Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Jun 1896, p. 4

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He was seventy years 0! age. _ l Rev. J. E. Trotter, tor of Mnrmy street, Bagitist church. et_,orboro. has ac- nnnfnll ll PA t0 Sb. (khn%- ' Baptist. cnurcn. rewrom ceptod a call to St. Messrs. Davin. Sh-nnton. an: ceptod call to st. L;unnnnee. Messrs. Davin. and apaker Balfour are montioned as cabinet. pqulii-' bilities in the Onulrib government. " ' The atr. Umbria, which ran sground on bilities in the Unumo governmenn. her way out. on Saturda , was released in the evening and proc ed on her way. : The Hobbs manufacturing company. of I,....4n.. in mnlxina m-mnoementa hmzelv to increase its manumcburlnz nuanneaa: John F. Lepper, Waterbown, N.Y., dropped (lend while mowing his lawn on Thursday. He was seventy-ve years of RU!-I, The Hobbs vnanutacbunng company. 01 London, is making armngementn largely its manufacturing business.- Jnhn II` Lnnner. Wnterbown. N.Y.. a e. g'I`ho minister of war, Berlin. has 'for- wnrded the emperor a report), favoring the suppression of duelling in the German army; A terrible mining catastrophe occurred A tierrible mining catastrophe at Pittaon, }'n.. on Saburdny night. About I00 men are supposed to have lost their Iivnn lives. Lient.-Col. F. Toller has been re-ap- inbed to bhe active militia from the re- tired list, and is gazetted into the infantry rnaarvn reserve. It. is rumored that J. R. (iurtwriglnb, de- puty at.t.ox-ney-general of Ontario. will re- tire as soon an Sir Oliver Mowal. goes to Ottawa. _ At u....+m~'a Hnnv rmmtm on Saturdav zetlrhig trom Bicycle Business]! At. Hunter : Quay regatta Saturday the Britannia was the winner of the lar e rater race, the Ailsn second and he Sataniba last. A I4` R." R A,. mmmin of the Varsitv Sataniba last. A. F. Barr, B.A.. captain `Varsity rugby team. has been awarded one of the Mackenzie fellowships in the department of political science. Charles Hawkins robbed the Athens political BCIOHCB. Charles post. office of $42.50 on Friday, hid it ln A churchyard, and when arrested confessed. He entered by way of the cellar. The Todd mill. Paterson. N. J., occu- He entered by or me oeuar. The Todd mill, Paterson, pied by three ailk rms and a machine hop,wo.a destroyed by fire last. night. The loss is estimated at $100,000. n ..-... .-.nm-nu! in Tiin on Satnrdav before he could nccompusn mu uuu. John R. Gentry was sent. against time at Red Oak, Ia..nnd clipped a ( uarber M` n Fecond o his record, the wo1%d s record for stallions, making the mile in 2:03;. Tlu: ndvmmn mmrd of the committee on- is estimated as $100,000. It. was reported in Tiis Saturday that an attempt. was made to assassinate the shah, but the miacreanb was arrested before he could accomplish his act. Jnhn R, (kantrv against night. An American who had registered under the name of Follere. committed aulblue Inst. night. in A private hotel in Dliver street, Picmdilly, Eng., by tanking Mor- phine. ' A militia general order bus the follow- ing: lilth eld battery, major Louie William I . (ioutlee is granted the brevet rank of lieutenant-<~olonel from the filth April, I896." ' The grant egg importing house of Rob` for stallions, making me mm: III .'.'.Uo.g. The advance guard of the Lrusfed with the tank of steering the Bland boom into the port of (l preaidenbul nomi- nation left St. Louis for Chicago hut. An Ame:-imn registered Fscn. The election for Algoma takes place bo- nnrrnw, Isms." great. egg importing inson & Sons, Went Hnrtlepool, Eng. have de"ided to establish their Canadian branch in London. Canadian eggs are superior to Russian eggs. The Venezuelan minister. Washington, ETMAJESTIC superior Kussian hn-1 received mail aducea from Cnracak to show that the release of Harrison, the Eng- linh surveyor. was without. any interveni- Lion 015-the part of the United States. Jnlm Mnnn. aged twentv. was drowned 01-wbhe part of the l7nIL8(l nmws. John Moon. twain. , out Melroae, on Friday, w ile in bathing. He got beyond his depth. His mother lives in Hunbingdon. He had an insur- nnoe on his life of $|,000 in the Home (`ircle. Miss Josephine Leolnire, Almonte, aged twenty-nine yearn, committed suicide on Sunday by taking cnrbolic acid. Sim qunrrelled wimh A boarder. and her bro- ther reproveil her. She left. the table and suicidad. A......;...... railroad ntnokn fell henvv on euicided. American milroud stocks fell heavy the London stock exchange to-day, under the inuence of the progress which is be- ing made by the nilveritea in the United States. The average fall was one and one- half to three points. , Thn Au-crcmtina consul at Montreal is in ahead of the N orthweab. In the Royal Canadian yacht club yacht race for the Murray cu p. on Saturday, the new syndicate craft, Lanada. sailed In her initial contest, and although first place was taken by Zelma. et, under the cir- cumatanoes. the Fife yer made a record that fully bore out. the anticipation: of her OWHGPS. half three points. / The Argentine consul Buenoa Ayres to make an investigation with a view of opening up fields for the investment of Canadian capital. It is proposed that (lanada shall compete with the United States in certainlines there. mi... nnrnw nrmmar Northwest and the United States in ceruannunoa more. The screw steamer new aide-wheeler Cit of Buffalo rwed from Buffaloto (`Ievelnn Friday night. The former left Buffalo at 8:58 p.m. and the latter three minutes later, arriving here at :..-.u.. ... nnn hour and Lwanbv minum OWHGPF. The funeral of Sir Au ustun Harris. Inn- don. the welldmowh t entrienl an;ihdr.j who died on June 22nd, book Win ....,......a.... .9. Rmmnmn` mmamrv. 01.. Ind the Duke and Duchess 01 York. On the silver question it is said the clo`-4 mocratic convention, to meet, in Chicago, will stand. For free silver,585; old stand- ard. 344. The free silver men In short of a two-thirds majority by thlrtv-ve votes; 620 voma will constitute two-tliirda of the convention. whereas the silver men bythe most liberal ostimnbe can muator only 585. 'QII "'O- I -IlIja Gum Bums. Mioh.. Juno 29.-An- drow Colman uronsut, giving 5 none: 0! uoonpibm N. North Puk, cl balloon yesterday dtornoou md died from the ditch of hi: injuries. The wind hurl- ?` S? "a'..: `u"' ` :52`... '...."" ' ' ni ng. ' II" ` tn Kc full thirty; arikingon hi: 1.3:? lnmkinn his nook. I from his- latter three mmubes Iuwr, nrnvmg now an 5:58 n.m.. one hour and twenty minutes of the Northwest. 1.. H... nmml (`mmdinn var-ht vncht % ` $65.00. Twggidgjl Tailoring B0. A (I r hnlnw Cllv Hotel. who died June Icznu, noun p vuqgy morning at Brom wn` oemotary. ' ' ket was cove " with many ` ful. wreaths. Among the senders of use tributes of respect was t.he`Prineo of 'leo and Duchess of York. Mn lm nilunr nnahtinn it th Ilntuel Explenetlene Iede. KIIL, June 29.-The emperor to-dey received Prince Ludwig. heir epperent. to the throne of Bulgaria, on boerd the im- periel yeoht llohenzollem. Prince Henry of Prueeie wee present. end mutnel uph- netione were medo condemin the un- pleeeent incident which ocou at Moe- oow henquet. on the occasion of the corone- tion of the cur, when Prince Ludwi re- eenhed the chairmen : ellueion to Iiueelf end hie fellow South Germen prineee ee member: of Prince Henry : unite, end de- clered them he himself we: en independent Beverien prince end en elly; not e vehel of the Germen empire. HO [OH many :11, I braking . AI-hnotlhoionu. Pnus, Juno m.-u. Anon, peanuaut ldontiod with in human and nun- E.~...-_-.2.-;;-z-.-_~..9-.;-.:....':'%.' H. -. -"*.. r. 0onnwnt.uhu'dInhoI'foI' WHIG" READERS. fall In: lnlloon. D '- ---.. llh-In Inna I the Very latest new: crowded Into [tho I lmnnt ol Bvoco. --~ "7. ._.__|.-- .._..... -...I vdnnnn Ripe PI. peeonee, prunes Inu plume, N from Ce ifornin. at Cunovukfe. George Harper, late of him city. is now employed at Perth. He was in the city to l Jaw. Jay. Charles Bangor,-Uoderich. has been ap- pointed police magihtrate for that town without. aalary. Mm lDr.\ J. A. Bell and daughter ompwyuu In I vum. nu; v-nu nu -I..- I/IV -- I " d*~7v~-a`5_j*_1TL*.;.'.2.:3n".a.b3'~v-~~ ._rcu:~.~ N and 3% Inch fumes; also Lmlias` loop (rung, We are nlenrimx them out at Cmnl. without. salary. Mrs. (Dr.) J. daughter Edith, 0! Wnhrwwn. N.Y., are visiting At John Bell's, Pine street. \'_mu-Jaw a train from Montrell to To- Boll u, Pine screen. Yeoterdny a train from Mpntreul ronto and one from Toronto to Montreal was run over the G.'l`.R. rm. nmnm nnmmittao means this even- the u.'1'. :1. The nnnoe committee meets ing to oled`r up eocumuhtod business, pre- paratory to to-night : council meetin . G. Hnrdy Bquire.of the Syracuse. .\'.. Courier, formerly of the local press geng, came home on a visit Saturday. Dr. John Begg left, this morning, for Montreal. on route to En lend to lake I post. graduate course in the oapibals ohere. R. A. Dely. London. has taken the de- gree of Ph.D., at Harvard university. and has been awarded a travellin fellowihi . rm... mmrm nf the Rom Clvde vac t been awarded u-aveum xeuow-m The regatta of the Royafl de yacht club was continued to-day. izhe race: were for money prizes. The weather was dull duu. Bob Fituimmonu, London, accepts 9. challenge from Sharkey, the Cnlifornin sailor. without delny, and upon any mnna. Rememberthe A.O.U.W. excursion to Wnbortown on Dominion Day. Tickets good from one to six days. For parbiculars aeenoeters. ' OOH Iruln uni: uu BIA uuluu -... r... _..,,, see posters. . ` Rev. Mr. Gandier. Halifax. in iradunbe of Queen's, and son of a Newbu oler y- `mum. is re 1:. desirable candidate or Knox church, ttawn` to be vacant. after July 15th. ' . ' . While B. MoConvil|f was collectin let- ters from: box, on the cornenof We ing- ion and Ordnance streets, one evening last, week, he found several cigar stumps in the box. u........... William's new vacht. Meteor, Saturday morning. Rocheetm-~-Nort.h King sails direct. Sun- day s 6:45 p.m., week days from Port. Hope. Luke 8:41) a.m. (LT. R. brain. For Alex` nndria Bay, Sundays, 9 a.m. Hanley, agent. At Hunuar a Quay the Britannia \1'_)n Quay won , from the Ailsa on time allowance. The Satanita retired. In the race for twenty- raters the Saint beat the Niagara, Peni- tont and Zeinite in the order named. A nnn nl Jnmnn Cnmerford. of Rnzlnn, in the order nnmeq. A son of James Comerford. Raglan, was drowned in the Ma lawaaka on Monday last. He was sixteen years of age. Three weeks ago the parents lost. their eldest daughter. Mrs. James Power, Eunnville. A vounz man named Avila Pampalon, James Power, mznnvine. A young messenger of the (Tainan Deconomie. Que- bec, has been missing for some time. His books are all right, and it is feared that he has been the victim of a boating accident. The St. Jean Baptiste society, Quebec, held a demonstration in the streets of St. Snuveur wurd yesterday, salutin Mayor Parent and the Oblut fathers on t e wuy. Three cheers for Lnurier were given with enthusiasm. M. and Mn. l). Little. Petaerboro. ar- A FIRST-CLASS QOKBINDBRY ` aolng bnalnou every :13 at the cannot and-vrock anon. on pro- .n,u|(nov_ tuwjugiou forogd_1_vor_k. on Onbllllllll Mr. and Mrs. D. Little. rived in the city. this morning, to visit the parents of the latter, Mr. and Mrs. F. Jones, Union street. Mr. and Mrs. Little drove ml! the way from Peterboro, leaving there Snturda . The three gritilh warships. Crescent, Intrepid and Tutor. At Quebec. have all their bunting out with the Royal standard ying at the train in honor of the anniver- sary of her majesty : coronation which on- curred yesterday. SPORTING PARAGRAPHS. What the Lower: 1 llnnrtl the Lower: Ill lllllluu um. ..-..-.._. Sport: Are Dolng. Saturday efbernoon the Alerts, u junior baseball aggregation. journeyed to Odessa to play the jumor team of that place. On the teams taking the eld it was found that only two junior players were in the Odessa nine, the remainder being senior players. The local team was defeated by n more of l9 to III. The teams were thus composed: Odeeae. H. Murph . lst. b.: F. Ceirnee. l.f.; R. Cain-nee, 0.; ,. Jones, \ u,:_n-.. u...l L. -TIIIUII III Civic Ripe peaches. prunes \ mm 11.4-an Wnrrnr Infn nf bhll 0 R. (lair-nee, u. -Pollen, c.{.; H. Barry, p.; 1). Laidloy, `Jud b.; Crow, 9.9.; `Lee. r.f.; Babcock. 3rd b. Alerts. Turcottae. p. and lat, b.; Young, 3.3.; Glasgow, p. and [at b.; Taylor, `nd b.; 8tophennon,c.f.; lnird, 3rd b. ; McPar- lnnd,c. ; Oliver, r. f. ; Oolemnn,l.f. R. (`airnea was struck behind the: ear with a bull pitched by Glasgow. Hm place on the beam was taken by Watts. Cniruas was very severely injured. and was placed un- der the care of a doctor. The manager of the Alerts offered to bet 3l0 that his team could defeat. senior Odessa nine, but his oer was not covered. Lnidley, second baseman for Odessa, is a star in his poni- Han roporud W X IIVIII , IIOWUVIW, Inu a parent! withnlonnsn ihund dip: Lion. lyihluw nhouupuod hlnuotlnthooui Iinllow the humbup ginguuhuoulnhundonoo ol. ' ..._ ..__44'nn n. :2 --A tion. Saturda afternoon um Elginburg and Hlen vale aneball clubs met, at the latter place. The game was all one sided. The (llenvuleibes went. through their op nonents at the rate of thirteen to three. 0-m - -,..., .5... viuitnni will seek to capture he 0: Lmrbeen no uu-us. Au-nu row the visiton! will tocapture Llle soul of the Sydenham baseballers. T no Granitea will leave here Tuesday ..:..I.o rm Rallnville. to nlnv the baseball team of that place at 9:30 o`c|ocx n e< day moming. At 2:30 o'clock the afternoon the name two teams will again at Napanee. Tha Granites` will thus be oompoaoth Elliott. 0.; 1 van, p. and LL: Monbgolnery, ls! Dehaney, 2nd b.: Smith, 3rd b.; mamlrl. In-1.: Rbbinaon. D. and Lf.: Nw.un 1Umbrel|as-, 50c, 75c, ;_+_:-4. - lagck grid Colored Parasols, ' Lat bargain pgices. _, . Night Dresses,45c, 6oc, 2nd b.: Emmi, are n.; rm,- gemld. 95.: Robinson, p. Enn- ton, c.f.; McCIu' , r.f. The atr. Eury ice. bearing the Toronto bicyliau to Quebec. left. Toronto, at. two SM,urdn{ Lfternoon. It was not expected she won (I arrive here before noon Sunday, u.... .1... onurhod about. eizht o'clock in the would arrive here belore Bunany, but she touched about eight morning. Leslie Hughes was the only member of the Kingston vlub that was on` the wharf at. the time. The steamer re- mained only A few minutes. GOOD WORK APPRECIATED. Ruthbun Co. Sam; the I!-n`yor n Cheque For I100. Mayor Elliott this morning received a cheque for $100 from the Rathbnn Co., Deeeronto. can token of appteciation of the work done b the detachment of the local re hrigmge with the Chatham en- me. under insistent-chief Miller on May th last, on the occasion of the disastrous n in the town mmed. It. will be remembered that while our It Will Do l'OlllOll'IDOreu umw wnuv uul citiuna were oolebrntin the Queen`: bir(.h~ day, word was received are that are wan rmriml in Deooronto and that immodintnly Epocial tnin over the U31`. ts. To-dny the oh no {mm the Rathbun Co., in Icknow grunt of the kindness of the oer, md the effective aervioo ren- dered. wu received. Thus by prompt ac- .:.... Mumr Elliott. but been the means of received. Thus by prompt. ac- tion, Mn or Eiott. adding l00t.ot.ho cit treasury. This in mm rll. occasion in t. history of King- the rit in ma mawry or lung- uon on which nn acknowledgment of as- .:.o.m-. ainn bu been nude. In Dlliln uuuu vuv rvuu...` ... -..-- received the heut oolnmondntion c council And the c titan: In gonarul. unncnoqua loporur. Just. before the election. Rev. W. Wil- liamson nnnounood the ho hoped he would never live tout tho nlol-morn come into powcrzlnwould nther dlo. H0 in still riporlad to 50 Vi ho , Ind _-....5I- -.|| A Inn 'Ani.f'A"IlId cunt oroaI'aId~Brocl am new funillthu for! lot inn. llnllu an Tlne will leave here Iuoeuny night for Belleville, play place at 9:30 o clock Wednes- ,1... mm-nimz. same received here mar. raging upon hearing of it the mayor taendered the so of one of the city steam re engines hioh offer wee at once ecoepted. Excel- nt service was rendered by the detach- ent of the local re brigade and the en. gins which were sent to Deeeronm by special trnin the (:.T.R. To-dny cheque Vthe Invvu u-n Irvv - -.... ....._.-.. non, ms or Ill - _. (100 to tho first .m.. nn which which eotnowleozmenr. on as eistnnce given The mayor bu written the Ruthbqn Co. . thanking them for the cheque, and usur- ing them that the tending of the engine of the ...........'I ma the 4: return]. VVUII Iv-Ir ww- Jun. hdoro oloc` GENERAL PARAG RAPH8. In mmed. It will be .;+,:..n. warn celebrating Queen`; urnnutwm Io0IlII4- .l\_..l4I Ilgnnlnnnnan Innkllj "u'53'T` I1`! I] nlhnlnkja fruit Jars I of Gun: and (Iona!-nl - A... I\nIn-_ Ind plums. I. 299 ATTORNEY-GENERAL SIFTON IN THE LAURIER CABINET. ---- o I Founded By Ono. Ionndorod By Another- sevonl Change: In tho Boprountr tlvoo--'l'ho 0OI'|']lIIIIIdIl' Worked I Ontnrlo to Llbornl Dot:-Inaont. 01'I`AWA, Juno '29.--The moribund cabi- net. mot.-on Saturday 3nd made In . number of pointmonm. 3... 11...}. John Mnndnnnld in anruute of poinunonn. on. H John Mncdonald in enroute here to put. `I department in shape before making way for has aucoeuor. It. in nnnouncod in Ixmdon that Hon. in the new Lnurior ministry. Lorcnon, June 29.-lrmgulnrities on the part of-the deputy returning otcers ve caused the postponement. oi the ollicial de- claration of the result. of the London elec~ pimp. for his It. in Edward Blake will probably accept. office Lnurior ministry. Invcmm, June 29.---I!'l'oIlIllll'iti8! I0 Lion. SM`I(VH.l.lc, N.B., June 29.-The sheriff : declaration of the result. of the election in Weatmoreland county gives Powell, conservative, a majority of_ve. hlnu-may-u Jnnn Q9 --'l`he mnioritv t0!` UIDULIUH III vv vuunuvnunnuu uuuu "J U. . MoN'rlur..u., June `29.--The majority Mr. Boiavert, the conservative undidabe in Nicolet, is officially given as l36. This constituency wax; in doubt and credited to Leduc, liberal. IHu|.'uII,I. Junn `2'.'_--'l`ha complete 56. ' _ Shirtmg Gmghams. SC. "7C RC- 'n\)~ 1 I111- liberal. I'.\nKHu.I., June `. 7.--The complete om- cial returns for North Middlesex give I-Iubchins, conservative, A majority oi eight. The Polluc-al Polnton. The government will hang on to oice for a week and probably more. The mrtv a enitaDh- founded by Sir and probably The party epitaph- bg; John Mtwdonald; foundored by Sir (3 arlea Tupper. Mr. MoElrov|0et his deposit. in North Mr. MoElroyloat deposit. Lanork. He wu opposed even by some of those who were instrumental in bringing him out. Tim nnuntrv hm: nnnumreti Mr. PtAl'H0n'! been very slow about it. A movement is on foot among the liber~ aha to give Hon. Wilfrid Laurier u recep- tion on a large scale when he reaches the caeital to bake the reins of oioe. .- w.I..n.r whn in nu. J. F. W'00d`B The country has answered Mr. Paterson : famous question, Han the national )olicy made you rich `."` It thinks the N. has about it. A movement among ca ital bake the reins ol omoe. Rh. Webster, who is Hon. J. F. law partner in Brookville, has been ap- pointed chief clerk in the customs depart.- ment, :1 position kept vacant. `for three vanrs. vears. , Mr. Mc(/`arch , it is understood, will re- sign in favor 0 Manitoba : nt.t0rney-gen- erul, Clifford Sifton. to whose efforts Mr. McCarthy entirely owoa his election. Mr. Sifton will enter the cabinet. n..o nr tu;Ant.v.nial'|l. nahron mmdidates will the cabinet. Out. of twenty-eight patron put in the eld only three were elected. and 9.` mil; the defeated were some of the most prominent. members of the party. in- cluding the grand president. and the grand treasurer. In Re Jnhn N R, Mr. Ellis carried T0 REPRESENT EEEEEEEA, ~ Acomplete line 0! Fishing Tm-kle also on . )' Ina. i h |lIllIl6 \;u-h.........., J`, I gm, mic. F'L`PI',ints,L 5c, 6c, 8c, IOC, Izc. Corsets, 25c, 40c, 50c, 75c, $1. ; _Silknnd Taffeta Gloves, IOC, gzjc, 15c, zoc, 25c, up to 5oc. * Men's Underwear, special bar- gain lot, zoc. _non vatds Unbleached Grey treasurer. In St. John, N.B., Mr. Ellis every ward exce b one. and there he came out only ten be ind. Just think of n ma- jority of nearly 600 at lust election for the government, candidate being swept awny and turned into a majority of over 700 for the liberal, while in the county a majority of 1.100 was swept away, and Tucker. who conservatives said could not possibly be elected. coming out with Nil majority. In the nmvinoe of Ontario the liberals In the province have only a majority of four, not counting the independents or McCiu thyitergaa might fairly be done, and our opponents are dis- to unduly exalt the fact. What would the majority have been if had it not been for the gerrymander? But for this iniquitous measure, South Brant, Both- well. East Bruce, North Lanarlr, North Ontario and many other oonntitnenciea Hmthnvn onna nonuervative. would rank and other oon:-mnenclea that. have gone conservative. well up in the liberal column. To Ul'VI ulna In-tn Nnw Yonx. Juno `29.-ThiI morning Judge (Jowing. in the court of general nea- aiona, sentenced William Turner and Wil- liam Robert. llunlop to nine ears each in stow: prison all their pleuo " uilty" of stealing $60,000 worth _of jewe lory from J. Townsend Burden. non `nu: - POCKE 1' 8:2: or K D. (3. up_ And by oqlxylneod 0! 1'8: non onritlvc poinr M! msmess Analfeulua. B` ACIIIITY. Inannnunn ~ A-1 `II An. In-an nl . struck By Lightning. Exactly describes the oondition of I hurd or soft corn to which Putmm s Extractor ha been applied. So quickly does Put- nun a Extnctor cure that it: sctiou seems mngioal. Try it. gnu: nun: o:x.n.au-`a'm.u-uuoaum - n n an in lnulm-Ii. m 1 lindly. And all ollor lorua OI INDIGESTION I anal CAIIDI I GANANOQUE GI.-EANINGS. a no political preloroncee, ana ll ex- to execute his master : orders IIVIIIII I. nun! Andoll otlorlol-an ol um up-\IIIl'\Fl'lI\ f:.._`,|1=. J. WALSH A xapu-on Indy lnlnrod 3' -5 "`"' `trolley car. . u_......... I....- an , A --A nnnidnnt. 'I'rolley o'er. NAI'.u-`nu. June 29.-A Ild accident l happened to NM. Shirle , who left. here It ' few day: ago with her ughter. M ie. to epend the summer with fuien e in Chicago. while her daughter went, to the coast. In some wayehe came in contact. with a trolley car. which broke her caller bone and arm and otherwise injured her. The accident. occurred on Tueedny last, but just. how he not been learned. \ The remains of the young son of Peter hn The y Curl. who died in last. Friday. were b in the Nnpauee nfmrnmn Int. boon Ieurnoa. oung sonof tho Kingston hospital rought. hero and interred cemetery on Saturday The steamer Ella Roan beouruny after-neon Rose started her weekly excursion: lest. Friday. unq unite 3 number took advantage of the fine gngrnd enjoyed the cooling breast! of the y of Quinta. R. Lawson, butcher, has been conned to the hence for the last. week with A severe . . nu . ..._:_-:..-I ..o...... in than tnwn ol the my 0! Qulnw. house cold. The principal stores in the town have decided be close their places of busi- ness every Frida afternoon during July and August. rs. Bellhouae. Hamilton. i}s{\`Iieit.ing her son, W. H. Bellhouse, l'iet.y i I. 1 Lhout I Hnmmovk. Whl\t'n nicer than to ldlo down In 5 hi`. easy huvnmnok, while 1 l0lItlQ'1t5|)hyrrl Il0W_AU flu. rare and I8 VIISI Hill. bblm; market quiet. and unahnngod. Patent HR:-lng. 3.70 to 3180; patent vrlntol 03!!) to 4.1 ; Sn-night Roller 03.50 to 31!) nun, 0.1.10 no 53.20: nuporno. am to .290 Itrong bLkor'I, 08.30 to 38.50; Ontnrlo Bun |1MH.oIl.70. _A _ HUHTISIIII; rnuuuvn manna nu. Iomnnn, Juns I~.u.- hour ooolptu. -mam Hp:-lng. $3.70 1.9 I190; pgtlenv. vlqtgy Ll\'l:Iu'0uI. nuusn n. I u. LIVERPOOL, Noon. Jun 2!L-Whent, N. Sprlf. ` 43 10.{.d; red wint.er,f.-1 Nd; No. 1001. M8.) ; ` corn 3.; did; pens, In &l- pork, 45:; J; lnrd. 21: 3:1; mallow, Am.. 175 Ind; bo.oon~lnn outs honv ,2)! 0d; [1 ht. 24 (id : short cuts ecu`, 23: 0 . Choese- him 353 0d ; Colorod..`|6slk. Ootton quiet.--Amarlunn IlddJImru- 3 :11-Bed --- cost price. Pure Silk Gloves from _l9c. _ Men's Balbriggan arid Cotton Shirts and Pants, 40c Pns--uao. to 651:. _ Buu.:v- to 460. Eoos-s (.0 mo, Conmnuu.-90c. to 31.00 Bu1'1'Kn-TownnMpa.l2 to H(-.: Woomtn II 0.0 I30. \AIALSH S SUMMER : SALE Clll\`.l:BE-6 to 7o. 0A1'nn1.-s1.::o to I1 4 I P0l1x-ltu0 tons.-no. LA|ll>-6 to `lo ,BROKE HER COLLAR BONE. ii 10 (0 01.70. WIIIA1`--No.l bud Iunltobu, ch; L no mo 00311-40 to 42. TAY LOB S COMMERCIAL. IONTBIAL I'l`00l| IABIITI. All or Cnnndlnn Pacino lhuwuy. KI MI Duluth... 15 4 Duluth P .. .. I3 0 Commercial Cable ..... . . 155 153 Montreal Tolurnph ..lt\'1 hm Post-ll Tel . . . . . . . . . . , . . . .. . 87 In Bank of Iontrul........ Tolurnph 00. Postal Blohollon Nov. 00 ...... . - Iontrul Shoot lhllwu. Ilontnnl Go: 00 . . . . . . - - . ` ll Tolephono. ....... .. ynl Elootrlm... .. l'orr~nto Railway . . . . . . .. gtokrldo Bank. . n u 0 Nelson`: .. Bank of Toronto Io:-chunk Bani .. IuolunQ.|' Bank 1 H ?'a;'---- -- n o m :ort:1wolIQbL:tnd Cgmpnn on r n 0 on .... .. Cun.():)lorod Ccrttog . . . . .. Dominion Cotton . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Can. Colored Cotton Cotton... IIONTRIAL PIIODUOI IIABIITI. nmnnou I...m wu _ In.-nun Rnnnlnt.-. ma .1): ` Men : Regatta Shirts. Boys Shirts and Braces. Boys Belts. Men q and Boys Sweaters. - ' Parasol: and Um}5?;iIae . for Dominion D3 ' Y all at LlVERPO0L-;IAl{Kl.I'U. ...-.... u,..... 1...... am _whnn0. B Wear our 50c Summer Cornet. The latet in Blouse wuum, Dresden and Plain Linen. Extremely pretty Wauan Cropona, llcht mu duh colors. Drona sud Blouse Prints. new goods. 6o.8c.10o. 12 1-20. ` l'I.noy Chunbraya and Muslims. now- oct designs. Plain, Fancy sud Black Alpaca DI-can Goods. nk Gloves Ind Mitts at lowest. ug- (IP93. How to ;Keep Cool CRUFILEY BROS. nuuo. Dolkhfon-anuf 1-. lallmu Innnihh. |JusT area. For Summer Wear can on lThe occommodatlon and service \EtALEnuNIA 3|JLN_GS 5UT`ER.MN;D 5r Drop in and see our nobby line 0! TAN SHOES for suit you. for summer wear. We can ON THE CORNER _ __j.`_,.,.. Y. , Up to Date Slko Fe" re FOR is in advance of any other Canadian resort FUN. One door below Cltygtel. ;ARo.A1N | THE sIoIggF_u1'LT1='E.' VTO BETHI an un: m mnuuo i win navn A use: .. Au. sxzna. mucus ' DOWN. g... n-unn AI nnnnnn gum lot, zoc. 5,000 yards Unbleached Grey 'Cotton, 5c 21 yard worth.7c. goo yads Cotton 3c :1 yard. 5 or New Goods go to av vv n. S GINBIIAL 01:00:11. I Prinoou throat. l\Al Ill V ? WMv.M'KlNLEY LIKELYTO BETHE L 8 NEXT PRESIDENT. Ell Early struggle: for EluontIon--sor- vleo In the Ar-ny-'Dvot|on to Ills EnQ -w.:::r:::: lor work. 0! I honoring ro- OTTO lick Wlfo-IllI VI:-wrlu umu ........ Dolont In `Illa llold of Polltloi. CANTON, Ohio. June `29.--Governor Mn- Kinley Wu to-dny oicially notified of his nomination by the republican convention. I 4 WILLIAK MCKINLEY. Wm. McKinley, the seventh of nine children, was born in the lime town ol Nilea, 0., in 1843. His father was an iron manufacturer in a small way~bul: all Arnericanmeuufnoturera were in a small way then -and soon moved to the ad- joining and eomewhatlmrger town of P0- land, where the youth of the future presi- deal) of the United States was spent. Tim MnKinlavl come of Scotch Irish United States spent. The McKinley: come stock, the strain which has marked itself so strongly in the history of this country. Way back in 1756 two brothers, James and William McKinley, came to America from the north of Ireland. William settled in Virginia, and James in York County. Pa. A son of James. David by name, was a soldier in the revolutionary war of l8l`2. After the latter oonict he settled in Ohio, and the present candidate for the presi- denc is his great grandson. William Me 'nley s mother was a Miss Allison, a distant relative of the senator from Iowa, who is Ohio born himself, and the favorite sons of the two states are thus remotely connected. The Allisons are also of Scotch- Irish blood. walla... Mr-Kinlav lived in Poland un- blood. William McKinley lived til he was ei hteen years old. It was not the fashion t ion for even rich men in that section to 3 nd much mone on the education of t eir children, an William MoKinle , sr., was far from being a rich man, while hehad a liar e famil . His son attended the district sc ools, hut poor at fairs, where only the "three Rs were taught, besides utting in as much time as he oould at the oland academ , a some- what ambitious insti_ tion of earning for that locality, but whic . in this day and generation, would hardly rank with an ordinary grammar school. Whatever there was to learn at these school. Whatever schools, however, McKinley readily ab- sorbed, for he was then, as he has been ever since, a hard worker, and as a boy- hewaa a diligent student. In the mean- time he earned the ri ht. to go to school by working out of ours, carrying the mails, being clerk in the Poland poatoice. Poland then, as now, was far trom being a metropolis, and the sole clerk in the poetaoflice had plenby of time on his hands for other purposes. Afmr lmwimz school he became a school other After leaving ` teitcher and was engaged in this rofeaaion when the war broke out. Wm. `L)/IcKinley wu then eighteen years old. He enlisted promptly, being assigned to the regiment in which president Hayes wee colonel and Stanley Mathews, afterwards a justice of the supreme court of the United States. one of the otcers. In this regiment he served lour years, purtivipating in several hard battles and being mustered out with the rank of major. His military title in not an honorary or militia one, but was earned in actual service. Alon Hm war was over Wm. McKinlev Low Price Store 44 an A. no Prlncese Street actual service. After the war was over McKinley moved to Canton, which has ever since been hishome. Canton wan not then and is not now the biggest city in the world, in fact it would he described by the aver- ...... |rnHnr nn :1 nmttv and nrosnerous In men IL Wolllu nu llultlluuu u, um uvul age visitor ms A pretty prosperous little place," but it was ll metropolis com- pared to Niles and Poland, and Do the nun soldier of twenty-two, icing out into t is world unaided to nuke is living, ALA ..o... urn: nu imnnrmnt, mm. He had into the world unaided to unite ma nvlng, the star was an important, one. determined to enter upon the practice of law. and Cnnton seemed like a large vity, where the service of lnwyers wou|d be in demand. 1.. mm wallinm MnKin|ev was ad- demand. In 1:467 William McKinley mitted to the bar, and he soon became a leader of his profession in l'anton. About this time he met Miss lda Suxton, daughter of :1 Canton banker, and June' 95th, |H7|, they were married. This union has tor twenty-ve years been a most happy one. Sorrow has come to husband and wife through the death of their only chil- dren-tvro daughters. Kate and Ida -- both of whom )A38(l away in early child- hood. Mrs. cKin|ey is, unfortunately, an invalid, being atlhcted with an incum- ble nervous trouble. and the husband is the devoted nurse of his wife. his attention to and care of her being unremitting. The are together as much as Mr. Mc- Kin ey's duties will possibly pennit, and the chief pleasure of each is in the other's company. In 1873 McKinley was elected tocongress 01 IO Ulllf 531$. Ill llvmvuu ulna: pnrwgy unitiv in his cuppa-L illiun cKinby I mothor,nowoight.y- anon, in still living in tho old homom lively intern in onrrontonub. With hon- Iiva an unmarried dun tc,lIohn,md no orpbnodgnndohl . Adltat ol In 1873 McKinley tocongrese from the Canton district end then began that public career which has continued since without interru tion, and undoubted- ly will end in the w ite house. He was constentl re-elected. and six years a 0 Speaker eed made him chairman of t 9 ways and means committee. It was then he preeentedbo the house the teri bill which, when passed. went by the name of the "McKinley Bill," and weefin force un- til the democrats iepeeled it and passed the Wilson-German substitute two years alter. At. am. not}. nlnntinn. however. McKin- At. the next. election. however, ley met with his first defeat. It was a democratic year, anyhow, Cleveland beat.- ing Harrison in all the doubtful stolen, car ing Illinois and Wisconsin and pne- tice ly tying Ohio itself. Besides that the democratic legislature of the winner be- fore hed reepportioned the ante into con- gressional and legislative dinricta, and oliinley wee mculnrly picked out for e victim. Un the en-ymander Canton wee plnoed in B diet. ct with about 3,000 democratic majority, end Although the congressmen nude I herd fight. for re-elec- tion it was I hopeleu one and he was bad- Iy mowed under. At the next state election. however, he mlorit. . Bin opponent wu aemee um - bel . wh,o hed beaten Fonker once beforg. and we: scknowledgod to be the most. popular democnt In the ma, ea well as theebleu. The democrntic Ietform de- clnmi for the free coinage silver qt I rule of sixteen to one. end thin fact. doubt- leu helped McKinley mightily. Hie term ugovernuexpiredlut ear, when hewu unnnhnouiv and by mpnblioenl of unanimous? nl|:OdbyA Ohion rmdnbbrthptmfelzg `otuhounmdsuu-.ulI-morn nnrtu ..n:o.a-u in his annnmt. mowed under. in nominated in the republienn mndidate for governor and elected by I bremendoue nuioricy. Hie opponent. James (Jump- hel . who before. um suuns. * PROTESTS AND REOOUNTS. Bulou wrongly In-kod ll Weounonlnnd -PI'ouItI wm Occur. Joseph Gauthier, M.P., L Auom tion, mag resign his seat in favor of Mr. nrto. obert Birmingham has decided to ac- .....o. thn aunerintendancy of the Rideau Robert has decided to ac- cept the auperintendency canal. Rev A. B. Chambers. Toronto, says the government : overthrow is due to Roman- inm, Tupperiem, coercion. Mr. Craig, the inde ndent candidate in Saskatchewan, N.W. .. lost his deposit. receiving only 208 votes out of a poeeible .,.n.u. mm, '1 upperlslu, Uuulusuu. he ..lost 2,200. It is not likely that Tupper will resign, but will meet the house and will put. themselves on record in a msnner which will surprise o1`x;:J;uponente. On (lit that ing liberals of Quebec -- , .u_|-........ 5.. Home ivill owr o pononts." contemplate sending a delegateto Home with a view to have a decision from the Vatican regarding clerical inuence in this country. In Westmoreland. N.B., there are over I00 ballots counted for Powell, but mark- ed within the square containing his name and not in the white disc. There will be a recount. 1.. Want Hnntincrs there in much talk of In West Hastings brib'ery and corruption. denoe is alread in hand Corby. In all li elihood bl The Calgary Herald an a mere 16 a pos- nibility, in the event of on. Mr. Laurier resigning his seat, in Saskatchewan. of A. L Sifton,brothor of abborney-generalsifton, contesting blunt. constituency. 1: n... n mminnn were to be held today in conwetin If the e ecbionn were Manitoba, with the election machinery in inde ndent. honest hands, and no cor- ruption were to be pructiled, at least six babe eeaba would out of the seven Mani ly against, the pronounce overwhelming upper government. It IS understood that in at least. one or two constituencies the corruption practised wiil be exposed. Lnurlor In Montreal. MINTREAl.. Qua. June `29.--Mr. Laurier arrived in the city, this afternoon, from Arthabaakaville, with premier Fielding, of Nova Scotiu, Messrs. Tarte, BI-odour. and others. He is to confer, at the Windsor hotel, with friends on the formation of the new ministry. _ --. __...n.n Never Smlled After Hearing of the Execu- tion of Holmes. C|n<'An:o, June `29.Edward A Trnsk, sent. from Chicago to Joliet. penitentiary in I892 for eighteen years for his gigantic real eamte swindle, is (loud. He succumb- ed to consumption. Trash was notorious for the daring of his venturen. After he ...... nanfnnnad and was serving his term [Ur uu_u uuluns u. ..... . , wn.a aenbenced and serving his: methods were called to mind again by the arrest. of H. H. Holmes. whose partner rrmm. had haen in schemes for eecing Iluaonls nnmmovn. vuuu. u m. .. ........ nddlo he Jontlo '1uphyrri ulow AU Hm hot olof the day to foreign shunn- {Wo have mm vary Atmractim patterns thin n. Prion from 501- up to -5.00 unnh. "When you are out looking for Hpurtlng ?oods Just. drop in here. H. Holmes. wnoee pal'Llle|' Tmsk had been wealthy strangers in Chicago under the pretence of conducting a real estate sale. After Holmes execution Trnall fell into a deep melancholy and it in said he never smiled after hearing of his old companion : death. .___??__. . , ..._.n lI-n.Q- In urn: uruun . In the recenc royal military tournament special number of chat. beautifully illustra- bed magazine. The Navy and Army. Ehere of that beautnully Illustra- magazine. there are several pictures that will intereetCana- dinne. There are two ne outs of A eld battery, Royal Canadian artillery. in summer and winter drill order. Speak- ing to thepictures thearticle says :-``Here we have a `subdivision or single gun unit, without its wazgon, belonging to the `A eld battery of the Royal Canadian artil- lery. permanently stationed at the Tete du Pont barracks. Kingston, Ont... as equipped and appointed for the summer drill season. The sub-division in the pho- tograph took the first prim last year in the regimental drill and driving competition. establishing a record for smartnese and time. The other out is from a photo- graph taken near the barracks. of the bat- tery, on the ice on Lake Ontario, and shows the battery horsed and ready for service. But thepicture that |iaundoubt- edly been of the most interest in English military circles is the one ofa full page ..L..n......mI. mums.-,nt.in._r some of the gun- circles is the our mu pagu photograph representing gun- ners 0 "A" Field Battery. R. C. A.. in their winter garb. equipped with snow- shoes, and ready for campaigning amid ice and snow. Wolfe Inland W hlupers. \\'m.ri: l>4|..\\ ll, June `.29. -l!`ai-mern here are beginning to out. their hay, which in very light. It will be (he lightest crop we have had for 9. number of years. The Wolfe Island cheese factory is booming. lt. receives 70,000 pounds of milk daily. L. Murph visited the factory A few days nun. e save the choeae made, there in of visited the Inctory law uiiys ago. says the finest quality. A large number of summer guests are arriving every day from New York and Philadelpliia. The beat shing ground on the St. Lawrence is lll(l to be nround Wolfe Island. Overseer M(-,lllynn is busily engaged issuing per- mits for foreign anglers for the district. west. of Kingston. Between Kingston and Brockville is free for all after close season. which expired on .lune l.")t,li. Two deaths on the island this week Mm. Keys and Mrs. Marlow. -- .;.-;_n n u uouoron '1 I115 u. u. in. l,o\'no.~4, Juno `.. 9.~At, Aberyawith, Wale", at. the university convocation. the heir of the British throne eulogised ax- premier Gladstone. amid the wild nhoucs of Welshman. The prince said: One of the proudest momenta of my life was when I found myself in the attering position of being able 00 confer on academic distinc- tion noon Mr. Gladstone, who lurnished able confer academic alumna- Lion upon the ram instance of a man who has achiev- ed one of the highest positions as in states- man, and at the same time in the domain of literature and scholarship. rzlmlnonnn luimnnlf nnnanred. with his of literature and scholarship." Gladstone himself appeared, right eye covered and leaning heavily on a stick, but he spoke uently and with much of his old voice. jrfloll II: lufllllilllua A very quiet wedding took place onJune 22nd in Erinsville, Miss Mary Hayes, sec- ond deu hter of Patrick Hayes, and Pat- rick No an, Croyden. The bride looked charming in cream cashmere trimmed with satin. lace and ribbon. Mina Maggie O`Connor, Centreville, bridesmaid, were a sky blue cloth trimmed with white satin And ribbons. After the mnrri the in- vited friends proceeded to tholiri e`s father and set down with the young married couple to a sumptuous reput. On Tues- dny Mr. and Mrs. Nolnn returned to their homo. in Croydon. ummer is Xlncomplete 0wsNsnon.o,Ky.. June 29.-wssu lA)lI|l- ville. A little town nesr here. wse struck by s wrnsdo. The house of C. L. Clerk wu wrecked, And Mil Pssrl Hicks. visit.- ing there, wee lnstsntly killed. Clerk will die. St. Alpbonsns. Gstholic church st. St. Joseph, was completely destroyed. A non. mun residences were destroyed or Klllod For I law Dollu-I. P.um\' Sovvu, June 29.-Tho investiga- tion into the murder at Seguin Falls, on July llth, is concluded. and the prisoner. Christian Hanson. I Swede, committed for trial. The murdond man vod to be James Mullin, township of Ion, looking for elnplo mont. Ind murdered for a few dollnrs. 0 left n hmily of eight gt. dollars} Ho lei! hmnly or olgnu no home, the youngest sn infant. of four month: old. - .- _-._u --__-... m.::.r.:'.z. an-.9. hand robesbod. he Herald sa there is 9. pos- Iilitv. Lau_n'er Anpthor IIIII 'I'oI'II|Ilu. _ Juno 29.-Wut Louis- ymg, A limit; mwn ...__-_ _, , TRASK DLES IN PRISON. wmaou nddla II Bumcnenr. ovu- ls to unseat Mr. the election will ..;..I lib! `lo:-undo. ----- 7. Ir. 1..-- on _w..._ Honored The G. 0. M. 1...... on A o A L Ilnrrlod ID lrhuvll lo. ,,:_. __.-.l.l:..... 5...]. I... .. In out `no Party. 1.... on _..I', W, Bi mtings Sutcient evi- THE DAILY BRITISH wiiie; Mdnnmv. JUNE |wnAT'sruEj11ucs tom 1% I ` ` 1`3|ou-npmo Tidings Iron nll runs or an Globe. Condonud IINI Auortod for In: n...u... _. A uuneo (live: You the YC- - --w f 88 &. 90 Princess Sfroot HERE IT IS IN SHORT ORDER FOR plaoe at St. John, N.B., autumn . The W.C.T.U. wit ! meet in ontreal eithe: next spring or next autumn. ` ' .l.mm Romkev veataerdsy. At. New Lon- spring next. nunurnn. Jnmee Romkey yesterday, New don, Conn.. shot his wife and then himself. It hue been decided that the Shoebu ~ noes team shall ngil from Quebec on Jxllly l5t.|u_ ` IIIOITOW. The burial of Sir Leonard Tilloy took. John, N.B., Snturdn l5t.h. The government's civil codo bill paud its second reading in the Berlin reichatag on Saturday. lnnnox Baker. of Cannnmoro, while noes u 'l`|.n Saturday. Lennox Baker, mentally deranged. committed suicide Hy cutting his throat. Rav. W. C. Bradshaw. formerly rector his throat. Rev. formerly of Sr. Luke : church. Peterboro, died on Thursday in Denver. Hamilton liberals will give 3 reception to A. T. Wood, M.} .. on his return fro En land aboutnluly Shh. ' ha hnmininn line R.M.B. Labrador. Monday, June 2mm, an on.m. - Travers William Fi$7.h&I'dil:ig, Borlmly, second baron Fitzharding, ied to-day. seventy of Rm, .1 F1, Tmmar. nutor Mnrrhv _ land aboutduly am. - he Dominion line Labrador. from Montreal, June 20th. panned Moville, Monday, June 29th, at 5a.m. Tnvars Fit7.haI'ding, Borlmly. ii6NN%iEns9NA&A0:

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