_8TOBK i $ REDUCING SALE. u.3."'v..a. ,.. FOR SATURDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY. mew nRE`fi%`MMINcs, NEW SWISS MUSLINS For pnnhfauton lo. 4 and go In In (In: Walk: ind. . NEW STYLE OF BOOTS. JV'OI-IN'S'I'C)]Sl`&:C'C). The`,D1scount Sale still continues at ARN0LD's\>`M4gR1%cAN%%%a1ND1G0A4 PRINTS I RICHMOND, ORR 8: co- LASTS TILL THE END OF JANUARY. muff cHAiaGB ifs" T~AsT_Ei T IN THIS COLUMN WE INTEND TO OFFER ` The ADJUSTABLE LACED KID BOOT, price NEWPRINTS. THE GREAT CARPET SALE 2Oo,p|EoEs NEW spams PRINTS, HAINES & LOCKETTS, Kingston, Belleville and Trenton. ll`\'C-',UDlN(J GLASGOW {AND LONDON CAPITAL - - Ul.6(XI,(X)3. THI-I GLASGOW AND LONDON l.\'SL'lt ANt.'|C (`UIIPANY tramuotl tho um'u\'n la:-gust lmutnou of all Brttiah Uom Ht ..- mnda. deposits annually with tho (mmulnn (love:-nmenl. moo of Mutt tor ovary Clot) of Ho- btlitytuontcnmod by the Government. Pu ALL Locus IQUITAIILY A3lDl'R0lI"l`l.Y wtttmm waiting the tunes] sixty days. reaulttgln than tfomuu-.y nova: but once having at o of any one your outstanding Inna exoeodlnx Jm. W. 0. HIKUWN. STNWAR1` 8110 NE. Chlo! Inspector. Innncor for Cumin. Tumnto. Montreal. J. '1`. WHITE. Otty Aunt. / It Bnccx STRII1 -up---n; nu n vuu nu. Ion rm: Wino. Linen written on receiving I beautifui ` r--sary of pearl: from 3 friend. lhia rosary oi precious pearls. is nrocioun to me: I name of v'v iT1Im mwut. PURSUANT to the Revised Batman 0! Ontario. Chupterlo. Section mmouce in hen h U|Ol.lH'd.l0l'I endpenone having cleinu Inonm-ngelnet the come of William Ewart. at the Vulueof Porumouth. tn the County I`:-onteneo. Onmrlo who died on or About the r A.b. I088. ere. on or oefore Brunt` I t d b A p :1 In fxodznnell ' Mlfor {'11. 3" 1;! . Ontario. Solleltou their Christian It-unee.eddreeeeund daorlpuonn. the paruculnnel their claims. uutemom nl an. and the suture alum security, I! . hylhem; an that onend utter Lhe us?!-wdnyof lhbm . IQ. the aid execu- our to tribute the neon ol -3 .......--:2.-'~ .21; .2-'...':-..~:.m-2 me n whlohouoe phell l?:ve been IHOII uubove re- quired. And the cam enema: will not be It lnonelble for the Meets or any part there of a nu ddmeuodoe M15 5, vI_,!>e:g.r.eoelv::l 3; LOTS OF OTHER GOODS EXEOUTORS' NOTICE. nus rosary or precious pearls. precious me: Like fr ance from the summer owers TIM` h oom beside the sen Whore sea weed and the coral dwell Beneath the dark blue WtL\'C. And where some trensureseeker may Have found in water) xrave. May heaven bless this gift of pearls To purify my soul ; And a otlesi Ma lily keep. \\`hi e seasons onward roll. And may new graces from It spring That to my pen be given A my of My at for every eye To end s uls on to husven. I-`ur language is a priceless gun. lta rays are like the sun ; And He who keeps it, like these pearls A crown 41!) we has won. A own no uunlsh um destroy, A crown no king can wear. Unleu his soul is free from stain Like Jewels rich and rare. And now when I my heads will any. Uur Futlu-r who art in heaven." I'll nnl forget. thee Llly deer. who u me. these bonds lmrv gin-n. And when lusy um Hall Marys I'll ask our mother dc-nr. To bda her Son to send thee health and a happy. bright New _\'ear. lcnolnn A. BKIMMISO nltnuynu-Ionotporuuolwhouoln n oluulnot vqboon noon "~*i='m.:a 3- Vnma Iolllhlnv gn.o..`A. 533 Hour: of Pearls. n u. KIIRON. . laoulor. I-. A. llllr on claim or Ihrooolvod by Quartz 3-e : 0 for 11.30. worth fe onrh.'nnd ; plat bottle luc : 6 for Doc ; worth ouch. SchoolBook& Medical Books, Papers Magazines and Postage Stamps, REDUCE oun STOCK BY oummo. The only proviso we make is that to get this discount ouch purchase must amount to one dollar not. URING THE TEXT MONTH WE WILL TRY BLANK BOOKS REDUCING SALE \\ orth 81 per ream for 81$). l0Ol.SCAP-worth 83 per roam for QLRO. Worth 82 W per: motor I 25 `Worth 8`. 50 pa "i'V:'u"~i'c~;`"Efiwusnc. PROPORTIONATELY LOW. 4-- .___|... PERTH OFFICE INK. AT SPECIALLY LOW PRICES. LEDGERS Worth 81 K) for 81 N v- '2 (I) ~- I (0 L ['1 ~ I In FOR INSTANCE l)L'RIN(} OUR WE VVILL )FFER A LOT 01" Note Paper AND PROPOSE TO MAKE WITH THE EXCEP'I`IO.\' OF Won-lh wt pct ream for Kc. 81 per re--m for an-. 8l..'02per roam for CI. 8 per ream for OLD. Envelopes . LETTER PAPER. BARGAINS STOCK r I (1)0 for Worth par I 0 for CH0. I. I! for H0. Worth D In 01.7 Wonhl`-3 I 10 pieces to I coma. -'r_u _ I ll.76. Worth as for O2. : STORE IS (JFFPIIL We invite you meal! at our own and name goods. Remcmbor everything at rodnoetl mu executing the tow meuuonod at the top of the column. John Henderson& 00., 86 Piincess St. Ill! ucauuuu IIUHUVD unav uuu Flvrvuuvnxrnn ... a serious one. The coat of deepening th canal would be enormous, far an excess of any prospective benefits. The four or five miles of woik at Perth, on what is lujown as the Tay division, has been estimated to cost $60,000 or $80,000. in addition to the $200,000 that has been already expended. And then the canal can never have enough of tratlic passing through it to pay even a moiety of the expense attendent upon the management of it. The importance of the canal was unduly magnified during the break inthe Cornwall canal last fall. Then the idea was developed that the Rideau should beinr proved so as to accommodate the trade of the country should the river route again become impassibly obstructed. That idea is not at all reasonable, and for the reason that the boats running on the St. Lawrence would be too large to run the Rideau, and the boats on the Rideau would only be suicient for its own trade. Moreover, there is already difficulty with the water supply of the Ri- _ dean and this, it seems. would be greater if the canal were enlarged. Most serious of all will be the nancial aspect of the case. The revenue last year from the canal was mere- ly nominal. about 88.000, made up of $3,000 from water privileges, $3,000 from the locks at Ottawa, and 82.000 from other points. Granted that some provision should be made for an interference of canal service the relief appears to lie with the railways which were the only report last fall and must be the only resort of the future. The petition. there- fore, does not seem to be well intentioned. It is not in the opinion of some put forth with any denite hope of success. 1u.zo'r1nz' ornczms. There ie quite e dierence of opinion in regard to the petition which the Elain county council hu oirculeted to the etfect "thet this county council petition the On- terio legislature to lo amend the inn tint ell county oiiicere now Appointed by the government be elected by the people." The Frontenac county council eniifed republi- ceniem in the proposition end refused to dieculi it. Other councils have the quel- tion ntiii before them, And mey be tempted to speak fevorebly of it, especially under euch coaching use the Ottewn Journal ha been giving to the Carleton legieletore. thue : ..p ,n 1- . n,,. AL- -$._-__ _I_..\-_I L.- `HUI Z In the tint place the oicere elected hy the people would not likely be inferior men to the otlicerl now selected by the govern- ment. There are ee many renone why the government ehould meke poor eppointmeute u why the people ehould make poor choices. We do not see, therefore. that harm would be done by the chen e. while in one respect robebl) good woul reeulc. This would be u the increeeed public epirlt lowered in the le. The greet intereet ehown in politics in the United Sum, which reeulte in I keen epprecintion of publlcleeuee end lnrge po u- ler votee, in _often ascribed to the feet. that , _I_ .,.I k._ eppreeietion 0! puouc lllluel Iuu III` a pa u- ler often eecrihed feet tliet ell etete end county OiI.`I I ere elected by the poo lo. A personsl interest in en elec~ tion wil bring e vnter out every time, end where there ere content: for ntiicee voters ere more liehle to be perlonelly cenveeeecl end to nd themselves persouelly interested then in contest: on gencrel issues. It in nu ulenieble thet people in the etutee ere es e rule more interested in public eeire end hetter posted then in meny perte of Cenede. We believe thet their elective eystem hes e greet deel to do with thin. end eo {er en our rights go et present it would seem worth while trying the experiment in Ontario. The countiee of this province szercely re- quire to be nursed by government eppoint eee. One clue of otlioere the people would not care to interfere with. nemely the judges ; but even judgee. if elected for life, would be quite ee likely to be well choeen by the ople es by the government. The evil in t e stetee is that the judges ere elect- ed lor limited terms. end it they deeired to be re elected ere liehle to judge with en eye to populerity or perty ounlidence rether then to strict juetice." I\ .. _ _,u_. .2 --|-...:... ....I oI.- .-lnulnrn ADV ERTTB-EBIINTS. For four lines, onoor two lnurt.Iou......w`50 For four lines, each Ill uont in|o rLlon.. U gver four lines. Int. 1 on. . 100 ....I.. guhnnnngnt nnnnnnutlvninl. . . . & F61-tour lines. oneor two nnurumn-......w In: insertion. Over four Eaohsu uentoonseouuvelnm... " Once I w subsequent lni....... 10.0 Twice a week. subsequent ins. . . 8o " Three I week. subsequent. Ins. . . . Bo " Twelve lines to the inch. Notices of Births Man-I es and Deaths 500. each. unless when "booked. when 81 lscharzed. Special notices in reading columns are churn- ed at twenty cents per line for each lnurtlon. , Olcers of unincorporated Associations or Sooietieewlll be held personally responsible for nll under: thew rive llllll DU Itl IU_I Juuuuv. On the point of eelectien. end the wisdom of the government in eecuring good or bed men for public oioe, 3 great deel need not be eeid. The choice in any one would be inuenced by political exigency. and the people could err more then the government eometimee doee. It in not the bet men in ability, in tness. in public epirit end ueelulneee. thet ere rnoet pereietent in their eeel-ch for oiilce. The beet men ole not de- Iimue n! being ehelved. and will not ecoept of Iome public truete whether they ere ten- dered the norm by the government or the people. The chance: oi the eeleotion being good ere, however, on tbeyeide oi the gov- ernment. Thie in mode dietinctly end em- phetioeily epperent by our every dey ex- perience. I. 2- I_.lI....e-L|- clue eh. nnhn I-en-an Societies/wul be held peruonauy ruuyvunuuv ~- All orders they rive Attachen to the paper in one of the best Job _ oicel in Canada; rapid, stylish and cheap _ w k: lhtl ed intln presses. 341.11 3ca8racsml}to?-vadggfsisggg, vE$rE';e1Hu "ei1'r1m'psesses. All ohgrgcsmx-vadgrfsgfa. uubscripmm prnmn are avablein advance; this ob mus be disti 1/`u co-stood. ll 0/00 68 J0!` aavrnunny, u-van -,n..... and {ob mum avable in The WEEKLY nnisn wma. 3 pages, 50 oolumna. ls pubahod every Thursday mormng nt 3 a fear, Rosilivoly in advance. otherwise 81. wi 1 be c urged. mnw .1, H. PENSE. Prom-lotor. SPECIAL PI M It in lmibputnblc tlut the public interact in olcctlou goncnlly would in lncnucd by the multiplicity cl interact: that would be involved in the adoption cl tho oIcc-c|oo- tin system. But splint this intnrclt. and ` chatting it vcry materially. would be tlu mun of Insecurity sad the (lain to make Tliere is B petition in circulation aboutthe city for signatures, we believe, requesting the government to deepn the Rideau canal. We cannot believe that the proposition is ---r 'I`L- .__. ..l` .l........:..,. 9}; ; nulvluvu--v-..._.-.- TH !-: mgxnsu Wmo la nblishod every enn- lnz. M33 King Strec ,Kiug,umn. Onun'lq,. HAL SIX `DOLLARS nu: rug. 1~HgpmLYwH1a. Whig : Telephone. Number 229. `ANNOUNCEMENTS _ _..L1:..|....I ..o..-c no-- -1--. "0m'fr am Orbevu 1`)-icor." 7}HE' `It {"DE'A U 0.4 NAL. 06 on \l`K6(l EDW. J. B: PENBE. Proprietor. :.-._-.,j..:.-___-. 31113 BR1T1.s1=1 WB1h`.FRIDAY: PRICES 80 VERY LOW THAT GOODS MUST SELL. PIWIIIIUI UV-`VG VV live :1 Ian vuunuu pnrty conscientiously believe: in After Sir John the deluge," some nllownnoe mun be made for the dubioulueoe of I political opponent. regurding the merits of his col- leagues. A Perennial source of AmuumoI\_ Syracuse Herald. `FL--- I- A..- ...oh.-ml nnnm Ihni Inntn "1030? LIRTIUI. But with the glorious words NoSurren- der" on his lip: Sol \\ hits fall I victim to the blind hmuicism of his own race and I martyr to the principles of his party. '1 he Jeffrey enquirylulragl its weary length along. So far nothing material ha been elicited in evidence rellecting upon the char- acter of Mr Jeffrey. Most people will agree with the Cauariian l resl:_q(orinu, thnt if it takes ten days or I fortnight to entebliah E `smell the !:rnn'nu< n rpm of which was doubtful, most people will conclude either the the legal machinery id wretcheally bin] or there isn't any evidence." Kingston peo- ple will wutch with interest for the end of this Iolemn farce. The Hamilton S]u'I.(llor resents the idea that it surprised its friends by its praise of the new provincial secretary, Hon. J. M. Gibson. It claims to have said a good word for several political opponents, among them Senator McDonald and Judge McMahon. and for the very good reason, we onine, that it could not do anything else. "But, it uys, the \\'Hman-l the write must have been surprised ; they never had a chance to say a good word for a political opponent under similar circumstances." Well. the fault is not theirs. The toriee will not act with the good taste and judgment so char- acteristic of the` liberals in the Ontario government. What g_e_u|d a liberal paper say of the members of the Dominion govern- ment, when, according to an ex-president of the conservative association of this city. there is no telling what will oocnr when the premier ceases to be. If an admirer of the _-_a.. ......-..:-..s:.....lu kgliaena in afrnr Qir urnnuoru I uwgrnm. Never (the warm drink: And then imme~ dinloly go out into the cold. Byrncnae ncruu. There in one national gums thntl Into :1] the you Around. The name it goon by in politica. ' `I he Dorraa Sue-lot v. Klxczsrm, Jan. '23 ~(l`o the Editor) : In reply to J. M. S. in a recent ieaue of the Wnm. I am very happy to be able to give the desired inlormuion abauc the Doroaa society. ll-I object. aims and work. It wae started three yoare ago by a email number of eernut women. who were an-xloue to do a little to help the poor and needy. The lint yenr our membership lncreeeed taoa hundred. and we distributed 275 garments. Last year our number lnereaeed to WI). and the articlee given out, 4!). We have been neatly aeeilted in thin work by the liberal- ly of many kind lrlemlemho are not enroll- mnmhnn hut who hdVI XIII d0DIu0lII Toll l : Something New. Brnntford Telegram. \v,._,_ .,n.- ....___ .I..:..I.- ....l H..- It of kind friomlnnvno an III)! entou- members. but who have donation: of both money sud clothluu, which. with our mombenhi fool of 25 oonu. enables no to buy mntori which is then made up into clothing. Ourngulndfortnlghtl )moot.ing In tomorrow at the moms. corner was and Montreal struts. when wt will ho dull`!!!- od to meet J. M. 8. sad Iupply any further lnformnlon. JASI ll. HINDIISON, ' nnrourv. D.S. LLUVJA vows-V--.._--_ _- ,., I All good: at special] low prices are mark-d with 3 U in Tax on lckot. and the purchaser can too I 19 former and reduced prices. You can during our Cnenp Sale buy _---_._-_ _ A-I113 on! of udmiulon to than pnvmgu. un- World up: "A non thotough inovlodqo od cnguqu I hill Illho - :61:-`uI."rn(l)unan`n Tl oioe Ipeculntively protable]. There would be little stimulation to an improved and eir' cientvservice, . In_ some inntuncel merit and nbility would be recognized, And ;e second and a. third term given` to the occupants of office, but these instances vvould be very rare. The peraonnl convening for personal nupport end for personal intereltl would be- come 4 positive nuisance. The Annoyance which the electors suffer now from the cen- vnuing friends is on much 0.: they can an dure. An increase of it would Add to the ugitation in favour `of I luv thnt would make it illegal end Subject it to A heavy pend tv. -A ...1 -1... .L.'....u ma. nlnntivn nmm nvntem A crisis, in so far he the enforcement of the contract labour net. is concerned, huh been reached in New York, where an hun dred Aisatiana. hired by a tobacco raiser in Floridn, are detained pending the decision of the courts. The employer say: he did not pay their passage, and that they are not en- gaged in the usual way. It`: another illus- tration of the Dan O'Connell idea. that a coach and four can be driven through the beat of acts. . 0 Educational None. The `Now Yoh city bond of education bu nbollnhod the muting. "by which the suction have been impelled to can pupils for examination in order to null: their position." Lot Ihlo Mom Ipnul. Ann nll n! (`An-noll`I LII) nndcnu Ind pouiiionl." [At thin mom upnun. Mm nil of Co:-noIl`I Lil) bun In thmu in the nooiutiol prooou I oouncl oi his cg phyuloino dooidul that the trouble with Mini Moon in not null- b I I hi i u` . p`:I`7`on`:In`:| yogllacno: 15 `"07 England hug pox but only hi Ion` pox. -Fourteen occallocgu In Now England have uncured Into qnomut to run the nuns!- urodl to man to run ms u 13.; udI:nII:|g|'|to mar pr|'||:- w...1.: .-... . u A nmn thmonlh lnovl PUIICIBV. . I `And why should this elective oive system be experimented with in Ontario and not in the other provinces? ` If the American` idea of lling offices is 3 good one why not pron it upon Sir John Macdonnld and seek to have` it enforced throughout the dominion 3 Why not have I petition sent to the house of com- mon: for An expression of its opinion: 1 EDI TORIA L NOTES. Thomas (I. Sherman, of Brooklyn, in 3 great advocate of the one tax (the land tux), and only the one tax roforrners can follow him in the intricacies [of his Argument in in favour. But all vrho*`are familiar with our assessment law and its defects will join him in saving that the imposition of Can: on personal property tills the land with liars and perj`urera.` It's an unjust tax. for the reason that it cnnnot be honestly levied. It ought. to go. a c No Terrors for I French-nu. Windsor Clarion. n . -.n .1 u _:-..- _.._.l- u\'..u. I) place: lot-no : for 350; 5 mecca for , I mod Inogugu um I ::ll`Od.."rn Quota`: Tn t 0 nl DI ol ndvuolng the uudurd. and open to lnaouoo Unlvonlty coll ---_____.-._.:-- not-no Raynor Ilcntrul. III In the city yuuniay for 1 `V both. " COMMENTS OF THE PRESS- LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. .1 AN; 21'. $2.50, is the newest and neatest style of walking boot for ladies yet Made. Sold only at nun t Ornysponuvlux. A large ock of wild pigeons. the first seen for many year: in thin Ioction. were hovering in the woods ndjncem to Ruth on Tuesday Int. R-viva! nnrvinnn Ara beinn I` II l A Remarkable Well at Hull`: -- luonie I ` Vlulunru From Kingston. E Bath (`ormspond1~nce. . . ___ n- .1. _: ...:|.I ..:..-....- oh- Rut ; ing, usiatod by the Sclvntinn Army. Uhnrlon Phippon, the retired councillor, ` rogsled hi: friends with An oyster supper. ` which `oyltod him In public estimation very : much. ` A. 0.. I... -gnnhr r-nmmnninntinn of FAMIL`? BIIBLES w'"` W3` $.12; 1'. IL76. I eel! in (loving ` to visit I! much. At the Ian reguler comrnunicetion of Maple Lee! lod N0. N9. :\.F. & A.M., D.l).U.M. Willuneon. Kin tan, in re- eem. He VII eocompeuled y .1. Wed ell, \\'.M. elect of St. John : lodge. Kingston. and George Somervllle. of Ceurequi lodge. The diltlnguiehed brother expreueed him- ierne u to the eiciencv of the ollicere of the Bath lodge end promised in. The meeting wee well ettenuletl. en the been of bmtherly feeling was evinced thmughont. Meure. Werner end J. Reid Perry. of Union lodge. Nan. nee, end the mentor elect of Prlnoe of Welsh lodge, Usleeu, {whose name he: nlipped nur memory). were preeenl end made man ml- dungeon dresses. The tutor at our school well has its pocaliuitioo. Lost July ll wns equal in urity to any in tho villsge. During the ` sll it bocuno moot oenslvo to the smell. ` being impregnated with oulphurstod hydro- gen. the sum as found in the voters of l Hsrrowpto. En .. and which motes them V so iunouo for heir modioinsl proportion. l Now sgugn. ssf.o.ido|d. it is pure water. The 0 ring I ich s the well prolnbl rues trough some deposit of sulphur. ,1 this wsior proves hsd spin in tho spring Insi- or to going to do show! it" will be squan- tion for the trustees to wrestle with. -:1- .........n|..- Jam hsr mm mam sworn I In on Monday. The loo tn the hay looks Mon. but In not good enough for to I00 bouu. Tho null osrrior of Amhon! Inltnd. however, around on Tuadny by using I boot. . Mp Inlln nnvn A u o'clock" IBM! Tuesday lust. Revival nervioon Are being held the Methodist church. Rev. Mr. Allen prodd- Sslvntinn mun-In Phinnon. the councillor. NOII [Of IMO IPIIIDG V0 Vrviuu wuu. | Tho councillor: that for I889 va an: worn Monday. 11.. 1... in nu hm look: nice. Tucodoy by using boot. Mr. Flnilo tn 3 n outcr- nlnlnoul oi In con; noldonco on Davy moot on Iondny. S. K. Illlor, "our human hrnnr," lo qnlte ill. Prol. Konod pvt: musical entertain- mont oi MI oloo. Mull mus. to his Moodo. who won patent in nnmborl. Prol. I . 8. Khploy, Rom. .\ .. vu tho prlnolpol attraction. who I-ndorod tho oholoooc male in ouortbtlolnnoor chin lutruuunl. the banjo. ` Ivor-yiouy Inn Ion Iouo. Nico clcu unload hon In bottlu. ne nllotl boon lIo.. out Apples lo. poohlonouudorugu !)o.doou|.oma- sou loo. cu. gallon on: him plums 40o.. gallon an: apple In. June: Cnwlord. Buy your Carpet: now And uve money. Remember _th|t Carpets no being sold Q: this sale at cost price by ~- ' ' ' RICHMOND, ORR & CO. WE WILL SELL AT WHOLESALE COST Hosiery. Gloves, Fasclnators, Clouds and Shawls, Ladies and Gent's Underwear, Wool Blankets, etc._ Watch this space for startling announcements. ONLY A FEW DAYS MORE EV ERY |`HlNG I.\' Ol.'l{ (IFFPZIL El) AT A Discount of 20 per cf.