uuvuguv you ungnt II wuu save your money." How long have I slept in the cab And how much do I owe you I" Four hours-5 dollar an hour-M." Well. I was a couple of hundred In at tbutlexchlmod the club mm In rounding ' up tho Incident. And_ho`| the ulghthnwk I ride with In an !uture."-Now York Town Topic: Woman I: A pdrfoctad dovll.- Victor Hugo A Level Headetl Cnbman. Tho New York cabby can scarcely hero garded also much maligned ind.i\'idun.l, nud yet an episode which ovcurred early one morning last week illustrates that he in not hltngether (13 black as ho is ynlnted. The story was told at the ."vliu1huttan Club And is worthy of reproduction. A certain well known cluhmnu, well primed with liberal droughts of "(Emmi See," and feeling at about `.3 n. m. run though he mmed the uni- verso, staggered up to one of the ramshackle uighthawks tluit haunt the vicinity of Twenty-third street and Sixth avenue. He awoke the driver, who was aslenp on his box, with a job of his crook stick, and brought that individual to the sidewalk with a start. To moliify the cal)by`s objection to this sort of treatment, the cnllow and mellow man about town exhibited a roll of bills and exynrossal udusire to bedrirou boa cert.-iln housu in tho rod curtained district. Then the cnbmun recognized him and dumped him into thocoupo. At about ll o`-.-lock the clubmun awoke, and, rubbing his eyes, wondered where he was. [19 was still in the cab. The driver was again asleep on the box. Could he be dreuuingl The cab appeared to be smud- ing in the same spot where he bod englgod it. Didn't I tell you to take me somewhere!" \ ca." answered cabby coolly, but you showed a big wad 0' bill: and I thought- ` boggin' your itrdin-that us you had l.l.l tho wine you could carry-a.nd. nnd-well, I thought you mlghtu well ave money." lam: have I slam. in thn mh uul Im- auuuxu nut 00 proaacuwu. The detectives have recovered 810,278 of the money taken from the murdered mm; Make gave the uauws of the murdurers Their gum have been found uuucr ILTTIHL Mike, udiug himself in trtight place, made a confession. on being promt-eed that he should not be prosecuted Tim dun-mi:-m Ina vn .-u-mm.-...I cm are .4 cl... DUU CUUHLI , ` Mike, as most readers know already. on being released, wont to Poughkeopsie. Two detectives, disguised as laborers, went with hlm, and boarded at the same house. For n time there seemed to he no claw, but presently Mike began to spend money freely. He sent a number of Clxristmns presents to Italy, and dresed himself up ln ne style When asked by one of the disguised detectives how he had acquired so much money, he said that his uncle 1:: Italy had died and left him a fort- une. One nlght a. (lo:to<`tivo s.-xw Mike take a ' lamp up stairs to his mum and take A roll of bills from his trunk. Then they put him undur arrest. lnln. n...I:.... L:...._.Jl .1- .. a:-L. -1- _, ,, x uu. llllly VVEIV I'|8VL I' llgl 5901) BJIVB. Red N(&d Mike" was urrpsurd on suo plcion. He was taken [before Squire Moore, of Miners Mills Wlxcu told that he must know something nbout tho murder. he do (`lured that he did not, hnd did not won hear the ring. There being no eviuls-nru against him he was released. The Hnkerton men were at tho bottom of Mike`: relcaw. They feared he would securv counsel, and his lips would be closed. The saloon keeper Quig- loy became Mlke s bondsnmn and the detect lves assured him that Mike should not leave the country. '\HL-n nu nuns? .-.....I.....-. n,-....... ..|......,a.. .\.. L` nnu nunmu |lIlI\I5u lowed mu minutes after. Fifteen .nnuta lawr McClure and his companion c-Ame along. stopped at the saloon, Look a cigar and rode on. They were never again alive. Rm! Nnm-I Mu'lrn"- mm: an-ncoml luv` 9... LILIGL On the morning of the murder-la numbo: of Italians left their shanfv at the railroad works and went. to the xiilage of Miners Mills. lb being a wet day, they coultfn`t work. so they assembled in a saloon. ` Five of them staid in Q cprnrr uud dii-wtlstil some qiiestlon in which [hm were all evidently in- tbrested. Among tlwm, and a sort of leader, was a man called "Red Nosed Alike." A hout half an hour below the murder four of these Italians left/the saloon and started up the road to tho slianties. Red Nosed Mike" fol- We ..;k. u{e'1.a":i{E&;11 and ` Variety. You can get almost any shape and style. Our Home-Made Brand in the latest. Mode only at R- TEI- TOYE S. KIN!) .hl'l`Rlc'.|i`.'l` RAKRRV The ltlpun W116 Lad ` the ,. Gzing That ` Murdered lllccylure. . ta 1 A neat` `place of work has been recehtly accomplished by-dptectlve, by which one of _ ve men, who `had, togethhr commit_wl mun der, wartaken. with proof of guilt, and he squealed on all the other: On October M1; at 10 o clock In the morning, J. B. McClure, paymuter in theem loy 0! Railroad Con- lt!'|lCD0l'4JOS9pb Mel?` den, left the Wyoming `National bank, of Wllkesbarre. Pa., w1th 012.000 to/ pay laborers. He was accompanied by Hugh Flanagan. stable boss. An houx after leaving Wialkeabarre both men were found dead on tharoad. They h[]_d e\'ldeDtly been red at from ambush and instantly killed. ` - v Norweglpn Liquor lgwu. AL, `V , 1, n. Gonlny tho llulgc. .L--A-,n_. I , -- Too Many Cloves. . . n j nan `Nosed ` MIKE. 1 The People Will Get Bargains fdr the Goods Must be Sold. DTUIIUII UITWKI II 015. W IIUDII W Cr . ` A chnnce in I lifetime to buy cup: on cheap. All unticipuin houohopin . nil homekoo II. boarding housekeepers or houlloopon. who any has toodod to w 3 till spring be oro buying carpet: will save money by attending thiajnlo and buying Lboir tn now Call and you will be rooably III` I` tho low prion lot cnrpoh dd - ::;p:hin grutCu'pet. 3.1. by men ,o.\'n. on 5 co. ' ' ".'.`."'. `.':.".`, r'Z.. '2}.22".d'."i.'":a'xE"n ,'6?~. i '.'Ju"z'u'a';"c'~'o?' J`OIEEl\TS'I'OLT &6o s. Florida Naval Ora nges, Florida Russet Oranges, Jaffa (Holy Land) Orungen, Messina Oranges, Valencia Oranges, 1-`lo:-Ida Langerincs or Kid Glove Oranges. F0395 9.EAB|.N...A9UT W .::u.I.\.J.x..L.uu.\.I.l..V 4.1, \J.l:'D1a 06 L. Your choice of the lsrgut nook okpdqh Central Ontario st non prion. Hemp Carpet! :3 cost. llama at cost. ` Union Carpet: st cont. Dutch (r ta mt coat. Wool Carpal: nt cont. Tnponty rpoh at can. Bdtnornl Cnrpoh at ooqt. Bnnuln carpet: at cost. Wilton Cu-pom nrhout. A nhumn in A Ilfntimn In hut ngpnnh -n nlmnn All ._o:..l...-.'I__ L... 'CARPETS for COST REEF DURING JANUARY Plain and Fancy Cashmeres, Henrietta Cloths, Amazon Cloths, Armure Cloths and All Winter Dress Materials. l. A.T3E.IE'I.Y E4DIEER:1!AIPu;t.OES- Previous to Stock-taking we are going to offer-the -balance of our Cousineau, Quinn & Corrigan, THIS "WEEK IN ULSTER CLOTHS AND SEALETTES URP w1'l'lUl] reuuuou prices on an wanes oi sneezing. Unbleached and White Cottons, Table Linens, Napkins and Towellings. Blankets. Funnels And all classes of Woollen Goods. Also Hosiery and Underwear at greatly redu:ed prices. Special Clearing Prices on our splendil stock of Silks. Velvels Ind Plushes; 1130 on Dms Goods of every description. All-must be sold as we wish to see our shelves half empty before the close of the & J. GARDINER. s. OBERNDORFFER, One Thousand Pieces of New Embroideries from one half cent per yard up. 500 pieces of Scotch Ginghxms at 5c. per yard worth 10c. Flue English Prints at 5c. per yard. worth 10 1-2c. Ladies Silk Umbrellas at nearly half price. Terribly reduced prices on all makes of Sheeting, Unbleached and White Gallons. Table Linens Nxnlnnn and Tnwallinm Rhnl-Av: E`I.m..l. ....a .II .i........ ..r m,.-n..- n--.:- Q! We are interested also and during the present month we hope to sellagreat quantity 0% goods as we intend in February offering our entire stock for sale by tender. Our stock is still too large. The assortment of goods is stlll mostcomplete. We have made still further reductions in prices in order to reduc stock. We shall leave nothin undone to induce you to buy. We ave opened large quantities 0 NEW GOODS, ordered nearly a year ago, intended for the Spring Trade. They must be sold this month at any price. We have placedlon our tables, marked at half price: This in I rare chance to secure I good Article at n Vera: prim: P Every Buyei` of Dry Goods is b[lT11terostedin Our Sale, which on account Of ` the immense reductions in prices, has been great success; and lm` saved the public thousands of dollars. ' RIOHMONJS: ORR 8a 00. nhninn nf tho IA:-aunt nun-L "H2.-....o.:.. l`,.no....| l|..s-..l.. -5 .. _ _ 'The Public Are Interested in Affairs which Tendto Bene- ttheWholeCommunity; R. & dd. Gard ine%r s Wi'Gontin'AIl1Ef;-Month. IS GREAT CARPET `SALE W. H. GARNUVSKY. 212 Princes:-st. TELEPHONE 2!. BARGAINS" _-__I Q..:_. Dress Goods! JOHN LAIDLAQ & SON. AN EVENT WHICH. BENEFITS THE BUYING COMMUNITY. IMPORTKNf**4 SUCCESSORS TO F. X. OOUSINEAU & O0. RETIRING CHEAP SALE AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. WHICH OPENED ON SATURDAY. ~JAS. JOHNSTON 3. co. nnvn u-A-a-n -u--Annnau Just the thing for cold weather. Try It ; AT ml: BAZAAR. j ---n-wqggu OPERA House` FRUIT nun ovsrgn MARKET it PER.\'()NS REQUIRING A CHOICE SUPPLY OF Chnstmas Grocenes AT BOITOM PRICES WILL SAVE MONEY BY CALLING ON 8. W. DAY. -- a.a..A.aAa 5.3513 A \l&OuLJ-HLU C- In Pints. Quart: and Small Kegs. whlchjndgee pronounce the finest In the city. T T I I L - Q T Q L A I uyIJ:B.E9Iy]ED g FU as ya uuuuuuu Luv u R. _THOM PSON, A ilktxl Jlll5\YlIurI\ lUI3l Au uu) LII . unsung rmm us bean msmnmouuy THE BEST VAL E IN THE ARKIC1`, at well an thor- oughly adapted to the want: of the kitchen. has exalted envious lmluuuons of its name And up. lneu-nnoe. Beware of moh.. exalted envious lmlmuons of its And No addition _to or vananon from the ample name: COOK'S FRIEND IS GENUINE. -....-v-v...-.-y-- vvvunaun It contains neither alum, limo, nor ammonia and ma be used by the most delicaw conslitu Mons th perfect safety. In! eat auccenl nialnz from its belmr lnstrinaionl v THE BE81` mom mm perfect surety. Its lrialng beln lnstrinsioal y THE BEST ouuhly adapted Lhe kitchen. has _ --..-. `.._.-no-up Bola Agent. in Kingston. , i *v._ ,_._ cum main Biiis POWDER IS A PURE FRUII` ACID POWDER. J Htrengt h and Flavour. The undersigned has this (In rocelvod n ` small consignment of those (the nest was in the world) and will be hlunpy to supply those of his customers. who desire something rgally choice. with a. sample of the same. JAMES. REDLDEN, T111 Tlfrifrinn l`If'fIf\TEI".1rI'I __.._--_..-v - -`gun-.1, Unmixd with China direct. from their entntou These teas stand wiLhoul a rival for lwmty. Strength and Flavour. underaisrned this dnv rnmivnd n The Barnoova. Tea Estate, The Loobah Tea Company. The Mecm Tea. Estate. Established fur the purpose of aupulylnq put 9...`. A no p-uu- . .-.. The Assam TeaEstate Depot. '1"!-.n Dun-v\r\r\I-vrn man Irma- U .14.: .|.I.l I~J L: .|.v \.I la` MANUFACTURING Oomrncrlonlna. \ I|u|\ D 14!)! U NwcKTIEXJ'6`msH1RTs, coLLA}:s,cuFFs, 00 T0 RATTENBURY s- viii uujjuvjj Two Car Loads of the Ontario Brewing . and Mamnq Co`: superior .1 AT El A\TT\ f)l'\ITIfI'Il2I`I".I :4 A, G005 4511; Bviaogfiaaae to " order for $13. I.. l\ ...... vi... :0 .. | I _ ..-sII u: uun L\Il I.uLIJ- H owc\"on. if u bud mun cnmcs -lqng will nmko \ lulu our for the emnm price. -I-\ Al 1- r\ r\ 1- n | [Vila 1!} 111.411 lll'4..V 1/1`; 131 cg Oppoerrl-: Blur:-m Anucmmn Hm-|n.. BOSTON?-.._.HAT - STORE, *SPEdnACN%oTi5ET' I vu-:--- w - -wt-u w-w--- Cholceat HI-Ida of Pam-y and Family Flour alwsyuon land : Omhqn Flour. Rolled Och. unllod When. Cracked Whgt. Gan When, Onunosland cornmeal : Built In uuon. W. J. IMNIIILL. - BROOK STBIIT TO MATCH ALL THE ABOVE. Men's Fur Collars and Cuffs, Men's Persian Lamb Caps, ' Men's Otter, Seal and Beaver do, Fur Gauntlets, Coats, &.c. All information as to prices chucrfully given. ` -MUFEs- vvu... u - .-....u..r gu u-.u.v\. rude Mark on every package as ,e.'.":`Ii`i~3}>"x3 6"r'i'i4'Ein -. 4- _.u __ .1 ur,__ ._L;,L 1, `Beaver bapmes and Caps, Alaska Sable Capes, ' Oppossum Capes and Caps, ` Greenland Sable Capes. WBREAWDV Bjnio. , .I1Al\-__: Fur.-Lineci Circulars, Ladies Fur Jackets. Ladies Sable Sets. .l--I-an -I-f uln -l KING STREET BAKERY. GROOERIES, Lxfuoag.` M}. '1cZA1:`zLvcE.s.. ` PPHHl'I`II RNITIHH AHIFIIIUAN nfllil TORONTO FLo'ITR_sTon` __.u._ -n n-_._ ___.n -,_- `A -. 7 BO.A.S- MAN'Ul"ACTURED BYI PRING_ES$ S'f`ET,- A a-Ant In Wlnnavnn I ().I\'l DOOR BELOVV CITY HOTEL. KINGSTON om TEE OELEBRATED :THE LA` RDER. " OVEBQOATS_._ mu A (Violent 1.01` or nn nlvnwnntvvnmu 1-nvv Anr 1NnrAi4:7b:" zhl. (VI-I-an .Il-.\..o 0--..` AI... onowl umu a BAKlR8' moan sun: GRAIN. PRIGBID HAY. 0L0- vma AND TIMOTHY smm. n -I-\ --rm--5 A --I-q-:--- :: Ilulu nu uncnu. u p: nu-.1. TWEDDEL L` l\l\l\I) I')lZ|l :nl.' r lrnv In` Cj 7- EUR 193????-- Wellington Street. I-V 3.-I.-I-l.J-V Muutrr Souutl. IIIU I-I11! ji- Buddhllm ban the largest number bf` votu-la In the wotld, Christianity coming next. 0! the Christian denominations the Ronnn Cuhoucn have the largest number of ul Iuuup wL'uIu:;. uuuxunu ]UIlll.`(l lnelu ml` nnhort. Lut, nu mun utbe black:-smith - came to drivo out lhu may tho lamb ful- lovred, wltllmtt anon lumiing back at In na- ` turd com uniunn. \"o are not tulal what ho- cuno of t can two friends. but Inmt likely, who tho lamb grew moo I `sheep, they were tordblynpcrstad. nu. ulcy ulruugn a large noon 0: umvop` that was being driven alnng the rnud.I.ho lamb never hmz .-'-I tho sheep. but wont Itlglll lh!`0l1"Il l?1":r| with tho Ill . An- * other time m' >nn_v nhd lambs jyed mm tnuljoiniugr tirh , 1:: which there wan: ock of Ibeop (cu-dimz. Tlmullnb joined them for time, hlnckxmlth ` lln Inwacl wlnmo 1\o\1m\ I...` -.'..`.- L....I. -4 1.. .. T A warn: KY no un-1.: ILACK ncnn ` " Lnm A hlaohnnith named Thoma: Ran bought a little black heed lamb and put it into: eld wherein there was a cow and I little white Galloway pony. The lamb took no notice of the cow, but soon began to show great fond- nenlur the pony, which retumod its n'e1- 'tion. and the two friends kept constantly in ouch other`: company. When the pony was uned for riding or drawing a cart the lamb would trot beddoit, and when at any tlmo the lamb wu nlannotl by people coming too near to look at it it would run umlvr the body or the pony and pop out its litfle black face from between the fore logs and loolr about it in conscious security. At night it slept in the stable, and it it was sepa- rntal from the pony would raise plaintive blutinga, which the pony nmwomd by mournml neighings. And Just an the dog leaves the moiety of his own kind to follow man, this littlelunb fornook its own species that it might nun:-into with its friend. for on ` one occasion when the hluclinnith was riding the y, the lamb. an usual, trotting beside it, y pa-ad through a large` ock of -limp` thl VII boimr drivcon nlmm ihn rnml nu. Horses` Frlomlslnlpa. I\Ian_v |mr.<(~:s are of u very u`vc1`innuto dis- jm.~;itlu1|, null not only lx'(`u1m' nmurllenl to tlxvir mastvrs and to aln-,:s and posts, but .-zmxu-lilxu->4 t4-n".lnml.~stl1u nmst di.~.~ixnilz`.r tn tln-nuuelvua, 'l'l)uuat1Imlist 'l1itr-, of Bel- lmm:-, lo-lls In that a friuml of his hml n. horse that fOI'1l10Il n fnemlslnp with a snllmrv ham, and tlm two animals spent llllI('h of thv-ir time tngvtlu-I` in a lonely urvlmrfl. Tho fnwl would apprnnvh the qumlrupwl utt(-ring little name 0! pleasure, and llr-lm1w- would luokdnwn with szztisfnrtion and mnvo with the p'.!I'1`lll A`SL 1-mltinn. [mt hn shnuld trample nu his diminutive mmpaninn. But -perhaps ma 0! the p:`- t:l(-Gt. insmnvos of tho friend- ships of nnim'\l~ for om-h ovhor is that. re- e-nnlwl of ` pnuy rm-l lllllll ,4 ~- That he cries and tiles home to his I Jack ` Qfnvuu 1\I|I I... I... 1...... ...|._._ .5. CITY if_::gpR STORE; UPC` And [mm n.-In Jud: Frost. Now Jack Frost. ride-ex. and his ivicle lax-kn Tinklo and ring in the wind as he goes, And he In-mlx frum his oz.-uldlv. and kiss:-3 so hard A dear little kul. on his cheek like it rose. Stops c hur- uuu pun-.un nluuv n IIIIU nun CPHILI llll'L'lH(l pane. But nun-r he ventures to follow him in. Va A 4' HL>FV Hbuws PLEASANT A nam- mc ron aovs AND c_um.s. Tho Jon ,0! Counting Told In Rhyme by 0c.Who Does Not. Cure hr 'l1|umpa or Bumps Bo Bo Conlluvo I Good Time. ` 'YOUNG FOLKS ACOLUMN; out by the fmmu u-bu-rr the roses ham mu `rho IA:-not L .. - AL. I--___A V III!` IIJVIJ IIJII\IlI'-I I D111 ; '0 I). FRANKLIN IlAnr-I Inn`:- u v (`u:lS[ lllltl lluw a jullyl And whu ('.1I`1`s fur I uu... . . nungm A ml um II` an \\rrI`l - .u And what if you -14. The snow is as am`! H ILIILI lla U [IVS UTE E'r0`U Won`: you go! For I know how to steer. And I can task you clear , Across the pond. And away beynnd. And um`; um. sery near. \\ nn`t. you go? J: . \ 1 had rq_tj;e;g`=oa-coaslng Than sit. b) the are a.-routing? Wm)`: mm on! * white nwenmn rm-cnld window `V U} `l _)I)lI L" on ligh!"\\'h:' mm-:~ Iuim` l I Pig:-nnn Hy. HUI ..... [`I..u `(III l .\llII-1". -I~'z-mu I.1u2o Eh-D and Women. \ Hi`H ll JUL; lllw humps! ulul vfimh, nu IIIV I) '|lllIl|I'\u R'E:"s BROS- I` A nun A IVIVIV IIIIIII nnuuntvnununnn I llHl(`I r the thumps! H, -up "H .` THE 'BmTis:1 WH1(iz":T1msr7AY..iAN, 1.3. An old harholor nuyl: It In nllnonnenh to pretend 'hnt. love is h2lmL I never knot: man In I'~\<- \.::u did not too hen (mm M much I}: ma sweetheart u I did. um.-um-. -nu --uugvo 4 She (cmp|mt1m|ly)-l will nave}- you. Do I make mynalf plain! [In 'r|mlIrI-()nlfn nnmu-.nAn I-u `. you. no I mun mynu plllnl ,` [lo (1-ruully)-Qu|t unnececmry. Nhturo ho: done that. -Town Topics - ~4 l Rocognlu-1| I'lIIn. Mrs. Wutond-You upper to `that geu'tlonuml Mr`. I-m-....m.. ma r`M......... v.. uxul. guuucmuu I Mrh. l.n|:addo (of Chk'ago)-Yn. wo und ` to be quite lnmunta Ho um: one of my enrlhr husbands.--New York Weekly. . us: .-.---J wuvvvu A young lady of Syracuse has become so dicted to the mo of cloyen that her health In becoming broken. and her physician up . that unless the abandon: _the habit the will any tho ponuty with her Ufa She bu bean nown to consume I quarter of a pound of clever In a day. nu-wt`-I-u u-quuu sawi- , Under the Norweglnn liquor Inn nkind of localoptlon oxma--each town on district being permitted, by means of in elecmd ven- try or council, to say what houncu. if Any, dull be licensed. the hour: of the day they my nmnln open. the kind of drink that may ho told and what quantity to Any one pol-nu. ITOT 7 MIL'K`- SHAKE, Jnnl. Hm thlmt for cold vnnthnn T1-I it