Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Jun 1896, p. 3

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DOMTNION 1896 DAY 1896 _5.*'.`.*F'5 EFF sked was L0 De Jet he had been doc- nurlv nun:-ul.hinD'. honecmay. 1V. 1. ml HubHt,itut,ea ul- `\ \ \ \\ \ \\ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \\ \ \ \ < \ \ < \ \ \ \\ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ THE ;e-r_)7ti\lnn In S7lht,V_`ven the Drfc $95.00. [hs Kingston Business College! E ~*$'~0@~@~iv%v~a@ A Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies, "closeburn," Kingston. nun .,o..N nf I'nI'vnr Hrnahmhw. moot:-lc Lighted, Steam Heated, Ianvoa Cram 5; Go`: What! MONDAYS at 8 o'alock p.m. !or Ilontronl and way porn, nhootln HI l.|\wrenvo Rapids, ramainu over nno am n-half day. In Mnntranl. Returning urrh'e~.-a in Klmzm_u_n I }{llI1\Y$l. For turmsa sun] prmui--Ills ll XIRN WALL, M.A.. I r1n(~ipnl. . ykmmn Ladies C0118- Only 111. : uuoruve path as I utlmr lilllkllrl. .p.1.Juvv- ~ - - $25 I`h0ll|m`Hll{l1 any mhur I wrjtmr. nn INTERNATl0NAL-- COMMISSION co. BANKERS & BROKERS, BUFFALO. N.Y. Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Pro- visions bought and sold for casli or on small margins. Branch Offices, KINGSTON. ONT. " ".5-F.3-,.:< Has the Newest and Cheapest Miilinery in the city. Call zmd see our stock. an-.3 lnnnn -I-n-5 nnnn L ADIES I V \ABERN]5]'Y' the Mllliner VISIBLE Ami Mann-mu. Klnanmu IFRIIIAYSI. 9o'clm-I |\m..n.nl IOIVBH for (VIh`rln"I' \'in Buy 0! Quinta and Murray (`annl RATHE- IMY MOIININO, up 1:30: _ _ _ Cor. Prlnce;s 1nd Division S13. These Bargains also: . Black Silk Linings. 4 I-2c. Torchon Laces. Linen hand-made. 3 I-2c an Buuglmg. Telephone um. V. C. PONBOY, II Mnrkat. Squire. Talo- uhnna No. M. .T_ W. WAKE!-`OED. 4 Ontario Chamhen Building. Telephone 05. ` (`. PONHOV. Mnrluut. Baunru. Talo- I103 Yands Fancy Batists Daugherty vlllll I2 rut I-:Du__cA'nogu. "v`!EU|(IA!-. "fypevgvriter This brings our low nnd Hurray (`gnu NATL xx- MOENXNH. at 1:30. For tin hats nnd other information apply to \\.' H CRAIG} 8100. Ammt.-. Regular pri. 15c and l7c. The Red Badge of Courage An Episode of the American Civil War. By Stephen Crane. 12rno. Cloth, $1.00. The Corner Bookstore. Cor. Drlncess & Wellington Streets IF. NISBET S| Varliish, Japans, [Bums MANlJF G 00.] N|C)N l`RBI-IL. The oldeal and largest manufac- turers of Varnlah In Canada. QUEBEC STEAJSHIP 60., LTD. River and Gulf St. Lawrence n I` I .........u run: In Cool Latltudou. Q-I-$4-I-C-I`?!-C'|'Cl' WA 1.5 H38, THOSE WHO HAV. SEEN THE Ladies Stcarns Bicycle us-run u. .. ........ B. LoucKs] nnAl.nlnjAZ* _$2.Lj-QQQ_ , A lllnz UIVIUH n Snlur-lay Hm 16 to 30 Nazareth Street, `.1`:f...... win You this space. Call and examine the cloth they are made lrom. Say it is the Prettiest Wiel In town. can and see It. Finished In Black or Orange. _. _ --g`-pg I'll! 9VWlllvIl I0: vnmuum with electric Iizhh. alorit`, I-olln. anal I modern comlortu. - - . nun: -an-In-I:Al.nn HIIIIIAI Ordered Tailoring Emporium,` I-2c and 5 "I-2c. prices away below anything every 09] ' thing ` about to secretary Ulneyz "CARA('.\S, June 21'. -7 From Rojas, min- ister of foreign nlliiirs, to Venezuelan min- ister at Washington: It was yesterday when the national comminaionary of Cuyuni telegraphed occurrence. Harrison and nineteen others crossed to the left bank of the Cuyuni to open u ) A road. and the sub-commiasinry of Acnrn ez protested in writing, Harrison insisted, and tho siib-uommisainry took him to the post of I-Ilderuda. Al-I soon my the government was informed thereof it ordered the release of Harrison. and naked details." The post Eldornde, referred to in the en- blegravn is directly morons the river from the British station of Urunn. The deapatch conrms the impression that the Venezue- lana were not at fault and that the statu quo ohnerved for neveml years was broken by Hnrriuon'n sur\'e_ving party. Se(`retar_V Olney will notify Sir Julian Pnuncefote of Harrison`:-x prompt release. and the circum- stances under which he was urreeted. Itls Reported |n Washington Thin Elan Party Trnnngroned. \'\'A.~2nLNu1'n\, June `_ ti.-MiniA-tor An- lrnde. at noon to lay, received the follow- ing (`ublegrnm and imlnediutely Bantu copy to secretary Olneyz (7AR.u'a2a. June Roian. modern comloru. LIAVII IOITIIALOI IIIIIIAYI At 9 p m. on `I5t.h lay, Nth nnul1mui.lnne.mh nnnlwth-luly..1rd.l7th and She? August. and Nth St-pmmher. for Pintolx. N.S., calling at tine!-cu-. I-`author Point. (hupo-. Patti! Summer- I1`O.|'.E.|. and Charlottetown. l .|\. I. The Hm-at trips of the season for health and comfort _ mnuuu nu Iallllulllln l.n\|m\', June `)2. ll lll-I been {aceti- uualy nuggoutetl that :1 new social club in process of orgunizution in this city should be entitled The l)0dd'.-< Kidney l ill Club" [IN the present lll0ll1l)0I`Fl nro all enthusiastic ll(.l\'()(`.ilLOH of that remedy and in common with mnny other citizens declare that in all mines of kidney trouble no other agent hnsa been found so completely effective. Most Londoners hnvo nt their fingers ends the p:irtioulm'n of the many mu.r\'ellous cur-on through the use of this specic. In every drugstore in the city the medicine is kept in large quantities and warmly revoimncmled. Name Huggs-steal For a N:w Social Organi- wntlnn In Inlulnn. IJI`NI9rI IABKU l l'_IIla l)i~:si:n`r l.\Kl-2, Juno `.3ti.-~Everyt,liing is revived again by Sunday's mine. The cultivation of corn and potmtoen keep the farmers buny. Strawberries me very plentiful this year, and long black and mspberries prove to be an excellent crop. Statubelnboris the topic of the day in the surr(unding boats. Mr. Abrams I?! able to bu out .1gninufterhia recent illnear-. Miss Page ii` gaining slowly. Mr. Lyons left. for his home in England a couple of weeks ago, after u sojourn of two years in Lhin country. The phohogrnpher is billed for here this week again. Dame Rumor surmisesn wedding in the future. Mi.-as Florence Snoolx, Wesbport, spent. the Nth with her parents. George Abrams was in- jured 3 few days A o by n kicking horse. Mrs. H. l3l`l|(lH!\W is recovering and nlilntn lm nut. nmlin. Our Lnzmliel`. MI`. Jureu It Iuw uyla n u Kay 1: Iuvruug uulac. llll able to beout again. teacher, \\'lnil.ing, in preparing several of his pnpllrl for outrmme oxnmilmcion. M rs. T. Camp- boll nrusonmd her husband recently with n bnlyy irl. Mr. and Mrs. A. Orser have returns: from Wot-Ilpnrth Mr. nnd Mrs. ll. l.imlnny nml vhiltlren were visiting lriclnln hero lnnt week. Mr. Hnnnen is zlninu :1 good buninonn at present. Mrs. T. Uruer und children, visiting friemln Imrc. lmvv returneul Lo Wilmur. A little girl hun come to ncuy ut the home of Wm. Hnuuk. 1.`. Hurling paanetl through here on u buninesn trip Inst week. nuluu III all uuunn. Diatresnin Kidney and Bladder Dis- ease: I-eliovold in six hourn by the South American Kidney ('ure." This new rem- ody is a great surprise and delight. an ac- (`ount of its exceeding prom bnees in re liecing pain in the bladder, idney, back and everv l)ul'L of the urinnrv Daasaszea in |l\'H1g plll In U18 DIROUCF, Klully, DECK and every purh urinary passages mule or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost. im- medintely. If you want. quick relief and rum this is your remedy. Sold by VV. H. Medley. successor to N. C. Polaon & Co. weuumu Ill Vvnl-r.-rluwu. \\'\'i'i-:IiT-nu, N.Y., June `. :`i,-A bril- linnt society event took place at. Trinity vhnrch. hunt. evening, when George Brad- ford Kt-mp nnd Minn \lurion, only daugh- tor of C, R. Remington, were united in marriage. It with the moat lavish and beautiful church wedding ever held in \\'ntort.own. The Horn! decomtdons coat, s:l.(uw_ ' "ll.'I I uunuy. 'I'hnL'n wlmt a mun mid who was cured of rheunmtimn by taking Dr. Hall's Rheu- matic (lure. Hetook only two bottles and every trace of disease left hxm. (Jul! at Wade's drug store for particulars of this case. 50 cents A bottle. V7000 I Iflla James Campbell. come: of Wellington and Barrack streets, always has on hand A cod stock of boat. maple, cut and uncut. ry elnba, ins and cedarblocks. All cheap for cash. E'e|epLone. I16. The gentle action and good effect on the system really make them a perfect. little ill. They please those who use them. garner : l.lLt.le Liver Pills may well be Ler- mod "l'erfoction." It in Hm lnnnf. r-nnah (`NPR l have ever Nnllw vary Sunday In 7 p.m. fmm Kinsr In llnmlm-ah-r, and Wl`I`k d!|)`~4 _frn_m l::-rl 1 mod "|'ertoct.Ion. ' It is the beat. cough cure I have ever used says (3. Fred Anderson, of T. S. Simma&Co., in speaking of Norway Pine Syrup. HARRISON RELEASED. OOOOOO >A NEW CLUB. |NoTriI1ing Subjectl Headache a Misery andl , a Burden. Permanently Banlshed by use of Paine's Celery Com- pound. No Other Medicine in the World Has Ever Cured as Maiijr Cases 5! Sick and Nervous Headache. Sick and ncrmusn headaches nre amongst` the worst ills of life. The man or woman who is subject to headache in irregular intervals. goes Lhmu h life with a load of misery and wrebc ednena that is terrible to think of. (Ulnar. Immlunhn in nr-rvnmnnninrl luv ninlu. HAMILTON 6': FIONTRF.\L LINE. wrevchednena man If! Lerrmle Lo (Junk 01 When headache IH accompanied by sick- ness of the Htolnnch and vomiting, it. is i culled sink headache. Without, sickneu and vomiting. in in known as nervous head- Mlw. In either form a disordered nervous syntmn produces the trouble, and the only remedy is l nine`e Celery Com und, which will give almost inntann relie and I per- mnnent. cure. TDRHBIII: CUTS. It is a great mistake to consider hoadaoho 5 trifling disease. It may not. be dangeroul in itself. but in shows that the norvoul sywtem is out of bone and gear. and that some serious: trouble is laawning Hull up- on the person, which _in time any `pm ` duce terrible dangaroua reaultl. All dancer mnv bx nvnrhad Kl tut...`- uuce oernme uangeroua reaulu. All danger may be averted if Point ! Celery Compound in used to strengthen the nerves and keep the digentlve o no in good working condition. No modiclnt in the world has ever given such grsnd :1- aults taosufferera from headache. Sool ` of letters are received every month (rem thone who suffered for long years, and who were nally cured by Paine a Cele Com- gimnd. after failures with other In icing. ra. F. R. Walker, of Montreal, vn-nu as follows : Ivar Innnw wnnmn I -m. .. -..D.--._ 1,,__l an Iouows | For many years I was a auffenr from nick headache which came on two or that times a month. My doctor could do but littleto relieve me, and the man v;pre- = ecriptiona and patent medicines Y used I roved ueeleea. Once while I was hid up ` or three days, A friendiedvieed me to un 31 Paine`! Celery Compon d. 1 now thank God for her advice. n hour altar the , first dose, 1 found t relief, and net` day I was better. continued with tl Compound until I had used three bottla. and now I believe [ am rmmently outed an I have not had a tone of my old troulllb (or months. . no one known better than thou who hnvo used CarIor a Limo Llvn Pills who` relief they have given when taken fol dyispe iu,.di1.zineu, pom In the nick, oun- No known better than than who NWO used Curtain Littln Llvlr Pill: -hut. : I I Hop BIHERS ` NEVER FAIL ARTH UK AHIHIN. ocrour .quoneu. For ch-kn: and anus-rooms am y to llANl.I9`.Y'B GENERAL TICK AGENCY. ` Klnudon. Ont. nd th_e.mnnf pm .I. II. :v:':" w'I?i?:ahfI1':: Indus: MEDICAL CA . MEDICINE, N6 ! A mume, All Diseases olthe Smnmr-I1, Bowels, Blood, Li w-r. .Ki(l- neys and Urinary ()1-g:ou.~`, Nervousness, b'l-opl~.s:::-.~<.-, especially Fe mule (`om- plaiuts. Hops, Buclm, Man- drake, Dandelion, And the Purest and Iiesr Medical Qualities ol all others. 1 Cures qyn.,\pvv .--- `,vv.___- Wu! be paid (or a case it will not can or he] , or for nnytmn,-.5 lmpum or in] ous Iound men-in. Hop Bitters, 685 Bmmlw.-. NE W Y OBK. IJUST 5UT.E"__'AN.D 5- THERE ARE $1,000 IN 0.01.1) nun I... mall. Inn a noun It nu ! ALLAN LINE KiiGsI0N & PEMBROKE --ANl)- Canada Pacific Railways DOMINION DAY 1 Fir.`t-1'|n~.-4 rmllrn Yil`kl\f~4 will he inslm-l ut '1 your house it you have our E H 5 ring Doors and Patent Adjll I lndowa. A nnnd Lnurn Mnwnr will won I wmaowa. Agood Lawn Mower work won den; and add to the appearanrv. or yuul property. We have `em. I smcnms Club Hduse I N p --nll umUU||l\Vu um... _, _ Blondnd I (III! 1|! the packer, I. n .- `Hldo. Thrlwll the nent. Indian :unl(`~yl|(..|. d our oorod in Canada. Mon 1?"_"-"_' __j'-?' . `trldo. blond ;___. `Trait Jars "" mnlllv A TAKE N0 SUBSTITUTE. K0,`! IZII Hausa:---uyuo Lnorpod. Quebec 0 Houston! Inn It-rvloo In from From hlvcrpool. Stoamnhlpn. Montreal. Quebec 4 Jun Nnmlclhn . . . . ..an Jun. . J0 .hm,l pm I] an Parisian . . . . . . ..11 Jun. . .nJun. umm 1!-run lnurontlan 4 July. bJ|ly.0o.m 86 Jun Konaollnn` . . ...l1 July. .11 July} p.m IATK OI` PASSAGE-CABIN. on and upward: nlnulc - 0100 mm] In Iurda ro- tnm; Sooond bin 8&3 Iulr re urn ma. H\ooruI-'l`o nvarpool LonJon,uIugnw, lbmm or Lomlomlorry. Pn?old.08.w. Inkling mu! nllnooouary utensil: no. Ir HAILIY C IOII. Anna. `,_...._. 3 .~-"I1Al~I-KAY 1)1vxr|-mun mun B H. lonnorly occupied by "Gold (Tuna, phono Q. KILBORN II.D.. 14.0.9. to :4 K. Rn Kodlcnl Supontennlont Kings-On nlvhl. Coroner {or vlty nnuh orlmrly occupied by the long 1 Tohphono N0. M2 don. , DR. STIRIJNG, Comer Wnnnm at Viemngtoqvl Tolophono ban. '9 _ ._....n-1- line of TAN SIIOI-IS Drop in and scc suit 5-. for s Up to Date Shoe n . `pie. D u I II-an-I up. Hlvo secured the ~ I an 1 W : n o .-- \ I III IIL-vlI\l IJCAVEH I-`UR l lC'I'()N WEEK DAYS M lzm p.m 'l`uc-lay and Thnnulny-4 going to I<|nl|u\'Hln. YES, THEY ARE IN DEMAND NOW. wa: HAVE A LARGE STOCK. ALL sxzms. PRICES AWAY DOWN. .......c u|cmcnA|.um>mcn, :rjibj(:A'i. . ..{--'-------'-`-"-" REDDEN & co. ,, Qbww.-1' Hm Agency of H10 FOR N N.0.}`. H , l.A'I`I-. nlntonnlam. Kingston (Inno- ronor nn-lvunntry mzplod Dr. Sunn- un nu IL: I I say he Agency H: 2- uAvu'. A LARGE (IKNEHAL (HN)(`-RR. Prlhvenu Slrm-,9 Popular Hardware House. and An amount: III-onuli Inc. 'I' \IlalY XII. J. P. HIIJOIIILIIVI. About. 7, __, _......___.._._......-..____... FUN. P; am In/umr :41`... Cure ." T919. __.-________ . l.A'l`F. am. FLIES sun u . Tolovlmno (-I1. W1! y nnlwl-y -_ _- _L Q __ ~.._ ... _..._..... OP RUBBIII STAN nu huh. sol! nhn. ~ v Lino Kuhn, Ion. rah. lhlllolln, Bill. loitooonn , in prom llII\l4 nu-u v.~-. ... \ Jmm .'Ht.h and July Int, good 1 July M11. 1...)... . June mm and July lat. stood to return .InIy In-I, Au :1 Hulllug Tllruuch the Buy of Qululc-. FARE Bummer Crane: un vom hlllluuuu. Twin Screw--Iron 8.8. CAIPlNA" u. ..y.mo-In Hahn. nlarit`, |'l`rnnk City Pndmngar Depot. F Juhnuton street` Kingston. Ont. Richelieu & Omario Nuv. Go. H:-keno. Pullman ncvommodauou anu inmrnmunn up Ihm ANLEY & 80N.~4, l Trunk Pnxnnger Foot 0! void 7' ARTHUR AHIIRN, Focrour . Quebec- `,'.`.`..',`. .."` .`.'.`."..".`.."."."" ..-'!`,`!.$'J.5.'- .'."umnv Royal run Stunnlnlpn. ma. n--mam A Hontranl Inn la II` IIIVLI IJlI.-unqv STR. HERO ... unu nnvrnu lI1ll`I.`I( I -y p.m.f -r Tn 'h\ko-H.'I`.lL (min m. For Alexnn-lrm K` I 1 L n'``s-'?r<`)I`I?Kr{Iz.-`\ x.1tI--.v:::. . u.n1I.|u-:u.-I.m`.n-1. Mgr ..:.??_?._?__. LINES. {ruin II-b\\'iIh( Kinn- n.lrm Hay. Hun-Itu-.4. ICKHT AGENCY STEAMER HAMILTON fathers, in almost. ln\'ul'lnum. Marguerite b`tunl4'y'a me was guarded lrom tomptntlun by lnlph hmlgm-own of precaution, jusli nu lhu lu\n1_v!ln\\'c-rn In tho parsonage gruumlu \vm'- rhlnhlc-11 from lhogpze of th vulgar puhllo. Ht-r tucher wl\Hu'c|orgyIm|n of |.h0(`hlI!'( hnf England. And In his veins mvml lho bluesl; blood In tho United klnudmn. ` A ; IR olu. ..I.<:- ~.uu.: In-|nhr., Imnllllflll and Uultetl lxlnunmn. ` At 16 tlm gm was bright, lmnutlful Vivnclons. Hnr French gnvnrmu-an (ll'CIBl'Ud she knew Fr:-nub llku lmr nulivu umgun. and her lnnrln r.~z in other lnuuu-lmn \\ M13 in ruptures uvur hur powers of mumury and unncmn roasun. Thu girl km-w much of lmnta nnd ow- ers und nrt, I ut Hm wns 1mr-Ii(-ullylgno- rant. when H n renuhnd wunmulmod, ml the great uwurnung uutur world. luduul she MAL: a|.\.\L.r.u, In: \- . . `-.. Inbsoqnontly doclurnd that ntv this time she ballevud the world divhlud Into thrnse grant: olnnsns--clL-ruyxm-n, most r--wpeotulnln cum gregntlnns and must ubuqulutm and obo- diont sarvnnts. 1. |....l 1...`... nu-nnnml tn ;.-and Mmr &~'.tun- (Hone servnms. It had been nrmnged to send Mag ley (she was ulwnys oullud Mng") to a famous und In.- sohuul nour Lon- don, where the dmlghmrs of tho mista- arable land w0nlt,hy wore prepared tn hold their own in um ceaseless snrupzglu fur sn- olnl prcromlnenoe and suo('.v.~u-1. The (lu[Hu`- aura from huuw Wm-I to follow H101-4-luhm~ Hon of llm huuutlful girl's hlrtlnluy. Ab homo and nll through tlmpnrluh, whom the ynum: 1:ul)"s futhur wus dasurvetlly popular, nnumnl propux-nliumz warn nmdu for the uIL~:~|'1Il)(:c of this grant. social ...v, no av nt. A W0('k, Ln u (my, hnfnrn the Hum set for tho nulubrumon Mug, ulwnvs prompt at menln nnd prnyers, dld nun nmn-nr nu` bruukfnsat. A nu-want. wnnt. tn lmr mom and came A servant. went. to back whim fut-r-(I mud lvrumhluss In re-port. that bliss Mu1'Rlmr1l`u wu:-I guilt! and than her head hutl nut. buun sh-.[aL In tho night be- I...-n I grupmu III'Ir\hl|!rIls From 1 l_vnmutl' Torquny. mm mm- tho fushinlmhlu 1 and prlvuln dvmct sonngo of (fr.-uz`n I tho girl and to udlng her. Wnnlm nnssnd. scmmu um. After three Hm gymun and his conclusion thus nnmn - \ lnnr 1 no lmltlg rupn and tho uluruylm vldod Wh lvltnr It the Auntrhun 1 Vionlm. `PI... llunnrl mu STEAMER N()RT_H KING Kifii WOOD?CV39?DVDDDUO`iDiWiUi?9% Queen of the Bush /;Rangc\rs.* 3 . % 9gunausuuauuuuuuauuuuucaqua! was mwor unu. The gypsy quuen-th:-ax name one tho qumn {or I; even If them are but Lhrm onllod hers:-1! Stank-y. r posing woman of 40, Whc: Inueuug with tho [)u|`>`Ull'\ trolled hm` thuughtu mu! me. We should now run lrol an "hypnotic." Thu avm.-v nueen had n trol "hypnotic. " . Tho gypsy queen son of about 20, and, llku nearly all who ynung mum of this strange race of wander;-rs, he wu:-I strik- ingly handsome. How the mother brmmhc ulmut In most- lngly handsome. How ing betweon Mug Stanluy and hur mu Is not known, hut. it Is known that tho girl, lull of mu. health, beauty and `Imagina- clan. and nllnoaclgnumnt 0! the uthvr sex, obeyed the lrraslstilnln hnpulso uf nature -...a-u-...-2:- IIUIHU '11?! lU IUIHHV nuu I - uuuu Juunlltul through thu pnrluh, : numnl hhI`I'\1|l)(7t.` Th Egyptiatfs Star, All Nations Hope, Is--BABY S OWN-the best of soap ; The softest skin, it cannot hurt, ' Is fragrant and removes the dirt. Some dealer, being over cute, May 0 r you a substitute; But-- AnY d0wN- you can't replace, A...I o..!I Lion nn_1-Iahf in hit: face. lit--BABY'S UwN- you can L Icyu ` And til`! him so--right to his face. ! and tell l:nn'uely In love with the young - barbarian. I rn... uvnnv wmmm nlnnnod the empe- Tho gypsy woman plnnund empe- meut. The young ptsoplo were mnrrk-d | according to the Romany rules, and while f the ponds of Devoushh-u were being anarch- od he girl wnu being whlrlad to eastern Hungary. where the gypalol than were and mu are In considerable force. nn I-nnnh|nx! Vienna Mr. Stanley fell considerable (one. On reaching Vienna Mr. Stanley sick, but. his friends kept, nn to nd the girl. All were now sure that she had been kidnapud. Under the Hungarian laws, which differ in some respects from those of the allied kingdom uf Ausirin, u girl is able to contract nmrrlnge at the age of 17 without. the consent of her natural guard- Inn- ROCHESTER ROUTE inns. After ten days the oiergvmanwz friends returner], and may drew lots to see which should tall the father the whole truth. And tim truth was that tho girl had left) homunf her own volition. was then the wife of n yuung gypsy who onliud himself Paul Stank-y, and that she would never Pnturn to Duvonshiro alive if the law forced her to go. The Ruv. George Stanley was taken I The Rev. George home by his frhmdn, and within 15 months. he was laid beside his wife in the graveyard of tho pnrlsh church. 'I`hn Amttrlnn lllll-HOHMBB altar this kept pnrish church. The Austrian a close watch on the English girl and hur associates. When Mug wns 19 and grow- ing hoart weary of her life, her husband and mother-In-lnw were arrested as con- I spirator with n Hungnnn count for poisoning his father, and all were convict- ed and paid thq penalty with their lives. Mag was ordered to leave tho empire at once. " onoo. Jt`/"" In t-hanioamhno she had formed lnt.l- mnte mlatlnn-x with n .Tuw,o*und she cun- fossud hor.-zult that. she llvud with him as his wife bufure the law gave her Lhu right, to day so. This man artzberq clnhnml to km A nn~ tive of Germany. He know many Ian- guagon. um-r fnshlon. nud he suld ho had large int restsin Lundun. Ho pru- vnllud on his wlfo to go to England with hlm. A worse man than this Ertlman Hex-Lzberg never lived. Itn to tho time of her meshing him Mug lived. Up to tho hlm Smuluy was In deluded woman, but. at heart. a puns nml a noblemm. Bub Hertz burg. swing prom ln her wondrous grime and fasclnntulng beauty, made up his mlnd 1.0 pmllt by M. He started n club, a gnu)- bllng rw-mlu7.vuus, on Ploondllly, and with- ln may runcln of the gruatycluha. The plum was Humplsunusly uted up. but its great. amrnctlou Wll.-l tho gypsy queen." as he ouusull Mug to be called. um-o-,I..u-u nmannmd nmmtlv. bub (hare unnma, sooner or mu-Ir, un uuu on m. prosperity. one night, Llu-re Wm a row, not. over thn cards or wine, but; utter both mm hnull kulnlnad tn. Hm-Lzburg caught. cards wine, nun zuwr noun lmd boon i-miulged Hm-nzburg a young oicur of the guards kissing his wifo in the hall. Ii the Jew imu not. imen drinking, more would huvu been no trou- bin, for Mug, liku Lhu cards and wine, was an utunotion. A ilghb fniiowud. 8Mii)i)lE(i to tiu- imam. wifu, tho inltur nfturwnni Mm. Enlmun iiortzlmrg, Gypsy Quuun," we-ru urrostmi. iiortzbm-g \\'1\< irim'.. (`uli\'i(`Luii (uni iuxmzuii. ills wifu wu.-+ wniiunuud to puuui surxitudu for lib`.. (`nptain Grimth WM Hnrtzborg and bin indicted as nlins the mwrvmru Known Lu um j\Iun'g A)u.\u- mnguru. (" them Mag In-uxmm thu qm~N1" and luzndnr. Hhn ant than .-Nun culonlun ullrn, and )M.r follow:-rs {or two yours rulud lhu mud and forced Englund Lu suud lwu l)rlglu.lusl`u Auun-ul In. 1 ` At In-nnlh Hm Knlluvn warn '(3nDLlll'8(L ' Auan-ullu. Atlt-ngth Lhu Kulluyn were "captured, and Hmrligln, was killed lu n stand up struggle, olahnlng than he was ghting to nmku the Australian colouloa free, like Alnorlna. Ah. Ihn 'Hn:hIInlu1nrst warn hrnknn Ill) Alnorlna. Afnur the Hushrungers were broken up their "qua-nu" dlsappozmul. and nu trace of hor was ewur found. lint. can a greater change holmnglnod than chub from tho l)av0nnh1re parsonagu to thu cump of the esonpod convict outlnwn in New South Wales? Au-'1:a;u IL (YALHUUN. V V W 2 PICTON AND BELLEVILLE. rs-I-rs lII"l`|l'\ `uusuxl Mug be ounou. Hertzhurg proapnmd greatly, mvnml mmmr lnmr. an and In muy, mm mm- luha. a. mtly, nnd to ull such .....-. uvvn-3 n nnv rnud !f(lIvalI Pnrtlculu-I 0! I Nlno Yuan` Huorlug lrl-om Inthmn. From Winch Ho [Inn Boon Restored to Health When [ill CIIQ Wu Looked On an Hope- THE BOWMANVILLE NEWS INTER- \1Ar|Alc nnuu uA\u|(I'-MR From the News. Buwmsnvllls. _ During the past five years the Dr. Wil- liams Pink Pills have developed intoa household word. and from several cases that have come under our-personal observa- tion, there is not the least doubt in our minds but that they are a boon to men- kind. and in scores of instances have saved life, when everything else had failed. The cure of Mr. Sharp, whose case we publish- ed some time ago, was one of the most re- markable that we have heard of. Today he isas well as ever he was in his life, and is daily knocking aboutin all weathers attending to`his farm duties. Recently another triumph for Pink Pills came under our observation. nnd. after interviewing the person cured, he gave permission to make the facts iublic, and we will give the story in his own words. John Hawkenn, who rel-tides in the township of l)urlim_-mn, Home xen miles north of Bow~ munvillu, and whose post. oice in Ennis- killen. came to the county from ()ornwa|l, England, some fort.y~\'e years ago. and up to the time of his sickness hud always been ).n.ulmnr|:ina- mnn nil (LIV. h0W8V8r. the time 0! his aicluiesn nuu always ueeu u lumlworking man. On dny, however, while nctemling his work, he got. web, took ll chill and in severe cold followe<`. which nully developed Loasthnia. During the succeeding nine years he was :1 terrible sufferer from Lhnb distressin disease and gradually grew eobad that e could not work. frequently spent. sleepless niglitu, and had little or no appetite. Finally he .could scarcely walk across the room with- out. punning for breath, and would sit. all (lily with his elbows renting (in his knees - the only position which seemed to ive lnni ease, and in, one time he never aid down for six weeks` As it was a hardship for him to bulk. nll he naked to be let ..i,\..., liurinn um: nma he had tor mm to mix. nu no mslusu wnu vu my Avv alone. During this time toring and had tried nearly everything, and spent over $100, but got no relief. Finally some one recommended him to take 1'ink l illa. He thought they could l do him no harm at any lute, and procur- ing A supply he commenced taking them. After he had taken three boxes he found that he wanimproving, and nfter takin two boxes more. to the zu,4toni.=_hment 0 all, he wulked across the eld to the wood! and cut up (I cord of wood. He continued the pills and took two boxes more, ma - ing seven in nll, and today is as well he ever W414. but nlwnys keeps a box 0 _ ANOTHER GREAT TRIUMPH. Fur lurtlwr THU!-l. IIANI. J. .~Wll"'F S: (`A and took boxes maz he ulwuys keeps l ink run in the house. The neighbors" all began to ask him what he had done, as the asthma had left him, nnd they never expected to hear of him being well again. To one and all he tells that it was l)r. Williams l ink Pills that did it. and Inns revommended them to scores of people since his recovery. With such wonderful cures as those oc- curring in ll parts of the dominion it is no wonder lhnt llr. \Villiums' l ink l ills have achieved in greater reputation than any other known media-ine. All tlnit is naked for them is :1 fair trial and the re- sults are rnrely disappointing. l)r. Willininn` Pink l il|s strike At the root of the disease, driving it from the H 9- teniand restoring the patient. to health nml strength. In cases of purulysis, r-pinnl troubles. locomntnr ntuxia, pcinticu, rheu- unntiuIn_ ai-vsinoln.u. in-rofulous troubles, l0(`0mnt0ruLux|a, fclnucu, mou- Inutimn. erysipolm, - ut,v., these pills are superior to all other t.rent,menL. They are also :1 specic for the lrnublon which make the lives of no m....u u-mm-n nlmnh-n. mnl necnmv re- lthv lrnublon Whl(`h make the l|\'8H on an muny wmncn n burden. speedily store the rich glow of henlLh to pale and unllnw cheeks. Men broken down by over- the l'I(`lI glow or neaun L0 pale unu sullow cheeks. by work, worry or axceua-es, will nd in Pink l ill. vure. `$01.! by all dealers or sent by mail postpnid, nt fty cents u , box, or six boxes for $`. ..`3U, by mldresning l the Dr. Williams Medicine (juunpany, i Brockvillo, OnL.. or Schonecmdy. N. \. : u....-...-n nf iminuimm nml Nnpzmcc. mvme um munny or msuun nnu .-In dint:-ivtu, nvvortling to the new act. They xlivinled 1-renville into four dintrivtn. This will lessen the I eprcsentnt,ion of the united counties from thirtynine to twenty members. two from each of the Len lia- :..:m.. Iocln. Curnu Countlpntlnn -and Llvor Illn. hr. Agne v s Liver Pills are the mosl,per- :fu(`r. mnde, nnd cure like mngic. Sivk j llomlurhe, (`onstiputiom Biliousnean, In- uhgestion and all Liver Ills. I0 cut. a vial 40 doses. Sold by W. H. Medley, Huc- Cesnor to N. C. Polwon 51 (I0. l.Iv-r. Klclnaiy and in-Ighyl; Disease. A lI10di(`iIl(', that tlewtroyn the germ or name of Bright}! l)iacnse, I)inbot.en, Kid- ney and l.u\'or Complninu-1, and has power to root them out. of the .=ynt,am,'-JR above all price. Such a medicine in Hop Bitters, and ponitixe proof of this can be found by one Lrinl. or by asking your neighbors, who have been cured by it. III II 1 What, in the une of growling about your {wor shaken nerves and pale face`! All on mve to do is buy in `.!5(- box of Miller's ron Tonia` Villa at V\'xulo'H drug I-more. They will build you up in short, order. 0I(l HI AIIIKII Princess St.m_ot._ When Bal_)y_ Inunlck, we gave her Cutorln. When she vunchlhtnhnoried forcutorh. 'WhuIIhebecamoH|n,IhncIIIngtoCuIul'| Whcanholndchudtumlhognvothancutorlk Montreal {nu Rochester Tran- sit Company. V \J Can easily be allayed by applying at Hoag's Thirst Quenching Foun- tain. II-___ . ,,, 4__Z. I -.___ f`_..-LA.l lalll. _ Have you tried our Crushed Fruits with lce Cream or our Pure {git juices? Ml avors with Ice Cream only 5c. They will relieve that DRY feeling. ' I;().r \\"P.:1|< `Backs, 7I.;une Back. Painful H;1(:ks` nr any kind of Bud Bzxclu-. MlI11_'y"S Celery-Nervc Cmn;mun is the (ircut Hack Strcngthtrncr. Wm. Rogers, 5 Ottawa Street, Toronto. On:.. writ-vs: "For a i9Par0hed.T0nueT E DlJVVlVlHIVv|LI.I. -`gnu -u . VIEWS JQA-{N HAWKENS. Sold Kingston by E. C. Mitchell, 124 Prinmu Stunt. THE .____:__. County C0lllI(`|I _ llntrlrl. . . IL.) lnu\n 01'. \H.l.)., UnL.. June `:0. uuuge 1 eI`I.h. nml judge \\'iIki:-on, , divided the country of Leeds into .o.. .u.n.-uulinrr On the Imw mm, DAILY BRITISH WIIIQ, SATURDAY. JUNE 27. 1896 Str. ALEX_AN!_)R1A

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