IIWHIIIAIICIQII MCI uuunuoout. NB.-nu an 1 unlnuucm . min by u 1hIr.ob1 uouruuu anon in: water. Agent. Grand Trunk Rallwny. corner Johnson ` And Onurlo Streou. mtxeu. . .nt 6210 a.m, No. II . . . . . ..nt.`s.mn.nn. M|xed.....at 7:l)n.m Mtxed.....nt 7:50 p.m. Exp!-can u-nine Nos. 3. I and 6 run sundnn Included No. 8 (inc: not run on Monday. All tickets good to return for thirty days. For rates and xenernl information npp.y to 'ETYI\`. A IV 7' A `Y? `QTY }THT5i9iX3f `KEY1 lUCI)l'(`El) l-`ARE l`l(`Kl'I'l`S will he on male from Manda) . Feb. Ilh, lo Saturday. Feb. 9th. lm-luslvo. and good for return unul Wednes- day. Full. l.`oLh. Pusenker trnlnn leave lho now (`An Pusan- day. Ft-I). 1.5111. Passenger Ihe City Passen- ger Depot. foot of Juhnauu Slrtwl. as follows: oomu IART. I (mum wnrr. |.m.; Quebec. 2:211 p.m. : Toronto. 12% n.m. The on] thmu )1 train service to the North` West an Brads Columbia. with only one ohnn e or cans. No ua-to|ns.Tmublm. onnn or No ur-toms.'I`roubleI. J. H. TAn.on, F. lfoxwn. B. W. Fomrcn. Ant Sun? An. Gon.Pnao. Ant. Sum. WINTER CARNIVAL; (row. 5:10 p.m.; Pembroke. 1:58 p.m. No. I Mixed leaves KingsLon7::i)a.m. mrrivo-3 at Sbxu-bot Lake 10:(l) _n.m.. and Renfrow 8:46 p.m. No. 6 Mnxed leaves Kingston at 4.1% .; dnzrivemnt Shu-bot lake at 7:10 p.m., ux-s_ ll. H` "mm elv. i51"Q."Ec.""' " W M o .A. U s L .A. N D, ll unarool IALKB for All points 68!` and W081. Arrives Ottawa, 5:25 a.m.; Montreal. 8:15 Quebec. 2:!) Toronto. 7:28 only through GA 3. o. 7 Express lenvm Kin ton at l):45_K._3.. oonnectln with C.P.R. N ght Express n It Sharbo Lake for AH points and Ottawa. a.m.: Montreal. Inn onus nnu Ll';1l l`nV1 nuunn. Between Kingston. Peterboro, Tomato. 8!. Tho- mu. London. Owen Sound. Sault Ste. Marie. Otunu. Montreal. Quebec. and All points in the United States. V CTR? rr one: AND YOU WILL TAXI no 0-mun. New and Elegant. CHI no run on nullxprean Trains. No. 3 Expreu leaves Kin ton at 12:40 pm Arrives foronto 8:1) p.m.: ttawa. 5:45 p.m. Montreal. 8:15 p.m.: Quebec. 6:!) n.m.: Ren- frew. 5:10 pm. ; Pembroke. 7:58 Kinuswn7:1i)a.m.:nn1voe THE BEST AND-CTHEAPEST ROUTE Rntwnnn Klnonvnn Dunn-hnrn 'l`nIvnntn RI 'I`hn_ New. Direct. Shortest ulckest, Cheapest and Best Equipped All 11 Route to Manitoba, the .\'or1.h West. and British Colum- bia points age MU. .~`I(-craze passengers are booked to and from Qncenslown. Derry, lh-lfnst. I ondon und Gin - now ul aunw rules ma Liverpool , interim-dim v {mam-nga-re are forwarded to nnd frunnlnsgow and Liverpool by rail without extra charge. The Inst Iruin to make connection with the summer luau im; 1'0?! land IL-n.\'ca Ki ton evvry Wedm-.-uiny at H0 p.m., and to Ha ifux c\ or ' Thursday M1240 p.m. Alf inforuuuion rt-`farding Lhe selection of hurl hnmln ha nlruinn frnnx -._..\,.-..--V --...4- -a-4`, World`: Ticket Agent. Corner Jonnwn and Un- lario Sucuu. I GRAND 'rRl'!u: nrrv PARR`ltR nvrrnnvs | [Aria Streets. GRAND TRUINK CITY PASS'GER S'l`A'I`IOX\ ` ur"l'hl1rsmIy at 1:40 Al inforumlion_ rccarding berths can be obuunc from l'I'It\I. an tr 1 `II -1:-v MONTREAL- STAINED GLASS. K.&P. and O.P.R. l\'|l nu ur um - A.` ran-I.1A\vr.. (`abin-$50. 865 nn-1 375, according to nr`t`nn1- modutiqm. Inrcrnwdiale 81]. HM-crnjze $20. Ra-lurn tickets from Liver ml to Portland ur Hulil'ux-(`uhin 81(1). 8|Z5nn $150. ncrurdim: lo pmulion 01' ulutcruum. lnlcruwdiute $60. Steer- $10. .~`I(-crmze Imssenzers Front Portland. SARDINIAN . . , ....Jun. 18. l0l'I'o VERNON H. BROWN & CO.. Or no J. P. Gildnrrloevo, Agent, 42 Clar- ' onoe Street, Kingston. ` `BF ruwa. . Through Bills of Luling given for Belfast, Glen w, Havre, Antwerp and other point: on t e Continent and for Melitermnean ports. For freight and passage apply at (Jem- r :mv a Oice. No. 4. Bowling Green New ` ork. ' `7Ia`D\ll\\T II llDI\I\7\Y I. f`l\ lrom ner 90,11. n... new xoux. Sbeerage Lt Very Low Rates. Steerage 1`ieketa to and from London and Queens- town and all other parts of Europe at low est rates. 'l`l.........L nm. .3 I .A:.......:. ..x_ t-.. b4Il.._A. OTQQt-IJ \I&` L QKJ.\JI'd a ' Cabin-`-360, $80 and8l00, wccordingm no oommodntion. Intermediate passage-835 From Pier 40, N. R., New York. Khan:-turn Li-. Vnrv Tnw D;hm HI-Am-un- I`-L BU IVIA. . | AURANIA.` .._~.~- .. ..-.'-.u--vu n ALLIA.. . ; .Saturday. Jan. 19m. 6:30 mm. SERVIA. .. . Saturday, Jan. 26th. 1 p.m. ETRURIA. . . .. Saturdn.y,F`e` 2, 6:30 a. m. AURANIA. . . . . Saturday, Feb. 9. noon. U.\lB'R.IA. .Su.t.urda.v. Feb. 16. 5:30 n,.m. SERVIA ....Snturdn.y, Feb. 23rd. Noon. ETRURIA. ..Saturdsy, Mar'ch_2, 5-30 mm. AURANTIAJ I -- Klan-.h 0, ll Am ..--- -u--cu vvno)_ ` (CALLING AT CORK HARBOR.) The largest, fabteal and most maguicen `shops in the world; have never; loula passenger and have made the fqate$)16ssagea on fecoreia Oldest line in exiateuce. ' Brilliant Cut. Beveled. Silver-ed, `E)....L f)I_L- .- NEW ro/2/r AND L/mpoot, IIVAIIYUII A'l`n1\DV IlAI)l)I\I)x rpm II TBl]_Pl6AL sEAs,_ DUI/M?/?Z7 *v%TL7}17Ff .ALLA_1\T_LINE- WINTER SAILINGS. FEBRUAR;4th to 9th. rasr Exp/esu/L A35/2://05 `hon pr curve mm by nun; R A'1-gzs oAssAGm : hin._. mnnH`lm\ nntvu-tlinnf ' PAIAFHJ -- '0 ll?` RUIII - YOUTH BRUSH. ..|l. l:$p.m.\ . in ms n.m. .11! 6:10 am,` It cures Dyspepsia. Among the cholce Break- fut. Cereals mnmufnctun-d at "1 mr National Food" Mills. Toronto. which are huving an ex- tensive sale all over the Dominion. the Dual- untorl Wheat la the greatest boon to dysnemivs ever Invented. Onoomt of hundreds of testi- monials reculvetlz lhmltlyspopnin for 20 Years. I used all sorts of rcvnedie:-I until the years min l got your De.-xiv med Wheat. I gained 15 pounc s in three months and Im \`o hm.-n well for nearly live ears. but I me the food every day still. ' Son ve cents 10 my postage on sample to r- I'\ an:-n A gun a nrxau `I _UU uu nulcu uuun THOMAS IIANLEY, |l..A...o 1...... n,._...... u...._..._ _...a From Port Innd. AN Jun, IR, *rRAv EL}_.1Nu. V . From Halifax. hhturday, Jun. 1 n;u_~.ru- UBFUH _Z, UK)! I. III. .March 9, ll a.m. ll . ..|I 3:50 p.m. ..nt 2:05mm. ..u 3:31 2:05 tun. ..nt 5:06 am. In 7-Ila m CIIIZI DR. 0. IL DIOKSOI Q Prlnoun I-IDOL 1`. ON - our lxnnll 0300 TORONTO ENGRAVING CO. NBWLANDSIREID. 0` A man . Brook and mm .353: me`: " s'mo. Etr truocon n[9troet.Ioxtl.ot.ho niumnoo. nu. nvnuma us. uunn. um. IIUHIIUTAI {I I - muhuc ".'S'(."1..on"".'ia. .`.`3aR..'I3'."..f2 t ml 0 the Post Wolllnalau 3 to mu dud cool promptly Dluuu of Woman and Children as upoomu ` dglIoo-I) Pnmcua Bnucn. at Dr. Spurkl, ound. `Telephone No. 348 A. r Uc llhll`/D UIIIJILIJI V I55 I o A. P`. IIOVETY. M.D.. (}.hl.. M.R.C.S.l-2 0nwI-j-II Wont su-co thwodoon norll nf Prlnnnn EL. 1: I nnauni I I} {Inn-4-n. Q: '0 XUVEI I. fall.` Unis. I-K\u\lo\ .l'l 0rncn`-Il sun; thwodoon of Prludou 8L. In 1 oooup! 1 Dr. Gnu-nan. Telephone No. 818. LRILIOITOI no. UI'IIoo-t'uu'enoo direct or Home Post Oloo. noun TO um .s (`VCR OIHIII. 1 RUBEN} HI !!! V` U RACRIHIR. SOIJOIKII. CWKVUVLNOIII. K` Uloo--Concr King And Bloch Strum, mi? W310`: Dru: Stan Umoo--uoncr lung Wrlnbrua ton EMU V DU. J. M. MACIIAR. Barri-tor Solloltor. R'r`_ oloo removed to 8 ()l.ARE.'(`lc STREET. over (LN. W. Telcurrnnh om.-e. Money to Luam. omoo removed to I l2h|IH!3N(`E STREET. Telotmph Money l0_l40am.- -zvuu uv nu qn; yum-ugu \-u muuynu III F. cfTELAND & SON, OHURCH ST. TORONTO. { unn 1 no 1 n I . `firm nnuu nnd extracted without pain. :d81'AcI|t1:'nI. L D. 8.. comer ol. Prlnceal run-...u-n-x u. L1.r.m r.n I .1. Darn . dl u It 1.): Post on: glllnaazrn 3:332. I':3t';o!:DI.ivod oln Khlg . .._...... .-..-vv. . ....uv-_ . vi W M. I! U N DELL Bumn-r1':u. ac. um.-o- B-Hi-h American ute] Block. Clarence street Money to Lou_n_. J. EOLARK _Il.D. D.D.8. LI) S. Dmrnn, ordgwhn Yuk 0ol|e[u.o( $ .'..: 3.: au...""`1>.}";" ".'...7. mm: M-AnuI6iI' Aooomrrnn`. Annn-on. &c., omo. . Clarence Street. neu Kir_n SI. HIS. l"l$.IlJI'Ag Puuucun. Sunonon. aw. 0lce--No. IN. Vaughn Terrsoe. Pr[n3onI St. -..v..- . _...,,,........ .v. .. GILLEN & i1LL1cN, Ancnnwvm, successors to R. Gage. 0 mee- Onrner of BM:-(Lek and Bagot Rtruoln. .. . .. nan . nu lnrvl. IRA; IUD l.l4l4l'.lV, Urncll--l'| Brock street. non Wellington Itreot. 'l`elqphon3No. D7. 111! n nxv n :\ru I l.1\v `Vel]lna'tou Street l_{_|nmuon FUVVI` H AND HUI`, Ancnrncn and Building Surveyors. Omen n nu u u; 7 80:1: of England. ` Lmcunn Loner. No. 3:. of the Sons of Eng- land Benevolent Society. will meet in their new Lodge l{oom.cnrner Montreal and Pnnoeustn over Stmchnnl Hardware Store. the Ind an` N: Tuesday: of each month. High (`lau. F`ine|Art. Live Stock, Mechanic-A L'.\'nln THE Aral-Icms or `I'll! mus boom: or MmcuI:n'rn:u, ENGLAND, meet every other Friday in the Sons of England Room. Prinrcsl Street Next meeting Jnsruur 1811!. W. Hl'llllll.L. Recording Secretary. VIII` OI IIAIVIIBM I414. IL. aoucrron to. 0llIoo-(`Inrenoe an-ct, oooltolhe LOAN A 'ii.I.'.;.i'.{iJx:n.} i:.?m{.." `V " Mlnden. No. 53. on Monday. Fc'b. 4th. at 7:3 13.11:. Ancient St. John's. No 8. on Thursday, Feb 7th. at 713) .m. (`mu-nqu . No. 92. on Wednesday. Feb. 13th. ` nt 7:!) n.n_1. Boots and shoes. W. Aunts. mnfr. Men's work ll nltr Factory work on hand. Brock SL. near nrkot. l'1 Ul-Ulu I/U1l[6(`lvlUC'1'y, 170: 1`n:BI::mvn-F`ine groceries. ne and do~ mastic fruits. J08. Hmoocx. Masonic Bulld- lnm Mu-kn! mmre. Plumbing and Gas Fittin . J.G. BASTOW, practical aanitnrinn. P umb- lmz gas and steam tting. 349 King St. Tele- phone No.62. Tailoring. Fox LATEST Auuuux Snua, gunman-ed no In. e to A.` 0 BIunN's.ID Princess St..nbove Syden am ` Ct rs and Btlliarda. Homln 3.03., (J. B. and F. W.) dealers In choice cigars and tobaccon. Pooland billiard room- In connection. Ontario street. near Bur nett House. meauc ITIIIIL. J08. I Inga. Market Square. Groceries and Liquors. J. Hu.LI(uN & (`o.. 58 Brock Street. Family N grocurieminlwrted winumliquors undo an. VICTORIA Ammouslc. admitted to the In Bronze on Each Plug and Packaga. N groceries. im rted winoa. liquors and c admitted to the best place in the cit!!!` lg buygrocerlemcrockery, -Mna. etc. Tnos. J0h)\8. Tmmuev Buns. have xunov to their m-w premises. Brock Strceg. Market. quare. where they show the largest and uent tock 01' Im- norted and Domestic Llonom. Tana. nun. &.c.. rrwwgrapnic. H Hmwmcksnn. rhotoyrraphur. Enlarged Portraits and Views. 1-lntisfnctlon lI|lll'lIltLI.ld,. _ J. W. Po'Wr:l.L (`oples and Enlm-gee smnll lctures. all kinds, and nishes in any style. ur crayon ortrnlus an: entirely free-hnnd drawing; an we can make any change rc- qulred. Our bromine enlargements ore nished in cm on or nnunncrume and are second to uonu or line ulsh. J. W. POWELL. 165 Prin- cess street. 4.) .,__ Finaumal. Mom-2v T0 LOAN In large or small sums allow rates of interest, on City and Fann Property Lmms grnntud on City and County Debentures. Apply to Tuouma Ramos. Manager. Frontenac hum and Investment Society. rncI-0ppo- site the Post Olce. ._-__ V. .- --~~: Sllvorware and Jewellery. ' A. M. Blcocx. watchnmker. Jeweller and eu- gruver. has e'_ery facility for manufacturing and repairing ewellery in all its brancln-a. Golden Dlnmon Watch Sign. N) Prlnoeu St. Lney snow the largest and [most `ock 01' Im- fwrted Liquors. Tau. 71311-a. &.c.. n Iheclty. -. 1-. u. u'o -. `Jo l'.\'n|:n Ann-Iclm GR lnnma nr MA\l(`Ill`l`ItR, Emu AND mm-I p I A nuzclwu and aeweuer)/. F. W. Smnfncnnuno. manufacturer and im- porter of fine ewollery. 34 King Street. J. A. LEHEUP. watch maker. ieweller. 68B:-ooh: Iewollery. Street. A. makenjeweller. 68BrovI: BL. dealer in watches clocks and diamonds. ` SMITH BROS 3&5 Kink SL, lmndnmn-rm-n hu- clocksimd ai[1ii16ia: V SMITH 31:03.. 3&6 King SL. head uartorq for Wntchea. ranging In price tram to $310: an ` Buocx. walchnmker. iewellar And an. r I (_ ' ae: P. Wr:t.ua'Lrvn-.n1. too: of Prim eei'8t.. In the moat thoroughly equipped one In the city. having every style of rlg kept In A ret-clue livery. Special rates to opera end oommerolnl men. Telephone Nq. I0. llr..a_L ._,_ _.. USE IR.ElI-..A.1\T]D;S D-ESICATED WHEAT Ii mentja notice. ' Enmm Bnos.. New Liv ln eonnootion with St. Lawrence Hotel on K nu Street. First oh i in will always been hand on Lhefhorleat M: ( . . 'Mcc.umo`r` Buon, Kmgstono!-so ll : age. Livery nnd`Bom-ding Stables corner of Brock and Bngot Street; A new and st llsh outt of vehicles and excellent horses. Cu-was mode- rate. . _1gRQ1?Ess1oNAL Tomjzps. 0.157. ` ' '1`. C. Wlmox, :20 Clarence Street. the largest `And longest established livery In the `city. Telephone No. 179. Vehicles ready pl. 3 mo- montfa notice. Enmm Rana, Nnw mu." 1.. ..-........n..- - ._._ _.v_........... ...........,.u. u-nu. wan--unuu F V Livery lcstabuslgmcnts. ' r F A. Bxnuv, 129 Brook Street. the loading hack and lhjery stable in the city. Telephone No. 157. T. C. Wnsmw I`l\ lnnnnnn n-nun Oh`: `nntunnb mu ambun . Jnms Nomus. Pmprietoz` ' S001-r`a nun. cor. gueen nod Onmrio Sta. Squafaction gtmmnte . Fine liquors guggi cl : '1':a.f?,X$::`.`.;'a`.i`f. 1`;n;fman. md Donularhotol m city. on` La m (}.'r_R_ an `I-nun y-vyu ;u1I\l ullu ausuuug. n. culrmlu ANGLO-Aul:mcAN o1'u.. moot convenient. popularhowl 1!: 0113.0}: to to(}.'I`.R.. at: tlon and steamboat Ian Inga. Mas. Btunuuu II______, II .,,n-. . . \ Nuson BWITZIR. Proprietof. ` ' O1-raw; Ho'r:I., corner 0 Ontario And Prln can stream. First-class n.-commodntion; yand nnd amblln Jnms Nomus. Proprietor 00;. Quee_g_ _Stg n-u_A_ -.x-__ -- At regular hours. W. DOYLE. Manet Square. BuuN|:1-rlloUsI:.R(.)ut:|r1o st. mun-es. am; class hotel to 0.1` , and K. .1. uuuona. 'r Wmsow. Prom-ietor. Amman Hump. corner Queen and Montreal Streets. well shunted, with yard And nnblinzl Nuson Swrrzuz. Proprietor. I-lo'r:1.. comer Onuu-In nml p.-an [ IIUIUHI anti nenmurams. ' Inuxw Hous:-Beat qigarannd Hg uora M cal: Square.` ,BvuN:1'rllounl:.,0ntnr1o St... mm-ea- nut. on ALICE Mooxnuvgar mung nl \l`nnun-n And hllnln-n a nun: W000 EA/6 /M V/A/G. DYEING WORKS, PRINCES SFREEI`. Fruit. Con/ertwnery, J30. ll Bnmvn-F`ine llrocerlas. '3U1'T:_r"iiTuTcIiT}T rmn Ln. OInn-l`InHmnn an-4 NIWLANDS I. REID. I-Inna nun An-An:-in nu- __f171"3,1:: 0TI'Ii`YV_I-)IT3EOT0RY. - .....y..-.-.u nyy. nu. ..______.__.___,_______ Watches and Jewellery. W. Smnmcnnuno. manurmnnmr nu *_r--._..`_n,_,_-` ... Hotels and Rentattrhnlxr AND Houan.---Bar nfvnrnnnd u....m-. x` HOMGIOPA m Y. mxvria AND son. :01! And Bulldlnn Ru:-van m. omcnon. Ooxvnv CUT AND PLUG SMOKING :-: TOBACCO FINER THAN EVER. "izmii6V?KII" T. nmmanu 2.1:... n.......\`. TD0(:1'oR ALI}:-:33,- II Rrnt-.k an-4-M, nag: llraotlv unnnnita um 'mcNTxsrHY. run and AYQIIIVIAJ , _ .. -...,..... vv . Plmtograpluc. rcknns. rhotosmanher. I A I) nnrulnbnn lntmrnn kn, I - MYRTLE W TEN GENTS. Crevme dela Creme GIG;/XRS. 5 CENTS. "ii; I.T6.iJ nI&.' }.{.I;E.I..}.'.I ' V'rv mrod hr. .1. n. A 'or & ('0. S01 hynll )r}sgghIl. i'rlcL-$1; Ay`r s Cherry Pectoral, I111` H`lH`'. (IHPI .~ u\mlI|i.~slil'1-. I klullol `o'lound.d dud a an 1. '.'-3*" an "*....F...':....':':.::"` `.`::'.:' 532' 5 " I M `w y'?bcm. Amu um-Khiwu (`u0lIm'. Pnoum Dru . ` , A . In the verdict of everyone using Ayn"! '(,`herry-nI ectorul !6r' Colds, Cou_~;l:s, `.Bron.-hitis, Pneumonia, u.ndnll' Lung nnuhlus. Unlike c(')`dli\"cr oil. and many other specics, Ayn-r s (`ht-rry_ Pm-t'oral."'aii;reeable `to _tlw tnsiv kmd I . - - "1 . " .caws no I o;fY9(f!- n I ... . ' nuuuu .1 In: Ill I,;u_v;5 3,}. "I cunlgt say too much in pr_nisv of Ayur's Cherry I cct0ral,` writ:-s Mr. Robert F. Mt,-Keen, of N1-.\v (in-Inn. N. J. I Inmje uses`. it in m_' family, nnmy yajnra, and always with p('rf('('t s:m.~4ra_tImn." Ayt-r's Clmrry Pwtorul is truly the Most Popular Remedy ' of Hm ng--. l'(`II(ll'l`illL! full smi.s'fm-timl in a-\`v:".' in'~'mn<-c-."-'l`||nrut(m I`IuI\\ zu~ul.~`, 1.1:.- KING STREET. TORONTO. ff;'?9rt9%..IM. a!ifav*ivw.ii% 58 Kin: St. West. Toronto. eLEcTRoTvPESf SMOKE" BILL NYE ._`1IE.R 1:? cos NOi*ir7-{ _:- 14 KING UT. EAST w%-U-I-I3 `l-|`I THIS YEAR'S J JN E8 I 0B"S0ilIA L PA"I;LOB mm Atucloul Olu-oaoolit. L. .\1urri~<, u: n.,' In-nnlm-n, N. \., : " \'uur nu-lie-int-.~: h:u'- In-a-n sntix. `1'_\' In mu I|nrnn;_vhuut II1_\"]'ni"1r|im-': -i;_ul|_v .r\_\`<-r's (`he-rr_v l'(`l'l(Il`:tI,'W|Ii('|l mun us:- in g_n-at qlmntitio-~ by my uh. um` I! whmu says he knuws it lhis lifv. SMOKE ' Imh-. Int]. -SEE-- CIGARS. I Illl, lIIIll. ALI ITIKIIKCHIIIK ICU I!!! `"34 I1!- IIIn.!!I_ dams!-2%. d""3l `um. ........[ ;:`..;.;;;,..1 .-x....... ......~ mu. I'm very sorry (or thin lmlo Inlahko-o I tun. Indeed. And trlglntenlna the young huh and In Inm Oh: tlnrntlnnt AI-Ivnllnn x --qow I Illlll mum Iuu U-0I llHll1a' "Go on.` In said, "go onultt rm Inn It. Why couldn't you at baton you own blundoring into I houu with your lnhrnnl long whim Ihoetl Why couldn`: you put the ` qneulon before you begun!" u1Ivu,._ a_.n ., 1... n ..u . g IIIIFIIV Tattoo muh. Ilka Inlno. on the right arm I did hlm-I mun Joo. Ho did me." I drew up my chin And uhowod him In arms. whim and fro: from any httoo mu-K At all. ` Be In: Itupdlod. "Well-l -m-no-I`m duhod. And you 1ln`tJoe Morgtn at am, Lord! Lord! what I tool you must havo takon mo for." "I did. , - "And rm to go and local! nlltholittlo ncnn. unto, you hold your tougun about at Yokohama buxlncl. NI 3...... ot.......|.o .......|. -0 .L..s. n 1 ..'u . GLEMLINESS I8 NEXT T0 QODLINESS. Hot and cold Baths at All hour: on Hill: I UKUIIIIIII uuuut." _ "I tiovqr thought much of ghoul. I all; "now I Shall think mu loofthon` mu on my an. 1 mean, or coum"- Como, this In trlng. I say that you min- nke me for some pno olnl. What unto: you thin): mevJoo Mos-gun!" . Bouuu you Are." Nonnenu. How long sum you luv Jon "3'1*.3i'L.n- What was he like when you left him! Much tho nuns u you-unodxnonJoo.I look, reddhh bun lumpy lgun. tat checks. June like younolf." This was uttering. _ Only Jqo Horgu: did notwur I baud. "Had this dull or I Joe Morgan my marks!" u'l|-La.. ....I.. Ian. _.I_. ... AL- _!_I.A `H Ii L/all J UH I Ulal-IICHBIJ Good heavens!" I cried, almost be-side mysali` with rage. What madman is tnis, who is allowed to revisit the aanh in gnu-a clothes and torture an miotfending man! What have I done to you, devil or lunatic, that you should persecute me In thla way!" "He asks me what he has done! Think of Madagascar. villain of the deepeat dye. Think of San Fran, pirate and crimp. Think of Liverpool docks and Polly. Joe Morgan- Joe Morgan, you were always an hruena liar as ever stopped, but I did not think you _would brazen It out to me." A thought atruck me. You call me Joe Morgan. lam not Joe Morgan at alL I never heard of any Joe Morgan." He laughed. "I! you are not Joo Morgan." he aid, I will eat my hat. I mean, of courae"-- (`m-na QM: la ti-inur I -117 that Inn min. ILIBUIU HUM, IL` lllllll` (Ill HIS llllllll. "I allowed you to go away with the girl," he said, becnuse I do not wish to do bar any harm. But she shall never marry you--n- member that. Wrotch."`-he_roae from the chair and npprooched me with threatening gestures-"wretchI Was it not enough to interfere between me and her! You try to murder the happiness of another innocent. girl.` Can you ruthlessly" nml hnnvnnnl" I r-rind nlmnnt hnehln IL H117, Uuh Hjlllg IIU WUIWL Itook Eleanor home. I implored her to keep lilence as to what she had seen. I soothed and pacied her. I assured her that it was funcy-t.hat it was a trick of the im- i eglnation-that it was game schoolboy deviItry-enything to keep her quiet. And. thus I left her and returned. miserable and maddened, to battle with this demon who hul fastened himself upon me. A win: n|f.f.intr'ln mv nhnlr with hie nhnm- II-ll ll3ll`[Il`(I KIIIII-`(FIE UIKJH ILIU. He was sitting'in my chair, with his abom- inable head, as usual, on his hand. "I nllnunul \-nu tn an nnnv wnh fkn nip] '` I / With a rry of fright the fell fainting into my arms. revended that awful figure in its long white grave clothes. pointing its long bony ngers at me, but saying no word. Itnnk Elnnnnr hnmn I imnlnv-all har tn ll.|`L{lKt' HIU VVtI_\'l It. was pleasant! Tho accursed ghost WES setting his long foe: beside mine, keeping amp, an that at (wary fnutfall of mine there was a new footprint of his. '1 mm my girl half" fainting into the house. nun.-. ....... ;. A |r.....n .. Hull Illlnilng IHXU KIN` IIUIIHU. "What was it. Alfred? what was it? I am afraid. And see-sen. Oh! Alfred--Alfrc-ti!" \l':oh .. A-.. A` I`. he I... 0.-.1] J..:..b:...- {non BIIIIIII. flll H('L"-`("5 LIIII l'\lIl\'\l*`!\l|ll`|I.. With a cry of fright she fell fainting inm my arms. Between us and the window stood .-on -` hd|0u.nddnn|Ua'ai-h& \|upIhnId.!u-ph Aqlldnh-nqldutcn. :5 _ /N .44 I laI UIllUlL`\.lc "Nothing, Nellie; nobody. Who walk in bare feet except a carpenter? go in. U Alh-ml V chn nricul and fhnv Ara I 5U Ill. ' Alfred 2" she cried, am, they are falling still-tho footprints-as we walk. Take mo in-tnko me away I" I . ...-_ __I._._.`...\..| Tn- ........-....A ..L.u.L _..... b\.llI(lUlll) Bl&IP}K5u V\lLll ll UIV3 . ` Alfred! who has been walking along tb aanrl--there was an edging "6! red sand to ` m`a.vol-"`vvith bare feet? I hnl.-mi 'l"hm~n warn fnnfnv-inh-.1_rn~nnr HIVHVVI` VVIIAI LKUU IUCLI I looked. There were footprints-grent gaunt footprints-parallel with my own. I knew at once what was going to happen, and I trembiod. u\v.u.:.... \V_1I.-__ _-|_...I... T'l'|'L- -I._..IJ KTUIIIU. The specter, in the afternoon. seemed to hnvpleft me. I even forgot its existence, and" comfortably. At: 8 I met my Eleanor, qud persuaded her, not thinking of what might happen, to look at some new fur- niture in_ whaA1_:__b__vvu going to be our joint house. She came! Nothing happened until we went into the garden. As I led her up and down the walk, her hand in- mine, she llddonly stopped with (I cry. Alf:-ml! whu ha: Imnn uvnlbino nlnno thn VISHKU Ill) BUl|`_IIHu HUI`. 7 V ` ` What had I done to him? How was I to got rid or this accursed lunatic ghost! By v'9ba'E'pIT_i_nui charm could I lay himforever in the Redsea? '1'... lull -n.'n..--4 AC LL- LL-l__ -_- -._L L- lUI' UIIU [UBO Ul. Ill] lllallllll I|lU- \ What you have done, I shall do-and worse. I shall dog you--I shall haunt. you- I shall make remorse and despair do for you what you did td her and to me. I wl ro- venge myself-and her. `What hurl [Anna on him! Wnw Ina: T On W Tfgthfxig w maddening. If I fdrgob it for a moment. I hard a whisper l'n'my ear- I am here." If Imatlaged to x my atten- tion ou the subject in hand, that M-cursed voice began to remind me that I was neither to sleep x_wr to work, nor_ to havggpy pace for the rest of my natural life. \ ., \VhAf. vhn lmvn dnnn I shun rIn_.nnrI Tl%1cT\VlysAter%' `of Joe Morgan. |l.l IAIIU IVGI BUIIX The full misery` of the thing was yet to `HITIR, Cor. xsng sud` York an Toronto. Only 02 per day uslno Karby. hmntfnrd. By WALTER _BBSA_N'I`. THE-.BRIT%lS H WH-my M*Eni~I1aDAY. .t;\N. in- should Let in lnllowere I'llle. Chencee ol tempereture end weether fre- quently upset pereone who ere moet oeuful of their heelth end pertlculer le thelr diet- Theee oorrectlve, purllylng end gentle e r. lent pill: ere the beet remedy for ell do eo- tive won o! the dlgeeuvo orgeee. They engment the ep tlte. etren then the em- mech, corroclhl loueeeee; ce_rry ol ell thet le noxloue {mm the eyetem. llollo-.~ wey e Pllle ere compoeed ol rere heleerne, uenlxed with heeer neeuer, end qn thel. eo oonntere E:oull:-`lg, well edepted for the mug. del eyed. Le thet price 9- n-edlclne hee ued lune In the peel, no will It preeeue t In the lutnre by he re- novetlng end lnvlg netln qnelltlee. eed the lupoeelblllty 0! he dolng m. When baby was slot. In IIVO hot Cutout. When an. nu ohlld. nu mod for cow:-la. - when the bovine IIIII. Ihololunc to Cutorh. When lho Ind ohndrcnuho save them Onto:-in Ilpuruueuw lUI' use In sum: ll couungonvy. No details 0! the new process are given, but it is declared that it render: the boiling of sugar no longer net.-entry. and thus saves much that is nqv wanted. The raw sugar in put Into his mnchinemnd the rs: batch is converted into ronod product in tour hours. Altior that the process in continuous, the Im- chino working as long as raw sugar in lup- pliod. and turning it into rened sugar in nu hour tnd three-quarters from the time it is put in. Ninety-nine per cent. of tho saccha- rino mum: in the nw war in uncured. it. is snorted. and tho mu coat in only About W cents I ton. righlto an the proceuhu. It inal- legod. pound into tholnndn of I rm of Liverpool merchants. and startling changes in the sugar buslneu in the nenr future are promiud. -New York Sun. gun: _yuua VI Iuuul uuu IuH:.\uguu0u L0 (110 prooass, it is mid. and only his wife cm; In itinuvd into his worst. At hu private wm-k~ in; room he posted a notice that it was dumb ` for any one to cram tho threshold, and when he diod his acre: would hnvo been lost had not than inuorntad in his schema iusistod that he should make a written record or his experiments for use in such a contingency. N0 dlihl Of the HON!` nnmnu urn uivnn A queer story of an alleged wonderful dis covery by an Amaricun inventor and tho prnctictl application of it in (Jreut Briuun comes from a Scotch newspaper, Vrlu:-I1 vouchaa for its truthfulm-sx Thu disr~ovory is of: prooex-I for rening sugar by elem-~ tricity. and the invonmr was Pl`0f(`suI` Henry Fnvnd, uf New York, whose lnath ocourmd, 1: is said, last Marv-h. He was su secretive, it. in said. that has ropellad all at- umptl to facilitate thoworking of his pm on by keeping the management of the [nu- chlnery In his own hands, and he was so fearful that his secret would be discuvoreal that he sent the machinery tn Smtland pievw mm] from different [Am ohms muntry. He gave year: of labor and investigzmon to the nr-mun, it in mid and nnlv: hia win. n-nu . . KJIIIVLIIIIITB UUlll% Ull II lildll U! H UIIIHII luu screeching Ih(`lI|S(`1V'PS rml ,in the face with not. an auditor in sight. If the day is 3 hot one the reviler hnwls as long as he (or she) has breath, then proceeds to refresh him- self with aleasou or runnmglnd afterwards returns to the attack with renewed fury. A tight In which only two parties are c,-nrerncd usually resolves itself into mam hair pulling; ` the combatants when sopamtpd by their friends shout hack to each other malo tions and deance. The qunrn-l between Iahun and Jacob, recorded m the thirty-mt ` chapter of Genesis, when the latter stole away from Lnhus house", is a photograph- ically accurntn account of the truly (in- entnl performnnco which the Chinese c.-ill making an uprnar."- North (`hinn Herald. .. \ uiiiuiuzsu u uu ....... ..` .._. .. 5.. has been wi`nii',:i=d will {.31 upnii the street and roar at the [up it Ills \`ci<'r-. The art (if hnliuoin;:. as it is i-niiini iii (`hiiiosc-, is closely a.()(`illlt`(l witli thzit wt` i't`\'|iiH',}, mid the (`hi- neso wumeii iiro .\|l('il .`iLlt'pL3 in hiiih nstn justify the (wiiuiwiii ;h:it wliut tiiigx` liavu 10st in their fuel tiicy lluV(` guiiied iii their tongues. Much of this nhusivn liiiiguago is regardod in ii snrl of spell or (`lli\:-. A mnii whu hilx hail the heads n`m(i\'eil from his u-id of niiiiut `minis at tim (`i)tI`iliit`l` of the alley \\'hil'li l(\'|4lS so his iiwi-iiiiii; (inii pours forth \'()Hv_\'s of abuse upon the lllli\llUV\'i| >'euiier. 'I`lii.~' liiuuiluuhio \'nill<' ii:'.~t as u xiioaiis uf unlit`) mg` In tho pul-hr his loss nml his mn- scqiieiit t'ui`_v. thus fI`t`(`iii_2` his mind; mid, si~miiiii_\', as a iiruphyiuiiv ueiidiiig to secure him against the rvputiiii-ii of UM` uifeiiso. Wuiiii-ii iiIdul;:i~ in this [ii`uL`ti(`(` of reviliii: the stn-4.-1." from the tint mots if the hoii.~4-.~, and shriek away for liuiirs nt. :1 time until their vuivos fnii. Abuw ii-iivii-(~d in this wnynttmvts little pr no nmuitinii. mid one sometimes comes on a iiizin or woman thus .............i.:.... o|......(~..I-om. -mi ... cl... 5...... ....'.i. A1 QAIVC D 'I`IEB.IE30'J Amongn population of such unoxamplc-`d density, where families of great size are crowded together-rthreo or four generations,- with all the wives and ohihlron, under 011:1 roof--(xwxsions for qnurrs-I are all pervasive. The sons` wivns and vlnihlrvn are pxinhtlc snurces of (la-nu-sliv ungvlensantm-ss. Em-h wifo strives to make her hI1:.l-:1ml fuel that in the commmuity nf prop:-rt_\' ho- is the um` u ho is worsted; tho vhlcr wit'- l_\ nx|n1ize.s-mAr tl.t~ youngo? onvs, mud the l.'x,'.1m' n-l.1_ 'rh(- m. stinct of the u`o-tm-nor \\ .1 hh gri~vum~p is to get l`(`(ll`(_'S.~i .~ .;|1t\m_\'; that 4-1' thu Uricntul is, [1rstnfnll,t'nle-L lhu arid nt l:1r',;v know that he has n gri--V'nm'- A ('hinnnuI.n u hov hnc hnnn u'mn\:r.u| u-vll can nnnn 0|... .-o...m Rf HU HIUTU Ul ulnl. I have often wondered who Mr. Joseph ` Mgrggnn is, whore` he lives, and whafho has done. and how he managed to oflend my ghost. nm END. `. \ Will UU IIU lIHlHl't. I UUPU.` ` Then he disappearegl finally, and I have seen no more of him. t L...... l\1\-1 ...,. ,:.......I ...L.. 11.. r---_:. IEIIIII. . He sighed. wen,su-,I !eel that I can't gongainst \ your wishes. I promise. .No malice, eh? When we meet again, vggpich we may, there ` will be no malice, I hope. Than ha diannnmn-ml nnllv Am! I hum guluug uju) )Uu_l guuu upuuuu again.` `'No,`` I replied. \"I want nothing, except an assurance that I shall never see you An-nin vv ' IIUTIVUI` IVIIICU IJIBI4 KIT! HID. One word, sir," he said. Lam afraid I bz_1\'eu`t com well out of this ulfajr. ,I_{9jy e`poee-I only my _s'pose-,-I can put. you on to agood thing. It maybe a wrek lying In four or` \"'e--[whom-Turk's 'IsIuuds way; it may be hl_Il`im:l treasure; it may be only a pot. of money; it may pa coins, or may be ` smtm.-s; but if I should hear of it, and was to- cumo nml ufll yau, itvmivglm go some way to getting into your good opinion again." "\Yn I ranliml \`'I want nntluinrr nvnnnf um." r \ He began to disap;5'etT`. I to breathe mbrefreely. Then the shape, vhich had :11- `most disappeared. started into sight again with n suddenness which brought hack the horror which first seized me. 6-(1.... nv1\|~.' chi " kn cmhl ||Y.au-\ ...O....I.l I` LIB jlly UU ll, Ill Lucu Vhpll III III. "Certainly not: 0919, Qccouni. Youufo ` r. not to disturb her at all. - - I We'll, then, I suppoa I had better go." 7 Indeed, that is the only tfilng you can do. G0 at once, and have the goodness never to retxirn." ` u- L......... .. .'u..-...:..:.*.'. Tv;..anc:*x.1 4.. L.......n.- ` , `make Inlugs rvquun: ,pgu.uI Do! What can ,+ou.do. but go right uw?a.yI'` ' ' "Rhnll Y hn Enid. shall I nnnnnr tn. Hi: Shall I, he said, shall I appear 35;. tho young lady tonight after she goes to_bed0 `I L can anally do it, and then explain. it all. "r'Al*fninIv nnr nn` nn lccnnnf. You Am Pgigiijazinwaovsm -~L lCA_ p-u,,,-_._ Kidiptr or a ghost "what shall I_do now:-tbw Wmhke things squn.re,ngai.nP' ' ' ~ unnn unm. nun wm do. hm. ah .-xm. New Sugar Rening Pmoou. Qunrrc-ls of the Chinese. -, ,, ,,u .-_,, .-_., 1 -7.7" D BM! `II bhur I'ooth N ll Bulls`! nu `l`otnh%o..I.......... U ..5.'a"'."'a'`.`. .I"l .7 .`".3`3..`.'.`.x ?.'.".." .;`a"l":' .:::..`::::.:' .:"'u...'...x:' ' W A 3 . A 3 ;.;man' Sons J 0o.,A7;ntma(, Solo ARIN: lot Canada III`!!! 53! lI9-uU luv Iulpuru-nnluuy -PRl\Jl LIST- Ia|l(y'I Rabbi Hath esh BI'\IIII...Il D Eloy`: 0001 Ih...... ........... .. as `Gil u i ' MK 3!` 3-` - v wwwv -uuvvvvvdvvv Clown the tooth cot and volumes the enamel without I n . Nor irritates the Inn. (`An In and w u: not would wuar and ...:.':..".`..n....' "r. *:..'::.-:...:'..:v.';*"- W _DRh El l.lI'l'.. puru. ocoupwng Iwo weeks or lomu-r-~n parl- nlly nrnn-. 01 . Coupons available on any 0 our A aluum-ra un|lln`(lurlni M- ly.o,.5ndnydora anl u.- oouaryupuuu A tour In anuucn. HI tl. Cnnhaxenu. Bnvnnlllg Colon. Nlmrov , ` tnlcnmndlho Muoqulm (`oust Purl: gal) t (`I n ":4 en; curried. Address M I: 01010? PIN T Aifljgli 4-vv-cu QC! ocuvn nun-on union-I Nova! and unsurpnarod scenery. nnv climate olm\lnnnlo.TrIpa c-mbr.r-Ina from two to (0 not-tn. omunvimr lwo weeks or lonm~r-nnev-l- vvul nun ullnul pun- uu m cnuu 5 , nuv \ uuuu r I ohmlnnnlo. Trips pol. mmuprlng lonm~r-nro-I- nrruwu available on [hf A f'\ A V nnlnulnrlnllhb F. DIVEI_8;CO.,T(_)RONTO