OHOIOI FAMILY O BAKERS FLOUR SEED: GRAIN. P838330 HAY. CLO- VIB AND TIMOTHY BIRD. A 1% T'I'IT'I A fTj"' "17 \m'.l' vmnlxwmlatinns are too t In ludo _\`uur u (-11406." Annth -r I {ha uxc of the words may be S|nuHn~.1's um`;-l nf Pen-griue .l1:lL\h(`d in I731. When the hero lfurms hie lady love, Amt-Ila. that abroad, the tours gmbml into her in war: At rvrwvf n-uinu 9..n..nmmI A Nnlluuul Song. \|In Y'uun Memento Marl. A_,_, _ .A-__ ,. Iv THE . CURIOSITY \SHOP. .___.__... H) `I l\'llX ;;l1t_\' than: 4 t t4)suj.'1'n;:t In uxrnunu Illllluul lJI'ill:I r f'1ftyu|1n(-r~s In tho nnln w ~um'6.~x in N10 fonmlu. in not alxvuysn rociutud i-,:.I`, as is shun: by the i. knn\\`utu ha-\'e had 11 ' u`.Ill('f`:l in weight. But 0 (`\'idl'[1'.`L! of suvh (`iiS(E Lie-L referred tn, grout `l2v'!'.'L_)' a.~Nv-iate-I with vxu--mli1|;;' Hm awrzngv. .1 .l .: .r_,_ I '1-igllis. .m \\ \i;:,ht.~e is inlure~`1ng mg; upuu tin-qm-.sLi..;1 Jr` :1 ll\'(`I JI"s\ lllllllflll Inmi-. 1. un Lu m, I-`I Luuxau, 1. gr;-.-11 'u1tnl1v<`tu:xliIy. l:'\'el<>]w ] by n. cuu1[ur- :1-iglzt of the male nml tho minimum weight In rnuvrn nf ln1..Hi. ax Ixl`'l' nu Ill 1' uuu"r;: s nf the average in .1 St`L`J.u.`i lo bu that u `.. I. ._. . ..c ..I W. H. UARNUVSKY. 212 Princess-at TELE PHONE 21. IURH-H.\ I c than it " . inn` is vquh - I_" H111] thrc-u;:|1' > in -ulvc the nu] ~ ("all vclxtus tux I4. .I., ucglv UK unwa- ht of ma female $ than the aver- s. If the weight no gauge of intel- ul-I, so to speak, tinzxllmavort-.gu .'ui1 11 um-1 lua- . ---1 H11.` IH I'll. I I} m f`m:.ln lam` -untradlc`. ion 4 o .`. .. .......... I |.l lb IIa\a.I IE- ut, vo num'(`s This is what '. tlnrty ounces n~ fruu-1 Ilny-r . ILILI Ly IJLLUCVB '1` {rum |J|0l`_V' tisiu-i:1 anmu, r\ of vv nun"r*s I... ......-A ... .. v-.upn.r1.~. :1 utulh-mu.-.1 al. If this [I Hf lift)` nu wnth n * Great Reductions during the month of January. All Winter Goods away dovgn in price. .9 cut-:;----nu:-:-_ Florida N aral Oranges, Florida Itmmet Oranges, Jatfa (Holy Lam!) Oranges, Mennina Oranges, l a(em'a'a Orange, Florida Lanaermes or Kid Glove Oranges. Plain and Fancy Cashmeres, Henrietta Cloths, Amazon Cloths, Armure Cloths and All Winter Dress Materials. .A.'I`V GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Previ.ous to Stock-taking we are going to offer the balance of our For the next week, before Stock- iaking, we will sell Woollen Goods at cost to clear. This is a Genuine Sale. JCDI-Il\TSTOJXl'8cCC)- , Prices all reduced to clear out our stock of these goods. Come and see them. Cousineau, Quinn &_\Corrigan, MEN S HEAVY UNDERWEAR --.A.1\T1D-- CARDIGAN JACKETS. All must be sold. Rich Gros Grain Silks sold at 90 reduced to 60 `Satin Merveilleux sold at 90c reduced to 65C. Colored Satins for evening wear sold at 455 reduced to 23. Black French Faillie Silks sold at $1.50 per yard reduced to $1.10 Better qualities at a still greater reduction. Thin is I an chnnooto secure I good an-tlolo at 5 very low prias: UHU IUI. uumul Hull UUOLUIIIU UIUUIO LUU PG! yalu, autual value 350? n One lot lznglish Dress Serges 90 per yard worth l7c. One lot Fine English Melton Cloths at 7c per yd worth l5c Also specially reduced prices on ,French Cashmeres and French Herietta Cloths. l A FOR REDUCED PRICES oiioizii CLASSES OF GOODS SEE DAILY NEVVS- Dress Goods---One lot All-Wool Dress Suiting at 12 I-20., worth 20 cents. ` One ilot Camgl Hair Costume Cloths 20 per yard, actual nnnllun LIV A Avnnnann -rnnannnnu Just the thing ?or cold weather. Try It A ! 4I`|lI. IIAIAAD FRIDAY, J ANUARY' 18. DRY GOODS AI` R. 'W'_A.LDRON S- CHEAP SALE} RETIRING CHEAP SALE LOOK AT THIS? SPECIAL - OFFERINGS DRESS MATERIALS BARGAINS Dress Goods! SILKS, BLACK AND COLORED. BIG BARGAINS OPERA HOUSE FRUIT AND OYSTER MARKET JOHN LAIDLAW & SON. Continues to Draw Large Crowds of Buyers. hRETlRlNG CHEAP CLEARING SALE. AND UNTIL ALL ARE SOLD THE FOLLOWING . SUOOESSORS TO F. X. COUSINEAU & O0. WILL BE FORVSALE. R. & J. GARDINER. zaf V6-ALDRON- `manna spawn: o \rAUAa-QI In Pinu. Quu-ta and Small KOBE. whlohjndcel pronounce the neot. in the city. 3` j I I L Q Q T Q L L I ~ ..l_ _T_:. B9E'.Y_P 1 s o N, lI)\7l`3lJI" A LARGE STOCK. BOTTOM PRICES, |AND A DESIRE TO PLEASE, Lll'TQ'1` A 'l"'T`D A (`Jr ATTENTION PRINCESS STREET, ABOVE SYDENHAMLST. Ivvnlnuuwu Lvvwuuv nu -uuuq No addition to or vanation from the simple name: COOK'S FRIEND IS GENUINE. om! FLOUR S+ORE. _.-.....- -A`n|I D A. nA6-nnn nvrnu-urn VALUE IN THE MAIULICI`. as Well as tho!`- oughly adapted to the wants of the kitchen bu unwed envious lmitauonn of in: name Ana an- Insurance. Beware ot uuoh.| KY- _JA:L.'-.. `A 4.. -..._.....'...._ L... and ma be used by the moat ueuuue consutu lions w lh perfec; safety. Its I auccenl Arts from its hem inatrtnaioal y THE BEST VAL E IN THE ARKET. well thor- omrhly ndanuad kitchen. bu THE PEOPLE'S Up-Town Grocery. .u .. - v.-......... ..u... - \I -- .,...u It contains neither alum. limo. nor ammonia and be used by the most delicate constltu lions perfect safety. neat Bola Agent. in Kingston. cqqxjg FRIEND BAI`(_{{I(_t__l WDEB A --...- .-...J.... . ........ Slrengtn nna rmvour. . The undersigned has this (In rcccn . ..`l a small conslznuwnt of these (the tnest was in the world! and will be happy Lo supgly those at his customers. who desire comet lug really ` choice. with A sample of the snnw. JAMESV REDDEN, vxvnvnvrwn-I-crutu rurnvsv-av-urn . Unmixed with China direct from {hair esuuea These tons stand without a rival for Purity. Strength nnd Flavour. undursiunod day rec.-1...`! The B`a.x-noova Tea Estate. The Loobah Tea Company. The Mach! Tea Estate, Vazabliehed fur the purpose of supnlyinq pvt III `I'll IIKUIQ I Bllllo O IVD. F`IR.A.1\T KLIN IlAnI2-r nlunn. r`h`A;aeareaes:at;oep?. N... n............. m..- 111...- U J3-I -Ida 5) -1-: ..I.v \J In Ilumnoruumo Oouncrnouuu. n:cxns,`f1'r}1S`z:fziiiiiT"s,Eidhacuws, H0 TO RATTENBURY S- vu -ujjj--j: Two Cu Load: of the Ontario Brown; and Maluml U0 : Iuperior A1 A T I21 A \Y1'\ I\I\f)fI'|EIf) g ('0: III I4lJ1Illl'4.VIJl'J I310. Onosn-I Bnn-Isa Auxmcm Hm-11.. \ll uv. nvl gags... l.owc\'er. if a bad mun comes along will make '* hm: one for the ammo pl`l(`8. `I"\ A I I` f'\ I5 I- I I BOSTON - HAT - STORE, A G005 ?O\:e;-o`o-a.t;'Ma.de to order for $13. ...,... :9 .. I....1 ..... ......\.. .,I,...,.. ...2n ._.;I.- IUUILIJ IIIJIJLIU UBIIILIU LUIIUHI IS A PURE FRUII` ACID POWDER. ,..L _, _ _-- Men_'s Fur Collars and Cu,s, Men's Persian Lamb Caps, Men's Otter, Seal and Beaver do, Fur Gauntlets, Coats, &c. J gir - MILK - SHAKE, 1. n [ha lhlnl Tar mld wnnthnr. l`|-v It _:_ YY; PAYl3ML -uu Au!` uuu \.AJ I -uytl Au: 3 ALE AND PORTER 1| l)l_o- !\-u--o- --41 G--all I?4u- unhlp-L I-.4I. Beaver Capes and Caps, Alaska Sable Capes, Oppossum Capes and Caps, Greenland Sabie Capes. MUST ATTRACT ATTENTION. V/In u -.....`- -v ac..-` `. rude Mark on every packsge Fur-Lined Circulars, ,` , . `-___Ladies"Fur Jackef, ` _-M_____; Ladies Sable Sets. `\ 4 I,,,...,.,,..,- All information as to prices cheerfully given. ul--I-q L in. H KING STREET BAKERY. an}. )6 02.4 .a;m; si. DDAIFII RHIFIHII AIIFDIPAII "(VIII GROOERIEis, LIQUOh.a. Jllil luv uuug nu uluu vvuutuur. II] II AT `|`|llI`. BAZA R. REES B 08. M A an-nu-nnnna an Int-rnnunnn `BEAR BOAS- PRINCESS STREET, A:-nn -u Iflnp-n A-u 7 7 7 7 7 7 T TI ONE DOOR BEl.()\\' CITY HOTEL. FOR A (`HOI(`E L()T OF nmvnn nunnnnvrvnmv nnrv ann nrn-vv TEE CELEBRATED Tu M.51`(*u .u.L THE ABOVE. 7rHEi_i,ARDERL_ 9Y_E3.AT_S_-_ INDIAN TEA..S,' -.:.|. nmm. .u...... 0-..... oL.Z. unu nu u v.. nu [nun "TWEDDELL, I.` l\1\t\Il nun 1\\l' r Innr I'll` . ..17'U?1I` .I3HP`I9:, BREAD, BREAD. We take the load in Quality and Vsrioty. You can get almost my uhapo and style. Our Home-Made Brand in the Intent. Made only at --ngquu---j-n4-a Wellington Street I-V -`LA-J-LL` Ihnnr EOUAII. I C0n\ruIl)(`u In tho l'nn'lr,. A useful contrivunoo In which to _lmop lznlvcs. forks and table spoon; ls apockgt tm'ka~d an the pantry door, made ofenunelul cloth and lined with Cnnton llanucl. the: th- tcriur bum-; mu-bed In small dlvlalom to ac- :-onnuuxluto thu Inparato utlclm. It is urged ru_nu u-.lvus:ta.;,-0 that the Canton llanml will uuaurhnllmolxture that my boleft on tho nrtilaa An llluntrntod Lguon. We are indebted to Golden Dny1 lorthe following lboon in etiquette. which, if cue- fully studied by our little man and women. will doubtless have I very nlutary Racy; __ I ` III III. IIIFU IlvICXlI`l|4. [IV lull-I vuuullla llll ` march until he succeed: When 3 player In: pdd three forfeit he 1. out. u IUI Luv llulyuua Ul Ialulg nuuxelnlng IIUXD them. The player in the center then pro- sents A key to one of tho sitters and turns his back, an as to nllow in to be privately panned to another, who hands it to a third. and noit in handed round the ring from one player to the other, with all imag- inable celority, which tank is exceedingly easy to accomplish on account of the contin- ued motion of the hands of All the players. It in the oloo of the player in the center, din` Allowing time for the key to be posed on to the third or fourth player, to watch in prog- ram narrowly and to endeavor to seize it in its plunge. If he suooetds in his attempt, the person in whom land it is found, after payingaforfeit, must take his piece in the center and give nnd hum the key in lab turn. Should the seeker fail in discovering the key in his first attempt, he must continue his mnroh until ha nunnnnrln Winn I nlnv-r lun- DICK? \J$I.llw III III M : The came of tho kvy may he played by any number of ll`i'0llS, who should uli, 1-xcopt one, seat themselves on chairs [li&(`( (i in A cir- vlo, and bu should tuku his station in the cen- ter of tho ring. All tho sitters must next take hold, with their left. hands. u! the right wrists uf the persons sittiiig on ti)-`ir left, be ing mrvful not to obstruct the grasp by hold- ing the-hunriu. When nil have in this man- ner juined Iiamia, they 2-huuid bngin muving them from in-ft to right, making a cincuiar motion, and uoncbing each other`: bands, as if for the purpose of taking something from them, The nlnwir in than mnu-r than mu. .u1rUn>,uull I \L'lUlMl guuul uguluulltl nguln. ' VWJI, l`ll tell you wlmL--I belong to 11 library, and if you like, l`ll give you n tickvt nl mlmisinu to it. for six months, and mm you can mud a.-.4 muvlx as you please. Ht-n-`s my uddru-.'~, .unl you can come for the ticket as :~'oo;| me you him." And the stru.u,',-ur, chm-kling over this quevr adv.-uture, vn-ut hrislaly on, httlo tMul.'iu;; that bu \A'9lJd live to we that ho) honored by aU Euglzn one u! her gmuh-zt poets, and would tell ` pride to all his fricuuls how be had om-u duuoa kimlux-.~s to blunuul Taylor Uuluridgo.--lIa1'pcr`u Yuung icuph-. xuu an-un muu m rt-mung, my Inc-nay I'd read all day long if I could, unswerul thu boy, eaxrne-my; but [`vu only got 5 row .bmk.<,uuxl l'\ c rum! `gumll ng;\inu1nluguin. 'vJl. Vuu u`hnI.--I lmlumr 0.. n ulna]. I'm not, indeed, proteswd the boy. I was thinking of that man who swam across the Hollespuut-I.eundc-r, you Imow-and it seemed to me as if I was swimming across it, too." uI\I...|`| -_:...n .1... _4____,,._, u.- UH). ()ho!" cried the stranger; "that`s it, is it? You seem fund of reading, my friend! "I'd read all dnv Irma if I nnul.l " nncmm-...I 3V` IIIIIIIIHB. Swinuning!" ox-hood the man, with n bruad laugh. Well, Pvo heard a rroml vallud asuabf people, but I've never heard of anybody swimuxing in it before. You`ro either telling me a. lie, or also you must be cruv. nu gun I u Mullu hllll. lulu [Hi \\`UHl]t'l`, Inn in I-luuri.~'hin;.; Ins hzulds about h- hnul !hl`lL-f uncut them riglat intn tlu-(`mat pm-kot wt` 13 tall man who wus just going luxsi him, Wlmt! an yw.-11w,:, and so \\ i\`l(1*-1. vriwl the man, turning; round and N-i1.1n;: him. You little rasml. do you vumt In pick my pocket in brand daylight!" No,I dun`! want In pick your pocket," said the boy, staring about him as if awakened from a dream. I thouglnt I was axvivnnuinrr " uu1'r_y1u;.; I,uruu).; ul`I>uIl(l mm. 110 mu.~t lm\'t- bcvu thinking of n hmllo or :1 hard .~tru;;'l:- of sumo kind, for (-\'vI'_\' mm- and then l1u1la.l`tul out but!) llisnrxm in (rant of him, In um um small du11;.:;e-r of tho yes or rihs ml tlw pxx.\-`ers l>_\'. b'ol1tlu|1'lIl_\` hn wus In-nu__v_ht In :1 sfulld still. and nu wow].-r, f4 .1; in l.I..nm'.-|.n.y lm l\.....I.. nI.....o L... I... 1. A llny Winn llrvanm Fnlnnuu. It was a bright, Wann day in tho e-a.rI_v sum- mer of 1751, and Imxdun was full tn(m'-rl!uw- ing, \\]1vlll1lm)'1lhL)l1t ll yc11r. with lung (lurk ham` l1tIn<,;h1-: hum: his Iwck um! 11 st.rum;~,lrmn1y.fz1ru1I kind of lumk in his lzu - "ny (*_\`-S,Ca11)\' .~h)wl_v ulnugz nnw uf the bu~i` `t and umst ('m\nlv streets of the ;:I'-:11 city, so \\`1'::p1>:-nl up in l1inU\V'll thrm-,;ht.~eth:1t he hardly ft-It the j--Its and bumps which ho -m->i.|nterol in pn-sum: his way though tho hurrying throng arnund him. Nu nnnd |u|\'u In-nu 0|\inl.-n.w P .. |...nI,. .... An Appeal mun the chndn-en~._u$, tor It Little Lens Study Iuld 3 Little `More Pliy." to the Dh-octoru 61' the S;-hool. "one for the Cllllflren. FOR THE ENTERTAINME-NT AND IN- STRUCT|ON or, eovs AND GIRLS. So. Mr. Dirt-ctom, I pray, I)un'l wvur all (ha-Ir small brains uway, l~`unw h-owms ulxulisll. And iuu-He-ctsp<>I:.~;l1. I_..ike minv, by a little mum play!" I fill IAIK4 \_ulL41)lun.n D U\J\1. "Suvh pug:-:4 of rhynn and of prose: Such tigun-:4 in rows upou mwx: Why. the thought. of uu-u` I-'llII]: Gives me pain frnni my gums Right down to my mil zmal-my mos. -.-__ -_., -- ` i=7 3_=?."'-:E'bYE s. 3 KING H l`RI|t`."l` AK IERV mm; FOLKS c0I.Um'. "1 111: the chlldmnhdog. I've come on a very long Jog, Thexr woes to relate ` To the council lxrsute; _ Bovfinow, said the chdmn`s dog. fhe come back from school every day, ' They haven`t a moment to play. With such lesions to learn It makes my heart buru. Though I`m orily 1: dog em you say. The Game of tha Key. un 4.6 I... 1....-. ........ I... -J.... -' n Wnl. `:.'.m I boy. - who looknl be. `Hy mun hm! . '.-.1-utmu use." _II I 6 QFILITIIIIIIS IIUII-| . sitters 2 N ~, 1 Ir, with II" Immi- `TH-ENBRTTI BH w HIG..WEDNESD}iY. JAN :23. nuns urlmuuw vuun we wurus, ".'ul.|1y In one." It was oxtrvmoly popular thirzy or forty years ago. and Wu considered then I national song. > ll nuulu-an DUI!`- E. Pluribus Unuxu" in the title of n poem by George W. Cutter, published In No. 8 of ` "One Hundred Choice Sc-Ioctinun," by P. Garrett & 00., Philmlelphia. It cousins of eight vcran of eight Iium each. Home of the vonaul terminate with the words, llhny In one." It wan nxtn-mt-lv nnnnlnr Ihirtv nr -u..v... .-av. n An epitaph {gun as stone at Vemou, Vt. : "I'D Mel cutdown liko unripo fruit A non of Ir. Amos -- Tum , And Mrs. Jemima Tutu his wife cum Jonathon 0! when full life The dayuii uununorrd (how short th` Account) Bcuoely m fourteen you-I Amount- Born on the twelfth of May Was be In Sovenhcll Hundred Sixty-Threo To daoth ho full I huivlou Prey April tho Fin & Tnntioth dAy- _ in Bovunuuu Hundred Seventy Quitting thh world we hope for Iiosnul But tho` hb spirit ed on high Hi: body Inouid`|-tag here mu: lie Behold the musing alteration by tnnocuinuon omoonlllnplo hiolitotosnvo Hun-iod him hood -to we Onto `mu In the bloom oi` with he Mi Alas W113 human toque` can tell The mother: (rial luv Anguish thaw Or blini. the Fathom hetvier '00 Who now no nnfml ohpring nu lbs ample Fortune to To ml MI Hlctlund [Ill 26 Or hnnr hfn nnmn I'hDII ha I: Anal nu nu nu rucuuumnn nunuu r bvm'h1:I nnmo when ho ll dead God m'd.',in`d lull an an Jul n F.unpa'.w crumblolnto dud I o and the World mew Bubble! Am lbooo {mm thno tot Runs pnnn. Bohotod and packed with cloanunon And one By C. Ii. PIAISOI & Co.. Baltimore. Id. They no the bout. Ask your grocer for them. nruxru nu |`IIl|UI|`sllV `I\\ I `H lL I\'sl IHU l ivf.l-,"` ])liinlL-tiled the suddenly informs ho is gning oyos,anlr.I1o was; at grvzxt pains tuvuncenl the cause of her grief by nbsnrving that the tea was no rcuidizig hot as tn make her eye: water. "Thispretcxt." sa_vs Fnoilett, Wu 1 too thin to imposzo on her lovnr. or to lo--oive the ohat~rvatiom-mt her friend Hnphy." There in nothing vuigzir in mying that a pretext in too thin." um] this is what is meant by the modern elliptical phrase. ll) l|(`l.|l' HI]-`H HLLI Thvy am (no thh That. in`, Y1: transparent inufvanmx F H. ` in 0-juxv.-1]--gar t 1:4 or n 5U[)!`l`iul Ihilh<'1m1.lx. .1, ., I unuu. DUI |IXl low wlxirh ii: hi,'fh(`l` than i px'c.~L-utg Lin.` 1. of brain In an ux1.Itl1irt)'-five '.\`!..:t hw`uIT1 `s v!` hrz;I'n vn-i;:ln .1 '1' Ul l,'ll|.ll VVILHIII |UU liLL|'C"l` gonco. Tho uvn-ruggo \wi;;ht - brain is ubnut w nunr -s 1:-as t a;:uvr<-i,-;l1tufn m:1n`.~z Lrzzins. of the brain weruun in- nIliMo; lcct the an-.rn;:u Wu.'Xl:1 \u;:1-J` |m'.'o live nl111<'cslv.~'> 1:1` man. But the ` IMHI Ill |lI" iI\l'l L. `\"|'r')lIL UI femulc brains with mim of each within 1110 range I JLIU DLUIIJ UL LHIHH bt-r:u1:~'u of its lx-zu`in;.' inu-lX-vtu:1li(_\'. Thu 1` weighs fr)r1_`,'-ninr\ nr ('1! and about fnrtv-Iiw Great bruiu W1-i_;ht with intrllvvtlml vi-,:. fact thut nu Mi-If 1 hruin nf 0\'(`I':~i\'f_`.' In notwithstanding tho 0 as that ul 1324 il.i-L nxoniul pow:-r is ',:`1:-: :1 lnruin m-i;:ht, 4-x-r 11.. I... I _ uiuucu, IV nu n 15 um um Hus tuu uurmug DECK: Om-tr Casabilmca was a native of Corsica, on wt1ic"l1,_jsland he was born in the year I7 His father was Louis Casabianca, a distin gliishul French politician and naval com- mander, and the friend of Napoleon`. He was captain at thistime of the Urient, one of the largest vemels in the French nary, a lung: niiicent ship of war, carrying 130 guns and 500 seamen. Of Cn.sabinnca`s mother we know little, save that she was a young and beautiful Corsican lady and devotedly attached to her son. Owen was her only child, a. handsome. manly little ~fellow, with` her beauty in his ashing eyes and dusky hair. Sm died while he was yet quite young, an : when the `green sod was placed over her p,ravo, the boy loft - the pleasant valley lll]dtl' the smiling hills of Corsica, to go with his father und tread the harddocl; of u wu_r w .-I. More child as he was, (fasabiztnt-a soon ; raw to lovohis father's dangerous calling, and" Became a fluorite with all on board. He was umdu midshifiinuu and at th`o ouriy ago of IO yours participate with his father in the lmttlt-of the Nile. The ship caught tireduring the action. Soon nfu-r, Capt. Caso.bian(~u., the `father, was wounded by u xnuzsltet bull. Not yet disabled, he was `struck in the lived some minutes later llya splinter, Wl.|l(`lllill(l him upon the iwk insen-_ sihle. His `gallant sun, luu-onscious of the chit-fuu'u`s doom, still hold his post at the hut- tory, where he woriml like the her ; ho was. He saw the uuws 1`z1g_{im;zu'-uiml him; liesuw the :~;l)lp's on-W desert lug him mm by one, and tho boy was urged f(|llt`4'. With vonrageand coolness lxyoml his yv:1rs, he I`-ftlsmi to de- sert his post. Worthy son of Louis L'asabi- unva, he fought on, uml in-ml` ubumlonod the Orient till the nholo of the ium1vn.~'4- vessel wus in l`l:lll}(`S. 'I`lu-u, svohing n-i'ur.':e on a tloaLi.u;:1nast, he left tho burning: ship behind him. But he was too late. Tho linal unus- troplto<`un1-iilgothu `l -l ltkun. `filh flu t`.'{])l<).\ lUll so tronn :1-l-,u.~: that every ship felt it to the bottom, the (lrivnt. blow up, and from mnonir the \'.'r-cl. th:- next morning wa.-. pickmi up tho lli'llll. nuurgl.-ti lmtly of the yoi1n;;li~r=, \'.'lm.- .~t~1'_\' l'UII1.ll:H- rml p<>4'lr_\' (`. 1l1n(t. l11:;l.'x- nmru ' l rriv llmn it \\"l~4 The stu ly oi bl`.'1 .4 .4.. l.. Clllblnbolh '0 30) Wlw Stood oli the Burning Deck. " Exery one who has been` a school boyls familiar wiih the lines, The boy stood on the burning d(-ck", This is the I-:tory'ot cm`. bianca, who was the lwroof the burning deck: aunt {`nxnl.i;nm.u \\"1J.s ll nmivn nl (`nu-ch-h YELLOW` SIGNS. YELLOW TUBE. Use Peerless Brand BALTIMORE .F.RF3. `WY. <.>YsTERs