nnc uuilgd UNDIRTAKIR Pusan STIIIT. I -- H. uunuu, MI`. [1 U0 Baptist ohurcb- lav.` Mr. Wolkor, Mr. Jooeph Buwdon. mfhnl nhnonII_..RAv r M-Iu`.-.I-.. ll. rung; D. n. ucrnovuy. | Lsngdon. - . St. John`: church. Pommouth-Rov. F. W. Dobbo, Mr. H uo Runjn alr...m|._ hm u. u1-n.-.. u- in Mothodint-R.ev. Mr. Spcrllng, J. `V. U. DTOIDQTI. Third Methodist.-Rev. Mr. Timborlnko, Mr. T Cnruovnk . Fourth Moth ht church-R.ov. Mr. Eld- 3 rid , B. H. Carnovnky. Ii:th nthndint._Rnv M. n....u.... 1 Ur. `Hug. II" II". Sooond M`ethodist-Rev. Mr. Whiting, W. J. Crothorl. 'I"|.l-.I Kl..|....Il-n D... II. 'l`:_,,|,,,I | Dllflllll. First Methodint ('hllfIZh--ROV. Mr. Spur. `ling. Dr. An lin. Snmnd .oIm.h'.o_R.u M. w;.:.:.... LIVUTII IICUHIQU. The following committee, composed of clergymen sud hymen from the several churchea, was then sppuinted to draft And circulnw the tition : l`L-I...___I__ __._._L I)... ll 11,, sun, Ull\.`llII% IHU IIIIUII I Chulmorfc urch--Rev. M. Mncgillivray. M r. Mnxwell. Cooke`: church--Rev. Mr. Hounton, J. V. Burton. l.`:.... |l--\__.n-. L., 1 n u. A O luno In! Now og}. Pun. Jun. I5--Tho m [gm of 31.. II. Ihlffd Ihn pAnAlnn n--nl A--..-.-.. I-IIC IJIVUITII `'50. Dr. Anglin uld (hut persons who would uke out saloon licences hnve been Allowed tavern licenses. 1~;__ 4-,`n,.._x.__ -..._._:..-- . _ _ , _ , I I wlru III ("C City. Dr. Anglia aid that as this matter would involve n great deal of work energetic men should he placed upon the committee. Rev. I". `V, Dnhha maid hn hnnm` -nmn. THO`. NICHOL. M.lI.. LI..D.. D.C.l... of Montreal. wrltlnaw us under recent date, Inn: unmuu nu pmcell upon me comnnuee. Rev. I". W. Dobhs said he hoped some- thing would he done to Iupprou the II- loonn. They should think. however, about the tavern! also. ` n- A-...l2.. -_u .|.-. _-_--_- ..,L. In ` UUCIIUD ll] melr IIUHIUCT. Mr. A. (`hnwn said thg idea wu tocir- culate I petition fur signatures in every ward in the City. l)l`_ AIIUHII [HA2 As fhil vnAlh1r u!nn`.l um. uu uu umcn Ina lnwnns 30 rue In me season. The greatest reason of all which the commissioners gave lnr not being able to deal with the matter set before them by the teinpernuce men was the lateness at which they presented their cue. The peo- ple Ihould not, therefore, allow this reason :0 interfere with the cause this year. Speeches were not wnuted. but an able com- mittee to draft and circulate the petitions. praying for the abolition of uloons or A re- duction in their numlner. Li. A l\......_ _..:i .L- :,x,_ ___-_.- Let all he ti-and AIIIO. 0-ruwa, Jnp. 15.--The Gain. ndvoontu Inn dintrnln n, Oh: `Jun L....L- A- AL- PCIIIIUKI (H8 COUHCH against ["0 nloons. Rev. M.Macgil|i\'ray agreed thoroughly with all that had been said. He always agreed with practicsl wisdom. He was one of a deputstionthat had waited upon the license commissioners with reference to the reduction of the number of saloons in the city. The comlnissionerl were met at the city buildings, and they told the deputation distinctly that their cause was hopeleu. because they were to late in acting. 'lhe speaker thought that perhaps they might have received a little more sympathy than they got from the commissioners. He would not say Irnuclgregarding them least he might be doing an injustice. The com- missionera admitteu `that there weretoo many places in the ty where drink could he got, but he tho%: they did too much special pleadihg on half of the salooua. It was reasoned very strongly that it would not do to touch the saloons so late in the -anunh 1`hn IUD-QDOAQ. Ilnnn-a ta` -II ...L:..|. UUHIKJII II] ICU Iu|K5l'UUI- Mr. A. Ulmwn said the great question of the day was, What good are the saloons`! fhey are no henctit except to the proprie- tors. He had learned that articles were being handled in saloons in order to induce people to enter them. He pictured the uuhsppy condition in which 5 drunkord and his family were found not far from Kingston by the colportcur of the bible society. He said that in the city there were several hsd saloons and they heard many a time that young men were being ruined in them. All the saloon did was to lead young men uatrsy. It had been said that the council had found fsult with the temperance ople because they did not move in the matter of temperance in a regular way, and he thought the time had come to act and etition the council against the saloons. ` . M.Mucsziili\'r&v unread thnrmmhlv LKJUKIUIL I Rev. M r. Houston and he had no hesita- tion in expressing his warm interest in the .movement spoken off. Different opinions might hove been held by diisrentpersona in regard to other temperance movements. But it seemed to him there could be no dill`er- ence of opinion in regard to `this one, for he did not think there was a Christian man or woman in the city who would not rejoice to see the saloons closed or reduced in num- ber. Thp movement should be carried out, and inuence brought to bear upon the city council in its interest. l\'l` A `ihnutn -uinl Hun III-nnf ........si.... Ii` uulu Ill um Iuualueus Ill wmperance. l)r.'Auglin was called to the chair, and ` stated that many of those present knew `of the action that had been reoevntlyitaken by the tem rance workers in municipal mat- ters. Vhether that action was wise or unwise _time wouldg tell. The motive, however. was a righi on , The object of this meeting was to dcusa the advisability of having the Christin; people, of all deno- minations, get up a petition lor signatures, ` to be presented to the council praying for the reduction of the saloons now existing in the city. He had learned that such a peti- tion would be heartily entertained by the council. D... II. ll......a.... -..:.a L- L. I , | . 3. The Church rooplo llnko in Attack oi ma 8I|l0oIII- N!!! Mill no It the"lnueiioe ` ,0! Certain Person: can l'revuIl--A Conn. mlttoo Hot to Work. ' . vAt the close of the meeting of the bible Jociety, held in the hull of the Sydenham street church last evening. a conference -wm held in the interests at temperance. l)r.'Amtlin was muod tn Mu. uhnir and IT WILL BE PETITIONED ON THE LICENSE QUESTION.` WORKIN THE COUNCIL. "IQ. WIIJI uuuluouu .`WWm Lshwow nun . K. o! L, P g... mouth. hold niacin y in than hclron ovonhu' Fob. Nth. ~ 'I`I.- n|.-.._..l.` 0.4-5- w.-- L--- n__.__ CVUUIII Ill l"IIn I`IUl_u 'ru.'5-mmummio smug run about fortn- nno In Ionlrlng for In nut concert on the 19th Int... sh vrviou Vol Herr Augut Anderson of tho Coponhnzon oonnuutory. nndnjtaqnicont on-hours. PIHBIIIIIIA lnhr. NIIIKII IBCTIUT T`. Dorou ooclu oonoon Iuuduy, 22nd with addlt ml nuncuonn. r.l.vs 9: moufh. h3|o_i_n_nu|gm vown hnl ?":.."l Jun. ~ II . D. II. Dl. jllll. IX IIIIUII X HUI NI vun hold at the Bridal: Auction hotel. when I vary plount Cvcnlng was spent. Leave your nuu for t|u'(;:rnlnl Star II Nlnht'n noru'r hoohton. nnrnnn .....l-n.. ..........g 'l`....A-- I-.. VIIICIII Fprlon. Illlllli IIIG 0'$.`Cl" I. lol- lovn: r. Alnn o u. pm` In; - tor; Fr. W. M. Drouuun.` ouohhlog Fr. Juno: Walton. marshal; 1:}. Fr. W. Wad- dington. jr.. nub-marshal; R E. Fr. John Kerr. trouuror ; RR. Fr. F. Rowland. n~ hcnr; Fr. E. W. Ono. ooptnin of (north; Fr. 8. W. Sooboll. dmonor ; Fr. D. W. Alllaou, Fr. 8. A. Irwin. otudud-Dunn ; Fr. E. 3. Bull. guard. lhonlnnl banquet 1 III hold at 11: Irhhh Annrhnn haul. -u-w ruuuvuu trust:-nu-.- At the regular Ilumbly of Hugh do Psych`: Pnmler Procoptory, No. 1. Knight: Tomplnr, held lut evening in the Masonic hall. RJC. Fntor William Fltuimmonl, Brookvillo. Provlnohl Prion of the Kingnwn and Ottawa dim-iou. assisted by RE. Fru- ur J. A. Houdorsomdo my grand mater. uiii R E. Frour R. V. uthovu. put pro- vincial prior. Installed the of;-on 3: {ol- ` Inna - I`: `Hun Ilnlngn nponirllna -nu-gun. Gentlemen Appointed With Jurledlction Over the Whole of the Dominion. 'i`nims'ro, Jen. l~i.~ -The Ottawa corre- spondent of the Empm nye : An order in counzil has been peered up inting (3. H. Young, Winni g : T. F. llechwood, To- ronto;J. D. . Ambroee, Montreal; A. Mcllenth, St. John. N. ii., and A. R. Milne. Victorie, to he dominion cuetome eppreieere, with jurisdiction at All ports end placee in (Innnde, in cuntrndietinction to the customs eppreieere up inted with jurisdiction only at ports or pucee to which they mny be deeigneted by order in council. Theee gen- tlemen, by virtue of their oiiice, become members of the board of cuetome, the body which hue power. with the epprovnl of the minitter of cuetome, to decide ee to what ehell be the rete of duty yeble on Any clue of good! im rted in t e event of the importer being d)i'ieetieed with the rate levied by the collector or eppreiser At the port of entry. Theee five oiiicere hm-e therefore been designated to render hid in determining any appeal: which may he made, end it trill beeeen thet they ere lo- ceted in urine: sections of the Dominion. no es to be conveniently eutlnhle to aerrv out with economy the provision: ol the lee . Their Appointment ee Dominion eppreieere. however. dose not exempt them from the performuoe of their reeent dutiee. or en- title them to any ed` 'tionel remunention. Mr. (7. F. Gildersleeve reached the citv this mornin . He was enthusiastic over the poets o the rsilroed. He believes thet there will be no trouble in securing the re- quired bonuses from the townships between the termini. There w_ns I rousing public meeting in .\`mith s Falls on Saturday night. It Wu attended by workmen who had spoken against the road. and who, before the meeting Wu ooncluded. were convinced of the importance of the connection. Yes- terday there wee no trouble in getting them to the polls. There are 497 property hold ers in the town. Of these thirty are wo- men. Of the totsl number 338 out their bellots. The opponents numbered 36. They oppose bonuses to railways on principle, and, therefore. couldn t l.elp it. Mr. (`rib dersleeve hu written the rre\'e of South Elmsley asking him if his council can con alder e by low next Monday. As soon ss the municipal bonuses nre voted 3 survey will be made end the government salted for Aid. Money (mdor on Draft. lo mom vlmnc-u of lung, .\'u~wsnupors are not to co 3' this advertise- mom withmu the express u or uf Huuvut & lino-Inna-. AmIrnu- IIAHDIFII b nnn'rnn-ma xx..- ` DOMINION CUSTOMS APPRAISERS. uiIth's I-`ails Voted the Bonus -0thor Places Will Do the sumo. S\uTn's F.u.Ls. Jan. l.").-l'he by-law granting a bonus if 825,000 to the Kingston & Smith's Falls railway company was voted on yesterda and carried by a sweeping ina- jority. Mr. Uildersleeve, of Kingston, was here, and to his energy and advice the large vote polled is largely due. The number uf votes prlled was 338, and the result was 302 for and 36 against. There is A feeling of satisfaction among the leading business men over the result, and it is condently expected thst,I.he by-law in the different municipalities will carry with equally large majorities. l.'HI|IlI I/U lIIC plUpPrL_). > Sidney Clark. Odessa: . A. Paul, J. M. Thompson, Newbuxg; E. 1`. `cars, Banter- sea; John and Alexander Mm'auley.Railt0u; Thomas Philip, Perth, and Miss M. (,`-onluy, Kingston. entered the Business college ys terday. There have been forty-three ud- misaiona since) Jan. 7th. In reugmn or owner mury uresuaunu. Herbert H Edwards, of Carleton Place, has commissioned T. L. Snook, of this city, to look up the lC estatw, situau-I in Broadway, New York city. The claimants rmly believe they can establish their claim to the prope-rty. , 1 Sidnev Clark. (Mnsum: .L A Paul J M ITUII UTU "HUGH- Miss Hanomh Devine, danughter of A. Devine, Renfrew, made profession in St Joseph's convent. Toronto. taking the name in religion of Sister Mary Cresuamiu. Herhert E. I<`.dwnnla. nf (`nrln-tnn Plano [Ur uululgu. Cnptain N. D. Moore and W. J. Rattle returned this morning from the townuhig: of l)&rling,whem they examined the 7ral irnn nra minpn, nu ma nuwru mennoulu cnnrcu was $123. ' Mr. Allen, pur r of the steamer St. Lawrence, and hi wife, arrive from Wacertown last pvening. They lc t to-div for Chicago. Cpuntnin N I} l\.'nmm nml \l' I Dunln uuuu U1 we uonuuion nusmess couege. Harmon, we|l~known.t0 baseball men an manager of last year : Oawegoa, is giving` spinning exhibitions in New Hampshire. Rev. Dr. Potts nrached miiiimtinnsil gar . npurung exumluons lu New rlmnpanlrc. prached educational sari a mans iln Napanee `on Sunday. The collovtirm in the Eastern Methodist church $125. Klr .\nn run-nun Al` ah.` no unuugn llclinesa, Is around Igaln. ` J. l .' Macdouultl. writing master, at Smith's Fxslla. is in the city. He is u. gm (lune of the Dominion business college. Harmon. well~knnwn.tn [nu-mlmll nwn nu BREAKFAS-J'i' - COCOA. 4 IJIIIIUUUI. W. H. Peart, of the K. & P. nnilway com- pany, who has been home for A week through licknesa, is around again. MacdonulaI_ u'l'iI.inu Innuier at l oz.auu. Mr. H. Chnwn. latc of this city, is now in San Frausico and is doing a good st ()\'e business. ll LI` 1).... ..tu'... I. n. n '_,:u.._,,, , ,, nmg at $2.500. M r N xv_1rI. u. w. mac: n vmung menu: In Montreal. Frank W. Sackett has been lcbed preai- ' dent of the Oawegu yscht. club. Rev. J. \\'. Burke, Belleville. has gone em: on a miuiomry tour., He It&l'00d yos~ terdny. * Dr. `Harald Inn nnrnhngml tum Int. an wruny. . Dr. Herald has purchued two lots on ` King street, part of the McAuley estate for ` 32.500. Pooplo Whou Dohlll . IA__ 1' :1 II The Futon I-`rnhulnlnn. AL- __,,__I-_ .____,LI,_ ,1 It, THE BY-LAW. cmmeo. I Ilovunoliu. Styli`; and Attract Anoutnou. L. W. Brock in viniting friend! in ml. 4 ` ` lulm`. (`lath (`uses for mu-h volunw. suitable fur himlin .wlll he sent by mall. poetpald, on re- ceipt u 8|.(l) each Remilmnoes should he nmrlo hr Pnn!.OfHt~n PERSONAL MENTION. /1/116 Plenty cl Icon In lump. Vmnu. Ju. l8.--navy new norm an I Ind In Ruhr: Europa. Tho rall- wu I Inlloh and llouuuh on bioch- .| 7 nun : vlrv. Iuwl. JII. In.--B217 un- |_g:Tk,~ oolonll. Int 0 murdered 5 V In woman named Nclllo \ hits. wholud orohnhh tuhtn-, and than out hla I int- 'l'iIa Ialdachango cl Baas (Yuuo, Jan. l6.-Tha Iiahdi baa contor- manded hia ordar to the govarnor oi Barber to loan that flan with hia arm hr `the Utpor Nile. t in aupporod the ahdi haa ta on thin action in nanoa oi daiaaua anataiuod by the dorviahaa in the equatorial provlacaa. Iniadaaaaa Ia Doc-ply Tuaehad. Loxnox. Jan. I5.-Mr. iadatoao, in a letter to die motor of the Napiaa uuivar~ "any. axpranaa hia thank: ior Ibo cordial na- glvaahhby the atadanta at that iuatitution. Ha lay! their graatiag touch- ed his oidaga with Ilsa braath 0! youth." Icuulupllly mm to amen. - Lmmul. Jon. I5.--`lho Glmndclc unoru that the government will be informed of Hon ll. Stanley`: ufuty long baton the oxpomtlon low] by Thoma A. Stunt can reach the out coat of Africa. and that in thc munumo roccu Man from Stanley will In publhhod In Ixndon. Then an co-uln muons, the 0hrovu`-Ia nyn, for boxing Iocrel at prcunt the whdrubouu of on . ' "' }:::[::I Jun. I5.-Liont. Wiunun hu selected Inns in active service llonten gall, most of ` om oxporlcnood to travel, to Acmimpnny him to Africa. Lllllil- JAIL I5 --1 ha (Humid: unann- It llu lunch:-d Loopoldvlllo-'l'ho New ltlpodulon Now Bola: rot-nod. BRl'~&`ll:l. Jan. 15. -1110 movement gooqrnphique ntumur Stanley bu bnbly rou In new: of Henry N. San oy from St; Falls to Inopuldvillc. The otumer left the Fall: for Stnnley Pool on Sept. 30th with Lieut. Korkhovon And also the v|n- guard of an upodition cbnrgod with form- ing a camp on the hunk: of the Aruwlnlmi. A denpntch relative to Sunloy loft Banam Doc. l7tI. ' ling..- 1-- II '3-._A In-2_...____ L,, morx Cm`. lows. Jun. l5.-Hanry (ii!- llio.` oolond. Inn "uh: -unrdnrnd A the body. Wllllam Gilbert Gees Down with Ills I"lsh shanty Near Bake!-`s Island. HxLI.I:\'Iu.x, Jan. l5.-Another accident occurred during the big storm last Wednes- day. The victim was William Gilbert, a widower, sbcut fort) year of age. De- ceased. with a man named llabooek. of Rcdnersville, had on-cted a shing shanty near Baker s Island. four miles east of Tren- ton. I`he_v Ielt Bclleville with the intention of shing together all wter. The big cyclone on Wednesday night broke up the ice, and on Thursday the sh shantv was seen out on the bay on a iloe. Bahcock got ashore and attempted to rescue Gilbert, but failed. When Babcock not to the mainland the ice was fast crumbling to pieces ivy the action of the waves. He yelled to Gilbert, but his words never reached him. Sudden- ly the ice supporting the shanty jammed itself between two other cakes. The trail shanty was crushed to pieces and linen peered beneath the surface, carrying with it its human occupant. The shattered remains of the shanty were found strewn among the ice. but nothing whatever 'has been seen of Amn York. Sncrlolng the Children to appease the Gods. And the lItesnje`s'nt ths;Race- A Scene which Beggars Description- Gn-al Depruvlty of. the Illinois. New Yonx, Jan. l5.--A corres ndent of the Herald in Hsyti tells a horrib 0 story of cannibalism in the black republic. H!` says : -"Tho whole sulfect of 'Vaudau.\, as the word is spelled in ayti. is a delicate and otfemnve one-to the people. .It was lore- warned that it is considered bad form to in- troduee the topic inpeonversation among the uppen classes. I asked for an explanation. The answer given was that V00d00l.Iul and its occasional concomitant cannibalism pre- Vails ever-ywliere, and Haytians of intelli- gence and education are ashamed of it. fhe late President Solomna, a umlstlo, used to take part in the mitinightaneetings. but he was a politician, seeking the support of !`-i- paloi. fhe riest of ~Vaudsux is called l a~ palol. ln ayti at the present time there are over one-half the population` di cctly under the sway of the Papalois. Ilieigrent nmjority oi the believers are of the homeless wing of the society who satisfy them.-u-lws with otlering to the serpent a white guilt, or a rooster. The minority demand the sterner sacrilice of a `goat w_ithout horns, which is u human being, a child whose life blood is spilled overlthe altaron which the medium of Vandaux. pa semi-torpid serpent, rests. According to l spaloi s tenets there is no crime that cannot be condoned, no desire which may not be accomplished, no earthly happiness which may not be attained. and no enemy too powerful to be crushed if the faithful believer prostrates himself before the serpent and anoints his head with the blood of srsacriticed `goat without horns. . '1 here have betn three presidents of Hayti, who have consented to radical measures being employed to check the cannilialistic tenden- cies of a portion of the population. One of the victims was flarine l`clle, eight years of age. She was strangled. her head was cut otl} the blood was caught in an earthen ves- sel, and the body was then skinned and cut up in pieces. After the ghastly-preparations had been completed, the party vt hich usin- hercd sixty persons. went to the house` of Floreal l ellier,where thev placed the human sacrice on a box containing the serpent.and the ghastly head was held high in the air while the votaries of Vautiaux danced around it to tune of the sacred drum. After the inummeries were ended a pot was placed over the fire, and the head was boiled for soup. The remainder of the body was cook- ed with the little red beans known in Hayti ns Rois Congo. One of the party. Roseide Sumera, a girl of the town. could not await the completion of the devil's culinary pre- psrations and cut a piece of llesh from the Rim of the slaughtered child and at: it raw , fore the others, acoompanyin h r han- qust with a grotesque dance. ourteen of the participants in this aair were ublicly shot at Port-au-Prince in presence 15,000 persons. Notwithstanding the graves of the dead canuibals were surrounded by a double cordon of soldiers the bodies of two priests and the Mamamslio were disintened and carried oil by the faithful." ms Honnons WH_ICl'-I A NEWSPA-` PER wmrzn DEPICTS. ! % CAN N IBALISM IN HAYTI. THE NEWS or STAWLEY. A 3324.: no nun 5.... l-___ I__ 1- us, FlSHWE(RilViAN DROWNED. NO. 123 ortlur. Hound Volumes of HARl'lm`i \V|n::x|,v_ for lhrn-e years In mk in non! vlulh binding will be sen! by nunl, posmxe paid. or by o-xprcss. true of rxponso 0 rovhh-d the freight does not ex rm-d one do lur per volumz-I. for 871]) per xe- lunw. l`lnlh Pusan fur pm.-h l'1\lllIi|n -nhnkln I..- ,__ _-., ____. __-r- --- --v----, N0. 1! IAIKIT SQUARE. FULL FUPPIJICS OF` THE HIE!-31` QUALL l'Y OI` FIDUR, Mill hood. Shorts. Bran. Jun. Mm,-Invhont. Hay Annlun. Onlonn. Hum-v. cctpt or 51.00 each made b` Post-Otce .\lom-y (mdur Draft. mom 1' nnru .\'u~wsImDors can this advertise. The Volume: of the \\'nr.m.\' begin with uln- Iirsl .\'umber for Jnnuarv ofn-u-h y,oar. V\'hen nu limv in mention:-d. subscriptions will begin wilh thv Number current at Univ of rucvipt of ortlor. Hnllnd Vnlunuxn nf HAIJI-In`: `.`:'II'Il Ir hu- selected and pwkod wb|;h cloanuuu undone rur IUllI'. IIARPWIFS WI'ZlIZKl.\' _ , . I1 00 llARl'l1IR'.~` MAGAZINE. IOU llAl\`l El{`h` HAZAIK .. ` {lb HAlU`ER'S YUl'.\'G PEOPLE 2 (II Puzala (5 {rev In all nu`nscribvI`s in tho l'nilcd .~'lnh`s. `nundn, or Mexncu. mum: on current politics has earned for it the res --I and condc-nre of all inumrlial rwulvrs. an the vnrletn and oxpullou-a of its monry contents. wluc include nurlal And short alo- riel by the heat and most [)0 ulu writ!-rs. Ill It far the perusal of people 0 the widest nuuw oftnntou and mrsuits. Supplmlenu um fre- quently prowl: o1l.nnd nu expouuv is spared In hrlng tho hi nest order of unintir nbilny to bear upon I illustration of the clmmzeful plunuewuf home anal foreign hiumry A new work of rliuu from the pun of \\ ll.l.lA.\l llmx lluwnws. and one D Capt. (`|uIu.:s' Kmu, will be amunn Lllo 1-Adlng humu-es of the \\'I::nKL\' u! IS89. Ht-nn-oopathic; liopred Cocoa, Inn:-Inllv In minor-In! Minn: I hung moan In: ll-LIJIJDL K5313`)- HAR| I!R' Wlclumv has I well-established pl`\(`8 In the lending illustrated new-paper in Anu*,ri(`4\. The fairness of its 1-dilnrinl c-om~ mom: politics has earned for it rennet-I imlmrlinl rmulnru HICOIIIRMI. ` Address: l{ARPl'Il{ &. BROTHERS, New York. l lAN'0 RICPAIRS of all kinds on Uprights and Squares execulod M the W" bar Fm-Kory. corncrof Princess and Gordon 81 reels. Kings- mn. No more durable or woll-toned instrument in Canada than the U. M. WEBER L'PRlUH'l`. Moderate In price and unexcullod by any Cum- dian inntrumnm o. H. PnAn'oN & oo., BALTIUOH. HD- .... -.. cl... L....o A-I. .. ..- ..._A-A_ 1-.. . ALL KINDS OF BANK and (Mlve Ruhbor Suunps, lhtors. Souls. 011143.. supplied by linux- run &. Ku.cu,'Lm'. xmmuluclururs, Hazot 51.. Kingston. Om. . i I GET YOUR \\'lN'l`E.R Gl.()\'l-ZS at W` REIGVEB`. Kim; Street. 31) Sample pain to be sold at wholusulc Dricos. ` lUh'Vl`Jl'!'. Kim; N prices. YELLOW SIGNS. ` YELLOW TUBE. ` Use "Peerless Brandf BALTIMORE FRESH RAW OYSTERS HOUSE with eight moms and exlonsion kil- chun hard and soft w.msr. with goml enabling ; convunient tn Qum~n'-1 (`=>Ilc|{u : innumediute pus- wsuion. Apply on ma prouusea 1281. "V M \'n. IN Union Street, between G on an! Altred Sta. 'l`lll IIEHIDENUE c:Slmooe Sn-cor, lntely occupied by Rev. A. W. Cooke: double house of mno roomr iwo cellars; good yard an staining. A pl y"next door. or to B. Ronmuox, at Kingbt 0'5 Drug; Store. IMMEDI ATE l ()ssE.~`RI().\', if dv.-Iin-(1. um: Brink Heaidenqe. H6 ltldmul Hiram. Inu-ly oc- 1-ukriud by the owner ; tiuu \'(-rundnh ult.-whcd to muse - also garden with tmll Lroes. apply to Mlts. N5u..l~.`. L;P`l:`iUE. l:srge.c4entVral, wuiltod. Terms rv:'L~)IIablu. Ponlscusiuu immediately. mpbly `Box." Wma. . _ _ ` K , , HARPER'S PERIODICALS. mom m MAY. lhul goo house on Ontario h'lrt'g'l. near I soul occupied by Mrs. licuvun. .\'UHLI l79Johnson Slrcul. .7/-/E MANITOBA SHUI 0.` .{his olllco. MOTT'S HOMEOPATHIC THAT NICA1` 'l`W0vS'l`0lU'JY l.p'()l;A'[`El) l"lbAMlC I)WI2l.l.l.\'U ll()USEund Iremi:-u-3. bounded by SydenTm`nI. Norlh und Hay Streets. Kin sl0n.M, gresenl occumed by Mr. Hon? Han arson; `nr terms apply to MACDU. - .\`El.l. 8:, MUIHE an no; a-vu-. ill I They no the belt. Mk 3- ur krooor Ior them I I l'lll`.' STICAM H.`\'I{Ul`)_ElU`Il`}MAS()N AND CflNSL)R1`S. Minnie Frilncismui (`ity of i{iIu{<; ` arm. TUUII carrying capacity 330 M Pine Lumber, m-H0 Ions cuoslnl fwtdromghl. For further particulars apply to DA \'lDs0N. D0- RAN a ('0. - 7 m:.\:1;u.u. .-u;u'v..\"r. Xpply 13511:: n. WAl)UEl.l.. :42 wemngmn an ;. IILZIULULJHIJI ' l'mwn-RAN'nm_-In Kingston, Jan, 14th, by Rev. J. W. Sparlin . Mr. Wm. Pound. ` of Fort McLeod, to in Annie Ranolcr, nf Pnlmnntnn "snow ux KING his olllco. HARPE R S WEEKLY. '7ru|: s1`E7nt7;I|(Trf ziimdx GU L`flNSL)R1`S. Frnncismul (`,i1vnfKinm _-_.----u on -o~v--- Tl? EBDAY. EN'rnn'nnmmrr oi Opem House. 01 I'D?` NIOI.a00< of Palmerston. VOL. Lvm. J AME8 REID, nnuun Ivnvnnnnu L up...` TY U!` FLUUK, Hill Food. Bhtl. IPAII. Oats. Hay Argplun. Onlonn. Honey. Henna. do. Also In I \'o Plnnlkobn 1 SPECIAL MEN'I`1UN. HALIFAX. N. B. ILLUSTRATPEDI. I1'-....... 1. .. - _._ Per Year: .l`vI) , `. REM1NDER8. -I-nu-nu . FOR SALE. WAN'1'ED_. ' MARRIED. .._ ..,.__. ._:._:_L_-..< ` good. substantial `enr l`niun. nl nn-. ` FLOUR, FEED AND SEED S l`0RE,] XII IC HLXIIIC` QIIIIAIIE l mun. M J .+ppPy In M i - uurriuuu I11! I Io-'v ' Snuurnu. Jul. l5.-~Tho stunner Phys- Inc has out by collision with no un- Eon use ; 49 pononn won drownod. Don't Went. us be Ilnnpend. PAIN. Jen. J6.-'l`ho'oehlnet he: decided not In heeten the dieoueeion ot the lncmne In bill. It is believed that the government he practically ednndoned the meeeure In order not to be bempered in in struggle with Bonlengleel. .._._-__ --, ,__..__ from Quoonuown to {ho haunts}. the G - my trip through Honthsncl and tho urrlvsl England. A number at lust uqchlool coloured views. done In 3 new nrannnn, -4?` ` uu`-uu. n manner on Incl! uquuu views, cloud by I not process, w ho shown at the opun houo to-nigh. In 0'NOI|'I Journov. n um-tin purl of in grad jam-my of I IIIHOI ll '50 jun! thrmgh Ireland the (huoeway. inn trln through Hcntlnnal um! um Arrhln` n Inns 0! mom VIII IllO., The polio! of Task hue captured aging of robbers And tannins. Among thu mem- ber! II 5 mm who it believed to have put- potrntod the revolting murder: 0! I number of women In the Whiuchnpol. A .__~`--- --~----v u-vv <-~v`IvvWIl 7`! III. JIII 1'` union an I young Ind . F . Tho Italians and {lnngurinnc who no working st the northwolt breaker. , Cu- bondnlo. had I lorriic ght. Sunday night. and lull I down of then won badly cut. Fhroo of them will die. TL. _..H... .1 'r...x. L-.. -__A.._-: - --4 H EU "I IICHIUIICT, IUTWUXI. Elmer Sharkery. Baton, Ohio. haa conten- ad that he murdered hla mother laat Friday night hocauaa rho objected to hia paying at- lady`. Th` lllnllll Anll llnanriann than .-A The Iploo 0! the Morning Pnpon And the Very Luau Telegrams. Dr. Kruu, I oholniut ol Munich. but we- coeded in decompoaiu cobalt and nicklo. both of which hue hit erto be-on Iuppoud to be okmenhry uuhluncu. Elmnr Hhu-haw l|`..n6nn hln Lg. uml... m.t'"a:'":g5".:' * ..':-~.`.':':..:'.:.-..:";... ~ Wheat. Oats; Iluloy. Q` Cub paid tor ""` w. 1-`. unit. Commhulon Iorohnnl. ll nu:-gnu try me wluow tnll their relltlona became more than friendlyand Jamleeun pro- mised to marry. He, however, cleniea it. and asserts that on one of his call: about three years a the became amoroualy demnmtua tive am lrromlly hinted that she expected an offer of marriage from him. He promptly dieabueed her mind of the idea. and In return was mulereul out of the house. They never "made up friends" again. and about a month ago Widower Jamieeon married an elderly apinster. Legal proceedings were lmmedia~ tely begun. the fair. though perhape faded. plaintill claimin thlt her affection! had been injured to t e extent of 82l),00l). Un Ina the our in eettlefllt will likely he tried at the next aullee. ~ No letter: puaed be- tween the portion concerned. but Mn. Rey- noluln he: an a witneu a lady who was in the houee with her at the time she allege: the promise wan made. I. lean g.o.UuU, and um no cmhlren. some years ago his wife died, and about the nme time Mrs. Reynolds` husband left her I lone- ly widow. FM two beruvsd ones ew to each other`: company for aympnthy. and it in alleged by the wiulow thll their rulntiona hmuunn mnrn Ihnn frinmllv nml l.n.l.~...... ...... An Old Gentleman Ruod Fnr 030,000 Dum- nnms-ln lutoroulng At-llun. P21`:-tuumm, Jan. l:').-A breach of pro- mise case in exciting bulk amonfthe gouipa of Millbrook and vicinit . Mn. Reynolda, a widow, aged between hfty and sixty yearn. has brought action to recover $.'lU_000 dum- tgel from Mr. Jlmieaun, a seventy year old widower. Jamie.-son is reputed to be worth at least $75.41!), and has children. Some ` vnnrn nan Min mil. nlinzl .-..l .L....: cl... --..._ Icununlous evluenco VIBE VII neing given. i.0.\`lMI.\', Jun. l5.-A conditional writ of hnlveus cnrpna has been gimnced in Dublin for the release of Edwnrd Harrington. who was sentenced to six months im[ riaonment for publishing in the Kerry Senliml reports concerning meeting: of suppressed lranch~ es of the national league. The writ. was granted on the round thn the certificate of publication nn er the uewnpcper act was Ilnformal. The use will be argued on Fm - ay. cu unr unu cru-s [0 neavvn Ior Vengelsnce." l.-.\1-ox, Jun. l.").-l'he Parnell commis- sion resumed its sit_t__i_ug to day, Sir Charles l'urnz:ll, cuunsel for the Psrnellites, a plied for an order against the Worcester gnnra, for ccrtlln comments made upon the coin- mlssinn. Piesiding Justice Hsnnen said he regretted the repeated applications of his character, which he declared caused more distress to the court than the prosecution of the inquiry itself. He appeuled to counsel to use their inuence to prevent such state- ments gs it was chsrged the Worcester 7'um'.s` had published. The court, he said, w')nl(`l decide Sir Uhsrles' spplicatinn lster. Willisin O'Brien Appeared before the com- mission uniler citation. He, stated that he accepted the responsibility for the article in Fin"!-II Ireland for which he wss summoned. but denied that he Intended any disrespect to the court, and disclsiined im uting that the judges were not doing their 1 uty. The court reserved judgment in the matter. Mr. O Brien said he did not essume to nestion their l0rdshlps' rulings, hut urged that he Ins entitled to cement upon the scandslous evidence thst was being given. l.0.\`lm.\'. Jon. conilitionnl writ of \.lIlIII'U HUI. "ICU UUCII HrreU[.e(l. ])Ul|l.l.\`. Jun. I5.--Al`chl)ilh0p Croko has donated 5 to the fund for the relief of evicted tcuuuta. In his letter accompanying the donation the archbishop says: There in no other land. savage or civilized, where such scandalous and inchriotianlike Ioenea could be enacted without I erce contest and even hloodsh'ed-. The sending of crown force: t9 demolish the dwellings of the four for the benet of the pampered few n n crinw that cri:-A to heaven for vengeance." l. Jun l.'\ ._ l'I\n Purnull nnmmin. WUIU IIIJIITISLI. [)|'uLL\`. Jan. I5.-John O'Connor. M. P. for South Tippeury, against whom A war- rant was issued for offences against. the Crimea act, has been arrested. Hum I\` Jun I1 : _Ar.-hlxinhnn I `rub- I... An Attack on a CI-owd-A Largo Numbn- of Police Iujurogl. Drnnnt, In . l5.-During the charge of the police at \ "aterford yesterday upon the crown], which wan accompuiying the persons who had been sentenced for participation in the Manchester "I1iartyrs" deunonstfntion, 8 police inspector And fourteen cqusublea were mjnred. l)l'I{l.l\` Jan '5 -.]n)1n (11 'nnnnI- M D \J\J41|AIu.l ua nan-LDDIF UUIIIVALLV `SAILING hr-om New York eve? S&Llll`dAz. Lhorlzod Agent. II`. A. Folger. erry . of Brook Stu. Kinnruum - FOOT QUEEN ST. - - - KINGSTON. JdiN"I5.' "&5o., A Has A lot of Pork Bnrrals. First,-olkss :. ul LII) ' C arena! in large 0; mm] quantities. ` Storm Sash. . THE mm or THE NEWS wqnmgmmuuttmon um um Polnuln North on: New York. via a.'r.n. md N.Y.C. an. 1'. HANLEY. - - Gem 'r1_enm Alnm. THE THOUSAND ISLAND ROUTE BY Rome. Wntorpown & Ondonnbul-n_ um. } To K'|EJiafII;.!l-e:uvork, Phfijl-a?i`.al'a. ` BREAC~HM(7)F PRoM]suIT. _CUNARI? STEAMSHIP OOM9ANY. slur nun Pwnn Mam Va.-I. Aw-.. u..o....a.... A .. THE coL`u*2(Ts A}~(4D7_ THE IRISH. .._.__._...~ __..__. .\ -ru-um. 1...} at uh. I hlnnn 1-- ll `FL- -A___,_ THE VRA"I7I1>1UN fooiavrmj` qgvnnovvpu-uuav 5 Aw.-uawu vvu `close :-;a\`lIl'5;,nlln|d|.n-1_9erlor may I have Men fol` POI! CALI BY ALL LEADING OIIOCIRI. IRIIII X f LL SECOND EDITION.` KINGSTON. *C.&INADA, TUESDAY Eiv-ENING. JANUARY 15, 133? chonp ._.__-._-_.,___._._ Wllppodl ltllhl [Jam Dotti. Hu.r.:u. At-k.. Jon. l5.-lhn Bcynoldn. ' colored. nu ulna out ol NI tintin- dny night and uh uouv 1 that ha ha since (hid. in uullum. noun ol than, an under urns . : nun, nu. w'-1uu urn lane 0! the new share: ol the Puma: and company In tho Buqnq PM-lunno will amount to M.- .000 francs. A second lune will be nude only In one of not-nlty. The new con y obtain: all tho`!-Iglm and privileges the old oonoorn including tho I In to tune l0l'V ` 1 `Th: nl-[ulna] J-n -III ......;.T1..;.r:.;{;a.T...`..`..";"i.".':. '..;;;; lomrybd-J-. `no original on will receive mun aunt. of Mn nnl. nlnh .u... wuury wan. nu onglul holder! will mper out. o! the not prot slur the new bomponyuhn have been remunera- Md. . \rrrAWA, aw. m.--'1 no Uuuuu mvoonlau the diurlbulivij of the hlno book: to tho uimulfnnoouul . So far the minister: no kept them he until it vuoonvonlolff to first publllh them in the Toronto l`n|;n`rr. Hon. John Continua. however. In not in sc- cord with this I atom. and will give the III- nunl roponof h doporlmont to the pro: irmpoctlvo 0! politics. This In I llmng contra: to the notion of gush pigmy politi- clulu Prol. Footer. w o vo the public woounln oxclunlvely to the lI`upo`r, ungl put an omhsrgo on the dlnributlon oioo until they nppund in that puper. _'too{\ Juuoprl IIOWCIOII. Bothol church--Rov. Mr. IcFaydon. Mr. 1%. \\. Robertson. ' Flnt Courcgntional~Ro\'. Dr. Jackson. 38!. Androu ohuri:h--Rov. Mr. Isolde, , Frnnnr can : For over thirty yours I no been drinking (`hocolnu nnd (moon. an have on union: tinu-s unod All the preparations of (`noon in an nmrkut. but I have gust with nothing equal In your propunlion. our .