John Henderson& 60., 86 Princess St. I 1 I '7-VQCFUITX VVIIKQ Cf'-I V' I ontnnlnnd (fol-nmul : Boat in nation. I II! I `M . _ IIBINTC -ED I M, in Prince: Blroot. (lrIor'I Old Bind. Sale at 8:!) um. In-nlng It 7:33. uwiylonlumu ; I-I-Inna: rwur. nuuuu UIII. rltdkd Wbonkfhnolodwhoi GCIIWICU. n.-_....l-..A n.--...l - ngdg In n-`.4... THE DISTINUFISIIICID \\'l.HTIll A.\'l) LWIIIAKIIR. TORONTO FLOUR STORE choicest (induct Pcurynndlnnuyflou .I-.-. 4.. L.-4| n ll-`L-on nlllll IIAIIAJ (Int. A 000!) | ROGRAMIllC OI` MUSIC`. AD DRESSES. lc1*c.. may be expected. Doors open at 7 o'clock. All pnrllva from tho clty unending cnnbo wooommudmoul with I (`nnvnyanvo at locum non`: Liver)` lo and from the Concert for me small mm or 10 cents. 5 GEO. 1%.}-ARKI1~_T, l - L- L__|.-,_ ._.. 4-) .- _|-|. . Who hnl IDOCII lnvltnd [0 7|!!! the Allllflllkhn (`olonleo and louluro lhorv un Impurlnl lodor|~ Ilun. will vhll. Klnmnon on `Ihnrnhy. fob- (`olonleu and Iouluro lhormm Impurlnl Federa- tion. will vhll. Kingston on `Ihur-dny. runrv um, um! lecture on llmnbovo subject In lh (`I'M HALL napln. Pl! NCIPAI`. GRAN1` wlllnlao nddn-no the th (`ITY HALL II. I . PI! NCIPAB GRANT nddrml meeting. Ker. I't-rv.-grmu Hvnlc. 3 Sue l-l1u:ene-- W.mdo.~ring Jew. Mysteries of Paris. H AUCTION SALE`- ;OF JAPANESE FANCY GOODS 1 and -n-uy. 1:. : :;:v--2:1` , who hubeen Invllod to am the Aultulieun Pnlnnlun nml In-turn lhnrn am Innmrlnl Padan- Township Hall. atax-aqui. K TUESDAY EVENING, February mu. l`lll RINK \\'ll.l. HE Bllll.l.lA.\`Tl.Y ll.- l.L'.\ll.\'A'l`I-ZD HY`.(`Tlll(`lT\'. giving: u skaters and .~npoctulor.~ lhu lineal sight ever at-on in this \`n(~|mly. a`kuloraIn costume will lmvu Llw in-, frmn 7 to 9 01-Iu `I. after that hour the rlnk will be upon In all until II p m. Purim: nppmrimz invoslmnv will plonsv l('!|\`t` thriv- no-mo on ll omnlmne on cmurinx lllc rink. Prim-2. will be ~mmle.n to lhosv mmrim: the rlrlwsl and must! (`OII icnl (`?~lIIlIu-.-I, 'l`H K ll A \'IMMI"IIIr,H1"Il R ATTA I JON will and most 4-(m~|vx\l `I'M E ISANIOUI-` `I Hr. NTII ll.\T'l`Al.l0N will In its IIIIIIOUI In enliven skaters and npovlatun by unin (tn rhoicual ewlucliuus. 'r5vk S-Adults 2 .-. ;-hildren me. BIG ROYAL kA*TI}{c; RINK, C11 FRIDAY EVENING, F81). 15th. Business Written and Policies Issued over $T.000.000. Authorized C:1pital.$`2,000.000. Subscnbod Capital. $031300. Amount Paid Up, $ ~T.3:?0. The Surplus on Policy Holders.` Account. $58-L402. YA cam) mm nmzss usouuuma CARNIVAL c ssnmca. lnrdwarv. kc. Smilhwork. ` (`tIl`llng_ All thuubove ln*n`u-rims and supplies to In- furnialn--! nu-urdmg In the !p('l`il`.`lU0nS In hr seen A! Ihe l-lnginc-cI'u Umvn mrd whore AN other iufunn -nun Ina) bv obtained. l he lune! ur un_\ l::lldL'l` not In-ceamrily tw- copl u.--J . 1`. (1 ROM : KR, Um rurnu.-LL; bII10p,l)oII|bL'}' and son. Dunma Alexunux-e-'l`hu 'l`ln-_ee .\IlHkL`l(`8l`I. 'l`wo,-my Year: After. Muulc Uristo. I-urly-nvc Uu.-u-dsmeu. Thu 'l`ukiug of the Bunilc Fwluixu: ncun'-'|`om J0nos.J uuuuh Andrews. nu-n plank tor wlulis. 20.01!) feet lineal. more or less. of 524 codu` sleep;-I s for vmlkn. l2.(I_l) pieces. more or less. of L-edah--blocks for (?l`(\88|n`8. for the following materials and services rc quinxl by the Uorplr.-lion of the City of lximmon. viz: 1 SEAl.EI) Tl-1.\'DI-`.R.~l win he rweivod as the okc of the City Enzinecr until noon or the Zlst of February. 1889. qlnrvu uy IIIU pvrplrullull 1)! ll: LII)` hin axon. Illglll fox`! 1:! )1. more or less, of 2 and It inch plank for walks. 20.01!) feet lincal. mnrv or Inns. of 514 r-ndnr _THE CARNIVAL OF THE SEASON Kinprslou. .4 h I-`elm. PRESIDENT, Sir John A. Maodonald. VICE-PRESIDENTS. George Gooderham, Wm. Bell. SECRETARY-TREASURER. _TEMPERANCE CONCEHTI SATURDAY. E. R. MARTIN Ancuonoer. uueu`dsmeu. Thu "ruining 0| the mantle Molding ucun'-'|`um Jonm-1.J uuuph Amelia. I Arm` (`hnrlml..Hnl-rr Lnrro-n n-\r ( `Mn I-Inn J. L. Kerr. T. 0. BOLHIR, `ill? Fnah 'iUl.( 5 ER, _`iIy Engineer. `Hm rnurw. Hi skclh Uhxlrlus -~keu'!u-s by "Boa." Nicho- las Nil'kll'.l)). Um er T\\ Ibl. ltmmby Nudge. Old (`ux-nu.-nu Shop, l)ombu)'nml son. Tlntce Aimwurlll VV. H.~.\liser's Iluughtcr. `tar (`h.-|}nbcr.ltuokwo.d. Jack .3'hopheni. b`pem}- lhri l. ' Um-kuxu Henry- -Valentine Vox. (`uoucr Fcuimuru `flu: l)m:x`sluy.-r.'l`hc Path` ndur. 'l Iw Lust of the Alolucuns. 'l`lwl`iu.n-or . The l`r.unc. Hi ~kuI\~' l`hnrIoI~x ,~I.:nlvh:~~a hr "Hnn " \'ia-hn. The Undermentioned Books are Uni- formly bound in Red Cloth, Colored Edges. The Regular Price is 70c. Each. We will give you any one for 50c. ; two for 900 ; three for AVIUKIIH llll I Ulll-`I W Illl IJCBI. lllllfl Authufs, 4 vols. .\Ia-:aulu_y`s Englaunl. 5 vols. Mut|cy'u Hutch Rx-plnhlic, 3 vols. Napier}; Peninsula \\'nr, 6 vols. \\ ilapn`s Tales of the Borders, l'2 vols. L`"UPUI`. I'D V"IH"H`.`{, g`:;' [Or .1. \\ 0 have also other sets of hooks as fol- lows, any of which we will sell at, a gene- rous discount. ` (,`url_\`le'g \\'ol`ka; IO V018. Hunnfn England, 6 Vuis. 8trickluiu1'aQueena of l*Im;, 3 mid. Hmla->n`nSlmkspere. 6 vols. Mmsuulnfa Essays uuul l'neIn.~. 3 Vols. Knight's Hull` liourn with the Best Au- thnrs. 4 vols. , Green`: History of the Enulish People, 4 3 mls. ' Uibbon's History of Rome, 6 vols. Boswell : .'.ift` of J . husun, 4 vols. Morris` Half Fours with Best American A..AL..-.. 1 ....l.. The Cottage Library HERE IS A BARGAIN. WI um T0 cm son rm: manna 1 READ THIS LIST or MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS I Eliot : Novels, 8 volumes, SP2 fox: $6. lckena. I0 volumes. SIC for $7.;'(). Thtckerav. ll volumes, SIG 50 for $3.25. Lytton, 12 volumes, $15 tor $9. Scott, 13 volumes. $16 2- ) for $9.75. Hugo, 7 volume-, 89 for $6. Marryat, 1`) volumes, 315 for N0. Dumas, I-I volulncs, SII.-50 far 814. Cooper, 113 volnnws, $2} for SIG. 0 other sets books as fo` `AND r'u'ria: THE GRICATLY lucnuvnzn muons. WILL YOU TAKE THE TROUBLE LOOK OVER THE SUBJQINEI) READ OVER THE LIST: STUCK % REDUCING ~ % SALE. Eagh. $1.20. We have uvonty volnmon of `List of Books, We hno sixty volume: of mm wmn, wum wunm LIBRARY Mr. Chamberlain has given the opponents of reciprocity aolne food for thought. On a late ocoaaion, and while apeahing oi the liahery treaty, he is reported to have said: One thing in certain. the people of our American oulonice have the grenteat intereat in maintaining the cloaeet and moat friendly relationa with their great neighbour con- eietent with that political independence which they deaire to preeerve. and which. ae far aai know, the people of the United Htatea have no deeire to dieturb, and if the new government of the United Staten ahonld eee their way to any extension of commercial interueuree with Canada and alao with Newionndland. then I am quite certain that thin iiahery queetion will become a matter oi comparative in- eigniiioanoe and oi very eaay -arrangement." Evidently Mr. Chamberlain ie not disturbed by the alarming talk in which eome people indulge. And eurely no one will acoueo him of cnnapiring with the enemy. of dialoyalty, oi wlilingneee to aee Canada eold out to the Yanheee. Our Joeeph la not aiiiioted with the nightmare. The transactions of Mr. M. llohillar-l, M.P. l'.. with the dominion government \\ ill aund looking into. He purchased the pine timber on In Indian reserve in I886 for 8316 Anal within I week sold it to Klock llrus. for 8.30.000. Now the government prncticully gave Mr. Robillnnl the pine timber, and the question arises, Who: for? Political nar- uervico? Anti Riel agitation in the loctl leginlaturo ? Hu every man hin policy and his price? It looh'li|io it. At may rate the end has not been heard of this Robillard matter. 1 he (lananuque people favour the deepen- ing-nf the Ri-loau camal,on thegrnund that the water supply of the village for manufactur- ing purposes. would be increased by the scheme. The Journal hopes for more. that an outlet of the canal will be made at (lun- mmque, and that the government will make an appropriation for the work. The l\`.idoau canal can. of course, be improved, but, un- less at an enormous outlay. it cannot be mule to accommodate the shipping of the St. Lawrence. and that in the strong argu ment in favour of the scheme. Fhe infcrmntinn is telegraphed from Ut- tawa that a whole sheaf of petitiuns from lnhour councils and union: has been present- ehanking the abolition of the deposit re- quired from candidates for seats in the house of common: This in one of the suhjevtl on which Sir John was interviewed recently while on a visit. to Toronto, and on which he gave an equivm-al answer. Those mum bera of the gnvcrmnent who have been pus- iug as labor champions will now have a chance to give evidence of the faith that is in them. The motion of the Hnldiinunxl conserva- tives, preceding the decision to `protest. the election read as follows : That it was the duty of the party to do this, and thus vimlicnte the honour of the country." They are getting very sensitive upon some points. They were not so thoughtful about the honour of the country, oryof the honour of the queen, when they umthorizeul the , _ 7 . . 1 ,: _ _._-..I..-......... ... L..- ........._ vl uu. \l\I\4\oIl' . . . . . . . . ...., _..-.......--. ...- issuance of I proclamation in he'r name. , directing the Indium, th`e' untutorexl real men, to vote for Dr. Montague. ` "` """ n this lahvl on Mr. (`nlter's lint pug in the huusv ul mmmnns, -Fur thiv session only." A umtcst2u.u.i of his seat is lu-ing prepurwl, and the (.'u: H runmrks, nluliununl cun- teslentluns always kill." Yes, tlney lune for ` the time heing, if not ullbctuully, killeul Ur. i\lonm,gne. .\lr. Caller may u!` may not be able to hold the seat, but one thing is cur- tnin, that Halulimund will nut he repreaonteal by I vonsczrvutive. The pnlitimsl llirtutmn puoplv buy their lunches, cost. SI 1. ). The czgh hire of the niemhcrs of the gov- erunnent at Ottawa last year amounted to ` $4,799. It's no wonuler the livery men are getting wealthy, when thirteen men in a public capacity can do so much driving as the cost of the mine would 1nli(`2\t.e. '1 hen thcy spent $.\`,.\`ll) in truvg-l. When on the road so much it is a wonder they can he seen in their uthces at all. When here the which inst you . as... Another puiitiial shock I In a speech which the famous 801 White made at \\'ind~ sor a day or two ago he said that the senti- ment in favour of the political uniuu of ` (`minds with the United States was surely gunning and that the Em/uirr, would ere lung declare for annexation. (Tun such things Former price 45. `Into your chain for 90. The law of slander is being inmemied. It .**l:I`.._ . _ makes it more dilhcult for.the lefeuner of ; .icl1ai`acter tn_ escape the uonsequeiices of his uffcnce, Timely uctiun. "_lil1e_are never was so much slander in the world. It is indulged in by some pcupie without the slightest pro- vocation. I ed at twenty cents per line to- each maernon. a Olcera of unincorpm-slog! Asaociatlon 01` Soiidtiea will boiheld personally roapomsible fol` A n era L ey v ' Atmchea to $9 almost in one of the beat. Job All orders they urive ' Attachoo to the paper ofiiceo in Canada; rapid, gcyliah and chew ; work : eight improved printing presses. All charges for adva-!x'.~n'r_I0. Hid!-W-`7`TD"0`_" and lab prmtin are yablr m advance.` `M3 mustbe diali ll: :4 1'a`tOOd. All charges for aavgrrzmrng. Kuucnpcvu-_r| in nuns): lg to erstood. The WEEKLY Bltfsn wmo. Spngoa so 1 columns. is published every Thursday morning I 31 A ultlvely in advance, otherwise A ear. 01.50 wi I be c mrfod. Icnw, ., H. Hex-.-uc; Prom-letor. A l)VE`.(Tll'2_hll `N'l`8. For four lines, one or two Insertions. . ....O0 50 For four lineal. each subsequent lnserlinm. 26 Over four lines. Ilrst inao:lion...... 10c parllno Each au uonlconaeclntifa 1113.... 13;: we a wee subsequent nu. Twice tweak, subouquent inn. .. 8o ' Three a wee . lublmquenl lnn....... do Twelvo 11 to the-inch. '1` *1 HM): h I. Nate: of Bi:-mat `hxfrxlgm and Deathnwo. oqch, unless when "bookcd Special notices in reading columns are charg- line to- each insertion. unincorporated -Asaociatlt_)r_\s_or when 81 lachurgoda ' r-1-`: `\'\1Ivwu-u--_.- . - Tm: Bmnaa Wmo in putilishcd cv.~r_v -eI_v9n- Ins. at 3`a`Ii King hjxret-t., Klngsmn, Ontario. Ill BIX DOLLARS PER YEAR. -- '1`HIjAii;Y 2_V;1Ic?. The .\luntrc-al (:`a: m is i Whig ; Tel-e-phone. Num her 229. Ronidning. Thane used to all At 300. You may have your choice for 100 ouch. Ops`/'er per Orbazm ulwnouucemswri -.., ,,,,\.I!_l. .1 .. chm ud. ICDW. . H. PENSE; Proprietor. 2-T inclined to hang r's ' 1 Hnldiununl can BRITI:sH. WH1(.'. sA'1f11RoAY. FEB,V 9, "" - 7"-III! rlur roan urn-.-m...... ...., HI` '0. 100.: cranberries, 100.: chain, 1950-; roll! or pines roll Incon. llo ; |PPl0|o 900- Dock. Jamel Cruord. Illll l'l"||lI Hllrriu I [In A few days ago I Cunulinn wrote ue (mm ' Cnrthnue, N. \'.. about the habits and life of the people there. and wnrnlng ue ngnlnet ennentlon. A resident writes : "The letter from I Carthage corn-upondent of the Klug- Iton -Wmu only illuetrnee how little the Average Cenullnn known 0! our country. After I visit 0! perhspu two day: he hntlly conclude: that ennnxotion ll undeelrnble. end deepntchee his vlewn t his home paper {or fear that the pouplo wll take advent. e of MI nbeenoe end annex themeelvee." ' 10. Plollod Pin` rut. Crnnbnrrlci. I00` nx_.v1_-. In. . ,_..x-- In. . ..L.'-.- nnc lllc 01 all luhjuct. lloulu uuw ycrunp. Prlncipul Grunt will nlso Addreu the meel~ ing,nnd explain whn ho mun: by the altar- nutlvu of nceuion, suicide and citizenship. . Ll I l|lIIII WIIU I! ll) I(ll'l\llV.'r III NIIU Ll) Il.IIl Illl 'l`luns:?.y evening, thuugh ll young man. is olremly mall ltmmn in the Maritime provin- ces. iu (irent lltitain. end -thrnugh the pages of the t`. ulury to which he contri- loutcs~~in the l'niteu States. Lest year he ruldtessed aeverel meetings on lmperiol lode- retion in Great llrituin. and though side hy side with so clelrut.ul is speaker as Lord Roselrery he sttrscted universal ottemiun. Leading Australians who heard him were so impressed that they induct-.l the league to otfer him on engegement to lecture through out the Australian colonies on the some sub- ject. He has consented. but l f0T lyK0l"K intends to speak in some of the priucipsl cities of Csnede. His suhjoct concerns our future, end is therefore interesting. Any men of nobility who can throw light upon it deserves both respectful hearing end cordial Wlnplthy. We are sure Mr. Perkin will net. both in Kingston, for his own nke and the sells of his subject. -`'h0|1ld "'00 Pml Prlncinsl (lnsnt will nlm Address I'l0l'Il I UCKl'y Ill" ["0 ulngulge 0' rI0'erI ` worth 83 .50 for SL541. Tho Science of A New Ute. beinu A Mmlicd Adviser for Faulily Use, worth 83 for `L50. Home Topics. A book of PrActioAl PApcrs on gone And Home Matters, worth 82 for L25. ' Golden Gems of Life or (hthered J Awola for the Home Circle worth 83.430 for 8l..'0. The Anme in better binding worth 84 for (`L 1 Lecture on Imperial Federation. It is nhvnvs pleasant to make the ucqlmilr tunes 0! any one of our own countrymen whn has made his nusrk in the uurld of science, literature or art outside of (huuia. That pleasure our mlvertiaing columns show HIM. M5 are In have next week. M r. He-urge l urkin who is In imvlure in the city Iutl on 'l`|.n...'-u nugninn ohhnuh A vnnnu Innn In (ITUKH UU Very lCK|Ul" wrlueu. R. .N'. l)u|m.~e l'.S.-I`ho publisher's complaint At the head of this letter I vommend to the early And careful attention of my friend the may or. IRS ICUIICUH [HID `Till. Messrs. W, H lrwin & Co's. agent has not yet uuri.'eul, but as is preliminary step 1 would uk all intending subscribers. both in the city Incl in the county, to at once ml alreu "(?ompiler Kingston Diiectory, I95 Johnson NI..." atntiuu how many copies each will require, nnnl I will ac`. that their names nre can-fully registered. Let name And ml- dress be very legibly written. R. \' llnium C0"-Ilnler WIII UU "ll'IlI.Y IIUIII|lIlC|lo The prim: of the lust directory-two dul- lnrs--wu very high, but fur this the public have only tllemaelns lo blame. Only almut 350 nulmcrilreru registered their names bu fureluuul, It might, and should, auily l have been one ll)uuM\l)(l or more. If this venture is hl-v-rally supported the price will be ruluced this _yc,~.u`. ll .... ..- \\' II I. . I. l`.\`.. ......_a L..- wry. , Will residents be so good as to forthwith lee that their houses are correctly number- ed, nnrl, If possible. especially in the lee: well-known streets, the mine of the tenant Xl!llJlt.0\l'. By so doing the work of the compiler will be gr;-mly facllitnte.l. The urine (if the lust ilireclnrv-twn dul- lucrellvt! ("U UUII Ul IHC UKPUK LU (I|l|v U4\ll'HIu In the coming volume: it will be endea- voured to supply this vie.-ulvrarum, at least as regards the principal streetmalao to make more complete the general and trade: direc- tory. \\"iIl rnninlanhn Im an annnl an in fnv-H|u.'ill| An evil d:d-`bu u wltnon; tholbouom C&I|t'(l upon IUT H4. The "directory of 1887 I have found ex- ceedingly uaeful, but nt has one great. defect -it. has no ntreet directory-the compiler nsaertimz that the patronage bestowed upon him was so slender than he could not. afford to increase the bulk of the book to that extent. 1,. .1... ..h....:... I ..- :5 ..:ll I... .....l.... WHJH. KJIIIL I I-IUW IIPPCCI III kll Illlvu It is my intention to place my services, such as they are, at the disposal of the pub lisher's agent. and assist him in procuring reliuhlc drum for the fourth coming tnry, bur, tu ensure its success I must solicit the hearty co-operation of the public, first in registering their names beforehand as subscribers, aml,secoml. in turniahing full and uccuriate infuinmtion hereafter when called upon for it. The "slim-1-tnrv of lS.`l7 l have fnuml ex- Tho Kingston I:-can Directory. l\'lx1.~Tn,\', Feb. In. !('l`() the Editor): We Leg to call attention to the fact that the linuses require l`t'~l)UllIl)f'l lIH{ and the streets re-nuumn;_'. as several streets have the mine name, Will! It is very mislemlim,;." The above is an o-xtmct from the publish- er": preface to Kingston's directory for I887. i As this publicgtiun is l)lk'lll]lKl the time has now come for H. new l.\hll|', and it is with the hope that it may be improved. in many ways, that I now ltppuur "in print. assist data onrv hut In nnanru in: nnm-nae l nun? Byron worth 82.50 for SI. Byron worth 8.`: for 8`2.5(). Scott worth 85 for 32.50. Tennyson worth 8.3 for 82 50. Burn: worth 83.50 for $2. Hanan`: SL7?) for 75. Defoe`: Works worth 82.25 for CI. Personal Memoirs of U. S. Urmt worth 83 fnr CI an v\zlA\l\lI4 v. _....._v. The outcome of the work of the mining commission. it seems from the lieutenant- governor s address, is to the establish- ment of a school of mines in` Toronto. The interests of the provincial nietropolis in the mineral resources of the province lie alto- gether in the exploitation of the mineral wealth of the Algoma district. The specu- lation of the boomsterswhose work it is to buy and` sell in the current of asirs has led Torontonians in large numbers to buy silver and copper lodes on the map. Provincial education is to be centralized so that this class will have the largest share of benet, while In Eastern Ontario the immense min- eral resources requiring developnL0n_t,,_\.lil_L be kept in the background simply by the prominence given to the interests of the western section of the country. It is doubt- ful if the members of the government, such is the popular ignorance". lenow anything of the curriculum of a mining sehool and the methods of promdling a knowledge of the mineral resources of a country beyond -what the report may set before them.- They might at least have `the good sense to re- cognize the fact that our mineral territory in the Ottawa valley requires to be prnc ticully studied on the ground, and that it is necessary a school of mines shall be i:;;.`.te-.l in Kingston if so important an educational work as this study shall have the aid of practical exposition. What with the labours of the geological survey. ex- pended on the vast North-\\'est Territories, and the work of the mining school cen- `trali'I.e'l.upon the elds that belong to'l'o- ronto capitalists, science will give our in- terests here only asquinteyed glance and the help Ufa cold shoulder, unless the peo- ple let the government know that this policy of centralization may do very well for making Toronto the head centre of knowledge about the heathen gods, but when-itcomes to (lcvlslllg measures for mak- ing science the handmnixl of practical art the minister of education requires instruc- tion upon the point where this work may be most thoron-tghly done. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. `.L___..---I The People Stirred l'|1. 4I-.._ ..-.. _ tV,_-.l-n --no. :4 SC'IIOdL OI" MINES. , ,1.L- , 1% rt:--v--a uncov- ANY om: WANTINH mcuv Wm! 'rm:m BOOKS. Acoounu. Colleotlum or In my [enu- nl buninou capoclglv. and A paouaud to FRID. 081' . 0 logo Blmn. Aooounll nndlud and kept by'!.ho wool. Mun bo thoroughly potted. No con-` motion noouury. ' Auldrnn. There ha Just arrived at J wood ynrd. Ontario otraet, 1. of uwod or unnwod mnpla, nf Jr-I1 nigh H.'l|l\l` Ru-on to ho ll:-Id. A meeting of horsemen Ins hold Int even- ing when it was decided to hold :3 winter meeting on the fair grounds truck. The noel will occur on the 26th and 27th of Fohruory. The prize: to be givenxvill total 8800. The prognmmo for the two day- Ivill be : 2.30 and 2.40 contolu, green And free for-all rocu. Probably I stallion race will occur on the third doy. ` i OI IIWOG OI` lllllli of dry ulsb wood. Two`Boot & Shoe Travellers --TO SELL RUBBERS. ---'- K'UrI0llII IUCHIUITI (H U. 3. Urlnt '0l'Ul `J for SI. Bu-du And Blossoms, or the Poetry. History and Association of Flowozs, worth 83.51) for `L50. I-`lorul Poetry And the Language of Flowers worth 8.1 50 for II ,5!) -vn- urn-lung an nu-nu-:1. (busidering the condition ml` the road: A large nuxliencv nth-mlecl I I--a-meeting in connection with the l`rc=nhyterinn church on Tlmrmluy evening. (2. Hnxton, uf Munitolm, chA1?'nnui gave B grn!ifying mldreu. .\luni(: and singing were furnished by the vhoir of Sand Hill. Pituburgh, in good style. Ad- dreueo` were given bv Reu. Menu. Hen deruon And Laird. The singing uf I (Took, of Wuhburu, and Mrs. Donaldson, nf Pim- hurgh, was much admired and loudly en- cored. J I III` ISIIIIIU. As to his most recent exploits a Toronto detective says: He has papers to show that he is travelling as an agent for the coinpany, but on Jan. l7th the vmnpany was registered, and who do von think com prises the company Y Why. ('harlie liutler. He is regresented as the whole company with no partners, so, you set`. he hall no trouble in getting the 'company` to appoint him as their agent. In the paper that ap points him as agent is set torth his duties, and Mr. Butler, the company, atlords the fqnlleat protection to Mr. liutler, the agent. and Mr. Butler, the agent, acts in the same generous mann-r towards Mr. Butler, the a-fntolaii `company.' Thin individual has all along represented the company's head quarters as at No. 4 King street east. Yesterday I sent a dete:ti\'o tn the oice in question, but he could not find Mr. Cum planv Butler. He, however, saw lawyer ritton who explained to him the he had done some business for Butler, and that the latter had rented deak room in the rallies for a month, but that he (.\lr Britton) had no thing whatever to do with the company, and know nothing about its history." .. -awn! -uuuuv. Charles Butler, jr., head and from of the seed wheat company, Toronto, is a native of Stirling. Hastings county. He is wel'-known hereabouta. He made a reputation for him- self as agent for hayforl-is a few years ago, and last summer hia father, a respected auc tiuneer, had him arreateu and imprisoned an being a dangerous lunatic. He remained in gaol for a time, the doctors (liilerecl in their examination, and Butler was discharged. Some years ago, at Simcoe. Butler was ur- rented on a charge of fraud in connection with his attempt to settle a l1ayfork" note. He was tried and the jury brought in a verdict of guilty," but the conviction wan quaahed. Un another occasion Butler got into trouble through his operations ainon the farmers of Huron county. He in-cureg his acquittal, but he very narrowly escaped the statute. A. on H. Innnf .-mmno .. 'l`.u-nun. The Manufacturers Life Insurance Co. "Bubbers. Bo\x""2','1V4-5', lontroal. ` A $ig Line for 35 v\>orth Sdc ;another line for 50 worth 65c ; and one more special line, conned tdourselves'. 65c worth 90c. HARDY S, Corsets, Corsets, For *2 Button O PERA TINT KID, GLO`\/ES. All Sizes from 6 to 71-4 in stock. The goods are Worth Regularly 35 to 400 THE SEED WHEAT COMPANY. Amelia. L010!` (`lmrles-llurry lmrrequ-.`r. Charles 0`.\lulluy, Jack llimun. Arthur U`l.enry, L`/on Crognu, Horace remain on. hover 5nmuol-llnn-I and .Rory 0'Moro. 1\l:srryul (`aplain--i-`runk .\ il.Inm,\. Mid.-u:ip- mun lcmiy. Phiuibnln ship. J`;-tor minute, The Kinifsuwn. .\ uwlun I-`orslcr. Jacob Faithful. Tm: Hnclm of Many 'l`iil-:3, Japhei in bean-h of a l"k\lbe|'. Dog I-`iend. l nat'h\.`l'.I \`r(`iVn| Keene. Monsieur Violet. lhuu_iu the Reefer. Pirate. Three Cutters. Poor Jnck. Mn81u`lui\n Randy. Ulla Podridu. The Salli:-no in (`nimdm Miller 'l`homilo-Uidx-on, liili-a the Roper. Porter Jam--The Scuuish (`Int-ls. lteid Cagmun i\liq'i.i~ -`l`m- scalp Hunters. Tho; Rie | zingers. l he Win` Trail. ltoulie IL M. -`|`lic \.hdl'L`n of this Abhvy. Sou ! air Wnllcr. . \\`uvi-riy. Uny i\ltlli|l\`i'il'IK. Olni Mortality. Hub Roy. Bride of l.Mmner- moor Bhick Dwarf and In.-nciul 0|` MunIru.s:. The Monastery. The Ahhui, Kc-nilwnrlh. The Pirate Forlum.-s of Mucl. ICt'\l|uIIlICl. Hu- uothod and tin: Highhuni Widow, \V00d5l01*k. '1 he I-`air Maid of l ux'(h. Olilll huburlof l ari.~.. .\`niiiHH_l{ndi-ric-k lhimhmi Mnmnhrv l`lin- Lj- TO BUSINESS MEN. WA NJTED Ton-`VIN-t|n1 at Nnnhury. - I: r .1 ONE PRICE STORE. 88 Primess St, Kingston. JOSEPH F. SWIFT, Agent, Kingston. IIC Per Pair ~ J. Campbell`: , the but nook . also the but ---AT -- UIIIIDGI. Ivruuu u ruuwy nu: runny Ilvllr dwnnon Iumd: Gnhnn Flour. Rolled Ooh. u-Ilgl IIFLA-I Ehnnn `VHAKL Q1: ulhdnk '1 he I-`Mr Mind of l ur(h. l\'ul)crl ul l'arI.~.. SnIollelt-llod-rick Ihmdom Mumphry (`lin- kcr. P1-rL-grum I'M-ale. I-lm:ene- Wandcrimr Jew. Mysloriea