3A "0 at New mlluun gnu `an 1 "1?3v?.'r- -' .....:...u.w..m.| IR. wlllhon-cpunod Iortnvolousndnyl nnnl. U-vyt-CCU! vrwwu VI twrvvvurvv math; olconn Frontenac No. Such! 60 \Voduuduy .9thJnury. A |n::nIhuInnnI.-u'x'n'nhd. J..S. II. He. nu -rvuvvl `nu-Irv. Having mule our Inna] Iptlll smug.- monh with the Inca ouruln mallialoomron we will be shit {or tho out uh tech to null hoe onrhln at about on hull ol the ptloo which will he ukod out lhy. No boner ohuoo will our to cloud to purchase new udolugunounslnaunohlovprlou. All that good: to be uorlood pt R. Mutual ; aunt vnvupvuv uncut-urn-u ---tun:-. 3". In 0 Noil'| journey olon the (must mount 0! n!-clue Inn! for the sonny. Ilovon thouund Inllu for twenty-n cum In to c that own now: men do not on to for puns: The ouruy ho in In Maa`: open IIOIOO on January 15 u Hong Kong und end: In Lmdon. England. "PK III Tl'I I IIIIIITCI Wlill lily UIYIXI 0 -end enlerrd loeeile. I wee ver week :1 ur doom:-ed yeue and had vice lrom three doctore; they eeld I would hue to and en opetetlon. I tried 51.8.8. 11 IIu|;T.UIIO hone cured Inc." M. A. Squelch. Realm. t. . `Ito Olonpon Ilnl-Clan `rruulllng You :1... mxnn-- 1------ .3.-- .|.- __.-.... IIIIIWIIIU BITIIIIIII I'IlIIl"Ia The cullegiato institute hnl yesterday ed the balance of accounts for 17388. The S:-a.Iu-ial atawment showed that although impmvo.-manta were man ' the usual amount asked from the city had en ample to cover them. the Incraaaod attamlauco having Iwollod the revenue. Maura. Dale anal I)-_... -I. _-._In ___..l..A..I __-a-.. -3 ll -1--- I'kIET'VT74ZB`C)fdK. "'II'l IIIU TVVUIIIIU. IVIUUITU. IIIIU Ill Borough. newly up lntod mutere of Modern Lnguegee end Aiglieh. Ind undertaken their duties. r. yuer i departure cre- sted 5 vacancy In the mullet! mute:-ehlp ; it wee resolved not to till it. u it urn dii- cull to euuln end in an option! subject. The Raw, Cutting Wlnde. Bring to the surface every latent pain. A change of even a few degreee mark: the dif- ference between comfort. and pain to many persons. Happily diuue now holds leee Iwuy. Science in continually brin ing for- ward new remedieu which nucceaefu ly com- bat dieeaee. Polaon`e Nerviline-m-rve pain cure-haI proved the moat eucceuful pain relieving remedy known. In application in wide, for It in ually efficient In all forms of nain. whether Internal or external. Ten | and 25 cent: a bottle at druggiete. [BRONZE 1//V//VG Si/PPE/98. 4.4 .A.:_I.c1.1g.L.'_l.L\JLJ- All Wool Curl Cloaking, 500. N Discount of 10 per cent. off all Cloakings $1 and over. 10 per cent. off all Tweeds 60c. and over. New Spring Ulster Tweeds already to hand. 10 per cent. of? all Mantles made to order during this sale, This is a good opportunity to get your Spring Mantle made. Uurlob Dress Goods going out lively. NOTE AGAIN THE LEADERS. l5c. Quality for He. 20c. Quality for Mo. 25c. Quality for 15c. 30c. Quality for 16c. D 30c. Quality for We Discount of 10 per cent. off all Dress Goods 200 and over Hardy's One Price Store, 88 Princess Street. A Lucky Iboapo. Pot six yuan I Iuurod with my throu ntl nnlgrnnd tnnnlln. I In: vnrv Ink 9 I " HARDYs% BASH -DISCOUNT - SALE! IIICWAICI`: 0|?` IMI l'ATl0.Vi, similar only in name and appcnrnnce: they Ask for Mum! Helhll nml tuke nolhln else. If you cauunul ohluin Nasal Balm rum your dewler it will be sent post paid on -~5U(-unlsnnd $lAb_v urhlrn-3.-sin Fl'LH)Rl) & 90.. llruck ltsqrml for our |)aunph'el " unis or Wmnon." *j" ` us or Nasal Balm it I could not replace it. lsuc \VAT1'lRMAN, of Ihe lmpcrl>u Oil (`o.. Potrolin. 0nt,. says : Na.-ul Bnlmgnva me we most perfect satisfaction of any Inedlclnu I ever used for cold in [he head. I found it easy to use. quirk in giving ro`iuf. and om-clud :1 complete cure in a few hours. l JAIIB Slum l sh"o:-ur ur-- the united counties of Leeds und Grennl e, mi; ..: It would be lmpossiblq to speak too extruvu n.ntl_\' of the wonderful cumtivu llnropertlos of anal Bnlm. 1 autforod for upwem :4 of at month from nsewro cold in the head. which. duspitu the I-0 of ` other renuxlicu was b_:c0n\im{ worse and dc- vnloplnginto cnlnrrh. luncurcd a bottle of `Nasal llulm and was relie'\'ud from tho tlrst application. and thoroughly cured within ' twenty-tuur hours. I cheerfully udd my tesu`- mony to the vnluu of Nnsnl Bnlm. CAPT. I). H. LOYN, Mnnnunr nnnl Du-nn-lnvnr J many the value of .\'nsnl (.`AI>'r. I). H. Lon`, Manager and Proprietor of the U.P.ll.a.nd l{.-W. and 0.R. Cur Furry Proscuu. Out. and Qogllensburg;-N.Y..-' says : used Nasal Balm for n..._u_rolomzud vase of cold In the head. Two nppllomiuns effected in com- Pleloxxnd thorough cure in less than lwenty- ` our hours. I would not take 8100 for mv hm. C0.\LE AND SEE THEM. }vIclound thorough 8100 for my bot~ ` do of Nusnl Balm if I could not _ \\'AT1'lRMA2\'. lmmu-iu on (`n.. lndopcndon odor ol fnnohn. ....l.I _..AL._ .1 l"....-n `.._A.___ I %%HEAD ISDANGERUUS NEGLEGTED COLD Collegiate School Board. , n_,.:_._ :_-.:...-- L`_.l _.,. No Doctor chases. AS CONTINUED SUCCESS. L/TUf NEAT SHAPE. VERY FASHIONABLE. IN THE Day Books, Journals, Ledgers, Cash B/ooks, lnvoic Books, Bill Books, Etc., etc., etc., Is now complete. J:,EAnDI5:1_as_ Haines & Lockett. `e. r " _ ' 1 it sent l'C(`eiDl nfp1'iL`e 901.. llruckvlllr. um. 0 '""'....p.u..'n'.'u'.'c'.c':C.."-:'.'.'.a"o':."9uu.."" ruuvono a oo.. lrootvmu om. uauu I run: uuI-lnl It If] WIIC (VIII obtained by n It! or youno wonun, hy np|\l{In{vnt`. OHL I'll. An Dooonuon.ls'.' And at ollhnon Bind. LIUHT ll ll)YlINI' ll beobulnod Eirl \ nnnlylnu nth OHL _,.__._ -- ._- -.. -,...-_. `ll ...- ..-.....,, ., his talk. Mr. flnymond, of Kinoton. by his readings, and Min McCartney km her music dolighbd the audience. Dr. . U. Anglin won golden opinion: by lib Admir- ablediuhn so! the chitin 0! chairman. At the noci the following owning, Mr. Willinml. Nil Willlnnu and Min Amy William: formod the princi lottroction on we evening by their pad 3!, rociutinn! and music. A Pltlelusrg Ten leech]. One of the most succeeslul tee-meetings ever known in Pittsburgh wss held lee: Thursdsy evenin in the Pine Grove Metho- dist church. "he linenciel object, the li uidntion of: debt on the new orgen wee frilly accomplished, the proceeds being About $75 The ma provided by the ladies wuss ueuel sll that en epicure could desire. fhe music furnished by the local choir and the friends from Kingston was inspiring. Mr. I Williams. of Seeleys Bey. an excellent In)`- men yeve s prectl-.nl end hnmoruis address. Rev. Mr. Lemb.ol the Presbyterian church, delivered s thoughtful and inetructive speech on Meuul Progress, sud Rev. Wm. Spar- ling, resident of she Montml conference, delig ted sll who heard him by his brillisnt end eloquent remsrh. Arthur Chown added to the en'ovment of the evening by I mnnd, reedimre. and he Hcnrtnnv by hour 7'1: :1: LIGHT RIPLOYIINI` nod ace: )0 obulnod, nlrl 'youno v::wmnn.c:r:-` [GREAT`MKNYAMERA3*HA[NT AIYTOIIII. uhuuua mg.-lag g.....AL-A.A...L n..A known. . >-._ J. MCKEB`. Comist. Pelerboro. 'snys:NasaI_ liulm gives the most gcnumlmltlistnclion to cnnuumersnf any preparation ever handled. My sales are large and the reports from lhmc who use it fully subalnnliaus your -luims fur the um,-diuino as an unequalled` rg cly for caunrrln und cold in the hand. tive In its results. . I). A. But-zmxxauuzf General A er_ttCnnadn Life for Eastern Ontario. su.ys:- have used Nasal Balm (or cold in t)_no head with lhulnosl. satisfactory results. It tan]! ynu claim tent. and its nu`.-iit cannot too widely..bu...mndo known. >-._ .I, !\h'KI:w (Wnmint P;-am-hnrn 'mu'...- v......v- I). DIRHYSHIRE. l roaldent_ of the Ontario Cre1\meryAnsoclntlon an a: basal Balm beats the world for cumrrhan c0l(_i in the head. In my qwn case it affected relief from the first up llcatiun. ` . In. G. '1`. (}0Iun.L,_MnI1l Clerk on the C.l-'.lt.. safe: Nasal Balm is a boon tonllsu tfurlng from codln the head. It gives relief rapidly uml never fails to otfuntn speedy cure. 1`. H. Mexnolc. Parry Sound. 't-'m\ -i:`N;{inI`-- -' Epeody lusnolci Parry Sound, Em)"-:`Nz{nl`~ Balm has no equu as an-medy tor onmrrh and cold in he head. It is bmh speedy and area tive in tbre.-mils. I). A.Ilnm'I.'1cnnum{?!nn-.-.1 `(In-`Q rv.......a.. v....,- ..: `A.f..u _-..un:}u us , most` annoying, audnt the same time, most _inoldlonl "Ind dangerous disens yitli which the peoplo, of this lstitude have to contend during the Jpringnnd summer months. Rapidichuzgea of tmperature, am] dujmp, sloppy weather are the fruitful soui-go: of Cold lit-the Head, and there ar few who h:.vo not felt it: disagreeable eecln. DO NOT NEGLEC1` A COLD IN THE HEAD. II it lffvariably. leads t`o _ Cnfinln-=-often to Consumption. NASAL BALH is n,.aure and speedy cure for Cold in the Head, `indnvef fails to give almost inatontrelief. W6 offer the follow_- ing testimony from `well ` known people to aubotsntiate our Clllml : V LD IN _1'HP},.HEAlf).-lag`, -__.\ .__-_::_t;"`, ........ .-...._ . ' are iatngermxs, WILL AT THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR REQIIIRIC A NEW SET OF by Tender. which Wlll be ruceivrd by undcrsim 1.-d until 'I'lIURSI)AY NEXT. 10th. 1389. n n. rnmn M. H. WALSH C6. Rstiring mm Business. "l`IJl4`IlP \"I`I\l`L' l\I4` Ill I l\YI4`I!\' I.`A\'l`\.' 7" -" """- "' """"" ""- -""" THEIR STOCK OF MlL[.lNEllY. I-`A.\'l`Y (#0008 and Shop Furniture is om-red for sult- by '|`ender. which will be ruceivrd by [he ll0l:(:Cl;SRi)$ll.'(1 I`llURSI)A\' Jun. 1 , _ Business Pemnnnship, lorm of El lessons. 83. Business Aritlnuolic, for H-rm of 24 1933'` 113.82. Bookkeeping. for turn: of 2| lessons, $2.50. A110! lhcnbuvc subjects. 86. '|`clcs{raph_\ . [or the I-`rm of `. l lqesons. $8. Shorthnnd. for thclerm of 2| lessons, t. The {move rates are suajcct to in discount. of 10 pqr cent. when paid in advance. '"fHE'B uS}N"E's C0_'L[EG`E'", EVE/V//VG 0L/48856 , . -l`oI' Ocnlu Burning In- nnnlmmns unfannonni. l'RA.5II&EAI_IL'l`0N.PropI -._.:._- .L_...l.l _._A .L `A utllluj THE PLACE TO SPEND YOUR EVENINGS, nu.-- nnunnnnn-an :sr\.ul-An- ?ii{%f3I5U`NEMENT~ Hu'~`z.4;2;g2;`.'a;/35;; gm. _Priccs. l5c.. 35c. and soc. Sum; secured w1LhouL,cxu'n charge. i'ze.2:iE-'c'$"v t":"'s._1z,+; TUESDAY - EVENING, CONSUTING of a strikingly realistic. in- stnnctive turd miythful rt-presenmtjnn qt MA .\' g)'.'l1ll}S Famous Journey of mono milep by land and sea. from` V \- ASIA ` EUROPE Tnnohan CA_NADA- Tl-lURSDAY,_ January 10th. THE (illEATES'l` MODERN MUSICAL SEN- SATIUN, V Ar-snuunn nzr nan:-'nLuo Producing ()rcheslrai E ecis Never Before Heard in Amcrivu. in It Brilliant Progr.-unme nf Weird i iuluru:|quu uni? l*`oxsn:inulin_.; Gypsy Music. mkooa loin zusulond. oodlu holdon. I260. EN '.I.'El_{".l'A lN MEN '1', 1 Flzdur the Patronage ot.M1uor-General (`ame- !*on. 0.51. ..amd Stulfof the Royal Military Galic Jud Lt.-Col. Uotttm and 0111- . - ~' can of A" Battery. I}:(,`.A.. ____-_L.-..--. A GENERAL . /IEW8 - mime} 'by :1 series of beautiful lime light illustrn nuns. wltnmsw phnu-graphic transparencies at great cxcqllcmce. nocompnniod 13 descrip- tlvotmd humorous l`0lu`\l`k8 by PR F. L. U. ARM.-4'l`l{uNu. of Montreal. . tlvetmd lmmumus rum-n-ks n Al{M:5'l`l{UNU. Mun 1-. nnnmnriutu to some ( ARM:5'l`l{U1\'U. of Montreal. MuH.C, up ropriutu some of the scenes ex- hibited. wi I be 1`--udcrcd by` gun: Band 01- A 'HnlmI'v durhuz the evcnimz. lllhllu. `Banter 'l`l(? I unuuuu, vvul U17 1- uuuuu u; `tux: uuuu vr n during the evening. 'l`l(? E l`a`-mlmluing to Pgu-queue and first .1wo rowan"! Dress Circle, 350. Balimce of Ground Floor. Balcony and Gallery, 25 came. , Santa run-)M`\'c(l without. OYLI1 charge at. Mon- Balcony and uauury. % ` Sena charge ` gt.-rsnn`s Bookstore. Plan open Wednesday, 9th ` nnunrv .~ dc:-son : 1 January Blank Books. ssrluc 9 no I msinucnve1 MARTIN'S - OPEBA - HOUSE. AT N ISBET'S _`.&-2: "BOOKS AND MgGAZINES. ARCHDU;M;i OSE`PH S 86 Princess St. T JANUARY 15th,. 1889, nooxmnr. E;vTm1zfI7A,tNMEN T, ovn srocx or r_."b cu A an o!"A :.:.'.4, ' fun!` he 0: ` Intel Jtournz D. C. HI(`KE\'. IRISH SUPPLIES 0! Robert llnluo. 100. John WIN. Pntbhorf #30. The story o(An An-icon. Mo. --- rwuwv-u-u w-u-uwv- w-w .-vu--u mu Ambition}; urn odor. ----w-.... u..-- --v--.-- .--I -.-. vv uv-..., Illbohlghhollahorhuvolnou vuhud In Inoulbonhlp and blunt It In hooun uonocltllludonhlthovouothonufnltlr fqljo Ibo lulu-out hey uponnd an thnywcinppo-Mitch ab pdtlod u-yu-uvu w. ----v-- ww --u- -.--v- ---- -w-uw---u-- of labor. and In doing to It In dlolll to un- dotlhld what haul! they In to thrive. ll `L- L_I_I.A. _l I-L.. L-... L.._ _.__L-_-.I uuu-J up.` on vulv -u-an v--on -- cu-vw imply changed their dlqlnoo the tnlglm of Iolnour to tho America federation -1 I..L_- __.| l_ .l_l_- -_ IL I. Jl-`_IA A. .._ onus-no-u u-vu-- u-v-v v- - wuu houllodhnd thoonlorwillbobroughthack to the princllu ol annoy. obodhnco, niutud nnlnlnoo. and the placing ol Indus- try `on uolontlohuk." Thh. lth Bury`: order. an tho Nam, Iplih the knights into time pm, and oomplouo tho dootmcilon olvlmolmptouhdeo In I nqpmout Instrument for the oduouiu ol the man: In economic truths. Robots. the onoo munuoul manhunt! the older on not on- tlnly lost to tholnbor emu. Many have _1_._|.. _L-_.._.| .|._|_ -u._.n-_.. n_-_ .L_ sun Iruvw I-v n.-v- V..- .........- -. ---v-. u. - proclamation jut land from Philadelphia by foundctl of tho order. It calls attention to tho hot that the order hu drifted in {mm In odglul uioorlnp. and in now unto- outlolnlorm, and invites the uoombliu throughout the country to and their ad- dnuu to Phlladolphlu. when-5 nohut numbnr huh; don Io--A convention Dill x- ._n_.| `-_.| .3- ...|-- ..m L. L_...-LA L-_L I The Detroit News tell: on tho: the Inn] | at blow yot givon the mm. of mm: n. . .__-_I-.._-4l-_ {.._A I-..gA4I 3.... bklI__l_I_l!- The Baotou Herald mutt speak ironicnlly when it may: tho clergy must become non worldly--mnt go with the tide whnhver it bo-if they are henceforth to ho inuential. Such I thing cnnnot be unlonn providence helps no rush wreck of the church. to hu ten the disruption which certain noon uy mun come About bofon chriltinnity can rice above All impurities and become the religion of the world, And the grutut governing power in the world. INFL UE.'t'CE 0!" CLERG l'.llE.\'. The Boston I]: N114] takes a peculiar view in regard to the influence of the clergy. Because the political leaders of a dominant party have not acquiesced in the expressed wish of certain clergyman. and abandoned the display incidental to the inauguration of a p e` ant, the Herald holds that) the pu is losing its inuence. They now occupy, it says, an exceedingly delicate and critical position," and their congrega- tions are gradually dropping away from them." Our)-._ contemporary goes further and declares that the wearers of the cloth have not departed far enough from the ancient landmarks [i.e., the old gospel) and "that they must conform to the world more or the world will utterly forsake them and leave their ohurchea vacant. A greater plea for time-serving was never pet in print. A greater misunderstanding of the place and functions and work of the ministry could not be concieved. Has the pulpit lost in inuence? That is a question which cannot be disposed of in a line. Some would disparage the power and`:- fulness of the clergy by magnifying ir failures or attributing failure erroneously to them. It is assumed that the evangelical alliance of this city does not amount to much because the members of it made very little impression in their late onslaught upon the social evils. But they essayed nothing beyond the giving of advice, which they deemed good and worthy of consideration. That it was not taken is not so discreditable to them as to those whose estimation of moral forces and moral effects is not as high as it should be: At most the clervy but tendered opinions, whose value stands whe- ther they accomplish the purpose for which they were advanced or not. The pulpit in- fluence remains. and so does the opposing inuence. and one outranks the other only so far as the people are above the corrupting tendencies of the age. I V V ...- `II-I .....- r..I....... The people nmyl)eicIw|1cel or they may not by these resolutions, but the gentlemen of the cloth are bound to show that they hive the courage of thei} convictions. ""3`}'..":"n`a':;'.i'.' Rh TMCIIL Ul IDULII. 3. That, lny our public and private tlEaL`ll- ing, we will faitbtully en-leuvor to dissuade all with whom we have inuence from prac- ticing or tolerating any lorm of lottery or gambling. -I 1`hll.. 'hD.9 rs-lnlntinnn IIQ llhlilh-I` ill YCUUTI. EU IJIEIII. ` 2. That the church of God, as the teacher of Christina morals. cannot consistently in vor or tolerate such prtwtioos, as by the law of the land are made a ublic nuisance and misdemeanor, punished )y ne or imprison- ment or both. `) 'l"L..A I... ....... .~..l.II . .....I _.._3....A . J. .|. gum uuug. 4. That. these resolutions be published in the current papers. Tk- _-....I.. __..... L- 2_Al..,_.__. I _._ AL-.. __._.. Resolved, 1. That in`our judgment such practices are in their nature subversive alike to business prosperity and to the moral in- tegrity and (lhriatian chamcu-.r of thuse who resort to them. (I I`L..s AI... The clerj[y'n'ien of Wntertown are deter- mined to put an end to the scandals arising from church `lottefiec, and to that and have pused, in conference `nssembled, the foUow- ing resolutions : I D.....I.....I I 'I`L._L 3.. -..._ 1.. `._..._._L _....L run:--?-v_--c-.-.-. -... Tm: Hmnsn Willois publllxd cry {syca- luz, st sac King street. Kiugsgon. Onuno. " st Ilx DOLLARS Pun nun. Anvnkrunnxu. 13.4- a___ u__. -_.. .... ...L- a_a-..a--. CI in Twelve lines to the lnchu ` r . Notices of Births Marriages and Deaths me. such, uenlen when ` booked. when [1 lnchal-nod. Special notices in reading oolumnn are chuc- Omoen of unincorporated Auoolntl III or Booiotlou will to `hold personally re: 0 for lll nders they Riva. ' - 4 Atrmhaa m than nnnar in mm of the but Job Ill nders they Riva. Attach to the paper In one of the but 0111005 In nnada; rapid. stylish and cheap work : eight improved printing presses. All charges for advertising. subset-iptiow and {ob nrnm` are your in advance; this mus stood, ~~-~~ . be diqti y 19 .L_. ` uv nnnusn-nu-n1 an. F6: four lines. oneor uio Insertion: .... ..N so" 5 For four lines. each Ill. uont. insertion. . --I Ovnr fnnr lino; Int. innnr Im . . . . .. 10a nu-[inn F0! l'0lll' "1100. 011001 IWO IIIBOPUOIII . . . . . .I.l W I For Overtour lines. Int inner l0opor.l.ln0 Each nuhsouuant oonseouuvolnm. . . 5o- ".I.L'.}}&'uu'" Si 3:} on. w.... ow Edition. '11: 8 ! Anhuro b Duold Oo- ....n":m W ' In gllvol-|'l`onoI. by Charles 0. Ioborll. Bonnet Utd I5l.b Oh:-lotlnn n.m'.?" Im' " `OVOI tour lines. IIIL IDEITIOII. . . . Each an uent oonseouuvolnl Onooa wee Iubuquent lap... Twice 8 woe -Iubuequont 1113.. Three a week. Iuboequont lml, .... the Notices of Births. Marl-huts ll The WEEKLY BRITISH WHIU. 5 pages, oolumna. is published ovary Thursday mornmg at In car, itivoly In advance. otherwise 81. w lbe c arr;-d. ` ICDW, .. R PRNSE. Prdnriatnr. 1`H;j:npA11A.jr YVHIE The WEEKLY BRIT1311 WHIG. 3 as >olumna_.}_publlahod .. on .. _,_2.:_.,.|_ 1.. -.:......_.. ...L.._...A.._ " Wing - 1'oIophbne; Nuiinmi 220. ANNQU_NCEM_EN{T. `Top.-/.;;.: :;.;... ,;;,.:-` LA no L7: 13s as. CIIURCH LO1`TERIE'. lbe chm ed. EDW. . B. PENSE. Pronriewr. Tho aunt of tho swab and tho Cuptun or Canada. 500. I " ";`HE,BRI'1`ISH Wam. WEDNESDAY. J-AN`. I CI I I. IUUCI. Apouuoundoldnluuud nohuln Jhobndolii yous` hllllllili ninth. Illl maul: H II Illl nuulnguul In Iuppwu-cu wlul I-I u---- Iontlty ol the luv. and to the N- puliliouu to use. game than ol am. tonlllp. agunu nl. Juana. Puuu. Jun. _--PhrnBluo.uuht nom- bord the chamber ol dcpctkl. Vdnibri unponry punk! 0 D9005! : elective upooo TI `blob In uph. Bo In In ppnnotl lththo moo nsrlrftlntho I11. and |m'|0I N- Elllll Ina tho loud: at the Dloutor- trluh Appeal. Pun. Jun. D.-1: is nnnorul that )1. Do!` not. Iulngtbooerhlny ol linoleu- uon 0 Bonlngu-lnthliannnnou dthosdzhntuilqhunngu \IIBou- I Lzm W"- mgmz, an Orloubt ppd. -m that that party will upon (haul Bonlupr spinal M. J an. PAIII. Jan. _Ph|-nnlllmlil coo-panllunonhouxtv QXI-'1""cT isToc"k?}iiI5'. '-6a`i1.':i.k{.} 1;.m.. uv hero and since than has boon looiln for but trunk luuhund. Anderson. ha I I 0... -...o. "-5..-- ueorge Algernon aenenon nnuureun ernusu in Dundele to write record: hffemilvhlhlee. buerdrd in the eeme home in which the eohool mletreee eleyod. end the noon beoeme `euemored of him He proleeeed to reel ro- cele her elfection end en engegement fol ow ed. She lent him 925 to any hie fere end purcheee enme clothee. e returned end they were merried et Bell : Conme on Dec. 99nd. They efterverde vleited Morrhhll when she drew CHI) Iron the heehhoe welt to George Algernon to eeoerae eee i.n- Bmchville. She hed buelneu in Onewe, end ehere couple ol deye ol merried lile they eepereled. ehe going to Ottewe end he comes an Brochville. 0e Selurdey lee: ehe nu-rev harm and elem: than hll % ml! I9! DC` UTIIIII IIIIIC for pm unknown. She Poll It Lava ;IIl Ila Nana sud Ilno Flxuro--'1o Got llor Ionoy. Bll0Cl\`ll.l.l. Jun. 9.--Ecrly In December Uoorgo Algernon Joorson Anderson arrived in Hundaln tn Iritn moo:-dl in'f|milINN. Ycnkooa In in by Louise Vu- 02 60. The danger to which Rev. Mr. Hewkee re- fera hae been eeen by othere, and commented on, but not in the name outapoken way. For yeere the ntmoet encouragement wee given to the anerchiete. the communieta and eo- cialiate.to preach their disturbing doctrine. The were allowed to rant ae much as they pleaeed to long an they talked againet powere end principalitiee not American. It was only when an attempt wee made to take the civic authoritiee of Chicago by the throat that the aid of the national government wee invoked in putting the law breekere under eubjection. And even then only the more reckleee of the anarchiata were afheeted and dealt with. They make up but a email pm- portion of the element which ewinge a pon- deroue power in the political world, which makes partyiam eucceeaful or uneucceeaful in the greater or minor electione. A chance in the policy of the federal government ee far ae immigration in concerned may bo benecial an far an the labour market ie can oarned, but it cannot aect the political con- trol exercised by the foreign element. It is now very great, it ie increaeing, and no perty anxious for domination, for epnile. will break faith with it and etumpt to ignore it. Rev. Mr. Hawkee may view the situation in a spirit of deepeir. but it ie un- alterablc for the preeent. UIIXXIWIIICIUIY IKIIKIITI. It may be wise for this government to call I halt to this wholeule immigration. At lent till Inch time on those foreigners of revolutionary teudenciee already here shell hue became nainihted `to the cheructer of our own people and institutions. He went- ed it underetood (bet he did not include All foreign born citizen: in these statements. on Imong them Are many 0! the purest and beat of our people. `FL- J____- A- -.L!..L I)-.. Kl- II-_|.-_ _- HCIUUII KUCPCIU IIVB IUI'l`rIg|I IKJTIL Msny of these foreigners come to our shores oisonenl with the virus of commun~ islnnn anarchy, contcmners of moral re~ strsints, hsters of religion and enemies ul all government. Taking advantage of the freedom of speech allowed here. they boldly promulgate their insane delusions to the imminent In of our uovernment. The vn ture's egg under the dove hatches out the csnniverous vulture; which, as soon as it obtains sutliciont strength. turns upon its gentle mother and remls her to pieces I So Anarchism, brought - to life and strength under the protection of 3 too lenient gov- ernment, turns upon its protector with bloodthiqstv instinct. HY nxnny In. mum; in. OLE. .uu.--.........> 9.. CXCCEU Ill \lUl'IIl|lll p0pmlu.g)u. It is atlirmed that 74 per cent. of all Eumponn ex-convicts liml their way to the l'nite States. and n: all pertions of the globe there are constantly pouring into our cities whole hordes of vicious unvl deprovetl men and women who carry mural corruption wherever they go. Sixty per cent. of the saloon keepers are foreign born. "Mnnv nf tlwsm fnnsimmrg puma On mu- The entire bmly of the immense foreign immigration reaching our shores settles it self in our cities. New York to day conmins a greater Irish population than any entire city in Ireland. and but few (Barman cities exceed its Uerlnuu population. It. is niiirmml that 7-! no-r non! nf nil STRO.\'G DE N (4'A\'CI. i TION.' _ Rev. M. C. Hawkes. of Detroit. has by 1 serinon which he proachedon Sunday, creat- ed a profound sensation. He pictured the danger of giving prominence to A foreign element in municipal and state and national government. Said he : ll'I'L.. ....Al.... I... I.. "5 pk. I ....... _. l..._:,___ especielly. is s disrupting thing. In whet`- everorgsnintion it is recognized it is sooner or ls\terWl.g,o_I1_!_lt`l_.]p work mischief. Powderly ' did his best to k_..p"tu kiighfi free of it. but he couldn't, and in seeking to V repair the wrongs done by it in some direc- ' tions he let drop s thought or two (favour-i ing_prot_gctien) snd the sgitetlon sknong hie` members was, ifvsnything, incressed.-' [he generslsecretsry then `felt the! heeould not." stand the` politicsl pressure, and st` the ` _bEdinggf_t.hs2 ;_o.;Sub1ican plrty re-isned oliioe. sbendoned `his post, snd went _op~',,`s csmpaigning tour: The democratic eletiizent in the order took 5 positive` uislikewto him. felt thetlhe had, been using his position un- duly} Ind It the new election of oicers would have no more of him. Ber_ry`s break is the result of disappointment. I He wanted s grester swing in the general executive than Powderly would grant him, and so he entered on thelplotting and couepiringfwhieh led to his expulsion from the order`. The knights of lnbor;hu've `always been opbedi-' ent to the powers thatbe, but went e stable sml successful government of their seirs. This they are now guaranteed, end the crisis in the history of the order has been passed. The bid, of s second or third pmy for their allegiance will amount to little. BOULANGER IS ON TOP. HEi6UF$;D THE LADY. :-:-..-------- U0! IIO bout. John Hendersomfz 00.,