John H0lld0fS0ll& 00., 86 Princess St. 1`5BNi'6 `F`LoUR"sr" 114..-; n_.;.. -1 I-\._.__ __J -._.n_ 1-..- Thin will be arnre o portunlty to buy Rolfeu. Coma. (`um Mum ion. &c.. as the enun- nlock In to be sold without reserve. ' \II \I7I I\lI U`? ` howover in bud mun cornea done will auto m one for the ulna price. 1 ill! F 3 f\ F I I A Good Mann; 'o;moat Made to order for 818. M L'..-..... It - L-) _.-_ --_.-- ._I___ ._nI ._-|.- BOSTON - HAT - STORE, Wellington Street. FURS DON'T FORGET THE BIG CLEARING SALE ' I ONE DOOR BELOW CITY HOTEL FOR A CHOICE 101' OF Dtnn Irnanunnlirn-n Anti Ann 'II!I <.>Y.EB0_oAT i5'b"E"'C:' III rv\l\n I')IIl AI 7 r IIIIV II: Um l'ur1u.sIly Shop. Ibullnlmy and Son. Ilunms Alexandre fhc Three .\lusk~lm;-rs. 'l`wun(y Years .\l'1cr. Monte (Halo. lorly;nvc Uuardamun. The Taking or me Hnmile. ` Fneldllm Hour \'-'l`um Jones.Jusenh Andrews. Uuanlamun, The "ranking of me Hnsdle. ` holding v-'l`um Jones.Juseph Amclus. Invnr l`hnrlnn_.."nI-rv Inn-I-nnnnr (`Inn-lnu 1 no rnune. Di :kcn.~` Charles ~"kt`ll`hL` by "Has." Nicho- las .\'ickleb_\. Uuvcr 'l`w1:.1. Barnaby Rudgc. Old (`uriunu Shop. Uullllmy and Son. Ainswurlh \V'. H. -Miser`.-1 llnughtor. `tar (`-hzunbcr. ltookwuxl. Jm-k Shoplu-ml. _\pcn mrm, Uockmn Henry- Valentine \'ox. Conner Fenimurev The Dec-rslnyz-r.'l`he Path- nder. The but of the Jluhxcmna. The Pio.u-or . The Prnine. Hi ~|n-na ! `hurlmx _\'L'u-Inhnn hv "Ran " \'ia-hn. The Undermentioned Books are Uni- formly bound in Red Cloth, Colored Edges. The Regular Price is 706. ` Each. We will give you any one for 500. ; two for 90c ; three for $1.20. l\l.IIg'I|.3 IIIII IIUUIS \VILII IIIC lIL'-3|. lhurs. 4 vols. (Preemie History of the linuliah Peopl vols. (iiblmn's History of Rome, 6 vols. B .-a\\'ell's .'ifu uf J ,hn.-um, -I vohn. Morris` Half Yours with Heat Amer; .-\uthm`s. 4 vols. Macaulay : l'Iuglamd, 5 vols. Motley : Dutch Republic. 3 vols. NApier's Peninsula War. 6 Vols. V\ ilsou's Tales of the Burden :4, I2 vols. pouper, I0 vouunos. :'.'1 mr mu. '0 have also other sum of lvoolas as fol- lows, any of which we will sell at--4 gene- rous discount. " Carlyle : Works. 10 Vols. Hume-`A Englaml. 6 Vols. tricklaudk-1 Queens of l'Iu;{lamd, 3 vols. l{mls<~n'sSlmlgspa-re, 6 min. hlm-2iI1|uy's'l'I' uys an-l Pucnis, 3 vols. Knight`: Hall Hours with the lit-st Au- llinrn 1 vol- HERE IS A BARGAIN. READ THIS LIST or MISCELLANEOUS 80016 I The Cottage Library WI Ill! T0 GIVI BONA FIDI BARGAINS. Bliot s Novels, 8 volumes, 812 for 86., Dickens. ll) volumes. 8]. ) for $7.50. Thackemv, ll voluuu-u, SIG .341 for $5` Lyctolf; 12 volumes. $15 tor 89. Scott, 13 volumes. M6 2.`; fur $9.75. Hugo, 7 vulumes. $9 for 86. Mnrryat, 12 volumes. $1.5 for 810. Dumun, 14 volumes. $l7..":0 fur $14. Camper, I6 volunws. $24 for 816. \\'n Imvu nlsmntlmr uni,-A uf hunks .- AND NOTE THE GREATLY llEDU(`EI) PRICES. WILL YOU TAKE THE TROUBLE TO LOOK OVER THE SUBJ0lNl'Il) smcx REDUGINI} SALE. l(l.\l) U\'l~ZR THE LIST: We have nvonty voiumu of List of Books, We have uiny volumes of A mer icnn People, 4 ` THE WIDE, WIDE WURLD LIBRARY v..-- . ..--. ------ .,v The report of the New York commieeioner o! labour in an eetouieher. `l: in to the ef- fect that women ere nding employment in almoet every walk of life, that whereas e decade ego but few evennee of employment were open to them now they Ite coupled with 342 oocnpatlone. I And the thought oc- cure : Are women becoming more ueelnl than they were ? Yee, end they are ndln leee ohetrnotion to the exerclee of thei remerkable talente. It hae taken time to edncete the world up to the idea that women le man'e equel in ell reepecte. that so fer ae ehe le able to compete with man, in any of the proleeelona end cellinge ul the day. ehe ehenld he oompeneetedjuet the lame. Some _,-... ..,.,- Now the lists of ll-L`-$5 were prepared with special care, and at special expense, for the special purpose of giving the con servatives a benefit ; inieerl it is the belief of some that it was the franchise act, and the operation of it, that saved the gmw ` ernment from defeat. Since l.~l.*i.' the feel- ings of the electors have undergone a material change. The act has not been popular with even the niinisterialists. Pro- tests from all sides have been put in against the ctzmbrous and expensive and unjust measure. The people it was supposed to specially favour, the young men, it specially injures. All who have qualied as voters since I885 have been disfranchised. and they, and the thousands who will qualify between now and I390, will be deprived of the votes which they should have. The fact appears to he that the government, satised that the lists of I885 cannot ba- improved upon-feeling uncertain as to the political leaning of the young men, and so depriving them of the electoral privileges which they claiin-hns decided to go to ' the country before the revision again occurs. The plea of the government, in taking charge of the franchise. was that it desired to make this uniform in all the provinces,but it has not been made uniform and the opin- ion is growing that the government has never meant to assimilate it, but to doctor and delay it as to political expediency suggested. The, treatment the young men are receiving is enough to make them the ymost uncompromising opponents of the qovorulsent. Of course it may be said that their displeasure is a matter of no conse- quence, that without votes they cannot do any harm. But they have inuence, and it is not to be ignored in an election. "It shall not be necessary that any re- vision of the lists of vuters, prepared in ac- cordance with the provisions of the l`I|ec~ tural frnnchise act, shall be pmceetlml with luring the pre.-sent. year, 1889, but the lists of vuters in force at the time of the passing of this act shall cnntinue in twcorulance with the provisions of the said act. in the year I890 " 1 Al._ I:.._ at log: ____._ ..__..___._-.l YOUNG MEN IGNORED. Another evidence of the purpose of the government. to hold an early election is supplied in the bill before the house of common: for the Amendment. of the fran- chise act, and which provides : ` ul. _L-n __-. LA ___.,,__A,__. .|__` ____ ___ A correspondent of the W991`, Rambler," makes a wreck of the absurd statements of .lIr`Gi[/'Grr:vIIo, the paper of the Montreal university. in regard to the attendance of women students at the leading colleges of Canada. The claim was lately set up that Vt-(ill had more ladies entered on ll! class rolls than all the other collcgesiin the do minion, the statistics, according to it, being : Montreal, 109 ; Toronto, '27 : Halifax. 34 ; Kingston, I5 ; Cobourg. I6. So far as hing- ston is concerned a serious mistake was made, and R.ainbler" corrects it. The num- ber of young women attending the ants classes in Queen's is 3:2, and in medicine `.20, making a total of 5'2, (not l.'n as stated), and making it lend in point of population thus : Momreal, .03`) per cent. ; Toronto. .0l7 per cent. ;Halifi.x, .094 per cent. ;Kingston. ..`l'. .') per cent. ;(,`olmurg. .032 per cent. Moreover the lists of all the colleges except- ing Queen's are lengthened by the addition to them of the names of persons who rank as pnrtials." otherwise persons who are not tilting a full course, but find it convenient and profitalrlo.` to attend lectures occasion ally or la-par!mentally. (lt partials .\lt(.`ill has 77 out of lil`J, and Halifax 26 out of 34. Kingston has not one. All who are pur- suing study within the classic walls of Queen's have some definite plan in view, and as a preliminary to it desire szraduation. Of the .3. hnlv students here every one is registered as an uudcrgruluate, and those attending the medical classes and taking any special suhjects are not included in the arts course. The whole exhibit is exceed- ingly gratifyimz. It shows that King-tou has a noble lead in the higher education. Queens was, indeed, the first to try co` education, the tire! to try `separate educa- tion, snd the rst to send women as medical practitioners into the world. The prestige "i_t`_3von it is bound to retain. All charges for aaucrmnng. uIl0HL'r11uIun `and ob pnntin are yablein advance; this mus be diati 111 I stood. . _. The WEEKLY BRITISH WIIIG. 8 pages, 56 columns. In published every Thursday mornmg at $1 Aden:-, soaitively in `advance. otherwise 81.50 w I be c mmed. gzncn su uemoonaocuuvoma.;.. ac " nee Awee Iubeoquent lna....... loo Twines week. subsequent Ina. . Bo " Three 5 week. subsequent Inn....... 60 Twelve lines to the mob. I Notion of Births Marriages and Death! 501'. each. unless when ` booked,` when 81 bohuged. Bpocinl notice: In reading columns are chant- ed at twenty cents per lino to each lngertion. Olcera of unincorporated Asuochmona _or ed lino to each msaruon. of unincorporated Associations or Societies will be held personally responsible for sli nrdors they Irivs. Attschon to the psperis on of the best Job ollioes In ` nads; rapid. stylish and lineup work : sigh imprdved printing presses. All charges for advertising. subscription la n columns. is published t A Year, noaitivel 81.50 wt 1.~u-god. EDW. J. H. Ponnor price 45. Take your choice for me. .u)v-1-:|x'iTs-rint1cN'1's.' For four lines. one or two `Insertions. . .8) 50 `For four lines. each subsequent lune:-t.lon.. 75 Over four lines. Irst lnoerllon. . . 100 porlino Each uent oonaocutivo inn. `; .. 5o Iubeoquent lna.. loo Twins: wan _ Inhnnnlmnt. inn. ` - rt,`-v----_,...._--.- 1 TH: Bnrrian VVHIG in muhluhcd every even-K ; Inc. at 336 King .Su-em. Kingston. untarlo, ;. at. at: :_-In nun. - WHIG: CAN-Thar Tum DOWN. _ Whig`: Telephone. Number 229. AN N O U NT. 1 .....LuL.A.. um Opifar ner Orhem Dian-."' COL L EOE S7 UDEN TS. `urged. '. PENSE. Proprietor. - ~1`HE BRITLSH WHIG; Ttgps DAY.-FEB. :2; Rolnlnlng. Thole used to sell At Me. You may have your choice for 10: each. A Lovnbln Pollco Captain. Ntzw Yunx, Feb. l2.--Jwob Van Zandt. agent of an ex ress mmpnnv. hll decided to bring I suit or divorce from hip WHO. I011 3 sun for 810,000 damage: aim: Police Cnptuin Donnld Grant for slanting his wife'1 neutionn. Grunt says that Vnn Znndu nbuud her, sud that he will uurry hcr an soon A: the in la-gully frond from her` mutrlmonlnl bonds. A liurepllvel-vlnrdy for Neuralgln. Neural in in one of the moat common and painful agectiona incidental to this climate. Life to thounndn is made miaerable through its agency, and as it affects the nervea, only the moat. powerful and penetrating remedies cnn reach it. Nervlline has created wonder in the mind: of those who have uneleasly tried other remedies. since it: action IOOHII magical. To all suffering from any kind of nerve pain, internal or external. `V luggoltf I trial of ,Nerviline. Sold by all dealer: in medicine, l0 and 25 cents a bottle. llll UVBIEILCIV PHI. IICWUPHPUI IIIULI UH IHC qua rirr, but aeurcliws in all directions north were fruitless of sensation. About. the same time llelleville was puzzlin over a similar report, the catastrophe icing lo- cated in North Hastings. Not an incident was discovered to found even a shadow for the report. But it kept on it: travels. A week later it convulaed Central New York. and the Utica scribes were very industrious lu learching up the particulars of the great drowning in Canada IELO in Fulton county, and now Allmny papers, after much alarm, are pleased to say that there in no truth in the rumours of drownin of 17 men by teams breaking through I. 0 ice on Hmon- arga river. The canard in still travelling outward and will be next heard on the Vermont or Masaachuaetta line. It Was a Fnlry Tale. Truly, About. three weeks since Kingston was (-xuiu.-d by a report that the ice on a. north- ern lake had sunk in u body with seventeen Inmlu-.r {nuns and drivers. The frighJ,- ful diszuccr" put newspaper men on the 1 um 1-Irv hut noun-lu~-u in all direntinnn nnrth The suicide of Walter J. Gibson, Palmira. was of a premeditated character. He had no less than $80,lN!() insurance on his life. and about all of it was obtained by joining the various fraternal insurance organizations. For a year he had worked his way into the various orders, among them Ancient Urder of United Wmluncn, and only the night be: fore his death was initiated in the Empire (lrdcr of Mutual Aid. going direct from the lodge room to the baths where he ended his life. He probably did not carefully read the conditions, under which he obtained in surance in the various orders. one of which is that suicide makes one's claim null and void. And some of his friends may not know this though the knowledge will gradually down upon them when they come to present- their claims. The communication: of William Leslie. manager of the Collinsby rafting and for warding company, was addressed to the honorable the minister of militia, and very sharply called him t6 account for injustices sud":-red by the Canadian Wreckers through the injudicious issue of his permits. It did more than this--it clearly established that the Kirkpatrick bill is being promoted in the interest of the Canadian mariners gen- erally, and that if it is not passed there will be more music than the Uovernment may care to lance to. 0 The In/e//-`_/v nmr has gone oil at half cock again. It overluulu xx statelnent in the Bo.-lleville Uulario Anent the Murray canal. reads the substance of it in the WHIP, and declares that it in ignorant of the nature of the contract and of the work, alfectetl by local hostility and local prejudice. And After all the fact remains -th|t the canal ll f.Lr from finished, that is an expensive job, and that the people are paying deal for their whistle. The lute/ligenarh imper- tinence has no effect. D I Bennett}; Hrrulvl islnnw produced si.mul- ` Lameously in New York. Paris and London. In the last. muneal city it luau created a veri able acnsati n. ll is such a contrast to the London journals in its manner of treat- ing public news. It nm_\' not survive, but it will probably live ldllg enough to Inn- tlernize the Lomlun journals an.l make them have a little style about them. a 5 A movement is on [not so have the house of commons close its sessions at l? o'clock. Why not begin work c:nrllt`r and leave it oil enrlier? At 10 o'clock members of parlia- ment, like other decent people, should he in their little beds. a a {f__ , men do not like the aggressiveness of the fair sex even now. Why 1" Because they. are not incline to be progressive and they know the women are, and the competition bf them meanxractivity to which a sleepy community is not accustomed. The women are bound to exercise a potent inuence in the world. They are waking up the men` and making them feel that they are on their metal, that they must be active if they would hold the influence which ,they haste-, Slowly, saysone critic, paying homage to her for the great things she has already ac- complished, woman _has `won and in win ning her way to her rightful place of per- feet equality. She is no longerthe mere pet and plaything of mankind, but the helper and worker in the advancement of the world. Women stand in the `pulpits and preach with great inspiration ;' they argue the law and win respect from judges ; they attend the sick as physicians as well as nurses ; they adorn literature with its best 0l`|1|H8llt3: they are among the best of journalists ; they are at the head of busi- nesses, and are clerks,` book-keepers, stenc- izraphers, reporters, canvassers, every- thing they have trained themselves to do." All this is true, and very largely the re- sult ofa ten years evolution. Ten` years hence the women may he ruling the land. They lea.d'_w|ierever they lmve a chance to apply their talents nnd. continue their indus-* try unchecked. They triumph wheresoevcr. they have been accorded their rights. They are knocking at the doors of the legislature and the commons, and they will yet gain admission, and visit upon the sterner sex unto the third and fourth generations the penalties which present discrimination: aguinst them persistently suggest. Byron worth 82.50 for 81. Byron worth 8.`; for 82.50. Scott. worth 85 for 82.50. Tennyson worth $5 for S2 50. Burn: worth 83 .30 for 82. Henna : 8l.7.`") for 75. Defoe`: Works worth 82.25 for CI. Persons] Memoir: of U. S. Grunt worth 83 3... u rm i(;Rl.4 1. N0 ms. corner of Princess and Gordon Itroota, Kinn- uon. No more durable or well-I otl uutrnlnont In Cumin than the 0. ll. WEB R UPRIGIIT. Mode:-nu in price and unoxoollod by any Ocu- dhn Instrument ALL Kmn or nzxgti and once Runw- l8'u :n ll.)lI`}Ol'I.L::llI. h.:tuppIIod by Bugl- A A0 . llllllll Hugo: .. Klnmon. Ont. v mm PIANO RIPAXRS olull kind: on Uprlalm and dquuu executed at the Weber ' Factory. of Princess and Gordon Kinn- _hon_:_ _moro dqpble 9_r well-t_t_oIl .L._ u---. . nu-`nuanc- *._..._Z.."' ' ,_::?__.._" _..?_ "` OE!` YOUR WINTER 0l40Vl1`.8 at W,` . REEVES`. King street. ll) Sample pairs to be sold at wholesale nriooa. ` REEVES . King Street. N wholesale prions. - C 'uj------ --~.- uvrw King St... oppmtte Market. Kingston. Everyone nhould read the UTICA "GD()BE" glrateudlnn llluuu-ntod Journal at New York a GENERAL - NEWS - AGENCY FRASER & HEEILTON. Prbpe In-.. as Amman-[On \l-_I.-o l(h..--n -For Genuine Bargnlns ln-- BUUKS. PAPERS AND STATIONERY. IVUTUUHII IVICIIIUIII UI U. D. UTIIII WOIUI .0 for SI. Bard: and Blossoms. or the Poetry. History md Association of Flowoxs, worth 83.3) for SL50. Flornl Poetry and the Language of Flowers north 83 50 for {I The Science of I New Life, being I Medical Adviser for Family Use, worth $3 for $1.50. Home Topics, I book of Prwticol Pnpers on House and Home Mutton, worth 82 for 81.95. Golden Gem: of Life or Gathered Jewel: for tho Home Circle worth 83.50 for 8l..'0. 3:0 tune in better binding worth $4 for VA LENTIN ES, At N ISBET S, ` A FRESH STOCK or I PHANG S BIRTHDAY cums] ONE PRICE STORE, 88 Princess St., Kingston. ` All orders taken will be executed and delivered ` on Saturday. BIRTH DAY CARDS. REMEMBER Remember the Store Opens at 1:30 p.m. the day, Friday, Feb. 15th. The Store will be closed during the forenoon of Friday to enable us to get things in order. HARDY S, is to have orpustomers and the public generally ` get some fair udea ofthe stock we carry. ' nun \A1hn|n cfnr-1: Io r\r\r\n Ann I u...-....-. 6'..- JI... _ . . . .... `B u. gun--x, u uuuu ul LIIC Ol\J\.of\ VVG you I Our whole store is none too large for the proper displayofthis one department, but it is the best we have at present. Amclm. hovor Clmrlea~Ilarry Lnrrcqucr. Charles U`.\inlley.Jnck lllnlou. Arthur U'Lenry. Uon Cregun, lloruce lell ulelon. Lover r.laumel-Huuly A nd , Rory 0`.\lore. Martyn! CnplAin-lI`muk . ildnmy. Mtdllb -" man Easy. Plmntnm Ship. Polar simple The Knnghuwu. Newton Forster. Jacob I-`-utful, The Rschn of Many 'l`ulea. Jnphet in Suarrh or I I-`tuber. Fiend. P0L`hl}l`.P(`l`t`iVlt] Keene. Monsieur Vio cl. Rutuin the Ito.-efer. Pirate. Three Cutters. Pwr Jack. hlcsuturttpun Ready. Olln Podridn. The Settlmu in Cnumla. Miller 'l`homns-Giduon. ulles the Roper. Porter June-'l`Ie Scottish Clnefs. Reid Ca min Mayne-- Tue Scalp Hunters. The Rie I angers. 'l he Wnr Trail. Rodho II. M. - The Vhildren of the Abbey. Seo tsir \Vu'.ter` \\v'u'crly. uuy Mnnucring. Old Mortality, Rob Iloy. Bride of Lounmcr~ moor Black Uwurf and l.e.wml of Mt)ulr0aI:. The Monastery. The Abbot. Kunllworth. Tha Pirate Fortunes of Mxcl. Itcdgmuntlcl. Bc~ Iothod and the llighluml Widow, Woodstock. The Fair Maid of Perth. `uuul Robert of Paris. .\`InnIIlIH_RnlInrinIr lhunnhun Ilnnunhrv Hlin. }\.J\tl\/\/I-I\I||sJ vvltlluul. only LI uuulc. Every Iadyis invited to come end look around. Take it in. No one expected to buy because they look. OUR GREAT AIM In--nu \a\.;vvlIy vvlll aux. uauvvtbkl LU LIIIO LJID JIGY- No other class of goods will be sold that after- noon. The goods will be n arranged and ticket- ed thatladies can `see the goods and make their selections without any trouble. Exlnnnun Ir-514;: zn .y\n.:Jn;-ul Ln .-..\...... -._.J I-_I- -.._..._ _l Every counter and table in the store, upstairs and down. will be devoted to this display. NA nfhnr (`lace nit nrnnnlc \Al:II kn nnl.-I 5|.-H-.1. AIJ.-.... %On Friday afternoon to the display and sale of PRINTS, CHAMBRAYS, SATEENS, LAWNS,% etc. itslftoo small for such a purpose, have decided to devote A PRINTS, CHAMBI\.AYS GINGHAMS AND LAWNS, Whichrfor extent,` variety and value, \%/V believe to be unequalled in the city at the present time. and nding Desirous of having the ladies of Kingston See their new stock of CORNER BOOKSTORE. -.,__ _ Friday, Feb. |5th. The hut Maid of Perth. Robe-rl of Paris. b`nIollelt-Roderick lhsndoln Humphry Ulin~ ker. Peregrine l'icxIo. Sue Eunom.--WAndurin:z Jaw. Mvstnriea of Comic and Sentimental, -..._._ T 9Pm THE WHOLE STORE JUST RECEIVED. FROM 1:30 p.m. till 6:30 p.m. C. Hardy & Co. A CA L|GUTFA%|R. OUR PRINT DEPARTMENT ..,..-... . ..--.. -.-.... Gnbutndudhunuulhnuyfwu nlwqnoahnnhnlnn nmzmdmu. |wllotlWhoAt.CnokodWhou.. when, Oaunonlnnd Oonmoslmudulnnouon. W.J.InNIILL - B800! BTBIIT IUIS A larlllll-It [All Ul' "CITIES, UNDIRSBIRTS. COI.LLR8.CUFF8. . 00 T0 RATTENBURY `S- , Ker. Peregrine Pickle. Page Eugene-Wandering Jew. Mystoriea of nuns.