Johnenderson 00., 86 Princess . 1 Qneen Coneente to Win:-In: "Hull-Neck Dreeeee nt ller Drawing ltoome. Lusnox. l-`uh. ll.--A!ter having lnaieted fur ever fty yeere that lediee, oung or old, plump or bony, strong or wee ly, Illlll be preeented in decollete dreeece. the Queen hes At last ielded to the preeenre el public 0 in- ion. ereelter ladies who by reuon o i|l~ neee, lnllnnlty or ednnclng yeere are un- able to veer the regulation court drue will be ll Cd, on obhl pennleel I II the .1331 Chemberlnlirato ' |?uetrl(1)er meieetv n drnirlnn mom... I. 1....-- Weutport is noted for its hocpiulity, but on this occuion Father Twohoy. and those uoocinted with him outdone themselves in their eoru to make it plounnt for theme from I distance. I A ROYAL HIGE-NECKED UKASE. L_A.CE _------ up --..uuna.avo1g 5 av llnnltuovwuteoxukonllaauun. -l'o|-0c|uln oBunhoIn- Ameun. Lever Char1os-Hnrry lmrrequcr. Charles O'Malley, Jack Hlnlon. Arthur U'Lenry. Uou Cragun. Horace Tenn oleton. Lover Samuel-Haudy Angly, Rory 0`Moro. Mnrrynl. Cnpu1lu-l|`rnnk ildnuxy, Midship- man Easy. Phnnbmn Ship, Peter simple. The Kmg a0wn. Newton Forster. Jacob Faithful, The Rachel of Many Tales. Japhet in b'eu`ch_of : Father. 1 Fiend, Poacher.PcrclVal Keene. Monsieur Vic 03.. Raltlin the Reefer. Pirate, Throe Cutmrn. Poor Jack, Muwrman Ready. Olla Podrldn. The Settlers in Canada. Mlller 'l`homas-uldeon, ullue the Roper. ` Porter Jano-Tbe Scolnsh Cluofs. lleid Ca min ltinym-A'l'|e Scalp Hunters. The Rie I angers. l he Wnr Trail. Roche R. M.-The children 01' [ha Abbey. Soorl. sir Wa|ler..Wav:rl . Guy Manna.-ring. Old Morutlilly. Rob Roy. ride of luunIner- moor. Black )wurf and Leueml of Moutroae. IDIRIH all 7' IIHUI VVDVUYI UH] KIIIIIIIIUYHIK, Mormlil . moor, wurf Leuend Moutroae. The Monastery. The Abbol,KcnilworLh. The Pirate. Fortunes of Mac]. Rodgaunllc-L. Bu- trothod and the Highland Widow, Woodstock. '1 ha Fnlr Maid of Perth. Irount. Roberto! Parhs. n|ollmt--Roderic-k Mnndnm Hulnnhrv lllin. '1 na hur Mam of Perth. Roberto! Parhs. smolle(t-lCoderick Random. Humphry Uliu4 ker. Peregrine Pickle. Sue I-3uxane-Wanderimz Jew. Mvstoriea of Ker. Peregrine Pickle. I-Juxencvwandering Jew, Mystoriea of Paris. um Curlosny Shop, Dollllwy and Sun. Dumas Aloxnndre~- l`hu Three Musketeers. Twemy Year: After. Monte Uristo. bony-ve Guardsmen. The Taking of the Beadle. I-`neldimz Hunrv-'l`om Jouea.Juaenh Andrews. Uuardsmen, The Taking ot the uasale. 1-`nelding Honrv-'l`om Jones.Joaeph Andrews. Amelln. Invnr (`hnrInn_Hnrrv lnrrnnunr (`hull-`nu The rrnlrnu. Dickens l'h&l`l8S-5kl3lChL'I by "Bon." Nicho- las Nickleby, Oliver Twist. Burnaby Budge. Old Curiosity Shop, Dombcy and Son. READ OVER THE LIST: Ainsworth W. H.-Miser'a llnughler, .-tur C'lu;nber.Kookwo.;d, Jack Shepherd, Spend- ! If! I. Oockton lleriry- Valentine Vox. Cooper lenimorc--'l`hu l)euralnyer,Thu Path- nder. The Last of the Mohncuns. The Pioneer . The Prnlrlu. Hi--.knn-IIfhnl-lnq_Q|:nh-h.-1 hv "Ron \'ir-Inn. The Cottage Library 'l'he Undermentioned Books are Uni- formly bound in Red Cloth, Colored Edges. The Regular Price is 700. Each. We will give you any one for 500. ; two for 900 ; three for_ (N4 DA WI IRAN TO GIVE BONA FIDI BARGAINS. READ THIS LIST or MISCELLANEOUS B00/(8 I I'\LIIglIliH IIIII KIUUIVH Vill/ll LIIC IJUBL thors. 4 vols. Green's History of the limzlish Peopl vols. A .`-ibb0u's History of Rome, 6 vols. Bot-:wulI a '_ifu of Juhnscnri, 4 vols. Morris Half l.'uurs with Best Amer Authors, 4 vols. Macaulay}; England, 4' vols. llotley s Dutch Republic, 3 vols. Napiar s Peninsula War. 0' vols. V\ ilson's Tales of the Borders, 1'2 vols. HERE IS A BARGAIN. K/00p8l', IO \'f)lllll)US, fa! I0!` )lU.` We have also other sets of books us fol lows, any of which we will sell at nl gene- rous discount. Cnrl_vle a Works. l() vols. Hume : England, 6 vols. Scricklauul'u4.)ucem-5 of l*2n;.:|aml, 3 vuls. Hulsnu'u Slmkspere, 6 vols. , Macaulay s lisauys uml Poems, 3` vnls. Knight's Half Hours with the Best Au thnrn, 4 vnln Eliot's Novels, 8 volumes, $12 for $6. Dickens. 10 volumes, 3]. ) for $7.. )(). Thsckemv, ll volumes, $|6.. >0 for 88.25. Lytton, 12 volumes, 815 tor 89. Scott, 13 volumes. $16 2. ) for $9.75. Hugo, 7 volumex, $9 for $6. Marryat, I2 volumes, $l."2 for $10. Dumas, I-I volumes, $l7..">0 for 814. Cooper, 16 volumes, $24 for 316. \\'n have also nthor sets "of books ful AND NOTE THE GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. WILL YOU TAJKE THE TROUBLE TO BOOK OVER THE SUBJOINED t Mb. We inn uvonty volume: of THE WIDE, WIDE WURLD LIBRARY We have sixty volumes of `List of Books, REDUGING SALE. lur (I. Grant worth 83 American People, 4 uu-cu Cult 1 It wee on Fridey the! the ledlee identied v_vlth tlIe W,(?.T. U. and Cenedien women'e enlrenchieement eeeocletion met the mem- bere oi the local government in Toronto end mede their went: and eupplioetione known. The repreeentetivee of the one orgeniution believe 'thet A very lerge mejorlty oi the women would vote lor prohibition end the oeuee oi morellty, end no "give their oordlei eupport to Mr. Weten' bill (propoeing to WOMEN AS l'0Tlt'In .S'. A miniawrial print does not think Mr. Mowat went very for when he said he was in sympathy with the woman`: euifragiete. "He felt, pretty uafe, we ieern, "in confes- eing this, for the only other tory premier we_hnow of (Lord Salisbury) he: just ex- preaaed _eimiler opiniona, and the liberal conservative premier of CIllMiI in also in favor of woman Iutfrage." Well to be anre ! It : singular how tome people can delude themaelvea and othera. Men are not to `be ,judged by what they uy so much an by what they do. It wu D. L. Moody that obeerved : "Light houaea don t ring belle and tire oannon to call attention to their abining-they juat ahine. And Mr. Mowat hae been doing more than hia opponent: and talking leaa. It was the "innocent little premier" that gave the mnnicipel franchise to widows `and apinaten. and he may be aalely depended upon to give the women generally the wine which they demand in the lntereet of the public good end public morality. In __- -_ Il..x.I-_. AI._A _L, I In an nn 1 .__.....,.J .._. .- "If," the ghost is made to say, "no one has taken liberties with \'ophocles or with MoliariJt is because their plays were per- fect in design. Unis represent packages of jewels which may be reset to suit the pre vailing fashion of the period." He did not object to such actresses as Mrs. Langtry and Mrs. l'otter becoming his heroines. He did not know that they were equal to the task they undertook. I could not tell, he said, "for looking. Mine eyes were made the fools of the other senses, and were worth all the rest. This idea. attributed to Shakes- peare, put into the mouth of his ghost, is decidedly Bout-icault s, who protests, and in vain apparently, to the obscuration of the intellectual features of the play by the attractiveness of the stage-dressing. On one point he is most emphatic,` and indeed in perfect harmony with the moral senti- ment of the age. It is set forth in these words : During my short lite-time I have remarked that the sense of decency has shifted from the ear to the eye. Fifty. years ago language on the stageiwas unre- strained, and frequently we heard gross and blasphemous expressions. Such would not be tolerated to-dav, but the dancers of that period wore their skirts down to their ankles, and Madame Vesties, in her bur- lesque characters, wore tunics which did not disclose the knee. Nowadays. the ear is sensitive, so if the public discover a phrase to which a double meaning can be supplied it is saluted with censure, while a nude ex- hibition is applauded which a few years ago would have produced upon the spectators the effect of the head of Macbeth." The change which Boucicault describes has been remarked by others. It is a fact that the language of the stage has become purer and the dressing of its occupants more offensive. No art, some say: can compare with that exhibited by a wollvdressed" woman. and this idea of dressing has been singularly understood. It has tended too much in one direction, and that contributory to taatss which cannot be commended. The censurs of Boucicault is deserved. It is corrective in its character. and yet it is not calculated to prove corrective. Only the virtuous should expatiate on virtue, and until public opinion. as expressed by those whose voice and patronage cannot be ignored,help on the purifying process its progress will be slow. The theatres are just what the people make them. at v......... V- ...... Dion Boucicault. in the seventies, appears `(to be a trille still" for the activities of the stage, but his mind is clear and his ngers supple, and he is writing continually for the press. Tln-lrc are incidents in the career of Mr. Boucicault which -seriously affect his popularity. But no one will dispute that he is a most competent critic of drama. Ahd so his article in the February number of the Nor/h A7Ilf`)`lI`(lIl R:I'itII' is read with great interest. It deals with the mutilation of Sliakcspeai`e," that is with the carving and cutting the great poet's plays have received at the hands of certain writers in the adapta~ tion of them to thcdcvelopmcnt of particular roles. The works of the (ire.-i-an and Roman dramatic writers did not suffer thus, and the freedom which is taken with the classic English is therefore wry notable. Mr. lioucicault interviews .\'liakespcare's ghost on the suhjrct and learns that the great dramatist, if he must be discinbowelletl and omlmlmed to be retained on the stage,has no anxiety as to who performs the operation. all!` `Y 5|... _l.....A .'.. __... l,. A.. ..... I(._.. .._... I...._ Former price 450. Tnle your choice for 20. All orders they give ALI h to th r In one of the but Job `.*:'*'.'`IE"n':,,`*` ="".,:'f5`= .:"""'*.,...,.** W W ; t rm nu pr . `Ell cscgraea %`1"vad1`2)ert1'.n'ng, e_tub.'u`1'ip1_i_0_l| work eight lxnprdvod brintlng proases. All char as for a.dvert1'.~n`ng, embsc-rtption and ob prfttin are a1/able in advance; this mus be diatincy In ' stood. The WEEKLY BREEH wma. apagea so columns. is published every Thursday momlng at In car. iuvuly In a 31. wt 1 be c nu` ed. EDW. . H. PICNSIC. Proprietor. I A DVICRTIHEMENTS. For four lines. one or two insertions .... "I1 50 For four lines. each subsequent insert.ion.. N Over four lines. Irsl in_serLion...... 100 perllne Each su uentconsecutiveius. . . . 50 Once I was subsequent lns....... 100 " Twioee wee . subsequent ine.~..... 8o " Three 3 week. subsequent do " `Twelve the inch, . Notices of Births`, Marriages and Deaths Mo. eech.uniess when ` booked. when 81 isoharaed. Special notices in reading columns re chara- od at twenty cents nor line to each naertlon. twenty per to each tnaeruon. Omcem of unincorporated Association: or Societiea will be held personally responsiblo for Ammhen no tn tumor but DICE. IHIIBII W118!) " DOOKGQ. Wllun '1 uuuuu `but columns 10- naertlon. unincorporated Association: _or '1`H1E:;gAii;Y WH15. -vuw-new-vw--v.--- . . Tn: B}: an Wma In ppmlahed every oven- lng. at King Street, Kingston, Onqrlo. at SIX uonuna PER YEAR. ` _ `VhI"l Toluaplmno, Number 229. A CIIAN(Jlb' OI" .S'lz'x\'Sl1}. ` 0pu'/`er var-V I-3-io->r.7"r Remaining. Thou used to sell st 300. You my have your choice {or 10:: ouch. -A-A-NVI\E)(UNC'EMENT. cm: BRITI.SWB1U. MONDAY; FEB. 11. R. Iommony. of Toronto. any in 3 plou- in; ntylo IIII "An Marin." durln the of?- nory nu high mun ydurdny. In :. lay : Cathodrsl. the liingeton Prime le Certainly the Ioet Economical In Onnndn. 0'rnw`A. Fob. il.-ln the ve dominion penitentariee there are 1.117 convicte. The annual can of keeping each convict. bend upon the complete outlay at each institu- tion, in an lollowez Kingston, .. 01538 St. incontdePnul.... . _. 305 ll Doroheeten-..... . .. .. 27! Si Manitoba . ......... .. . ............. .. 70': 5| Bmieh Columbia. .. . .. .. . I16 53 The daily cont per convict in fty-three cent: at Kingeton; eightyone et St. Vincent de Paul. eighty-three It Doroheeter; SL3] et hinnitoba; and eighty-two centl et Bri- tieh Columbia. The economy with which aeire ere oondu'cied at Kin ton will be eppereni when the item " urial of live convicte 816' ie contracted with the item "candle: ior funeral pervico C94-50" st St. Vincent de Paul. The ex nditnree throughout are for clothing, Ineciicine, and raticne. 0 Mr. Harrison, the president-elect of the l'uitel States, is not showing himself to be It man of grit and stout Adherence to prin- ciple. Though a good churchmnn end 5 great stickler for pleinnoss, hehes, it seems, weakened in regard to the use of liquors by the gentlemen of the White house, he has surrendered to the champions of the great state inauguration ball, end he has de- cided to close his eyes to the appear- ence-for the first time in her liie--of his wife in the decolette dress. Oh prinhiple end prudity cannot hold the fort egeinst fsshion. It triumphs every time. The only hope of the president. that he will not drift into further folly, rests in the Inuence of his private secretary, the good Elijeh Hel- ford. The lL'7nps'rr rejoice; to find M r. Mowat describing himself as I practical poli- tician." There has been, it tells us, I nus picion abroad for a long limo that heis not the innocent little politizal moralist be pre` tends to be. And why thin remark? Is it not indicutive of political monlity (hot I mun balls I deputstion thst he dou not see his way clear to grant the request it makes? Should be off hand promise Anything Asked off him, without rogsrd to the possibility or impossibility oi his succeeding '3 That : Sir John`: idea: of doing business. but not Mr. MOI`lI'B. I I I The rDm(>}{_Ni_{ current that Hon. Mr. Pope is tired of plibii` life, um he is not well, And that he desires to leave the gov- ernment. and the house of commons. Some say he has actually placed his resignation in the bends I the premier. But in the lsngusge of the minister of milwsys. "there ain I: nothin it,, or his successor will be eon-in-low, Mr. Ives, M.} . Mr. Pope may deny that he is given to nepotism. but it cennot be denied that he hn.s a grest faculty for taking cure nf his friends. At Albany the house wna opened with prnyer by Dr. Leach, who pleaded for the subjugation of the electoral impurity which `was ruining the nation. And for half an hour the legialntors quarrelled over the remark and proteated Against the Throne of Mercy and the people being insulted in that way. And it was the spoeclies of the women presenting these ideas that Mr. Mowat said he was in perfect sympathy. lhnlh he could not say their at-heines would be res.- lized this your or the next. but he hoped to live long enough t1)l>e the instrument of carrying them intri etlbct. His position and that of Lord hialisbury or of Sir John Mac- donald are coinpared, and to the disadvan- tage of M r. Mowst. Why he is in advance of them all. `ht.-rel .\'alisbury s talk in favor of women's sutlrage was done in an election campaign. for the purpose of winning the support of the women at a critical time. and he failed in his object he may forget all about his pftillilst s. As for Sir John he is an arrant humhug. He doesn`t mean to give the women mtus any more than he means to give the mini \'.)tc-s, unless he is sure that they are going to support him. And according to the aihout-to-be amended franchise iict he cannot do anything to the lists until ISM). 1_\' that time the local legislature will in-we met the requests of the women and cast into an election ii force which the politics! agencies cannot check and bridle. Mr. \\'.it-rs bill may pass this year, but it shouldn't. .'l`here is no sense in going half way in the enfranchisement of the women. 'l`he"v-"tleiiisnd ii. perfect and complete recognition of their rights, and only such a recognition will met the views of the fair sex. Mr. Mowat will have to make \ surrender sooner or later. extend the franchise to tham)'and hope that it may pass." The reprosentati\'es of the other organisation state that as Christi in citizens." as property owners and intelligent women, they should have `a voice in forming governments ; that they are not 01506 well- ers ; that they only desire a chance to im-, press their thought upon the nation ; that in extending the franchise to the men and not to the women a slight is shown to the fair sex ; that the (act that some women may not want to vote is not -to be taken as an argument against the cause ; that they support Mr. Waters` bill, craving the par- liamentary franchise for women and spins- ters, but regard it as a relic of barbarism that married women should be excluded ; that the women ;}'.o desire to use the ballot are the best women in the country and de` sire to use it for the country}! good ;tlmt women cannot be represented by men at the polls any more than at any other places: and that the legislature should give the women the chance toelevate and uplift humanity. The propositions of the entran- franchisement association were as follows : . .u - . u ` . Golden Home of Life or Gathered Jewel: for the Home Circle worth I3.&) for 81.50. The name in better binding worth $4 for 82. 91.10. ` .. - vi-tll\J\IIII That the municipal law be amended so than the franchise be extended for municipal purposes to married women. That this nrn\'im~i;:| franx-hinn ha 4-nnfnr. purpuusu IU llIlIl'I'H?([ IVUIIIUIJ. That the pr0\'inviul franchise be confer- red without diatiuctiuu of sex. . \ . . . THE COST OF CONVlCTS- EDI TORIA L N0 TES. rvcelvnu, On Tuoodn ovoning tho prognnuno Wu nuinfy contnbutod by Kinquoniom. some of whom were already wail-known in Want- port. and when nppennnco Inn A signal for I perfoct ovation. The Kingston oontlnont inclndod Min Donn: 'l`olgvnnnn. lion Toi Ana, John Bynu, (3. Kane. 1. . An rion. R. Tommony; and J. Brannon. All the members were well nooivod. the humorous long: of Mr. -Tomlnony And Mr. Bronnnn being ontluuintloolly onoovod. During the evening sbvorol lino instru- mental pioool were rendered by an orcheltrn oompuood by Mia Tel mnnn, Illa Broom`. Menu. Tolgnnnn, In or! and l|oCow. On \Vodnndnv night [In nttnlumn Ill v IIXITI. lII`lI|IlIll, l'|Ill0I" IIC IIWUIW. On Wodnuday night the nnlduuoo I'll In or than an the previous cvonlnp, And. an n the landing ovum on the progrsmmo were oontrlbund In tho Khunlnn contin- III IIIU Illllll IVUIC OI IIIU PIWTIIIIIIIU won ooutrlbuud by the Kingston contin- mat lllll nnloull, mill All In nruuu, nu- Mclndo. 0. K. Fruor, rank II. Fulford. Lhnrlon Fulford, and Brockvilloi brilliant {mum oornotiut, Mum` Archie Mocow. `ho prognmno oorod Wu Appreciated, some of tho numbers balm: onthuoiutlodly rocelvod, (In 'l`....A--g --gnlnn 9|.` nnnnlnlllln can QSIIKCTWIIIIIIUIIK 01 NT rvuuns. EU UTUIIKIII wfothor none of tho t known mnulool to ant 0! Kingston and Brockvillo. On the opening night (Monday) an excellent pro. gnmmo of vocal nd inntrnmonhl Il|llll0 won contributed by a pony of ladies and gentleman from Btockvlllo. omona whom were the following: Min Corrie Bronllf, Minn Shields, Min M in Bronil. Min ` Mnnlul. ll K Ii`:-n-nr rank ", Fnllnrrl. succeeeful AbIr-IIuelo from Brockvllle nnulngeton Contlnnente. The bezeer in eid of St. l`Zdwerd'e lepe- rete school, Weetport, in progreee lent week, wee one of the moat eucceeeful evante of the kind, both tinencielly and otherwise, ever held in that eection. The bener wee held in the cmnmodioun hell in connection `with the school, end eech evening presented en enimeted end intereeting ecene. The bell wee hendeomely decoreted end fitted with boothe for the eele of fency erticlee, of which there wee e large end veried co|Iec~ tlon. The teblee were preeidud over by Mre. Rape. Mre. O'Donnell end Mn. liert, ee- eieted hy eble oorpe 0! young lediee, who Froeecnted the eele of the verlone erticlee. ether Twohey wee indefetigeble in pro- viding eech evening A progremme {or the enterteinment ol thoee reeent. He brought e.....eL-.. ..._- Al oh. 0 In-A-n Inn-In-I ruruumu memoir! 01 U. B. urnnr. worth $25 for 81. Bard: and Bloaaomn, or the Poetry, History and Association of Flowoxn, worth 83.50 for 81.50. Floral Poetry and the Language of Flowers worth 83.50 for Cl .50. The Science of I New Life. being A Medical Adviser for Family Use, worth 83 for Il..10. - ONE PRICE STORE. 38 Prineess St., Kingston. Allorders taken will be executed and delivered on Saturday. REMEMBER Remember the Store Opens at 1:80 p.m. the day, Friday, Feb. 15th. HARDY S, ' The Store will be closed during the forenoon of Fridny to enable us to get things in order. av. uvuuuv tutu l\J\.aI.I U-I KIIC Ol\.Ibf\ VVC Dal I Y: Our whole store is none too large forthe proper display ofthis one department, but it is the best we have at present. } is to have oL_1r_customers. and the public generally get some fanr Idea ofthe stock'we carry. mnr uuhnln cfnm: in nnnn {man I an;-vn t....AI.- ____ -_ vv-\/\JsI\JII\J VVltlI\J|.ll Q", `I UUUIC. Every Iadyis invited to come and look around. Take it in. No one expected to buy because they look. OUR GREAT AIM }\a-u \J\JVVlIj VVIII IJC KJCVLILCLI l\J LIII5 % Iqo other class of goods will be sold that after- ` noon. The goods will be so arranged and ticket- ed that ladies can see the goods and make their selections without any trouble. l:\1nr-xllar-luie:n..i+nA I-rs A.-........ -._.l I_-I, _,,- , J l Every counter and table in the store, upstairs and down, will be devoted to this display. Nn nfhnr hlncc nf o'nnr~lc uuill kn onlnl an...` ..a.... `On Friday afternoon to the display and sale of A'luVlll' IO!` Flllly UBO, VVOTID '5 101' 81.50. Home Topics. A book of Prncticnl Paperuon ` Hone cud Home Mummers, worth 82 for 81.25. llnlrlnn llnrna Al I `fa nu (`_.l>|.--4.! Y-.--I- 0.... PRINTS, CHAMBRAYS, SATEENS, LAWNS, etc. itselftdo small for such a purpose, have decided to devote Which for extent, variety and value. we believe tn be unequalled in the` city at the present time. and nding | PRINTS, CHAMBLAYS GINGHAMS AND LAWNS, Desirous of having the ladies of Kingston see their . ' new stock of Friday, Feb- |5th. THE WESTPORT BAZAAR. THE WHOLE STORE 1 FROM 1:30 p.m. tillM6%:3O pm. `OURPRINT DEPARTMENT nyruu wnrul {LOU tor )1. nyron for 82.50. Scott worth 85 for $2.50. Tennyson worth 85 for 82.50. Burns worth 83.50 for 82. HemLn a SL75 for 75. Defoe : Works worth $2.25 for CI. Personal Memoirs of U. S. 4'... an A CALICO FAIR. I.wHardy & Co. . * ';....T... .; g `gutted J'0I.1'IIl of New rmsmn & nZ_rL'1'oN. Props Ilnn H. llhn Al-HAD Q1011 iw. am:/m - msws - AGENQY _l\n- n....a..- I:.._|-- 1.. A Brutal Fight oooun. blnmurous, Minn. Feb. ll.-Dnnny Noodhnm, champion ll ht-weight of the North West, llld Put nrrimzton, of Bon- ton. (ought to a finish 5! tbs Kaine: club yesterday. Tho I! ht wan to have been luon round: for Jon a skin, but came no an end In the lth round when Noodhum settled Mn Inn with I terric blow on the nuoxs, runs an kmlunm. one uuru ununoouun. to poor II her ur:n'cuy u drawing room: in h h_ dnuu. Thu pormlulon bu hitherto been only gnutod altar grout trouble In very spccinl outs. . uullormlty In the lad uni. But the new court drou ml ht, however, he made on A certain modo which the queen bu approved and which will allow 3 nmsll portion of the neck to be visible. the about coming to the elbow. The principal reason for the new l'0`II|Il-`OI h to secure In toilets. - Byron worth 82.50 for SI. Byron worth 8. : for 82.50.