Just to lay Prcuntq DAILY A ll `Q00! fmmn. THPTIA TAIJ. In in: It won jnjhnlnnf. lh'ji TI XII` It jrjtjjj T `\ . nlnllluluuuol. hhotnhnythuuuo nIoqnl'odu- an an up to the Mina I no oblbdtohnn work dam in !Io`wYoIk, Philadelphia and whuvyuloonkltn order mnnhnnnnnrouton Inn. Whcnlunlby Philadelphia and vrluvycn cumin emu touunhopnpotouton WhaJcny Had wan In I-Ml eounlryuud Innmn vu uiobbdxhtuhhhukattmtuqodal wanton- dlldnhbmnnontot Inn. with when I tun Ilium-ly no nnhud. I twain cation to: (I-nnndnl tum Thanunlnniawu xgldlvhpurdudhtlhlrdc sHIKt)`c'i%"'iii{sic7"1on. -_..A__.__...._. __:_ wmo. WIDKIIOAY. oroaan 2:. ml. vvviriv -%I- 1 ?z:r.s:sa'::a:,.'s.=:-:a=* %amarmu. ton sag-:_ gi jjii ['a2.-'~..:.~=1...%...; bonus) Ilooeo cl Ilunlmuoy non- unr. In uid! doy. ndio all blun- unl thI'loloI"o::ll Ian ans? tab that on at payout ta-cu Ih:=hlnu|y.uhonhclIupcwMod. and out luhlnh than no on much one thounont Idling duh yurohhoutl ollblny you-I Inontoqothor wlcnbolnwucpaulm zzxoxnndlhaulluund $9. tn mono paludhunu II my yo:nh|.l' cuuluuutlnn-nhtowlmhpcy O In It ylu Il|Ill' in to what In pay during each odd Dohtltlluolulliluudtoooroluqlya 4. final Dobcntuunhllhoduodon olloubb dub IIH Um It htohhlblobodnlo nu nuindnnnzlrdl uunuuuululuguuuur Io.|nuIII `L I8 Anmvmal run cups sun in upon an Inn. and out hohlnuh 1 A-alnh ch: ch nun: Hunt in we arm T0-DAY V Fresh New Table Figs. '4 aP1nor..u:.'rr. ennue,%umn,mourmosr. lmmn AB`! mm mm --'w. _ I have engaged Mr. Ross. of Oornwnll. as Out- tor. and will guhrantoo a pa:-fact t. I3. H. cnmovsxy, rlty, grand Ialbwlnf nndhbohuw when and uuluhow MM houu . no stand ugrbofon "Buovlkht" Coup. It near it. . rite for prices. 69 XND 71 BROOK STREET, KINGSTONI 81,000 WORTH OF READY -WDE CLOTHING At 260 on the Dollar. It has to be run off`. Read prices: Vests 50c and 75c worth $2 `Goats $2.50 and $3 worth $7 to $9. Pants $150 to $2. Worth 83. $4 and 85. Sale to Commence October 7st and Oontinue Until Stool: is 0/eared Out. 3! III!!! wvnuclu V I nllhskyouryoeu-'1 nu.un'xn oo-I In In-nu hm: at roan-mu no nnonm VIA`! IIAIC 0' III DUI!- III. 41-2`to to pounds. 00/ored Goun terpanes and Quilts, Gey Blan- V /vets 5 to 7 7-2 llgs. A IE5-CENTS] Tweods, etc. sold by the yard. Gum and Over- coat: made to order at prices thdtrwm utoniuh buyers. - -. . ;-n. In... -:t\_-._._--u -- t\-_A ITAINSW or All KINDS II RlOHlidOND.i `ORR & 00.. l_3rirgces: Street. ` .2:-z..-.....___:._ ____, IwALsH&_IEACY" |wALsH & smcvs, PrincesssL=et. & BIRCH IMPORTER8 AND DEALERS IN Wrouyht Iron Pipe and Fittings, Plmbers Steam and Gas-Fitters` Supplies, Drain Pipes. Portland Cement, Fire Clay, Fire Bricks, The Best Coal Oil. mum nu-pun`. In All chm Fumhun. WIIVI TQUQUI1 S.Veav`ct. I25 Prlnmss'Streel. wIu.I_uuAn nun. 100 Piece: New Gray Funnels. 60 piece: N-ow Navy Flmneu, Fancy and Ohakur Funnels. _ ~ ~ Art liaomgt [altar and llpholstereni Vfljaflii 0.... ..-."--...-;--...-,:*-;,--,-,~_-_-; Heire recelved et lee!-tliel}: complete slog};/;m_V, of Imported Ourteine. Lace Ourteine Ap- plique Ourteine, Bash Ourlelne. lrleh boint Ourtelne. Oorso 8!:-lpe Our-reins. Tapestry _ urteinegilk Broceded Ourtaine. Fringed `henille Ourleine in all the new ehedee: ' Also new shades in Plushette end-Ourlein Dnmeeke. new Silk Furnituv-eMeter-iale end the latest designs in Ball Ourllin Lnnnne Bran: -Tuhmn and A complete I have bought from THO8. MOORE, Tailor and Llothier, his Large and Well-assorted Stock of Erglish and Canadian Tweeds, Worstods. uagonals. Meltons, Beavers. Napsand a neline stripes and chocksfor pants. all new oods, and wlllsell at 666. on the dollar. his ne stock has to be sold ihside ofsix months. unu INC WHICH! UUII H! I" Dull vuu null-I Loos. Brass -Tubing and a complete stoc ofourtain Poles at Oarpet House of WHITE PM/N IND TWILLED BLANVKETS, On tb.e{ Dollar. - DOWN_8 THEM ALL*F A Grand Pmoeseion In-thou: Org` Q ~ 00. Moore. 'gnrunIaen, nun: 24-; 4; LW!L;: ;_0~'8 ' :5 ~::.* '*"""*='-1 9-Inn!-_.II l|-_!I_lQ- -I I-0- cm*o`'inuu`k % iwmil uni roux m uvmoot L ` vw-v--w-- wvuv s.oH`c)og.__oI= ART |c*tT"TT- NA "i 1":'i"'n` ouour uun {Afr um um. sum Inn-nlgupu mama;-n I-nun: I7-(ml If h O. 0850, '0' HZIDLUOVIIOQ Ijluwd `hrntwiu. Hf Gjlhd 3-can - v--n yw:---.----- `pc`uu&bhIIoI'IIM; IOWUOVI um gr.--grand Ial alolunnllocndllh nnmonhqulaunuvvg. gm llguui In an Trill. Thonuy and In}: d|*`I`VQ|ll` . an int m an uluid-Io-upon ~ -W-:..... ' k..--'..*.*.'-....,-" ":1 PIN [Inc It. . on hula -\_ .";-`m... Eunmm Inlay. Iophnluv mu. Inn Ihnqnno dull at lh'II nu. fat I `iw lo huctooh llbd+hI y and lug: duounhu , , _ ` 0. AKTIJTTUWE lVM*W_3! !99.9ff |'l`&ILj'I`l`.I.. mum. xnmsrou, Iomui, Culling at IA} 00 Qnltto and Ilvul. law nun Porn. "II POPULAR KIDI whoa! luau Abun- drtuonu. E. N lnltl) logs A_ (huua___I Onh an or QUIIITE srmiaoar cm} Dally Trip to Maui. TH Woolly to n _ . _ _ . . 4 . _ -4: . | I _ . A | I- R7;mF5;'aiHd Cf P 15. $11 Ivurnlnq. calling at til - or-In u-rmnch loan: laolull. W .5010 00 nu. udvh to Q lo: I and luv A `'31 : .'. .n"'..::$%.`..".'.:.'-"_"A'_" _" Bay of Qiixm Ry. and Nsvigntion Oo- man up. -nnn-r u up: on An. DIIIIQI o elia'o:':0hI.r'ag'uol-nun; wt noun: 001 3:! Accommodation Uncann- ,.-, ._g4 j r _ nu No Buvlor In PurIt1.Kc-|th- mlncuund loonomr. u..u..h.-uanan-nnlunnwlu I!` uunuwult I g"_:`:*:'L-"$27:-i".1::.-uL:&: I. O. OAITUI. 0. A. IIOWII. Onslunn. 0nLPuI.AnM. Isl". YWI-H I11. IIIUIYUI I-U Ilflii ulna-I . . . . . . ` . . . . . . . . . .1905: 0.l4E.|yr'1....` .. Jrpn. .:m.r;: :2'3..`.."".ui"'u-'$."..'.` "` I-lhlllnhrtc-nnlnhinjvhll "s1"n_uIR ALEXANDRIA. [lKN ~. Ht man a 0:). J. r. lUD\iI3ILIIVl fnkhluuu It Milt - I`, _ I RIIIIIIILIIVI. I111. illlllils nun Lawn. C . I. OIIJIIIILIIVI, Inga. 1891 ' -..-.:-..-..-:.:.'::-a:-::.':.:.~... ...'.... fohonro noun atom jd P111711!!!" Jaoallu nuurull-MI! VI KI (hu::mln'(h wall I . u I` Porn. u-rmul 1891 FURNlTURE!l jnnnA.In-_An-nnnIn.lJ-1. e-ul-I-'3' J nor" w. M. DRENNAN Ivuyuupluuusuy lowlluo. In Iuhlnb. snoununauxa` uau~.lhua-saints-5-I 1-;-Qnngl-an-Ln-L-n `tho and ocuunlouoond Lusty ` olihollny. ' nnduhhtlb. Trldlhtlcah. Alum hallo Quinn pun 5|` 'I.`.".k"--"' g.5".-":""" McLAREN'8 ciigeanara u -1jn$1n r-uqu--u-uvy-y-: I.I.I.Ll'`.1 onuIu&t J Reopen a on _g_...__.o ' =`='n::.a"I;1"Imu.- "'3' .. __ _ ---__L_- ny an; up an s an In of mu nuunuuuuu. an-n-mun... uinuuu-ugh run we mam: ron rucmcila % ton cmmoow } ron mveum Lamina at mi Xlinlutluudludnhuu `IUWDQ -nu-jnjllhnhhmbohn hghqdvuunuounuulohh doo(ho|IuI' pusblulhunlo Ir. Onnunvhhll-nnoltcdunub |nponnu.nInlIoIhuunh-yniuy. ul|Iv.,0uIuI|cIuonuIlnpuuuo Iolhovuovuoobyhlhgbnppouim Iouobolunbnnnlunqlt-J. Iuunlly anonghnvololbuvuouptcitdvhnlo uonunua. us.-I-all-n--.y.mn. ohcwnthluoho uhvuouuudbo tuvduwluuhuhluldny uduuloudyihmghugthohindth oviduct at tboonu-my-[nan] In rhub- d|d.nJoIlyhdhto|o|I1IIuIu|uuu uxbubboqunollh pndqu.n:Iou wboklhorlglgudlnproood vlththo up|hdo(tobb)dohuut'lon. The uncut can-Inclusion hllodtuulbu ml-anylluvuonylitdnnnghgso sohunhloputlo-nonloguvcrouau wlwlhllohllcnlllnl. lIlIIl.In- ov.ubhIhbanIlIlI0. (huuuhdlotloo dnurnhrp) their. lculadldut phi Ihovhololnllunhluuholdtlor lInp.I-dHslr.0ununIoo|nyIo htuol. Sohnogud. `lhouauoy poanludlqpoiulntnnyntlulupoo ouhouudnul-nuvlopaulonvhc |hqnIdIt.l onIdhontung. OONITITUTIONAI) JUL]. `nan 5 put dad at dluuulul upon thopuh0uIuthopvnuc'IpIIunlIIIu:- lama In the pvunoutclthuls. II '33-nuns-ugcununuouau-q ubul1IbnunIyoIuuhnd.dg.Iy oI$Il0I,WIO|hhhllhdo'|thoIut In-IIHIIII.-IIINWIIL, . hi .. nolundpilholanydthnhun odluconllnmnlddnolbyluovlouu oI|uIHIIhplI|hIIIlydoI,|Id Ludbuhnb. an -no-tnu_.u mm .u..I..-.n; an-n Lgnnlnlln nzauhclj unqultht slept: ullouuun ul AL`-un-n-.nn-anlnnllnnmulnnnngmn j WT II Zjj launching on who hlghan upstan- slndhnotovnlnandg Itbdlubr. nqhhhupluugchuhhhou Judge LIuI.nQuhu,uIHhdnlkd upon a. -hm hh gnu:--| an Iohl II. W? TI U Innounlllllmud Ob Illnlq cl HI- 5.-L-kn-uhhnlnnnnnnnlp-nnnI1IOu III! 'IDI 1 vujuq UI ll? hobbulfldlhohnolcunlnvucity byvoh bunnenllhbgounnauo-3 nus Tlbholnv tunpolnny puophnouduuhnl. `nannies- nhdulhldu M Quin: could. with cqulyuploty. ndnuh-uododul-o. dtuomvgundhbnhbqthnnu Ahgnnanlnhnlnk-I-J-nnl nnjgjigd UIIIvv-wilIu-Zvwqjvvwv tluuldnhclalulanlpvunuutilvd bduothjudhluylhoto would to lab pnhlllllyallblcnu Iaupvhbntun hpnhlhllqdlagnrlhnnlhvhoyt hrdnl"puIa`uIludIIopIlIucuv|aI. .-Jdl'\.nnI- nJa-nnJlnnnnn-n- In Jann D'ovIuJu|Iy0roeIlI IIIDICI1 ho 1.-unclean. LH`UI$C.j aaphgun. mu hhhll]\OipOh|d.I `C EUIV In-nun mud. ndvfucn ...e...a....'u"....u.:..."T..'.'.;.... -L.II .-.mh_a- bunfwnx --;.._ ._.._ ALA: 1... $---.-- `TDD O03;-" _._'._t-!:m'=::-'..":. G`U"IN E '"'"" Clearing Out Sale WU'I_l-QQulhl|In`vh)d7& an In!` .u=\ouucuuct-hruhuu II. I dunhumuvus "'II|A&.&`-Hi.` |QIKVIDIIA!AI'AIII wulunnoouohlt. ywonunu who Iutonohiloonldhn. thing llvulhtlobnnsndrnwcmhll Intlso uvhgnuhlnbz It until: tloulljntln -loan uubmndubh; manual lived in dun (Man what Mugol - Ida will use during Oetobor only 15 remain! Imnr. Iluihul nlalco. I lwuniclnlllbhgwhuluadvonll lth Nbmlohonu-nllul Inlnbzvth K`! lnhhvonbnll-snug...` ';uun`-Ttais Weaver's Ygriety Store