"n,m.v 'nm1-tsn: wnm. itoarmw. mu 2s.'1a6n." -?j LA` DPAW &S0N gaoc DRESS SERGESA Sim wood. I T!V K-`IT sms MONEY. and.-cure uolid comfort in your home by (mug TLMvmTt3~- '70:: then know .7; wo`aro"ae[ling Leak. it takes mi{ute't_o coin-"Anv Slabs.- :. MARSHAI]: For 2 NEW sH6'n'r Lms. l==.IIn1...l*- I--....`o....u 5. .--v- vuuvoir` I.-lilao tau;-3.--r Ina-of-ul.ihu urhrmfoonnlglahnn-.h.;.n.nL:. 99945 xtncsms l"?_Ef `mn.nfu nuixiin " `..'-5: n asrrasrnf Amatvtucz. jfRJ?55! .(Just_ in) I ITN EL !CRAWFORD SI orreeemca: at cm... at. ..4.~.;.._. ag n Herd ff` _lJphqIste_i'eI'_.T ,'2a-,3 nriyiceu-st.` Telephone 312. mepaunng. Ubhdlstcrlng and Camera ! Vcablnct Work } onshon Notice: jcajrpcts ClcanJcx1%~:iudJ Rcalaid. Cfihtsf a yard. .Save j 75 cents a minute by the expriment.