Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jun 1896, p. 2

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n v Mr. Spencer should not take the voters out sailing in the Wherenow ?" They arc wanted in the city on Tuesday. They may go explorizlg aft?rwa.r:ls. . . . At Petorboro the men employed in the Trent. Valley canal were called out of the ditch to cheer for Sir Charles Tupper. Hard pressed for public enthusiasm ! I C I In 1892 the Montreal Star declared sol- emnly : The only poliq that can survive in this country is blue policy of tariff reform. In dny event. it would have been the wisest course. but now there is no oblwr course left open 00 us." I I I Louie Simpeon,of Vnlleyeld, gives a list of the cotton mills that are idle in the United States. And it is the land of high protection. too, the land from which our high tnrilf rollers derive their inspiration. What in Louis driving at? U ` C A Mend of Mr. Spencer's suggests that ho lnulnn object. in view in mixing out n partly on his yacht, the Wherenow. and nonducting a popular election aboard. He wnntod to find out. how the folks were ge~ , .._ _...I :. :~ ._...I-_.......IoI...A I... :_. i';\;{tv.g\'(r)i satised. Physlclanl Commence to llesllse the Value of Dodd'| Kldney Pills. U l'l`.\\\`A. June I5-The inveterawre Inc- tance to admit the success of patent inedi- cine, usually evinced by ph sicians is ra~ `iidly giving way so far as ld s Kidney `ills are concerned. The cases of Dr. Rose and Dr. McCormick, who published details of their recover from diabetes and Bright's disease, throng the agency of this remedy. were the first attacks on the citadel of their skepticism and now it appears as if the remarkable recovery of (L H. Kent, of this city, the details of which have been so suspiciously begun. The published in- terviews with Mr. and Mrs. Kent and the sworn statement of the former leaves no foothold for disbelief. Bending Out Dlrty Literature. Copies of The Irish Canadian," pub` liahed at Montreal, are being sent to every Roman Catholic voter in this city` They are bein {ranked throu h the mail: by Hon. Jo n Haggart, w oae signature is u in every wrapper. One Roman Catholic w a received a copy of the current issue of the above mentioned paper. said it was an insult to send any such periodicals to men of intelligence, and also an imposition on the country to have them {ranked through the mails. Said he: Hon. John Ila part must think that Roman Catholics oi? thin country a flock of sheep, to go any way they are driven. Slavery has been abolish ed and every man has the right to think and act for himself, and ifhe think: to whip the lriah and Roman Catholicn into line by sending them such ilirty literature, he is mistaken, as the result on the 23rd will show. __{_._..?_ lmnerh lru. Mrs. George Dixon, of Winchester. mo- ther 0! George Dixon. of this town, :1 ed seventy-three years, two years ago flit May completely lost her ni ht no far my to reading is concerned, and mm November last was iracticully blind. In April last she hm er eyes operated on by Dr. J. C. (fonnell, of Kin man, at the general hospi- tal there, and I tor the o ration she was attended by Dr. (lray,o this town. who tested her eyes and got her glance. M re. Dixon`: night he: been completely ro- atored and can now read well\nnd : iacern objects at A distance. and her friends are delighted with the success of the operation. uuuu 3- ur unqu-u . Look in at a puwnbroker s window and try Lo t a history to the vnrioua nrticlen there displayed. A ntrange uiaortmenb. From the old lamily aignet ring of the broken gentleman, to the well used hum- mer ol the once nlxillul and induscriouu ..-clan." nnn`-In unnnlrr Ilmn r-rnuinn nf fhn onbvonorpviunrrnv oi the iunuui enu lnuulltrloul-1 nrtisen; gonmto euplg the craving of the victim of the drin ineese. T` `-= rlread disease is no reepecter of persons. .ergy- men lose their gowns. doctors their practice, wealthy merchants their business. Ieborin men their work. It spares none. Yet ul nlihe may be permanently cured of the disease and freed irom the curse by scienti- c treatment at Lnkehurst Sanitarium. Send for full pal`tiCuh|l`!l concerning the drink disease and its treatment, to the manager. Lakehurab Sanitarium, Onkville. Ont. Thomas G. Alford. Sytouae, N. Y., so widely known as Old Belt." is still an enthusiantio shermen. I caught my first sh," he said recently, when I was about eight years old. I guess I have alnughtared A good many thousands since that time, {or on! six yenre Ago I kept a record of my cum during one season, and it reached a total of 5.`2lJ(). Understand, this we: all done with a hook and line, al- though I shed in different parts of the state to gather them up. No later than lent year, at the Thouund islnndn. I caught as man no twenty-three black bass in one day wit the y." ..-.Z.."`.""T.3'"`.;'.'..'."':"3" build you up in M Iliilorh gar cnncrva votodoiubuyu .'l'onic Pmnat will Don't Forget. That to remove corn: ,WnJ, bunionain ll few dnys, :11 that in required is to 3 )ply the old and well-heated corn curo- ut.- nun : Psinlou Corn Extractor. Sure. Isle, painless. Putnam : Corn Extractor mnkon no sore Inrd toheol, acts nnhululw and nnin nnnlv nn hlld nnd lfl 'II.W 'I'-. TIC?- An Amusing spectacle wu wicneued M. the lnymuket I night or two ago. A nur- ried women lnvin three children and pos- Ieuling 5 man}: or bicycling thought. to indulge in her favorite putime. She mounted 0 wheel And rode uny. followed by bu children, who run around the mar- ket. in her wake crying lnwily for their nn." not were they quieted until Ibo dio- Inouneed and united than she did not in- teudtobtuk her necknor to runnwey Dunn ILA-1 4 mnken Inra to noon. so! quickly md pain only on hard and I01 coma. For sale It Medley : durg store. Inn Iluuuuuoun Ida wl.0. liulnll. hrdnpuuloa ol rm, unu- uulnnunlwnknuu. nu-."3.'.3'.1....a j. `I What in tho no ol li About your noor chin larva gt`. 9 All on .__. .- .n- :- L... - ox. |tm.... ..,.,. 1' (`I VII` nil. IIIIVE win: Iriuvv --v-v IV Pusan sleuth 2-3'::e:>.:.`:::::-.. ` `'`'a.........`'`--*---' vastly mun-mix. b9':!LI.I:'2!'a._.2'_' THEY ARE GIVINKWAY. THE DAILY BRITISH. WHIG. SATURDAY. JUNE 20. 1896 In In Illlu vuv uuvv uuu -v--a nu-u bv` u vols. and it is understood that he is Ronorod u Slght. wn l (Continued from Page One.) to forego the ndvnntegee ol tection. Sir Charles Tupper says he :3? under- Itend it. Well, neither on we understand Sir Charles Tupper. They will not provide foxtunee for any fnmily to buy the castle: cl prlnoee, while the people who pay the ten: that are drawn u n to compile such fortunes ere opp b low price and restricted merkete, throng the iniuetice 0! thoeeuwho live o' them. "1" QB: nnuarnrnnnf. lmnhaan RIIHQV 0fOnO A nousmc LIBERAL mu} thoee who live olf them. I! the government. haeboen guilty of one Home more then another in connection with the Manitoba school question. it wee in bringing it. into the arena of politics. Mr. Wallace an a it was done to euohro Laurier. e who would do such 1: thing is El culpable me he who throne B lighted match into a powder magazine. There are 20.000 Roman Catholics in match into powder magazine. There are 20,000 Manitoba. IF they believe that they have suffered wro'ng at the hands of the gover- ment will not their co-religioniste in other rovinoee sympathize with them ? If they Va been wromred we. as Protestants, have been wronged we, rrowamnw, should in duty help them to right theirl wrongs. s "Every decade we havohad 5 reli ious war in Canada. In [840 we had the c orgy reserves war. In [863 we had another quar- rel ovgr so rate schools. and there was music int 9 air and wins on the green Fruit Jars schools. and more was music in ~t wi green then. We settled that y the separate schools set. In the 80's we had another war in which Sir Oliver Mowat and his government was charged with pandering to the hierarchy,because we song t to give Roman Catholic children as good an edu- cation as Protestant children get. W0 mnended the separate schools act to do so. To promote religious education in the schools, edited. by proxy, what is face- tiousl known as the `Ross Bible ; that through the hands of Archbishop ymh. and it was at once profaned. Honest men broke into a school, ried the desks, took the bibles out, built a pile oi ingots on them and burnt them to the glory of (led. In the light of these records was it not a huge piece of idiocy to again precipitate a religious war upon the peo- ple ?" Ilunnnv quarr mier ernment that camiot >roper|y xrame a mu to be trusted? Sir Jmrless Tu per says he will reintroduce that bill anti) push it through. His followers in Quebec say it will be reintroduced unchanged. Hugh John Maudonald, in Winnipeg, says no bill will be introduced: but that Tupper a gov- ernment will meet` Greenway'n government and the question will be settled to the sat- isfaction of Manitoba. Other conserva- tives any the bill will do the`Catholiea no good, but will merely give them the right to tax themselves. In Ontario thirty con- nervntive cnmlideten are pledged to oppose remediul leginlntion, and as last as the train service will allow Sir Charles rushes to doctor these 8l'l`l| g men. The bill has involved the coercion of Manitoba. from the first, and r-oercion hurl, from the earliest times. been obnoxious to Anglo-Suxona. Clmrleii l.. the epitome of our modern Charles, tried upon an Englislimnn, John llampden, the uttem it to coerce him into paying ship money. |iver(`rnmwell, in llln wave tvnicnl of our own Sir Oliver IHI/0 lillylllg SHIP UI|VBl'| I'()ll`|WBII, in some ways typicnl lllownt, hud ll tilt with Ulmrleu, who lost his head ut Whitehall throuqli employing coercion, and on Julie Zilrd our own Sir (,`-lmrlee will lone his head. Years ago. we Ualimliuiis, though there were only '_3lM),l)UU of on then. were uttocked by the Ainericnmc, H,0()(),l)1 N) of them, who thought they would coerce usinto cutting loose from Brituin. But we beat them out of sight, mid we min do it ngnin. Coercion was tried wlwn the negotintionn for the entrance of Novn Scotin into confederation were in progress. It lulled, and concilia~ tion was tried, succeeded. nnd since then Nova Scotia has been contented. Sir John A. Mucdonnld, thut atnteemamend it is almost 1: pity I should have to use hln name in connection with that of Sir Charles Tupper, mid the speaker, and the audience approved by fervent applause, called about him thoeewho were com tent to advisehim, in INTI, when Mimito was coming in. 'I`hey not down, talked the matter over, Munitobu was conoiliated, mid is now one of the realest provincea in the dominion. (.`onci iation was used in 1837 by British steteamen to settle the grievances over which Canadian radicals were ghting, and it succeeded again. and it will succeed with Manitoba under Mr. l.aurier`s government. It was once said," went on the speaker, that Dalton McCarthy was the brains of the conservative party. He in not. I any the brains of the party are in Cnteraqui cemetery. nnd if they were not things would not be in the condition they are." :`And the audience cried Hear! Hear!" and wildly applauded. "Let us have no strife between the Pro- (bur llnanclal Condltlon. Our debt. in $250,000,000; of Kingston, 8l,000.000; of every man, woman and child in Canada, 859 ahead. In the United Stated it. in M a head. In the past. seven- teen years we have added $ll3,000,000 to our debt. lthinls it is time we atopped borrowin . You can mortgage your farm beyond its value. Sir Charles Tapper proposes to construct a ueeleee railwey, the Hudson Bey road, for which we Will have to borrow $4,000,000. He has other Ichemee in hand that will neceeaitata our borrrowingfrom 830,000.(X)0 to 840.000,- 000. Now, I aay,it. is n cruelty to borrow somuch money for wild-cat eohemea. I would nay, and the liberal party says, we should amp borrowing until we have in- creased our population by lling up the prairiea of our nu-ch-west. The expem-ea of the oountry have increased by many millione eince Mackenzie went out of power. The lnureat. on our national debtiu I|,000 an hour. In Mao- |..mi.'. mmii-. noel. ae22.0oom nor the and wildly npplauuou. wanna of Ontario and the Cnlholiomof Manitoba. for wt an brothers. in 0 Mr. Laurior. And to some recount? J. question at issue he has cal ed to his mid the nbloat. atatoanmn in Ontario, Sir Oliver Mowah. who has ever given the minority their just. righta." provinces sympathize wwn mom .' u may ` nave been wronged Proteamnts,` Imnld in dutv hetn right their! oonntryilld mob our it look oulor I min 111]." In clodng Mr. I P mun hnnid In minim! Ia out lot many." eglrgenled tohin audi- onoe tonid in mining level of antes mnnuhip in Onnndn, to Itrive for statesmen- ehip u the have it in Britain. on to home extent we it in Sir John Muodonnldh time. The people halve the opportunity now. They are sovereigns, for one minute, oncein ve yenrl: in mu-hing their ballots, they trnnefer their eoverei my to the party thnt wine on J une23rd. hell that power be given to a petty," he asked, that ha: [or put uIed--at least-queetionnhle ....3.::".or tuothe party then: oupuble `en: ueed-at. lent.--queeuonnmo mot ode.or party and ready to use methods ol wisdom and justice In guiding the destinies of Can- uh? The Bee Hive `o`g_`\:'_aAr:..A'l`|nln"rol.hwo:n'Ion` Tho lihoral choir. assisted by the au- dienoo, hen sang another campaign song in fine style. lulu? Jumuu 'l`hA llu-tr: Bonny support. Hon. W. I-{arty J-oceivod I most utter- ing ovation on naiiv in roaponso b9 the call of the chairman. who remarked that won it not for the fact that it was known that the genial oommiuioner of public works was to speak at the rnoetingso many ladies would, not have attended. I-wina in ma lnhanann of the hour." what I feel sure is to on we most in- teresting ueetion of the mar. the Mani- toba schoo s question. and what I say will be said, not in my official capacity not as a representative of the Catholics of King- ston. nor in the government. but as 1! slm le citizen of Kin ston. ` hat is there in this campaign to makethe Catholics of Kingston, who for years have fought shoulder to should with their friends, what is there. 1 ll. to make us desert our party, to desert the banner of Blake and Mackenzie for ma banner of Tupper? There is nothing, and I ask an man here who thinks there is to raise his hand. The only thing that oould lead anyone to say that such an event should occur, is the fact that the government has attempted to give the Catholic minority of Manitoba a certain measure of relief. But before deserting the banner of Laurier and Mowat for that of Tupper. we should investigate. What did Sir Charles Tu per say in Winni to a Protestant au ience: `Why ihoklg you replace me with a Frenchman and a Catho- lic-Willrid Laurier 1 When challenged to repeat his words in Montreal he added to his Winni 5; question words to change it thus : `W y should you replace me with Wilfrid Laurier, a Frenchman and aCatho- lie, who is a traitor to his race T" Did not Hugh John Macdonald tell the electors of Winni -that there was nothing in the remedial ill that would make anihange in the condition of the Manitoba Catholics with regard to separate srhools. Are there not thirty conservatives pledged to op- pose the remedial bill? How can Tup- per`s overnment. if he should be return , be depended upon to take any denite or effective action in this matter`! No, gentlemen, in my mind we are fully justied in continuing our condence in those in whom we have reposed it for the past twenty-tive years. Sir Charles Tupper may be able to fool all the Catholic people of Canada some of the time. but he cannot fool all the Catholics all the time. The Tupper government has already shown its utter inability to settle thisquestion. They hnve had an oppor- tunity ol doing so. If there is anyone in Canada who can settle that question peace- ubly and with perfect satisfaction to all concerned, it is llun. Wilfrid Lnurier, and if there is anyone in Canada who is able to assist Mr. Laurier in so doing. it is Sir Oliver Mowat." "`|'IA nnnnbnr than tnr-null liisl ntfnnlinn I ladies would, not. have nwonuea. "Owing to the lameness of the hour," Mr. Hurty said, "I will conne myself to what I feel is to the most. in- IA:-`Alina nu-tinn nf tha mur, the Mani- unver mowau. The speaker then turned his attention to the local campaign, warned the friends: of Mr. Britbon ainut condence. ur ed hard and faithtllil work by all good Eb` ornln, and said : "If Mr. Brittou can take to the polls next Tuesdn the forces I book there in January, his e ection is assured. in spite of all the toryism that ever existed in Kingston. - And from the nnnrovul with which Lhe in mngsmn." approval audience received this sentiments, it was clear that they agreed with the speaker, and would do their utmost, to make Brit- wn the member for Kin awn." It was nlnna nu tn tum vn n`:-Incl: wlmn the "member lor mn awn. It was close on to two vo 0`:-lock when Mr. Hnrtv concluded his speech. Three cheers each were then given for Imurier. Britten, Hon. G. W. Ross and Hon. \\'. Hurty, the audience sung Hod Save the Queen" and dipersed. urvul. ovum: nlllcu n--u nuunuuuc--. We aim get at the heart of this matter by letting other people tell the truth of what theae wonderful South Americun Re- medies can do and hnve (lone. John Mur- shnll, of Vnrney, county of Grey, sullbretl as only those cun surfer who have been troubled with sciatica. A relative sug- gested that he tr South American Rheu- matic Cure, whic I promised so much. Ro- sult#-lnside of three days he was able to walk in distance of nearly four milesto Durham for the purpose of procuring nu- other bottle of this remedy He (`ou- tinued its use, and today he testifies that he knows nothing more of the troubles of this painful phase of rheumatism. Home disease consists of the [tethering Llllll palnlul pnase or rneumausm. Some gathering of solids and hardened substances in the aynuain. The tmublea cannot be perman- ently removed. except as these particles are dissolved. A powder or pill will not do this. South American l\idne 'ure possesses the particular elements t at get at the seat of this disease. John G. Nickel, one of the best known farmers in Wallace township, oullered from kidney complaint, carrying with it Awful pnins. Nothin did him aky good, until he tried Souti American idne Cure. His words are : After taking on y two doses the pain was entirely gone, and l have never been` bothered with it since. I feel as well as I ever did. Let any one write me to Shipley pout olce and I will gladly give them par- ticulars of my case." lo` um world looks blue to m vone it is to lino ol 5 I omen- `o:r'y:.V'o`t:`.:l1nvsn. oodon` no. king u.'`.'.'.'"`.: :33 n. "' 'i.h"'.2!`..m. `:1! lot lukot-. out volup In Ila cum, s..c. cuAnLs.| 'f.*;:`.:=' mculars or my case. If the world looks blue yona the dyspe tic. For ten years David Reid, Cheeley. nt., sulfered much from liver camplaint and Dyspepsia. He says: At. tlmea my liver was so tender 1 could not l bear it pressed or touched from the ouL- `, side. I cried a great. many remedies with ' out any benet; was compelled to drop my l work, and as a final resort. was influenced to try South American Nervine. Before I N had taken lmlf a bottle I was able to go to work again." For sale by W. H. Medley nucoeaeor to N. C. Polaon &Co. | Who Keep Every l'romluv-Rlneu|nat|nuu Banhhml; Kidney Unease Taken \'|ll'I: Dreaded ludlgonuon Not. Known-The [ll-nnl Hnulh Anna:-Innn Ilnunnlllnn. CEIW-I 'I'IIII. | Can ou nd A one of Bright's Disease of the idno s. Diabetea, Urinary or Liver I coxnplsintu L at in curable. than Hop Bit- mra has not or cannot, cure? Ask your For 5 erfocb Vt order the Specially I Corset. at rs. Homaley a. Brock street. coxnplslnul than Ill ciramo. mu nup ow ` tors your neighbor: it they qan. { _._n. THREE TR UE FRIENDS '_,,!""Ii ptoplo to |GAVE uornlzms "rum. ..._,.._.. SHE TELLS WHAT PINK PILLS DID pan ..-n 4-..... -L snond From It.VltnI DlllO-Ia0II Tho] UIO of Ilor Bight IMO and Allloll Lou Tho Power of lpoouh-Curod In stow Cumin. JAS. IAAWRNEY, -c-_-_n-- Aylmor Qne..(luotte. Of all the discoveries nude in medicine ' this rent a on one have mcfre to`E|lovi| Human -uerl chm have Dr. Willie 9' Pink Pills. e nuInvv\nA.f.`|AI\n in null. A H-Inlnf. in this brand or diaooverie than have Dr. William! rink nun. In `there in not. 3 let in this broad Inn in which the mu-tabla hauling war of this favorite medicine has not n puttao the test and-proved triurophnnt. It in A real. medicine and the good it. has nooomp ishod can only bofnintl euimnud. There are many in Aylmor w o speak of Dr. Williams Pink Pills in terms of prnilo. and nmong chem is the fnmily oi John Smith, the well-known blacksmith md wheelvvright. Hsving heard that his dnuqghter, Mina Minnie, had been cured nf . O. Vihn dnnnn hv hhn Inns of Pink of St. Dill. 6, (nu nber, Mm Mmme, nan noon oureu t. Vit.ue dnnoo by the use of Pink Pills, the Guatto callod upon Mr. Smith to learn the partioulsn. Upon Imntioning the matter to him be ex roused pleuuro in making the fuck public, if it wu thought that they would benet an -ano else. and remarked thut he thong t. Mrs. Smith nnuldurnhnblv cive the Inrtiuulnrl bota- remarked was no mougnt. Mrs. nmwn could probably give the particulars ter than himself. "Mrs. Smith said that about a year ago Minnie Wu et- wckecl "with St. Vitus dance, of a rubber seveie nature, and a number of medicines were tried, but without any effect upon the trouble. An electric buttery we: also uni hut. In-rl nn hnnnninl Annf. The the trouble. An eleotno battery also used but had no beneficial effect. The trouble ap red to be gettin more se- vere. and nally Minnie was obged to dis- continue going to school. having lost the power of her ri ht side. Her speech was also so much a ected it was with diieulty she could be understood. She was out of school for about six months and all this time she was undergoing treatment, which however, proved ineffective. Onedey Mrs. Smith saw in the Gazette the particulars of a case of St. Vitus dance cured by the use of Dr. Williams Pink Pills, and deter- mined to try them with Minnie. By the time two boxes were used Mrs. Smith was sensible of a great improvement in her daughter's condition, and alter the use of four more boxes was satised that Minnie was completely cured, as no sym toms of the trouble remained. This was s ut the end of June last, and since that time there has not been the slightest recurrence of the dread disease. While Minnie was talc ing the ills her weight increased. and her general eslth was much improved. Mrs. mith also said that her younger daughter showed symptoms of the some trouble. but the use of l)r. Williams Pinli Pills speed- ily dissipated it. ll... lillinmn ninl: pills sun nwll dissipated it. Dr. VVilliemn' Pink Pills are offered with a condent-.e that they Are the only perfect mid unfailing blood builder and nerve reetorer and when given it fair trial disease and eutl'enn must vanish. They make rich, red blo and cure when other medicines leil. Sold by all dealers or sent by mail on receipt of fty cents a box or $`_ .5U for six boxes. by addresain the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockvi le. Ont... or Schenectady, N. Y. Beware of imita- tions and refuse trashy substitutes alleged to be just as good." Bo-llevllle Ontario. The investigation into the (l.T.l{. troubles here was held and the committee decided that the rumou were not sulclent to warrant the suspension of any of the employees at the station here, but the em- ployees were warned that any open parti- zan acts in the future would be met with nu instant dismissal. K. KILBOIIN l.D. l.0.P.&l|.,LA'l'l. ladle lsnporlnton om. Kinnton Gono- nl Bonn! . Coroner lnr any and country Oloo tonnly occupied by Ibo Inc Dr. Ian- don. Telephone No. In IC'I'I'IIIF- Cure liver complaint, biliounnou.-1, &c. These Lrouhlea arise from tor idity or in- action of Lhe liver, and shnultl) be promptly treated. An ncbive dme should at first be taken. any three of Hamilton : Pills, fol- lowed the next night. by one or two ills an the occasion may demand after w ich take one pill once or twice a week. which will gradually restore the action 0! the great blood lber and Ln reby allow it to uerform those functions so sential to the l and we can supply you with Flies, Hooks, Reels, Lines, Floats, Poles etc. All prices. I-Tnr Ihn knuc urn have an nlt U tonne phonu I3. DR. 81 IRLING, Oornor Wlulun Q Wo!1lnston_ Bu-ooh. Tnluihnnn E). , Hnnnlltonm Pllln of nndnko and But- Infllill. blood lter and Ln reby nnow n. to rform health and comfort of ch - y. Sold by dealers in medicines. One pilln dose at MedIey a drug store. l)uuuu vu uuwu. We make a point of clearin out our pnrnsol stock every season and `Emgin now to Poll everything in stock at. cost price. Everyone must go. Rain umbrellas and ladies waterproofs very cheap. Our bla<'| (Ir sale is still going on; we ale givnggimmense vulue; a large range to choose from. All dross goods reduced at. R. McFe\uI'a Kingston carpet, warehouse. lmnos wawrproots very cnoup. Uur u u a wareholu Norway Pine Syrup cures coughs. Norway l'ine Syru cures bronvhitis`. Norwny Pine Syru heals the lungs. {Unis CLU. {III Pllbcin For the boys we have an outt at 5c; with pole, IOC. This is the Season for liuopnodn Nowllootondslioeshn _....-.4_.....g...pu-nnnnlnnlllnonl \ IlvIIvI?I cu uylvv I Z `DAN EGAN! DB. J. F. GIKN. CORNER UEEN AND Barrio Itrooh. Tolophoncb I. Kidney Pills first proved to the people ` that Kidnoydisoasois curable. Being the ` original Kidney remedy in pill lorm, tho cures they have made. and the fame they have actu.ino have opened the way for a host 0! imitations Ind substitutes, but those who lnve been cured of l ` for Kidney Discus. Blsdder and Urlnsry dimoultieu. Lune Book, nnd the number- lus results of disordered Kidney: II Donn ! Kidney Pills. Bo Inn to get Donn : Prioonnyounbprhox. . I3.. ..I. I.-. I.. II ll.-I AM Complaints through the use of this won- derful medicine. those whose lame book is 1-.. 1..-... ....:.. 41".... m`\.\ nnw hnvn are the one: whose opinion ls vslnsblo. When scores of such people oome forward snd tell publicly that Donn`: Kidney Pilll cured them after other menu: tailed. it ls evident thus the only GBHKII mounome. IIIUIU wuuuu Auulu vwvn It: now free from pain. those who now have no headaches, those who have escaped from the death grip of Dinbtee And Bright's disease by the use of Donn : Kidney `(u nun; uu-5- run way.- For sale by Ju. B. McLeod. Ilqu II II Wlllllh '1 CURE STAMPS B. H. BAIBAY DUFF`, no BAGUI 81.. h '0l;`lOl|I occupied by ` Gold Gun. Talo- ` Dlll . I 79 Wellington Street. Maoncm. qARDs. KIDNEY The ().'l`.Il.-;T||>veI7tl;`u:lon. I.. nun. -in, T557\W 'F6'i+'E 'oiiiL'u';." PILLS um Q VVOIIIIII Tcloihono G00. ...BAssl Ir r-I HE III III vv---- _--- M. 3 small cost. No odor. Wicks sully re- lacad. Powerful 8-inch Circular Burners. $o|m.e.u B:-mm Burner and Oil Tnnk. Stool Top Tray and Frames. Three sizes, with 1. 2 and :1 lmrnurs. BAKING. BILOILING AND ROASTING CAN BE DONE '10 PERFECTION. Shown in operation at i?ov3mvm{{F% T T` All our own make. Neat, durable, efficient and VERY CHEAP. The Leading Undo`:-taker and Furniture Donor. 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET. KING R .1`, REID. Undartskor. A good stock to be com loco cleared out b romiou ricu. We mun have room to make our PROVEIIENTS. Soogorploao our pprot than toad our principal to the maths. Are you the mu: or woman who said ou couldn't crlord tobuy ? Luck is now huntin for you in the she 01 Burn us. without or olgu-oilol. in tho line 01 Artistic urni urmmagilah 33110 at and Iron cal, cmoiod or Black. Antique Oak Dressing cues and Wain: 8 d. sold upu-nu. at JAMES REID S, Your choice of our large range of Fancy, Dries:-zes in Batiste. Linen Lawn. Duck and Fancy Muslins at wholeeele prices. REFFWGERATURS. . . . d to k 01 d t by promlou prices. We hsvegggmawocmake ougom PROV .%wnor lose Drot principal tothe _ _ __ _,,, _ -_ ._____,. .___._ ._ RICHFION D & CO. {no WIV THEY com. WITH COMFORT FINE MATTRASSES. 75 & 77 PRINCESS STREET. 263-265 PRINCESS ST., MCKELVEY & BIRCH Door & Window Screens DRINK. . . A For SUPERIOR FLAVOR 1-nn\-`Anna lce Cream Freezers. Refrigerators. Garden Hose- I have now in stock a line of Inatbransea, bound all round, 5 inch border, finished in good ntylo. M. $2.50. These nre excellent. value. Hair mnttmnnuea in stock or made to order from $ll) up, blunt. nre real horse 1....-.. Imi I`. g`; I 229 Princess Street. riul. from St} 50 up : Airican more HlLLl'l.LHHclI, am up ; Lzuuuu riulu Aunvlalnm-cu S4 .34! up. Any style or kind made to order. Huir, Wool and Moss Mattrnsses re-picked nml re-atulTed. As all this work is (lone by iitemn power, with s})eci'ii{ (lei-iigned fun: to carry off all the dust, our customers mm nlwnys feel new of hnving lir-I ~clm'-um work rib nll times: mid an. the lowest possible rnbe. Every variety of Bedding and Pillows for unln Tile Pipe and Fittings always on hand. AN OFFER. `Furniture Manufacturer and Upholsterer. "rnon Mlcllllf mom Ann swur otv|.ou.' 69 8: 71 BROCK STREET. KINGSTON. 3 Fibre Mntbrnssen, suitable for invulida. made from tho purest nutte- 11 $6 50 African Fibre Matmusaes, 35 up ; Cocoa Fibre Mattrannen ,_ Anv Htvle com m nun wncuero o'm.w/.70 IRIIIIVI` ...m:m rnAarumoI....- .. 3. MARSHALL R, _\AIAL.DRON 8 YES. THEY ARE IN DBLAND NOW. WE HAVE A LABGI STOCK. ALL SIZES. PRIOIS Chambrays. Organdies. sortment of summer ma- The most complete as- Percales. Lustres. terials in the city. TELEPHONE NO. 35. Va Aw-ug-.--, B. J. RIID, Undo:-uker. TELEPHONE 312. has no % "r=i2XdIANcE, BOUQUET, `HEALTH PROPERTIES. STOCK. ALL BI AWAY DOWN. In the Shade On a Hot Day Free Sample fromAyour Grocer. A drink brewed with STOWER'S Lime Juice Cordial is most re- treshing. Sprinklers. Water Coolers. &c.. &c. KINGSTON. ONT. KINGSTON. ONT. miasron. om, musty flavor is acknowledged by highest authorities. Accommoda- tion of ghe highest class. HI I liluu Ivn-uugv-n `Z You out 0 IO ogym tho in?-Z -A-ad: -3'12 DIINS. ""`p.'5`. .`4`..'.`.`J".`. ..."' Machinist. u )8 Montreal nu-not IN `_M'l``f[A1lf.n`kKlTE3HEN . Inn rlnrlnl ll summer les For Sale can on" TIIAIIVTI A IVII IV I II\rIUuI`\o1yIv, |BYDHAI TIWIEET, NEAR Pll.lN(7E8.`!. -__u---------:-T--?__-. -s!~?$I9!*_ Gm a-u.....,...... .. _- ] J. I|cLAUGLlI~\l::,; , Carriage Painting 'n..o_-.. mv hmln=,.and I `nun:-n Ilodarn manuement. oxcellunt cuisine nnd but stocked but in the city. 3 l attention given nummerciul mon nnl nlnhn. \JI.ll I luv u ---.`--..a Thnvn my buslneem, and guarantee that all vehiolemoquips 05. etc mntruntocl me will be returned IN brig t. as new. Plenty of room in my new quarters permitting good storage w. 0. FROST, nu`- nu _-..a .. ..I..-I-l4-- 1-gr gland: VV 1 Us I l\\l\J I 9 King St., next to electric car sheds FITS LIKE A GLOVE \IIlvIII--- vv.-- _- on ll splendid Coal 011 Cook Stove Millinery Modes. I Our stock of the Instant English. French and American uterus in Spring and Summer Hllllnary sill presents an unbroken front, and we are showing somq rare novoltlos in illflnary sill] unbroken Front, some novolttos Fashionable Hondwenr :1. low prices. HANNAY & HAROLD. Ornamental front, Division and Cemetery Fencing. IIIIIRVU I VII v----. lion-qhooku In 1-our her month In sweet. And Iha hu Anyth ng but Chicago not. ; But Qhere In one thing however strange It uukuom. Th n o hu I ngrtinnlnr hankering for olnughlinm Ice Cream. - _- . ...nn:l Ill lrnurhnwo havo no need for much. We mum- lnctnunll the latent styles of Conan. Hy- ano Wnlata and shouldor Brace: for Lldhs. lumen and Child:-on. Porloctt guarantee-I. u---.v-_|. I\.._-- n-t--_. Il)Prln- II\.III\IIIIII\JUOO In the unlverunl verdict of the pantry nude with our Whib Rose fancy Patent Flour ARK YOUR IIRIIWIR W! I1` AND TAKE ASK OUR (330033 FOR H` AND TAKE N Sl7{3'l'ITU`I'E. V KINGSTON MILLING C0. """ """"" """ Illllll IV In null. uuvuuu-`Iv. The Quaint ol Mean Ross and Ru-ty A woraboth inltruotivo and odilying. Sol- A_ BRYAN` don huono Ihunodeo mob: mumrly nu mm: .5. "mm, mu... 0, km, statqnonla ol man on Mr. Rouprooorw ;;;';;:~,";;;;n_ __ G M g;9_r-.33; ed. :1. u the mm. .p..u.. in the in Union! to conga: luglslwlro, ono oi the mono popular men :1 INN. `admin And revolting. . hast` a:..1o...., W in0ntrIo.nnd populu-hoonusohoia:n- giud. I out: s:l.ltod~.n A1 gguoun And ontorhining and navor um. 1`:-hi I zvunnhod. I0? *1.-' (nann- LADIES. ATIENTl0N I \I.Y.-`ml L-.- ga--.-v, I-I --my-vvu. - Word has nnmo to us tint Agontn are using our nnln In Mnvsulng. Turn them Away 3 lnctn nll nylon Conan. Hy- HIIHIGI Inll U|lllI`0Il. YQIIOOI I1! [IlIl Il'|IoO0Il- NewVork Dress Reform,:: ,Et.3` MISS I. Dl"l'l'0N, PROP. De|icio'us.._._` L. AL- .._n_._._ . Every Woman in union; o'hnn nu I-7 Ian I VV\IIIIIlII to hue the luau style and until: her IMIN. We IN props:-ad 20 out I kind: of panama to you own mounts on uliolhutnotloo. We also mnnnfootun tho nunelo Health Count and coach the Invom of Solollio Dun Cutting. \IQLIu5 L lI'\ -' WWII Iunuon. Ismm~_s nos. 3. -' I l\IVI:v T Kli 11 Ionics! strut. I doors snot oi Prtncou mm. Kingston. Ont. IV IIII-A III. v---... The heat. from cooking dm-ind the monthu with an ordinary cook Itovoia very fatiguing. *'?!'-*'0`:'j} . .' I000 ISLAND HOUSE . . y...--v--vupvu`-nu, u unvvuuu -w-- ARK OUB IT TAKE N0 817 UTE. BUSINESS POINTER8. II. J. l'lIrIl\I\J\JrIInn4. N Iontrnl straot, near Prim-ens. _._.??_:_._____ guns-uuw urull lllllj BVRNBS4 co.. Ilnnhn-I up. u A..- -..a -0 3.4--.. m2)N. MILLAN, Prop. -In` 'l`u M. W. ROBINSON. ..; tnnnuwn \lnAn lull` lvvi `iv in VVIIIII ' H II III 905$; c;'ho':a',uu"Ao"_ "an :3 .I\IlII nu--gun, - ._'.- 9 minute from All Bonn and Trains. --2- ` IF YOU WANT A GOOD SECOND-HAND BICYCLE HHIIAD (ID TO Cooking Can Be Done ,.._.u . n...| nu nnnlr tnvn I -nun. will come when on will want some {ob In the Tinum thing lino prom L- anended to. On than oc-canon I 0 man to save Mme for you In ` 7 I so All 1:011, no wood work required. See sgmplea at the (or Indian, gent: and children. Lona experience in tho lar- gest factories 0! the world. . .. nn--ngnu _: ` Is It common expression seq. dom realized. expression 39]. Our :1 uinlty is making to or-ler id and Iuohnloves experience . J. McDOUOALL. ._;..I ..L.....s mun: D-inn: Poly at {not of Wllllnm be sold very chelp to of tnumfernl to ntot-It 229 Bagot street. and Brook Hts. L111! Vvvlilxsawuuanau -J |AU\ICl\1Qn\rnva Tho dinnlnion ballot in absolutely notch. and lt. ll uttarly lnpoaaibla for any parson othertban the voter hinuoll to discover how a man : ballot has been marked. Voeora who are zroatonod by bone: of any kind should remember thin and mark thair ballots lor the man and party of their -L..J.. month. Repairing? dnnu promptly. Nurgk-.1 nntrumentn and Appliances made and repnired. Mnumfacturer 0 Models. vluvuuuu ohoioo. ....--vv- A FICTION DISPOSED OF. It ha been stated over and over again, the otion has been repeated in order to given . thooomblnnoe ol reality, that. the school question In: a retort. of Mr. Laurie: for politionl ooct. DI.-I-A W1-AA tlinnnngn nf that an-n in IUI WIIUIXI UIITBIH Clnrke Wellsoo disposes of that ynrn in I few brief words. He he: informed the elooton that the eohool question wua pro- jected into the arena of federal politics by Sir Mackenzie Bowell, and for the express purpoee of "enohreing Mr. Laurier. Amvl Hp Wnlluu Ixnnwn uvhnt. he in fnllx. Y'}WHIG. 0pV|rpor Or-but Dian` ' `* Till WORKINGMAPPS PROTECTION. IIIL- _: ___n_A_._ |._Il-A :- -L..I..L-I.. ...._.h Pulytwuvl uuuluvlu` nun. Llullllvlu And Mr. Wallace lmowa what. he is talk- ing about. He was a member ol the gov- ernment. at the time. and protested against a proceeding which was calculated to do an inoaloulable amount. of harm. Sir Mao- kenzie committed the lolly of supposing thst the conservative party. and especially the Orange element. would remain loyal to him. would allow themselves so `be mie- used while he shed after another element. that represented by those whom he cap- tivated with his promise of n remedial hill. 9:. u....|.-..-:.. ..... u...-nu! in Iununl-A , heartieet applause. I an Sir Mackenzie was warned tebeware, and he disdained the warning, and Mr. Wallace left the government and has since been opposed to it. He has been active in his opposition to its remedial bill ever since, and has clearly demonstrated that the government went wrong on this ques- tion deliberately, and that he and all who think as he does. as good conservatives as he is, and better conservatives than the men who have misled the party, have a right to assert their independence at a time when their principles and their man- hood have been attacked. Mr. Mclntyre, wants you. electors. to believe that the remedial bill is a constitutional necessity. It is not. It never was. It represents the attempt of Sir Mackenzie Bowell and Sir Charles Tupper to sell the government of this country for a mess of pottuwe. pnulassuu us an sun-vs--uu an... NOMINATION Al)l)l{l-ISSES. It is not a pleasant matter to have per sonality obtruded uwon an election non- test, and it is regrethil that the tory organ should eriticme Mr. llritton's speech as one that could be answered by a schoolboy. There were several precocious` scholars upon the platform, and one of them made a very indifferent attempt at reply. To the News may we be permitted to say that Donald McIntyre`: speech was utterly devoid of tact. Anyone desiring to in crease his friendships or acceptance at a critical time would never have opened his address with personalities, which could have no other effect than to excite the crowd. not convince them. Then his criticism of the reformers for selecting a wealthy candidate was followed by a re- mark that Messrs. Richardson, Swift and Minlnes had been nominated for the conser. vative choice. Surely there are reasons why Mr. Britten as a public man and public speaker should be chosen before the thiee other gentlemen mentioned. They are very worthy and quite popular but not public men in the pnrliarnentary sense. It was not an evidence of embryo statesman- ship that by the reading of the Mackenzie letter the liberals should be invited to the lt was not statesman- ship which referred to Mr. Britten as Rip Van Winkle and brought into play the visit of his son. If one as nearly related to any candidate would not hasten to be with him in important contest like this he would not be worthy of the relationship. The pitiful appeal at the opening and close of his address (to the dissident conserva- tives to come into line was utterly inde- fensible as an election performance. Such things are better done in private and made all the more ridiculous the candidate's bumptious remarks of his surety of elec- tien. Then his allusion to the ship of state was very pretty and very eloquent, but was unfortunate as the sequel showed. It D... ae..._'- -........I. ..,...I.I L... -..-..........I L... A HREAT LIBERAL R.Al.l.\'. The` opera house Wu crowdod last night) with an audience ol men and women who listened with great. attention to $hedis- cunion of political iumeq as it was con ducted by Maura. Britbon, Rosa and Harty. ,, ML. ......l.'.l..|m at on. Ii}...-.I Ixnv-In luau ....-.._,. The candidate of the liberal party was cordially received. and made it as clear. as language could, that if elected to represent Kingston in the dominion parliament. he will go strong for ll revision of the tariff, in the interest of the working clnaees, for economic and honest government, and for the settlement of the school ques- tion by peaceful methods. Mr. Britten : stand as an anti-eoeroionist was especially popular. He sold he would oppose the present remedial bill to the end; that he would edvooste conciliation in the dealings of the ledersl government with Manitoba; that ii conciliation lsiled (which he did not lot I rnomont expect), and legislation of some sort was proposed, looking to a re- dressing 0! the minority's grievsnce. We would come to Kingston. state his one to the electors, and if given any sign that they were uneoeepteble resign end let the people vote upon the question. That ought to be And is satisfactory to any lair-minded men. It may not suit` thsewl. lor just now it favors tho club in politics and some one my use the club upon it to some advantage. Th; cu-nnhnn nl Moan:-A nan: And As-tv ...... .... .................... .... ...... .....,..... ............ If Bn'won'a speech could be answered by I school boy what. could be said about Mc- Intyrds, for the latter Ion the platform with hil party in very unaminble hamper, the very best. evidence that Britton'a reply had been forceful end effective. w. J. M00R_E_._1 III. 91' I: now nu.--uuu -re-up u. -nu. in Ontario, and populu because hols in- nbdvo. Yb: I contract batman hi; mo '7? I CIIKCT ITWTII Ill) noun sun! It aha-no ruppmr The email lnh-mnon. the cilia: all ogooinm: Ilnolnwhnb thooountq dolundod. the ot-|IorwhntI" dnmuulod; tho ononplu lot pout. tho abhor I bid for higoory and sanity and bcurtrbnrnlng. Hr Btu Wu dlutdlglln and Aqua. And Hnludlnlanllcnnl HOIIMIRO chat- ..I _-Al.4 _-..._L __._...I_.I `-3 LI.` -Il-.-- dngthqnuulpvooododnd thoeliunu vntuchl. at nddlul wutho but Hits 1119!`: In Kinptonmnd itlnu j&1@nilnn-:31. ""u'."ni..,"""....'." ,.7..'T,:.. ..., ..;.... Ihoiluonlglouhlnhulutungtognin hyvoIn'hppaIn\I~huunIhuoIuo- tloe. Iieelortwnbdngnndetodeoein them by e - bill which. though presumably dulgned to [ever an minority. you no impracticable u to be worthless, and the ineinoerity of Le promoters we: edvertieod by the differ- ence: oi opinion they eipreceed In regard to it in different part! of Canede. He supported Leurler as one who was con- sistent, who wee menly. who could be de- pended upon co Iegieluta feirly in the in-`, tenet: of all. end without. 1 noon. to ooer-" cion. He wee fnqnently applauded, end heheu reason tofeel that be we: on the ,,_z__. .:.I_ wmmng mac. The issue hss now been presented to the electors. How will they vote? For the settlement of the school question by 7,17,- -.. ...--_.J..I ....-A|....I.. v M. R-ism IOINIOIIIUUIJ In vuv -uuuun -1-u-mun u, coercive or poaoolul mehhoda? Mr. Brit.- ton holds out the olive branch and Mr. Mclntyre the club. Which do you like? Think of others, the Manitobans. and do unto them, by your vote, In you wnnI;.t.o be done by. night A I Lfnllu winning side. TL. in ma hm EDI RIAL NOTES. is going to be olocmd on Tuesday eve rig. The only question now is, What will bghia I:mjori.t.y ? u w . The election pluggen are now commis- sioned to do desperate work for the con- servative party. The jail is yawning for a few of them. I 0 O ;,___-_j That there are no better Mineral Waters or Bat 5 than those of EAIEDUNIA SPRINGS

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