Ant-ulrnvr. Olooz Anchor ulldl oval- gouadlnn lxpnu U0. Inuunoe from hot "Home. Sweet Home." `_ . ` Speaking of the Metropolitan opera [rouse puts me in mind that we have just produced at this magnicent theatre Wagner s Rhein- gold, and for the benet of my out of town friends, if you want to pronounce the name of the great oomposer like a tip-top sawyer, call it Vogner. not Wagner. All musical New York has been on the tip-toe for months in expectation of this wonderful production. Well. we have seen it, and now what? Well, if a man declares his honest conviction,what does he get? Numbskull, brute, savage, ignoramus, barbarian, sans eulotte,and every other choice name in the vocabulary. The production of this piece has (`net no end of trouble and money. It is a sort of mytho logical hodge-podge, made up of dwarfs. brownies, uomes, mermaids, mermen, Rhein gods and heiu devils, and all sorts of impossible an-l improbable moustrosities. A more dissolute set of ragabouds than these Rhein gods it would be impossible to conceive, and. as A matter of pub- lic safety. the very best place to keep such fellows would be in the bottom of the Rhine, albeit these jolly ode were no great lovers of cold water. he goddesses are pretty enough. but are not sate persons to let run loose around 0' n' lite, and if they lived in New York insteu of the bottom of the Rhine. the chances are ten to one that they would be picked up by the police and sent to lllack'vel2's Island as disorderly persons, while the princi l character would stand a cool chance 0 going to state's prison {or bi smv. `hsre is a dash of insanity about every- thing that Wagner ever wrote which gives evidence of a distempered brain. All of his later operas were produced for the delecta- tion of the mad king of Bavaria, who even- tually went huntin mermaids at the bot- tom of the lake eeining his palace. It may be that Bishop rkele was right. and that we are all as mad as {larch hares; if we are not, it would not take many doses 0! Vogner to make us as crazy as loons. In the nmdnctinn of tho .n'...~u of Mn even xur me wile 01 mo president. The Metropolitan thontne is the largoat ballroom In the city, but, large In it in, it was ocxroely large enough to contain the thousands who rushed to the charity boil. it was at good~notured crowd, however, and the show of diamonds and imported dresses wu oomothing marvellous. Our creme do In creme got nwoy early in the action, but the crowd was no great. thot their absence wu Icarcelv noticed. and the early hours of Wednesday were ringing out from the grant church clock when the hand Itruck up Home. Swoet Homo." \_ Rnnnlrinn Al 9):` linouuuuul-'9--. tnnnnq Int..-` I UFI. The list of pstmns, headed by Mrs. Astor, embrnced every societv ledder in the city. ` and President Grover (`ieveland was given a conspicuous place Among the gentlemen. The name of his Lovely wile. however, was nnta~ bly absent from the list, the only conceiva- ble reuon being that the first lady of the land would. on this occasion. have had to take A second place, as the head of the house of Astor is our acknowledged society queen, and she Abdicate: her throne for no one. not even for the wife of the president. Metmnulitnn Iilntin in flux inrnnnr nnuwn nu lII`VHl'lll wvmtn In come. A8 [10 one is barred who hzts 810 to spare, and as everybody wants to see our society leaders, with the exception of the two great. (lermzm balls. the Arion am] the Liederkrantz, and the ball of the Circle |"rnnouiae, there is no such vrulh to be seen at any ball in New York. TL- l:-- -t__.,, ,_ L__,|,I| u. . A Time when People Get Mixed Up a Lm1o-w.ner Music And In": Adan!!- , as-a-lI Artist -Who Made ll Show of Himself-A seone In Brooklyn. (Special (`.orresuondence.l New Your, Jan. .1!) --()uee each year fashionable New York` breaks its charmed circle, steps down frmn its gilded throne, and mingles with the common herd in the name of sweet charity. I don't mean to say that Mr. Arthur 0'Lesny will lead the (ler- man with his wife's mantua maker, or that M r. Hall McAllister will daneethe lancers with the wife of the geutlenmn who does up his wo,rship s linen. No, no ; blood is blood, and blood wi it _Y0,L1t: . 7 , an you can go totre clarity us , and if you`have luck. and know them, you can see all the-people in New York society. 0sten- ihly pig iron touches elbows with tenpenny nails, but in reality it-does nothing of the sort. l ig iron is still pig iron, and teupen- ny nails are still tenpvuny nails. But all New York turns ouL,.neverthelsss, because its the proper thing to do, and sweet charity prots thereby, scattering untold blessings to the poor. Among these gilded aristocrats are many blessed ang,els, whose appeals for help are ever heeded. because they give free ly of their own. Not the least among these is Mr:-. Astor and Mrs. Cornelius Vernier- bilt. ladies who are ever foremost in every good and charitable work. January the 8th was the day chosen for l:lmrity s hall, and. as I said, it brought out all New York. flue sale of the boxes brought se\`ern.I thousand . dollars, and the entire prots will not l)C known for IIv\e|`al weeks to "come. As nnn in Inn-n..I _.L.. l..... Qln ,\ P<> 4<-44 ... - ONE OF THESOCIETY EVENTS IN NEW YORK CITY. BROADBR1M SjLE I`TER- III! III! WIHI IUJIII "Ila. III Amount Inblorlbod I: 50.11!) Inna. ---u- ow uvyyu-w ywuu-ujvr. PuIn.Jcn. 9l.-H. Jacques ounpdgn oominmoe publishes dd nlhtoldouilou totlu election fund. . Ootnuohl Ind: the llot. with 10.01!) trades. The total nmnnnt nnhnnu-Haul In MI [III `manna 0Il IO[IO Olirod a Portfolio. Wm.vnIumr1-rm, 2523.. Jun. 2l.-l'ho fmuing lrnrzu, when proprkmt In n nlou rlond ol Andrew Carnegie, any: -that n onblngrnm from New Yo: nnnonnoon that Uonornl Hnrrinon nu oond Ilr. Cnrnoalo tho Interior uoorcuryuhlp`. . o l`IoIh (`uses for each volume. suitable for hlmli .will he sent by mail. poerpnld. on re- ceim u QLII) each Remittance: nhunld bu mntln hv Pmvllmnn Imuxm. Jun. 2l.--A eunvlct. boliovod to be Mullet. tho Invincible. in uniting onminntlon by the Punoll commlnlon in the products of thnt. court. He in carefully gusrdool by special otcon. and no one h_ pormmod oven to 3 near enough to him to uubllah his Idea Icy. Pelltlee In the south. Nu You, Jen. 2|.-Tbe 7n'l:uu'e Wheeling. W. Ve., say: the democnllc member: of the legieleture have deolered in debate their purpoee to prevent the forms] declaration of Gen. 00!`: election ee ;over- nor. end Governor Wileon declu-ee tint he will hold the oioe under the provision of the conetltutiom that hie term ehell con- Iinue until his euooeeeor le elected end qualied. un wuuwuu nu--u-nun LU.'s`l)0N,Jln. 2l.--In I lie: of the great- eut living Englishmen, which he been compiled According to the votes of the reed- ere of the Saturday Journal. Mr. Gladstone heed: the poll with twice on meny vote: as has been given Lord Salilbury, who ntande Ieoond. Mr. Gladstone`: number wuneerly 4(X),000. Mr. Irving in between Mr. 8 ur goon end Mr. Chamberlain, who wil he loaned to leu-n that he received about 30,(XX) ever vote: then the ICIDF. A Ilene-Bull CIub'u TI-onblee. I.`ll)lAN.H'IDl.lR. Jen. 2I.-At the clone of the season INN? the Indianapolis hue hell club manager: borrowed &*I,.">0(), giving an security the league franchise. The club made money but not enough to pay ite in- dehbeulneel. Some of the creditors demand payment. end lnve instructed their enor- neya to bring unit. In cue the proceeding is pushed it in understood the fnnchiee will be for u|e. President Bush, however, re- fuse: to dincun the mettec. rcnuuyivulua pimleu uu Wlln llllle (millage in Norlt, but it guve Brooklyn a shaking up that it will not be likely to forget. By I singular coincidence two great gasmm-ters of the municipal gas company blew up just as the tornado struck the city, and what with the ilremlful war of the elements and the terrific gas explosion many thought that the eml of the worlal had come. Since then the weather has been lovely, the air halmy, And the park: at green u in spring.--\'ourn truly, `Inn; nuutu unvu IIIIMJU I guns: IIIISKIKO. We have frequently read of tornuloes in y the west, Ind narurully supposed that they were entirely a western product, but. the other day we hml a rude awakening The tornado that left such ruin in its track in Pennsylvzmin paused us with liltledaniuge in Nnrll. lml. it (uni Rrnnlxlvn - nl\.ll:ln nn HIUBHIIUH. ` The departure of Verestchagin, the Run sisn artist, has given rise to a very funny story. I don't vouch for its truth. but give it to you as I got it. When Mr. Vere-,stcha~ gin started for this country, he, although a gentleman of extensive travel. evidently had an idea that he was going to have some tine bulfalo shooting in the vast forests that su|~ round the cities of BI`0okl_yn and New York. He thought a deer or an elk'migh,t be pick- ed 08' from the Brooklyn bridge. as they were swimming the liast River. while his chances for lreur were not bad in the regions of Central Park or along the shores of ('oney Island. .\lr. Vere:-itchagin is an exceedingly good-looking man. and he knows it, and his standing in the art world is assured by the fact that he himself has discovered the only true principles of art on which a solid foun- dation can be built, and that Vandvke, Cor- regio, Raphael, Rubens, Claude Lorraine. ml hunum ,,nu1.~:, were a lot of old fogies, who knew no more of the true principles of art than a cow does of a musket. He ex- pected to interview Sioux and Pawnees on the battery, and to secure the relics of bar barons Indian massacres in front of the city hall. He left here a few days ago a very much disappointed man. His assumption made him a laughing stock among artists, and his intolerable vanity _shut the doors or society against him, which if he had come less otlensively might possibly have given him a hearing. A few small shopkeepers and Russian traders invited him to dinner or tea, but our society people took no notice of him. and the great body of artists gave him the go by. This nettled him so that when he left us he considered us greater savages than when he arrived. He was thoroughly disgusted, and shook the dust of New York from his feet as he stepped on the steamer. There were not many to see the -renowned Russian artist off, hut there were a few, and among them an American gentle- man who was a sincere admirer of his works. The gentleman, as the steamer was starting, wishing him hon voyage, and handed him a box of very n cigars. Verestchagin took them, bowed in compliment, snd,looking the donor squarely in the eye, stepped to the side of the steamship and dropped them overboard into the river. I hope the story is not true. I thought Vsrestchagin a gen- tleman. If it is true, it is evident that I have made a gross mistake. '3 have fr:-unnnvlv rs-ml nf on.-n..i.... in an especial disgrace to the mac that a Jew should sutfer on the gallows though guilty. Rich merchants, rabbis, lawyers and thou sands of others signed a petition to the governor for a commutation of sentence. and the governor remembering that u presiden- tial cleutiou occurs in 1892 no doubt thought it might not he a bad idea to cast an anchor to windward; at any rate Reich got his com- mutation. 'm.,. .i......_...._.. _: 17, , . I ~ `.- ~- fund: to opou poulnnuu. H1 Jgn OI ___LI ,luu.n..' 4-.-u ll. I UUII I IIKC V uglier. A decided sensation of the week was the colnmutation of the sentence of Anton Reich, the brutal wife murderer. Reich was a Jew, and even after his sentence maintained that he would never be executed. Many Jews Add! York. DUI: I CHI] I IIIU (IUD C-uK8--Xiigneru--f-~> ' The critic of the Munval 'I'nne.c informs me that the music of Wade): is written in thirty-two` sharps, with occluional derni, umi-quavera and flats thrown in between. Seidl and his orchestra struggled ummfnlly -up to the fall of the curtain, which descend- ed Amid a storm of cheers in every living language : Kare goo(l,'l`res ban." Bullv fur you, etc-., etc., o c. Inn: musically nquelched, but I suppo I'll have up stand it. I don t like Vngner. A tIm`i|Im`I nnnnnrinn n` OLA Ilvuolp sun... 9!... ciept when he he: can ht the market short on Weatern Union or iuouri Pncific. Icnme Iwfny feeling like Cleveland when he roceiv ed the election news. The ` entl-uaium never touched me. I know I looked like a mugwump; I'felt guilty, but I can : help it. You may but me, crucify me if you please. but I can`: an don't.,like_YogneI=. 'I`l.- ....EL:.. .. Ll... )l..._`--I n.'_,._, 3 1- Thu Greatest Englishman. .... .. I__ (II I, , I:_. 1.1.: , _j-.j_----:. Ilnlloc. tho lnvllolblo. _. at A u . Buoamuuu. mason will join uurllj. II! $V0hQI. ll ncoounlulvmuuuuullllooluprbq ofwtoporconl. Ionuou. dun. xI.-lI ll Out! Inn? All on the English stool nil union have to form n trnnudlial Paul ml union will loin IIIOHII. Th Ingram.-1 lorm I Irlluulullli IIIIC illtlgl join tho ring. The movouou If nnemnlnl ill! nun III ulnnnng in mud... sum In-mourn Inn. Luxnusl. Jun. 2|.-Rlr Philip K. W. (`ur- rio. K. C. 1%.. nulntut nbncnury i ' the mice of Sir James m. under for he .uduo Salisbury : Intnovulnd huhuumhqpu to Egypt onnuocntnm. ' ` III constant nnn. ruor. Hound Volumes of [um-nu`: Ram-4 for Lhmo years b not in m-at cloth himlinu will be son! by man]. nouugo paid. or by ex prcws. (rm: of vxpunse 1 rnvldod `bu freight duos not ex- tl~(-ud one dolnr per volumen. fur 871]) per vo- llIIH'. I'Imh lunma !.u- ....-I. .-nI....... ....n..|.|- 0.... (en vuculnu. uur Union In would Iurnndor. \'cIhrdn_v I run `Mu the unoolJnck Jones. and ropuuudug himself to he on of Int tor Byrncn don-chino. wu urrnoutl. In In pocket: can found I soon or non letters. oonhinln duoriptiou of New Hunt women. wit notu uphlnilg when they were in the habit of Minding church. button oouoernlmv women In othrcmcu - were do found on his person. Hi: right hum H nnnnmnd In ha I. C. Hun-Inna, I-I. lo Ila Ju-It um lllppor 9-150 [anon the Polloo Fauna In Illa Pothole. Nlw HA\`l:.`l, Conn. Jul. 2l.-A for dnyu ugo lhutmuur English roodvod 1 5 letter signed "Jack the Rippnr," satin thut the writ" intended to nuke nwny wit twenty victim: ir New Hgveu sud tollld than F3: to Hurtford than he would noun ct to v inns. After which he would uurnmhr. Vnnlnnlgv A lnnln gluing oh. -.-..1 I--|. The Reeult nla III-pure About Ownership -.l Very Serlona Fatality. l`l\`.\V~'\'ll.l.|\, Jan `II. ~-'l he oicere of the l~`.nms\'ille and Bowling Green packet steamer 1-`. F. Dawes, which arrived here last evening. report a disastrous wn-ck on the Louisville. St. Louis 3. Ten: railroad luri-lge. acmse Green river, at Spottaville, K31, eighteen miles about this city. in Ihich tive meu weredrowned and several fatally injured. The facts. an near as could be an- certaiued. are these. Last Thursday the Louisville, St Louis & Texas mmpany wae ranted an injunction by the circuit court of flenderenn county against the Kriston bridge company from interfering with the plaintiffs trains running over the bridge. The order was obeyed until yesterday morning when the bridge company sent a force of men to the bridge, driving the railroad employ- ees ad . and at once commenced tearing up the track and a portion of the ties from. the draw of the `bridge. About 3:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. while the work of tearing up the ties was in prsgress. the diarnantlina of one of the draws caused the opposite end to over- balance, when it broke in two,rrtecipitati about twenty workmen in the ver. live whom are known to have been drowned. and seven seriously. if not fatally. injured by the falling timbers and iron. Later reports from the scene say a dossn were killed. Na names ol the dead are yet obtainable. __.-- Igruluu a Incl nun landoh. Jan. 92,-]! In and that I" of Hg In-Nah algal -all ngignn Lg-g `.13.! n- III!!! II IE IV. 00? II I'll! oldest child In: uine years ol . and the onngeet about two. It was discovered t at the bodies had been pieced under the hour and lire set. to it. The tracks of I mun`: feet were discovered, and four men followed. which resulted in the uncut of nvoung mnn muned Howell. He had in his possession on unloaded revolver. Pubic opinion inclines to the theorv that. after a crimlnnl operm (ion from which the woman died, he shot four children and set lire In the house to cover his crime. The prisoner say: he is innocent and knows nething About the crime. gaunerea more may touna we charred ro- mlu of in nu tu. The oldest child was nine valrn nl. , An!` ch. vnnnnnnl Trylvg tn Conceal CI-lune. Biuxutrlun. Ma. Jun. 21. --Snturduy night the house ol.\lr Minnie HIILI young widow with four children. four miles tomb. was burned down. md when the neighbor: gathered there they found the charred re- main M Ma Own nnonnnnog Th. nu... An Filopement uml Ilurder. ('i_Ii-:n:\z\r., Wyoming. Jm. _`2l.--Sheriff Hansen is in pursuit of Mrs. Alice Blood- good and lack (Wishing, who Ire wanted in Mintnh county on the charge of murder. Mrs. Blouduood is the wife of the foreman of the Haunsfork coal mine. Two weeks ago Cushing came to the mines, posing as 5 pugilist, and quit-lily gained the Affection of the for-ernnfs wife. and on Friday night they elnped. Bloodgood and some friends started after them only an hour luter. All were on horse back. At uhout midnight the fleeing couple were overtaken, and e parley was held. Blood ood offered to forgive his wife if she wou d return. `Will you let Jock go Y she demanded. Bloodgood re- fused, and she drew A pistol end shot him twice. While his friends were attending to him the 4-lopers galloped away. And it is believed Cnught an esstbound trein. Blood- good died Alnioet instantly. One of Se)'m0ur's victims is reqieclahly married in Belioyiile. At. the time Shaver gl1t`'(itiM`l`c he was kvepiug A store in Omcmev. the businu.-ss started with his then wife`: money. He came to B;-ih=\'illu on bnsiness, hunted up on girl he hmi formerly courted, aui was quietly married. Chief .\it-Kinnon, knowing Shaver`: character, fol luwmi him to Trenton. He had stopped with his bride to calionn friend by the way, when the chief found them, brought the girl hack to her friends, and the bigumiat was sent to Kingston penitentiary for three years. (`GI pl uf IL) each Remittances should be mntlo by Ponl~()1ce Money brdor 0- Draft. to avoid (-ham-u of Ian. Nuwunnnorn Are not In I`(II\' lhin ntlvnrlinn. mugmtriuu nurper we Rlllyple girl WIN] wondering innocence listened to the diu~ cueaion by the court nici s of how she was to be taken care of. whed nnllv the kiual hearted nmgistrute settled the nutter by lemling Police-Inan (Trites $l0 with whim to pay her fare home. She went wiphout A word I IL... K .`.....___.._v_ _.:,.:,,,_ . l I This is his sixth venture on the sea nf matri mony. During the hearing before Police Magistrate Harper the simple girl with V tube Ixinii in-mrnml unnnhn-..oA ....ool.t.I 9|... ...-o6.._ HI: Lani Eoapudo-Ilntr|ruoulpl Lllo In the V703!-A Woman Shooting Down "or llunlund-A Flu. and Wlnl the ` Evidence `of It In-vonlod. \\'un'm', Jan `2I.-(7oustnhle Crime, Preo- cott. has returned with Silas}-Z. Seymour. chrirgeal of horse stealing and big-uny. The innocent young girl, not more than aeveu- teen, stated that she met him two ' weeks A20 and that they were nmrriod the follow- ing fhursdav. Her maiden name was Fish - and her home in (iunauuque. Fort wed- dir trip they went to T_l`br-onto, where he got I rig and drove to \\ hithy. In aelling . the horse and buggy to raise money enough for fare: to liullhio from here ho got `into ` ntmume DOWN SEYMOUR,rGR.EAT- EST BIGAMIST or THE DAY. WHO IS THE FELLOW ? THE FALLiOF A amass. THE pnuoan OF cam. .j_--_. NO. 17. Tlu-. Vulumoaof lhe lhzut begin with the nu .\'umtxer for -humasn ul U ml: yuar. When no mm is llwnliom-d. mlhsoriplions will ha-gin with the Number current at tune of I`u(`(`ip'. of order. Hnnnd Vfnlulnnn nf llnnu--n'n D.u.u On. Postage {rum to all .-zulm-ribcr.-1 in the l niIa-d States. Cnumdu. or Mexico. I'D! IVCIT. llARl`|'IR'S \Vl'3EKl.\' IIARl'Ell'.`l IrlA')\7.l.\'l lIA|U |'IR`n` H\Z\l{ HAR|'K.R'S Y0l'.\'U PEUPI I-I ILLUSTRETED. }IAiu':n`s Ihzm will continue to maintain its reputation A8 in unequalled fnniily iuurnsl. Inn illuatrntioiis are of the highnot order. its lilvr [lure of the choice-.~u kind. l\'|Il its fashion and liousuliold depurtniaiita of the: most primin- cal and eonnoniia.-ul vliirm-ti-r. Its |M\lll9l'll~ Ilmot supplellieiits and f&Shi0n~|)lt|l6S iilune will .-uivu its rmders t--n Iiiiios tliv rim! of sulr ncriptiun. iuid its iuIiv`c.~i on d vnmliru art. !|0('l`\l ntiqliutte. house In-1-i-in . 11) -k ry. et mvtkn it indlapensnblv In on-ry oii.-ualiolal. Its bright. slinrt imirla-.-i, and llmuly essays. are iiniuiiu lhl` host pulili.-thud. and l1(l'a\ line id ml mitle-I lo its vulutiius that could 0lYi~iii.l the llII):4l !.i.~atinlluu~n l-I.-tlo. Anmg Ii ~ ntlr wviuii.-I of thv nut vuliiiiiv will lw serial alories li_\ Mrs. I-`rancc-q Hod.-swn lliirmi. Mrs Alt'\*ll| dt-rt Williaiii lllavk mid 'l`limn;is llurdy. and ii .`(`l`il`*4 pf l|J|[II N III] lIlIY'~Pl'\' llldlnl Illnl hi.` .~criL`~4 Mra. 4 H<;m'eopati1i<; 'l;}opu-ed 0000;, mmwlnllr, In nunnrlnr In Alli I harm an`-n In 8MY'1`lIE,SMI1;H(h LYON. Q`I:;_I::::a-rum. amu-noun. an an omu-it I.III) TII.0.C.LI.-IL c.'.IIH` ` ll-Vl.I0.I.A. . H010 Illnlh `_A(drou: HARPER & BROTHERS. New or . l l.\.\`U luCP.\lR:`~ of all kinds on Uprights and .~'qu\rus ext-ruled nl lhu W-be-r l"avlory. corner of l rince.~Aa and Uordon streets. Kings- ton. No more durable or WU-l0llL`d in-au-umenl in Canada lhtmtheu. M. WEBER l]l'l{lUll'l`. Moderate in price and unexcellud by any Cann- dhtn instrument ALI. Kl.\`l)S OF BANK and naive Rubber Suuups, lhlora. Seals, Etc... supplied by Hans`- NAN gt KIl.('Al'Ll\', nnnnnunwlurura. Bagut SL. Kingston. Um. GET \'0l.'lt Wl.\"l`ER (il.()Vl-ZS uh W` Ni-2l King Street. 3(1) Sample pain to be sold .11 wholesale prim.-s. 4__.. HOUSE with eight moms and extension kit- ohcn hard and .-mu w nor, with good amhlinx ; oouvoninul lo Quuulfu Culh-,(( ; iunncdi Hr ma- sossiuu. Apply on thn prumi:-u.~4 128;. or \'n. ISM Unicn Strum. between Gordon and Alfred ll. ' `HIE R{CSll)lCN(?h. on :-llmooe Street. lately 0\)ClA't`i0d by Rev. A W. Cooke; double house of mm. rooms` two cellars; R0011 yard nmi Iusbling. A ply next door. or to B. Ronlssox. II King & 80`: Drug Store. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Morrs HOMEOPATHIC I M M ISUI '-TI`) l'U-"5' Hri--k lttmiiln-111-0. II6 ll 4-nnriuui by lhu uwm.-r; I to muw ; .~d'su garden \ MR5`. .\'Un..I1I. Imuw also 5]` -.-w- - wuu wt-11: rum Hhonmvcus mums or Hum an 8011` W01 ID will hvIokIch9I|L Apply Io P. uluss. oothroou. 01/IV-{(314}. lnrguentriul, well mted. Qbrma rcu.~1on:Lhlu. Possession hnluediauoly. Apply `Box." Wmo. _ -__ W-` 7-? I H(U.\l l.-:'r .\`|\Y. than good. suhslu hnu.~u- on Unmrio Sir:-rt. near l nion. tn son! um-u med by .\1r.<. I):-uuuu. apply to .\ .\'Ulil.E. 79John.~n)n Hlruct. 'l'lIl*.' .\"l'|*.'AM MAIRUE l"l{El'IMA3().\' AND PU.\`.3`Ull'l`:`. Minnie Francis uud l`iI.y of King- 1 slu `. Tutu! carrying cupau-ily 3'40 .\l Pit '- Lulnbur. or U l`un.~I mm! at Sfvcu draught. H r furl he-r p.'ll`li('lIllIl`.`l apply Lu HA\'lUo`J.\'. l)U~ RAN .k H). A 'l`E.-\(`lll~Ilt. holding A third t-lmas on-r_till~ 4-mu ul'quulitk`.uli.uL for d. S. .\u. H. Starring- Ion. (`uunly of Frulxtenwc. Address. stating salary. WM. CLARK. Hk\Il(.`Fl`| l'.U. wooo I-`one sAt: A l`|'}W HIGHLY IIFISPECVTAIILE BOAl{l)~ IJRS tmmtlolnem can be accommodated in 317 Bar ric 8! met. Turing reasonnblml iLU'LUII-`III: (uunnmwr-BLAcK-Jun. 8th, HughGood- heart. ()gdon'lburg. N.\'., to Miss Mug- gie J. Black, 'I`hruoptmu.1. Ont. ` [M :\lEl[l '-TIC l'(>.~`.\`E?~`.'~'l().\'. if desired. [hut `rt--k l{u.~4i:h-m-0. Ridmm Strum, lulnlv cw. Vi ll|I.`\ll| umvk and Thmnnu LN [u|p"r um nur~-ry mu . Fhristino rurhunc Herrick. . ` ., ' if _ : ` .~`H1)l ().\' KING S'l`l{El'l`. Apply through his utllcu. --v-.v__ I8 nIuu:m' owns man the runner-I-'09 horotnloro uulnmlng hotwoon us. thunder- aLnod.uArchIlovuinIho `lty of RI ton. ha been this day dluoolr by muIu:Fcun~ um. Alldobmowlnrlo the aid Pnnnvruhlg nnvtobo and to W Ilium Newlundn, und nu chums Inn the aid Purlnonhlp are to be on-cum In him. who will mule the sum. Dated this lath day January. A.II. NU. W. .\'lWl.A-NIIS. J. B. REID. iv Iii(_}'i1C_\IYIEsT=ii:?t1"A-1cL1s: aomu). IIRS nmnllmnan) mm he minnmmmimul In 317 Mslrrma ol Orgng-J-men m 7:!) '11.! MKITINO of llm (`uunlv (?0nnui . _ Mllrrma of Omngemen `pm. of (tuunuv HARPER S BAZAR. VOL. SPECIAL MENT>1UN. HALIFAX. N. 8. J. B. REID. M.` - A-_L--l NOTICE on-3...- .:on"n'1g.; "60.. M\\'. than K)n1rl.|nl>sI:1Itia| aria l`niun. ul l)r`- \ Per Year: In I! I \' FOR SALE . T WAN*rE. _LV_11 1. T Miiuirmb. T_`L ?3T-, 330419-_ `.\r..\'.~IU.\. Ir (l(`Sll`C<|. [lull Ridonu Strvet. Intel! 01`- ; Ilnc verrunluh uI1;u-hcd uwilh 1': ml trees. Apply to oavuoavvywuuav 5 avyulvu \l\IVV especially, In nu.-orlor to any I have not: la use by In\'nliuln." 70!! BALI IIY ALI. LIADINO OIOCIRL IAIIII In nntluttl A Avg nun: vuu-I null [111 OIII. `V0 must noon t:'f:'vYQ. rn."'Z."'n.1uu an pnpund to moot u pooplo wit force. but someday we will go In than had` any: `Your kind In up; the time hoomo.' What happen when two 3|-In fort-on moot?" HI: nmarh Inn loudly chested. quuuon uuunu: ny Lloou. 'lll0lo victo- rho won not won by huluing nyor mus lap and Imaging hymm. I tgl you the law must be thronlod. We mutt tnmpk it no- do: our but until tho law oi nnuro ll- the world and night npromc. We cannot ob ul than M b puoubl W :nu:t rum-`I. ::':... ;s Th. ..: lo lay: the law In: to TI-uuplod [In- der l`ool--Cs'lIII| For Mon. 1 Cmmnn, Jan. 'Il.--Uotc Grukon. A ery onuchlut, uldreond a large audience in Q hall in I20: street. \'umlq. Among dlhor , thin he ulal: (`How did this to ubllc has half? Byzhloool. How wu tho avery quntlon settled? Ry Hood. Thole Vicio- rhn van nut Iron Im h..l.aln. mm... ...... uze II Inn on me IwclI,Dnl. will be lluncfr ed end completed end in expected in time for use the coming eummer. The length of theee ehip in 589 feet. which vnekn them the Iergeet veeeeie eoet: the breadth. 7- leet nix inchee; the depth .18 feet four inchee. with e groee tonnage of neeriy I0,(XX) tone. They Are built of Siemene Martin eteel. end end are iurniehed with two independent eeie oi trip le expeneion enginee, drivinq twin propel ere with mengeneee hronu bledee. In form end contraction of hull they poeeeee the dietinotive feeturee of their predeoeeeore, the Adrintic, Hrittnnio, Ger- manic. eL:_ Two stator Shlpa 03 the Way-l Iowlng tho Ihglnt Ilall, RIu.rAs1', Jan. 2l.-T:a new White Star a:eamer Teutoniu wan launched Saturday from the Queen's Inland yard. The com- panion ship. Majeatis. of the name style and sin is atill on the atom-ka.bnt will be launch- ml and nnmnl-incl an.I in --n...a..l I- 9:..- nulluw WII mum! on net person. sample memoranda are thane: Strenghl. failing hut. Shall I die? Bellew in to blame. "Peeling very strange, and feeling the name fcelin that Bellew gave me on the stage when la: in the audience. Say: he can kill me. If I die say it in his fault. He in my paaaion. He has control of my whole huaincaa. Ho given me to understand that l I fear him." Dllaa Colln lakes It Warln lor Kn-ls lhllew In New York. Nlw Ynkx. Jan. `2l.-EL-centric Miss Harriot . Coin. the heiress. whose mad infatuation with the actor Kvrie Belle`. tempted her to brandish knives and revol- vers and caused her sanity to bequestioned, created a disturbance at Palmer's theatre. Miss (`oin called at the stage entrance for the actor with a 3'. cztlilrre revolver in her pocket. He saw her. She raised such a rumpus that she was arrested. On her per- son was much money, and SL700 in cheques. She vigorously resisted being searched and violently kicked an otlicer. A notebook with many suggestive remarks about Mr. Bellow was found on her person. Sample are thine: .\'trnnahl. fnilina Iuurnlug. The body of I halfhleed woman, who died aeventoeu years ago, nour Luke Winnipeg, 1 wine exhumed recently. and found to be petried and weighing seven hundred pounds. An otfer of $.":,()0(), mada by an Americnn museum muuger for the body, has: been refused. AN ANAWRWCHISTS FIERY TALK- says: I-\or over thlrty yours I have boon drinking (`hooulnw and Cocoa. and h>n'o at various tlnwa must! all the pmpnrntlous M Poona In the nmrkut, hm I have nwl with nothing oqud In your prepou-nulon. Your m"Il`ll'ne second trinl of Thomu ('leary, the New York ex nldernun. charged with hu- ing Accepted I bribe fmm Jacob Sharp, whereby Ihallhocdwny railroad Kned his vote over the mayor : veto, commenced this morning. Tilt! hndv n` A Inalnnnn mnmnn -ykn II...) cu wr we release 0! nuwnra Harrington. James S. Babcock, Chicngo, who will forfeit $500,000 left him by his uncle in one he does not mnrrv within five yum. hu decided to submit All npplionntl for mar- riage with him to competitive cumin: lion. 'l`l... --...._.l ._.'-I -1 rI\L._,,_ 1-: .- Ly mnyo, | reloll rrom an otner arrears. The exchequer division of the high court of justice in lrelnnd has refused to conrm the conditional writ of hnbeu corpus grunt- ed for the releue of Edward Harrington. Bnbcock. Chicano. who will v IllllCrUlllb' lull control. On the condition of the payment of one ye;\r'I hack rent the Hnrl of Lucnn ho: offer- ml the tenant: his estates at L`ult.ebnr,coun- ty Mnyo, I relaua from all other Thu n\r~hnnnnr A313-inn nf 0|; kink .u..._o uculmuy, at Luuzwar. The Vundorbilta have bought the interest: of the late Dr Hotsetter in the Pittsburg and Lake Erie railroad. This givaa the Vundcrbilts full control. (In pl`- n,....l:o:.... -4 .L. ........__g -1 -__ Auulsuuy, AIIIICII DICH. Capt. \\'isaman, appointed by the foreign ntlice to perform special services in Fast Africa. will till position of consul qencrnl of (iernmay, at Zanzibar. Tho \'nn.In-kiln Innvn |.n....l.s cl... :..;......-_ K|IlU(l (`II [He 8 Virgil Jacksnu, convicted of the murder of Norman Melcahe in Augusta Centre, N'.\'.. has been sentenced to be hanged on Thursday, March Huh. (`mill \\'innlnun nnnnhuhul luv Hun `link-1:rDr| IIICIIL- , A home attached to a milk wuggon amp- pecl on an electric li ht wire which had fallen on West street, New York, and was killed cm the spot. Viruil Jnckmrn, .-nnvi.-Iml of rim vnllvulnr umucu Iulclue wnue rempuraruy Insane. The dominion government refuses to ud- Vise the govt-.ruor~genernl to veto the Iesuim ` rq-l.n..l bill passed by the Morcier govern- Illelll. .`ll.'.\ !7Il_ IIIUUKHL IN` '33 I `V "In K &p. William Daniels, quarter-inaater of the United Smtes ship Alert at Honolulu, coni- mittul suicide while temporarily insane. ` ilomininn unvernmnnt rnfnnmn tn Ad. -_ - gyyyvuu THO~l. .\'l(`.()L M.l).. l.LlI.. D.(3.l... of Montreal. wrlunuto III under recent date. can: A GREAT SHIP LAUNCHED. Iuulul ulul`) vnuuuw mm was lllletl. \ John McNeil, Mt. Holly. N.J., shot. and killed his ` brother-in law, James Dellett. .\Iu.\'eil_ Ih0ll`hL he was A White Cap. lhmieslm nf Hm KUW. _ Mrs. Jennie liarris. a patient at the W0- man : hospiul. New York, jumped from I fuurth atofy window and was killed. Jnhn M.-,\'AiI Mr. Hnllv NJ Ilunf um! uccu Inuuuu ; I058 .UU,UUU. A riotiu Paris occurred It In elecsion meeting. Twenty persons were inj re-d. |)a\`id Sheehv. M.P. for Um ann.h Jivi. lllvdllllg. Lwo.-my PCTBOIIH Wre In.) r| (l. lkivid Sheehy, M.P. for the sou h divi- sion of Gulway, has been arrested in Glu- ` DOW, The Spice nf the Manning Papers And the I Very lmlent. folexrunu. The Grand opera house at St. Paul has been burned ; 1055 $200,000. -\ n! in pnrin nanny-mu! -0 nu. ..l..... n.. uunnnu oxnnmonxr UUMPANI. suunu from New York eve "sunning. Au- . thorlzod Agent. F. A. Folger. erry Doc foot of Brook St.. Klmzsron will make some reduction `in thtfprice of some of their lineool lumber and sash factory good: Lhis season. We have ona burn frame mfeet. one 33 and 0110 40. A100 good brick. which will be sold on roasouble terms for` good gnpprovuiholcs. ` " mu I.` I) A munnu ruunn. \v\v vs'umng`um.Imumou and all Poxnmn norm` on: New York. via G.T.IL and N.Y.C. Ru. 1`. IIANLEY. - - Gen. 'l`icket Atom. THE TEOUSIAND ISLA/N1.) RiUTE BY ' Rome. Wale:-town Q Ouiiennburar Incl To`Utica, Albany, New York. Philade|'a. BREAKFAST -_ ` CUNARD STEAMSHIP COMPANY Sign nu.) n-u-n Mam Vmnly .........-'u....-.I.... - .. ATTMPTEb-H*55?u~c. THE RATHBUN CQMP/ANY i THE 9171+ D: THE NEWS- JAMES REID, |Il\`u lI\'II|4`D'I`A I.'IJ`|l v. u uvuzu. " THE} RATHBUN CUMPAN Y. MON DAY i.AEV.ENtNjG: JANUARY 21, 1339. KINGSTON. "CANADA, IIII IIOIIX WII OITPWGCII CV? III "3. I no `indebted to,tho ew orh World for the following lucid explenetion of the motive, which I know! will lay my mneloel reedon ender e leeting obligation : "Thie unoeoeeecry, and ee yet by W ohlz en un- recorded motive. they cell the olepuk motive, hoeenee it oooun ovary time in Wener'e vondorlul poetry ol primitive time. hee to ho eung end which treneleted into Englieh reede ': `Heleyelnole. Heile ohole. Welletelehe. Ylhen, Wellelele, 'nhel. " it le en eepoclel eetlnlnction to me to ley the older exposition of the Wag- nor motive helore my reedere by tho eld ol the World`: muelnel young moo. II it I uuooooe! I should eey_eo. At the oponing at the `Rhine eoenejhe houee went wild. Ileo pounded on the note, women ecroemed. boy: throw us their hete end I'll denoed. Wuhl too Ieved hie endkenhlel lrenllce y. end elother grove broker olnp- ped hie hendo. e thing he eeldom doee ex- V UKIIII K0 IIIIKO III II cruy IOOIII. the production of the ehcu of the Rheinaold, no attention appear: to have been paid to the comfort of any one except the com r himeelf and his royal patron. `lo p uoe the eifectol ewimmm on the water wonderful machinee have n in- vented. fteen or eixteeu feerhigh; theee rock and oat and dive and eink in the moet i!iueive manner on the watere of the Rhine. Mounted on the to of theee are the Rhine daughten. and the eeiing that eome of theee epritee experience ie very much like being toeeed ehont in a cookie shell in a high eea. Now a (ierman fairy in a very dierent thing from an Engiieh, an Irish. or a French fairy. A very moderate Germen fairy wei he anywhere from two hundred to two hundred and Mt pounde, eoiid beef. and a whiet hand of ty eix inchee in not unnam- mon. it took ve men to move every fairy, eo that the expeneee of the opera were enor- moue; but New York footed the hill, and the honee_wae crowded ever night. I nun imlal-teal mum .- ...|. w....I.1 llouoy brdor Draft. born-uid News rs are not to ('0 3' this Advertise mom them the express 0 or 0! llnwxu A ll-co AaMmn- IIARDIBH h nnnrnu-nu Va--