All kinds of ~launod.dyod ad Inlnhod. rpm up And vo for one the "Jam Pacino nyou " wu-muted to be the but in the: market Trvgonn. Anonu wuma. IL More mommy. nos Dnt. V .`l'lu Creun of the Pub! GINIOPOG For ` _ the Whlx Holder! V ` It t.akea'C90.000 a year to;,dine the officers of Queen "Victoria's guard ouduty at St.` James palace. , v I-Tnmmn n mnnin nnrn Ilalva cures corn: and ` James` palace. Human : magic cor,n salve \ buniouu with three applications,` 15. per 1 box at Wade : dru store. 1 ` \I...u \`.'u-L ........s. . I 000 NY] lnhnhitnnrn ` box at v\'qu1e`u dru store. _ ? New York crown: 1.200.000 i|1}H*b|33ut' into 92,000 houses, while l hila.dolphia>hn , to hawe 179.000, houses to accommodate 847 000 l . l"m- l)lv?:`::::i. And Liver Complaint vou a people. For Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint you have I printed qunmntge on ever bottle of Shiloh`; Yitalizer. It never fuilto cure. W. J. Wilson. druggiat. . American whnlers cantured 'onlv 163 of _ W. L Wilson, dru_gi5t. ID WllI(lWl|rd. . A Nasal _injx-ctor -free with egch bottle of Shiloh`: (Iutarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents.` The: Sultan nf i1| kn\' takes his niece of THE TEA TABLE. cLAguu_s _l_N`E_XTAT0 eoouuasa llotnndliolcivzl-1;:-istdllaunuin V JONES` IONSORIAL PABLO]! .1--- ll..n-I I_.I- I`--:4`- L'nl-wka all the clogged avcn\ws of the Bow als. Kidnvys and Liver. carrying of! gradually without weakening the system. nll the impuri- ziw and foul humours of the secretions ; at the came time correcting Acidity of the Stomach. curing Bilioux-mess. Dyspepsia, Headaches. Dtuaincss. lloartburn. Cons! ipmion. Dryness of the Skin. Dropay. Dimnom of Vision. Jaundlce Salt Rheum, Erysipelas. Scrofula. Fluuering of the Heart. Nervnusncss and General Dobillty. All those And many other similar complaints yluld to the happy lnuenoa of BURDOCK BLOOD m'1"1`1ms. T. MILBURN & Col -l`Ill\IVLlo I). C. R. DICKBON ooo Brown`: BK!!! U Prlnonu moot. Telephone No I. SECOND - HAND BOOK8 Inna-nd loohhoqht and sold by A SIKHJNDB. Hrlwom anon M1 .\ 4.01%. N. -(nmg on hot pot want. menu - /vsws -Aamqrl [ B0018. PAPERS LID 781'IllllBBY. 11-nAsna&a:C1En.'roN.'Pmpa i -n-..-. -___u_ |_.|..A Pl__-n.- ` I QXDSZGU Ix on:-not-.a-- vu-` - --.._ K. cpptdlo lukot. (huts. ` Ivonne obould read the UTIOA "0103? ` tholaudllc uluuntod Jounnl cl New York AT NISBET S Tho Book of Household Management. by Lin. Bxoton. 0nohal! out. 8:. I\_-|.....- A..- l)....|_...._. L- \l.-bu. II.-I.-u.I Two hours After l'I Homer, of (Thi- cago. haul married Nellie Spencer he ulked her if uhe like-l lobsters. She 1-Aid ahe did'nt. And they hm! A discussion which reoulted in blows And A neparmion. Nellie should have liked e\'enA whale lu please her newly nude hunlxnn rropnetors, Ioronto. RIJPTIIBE The Inst 5 years I hnvo adjusted more \ Trusses than nuy man in America. Valu- uble Pwunta, m{ own invenlinn,1nTI'|L`)- 0:1. 8_P|lnnl and (1.11!) `not lmlruments. u:__..._.. . ...-.....\ n.. l...I.l I.........o Dulnhiin COOKBOOKS -AKD- ~HANDY RECLIPT BOOKS I II There have been many remarkable cur. of tleafneu mndo by the we of H yellow oil, the-great household rum.-< y for pain, iullunnntinu and soreness. Yellow oil cure: rheumatism. sore throat and crnup, Ind in useful internally Ann externally for I" pain! And injuries. `4`I I1! I` III urruuuvn-. u '|r~l's l IIKUU UYOI huabtnd. Imltnllon In Iomotilnel called the sincere form of ut- tery. This any nccount for the number of imitation: of the original And only positin- corn cure, Putnam : Painless Corn l~I.\'rn~-- mr. All such fail ta possess equal merir. .-n when Purchuing get the genuine "l' U nAm'a. ' Safe, sure and painless All X. x.__- glam. Wlth Increased K nuwledgo Of the laws governing health and the treatment of disease; result tothe physicians is less often mule thsn formerly. Suc(esa- lul treatment can be made in such minor ail ments as liemlache, hiliousness, cunstipntiun, tluttt-ring of the heart, when syn: thetic. foul breath. &c . all `thus various xlliiuirtlens resulting from deranged action of the li\'er and staunch by the use of Hamilton`: l il|s of Mandrake and Butternut These pills. being entirely composed of vegetable extrlcts they form an admirable substitute for the numerous tonic hitters in the msrlu-t. Hamilton's Pills are mlld in action. certain in results. safe in all kinds of weather, And form the beat hmily medicine extsut. Sold l-y tll denlers in medicine, and by N. L}. Polson & C0,, Kingston. `f"A'f'7,% gr i`:_::*~~ ` -T . llhlloway `a Pills. No part of the human mac ine requires more censmi t supervision than the rervous system. for inpon it our health, and even life. dependh. These pillzi stren then the um`\`es and are the safest nerall puriers of the blood. Nausea, hem ache. giddiness, numbness, and mental apathy yield to them. They desputch in a summary manner those distressing dy peptic symptoms, 8t0llhIClIlL pains, fulnesa t the pit of the stomach. ab- dominal distension, and regulate alike capri- cious appetites and confined bowels-the commonly accompanying slums of defecthe or diminished nerve tone. l"loll0wny's Pills are particularly recommemlml to persons of studious and sedentary hahits, who pradual Iy fall into a nervous und ilritable slate no` less some such restorative be occasionally taken. - __..:r_h._.:. "Lot & irl hhsuch her hair," an `I a l%us- ` 8 ) ton aim-tor. anal within three months uhu will have trouble with her eyes, pains in I! 0 head, And be well on the way towards s-mu: m~.r\'0ua disorder requiring zl doctor's ser \i-`es hudf the time. Auul yet. thuy will bleach. Scheme l'ro_|ee'n-d for n Waterway I-`roan Montreal to ,l.nke Huron. U1"l`A\\A, Jen. `22.--The question of form- ing an unbroken line of nuvigutinn from Montreal to Lake Huron. by the improve- ment of the Ottawa and French rivers. will engage the attention of rliament (luring the coming session. The i on is by no means In new one. surveys having been mule and eetinuntes as to the cost prepuecl for ray- in out the work as far back as l& >8. when Walter Shanley, and in l860. '1`. C. Clarke, both engineers of considerable note. oom- fleted a survey of the proposed work for he information of the government and in the interest of commerce. According to Mr. Clarke : estimate, the distenoe between Mon- treal and Chicago would be shortened by 270 milesns compared with the St. Luv 1`-once route. In his report Mr. Clerlte states that of thetotal distance between Montreal and lithe Huron, 431 miles, 352 miles IN already good nm'iuetion. requiring no improvement, and that it in perfec prnuticnhle so to improve the remain ing 79 miles as to convert the whole chain 0! waters int; :5 first-class nsvigntion for steam vessels, and to reduce the lenvth oi canalling to `2l milee. exclueiveiof tho Ls chine canal. The scale of navigation attain- able, and which he recommended ss best suited to the capabilities of the route, was calculated for vessels of L000 tons burglen with locks '..."'>O feet long, 4.`: feet wide, with I) ft-.et_oi water on the mitre sills. The cost of the work is estimated et 8l`. ,000,000. REMEMBERTHAT ' S`imson's A Liniment ll- Dr. Chan--`I New Rooclpt Book oomp'olo. II. Enquire Within Dc. Inn- n......n. Ilh-Izl n, nllqulru vv Iuuu Th 'n Domestic World. Co. IIII. uxuwu. IJIIITIIIII (II I. '& (:3-ookory foroglnnun, by Marion Harland. II}. Common Some in the Household. D! Marlon Harland. II. IIITIIIIII. CI The Homo book Book. :1. Mlu-Pu-low : New Cook Book. l.. `Modern Domolllc Cookery. by Jenny Wren. `siooxs AND MAGAZINES. A csN.L:.TH"nouGH CANADA- -ro:5 ouuno nimm u-, REMOVAL. \ltVI)t\\V .Q_. I)- "" ~- 90k LER ' -4 STAT! E- Han taken the lead and is the best prepara- tion ever ofcced to the poopl of Canada for 'the RELIEF and CUBE of ` Rlomnnqusm. Sciatica, Neural- gia, C'alru`-`rh. Cuts. Bruises,'.'_wel- M Hugs, Scam lleml, Colic, dyspep- sia, cont-raron of the muscles,` lumc bm'l.'. (Iiph!Ia_eria, sore throat, 'Ieudc~r feet, `urns, sti` faint.-t. etc. . .. n._ n:_.`. .... _ :.. n....;.... 1.2.1..-...A A a.s.'R.McoANNT T AGGOUNTANT, ASSIGNIB, AUDITOR, _ .__ __-.-- . nau- gnup1_u5 fgggunuun `comm. Snbnu-lbod Ca ml .................. hullnvutad Ipvuhol .... ...C.l.(u *"`t:-`-;:.;v;'.*-;;;.'-..-`E I named without to too at on. W. ll. OODWIN. Ann for Killian. human Wu: Olncn. CV51:-n Iv -v-..- _.~__..-`V , , IUNE TOIDAN in lug! or small Mum turn on 1611?:-Iy. WANT! .- nun lulu many loin:-out an always obtain Ilutolun muruncu ol tho Ind on Al. Ill loluvon rt com. IDNI N % LAYNCAUHX I FIR: [N8 UR ANGI nun AN . onml. IJIIJII. Pu ANCI nlun Income (X)Il NY. thplcll. rn .....m...-'-:...........*:.....*-*.~... IQNEY_ 1'0 INURANCE. llld on at II: loluvon P TUIII. IHNI % LANCABHXWI UR- AN(`-IC OOH mm ILL. n..| nu. name. In Bmnlnuuul. NY. plul. :0` Pfr I13 uncut: -o--w--.-v- w---_.--.-, EARTIURD CONN. Cuh Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. U tlku. Tutsi lumarylot. nuns. l.aoupddlnyocn....? '|'holoudInfHn lnaunnov Com onlho Onnunont. ts Annual Pnmlum us In (huudnnndlho Uulutl &uuu~a|u-nor than holoolnnyolher Oompnymndlthu unn- blunhhd record exes!-U. u IE BWIIT. Agent Ila nvniinblu funds amount to .\.lI.lU In addition to which In the unlimited liabilities of ohuruholdors. Th. wmrlv nmmlumn for ro run done Amount to .H7.81l). . lnsurzmro etfuclud on Farm and Cit.) P1-o~ pony Al the lowest possible rates. That year nollcloo Issued on prlnto dwol_ yonu.-c. cur. ~---w-~~ 3' F0; Distemper in N'nr4=!. Enlarged Joints, and other disease, incidental W0 these useful animals. it is unrimll-.-m|.b Fprtic-nfpn are nnnnmntlv IN.-inn! received Thu you nollcloo vnto dwol lugs and (Ann building: at it rules 0.` premium ' Iannupdd promtly. 1` UMAP BRIOOB. Alan. rm: mu msuwmn__oomn7. in A n-nun:-nun l\t\\7 The yoarlr mluuu are no .). lnnnromro A full stock always on hand. Call and 0:- amino. W. H. A` .1 A.\ Gl.l.\'. IIII`l&l:jjuu auu-- (`h.-nu-st lmdeo ol |'nlry mud F`e\n\iX)' Flour tlwzqunu hand : Grahaln Flour. Rolled Outs. lmllud \VheI\l, (Wwcked heal. Uerln \\'heIIl, Oatmonxlund (`ornmenl : Beads In oouon. W. J. MONEILL - BROOK STREET (moot Aioj Lonbohid bibjs :I@_AND LIFIE COIPANY. _ .|.. _.__IA : Bush and Blinds, Mouldings and | other tactory work. STWGMRESH" CIGAR, Fo?o~To FLOURZSTORE J--n: ---y--:--- ---: In thislocalily for Gilmour .2 00.`: |'l`rento|) .Sims0h s Liniment, i2`i'iL""b'i2i'EL6` scoas. - `INSURANCE AND IBTATI AOINT. hum Ixupd ml Account: Collocwl. 4 J . ._ . ..,,.... n . . .-_ __.__,'_ , ,, Ono nkunana cuo:o._nuu nu houfor gag. 0c0nPoInou'| Drllalnan. hold 0)` urugguu evurywncrv. Whole mlu by EV .-\Na` & Sosa` u.i.niLcd .\lonln-AL Sill) FOR ILLUSTRATED CIRCIIIAR OF KIUGKLE-JBINT LINK LEATHER nttrlua ouLs'. coLbRs. ARTISTS` MATERIALS. wmoow cuss. , VARNISHES. ETC/. ` COCKLE'Sr HLLs-Fre l'r`o_n.\, Mezcuty. &_:_ - BELTING FLATE cuss tutu Quit nun II nnuvaunuvu vv-. -.~ .. TM: Pomnni In one of the but in the world. I; l avail: lldl 3.tl3.lD in man Inn m `think: in the unlimited MANUFACTURED B; BROWN BROTHERS & 00., S. OBERNDORFFER. CKLES PI LLS--F0} Heartburn. :ocxu:'s ANTIBILIQL;S P1LI.S. :oc1u:'s I'II.LS-In\iseeighty-sixyun. _._.r___:. :0(;l{LE`S _PI`LL-I-`or Live_I_'.. :OCKLE'S PILLS-For Irfdigeslion- SOLE AGENTS ,__ ._ n- v_ .11-..- .. I. B. & S. ANGLIN, J . O. IOZARIN BILTUG O0. MONGENAIS. BOIVIN Is CO- TO WEAK MEN A. RAMSAY I sou, _ M_`3P1.=A1`?EU$- SOMETHING NEW PAINTS Sold by Drgisu everywhere. 1.. mm |c\' ;\.'< my ,-'-.n\`.~.- cl MANL'F.\(`Tl'l{|-ID BY INSURANCE. Kl.\'(}.-I1`0N n.~'1_ omny. these useful animals, It is unnmllcu Certicates are constantly being receiyed elng of the good work performed` by _. n n . a--____ IOITIIAI: u'_ A.\'Gl,l.\'. \\`eIh;u;mn Nrwx. .\ortb- H. JUNA3 & U0. GRocE' VANS R : lFla.vori1`1`.r`;"l'e`.xtra.ctI SUNDRIES AND END LILY CREAM 811! mun the elbow a! youthful anon. wTurus wonknou. loss of man . om. wll sun In nlublo tnatlno boul- odbeonulnlng full particular: [or home cure. lliiltofohnro. A uplondld medical work: would ban: by every nun who In nervous r`b`\$'L'k. noonui con. Vllbflllllllllu _9PPO8I'l'E POST OFFICE. A Pvivate Treatise and Adviser in five languages; 24 illustrations. To young men only, and those contempating marriage should not fail to send fbr if; an n mum noun-r: mcncucnnv .......... 9Il\.I\lI\. ...,. .-.. .- W..- ._p. ._ II. LUCAS PRIVATE DISPENSARY, 68 Randolph st., Chlcngo. III. THE i`(i2;"I NJ I`ii;i\LTH. .-9.... (lunusrs. Hgunx. N3. 1 r Proprietors, Toronto. 'MEDIoALi'r1Es. H A no mhuul Tnilot Article. Not a lace punt or povudundoen not cover over. but mu. or any itchiness Not me skin from what ever muse And all romrhnyn hum the taco. hundn. neck and sll..II- I-n:|\IDn -nu` urn`. presume: N0. madam; it is a poker club."- Philadelphia Record. 'ru\'i.I'.IxICUIXQ'Vl:Ih Makcuninodd ot mm of -ht-I in U Iona. mu I-onto. Nil Jill city nropfueo. as winning but one ho otouuhouklcallnt Headquar- nm for lfauu. nnna turn BAG!!! l\l|I"ll1 I n M ll oan know wst ails dnt nr` chile. Dy) uuu bus. cry fur de lougeo` time." .\lorv I1_1i.~`fol'Hllu`." l~Ih? said B `run. absontly. "I llaw just fast my xmnther." said the man lu;:,ulu'i:m:-l.\'. "D1-ur I::v!"a::ixl tho dramatist petu- ` lzmtly. You lost vonr futhr-r only 11 Iittlewhilcng. Wfmt. an vxw~mling|_\' varclcas man you nre.--l\'e\v York bun. } szu-I` l . ;7Exoiu:Ivru duh Mrs. \Vest.ond-I did not know you were :1 club man. Mr. Newcomer. 11.. u................. I L.-.l...... on l\'IA pa 0nl{i(`0]leK(? KTQUIIIICUS Ira lwmltwu. " ow delightful! It is a literary club. I ptesume?" ' "Nu. mmlnm: it in n Doker club."- man. "Too Lml. too lmd."r:1iul Byron. with an air of uhsnnt s_vnxpnt|1_v: x'rr_v zso:-r_v." Thou hu \\ slkml nn nnd mntinuvd to think ulxmt his pl:1_\'. 'l`hrm- wvvks later lh`l1up>mu-Ito lw xlgzlin in Pall Mall. when I 10 same man csuno up to him nnd sai- It c-\l...... n-\:.\r..|~(IIII1| ' (I (`IUD man. mr. newwmcr. Mr. .'ewcomer-l belong to one. Mrs. Wt-stcnd; as very exclusive one It is. too; on! cmlege graduates are admitusd. mu .h-liuhM`nl! It in n Iih-rnrv club. A Pu-mt From lpoton. Mimi-DoeI Polly want a cracker? Polly (Christmas present from the Hub)-Oh. rats! Got any cold beans?- Unm Vni-I Run IlllD) Ull. HHS; New York Sun. \. US I l:(':Lll 31:-.ll. .,,. . I . IIll| \\H\'lI I \\ U531 \\':(\ l1(`l`l`|Ki{`\l In bi fuw lninllte-3 of 5 with all r.o:x`i|. 1hrm'.'Rn;._; luysvll" 4-xmblq-vl IH1`(*:11`h : . -...A J. .. .-l2. i>'v"nFu (;-iv7c>7n'Iis_,F1iMs s'I'nnrr%\ . I Ul1lU\\il Lem-r N0. '3. MR. HARRY n1.x_\'x;: Sir- you speak of did not leave I until 7:30 u'cIm-k. .~._`. -HI 6`-.1.` m l'1l:v.4ll:.~I 1-_\'v.~ uu-1 muur . "Hy Jun-. tlwrc that d;1.h thin,; ;;- l"i\'o t-crlnvlz. um! I p1'u;ui.-ex-xl.\1;:l>l I.:i l`l1l| \'ln.-:1-q-I'.H' U11" (Jud. but ix} (-1 Pulls the Llulllsvis more`l_Y uh him. Is ......`r K... l...l.....I n. u.- l..u-.n.n- mm. "ltv;1n`t bu Ilclpml umc. hu\\'L`\`(`l'. I'll just punch up 11 little liv and umkv it uil 1-i.vV,v ` n-411:. Turns over and t~1>L*|)3 till 9 o'clock. Lt-Ha-r Z\'n. lulu` Iililv lit-): '-1); L`\l.\Bl:;L--l lune not the l;.|m;uu_-;u at lnycuuxmalld udc-qualu u 1'.\;pI`('..~ my grief on failing to le in Nu)? `m 500 you off. _ But the f'.l('t is. my darling`. mv \\`(`l'li lwpt me up n-rv lulu the night In-t'nr:r. ::::d wlwu I wuiu-.11 thu next xmrrning I \\`:hI:(`I`1`|ii<`\l bu` that it Llvknl but a .3, aml. though I Yr:-.~'s0d |:()::`i|.!O di:`p:1tCh. Iitt-r:1ll_\' !hl'z|\'.`:H'V nn-urll` intn m\' a-lnu <. I '21: ing t I|'-)u CUIHU l- only )1 .p:1_v I'm` u":-lulu I Mr. li|`*m\-n .-: Fizmc0-Tell Mr. Bra-.\-n that the llmu-rs \\`oro far too v.\'pvn.-m~ ` for mu You ml-,;'l1t In scu tho lnigg l nlqxlvts that In.-~,~Y` 1` r:`\ ` .\Ir. l .x~L;\.\-:1`.-a`.`-I;1I1-=L)l1.tl1T`[vnull1'r_':. 1-n\l|unI.xI)\:Il|mlI-U ` In-Hr. _DImplen rm-rum lMplnnmu._ S\\'ecl U irl Graduates--Uh. Cicely. dear, I`m su tin-I. Those mum'.u-rs of men d( bozlu-r me an. I tlumgllt I would come .m-r' in this quictcurner and sit with you turn wlzile. 1 ':....l.- tmkn uvnn thnnn nrlwu, nllllv)-- lur :1 wlule. Cicely (who won three )l'i2L`6, coldly Thzmks. dz-;u'.-N(-w Yor_ Sun. ' Nu! C-( "Iv"I`jI`I`jjT Or the Liquor Hubl Pooltlvel Cured b Ad- mlnlnlerlnu llr. ulna` don Spool c. It can be given In 1 cup of echo or too with om tho kn-uwlod otlho not-non taking it; ll nlnoluloly harm on and will ollbcl. I perm neat and I cure. whether the patient in a moderate nlnker or an nloohollo wreck. It bu been given to thonnndn of one: and In ovary tuunnoo A perfect. cure lun followed. It never faila. The uyotom onoo impregnated with the Specic. become: an utter lmpmnlblllly for lhollquora petlleto exist. for circular and full pm-tlcu IIFI oddrcu GOLDIN BPIOIFIO 00. I85 [boo 8%.. Olnolnnsu. 0. \\'ll I` B) Ful "1U.XU|.'l"!'l|`Z. \\'hut in It?` a:.~'k'\d l_\'r0n. mistily. "I Inst 1::_'.' father Inst week." said the lZH.' llkl :.~h-1`du_`.` r` (hum : l'V .ll.xv- Tho Cuntlc-mhnl by Half. ll) ll'U.'!I .:\ g:lim;y;: `x--:hu U. .I wix AND HUMOUR.` THEWLITTLE LIE. In-xp||rnb|n. H21; UH`-|l>;\('l1| lu|II\ll`u |.l:u'\\'I'i;;lnl. A new 1 l`.unu_-;h lhu dl`.A;Jlal nus \'.'uIk'm;,' thromfh lrit-HJ biupped him b-l|.lL` llll`[`illl'Al. ll|l`lil.I_\ ivlf into my vlntht .<. 1 war u-h thv station only in litnv ups ` of the rupi(ll_v rv<`m|- ` u.;in that ('::rl`i(`(l all llnit r to me in this \~:urld- -tc. II.uuu'." l `ci1:`c3'r zEa;':a':'"" OJ:}i::E":E, `HID General 33! Int! 50011`. u-|... - .....a.u- n0 Inhlnnnnbn nf nnlglnn HUM". I ll|'(lr\I Hill.` I: h'll|uti1n:wn~ ufu-I` lhu \v::id1n;;.` '[`BE/ BRIT1 1'-The train II.. .-C..-. llxs Nap um! .l|lIlI('lJlI' )3 .hcu.' play !r xvnali AK _:u 1.- ..]. V. `ool -2-- AhondolAl|. ` M" .4 uygnlh pootonl hulnln in my family for y 01 , etc. f\-l upon y P lcanuptc for childran. Ala. lo N. N57005- gua and lllvl found It thud tion 0! the kind in caring lull rocolnmond II XIII L` Ont. pd Nautil- the Dr lounu. V After Iuoring with tzurph kidney disuse. loan of uppouih In tho hood until dincournfod. I ml 3.3.8., wok two bottles nu mm In to uy I fool uwoll u ever." In. R: u E. lorry, u__ AIL.-- N E [hi IICIIIIUQ "135 llllll Illl. Invln them benuulully whlle and vel- vety. Fold 1 wholesale dualoru mddru ' lulu everywhere Pond Llly Croaun. 16 cents ; nd Llly Llvor Pellou. 25 cum - Pond Lily Skin Soap. I5 coma. B. Plcmuu. Chomlv, Manufac- .|a.m uni Pmnrlomr for Canada. -_. PIIOII Plloo Inll] PI :`:.`..`.``""'H'3.,.: :"a..?."..".t'.f..`'.'.'.:..*: '......'---..'*". '*"*.*zx*:.-,_;:_.`~_:`::"':'-"1; mu. 1 ' qsa. ms. 7... Iohtnn : Ilhuo Itching nu ; ".5! null : IOt8%&IItOI|llj. It nmnn to =- IQXCC. I'-,| 93"! ""' ' """"'\ `.:..?`.'.'.', ... ..'a .'.n.'1 3&'.'."..'L'n%?E can but I 91504 wholcuh nun. A Vnluablr Dlooovory. F . P. Tanning. Nooblng, Ont. my: be hu not on] found B.B.B. I sure onto (or dynpbpoln. at he tho found it In be the best medicine for ngululng and |lIVI[0l'I~ ting the uyntem that In ha ever taken. B.B.B In the great nyuum roguluor. IIWOII OVOl'. 1 New Albany. P{.S. ?"'! Alt;-rulvea. Farmer Johnson, of Ohio, was looking for I visit from White Cu 9. And when trump Smith knocked At the nor at midnight 100 bird shot went buzzing into his uyntem and beyond. He any live, but he will be moee nAlII_inlll in future. m"0u(I. I13 l"Iy 4 caution: in future. deullue as nulnlnaluon. Lending physiciuu recommend Ayn`: Ssmaparilla. Old uni young lake it with perfect safety. It. cleanses the blood. ntregtheua the nervec, And viuliul the system. Popuhr experience hu long placed thin medicine at the head of tonic nltorulvea. l-........- I..L........ at (Main -An Innilnn for WIIOII DID] Wll Ilcl. WI [nvv urn vim:-`lg when IIIO was a child. tho cried tor Ouwrln. when she became Min. ohcpluu to Caloric. When the had cMldroI.IhO IIVO than cwom coma. H. Pnuuu. Unomx Jam And Proprietor write. and mm aerveu two aeuwuusu Ill unus prisou. Th? boys" wanted him, however. and it wouldn't have looked well for him to decline nomination. l..-.ll.... -1... - u-.nnnrunnnJ Aunt-`I 1r_v tnem. , "Is love A failure 1"` How on eurth any N man who has ever strained the object. of his ntfections to his heart und printed I kiss on the and of her nose an Ask that queation. is I stunner. One might as well uh if cu ingi Wu; a failure. ~L_. |........:r..I ..I...-.. .|....... .. um.-I. ml. ncmng. After |Chicngncnuauble, hud|uoou lworn in it wu discovered that he could not read nor ` write. and had served two aentmnma in state _._.__.._ u1`L.. I......." ..-..nv...I him hnunnvnr wh, 5.5, `H. ex, we gave hat CuuI~h. un... -|.- ...-. ..|.nA nlm on-Ind fnr (ballad; big house tor a week. Dyspepsia in its worst. forms will yield tn the use of Caner'a Little Nerve Pills. aided by Carter`s Little Liver Pills. They not only relieve present distress, but strengthen the stomach and digestive apparatus. In n lafnlv nnlulinluul nnrv hnnll fnr hnvn the uromacn um umoouve npparuua. In a latalv published story book for boys the Author has I box 13 year: old onpturo three burglum. nave four persons lrom drowning, liscover Anal put out I re. save a city from inundation, and nd $50,000 in up alley. \Iinintm-n. lnu`\'ern_ tom-hers. And others nuey. Ministers. lawyers, teachers. And whn.-e occupation given but little exercise. should use Carter`: Little Liver Pills for tnrpixl liver and biliousxieso. One in A dose. Try them. an. 1...... - :-n...... 1" nm. .... nah um meumnxorr. auenmng lnelr use. Lry mam. The latest eecimnte of the om} supply of the world gives us fuel for the next 300 years, b which time some genius will have invenm{ 3 way to nuke one oorncob heat 1 big` house for week. ......-..-:.. :.. :.- ........o 6.-.... _.:ll u:-lJ on ll lUU neneut nus (nus ml` Conn: xrulu I. .\`hilnh's Fatarrh Renmdy -n positive cure for (hnarrh. Diplntlxeriu and C&uker~Mouth. W. J. Wilson. druggist. An English jukvr took down the calendar in a business nice and hung up one two year: old. Dates tor important papers were taken from it and 3 loss of $30,000 was the result. An .I:....._..'l..... -.........| 1,.. !|.:|:..... ..o..s. ..l result. _ All disorders caused by I bilious state of ` the system can be cured by using Carter`: Little Liver Pills. No psin, gripin or disunmfort. attending their use. Try em. Th. lnlnnt nninmm .uf Hm nnm) nunnlv of an man America. Patents, mg own Invention. ln'I`rua- on, 8 Inn! mu l-`eat Inptnrt-~l wi I gnurunteo to hold lament Rupture `"Hhout touching your hip. no lltrlpa whntnoover, waterproof. Lnrgreut stock of general Tr 1110 the out Cluuae Spiral Tru:-mac ln nook. Rel nblo (F ` com 101' ORDERIFO ll IIAII. :3:n..|-...a.......o.hmmawq-uzm H T - I T -C- l Theluttliyoarslhnre I. other expressions used by nngusn unuuru. Why will you cough when Shiloh`: Cure will give innue-Hate relief. Price 10 cl.a.. 50 cts., and $1. W. J. Wilson. druggist. The Lnnclon S/mnlzml says Jun millions of dullurs have been spent on the heathens n! China by European missionl, nud it doubt: if $100 benet has thus far come from it. \`|uilnl.'a (`non--In I-?..un.nlun nnufirn nnrn c--Ms a home at \\ we a urug uore. Berry Wall, tlm whilom [king of dudes, now dresses as recklessly N! a man going to struggle with u. 'lo.-xais steer. His little iu- come has to buy pork And beans for A family. A-.. I-nu ....-..l.. ...ia.u-uliln Im Imliunnnn umuy. . -- Are you made miserable by Indigestion. (Vmsliputirvn. l)i'/.7im-ss, loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin? .\`ln'luh's Vitalizvr is A posi live cure. W. J. Wilson, druggist. The Eskimos mu nnmimz their children after By 'l'h_umlrr." (B0 to Halifax." and l other expressions usml by English sailors. l \\'lm will \'nn .-mmh u-lmn .\`.l\ilnh n (Turn W. J. unison, uruggist. ` Should a girl'rc-turn all presents` in case the engagement is declaxud o"i" ulna the Philadelphia Nun. She certainly alhould. The fuller mints them for the next. irl. Fur cuughs and colds take the iauuond Cough Re|nedy,compoaetl of elecampaue. wild cherry and lmrohnuml. 25 Ind 50 cents hottle at \\ aale's drug store. Ru-u-u `Vnll Hui u-luiluun llzinu nf nluulun ISUFI; wnm. wEhN1asnAY.J2xNz ~i.>:;.%, nave own euurely ma: mum ux. Shilnh`a Cure will iunnediatclv relieve Cruup, \\'hoopiug Cough and roucllitil. W. J. Wilson, druggist. ,\`hnI|]:l n nirI'r.-fnrn :1 nrpsu-nLs|` in (`RGO H . 1.. n uson, urn gllit. The Sultan of urkey takes piece of `pie in his right hand and can it by seutlns and no one durgs to find fault with him. If anyone did he would cut his head oil in ?he same way. -- Thn Rev, an "H l'hm.'er. nf Rnurlmn. The Rev._G_eo. `H. 1'hnyer. of Bourbon, Ind.. says : Bbth myself and my wife owe our lives to Shiluh'u _Consumption cure." W`. J. \\'i|son, druggist. ' . Thu hnlixmn fr1;II|1l" in Cult in nn.-.unv- `V. J. \\ IIIOII, Urllglla. The holiness trouble" in Gult is oc:upy- 1 ing so much the attergiion of people and preu that the puiaonixngcase, or horror. mama to . have been entirely lost sight of. 1s`hilnh`a (Ium u-ill immeuliatclv relieve W. J. \\ man, arugglau. American whnlera captured 'onl the big shlaat. year` which was I la in 011' of 5|) per cent. The whale is learning ow to take care"iiT`li ii`"l`?Wlten he sees a squall } windward. A \'......| :..:_....-.. ...:n. 9...). lmnln 1|` .5?