Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Jun 1896, p. 3

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ROUND TRIP TICKETS AT -I-#4 |Ihc Famcgl `S_and Banksl An Idoa!_S|gu\Inor |!o_st_lg1g Place. II?! Evin IQ nu-v-rs ruv -vu- In mag} nupoeu u mount Ictrootlvo Bum- Iur Iooonln nub. lull` touched our grind Trunk. lvu or In scounor to . On the Ab Shore. the ntdon too rum. in numb bo\h;n.Ano hung. drgyiu om! "young. '1'hn'lIohl In oonmodlou `nu a notion . hnln mu secure In no ootup aypuouuubomuungood ""'"nnn 5 .IwnomI_.n. Pmprlotorl. In yo; v;a,nt`t.ho; `IT IRE" IE3 `HIE """ U419? _-!_<=m `WI n_.Au..A `llrl.-A `. ' , ` I ` ---- --0-`I "1'--'-~' my It In an mm. mm: In H. BBAMHSI A '-'--~`="~'=`-+"'""'| sa 3. . Loucxh IIJPIIUNE nu. Lao. 'iBooTIi-s9~ 1'-I--P WEST POINT. NEAR PICTON. ~- 7, -__._ AL_ .___A -u....mI-A In FIRST-CLASH I-`ARE AND ONE- l`H valid for return leaving uh-snminn Hun Jnly lth. NIH. cheap Excursion: to the Nor r\r\.__._ ._ _, (suooouon to Brook 0 Booth. ---DEALERS IN--- A g --I mu. ...._...- ,_..._ . lulu u duirxixouu sol. Annu. Innucon -nd nmrlot. ______________ IIDOUIUIIUU vvu ru- W. ll. GODWII. AGIHT. ---:-,---, msTo.mu MEDICAL. no. pun: or Inuulnoo ouu CUNNINGHAM Anna. Dht --CALI: A'l..... Sold In Kingston by E. C. Mitchell, 124 Princess Stun! . Shut Your A truer and vomplmer picture or war than either Tohmni or Zoln."-l.nmlon New Re- Chang North West. oll'Nl -0th. JULY 7th and '. .III.. TIPHQUI good for 00 lays. Full pgrucglnyu pt K. 8; P. and C. P. R The Corner Bookstore. Cor. Drlncess & Wellington Streets J apal1S. I F. NISBET S| Varnish, "A most mcconiuhing performance." ` don Sntur-lay Review` |Oils. I MONTREAL. Tho align! and Input manufac- turers 0! Vullllll II Canada. -----@ Paints, lnnus MANUFG 00.} ielien & Ontario Nuv. Go. PALE GIRLS WEAK WOMEN 16 to 30 Nazareth Street, Wank, languid and listless, suffer- ing from haart. |n.|pit.n.t10n.uer- vousness, stonmch (roubles or ` constipation, should use Indian Woman s Balm. It cures. :.: Run down, easily tired. pain in bank or limbs, troubled with dizziness, ruah of blood to the bend. faint feeling, nausea. try Indian Woman`: Balm. It's nature`: remedy for women. 25. ooooooooooooo lur EIIIIIIII LUNDu\, Eng., June `.24.~l)enn Farrar issued to-day A national appeal for funds to save Uanterbur cathedral from dostruc tion. The gramfvold building, now thir- teen centuries old, has fallen into decay. The dean save : uh .11.-ml.-i he a mutfnr nf nnminnnl non- The dean "It should be a matter of national con- cern that the dean and chapter are unable, with their utmost efforts, to keep in due structural repair the glorious fabric in- trusted to their charge. The crypt, the largest and loveliest in England, has long been neglected. and is grievously disfigur- ed. The cloistors. once so memorably rich and beautiful. are perishing under the slow ravages of wind and weather. The chapter house is in a. melancholy state of dilapida- tion. There is much else that requires im-_ mediate attention. At least f.2(l,000 is re- quired for what is absolutely necessary to make the cathedral secure for another cen- tury. Half of this sum has been raised al- ready by private exertions. and thefact that her majesty the queen, the ecclesiastical commissioners, the archbishop of Canter- bury and three living premiers and ex-pre- miers of England are among the contribu- tors proves that this is regarded as a na- tional work. For the remaining 10,000, surely an innitesimal sum to ask from a nation which lays by more than 0200.000.- 000 a year. we must rely on the generosity and patriotism of the English race. Kent was the first English kingdom. Canter- bnr_v was the first christian English city. At (`anterbury was founded the first chris- tinn English school. and in its cathedral was placed the first English organ. The Oplnlon of the Lending Conservative Organ In Quebec. Q|'lI3I(`, June 24.-The Chronicle. con- servative, as e editoriall : The govern- ment yeeter y sustain a moat disaster- ous defeat; even the maritime rovince from which so much was expecte( by the conservatives, failed to give anything like the majority predicted by Sir Chas. Tup- per and Geo. E. Foster. In Quebec Mr. Lnurier won a signal victory. He not only carried his own division of Quebec East but by an overwhelmin majority he won the other two divisions here, the count as well,nnd defeated the three Franc Canadianminiatere, Meeere. Angers, Taillon and Deejardinee. Quebec pro- vince, notwithstanding the mandement of the bishops and the cure:-. went complete- ly over to the liberals. Quebec, since cou- federation. never sent such I solid liberal phalanx to parliament. Perhapg the R0- man Catholic cle y went too {or when in etructing the felt ful how to vote. There in such ll thing as overdoing a thing. At allevente Mr. Luurier has won and this province will name the next premier of. Cmimla." !lN!IllllI'I'.-I u! this lhw wil Dally mw-up!` Mondnywl. uni xnllm '94, M .'l p In A Minor`: Daughter Has a singular Fond- neu for Fen-nglnona Food. ll-m~arc.iai-zit, Mich, June `5.--The two- year-old dauphter of James (lardner has an uncontrolable appetite [or iron e, which she eats with great relish. Tie case puzzles physicians. When the child is kept away from the mine she has been known to scrape the rticlee of ore from her father's boots an devour them with great gusto. The family have tried many plans to break the habit, but as yet witc- out avail. They mixll kinds Inf obnox- ious drugs with the ore. but the child, making a wry face. eats it just the same. She is never allowed to get out of night a moment, and an attendant is alwa I with her. In spite of her strange dot, the child is a parently healthy. strong and bright. he little irl is of a large family. Her father and met or are natives of Eng- land. Mr. Gardner is an industrious, hartlworkin miner. of irreproaahable habits. He is very much annoyed at his child's strange habit. usuuy uacnwuro. Lu,\'D()N, June 25.-The summer styles of neckwenr are of n. decidedl pronounced pattern. and the windows 0 fashionable haberdaehere on Bond street preqent a ntrikingmrrey of color. Among the many patterns in lavender-colored tie. which is crossed by narrow black lines. Others of the sailor knot type are of reddish gold color and are very effective in appearance. although rather too striking for most. IX! now All kidney and urinary compleinbe especially Bright : Dieeaee. Diabetes and Liver troubles, Ho Bitters will surely and lastingly cure. exactly like your own have been cured in our own neigh4 borhood, and you can n reliable proof at I home of what op Bitten has and can do. "Iran I unuuyr That : what. a man said who wu cured of rheumatism 3 taking Dr. Hull`: Rheu- matic Curt. 0 took only two homes and every trace of diuuo lolt. him. Call at Wade : drug store for particular: of this case. 50 cent: 3 bottle. Vhnlnbywnlomwonnhtcauh Wl|uIhovII|(hl|I.o(l'IId!u&uh Wdoboulnolhdoahngtothnorh. ,, _. ,g,n41n.|_.. .L___.n.._tL.a..n. u. ' "'r - Constipation. Sour Stomach, Gas in the Stomach. or Flatulency, Gnaw- ing Pain at pit of Stomach. Hend- ache. elc., are sure indications of wljulu W&dIMdC 8 I glununvu u -uywu---u Byits great curative and regu- latingpowers Burdock BloodBi_tters heals all irritated diseased con- ditions. correcting and removing all disorders caused` by a weak state of the digstive organs. Burdock -'- -- g 1 Qijjjj I I-Olwvhl all I n nwnnw makes the Mood pure, fich and red, i ' tom and health to the vs vs `-ua. 7fiE.!I?"5' . .41. .....I ....l STEAMER HAMILTON "'r?iii6ni TmouT us. 11.. 19.. ..-.-.mo mu-nniua and ram TO SAVE CANTERBURY. FEEDING ON IRON ORE. 010 ?HEv 00700 FAR 7 5 , c.__`_- (Mindy Nookwnro. 1...... 01 'BL. -.... "Iva I Dnudy." _L - _..._ ..:,I -.I;. lune! I National Appenl Irnp Ifunaln. [JUST |5UT%ER'-4NP 5vl llnmllton. `I'M-mo. Klngnmn. I000 hmlu. Ruphln of the St. Lawrence and nlontrenl. THERE ARE In your house I! gou have our orpen 6 ring Doors an Patent Adjustable lndowa. A good Lawn Mower will work won- der: and add to the appearance of yo\_1r property. We have 'an:. |STBA0_H_A Has the Newest and Cheapest Millinery in the city. Call and see our stock. rlll IIICE 'I'Il nnnn 3.1;. sunny an Aagrr s'r.., `T T <- R,,,':;','_""'*` M3-~- 4* BANKERS I VnnoI(aII_3-., ; nl Kiwi Oonnu I Stock` 9::'r :::';:.':.. ......"" '-' '-*"='- visions bench: and DR. `nu ml or or; mall muginlo >;``f;'-" ' -'-"J ""`:.'..:`..`;'."'..'.'.""' -M .-..;.%i%vV r LADIES I ABERNFTHY, me Manner cor. Princess and Division Sts. LEAVES KINGSTON- oing F.&Hf#I'1`l8aI|I\y5I, M. 5 p.m. lining Went-l'rl-lays, M, 10 p.m. In nniu -..H.mmnn u 50. return #15 Drop in and see our nobby line of TAN SHOES for; for summer wear. /6 can suit you. Up (0 Date Shoe Deopll.-. IUI 3lU\yl\u CARS PASS THE DOOR. uamcm. cAnp_s._ _. P|AN_o_s _---.un.._.-L 3!: I WQIIIH 'rmou.lI- FOR '1 U . DOYIHH ITHI YHBCIII JAB. SWIFT & 00.. 'I I":-slam Agents. FUN.| W0? BITTEIIS FLIES MEDICINE, NOT A I!l\lNK&""' 2 A ll Diseases 0! the Stomach, Bo wels, Blood, Liver, Kid- neys and Urinary Organs, Nervousness Sleepleseness, especially female Com- pluiuts. H op Bitters, 685 Bmadway NE W YORK. CONTAINS Hops, Buchu, Man- drake, Dandelion, Am! the Pumst and Best Medical Qualities of all ollu-rs. - {-% Cures qyg,\rvv .-A` `n `w---_' Will be paid (or I can It wlll not cure or hm or for an lmpum orlq] us lound AND APPBAIB g .. Kingston. Ont. RTFAMFR NORTH KINC ARTHUR ELLIS (Mambo: of the I-lo Association of Architects), APPBAISEB. 01cos-61 Brook Strut. Kingston. ll. NEWLANDS, AB.0HI'I'M)'l` AID Appraiser. corner 0! Brook and King streets over Wade`: Drug Store. Entnnoo on nine sheet. next to Walt) oieo. ' EONAED OLEMENTS. L.D.8. DINTUIT directly 0 oosite the Post Oloo W0 mu street. i|.,`5!.on. Established In . Telephone No. :37. l!'uldenoo.BM King shut. East. TIST. Oico, ilq . .-inneu Itroot. HQ!- denoe, 138 University Avonma. Olloo hours, B n.m. to 6 p.m. Satin-thy evening, I to 10. Telephone 348. C. P. Sherman, D.D. ., L.D.8.. Lulltnnt. ` R E. su/mxa, ,D.S.& 12.11.:-1., Il.D.. DIN- O I ._ )()WE & SON ARBHITEOTR, III!- I chants Bank Bnhding, corner Brook and Wellington streets. Phone 212. 8.11. ICOANN ACCOUNTANT AND BILL . Estate Agenk. Bent: und nooonnh col- lected. Money to loan at. lowest tutu. 332 King IL, over Wnde'n Drug Storm: I ONEY TO LOAN IN LARGE OBIIALL sums. at low rates of interest on (lty and Farm Property. Loam gun on (1151 and Oounty Dobancm-on. A ply to TIIOIAI B31005. Hannger Frontenac an and In I.- Inont. Society. Ofco opposite the Port . E0. W. BELL. V. 8. AND D. V. 115. DIS- penn end B.e:Idenue,6'l5 Prinoeu street. Oonanltet 0113 free. Telephone 614. Brunch ofoo-Blbby'e Livery. Brook street. 5 -:--?_.j- A. BIBBY, 129 BROOK 0 land! hack nndllvornub Tolophono o.I!1. U1 Bonolmrs, 1-.m., an Kin non. lo. .KACDONNlLL.Q.C. ROCH ESTER R0 UTE Tnlnn Nos. 1. 1,!|:md 4 run lnlly Nu Mull one 0. Mnmluy. All olln-r mndnn alnllyoxosop. Hun Ayn. BELL V. D.S. DIS- pennrf IioIidonue,8'l5 Everything In Sight. Even the |'"" Daugherty. IIIIIIII D run 0 A $95.00 . . " TnT&T` ' "' '" "`"""T'.."' d had 0 Gina .53: ' ohnuo.tin:r.oI':< l.nt o!`onI:AnI'u:. fa - I lo: tom: and pronoun me mI1s%munomu, COMMISSION 00. $1,000 IN 0:01.11 u: I... ..gl.I Inn 4: Ann; M -r |The Kingston Business (lag Suv-ru1a[1.YoN. nAn.ms'm'B.s, soucxi torn. &o.. Ontuio Chunbou. "e'o`r3`'w'.'. 6n} E. H. blnrrmc. ( TAKE N0 SUBSTITUTE. DOMTNION 1896 DAY 1896 ?6; 3c Tr SINGLE FARE `IITHUB of tho( ARCH Only 106 opontlvo put: an aunt l other nukes. ` ' -pan:-vv - - O15 ohnpn than nay othor int-all writ. For full lnlomatlon all at -j-.j_ AGDONNELL & FARRELL. BAREIBTIBS. H Sotlioitors. Etc., 88 Cunxcl B'nlII'. [III on. MYTH]! In LYON. BAEBISTEI torn &w.. Ontuio bumuc. o.c. ` VISIBLE ARCHITECTURAL; AROHITHTI` AND mrnlser. corner Klnl H0335 Vuvanv; VETERINART New TIME TAELEJ unnm It A 9'!` ( EINANCIAL. EDUCATION? 'bE`N 1'ATi': rypev"vkiter IVEII IIIIII. I GOING EAST. io.DExn...`.1I:l. u HAMILTON 6: HONTREAL LINE. IJLJIVIIIVILJIV LJFII I"ir.~4t-law return ticket. will In-, i-csme-I at SINGLE FARE 0: June Illnh and July lot. 1890. ulld {or return lonvim: lle.-Ii|m.t.inn not luv.` (IOWG I 1. 9 Exp.. BONWAY. B. w. 1ro1.(nm. Asst. Gen. Pans. Act. Gen. Manager. -2-. nlllng Through the In: of gulnle. FARE ....,..| n- ...u DAILY LINE. ....,n ..n..- I...... I -avg.-nun... __. .- __ , On June 30th pm] July hot, good (0 return July ind, and TRAVELLING. ...'il.'v(| m. ...1:Mp.m. ..H:M pm. ...o|:(l) mm. VIIIIYI II IIICOI. `OIIIOVIOIIIV 0! All. DIIOIIPTIOII. FRONTENAC CAFE BILL OF FARE . JUNE 23. 90. GOING WEST. n. 1 Exp. . ..3:06 p.II1. 1). 3 " ....l:I')I.lI1. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. - Ir--\-q u... v.-._ --...`_ On June :mh and July hct, good In return July mh. mam. '. am; And ism. SANDWICI-IE. ..n:wn.m. i ..o!:M p.m. C1..uu:Nno.\`. June 23.-- I`. B. Miller spent. Sunday at Sharbot Luke.--Our baseball mam intend having a pmcbice game with . tanvn from Lillie`: Mill on July 4th.- The lvonu of the Week That Concern the Iooldntu of tho lldhnd Dlltl-Iot- Llttlo llcapou Notion. And ush Loca- Ilty cnn Find something of Interest. intend having pmcbme game wwn I team from Lillie`: July Vilitorl: Mrs; Hemheriu ton, Shnrbot lake. at J. H. Connorh; r. and Mn. gored. (lernldi, Renfrew, at James Camp- ll'a. ` Srnxvsxns. June 22.-Fa|-more are pre- paring their land for sowing buckwheat. Gardeners are booing and plannin cabbage and oeloI'y.--The toll gate roof as been roehin led. -- Jonathan Kni ht. has im- prov the appearance of hi: ones with a coat. of paim..--With the exception of may `the crops look healthy but would be bone- led by nahower of rain. lmcsmu Jisrglcr moms WHAT OUR INDUSTRIOUS STAF`l-' OF OORREBPONDENTS WRITE. RAILTON. Juno 22.-The need of ruin in this locality is beginning to ba lelt..--Mrs. E. O'Brien is visibin her pnrmntu now for I few (lnya.--Miss . Boyle is home from Bodfoi-d.-Miasee J.r1). Lyons and W. Mc- Auley have each purchased :1 new buggy -l . J. O'Hara. of Syracuse. N.\ .. is re~ newing old acquaintances hero.---J. .l. 0 Ri||y is home for his vacation from Ot- tawa university. Monwn, June `22.-A shower is needed at present.-The ice cream and strawberry festival held in the White church on the l8t.h was a decided success. Fifty-ve dol- lars were taken at the door. --The pulpit. In the White church was ably lled on Sabbath morning b` Rev. Mr. Lake. brother of J. I . Luke. 0? this place.-A farewell social wen held on the lawn of the pareonnge this evening to farewell Rev. Mr. Dunkley and fnmilv. Hunmlnyu. Train lmwina 12:15 noon Arrlvon in Ottawa M. 4:50 .m . sud tmln lmwtnu at. I215 5 n1, Inn throng xulmsper tu()lLnwn.nrriv|n at 9I:'l0|.m. For uokum... Pullman nncomumduclon and El.l'lilN. June 23.--Mias Lizzie Win, at- temling school in Renfrew, is home for a week's holidn s.--Robbie Niabet, Kings- ton, visiting riends, returned Tueaday.-- Mrs. l'indon, visiting her daughter. Mrs. Mclntyrc, has gone home.--Miaa Maggie Molhrlnno. we are glad to say, is convales- cent. - -Miuu Mary Brownlee and Annie 8ugi h attended the Royal Tempinrsf picnic at I nrpor on ting lmh inst. I). Mclntyra lost in vnlunblo horse last Monday. Lms 6\'enlIlg and family. Wunn|n'n~1 WI-'..~41', June `23, -I Statute labor has commenced under the mnnnge- ment of over:-oer W. F. Mort-iaon.~~-More min in needed in this part.-(,>uite a num. bar from here uttended the Hornerite meetings at Pine Grove on Sunday Ins: and report. A lively time.--.l. Thompson has just, niv-lied budding a new wire fence Along the front. of his samba. --Mins Annie Wilson spent Sunday at home. -Vinitors : Mr. Raymond, Hnnnnoque; IWHH F. Nut- mll. South Luke; H. Black, Kin scan; .I. Spence, H. Johnson and Miss E. `ree. \'mi.m, June 23.-QuiLe an excitement, at premium over" elections. Mina Agnes Swvenuon has returned home ufter visiting friends in Selby. - E. A. Sh irpe hns pur- chuaod a wheel and has learned to ride in welI.-Hreat. cnlrulntionn are being made for the dedication of the Fme Methodist. church on July 5(.ii.--Quit,e 1| number from hem nbmlided 11 strawberry festival at Morven on Thursday night And one at Westbrook on Friday night.~-Mrn. B. Davis is on the sick |ist.--W. (fiurk, \\'il- ton. spent. Sunday with R. Stevenson. (.`I.i-'..~n'.u.r., June 23.-The sudden (lenth of George K. Bennington coat gloom over the neighborhood. His only brother. Ralph, of Michigan, nrrived the (lay after the funeral. He dlll not hear of his bro- tlJer'e death until he was tolcl on his way out from Kingatoli. The family and friends hnve the aincere sympathy of the neighbor- ho0tl.-Alex. (lloseford a fnmily hns been increased by two little lnseies from lh0ck ville. the eldest is aged fourteen and the youngest four )eans.~A successful gnrrlen forty was held at J. Morelnnrlhn in nid of reabyterinn manae fund. -\`isil.ora : W. llnmmond and family, Min 1:. lhuvey. Bergen. at A. (lhw-ford`-I: Mr. and Mrs. Amey. Portsmouth, at Mr. lillerber-k`u. ....._J , , S1'r.i.l..A, June '_ 4.-~Re\'. Mr. Folliiiliiiiil daughter, alter nn absence of four weeks, have returned liome.--Nenrly till the votes were polled yesterday, but it in mid that them were nineteen spoiled ballots. (`evil Burk, a son of T. Burk, had in narrow es- cape. Monday evening, while driving Mr. Allen`: horses down street. They took fright at Mr. Marks going ucrosa the road. They run at a furious rate some distance, throwing Burk oil and the wuggon on top of him. The boy received a had cut in the back of his head, A ,bruiaed nhoulder and several cute about the face and hand:-.~ I`. Mr-nmcen received :1 badly .-trained ankle yesterday while stepping oil 11 stone wall at Capt. Glenn's new building. ~Henrge llnmilton is on a visit to hie friends above Belleville; Mr. and Mia. J. Wright mid :1 visit here lately; Miss Ellen l ollie, klllg Hton, is the guest of Mrs. H. Saunders; Mr. Ada spent Sunday here with Clark Wright.-~Some Americans will arrive to- day to spend in while at Mr. Miller's.~ Thomas Smith : daughter is well again. 10 --Ul`. I5 , B05lO]'l DI , nu 0 man an oiee in-'Hieodore Myeiys resi once on Church rtreet.~-Berriee are very plentiful. --There were 2,500 cheese eent over the B. A: W. RR. from here lent Friday.--Com- Inercial trnvellern are ver plentiful. They report. times dull.-W. . Ripley, under- going treatment in the Kingston hospital, is improving. Mrs. Ri ley in with him most. of the t.ime.-Mr. en Mrs. Charles Sim- mons. jeweller, Perth. arrived here last night. He came here to vote. Casper S`peIgle, Brockville. came here to vote 3 so. v , ___ __ ...-._---;- Arrlvull nna Inpnnuru wuuuy u. nu... Dunn; the Put Wool. Arrivala-St.rs. Middlesex, Chica. o, 40.- 000 bushels of wheat ; Monbeagle, vluth, 40.000 bushels of wheat ; Tilley and con- a6rt.. Duluth. 63.000 bushels of wheat; .1...-. mla..nild_ Picmn. 3.000 bushels of ihrnugh ulaisper other Information uglplnxrubnv E sou` Grand Trunk (`-icy Pulnunaor Depot. F'(;o't at Johnston Itreet, Kingston. Ont. |-I)r. eshy : Bay. has 0 nad an onion in are Mvors sud Departures Worthy of Ilnrlnl Izhn Put. Duluth. 63.000 bushels or wnaau; sloo Iqlewild, Picbon. 3,000 bnc wheat; strs. Orion, Saturn, Strau- benzie; schrs. Waubaushene, Munkolmnnd Nselon, Grand Marius to Collins Bay, tim- ber laden : sbr. Topeka, Chicago, 40,000 bushels of corn: str. Tecumseh and con- sort, Toledo be Collins Bay; str. Mel- bourne, Dulut.h.8,0li0 bushels of wheat; .nl.- Nlnnnnn, Detroit. blllhll Of acnr. Vvnwnuuuu, nu-uuv, .........,. , _-._.. Dunn, Toledo. timber ; achr. TwoBrothers, bulyseports, peas. pm-turea-Str. Glen any and con- aorta, light, for Fort Wil lam; atr. Tilley and consort. Ii ht, Fort William; schr. Dunn. light. oledo; atr. Monteaglo, Oawe 0; atr. Middleaex, light. Oswego: schr. allou. light, Oswego; schr. Parsons. light, Oswego. -., ._. ~n..n...-_. bushels of wheat; achr. Nassau. Detroit, 33,000 wheat: atr. Ni am, Jheboygan, timber; achr. Wawnnoa , Toledo, niriiber; achr. Two Brothers, L.... an-on nan: bong roull rornwn. Loren Pomr. June 24.-We are sorry to hear of the defeat of Fredenburg in South r Leeds yssterday. The many iends of Joseph arren are deeply pained to hear of the death of iris estimable wife, which took place at her home in Lyndhuret, Tuesday morning, after an illness of about , a week. He has the sympathy of all in his nfiliction. Our annual picnic took place on Saturday, '20th instant, and was a euc- cess in every way. Miss A. Townsend and Miss B. Maloney. of Kingston. who have been visitin here for a week, returned home yeah ay. Samuel Kelsey, after an absence of about seven ears in Texas, is home on :1 visit. llis oldyf ' ed to see him looking so well. He is accompanied by his wife and child. Mn-. B. Slack visited her daughter, Mrs. Lnllin, nt Cardinal, for a couple of weeks. Heorge Townsend is home from Frankville. (,3. Leader and wife, of Caintown, visited their daughter, Mrs. D. Townsend. Satur- dn nnd Sunday. Miss Mary Killinbec is iome from Elgin. Mrs. Parker is visit- in friends in Elgin and vicinity. Fergus 0` nnnor and Miss Ella Senbroolr, of the Athens high school, were home for the pic- nic on Saturday. Liver. Kidney and Bright`: Dlseaue. A medicine that deattroys the germ or cause of Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Kid- ney and Liver Complaints, and has power to root them out of the system, in above all price. Such a medicine is Hop Bitters, and positive proof of this can be found by one trial, or by asking your neighbors, who huve been cured by it. Wlmt. in the use of growlm about. your [roar shaken nerves and pale ace? All ou mve Do do in buy 11 950 box of Miller`n ron Tunic Pills ut. Wndo`s drug store. They will build you up in short. order. .. ~_..,, _, _ Mr. Le am. traveller for McCormnck & Co.. Lomon. says: Miller's Compound Iron Pills restored me tolneulthnfber a month of prosbraou from nervous shock and lose 0! blood." He sayn."Their ohct. on me was simply mnrvelloua; people say they never saw me looking no well. Sold I... I.` f` NH}:-Imll, I380 ! the of growlin about. your um uhnllnll nerve: and nnle you PORT OF KINGSTON. Kllll}TON & PEMBROKE --ANn-- Canada Pacific Railways DoMIN|c3-N DAY 1 ll:-km. will a work anlsu He Is I lly. E149 TO R(EN'lPy zho sszgnnwowk, or in done promptly. R1 nntrnmenta and Apfllnlxoen made Jred. Ihnutmcmrer 0 Mmloln. . MOORE. 1 1rcheW.9u9J -_- 7 El asily be_ allayed by_ applying ng's Thirst Quenching Foun- e you tried 0 .-C/rushed with Ice Cr% or our Fruit juices? All avors Ce Cream only 5c. They lieve that DRY feeling. I Mo:-o.0ppoIIla Wlnduu Enrol. -!i2E!%..~ M: In IE0 ne Half: Itoid In (hula. -L-:Q---{:n2- t Jars qnd July MIMI. I valld not Inter thin Jul! ind. MM}. And on 7siarpaV_ at | 1" ' V ` V J: 1.` `I20 n:ob6.l :':n:|"0O.!lh.I`|' utolnlud . O A.LC3'_ %.S \ . DAILY BRITISH WIIIG, THURSDAY. JUNE - 3-80.. Lawrenoa wharf. Cilia! o'ioo-Sc. Lawrence wharf. Brunch oico-Cor. King and Ciarence utroets.oppo- lite British American Hotel, Kingston. Prompt Lmi uatiniuotory dolivaryn specialty Coni Aii under cover and well screened. Tclephono communication. IAIJIER n\uII=`1' A COMPANY -uyzm unmuu.-u, lvuv .......... .... ..... ...-.__ rourdruL`mnI In-9 no: gut. in. we In I not It prepild. `Ideal-nl Ah-d lcal C... Pmpu. Guano` |lI.. oral! $01.!) by G. S. llnban 5: Sons, C nemiusdz rug- gzisls. sole azems for KINGSTON. ONT. -___:..__._.-_:__:<<. Tclephono communication. JAMES SWIFT & COMPANY .___?____?:_ TELEPHONE N0. 183. -styrxruwui ` Coafmgtm Wq9dAA| 0|` IVIIIY DIDCIIPTIOI. CORRESPONDENCE OFTICE-Comor Ou- nto And Quoon strata. SALEE OFFICE E, YARD-Co|-nor Ontario and Want. Itruu. W n._ __.-..;.'t.I. A. Hanan : Olllno. pnrculuu It K. 81 Ticket. oloe Ontario utroet. r. ooxw. ` " J. A. E ' Ollloo BRANCH OFFICE 60fnOl J0?Ill)Id:A')I: sntlon: Tohphono No. 48. n `Gnu . BUFIIICO bonlpuny. PIAc11cAu.r A Ouumna Ooxnn Wrm BIITIIII Slculrn. Bout-vu In deposited nnnnnlls at Otuwu and now nnonnt to one million ollsru. tum lower thug tho _m_1Jority of o_I!Ioo! v Fund: our ,mo.ooo. In nddltlon to which as pollo hol on have to: uom-icy the unllml- Ablll I all tho Itookholdon. PARK 1) CITY PROPERTY I cured at lowut. ooulbll run. Baton puowtng old or IIIIIIIIIIUD Inuuy-u . I OFFICE '- -~ ---- No.48. mzggmt` "iii'n'i'n7I 1>ornr rnonwrv 1 mud n Iowan. poulbln ronow |lVln| new bmlnou not nu: from MEANGI E STRANGE, Anna. W.J.FAIB Spool! Klnjt O. nndnOntnrlo II.` ' ,_ n)'w"|I;1-o'un't't.'o):I':o dollsru. than mnmdty olou Ian] sad choloo plan: of inmnnoo ollond HILLS I. OUNNINGHAI. London, Liverpool and (llobo Fire Insurance Company. ,_-_ ... Mn [HUI t.. -a.uu,.-. tn -blah W. J. IAI undorontulo "`""`TT`* ' - .. London &LancnshIn Life As- surance Company. n_..._..u.u- . IIAUAIIIAI OOIDAII WITH -F71?-e Insurance. London Auunnco corporation m u nnnunu uazuvr, Im tlnunJnI1 name 1It\H*.~4 FIRST-CLASH ONE-'l`HH(l), nnt lm

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