Tllli (`ARPlN'l'P.`R HUHINIRS. carried on 'uxmolJonkln Prlncan Htru-I. ha: been 3 T` ANHPIBRED mu mu-mew, JOHN y uric! nlusnllun to JEN KIN -. In no in onion sud r:..3n.t.l:?i...-..-. to also merit the ubonl muons: at the public. pUHC{'IlleH UH l`!lL'lI` CRIIV. ` A; H o'clock there was truubh: ut. lllocker an-l (fnrmint stream. The strikers there overturned It Sixth avenue cur. Thcrc were only three pulu,-elm-n present. and they were overpowered. At ll n'u|amL' A mnh nf strikers mnthered HSHICU TU [H17 lurry. A few cars are running can the .\'a-coud an Fourth avenue lines, with three ,ur fuur , pulicunen on mu-Ir nu`. At. I-I n`:-lm-I: oh ran u-an h-nnh'.n- at. IU.~.l:nr (or `VHS ITTCSIEU. NEW YORK. Jan. 30.~-'I`he Sixth avenue l`0Ml sent: car over its lines this morning. The. Bromlway line advertises fur conduc- tOl'I and uirivera. The first car over the Grand street route went to the ferry nml on its return met in. uhstructinu at Uariuk street. A dray was upset on the truck. fhie (`fT(`\.'Elllll_V l|l0Ck&1l(`(l the cure` pro green, and the ubetructiml could not be removed. The crxwrrl ritpiclly increased and luecmne menacing. The police appeerul, scutterml the strikers and removed the uhatructione. In the meantime three cars that started to fnlluw the lirst were elioct~ ually blocked at Wooster street. [he siege was again mine! and at the Bowery. rucks were fuuntl piled on the track. When these Inul been l`,t`lIll)\`ctl the cure went an l|lllll0' leateil to the ferry. A hu: man: are rnnninu um .\'a-nnml mil sun. ` . -- Nrzw Yank, Jun. 30.-Strikurs last night stopped can of` the Third avenue line and ,sma.ahed the windows of one car. Um: rio- ter was Arrested. \.'In- \4'..uu I... an "Pl... Civil; ..n.u.n... 'l`ho_ Strlln-rs in session Ml Nlghl;--A 15091- lnu 9)! Anarcliy Prevulln. NEW Yoiyi, Jam. .'l0.-The striker: re- mained in secret session all night and re- ceived reports from pickets. They were very determined to luwe no doubt. of the ultimate result. of the strike. Ivan the girl strikers last night. added to the general auurchy by asaaultiugmhe non-union carpet workers at Higgins factory. A number of girls had their clothes torlffroin their per- mm.` LATES7TK FROM MONTREAL. FEELING OF THE GENERAL. STRIKE cm 'lfH_E_b_RfAl_l:.7VVbAY. A It. Loule (III-I `l'hr-own` Into llyelorlee by n Pnolletl John. St. Lucia, hlol. Jen. 99.-A remerhehle oeee of hyeeerie hee jut come toiight. The victim in Miee Liilie Bneeie. en ettnctive young leeiy I9 eere old. #10 for enme time peel hee empl ed es the Ilieeoeri Ieendry. et No.. llerkee street. It eppeere thet the young ledy hee been engeged for eome time to e young me- ohenio nemed Price, end the Iserriege de wee nevited. Price vieited her ehous e wee ego. end elter chelting evhile ieii over ee 51 deed. The young men wee egootlalooeor. end the periormeoce wee eo reelietlc. the! the young Iedy fell into e hyeterioel etete. (mm which ehe hed not einoe emerged. Her whole nervoee ete.-In coll . end there hee been no in ' `elven, though the beet Inedicei Md of the city he been eummoood. Uioee wetoh we: kept on the nniortuuete girl. but lee! night, while her wetchere were doeing. ehe etole out 0! bed herelobted end here heeded. end weihed h the home III e reietive three milee ewe . erriviug there thnmughiy chilled, wit her loot. hedly hruieed end ewollen. Her condition to eight ie no wane. I mesa, tgunu 10.000 in man, 0: vnom on room Iron Inoquplul. The number of syn` luhour lost by striking and loohdout am loyoon In I vs: 7.508.881. iuu. 10, 50.91) in 188 . If the labour ho r scod_ 3% [L50 per mun tho ntimnhd Inn of vngoo to striking and lookodout etnployoec in I888 would he 8lI,343.72I`. ognlnu U5,- 3!),88l In I887. l decline 0! $5 per cont. |lt)l7~iE with ohzht rooms and extension kit- nhmn huh! and unit mm-r. with guud sunblimz : convenient to Queen`: Collv e ; iumn-` Dos- mminn. Apuly on the pram ma. I28], or at \'--. III Uni-xu Str-mt, bolwcon Gordon and Alfred _. _ `Hie Varloua lntereete that are Touched- The Money And Ilen Ali-etod. Naw YORK. Jan. 30.-[`here were 679 strike-e Ieporte-I in IH8H. involving `2ll..\Nl employees, a decline from 1887 of 23 per cent. in the number of strikes. and of 48 per cent in etrikre. Againet I886 the decrease in the number of etrikera is 5'2 per cent. Higher wauoa or fewer houre were cause: of atrikee by 68 per cent of the smkera in I888. ageinet 62 in 1887. Trmlee union queetione were behind the atiike of 17 per cent. 0! the men involved in I888, against 22 rcent the year before. Sympathetic etriree almoet dieappeared lalt year. About 45 per cent. of thoee etriking were in Penn- aylvauia in I388, ainat 32 per cent. in I887. ()nly33 per cent 0 the atrikee In 1888, in- mmngao per cent. of the whole number who went out. Ieenlted in favour of the em- ploe eea, againet 42 per cent. oi the etrikee an 37 percent. of thoee involved in I887. There were 74.879 employeea locked out in I884, against 40.01!) in I887, of whom 87 new mm warn anmnalnl. The numbc nf PTCUEIIICIKIHH HI I IUIIIHZVIIII Uy I'll! UIIIPCFUI. A depuution of wool manufacturer: are in (bttanvn, asking the gm-ermnem for an in- crease in the duty on woollen goods. The present duty is 20 per cent. ad vulou-m, with I special duty of Tc. per 1?. The manufncturern want the increase in order to meet British competition. Iucture. Fhe editor of the Rmthenower Zeitung (liberal) ha been condemned to two months imprisonment in a fortress for crime ngninst the sovereign pm er. 'lhe crime wrn the use of ceruiu language in am article on the presentation of I fountain by the emperor. A nlpnmninn nf won! lnanllfnvtnrerl are me nuneuneu I00 mnu violence In umrln. A detachment of `'3' battery MI been teslin the ninepuunder Shrapnell ahella mnuu nc;urod at the cartridge factory, Que hec. The best. in said to have proved the Ammunition equal to that of Englilh manu- fucture. l`|... ...l:.._ I\` 01.. 74a'lnn.n FRIGHTENED HIS SWEETHEART. mwxlcn mg uquoru. - A 'dooptcn from New Iiberin lay: the regulators whipped three negroes there on Sundny. The Time: urge: Governor N icholh to tuke prom t action to suppress the luwleuneu and Inn violence in Iberin. A l,.;....L.._..... ,.l HIJ" | I... knnp. CHII gC WWII PTUVCU. Mrs. Hunlan, wife of the oarsman, has received in letter from her husband, contain- ing the informntion {list the ex-chum inn intended leaving Auutralin within I woe or L fortnight for forontn. At. the maelinu of the Peterbnro countv rormngnl. [or Loronw. At. the meeting of the Peterbnro county council A petition to the governor genernl wu unanimously agreed upon to prohibit Lbs mwufuuura. impouation and ale of lntoxicn ing liquors. A ' fmm New Iiberin nu IUICIIUIII. \\'hi|e Interstate Commerce Commie aiuners Cooley and Morrison where in Chicago they made nsearchimz investigation into Allegei passenger irregularities. Every chtrge win proved. Mr: Hnnlnn, wife nf the mnrnmnn. rive men were urowneu. (`lug-en Victoria has sent Emperor William two lIIlglliC(`D[,IllllilI.l) vuei of great value us a birthday present, und the ex Elnpress Frmlerick an exquisite bronze group. Fnnuarnr \\'iIlium hm: noun ll letter of WEE mcsxmcxcx on Slmooo sum, many oocxr-led by Rev. A. W. Oooko: double house of nne roomr two collars; [mod yard an muhlina Annlv mm door. or to B. ROIIINRON. r rmcricx exquisite oron/.o group. Emperor William has sent a letter of timnk with t.he'aasurnncc of his future pro- tectiou and sympathy to the Berlin Grnnd lodge of muons for their New Year cougra tulntionu. \\'L:I- I..s...._-s-b.. l`......n--A. l`runn\in. H185 IIIHCIU. ` Louis A. Knockateult, St. Louis. paying teller of the Mullanphy savings bank, left on Saturday. His Accounts show I shortage of $7..')0(). ' \\'1.:.'.. 1`... ...... ....|.:.... . .......o:m. ..u KIIDWII CIEIZCHI. The British ship Sir \Valtcr Raleigh. from Sydney. N..\'_\\'., laden with wool. went ngluund yesterday near Boulonge. Five men were drowned. 1 n.. _.... I : ..._:.. |..... .....u I.`............._ \\'HIi...n ux m,.)uu. Whife Caps are making A sensation at West Rutland. Dnnhy nd Walliugford, by pasting warning uutices on doors of W0:~ known citizens. Th- u.;o:..|. .I.:.. x':. \v.n...- R.~.lui..l\ muncteu. V Elnpegpr Willitun hus conferred decora- tions Inpaii1)u-turn [.amlgruf and Schrader, who uuuuxlud Emperor Frederick during hi: last. illness. \ I ....:- A l.'......I...o-.lL Q} I nn=- nun:-nv mm suuucnly to-my. John M. Clayton, Hummerville. Ark.. was aaanssinatenl last night. lg is suppum-:1 to he I political murder. The rnnurt that Lord Sackville would [0 he pouucal murucr. ` The report that Lord Sackville allcnenl Sir \\'illieun White. as British um- buaador at ('nnaI:antinople.ita oicially gnu- Indicted. I. I4`......- .. |\'Zl L .. .. .......6'........ul Annnrn [H3 pllUI|l' UCHUUIH. Arch Duke Rudolf, tho Austrian crown prince and. heir Apparent to theuthrone, died suddenly to-day. Jnhn M (flnulnn I lnmmarvil|II._ Ark.. _1_=n. mr umaua. It in }Ir()puse(l in New York to apeqtl $lO3,00`) this year in teaching German in tha public schools. Arvin Duke Rudnlf_ tho Austrian can association. Jouoph A. Moore, Indianapolis. Ind, the half million ulullur embezzlvr, has quietly , left. for Canada. In :- ......... 2.` \'....v \'n.-Ir on IIIQIIII nine romr collars; [mod yard And amblinc. Anply next door. at Klnxk 00': Drug Store. "55 Dee rCl0Ve(l T0 nronlnu C0lIlll.y, 1`. I - Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes has presented his van. medical library to the Boston medi- cal association. 1.. `L A Il--.... I...l:..........ll;. |n;I 0|"; W4 go'l`he work of demolishing Newqate primu will soon be begun. ' ' Tlw strike of the 2,000 mincrs at Spring- \'(\|Io-_\', Ills. , sec-cum to he at an end. .-Zl'ho uaauuf Ex-Ald. (Ilenry, New York, has been removed in Brooms county, Tm}. lho llliunr \\7nn:inII II'nIrnm| kn: nrmanntml The Little Things that Aloe! CII|I(Illil- lflnbhn From Europo sud What They Pol-loud-A Little 0! Everything lhnlly IJ-uni mint. Ilgnnn.-xnlnnnntl TELEGRAM8 aom THE EARTH'S FOUR oumrens GIVEN. AFFAIRS OF THE WORLD. . an uwuu n nu-paw an -uvu.,u-....- -.__.., Read and Remembered. The seamen`: atrilge has extended to Glen- THE STRIKES IN I888- N0. '25`. Juuuury mm. lull. IMMEIH \TE P0.\`.~`ISSl().\'. If desired. that Nrivk Residence. llti Ridouu Htreut. lnlely no- -uviud by the uwnur; nk romndah attached K) mu-no ; also mmlun with fruit trees. Apply [0 MRS. Nuulc. DRESS cuIrI%N91wi=HI; OIWIUIC. lArgv;. central. wall rlttod. Terms vmuonnble. Possession immediately. Apply 'Box." Wum. , FROM laT M-\Y. that good. sunsuuuuu house on Ontario Street near Union. at re~ sent occupied by Mrs. fieacon. Apply to Mgls. NOBLE. l79Jolfhson Street. 'l`H \'l` l)K\`ll{\liI.14Z IH{l(`l( l(| l)lC\'(`E. ulunu-I on the: corner ul' Sydeuluun and H-3` ."lrvur.~A. 00 -mining I wolvu romns. ll is u! [an- sunlouvupiod by Cnpluin Juhu A. (Iunnol|y_ the owner. to whom npplivuuiun shuu?d be nmdv for further iufnrmuliou. TIIE STEAM B-\l{til'2 F|H'J|1}MA().\' A.\ l) 0H.\'sU|{'l`H, Minnie Frnnciszmd (`ily ofliing` stow. Tutu! carrying t'.n|u'ily 3610 N Pine l.uIub<~r_ or NO luns mm! on 5h-exdmn - v, For Iurthor particulars upply lu DAVID .;.\. HU- HAN & ('0. NEW lMl'lIOV'ln:l) MIITHQD 0!` OUT- l`|.\'ll LADIES` um (`HlbDRl.\'8lIlIlI324I8. 1 A re. olc.. without patterns Anylndy on hunt In on: du. v IlUlYSE l.\' V.\L"lH.\' TlCRRA(`F.. Posses- wiun May lat. Auply u: wulu ur`I-`I-,`I<:. Knudstdiggergggssocumou. (N an .\-;;m mcxfxxi-ms a"l`lllC!-2'l`. A Pl'l{2s`E. containing A small sum uf lnnnu umlrs (`mlplc at nmn_ll nrliu`es. Finder wi knuIl_\' l`l'[lll`l) it to (hm olllvu. _ A L'AN'l`l'l`\' (Hi: lll.M`K ASH. SUI-`T .\l.\P .Eunl swamp Ilm Lumbar ;cLn be;-m In urdvr if desire.-xl : ulsn <`N`l1\I` pk-kn-l.-4: all &Ii|.'1`l`.- -\|n[I|yIo II t`. l(')'|`llWl12l.l.. `III Nil :un.\`(r1ml. I\illK!( m. . , ._ . .__ :~`.\ l.l'IS.\l| \\ 1: wish A few to sell our guuvls by sample to H1: whdlustxlo and rolml uwlu-. Lnnmut .n'mufmrtur(:rs in uur line. lin- <! >:4v- '. ccn! smmp. W gen 83 per (Inf. l'ur.~nu- uunl gmsailinn. No 1 -slul.-1 umnvvrea . M-nu.-y .vl\' um-M fur WIu:c1-Lndvortising. etc. (`l1.`.\'I I-:.\'~ mu. .\l.x`r*`ut`0..U1wIsNA1`I.Uum. - l.\L\H*ll)l-\TEl.\'. A (`O.\IPE'l`E.`J'l` MA|l)- : mwait upon an uldurly lmly. Good Wag;-..-. Rl'h`1l`ll("'.\`l'l`l[1liI`\:l. Apply to hU_lE'. MU- A'I'. I50 Juhnsun h'Ir-vi. years. l"um=n\| notice tnwnnrrnw. V Wnum -ln Kingston, Jun. 30th, At the residence of his snnin-law, Stewart Davie, Johnson street, John Woml, Pittsburgh, ugeii 73 yearg. - Fnlxmrnl At. 2 o'clock tn-marrow. .i.\I`K\'I|.\'-Al her residence, I22} Has! llh street, New Ynrk, nu Suurday, January `. 6ch, Rahocca C. Duncan, wife of Joseph I) Jackson. formerly of this city. \\'1.\'TI~;Rs--rh. Rockwoml Asylum, on Wed- nesday, January 30th. Joseph Winters. aged 80 years. u`ItOi1`x;r M n . vmmu-. on Onmrio St! 'c"H"KNeIJn%;;u_sp4_Ls s,`_ LI.I..I:lJJ- A(:u,mx:n.--In Kingston, on Wednesday morning, 30th January. at ths residence of his Ion, Robart Gardiner, rl5_l Earl Street. Mr. Charles Gardiner, Aged 84 lI.x-A rn `JED ALVIN Uau u:uuuAuuu OF THE Sl.'B(`RlHII'.ll 0!` THE HOUSE 0| INDUSTRY will be held on MONDAY AFTERNOON. lho uh I-`obrunry. lldl. All 3 o'clock. In the Counvll ( hnmbcr. JOHN l)l'Fl. THE ANNUAL MEETING .- -nun u|'nqr~nIuI.*lMI nl' `rill: Hall!-` VVKUNINHIY . Eulmu xmr meeting of `Prentice Boys at 8. THE DAILY VVIIIG; V()L. L_v1u._ d . ?.".<':-%".`....~.:'.'.:.~...*..-;.':.:""""" an. Manuu. om. nwlo In All All work warranted. MIDI! W I. :-IIITII. Walhnnmn 8|.n-at. " ii. SMITH. Wolh Ion Hurst. Over 0hlk e`I own man. Rmmxiimns. TO LET. (`OA P8. wnn loam In om day. Drones. Conn. N AN IIICRGENT MEE/l`~. [Nu or mcmw l.muli;. No I. '|'|(r..\'l`l(.`lt`. BUYS, will be held in their Hall on Klnl S.I-cot. THI9 P qworlnendnyl EVENING. ~ .luu'uu Sim. M 5 o'clock I: . :'lTmambon no mounted All munbon roquestcl ho lllond . Bv order of the WM. K. G. DEAN. Secretary. WANTED. TO ha ' Allhnunben nquoated In mend LOST. A DIED. thnt good. substnminll mat. are- nber. Bocrouu-y. W IIIZNIVUITII BIIII III` IIIIUTBII IIIIUIIIIIU wu III lngenioul contrlvnnoe, which could not ex lode. A small phhl oontnlnod ur Input In. and the muchlnory could not and Ill not Intended to work. latest style` WIIIOII l'nn-on In In Londod with Bonapa- rllln-l`ho Mayor noolluu 3 Don. ()nwI-an, Jdn. 30.--Mayor H. I). McCul- froy found an infernal mnchino nttnchod to the inch of his otoa door in the city hall uurdny. The mwhiuo failed to explode. `hon opened it wu found to ountnln uprlnp and wire: connected with two lnrgo car0.rld`:lilloul with an 0: Ioaivo. It ha ha; nrod that the onus! mwhino wan nn lmmninnl nnntrhmnm-A Irhlnh nnnld WOIIICII Ill OUIIIIIICII. A, Itrohg militui gunrd in posted uound the rlluuntury uilding and the boule- v I in the vicinity no patrolled by Hun- un. Member: ol tho opposition in the diet to day protolted squint! tho presence 0! the troopo u impeding access to the chIun~ hall, nzcsaves A>(in'EenuAL MACHINE. nouly. Pusnl, J-sn. 30.-A portion ol the popu- lace in uill mostly inceuud no tho of the Army bill. A great crowd today on- douonrod to prevent the deputies from on- ; luring the pnrlhmont buildings. A nquul of Human churged u n the crowd and Ievernl pot-non: wero urt,' including Iomo women and ohildun. A _g-..'_.. ...ll:o..... ........I I. .....-.I -........l It Must Renull la the Fall of Illa Illnlntry -Obj:-ctlunnto the Army Illll. \'u.'.~Iu. Jan. 30.-l|]L'iIl0lll-I connected with the passage of the army hill in the Huugiirian diet yesterday diaclosea such a weakening oflheuuer Iiazai inuence and popularity as is certain soon to result in the fall of his ministry, A message from Koa- euth, read at n banquet on Sundny, power fully contrN;utce to increase the egitutinn. One of the chief 0|-jectiuns to the bill in against the clause enacting that the exami- naiionnin the reserve coninneiinn he hehl in Germany. Roeeuthli letter said Hungary must have a national army with Hungarian coloura, Hungarian commandere, Hungarian feeling. and that the man was no Hungariun and ought to be abnorred who would surren- der these righte. On leaving the chambers Premier Tim. was received by a mob of students with ehouta of 'l`raitor;" Hurrah for Koeeuth." "Down with Tixza. It is etated that Count Gabriel Karolyi led the etudenta in an attack on the police. Many windowe were amaahed. Count Tibur Karnlyi was groaaly insulted by the etudenta under the belief that he was Von Tina : hrother. The mob also tried to organize a demonatration againat Archduke Albert, in: epector general of the army. Von Tinza hae received a number of Intern,` threatening him with death unleaa he resigns. A mem- orial will be forwarded to Van 'l'iaza.2uking him to reconsider the ohnoxioue clauaee. but it in unlikely that he will acoeed to the re- queel. the bill having been arranged in eoncart with Count Taafe and Count Kai-. noky. Pmn-H. Jan. .'l0_-A nortlnn of the noun. car to man nuw. In reference to the dismissal of Minister Ruttukemer, by Emperor Frederick, Lhe ar- ticle auerte that Prince Biemarok was un- able to make up his mind whether it would be wiser to resist or to gratify Fre(lerick s deeire even after advising l~im to sign the decree of dismissal. and uys that directlv the decree WIS published the chancellor told the emperor he had gone too far. En- tries in Emperor Frederick`: diary amply conrm this statement. [he writer as~ serts that it compact with the present emperor was the only reason Prince Ilia- murck had for opposing the marriage of l'rinc.-ess Victoria to Prince Alcxur der, of llatteuherg. The article is hardly less lpi|"- ing in ite criticieln of the present emperor. It calls him an apt pupil of as (yuicul muster who found no dilliculty, moral or senLim-n- ml, in treating his mother in A fashion after (`ount Herbert`: own heurt, Anal in treating the Prince or Wales with such die.-uurtesy KS to prevent any intercourse between them. CHI. UH (II. llUll(I. Fhe Bismarckian contempt for women, accentuated by this and another intrigue after the \ur, in reprc-st-.nted as the origin of all that is bnneful in the Bismarckian ehnructer. We shall have no more petti- eoats meddling in politics now" was accord- ing t.o rumor the exclamation of the exultent (`mint llerlnert on the death of l`Imperm' l"redcrick. [he article meets to dismiss an monstrous the insinuution of the opponents of Prince Hienmrck, that the chancellor meditieted the death of Emperor Frederick when he in- slslml that Freclerickahould leave San Remo for Berlin, but depicts the idea that his as- cenaluncy would he menaced lny the Empress Frerierick as a nightmare to the clmncellor. who further saw by Frederick : refusal to discuss state elluirs with (Tonnt Herbert, that it was useless to hope that Herbert would ever he Frederick's chancellor. Who could. therefore, be surprised," the writer asks, "had l rim~eBisn1srck wished the can- to make haste." I- .._I..-........ 9.. oh. .H.-.:...I ad` ll:-tho- IL I3 PTUUKUIE LINIL I-IIU ILFLIUIU Wl'| UTUHLC I sensulioti. It upeu with A reminder that the Chem 1`-llur cannot. live long. The Axnieiicnn minister at Berlin, the article says, live years ago remarked with surprise that Prince liismaxck was prepurlng no one to succeed him. l'he('l1zincv|lnr waking sml dc-nl_y Ln Illl idea set ubuut devolving (`mint Herbert llisnmrck, line article alludes to Count Herbert`: youthful bruwla,tu his later intrigues and to his embruilmeur. with u wmmm at llonn from which he had to slush l..~ ...._y with his award, receiving an ugly cut. on tho huzul. !`|... I) ......I.:.... ......5_.....o C..- ...,......... \ Found ii the Present lune of the "Con- tmnpornry Review." Ln,\Im.V, Jan. 5llD.--fhe Uun/rrnpomry l\'n-iew publishes an article ntit.lo.-d "fhe iismarck Dynasty" which i)lI'S no signa ture. but which contains internal evidence of Imving ennmated from in high autliuritv. It is probable that thu urticlo wi'l create I m-muitimi, It umnw with A; reminder that the \\'ill make some reduction in the price pf smno u-their lines of lumbar nml saswfhctory goods this season. We have one burn frame Sufeet. one 36 and one 40. Also good brick. which vgill be sold on reauonnble lcrlns for `good approved notes. I`llIa` I ) A'I`l.lDl'\V l"A\IllI I \'V V n` S urrolu-lea. ._:::j_ \J\JLVll.UlJ 0 -LHICILILIJLALK \.I\:lA-.*l.1LI A . SAILING from New York oveiy Snturdag. Au- thorized Agent. F. A. Folgur. arty Doc . {not at Brock Sn. Kimrslom J THE THOUSAND ISLAND ROUTE BY Rome. Wnlortown E Oildgnnhurn -RH. _ To Utica. Albany, New York. Phi|ade| a. Wuhlnt,on.Ba.lLlmoro and all l olntahr}\'orth I .....u ..ouyn n,, - -v--_.--__.__-..._-_- ..__ ._V. _ -.7 15}-n New York. via G.'l`.R.. and N.Y.C. Rys. `r. I-IANLEY. - ' . Gen. Ticket Azonl. Pmamnn T|SZA`S weakness. ll.l_ILLLI-'l\J anvnagaa. THIS: LEADING U.\'DlR'l`AKlR mun.-c -u '3'!`N.El'l`. 5-yuu --,7... v w \l) uuuua. THE RATHBUN CUMIWN Y. ' CtAIAN_Al?*.l7)w`' 1`E:iMSH`II;> c2u i=;{3(` . .. I\v1\ 1...... \I..... \V....|. ......-.. s.v....._A.. .. A .` `"7rHm RATHBUN COMPANY . SLASMNE3 `AR:l'(laL.E. JAMES IYEID/y AIIl\.'fl l'\_'l\IPlJ'l`A IIIIH n'Fl':e for Round Trip, 86. 1`i.-momma New (`My Hall D1-pot And 43 Clorunce mroul. EIf1~I(;{s/;`f' WE ANEspAY.Eve:MN<;. JANUARY 30, 1339. ,7____. :..n....__.._.. . AI Alligator I-Ind on 0 `Inc. Anon. Flt. Ju. 30.-John Wilton. living near hon. cut 3 b|1_:'yJ)nu true In I wnmp north ol town you my. and lound inltnllnslllptor shout unn lost In . Autho apuluhtigttu wunot hi lsrggumugh luv the uuumul to got through tho prcmnmptiou to that It crawled in when quite young and Ilvqd on other animals and reptllcu that sought shelter In the JIDO Inn. 223.. ' E1; councils. Ile Hue Not the Frequent relntlnj l'lte that no In eld to new Iled. Roll, Jen. m.-The rumore that the pope he: been having hinting the In de- nied. Hie heelth In good end his spirit: ere cheered by an eddreu coming {rum every country In Europe. expreuin nym- pethy with him under the encroeo meat: of the I elien vernment. Cerdinel Gugl- beuer. chhle o of Vieune. _hee eent en eddreee from t e Anetrien blehope, pro- cleiming the right of the pope tn temporel power. The Iteliu: pepere ere of the opin- on that the edclreee would Meet the mount friendly relation between Auetrleen ltely. hm Inn tho name: of Bonlnner. which The Good Fl-elinc Svolmn ol Should Not lcnrl With His Departure. LONDON, Jen. .'i0.--The Century club lest ni ht gave s dinner to Mr. Phelps. the Uni- tm States minister. Among the guests were the Marquis of Lorne. Sir Lyon Play- isir, Archdesoon Fsrrer. Sir Bdwerd Thorn- ton, Secretary White of the Atnericsn lege- tion. end Consul (isneml Weller. Lord Coleridge, who presided. in proposing the health oi Mr. Phelps said no minister hurl left En lsnd emld so much universal end minglet regret. The Iemsrks were received with cheers. Mr. Phelps ssid if he hnd met with smell success it was the constituency of Americsns residing in Londonm-ho bed given Americe s chsrsctsr. Among these when new Americs he wsrmly acknowledged the friendship extended to him end hoped it would not. termiuste with his deperture. 33 llllluu IIIU KIIUISI UIHIIIIUTU, `llll KIIICC out of Iivht discovery would he itnpoauihle. This in what favors lurge operations. The euormoun prots urn tempting. and the ('antulian otliciuls ncltnowloqlge lhemoelvel incapable of holding the truths: to its legiti- mate course. They would hive to cover every foot of the border with ollicills. lhc fnrmin of good ice is awaited with expec- tancy x_v interested parties on both sides, since the business can he carried on more extensively and It less cost. Until then kerosene will be ferried from America" to the lines. whence by some tnyutoriouo agency it becomes "conl oil." and goes About th-3 country dilguined u I load of prime hay. seeking I market. luck in the Unnuiinn woods. prouu IIIG IlIllIggICl' IVTTIII [INIT- The syndicate touched upon in the ini- tial paragra in may have existed for several * years. At east from the great quantities known to disappear in a single. night the conclusion is reached that no single indivi- dual or even ordinary partnership was carrying on such heavy operations. It in pretty certain that some of the great relin ing companies are interested in the illegal transportation of oil over the line. The in tricate channels in the favorite scenes of oil- smuggling are particularly favorable to secrecy. The smugglers could not be lost' in them, and to follow them would be im- possible in the night because a discreet dis- tance would give the pursued an oppor- tunity to chose one of a dozen channels un- seen behind the gneiss boulders, and once nut. nf aiaht niiennvaerv wmilci inn i|nnn.nuilnio~., l'IHllLUlC UI [NU IlIU|Ulll|U|UU, IIUU IIlI|l Illl' prisoumunt. But tlwse penalties he laughs to scorn." It is the du.u'.;ers~uf navigation, or the notoriously treacherous St. Lawrence river ice that he most fears if he fears any- thing. A,(Luia:lian will take one horse and a sleigh, loaded with three to ve hanrels of oil, over ice that one of our pilots would nut venture upon alone, to say nothing of it horse and load. A common sight upon the wharves of the river towns as this side is one hundred to tire hundred barrels of oil. Next morning not a barrel is in sight. But an uncommon plenty of Canadian lmilt hills, including oddlooking three and four dollar bills, suggests an exchange of some- thing which has produceda surplus of that circulating medium. which passes from hand to hand at pat. The smuggler is usually a man of little or no rue-ans, and ho. and his pals organize small trust and arrange with dealers on this side to buy in carload lots from `them. Very oftai. too; the Yankee dealer is admitted to a partnership. and the barrels are transported upon light-draft snows under cover of darkness into the wilderness of channels among the Thousand Islands, which in Canadian waters are unil- hahited. A landing is made far from any village, upon a lonely bank in her majesty's domains,where teams are in waiting to con~ may the "oil out of the wdlknowu haunts of the customs oliicials. Next day another party takes the oil in a Waggon, piles hay upon it. and ostensibly starts for the mar ket. Turning from the King's highway" he plunges back into the country. and at a safe distance his coal oil" is peddled from house to house. The prots on a single barrel amount to sixteen to twenty dollars. and five to twenty lmrrs-ls can he handled in a single week. But i1 spite oi the great 'pro6tsthe smuggler is-bray. poor. The avnrlioaua runchad noon in the ini- UNI" renuerles. There is hardly u Iumt. to the chances taken by the lianadiam smuggler uf oil. The penalty is a forfeiture 0` the meniis of con- veyuncu, he it-skiff, .~:(-.y\Vur team and sleigh, nucfizure uf the Ineuchuidiae, fine and im- pnaoumunt. Ln nnnrn " II is the dn.nL?9r.l~:.f nnvimuinn, SlC(`l'Rl1`. \'Ul'|l TILVKBZTS for the above via the New Rome. K. J.` I . and (`. I . HR. l`r.~nina lam-o Kingston. Arrive in Montreal. 12:) pm. 8:l. S p m. ":65 p.m. 8:16 a\.m Thu loo Pal-we injunl nvroes tho street from III!` nmxmncom New 1`. I . R. Donut. now being completed. 'I`ivkuu good to an Fohrunry (lh to fun. and return up to sud including Fubrunsry Iinh, I33!) I` I !-~ l'\-..__J1'..2._ many` or on In Said to Hnvo banked Into ontnrlo Without the Custom: (itciri Iguuwlug It - All` Ahtrlull Writer Know: All About 1|-u `Va; It In Dha- pouqd of. \V_n-gwnnwx, V... -lll. 28.-TlNI Wll0l8~ Isle smuggling of kvxoseng oil from tuia country to ("ana '4 a practice of long stnndiiig, and nowln H` on the border does it ourish to the extent that it does along the banks of the upper St. Lowrance. The ice bridge is slow in forming this year. and some of the iniputicjnt smugglers of that commodity have been uuwmmonly venture- aome, and their actions have led to the revelation of a well-organized syndicate, eu- guged in operations of gigantic proportions, equalling in dollars and cents, perhaps. the nnium operations no recently uuearxhetl. The article retailswn the dominion at I5 to 20 cents per quarthnnrl that from the states is fur superior to the product of the (lana- (lian relineries. 'I`|........ 1.. |......ll.. .. linuio DA Al... ..I......\.... SMUGGLING OF GOAL OIL. THE open wmren MAKES THE" ` BUSINESS CUMBERSOME- couomon 0} ms POPE. A DINNER TO PHELPS. III VIEW. Ill IIIIII VIII VI` Ion hard of In qnirinul ` IIIIU l(Il,' pr. which an IL: in. ` Free School; In England. LMIDON, Jul. 3). - The ministry In divided over 5 pct project ol (Jhunborhln and the ndlal unionist: to gum. 1,000,- 011) for (run odumtlon. Gout-hon In for Toning It. bomuu ho Iulll I0,lIKl.000 Kr`! o nuvy. and than 5 a land hitch. Thu -.--hm-Kin nun an In 'ADl||lI\ OK: -Jnnniinn Till!` II. IZYIUII ll! WIIIKI l.I|l,lIIl,Ull! on nuv y. majority an laid to favour tho odnonion nolmno. dthonul the bulk ol the, moth: an oppoud to fun nohooln. 0|: OOIIDQIPI Lljl. Nlw You. Jun. 8).-'l`ho guard term. on court. bu handed down I daemon n rminu the verdict of 376.4) Iplnlt the mlllionoln colic merchant. Charla Ar- bucklo. In the branch-of-prolniu suit brought by Clnn Campboll, ol Irouhn. Ohio. 'r1M:I7 ANNOUNOEiME1V'1`_. Ho Wrote I honor. Vnmu. Jun. &).-Mr. Black. American consul. Path. roceytly wnhun Article In which he dwelt upon $50 Illwod tinnnclol dlndvuhgeu Inland by Hnngu-y throu In her politics! connection with Auutrh. T o Autrhn vornmonl undo no complaint. but Mr. . noun. America oounl gouorud. culled Mr. B: uni`: nhndou to the article as In-nacho pro!oulonolrI|cI.- The Provlnelnl Promlou and Allozod l`oIl- } tleul l'udoI-Iundlng Ilolween l`luun. Mn.\"rIu`.A1.. Jun. 30.-lI. is rumored in ooruin political circles that Mr. Mercier has abandoned the idea of I genonl election just now. but will unit the action of the Ontario government. The name rnmur goon on to my that Mr. Mownt, after getting the resolutions of the interprovincinl oonluronca Adopted by the Ontario lefinlnture. will come before thc ple, uu After he ha onco more soon power Mr. Mon.-ier will in mm nnmn helm-an tho nonnla of Ouohm. UQOIITOH P070!` Ell . DIOTCICT VIII in turn come before the poo In of Quebec. When the gamers! election! no returned both leulen, I new lntarpmvincinl confor- enco will be held in Toronto to organise I ounpnign Again the oonoorvntivo govern- ment as Otuws. ICPUTC "II lUl|l UH (Ht? -`UIIIIL i'.uu.~i, Jan. .'l4).-l`he prevailing feeling in parliamentary circle: in that the gov:-rlr men: will have I majority in the chamber of deputies on the bill for the restoration of the Scrutin d'Arrondi~aoment system of voting, as members of the right prefer I continunnce of the Flux net minintrv to An Opporluniat. cal-iuet. Hoquet will to day receive the hureuu of .he extmne left, who will demand the dissolution of the league of mtriou, owing to their action during the ulenuer Juquee campaign. neCf'"y lnr PTIHIEIICH I Puus`, Jun. 30. -It is stated that thirty deputies, former n ponents, have addressed letters of cungrastu union to Iiuuhmgt-r. Puus, Jun. 30. --.\|. flunk-m-cm: presided at the nweting of the Extreme Lo-ft _yrster- day. He iN`gfI'd his cullmgnes tn renu-In~ ber lhnt the ousting of the government would be playing the nppurtuni.-in gaune-.. Like them he uid, he oppnsed Buuhsngiuun, hut he did not int:-ml to oppose Prelnivr Flmluot. Negotiations are on hm: to intro. ducr .\1. Rullvicr Ind M. Waldo-r Rousseau in the mhinet to rvplsvo M. Puvirsl And M. Ferrouilat. Bath ruyalists and hnnnpnrlists aro beginning to feel Alunmed at the unex- pectej majority that helped Huuluiger to secure his seat for the Seine. II...... I..... '!1\ I ). . . . . _ n .~..:|I..n l--|:.... JHHCUIKICS UK party UUIIKYHIIUII. The Sm anticipates the ultimate forma- tion of a strong gwwerzuneut under BmIluug~ er, 1: go\'ernIlmnl that will he capeshieof gunrnnteeimz the peace of-`Europe by im- posing upon the: miversuriea of Frnnce the necessity for prudence Puma. Jun. 30. -lt is stated that thinv ETIIWICIIE DI Ippbnillflli IF" IIHDII. Sr. PI-:1'r:n~xnrm:, Jun. 3U.-'!`he mmlma. niu predicts that lloulanger will soon be compelled to choose the path of war or re- vengo. as the only means of eacnping the difficulties of party contention. I`hn .\':-M nnliu-inAhIn than nlrimntn fI`lnI III: Adv!-nt to Power In Nut At All to be they Proludo to Mr. l'.uu.~`, Jun 30.~(3en. lioulanger. referr- in.z to the oonunenta of the press, says it is quite natural that the organ: of certain foreign governments should regard his nd~ vent to power an the prelude to war. These goverumenu. he says, probably prefer to son France in her present divided condition rather thnn conteinplatt.-`the Kruapect of her pining yet gruter Itrenut under 3 gov- ernment of nppcuumrnt nrd union. Sr pI`1`L`R~Xlll`II: Jan fl) __'l'hn {Jo-rvnhbn. IIIBPCKUQI. Six of the old drivers reported at the \ Fourth avenue atnblea this morning and were put to work. Fifty new men were hired and 26 cars were uarced. U\'Orp0WQrC(l. At ll o'c|u.zk R mob of strikers gathered at the corner of `mlforul and Carmine IKl"'ttl and hlockuulell the ntreel. fhe only policemen on duty there were yllicoru liyrnel and Slmmmlum. Thty lid the best they cuul-l with the mob until the .\`ixt|1 aveuuu cur cuno down when they were reinforced by four policemen who were uu board but Lln.-su mule] make no headway. .\`hAuuuhan Wu luully beaten and llyrncs (lisclmrged his pistol into the crowd. Finally reserve squunlu arrived and the mob Wm: diapered. Sit nf Uh! nlal alrluurn rnnnl-bnl At. the MOMREAL - wnmm -cAN1vAL, * February 4th to 9th.