Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Jan 1889, p. 5

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|.nuiI - (Due nap on (.50 to! the (`nnauliau Pu-mu towards in 0 dnnco involved nnulher, until, in 188`), tn present Umurio sysmn III plumod. It may euily be teen um: it plnuulnf nucl u system it Ill moat unporumt. rm 0 hoping the main object ' in view, In so If 0 the line: tbs: they might draw to the r uynport the traffic {mm as nanny sources at pouible, hocnllu an hodon calf of the lush: lino they could nut in lhomn vu In |broubla. um- |_..| I.'__. _..n ..l 'l`.._....- I- _..l-_ wuacoo. An ord`er-in-council hes been passed unending the order of Nov. 3!), increasing the export duty on pine 1035, so that itshall not aprli to lo I shown to have been at the date o t at or er actually cut and ready for exnortatiun. , (lull! Mil`! MUHLTUIM. An order-iu-council has been passed cou- utituting Walkerton on port. of entry for raw tobacco. A- .....r..-:....,.......:I L-.. L,._ _._,,n uuug um; L-Iuituu L'u|Vel`lllllg Lumpamyx ':}850.000, houiquarloro Montreal. "" '6 Board of Examiners for Dominion laud surveyors meet. at Ottawa Feb. 12 for the examination of candidates. Notiiis given of npplicntion for letters invent incorporating the Dominion Safety oiler Cmnpnuy, capitul $100,000, hemi- quiuters Montreal. An lIl`llRI`-ill-(`,4)Illlr`" hm: hnnn mumml nnn. I`-rom The (Ann-Ice. O1'r.4wA,Jau. `. .3.~-'I`u-inon-uw s Canada Gnzettewill contain the appointment of Chief Justice McDonald 35 Adniiiiistrator of the Province of Nova Scotiu during the absence of Lieutenant-(iovernor McLehm, and of Judge Dnherty of the Supremu Court of Quebec to be Assistant Judge uf the Queen s Bench during the absence of Judge Baby. Latmra mutant Imvn been insm-ii innnrnur. uuugu Duuy. Letters patent have been issued incorpor- ating the; (.`-nnaulu Pulverizing Cumpu._uyx' unu.iAL850.(XI). hnndulmrmrn Mnntrnnl lO`"IOI'l'0W. - There will be a. meeting of the Railwny Committee of the Priv Council o-marrow, It which plans for the Red River Valley Railway bridge ucross the Auiuiboiuc .River at Winnipeg will come up. Owing to the non-arvnl of Lhe plans for the railwny croaaings of the (`uiindiun Pacic Railway at Portage In Prnirie and Morris thole cue: will not be considered to-morrow. Iille PHICC DI] P00. 5. _ The"ShorI. Line deputation will have An interview with the Government at 2 o'clock IO'HIOI'l`0W. 'l"|\....- mill L4 .. .......c:.... ..l 9|... D...'I aluueu. '` The -next regular session of the court. apens Fuh, l6. Tuesday, Jan. 29, is the last day for ling cues, Feb. 2 the last. zluy for depositing factumund Feb. 4unhe `mt day for inacriptiona. ' Princi l Uranfa lecture before the Im- perial l`0ll0l`ll.i0n League will probably lake place on Feb. 8. 'Tlm"Nl1nrI. Linn tlennhxtinn will luum An nnue [Dr 3118 COHIHIK I05-IIOIL The Mail-Lntlnmme case WI! continued = in the Suprcm`lCourt today and not con- aluded. ~ "Fl... ...... ..__..I....,.___:.__ ._t LI._ TUSISIHIPIUII U! IIUII. V` "IA KW ` Speaker Ouimct was in the city to-day to Attnd 5 meeting of the Internal Economy / Pommittoe of the House, M. `which the necessary appointments of pages, etc., wefe znade for the coming union. The MAil-l.nammn cam In mmtiuuml . _iu_' rupiy Ln your f.s\'ur of her. if , <`u\'L'l`iIig ` '--C` I'M-nrnl nI'-51 I"lllIll I`, I'0l|r)' `nI__ .. c .....-uuuu l'm'||lr Itn||wny-n.uiIui' m I|n~ In-am-I 'I'rnnh Ila-ulc-II. . ` l.n .:u-x. Jun. `.35 v~Tliu lulimiinu letter 31!; `'-`\{:V in hntl s_\/In pupeilz ' .\!u.\1`m'.\I.. Juli. H, I889. _ .\::< : l|II1't"Il`L!illlg.'6 with the wishes of the 'iil`\'L`ltIl`$ ui Luis cumpnny an their meet- ing in lay I lava lcnve bu nmku the follow- : vnemorml ui:,vnml`l:y a large iiuqmei'.of the SilL_IJO|t'v'.l`3 of the Unud Trunk Railway Umupauiy of Canada and tho (.`n.nndian I ncIm~ Railway Coliipiuiy, dl`1l.Wi!lgIltt.`l1- 110" 10 the hullility apparently existing bo- lwc-eu these companies, and uriiclic im- poruuicu of more harmonious working. Al. the ollulet the dirantnrs dmtira tn din- ` . Preparations For the (`tuning souls: of the ' Ioulnlol Plrlhltcul -`lulcen Fun The Casino. OHAWA, Jan. 25. -1~It. in rumored to-night. Shut W. D. Harrington of Halifax ha been Jorad and his incceptecl me collcctorlhip of matomn ut Halifax, rendered vacant by the ` raignutioln of Hon. \\'m. Ron. .\`nnn|rm~ (Minn-I. um: i.n Hm nitv Q_n.:Inv tn w. o. H,ARRlNGT0VNvOFFERED THE COLLECTORSHIP. A i TlI{9EVA'CA%N'CY AT lIA_l;`AX flu Oshawa layonlly. u .'AlI 05 _n.. -..........o HE LIVED TOO HIGH. v \ \;xm;s ma 1z,&IL\v.n*s A sR1 iN'(TL TTER FROM P515- S1-.')E~t\T v HORNE. ' Elf HIUCU` he , msrgf WUIOII UK I IIITCC. The directors ol this company lool thus lip nonlh hon lolly unied tho policy the y hon panned reference to ooxlllary llna. sud they bollovo that without. that lines tho Cuodlon Pocio could not lbly hon roulud lb protons too; man. They hollow, too, that in but one one, when the company has n!r-only Icqulrod lino: or undertaken tho conptrum lieu of lines 0! in mm. could the linou nl tho Grind Trunk Compony have bun m.ul-.- bull II aaanv. Whether or not the rloout absorption ol_ tho Northern and Northwestern railway, by the Grand Trunk will lnvolvo the con- au-noon by the Canadian Pacic of a line of in own betwaau Toronto and Sudbury will de mi ontlroly u the policy of th Grand runk In rqarrroto Oularlo traic L: and from the Canadian Northwaat. The Canadlal Pacic Com y has no desire to make this lino and I: ll not do no unloaa it should haoono absolutely nooaaaary to the prouolon of la lnlonata. Tho dlmclnra nl thin non-man: foal that OKIIH3 rllllll IIHQ IE8 FOPOTIIOII OI tna COS! of maintenance and o the other ex uses to be borne jointly. The Grand Trun , on the other hand, was 100 miles away from the nearest uuiut of connection with the Snuit Ste Marie lint, had taken no steps towards covering the intervening space, would have to go hundreds of miles beyond Hault Ste. Marie to tind a railway free to lntervliungo trallic with it. and wanted practically an option as to the right of user to be exercised or not as it might see tit in the indefinite future. The action of the Canadian Pacic (`om- ny in extending its line to Detroit has n pointed to us indicating a hostile and aggressive policy; but it should not be over- looked that the extension of the Canadian Pacic to the Detroit River is a direct con- sequence of the nheorption so induatriously pursued by the Grand Trunk for the punt so on yours; to refer to the purchase by t t com y of the North Shore Railway between entrwsal and Quebec for no other msible purpose than to keep the Canadian inc out of Quebec, the Grand Trunk `Cornpnny having already a line of its own between the two oities,-a purchase winch was only reliu uished alter provision had been made by t eGovernrnent upoi the de- mand of the public for the construction of a third lln Ilsa .i - Al, ,,,__ . a .- 1 {H0 K-rl-IHC Ila CIIH UUIIVLIIIEIIIIY curry. 'lhe Canadian Pncic was in 3 positinn to nuke immediate use of the Uund Trunk line and to commence at once the payment ofthe rental and its Proportion of the cost. nf nmintmmmm lnll n Lhn nwr sync-.nnnn In CIIHIIC TCCEIIII . The other condition was that the Uhllld Trunk should have the right of user over the Ssult Ste Marie branch of the Csnmlisn Pacic; but while without. a knowlvdge of all the circumsusnccs, s proposal to ex- chsnge right: of user seems fair and pro- per, there is A wide difference between the 1 uestiun of the joint use of the (lraml "runk line between London and Detroit and the Canadian Pacic line between Suull bury and Snult. Ste Marie. In the one case the line has A double track, in greater part, end its use to the owner ll certain to be largely diminished upon the completion of the semis tunnel .11: the otlier,Lhe line is s new one, with but I single track, And promises to have almost iinmedintely all the trutc it can conveniently curry. 1 ha Cnnmlinn Pnniv win: in n nnnilinn In IL UIHIII DI ! BUTTCIIUCTEU [U I CUIIIPULIUUT. Thin company has not been unwilling at any time to errnnge this traic matter with the Grand Trunk, independently of other queet.ions-indeed, it has been so Arrange-I quite recently. The nlhar 1-mnlitinn was Hint. thg nun! INPOFIIIII IIIIUTICI Wlilllll TXCII or End! ` (`anadtaa Pacic. Ilsa Mu {roan Toronm to 8nith'a Fallawaanada. and auhaaquontly the rapid growth CG-Ulla made aaoauary the ` uumnoa ol [Ma Illa directly to Montreal to avoid tho [I18 lot in dlltalaoa in the da- toar by tho 10 al Ottawa. Tho Canadian Paella. qullaaarl In III Maury, ad in ado: Io anaan i anauacuou with In A&aIaaIa|InIli.lIiaa1Ih'adt|aoaa- llllll III CIl'l'll>IgU lib LI", FILGU PTUPUSEU. A proposal to submit a questinu Lu arbi- trution usually curries with it an impression of fnirness ; but there are questions which Are not proper questions {or arbitration. One party in the legitimate enjoyment of I business cannot reasonably be asked to submit to arbitration the terms upon which it shall be surrendered to a competitor. This nnmlmuv hll not hnnn unwilling nt. ` tinue its csrriage at the rates proposed. xnna llll I IIVIIIU HHUUIVI ll|SCl)I|LlUC lIlU csrrisgelry its own line of its tlirougn freigln tmic between Toronto and Olllrl` \VesternUnL.'Lri0 points And Ill the ter ritoryreuclied lry its main line west vf North llsy, and yield all of this trntlicto the Grand l`runk for carriage over its slmrtcr line _beLween Toruuln and North Bay, ou terms to l-u settled by urbitrntinn. The Canadian Pacitic had offered independently of any other question and in s neighborly spirit, to permit the Grand Trunk to curly this traic over its short line at the estiinulul cost. of its carrisge over its own longer linu- Wliether or not this offer was based on is correct estimste of the cost. it should lie remembered that the (lrlnd Trunk has no claim wlim.e\'er upon the trullic and tlml the (`auadiuu Pacic was satised to con- A lirnnnstnl tn nnhmit. A nnmllinn tn nrln. pan Dlillll pUl'_HulI. ` The trullic between the New England States and Chico 0 and further west is very large and profit: ie, but while_ reaching it most advaxitageougly at the east the Cana- (liun Pacic has been nmble to carry it for want of iulcpend`cnt cqnnectinns at the west. The only break in connections is he- twcen London, Ontario, and the Detroit .River--l I0 miles-an-d on the closing of this gap the full use of no leu than 1800 miles of the company's lines east of` it depends. Whether or not the coinpamtively short line net.-can to the closing of this gap must be my in the vicinit of two ex- isting lines the gap must e rhucd. Its 1 importance .can hardly be over esti- mated. It will enable the Camuliun Pacific at once to share in 5 traic nlmost as im- purtant as any in America and from which it is now eifecttinlly debarred. ln Hm hnnn nf nvninlinrr Mm nnmairnr-tinn [rill I\Q'W nnglnnu. . Recently, but pursuant $0 I long matur- ed plan, the (`uuulinn Pacic has been ex- - tended across the State of Maine to aconneetiou with t_lw,railway a stem of the Maritime rovincea of IuBdI-- an extension demanded in the public inter- estaa wells: in theintereat of this com- pany. There in as large tmie between then ravines: and Western Ontario, making ocal connection: in Ontario doubly im- pmftant. 'l`lm lfnmn lmltwnnn Hun Nam Flnnlnnal - \ {ml 0! certain ling: uouth of .tho St. Law- relico River sud duty of Montreal. 'I'hiI'i`n- voLu`d the construction of 5' `Ridge acrosia = the St. Lawrence---the Grand 'l`ruhk bridge` being difficult` of access and inaulcient for the Iddi't'1onnl tntlic. _ In establishing its coqlhaotionn with the seaboard, connections wars incidentally made with the great manpfscturiug cities of nor,thorn' and cen- tral New England. Rm-nntlv. but nnrnunnl: tn A lnnrr mnmr. THE `BRITISH Wma. SATURDAY; y ruamm- and. in g of tin- : hetwuen s, clenry nl.AI-tum} norm Autroy or Tuuouu; -I. Fry toolonap mu hon nu Inrloun. 0a.. Km-munlurlu MI um Charla Bluhnnn tcolorod) at u.- I Iq. 01.. (or I under nu-mun In nut lllll. ldllor Powollol Tho Ildlnnd Tribune 0! Din was convened yucca to Luna months with hard labor for pull lag an mo-gul u'uoln.md lot romnrkln that l.hO untouc- was out not dried won an were added. Mlnuui. Ala. lords: James Seaman Ioolorudllvnn h: (or llrdunmr Donuu II"U III llllllll-|`& 0' rlvujvlih The local linen west of Toronto. In order to be worked with dvuntago ` and profit, had M be connochd with Montrool ; and with the uldidmnl object o! btinglnf an important dhtrlct Ilthln nub o the (`undhn Puiln. Ibo lino from Toronto to Allnuw. Mm. ulorlny James Boamcl tsolorul) VII In (of nlrdurmg Donut Iotmhuroyol Iuooln: Id. I-`ry color I bu fur murdurlu wllnn (than-Inn Illnnkmnn lnulnnu-Ii at ll.. IICCCIL The human: weight chum ship hauls at Uloooolor. N.J.. Int uluhl. moon Cod. Mu` Pnnhy ul Juno: Clu omd Hurry Walton or PI|llI`l:|VuIl|| ma won by Iho former In are tons IA|n-- I-|....-|I.n 3- IlI.II--.I IuI..AL....- -5 uumpusuu Inruuy on wuuwn uuu cum! rul. At Yanooyvlllo. N.C.. unurdny Ml) noun wnuouud the execution at John ncuy irolorod) lor the nnnrdor of But: Ouvor Iunlnradx unocunuca. '|`ho Umsun bu lnvllod Mr. and Mrs. Pholnl lodiuo with her Monday and to rouuun at um vain:-c over nlulu. lo--don ll.-duals nroorllnlzluz A nuns moot- lnu In Hyde Park to demand the rcluuo or Mr. llarrlnmtuu. MJ . An_AImsr|cn ullinl wane! from Zanzibar to Madman-at hu been rod non I Uurlnnn N wane! and mo 0! her mnlu IIIOII ll. Clouunll election In the Du srunont of Var hot! man docl-urul vulul by L o nub-com-` two of tho Chamber of lkvpullu. K` any were Injured yolfordny nl. (`loumol In a collision botwueu the when and a crowd , Iompoud lnrnoly of woman and clnld run. Al Vnnn-vvllln N l`._, lxnnnhnv Itlllln--unn- auxuuy. The prlnulpnlo-wider 0|` Um Nlllnnal Bank Agency an. uouomm mu unheated 5130.000 and ulmwlulcd. 'm._ n..._... I.-- A_..n..I II. _..A 11.. nn.__u__ |IIC \JIII'lIIIlI 4'\lIIIl`-UJIIIVI yr:-uurully. A uruvu pecuniary nmlurrnumenv. In and to be nupendum for um sultan of Z.m:lbur. 'l'hucurrcnpuudonI| of The lh.vnro and NA- tIou.u Imus boo`n expelled from uormnny. It In omlod nl. lho British l`uro|(n Um.-o hm, America ununnu bunluosu m the Sumo: all`-c r. , A hum! uhlx potions have been uutfocuuod by gun 1-om I dotoouva move at Crouun. SIluuV. IIU\V ll llllu I|IlJ IIIUII ITU lllln lord S.m had I long: Iulorvlew wllh the Uurmm Ambuudor yenusrduy, A an-n Vn nnnnnhunr1-nnlurrun--ugno I--..l1I u.. Violent enrlhquako shocks M'U reported from Colorado. Eiuluy persons were wounded In tho disturb- Illcc ul \`urrh.-I-on-.\'u|r. 'I`hu-mil-rs m shonunduah. Pn.. luv. shut down mu] {U00 men uro Idle. I.._|u.n..n....._ |.-.I _ |...... A...-._._n FIN II For! lope. Pom Horn, Jun. 25.--13otwoen 8 And 9 o`clock last evening Hm alarm hell: were bounded, when it Wll fwm-| 'hat the dwoll ing in Hope-street owned by Mr. Wm. Stevenson was on tire. The Chenn- ul did good work and succeeded in extin- guishing the tire, but not before the entire upper part of the building wan destroyed. The home had been unncvnpied for B few days. The loss in pnrti.-My covered by in- ` Iurance in the Scouisu Um--n. V... vvu A connection with the Great \\'eslt'rn lhlilvmy of Candy whose linen reached , nearly every important place In the Umarm peninsula, naturally becune the rs! ubycct at` the U-mpnny, but the tint. In ln tun cliruvtin vvss met. h the ebeorpt on of the men. Western by I oliruld Trunk. Thu .- idhmd system and other independent nul- wnya were eheorhed on quickly ll pouihlc. Wluather any of then linel were nbaorbml fur the prom of the Grand Trunk or nn3_-.- for the purpose of -heading elf the &l|i||n-Ill l'ncih'c It. may colt may puul be deter- minwl by an enmlnatiou ol t ubcequent reeuiu of their working, And the reuult of Incl: examination will robably be fonml to anpiy equally well not e more recent. ah- mrptluu of the Northern and Northwestern l:.nl\ny. ah- _--e .0 el.. I`-.....l.'.... An Inc-emllary Blur II uuowol. Ll! l-`.l., Jun. '.35.--.-Xbout. 12 o'clock last night tire broke out in the large frnme tumble belonging to the Imperial Howl, owned and occupied by F. A. Kruul, which mu totally destroyed, Alton horse, cow and Iome new form implements stored there from last season. The liuiluliiig was insured in the \\'ulerloo Mutual for $600. This make: nine suppuled inc.-nulinry tires here Iinco Sept. 16. The council have oered ll rewsrd of $500 for the conviction of the in- wndiu y. u-. Convocetion Hall of Trinity College was lled yeaterdny afternoon with an audience which teltltied by repeated applause their delight with the patriotic sentiment: of J. B. Bourinot, LLJ). Clerlx of the Canadian House of Commons, who for an! hour and 3 quarter lectured on The National Develop- ment of Camden There was no nncextnin sound in the Doctor's utterances. He he: unbounded faith in the resources and grent Lleltiny of Cunailu. [I153 lJl'I3lUlIU|53. George Morrison, 3 primer, living at 267 Yonge street, wu Arrested yesterdny ailer- uoon on four diuinct. charges of fur ery. the complaint: being undo by Mr. ubu Holderneu. James Beaty,and \\'. A. Shep~ pan]; (`unvm-ntiun Hull nf Tr}nit.v (`nllonn Inn PUIL*)UlIL'lHCI.Il. The Grand Jury tluliveronl themselves upon several indictments laid before zhem. The most important of ill win their nding no bill in the cues of Hi`. Valentine and Alley Wilkinoou, chnrgml with vomplicity in the murder of Lily Charlton, llhl the re- turning of I true bill against the absent Jruggist, J. 0. Wood, connected in the unit: Case. True bills were found against David Logan, George .\Ic(`oppin nnil Robert liedilin, gambling in stocks; Clus. Nelson, forgery 3 Chas. H. Wright and Ed. Driscoll, gaming ; Gen. l-Egan, larceny, and Florence .\Iu.ynIrd, obtaining goods under false preteuceh. H5-nraa Mnrrinnn A nritnr livina nr. `EH7 HI RCW IOTK. The counsel for .\lr. W. F. Mach,-An of The \\'orld Asked for A postponement. till next. court. of the trial ml the .\lLSS8] libel suit and for lnrtlwr tune to plead. as in case he decided to plead justicutiou he would require tqbrillg witnesses from (`lc\'elnml, t. Thonms, l'elerlmru and Cobourr. His Lmdsllip gave till Ln-day to plead, sfter which he will consider the application for polnponcmcnt. The llrnnd Jurv ilvlivcroal thmmmlven ` A'l`rne lllll for llul-`der Ileturncul Azalnnl llrllxxlll Wood. Mr. Justice Rune mid Mr. Justice Mac- Mnhun sat in tho anal /.a's all day yesterday, but veryliulu crilniiml business was (lir- poaed of. licfure the first nzuned licrlnml lilLlC0ll Israel Barnett. was arraigned on the charge of appropriating to his own use It romiaaory llutc for $235.") made by C. F. iunhury. lie pleeulml not. guilty. His trial in the Central Bank case will be com- mcnced this morning and his counsel will Iccklo have the Bunbury case pnstponecl because of the absence of ii nutcrial witncgs in New York. 'I`|..- .... ..I L... \I.. \\' L` \I.. ..I..-.. -1 IVTQIIQUUM Alex. L. Srcrrtarl. E~q., .. Acting Secretary for shnrehnlders+ondon. III llICK'0ll58(l ETHNIC [Ur IL-B lICjgllUOX'. The directors wish filrther :3 lay that next to the prosperity of their own railway, there in nothing that intelligent self-interest would lend them no enrncstly to desire as the prosperity of the Grand Trunk. ' I have the lmnur to be, sir, i Your obedient servant, \V1I.LMM (`. VAN HORNi:`.,~ ' President. Al-.. I L` .....A..... L`... INTERESTING ITEMS BY WIRE. UI llll expenulnura. - `he directors beg leave to point out that so much as mny have heen unsatis- factory in the experience of the Grand Trunk Com auy"in the past three or four years must )8 attributed to other causes than `Canadian Pacific competition; for- ,.t~he.y have reason to believe that at nearly all com ting points the earnings of the Grand 'lrunk have been larger than before this competition begun, excluding, of course, the accident of bad crops. The Impetus given to trade and mzmufactures by the advent, of the Cemsdiun l'ncic has resulted in a protable tratc for itself And en increased traic for its neighbor. Thu dirpntnru winh filrthi'4.I' to A;-.v Hm} rt vuuzou v: I- W . It would have been unwise in the extreme to have left the enormous interest. of its Ihnreholderu in such I perilous position. and therefore, ilnpellogl by the force of ur- cunnauuceu and not. in the Ilightoul. degree by hostility toward: the Urand Trunk (lnmpany, the Canadian Pacic turned its unention to the provision of such lines and connections in Uuurio u wuuld effcrtuully make these interest: secure by the limo the main lranncoutinclul lineynhould be com- plated. `lln-unfrinmlli and nvan ho-Qiln -ni.-it DBLWBOH Lonuon luu ucu tlllu _ x_ The compjainy has in no Important parti- cular deviated from the policy and plan: de- cided u on in 1882 These plans lack but little 0 completion. How noon they shall be completed and whether they shall he completed in full mutt depend upon cir- ' cuxnstancea; but in carrying them out the directors will be happy. as they would have been in the pelt, to utilize as far as poible thelinee or other facilities of existing rail- ways, if that can be done without the sacrifice of eiciency 0!` independence. They have no desire to injure the property of their neighbors or to incur any avoidable capital expenditure. 'hedir-mvtnrn her: leave to nnint. nut use of without 'eatdindvu1tagc. Tbeonly use in which 1. no joint use of a. section of the Grand Trunk Railway teamed aither expedient. or Eracticablo Wu thnt of the ag, between Lon iyn and Detroit. WW... .......-.3. 4: .1111! in nn irnrhu-6....A ` ......n: I TORONTO TOP! 8. p FIIIIIHC W TIT. lwllllis .30.. VII pmd for the cutuhlunut 0! than pro- nut. -vuiuuu my ITIIIIZI TIC: Lolnol. Ju. I.-Ir. Ghdltuo duic; th 9: thohluuportlhutbon poun- nl.n:uuforhhnunhnulh:n". an nuuvwureuu-' nvunse Lent evenlnglr. T. J. Thrmpeon. euper- J lnhndelt of 0 Fourth Hethodlet Sunday eohool, wee preeented with e volume to! 8hekeepeere'e Imrke end e set of commen- Ierieeeee when ,0! their rep:-d fronthe eoholere and beaten. Prevloue to the pn, eealetlon by Rev. G. 8. Eldridge I lengthy pmgrtmme at eolee. reclmlone. eco., n vldnd hr the enhrhlmnnnt nl mm. In`. COIN I05 III III. DUI I IV` ' The gift 0 85,540, by Peter Mcbren to the St. Jean Anglzcnn church. Perth. ee- ebled the congregation to complete one of the linen chutohoe In Ontario. The com- pletion has been celelmud by the special eervlcoe. The Incumbent in Ru. H. L. Stevunou. UNHU 0| IIII your. Rov. Dr." Rnlnnlord will not leave 9!. George`: church. New Yoai. Thole In I oonlunion of nunu about 5 all to Rich- mond; Vs. He said when Asked about It : "I don`: intend to leave this church. All the king`: horns: and all the king`: men could not. In me out o! it." TL- ..llo . IR ll I... D.a-- Kl..Y_..-.. A- U1 XIEIIGQTIOB III B. \\'l|IIIIIa. The dioooun lninioury meeting! are now ocaurring wd Rev. Mr. Spencer. clerical uecretnry. reports that in mm} cuentho ro- rocoiptu will exceed the oontrilmtlonn uf Int ,yoar. From all tho return: will not be below than 0! Int your. Raw Dr IR-lnnlnnl n-III nun Inna Q9 PICKCU. `Hie unfriendly and oven hoatilo spirit dinplnyml by the Gnnd Trunk Company hum the beginning gave additional furue tn the reason: which wtuatcd the ('mnu.l1.m Pncitic Company in deciding _upun this Ali!!! . HIUIHUHIIII cuurcn. To-morrmv in the Third Methodist church Rev. W. Timberlnkc will pretch I minim l ory sermon in the morning, and in the oven- ing oddrouu will he deliverod by Revs. W. G. Hendernou and R. Whiting. Thu nlinnugn lninninlnrv mnntlnnn Ara nnr l0l'CIl)lC- Enduvonn no being made to ucuro Rev. Chancellor Sims, of Syrncuae, to assist in the opening ceremonies of Sydonhum utr-an Methodist church. 'I`._ .....__..... ... .l._ 'I"L:...l \.I_sL-.I2_A -L.__..|. umrun or mucn Iurmnn. Lu: Sunday Dr. Lsvell, Ivnrdcn of the penitentiary. delivered miaaicnary sermnnn ` at Wat. Winchester. Hi: ml-lresaea were forcible. l.`_J_- ......... -_- I.-2_.. ....-.l- A- _ . ...__ LL... IHOUIIK CKIUTCH DUTIIUTTUW. Rev, Fr. Mcllonough on leaving Napnme for l ict.on wu presumed with $800 and an sddreu of much warmth. I --n Q.....I_.. l\_ I .....II ...._.I__ ..f al.- Cnllrc l.0~m0lr0\V. Rev. R. Whiting in the morning, Rev. 9. U. Bland in the evening iu Queen street Me~ tnodint church to-morrow. D-.. L`- \I_.Y\ _ _ . . ._L .._. I_._..!_._ \`._._...._ The Mlulonnrv Iloaoy wm be In Exec-u of Pnvloul Your-n. Rev. l)r. Hooper will conduct the Norrml bible class during Fcluunry. Rev. J. W. Spnrling will preach at both services in the Sydenhum nroet Methodist church tomorrow. D... I) lIYL2sL_.. 2.. bl... ...._.._._S.... D... Q I IUW Intriguing U(IVUIIUlIr9rIo The Vouiacho Zeitung hold: that it would be I mistake to attach no importance to nieauurea taken by President. Cleve- land merely because he is shortly to he succeeded by Mr. Harrison. it limits that Authority for denling with foreign ulfaira rests with the sauna committee and warns the semi-oliicial press the: it would be unwise to try in appease the German public with fnllscious illu- - n IIHIII the Samoan AInlr--The Pal-It-ll Connie- nlon-AnnlraIln'I Wheel Crop. Bimux, J nu. 25.-The National Zeitung, referring to the action of the senatorial committee st. Washington on the Samoa ef- hair, my: meuuru` for the protection of ' the Autonomy of the Samoa` 1:- landl are enpernoul because it in not threatened by Anyone. The sole interest of .-\lneric.'| cnusiata in not snowing good re- lnionn with Germany to be jeopardized by a few intriguing edventnrere. The Vmuuinulm Zaitnnu hold: tint. it uHlVlHl(|gI! xrom me IYSIOID. The address in reply was passed before the House rose. Several stereotyped notices of motion were sent 11 to the clerk's table, among them being l\ r. Waters bill for woman suhge. The Home will nit. again Monday afternoon st 3. U1 EHHIKS HHUUIU Conlllnle. Mr. Muwat in rofrly after referring to the interprovinchil con erence and the appoint ment of at new minister, said with re ard to the licensing system that it is innite y eup- perior in the public interest, to any other enforced in this or any other country. It is far superior to any projec-t that has been proposed. If there are defects in it I Mn not surprised that there are so many, but tlut there are so few. The Premier denied that the government derived any political advantage from the system. Tlmmlulr-en: in rnnlv was nu-u-J hnfnrn IIUVVHCFB I5 [He pllUlIC UCCICI` S4'lllHnt`|l. It can only be, therefore, the territorial policy of the Canadian Pacic (`om )any that ' cam be pointed to as indicating a er-ling of hostility on its part, and in order that its licy in that respect may be better um erstood, I am desired hy the directors to say that from the inception of their enterprise it wan apparent that the main hue of their railway must depend largely upon the traic between the great Province ot Ontario and the (`anadian Northwest and the Pacific coast for its support, Untario bein , in point of tratlic, equal to all the rest 0 the Dominion; that in fact this tratlie was absolutely necessary to the success of the enterprise ; that the Grand Trunls Railway could not be depended upon to bring this traic to the Canadian Pacific, because its interests would hear heavily in the direction of its much longer haul to Chicago; that nothing short of an exclusive arrangement with the Grand Trunk cover ing this traie would he of any practical use ; that even if the (Brand Trunk were to ignore its many important connections at ('hicago,and enter into an exclusive arrange- ment with the Canadian Pacic, the power of these connectiona to divert from the Grand Trunk a vastly greater traic would not admit of the hope of the long continu- ance of such an an-arigement; that at best. as experience everywhere has roved. mutual interest only could he diepemled upon for the satisfactory working and permanency of such traic arrangements, and the mutual interest did not and could not exist in this case; that even with the strongest agreement that could be made, the vast capital to be in- vested in the main line of the (`anadiuu Pacic must remain at the mercy of the Grand Trunk Company, for without the Ontario traffic, the Canadian l acitic could not have existed during its ear- lier years; that the must carefully drawn agreement could not afford adequate protection, beauao in case of the wilful diversion of this traffic from the Canadian Pacitic, it might be seriously cri ipled before it (`mild secure its rights throng the slow processes of law. In .......l.I L..... L`... ........'.._ 1.. AL. .._A_,...a_,, IIUUHE. IIU IHIIUU Kl HUHIUFUUU HIIIISIUH [U the inter-pru\'im`iul conference. Mr. Mere- dith clmrgcd that the lluvnrunlent made use uf the (`rnoks Act for pnrtisnu-purposes and said that it was not desirashle that this state of things should continue. ll.. \l.......o :.. ..-..l.. -4 .-- .. J`.......'..... A- AL- U3 U\'L'K' \.'5ll|HlI|.C\l- Mr. E. J. Davis (North York) in rising to second the lllLll'`SI umdlb it long speech on the resources of Cuxiudu, in connection with which he gave some statistics of Culuuliun minerals. He referred to the Mining (`ommissiou und the newspaper re- ports of its labors, and also to the project of providing lu,-ttermeuns for A practical, scientic education for mechanics and others. He spoke in eulogistic terms of the Agricultural College und _ ulro of the rich agricultural resources of Uutnrio, proving that young ('enudiuns need not go to the States to pursue with prot the farming in- ilustry. 'l`hele;ulcroi the Opposition spoke at length. He referred to the question of un- uexutiou and said he hoped that the mem- bers on the other side would be found us patriotic and as fond of their country as are the gentlemen on his side of the House. llenuule a humorous allusion to .'....Z..I .....l'........... \'.. \I.._.. I l... Lu..- ....,... r; JAN", 26; UK l'l'UWll Lolluul. Mr. G. B. Smith (Eut YU!`l\'l, in rising to open the debate on the address in reply to his speech from the throne, referred tirst to "that portion of it touching u on the devel- npment of the ngricultuml in} ustry. That, he said, was tho subject given the greatest cngth in the speech. I lrelieva it has al- ways been the policy of the Uovenment to give that important industry the prominence ~ it is cntitlbd to. He spoke of the nilintion of the Agricultural College and the Provin- cial University and the do ree of "Bachelor of Agriculture" which he been created and which would encourage the young Canadian to follow the farming profession. The value of the farmers` institute could hurdly ` be over cstilnutcd. I . L` ` I\....:,. l\T-_AL \'. ,'.k ,,_ Account is Polmoul luau. ..._ .. I._ An In, nu, 1,. n UIIII IIUIIU WI-IU CUIIIU llll IIIUIII UUDFer. Mr. Mer,dith sun] :1 few graceful words of regret for the illness of Mr. Purdue. He hoped never to see the day when psrty feel~ ing inUnt.ario ahnuld run so high that oli- .iciana would, not pay tribute to the nigh .1ualitiez3 of such men us the former Minister ` of (frown Lands. \I- (1 I) \`....'oL ID--A \'._..l.\ L. _:.:.__ A- CIRCLE OF- THE CHURCHES. An Afternoon of :p;:Ii-In_Is`I'n| V-`ll the `-| ` _ Ontario IJ-gt-lnlprr. / Toxoxm; Jan. 26.--liefore~ttiLT House prbceeded to the orders of the day yester- day Mr. Mowat refeiI'ed'in .moiring terms 5 to the illness of his former colleague, Mr; .l'nrtlee. - Before another session `that lable Minister aml loved friend would hnve paus- ednwsy. His tleuth might occur even in I few deyu. ` Mr. Movnt was confident that he voiced the opinion of die members in on expression of the `deepest uni most respectful re ret ior the illness which . wztssosoou to en in the death of their ' former` esteemeol colleague. As to the three appointments which had been made Iincetht-.lu.st session of the House, Mr. J Mownt said` that men might hove been found who could ll the positions as well, but none who could "till tllciri better. in. u......nu. ....:.l .. 4-...., ....-....c..n ...,,__;__ AI lnuro-(Inn Even}. .._I__ II- `F I lI|L.__-__,_ Acopiiuc THE .Al.;DRES; \ . 2 . uuu un swuusvu Llll. II iuulwg l.!_lmllU!|llllIy UK` iste. `here can be nothing else to imlicate anything of the kind, because the Canadian Pacic Coinpauy has carefully refrained from any opposition to any of the projects of the Grand Trunk Company or interference with its legislation or its nancial opera- tions, and it cannot be charged that it has, n hcrc com ting with the Urund Trunk for trutlic, actet in any but the most neigh- borly aml honorable manner, or that it has not at all times shown a strong desire to cwopernte in the maintenance` of proper rates, and `to guard against the abuses which have elsewhere resulted from compe- tition. Indeed, since the beginning of the competition between the two companies, disturbances in their rates other than those resulting from outside causes, beyond their control, have been exceedingly rare. The wholesale cutting of rates and the other evils rowing out of erce competition, which have brought many of the nei hboring American lines to the verge of bun ruptcy, have been almost unknown between these two companies, and it is safe to any that nowhere else in AIn:rri- ca are rates more uniformly maintained and nowhere is the public better Siltlllil. ll. i-An nnlv lm tlirufnrn elun tu--ion.-inl CABLE NOTES. 'II II. I I9! IX UC~Q'mCln :oIu':?_IIhd. City d Inodn and hu- rrhl of booth: lnunoo Gauguin. no append to to abort h lb 1: (HI will AL... IIIVOXI UallI*lIII IIIIII. ICHII II~ oluloo. ltluhoughthh dohloouou will booouldcnbly our ball I million. He: in: Alan gaunt fur Ila flan--An.Aninu. IIOOOIIIMIQTIDI UV'l' CHI I Tali. `IO up doc I for the Got-an-Anoricnn rggufg yd. 13) 1904:: INDIAXAPOLIH, JII. -003, II`. i";!.""'.....'.'i'.`1'.i".'.?'..:.;..:"' E....a'` :53 Inn ban haul nnlnn Mn. is In n. |a;'I$';3'.'.."'l'.3Z'.2I.'s.."I'i.'4i..'." E'.'3'.":Z".f? dudes; llhtholnhl hh dnhlnnunn will I-u vuunwu uuyuuly. OSIIAWA, Jun. 95.-0n amount of no Ihyor hing ohotod for IS! (the gentle- mon who won noniuhd for the tion buy NI ), ` Ex-Mayor ll bu law 0 odon lam-acting the town cloth to cull I I0! ol the nupnyoru to nomhuu ounlldstu or the colon. no-ugpu. To-de`y'I recee were poetponed on eccount. cl the weather. I LHTIVIN` Rich:-d . Club. . . 'I"L- I .'| Inllloia Illlofli Wlnmrm. Jun. 25.--Tho vote In Pro- nnohor, with live place to hour from, in : Lu-ivicn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .580 Dl..L- _4I U -Irllll. The policy of the C-nnndian Plcic Com- pany as regards the extension or its lines to various mrtl of the Province: of Ontario and Que rec has been mule use of to create the im reunion that 8 feeling of hostility ex- ' can be nothimr else Eb imlimue Clu-ho . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . ..5..........2J 7 The Libonll hold 0 banquet at Olcnboro to-night To-dAv | run: umrn nontnnnnl nn Anavulln um manure-.u mar. A vruuu new ol :2 wt giwu to: few to div And tho verdict pm- uouncc-: it the very biggest hn. met undo Ill earnuvul pawn either am this continent or In Eurouo. A cosh uoor by one party was un- noduuhly undo hot mama oopuu. Dunne publillwrn 0! The Star refund Comic any othexlsuru than mull todeolou u the onion AI. , Tho I `nllcl. .\Io.v'rnn'.u.. Jan 2.`).-The city in lling up with utrnnue-nu from all put: of the world. The ion (1.-uI.|o has nun so I suworiug helglnl. The nmuu Imus arrival {or tlnb fancy dnva nnd pI`(>'|)ul':|liuII!9 on a gigantic ncnfe no llmut coin;-lru-d fur .n|l cums. Una of the gnvnu-st. I-vents ol unocnruital in the onuzing numb:-r of The Mammal Star. A priuu \iew ol It wan riulu lnn four In (In: Anul than -nniia-A up... l`Ill! nut mnrrn. Inc Increase W05 ranted. but the boy did not reap the bone- t, as the book-keeper pockotod the amount every week. Orr in IIIO heavily involved nround town, tailor: being bin victims. PYKKQECUDU llllll. Luau Saturday Orr departed very end- denly for Chi . He coolly wrote a letter h'0lllc::rO to hi: former em- ployer, aaliln him to send a recommenda- tion to assist im in vtting a altuation. Since hi: departure it as been discovered that he falsied the bouka, collected |c counts and never turned over the money. The amount of his dafalcatlon is not known, as Mr. Squibb: hear: of something '- new every day : but it will exceed 821). lt is impossible to state the exact alnount at present. Urr kc t his books very Iliilfull , and covered up ia track: very well. {in one instance an apprentice wan to geta raise last March. The increase .--...a-A I... LL- L..- .l.'.I _..a _.-_ AL- L--. Eu '~'.'u:'..'.7: Itoluuulohullor. . .1 . --J M. , .P'.nT:f:fu'3.7'...?:..'.`L` ...'.'.'.'.. ..'.'.3.. A lnnlllon Bookkeeper who Gel Ils Ac- counts Dllxecl lip. H.uuL'ro.\', Jan. 25. --Eddie Orr, formerly s bookkeeper for Frank Squibb, plumber, is in Chicago, whither he went to get out of solving 3 linsncisl problem. Orr was in rev ceipt of s smell salsry, yet he lived well. dressed elegantly, sported ngold Intel: and s diamond ring, snd spent money freely. Msny of his friends wondered how he could sord to go the clip he did unless he re- ceived money beyond his salary. Several months ego his em loyer remerked to him thst he was living ynnd his moons, snd Orr explsined thst he ot money from other sources. Mr. Squibb did not suspect that he wu paying for his bookkeeper's extru- vegsnce until shout Christmas, when he sccidentelly discovered that there Inn 5 decit of SI49 in hincesh book. Orr prom ised to make good the uhortsge. sud tried to explain how it occurred. but his expla- nstione were not satisfactory to Mr. Squibb. who discharged him at the rst of the ycnr. Urr did not pay the shortage, but he made good promises, end Mr. Squibb did not prosecute him. Ignmntnninv (M-r (Inns:-furl worn and. IHUFCUIIHII SCGIHUII ueut:l'u:l`l. A copy of the imperid order-in-council of Nov. 17 is published suspending the opera- tion in Canada of the imperinl ex-tradition Leta of I870 and I873 durin the continu- ance in force of the Com inn extradition act of 1886. ` merchant. seamen deserlen HUI: DP I Irl) NJ I BIIUWII K HHVC wen 8` (He ol'zl..: onler readyfnr exportation. A deaputch from the Colonial Oflice in ublinhed giviu the term: of Agreement tween Great. ritnin and Brazil relative to A ........ -6` AI..- : ____ .-I IIUI IKIIICU Ul IDUI'l.' IHITIIIUHIOUH worxlllg. the outset. the directors desire to lis- cluim any feeling of holtility on their own part, or un the part of the ofliccrs uf the <.-oinpnny, towards the Urmid Trunk Rail- way. They fully concur in all that is set forth in the momorisl of the slmrchohlers us- tu the dc.-;irI 1"bili|:y_ and importance uf the most hlxrmonious relations, and it has been their wish all along to cultivate such re- Intiona. 'l`|.n Dut\I:--I ls LI... f`-..-.I:.... Y)-_.:l2_. I"-..

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