For Lu-.I(e\`vn. Pullman nocommouauun nuu other lnlurnmllun up I to '1`). KIANLEY 81 SONS. (irnml Trunk (`-Hy Pnnuanzer Depot. Foot, of Juhmmon ulmet, K1ngot0n.Ont. nnmcn onxci: . Talenhono No. 431. OFF} Talenhono 50.4 I__ TIIOSE WHO HAVE SEEN TIIE Laqlcs % Slcarns Bicycle OI` EVIIIY I`-ORIOCIII P1`! ON. (X)RllF.SP()N l)l<`.N()l'2 ()Fl-`lCh2-(2m-nor On- urio and Queen utreau. nun: nlnnme :1. vs RlL.l`.nrnnr nnonm E. _ B. "C>uc| - --:1; -n- -I--.. -.--Ia: (`-0551 all nmlvr cover nu-I we Telephtme 1-nmmunlrnt um. 1---- as...--1-n . 1 ROCHESTER ROUTE any It in the Protein: Wheel In town. Csnnlmuott. Flnmuodln mack or - L- -:_-: V. `-00 WW I1` nAnnvAnu. unto I-nit-I. the FRAUD of the day. (Buocooaorn to "l'('k C Booth.) nu. : no t`! THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, VlAAl\7lSU_RAN(3ii. Liver Pill. ME DICAL; oornar Johnston |nd0n- .l.xc`n`{-I. A. Honda`: Oflloo. "`` yum. um-on PICTON AND BELLEVILLE. t\-I-I-5 IIl`I'iI'\ Little Liver Pills, ['J. Oman. . oornarJohmutonnnd0n- . loll-Intern. union, Ion. Sold Ill Kingston by E. C. Mitchell, 124 Prinoou Street. |HOBART`S I Japal1$s Cor. Princess & Welllngton Streets Varnis: IOils. The oldest and largest m|nuuc- Iuron of Varnish In Canada. EDI III III-4II\I LIIIAVICH FOR. l I(`.'l'0N WEEK liAV.~l At 8:3! pan , 'l`|u-u-lays and Tlmrmlnyu ulna lo` Bcllvvllln. For hlrlluvr ms rlivnlnru apply Q0 An Ideal Summer nesting DIace_4_ The Fame?! `Sand Banks] ln mnny respects the moat attractive .N`um~ mar Rasort in Cnnndn. Email? reached over (lmnd Trunk Railway or Y steamer to Picton. On the Links Share. In the nrnnlen tum r<*nu\';11()r M an Iey Ct-lcry-N<`r\'e Compound u :1 ri v;1ll<`d. IF. NISBET S| Imus MANlJF G co. Paints, L ADIES I ~ Aggkmgmy. the Milllncr Has the Neweslvand Cheapest Milline in the city. Calland Montreal 2:11; lihchester Tran- sit Company. As a blood uri<:r, health ; cor. princess n_d blvlslon Sta. 16 to 30 N azareth Street, "The ernntlom on the (ace pu- llculnrly have been removed. and the trouble in my back 1: well. nnd I feel like I new man. I consider Henley : Celery Compound better than doctor : medicine for blood And liver troubles. an it nu proved to In my case." halal buff In-lard . (Int. 1'1? WEST POINT. NEAR DICTON. The Corner Bookstore. MONTREAL. l maker, blood giver and sys- ' Man|ey s FRIDAY. JUNE 19. 1896 ME9kAL HALL Electric Lighted. Btoun Heated, Intros: Orulu E. 00': Wind MONDAYS at I! ohlonk gun. he Iouml Am! :1 porn Ihootln NI. l.nvI-em-o phln. mm: in own` one an A-lull dun tn Montreal. A_ __ I __ 7 We, the Liberal party of Canada. in convention assembled, declm-e2- 1.--Froer Trude--Reduced Tnxntlon. That the customs tariff of the Damm- ion should be based, not as It is now. upon the prowctlve principle. but upon the requirements of the public service; rm...+ 0-Mn nvlnllua nu-IN fmmdod mmn me l'6qllll`elIl( ub.'-I 01 me puunu at: "W. That the existing tariff. founded upon an unsonnd principle, and used, as It has been by the Government, as u om-ruptlng agtency wherewith to keep themselvas In ofnce, has developed nmnupulius, trusts and conuhlnatlons; 1. L..- .:.4_......-.: u... ....I.... 1.! n-m and zmd conmlnanons; It has decreasod the mine of farm and other landed property; D. lma nnnmamd Mm unnns-ma to the en- In these and in many other ways it. has 0(x:as1mwd gr-mt puhllc and private Injury, all of which evils must continue to grow in lutenslty as long as t.h'a pres- ent, mrl systonl remains in force. vm... nu. m..|..m+. hm.mur.a of Canada other landed property; . It has opp:-esod the masses to richment of a few; It. has checked imnngt-anon; It has caused grout, luau of population; It has lmpmlod ounnneroe; It has dh-mrhulnuted against Great Britain. 1.. u....... .....I|.. .......... An... umvu M. our, mnu syswm nsluunuu Iu Iuruu. Thus the hlghest Itm-nests of Canada dem-.xnd a removal of this obstacle to our cnuutr_v's progress, &y the adoption of A sound scal polloy, which, while not do- lng injustice to any clnsa, will promote donmstlo and foreign trade, and lmamn thn rvturn of pm.~xp<-1-icy to our people; 'l`l...r on Mum and the turi nhnnhl ha U)!` rruuru Ul pl U.~<|rI'|u_y uu uun |)U\I|;|v' That. to that end, lhe turi should be raduoed to the needs of honest, economi- cul und A-tclent. gn\'ernnu=nt; Immon alnnnhl I... an ndinurml an tn CH1 uuu muumuu guvvnuurnu, That It should bu so adjusted as to make free, or to bear as llghtly us possi- ble pnn: the neon-asznrlo-s 1)! me, and should be so arranged as to promote freez- trmle wlth the whole world, more partic- ularly with Great; lirltuln and the Unltad sum-s. uv.. n_..n...... n...o H... -mmloa 1.! Mn: ru-n. nmws. We believe that the results of the pro- toctive aystexnm lmve grlevously disap- pointed tlmummle of persons who hon- osztly Su[)pL>l'lnI It, and that the country, In the light. of I"(|)(!l'l<'l)l`Af. In now" pre- purl-d tn declu.rn- fur a s;>uu.l suul policy. The issue bnbwmn Lhu twu political parties on this qu9sLion is now clearly defined. nu... u...........n....o O|\nvv\na`I1nn ndmt. thn I-IIIIIIY7 HI forts (ha-i ulmllgvs; must, lw 1 p1-ot,c('t'1m We dun ilfdix '34!` Ruplaln. to Bolumllu an-(van In Rlncucnn p1'UlAK'uIm. dn-nnunv-v the principle of promctian as mill:-nlly unsound, and unjust. to the nmssa-s of the-. pnnplu, und w:~ dmlure our ennvivtlnn thnt uny mm (-Imngo based on (hut prinvlplv nnnst. full tn afford relic`! from tho hm~dvn.~4 umh-r which the coun- ,I|._. IIIIIII llli` Ill try lnlmra. l'||\~I lrlsilld ` ....- ...`..\. I und upon It wu- mndu-noe the \ I ('nnnd.-I. 'l'hnt. lmvil of (`lmndu un jnllllug munt IA`!`(`LS, it is C be the nw~.L I __. 1 `AL... .| lrlmm ; That. the muwace ullke of the Domin- Inn and of thv Emplm would be Inna-rinlly advanced by tho o.~'tublls|nl|)g of nnch re- Inblolm; n\|,..L LI... -1.. A I Ohm nl IkuI|l'\lI4\4I|fI1` Inbiolm; That the period of the old reclpr(x'lty treaty was one of nmrkvd pmspc-rity tn thv British North Ann-ricun colonies; That. the pretext uudur which the Gov- ernment. nppoulecl to the uuuntmy in 1891 respecting nvgnLiuLion.~; fur 1| treaty with the Univ-.11 .H`t.ut.z--4 was mi.-ale-nding and di.-iiouest und lubemied tn deceive the eh-(`tA)rubP; um... _.,, ..u..,....... ..n`...o Imu hum nuuln en-vwruw; That no FlnC(`I`I! ciiort. has been nmde by them to uhtuin u tn-nl_v, but that, on the contrary, it is mzmifn-.~:t. that the! pres- ent Government, colmuliml as they are hy monopolies and combines, are not de- sirous of securing such LI treaty; nu... Hm ll.-at L-Inn Onuvunlu nhtninlnn noun collluru-.~s; Tlmt u fnlr nnd llboml reclproclby treuty wnuld tl(`\`ltll)p Llus great natural resources nl' Uzmndn, would enormously lnvrmse the Lnulu and commerce between the two onuutrlns, would tend to encour- age friendly rnlutlons between thus two peoples, wnnld remove nmny uulsws whlch hum In the past pmvukod lrrlm- Hon nnd Lmuble-. to the (luvonnm-nt.~x ul lmth uuumrlc-.~z, nnd wnultl prunmtv t,hus0 klmlly I1-lntlons lrecwm-n Llm Empire and the R4`plll>ll(`. whluh n'urd tlm lwsb gum-A nntn: fur [M'l|(`.1l and [)l`\):i|)l'l'H-y; 'l`hut. llw llllx-ml purty lw pragmred In enter lntu m-gnllut.luI1.~'. WU-ll 11 View bu _I_A..l..I..`. ......I. .. O-nnfv innluullnn In full Lllllu. 'l`he_Govornment, which proted politi- cally by these expenditures oi public moneys of which the people have been defrauded, and which. nevertheless. have never punishod the guilty parties. must he held rezaponaihio for the wrongdoing. We nrmign the Government for retaining in office a Minister oi the Crown proved to have accepted very large contributions at money for election purposes from tho funds of a railway oanpsny, which, while paying the political oontribution to him, a mmnlx-r of the Government, with one hand, was receiving Government auhuidla-an with the other. mu... .......I....s I oi... `llnl-Inn and tin RIPOUS UI Mx:|Ar|u3 mu.u Ll uunuy , That. the rst; Htup Lnwurl.~1 obtaining the end In vhsw, is to plucu n party In pow?-` who am aim-en-ly desirous of pro- Inotlng a treaty on terms honorable to both c-mutrlos; nu ,; .. I..x.. .....I Hknunl -n.-lnnnnlou ancfn-lull Bolumlng !'lI.ll)AY:4, !ln'('lock p.m.,|nI leave for Chariot!-~ rin Day M nlnh and Murray (`anal SATl'R- IIAY M0 ININU. In l:.1l Iumumu-s wun mo omer. The muduct. of tho Mlnllhr and the approval uf his colleagues after the proof blT('.'llnP known tn thmu IN) cnlvuluwtl to tlvgrnde Cunndn in the cstlmntlon of the world and tlosorve the Ievere oondemnm Mon at the people`. l.-2):::::m.I SCI-It-tan Economy--Doonond Expendltnra. In- has -la- -IQ): A`A'lII` thn Expenunnrc. We cannot but View with Alarm` the `large increase of the public debt and of kthg controllable umuni expenditure of the Dominion and the consequent undue tnntion 0! the people under the Govern- ment that have been continuously in power since 1878, and we demand the strictest economy in the ndminiltntion. of the government of tho country. 5.-l'or noun-oiblo Ooionuontvludr pondeneo ol Pnrllnuont. rm... us. Pnnunnklnn mono: that In ftllhl OI Pflllilio That the Convention ranch u! by the action at Ilnlnurl and choir IuppoI't- er: In parlluncnt, In on can In which nariom chu-gm was Inndn again! I Klu- Ina of tho Olvwn, lnnulption was :1- ..._n._..o.._.| -MI. Innnnhn mm National %Lihera1 Convention, LIBERAL PLATFORM OTTAWA, JUNE, 1893. , lmving r.-;mrd l.. .I I... I`:-H ADOPTED BY THE tug In';.'unu Mr L ml the l'nHA!d .* u`unm (`anal HA'l`l'- HAY For ticket: and other information lpply to w u nnnn 1. on An-uh: I\I III\' | IlIl7\l I`lAIl'l' ll:-`I u\A' Lrh-~;. \\'1th muny mutual In- d`.~'ll'.-xlzlv rhut. llwru should {rh-mlly rulutlnns and hmnd trade Intercourse lyecwouu M urkotu-RooIprm-Hy. 1-.~'tItnt|ngly accept, L with the fullest. of the olocmrs of prmapcrlty fun In: ml. 'l`||e|r n\lurr|n[ Provoutod by I UI`nr. Thu dlsom'en' of I vlgnr in a r - groom's poukor has caused the trade > puatpolwxneut of a marriage ooxom . When Frank Pnrlu sought the hand of Miss Jennie Titus in mnrrlage nova:-al Inonthu ago this young lady consented on oondit.|nu thnt Purku. whnwua an inveter- ate smoker, uh0uld,l'mm that. date. discard thu use of mhnoou In every form. It was a dmicult matter for thc udpnt wooer to take such u pledge) but rat. than huve his suit denied hu`desl.1-oyod h a stock of smoking utensils in the u of his ulliuncml nnd promised who I` lady that he would be an [owl ubltslll in tho future. 'I`l.._. nnlll I--r. nvnnlnn drown an n fo the well named pnctloo of pu-uunent: .-..i an. nnnmmtlnn nIrrnI:_ Wliu XIIIIG-I )ll"IUllIuI! Ill 3"` and this Convention nlrmI:- mt.-. u 4- 51.- nnnlnno: And I: and this Uouventlon an1rmI:- That it is the ancient and undoubted right of the House of Commons to in- quire into all matters of public expendi- ture, and into all charges or misoonduoi in oiilee against Ministers of the Crown, and the reference of such matte:-sto royal commissions created upon the advice of the accused is at variance with the due responsbility of Ministers to the House of Commons, and tends to weaken the authority of the /House ova the Enem- tive Government, and this Convention am:-ms that the powers of the people's representatives in this regard should on all tting occasions be upheld. 6.-The Land tor the settler-Not for the spec ulator. That in the opinion of this Convention the sales of public lands of the Dominion should be to actual settlers only, and not to speculators, upon reasonable terms of settlement, and in such areas as can be reasonably occupied and cultivated by the settler. 1.--Oppose Che Dominion Franchise Aci- tavor the Provincial Franchise. That the_Franohise Act since its int:-0. duotion has cost the Dominion Treasury over a million of dollars, besides entailing a heavy expenditure to both political par- flnu - Lhu future. The young yalr last canning dl-ovo_ 00 a neighboring `village to have the nmrrlqj ooremony purlorxned. and as Parka aulst od Mina Titus from the carriage she and- denly aplod u cigar in his pockat. nun... .|,...n oI.|n ....-mu ll`.-nnl:9" -I. anger. "I--I-I will ml] you allaboutltla ." atmuxnertxl the perplexed brldc-gr . A friend gave It to mo and l"-~ Nu further uxplnnnnlon la ncuusau'y," interrupted tlm brldo. "Drive a babe in once and than go your way. 0 have broken your plml,-go and [Inn (`on only dls9over-d it in tlme." Tho dlsannointed DB1!` retmood shill- "III! WWI mm 0. "vnlln n with oloohlc lights. elect:-in balls. and all modern mvmmrtu. . _ . u9-Q -n\hIODQAI.An IIIIIIA VI A young ge 11 at church conceived a most sudden : viulemt passion for a young lady In the next paw, nnd (016 do- Iiruus of enterlnginto cuurlvsluip on uh: spot; but thu place not. suiting I furmnl duclarntlon, Llm oxiganuy auggesteul tho following plan: Ila pullboly handed his fair nelghlmrn blhlu, ope-n, with :1 pin stuck in the i'ull wln;,r text: Second Epiltle of M. John, vt-rue vo: And now I besveob thou. lmiy, not as though I wrote :1 new conmmndnol unto thee. but that which we had from him boglnnlng, that we love one nnuthor. She rovurned it. with the following: Sooond chnpwr nf Ruth. south verso: "Then she fell on her tom and bowed ber- selgto the ground. and mlrl untu him, Why have I found gram in thine oyoc, than thou shonidst take notice of ma. seeing I am a stranger?" Ho re-turned the book. pointing to the tw'olflh verse of tho Third Epistle of John: " iinvinn mnny mhingl to wriin nmn um. I should write with DID!!!` or a muuon; , Thu this expenditure has prevented an Annual revision, `as originally intended, in the absence of Whlun young voters en- titled to the franchise have, in numerous instances, been prevented from examining umhu I\ rightm- lnauuuuou, uovu yunm their natural rights; ?l" H has: fnilnrl 0 Boundaries snoulu De rreuorveu. ' That by the Gerryumndm` Acts, the electoral divisions for the return of mem- bers io the House of Commons have been so made us to prevent A fair expression oi the opinion of the country at the general elections, and to secure to the party now in power a strength out of all proportion greater than the number of electors sup- porting them would warrant. To put an end to this abuse, to make the House of Commons 3 fair exponent of public opin- ion, and to preserve the historic contin- uitv of counties, it is desirable that in the {ornntlon of electoral divisions, county boundaries should be preserved, and that in no case parts of dlercnt counties should be put in one electoral division. 9.--Tha Senate Defective--Amend the Con- Ititution. Iu:|u_y lpuvu u Ulsun In |l|n ,.m.-uu. What. does this mean, Frank?" - ulnlmad the bride. snatching the cigar hnrllng it. nwuy, hr.-r face ushed with 1.4-! will ml] vou all about it 1890]. " dls9over<>d It In tune. " Tho disappointed pair Ihglr journay,wh1le Parks begged to be furzivuu and nullnruntzlf-.10 favor. but to no joumay,wm1o run noggen 10 I0 wrmvuu and wmx- favor, bgg ao. nnd M I T! ud rcturng to her `home and Pa `a loft {pr puns u nowl. nnou ties ; man; That each revlnion involve a an addi- tloml expenditure of a. further qua:-our of million; nu.-. nu- nwmnaltuunn kg: nnavnni-Ad An 511911` uavunu Tllll; That. It. has failed to secure uniformity, | which wu the principal reason assigned for its Introduction; ' fl'|L..L u. 1...- ....\.I.....-.3 .-.-mm -Iuuna hu comforts. LIAVII -OITIIALOI IOIIDAYI A: I .m. on am: In .01!) and nd Juno. sch Oud Rh Jul Jrd. I1! and Slut Augmhnn-I Nth lieplom r. for Pinto. N.S.. culling at Hahn. Pulnr Point, (Dupe. Pov_ct_~, ummu}- Canada Pacz`-l.i`.VIc Railways 1'0!` IT lX11il'(H.lllUDlUll', | That 11; has produced gross abuses by partisan revlslng barristers appointed by the Government. of the day; II`|...b nu numnlulnna nun Inna Ilhnrni tlmnn um uuvuruuwuu. u1 uuu uny , That its provisions are less liberal than those already existing in many provinces of the Dominion, and that in the opinion of this Convention the Act should be repealed. and we should revert to the Provincial Franchise. 8.--Agninst the Gorrymnndoh-County llnnmlnrion Should be Preserved. nmuuon. The present constitution of the Senate is inconsistent wlth the Federal principle in our system of government, and la ln other respects defective, as it makes the Senate lndependento of the people and un- controlled by the public oplnlon of the country, and should be so amended as to bring ltlnto harmony with the principles of popular government. 10.--QucIl.lou of l`rohll)ltlon-A Domlnlon Ploblnclte. Ploblnclhe. That wheremf public attention is at present much directed to the considera- tou of the admittedly great evils of in- wmpemnoe, it is desimbio that the mind of the people should bo clearly Moor- mined on the question of Prohibition by means of B Dominion Piebisoitce lszpl.-mo or John: " nnvmn mnny mug: lo wrhu unto you. paper nnd Ink ; but, I trust to come unto you and speak fare to face." Irmm mm above Interview the martian spunk fare lo mas." From the above Interview man-lagv touk plum tho oomlng woek.-SootMih Amerltnu. Pratt`: livegrilla cure dyspepsia. Sold only at Me `a drug store. Wf3 W.:.;;.;g B2? `hi thus trip 0! tho uuon tor ham: and can on ARTHUR AHIRN, Scent-tr .Qnoboo. n{&':fE`v'%`a an. 'r"1`6{"'F A?lRN(7Y. haqdon. Ont. I` sure I'I'IICfIOII. .~`umuler-Hnw do you know tint. sn- nun |d|\IH'V1" . "Because It is all closed up. sunlight - 80AP.... , _,, MAI I0 EQUAL - - - For purity For duals; punt Pot taking out am For dlunlvlng [fun Pot uvhg eldlhu ' `P For unnerving hud- -I-L__, ,_ _-___ _: .;__ V-11: iaocphulho -"uh )|nlhoworkI.=r" nhnnboonawud . soAT~'.... LQQQQQ mu.-non (or a v, lvship lug Iuggeatuxl ye wound n te. I. aha nut brand 5 tho main nun . ..._, _.. A wand:-rful pplrll` of purvudu Hm Lmllmlu wur em; \vl:utvu\'1-1` Ims l)(l(`1l nwu eggs. lln-Ir supurll Evun lhusu wlmurunuly out. of thu wuy, und the as u nmltur nl cmm;n. strung nmmhnr of the c ho hull Imgun Lu d`nu wunkur lnrulhvr, hut thu Lruuhlml m uz-:vnpo-|)u the frmrlnldu returned dumlly work` Fur emnr gruvn chungu In the nu : ply grow and lumomo s that tlmlr lntnrnul Inuvh ousnsc $1`[iA __S_|l_|P_ own. Can iy{o'u nd I case of Bright : Disease of the idne 3, Diabetes, Urinu-y or Liver complaints t. t. is curabio..t.hg|; op Bit- ten has not. or cannot euro? Ask y0|l|f neighbors if shay an. The Tldy Tm! pole. of iidinana sevma to L1\(l[nulu\\'(Jr|d` l`hv_v nlwuyl lmc-mun usoiess-thuir rzupurlluous umnpunimm. whu uruunly wunkiy urucleurml victims Lnlm it all I have diaiiurbod u huhuul Lu M1` the mail of a Huffurur has not simply Wllllml till ` to omnpluto hi: 1 Fur smnn time there is no mdpoius. l`huy shu- so fur trnnspnrunl thni. their nmvimnism, which onu- slstn of mm min or ixnimtixwu, is piuiniy vinlhiu. \\'hun, huwevur, tyhuy nru nimul thmo months old, In careful observer can disliimzuinh u tiny foot on (sitherside of the base of um um. i Inn, nnnvn unnhlnfai community junti n '|`l\nnLx tlvunu clrnnylv base of tho L011. | Those grow slowly, but seem unable to I move lmlupuntloubly until shortly before t.lmhnrderln1ul ls puused whloh lands to purfoct. froghood. The hind legs have reached llmlr full slze before tho from. 01100 appear, and, whllo Lhu (vol. grow slowly, the hands are rumly muulu und can be used at 01100. For u day or two they can be soon nudor the sklu before they voutura lormh, and their possessor ls vary mules! and oxoltod. llu ruslms mmlly nhoun, jus- tllng hla oomrudus, nod` no doubt bulng voted 11 bore; then a mum vlgurmm uur breaks Lhunkln, nml the llny lmml and arm appunr. 'l`lmroHoems some rule nboul the order of prom-(lenco here, as there In [ when Lhuwlxlnlmrs go, for thls your my lndpolou, nlnmst. wlthout, excoptlon, hml tholr rlght. huuds somn hours huloru t.hI loft. whllo on pruvlous ocamaluns I hfwti had an onnruly left huutled urew,-Cluuu- bars Journal. The Door: 5 Sol lury People. Thuse foal-ure of South African nntur0- its allnncu, lta lunnlinei-is, its drenr solem- : nlty-lmvu not. In-on without. their lnuenoi upon the mind and temper of the Europll ` settler. The most. puouliar and character- lumlo type blunt, thu country has produced ll _ the Dutch liner of the eastern plateau. the uihpring of those Dutch Al'rlovms who. sumo no yum ago, wnudurod away from i British ruin lulu the wilderness. Th mun lmd, and their sons and grnndsolll have to sunm bxtoni. retained. u passion fol Iullbudo that. still makes thorn desire I0 llvn mnuy mllus from any neighbor, I sturdy .-lull relinnoe, a grim courage in thc [:00 of danger, in aternnasa [mm which lab! native rucus huve often had tau suer. Th` lnnjo.-aty 0! nniuru has not, however, made tlnun 1| poutlvnl pooplu, nlhhough the (MI thm. lhuy reml nothing whatever but $110 Bible might. lm expected to have stimulated their imnuinntlon nnd puried their tum -Pruicssur Bryce, M. l ., in Century. Iooond PIIIO. "They know not hnwmuoh ha]! oxooodl the whole, wrote Hnslod. Perhapl ml lollowlnu anecdote sets forth the meanln 0! the poet's snyhg: Ar. nu nnrh-nlI.nrnl I|IlII|rI.Il1n -.-lint wars 0| nna pool. II Bnyug: At an agricultural show two prises W0 awarded to (ho ohm-m:--A llrlt and a I60` ond. Thren yours nfter the exhibitor 17310 had rgcelvud the mound prllo. meeting I0 ludgu ol nwurds, mid lm hlm: Just. um um dlm-an.-.-. Iuuunnn us. juugu Ul IIWIITIIB, Illl I/U Dllni Just. use um dloreuco botweon U5- The winner went home, and, on thi strength of his success, kept drunk for I (ortnlgm, and his buslneu le noerly ruin- ed. I went home determined men and he at the top of the tree. I now bl" over 200 man at work. and my churn Ind other dairy nppllunces go ..u on: Ch! world. "-- Yout.h'u Companion. in-nu-uuunnuhcauuh wn-A-vuaanguuaunucaiuh Whnobutnjtjhib vs-annals-.nupunpanIIi N `it \` Q \ VS \\ t\\\ \ `E .;,g Now Rlvor nnd Gulf 8t. Lnwroncq Idaho! Cullen In 0001 Includes. n...|- 11...... Inn: on M|'DI'I' "`& J 5|.` \ \\\ \\ \ \ \\ \ We have sold_ nearly double the quantity of Corsets llns year over last. WHY P Because we have a very large assmt ment and our prices are the lowest. ALLAN LIN E _4s _.~ `as ,~ _-~ 9` MEDICINE, NOT A l)l\lNl'\. All Diseases nlthe Stonmoh, Bowels, Blood, ].ivm', Kid- neys :1 ml Urimiry ()rg:m.~', Nervousness, b'l0*pl-ssm-ss, s-.-po(-iully Fe mule Cum- pluints. ~,./5 -:wv ..-.u `u`.._..... Will be paid for a case It will nut cum or help, or for anything- lulpune or ltuurlous louml tIlc'I'c`ill. 110 p Bitters, 686' Broml wu y NE IV YORIL Hops, Buclm, Man- drake, Dandelion, Am! the Pumst nml Be-s`t Me-4li'ul Qualities of all ulIu'I'_~'. Cures CEO. W. BELL. V.H. AND I). \'. II I pemmr and Resldenne,t:15 Prillvr: 5 mnsulnt on: free. Telaphnmw . -I-L . o1ne-Bibby'sI.ivery. Brock strum. ..j--_:_?___.. A. numv. 129m1od1( x-vrm-1m~, mi; I o loadln hank andllvarystulyleinIluu-Hy Tolophono 0. I11. V ' J r ' ~ ' ' * v I Only 106 oporltlvo path Ill against L1!!! in other nukes. g}! .."`.`. 'a;;.'::::'{ :~."s'}$": In lh|.....nJ .llJnly.Ip.n II`!!! or nnAoI-oAnu. aid ward dulr an M "':.:..-;..F' -.*.'.'....!a*.-.'E'.-.:.'.: an *1 Dallas` orbondomhffv. duo. ' Q-Hlu on! all nonosury I no. In nAlI.l!r A IOII. Amok. HONEY .-` sums, at. low 1.... Ind Farm Property. .. nnd Cunnty Debentures. A|ply ta. Bnmns. Manager F'mnt.anuo I nm n u mom I-loaiety. Oioe npuouit the I -` Everythlng In Slim, Eveti "the Prlc THE A Boarding and Day school for Young I..adies,"C1osebum," Kingston. .. . Juli nut! 01 University Graduates. nu. mu 0 nu Se combo:-SE1, BPE [AL A IO given to Imtdenta pop; for exnminntionn. The rening in- xnonoo 0 homo combined with high mental tninin. `rill UBICAL DEPARTMENT in In r-hm e of AITIUI Ewan. 00.. Hun. Bum. A.C. ., lnnlnnd. > ` _ A___ _` l___ nun. nsq.. nun. nIu., n.u.u.` land. ndonta received It any time and has from dndh of gnu.-`nuns. I I . run an to: u 1, as, I oo5wA1.I..u.L". hf3sp::.' ' Tl0NK[T COMMISSION co. , , , _ ___ - --.1-guru-I\~ U1 B0ll0ll0l'H, n.m:., an Kin won. 1 H. .Ihcnomuzu.. Q.C. . .-_..j..___ The Kingston Husiness College MYTHE sf LYON, nAIm|.-'rr:u.~:. L tors 810.. Ontarl (`.hnnnl:e~rs. In`. H .}4uv1'n|::.().(`,_ H Io-nu uvlull ucuun Inc. 7 -AILIY C XII. RIDGE. I. P. CIICIIILIIVI. Agent K C3:L: Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Pro- visions bought and sold for cash or on small margins. . -...__- unmci-nu nu-r, $1,000 IN 0.01.1) .. ....l.l IA- 1: tllltwlu ll uynauauv ' 325 cheaper than nny other l lt4`h|.'4`-I Type- writer. For full lnformnclon cull at. I L` torsu& rt`.-. E. H. . 4m'1'nI-:. 0.0. TAKE N0 SUBSTITUTE. ACDONNELL It lAR.llE|.I.. HAlll{l\"l'El{.\', Solicitors. Etc., 38 ()I.ARH.~rIc HIM!-.lf. Unuton. mo. vfal Jmn I). v. II. mnnrv | rin<~e.~n 3|` on auum u.-.5...... mm Oman. KINGSTON. om. - -----\--v\ a n..A..ln nlunmbnn w --_'v_.__ _ , BANKERS & BROKERS, |uInIlAI~n- N-V. Vl$lBLB Daugherty iPinRCHITECTURA L. HORSE LIVERY. varammymv. :31-,-- EDUCATION. DENTAL. 'i'ypevriter nu. mu-9. nu nunllud rum lug -u-uv_- -.., , LD. 4 Ontulo Olinnbon thou 000. 3?T8T`6b"Eii &"Cb". um...-an-I an Anon-not u 1h-um:-rm ul Chi-4 liu Hail)` H-wvpt Molnluz uuhm V\ q-`Q. M :l 1- m HANHLTON & FIONTREAL LINE. I?EIi<:Ii,e!.&_9n!ari9._.w@ I\IIlVIl\I\l U "uuvun-v . -.. Nulllug 'l`hrmIlI the [lay of Qulutn. m|IIun. Tnrmno. Klngnl lnmln. Rapids uf the MI. and Moulrcml` It septa-nB'. {. Vlor mun. I` In I I 0 .PVc 8 "`Fh.t'.`...$n 1`. ..u`.`.'. .".... 1-}: n."""-` R` tho for ham: and n H _ humor Uranus In vou nauuucu. Twin screw Iron 3.1 GAIPAIW u. -|-..o.l.. light. -Imlrin be-lln. .~|Wll"l`&C0., 'l` Preiuln. Am-nls. DAILY LINE. .....I urn-.. lung. I Ga`, nuuun-av v Inna-vol thlaolelonlo loyal nun unnollpo. pod. 0-0500 0 Island 1|! Icvkn n 'f0Il from no-I. Shnnuhlm. Iontml. Oahu II` l'\I`I.I IJIBLAI-II4V STR. HER u_. nun unv1v\u ll7I.`Il`l( I u gnu owner mmrnuuum Ipply :- \V'. 0 CBAIU E 00.. Aguntu. .:-:. xmtm"g;ieiu7;zs| '- 1 1 9 'n'."v'.":"a |"|'. nWn.~? .Ell:Vl~`. I.H.(HI.I)ElL-1| I:vn,h.n l(\ .m, ..n...... ... 0' Mummo\lH.tIb.'};~i|I'|;;\ nix inI`l\l4lo lmth way 'I`. MANLEY 81 HONH. 1. Pun-mnm4r Auanh. W. F()I.HEH.. Gan. Inuuuor. IOKIT VAGRNCY ling-ton. '1l) Ullllu Luruuu uuu (A! In! an gun, vvlr the mother named Louhm, hm, thu (mi would nut. hour to lb. 110 n'.\'nm M ! doctors, at the nurse, um um m.-rvunls, u even at his wife, doulurllm thuy inn! 4 bated Into a conspiracy to deceive him 1: blmn hls llfu. Thu Clllltl was n lmy nml his mum: was Louis. und I`ruunh|.~mpln|mn thorns was no nlmnglng Ha-nrl do .\!uupin. 1!. In mid that the lmnbnm|'u-1 uuruununlng pun-alutuncy prnyod upon Llm huullh of his \\ lfu ml lmnmuml hur denth. -.`..I.. ......-.Ilnn nl hlu In-Iuht. nml haunti- Hun ml lmnmuml hur uvutn. Sulu guurxllnu n! his bright. uml haunti- ful vhlld nnd nurruumlud Ivy menluln nnmur lo ulmy hls union: and ununurngu lulu wlld whlum_ llm xmhlmnnn dumu-d his Illa to tlm mluunllnn uf I. " In \I.. ...|nhml Um Nllllfllllllll Ul ' lluls My hulr nlmll lm tlm lnnrbt tmnumpllalmtl onvullur .n l~'runcu," sul the futlmr to the old uuru. wlm ln vnln lrlvtl to :ul\'h-10 wllh hlm. Win-n 1 Inn gone, Luulu \\'lll bu the Vlcumw do Mnupln. and If the hun~ uur of mu lluur do llu l|8Ul|Ii n tlufumler he shall be tlm rm. and grc-utnat. From the vnry llmt. Llw mluontlmn of thls strangely plm-`ml uhlld wuss of n mllltary and nmsoullue character. The old mun : strange dolnslnn. If not nulunlly enmur~ ngnd, oonalnly was not npposud by tlmsu mhl. nlhnln lm nnnm lmn mmlmm. Thu ngau, oonunuy was um. nppual with whnm hu cmna mm mm Mulu mm was bnruly uhlu lu w; Wm-1Ill.led out In I mlllmry lll from lmr llrsl lhaplng ulw npokr mul regarded hunwl|'m-1n buy. \InI|l1|llv Hm uh-l wma I mul regarded hunwlr an u buy. Menunily the girl was womiurfuily bright. I`ulikemm.t girls. nhu our:-(I noth ing for dolls. iicr toys worn swords, trumpet: and drums, and imlurv sha had amend her louua shu wnn nu oxpvrt tumour and uklllmi with the piuol. Hur father kept. girls away from in-r, and boys were only pnrmiltud to visil the oimteau do Mnupin. when he om-mi prime for {onc- Ing, uhuoting and riding. niiul which were when by this strange girl. ll...-i 'nIIInn urn. I1` Imr fnthnr (Ad STEAMER HAMILTON HIKUII uy Bull utrullgu girl. when Loulae was 17. her fnthur dled, leaving her A oompecency and umtlng In his will that Luula" must onberlhe army when he heoamu 18. \`A_.. ........... 5|... -o.._oIl...- uh-<~.. nl Okla WHUII HUB IJQKIIIU It}. Now comes the startling phasu of this woman : character, for she won now a woman. Up to this tinm she hnd always dressed and noted an n mun. Yours before nhe had discovered her !1|thur'n Jmliuulne- tion, but. planned with tho groutrr freedom the Assumed aux gave her, she lvllt herself willingly to the fraud. Naturally robust. though only about 5 foot 4 inches in height, her outdoor examine and virile mode of life gave her A strength nnd grace that were phenomenal. She won not. only export with weapons oi war and the moat dlnj rider in Pica]-dy, but her physical ntmnnth nu in-enter lhun that of must. Illflnj nan: In rlcaruy, um mar { strength was greater mun um: : young man of vv nnd twenty. Now that lmr fnmhar wzu (land I or nvu mu Iwonuy. Now that her father mm (loud and she was her own lnlstrens, or It may he mas tar. um servants hupod her gum! neuuo would Occult Intel! and that she would u- Inme her proper null-o null pmltlun. But the you: at mnoullne lmlnlng and mu cullna freedom had told on her character, sud the was not wllllng to nncrllloe her -lborty tolochldomumua or luruml propul- :31 Sho Itudlod hard for a ymr um-r her `usher : death. but It was not to In banal! tor tho duol of womanhood, but Path! to qualify hunelf the better for the I-010 of an adventurous gallant. whlch alm had du c|dod to follow. 11...: A- \n-....|.. 5.-.! .I..4.-.-...I nun nl (hp OIIIX I0 IUIIDW. Henri de Maupln bed dropped out of the Ior|d'I reoollootlon outside the rural din- Crlot when he was mater. So when one tiny I hlndtomo youth appeerul it the court and Introduced hlmeelf on bouln, VICDIIIO do Meupln." be we: accepted for what he nproeentod himult to be. _ end. an the name In an old end Illustri- one one. the pelona and drawing room: of the elite were open at the epprooch ol the beudlen but fuulnntlng cu-ellor. And nu. human A nation of ndnif hardlo but hluinnung ouulor. And now begun a tori!-ta ndvcninru Quito narcmnrknhlou anything recorded in We pngelof Ibo "Anhinn Nlghtc." Louis E Iaupin plunged in once into the twin- eu current of tho mmuu. and (ashionabio world of Ihodu. To me tin pronoun mind to an ununed nu, hounoointod witinllo wild young spirits of the city. OAIIII was Among the nooomplislnnanb laugh in the (Stilt. uni in am out ch pupil to oxnoiiui the muur. Baton Innis had been in Paris two Inonthoho hui n minundunundinp out ulhwith captain onxqoc sh. pug. AIIIII hibwod the nut nuningund a hut Iwvilhnun in Oh I Wills this whole, It INC. Whllv III! whole In Inunudnuvmlh lhnooaosuollo. Ibo SHE IT/ED LIKE` A MAN. Remarkable Romance of Madamoiselle dc Maupin. Who Successfully Posed as a Man. Made Love to Wom- en and Fought Duels. LEA YEN KINHS ON (Iomg ED.-N-'l.llQIIi!l\'*l. M 5 [Mn- Hnlng We.-!~~F`rI:h\y~4, at 10 pan- I1`AIl|n`~l~ .HAnn(Hnn Min, rntnrn Hi! JUIIIIS AL The child turn--.d out tn L5 __....|..... ..........I I uni.- K.\'F.l`Il.l.\'H Hlil-`IDH H [II .\I. mdu0m.lrm us lnun's no Pulllllcla. Thu n walk whun lt. Inry unllunn, nnd I spoke ul hursull u n glrl,w mt. I mm... u `, n nun: v futhur I` the man, the minor that or A gnluuu. ' Imuln du Mnupln had devuluped ll llklng for l|t.urut.uru and u talent, for drnumtlc reprnwumllun that nddad to h|s-0r her-- pupulurlty. Tho artist was pr-mum. at the purf0rumnt~tL Ho watched his ("hand with Lhu grnuwxzt |ubur19sc-un lnborvst that bo~ cmnon painful uuxluty when the change of ohamutor oxuuo. rm... nnulu nl Hm hunnnn (nu-In hml haul HAID: "YEN. I AM A WOMAN. wunn-n were told with increasing exagger- nmon in Paris, and when he returned ho found himself a hero with the young rouoo and no idol with the women of fashion. Ilnrn no. lamnxt mm minht. mink that Louis 1 me sworn. I Gautier, In his hlsturloal not , says that Milo. do Mnupln a atartlln career In Paris lasted only six months. An qmnttor to! fact, from her that Appeal-anon at the age of 18 NH the day her life went out. slx yum-s elapsod--Ilx years In whloh she lived (I unnmry. Affar hnlnu In-Pal-ll for nnnrlv I van n numury. _ After being In Purl! for nearly I year ` she paid 11 vlslb to her aunts, only to dis- appoint the old servants, who were deiroted to hat and hoped she would remain. 'l'im nmnnn for her return to Purl: SIEAMERWJFIH glue idol with the or msnmu. ilere at least oue might de Mnupin would have called a halt, but he did not. Never a gallant since the day love was rst made by man towomsn ever entered the lists of Cupid with more erdor nor, strange to say, with more success. Women threw themselves at his feet. Hus- bands became so jealous of the imndsome, fnsoinating youth that they forbade their | wives speaking to him. The wife of M. Snbel, mayor of Versailles and master of ` the palace, oommitted suicide because of her hopeless love for De Mnupin. 'l`hnla intrinuss were notorious and in- ! her hopeless love tor ue mnupm. Thane intrigue: ! oessunt. The consequence was duel after : duel, in all of which this remarkable im~ A pastor omuo Out victorious, til] at length 1 even the braveec feared to hoe hi: invinci- E ble sword. I n....a.n.._ x.. |.|.. |.a..o..-hul non-u gain: that to new nnu nnpau nne wouxu roman). The strong ruunou for return was the frlondshlp she had fnrnwd fur It young and hunduolne artist named Philippe I Cassllnir. In thla one nature asserted lmrn-ml! in n moat striking way. Pmmhnir hnllnvnd that. his fnsolnnthnz imrn-mil in moat nu-Ixlng Cunsimirimiioved that his fnsoinming friomi, Louis do Maul)`. was a man, and yet he ouutoused to himself thui, never be- forn hmi mun or wunmn nvcwti him in the ruuue way. in him pmaunco oi Luuiu this power of fascination did not iuiiummo him. Tim two would sit in the studio, emmkinu, drinking wine and oxohunging swriun oi law and utiwniure with their mp imubs on thu lubin or umnmlpIu(:<.\. But when (`mminnir wun uinnu, tha fucrn, vnluonnd manner of Mn frlund lmunliot him, and ho uuuld not nocounu for the Ir- resistible yam-nlng ho had to ho In the young man's company. I This went. on for more than A yunr, nud ' man's This yunr, Phlllppn (Izm.-al|n1r's frlumln nutioml that ho wxm fmllng away, and, lmu-mug that. he Wl\ in n summf duollnu, they udvlsed mm to go to u warmer ollnmle. lrkxlnre doing this he dvcldml mouusulv. with Du Mnupln, who had now lmcuule essential to his ev- eryday llfu. --u:..n .....l mu .h..1I mu: H. nvar." mid eryuny mu. "Walt. untl we shall mlk lt. over." and Do Mmlpln. "Muuuwhlle cumu to the pri- vul-u thuuuluals mnlght. and hour mu play. I Luku twu pnrV.a-(mu that of u young wu- tho -nlmr that of gallant." I.....|. .I.. \l...mIn hm! llnvnlnnall ll llklnu ol olxammmr The study of the human turn: had been an essential part of his art. training. "I have mud n discovery mulgm." he Bald to Louis whun they were back at the studio. I! I have not, than God plty me, for I must be lmume." `-vvmn In in" sand Do Maupln, show- ing oxoluqmonl and trembling for the that time. -IV-- --- _ -......-.. ..I .... In..- IIIDI. You are A wnman--n Imautltul. lova- oblo woman. and not. 1: bout. of I maul" cried the desperate nnlst. nu Maumin nxnmlnml the door. drew cried the desperate nrusn. Du Mnupln examined the door, down um curtulnn. Then, coming back and knaeilng buforo him, she uld: Yes. I um a woman. Hero is the story of my um, and I toll it to you because I love inn " Halls every Qumlny M7 p.m from KlnT4tnn to Rovhuun-r an-I wank h\_\'~. Irum Port {ope :0. i:&!p.m. 'i`n|u-(i.'l`.|{. (min Im\\'ilu( Khm- utnn INA! mm. Fur /\loxnn.|rin Ilny. Sulnlnys. II Q II ) nuu, I you. .. And rising from her know: to a seat on hia. she inid her humi on his breast and with her team puumtl out the story of her Itrangn liio. ilonomhiuman that Philippe Cnsuimir was. he prupmiud to make Mile. do Maupiu his wiiu. but. her free. inwiou life had made her indiurvut to the legal obligation which society, for its own pro (action, munumiu an the nui not 0! such an ntuminnunl-. "I -m l|unl|I in has vunr wifn hafnm hlllh nnmlnnunl-. I am randy to be your wlfo botore hlgh heaven, hut, I do not propose to be bound by n law that In vlnlntod when love dles, but whloh In unnecessary wharo love liven," nhu sold. Hear form) of character and tho bllnd force of Cunlmlr'I unrem- nonlng lovo uvurcaune Mu ncruplos, and for about In year may lived ill husband and wlfa But ma Louis atlll (lroasod and Mood u 1 man huluro the world the nocrel fur the tlmo wnn known only to the two. M...m.MI.. lmn. muh Invn tn wnnwn. the limo Known only 50 um um. Meanwhile Louis mule love to wonwn. which excited no jealousy on the artist's part. and out-ouaed with men, which drove him wild, And soon Iem him to his grave. The (acts of this narrntin are Nikon largely flour 8 memoir of the uni, publinhed by hi: grnndnephuw in London 60 year: no, and whirl. gave Gautier his auggution (or tho startling story Mlle. du Maupin." lnnuui nl nhnnuimr her lilo the death of Mlle. (la Mnupln. " [Instead of uhnnglng her her lover neomonl tojlvo an lmpullo to the lovemaking. gnmhllng and wlld excuse: of Louln du hlnupln. The {not that board: were not worn at the slum nldod the decep- tlon. bu why she should porulut ln mak- lng love to but own an In an huplloablo II ls their wlld lovo tor her. nu... I....n.. 4|. unmln -n in --n of Z. `I Wlht it the no ol li about your dslon nornl pnlo hA||{ou voloddia Inyso box ollilyrb ron Tonic Pilh it Wade : Icon. Tho; will build you up in short . In In Iholr wud love [or nu. when Imnloo do Mnupln won 24 non of age. although nholhon looked Ilka I hand- some youth of IO, nho won tho warm as- Oentlon, If not the lava. oi the honuuful young wlto of Lord Cnvondhh. III attache at the English omhn-y to Park. A dud followed. In which bod: won -0- vcoly wounded. lnnlno do Ihnpln :6 man nun-II for her home In Ploudy. llllllllll The only perfect Even if Solicited to do so. Beware of imitations nulivl` THUS. H LNI. IY, J. J. .'l\NIl-`T Ii (`.0., H.| Ititunii See you get Carter's, Ask for Carter's, . Insist and demand- 0ARTER S Take no other of Same Color Wrapper, London 6:La-.7n7(:as!`1Hlr7e LE6 As- surance Company. u..m`uunv A l`.AnuIunnI (`MIIPANY Wrrn lulvgruv-no . VII- l JAMES SWIFT 61.--Cl)MPANV WH0l.E.`lAI.hZ AND l.E'I`All.--lH*l!~"F IN Tllh`. MARKIN`. ICoal-L':S:WW7ood | YIO Ill `HUGH HI-FBOEI. SALES OFFICE 6: YAH.l)-Coruer Ontario and Wont. screen. _ ___ ___,A; (`J A Hanan`. nah... Str.ALEXANl_)R1A|