Friiioyl we visited Governor Hill 3: AL` bony uni triad to mould the policy nl tho auto. Ho spoke kindly of other things. but said in WI! doing his own moulding Almost entirely. Ha ha 0 cold. calm yo. with which `ho onoourqod me to forgo: tomo- JUIIIS. K . lllll III III. l\`llllll?. lhursduy nigm Hinm Wmka, Lyn. inmgining that he could best sports A! poker staked 8600 Ind loo ,. On the" follow inu evening he wu bled for $200 more. Snmrtiug under the loan he had wurrunu issued for the sports. The mutter Wu cum- pmmilecl by the 5 rt: refunding $32) LAAI avonina I. a Pnrtnmmlrh \'.M_C,A u-nu IIIFHH gnuult. WllUlO`lH|ll2 prlL' ZZg(.`., Will be sold [or l.'vc. an H .\ltl'.u|l`n. The greatest l):trg'\llI ever ulllerul the public. li H. Muruu solal u numhcr rut rily lots yesterday. Uu Alice street Mr Hill pur- t-hue-I two, paying $400 and MIT for then`. (In (`ulltngwoud street, six luu, 4| feet frontage. and 96 feet deep, were sold :1 8191) to 3200. The purchaser: were J. E. Janos, (`. Millnn And Ald. Atlnunr. '1 hn-u.l..u -\ Ill.---n \\'.., L. I .... UUIQIUC `II III` IIIIIIXBLCIHII plugrdlllllle. New embroideric-9 at pnceo that will heat an_\r|uiug ever .~h>\llJ in Kingston ll R. .\!cl".ul'I. A job Inn of m:\\'{ All wool, cloth dress goods. whnlmmle price `22c., Ml be uulql mr l.'n:. at H .\ln-Kml`. The lfllpllllll WHU `TB )1) IHOYIIIR. Hon. George A. Kirkpntrl;-It has lost no tune in giving notice of his iuwntion to in U'0(lllC I bill providing for reciprot'it_\' in wrecking. Mr. Kirkpatrick is the tint privnte member to give notice of lcgiuiulion outside of thc ministerial pmgraunnne. N-w nlnhrnidarir-n at nnumn thnr n-ill The I"imo.~ in waging wnr upon the Out \ no legislature on account. of Mr. Muwnt and his crowd." So long as they reign there in the local house can umouut. to nothing. It ; another case 0! Say: the II)! to the ulephnnt who are you ahoring." Hun Gnnran A Kirlcnnfrl--Ir has lnnt n- EUIIIK llUW'l-I `nu UHVCU HIHIUCII 1'1"" lujury. Where are you going my pretty maid. Going to Crawford : store she nid-To buy spy apples 200. peck. tolnatoea l()c. can. freuh hmlduck Sc. lb.,3 lbs. green peas l0c. , evu oruted sweet com 100. June: Unw- four I'L- i".'...- . 1.. ...._... [-5 III] HI-.1 L41 btlll, a order. Ct,:I`ser, en- u v n IVCHIIIIUH IH IIIIIHIILUU Ill lll[lll`t'. Llmk out for the grand fancy dress car- nival on the Big Royal rink on Friday evening ne:.\l where there is plenty of room to sho\\ ynur costumes utl". l'.u`Liculars later. (imml skating tn-ni M. The new I ().l. court, Brockville. will '55`, 1 lnumn us "('uurL lslnml ('ity.` '1 l1_g;- Tum . says Mr. H. liuwden, the or Mlfze-r. was mmrphmmrtcd mrT rleB`ncc .~1_ us V|0Fl( Ly Sup-:-xnc Ranger Urouuh tekhn. AjhigherulnrsenneuL-- 'our lluur at $2.?!) is Ilu: lw.-ct in (7.-nguhl .'l lbs. green pr-as lllc. evupuru':~l s\\'eef curu l0r. lb., L'uznlnilg-- sausages I251 -., spy apples '2'|c. peck, spice rull l;.._;.m |`.. .5:. Janncs (lruwforal. K. lhwis is lmiluling n sremn pleasure yacht, for Mr. Davis, of Uuuunuque. It will be (ill feet long, have I lmmn of ll feet, aml hr 5 feet ale:-p. A compound cngine is being maxle fur it at the Kingsmm fuumlry. The standing conumtteen of the Ontario legislature have been struck. J. H. Met- .u`.M'.. i.. nu Illa? in uf<.n.':nnI !\ . .. IIUIAIIIMI IIIII ll mopue c0PqM[$8l03l:6EA_lE[l_._ Lnr .u_y .1.) _)U&l'!|. Where in Henry Hughes this cold wen- then .' At No. 1'2 Market ,*~'quAre, expound- ing the nu-rim of SN hay and Manitoba bran. Call and see him. _ The Ilmniltou press speaks }n high pram- of the L-lncuvionary ability of Prof. S`. H. (Ila:-k, late of lximgston. Mr. Clark inwnuls residing in H-nniltun in future. u l.m|k nut. fnr this arnnul fun.-v Jrnnn nan-, wnineczrrr suzzamo AN `ITS EF- (. EECTS. on me FALLS. '-yqtlnl C. Mr. John Mann, aged 69 years, a resi- ulem of .\1nntIeul street, died last evening. He was nnalive of Englantlaxul has lived III the .-isy 3. ) years. '\\'hA-rn in Hunnv H....l..-m chi. ,...l.l ....... ilellof Where did you get that good hay 1' Baker's. Who is linker? The man that sells the Manitoba [mm on the Mankr-'. `- S q uare. Mr July Mann ...-..l (:0 ......... - -....: Wlutl. yUll Wislll. IU DIN! [H81 Illll) Ill? [Half yllfll. Capt. Scott, of the propellel `Yasmin, Is not gain to build nu uptown mansion at re- port .luu it. Nor has 'he thought of doing :0. IONTKILI. ITOCI MIIIITI Ion-nun. rob. I.-I2 noon. n-mail.` Ant") or: n n.m. um! arrives were an 11:20 mm. Hay. $14; outs, 80. per bag; bran chop, $1.25; tlur. "$2.65; choice winter up]-lvs.$`.. per hbl. at `VC. F. Rake-r's. ' Hr:-Jill &. Hnnfh huvn rhn hunt nluhn hnnl The Spice ol Every Dni Llfo-Whit the Public are Talking About-qNothlng'lu came: the Attontlnn of Thom Who are 'l`nkI_nl Noun. A" ba_tt.ery. band at the Citizens ice rink this evening. . For onnllinn-Snrnntnn Nn, I and an by {HG Kill VI Uri! yusru. We were shown a very fine cross fox bought by W. Baker. He pays good prices for turn. x . I!" -......:..l ............A \l -51...- lb.-- ...:II -.. xur lurl. ` By special request Mother Goose will up-` pen!" in the nperu house, Friclny. Februaly Sch. See adv't. I 'l`k.. o....:.. .... `L- `D \\' I. DD ....... nun. ace MIV I. The train on the R. W. & RR. now leaves Wutertuwn for Cape Vincent at 10:25 n.m. and arrivus there at 11:25 mm. LL... an I. N..- on. -...... |...... 1.-.... nn.. . ` u.lIl'l('5.C\ PEI` IIUL HI V! . I`. INIKPI` S- ` Mn.-ck & Booth have the bent slabs. hard wood and dry blocks. You can get just what you want in the fuel Hub at their yard. (`Ant Qnnrr nf ck. nu-nn..II.n ' Dnunia L, .lf'?Il. AWIIIV-.'.'lURIH Hill Site. We now begun the descent on the side of .`u:;t Island looking towards the grunt luruz In Thu ruin `Inn in rut-rs-nta um] nu FIIIIS Lllll UVISHILIK. `For genuine-Scranton No. 4 cosl go to the (Sn Wurlu yard. '49 were ahnwn A imrv nn m-nu: for IN { . [PARAGRAPHS pucxeo up av oun ausrv I-?EVPORTER__S.. MIDENTS OF THE DA`Yf COMMERCIAL MAi;`i*ER s. ` Walton Probobllluoo. ,L -,_.L ._J ,, HWIL lire BILL NYE AND 1\'lAGAlH. I In uvv vuun lP-BIlIll'III,- J. Murphy, drunkenness, `I0 and coat: or tiara month: In I; Jonph 1|ylor, drnnkonneu. 89 an colt! or one month In pol; Rnborv. Downloy. drunlunnou. II and cost: or fourteen dnyn In pol: Juno! Williu, lurioun driving over hturtqul brinl e and refusing to pay toll, Adjourned unlif Monday. `u Iloul Arrlvulu. Arrlvslu At the British American Hotel- E. S. Bntuheller; New Rork; G. B. Wnuon. Bouon; Mr. and Mn. Sowoll, Quebec; J. Thomson and wife. 1\'owburgh;E. Rout Borlln; J. U. Fltlgornld, D. J. Flynn, To ronto; H. Fair. London; W. Sills. Chicago; J. B. Mnoklnnon, `W. G. Iawh. W. (Iron. A V00`. 3. Jnmleoon, Montreal: 0. A. Cliff. Nupuu. `HUI. IWIIU III` I IIIIIIKIIU Illu IAIIIDU `TUWII up childron. Not one of the latter was able to be puunt dark: but lllnou and death, her son, Percy Clu . being shunt. in Maui toha, and her oldest daughter. Mn. C. Fru- uer. Trenton. hcvlng no to Jammie: to Ipond the winter In vi`: tin her only mister. Mn. A. D. Cndenbeod. Iv o ruidon there. Mn. Clark was 5 oonuiltout member uf the Methodist church. Piano uoIo~mu 1.. Mclunon. Solo. "ProtoItAuon|"-Ila. Gnllouul. lolo. "Noonhnn Wedding 8on"- 1'. Mac- I ler. Mn. D. Ullrl. 0! human: EIII. lll()Ull!l' of Mr. P Clark. of thin city. did last week. Sho oh I hubnnd and three grown un nhilth-an, Nut nnn nl Hm lglttnr IILI nhlu BIIILBT W1 [)6 UIICHIICKI II B lll'lIl'U HIUUWIIIS. ` A special meeting of the committee will ` be hold to consider. thin scheme sud that of enlarging the city oicu. Plano l!uet--Mllsol Dick and Lnldlaw. Sol-I. "lho Monu-ch of the Woodn"-Mr. Crumley. Rociuulon-'l`. G. In uh. ~ Solo. "Kerry DAnoo-- In Raynor. sulo. "Kim: David`: Lamo.-nt"--Mr. Galloway. HOIHUIUIC ICXWIIC 0| BIIU VIIIBU Irilllsll. I em here, he replied in the eeme ien queue, to procure our regnler enpply oi Indien reiioe for the coming yeer. _\Ve cen- not compete eny longer with Connecticut in the menuieotnre of genuine lndien relioe. So we come to Niegere Fella for them. We also not meet 0! our ornementei heed work (lone in Englend, end our omementei meane- cre bueieeeeie done there to. The white men he: feoilitiee which we do not heve, end no the red men : gooee in preoticeiiy cooked. We buy ell our weepoee end heedeche etieke now et Ridiey'e. end our tomehewke et Mecy'e. We get our bowe end errowe mede et Weterbnrv, Cpnn.. end Jorden, Mereh end Co. inrnieh M with our lingerie. We oen buy errow-heed: oheeper then we oen meke them. end ,why ehouid we toil over e liolnemede errow-heed ell dey when we oen eteei e hone in ten minntee lhet' will bring in nice new reiice enough to lept ue e yeer! We heve in onr- tribe ievored free nude. end eo we with our intent indnetriu ere thrown into direct `competi- tion with the penper reiiemekere oi the Bowery. Yon out buy e good eoelp it Chethem uere for 00 cent: to dey, end no the werpet in prectiueily overgrown with UI IIIU l.'Il_y IIII D IIIU Iltlll. Ald. Drennnn spoke regarding the insur- ance on the portraits of the ex-mayurnin the city hall. Mr. Lanagan said they were worth 87,000 The clerk said the pictures had been insured for $4,000 a long time ago. Mutter to be dilcuaaed st 3 future meeting. A nnm-In] mnnlina nf tho onnnnitn-as will Chalmers Ch u rch Social. A number of Ihe ladies of (}h|lmer's church Indies aid society held A social in the lecture mom of the church last night. nnd made 3 succou of it judging from the size of the progrsmme which was as follow: : 0 uh: remnrks-Re\'. Mr Mm-yglllivrny. P am) Juet-Mlaeea McMahon. Rnln, Out (In the damn--Mr. W. Mlddlmnn," l)l'U'llll5L' Lucy UFO llrgll. No action was taken in reference to tha mutter of securing a site in the upper pun. of rho city for as fire lmll. Alli Hrunnnn lnnltu rpunnlina Hm innur. KUUIICCLIUKI WISH IJIU prvaenl till. II! Milo contended that any work done for the city should he tclldnrml fur. Ald. I'nlsnn ugroml with AM. Hrcnnan on the principle, , but he had ordered the repairs to be done` In-came they were urgent. Nn nntinn wan [Alum in rnfnrnnma tn Hun `NU Cllll HIIII Bull) llll uurlllu BIN`: \V!'5lI ther 11 part 0! the roof of the re hall leak- ed. He had ofi'ler'el that the roof be re~ paired at opce. Alal. Drennan uunsitlereml that if tgncw re hull was going to be erect` ed in would be wise to curtail the expenses in connection with the prvaenl lmll. Ha nllu nhnnlnl lm ta-mlnrml fur Alnl Pnlnnn l \UUCPl.!! A bill`;-rom Mr. yum for :10, for re~ ` moving snow from the ruof oi the city hall, was then diuuasetl. He Wits ordered $0 be paid 85. Thu nlmirmnn nniul Hun! Jul-na nnfr wan rwnprunyoualting for u remnd uf $5, pillll fur :l1eu~c'nl' the lmll for an a.ssmnl:|y ;l`r-um the Cllilalrcn of Mary, l`u|ll('s`lXl`-.( kl rcfuuil uf the rent of the lmll fur l.lll'(t: lztys, iuriug which they llfltl rt lutmnr, the proceeds uf which we! 4-utircly lll3l'0tt ll to L'lmritnble ptll`pm1cS;frnI1\ ('. Egglctun. secretary` fur tllc. .\'uci.4l Five," lesiriug the city hall fur ilancing purposes one night per week for tun months, and asking that the rental of $9 per night he I'8llllC(l. No Ictiun. _ Mr W. U. Craig, one of the managers of Qt. Andrew : church, asked if any arrange- ments could be mule to light the Ontario lull ateps better. He also complained that the light in the hall was inuuicient. A ten-ler was read from the Electric light company offering to supply two inc:LmlusA cent sparks for the city hall and Untariu lull steps for 860 per year, the lights to burn en.-rv night. It was moved `hut two dozen gm: burners be purchuud lor Uuturiu 'n-Ill. Finally Mr. Campbell, of the Elec-~ rric light company, otfcred tn auplly twg immiuluscent sparks at lc each per ui M. the: lights tn he pniil fur only wlwn nueileul. Accepted. A bill from Mr O'Hara fnr SH) fnr rp~ Solo. "Kerry l)Anoe--Mill eynor. Sula. King David : Galloway. ` Addreu- W. smith. V Solo. Tho Soldier : 0ravo"-Mr. Savage. * Piano uolo--Min L. Mcllnhon. Rnln, "Pmn:tAuonn"_Iln. Gnnmnv. Piano iJuet-MIsoca llcmnhon. Solo, Out on the duo --Mr. W. Middleton." Piano l)uet--Misses lvk and Lnidlnw. Hnlu, "Hm Mnnu-oh of tha Wuodn"--MI uruu in me Inn uuul ucc. 131., mu. After smnv liscussion it xx: vnuvenl that the trustees of the church remove the urguln not later than Feb. 5th.. _ Petitions were read from the Alert re 01.3.`), 'hr> llxf" nf Ihn lull fnr nu n.~mmnl-|\.` - {ruin NIH. I |JfII||UlIIIII UIUCLIUII. Monsieur foo1 heevnaelf E" I|l the John l).mn in pure liuslo Flench, with I slight patoin of the Rue do Main street. Then grinding his teeth he mnmged to make me umluruund that I hsd stated in Bulfnlo that "I was going over the full: and swim the \\ llll'lp0(Il," but thut |_NemeIi| won on my trnil. To prove the rldlculouonou of the churgal opened my overcoat sud showed him thatl wu not. droued iu tigliu with cloubleiuded bridge ium lug noclu. Then he allowed me to pun. t was here at the hnznr that I met my old friend Poconmco, oi the Pine tribe of Indiana. And What! are you doing lure, no for ownv from home, Pocomoco Y" Iukod. in the light. running domestic accents of the Pinto tongue. I All! barn. in ranliul in thn nmn Inn` ILL IGHL IIIKUI U IIlL"'LIll . L`. \ . | \IAB""! I son and ML-Lo.-(nl. , The chairman stated th.`t the ().1:lf-llnws were deiums uf renlix1g_tl1r*. city ha3l ml the night. of Feb. 13th for 2: ml], .-uul the urgm uf the .\`ydcuham slro-el .\lethmlisL churrh. now in the hull was an obstruction After the |'hilhnrmnni:.' society's (:o:.rert the trustees of the .\ ylenhum struut church were givt-n pvrminsiun to allow the organ to re- nmiu in the hall until Dec. 1st. |8\H. At... . . .n.... : .. ..........l -I...r Death of In. Oink. Mn. B. Clark. of Comdou Int. mother I Mr pnn (nu-H 4: thin o`Iv (All Inn}. -nu. --u mum; ..u..u.., ....- .- .-........._ Ila A1-Hun on New-ral .\|.1H.onI. The nnumbers of the new City pro}-1-rty (.'0lI|IlIill.`chH.\e(l1'LLI.l`:<[ that its l)llzsill(S$ aha`! bcdum: openly. Hn:r-- \v:_-re pros:-nc In last night's mt,-ling: N V. Pnlsmn, I '- _V`'.IF said we were nixving in miner u.u open vuu tar, it. Betilllml mmc,aui then, gently lmt re|uctautl_v I gave him back his iminl, to In with it us he might think best. There being nu obstacles placed in my way at this timelviune nw`u_y by rm-u.ns of the door, which was held aim` by a (mini who secimnl to have the umire miitiuleiivc of the gov urnnr 0!] DIN! UCXL IMUUK. ' After holding the hand of the governor fur quite awhile, and prying to think of something tn say tu him which would tix my face iu his memory for {uur years. 1 Hltill we having rather an open viiu far it. mu-nu-ii In mu mu] [hr-n. Iventlv The chairmnn said that during soft wen k-- .. r\r|rO :\' 9|... 4...`! C II". R... I.,.ll I--.|: HCIUIIH lglllty \\'lll|'ll I Flltlly HM'I\. [Illa lick of dignity so -urea fur me at u strangle hotel the room in whivh fnrmur guests have In-on in the habit of hl-`w`iug out the gun or their brains, such as they are, and Lh:-re is a anilcd [)lltL`(! on the lhreshuhl at the -tmn- som wlneru `tlm hull boy has been in-'%he~ habit of crawling nvur to cxvuninu leceuseil. This room also has an old fushioixeul bx-ll Acur_d in it with A wnully tassel at one cml while the other is liud to a brick building the next block. ' Aim... |."LI:.... IL.` lu.-I nf Hun uvniuu-nnr r-Merit.` or held headed men V U ,I Some say that I resemble him I llttle`,~,l>ut people who have seen us together, _t.alkin;( over the future of our comm3_n country. say that they'em res-lily distinguish the gover- nor. .lrom me. Hill's gure in more [com- manding than mine and his curringe in `more uruceful and lugs redder wheels tll&H__[l_l_ln6. When we walk togtlier, people can easily pick me out because I walk with more freedom end einiuua movement which takes up most of the sitluwnlk. An old teemsicr with whorl: I ussociul once amid that I wohld never ll gnoxl pnulutcr. us my feet did not "truck." My walk is nmrc extemporanmis llmu Governor llill'a. H6 |MHSe88t'-H ll COD- Hclllll dignity wliich lm.lly lurk. This I ..-I: M .li.-uim _u.- -Ilrau fur me etruuule . , , . 1 bright and ban hmnmb things which I had chouqhtrto say mthim. I had Yptended to chirk him up within few buoyant thoughts of which -I am the. parent, but I did no_t_ do it mind I am glad now that} did not. I:,............ an :- ...... A. ..... ntnnl nnfrnvnnll |lU SH. The atnnn now tunk 0!! its coat and shrivkml, while the whirl wol was Iuhul lu its gxmtmur. fury. and at e whirlpnul Imzzmr uenuinv lmlim Inoccrins, made in CUDDl`C~ Licut, went luwn to 32 ll pair. I nnzule H. .'l.k\`tlll\`l1tt0W}l'\1B the brink nf the pro.-vi piu`. iuten-lixrg to peer down over it into the lm:hu3"w&ters, when I felt the grap of as vlllllll/Urlll on my nhoulderan-l I was jnrk ml bark with an oath which would have s)v6rn in 3 whole precinct ut nun residents ,4: a presidential election. \lnnninnr fnr hnnmnnlf "' ILL` Hui Jnhn It mm 1 lad that: am not. Governor ill is one at our most esteemed r-nteriq of bald headed ._ u.-. r ..........I.I.. In`... . lHHn`JuII . Pollen Courlnnturdu. .._|... .I.._..|. .... _- Qnn__n THI; CIVIETCOMMITTEES. (flty rrugmrly ll.u It Mueliu;:- n..n.... &...~..-.I \Iv.n...-.. hlll [Ur MU Bl`-`l|`lIIUl) ;|lUlll 2 for clays, l the . l rely leA'otel ` I` I.` .,.I .5 .. ...., .. I .-.. L... Would Devin` uuusu 5 notv s I 1 rmlly u fur Inn )1!` ll atnululn BILL NYE. THE BRITISH WHIG. sATU_Rb5v ______,__.....__. llourln Irom Ihulnou. Johnnton a Co. uvlng decided to go to Manitoba. In April. open thclr blg slaughter `ale today. See their luv |dv't. CIIIIIUI lrnl HCIVUIL ' V` YIIK -' HUVUWI" WWII women ?' uye the Young render. Young render, woman menace ll Well me coneolee. Women mekee half the em-rowe which ehe boeete the privilege to eooihe. Women con- euiee ue. it ie me. when we Arodvoung end hendeome ; when we ere old III IIRIY W0- mnn enubg gud Iguldl ul. 0|! the whole. then. women in in thin ecele: the Vnpd in um. Jupiter. hen out my b-It-co. -nd weigh them both. en if thou giveet the pre- {ounce to womgn 5]] I can My ll, Oh! next time Juno ruilieh thee. 0 J|IPM`u N ? hl'|0' ehoe re." For eele onl at the Bone- ehoe. ing etreez, Merkei IBM. I'll.l|"- ' We next went down to the whirlpool and N on the way B ilctachmcut of John l`u.rins USL'.)l'Cv31i us with nuairof suspicion. Oar llrnbky ulriver evidently watched us every iuuim-ut like ll cat. At the whirlpool we uli-.;l-veil cu;-alt), being narrowly wutchi,-ll by the -lriver null a John Darin from l,.'(*Imi. Here as we reach the brink of the clill the hri7zard struck us iuniilship, am] the gm.-zit. .VI.Lgui'a which has iusiutecl Po niuny tutiiperuiiw lecturers in sum in; to lentil the inodoruto drinker neemnrl U) huumno silent in the presume of ohl Mr. Blizzard from the wild anal unkempt west. Just then ty high silk hut, which I wear in ascending the Alps and doing the tourist act. gem-rally, went up a large blue hole in the icky, un-l while I was watching it the l!I`llltl':` ledi remark : Keep oil the gross" withan ll(JlI rod on one side iwattud me across the in an of ulinientivenesn. `he storm was now ut its height. The r-mf of the hotel gently liitcil with the lureezc, nml through the fast falling rain we vutlhi ace is surprised geutleniun in his room just emerging through the neck hm-l u[ .a bright now iihirt. With in look of lmitmi` and womlcr he trio-I to pull down tho roof .i_;uin nus! cmlceul liiinsclf. but he cuulll not tln so. 'I`L_ _.,_._ _.,._ . ,I, ,ll- 4. . v IIIIIIITO AIIII `V 0IIlII- Joel -Benton, in A planning nrtivlo on the history of tobacco smoking, says: "On 3 Imlll ulver in 3 German ruuurnnt on which oi nu Are dealt out I hnvn rend thin motto : ` 0 who doth not Imoko hath either known no grant grief: or refuloth to hlmulf the Iweotut connolntlon next to that which come! from heaven. `What ? Sweeter than ..u....... 9' -....- .L.. ..p....... .....l-.. \ ........ urn: Ul IHC DWCUIEH PVUPIU. Prom Hum-kl):-11:1 the audience was taken to Copenhagen when mnuug other things they viewed [jar mini and statuary uf l'|mr- walsmn lhe Ihmiah Mzlllplul`. Then :u`l`()ss the Baltic to (J.-rlnany anal down through Hullaml the trip was uxtcn-lwl until, having crossed the North sea at Flushing. the It--: tuner and those who full-Mo.-I him were |....... J. |... .1... I .... I. .. t`I. .1. .... u. l\ .._._ ULUII. I III) lll` UUL H:lP5U llH' IVCIFLIL ridiculing the: igimraiice of (`aiiaula (1 part uf llIdII_V in,l5ii!u.iIi, the lt'I`l|lll' was llllsftf tn thiriia .~itum:s at utwcrs l~ Inc f-mull in igiiniulnw of pl8.(.'t'S uni 1 win) are nut uf as mm'h illl[)0lL1llCe ll selves. After 21 ahuit ac -aunt of it [vii ramble tliruugli .\`:--tl.unl the EUl'lit`Il<`I taken in iumgiimliuii ncruss the 45: nut-:51: lrum Halinluirgli to the west on Nurwuy, along through lijnrd uml u.cruss the ruvlis un-l t.liruu_-.;h the \'d.llt l train aunl stczum-r, by atulkjeaire .. . . A... . .. I . ..I. I. ..l .1 A . .... EH1` llUlUHCU UN.` l{`U[lU'Qfl' Ul ll]? l'VClllIlg. Mr. Htftlt suitably prefaced his address by asserting the nut-lfulness of rest as the uftcr part of honest toil, and by allowing the ccunonty uf as lnrcu.t.hiug spell. Kindly `allusion was xmule to the cumpu.ninnship on the Atla.ntiu of Dr. \\'u.tson, u. wellknovtn Kingytnu soliitor, anzl his eatimnhle lmly, who were passengers witl1,hlr.uml.\lrs. Scott from Quebec to London. The lecturer uuve an innervating uc-Jullllt ml the Atlantic voyage, told the ct-lllpusllltlll ul the passen- gers, lnfurmcxl the unmliunce of the (la-le,_.;'Ltcs on bmml to Winlhlculon nnd the great. counc'ls of LOll(lUlI. spukc of bey 1103 only {lulu hilt: llsvlnLrge.l~l:M `frfnn oxygen imlnilnul vnil-ml flue lmnnml rlellullt at tlln Hp 'l`nlku__ to Tlleun hr Furblgll sou. Tron. than by ll|u.._|lIn lbnncrlpt-hfn l'o.woru \!'0re Roma!-lmhly Kn-1\n-A Pornrutliou` that win` llrlllmnlly llugllvurqd - [la lleuorved tl_us Ttmnkl he rlcocelvod. In response to 5 request, made [Ky one _of Ithe socigtiea of_Queen s univerdtv, the Rev. A. H. Scott, M./\.,. of Perth, delivered I lecture last night on his recent visit to Britain, Norway, Sweden, nml Denmark. Convocation hull had an uudience composed -of members of tlievfuciiltiea. theological and art: students, and 3 good representation of tho citizens of `l{lllgstt)ll. Prof. Watson occupied the chair. After reference to Mr. Scott's atuudingiu the university as 21 stu- nlcnt, and the uxpimlsiinii of 11. law compli- mentnry illusions. of a. pcrsunul clmractcr, Dr. Wulann haul pleasure in introducing to the audience the lecturer` of the evening. Mr, Hnnrrr Sulitululv nrofm' his mldreun EUR0l E.AQ\: RAMBL1 ms. ` REV. A. H. SCOTT."0F PERTH, EN- -` TEBTAINS A LARGE AUDIENCE. TODIIFO And Women. |-_A,,, o I , I .- I Illlgll K`) KIIC WES`. l'||(l.'.1|, Ill hr:-ugh jord lijelxi. n-I \"d.t:`)B lny cl`, unul fsnnw'-cappcal pm.-mks and null Vialn (Eln nlul P.-r lug u\(:l IL: uwu wuusa. 1!. IS IUL`.i>\', HUW 1-ver, beyond critic-i.~un. I went there think- ing that if the falis really ck-serve acanhing I woulJ s.zu.he them through the press and in ;nru their businesa, butl must any that, like .\lr. Booth, they deal-.i've their gnu! 3 uccss, nu-i I do not blame them for rusftcting Ihcniselvca and having their pi\.'LlU`eB Lnken c\'el _\' little while and getting their names in M10 papers. They deserve all thu glory they have got. and far be it from me to put A straw in the way of the progress of Niagaxm F:1`.l. LUIICQ Ill. l'L ICIH IUEL \VC people 'h as nur to.-|1 nu] lhn znnli.-m-n IA-an run on - wunuuvu _ I w y The new work odlud by Rev. Dr. Tul- tmgo. "The | M.hway ol Lilo," In one of the most elegant mw published. It In bount- lully Illllltrulucl nnd bound. And In Mur- prou in moat uloot. The oltywvlll be oanvuud for the work. ha ulo will In very extensive.` . DUCIITIUII Illllr PIUVIUMI DU lll`ll IIIIII. Surprise. but of agiaduomu chnrnctor. wan ` crantnd this morning whon it wan learned ` that Rev. H. F. Bland, of Perth, and his son. Rev. 8. G. liiand. of Queen strut Mnthodint church. KingnIon,'hai been in- vited to tho Quubnu nhuroh an joint pantorn. They hava aoonphd, ooauqnnut on tho a - rovai oi the stationing oomlnitiu. `It w i lnnnant for fathnr and non to ho t tlnr, amrwc are Intlnod that it will be o great advantage to tilt Qnnboo poopin. A more popular, modut. or painstaking olor man than Rev. 8. G. Bland donn not rage in Kingnton. Barty congratulation: will ho oxtontiod to him. D0 $0I.lI'Uqo I`n-morn-ow the {out of the purication of the Virgin Mu will be observed in St. ` Marv : cuhodn . The uoiemn snd impm~ ` Iive eeromouiu, According to the ritual. will becnrriod out pl evioul to high mnu. Qnrn:-inn hut. nf A ahnhnmn nhuruytnr. In `HCTC Illllre ll PUIPIK UUUTII. I Rev. K. L Jones and Dr. E H. Sun the. spunk II on miuionury meeting at r downo to-morrow. Rev. W. B. Cuoy goon ` on A similar miauiun to Ottawa. D.... II- l\'iIIl...... .... .---I -nngulnogn I Ilmlllf YIIIIIIUII I0 UIIIWI. Rev Dr. Williams. general auporiuum dent. is ill and cannot preacha dedlcatory sermon in Sydenham street church next. Sunday. Another popular clergyman will be Iaourad. 1 r- .............. .1... 0-... ..r n.. .....:A...n.... -0 I DJUIHUUIIK UHHTCII [U IIIOTTUW. ` Rev. John Forguwn. 8.1)., of (lheoley, I ` graduate of Queeni, ma be osllod tn St. Andrew`: church, Lon on. The pooplo there admire him pulpit etforu. Raw K L Jnmm and Dr. H H. Snvthn. DIUFIIUUIII cuurcn. A meetin of the Rural Deanery of Leeds cnunty wil be held in Unnanoqcxw on the '26!!! and `Nth Feb ` D-.. |.`.. nu` ..... .... I-_..:..... u--.L I..- 1 `UllI `HM `I lull I'ClI Rev. Fr. O'Connor, on leaving Perth. for \ Prescott. Wu rendered a gold headed cane by the 0. MB. uwciulion. a Rnv R, H, Rlnml in that mm-ninu And Raw ` IIII IP}lllIHlIIICIIh. Rev. J. W. Sparlina will plea;-h at both Iervices in the .\`_v street Methodist chuuch tomorrow. 'I`.. ...n......... LL... 1` I` l)......... I)-...,I...:||.. ` " IEIHLHI IUURIUK LUVVIITCIH IIIC KIQHIL H:-r.-ze tall. The rain fell in torrents. um}! an ar mnhrcllas were turnegl wrong side ouL I-3. the blau. we were soon wet to the 1-J;in. There we stood in the pI`\!SUnL't' of the meat- :-at spcgtm-Xe America can pxwmuce, pvrlmps outside of congress. Like an oguzisligul .-tutlxm` Niagara for centuries lms bvcn punt`- im; over its uwn works. It is I`-:LUy. how I u-..ny Vhurux o .-vnr In-nnml 4:rI'l KHU \/. LVl.l`. IIUUUIDIJUII. 1 Rev. 8. U. Bland in the morning and Rev. R. Whiting in the evening in Queen street Methodiut church tu marrow. D-.. l..l... I`-.. ....... .. H II 4.! l`|u--I-.. - IU lhUfl'U\V IVUV. 1. \;. IITUWII, I` will prenchjt both services In Methodist church. A ... 2.... ..l pl... 1). ..l l\.._ ..-... llll` HCW' PICLIIU Rev. (3. A`. was presented week. I) ll \' WVCI. Kev. H. V. Tremuyno. Anglican. Shau- nonville, in meeting with much success since his appoiutunent. Rev J, \\', .\'nnrIina will nu-nu}: Ar. hnth A Call to Father and un-Thn Fllllng of the l'uIul|.u To-Dlnrruw. The l'real:_yt-rim: church at Weslport will he ready for nu-`nputim1 ubuut the l0th. Nearly 8l(),lM'0 has [mun subscribed for the new Metlnulist church st Merrickvillc. Auderauu. Molmwk reserve, with & uluable fur com. lnt. u. I. LHL` l'('qllIl['|( lJlH UK L"? UIINVI-. There were happy auldreases from bene- dicts And lmuhvlura. nvanly every gentleman apt-aking. Thv-rc vu-re numerous songs with ulxhng clmrusca. uni ul midnight the con pay went on El haul` of imp:-ctmu at the ex- mu_\ur'a | nnL-css strut. mansinn. now ready to rec:-i\`e its millresn. M r. (Kwaou will be nmrriml un \\'c-clueanlny to Miss Butler, of on 4'1... ............ Iv..1.....u._ ll! IT\ I'I\C'- ll-B HIIIIIUBH. `Ill 90 Close I\r't'l)IlL`, l'.ukdale. (I5 IIUIUTC UH". Mr. Elliott spoke, briilly fclicitating Ex- Muyor Carson upon his good future. He looked on John`: capture as the result of leap year persuasion, fur the gallant fellow : mo- dcaty and luv.-hfulm:aa were proverlnial. His sclfulmegmtinu was lll('.|Il.l0ll1`(l. (Sol-len up purtuuitics in municipal and political lifu l'\` foraook for ll()lllr:iI.iC ju) s. No longer v `I horses and fur coats hc his {on-l pets. I .1 graceful little lnluusolns will secure his .. ours, and an l)ri.;lit eyed, Winsome urea!---w will In: the pusscsaor of cnreeses aml all--n - ` sinus that lnitln-rtu lmvv been wasted on Ir-~ lu\'cl_V 1-lnjccts. He only hoped that nu- lmuk hook and lmkerv would be equal to all the !`(`qllll('lllt l.X[8 of the bully 1'. 'l'nunq wnllh llzulnv ullulrnluun `ruin `mun. lvL'Il|IcIC|I I`, llllll. /, ll` J. hilbeuk, a boon cmnwcnion of Ex Mayor ('u.rs9u,'/ lilaliv one of his po.-culiar, int.-u-sliugzmii tunuaiug atlilreamva. He tracedrzriw hiatur_y uf the forlorn huchelur fiumflw time lac '45 a child, and he did it 341` well that thc rannpany \\`il.$ cnnvulaeif. ' He praised John fur his abilities, his win- ning wavn, pl`uIIli'cd that as great future was hefure him. I... L`|I.` an .._,.I... l_2,AI.. A',IZ,!L,A1._._ I.`,, ILHIUULIL U1 ll|~ , Ex-Mayor Whiting: said that L-\'e'ryune present, except Ex-.\lnyor Carson, knew what they were preaent fur. For the en- lightenment. of the guest of the evening he intimated thut nmny of his friends learning that he was about tn a.-sunie the duties, re- spmslbilities, pleasures and p:'i\'il*:'.;c`J C.` nIIl`l'lOkl life haul met to uiark their esteem for him and to cheer him up for the risky and doubtful venture he w-us about tn take, to give. him a reinernhrance so that when he was old and gray and r eumatic, and a gramlfutller he could look upon it and recall when he was one of the boys He ulwclt nu the uncer minty with which the latest rumor was receivccl. It hall proved unreliable so many times before. lltlt when rumour was luund to have will the truth nmny were re- lieveil and a loml of`u.nxiet_y, frur and trem- hling liltetl from their hcurts : that inst:-.ul of rmkim; his life at l`atiln'.ty rI'us~\lngs and A in other ways lw Wllllltl nnw his life llre.~:en:u'rht-lzrfcrl him upon rlruvtinu su \'uluublc- a [mile in the iimtrivaimiiul market, one whnse he.Luty a.n'l grace were ('\LlCUla.[t`(l in the wur-ls ut the nu. lam-ms l}.tl,reu<`k l`,()(_'ll:l.l`lll the heart uml pawl) 7.13 the intollu:-t." Us intimated that 'twe-re well that Mr. (.'nrsnn haul caught the lire fur lnul he nut he (Whiting) might lmw fallen il. \'n'li:n himself. He wishml l...o|. \I.. ,...I II. 4` . ., I-W |-\ H Al - \'IlI SHIV: l'lu-qtnrln now burst upon us in all its .'nr_v, will the ruin (lcsct-mln-cl in the wil lwofusluu, Slttlllltlllg the falls uml rcmlerin_' izlvvn wrll nigh innpusaulylc. Uur mulctcur .ur.--n-cl llivmcll M itl) his pontoon, wruppuul his l.upu.ulin uruuml his ens. zunl \\'llll\: mu` .~ l-n-lv-1' lnligencu sw.-Lyctl in the blunt lnu 'TlI'IW`O nT~"1Yu).~sS`tU (`hint lulimnl. The t1TT!Ti- mr ml the inunensc-. volume uf water ua-1 nunv s\\'\llt)Wml up by the mighly roar of m.- lnxrsriug tolnpest and then. as it lied ..u .1)` like the wall of u. pcrislning soul, one \\-nu!-l g\iu hear the sullen lluunler of the < run! 4`lInIl`I.l'5ll) nluln alln LIIKT IIIC llll Illl Ill: LIUL NC \ V` II|lIUg] IHIKIIL hu\'4.-fallen both Mr. and .\lr.~4. (`Mann (L0 be) all the. gum] things that Clllllx` in this life. _ Ex-,\1..i\-Ur Lursuu fuuml the wind k'un:k- ml uut of his sails. He had lnelljecftc send- urfonhc-rs; uuw when his turn uamo he hadn't H. mm] Lu say. He wzmjal to he one of [he buys, anal hr-. wuul d.-`Q-'\'cr prme the gift tendered to him. 1) | ._;n,,_|, c.` 1. ,_ ....._ ...:-.. -1` I.'.. Ills Nlunnruus Friends Follcltnte Vlllm Oli HI-i ll.u-rlauge IIIIII Tender ll Present. Lust evening ex-Mayor John Carson was presented with a fruit epergne of handsome design and the best wishes of many friends i for his future happiness. The presentation occurred at the Lgollender house and, with. the elegant supper enjoyed, engaged the at- tention: of the donors until. midnight. Among those who surrounded the.,,elegunt garnished, tables were Messrs. John L. Whiting, J. Redden, A. Chadwick, J. Crew- ford. John McKay, F. Uillen, M. Mullen, C. Livingston, G. Crawford, E. Crumley, W. -Middleton, A. H. Elmer J. Galloway, Capt. Umwt'ord, H. M. Mowat, '1`. W. Moure,J. U. Elliott, (3. Power, J. Mur- slmll, W. H. Van Tassel, R. J. Eilbeck, T._ Moore, (J. Smith, J. U. Campbell, U. \\'ril.;ht', R. J. Reid, W. C. Martin, R. (Ierson, T. Carson, John Smith,_ R. Newlends, S. H. Fee, J. Mckjummon and l- . McLaughlin. _' After the banquet e.\'-Mayor \\'liitinl_z asked it l'rieud_ to uncover the gift that they could look it in the face. It wss found to have 8 lmse and column of oxmlyned silver relieved by gold gures" surmounted by ll silver statute. ` A gold cross bar, represen- ting a rope, bore up two handsome dishes of Serves were in pink and gulcl. We will imagine Junk in one side sud the missus in the utl1er,"rcmniktd Ed. Crumley in his way. This was the lu-ginning of un endle amount of lllll. l.`., \A-..,.. u'i.:.:.. ,_,- n .. FEB. '2. CIRCLE OF THE CHURCHES. JOHN cARsor_i HAS A Go. ' I1 Pathway ol Lilo. ....._L _4IlA_J I... D ... .(,'. Brown, Bros-kville, -nrvi:-uu In Qhu 1`hiv-J IDTUCI \'IlIU' the Third Illlsllla I ` vVUD3t' I uvu-CIIIIIUQ Modonh to huh south nod wont winds. partly cloudy and milder. proooodod by. light nnpwon the; in some locnlillol. mild to. manor. , HAVE KUIIU CHUIVU uunug II Ulllzilflu The day broke moist and measly M Buf ` Lulu. but ut noon the gray and choppy elm`:-lea m.-..LLurml a little, and u. pa.tul1 of sky cuuhl uuw HUI` then be discovered. l'Iu.ting In .lmsty In.-nl our party, arluyenl in ulpcn stocks and cnnsciuus recbitutle`, begun the zwzunt from llulllslnlly a vinruituuurmma. Wu rmclnml Niagara l"nllu utaliuu, wlu-um: we proceeded by (lrusliy to uur chalet. Uurc we uliglncnl. The clmlet is kept by u muivc .'\ll*3rl\.'llu, uml after our lbng juurno-y from 'l*lnll}sl0 it was guard to tune murc hear the music of our own lamguage. llustily eutiuu u light lunch we put on uu|"t.npcnu.t.-1. mnl in clmrge of at John lhrln, we prnuro-ll-cl Ivy alillgcuue towards the Falls \'ld. the .-\m-.-ti l mu siqlu. 'l`I.,. ........_ ..-... L.._... .... ,.. .. mbrrov. H` Hosdqturtorlfor Clover. Tlmothl. Field nnd Garden ood Choloo hall) 1-. Strong Baton` flour I Ipoolnlt N.W.l4nd0o . . . . . . . . . . .......... . Rloh.&0ntu'|o Nnvkltlol Oi .... Iotztluluu ........ .. .. .. mnuurumcnh ..... .. Canal Don 0 pay ....a.:a.-..2';.o`. .".' .... .. uauan uouon man I lmndu Oozwnuo... llunluhun Conan (` JOSEPH FRANKLIN,_ WW 9999*. *?.19'F;_ i'.*'."%=_. Sm noon.` Bank of Montreal .... unur1oBuI|.... ...... .. Bunk du Pqu 10.. ....... .` Molnonl Bun . . . . .. Ban: olToI-onu . . . . . . . . .. Bnnquml un Cu-uor.. Ila:-chain at ........ ueheolionkm... Mun Bulk . . . . . . . . unk nlnlnnnrnn Unlul Bull . . . . . ., Bunk uloolnlluoo . . . . . .. Inporw Bunk ......... .` trod Tel 00.. N.onW. 14:11 . lll VIUIIII WIIVCII XIIEU IUTUII III UUIUIITU I! did I harmonica solo by W. Kerr. Alex. Milne presided At the orgm with ability. Refruhmentl were solved by the India: and nfterwurdl the gnlvnnlu battery Wu brought out to shake them down which. it did mo 0 elfoctuslly. PIUIIIIICII U LIIU I ll KC TUI IIIHIIIIK Q35`! Lu! evening 1 e Portevuout Y.M.C.A. held en ed home" and extends I welcome to about forty friends. A pro remme wu brought forwerd eoneiutin eoloe Ind duetu by Mean Attila. `Helhday, Wich- urt. reedin by Menu. Grehun end Heu- elrid e. . Buminur, C. E.. ntoniuhed his friene by produck excellent music upon the violin which ed forth an encore an .A:.l .. |.-.........l..- ..I.. 5... II L-.. AI-.. Little Crltlclun tn Mnlm III the lllk '11- l > t.orl'nlI-.\ Run Around the Must l`le- . tur-Iqim I-l|iut,a-Tlio Guveruor Is: In- tervlewrcl on the Subject of the Want- u|or-.\ ludcy Letter. I Niagara Falls at present in practically . frue for gull: You can go and louk at them as vou would at the the Aurora Borealis or the rich creamy oontdur of the nnukum Milky ` \\`uy. If you walk to -the Falls and cmry )1-urulinnor you need not run up It large hill. . The lmuknum even takes you the en- tire l1uu'nlol'- the Falls on until sales. the \\'hirlpoul, the Three Sisters lslduIlu,'-U03! lalund,_`1aud everything :elm- at am ugruetl price. You get :5 coupon ti:-kt-I which is just as good at u. railrutul till`;-r. and there t.`d.ll he no Ikulhluggcry about it. as Aridtotlu would Bay.. Wu visited thu l"4llE on the (lay of the Hi/.z.u`d which wrecked Reading and which wound up by tipping the Supunuion foot~ bridge at Niagara into the river below. The Falls have buen visited in summer and in -winter. in tlIe,bi6,tul glare of day and the emit mellow moonlight, but very few people lmve gunethore during a'blizz:Lrd. 'l`lm .luv lmrnlua main? and um`-unlv M lluf