AT NISBET S II-I'll HI 5&1 wluou Iuoujuuy unn- ht dhnu. Poison`: Norvlliu-nc-no pnln can---Inn pond tho malt Iuoooulnl pain roliovlng randy hum. In I Iloauon In wide, (at _II _b oqully qlohnt fo_r_nn At D. F.Armstrong s, 14l Princess-st. RUBBERS & UVERSHUES, Great Reductions during the month of January. All Winter Goods away down in price. IUIIIUIJ |DUUUU\| 11005 UH Ill LUIIADB U1 UIADUMLIS, UIAUIVGNIAUU aiuu HLUVU VVUWHD, IGUUE L1nens,Na.p ins and Towellings, Blankets. Flsnnels and all classes of Woollen Goods. Also Hosiery and Underwear at greatly reduced prices. . Special Clearing Prices on our splendid stock of Silks, Velvets and Piushes; also on Dress Goods of every description. - All must be sold as we wish to see our `elves half empty before the `close of the month. Retiring Sale. - We are interested also and during the'p'resent month `we hope to `sella great quantity oi goods as we~ intend in February offering our entire stock for sale by tender. Our stock is still too large. The assortment of goods is stlll most compl te. We have .made still further reductions in prices in order to re uce stock. We shall leave nothin undone to induce you to buy. We have opened large quantities 0 NEW GOODS, ordered nearly a year ago, intended for the Spring Trade. They must be sold this month at any price. We have placed on our tables, marked at half price: One Thousand Pieces of New Embroideries from one half cent per yard up. 500 pieces of Scotch Ginghsms at 5c. per yard worth 10c` Flne English Prints at 50. per yard. worthilll 1-2c. Ladies Silk Umbrellas at nearly half price. Torribly reduced prices on all makes of Sheeting, Unbleached and White Cottons, Table Linens, Nan ms and 'l`nwellinmz_ Blankets` Flennels and all classas of Woollen Goods. Every Buyer.of Dry Goods is Interested in Our Great Sale, which on account 0. the immense reduotiohs in prices, has been 8; great success, and has saved the public thousands of dollars. The Public Are Interested in, e Affairs which Tend to Bene- ettheWh01e CeIIk1mVunity. e DAMAGED STOCK R.&J. Gardi-ner s A GREAT MANY MERCHANTS; *1 MPoTANTT aI3V"aL"\7|'ruE. A %"L2xouas BRONZE - EVENING -suppzsns. Neat Shape, Very Fashionable I Haines & Lockett. IS, AN EVENT WHICH BENEFITS THE~ BUYING` COMMUNITY.` CHEAP SAL DRY GOODS _A_'I' B- 'W'_A_LDRON S. I ce Creepers, = the uni. cum" Wludl. A- AL. ._.._A... ---_.. I_A._A _ SKIRTS AT COST. RETIRING CHEAP SALE CARD OF THANKS. 1 BEG LEAVE TO. RETURN THANKS to my friends who so nbl Ingorted mo in the v . Into muniolpaloontosl. or t 1]] Alma` sincerely thank my lady friends. who. notwi - ntnndlnx the lnclemency of the weather. loy- a llv came forward and aided mo in my Iucceua. _Vnm-n rnnantfullv. J. A. MCMAHON. Indie: heavy knitted tklrtn for 65. worth No; heevy knitted skirt: for 85, worth 81 10; ne wool shirt: for 81.10. worth 81.35: ne cloth shirt: for 81.10. worth 81.50; oolth skirt: [or 81.85, worth $2.25: cloth shirt: for 82.10 worth $275 ; quilted nkirt: for90c and 81.10, worth 81.10 and 81.35. All better goo-'3 at Iimiler prices. See theue good: tht-V aw cheep ! All good: reduced during our stock taking ale. -FOR-- 05/mm - mvs - Answer Luann. mm nu srmoium. rnsons xsouxmm; A (motor: . aumx or IT R.` `VVALDRON- Day Books, Jourhals, Ledgers, Cash Books, Invoice Books, Bil] Books, Etc., etc., etc., Is now complete. ` spscm. N_OTICE. }christiiias% Groceries l-.14.` wrl normia riixcis w'71i.17.i `Qua uomcr BY on 2;: -In Benin truth: In--_ as `luau-Anna` 9 a. w. 13:7. `r . L DIVE: 3.. Q Ontario 0. r. IIITI. I -Q\J\JLL\IuL` RlA.3JJJJi IVVILL SELL AT MY AUCTION ROOM. Market Squnrc. on S l`URD\Y. 12th. at 10:11)? n.m..nlol. of Household Furniture. including 00:11 And Cooking Stoves ; also, at the scum lime. will be sold two Carpenters Tool Chests. Sleigh Robot. :1 team of horses, etc. WM. MURRAY. A untlonear. Book-keeping. for norm or 31 lessons. All of the I-hove subjects, 35. T1210 mphy. for the term 0! 2! lessons. 88. Short and. for the term nf 2| lessons. 88. The move rules are an )ject to 11 discount of 10 per cent. when paid in ad Vance. __ `E34357 NbW`L9E`%NT-* `"fHE"uSiN"E_s' c'0"L[EG*E{ " El/E/VF/A/G 0143553: THE PLACE TO SPEND YOUR EVENINGS, I -uqw -:--_.--_-_,_.__. _ Under the Patronage; of Mnuor-General Came- ron. C.M.G..nnd Sum of the Royal Military , Cpllegmund Lt.-CoL Cotton and um- cenot "A" Batter:-y, R.C.A.. _'___:j :1:---p-n-HI oP"m"" ;";;*a2;sE; TUESDAY -AEVENING, ` JANUARY 15th, 1889. - ......r.. ...1.un _ .- nmlluoln In. John Wu-d. PI-nacho:-.100. Thoatory _ofAnAmonn. mo. Va.-av van--- _`-v_, _V,.., CON SI STING of a strikingly realistic. in- structive and mlrthlul represcmatlon of MAX ()`NElL`S Famous Journey of 11 (110 miles by land and nag. from . ASIA T0 mmomo: THROUGH cnum ' .__+__ , hsmuue . AND" fJusfTIi*ift:T{a ENTERTAINMENT, ,,.. _.__I n- ..... an A Luna, ARCHDUKE ;JOSEPH S ` HUNGARIAN - GYPSY -BA/VD, by a wrist of beautiful lime iight/illustm` Hons. with now photographic transparencies of great excellence. aobompnnlod b6 deecrlg live and humorous remru-ks,by P11 F. L. . ARMSTRONG. of Montreal. `Mmme, nnnrbnrinte to some of Iha scet_1ea,e`x- dersoms 1: January. THE GREATEST MODERN MUSICAL BEN- SATION. 1 A-unnnuunnlntl-` It\l\l"'l\I_llQ Producing Orchestral Effects Never Before Heard in America. in a Brilliant Programme of Weird Picturesque and Fascinutin,; Gypsy Music. Prices. l5c.. 35c. amfl 500. Some secured wluaomextra charge. u . i Musnc. np opruue lo Iwlnu um um auuuw wu- hiblied. winrbe runderod by the Band of A 1 Batter during the evening. 9 TIC E l`S~Admibt1ng to Rnrquetw and rst two rowaol` Dress Circle. 350. Balance of Ground Floor. Balcony and (iall-7.25 conta. Hunt)! reserved without evtra charge at Hm- Floor, (ialldry.25conta. ,` sauna reserved at Hen- l derson's Bookstore. Plan open Wednesday. 9th ` Jnnmu-v ` \ AME! "K UIIQI IYYDDIJII D MARTIN'S - OPERA - HOUSE. -Y if u . mm mp u GEORGE MoAULEY. Portsmouth. Jan. 8th. 1889. Blank Books. BocSk s AND MAGAZINES. Business Pcnmannhlp. term of 24 lessons. ff. Buatneaq Arithmetic. for term of 24 lesanns. 2. Bookkeeping. for term of 24 lessons. 82.50. All of the suhiecla. _ no htoof OBI ofoundg. __g--ann4- A_ n___. ARMSTRONG. Montreal. - Musac. nprrbpriute scenes ex- hiblied. wil be mm...-v dnrlnu` um evunimr. ` - Iv forward and Yours rupoctrully. ` THURSDAY: January 10th. 86 Princess St. by Duhld Oo- 1nRll.uro1'oIII. i1 Ohqrlu O. Ioiol. `'"Iu?5&`9 "" .' " `"" -. 4 -.-,_ .,,_ 3... AI__ ._-.g__ -3 -AA ` AUCTION SALE. I l'f\'l'VI1\\Y OUR STOCK OF (Nu-ury. B Our: Wan. tun. ' 8o'clock p.m., snurp. A full attendance is re- quested. B order of the W.M. C. DEAN. Secretary. - "HE REGFLAR MEET- IH} or UERRY LODGE. ` N0 1, 'PlH1.N'l`l(`E BOY.-, has been l Oh"l"P()X\'ED L'?\~ TIL l<`l(IDAY, THE Inn `DAY or Jmunv, 1889; at 8o'clock sharp. attendance M Utuu \'. auctioneer. bthogrunllhuucoolophlpn magic w-1----' --.- --v -V.--.v.v- -. -...- vvvu lg olulu, but it win no searching. loo nrloua In ltloponthu, and none time got Into unoyluudlnql-consuls. It was nnhbghp lotlllogonrlnontmnd uupppsl Inn dot not nddldoutolu ncnhonhlp would sun to outvotoud anIrolt.hod|Ih:Nno|aInou The inking olovldonoi did nhdtht. bnHholrlo- Iiondldnoccnunoou-rupouicntlulorua 0I0|l\huQuI|ll||hdy||nMbooon- gl-glam -ulll g-.- an ---n .-4-.-gm -._l__ Tho httlooi of Canada The lsbor oouunlubn will have n inur- uthq spool It baton thy on have their report randy ht ptquiulon Io purllunont. IIIQIIIIII elation and hnppoht the oonnlilnnd how it jo Khan: the coun- try onqnlrln` Into thooondltlon ol the work. 1-- _I-_... I._A In _.-- 1.. ..__.LI__ ;.- II in the Witvwu t.het remu-he thet once or twice every winter we hue e freezing rein like me at Sundey night, uunuug lnveriebly in the complete denngement of the telegraph and telephone eervioe. What it ooete the cotupenlee to repair demege Alter one of theee name we do not know, but it nut, in the aggregate. unoent to eeum euclent to go A long way tewerde paying the one: of putting the when under ground." The ergument hee some force In the lece of thefeoh Inede pehlle during the leet lew deye. It will eoet thoneende ol dollere to repelr the dehege done to the llnee of the teleqnph and telepheee eonpeulee, end the expeue h liable to repetition again and egeln. , Underground ringing lecqetly In the Int place. but It le the pheepeet eyetem ha AL. I.__ -.n Ii the women ere to tote an interest in elections, eepecielly in thoee in which they have e right to vote II well me me their in. uenee, two thing: Inuet happen : (1) They muet, themselves, be fully posted upon All the lemon before them, and exerciee their ludgment independently ; end (2) they mutt be ellowed I time in which they Alone will he admitted to the polling boothe or I booth in eech word for their own ncoommodetion. The men are only intereeted in their move- meute to the extbnt of mine them u they genernlly do nnpoeted penone ; and the one eex shown the other little ooneidention when they nd themnelvee on oppoeing eidee. Ii the women ere bound to not in the elec- tion: of the future they should rend up the politics! queetionund demand All the right: to which they ere entitled. -j__ The federel government in not deeling feirly by the young men. It hee boeeted thet it` went further than the Onterio go- vernment in giving to then the nee of the frenchiee, hut it he done then the grevioue wrong of neclecting to revise the votere llete for three yeere, end eo deprived el1 those who heve within three yeere quellfled themeelvee of the power to vote. And thie la the improvement that woe to come to pee: by the dominion government under- tehlng to do the work formerly performed by the provinclel government, end in the molt eetiefectory menner I The Brockville Tirnu attributes Sol Whibe`s defeat in the Windsor mnyoralty contest to his sdvocncy of Annexation. If," it adds, he hsd not been trsmmslled there by it is likely that `he would have secured more votes than his two opponents together. Whst absurd reasoning ! The successful one of the quertstss of msyorslty aspirants. in his public pssches. said he was am im- nexntianist, too. and as pronounced s one as Sol White. Why. didn't his disloyslty kil l!_, n Some one at Ottewe has sent out the e!erm thet the federal government contem- pl3e't`e'`ii'(`lieeolution of the dominion parlia- ment after the next session, and tint if in the duty of the liberele to organize at once. There is no need for excitement. The go- vernment doee not desire an election eo soon. It in not really for another attack on the electorate. In it afraid of the recipro- city queetion? It would have more etlect on the election now than by-and-bye. The democratic party was too late. its leaders say, in getting to work in the la-te_ presidential election, though that beginning, was made a year in advance of the date of voting. It is the determination to be in time for the next go at the presidency, endl with that eml in view the party organize tion is to he kept and the work continued from now until the 4th of November 1892. And men will ask innocently what contri- buteajto the increase of idiocy ? t1lIII\I\'IIw:----..... ., Ta": Bnrnsu Wmais bliahed every even- ing. at Sm, King` Slree Kingston. Ontario. At an nomaxna PIS 'lI'.'An. , ADVERT-IT!-lIIElN'l's._ i V lot-four linen. oneor two inIortionn....'..l) a. For four lines. each an uent insertion. . Oven-tour lines. Int 1111...... lgpert-`line "Kuhn, nmtoonneontiweinm... - - m H Onoo 3 Iuhooquent ins.. Twi beeqp inn. 0.: `w'=k..I'I`I1bIoqu:Il11ttLnI. ... wlvo lines to the inch. Nation: of Birthn. Mu-rlanee and Death! 509. `"V`n-$009. by Loam Van- '1`wo1vo Notices of Births, Marriages 500. onohmnlau vmr book . when 01 inohu-god. Bpooiisi notioa in reading columns are cham- od at twenty cent: per line to! each insertion. Oiopn of unincorporated Auoointiom or Bociatlan will be held neuonnliy responsible for "0loo`1-E770? Vtininorporatod Auoointiom Soeietiu will be personally roeponnible to:-_ all orders they give. , . Attwhou to the paper in one of the beat Job omoeo in "Canada; `rapid. stylish and cheap work: eight improved printing preeeen. All chance for aduisiaa. M r. Bewdenle article of yesterday reupens the convict lsbour queetion. He has told: us `that the eort to operate 3 smelting works st Dnnuemore, N,_Y.. by prison labour hes proven I failure, a moat egregrifs failure. And we must prot by experieuee. Our guvernment will certinly not under- take nuy enterprise whose non-success is n fpregone conclusion. =1 L Au clla Jor aaunuung and ob nit ablei In bcd`isin$u`:en4glr-%ood. uj The wn:x_1.Y anfan wma. spagu as columns. is published every Thursday morning at 81 A year. noamvely In advance. otherwise miixnj. puhlhoii morning in ear. Lively sdvn;1oe.ot.hetwise ` `L b17I)W?T.g'. PENSE. Pronrletor 1`HgAIgy W4G.' uioel 'Csnadn_:' 'r' and cheap work: All can for advertising. ubacrftion and ob pv7'.:;g are yablein advance; OM: In badisti luu stood. ~ T Whig : 'ro1opnoiS.'x 7.NNouNCEi{nENT. ,,,_Ln-n_ _.u __.._. NEW Boozi, 51 jaun- " Opifer nor -6-rb:m `D-I';r.'-'- `THE iRITISI1~WB.1(; THURSDAY. J AN, 10.` }.`Nhi-sis}? inf , `-&T nuoprogoLsua..",'..u.'.'n7' The `Inn Ilovonlolou. London Mvm. Nicholas Duh hka booulon to deny tint In our tutu-rod to` the dominion vonmontu I thlnoon-hone porn-of nnoc." Ir. but: in I ulno- deny `I Iholnthouihorottho luttht I- -- -no.-lglltn mj luv l-ICI'ZCIICC It nuunvuyo Unknown lxo Nochwu the at waist oonmhhnor. Ho no in 3 hopeless mlnorlt`:t the sun, Inn}. at tin and M fart! tlnn hd Illnn `PHI! IIIU ll hwlout. I7IlIIIIIICIIIIOIIOfI llI'IIIUj III! puny much his own way. The men] that the mnjorltv down not always do Illa! In chant. John Henderson& 00., nluuuu ILHIIZ The public dob! at Cuadt, ll oompsnd with that ol the Unltod Shut, In as four In to one. and the proupoctn for 3 nduotiou ol , the dochnoy an by no noun promhlng. Rev. Mr. Rainsford is a vigorous and un- compromising opponent of the pew rental system. It is. he says. the moat comfort- able. the most convenient, and the mo; cer- tain way of keepinp up an expensive church." If every man was admitted to church free. or left to give what he pleased. if there were no bars of division or exclusion, they would cease to he fashionable, for they are fashionable only because they attract the people who make fashion, and who are fastidious about the company they keep. But the name of a religious club better de- scribes and designates such an institution than the name of church. 'Ihe cluh may be useful in its way to the limited number of people who pay for its privileges, but as a centre for the general propagation of Uhrie tiauity its value is diminished. How many persons are of Mr. Rainsford`s way of think- ing 2 How many churches in Canada have tried to live on the free offerings of the people, as St. George's church. of New York does? The voluntary efforts of the church-goers in regard to missionary enter- prise have resulted in increased liberality. Why not test this faith to a greater extent, and let all the interests of the church he --u.-v--.-..w- uuv- IuIhl;nod by In-no-:;l.l:u? A` III: to our Oounoll. otmn Free Press. A L2,. 1,- .L , I, ____I__ _la__ -_._- \l|ICWI l'I'UU rrj. A hint for the incoming ci onunoll. brat ch: income tn be oithor oqu tably levied or nhnllnhnd Altnnnsnr `III IIIIIIIIII (II T UIUI abolished nltopthor. We read `that Billy Maloney, formerly reading clerk of the New York board of aiilermen, has gone to Brussels. In talking lately of the boodle trials in New York he said he was innocent of all wrong, but he would never go back to New York while any of his friends were in danger of getting into prison through his testimony. From Billy's description, says the London cor. 'respondent of a New York paper, "the life of the boodlers in Canada is wretched and lonesome." Indeed ! What makes it so? Is it not the consciousness of wrong com- mitted, of painful restraint. of isolation from friends, of the disoontentmeni of exile ? The boodlers have fared well in CanaLia---so far as luxurious living is concerned. They have enjoyed themselves so far as money could purchase enjoyment. In the midst of their festivity they felt uneasy. restless, dejected. The amusement to which they resorted did not relieve them of their oppreuion. I'he dissipetion in which they indulged did not obliterate the coopiiousness of their crimi- nality. Canada and the Canadian people were not responsible for their misery. They were not induced to come to this country, and they would not have thought of doing so had the United States government been as eager as the Canadian government to en- ter into a new treaty for the extradition of eenders. A _s1s1w1>'s Poslrzolv. ' _ /\ Bishop Ussher, of thex Reformed Episcopal tihuroh infC_anada..has come out most em- phatically against the lottery as a nieTsna'of raising money for religious purposes. As the head of one branch of the` Christian church he repudiates l'rales.""grab-bagl." sh-ponds." and any of these kindred de~ vices used for the enrichment of a cause which the Lord will not bless. While I do not,f he says, see any objection to a sim- _ ple sale of useful or fancy articles, not but what I would much prefer and alwayradvo-` cats the oertory, I do most heartily con-- demn all illegal modes of making money. It is disgraceful to `see professing Christians, who ought to be the most "law-abiding of all citizens, knowingly breaking the law, under the supposition that because it is for a church it will be winked at. I _hope it .will be winked at no more, but rigidly put down and punished in every place `in the dominion where it is practiced. There is i nothing equivocal about that speech. It is plainly and strongly denunciatory of schemes` and events which are not designed to reflect vcredit hpon the church. There is too much imitation in church practices. Because one denomination does something irregular and questionable another body will venture to` repeat it. The blunder of one party is there- fore liable to lead to the blunder of several parties. There is not enough independence in the church , not enobgh resistance to prac~ tices which cannot be fairly defended. The remedy of every irregularity lies witlr the clergy. If they do generally what the clergy of \\ atertown have pledged them-, selves to do, oppose all practices of whatever sort and by whomsoever urged that will not stand criticism. there will not be occasion for the rebuke which Bishop Ussher admin- isters, and with great good reason. ' repkaenhtivel 9`( `the We opng; mend the p1nck of`1h6ee who peniitin ex- - pruning their jndgmexitrregerdleee of,politi- cal biu. , 1.. COME AND SEE THEM. COMMENTS OF THE PRESS. the Inlet-Ton to `lunch. -__ Q__k.l_..` PE W KEN T S YS TE;M. As It boo; Abroad. WEA R Y 01" (VA NA DA . OI` HLRDWARI, STOVE, RANGE, AND IMHANI08 T0018. roltovlng runny Innwn. In 5 noauou in II b ully olohnt All forms olnnln.w|utlur In-ul otoxurul. Ton udoutas bottle at drngluh. nan. wurnn AND axon unv an-up Il-IIu-- n ----. Brlng lo the urban ovoty Intact pain. A chug: 0! en a few dogma marks the dif- fuuoo havoc oomion uni pain to many pol-nu. Happily dbuu now holds Ion uvay. Sduou is continually bu-In for- -.-I uh. -nnullnn -Huh mania II oom- yvu uv--. __._- continually wad ndw nnodlu which not L.L AL...` Mann`: `Yn-III- wxu. AT THE BEGINNING or 1'!!! Yum REQUIBEA NEW sm o_1r