.oouraoo(in- ltruction. Lt urtillcty park hurt-sch. in in and will last. until vhoond ol the P'8" val. Winn it has boonninhed.Lt.- Col. Vidal. Acting l).A.G.. will have on I tour 0! impaction though lain district. Ald. U. 11. Anon. ma `DIONIOI ur. J. Ron Allen ot Olunn. N.Y.. his unolo. Jndgo Sum. of Emporium. PL, mud Mn ooulin. Dr. ituh. ol Chimp, lt thin dut-noon for Bollovillo by boat. llnnnlnl nnninnnmnnlnlinndnnun Slut vlnltoal our ora youhnlny uuul rank I [Ian M our dnlh-ioun loo `Mum ock. Rho nu-or Iuokml moro hnnnlmmu or more bowltohlnc. no mu mm-h DIM-ml with Mr -In-In and _pn7H it u\ ried. On motionof Md. Ryan. seconded by Allen. the agreement. and specications tor the contract. of lighting the city for the nexb ve years, were adopted. granted. Ald. Allen asked that an are light, be pluced in blue city park for the summer months. The light had been removed from the park to the corner of Kin and Muitland streets, and he proposed c mt it be returned to the park. Ald. Allen moved, second by Ald. Minnea, that a light be placed in the park until Oct. lat. (Eur- rind. npouhltnhuuqnu-It uvoulo f'.:'."."..`...`.'.`..'.`.'Ll'.'..."". '"""" I '1I'3."-'~`-'.":"-"o3`o'ia.ooo a Id nu.h|nhnutpr. AL--_a A`. _._.._,__. Dr. Welkem submitted the crew or me agreement, which hsd been gone over by him. with the city solicitor and the city engineer yesterdsy end proved quite satis- fectory to all concerned. The only clause 7 over which there had been any dispute be- tween the committee end the corn ny, wu No. 11, referring to the erbitrnt on to settle the price to be paid by the cit for the company's plant in the event 0 the urchsse by the former of the plant. The aw gives the company the rivilege oi ndding to the valuation xed the erbi- trntors. ten per cent. ol such va uetion. as the price of the plant, provided the eity be agreeable. The committee refused to con- cede this privilege. and after considerable discussion the company waived the claim. The reement was then acceptable to the committee. and Aid. Stewart moved. se- conded by Ald. Allen. that coplee be print- ed and one be supplied to each alderman. The motion carried. Ahl simwmi. said that at at recent board Uvole was leaning not-one me maewum on eat. street. He had since ascertained that the pole belongs to the light, heat. and power oorfoxxunki`. and he asked to have it. remov . he request. will be nu-n u had KY8 H : I granted. A` pmoet ried. {Ln contract for Llghtlgg the Olty Approved In odlnlnlttee. A npeciel meeting of the tire, Inter and light committee we: called for ten o'clock thin mornlnoto-receive the drnlt of the agreement tween the clty and the light. heat and power company. overnlng the contract on the pert of the tter to light the city for the next five yearn. Chairmen Martin and Alan. Minnee. Allen, Stewart and Ryan were present on behalf of the committee; city eolicltor Mclntyrc, {or the city; Dr. R. T. Welkem, Q.C.. B. W. Fol- gcr nnd F. A. Folger. er.. for the com- pany. Dr. Wnlkem submitted the dnlt of the ...........-..o ...I.:..h hul Mann Lrnnn mmr bv mm-In plan-ml M nu! huh (mm \l|monI. Mn vnn think. VI): we-ll touorvod. for we `tune to\ n the utmun palm to haw mu- o A I\n1oou| M It In |mnAllI|I to nmlo It. W0 ||\'I I" the new and moat so mlnr drink-. among which an Hu- ul owing .~- . The motion carried. AM. Stewart. said that at a recent. of workameeting,he atabedthau tale hone cvole leaning the nidewn In on ant. nt.mat.. THE AGREEMENT AUOPTED. courTr COURT opens. -V E i__._.V.:: -.:_. County Olllt lodge looting. .-...s-...... .u...nsu nrnnmn Ina-Ia. I` cord. The manager 0! l\ "ladioe baseball nine hm writton to A local baseball on- thueiut with I view so securing a date for his attraction. A group phowgraph of the beam nccom niod the communication. It is claimed t. o irls put. up a good game and are buebnl uperu. Hnnrv (lnnnimrhnm has named his vacht, Henr Uunmngnnm nae nnmou ms yacnn Clnieka ee. Already ynehuamen have pro. claimed it a "bird." It will be launched early next week. Weather permjtging. .Fx:ed. > Bass and low tour alone. . Dally, T. Nugont, H. Provost and Star" Thompson wheeled to (lananoque {mm this city on Sunday. leaving here at 6:30 o'clock a.m.. and arrivin at their dea- tination two hours later. W on they had wheeled seven or oi ht miles on their homeward trip Mr. hompoon's wheel broke and he was compelled to walk the remainder of the way. u.i..m. n..|.i...m. "man his. "himmln remainder or me Melville Robinson expects his "bicycle bullt. for three" to nrrlve about July Int. Mnmhnrn nf than Kinoltnn Inntbnll mam hunt. (or three" to nrnve about. only um. Members of the Kin ston football team are hoping for ne went or this week so as to enable them to practice and get. into condition for the coming match on Qatar day next. &'.PI`hUlIIN!IhS8I. Wnnt An Inspector. KLN'u.~I1'u.\', Juno H.-(To the Editor): In an issue of tho Winn of lsst week oorres ndent raised the question of the desire ility of having a competent muni- cipsl officer for the ins tion of new buildings, and particular y the plumbing. The question seems to me very pertinent and worthy of our sldermen's serious con- sideration. The majority of people who build do so to sell or to rent, and it they get A pussably showy front the rest is. as your correspondent says. a mere shell end of the worst and chee nest material and workmanship obtsinsb e. Plumbers are offered A low sum for their job. and, as they have not the fear ol the law before their eyes.they put in material and labor to correspond or even less. If the price or rent o the building then corresponded the public might not be so much to be pitied. mt it is usuellz far in excess of what is l r..;.. ......6h ..u-mid Asnnnl` In u infatuat- Polly Ooun-'I`I|eu|ny. There ween light. docket in the police court. this mornin . John TI-eneer.ohu~ged with luevtn n ineulting language to Mrs. Cordid`. did not appear Ind ct. the request ol oomplninnnt. I In r Adjourn- ment wee gnnoed until tomorrow. 1 Cases spines two tnetchmte for having lower nwni s then the new by~lnvI re- quinn. were nrthor uijonmed. I . Allen. l.f.; J. Harris, c.I.; u. annrpo. 5.5. The more wu seven to eight in favor of the slots y Nine. The teams put. up qultn u good)oxhibiI.ion game. Yesterday Charles and Joseph Brophy rowed up from Long Island park in forty minutes, establishing A local record for the distance. They would like to see some two oursmen attempt to lower the re- nnrrl early next. week. permitting. Fred. Bert, Starr, two lads aged fourteen years, will start tomorrow for a hour to Toronto. Niagara Falls, London. et.o.. on their bicycles. The will wheel both ways. and expecttobo it sent. six or eight weeks. and intend to devote all that time to wheeling. The first. named is A son of C. L. Bun. wltehmnke r, and the second is n son of Rev. J. E. Starr. Both are clever athletes and expect to benet considerably by their ex rience. They nre the two {oungeeta w ieelmen to undertake such it 025 alone. nuln T Klutrnnh, H Pl'Q\'f.f. lllld {mt unuull xllltb fair Lrrot. would elnnnd. In the intmuu of t. 0 public the Author-itiefnhonld look] just an in the caaowitlu milk and other articles of food. Thom are, of course, hon- est. lnudlorcll and competant. and reliable builders, but they are probably not in the mnjority.-Pno Bonn Pvmmvo. Ni_hb Hawks. J. burns, p.: u. swam, c.: . Palmer, let. b.;W. Eaataon, 2nd b.; E. Fitzgibbon. 3rd b.; (3. 0 Keill , r.f.: I . Allen. l.f.:J. Harris. c.f.; G. hnrpo. c.: 1. rulmur, no In; vv. u-z-um. ...... ..., L! P. Allen. l.f.; J. Harris, c.f.; hnrpo. . . 'N.. nnnrn mu um-an to eight. weys. TIN |'I|ll'0Nl oompenles ronuuguv w heat the bio clists by imuin e twent - ve cent, fee or checking of , but e reilmedhu been besten At I `own me. On Sunday seven wheelmen node to rock- ville and returned by the G. T. R. They intended purchuinq first-clue tickets, but when they learned of the twenty-ve cent charge on their bikee they and second- gutiokete instead. A I-It-clue ticket from Brockville colts OM15 and a second- clus 01.25. They d the he on the bi- cycle end weneac eheed fteen` cents. which, otherwise, the railroad would have got. The road loet 81.06 by the new order. before returning. On the 24th inst. Fred. Metcalfe will leave for Hamilton with S. Harkneuf mue Emma Carver. The mere will be worked there until the races, which open on July 4th. From there the mare will be taken to Windsor lor the raced on the 8th. and than on up to Saginnw lor the moon on the Nth, for which bug puree: are offered. A Imaebnll match was played in the z=w:......._...___,... S1x'rY-'r'mn`4n YEAR.- :1! order. Polloo constable "Nick" Timmonnnn say! thnb "Ede:-ml vigilance in dor vty not to gob run over py I blnooelo. Ain't lb? Dot weolmnn.-. he don't. like a much on his bisooole, and he dott liko I tack: under his biaooclo. und dare you are: it: lmrdt. to lease em." |.......1.. -.....Immui M Lin dlhmnt. whole- bio (:10 noon. \eet.erdAy George Dar h. with his trotber Black Carver, and ones (iueaa. with Katie Carver, left for Komptvillo to enter theracoe there in connection with the eastern eirouib. They will nino take in other events. scheduled in the circuit, Lnfnpn unnu-ninnr um unuuuuuv. -nu nu-u. J-.. ...-, .,- ,,.,, ,,, lready em ployeod of the dli'fennt whole- sale house: in the city. are preparing for their ennui eporte. which will take We during the ilret week in October. ey are practicing dally And some reooda are almost sure to be cracked. A feature of the eportethieyear will be I eeriee of bicycle \ eaterday Darreg_h. Ill 0000!` OVBIIIQ. I before returning. On hhn `24I.h il THEWAY BIOYOLIOTO MEET THE CHECK FIE. And Iuvod Ioloy I: the `l`lllnO\loI- llllnf lucylor tho AIIIAI Openn- llotuuion laovlnc For the loan cir- oulto-A tubal! Oonloot. It in l r mlo that doe: not work both nth-and companion thought. to boat. tho biovcliuta by imposing bwanI;y- my sncom) Lass ME .nd baseball oxperu. Henr Cunningham yacht, Ihioka ae. Alreadv vnohuamen pro. | where you can see an much variety in Boys` Clothing and thnt is right at this store. There are crc is Only 0nc Place - .!`.".'.3?F! _1!"~ h. max .1. ll. 1uuun.1..} `'""`"' .1. I01). uown. (kmpnln Seaman. II IDLIIIHI nan. LETTE;S TO THE EDITOR. Suits for BI: Boys ll I MI. `I mill `HI loll} `rm to on all sorts d Dmucv-ln Kingston, on Tuendny, Juno Slblu. Mary Jane Hurst, beloved wlfe of Patrick l)err . aged forty-two years. Funeral will tn 0 place from her late reel- (lenoe. Ill Union abnsel. West. on Thur!- day morning at 9:30 rfulook. Friend: and acquaintances are respectfully invit- ed to attend. ((`hiou;_ro, [ll.. Onwwzn. N.Y., and Oshawa. Ont... pI\P(-In prone cop .) (.`now.\' H ln Kingston, on nine Dtll, Elizabeth I . Conley. beloved wife 0! Chnrlea D. Clwwn, aged thirty-eight Vef. g IESMEN WANTED IN EVERY DI!!- L mrlut; new sollnun; samples Ira: nluy or commission with ax mm: from sun. Lmu: Buns. 00.. Mann-m\ . Que. T A BARHAIN. A HTEAI YAOH'l' RX 0, u I-ennui-. Mm-hlnory and boat In pulse! order. App _v at Wnlu Olce. THE PBIEIISIII-1 ON UIIIN I known nu Ilolhronh onndrr. J. B. lolvlm. acluronno nhoot. 1 In ad In Prlnoou ntmt. II plan! no; onplod by 0. D chown. u bonus move 4 hardware homo for our tvonty nun. ~ bl! to J. P. Gll.DIIll.llVI.U|lNI0l -mu. LABOR 8101 ON (DEN OIABIIEP nnd Ontario non. eon rm! sud lino hull and room: up lulu. will be round II that or nah . A I c .ll.BU Nu ::'.Pn. nf:'1 .'{. . m Unlon `3006. ' ` HA9!-`MA v.l.l: bo rAont|o d :1 tango: non 5 o . . U or J. n. 3nnv. Uuo u. hound throughout. moon convin- ouoon. hon! locality. Also lo! Oh! 0? months lug. brick nuidonoo control 0! All modem oonvenlonoma If _ AP` 91180 H. 1). Blur. no I at H (N T\'F.!-IIIAY MORNINH. ON PRINCESS or King ntrmatu. u Pair of Gold Rimmed Eye Ulnnuon. with ham ntmnlml. Final I will he rawurulml Ivy lmqvhlu at Hill. 3. . FlII.(lKIl'tl. Kluu street. Ivy low Kluu :_-j_._... ON TO THE PREMISES 0]" J. P. H. Fil- rln. nun. [load Lot 11 and 1!, first Concou- aion. Towmhip of Klmnsmn. A Cow. Tho owner nun have: her by` paying all Ixponnu. unuxum. sn'nvAz{T'._ /u=i>Lv"1*o'uas. T W . J. FAIR, I30 Barrio ntrsof. N AsSl.~)'l`ANT COOK AT BROOKVILLIE Asylum. War-as $1! per month. Apply lin. Mum-m`.lled mt Supurlntendnnt. GENT FOR CITY AND OOUNTBY. ON ulnry or nommialon. to roll owing In- ohlnon. Apply to J. Lulnhluy. Agent. II! Prin- oeu ntrou. OOIIS TO LET WITH ALI. MODERN II- provumonha, with board. at m Barrio unmet. Prison moderate. C UICE Bl'll.[)IN() l.() l` l3iXM. Wll hm ln nmr (now drnln). noll. Iothodllt Pnrnonuaa. Wllllun street. and lot coral Prlnuaun and Alfred ntmatu. Apply to Joli l)0nNI:l.l.\'. Jn. L tmgii fin Kingston [;gn. n.,munoN. an nuniisli UIIBN EIYBIV). Apply ' mox nous: no. as quux nun now oonupiocl by In. Donochuo. Poun- Ilon lat lay. Apply to J. B. CAIIUTIIII. .:__.._._.____....._..___._ FURNISHED. THE HOUSE 0(X)UPIID IY Prof. own ; I huh roomu. I166 sud cold water on cool: u. Apply ll) Johnston :.`I".`;:'.:." ;-L"`3"......":'....".7.&.`:`.::'..""`......'.` JUST FIN! DOUBLI W $1 donor uonoh nl-lo Brook um: coon: out nhi. comblnntion oloo $ II hound uu-oughonc. modem unba- nonthlnrnbriol rudonoo.qoI1tI_l _ )1 W 030 Children`: Ala I 3% cilia . u .. -on ,_.__?.:.. HTEAI RX 0. Ann 1' ' mnuno. Oo:-not-WRIE.n C Wollllon Itno mlmits perfect ventilation and is walerpxoafed to resist moisture and rains. All colors, 25!: per yd`. III. FINAO WARD. To-morrow Gum-Al Committee Rooms. n utAIan 'rn.mon-or night. Ii . - HOUSE 0(X)lJPIID IY lovue INFORMATION WILL %'l'lA.lIl'UlJaY D DY 650 int : AMI G. . E...---'` ' :9... '`~' o-._J:`: n'd1'nu, _ ~ We have had many axxocoutuusolol. but the present REMOVAL SALE overtopa an previous ones. Our lmmnnnn ntnnlp Al I'\ UVBITOPU B-ll pl`9VlOll5 0110.. Our Immense shook 0! Dr MUST BE SOLD this In N I. farloea will do 1:. Everyth ' n price and no deception abo t It. Reduced nrlnan Inr nan}: nnlo lPerI0rated Te)gtiIe_ want to buy Rellgble Goods ] Showory than cooler northerly If You F want to hnv .3 OR. I. "I Mr . ", II Wlllhl IOIIIL m I]. Nl0:H;;_1_LEGTl0NS Wu aim to secure llatlnotlvo th|n\I'. Wu aim to avoid hnulneu run. I . , I We aim to given dollar : watch for Q than or. . HI 91106 unu I10 GBCGDUOII CDO! Reduced prices for cash only. O ROOMS 10 LF/I`. WITH BOARD. I80 QUEIN utrlet. II- urovnmonts. board. i>ni6nT?T6E7fs: lo . ` We nlm to give all-ruuml uni-tmlloli. . , AGENT! . ulnn nommialon. ag-' Ar 553$- wsnun PnoaAaIu1'In. ,5` Bhowory ohm "Nm`w "n.ufb noII~iTwuIi.`al7'so1.n 1 uluaup. Appl)'nt.WuIoOll1oo. WTIIF, XIII!` IJIVIUIUII. W. B. Secretaries. \ Illl` nmnnlnn nlilnllfl. ._.?_._.:.__:..._____._.. HI VALUABLB SHOP AND PIIIIIIB. 00- nlod by Bu qnd 91' Ha quality that ylllvq utlshctlon. you will them In thls stock. _ 7 L- _, _-A "1'o:-: L31`. r Sal-~ by all Drngxlah. j I8]TF*A?E"' wA`N"1'b. Iunupwj . wwlnl--Btu-not nu-oat. oornor hgion 361000. oppoaltolll. V In. H III! Ilnoo. Om-001-nu (Instruct And mvn. nhootu. B':i c'kskin gmuu VV uwnus. Frame puts the comparison THIS everyone. See it. VNOOI). (`uIIlruller of Cum I-tulle: will he mu-n|nII\u-I the pluurun and will mm (`u\\nvlI (`,h||Iulu~r (IHAS. ll. WEB.*l'I of can I afford it ?" with every wheelmnn after trying the New Warwick Hygiene Cushion Frame. All the excellent points of the high grade Warwick." The Cushion wheel beyond \\/l'll`lTl r..r mrnrvnnr-. Sen it. All vote for their tnvorlte firm. We ask your support for the only strictly cash store In Kingston. Boya'C)oth1nz for $1.25. worth 32.00. Boys Clothing tor $1 50. worth $3.00. Boys` Clothing {or 82.00. worth 34.00. You will buy it you Wm examlno the Clothing tor Mon ma Boys at |MAS N1EeTIN0| MRETINH 0l"THl'I El.l*`.(?'[1)|CN(ll" K INH- ntun will lm held 'm Hm Cit) Hull. un TIYIIIDAY IQVIIIKH INII of JIIO Illllllt M Ho`:-Iuvk,in Hm inh-nut M Mr. TUPPER, Prime Mllllslr: HON. JOHN (`unIru|ler of Cuuumn: and utheh mmnlnlllu-I.uh-II wll h ~4t1l\'-II IT. F. HAR|S[lN [Ill VIKING . u I1 I. N:'ln1yro.lhu Lllwrnl~()mmr\'ulin -I I v . A:;u|:onuo~ will his dnllvoroul by RI UH .\RLE.`% l`lVPPEl\, F. [OAK HALL Do You Want a Pair of Boots Cheap? ' 3!!`-Non. IICCI |I(.`) llllll W \_vr1_1~:F.1. for wearing for children. White Muslin Sun Bonnets. White Muslin Shade Hats. Nutly aty- lish shapes, looks well, is cool to the head and costs so little, 300, 65c, 75c._ The demand this summer will be larger than ever for White and Cream Sun Umbrellas. A real nice line, $r.o0 each. Children's Parasnlsz, 25c up to 75. Hot Weather White Parasols -l'| ! RUH TIVPPER. MRETINII OFTHIC K|.l*'.(?'l`()I{N(H" K INH- K IYIIIDAY IV WIRTICI RIOIIVID A1` `fill it D O ohlocl L. lb Mill- | `Br I hm?` to A d has &.'j.:.":. ..9.`--a-`.";3........:!.` ~ ' Underuklng and Fuulture _.: +2; I I'll 3| 6 MARKET SQUARE. BUT 1'0 CDN'l'ltAC'l'0ll& ---n: -D nnnnnrnn A w. nwg " Anlltool. T mained until the time 0! ma deem. During the past winter the deceased had been complaining of poor health. but no serious results were anticipated. Last. Tuesday night at 9:30 o'clock he was and- denly taken l|l.nnd at ll:.'I0 o'clock he paseed away. from the etlocta of paralysis of the heart. The deceased was A member of the Pro- tentant Epiwopel church. He leaves a wife, four sons and six daughters to mourn hislon: Mrs. H. Loughsr nnd Nellie Lewis. of this city: Mrs. (I. ll. Jacques. Florence nnd Maude Lewis, of Rochester. . N. Y.: Mrs. H. Wolaver, 0! La Fayette. lnd.; Wm. H. Lewis, Napnnee: Robert Lewis, Camden Eut; John H. Lewis, Marquette. Mich. . Albert E. Lewis. of East Rochester. N. Y. His children were all present to pay the lust tribute of re `talent. with the exception of one daughter. rs \\'nlnvnr. who was unable to come on s .t, with the exception ox one unugnnor. rs. Woluver. who account of illness. The funeral. which took place from his late residence on Fri- day at. -I p. In . wss largely attended. His four sons and two nephews acted in pull- heorers. His remains were interred at Ceca:-nqui cemetery. The Horn] offerings were numerous Antl benutnl. IIIOW her no recon mo wnnrx. The nu. John Hngjprt. 0! Perth. Capt. Scott. arrived at Crnl & Co`: wharf Inst. ovoni vtithlulnbor rot l manufacturing nn. he cleared At. noon today for Bloch.-illototaku up hor.:gu'lu goth ol eonvoyi puungonto to tween the cit sand and Union park. We! ad canal. hound down--8tr. I-Iunnkl. Toledo M `Collin: Bay. timber: nu-. Clinton and oonnortn. Mnrquouo to Collins Buy. timber. Round up: su. Bot-Imh. Ki to Duluth. Ii M: Ichr. \Vnwnnouh. ingiton to 'l`ok. Ii ht; och:-. Nongungon. Kingston to Ililwnuoo. Uaurnqul cometary. Inc nor were numerous Tnnurtlonl of the Out! `rm: Plny Thou Ila-n-'nI Inla-1. The Summer 01?: Is Here . . . l'I`Il`l' I II I " I5UI'Io The I-tr. l'relont.nine will loud you at. Bay of Quinta ports for James Rio nrdoon & Sons and convey them to Montreal. Arrivals: Schr. Nollie Humor. Oowugo, 300 ton: 00:1 for Cruvfonl: achr. Bullock. 300 tons of coal for Crawford; sloop Quinta, 35,000 loot. nnwhod lumber for \\. Mt-Rouie. \.L' f`:-u-rinnn M Rncnn And R. Mc- Mt-Rouie. W. Corriqnu. M. Regen And R. Mc- Auloy left. for Sorel, Que.. this morning to take up their duzien on the air. luaport. W. Oorrigau will not as mate and M. Regan ea whoelmnnn. lhnnponva-_Qt.r Qhinllmm. Fort 'il~ whoolmnnn. l)epArt.uren-3N-. Shicllunn. Fort. Wil~ liun. light: bug Hall. Mont:-onl.two barges. gain laden; utr. Pnnonn. Onwogo, to load coal for Crawford. n.l.:.... On ah. -lmllnu wntnr thn mhr. coal (or Urnwlonl. Owil to the hollow wnter tho nchr. Queeno the Lake: could not get under the leg of Richardson & Sontelovnlor. She Ina lightened wich bucket: pumciently to IHOW her to reach the wharf. TL- .5. Jnhn Ila:-nan:-I. nl Pnrth, (hut. AI Iulhulllo Gathering In the Ruhr: Ioonj loo-n. lI\L_ _...... I:L...I- Al AL. 1\n.lI kghl A Lon] I llelldent of Oumden Rent and Late- Iy of Kingston. Last Tuesday ni ht. June `Ind. at ll:30 o'clock. Jomph win. hnrnena maker. Prinoeee atreet. died nuddenlv at his resi- dence, 387 Barrie street. The deoeaeed wins born in the county Mona hen. Ireland. Ho emigrated to Canada in 8, when he was only fourteen years of age. and settled in Kingston. In IH47 be married Rachel Fee. daughter of the late John Fee. Bhortl - after they removed to Crum- den Eant. w ere Mr. Lewin conducted a hnrnoemmnkinp business for forty-four years. In I893 he removed to Kingston and opened up business near the corner of Princess and Barrie streets. where he re- mained until the time of him death. n....;.... 0.. mn. wintnr than denemed urnuljnuu--nu. The :1 `bank 01 tho ` ty hold mIoIn t:.nnt'ic meeting inntloo refnrt: ruding room_ in Holden Lion block Int hon. Thorovunotovcnnundingmom lotnnny. Nav1tI'iIIooB.Il.BriwmIu choulunhllhnl nndidnufor Ringo. ton in that bun ouch: crash in tho noun. not such oMhuiuIn.Inanihued. Allthowothuuincluyonngman rnnh vcnlhuouulsllvuounpimundonpr 'l\n via-;lcidunt' undo I ntirriu ul- ing matters. - Each light served only to illumine s cir- cumscribed area, and, in the semi-lighted darkness the trees seemed to be arranged in rows, lorming long Itree? whose ends were lost in the mysterious, ever-ceasing -murmur of the we 0! old Ontario. as they rolled in upon he shore. The rain telllna steady shower, the heavy drops patterlng upon the canopy of leaveswitli a dreamy. monotonous ularity that in- duoed thoughts ol sleep. n the tents al- ready pitched the womenfolk were putting things in order and an-en ing for the com- fort of the famil . in rent of the big elevated stage, from which the speak- ers, with impassioned voices and gestures. will call sinners to repentance, the rows 0! chairs and benches intended for the audience shone wet and empty in the glare of the arc lights. The voice of a night-bird calling, through the darkness, to its more to know the cause and mean- ing of the etran invasion of their chosen haunts, sound harsh on the heavy nir; the hum: of human voices came softly from a dozen points; the night wind sighed softly throu lithe rustling brhiiches, the rain-drops it their dreary monotone, and over all the hoarse. deep voices of the lnlie rose and fell in measured cadence, as they have done since the world was youn . Floating through the night, from the iusy city, seemingly miles away, came mellowed by distance. the iron notes of the city hall clock, strik- ing ten. There was A sudden, hurried enattering of the groups, tent-aps were closed, the lights went out, and solitude and darkness enwmpped the little commu- nity. lulu: -nu. .- ` Crushed Fruits - P| neapplo. Apricot. Strawberry. and last and boat. I`-`rult Melange Ir- nu... ........l-p Clan:-urn nu: | FRE E M D-l Regular Iervleee letne 'l`o-dey--l)eIoge- clone from All Parts at the country- \ Wet ew Ian NI[In.-'I'he leene Described In Pletnroeque language. About sixty members of the Free Lle- thodlst brotherhood errived in the city Ieet evening over the K. & P. railway. and went straight to Lake Ontario park, where the tents they had brou ht with them were pitched. end the mom ol the dif- ferent families busied themselves prepering for the opening ol the camp-meeting to- day. No eervioee weremeld yeeterdey, the work of preperetion taking upell the time. Regulnr services begin to-day. Hundreds of twinkling lights giittered emong the wet leaves in the in Int ni ht after the campers hed nle ed the vor of the day, and as they set oz-stood, in groups. earned.- ly and enimetedly dieeueeing oemp-meet- ing Eeoh light served only `Ila. Ipouuuuu uouduto quit. vuuopluln Ignanlhtln-nix!-I V[1>ma1>An1uc mg muses llN__LAKE ONTARIO PARK WITH YOU NO LIBERAL3' MEETING. DEATH OF JOSEPH LEWIS. n-s o_my .2. MARIE lNTELLI(;E-NOE. ____.________ KINGSTON , ONTARIO. TUESDAY EVENING. fulsehood, that this Will be branded as another unless it ivos the names of the six tired liberals. e pause to give our contemporary time to publish the names. Anunlnn Discounted. Yeaberday there were ten men coming from church, and nine of them will vote for Mr. Mclntyre. Six of those have got. tired of the liberal party. Such straws as those show how the wind blows." So says the News. But. it has been caught. so many times, so far this cnmpai n. in enbon ling fuloehood, that this will be brand Ml Annlhnr unlann it uivos Vlowl of Pnplln at Work. Yesterday W. Kelly, photographer, took a number of views of A pupil seated at. a modern school desk in the attitude of writing the vertical ayatem ma taught. by wricin master Newlnnds. Views of the front. ck and side were taken. as well as two of the hand on the copy book. The phooogrnphs are for the purpose of secur- ing pinto: for A copy book which in being ' Do be Dllllt there. Mrs. Doyle, Toledo, 0.. daughter of the late MI'8.o Fitzgerald, Portamouth, who died on Sunday last. in home to ncuend her mother : obnoqunea. W. l)unlon and A. T. Smith have mother`: onooqunea. W. Dunlap erected not on on l)unlop's farm, Imu- burg. and wil upond the heated term on `tho breezy banks of the blue St. Lawrence. hobogrtphs tor we or secur- nn pu liahod by 1 Toronto rm. llo Wnutod the Cortlllmten. A member of the Free Methodist. com munity. now camping in Lake Ontario park. mulled yesterday afwrnoon at the miles of an issuer of marriage lioonnou in the city. and naked for I number of the "forms of corticnto, given to newly mar- ried couple after the ceremony." It. would seem that the camp meeting this your in tobomnrkod by several matrimonial ul- liance:-. Home cunau nam. n Corned beef. Stnwborry short. onto. SM-uwhorr GNU UUBM rlull. lvIvIun.w To our regular flavors we have added Florida Fruit. Iced Tea and Queen Sherbet. I. (A Il`NlIII.l.. - clollst ud optloln I I0 PIIINOX I'I'III'l`. .._n lsspoctlng tbs Writing. Superintendent. Kondnll, of the New Hsvon.Conn.. public school. wns in the city todnylnvostignti u moths mcriqn ol the vertical system 0 writ.lng.u taught.` by writing muster Nowlsnds. with s view to luving it sdopud in the public schools ovsr then. He was delighted with the work he aw in the public schools and will report. for its adoption. Uolummnu mm on nurpnee (0 us an. They have pent. Kin Dodda stump the province ut the people refuse tohonr him, and he refuses to allow the right 0! reply to him, and only sings his song and is gone, but in Vancouver he never could at out. the first line n! it. He gets 83, 00for stumping this pro- vince for Tupper and he in getting the re- ception such a hireling deserves. lovunontn of the Pooplo-Wh|t `nu; An laying and Doing. Limit... veruor Kirkpatrick arrived in the city, rom Toronto. this morning. Mina Eva Shaw, visiting friends in.he cit {or a few dnys, returned to Mr home in ew York osterdny. Mm. Dr. .merv. Hummouuo. is on n In New I or: onwruny. Mrs. Dr. mery, Hummoquo, visit. with her parents. Mr. and Mrn. Samuel Birch. Bagot. atroet. R G Uruuhnrh. New Ynrk. {ormerlv of Samuel Hirch. Bagot. abroet. R. G. Urquhart. New York. formerly Hobart. & Son`: drug store. arrived yester- day to spend a few days in the city with friends. ,l.m.. A.-hm: `ml n-if: luff. vnnfm-tlnv. friends. James Adams and wife left, yestordny. for Alexandria. Out... to reside. Mr. Adam: is architect. of the new refurnfawry to be built there. I ll. llnvln 'l`n|m-in O tlnnohhnr nf thn 1: (`old ribs of beef. ll A m . n . uuul hum l50I(.I FIDO 0| DOGI. Home cumd ham. 1`... ` WVIFI LITIVUI. J. 8i urine] in the city list. even- in in 0! sheriff James Smith, ol olhnd. and via placed in the police nation for 3:10 looping until this morning. He in undor unhnoo ol three yen: in the ponibm` . for burghry and mm taken to that innuution this morning. Ho ho- Iongn to Welland. nlon All I-land: 0! `ho Liberal am: will be Janus vmloomo .