1'1 E'%..T`X'r" SINGLE FARE On June nmh and July Int. (mm! to return July Ind. and _ . __ . -.._ ..-.- pi-nuns`!-u WHOLESALE ANI) RET ll.--[!ES |` IN THE MARK . u._: u.. n f\..ln-lnnfhnx --UI!aA lJD.lI.:| An-- lcoal & wogd and West an-onto. Mia and Queen streets. HALE:-1 OFFICE 81 YARD-Corner Ontulo Li.) A Human : Ooo. mumcxi onldx -" A """ "' Tolophono No. 43! { f::R`:::?:`n `ndom ` OF EVIIIIY DESCRIPTION. O0ERESPONl)ENCl4: 0Fl4'lCB'(CorneL Ou- and Queen streets. uuru nlrlrmlt X: VAR.D-Cornar THE INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION BANK-EZRS & BROKERS. BUFFALO. N.Y. Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Pro- visions lought and sold for cash or on small margins. _ _ A -.. ..... ...-An nu-I lII\n.l\nr{ Yard No. I--OnInrio strec 9-Clarence stra P. W. WAXEFORD. I Ontario Chambers Building. Tolaphono 495. w I`, nmannv ll Hunt. anlro. Talo- Tolaphono 495. W. C. OONHJY, In lune qulro. nhono No. 6!. DOMlI0_N DAY 1] 1'.'a'i1'E"""s"fc'a'ii':'s"1iicycrc COAL! lruosa no uK we seen me 1\A__...._ In]-.. E L E r u ( J n n N I I . I D 0. 390T'i._$-.E9~ Branch Offices. KINGSTON. ONT. I. phono (Snnoouon to Brock I Booth.) --1)EALERS IN-- WOOD AND bAL}. urn. I\l-1-a . .--`_. on June noun III July In. moo, valid for return lenvlna xlentlnatinn not late Hun July ud, law. And on nnmn date an. IIl..-A AI--- I`...-nu 0 Damn This. THE DAILY imrrlsn `wnm. SLKTUBAY. JUNE 20. 1896. {J. Ooo. corner Johnston nnd On- Shut Your EYES. And see how you would like to go through the world wifh R hluvk veil before them. That. ha what. will happen if they need at- tentinn and mm um Imglectinu the-m. We have mmlo R utualy of H19 uye-wr- thor- oughly llnIler.~|h\IIll its wonderful nnul ch-livnte merlmniuln. We know that the wrong glasses will ruin the uiuht--that. the right. mu-s will strengthen it. We t the right xlts.-sex Ovuli.-eta` prewrlptinnlxs I-ueruny ml.-.1. The Red Badge- of Courage An Episode of the American Civil War. By Stephen Crane. 12Ino. Cloth, $1.00. July xuu, lnuu. .-um on mama uuue.-a nv. iurlst-Class Fare & one-Third A- _-...-.. I-.. .-4.... .I-..HnnHnn uno Innu- (HOBABTS I |Oils. BAYLIS MANlJF G 00.1 to30 azare r MONTREAL. The oldest and largest manufac- tufera ot Varnish In Canada. :?j. '- - '-- v-_` 7 KI Can easily be allayed by applying at Hoag s Thirst Quenching Foun- tain. \ 77-..- ..-.. L...',.,l nnr (`r-nclwnr` Paints, IA Parchw Tonevei lln. Have you tried our Crushed Fruits with Ice Cream or our Pure Fruit juices? All avors with Ice Cream only 5c. They will relieve that DRY feeling. Icufting Remarks] I have just secured the services of Mr. T. J. Walter, a first-class cutter, !ormer- 1y with Queen 65 Rowan. Toronto, and can warrant a perfect [it in all branches of Tailoring. Mu mu Hnn n! the latest oatterna and IIIJI. Vlilov I u-v my `I-aw -...._ valid for return Ienvlnu deutinntlon not later than Jul`; Mh. Mill. Chem) .xt'nruimm tn the Nprth We-ut HVNE My full line of the latest patterns ideas in materials is one of the moat select in the city. and our made to order suits are praised everywhere as the correct thing in dress. Rock bot- tom prices prevaiL ISAAC 303 I111: Fame?! snd Banks| nun: rv-n-, n....... . -- - -... In msny Inverts the most attractive Hum- mer Resort in Onnndn. Euilr reached own (hand Trunk Railway or 7 utosmer to Pinton. On the Lake Shore. n the garden rounty 0! Ontario. never too wum, with superb huthmz. good shing. driving And bicycling. The hotel in oommodiouu and ohnnrs moderate. Families mny secure tho upe o cottage if nppiiostlan be made in good uuon. H Q A.9.f.:5 ABERNETHY, Has the Newesi and Millinery in the city. see our stock. ` _ 7 T --.t _. Dru Elton. ODDOINA Windsor Hotel. :. cor. Princess n_d Division Sts. 4- 4- `I- WEST POINT. NEAR DICTON. -..._....u.... u 'x*17'k'S`z Sfe""6 r. oouwn`. Ant. Hon. I Idea: summer .|!stl!|9 Place IT MEDICAL HALL. A 354 King sn_. the Cheapest Call and The Fuhlon of Ono`: limit should Be Worn to Sun the Face-Tnlk About Lamp Shula;--AIv|ce on the cure of Infants- --We loo! tho Thlng We ought to Be Booting Beneath the `thing We Are." Kingston iot. has been in a rush this weei, arus whic promises to continue until after the military college clonin . Inst. Snturdny aftarnoon n. dolightfu tea was `van At. the golf house b Mn. Swift. and re. W. B. Skinner. {W10 weather ...... ,.|....:..... ....I n vnrv lame number of JERRY S 1\ll_llL_B1SSGOSSlP. MANY AFTERNOON TEAS AND _ . . _ . . . -.n nnnnnzn Mrs. Skinner. The weat.nor- was glorious and a very large the If club enjoyed the good thin s provi ed by the hostesses. It was wit, - our. doubt. the largest. tea of this season. (M1 Wudnaldnv avanimz a most. enjoy- steumo~ru of [lulu llnv will lenw King.-ton liajlytaxc-pt Monlny.u.going Finn. at .'-n m.. going West. at 3 pm. doubt. the largest tea 01 um: avuauu. On Wednesday evening enjoy- able function was given by Mrs. Folger, an At Home" on board the steamer America. The clerk of the weather smiled higbrightest upon Mrs. Folger; the evening was an ideal one. A jolly party left the wharf about half past eight and thoroughly enjoyed the cruise about the harbor and the u per river. Good music had been provided), and those who felt so inclined danced on deck. Others wander- ed about the handsome boat, while some few settled themselves in ooxy corners for interesting tote a tete s quite oblivious of , ma... L-.. nmnhm-l nlh inclined danced deck. Uuuure wnuuul their surroundings. The boat touched at the wharf about ten o'clock to let oil those good people who nnly believe in the old maxim, Earl to bed and early to rise makes a mail ealthy. wealthy and wise. Those of the Earty who did not aspire to health. wealt or wisdom, remained on board and enjoyed the lovely eummer night for two ioure longer. Probably they were the wiser after all. Isn't it Tom Moore who says : The best of all wa a to lengthen our days, Is to steal a lew our from the night, my love !" the success of her pleasant. runcuon. On Thursday even g Mrs. Lesslie gave a charming dance. his was another ideal night and the dancers wandered out into the lovely moonlight to their heart's content, at least those who were not afraid of tak- ing the curl out of their hair. And to the credit of the Kingston girls common sense, these were many. Mrs. l.esslie s parties are always thoroughly delightful, and this was no excegtion to the rule. On Friday afternoon a very pleasant A0 Home" was given by Mrs. J. B. Wal- kem at her pretty home looking out on the glorious sheet of water which is the pride of Kingstoninus. Everything contributed to make the afternoon delightful. It is hard to find a prettier sight of its kind than the pretty women ofl\'ingston in their dainty summer gowns. There are many Inore guieties on the tapis for the coming week, arnongst them the R.M.C. June ball, which has become famous from one end of Cnnada to the other. steal lew nour Irum mu m...., ..., Mrs. Eolger is to be congratulabed upon her pleasant. function. nn 'l`humlav evenithz ()n Lho dinner table shaded candles are lovely ; on one'u dressing table they are nicer Llmn lumps or gas light, and on: desk they have a charming old-fashioned look. Now that. candle shades are so much used new ideas in this line are very much in demand. One of the very latest. fads is to make these little shades of feathers. The way` this is done is very simrle. First. out n cardboard foundation am cover it with silk be match your feathers. This must be done very neatly. Then get some soft. long feabhers from your poultry man, who will probably kee) a few for you when he is pluc ing {owls if asked to do so, or if you live in the country and have a heirhouse of your nwn_ nll the better. us you can then have lime hen~nouse or yuur own, all you an mnny feathers us you like. Dye these feuthers any artistic shnde you may fancy. When quite dry shnke them out before is re and sew them around the foundation so thnt the long ends come for below it. Untgh them here nnd there invisibly so that they may not slip and around the top twist baby ribbon and tie in ntiny bow at one side. The beat colors, and those which conceal the light least, !|l`8 scarlet, ink nnd yellow. The little brass olden- which fit on the candles and hold the shades in place can be bought any- where for in small sum. l nrrott`s feathers look cl rming on these shades. and very good e ects can also be obtained by using peuoock s feathers, the lovely shades of the blue and green look pretty with the light beneath. In most new households the rst baby proves such a very expensive personage that it is no wonder both father and mother take alarm ut the prospect of increasing parentnlreeponsibilities. As a matter of fuels, however, many (1 dollar is spent on u .... ..1...L.u nimnlv because the mother is fnct, tlollnr Is spent on u now baby simply because ignorant of its requirements, and in the first fervora of maternal love recklessly tries all kinds of costly experiments nu goslod by nurses, doctors or friends. as lliely to romote the little stmn5er s comfort and ealth. Before the cliil is a month old n..,.-. in an nnnumulntion of bottles, boxes health. child is month O|(l there is an accumulation and strange looking apparatus of rubber and glass on the nursery shelf sufficient to stock in small dispensary. One by one these are tried and rejected, being found in some minute respect unfitted for the particular ailment of this particular baby. In the first excitement the cost is not counted, but later. when the druggistfs bill comes in, just about the time when the young mother has discovered all the con- tents of the shelf to be litter and rubbish, she repents at leisure of her hasty pur- chases. When one reflects on the number of poor mothers, who can afford neither nurse nor doctor, and yet whose children, deprived of every comfort or ronvenionce,grow up strong and healthy, one can see that the cure of a new born in- fant must be a very simple matter after all. Babies are common enough, surely, to make it Easy for any grown up girl to learn how to take care of one. But how few girls manifest any interest in the pro- per performance of this most important duty until compelled by circumstances to do so. Hence the common and rather pitiable sight of a mother who does not know what to do with a baby, and is help- i......i. .i.mmlmn on those around her for hnow whni with baby, and In nonp- lcsaly dependent. on suggestions as to the proper care and treatment of it. A mu. inmllimant. atudv and observa- STEAMER HAMILTON trecitment. of it. A little intelligent. study tion of the subject` before marriage would change all this. with the best practical re- sult: in the roaring of children. own any": adopting I line 0! the xonamo con pompadour still to the EVENING DANCES. tuew first .,.1. .. unrv nxnnnllive personage When your cake is hvy. sog- gy, indigcstible, it's a pretty sure sign that you didn't shorten it with COTTOLENE. When this great shortening is rightly used, the result will surely satisfy the most fastidious.Alwsys remember that the quality of COTTOLENE nukes alittleofit go a long way. It's wiliful waste to use more 'thnn two-thirds a much as you would of lard or butter. Always use COTTOLENE this wsy. and yohr coke and pastry will always be light. wholaome. delicious. Olnuho can-aux: I all ovsdwhws -- thlt-IUD Till N.R.PNRIANK OOHFAUV. W tutu tll. has never depu-ed from thin mode, how Imn Eigglieh women, noticeably her own uglihore. have been disgured by the {union so well suited to the original. Nothing should be more careful- ly studied that; the art of doing the hair" and .faahion is never arbitrary on this nninr, 9 coilfure for a girl is not only bed lorm, but is injurious to the growing hair. The unborcurod, well-froomed hair of the first eighteen years wi I yield a silk and abun- dant. crop for the years of be lodom and maturity. The g|rl e hair should not be `(done up until aheis out. of school for good, no matter what length she may wear her gowns. int. The school girl of M11: wura her hair very simply. Long in rent. of course. either parted softly or drum straight but and done in one loose braid; or two. if two :5 nmfnrmll This in tho nchool Rirl I.F.AVlvZ.`4 KIN(i.~:'r0N- ning Enst-AT\`wsdoIyn. at 5 mm. (lnlng Weut---l"rlcluy`-I, At 10 p.111. F'ARES:-ll|nIl|ton $l.:\0. mturn $8.50: To- ronto um, return 97 50- Montreal $4.00, return 91 H0. Barth.-c and nmah in:-In-la-I Imth wnyu. JAH.HWll3'I`&l".0.. '1`. MANLEY & SONS. Froixm. Auunta. Passenger Agents. _-_ done loose braid: DWO. u two if preferred. This is the achool girl whose mother is a woman of good seuae, who knows that An elaborate lorngirl is only bad form, but. in iniurioua crowing I read ll clever little t-hinztho o'.her dny called "4 Silhouette. Heroic is: A ....:a... hurl tum lnvarn. for neither called "Q Silhouette." Heron. Is: A maiden had two lovers, for of whom she had shown an preference. One day one of them sought or and found her alone reading in the arbor. He stole up behind her and placed his hands over her eyes. Ah! in it. you Y" she asked. Yes. he nnawered. "But it ian t," aha paused an instant, then walked away In silence, for, he had read ;the answer he was about to ask for. Here is 3 00d little thing by Harry Romaine, whic I am afraid ts many a matron of the day: You change your heart. `ma hello Coquette, An easily as your love, And 1 know you'd p no and pout. and fret, In the chains of 3 lilo-long love. I! we were married you'd irt. with Jim. Or who ever the man might. be: So I'm content you should Inll)` him - And then you'll irt` with me." nllu - In poi nt.. E Ah! in it. Y" we askeu. Yes, t, saidae she recognized the voice, with A sudden blush at her own words. He then walked in silence. for. bhe When the present. generation was in its fairy tale stage it owned grandmothern. The gentle old lady who donned trailing gowns in the morning, wore delicate lave cape and employed her hands with knit- ninur was almost, a necessary part, of every and employed her nunus mm mm- Ling necessary rt, welldevelopod household. \ hat has be- come of her `.` An old lady, who celebrated her ninebieth birthday :1 few weeks ago. watched the modiute cutting out her gown for the occasion. Make the sleeves of the newest cut," she said, I don't. wmn. bhemtao be guing out of fashion. Mun, where has the dear old grandmother vmr iahnrl tn ' ()orrmIpundenl'e. Star Eyes I had to give you nvery short. mmwer Inst. week an I warn limited to 11 certain space, but. I want. to thank you now for your kind 0'er to send me Home owers by-and bye. It is very sweet. of you um! I love white nwers myself. 1 often think tliut. your other name is Daisy. In it `I Is it`! I Mn glad blunt you like Tho Soul of Lillil.li;" although it. in far-fetched it fills one": mind with bountiful Llmughts of (lad nnd his goodness to us. I have not reml A Romance of Two W0rll.~z," l ul- wnys thought. I would not like it. from wlmt. I have heard about it. Marionv -1 think white will be Lhe most. suitable and in the best mate; all whibe, remember. rv..........o RAurlnr--TlIl|lIl{R. so much. for ROCHESTER ROUTE Consmnt. l{eeuler-~Tlumka, much, what you my about my lewarn. I um glad that they help anybody. No,l um not good by any means, but, Iknow what; I ought. L0 be and what I would like to be. Are you fond of reading`! It. is the best. way to keep from being lonely if you can get. interested in your book. I do not like botany, I mean the study book. of planba:md owers, like Howell, I love owers and trees Loo much to sit down and dissect them.~-.lEIun`. IIIAD E115 I{NOWN.| wnere nu ished to ! With Dr. Agnew s Cure for the Heart at Hand. Death from Heart Disease is Impossible. Wonder: of thls Worlul-Falned I Cntnrrhal Powder. b'ucr'ess has followed all of Dr. Agnew`.-4 s iecics. V\ ith nll the emphasis possible, t bis is the case with his cure for the heart. lts eflectiveliess is marvellous. The very paroxysms of death may seem to have seized the patient, and yet relief is secured with the taking of a single dose, and the continuation of the use of the remedy soon cures the worst wse of heart disease. (leorge (Jrites, customs officer, Cornwall, 0nt., says : "l was troubled with severe heart complaint for several years. The slightest excitement fatigued me. I was under doctor's care for over six months, being unable to attend to my business. No relief came to me, and it was only after I had scarcely dared to ho for cure that l used l)r. Agnew s Cure or the Heart, and in a comparatively short time it removed the disease altogether." With careful, innate conservatism, yet recognizin its benets, the Rev. John Scott, D. L, Presbyterian minis,er, of Hamilton, is only one of the many leadin olergymen in Canada who, having used l)r. Agnew s Cabarrhal Powder, has freely testified over his own si ature as to its um uestioned benets. t may be only a col in the head, or the case may be a more a gravated phase of mtarrh. that has be ed other remedies, but this simple and pleasant remedy/will give relief in ten minutes, and entirely remove the diffi- culty. Sample bottle and blower sent by S. U. Detchon. No. 44 Church street, To- ronto, on receipt of ten cents in silver or stamps. For sale by W. H. Medley, suc cessor to N. C. Polson & (Jo. Storrlngton Sunday School Auoclntion. On Wednesday the Sborringmn township Sunday school convention was held at Bat- tersea. The fnllowin olcers were elect- ed: President. F. V. Lake; aecretar - treaaurer.A. Ritchie; commitbee, J. Web , Mount Cheaney; N. Caverly, Inverary; G Letherland, Lntimer; H. Scott, Cedar Lake; W. Loucks, Keelerville; Isaac Lake, Batbersen; John Qhmpboll, Sunbury; W. Johnson, Pine Gave. .,..........,.., . ...- . , , Remarkable Cures. Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure in performing wonders. Reports are coming in from all perm regurdin its eicacy in all cases of rheumatism. la is taken internally and costs only 50 cents at Wade's drug store. If you have taken two of:Carter s Little Liver Pills before retiring you would not. have had that coated tongue or bad taste in the month this morning. Keep a vial with you for occasional use. STEAMER Noam _1g1N_c IINIH GIABT. No.2 xp.....!:mnn No.4 ...`l:2."Ipn Wbuhbyvudcxwopnhamnuh WhuInvIl|(hIH.IhIoI'|ada'&dIl'h. WhnlhobemmoIh.noe|nIIo(hdoI'h. Whnnhdthnmqnunmunnuh I Phyult-Ian`: 5% Paine s Celery Compound 11.3 An lnfalllble Cure. ISEVMTENALTIES Insomnia on Sleeplessnessl Produces Many Forms 01 Mental Derangement THE TROUBLE IS A G0lHON ONE AT PRESENT. Calms and soothes the Nerves and Gives Sweet Sleep and Rest. I The immortal Alfred of England di- l vided the day in to three portion: of eight hours each, assigning one for refreshment. and the health of the bod by sleep, did: and exercise, another for husineas, and the third for stud and devotion- Sir Philip` Sidney calls a esp the poor mnnhwealbh. and he might. have added, it is every man ! health. ` Arn Irnn nlnnnlnan and mating: At niohtl l health. I Are you sleepless and restless at ni ht! Do you rise in the morning unrefree ed SDI III IILuII\J LEAVES FOR PICTON WEEK DAYS at 8:3) p.m., Tnmsduys and Thuradnys going to Bolluvlllo. For fulthbr partlau1|rgp_pp[y_t.g)_ ______ and weary. and not fooling oqnnl $0. *9 days duties? I! you begin tho dl.V_ "'_ ' tired condition. rut auurad. mmr vltahti days auuesz 11 you oegm mo any n. - tired condition, assured. your vitslit. islow, your nervous condition is critiol u and disease is doinuits work in some In low, your nervous oonmmon ll urwvv--v and disease doing its work In form. A........ c..n.. ........ ..c u... not. thnt. form. Are you fully aware of hho fact thlh eleepleeeneu is caused by weakened n0!'f" and disordered digestion? nmyou We wish these terrible hroublu. tr belittle the results? Beeeeured tchetif your br0|.l*f1' are not. cured. you may be led we lmnl death in come insane uylum, or to I-110 awful end of the suicide. on... .......a...... -1 n..:..|.:.... .mI nble end of the The experience of think! Id `bl phynioiene prove: that Peinefl 10"! 0 Pound ilthe greet for-" E '1 irregular sleep," for weekeneden imbbd nerve: and e genenl leek olvjhlitvr ?h' sands of grateful teetimoniell lent In 5! mben and `women who once won uttfflzvi; I Iebo aeep or rent, prove eonculi em Paine : Celery Compound nu noun-I for toning up end Ihlngtabnlng the 8" none evlteln. lithe halal: nation I0 "W or wmug up Ana lwlngugung an gnu- ounoPnino I0o|o|-yoog inton- dontly honestly and W urged for `CV61 ! Iieeploin. tired and nervous mun. ivory also Ion. lug-volnnl Iv: lluonmy , ryontdy and woman an child. In Pnlnobokfy 00"` poundolmo no oombindnuo moot 05- ciont aunema. luatgvu dud diumiqu uoelntbythoir dd an w a mum- qnlokly nttqnd to ham. ".4 It-I'0l|W and vim:-. LAIDLAW & SON 1. Prescribed by Able Physicians. i;li'MrM{' :7: I 1 r I` C -) TH?)L,`;:A'}{E Y..u.p7'}'I"| f8IIL~h.IcnvIz. J. swurra. oo..u.n.ou.n1zmu.mr.v1c.up We have sold nearly double the quantity of Corsets this year over last. Hop BIIIERE NEVER Going if On. FAIL WHY P Because we have 1 very large assort- ment and our prices are the lowest. MEDICINE, V NOT A DRINK, Hops, Bllchn, Man- dralf, Dandelion, And the Purest and Best Medical Qualities 0! all others. u!.e_s All Diseases olthe Stomach, Bowols, Blood, Liver, Kid- neys and Urinary Org-nus, Nervousuess Sleeplessness, especially 13'omuIe Com- plaints. `AA 'B6MT~noN 1896 DAY 1896 Tl}g')I`"1`\!1'P STINGLEAEAQE Wlll DO pill! 10!` I case It, Wl not cum or he! , or for an thing- lmpuns maa louud eneln. H op Bitters, 686 Bmad NEW` YORK. qya.,VI\:v a-.4: `nv_._. Will be paid for I one It wm he_l,"or lnnnnnn nun lnhl I lnund I IBIVEIII. $1,000 IN GOLD Inn: 1.. .._lJ an-u - an-n ll w I _ Spring rstly from impure big _ and in mg rivaled `by a morbi condition 0 the system, and by` local cause: of irritation, etc. 0 The real cause is impure blood, and there is no skin disease which Burdock l ~ vdv V277: does not cure if taken internally and applied externally according to directions. It heals up the skin and drives out the disease. Salt Rheum, Tetter, Shingles, Scurf, Erysipelas, Scrofula, Scrofiilom Sores, Ulcers, Abscesses and all similar diseases are invariably cured by the intelligent use of Burdock Blood Bitters. THERE ARE In your house It ou have our screen 8 `rt Doors an Patent Adjustable 1: WI. I A nnoul I.--n unwnr will work won- WIIICOWI. A good an Mower will work won- dorl mg` a to the lppesrnnce of your Drobort W: lnvn `am. Ismcnms Rail every Sunday` at 7 p.m. fr to Eonhenter and week dnyu (rm -9. maonm. 'i'uau.'l`.H.. train I_ JAS. REDDEN V& C0. -17: nnnnnnd thn Annnnv of tha caleh}ii%[:!i"1if HIiL".Isa Blondod Iibollll tho packer: for their tnda. Thu In t 0 nut. Indlsn and Ceylqn blend 0! ohm! In Otlldn. stammmng &Tftcring @5535?/f{7.L% A loading and nsy school for Young 1'.ulh"OIonnbun:." Kinneon. TAKE no SUBSTITUTE, _SK}N_ ]_)1sEAsE PICTON ND BELLEVILLE. A `In lll.l'5l`\ M--~_cv|J;I> AT THE ' Iutnum college of Expmsion. hln ll1$nrnuIv vv Have slowed the Agency of the .. ..a... ....I;".;... ....' cl . CONT AIRS Now ` Going On. Ital cum nos. "0IoIoburn," mncuon. . Jill uh! ol Unlvonity Groduha. hunk. dun to student: EDUCATION. JIANII PAITIIBON, Prim. Klllllhll Dnllilou Oolloai : ncnton, Q. Bo\onbor uh. 0 31 Itgionh noun mm min ain- IIIA con lulu nuns ! .9--."'i-`o'.`.`~'l';"a`. ..',`.` `53382 Mo ntrcal-and Rochester Tran- sit Company. Popular Hardware House. FLIES I-`int-class return tickets will be lnnod M a I sun I I-9 rs A l'\I3 Str.ALE3iAN[)R1A| IJIIl- I Comma-nolna an and thin v lllvor and Gulf St. Lawrence Dunner Olllnu In cool lacltudu. .._..- ...... u... no mnlmu-` In cool Iauuuu. `hm scm Im ax GAIPIIIP V80 Iloeto`!Inh. a`d,o|:ric bulb, and I" IIAVC IOITIIALOO IOIDA YI A|l`.=.nIIh .uhnndlhdJuno.0Ih m JII".'_ 1! and lint August. And at. Ion. 3" uulu M . and tiwwh uh 5300` Min 650 anon ht loom: um CI. AITIIUI Alllll. , 5... .2: rm . ALLAN LINE HAMILTON & FIONTREAL LINE. one snafu-hull Hamming II D o'clock um, lvuvuvu u v...-...- -.... - lhlllnu Through the [lay 0! uululo. FARE X6mb"z.1n|Ro ....n. -..x r..|.. I..A .......l 9.. -nhu H, , 4 Ln: II will II 1:: .IlI|dInn .... . . Meal:-blpu I nun rldun ...... ..ll Twins N012 and 3 run lnlly. NI). 5 dolly exec 1. Monday. All other trnlun ulallyaxcept Hum nyu. A _ A_ Inlllon. Toronto. Klngaton. I000 lamll. Bapllll of the lit. Lawrence and llonu-onl. clusn return uclou vuu ua luau _SlNOLE FARE _ _..-L __; -_u 7 DAILY LINE. ....,.x.... .\.. ......| M... Innn I ism. ' North JUNE LY Trll and !II9'I' Tiuketu good 10! TRAVELLING ..Nl)nI .l:2.`I DI ..l:1! pl .J'1lIIl|.l II` S 1.. nnu nrr\vIv\u IIllPl.`l( I Lllaln-an. V FETHERO TlMB- TABLE. um, G01] . Mal:-Inlpu Iynth N Inlllnn... llJ|_u.. I rvula 1 On June Nth and July lot, good to return July th. mu: v..... ...-.`_ BIA! - GOING W381`. 0.1 Exu....:0 p.n GOING ). B 3.1 Exu.. u W. FOLGEII. Gan. Manager. |BRoAnBmM:g;I;;I_Ih:K.N0,999%[ 14-: Iollloo sun 3 lllgh Price on Ills A-hlllty` u 'roncher-lmuteu of Iao0-Jn;`-an` Bu Aooomplhhod lllnclen In Soon` And clvll AlvIucmont-ller Wonder.` lnl Progress Within the but Ilnlf con- `THE STAGE ORAZE AMONG SOME \ SOOIETY WOMEN. (Spock! Cornsponugnce.) Nlw Yonx. June I9.-- A trial has been goin on here for thq past. two weeks w ich lets the dear publid mbo some o{ the privileged secret: of the` ags. Among the uninitiated, who unlyl use things from the front 0! the curtain. it was generally supposed that the scar` and the manager gob away with the lion ! thus of the receipt-I. lad thn. the players, ....o.a.la at the star. who really did tho Hnmlnyu. Trnln leaving 12:95 noon nrrlveu in Ottawa It (um ) m., and train lemvlnu at 1:16 n.m. hn throng1sleepert.n()tmw|\,arrlvlngnIm4An.m. For tickets. Pullman Accommodation Ind thi receipt-I. and mu mo pmyers, outside of the star. really work which made the play a aucoeoa. word fed upon fhllBk50l' the crumbs that fell ' from the rich man`: table. I<`.unrvhm'hr known that there was I the rioh man! tame. Everybody knows liege manager, who attended toregulat- ing the scenery and arranging the busi- ness of the play. Very few people out- side hie own immediate company ever knew him or heard much about him; be cultivated {ow ecqueintunce-I and hnd not many friends, for the position that he occupied and the things that his position compelled him todoin the way of linen, correction: and other punishment; of his unruly actors, served to make him un- popular. and to people who were unne- queinled with the scope oi his power, he ranked about with :1 stage carpenter and I little higher than a pmmpter. A few wears no 3 young man apeared A few earn ago young in New lork, who my engaged by one of our thencnical mu (era in I readqx_'_ of ..|.u._!nr be it. known that every blfoatro hundred years ago. The young man I mentioned 1:. moment came homo place called Chicago, a city situated about the centre of the Unit.- ed Scam. celebrated for its enterprize and unsavory reputation. The name of thb {oung man was David Beluoo. Before nu arrival in New York. no one ever heard of him. Bul. whatof Llmt. `Z Hehad Chicago chalked on his hat, and that. wua indorsement. enough. ln rnndimr hundreds of manuscripts, roadex_'_ ol plas--!or be it every In ew York and out of it, is ooded with pondorous tomes of manuscripts, the authors of which are anxious to occupy tho shoe: left. vacant by one William Shake- speare, a person who is said to have writ- ten some very good plays about. three hundred The voumr mentioned indorsement enough. In reading many of them written by talented people, a men necessarily aoculnulutes ideas. and it. was not long before the young man from Chicago blossomed forth, not only as n plnywriglrt, but no A thontricul com.-hm: well, and {or matter of that, I might any a couch and horses, for if we are to jud 0 him by the price he sets upon himself, no certuinly was :\ whole team. Of lntp yours there seems to have been I\ craze mnong 1|. certain clues of society women to go upon the stage. It started with Mrs. Lnmgtry, but she was 1; prize winner among Eliglish beauties, and be 1-sides thin, the Jersey Lily enjoyed the especial friendship of his royal highneua the l`rinve of Wales, nnd the woman who is lortunnce enough to possess tlmtimlorse ment in well launched on the sen of proa- perity, and will soon have (limnonulu nnd money lu burn. ln Clll-`IIUO. whence this Mr. llelueco burn. In Chivugo, cnme, lived in Indy nuined Mrs. Leslie (Inner, who had been one of the panties in a celebrated divorce cane. which had shaken F" ngo a fashionable four hun- dred from .9 roots ofits hair to the tips of its ariswcmtic toes; not (ml Chicago : ..._....... .i.. |.. ..._........m.. nH`m~nml ut. fnnhion- aristocratic not uni unicago n creme do In crumewan aifecleil, ut fnnhion- able society from Bar limbor to San Diego felt exceedingly uncomfortable, nml a shrewd theatrical manager seeing the ex` citemeni. her divorce suit luul rameal. Hug- gested to her that every bit ofncantlil (`on- nectntl with the case was worth it: weight in diamonds if she couhl nuly gel. the right kind of a play and go upon the stage as Mrs. Lungtry and Mrs. James Brown Potter had done. reaping both {nine and fortune. 'l|.l..u-on um: nnlv one slight obstacle than yem was only slight: lay in the way, and that wne chm Mrs. (`Moor could not act. Mn-. Lungtry nnd Mrs. Pozcor were experienced mnnusnrn; Mrs. Uurcer hnd not. apparently the 1-light eat qualication tor the M1128. But just. inthe nick of time the vnunectinnn and material elements were di.-cnverad which would mart`: her x\ number one actress und set her 0 he high road to fortune. In um himnm board of trade was a In the hicego Fhonomenal old plunger by the name of nirbnmku, It Bull onprinciple nndn plung- er I) nature with Argus eyes mid nerves ol stee. He could back his opinion for a million, and if he lost, his pulse never in- creased a single beat. lle spin on his hands, and on exactly the sums lines tried it over again. Mr. Fairbanks was Mrs. ,nrter s friend, nnd if money would nmke her an actress he was readv to supply the stuff in any amount. He informed u friend of Mrs. Carter : that it was no un- common thincr for him to make or lose n million in a single day, mid if cash was nll that was necessary he was really to stand in the up. Mr. alnaco went to work: he had never her owe high mud to Iorwne. t.h|-u`I'`l': Va-{ie'eI7ar t()tt.uw|\,ari5|vingnt m4.n.m. Pullman other lnformntlon ap1plhtAoNLEY ll SONS (hand Trunk (`-lay Pnuaengor Depot. Foot of Johnston Itreet, Kingston. Ont. ._j the Mr. gelneco been much of an actor him.-aelf; in a theatre his services would have commanded about eight or ten dollars a week, but that made no difference with Belnsoo. He said, on the trial, that he was a very high-priced man, and when he found out Mrs. Garter hsda millionaire backer. he readily con- sented to become her uide and mentor. Well according to Mr. e[a s standard. after an immense amount of labor, Mr. Belasco turned his pupil out a first class actress. with A piece culled "Miss Heylett." It was played from one end of the country t: the other. I don t know who paid the bills, for the piece never seemed to draw; but for insufferable stupidity it has hardly been equalled on the American stage. But {or teaching Mrs. Carter this and other roles, Mr. Belasco demanded of Mr. Fairbanks the enormous sum of sixty-ve thousand dollars. A nice question of law nrises in this trial: Can a man teach nn art that he does not understand himself? This erudite teacher values his services at one hundred dollars an hour. Why, with such a showing it is a more protable blllllol than prize- hting. and oevenl times as respectable. ore is l\ revelation in store for M r. Bel- I`! hung. um oovoru umes ua Ivnpcuiaunu. uco when he dwoovers the dierenr~.e the jury photo on his abilities and that he lwuon them himnoll. A hundred do!- runn hour for professional sen-iceu.nnd Iixt-y-ve thousand dollars for a coach! Au Bulio Nicol Jnrviomys, Ma consci- gnng I" ence!" A delighul portion of Mr. Helena`: leetimony wee e deecriplion of his mode of teaching an uncommonly stupid pupil. When he Wllllbd Mre. Carter to give I natural expteeeion of pain, and she failed todoihhe eeired her by the hair And dragged her about the room. and il Lhie weenot eectuel, he bumped her head egelnebthewell. when `he orally got eeetiefectory screen. At. or. or Limee he boxed her with e le Co: hon, and wrestled with her ooller end elbow, or catch ee oabch can. He doeenot. inform us whet hlre. Beleeoo thought. of thin mode of teaching. but I Inc hie pile were not-any when re nished it educe- u-_. In I- - .l_..... _- nut. uiA-mI He nnv lcllln`. Dill; 1 Inc mu pun war not. my honrniahod tion. It In I Ilngu suit. viewed if: my "this. but it in hit to pratnlno um it the lab! I jury lnvo brain: enough to t. in the of I wnlki stick. Mr. :- oo'Iduugu will y y for 3 (ho- oont ucnrhon to Gooey ml. in. .....uu.u. lntnm nod man have bode gnonhdoutbooonvontionisox-or. tiulwmnot pnuud to lay, llptl Phu bu un- hhddu-In tn?!- IO l` Hill ll`. nun nun IIF noodhll dounainntion. in ou-uiu con- tlngcaeiu. to bolt the oonvontibn. Ido `banana 6 may poopk in uni oI,tdNovY whodonoolilo Thoma 0. Phrblt who they talk About his -:.E"":.".."" "":*:"..:""% u now nnn.':I"d.|IAn.:3thotinoThonuO. Pinlounpubliung not: hall wqy ro- t:."{".:.:.`.".':`;.%.';`:'.':.`{`."*'...:' it up: con. & as ntnht at people oonvuuon in our, bloom lulu tho Ibctl hid; Thtbho .iId ` . (spacial Conospondyce-) Vnm: Juno A has todo will be done on the oor of con- vention and inside the lines of the re- publican party. He oee there as the representative of one 05 the noblest and purest men in the republic, a statesman of vast experience an unepotted charac- ter. a men under whose banner no re- publicnn need be ashamed to tight. Let no men, whatever his political ailintions, keel: togninnny unworthy edvanta e by casting reectione on Levi P. orton, William McKinley or Thomas B. Reed. Iteteemen who would do honor to the greetieet oice in the gift of the American 0 e. IE96 will long be remembered as a year -* KITvf.sI0N_& PEMBROKE Canada Pacic Railways people. IS96 long of phenomenal hnnncial, mercantile, civil an I political disaster. The nation which for twenty years had paid off its civil war indebtedness, thousands of millions of dollars, and which in addition to that gigantic task had rolled up a surplus in its brensurv. has become a mendicunb bor- our own land, leaving a Dream uwuhu un min and denth behind it. The coronation of the Czar of Russia has been marked by All immolntion nml sacrice untmralleled in the history of the past. 1\o nation HIHCO the world was created ever accom- plinhedaueh miracles in social and civil advancement, as Japan. Fifty years a 0 she was A sealed book to all the rest of t. he world; no foreigner was allowed to set. foot upon her soil and she was marked on the map of nations: "semhbarbnroun ;" Lo- dny she thrown her ates wide 0 I1 and vhullengea the wo5d s -moat. xx venced nivilizution. had rolled surplus In its treasury, has rower on the money marba of the world. and while I,writ.e. a fleet of magnicent steamers is sweeping down our beautiful buy, headed for Europe, bearing back millions of that very gold for which we gave our bond only six short. weeks ago. In Persia n t. rannical ruler is aasaseinabed. mid in nort. ern Russia, a circus takes lire and nearl a thousand people perish. Armenian soiilhan been reddened with the blood of her noblest. sons and daughters; not nge nor sex weres xred by the Ottoman snvuge. Terrible cycijirneu have desolated land, leaving broad awath of .p..;.. .....l alnnlh behind civilization. At home the entire land is in the throes of a political earthquake, which threatens to disrupt the rent mrtiea of the past, an thedistinctivo nes tlmt divide them dis- appear. In the olden time the dividing line between whig and democrat was slavery; with that were free trade and protection: slavery perished, but free trade survives, as potent as ever for party es- trnngement. Party lines are swept away when the question arises as to the free coinage of silver in the ratio of sixteen to one. and the debnsement of the national currency nnd the national honor. The United States declares that -H7 grains of ailveriu in dollar; the standard of com meruiul values says that is n nancial lie and no power on earth can make it a dol- lar. meant the oaeembled nations of the earth make in non- lar, except. earth make that coin the basis of all com- mercial tmunsactions. Wlmt will be the final issue no man am at present. foretell. but. in the language 0! Bulwer-'I`hrougll plot, and counter lot; through loss and gain : through my and disgrace, the stream of human mgylpinean glides on. v.....m nnmnliun nndarhilt. noon lealln Ecroam lm;`3,pinesn glides on." Young Cornelius nnderbilt. tolyhe alter the beautiful (lmce Wilson. and Harry l tI_vne Whitney is fortunate in securing the love and dower of Cornelius` sister Gertrude. whose pron ctive fortune in many millions. In ad ition to chose golden charms she is bountiful and good. All happiness and joy to the brides and bridogrooma is the heartfelt. wish of Rm\AhIlILl\l. VIII! use Ila Diabetes. Bright`: Disease, Kidney, Uri- nary or Liver complaints mnnot be con tmcted by you or your family if Hop Bit tors are used, and if you alremly have any of these diseases Hop Bitters IR the only medicine that will itively cure you. l)on t forget this, on don't get some pull ell up atull` that will only harm you. Wood In-0. James Campbell, corner of Wellington end Barrack streets, Always has on hand 3 good stock of best maple, cut and uncut. ry slabs, ine and oedur blocks. All cheap for cash. elophono, 116. Mr. Legato. traveller for Mccormack & Co.. London. says: Miller's Compound Iron Pills restored me tohealth after a month of rostmtion from nervous shock sndlosso blood. He sn_\-.'I`heir effect on me was simply marvellous: people any theynever saw me looking so well." Sold by E. C. Mitchell. It is the best cough cure I have ever E. C. Mitchell. cough used says G. Fred Anderson, of T. S. Simmt-3&()o., in speaking of Norway Pine Syrup. No Worm Medicine new no nicely nnMil- No nicely ler s Worm Powders; no physio required. Sold by E. C. Mitchell. _-::._?.___._-_-_? &7l'II.Jl'l.Y 7I`II and EH91` Tu-.Kom uoou mr W cllyu. Election F.``unal0ns. JUNE itiluu, Full pnrtinulunn M. K. & P. Ind C. I . ll Tlokot omen Ontario street-. v. oonwn`. n. w. lrqwrcn. B0tKS FOR WRAPPER! T55ooooooooo Whee| Men nly. For ovoty I2 "sunlichl" wnppen nenl lo Ltvu 11:09.. Ltd. Toronto, I mniul Inner-bound Book will be um. ouuuvuu, .. .... ... ,., per-bound or I clot -bound lot 3.: wrappers. I n ` \ n PRACTICAL TAILOR. IIHQI Iinot, I010 llohatfno V '___,_-_ V '0! si:g:-xx-:?:Zc~x.:-zwmooooo " 3--SL Lawrence Wharf. Chief nfHoo-Ht.. Lnlwrence wharf. Brunch oh-9-(tor. King and Clnrem-e Ntl'eeh4,(>ppl)- site lirlti.-all Amerionn Hotel, Kingston` Prompt and aminfnotory delivery a xpecialty Goal all under cover and wall In-aaxwd. Telephone conxmunk-M.lou. . - ----s 'Il|lll."" D. IVIIIJIDAIIV I mupuuuu cuuuuuuu -.u.u... JAME8 SWIFT & COMPANY I -@-- _ TELEPHONE N0. 133. -`rs/ufil Ri9h9.|1e!___.9I!!@!:i9A.W~