In He. `too. uoonvon Y Losnnx, Jan. I5.-Sir Mibhul Hicks- Boach, n in; at Bristol last night. aid ho ho that at the coming union palin- mont would turn In stumion to quoulonn of Irish oduou ion and loocl government for Irish indln ` . . } n.i.'Z.'I"l.;a '5`..aI3fi".i` 1': Anna Imu... Hm nnnv nmn. of .11.. ......-............ ...- .....u-.. Nlw Yomi, Jan. |6.-A Washington Ipecinl any: Col. listen. of Alabams. fnon I constitutional emenrlment didnuchisin the colored people. Col. Bus aye he wil diecuu the question before congress from A hiloeophic eundpoint, whether the en- gnnohilement of the negro \vu wine or un- wine, rad touching on the queetion of nu If:-Age thmughout the country. u no I uuvy ul uvugy. L0.vt>o.\'. Jun. 16.-Someuning like I aon~ nation In created to duy by I leader in the chief government orgln diusoocialing itself from the Times policy of delay in the l ur~ noll commission pmcoodingn. lt. nvn : "Tho commisniou was: not designed to pron lhn agruriun outngca omurrod. but to connect xx-ruin individual: with thou outrun-s. When will this state of proceedings has reached 3" 'l`hoolthoInoI Nnpuoo, without mpoot lonot|.wlIltudai*-3 fuunll uldnn In `Ibo Ihruno ol Holland. L4-_\`|m!, Im. l6.-Unleos unforeseen event: should oaxur to chnnge the natural course of things. the Dutch crown will. upon the death of the now almust moribund King of Holland, full to the Princess Wilhel- mina nged eight yearn. And Luxemburg will become I rt of the German empire. Holland`: Cl\`ll list is enormous, and in uncured by the revenues from Homer. which are grater then the sum requir- ed. llorr bloat Roasted. " Nlw Yuan, Jin. I6. -Anu-chilts no excited over I circulnr issued by the Rodi~ ed A rbciicr Buml. It says that Herr Moat iaonolf-seeking rascal, who is Always on the lookout for money, and says he hu gone back on his tesuhmgs. It ends with an upped for all to join in Attempting to crush out nllloodorn in the international unr- chiatic and revolutionary Agitation," And the Arbeiler Bum! pledgeariuelf to carry on I "relentless varfure Against Most and to continue supporting the Anarchist muve~ meat in the futherlnnd. It it expected tho: Moot will claim police protection. ` Ila W I-koluoowboj. Huunuox. Jun. l6.-0no Gila I1: A drnnnnnl and nninl on An Serlouechurgeu Prelel-red by lhe`.\'ew York Herald Anullut ll. . NI-:w Ymui, Jen. l6.-`l`he Herald save. in regard to the New York hospital. thnt the conduct of the authorities is tbeolutely brutal. A young woman died there on the 9th inst. An aged women died there about the saune time. The young girl was given to the friends of the old woman end by them buried. In the xneantime the friends of the former applied elmoat hour after hour for information about the body of the young woman. end were treated in I shameful way by the superintendent who, when he found out his mistake. had the body exhumed and tent to the proper parties. _- gnu -4-us ---M U. 1-. u lIIO.III'!I'l. Inuusur. Hearts will be saddened here to day by the announcement of the death at Windsor, this morning, of Mrs. J. E. d`Avignou. for- merly Min Adelaide Noel. of Kingston. The news in u unexpq-etc-l as it is depn-s sing, and the deepest sympathy is felt for the loving snd devoted husheunl, and warm- l_v attached sisters in this uivuaion of I very happy home. The deceased was as lady of the klndlieot disposition and will he missed in umny circles in Windsor, where her acti- vity and cheerfulness her A gcuarul favourite. Mr. d`\\`ignon will have wide- spread sympsthy in his untimely bereave- ment, since to know him and his rstinmble wife was to regard them highly. The t'une~ rsl occurs totnorrow afternoon at ('hsthau1, me home of the sisters of the deceued. mun mmnnnu con or n ` *Ul"l' WOOD will be sold cllnn Atria`? The Late nlrs. J. E. l)'AIlunun. Ll-.`...o.. _:II I... _. I I-..A .I I ,_ w urn, seven cuter uuulu and sixty priests. l`he demi-_monde of St. Louis have bcu persecutedby_g, writer who signed hiulself , The Sear." Nut oxily did he th.-atcxi them with jndgment from on high but uni`-I he would do as little Jack the Ripper" buhiness. Yesterday the police rundown "Tho Seer, in religious crank. ` n-I In-cu ruuulvuu nurlio lll uuoob. ` The household (if the Emperor of China is to consist of 500 person: including thirty `fan burs. `tTIirty"ifIIib1`ellu bodrrs, thirty` physicians and surgeons, seventy ve u;atro- lo crs seven chief cook: and six! riosta. 6a . o - y P ' - lhe deml-_monde . V1.13. KIIIIIIUUTIIIDU. 50 Appointment has yet been made to the vacant ujchbiuhbprio of Turonzu, nor will Archbiahnp Lyn;h'2 nocceuor bu mined in the near future. A bublegrauu flom Rome `Inc boon received house this other. Tim |..m.-|u.IA ..'c oi... l.`............ ..i 1 '|.:.... ua,vuu wet, uul own soul to me nuns. When tho dominion parliament opens the addrplu in reply to the speech lrom the ` throne will ho n'mvud'by R. S. White, )l.l'_., Cnrdwell. and seconded by Mr. Dickey, .__M.l .. Cumberland." ' Nn nnnnintmunl kg: 1.7:: lnlun Innnlu on 9|... The spice at the Morning Paper: And the 1 Very Luna '1 oleunsme. ' The monument to C01. Willipms, -whp diettduring the North West campeign, will soon be erected in Pay! H-ape. - "Che:-rv Hill." .thu lam hlnnlrnnl nui. soon 00 umclou In rapt nape. Cherry Hill," the late Montreal resi- dence of Hon. A. W. Ogilvie, embracing 68,000 fact, has been sold to the nuns. H|An thn dnlnininn nnrlinvnnnt nVI\An- ska no Ioporl II Ooitrodhtatd. -...u I-_ In A .l....-A-l 1--..` CONDLTf;"0F AN HOSPITAL. Dlrulvhlollng tho` Blanks. . \'.\.... I._ In A u7,AL: Almwy hrtlor ox Draft. I0 avoid 4-hunm-. of Ions. N:-wa pcrs are not to 03:; this advertise- ment w thout tho express 0 er of Hun-tn & Mao-Iumu. An!dnun- HAnvI:n nr RROTIIISRR N.- THE VITH o#`1'Hs! NEWS. The Policy 0! Delay. I,_ In 0 ,,, IN MEMORIAII . Windsor. honor. Jun. ll.--II Inga-tad that Khtlounhthtuhud an that from Ilonolllhubdthat the Alldlhu rooollod tho dorvhiu hon $IIlilII Ind Wuly II: can nN,uuv IIIUICIIII Inrsrlugol, con- Ionru in Human. Th Haydon I bht nqnulod Collector In- to I It: oh! t. hum i kl olpnrnd I':%ld`IO 1::-nh.rIn|otio,n; 0 0 AVIW lllllg QIIII L11! nu nllod yuuuvlny th` rie: ad lm!!!) meal on danntl ha innrnn In Hnnun-A uuu cnnupu. a any or two uutwumu no and for none oonoubotun. and In hen the aunt hmughl It tho lnntrmnonl which he :3nlrod to uowu beuunnd with blood other nuhohncu which might luv: hoo:Ii`p.:Klooou: Dr. Youth: spoke ol (lab Inn oototonunqwo vonnim - dont manor And Id: the nu: Pml. pro oomplainod to his physician: that he was not uooivhg proper uucment. Mid urgod that he be aha IIl)'. A tow ulnyn lulu the lions wu removed And Dr. You- hr vmlo Mn. Nolan. pnnidut of the usooinion. ol the mutant his patient had reoolnd. It in add Mn. hlunlou uwend this knot `in I vary unooumou muanor. uonontln the houplul atundnnu from all blunt. and informing Dr. Youhr nut while (hi wu his mnnth lor stanulsnu At the` hotpibl hit cu-vioto would not be ru- `I ' uv -uu-u rlvl. uunpw, ul AIIIIFI college, to go to the hospital for tnnnnnt for an shsoou. He went to I print: wad paying 86 a wool. Dr. Yacht. after MI tiont [and been in hocpiul a lay or no. um 13 oom- mat that tho that on the bad had not changed. A day or two dtuwnnh he Ankntl for non: nnlInn.hA1tnn gm! 1- h... H... urvu Hum Illl mi (N sun. In December he udvluod Prof. olglb. of Albon college, no hounitnl for Innmcnl for An mum-. (`lulh Cases for Ml: volume. suitable for hind . will heron! by mail. pool-paid. on re- ceipt 0 CHI) each Remittances nhould be made by Post-Oice Dr. Youker Wlthdrnwa-Negllxouco nnd lnolvillty on tho Putt 0! n Horn. BIu.L:\'|1.u'.,Jun. l6.-br. Youtor, bu re- tired from tho hon `ta! stuff. In December h WM (DIX n, `Ihnrl tv\"nnA Londoner-A Are startled With Another Enl- dernle of startling Crlnnce. Lu.\'lm.\ , Jam. l6.-\\'hAt apAce the Lon- don newepApera nre able to epAre from the contest for the new cuuutv council: they Are giiing to whet is (`llllctl rether luridly the carni\'Al of crime. 'l`.'m eenentionnl burglAry, with A libeml use of revolvers, At Spell. A euburbnn villA. during the dinner hour. with AAA\'A2e Attempt on the life of An unfur- tunAte in tho east of London by A Malay pureer ofA atcnmehip, And A half dozen or more ordinary murder: occurring within three dAyA Are the buie of thie new Alerm. In the ineAntime the milk mAn. BArrett. who was supposed to hA\'e murdered Anal cut up A little boy At lirnllfunl, has been tll31.`l'Itl`g~ l, And no eetiehctory Arrest bu been mmle. A eimilAr one la the! of A little girl At Yeovll. These fnilureo to truce the cri- uninnl, coming upon the heele of the White- chapel horror. naturally create A pnnic in wonk minde : but it in properly pointed out thnt A worse result still is the etfect the In-wspeper discuneione And long reports of these butcheriea Are hA\`ing on the clue of even weAker mind: by im lling imintiun. For journAliAtic purpoeee I ltlnglend is one rut town, where everybody heers About everythin lnppening Anywhere. Anal the Absence 0 other reAdAble nutter gives A gloomy And hutnful prominence to criu.iuAl reports. n V53! An tho Illa For. Nnw Yon. Jan. l0.-'I`ho stunner Sagi- uv Yltlfuixt onus of PC9838. The Empress Frederick has such I huh! on popular sympathy here at present that the publication of the fact: will probably cnuae the tide of public feeling to ow to- wnnin Dr. Mackenzie. The empress feels persecuted enough by the course of event: In Germany without ndditinnal burden from the pic here. It in known that she per- son: ly wrote to her son, the emperor, A few days ago, uking him to put 3 stop to Hit march : revenge in kc-oping diva the Morier incident. UUIIUBU IICKCII UI.II" IWVU VUKTI UI IQIUK luliul` mous. In my opinion the empress bungled u badly in lmmling otf this nmve as Sir .\lorrell .\lz\cl:t-uzie uid in publishing the book. If. insteml of writing the letter to the coll:-gt-, she had quietly summoned Sir Spencer and or two other prominent men to Usourne. and had mule thenmtter A per- sonal nair instead of u college alfuir, I think the resolution might hnvp been sup- pressed." Thu Rlnnrxl Frcnic-rirlr has Innh A huh` IISIVSCIVH UIICII ll I`{ \`uU3[- A prominent surgeon,who refused to allow his name to be quoted. said today: It will be hard to convince people that the college has been actuated by Inntives of pro- fession honour and not by an acute attack of professional jenlousymltich is unmlonbtedlv at the bottmn of it. Few veople outside the prtfeasion realize what A low this is to Sir Murrell .\lackeu2ie. Y--t. the vote of the CU"gB`lIC|ieIl only two vote: of being unaui-` mnns. In nu: nnininn Hm mnnroxan m|n.v|u.l (nrl UU-`lvfll llllll Bllltl 'll,ll HID KIGFIIIIII \l()L" tors. The letter has not been undo pulxll: yet, but surely will be when the matter be- comes the subject. of controversy in the papers. The gmat subject for surprise will be the fact that certain well-known Il0cl0l`3 who depenl in A great degree on royal circles for patronage could have atlbrnlml to liar:-gun! such a request. A nrmninc-nt suraem)_\I'hn refmuul In nllmr Hlflly TCIIUCE 011 Inll). ' This letter was read to the college. and yet the college threw Sir Morrell Nmwkcnzie ovt-rbua,rd and sided with the German doc- Onpn Th. Inns`)- In... ....0 In... ......I.. ....I.|.' . U Wllll Ullllo ll` .\lorrell M'ackon`/.ie got wind of the in tended rebuke and invoked the dime: inter- ference ol the Hm real! I"rederic|t to head otl`tl1ere:w]uLiou u censure. The empress wmle n letter to the college through Sir Spehcer Wells heseechimz the members of the college not to take any such step, since it would seriously impair her posnion in Germany. This letter was written from Osborne on thequm-u'a letter paper. The empress imliuateu further that Sir Morn-ll Maukelmie wrote the book inqueation at the aolicitation of lleraw.-Ii and the queen, hilt` Llnst. nuy censure passed on him mus: neces- sarily rellect on them. ` ` 11152 lnlfur \l'us rnnul In {ha A-nllnnn un.l V BELLEVILLE HOSP! TAL'S ROW. Add] York. HHPIUUUULUIBII Hull!) [0 l'U"Illy. Un Satuplay night an nlcinl nnnonni\:e- uncut. was jmnle that the lhjynsl 4:-allege of cuigeoua hml Adopted A resolution severely censming \`ir .\lorrull Mfaickeuzie for publish- ing his book about the illness of the Geiumn limperur. This amounts to noticatiun than the most diatinguislmul body of medical men in England that they want nothing inure tu do with him. u:.. u......_n u-....|.-....:.. ._-. __:.',x .1 `I... :_ I An A pponl 'to the Queen And I-Iiripn-an Frederick. And All In Vuln - Profou- Ilopul Jgnlouoy at Won-k-lt seam: to Have Gone as little 'l`ou Far In This Cane. Nrzw Yank, Im. 16. '--H`enr_v l.zxboncT1ere cables to the World : "fhe key note has boon struck for numther big fuss: about Sir Mornll Mtckenzie. It involves a prqlmbly unprecedented snub to royalty. Un Satnrdnv niuhl An nmrinl nnnnnniuw-. ms connucr IS causunto BY ; THE nowu. COLLE_GE. - A CUT AT1pMoRRE1.L. A CARNIVAL OF CRIME- N0. 13. Inn-9 years owl In non! cloth binding will sen! by mall. post a paid. or by express. fl of 0"(|>(`nM.` 1 ro\`id`$ `he fret ht does not 4 cu-d one do lnr per volumel. or 8711) per w lumv. (`Imh nan. fnr mm). .mI..m.. ...n..I.I. I ceupt 0| um each should made b Pout-Omce Mom-y (mlor Draft. void 4- Ann! of Ions. N:-wamncrs con thin advertise- orulor. Mound Volunms of Hun-n:u`a \ |-`nun. for Ihru-9 back In non! cloth binding will be by max]. noauua nald. or bw exnrosa. frms The Volumes of the \\':l:KL\' Begin with the ~ rs: Number fur-lanlmrv nhmch year. When no Iimv is mentioned. subocri lions will begin with Illr Number current on t. me of receipt of order. Mnnnrl Vnlnnmn nl Hun:-In`: WFIII v Inn- I Cl IUCI . IIARPEIVS \VEEKL\' . , HAR|'|CR`S MA`}AZl.\'l'L |lAlll`El('S BAZUK HAlH lCI{'S \'()l'NG PE()Pl.E nu` .-_- 1-, ., _n _..n,,,,.-n, _- nlnlll uanu |\r1 nu I nu: I r. l`ouge free to all subscribcrs in tho l.'nlt.ed .~`tau-s. (hnada. or Mexico. I-`UUII IIUNDIIID (`.0ItD9 HARD AND surf cheap. Apply to P. GRASS. Wouhtnou. , u.;uua1'uA'ruu. HARI'IlI's Wluur has I well-established place an the leading illustrated no.-wup.-ipcr in America. The fumes: of its editorial vom- nn-uu on current pulilim has earned for il the run `t And condence of all impartial nuulcra. am the vurletv and oxcellmce of its literary which include serial and short sto- ries by the best and ritual po mlur write-rs. til it for thv pl-rusal of people K: the vritlt-.-it range or tmows and ursuits. Supplenu-ms are fre- quently provi ml. and nu expense is soared to bring the hi he-sl nrder of nvliutit-`ability to boar upon I o illustration of the clmngeful plialscs of home anal foreign histury. A new work of llvllun from the pen oi` W lLl.lA.\l DEAN llow|c1.t..~x. and one by (`-apt. ('H.\Rl.I5 line. will be among the lending features of the Ir.KI.Y of I889. ton. No more dumble or wclmnned instrument in (`ands thnnthoG. M. WEBER UPRIGHT. Moderate in price and unoxoelled by any (hun- dian inau-ummn moo- Inns. 1 Address: HARPER & BROTHERS. New York. I -l lANO RICPAIRS om: nqn 3 on Uprixhta and squares executed at the eber Factory. oornerot Princess and Gordon streets. Kings- No durable well-toned insu-umont. (`anndn thnnlha. M. WEBER l:PRluIl'l`_ ALL KI.\'DS OF BANK and (mice Rubber Slfllnpa. Dusters. Souls, l supplied by Hans- .-um & KILCAULEY. manufacturers. Bneot St.. Kingston. Ont. HOUSE with oi ht. rooms and extension kit- rhen `hard and so L water, with good smbling ; convenient to Queen`: College ; ilnmediute pos- uusuign. Apply on the promises. I25}. or M No. , , , , _ ,V I GWI` YOUIK \\'l.\i'l'El{ GI.()V'l-IS II \V` REE-;VE.~i`, King Street. ill) Sample pain to be sold an wholemle prices. V, - W, -_ ,, 81101 0.`! KING S'l`llEET. Apply through 1! his otllcc. A oanvement Queen : Uullugo immediate uosuion. pronnscs in Union street. butwuon Gordon and Alfred . Sta. THE Hls2SIl)EN(7l<.' on Simcoe Slrt-I, lately o.`0\.iotl by Rev. A. \V. Cooke; douhw house of mm: rooms` two callus: good 5.m1 and suxhlimz. Agply next door. or to B. ltoumsnx. at King at be`: Drug Store. nvsnuv vv HIIUWQBJV L . Tl: KINGUTON MRI B!20ADl|.` thunk- mu` Aohowlodgo n at CD from Bl y & Virtue. nu neonluon of non-Icon at the late llroou their prom nos. IMMEIDI I'M} l 0SSESSl().\I, if dosirod. that Brick Rcsidenrc. I16 Ridcuu Sire:-I. lately oc- \ u mind by the owner ; nu vcrunduh ulmclned to ouse ;also gmrdcn with fruit trees. Apply to MRS. l\'0H..E. `hidii 1151' MAY. um goud.~aubstAnlh1l house on Ontario Slroet. near l'ni0n. at rc- eent occupied` by Mrs. Deacon. rspplvy lo M 8. .\'UBl.E, I79 Johnson Street. t)Fl<`lCE. large. central. well ned. Terms re mmmblo. .I uss-salon immediately. Apply 'H0x." \VIllG. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. 'l`HA'I` .\'EA'1` l`\Y()-.\"l`()lH<`.\' l.x'()l.ATEI) ruA.\l1s:n\v|~;1.l.I.\'u -HUUb`l<)nnd rrenliscs. bounued by Sydonhnm. North and Bay Streets. Kim{3l0ll.i\IEl`cSel|I m~cIu)ied by Mr. Henry "1-nd.nr240n. `or terms apply to MA(.`D().\~ .\'El.l. & M UDIE jw _.____.- ._.:_, AOKN OWLEDGUEN T. It KINGITYIV HIDE nnlnnvun .5. THE .~I'[`EAM B.\R(}l-I Fl{EE.\lA`SU.`J AND Minnie Francis and City Of King- ~`m -. Tum! lgnrrylng capacity 380 .\l Pino Lumber. or NO tons euul zur tcumrnught. For further particulars npply to DA \'ll)a'0.\'. DO- RAN .9: ('0. (`AI{E'l'AKEl{ FOR THE BUSINESS (`UL- Ll-`UE. Boy preferred. ON MONDAY EVENING, 4 minim: money. and uuuupe. kindly return II t ; lhll otilge. `X GENERAL SICRVNAN-'T.V Apply {a MRS. R WADDELL. 82 Wellington suoel. \.r.:.uuJ.s1o\.ra:.a L.J..I.a.|..D", The General Bod Butte Agent. lnluntpooult of tskluou-col cumin Mung houlol. ooloounu ronu. huylngoand uliif oily proportion. Puuuo wlnhlnu buy or u"m_II'o`:ror|g..o IMIIIH odlnt udqunh opposrrm pos'r'o1monL _.r.__;._, THE A MANITOBA Ll_J.JHLJc 3 `BL.A(`KLocK-At Glenburliie, Jan. 15th, Marggret,YA'tu Glaufrd, boloved wife ' ` of _Willi|m Blucklock. Ir.,- aged 77 Years. The funeral will take place from her late residence on Thursday Afternoon, at an: o c|ock, to CatanquiCcmotery. Friends `and acquniiltsncea are rospectful'y invited to attend.~ M . HARPE R'S WEEKLY. WOOD FOR SALE? VOL. Lv1_n.- SPECIAL MEN_'r1uN." ILL-USTRA-TED. urn... 3.... .. .....1 `FOR sALE'. Per Year : ms" , `V * Whlfii SQ IJIIXUEHI III- Thoy an the hat. by your grocer for them. _T,T9'L T- D.IED.'_ tvI__|,_...A :PUllSh1. con- . The nder will * u 3- IICIICTU lac ' LI-rru Rocx, Art. Jun. |O.-'l`lIo wat- hound train on the Llulo Roch t Fort Smith uilrou! wu donllod ouo mile tron: Ouotk atordny. The engineer, W. A. Von. wu urlod bcnuth the wreck. The In and I numbor of otlnon Inn Ioriougly `minted. uuu ve IIIU euvluululu I Ulul. nus (II! III- ci wae toaeeeeeinate the Viceroy en the ` w ole executive oi Ireland. The Invincihlee received money from the league. Meeere. Egan. Byrne,and Tynan paid eome to Daniel lielane , Muliett and Brady. Witueee wee Iiepu to watch the movemente of Mr. Foreeter at that time chief eeeretary for lreleud. Joeeph Brady and 1iInothy' Kelly were to ehoot Mr. Foreeter while witnen wee to intercept ne oroeeiu the Queen etheet bridge, I lie Kelly an Brady endeavoured to carry out their pur- pose. Wltneee took no part in the i'hu-nix park luurdere. Mrs. Byrne brought over the two Itnix-no that were need in commit- ting thoee Iullrciuva. At a meotin of the oommitu-e of lnvincihlel held atenjhe Phteeix perk meniore e uentity of d and henknmce were lai upon a le. Afterward: more revolvere. demon end money ceme. nor IIILUFU wuuiu ue more severely created. Patrick Delaney, a convict in the Mary- boiough priaon, teetitiod that he belonged to the fcniane until September, 1882. The rincipal leader of the or nization were eeare. Egan and Brennan, r. Macallieter, John Lavey and John Doran. About 1879 a number of delegatee. includin John O'Con- nor. John Devoy and Gen. Mil en came from America. Jen. Millen inspected the mili- tary organization. It was arranged that am: he provided and the expenaee paid. At a meeting held in the Rotunda, Meaare. Davitt. Parnell. Egan, Bigger. Dillon. Bre- man and Harrie attended. Curley, at thin meeting, attacked Mr. Davitt for not adhering to the principlee of the or- ganization. After the meeting witneaa was told that the circlee were not oppoeed to the leagnemhloh would organise the Pen- iana in the country and an ply them with arma. Witneae aaid he had orgotten a por- tion of the Invlncib|e'e oath. but the print ninnl inn hrnnnnanlnnfn Han ulna:-an Ana eh. Nu Dlareepect Wu Shown to the Court- But It Mint Not Occur Again. LONINII, Jun. l6.-Upon the resumption of the session of the Parnell conuniuion this Inornin presiding Justice Huuncn said \\'il lism U rien'n article in Um'le_d Ircluml, for which he Wu summoned to eppenr be fore the court, exceeded I ftil` discussion of the one under investigation, but he admitted that there won some force in Mr. O'Brien`: arguments regarding the continued circulm tion of the 7'imn' pamphlets. He believed no disrespect was intended to be shown townrde the court by the Article, therefore he would not puniuh Mr. 0 Brien. He add- ed, however, that in future cues of I eirni~ lor nature would be more severely treated. Pntrivk DeIAnav_ A nnnvim in tho Mu-v. nu ma. [n`lKllE(l) IISNIY nu. 6'l`A.\`l.l-ZY. ` Sheikh Hnmed-Ben-Mahomed, to whom the above letter is addrened, is the Aral) '1 ippoo Til). The letter which was taken to Stanley Falls by a messenger, and which reached Brussels by net last night. is the only one from Stan ey which reached the cmnst of Africa. A number of other letters which the messenger conveyed to Stnnley Falls stillrremain there, but it is expected they will arrive in Europe in two or three ` mouths. I CIIIIUHIIBXL Tlxey prayed to God that he would ive me strength to finish my work. May t eir prayer he heard and now my friend what are you going to do? We have gone the road twive over. We know where it it good and where it is bad. where there is pleutv of food and where there is none, where all the camps are and where we shall sleep and rent. I am waiting to hear your words. If {on go with me it is well. I leave it to you. Wlll stay here ten days and will then pro- ceed slowly. I will move hence to Big Island, two hour: march from here, above this pllce. There are plenty of house: there and plenty of food for the men. Whatever you have to any to me, my one will be open with a good heart, an It hu alwnyl been tovurd you. Therefore if you come, come quickly, for on the eleventh morning from this I Ihell move on. All my white men are well but I left them ell be- hind me except my eervnnt William who is with me. (Signed) llicxnr M. S'u.\'u:\'." Nlhlilrh l'[AInn(l.Rnn.\.Iul|nn|nlI tn ur|-nun GEORGE CLIFF, Th: QIIQFQI Ilgnl largo` A-.-no \JBU|I' [U B|lU WCII. Emin Pasha has ivory in` abundance. thousands of cmttle and sheep, goats, fowls. and food of all kinds. I found him A very good and kind mun. He gavcnll our white and black men numbers of thin I. His libemlity could not be excelled. I is soldiers blessed our black men fon their kindness in coming so far to show them the way. Manyuf them were ready to follow me out of the country but I asked them to stay quite a few months that 1 might return lll(l fetch the other men and goods left at Yambanga. Tlwv m-nved tn Gm} that ha would ohm I-lo Wrlton to II Tlppoo Tlh W110 In Now In llruuolnu lute-routing Story. BxL`.~asr.L.~4, Jan. I6.--'l`he following letter. written by Henry M. Stanley, has been re- ceived in this city: Home of Bonaliza Muretia. Au. lTth. To Sheikh Hamed lien Mahunxet : From his good friend Henry M. Stanley. Manysaalamstoyou. I hope that you are in as good health an I am. and that you have remained in good health since I left the Congo. I have much to say to you, but hope i shall see you face to face before many days. I reached here this morning with 130 Wangwana, three sol- diers and 66 natives belonging to Emin Pasha. It is now eighty-two days since I left Emin l a.sha on the Nynnza. lonly lost three men all the way. Two were '?, drowned and the other decamped. I found .' t.he white men who were looking for l~.'n1in Puha quite well. The other white man, Ucssoti. is also well. |II<`..dn I... 2...... 2.. ..L.._.l__._- TIIFI LEADl.\'G U.\'DERTA_K-ER. Pnuwlu b"'r. WULIQLIMJ ,unonn.l.D1r UULII, Sunma from New York ever Sam: thorlzed Agent. F`. A. Folxer. any I at Brock St.. , ` Has a lot 0! Pox-`k Barrels. First-class: at 81.00 ,, ` uwvn In uunu. ` ` n'oo'r QUEEN st`. 7' - - `KINGSTON. .Wul:inzi4:n,Bnltdmoro And all Polhtrin North am New York, vh G.'l'.R. and N.Y.C. Rn. T. RANLEY. - - . Gen. Ticket Agent. ._..__._.___....___.j.....,..-_....._.___...n.. I was THOUSAND ISLAND aotrrn: 1 I -name. wmrmyn &0'denab`pra rm. To 0}}; KIi_'.`N_e;':-aivfthnjIQ}!`a, M LII) C arcoal in large or Imnl `qualtiliel. Swrm Sash. \ ` n S1-lectod And packed vclh clonnllnelp and care 7 0. H. PEARSON & 00., naurmoumn. 1")... ._ oh. I... A-I. ..-..- ._.-__ 0-.. .L ._ ~ CUNARD BTEAMSHIP COMPANY. E . n lun l.u...`. xv... v.._|. ......_.. u.....`_.a-_ A .. T TEE RATHBUN COMPANY _SCO-ND EDITION. WILL NOT BE F:L(J`!:J|_SHED. `AI lnglnou Iluod. D... A_I. I._ In STANLEY HEARD FROM. 13}; i:if;Eib.-;; |I\I\'r\ Iv v- K-ING_ST()N., CA"1\TA`I)A,` WEDNES-lN)AY:, B}'V [_1IIIN1$..i;\VN:UARY 16,1889. ch!!!) _ , - W. unto-dc olootodchtlnun iamkm . YELLOW axons. vnmow Tris; Use Peerless Brand" BALTIMORE FRESH RAW OYSTERS Going for tho Journs|I|h-OaIlIIg on `then u Wltncuoo. bozmox. Jun 16. --Mr. Runs. who vu youurdny committed for contompt oI,oourt at Limerick. In o`noIof Ithodmo; active mand- rnpomn urnsn. on nun 53.75. until lut Inmmor. who'll in In dismissed {or sending graphic pooonnu ol evictions. AI nuns In I; tho Daly Nun uennl I-ingl vrovinolnl popen. Irhln npomn have Ion boon drudln hing oullod II-witness. It la belle may will he lnnpl-bound before long now tint u innovation B lngu. Inuu II (15, Ill! IIOIOIIII IICFIIL` IV! over A 1..'r; end po ulou: region `nbout the Vlotorle Isynnu. not how the African- Areb den 3 would hue received Mr. Ste- venn wounlobe. ol oouree. one ol tllequutlune that could only be settled by going there. Mr. Slevone hoped. howevu , to not only be received hoepltebly. but to be Able to elllll the service: of King M-Went! in his eoerch for lnformetlon. end If the Stanley ex l- tlon ehould, unfortunately. he found to we reriehed. then the king wan to In naked to end lyie greet power and inuence ln delet- in to recover Mr. Stanley`: velneble jour-. no nnd rellu. IO 00 BI T. HIOVQIII IIIOIDO. ' King M-Wang: would, it was believed, he the most likely permn to know jun! win! h d become of the Sunlo expedition. n he wu keenly inureltcd in in movement He hld 5 half dllciplined u-my 0! man thou and \Vqud., sad exorcind doipot uvny Inn nonnlou: radon `about an um: um] Iuwuu (0 ulelr Wulll, Al It nome. Rnpidity in to be the first Aim of the ex- pedition. and Although splendid! ' equipped throughout with reurlnl of the nut pat- tern, only st the lust extremity will u tho! be tired. "He who goes gently goo: sale" in to be M r. Stevens` motto. Kl... |l.\V...n. .......I.I n ..-- L._|:-..-_I Ull- The domestic life of the \lAaeAi in A curious And interesting study. The people live in ltrula, much like the krule of ZulttlAnd. fhey make no attempt to cultivlte the soil. Their sole possessions Are herds of L-Attlo, which are recuperated from season to season by the cattle rAi.ling exploits of the El- MorAn. Meat and milk Are their dAily food. And the only tables. in (Act, up to A car- tuin Age. Up to About forty you: of age every mAle in on El \lorAn, or warrior, who, when on the war path liven in A krAAl with A hundred or two of his comrades. And About the amine number of young unmarried wo- men. These young worm-n Are known AI Ditto, Aud Are described by the very few trnvellers who hove seen them, An Ilender and well formed, with features distinctly EuropeAn. And in their manner AristocrAtio And |Ady-like." The duties of the Ditto are to Attend to the want: of the El-Moron, to cook the beef And milk the cow: thAt Are not input by the tribe for the support of the military krAAIs. In their domestic relations the Ditto and the l`:l`)l0l IlI form A commu- nity ol which. from our idea of social mor- ality. the lee: aid here the better. In cue ol `WI! the whole camp, r-Attle. Ditto and, All tnke the eld. the lorrner to provide susten- Ance for the warriors And the lntter to milk. cook And Attend to their IvAnto, At home. hlgnitlitn in in In clan `:--O .3... l\` oh. .. DIITOIIKII RIIIXI ulna. These Mun! wtrriors are the Apnchu of But Africa, and from them may be up ro- hended. perhaps, the only very serious nim- szer between Momlnua and the Victoria Nyann. They are I wild and exceedingly inbereatiug people. and in crouinq their country lively and dangerous, though not necessarily disastrous, times may be expect- ed. 'I`1.- .l...-_.: _ I::_ _: .2 \I,,, 2 ,- wucu, no to IPCIK, OI clvlllztttlon. Nevertheless. whatever Stanley : motive 1 for preferring the (Jungn route might have been, Mr. Stevens, After carefully consider- ing the question, decided ` to start for the interior from the eat coast. He elected to reach the territory north of the Victoria Nyenu. from Momben. following the route trevueed by Joeeph Thotnpeon`e royal geo- greplticel society I expedition in 1833 1834. through Mani land. Thoma Manual Imrrinre Am u Amnhu n` COMMITTED FOR OONTEMPT. Ul tuu nurnlrls U] Luv zurican EHWB traue. Among the many African travellers and explorers whom the World caused to he in- terviewnd on the anhject there has been A remarkably unauimousopiniou that Stanley `s ulection of thetbngo route to Wad:-lai was a mistake. The neral opinion among them seemed to that the expedition should have started into the interior from the east coast near Z.-\nzibar., While no- knowledging the claims of these gentlemen to speak with the weight and authority that always belong to experience, both the l|'or(l and Mr. Stevens thought that Stan lay, in choosing the Congo route, probably knew what he was about much better than anybody else could have told him. By this route the expedition certainly had a comparatively plain and easy jouniey to within four hundred miles of its destination. and up to that point it wasalsowithin touch, so to speak, of civilization. Nnvarthnlossn Whklnvnr Shani-v : mnfiwn [HE lllll. The point at which Mr. \`tevens will touch the dark continent for the purpose of carying out his work will of course be Zanzibar, and he will have to deoicle on the information gained there as to his future movemente-wlu-ther he shall proceed to the interior in search of Stanley and .lvnin, 9r whether he shall devote himself to inde- pendent travelj for the purpose of describ- ing the native tribes of Central Africa, the conflicts of the (iermaus on the east coast, or the horrors of the African slave trade. Annnnu tho nnunu Afn .... I *7 ' '1" """ Y No. II MARKET SQUARE. FULL SUPPLIICS OF THE BEST QUALI- g:' E`bl)UR.llll F;od.0::Il`1oruqHBran. u- at out. A onn n . Bo4\"r'Ia. atto. Also I3 : pvtstnnlmn 030%! Wheat. 0nu_nnd Barley. J!` (Jun paid for fun. W. I`. BAKER. Corumiulon Ila-chum u crusade. W-p ' There is magnicent Work to be done in this dll`kIC0l:Il.lllFnt, ev,eu ehpnld~tlie'fute of the two famous explorers be cleared up be- fore .\lr. Stevens arrives at Zanzibar. To a rent extent the World`: `special correspon- gent will be left to decide nponhia on u plans on reaching the ground, though he` will al- ways keep in mind the fact that the greatest interest is felt in all parts of the` civilized world respecting Stanley and Emin Bey, end that his duty will be to reach them in cue they me yet alive. to find their records if they have perished. or to follow them if they are ihelzl M prisoners in the` hands of the mshtli. 'l`l.- .\..:..s ..`| .uI..l. ll- u.,_., __ _.,.-II lilcjbllst Stovoul Wlll tho!" `W1;--` 2 The Dangers as Win Run mom nu. Maual-l`ho Route Ho mu 1-uu-;an lntropld Loader. New Youx, Jan. Hi -The World has~ made arrangement: for an exploring expedi- tion into Central Afrix .i to obtain auchentiv news of Stanley and |~I`nin Pasha`. It will be led by Tlmnms A Stevens, who maule himself `fsinous by his tour around the ` globe on a bicycle, and "who is now on his way to Zanzibar. whence the expedition will lstart. ln um the two explorers shall have returned to civilized regions before Mr. Stevens reaches Vvadelai he will devote himself to an in'\'eat.igation of the African slave trade, against which Cardinal Lavin- perie, primate of Africa, is conducting a W -p TL... :. ...u..-..:.....o .:.--I- a_ L- L. _ .-,, [GOING mm STMLEK THE new om<`woi$:.o IS FJTTIN out A PAR rv. " V- Filling the Irish OIOII. DPIIJN, Jun. l0.--Mr. Goren. . l .. tor North Kildsn, not been nnunomrl to un- tern charge similar In that us Ir. 'x......... ""w ___. An Awful Act. Smquu.\'sA. Pm. Jun. l6.-At Suuhluo. ~ Ilqyno Co.. Pa. on Blood . III-I. John Gu-or, wife of n lnmbormn. lllod hot hpbc and than coummod uicido. and xwfvri II vi-IltClUIlCu I4).\'D0!,JIII. l6.-=A dupatclu from Tuuh utntu that no in ace in nttaohod M) the \ up-kt an! on the mbbon uruud than yubrdny is "Jnot the Ripper." Putting It on tho Bu-lion. Prrmnum. Mun. Jun. I0.--Paul Pnrdy uIdJouph Spun`. two wunn, while on their way from home In! light won Inna Into iunooibilisy by fteen naked Inn. It in Iuppood to In tho work of striker; nulu. uoowunnurtuunnu puI|wu'uuI` A to Indian. that may throw: of dia- t undo 3 duoont upon Iulcsa on in Munnuo, killing tin and wound- imt onn. noun, mnnn Tsmbr STORE, ll IO XLIDIIFI` Hill