SM0KEFR`E9SHTClGAR., A ELECTION our OFFICERS. Food for Fnnelxlng Hugs. Al `|.nn.. I.. POULTRY FOR MARKET. \V. B. u Will Continue` All this Month. The People wm Get Bargains for the Goods Must be Sold; cu? IOW- lllll III ,0 Wlll I3 IOUY IIITDVIUON I` my thin `rut Csrpot 8510 by RICE UNI), ORR E ()0. JOHNSTQN &;Efc3 s. Dflli UITPW I5 (I35. VI IIUIII UITPIFI II (XIII. A chnnoe ln I lifetime to buy an-pen no cheap. All Anticipating hennekeepin . All houeekee re, boarding housekeeper: or hotaelkeepere. who uney have intended to w t till npring be ore buying eerpeu will enve money by attending zhle ale and buying their carpet: new. Dell and you will he ably unrprlued n! the lo'w price: for cu-pgu du.-. in nest Carnot by UNI). ORR (30. ___j_ 7 T FORGED P.LEAB|%NE%%0.UT Ml our ouolw III we urguu Iwcu on us; put In Udlllfll uuurlo II con pnoo. p CM-pen at cost. Matti at can. ` Union Curpob at out. Dutch tn At coat. Wool Carpet: 5! coat. '1`: ty Lu-pot! at coat. Bnlmonl Carpet: Al. mat. Bnuull Carpet: at coal. ilhon CM`p0tl at cost. A nlnnno In A Iifntimn In hnv tn:-nah nn nhnnn All .n`nInnO-nu L... Florida Naval Oranges, Florida Russet Oranges, Jaffa (Holy Land) Oranges, Manama Oranges, Valencia Oranges, Florida Lanaerdnea or Kid Glove Oranges. CARPETS: for cosr DURING JANUARY Plain and Fancy Cashmeres, Henrietta Cloths, Amazon Cloths, Armure Cloths and All Winter Dress Materials. ---:qo:: - --w, tr--v--v nan; 011! ohoioo of the largest nook?! pots in Central Ontario ut out pri: n Carnot: Mnttinn AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES- Previous to Stock-taking we are going to offer the balance of our Cousineau, Quinn & Corrigan, TIEIIIS "WEEK IN ULSTER CLOTHS AND SEALETTES We are interested also and during the present month we hope to sella great quantity Oi goods as we intend in February offering our entire stock for sale by tender. Our stock is still too large. The assortment of goods is stlll most complete. We have made still further reductions in prices in order to reduce stock. We shall leave nothin undone to induce you to buy. We have opened large quantities 0 NEW GOODS, `ordered nearly a year ago, intended for the Spring Trade. They must be sold this month at any price. We have placed on our tables, marked at half price 2, One Thousand Pieces of New Embroideries from one half cent per yard up. 500 pieces of Scotch inghams at 50. per yard worth 10c. Flue English Prints at 50. per yard, worth 10 1-20. ladies Silk Umbrellas at nearly half price. . Terribly redu:ed"Erices on all makes of Sheeting, Unbleached and White Cottons, Table Linens, Nap ins and Tewellings, Blankets, Flannels and all classes of Woollen Goods. Also Hosiery and Underwear at greatly reduced prices. -Special Clearing -Prices elf our splendid stock of Silks, Velvets and Piushes; also on Dress Goods of every description. All must be sold as we wish to see our shelves half empty before the close of the month Retiring Sale. R. & J. GARDINEB. VS*URP RlSING 7 'BARG*/KIN S ! Every Buyer of Dry Goods is Interested in Our Great Sale, which on eccount of the immense reductions in, prices, has been a great success, and has saved the public thousands of dollars. w; H. m1wvsn.212Pr1ncass-st. TELEPHONE 2!. _AI This in A rue chance to locum A good article 1: a very low p`:-ism: The Public Are Alnterestedin A `Affairs which Tend to Bene-_ t the Whole Community, W R. &xJ; Gardirier s' RICHMON5: ORR 82: co- alumina of III: IA!-aunt ntnni nf [hr not: in (Tnnn-nl (hub.-in .0 4...; ..-l... IS AN EVENT WHICH BENEFITS THEM BUYING COMMUNi'I`Y. GREAT O.A.ZB.PET s.e.i..# DRESS MATERIALS Dress Goods! JOHN LAIDLAW & SON. IM PO Rf\NT`: -A`: A v-Ana:-- uw-----5--I Just the thing for cold weather. Try It A1` THE BAZAAR. uju-u-may-up-an % BUOOESSOR8 T0 F`. X. COUSINEAU & CO. BARGAINS RETIRIN G CHEAP SALE AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. wrixcu omcxsu kin siruanu. As. udHNsToN aoo. OPERA H6UE FRUIT nun ovsrea MARKET l ER.~`U.\'S REQUIRING A CHOICE SUPPLY OF` N AT BOTTOM PRICES WILL SAVE MONEY BY CALLING ON 8. W. DAY. 4; Quota: A vnuanaau % In Pinta. Quartz and Small Regs. whichjudgaa pronounce the uent in Lhe city. ` Z T I I 3 I I Z 2 L Q I 1 ~ }_J_T__:_ B.9.'.Y_EP pl uuuuuuv uuu uuuot. nu uu; vug. R. THOMPSON, |r_ cntxn 1 -:1. \YIIlV urn Cxoimd envious imitations of its name And ap- lpearanoo. Beware of auoh. No addition to or vanauon from the simple name: COOK'S FRIEND IS GENUINE. Cholccnt (Indus of Pantry uul Funny Flour glwgyjon 01-nhnxn nol. Rolld QQ uollod Wholt. Cracked. Whdnt. GUI: When, Ontmulnnd Common! :8oodn In uuon. W. J. HONIILL. - BROOK BTRIIT --.. .- - V.--. - .-v-- .-v-y . V VI u... It oonmlnn neither alum. limo. nor ammonia And may be used by the mos: delicate conatim Nona with perfect safety. Ira mt auccem Arisin from its beln inetrinsicul y TIHC BEST VAI. E IN THE ARKE l`.u| wnllnj thnr. DIUIIB Wlul purluul nanny. LII! rlrlll utluuuvl VAL E IN THE ARKET, up well as thor- oughly adapted to the want: of the kitchen. han erxoimd envious mutations of its And lnearanoo. auoha Sole Agent. In Kingston. OOOK'S FRIEND BAKING POWDER IS A PURE FRUII` ACID POWDER. I strength and l4'ia.v0ur. The lmrierignod has this `dn received In small consignment of these (the nest lens in theworldi and will be happy to supply those of his customers. who desire something really choice. with A sample of the szune. AM.E.,B.EP_P_EN~ Unmixed wilh (`hinn dire:-.1 from their estates These teas stand without A rival for l Im'.y. Strength and Flavour. muieriurnod `dnv The Barnoova Tea Estate. The Loobah Tea Company, The Mecm Tea Estate. Established tor the purpose of aupnlylnsz pur Oqvuxr A C. 9-navy A In fhe Asg;m[Tre{a EstateDepT. I Fhn Du-o-\r\r\u-vn N".-un II`.-`on IlII\ In In)! \ll` NF.CKTYE,`I'JlI\iI;`E1iSlHIRTS, COLLARS,CUFFS, (H) T0 RATTENBURY S_ 7on6"-N70 n.ouEz_'roE{ . .__;__ -1 n-_.__ __;-.__:_-. ll -lgld -dd-I I_J -l-l -I-U \} & lhuuncrunmo Courlcnonunl. wu -u-:7:--uj: Two Car Loads of the Ontario Brewing and Mnltlnz Co's su_beri'or .- LY m A\Y`I\ nnhmmn -. un \Au| av: tugs however. if u bad man comes rdgng will make ' him one fur the .-mme price. "I'\ n 1 :- l'\ r\ 1- n n BOSTONL TWHAT - smms, 1` 00 III I/1.1.4 IIvt4V I/ll! AT] 09 OPPOSITE BR! FISH AM ERICAN HOTEL. A G005 l-t[arn-'3` ?Ovve;'c-o'a.t'1.\[ade to order for $13. I.............. :l.. .... ..... ....... ..I...... ...:n __.I._ SPECIAL NOTICE. Men's Fur Collars and Cu'ff's, Men's Persian Lamb Caps, Men's Otter, Se`al and Beaver do, - Fur Gauntlets, Coats, &c. All information as to prices cheerfully gfven. J Christmas Groceries `|._UlC5 dLHC OCH h 771:3AfeTBoAs- V CHOICE FAMILY & BAKERS FLOUR SEED: GRAIN, PRESSID HAY, GLO- VER AN D TIMOTHY SEED. C D- FRANKLIN IIAIIIEII InnAn- Beaver Ca es andVCaps, Alaska able Capes, V Oppossu.m Capes and Caps,` Greenland Sable Capes. l rude Mark on every package nuu Ann: uuq UV :3 nuycl I nr ALE AND PORTER n In_._ 1\_..-_;_ __: u_.....I I7-.. ...xx_\. x...I. :5`-"I": Fur-Lined Circulars, Ladies Fur Jackets, ~ 3 Ladies" Sable Sets. ml-.-Iuo LT KING STREET BAKERY. GI-`EOOEIRIES. LIQUOR. No. 10 CLARENCE S`T.. nnnul-re Run-mu Au:-Iuruu Hvvrvu 1lAxwrAc1'(uu-.'n av PRINCESS STREET, A man! In Ifinn-urnn oI'_rY I_=_I_.ouR STORE. _-.. nun -. nu. g-.--uunnn-..---. 7 " " I ONE DOOR mcmw CITY HOTEL. ' lI:'FUIsNISHIN(;S.` ?H&.dra.;:L EB:T%E5` KINGSTON ON ! I . TU MATCH ALL THE ABOVE. Mn A mmn-|: 1.01` (iv nu nuvnrnnnvnmn nnvv nnr INDIAN TEATST -vh|. (`Linn .1: ....n 1...`... 4L,` `nu: uux nu IIIU muuu pl IUIJ. TWEDDELL, Ii` nruxn hm! nuv r vmv I1. H.Eji.:h..:.ILK% - SHAKE- nr nnltl wmlhnr. Wollilxgton Street. L` .LJ_I-I. .I-V lnmxn sauna. Gypsum on tho Finn. In many emotions of the countrygy sum is extensively used in agriculture its (fground condition, when it is called lan plaster. and in: boat application has I lop dressing on meadows and pastures, and it is especially bonocinl on clover. In value for any urpoao virill depend on the percentage 0 fore` admixture it mn contain in its cru 0 naunaalt is Iel omfound entirvly pure. Pum plaster is composed of lime 33 per cent. sul- Bhuric acid 40 nwl wutbr 21 pvt cent. ypsum ~`.E.~'L-e in lnrgo quantities in Nova S(`()ll.'l. It is 0Xl(`l|ol\'(`l] oxportul; x:l~:oi:1 New York and other States. has nt-lion nun fertilizer is not perfectly uul-mmxl. but seems to con- sist more in it.-auttmoting and concen- trating ummonia from the atmosphere for the use of plants thsnin any special munurinl valuu of it: own. As pro for use land plaster is quoted vnr ously tn diifon-nt sanctions of tho vountry, ranging from 8! r barrel to 85 and u wan! per ton. uro psum, when - aincd or lu.-ated no this the water is ex- nellnd- hnnnman um nlnon. AI pus. ......a um: num um 01 pwuqz tor me your at moderate ti 2;. And yet we nd thousand.-1 w 10 keo a horse and have no real business for E: and do not keepa cow, when the cost of keeping a horse will keep two cows, and yet they do not see how th'oy can keep a cow. 1 wuruuuss In IIYL` `cars. If it mats $387 or ten years. it would be at the mt 01188.7() per ear, and the interest on the whole out y at 6 per cent. would be $90.22. Add to this at least four tons of hay, which has aver- ggvd in the past ten years 812 1' ton, ; one ton of straw for bed ing. 87; ninety bushels of oats at 35 cents per bushel. 831.50; shoeing $5. and it would `u be a cheap job` to care for a home, wash wagons. cu-.. for 01 per week, which would bring tholuricc to 352 r year. or the sum mtnlof 197.42 for t n Irnnr at u?3iii;i"t3ri}i;'ih'o"' n"c'e :1? 55:" `T total of 97.42 for t 0 mndm-ah: fimn-nu Ami um; .. v_a-ni per ned nelled. becomes the plaster 0! Paris mod yuan us nrrlvlllg I none. The cost of keeping a horse by the mosst of p<=rsons is l].1(`l'(` gums work in- auuul of vztroful figures. Mr. J. II. Andro, with :1. HOW to vnlightr-nin v the uninih"\tmi, ;::tvo rm-vntlv in Rum] I 01110 the f0ih)v5'i:1g(.H`tim.'ltA*S: If onepurcliasos a good hnrsv, 4 years 0! ago. for 8150 it is a good bargain. A top bu my will cost $12. ). <-utter $35, harness `J0, robe $10, hlzuikots 8?}. comb and hrux-ah 83, whip $2, whivh amounts tiguro 8837. Now if wo tako all into considera- tion those will Inst on an avera 0 ton ours. Pwhupa the wagon might Inst ongor, but it would need repairing in that time; on the whole ten yours is 8 long avomgo. as the horse might. be worthlasa in fife ears. Ifio ..,..,4. no-n .... `A-0 _--_. u ._---u ISIIUU. nhearts. IEXH 0, U1 UIU U('C(H]U CUB. Tho outbreaks of this disorder. in Aus- tralia as in this country, clearly tom-Ii that it is mn.~:mntl_v reproduced by ani- mals gnxzing over land on which disoa.~Io(l animals have dopusitml excreta or have themselves x-risht-d (U111 rotted. In l~ln,.;- lzmd, it has 1001] found that by judicious Il`M`li.sul'Pu in d(Sl I'n}`i1l r the carcasses uf thoso dying of the ' it may be nally slam]-;`(| out. ZRE3-n.OS-` Il Anna uvnnnnun Fanurtnrnnunnn . ..-u.-..- .4 unux gunnns/:1 \u' A s`l:Il'.l'.l'. In the test e.\'p9rimvnt.s under con- sideration. the merits of the two systems of preventive inur-ulntion were tried- that of Pasteur and that of P. H. H. (Joh- rig. The latter gont.leu1an`s system proved a failure. whilu Pasteur`: system scored a victory. Spam will not admit of I - teur's system being described in detail: suicc it to say thutitvonsistsnf inocula- tion with two different ('ultJvution.~ of the anthrax burillus. Thmo vultivations are of incroasing strength, the last con- fvrring complete immunity. The tubes in which this virus is sent out from I - to.-ur`:-1 Parisizm institute, the syringe un- ployed and the method of performing the inomlatinn are gured in Nos. 1, :3. 3 of the aocoml cut. 9 Tim m.H..-....l,.. no 1I.:.. .4:.......i.... :.. A ..- I REVE}\"TI\'E lNO(`CLATl(')K OF A SHEEP. `I - AL. A- A , ' ` irpun. Ul uzuu U'l'5ld unu \'uI'l()llB investi- . tiuns in Mark Lane Etpross, the evi- ( om-cw is conclusive that anthrax is due to u spociliv gvnn puison. and that it_is prnpugutncl by uniiiualu grazing over in- fected pastures. In` (l word. it. is bacillus imthravis that is Uni` vm1s0,of tho tiiseaso. and not the '5(-u:=o that gives rise to the gorms in tho )I0Od. At. pic` I in Hui nnnn-rm] r-nf in nllrxiuvn ,_ ..,.r... ._ .........- ... -uvuu. But now come titlfngs of tho value of protect! vo inoculation. as tested recently |n.N-w South Wales. According to a rvport of said mate and various investi- (mtimm in Mm-I: Lnnn Y4`,+nv-nan Hm nus, 1 MICROSCOPIC VIEWS OF SHEEP'S BLOOD. 1-. .... .. - Antlmraxm diseae mo_re or less oom- mon, has of late proven exceedin ly virulent among` the shee of Austr ' where all sorts of px-even ix-es and reme- dies have been resorted to with little or NO IllI(`.f`13.RR_ Anthiax. Thdthcommon Disorder Abct-_ lug` Cutlo ant; Shoop-Puteur'lSynteII_i of Inoculntldn 'soo_nu A new-y uncir- cumventlng This Vlrnlont Dlucue. n~{FonMATuoN_ mo. ADVIC: . oN' mopucg or GENERAL 1NTERE8T. Coat 0! Keeping I Hone. nA..b l\' I.._ BREAD,BREAD. ,We take the lead in Quality and Variety. You can get almost any shape and style. Our Home-Made Bread is the latest. Made only at FARM END GARBH 'rV_m: BRITISH Wmu. \\'EnNmsnA'v;.m7N.i1s. BIO; no P. I am... Are` {roe -`I-rom all crudo sud lrrihting mutter. Concentrated medicine on! . Cu'- \ tor`: Little Liver Pllh. Var um: : vary :3'.tort:vko:no pcln; no grip 5; no pur- ` The Lake Glvee up the Body of ltev. W. L. Pnrker. Uswmn, Jen. !4.-The body of Rev. William L. Parker, rector of Chriat Episco- pel church, wan found near the the mouth of Wine creek, which empties into Lake Ontario in Baldwin`: bay. on Saturday. and the myetery which {or more than a month put ehroudeul the diuppearanoe of the reverend gentleman was solved. At 9:5!) o'clock G. A. Smith, who livee near St. Paul`: cemetery, wee walking along the beach in eeerch of e place to get u few loade of fine gravel, his attention was attrected by an object lying on the beach at the wen-r`e edqe. Upon-investigating it proved to be the body of a man. and he haetened home and not word to Dain`a undertahing rooms and to Coroner Vgnwinkle. Dain e ambu- lance wan noon at the place where the body we: found. It lay lengthwise on the beech juet out ol reach of the waves. The body wan nnreoogeiuble. The heir wae ell wuhed from the heed. which won Iwollen to twice it: natural size. The hoe and noee were badly ecratched by oontgct with eharp etonol and gravel. Upon examination the name of ghg Rgv. William L. Parker Wll found upon the witch pocket in the troueere. On one o! the nger! of the left hand wan found tth ring: which the action of the woven had not disturbed. One waa aeeel ring with the monogram W. [..i ." end the other a emell bend of gold with the inecrip- ' tion "June $1. I885," on the ouhide. Both were identied by Mr. Hurry Parker ae be- longing to hie brother. LHU OIHCOII GICCIGTI l0l' I553 IPQ I `V. H. Edgnr. W. M.; Neobit Dean. D. M.; J. Plumley, ohuplsin; Milne S. Plumloy. re- cording uocretnry; G. B. Mills, nnncinl secretary; D. Henwood, treasurer: M. Snundenon,_ D. of (1.; S. McLaughlin, F. of C. ~ .,......... ..........- \JIl- ....... . The Loyhl Orange District Lodge. of [Am nox. met in Napnnee. on Jan. Nth, And electnd the following officers for 1839: H. Vnnknughnec, D. M.; N. Dew. I). D. M.; J. Mcuuinneu, chnpluin ; N. S. Plumley, recording secretary ; A. l). Dawson. tinctu- cial aecret,ury;J. A. Store , treuurer; Wm. Shannon, D. of (7.; L. IcGonn, lec- turer. The return: fmm the Ieverul lodge: show thlt ouch lodge in proapering. Dlatrlct l.. 0. L. of Drummond. At the annual meeting at Perth. the oli- cers elected were: John .\lcCulloch, D. M.; Jos. Dobnou, D. l). M.; John Burns. trea- urer: Chas. .\Iul.enagham. recording necro- mry ; A. l`I.Sn1itl1erImm, timmciul secretary: Joseph Cook, chaplain ; Jan. Hamilton, lecturer; John liubson. l). of ('. The next meeting will lw held in Perth, in January, I390. The Annual county meeting for the present year will he held in .\`mith's Fall: on ` the first Tuesday in February. Ulptrlct Lodge N9. 2. `I-'1-entice Boys. The Annual meeting occurred st Petworth. The following oiceru were elected: Den uis Smith, Petworth. D. M.; (L E. Hinch, Camden East, I). D. M; D. B. Valker. Hnrrowamith, (Jhapluin; \V. H. Valker. Harrowsmith. secretary; Cyrul Edgar, (Jamdeu East, treuurer; R. P. Coultcr, Camden East. I). `of (1.; Jame: Clark, Pet- worth, lecturer; W. Unlbraith. Camden East. I. (L; R. Garrison, Petworth, 0. G. if "E-b_if13".' IIINII _u1'nI.`_w'r uuucnv l I nun nu I uuruuug lungs. Thcrv `haw bwn muuborla-ss disma- sious. and not :1 few experiments mudo for the p11r[x)r:v of Hulill the question, Docs it pay to grind ant? (`wok fund for fattening lxugs?" The rllI`l`Ullllt1i.'lg(`UH- (litions and cxrvlxme-t:nm'('s lune much to do in settling the qmxstiun of crnnmny; and while one mrnu-1'. under ('<-rtuin (`ir- cumstancos, cuuhl food a L`unsid-rulrlo rtiunof cooked p;ruina.nd 1`(1`t'i\`v satis- mctor ' returns tin-rvfur, mmtlwr, di{~ foren y sitlluu-d, uu j.;ht not be able to do so without uctuul lms. Undcr f:u'0ruhle ('i1`('uu1.`lm1('-s umny lmvetl1oro1u.:l1l_\' sat- istiod tin-u1.s1-In-s that the przu-tico of ('0ok'Lng is largely 1-Ivlilablo. xmd otln rs from exlx-rixncmu lullyan careful have arrival at conclusions directly the re- V(`I`B('. That it in pr.u`tiL`ably protable on the majority of fanns to cook the food for large stocks of swine is not gm- orally couc0d(`d. Among the reasons for regarding cooking as impracticable. are the scarcity of lilulwr for fuel, the extra labor involved, and the gamma! lack ot xturna and facilities for cooking and feeding the food in its cookud state. L. 0. l.. No. 3.111. Nnnnneo. The oicers elected for I889 .~.u..... w u . u..-|.:. n...._ n nvuuu-uulnl "|)llHll[K`(l} Ul(`l`(`l0I`l` only vs-ry fut Mock hlltilllll be dry [)i('k('d. Du<'ks:1ml m*(\s1~ urv preferred svaldt-d. Cun~fuH_v umid -nttin,-: or bruising the llesh or [wreaking Hm l)olws. llJll|`llll`H. Yvry fzfxt nml ll.`!11(l90lI](` (`hi(`kon.~I nnd . tm`ko_v.~xpjmu-1'ull}' HP :1 little hi_;hcr whu-n d`r_v ]nin'kvd.:1ml from far distmlt. points tlu-_vrnrr_v lwm-r. Poultry looks u1u<~h lvuxwr wlwn (Ix-_v`pi<'k<-I than win-ff ` m-uldmlaunl "p|ump<~d;" therefore only vs-rv fut. I~l(X`l\' hlmlllul ho drv ni.~L-ml \\'l[llUlll UIVPII-lilg IHU BKIH. Aftorncnluling duvks and goose. wrap them in :1 1-luth zehmit ten minutes. then tho dmvn will roll off with lhv f(`1lHlt`| H. All pmI|tr_\' slmuld ho "plumped" nfu-,r pickingz. by fur uhnut two seconds in |>0i|inj_: hut. \\`.-:(<'1'.tlw11 thruwn into vnld wutvr and yh-ft for ten or twelve tnivmtos. \'.\.... PA .....,I,. ,.I. mm an Imus OI poultry 0 out . through l.l1_Q.. roof of the mou h to utllng brain with ya sharp pointvd knife. Leave the head and legs on and never drgzw the entrnils. Pinfeatvlmr youn tur- key_8.tlucksor eeaeslmul not be `led, but kc l, unti full edged. Poultry` should rofat. lx-forv killing. The usual quality H-ll.-e host S(':~ll(l(*(l. The legs and necks of turkeys and chickens should be dry picked immediately aftm: killing; this will keep them from discolonng ' when exposed to the air. The water for acalding should he boiling hot. Immerse the bird. holding it by tho logs. and lift up and down in, the \'.`at4=rtl1r1-0 or four times. Ilmnodintvly uftvr scultling clxiclu-n.~: zunl lllrl\`t`_VH. rCmu\'e thv thalli- ers, pint!-utlwrn mnl all, very cleanly and without breaking the skin. /\f'lm'm~.-ylnlimr (lair-ks :-.1 n-nncn uvrnn DI;-eviiunn for PI-epnrlng Pouldry for sale bf 3 New Yorklflilhlulon Flrlh. 7 An ordinance in_ force in New York city prolxihita the._eale of turkeys or cluckens unless their crops are free from food another substance and shrunken close to the body. This law makes it imperative that iqultry dressers should keep their pou try from food long enough before killing to insure the cm being entirely empt . According to t e comn1ission- rm o E. a 0. Ward. it is best to keep poul designed for market from food twenty- our liournprevious to killing to insure the crops being entiqely empty: though in some cases twelve hours has been found suicient. ICU] all Irirula nf I-u-null--up Ln ...6:...... NO L6NGER A MYSTERY. District I Lonnox Co. Lodge. .1. I ......| f\_....,._,. I\.`.. ..I_A I ...A _- _I IUUTH U138 [K591] IUUHU Bumclent. Kill all kinds of poultryb cutting. hrouszh the the man h to the S. OBERNDORFFER.