3-1: I. I an-ru. o. c.. um. ._ n. v won. 3. A. ` B')TTOM FACTS ABOUT PRINCE RU- DOLPH NOT GOT AT. LABOUGllERE'S LATEST. { Bankrupt stock. H.500` It Dorlnndh ordorai clothirig home. Now in your ohanoo to buy 5 cheat Iulc. Thin In part of 5 large wholoulo owe thrown upon the Toronto market. We will IO" punt: for 83.00 worth 84.50; pant: for $3.50, worth 85.00; units for CH, worth 818 : min for CH ). worth 820. Wo ny po- Iitlvoly that than are All new good: and (int cluu in every pnhiculsr. Also thnt they are our: mine and worth I" that W0 clnim for them. Iomo curly so they will 0 fat. Any person vnntlng to buy by tgo ynrd can get the but nine in the city. 'lho good: are are to I01]. W. E. DOIIAID. The latent novelty, cnlioo (air, At Hardy`: Friday afternoon. ` M(u)::'l.y` yeaterdny be In culled on by tom citizen: and received them cheerfully. His end In: calm and pucolul. uuu I) ulu nun Ila mu luuunuu. I .. " e death Inn 3 unrpriu to the poo lo. They had no idea that Mr. Carruthern ad been Io much Ivutod by hi: lllnou, though the know he mull: be fooling very unwell to no long and closely confined to the house. ll_I..> ---A--.I... L- --- 4-1!-) _.. I... _, ,_, , HI "III (II HUI" UUII CHIEUIII `nu doe ly the loan It has nuatnlnod. 1-. dngth In I um-nl-Inn tn UUHUCIUUU IA) VIIIU IllI|n Mr. (Iarrurhere was A native of Annan-~ dale, Scotland, and over cherished for the old land the love charncteriatic of the aver- age Scotchn-an. He began life in `Kingston modeetlv. but he had great natural shrewd- nc-ee and hueineee ability, nnd non became a succeeeful merchant. He led in the grocery trade and went from the retail into the wholesale trade and retired from active business at a compnritively early age with a fortune of which he has given liber- ally to various public. benevolent and chari- table echenu-e. Hie lllneee hae been long and patiently berne. He did not eutfer a great deal, but gradually weakened until the end came. We have not now the oppor- tunity to say more than that Kin ton has loet one of her best citieene end `w ll mourn Jngnlee Olen Ian: `G Ian. -n-O-Inga] . . nu- .-nu - uuuu. Mr. John (`urruthers expired shortly sfter two o'clock to day. About one o'clock s chsnge Wu noticed and shortly after wsrds he passed away in I sleep. He was conscious to the last. u.. :-......'..|.............. .....:.._ -: .____ Ho Pnnu.-I Away I`:-ucofullv and Quietly 'l`lu In A It-runnn EdT~rds' MDesiccated Soup. JIPUI` IIIVBICIHIR III: IJIU Ulgll ` The festival of the Sunday school children , will take place this evening. Kl`||llIIlUr_\ INIIIFPHH. Mr. J. .\lclCvI'c-n rtfml the financial mne- nv-nl. of the chunl-h which showed that 88,I41b.Sl hml heen rnised for all purposes, meeting Ill expenses, and Miss Phippen that ml the huliua Association, which hml 3 balance of $'2l L09 to in: credit. The musi calpr(u.:ram was carried out as follows: 5'1-loa by M r. T. Wurnge and Dr. Music, Visa `Folgor And Miss Phippon. Misc Jessie Sleek, prosidlng at the organ. Thl lnllivnl nf lhn Quntlnv nnhnnl nhilrlrnn The Flnt Conxru.-gntlmml Church Prosper- ` `ink-A Third Clmrch to no Built. Last evening the annual meeting of the Pint (`nngreszntionei church was held in their hall. On conclusion of the tea. Rev. .\`. N. Jackson presided. and. after express iug the pleuure he had in meeting. the con- gregation on the twelfth your of his ponto- rate, gave I review of his administration: during the year. stat-ng that l10tWii.hltll1d- ing the large number of removals the church had increased and prospered. The Sabbath school, with its efficient stall of tencherl, was satisfactory. The congreguion were greatly indebted to the choir. undcrthe able leadership of Mr. Thomas Szwaize. for the voluntary service: of song. the in- troductlon of the new Inymnul having in cream"-ti their labours. Thelzuliefassociation, he suiul, win still active, their efforts being directed to the internal improvement of the church-in re-cushioning and carpeting of pews and putting in partly etnined glass windows. He was pleased to announce. that, through the generosity of B. \\'. Robert- aon. and with the com-urrenve of the uliir-era of the Fir-.~ar. an-l Set-nnul churches, in third (?ungu-gutimml clnm-h was in the course of rrution in the vicinity of the cotton mill. Rev. A. .\lcl"ml_\`-n ulsn gave It short con- gr ntu|ntor_v udrlresn. ..... ... I: .|.. ..i.....,'.i. -..|.:.L r.-._._z .1, . DEATH 05-` JOHN cIiin-uTHERs. Ul IllCll| lllb QHIQIC ISIIU puucrn Ol IIHIHKIDH .' I would not encourage anyone to read Robert Elsmere." This book may succeed , in throwing`: dark shadow across the path of some of its readers and may even cause some to wander away from the true roarl. but if they ask themselves where it will lend them to,-if they compare our v\`cr living, ever-helping (Thrist withthe (Jhrist of this book, a man who has lain in the grave for over eighteen centuries helpless to help the sufferer, then, after all, this hook may do them good, as it will make them (`ling more (`lonely than ever to the old faith. ` Yours sincerely. l l] A` I... ... I.._............ Illlklllg Illll UB|.l.l'.' '1 hey must take the testimony of the goa- pels, as regards .(7hrist'a utterances, as a whole. and must admit that He represented -Himself us the Son of God, as the very God. If they deny that He spoke the truth on that most vital question of his own man- ulity .how can they hold Him up. as t e heat of men, the guide and pattern of mankind '. I would nnt. em-nnruma mnmmz tn rum] PULLITII UI IIIIUKIINL When they extol His perfect Me and His beautiful teachings, as recorded in the goa- pz-ls. do they overlook the fact that part of (`hrist's teaching, the very fonn<]n.ti0u of it, was that. as the Son of God and as God Himself, He had assumed man`: nature, had come to suffer and die, for the purpose of making man better`! 1 hm! mnu! rnlux Hm n-ntimnnu nf (I1. nnn. upuu wmcn ne nulius the whole or his creed Nothing appears tome more illogical than the position of those who deny that Christ was God, but at the same time proclaim very loudly that he vnm the beat of men, the only perfect men, while, according to their own tlienry, he must have been a do cc-iver. In fnrmiug their opinion of the character of Christ they must rely on the testimony of the G05 eia, for it is not in Josephus nor in the iionmn historians that they will nd suliicieiitgroiinils for consider- ing Him as the most perfect of men, the pattern of mankind. \\'hpn than nvrnl Hi: um-Jnno lib. Inn, 11:. nruxnernoou OI unriac. " , It in the old Arianium under a new name, tlmnegulion of the divinity of Christ. Els, mere will not admit anything divine a`uout our Saviour except his perfect goouness, upon which he huil_ds the whole of his creed Nnthilur nnnnnrn n ...n .. H... :ll.....:....I `L..- uuu. ul unumg wnar 1 tuougnr. or a. npvcl. ~ The only new feature in this new n~.ligim') of Robert Elsinore is its uzuue,--'l`h'e New * Brotherhood of Christ. ' If in fhn AL` I-5--5---< -----`I--* - -'*-- *`**** In the L'l'l' X HA LL HHS p.m. PRINCIPAL GRANT wulnlno address the meet inn. .. ..-.1 - -nu-an ul uuv uuvn. I overcame my growing repugnanca and read it to the andrfnaliung that in your on- l quiry more was I more serious purpose than that of finding what I thought. of npvul. onlv new fl`llt.llI' in thin new n.Ii.y;.m Ill LIIUIIWTUHI I My Dear Charlie.--'l hunk you for send ing mg Robert Elsmere " You tell me it contains a religious thegry, and ask me. what I think nf the hnnh ` Uuuillllll I T8HgIOllS Ult what I think of the boolg. I m,.-......... ..... .. 80 Does Not Think tho Book Will do Any GooI-ChongIng to the Old Faith. The following letter was written l)"_ thne Hon. H. G. Joly do Lotbiniere to a riend in Montreal M" n..... lVl...-l:.. 'lI..._I_ ____, ,, , . THE AnN_tJRT. MEETING. JULY QN ROBERT ELSMERE. cw. H. 1:. Jam M; Lu'rm.\ n;uI:. Take In the oolioo hit at Hardy : no-mob row Afternoon. WUU UIUCI IIII WIa The British ship Anglo-Indian Wu recent- ly 10:: near Fnmnul. dnrin n gale. The main and eight men ranch tho thou in A boat, but were stop d by the natives. Tho cnpuinloft the Ii lng nhip with the re-- mnind of the crew. but nothin hu since been onrdof them, and it In and they were lost. The nntivu lootod the nhip and burned her, uruugm. I wu yours In Iucoculon. Chief Engineer Edwin Walls. of the Uni- ted Staten Ihip Omnhn. oommlttod nuicldo on Jam 8:!) at Shgnghsl by uhootina himself In I t of tomronry lnunlty. Well: wn nu lntlmnw ft and 0! Admin] Chandler, who died Int weak. l`|.- n.I.x.L .n.|.. A-..|.. v._.n__ _._. , Who has been invltod to visit the Australian Colonies and locture more on Imperial Federa- don. VIII visit Kingnon on `I`hundn_v, Fob- runrv lulu. and lecture on the Above subject in the Cl'l`\' HALL M8 pan. wulnlno Alddrtsul Ln A Grant Fnmlne II on - A (iron llnny Poyplo Ara Starving. SAN FkA.\'(`l8L`(I, Feb. M.--Advice: from Shanghai state thnt thn famine in Anlmi and hlungnu in worse. In uno province 300 families are starving. And the ether several million: are nuiforlng from fun canned by drought two yours in Iuoocuion. Chin Rnuinnnr [Edwin Walk 1.` CL- h..: IIUT IJIIIILU CAL(.`l'T1`A, Fob. l4.-No credence in given to the report: that the smear hu bontilo do- uignu upon Russia. He in aimply pocifying the frontier provincel. Ho wlll return to Unbul in the opting, Ind spend the) summer nt Cnndnhnr. UUIlUPIrIUIV'- ' S1`. l lTI-2R.'lBl`1w, Feb. H. - It in Alleged thus the Amour of Aighnniltan in beheading 300 persons daily for inurforing with Iron- tier trnic. I ` . u . .......... l.V-L In \v_ .,,, I The ltusslaus Mann Mlachlc-f--AppI-ouch of War Wlth With Clur. BERLIN, Feb. H.--Yesterdsy reports, based on Moscow advices, were circulated that Russian troops had been ordered on a hurried march from Chardjui, upon Kerky and from Merv to Penjdeh to reinforce frontier posts. St. Petersburg telegrams concur in saying that the pvm'ernment`s pur- pose is to retaliate upon the ameer. who is executing. by wholesale, partisans ol Ishak Khan. forbidding commercial intercourse with Russians, strengthening frontier posts, and warning clans of the approach of war with the cur. Enquiry, h messages sent to London. elizited rs-usur nu response: to the e o<-t that the umoer is pledged not to attack Russia without British assent. and that he is probably exciting anti-Russian feeling to divert the Afghans from internal conspiracies. S-r l |:-run-xnr'nu Rah IA .1 I. .II....-.| null. nulll Wlll recover. The Landon county council has unnni mnusly elected Earl Rnuebery chairman, 111-! Sir John Lubbock, vice-chairmnn. Mr. Firth was elected deputy chairman by the vote of less than half the council. Party feeling is strong and brawl: Are probable. lII|IUCu`l. The wife 0! Harry Nelson, I Canadian Pnclc engineer, of Winnipeg. dc:-uruul him a few weeks ago nnd wont to St. Paul. Nel- snn `nllnwed her there yelterduv and put I bullet. through her Lha'gh,nnd then shot him- self. Both will recover. I`l... l.\...I.... ..,........ ......_..:I L__ .__,,: \IIIl'K'lvc|I- A movement. in on foo! to unite the two tempersnve or nnizntinnn. the Independent Order of (Foot femplnrl and the Boys] Templar: of Tempe-rnnce. The combined strength of the two .ouhl be nearly twenty t hmumnd. TLA ...::- -1 u-___. u_.___ . .\,,, .- Hula an address at Trenton. N. 1., T. V. Powderly said he could prove that the Penn- sylvania rnilrmul had marked ballot: for their employee: to thst they should vote no tlirectetl. A ..........-.__. ;_ __ I--. A- .._1-, .1 , ., 53'`. The secretary of wu hu decided to send a number of army oicers abroad. For nev- erul years the navy has had officers Attached In the legations It London, Paris nnd Ber- lin. 1.. -.. ..J..I_-__ _. m,,,_.,_, 1* v rm Iv nnpmuu 1'Iu'eut., ox uunvme, Quebec. Dr. J. W. Cox, a prominent citizen of Pine Bluff, Ark., wu shot. and killed on Tuesday night by Ed. Harrell for entering Harrell : houae sgsinnt Mn. Enroll`: pro- tent. TI... ......_4__. - _.__ L__ .:,_:_1,1 ., ,, 1 THE DlSTl.\'U('lSHl \VRITER ARI SPEAKER. IA.) (lily uuu WI! CUlHlllIlIU(l [Or Iarll. The widow of Mr. Proctor, the utrono mer, now residing in Floridn, receives I government enaion of 100 on the recom- mendation oral] the leading scientists. Jeremie Daignnult. A French Cundian IJILCUCII IA) nulunur. noysalnla. Patrick M olloy, charged with committing perjury when testifying before the Parnell commission. pleaded not guilty at London to day and was committed for trial. Tl-m wirlnu nf Mr P-m-vnn Hm ..-u.-..-. meuuauon 01 Ill me leualn aclenmu. Daignnult, and expert business man, was arrested in Pawtucketville, for embezzling 84,000 from Naphtnli l srent., of llunville, Quebec. Dr. J, `V, Uni, A nrnminnnt 1-itjrnn nf FUIUIICH BU euu. William L. Porter. extreasurer of Ver- million county, Iud.. has been found 312.000 short in his accounts. He has deeded his property to secure his bondamen. This 1-(mum-Ix nrnarlitinn whinh romanti- pl'UPUl'|.._V [U HCCUTB I'll! DOHCIIHIBD. The cosaock expedition which recently iandexl at Tadjurah, on the Gulf of Aden, in l organizing a large caravan and intend: to prcceed to Anlmhar. Abyssinia. Pntritiii Klniinv ninnrunrflrilh nnmmitrintv ue put out. The dominion government hu consented to assume the cost of the Simon: expedition, over $.'n,1)00. This relieves the province of British Columbia. TL- n.._,::. l.`.. :-.. L-- ._|.-._ |.-i,n -: .L_ Dlllalllll KJUIUIHIHB. The Credit Foncier hu taken hold of the Pnuama canal. And Count I)cLeaseps goes into retirement. His career has nearly reached an end. \\'ll... I l)....s.... .... n.._......_.._._ .t I ... Q-7VU,UUU, mcnmmg Law acres on Iron mun. Mrs. Eliza Hargrove was murdered six miles from Marietta, (.}a.. probably for money. One cf the hands on her place is auspectet`. _ The `AV mnnnrmr nf Kt Thnmnu` nluu-1-In uuapeuuw. 'I`he'Iay manager of St. Thomas` church, New \ ark, announces that strangers are not wanted there, andifthey go to it they will be put out. Thu o`nminI'nn u-nun:-n-nan! kn. an-.nnno...l Luv unucmu-u mun`. melliuer I01` Amen, 1\.I5. Gun. Alger has bought the Pittsburg and Lake Superior company`: iron mine for $800,000, including L800 acre: of iron laud. Mrs Eliza Hnrornvn wan mnnlnrm` nix GE 0. J.mJX.RKIN, Ehn kn. Inn-n inn-hntl in Irish 1).; Aunt--l.'.... V| un we ulroal cut Irom ear to ear. The death is announced of Jane Irving, as widow, who lived at Mill Branch, Kent county, N. H. She was l()3 years old. Peter Duffy has been nominated to ap- pose the re election of Henry Emmeraou, the unseated local member for Albert, N.ll. (Inn Alanr hm: hnunkt Oh. !):H.l.u..n .....l NEWS -l;RdM AFGHANISTAN. wurx. _ Lon] Hartington has issued I circular cllillq upon his supporters to attend the re- opanin of parliament. The $14-.rnmn millinnnrhan nr '/an-.:L.... 1...... upunul ux parmunenr. The xerman missionaries at Zanzibar have not been released yet owing to a bitch in the negotiations for their ransom. The hndu nf Jnnmn Jnnbi... u... t...._.l 1 um um-guuunonn I0!` Lnelr The body of James Jenkins was found on the railroad track in Watervnlley, Misa., with the throat cut from to 'I`hn Hnntlu :n unnn .... ....l ..A` 1-..- I....:.._. vunarn HBXS HHS year. lt is again rumored that Mr. l -lake \;'ill` shortly resume the liberal lead in the house. The lnhnr nrrilna in Hm nn.-oh at I.V.... .. :.. uuuruy resume me uneral load In the house. The labor strike in the north of France in extending. The socialists are actiuely at work. I.....1 `IY-..L:....,_ L . 2 I - I THE NEWS FROM CHINA. 1 we cmmug an-ssvluu. The government has decided to'revis.e the voters lists this I *4 It is mznin runinrmi flint M. m..|.- ...;n, The Little `rings that Alroet Cnnndlnnp Fluhea From Europe and What They Pol-tond-A Little 0! Everything Sully Read and Bomemborod. " M r. (iltiilatolne ns tukenn tnwn`houae for the coming session. The ur)vurnnunt Inn Am-i.l...l o,.'......:... u.- H.\V'l.\'(} received Inalruclinns to (`lose out ins balance of Japanese Goods re-gardh-as of cost an ` TELEGRAMS FROM THE EARTH'S .. FOUR ourrrens GIVEN. [AFFAIRS OF THE WORLD. N0. "The {lung}: of B}Mn.Canu1a and Austrarlit.-" LT IIIHUUKS UL]! S'l'A.\'U. l`.'l Prince-m `Street. look on! for hungnins. Sale Ill 2:!) mu. Evening ale M 7:30. Terms Cash. E. R. MARTIN. Allnllnnm-r. UIRII -'u Wodnuday and Thursday, 13th and Nth, AT (lRlG()R'S OLI) STAND. l`. | Princoem ixmm, look on] for hnnmins. Sula nu 2-:Il Of Japanese Manufactures and Art Produc- tions. Consisting of Embroidered Silks. Porcelains, Screens. Bronzes, Enam- els, Toys. etc..Cnrios Direct from Yokohama, Japan. To than who want lnolr mvanul to , woughr no rust nullum for orou nfdo uvo than tho vuloul actions 0 onrlolooc Loan Lm. GEO. P. ROWICIJ. a 00.. Nuupnpor Ad .'erunln1`lIuronn. no Horace street. `ow York ____ ____ HIGHLY "IMPORTANT AND Armcrxva SALE BY AUCTION A FINN: FAIHI1 U!" 7.5 AIl(r.'s. r.`~\.-at Purl of Lot .\'0. I5. lat (`onccssinn 'I`.wnshi[- of Kingston, beautifully situated on the Idlku Sure. one mile {rum the l'euil~-nliury. Huud lnrgr h0llHt`.UllU)llildh1KH. orchard. kv . suita- Ilo lot a farmer ur rmlcm-r. Apply on tho: In-amines tn JUHN G {AHAM. P.0 nddrou. PIANO REPAIRS of all kinds on Uprights and square: executed at the W-her Frwtory. corner of Princess and Gordon Itreou. Kings- mn. Nn more durable or well-toned instrument In Canada: than that}. M. \Vl\`.l!ER UPRIH H1`. Modernw in price and unoxcolled by any Unn- dim inntrumnnt TIMELY ANNoUNcEM:N'r.4 ALL KINDS U!` BANK and Ulvo Rubber Bu\mpakDatera. Souls. Elo., supplied by Baux- mma u.cAU1.l:v.manuhsoturors. Bagot 81.. Kingston. Ont. GET YOUR W[\I'I`HlR GLOVES AI W'1 REEVES . King Street. SI) -Sample pair: to be sold an wholesale prices. ' IIOUSF.` with mm rooms and extension kit- ohen hard and soft water. with good enabling ; convenient to Queen`: Oollesze ; hnmu-Hate ne- eeeeion. Apply on the premises 128;. ur M `n. @344 Union Street, between Gordon and Ajfrud tn. THIC RICSIDENCE on Slmcoo Street. lately oocu"ied by Rev. A. W. Cooke : double house of n no momr two cullars: wood yard and atnilink. A ply next door. or to H. Ronmnon. at King at (gob Drug `Store. j)- FROM la'r MAY. that good. substantial house on Ontario Street. near l nion. at pr(`- ' sen! occupied b Mrs. Deacon. Apply to E. '1` STICACY. '31:: Rstcncy. olrmctc. lax`-go. cenL;A_n'l.v voll nuedf 1`rn.; reasonable. Possession lxnluodhuely. Apply `Box."W m. L ANY ONE WANTINH HELP \\`I'l`H THE!!! 30oK3_ Aocounu, (.'ollo('liunI nr m any gnncr ml bualnouruapncll . mud n pun-nrd to Irklm. OBTLIIL 00 to Street. Accounts L FXNIC FARM OF '. nf Ln! \'n. I5, In! (`I sromc AND w.uucnm:.-r~: ox oN1`Amo s'rm:1:'r. Apply to J. u. c.~.1mu'rm:us. Hoi;s1:1.\' vAfIEH.~:_`ifITm M Mon May lat. Apply at \ HIO OF!" E. ALL KINFS or BANK and Ofvo Rubber Bmmnn. Data:-a. Souls. lq`.lo.. nunnlind hr BRIN- nrgr noIu4o.uullmIId1m(:~1. orcnaru. Kr smut ulo a In remixes JUHN LUIAM. P.0. urumuuIh. 'l'll.\'l' HlC`H|I~.\Hl.lC HHIUK Nh.\'ll)E.V('E, aim nod on the (-(`mu-r of Sydenhaun md Buy ?`Lreuln, containing Nu-lvu rooms. IL isul pm` gm occupied by (Vxnmailx John A. 1`nunol.',v. 0 owner. In whom npplicutlon should be made for further infornnamon. __ -._..._j. '70 ausmass MEN. TIIE STEAM IIARGE FllE! A.\'l) U.\`8Ult'l`.~_l. Minnie Francis and City of King- ston. \'\l'uluI curry ing ('upM(`i|y 880 M Ping Lumbo.-r.\or H0 tuna mm! at 5 fnul d_!-uught. For mrlhur pu\'\Iiculeu'u upply to DAV Il)s0.\'. D0- RAN Q: ('().`~, SM YTHE, SMITH & LYON. @fI.~I0uC0lll. 60.. no: Ontario SALESMEN ~Wu wish A few In sell our ;:oodsbi'Jsn|np1o 10 1h: wlwh-1-mlo nud rt-[ml trade. unrest Amnufeu-Luror.-4 in our line. En- close 2-mint suung. Wages 83 [wr Inf. reruns- aunt poaltion. . n pwatuls nnnwurt. Money udwuwua for wages. ad vurtising. `mu. `(`EN'l |:.\`- Nux. Mm`:-u (.`0..(`INclNNA1`l.U|IIO. bunlnour melt mm! punt:-am FRED. 08'!` 0 audited and book: kapt y the week. A (;()()I). LIVE l.ll-`I42 l.\ .H`l'RA.\'(`.E AGENT. Io take charge 0f,thd life and nccideml depart- ment u! the (`in1.ens' Insurance-t`mlpuny of Montreal. Compensation lxberul. Address DR. 1!. L. COOK, .\'u-ANIK. III II LII! uu anvil . Mr H lll l|'lI3l1 , do an lhin. Huual I`rft-I'uIu't'n. 4 QSTL IR, Uulloge alrccl. King-um\._ ` BY ([1 YUUNU MAN (me 2'!) Occupation in any cnpm-Hy. Horne yvurs 1-xporiom-u ch-rking In u gun<~rul,etm'(- ; u~'-Ll tu hur.-am ; willing In thing. Gll.l<.!('|` ONT]. TR (`,uIh-m- snrm-I l{imz~um\_ ,.`>m._______._. ..__. 'l`}lA'l` I)lCil'lAl.H.lC BRILK Rl.~`ll)l~2.\3(`E, -nu led the (`arm-r of Hvulnnhmn mi [luv HvuuIr.g-1 CA.\II'Illl.L-At (Iutnraqui, by the Ravi Juueuimpaon, on \\'e'dneadny, liith in t. John M. Hugher to Vina A. Camp- be both of liattersoa. , ' Iroii SALE 93. To_i13ENg* I ll l."HBl)L Y . Lnctrmz by Geo. IL Pm-kin in theclty HnI|_ VOL. VLVIII. D%AILY %WHIG.A I sPEoI_AL ` MEjIfI'IV`1UN.> A list. 0! llnnowopupen divldod Inlo Snrlll `thong-tcrloxu will be sent on` application- To those who wmt their ulvertlxlnlto 1 too: onhr not ndo FOR VSAIVJE . REMINDERS. Wm-ms. 'ia;7;Rri1*'E}I'). ` . lI.ui`l`ll\. A uctlonm-r. Joooph Miller in Mason Fatally Injured In I Hhonnonvlllo IIIII. _ SllANNON\ ll.l.It, I-`ob H.-A painful oc- cident occurred yoltordoy Inornln in Woll ghrldgds mill by which Jun-ph . iller, of Shonnonvillo. reived poiuful and dangoroun iujurloo. It oppoorn that the dog 0! tho circular now, over uhich he won working, bunt sud one of the frogmenu struck Mr. Miller under the ear, cutting Ml noel and face I0 badly thnt at u: hll Mo I'll do- opoirod of. Dr. Walker Wu Immediately summoned who pronounced to injuries. though dangerous, not nooalorlly foul. A Dluaolnuon o I-'orIorn llopo-Uonno Word: 0! Advloo (Ilvon. Lmtnou. Fob. l4.--Tho ooct of tho govornment defeat: at Govan and olaowhoro In Scotland in apparent in Mr. Jhamborloin'a unoooh at Glaagow; whoro ho doclnrod that dnuolutlon la a lorlorn hope unless a pool- tlvo policy for Iroland anponodoa the negative am and tho govnrnrnont vloo with, tho radical roforma in England. advoatod by Mauro. Morley ond Uladatono. Ir. Chanlborltin nugget: froo achooloubaidioa and a croftor o land purclnaao bill. England and Scotland to support tho formor. Bo uaya hi: Amorican oxporienco Ihowod him that the common school I item there in the glory ol tho country. ` rdinal Manning writs: n Iwooplng attack on the common school: for American children. lIlIlllII'y WOUIU IKIIHIOHIIT-GI\' rellgn. ' PARIS, Feb. l4.-Immodintely after Flo- quot's nnnounoemont in the chnmbor III the members of the ministry sent their resigna- tion: to President Carnot. The (`rush u Cnmr. Puus, Feb. l4.--\\'hen the queetion of the revision of the coinutitution came u in the chunber of deputies to~duy( `ountde [fan- villc Mnillnen moved that the debate on the subject he adjourned. Notwithnunding the oppooition of the government the motion we: udr-pted by u vote of 307 to `.208. Pre- mier Fioquei thereupon Announced that the ministry would immedintelv relign. PARK. Fab. IL--ImnmlintnIv Affr Fin. ?7PvER_T_!Bs-4 1` --u-up ---u -v-nu. (`H-mwurl. l-`eh. l4.~Julge Robertson has tiled in crou petition in the case of Mrs. Hnuna Huper. Wife of E. L. Harps-nugninlz Mrs. Mary Baldwin, relic! of A. Baldwin. cashier of the late Fidelity lmnk. lhe document disclose! I page of` Baldwin : history hitherto unknown, and shows that in Addition to $|S,0(X) shortage as cuhim of the Third National bnnk,he appropriated to personal use S-L'n,00() while executor of the estate of Mrs. l'.. L`. Riddle. Ihuwbullvrn In Kulnn. Ru.lF.,Feh. H. -'l'he gm`:-rnment has con- sented tn give the use of (he culusxium In the Ameriu-In baseball players, but it has how: found that the dangerous state of gt\i~ lerioe precludes the itieuof playing in the arena. Doubts are e.\pressmi whether the police rt-gulntionsnf Rmlw. resulting from the rucent riutn, will not prevent the Ameri- :-cms frnmplnying here. The teams arrived at Hrindiai on Friday. a nun: nu: III (,`iIir`.u.n-, Feb. today for this adding of three additional stories to the Palmer huuzw. This will nmku it twelve stories in height. running the en tire lilnck from State street to Wuha-ah avenue, anal will give the lionse the prestige ol being om if the highest hdtol structures in the wmld. Work will be commenced immediately. `u 1 H. -A contract was let ` A New order Fornnlug. ('m(`.wo. Feb. l4.--A paper says thnt acting on the circular: sent out from Philw dolphin several weeks , signed by 5 number of aoculled origiuzfomembera of the knightl of lubour. George Schilling. the Iocinliat and labour agitator, has begun the work of reorganizing severnl discontented assemblies. A Blur Claim for Danmgu. \V'A Feb. H.-The ofcial cor. rcapomlunce regarding the American ship liridgcwstor, seized by the (Jamulian nuthoritiea, show that the vessel ha been releases]. and that Secretary Bayard has naked the Hritinh government to use that her owner gets over $28,000 compensation. Efforts of than Enrthquulu-. ` NEW YORK, l'eb. 14.--Advicea from (`nuts Rica place the dnmagn by thelate mwthqllnke at 8`2,000,01`0 in San Jone alone. At La Lnguna the enthqumko look: like a rough sun. A man and his four chllllreu were lJlll'lL`(l there. One Great Bar to Wealth. LUlD0.\ . Feb. H. `Russian papers state that the Russian branch of the English fa- mily of Loalv. hu inherited I legacy of ten million sterling, but the members have heen rnlnested to become English subjects before the money is paid. Mn. cXMaanLAun's PLAN- --v nrlxu nu n wuv. .\lns1'}u:.\I., Feb. l~|.--E. E. Gilbert, of the celebrated contracting tirm of C. H. (Mil-ert & Sons. returned `fromottawn on Tuesday, took a cab to drive to his reci- douco, but died at heart disease on route. Ghulutune Glvea I Tip. LONDON, Feb. l4.-Glndntone bu aum- } mound his supporters tp be present on the reauembling of parliament when it is ex- pected ilnpurtamt matters will beaubmitted. -. ----. -. ..-. ....,.,._..-- v...- lznwumn` lcmNo|uc0ooIIIu-n Vnlunblo Book--0051. free on npnlioouon. ...,u., u, -no n.-nu-uuuu.-II. (z.\`r;\A, Feh. H.-Extenaive landslides havelnccurred at Fleuvier, Neufchatel. Sc- verul houses have been demolished. The inhahiumta are eeing. I A TERRIBLE ACCIDENT CUNARD STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Buunu from New York every Saturday. An- thorized Agent. 1'`. A. lolger. Ferry Dock tool ol llrock 81.. Kiunwn " _ .j._.__ any xt.a:LLx1.DUJ.V U\Jm.l.'uV 1 will make some reduction in the price 0' some of their lines of lumbor and nuh f!w('Ory good: this season. W0 have one burn frame wfeet. one 15 and ono 40. Also good brick. which will be sold on roaaonble terms for good approved noloa. & 'I`llL` I) Amuixnxv nnllngnvu uuuvouuvua g "nu To 663;, Iia7{,'Ie4'ork, Philadel'a. * ` Wuhlngton,BnltlnIoro and all Points in North erq,N9w York. vh G.'l`.R. and N.Y.C. Rn. r. n'1m Ln:v. - . Gen. Ticket Azem. THE THOUSAND ISLAND ROUTE BY Rome. Wntenown & Ondouabura me. _.__._.__, ...__._&_...__.j.. AMES REID. "nu: 1.r:.ua1\'u uxuncumxnm. `ruucnu 5'1`lI2K'l`. " THE axraiaun oonpm wm ......1.- -...._.. ._a._..n.._ ._ .._- -_;._ _ How In Thin [or High Y I.`..L | 1 1 ,, ." A ` TE'LEGA P HTc sF2uss. Highly mcomlnvndoni by the Medium] Proton. Ilun and mo entire pron. Don't mu to try it- For Sate by All Grocers Every- who,-re, In Una. lb. 400.; M` 250. lb. 150.; and I 0|. packets 5c. wunu.*.suI.|c. nlcmw ~ Injury by the Lmudullden. l.`.I. II I), A Ila Dledwlu R Cab. D1 1. nu \.u Iluluo THE nA'nmU.\_' COMPANY. _`;_lT'I'l`IGS'l`()'N. CA;\'ADA,'l:;{.lTl-{Sl)AYEVI Frsumay 14,1339. `nu \\u'-snllllll yers, ` one ? MI ,r(-aulting \'o-nt thin A mnri. I .3'.`.`:'.' Recalling en lnoldenl o! nse1_'rno Quee- llon at Ann: lloblllletlen. Pills. Feb. M.--\\'ith reference to the ueertion the: (inn. Bonlenger Wlllhd Preci- dem. Grev to sign I decree for the mobili- ntlon oh 2 army et time of Schneboleil excltament, In I887. M.l"|omenn eteuee the: Boulenger ettitnde of nut period, when the government learned the! Germeny con- hlnnlntul u mnhllintion M 70.!!!) h-onnn gig.-- _ ....-~ . .. .... ....-.. hm lotod the mobilization of 70,000 troops in A -Iaornlno. {alt nothing to be do- ` mind. gOV.:l`;II;IOI`l'I VIE`! (r}:rtn;:Iy ` II-1i-UV navuu Ill ulilunn Hnnxxu, Mont., Feb. l-l.-- A. C. Welr ` eter.a Northern Montana stock grower, just in from the cattle ranches. eaye the spring dry weather in not good for the cattle. The nrogmg gr. (man, and there in not a par- tiole of anon on the ground. Many cattle are almoet dylng for water. It in just cold enough to he the ice on the rivers. If. an in antlolpat . a norm eete in during the latter part of thin month, or in March, he leu-I there will be great loan of cattle on the raochee. Inetead of being {at and healthy the cattle look very bad. II. lwr. Secretary of the navy --John Wann- maker. Secretary of \nr-Uen. Rusk. Secretnry of interior -3]. M. Eltoe. Attorney general--\\'illinm M. Evnrtn. Poatmutor-genen|--Rubi. S. fnylor. Commiuionor of agriculture - Powell Clayton. I: ll now given out that` the presidential rty will leave for\\`uhington on the 25th. 0 rty will comprise Uon. And Mn. Hurlron. Mrs. McKee and two children, Mn. Lord, Illtor of Mn. Harrison, Private Secretary Hnlford, sud perhupa one or two others. ` DFIOIULI M`. \\'HO[.l12SAl.lC-DEPOT : 30 St. Sqqmment 8t., Montreal. -- _ , _ ...\..--._-n_ ..___.. ` __ ,~ "Moran not In Thorn will surely In an lnnolu Lon of Stock. II..,,,,, ll - I.V-|, In . .1 Iuv . W I TUILIZ Socreury of nah -Junca (J. Blaine. Secretary of the trouury-Uen. R-lsnell A. Alger. Sn.-migrv nf Ihn n.Lvv_.Jnhn \\'..n.,\ It MI! be I Surprise to some People--.\| the state sumdn nt Pro-om. Iiyw Yuan, Feb. l4.-'l`here are some republicnnu who say the cabinet, as now Arranged, will be grcat uurprine. One of these wollpoctod gentlemen uyn he believes that when the tune reaches the scum it will read: I u-4__.___- -1 _._A- I_...__ IV In,:,, An Esunpo ol I`lIIIlI[Ql'l In Time - A (`mu-h I-`ouml on Fire. NI-:\\' Yo-mt", Feb. H -A Paris despatch to the I-In-n/I says a startling accident oc~ curred It du_\'lu'ank on Tuesday to the ex- press tmin coming from Nice to Paris. As the mun l'|\L'll9ll I point live miles south of Dijon the pusao.-ngura in A new carriage. in which the ('(ilYlpiil'llllL'|llS couununiuste with each I-thvr, III-llcrnl u strung smell of something burning. Flue carriage was limit- ed with Imrnircurrenta that prevnediated about uhder the ooring. One of the pass- sengers nutited that llmnes were darting up from the lloor. The .passeugcrs pulled the alarm signal, but it did not work, lming jauumcd or frozen. Tlu-re I't`I`(` twelve per- sons in the uirringv and the lliuucs were in- creasing with frightful l`\pltlll_\'. The llnur uf the train this one nmss of glowing embers. The pun-ngera jumped on the seats and ahrickeal for the guards as the train began tunlow up fur Dijon. The guards notu-e.l the smnke and stuppml the train. The llsmen were Already curling uhhut thr masts and the puaen rs jlllllllfll out of the car ringe leaving I eir lliguuge behind. The curringn was complete-l_v nrclluuln: -nuuou nnu r1e_r_o_ness .\lal"e \ eso- rg,..;u,gg tlieieinterition to live nolongei-. These lotters seem to me to be of a piece with All the stories told by orders of the emperor between the occurrence of the tragedy and the fun:-r-cl of Rudolf. Before there was time to corrcoct A good uircum stalntial account that would hold well to- gether ollicinl people blurted out thatllrown Prince Rudolf had been shot behind the ear in is diagonal direction, and the coronal part of the skull had been curried off by the bullet as it went out of the head. Noth- imz at all was said of the Baroness Marie Vehevn. We might fancy it was she who discharged the istol if she had not been shot in the back. `oth were found dead on the same couch and there gen` llowers scattered upon thccorpse of Ms!` . lit es not thispoint to a woman's hand, tlht of u maniac from jealousy and to supreme and feminine irony in vengeance`! 'l`hc dlsgonsl shot upward also points at somebody having been conceal- ed in the room under the bed or table, or some other piece of furniture, sud to creeping along steulthily until he or she got up to the sleeping psir sndto placing the muzzle of the pistol close to Rudolf's head and firing up at it. Marie would doubtless on hearing the shot have sought to have esceped,when she was knocked over by a pistol shot in the back. There were mutilstionh also of both bodies which show- ed A Inlnilcal hetrvnl. ltaroness Vesers. the mother, Iem told. calls for justi:e. It is withheld to prevent a worse scandal Illull that which has been stirring the world for the list vfortnight. The letters announc- ing suicidal intent have. as ` was point` ed out by me, been orerdoue. Why, of all persons in the world should the Crown Prince Rudolf have written on this subject to the Duke of Bnrgsnna, witn whom he was but slightly l`(]lmiu[r-l, and who lives at Lisbon likeI POIl fIuH7`[[ UC'-V. If there was murder the murderer or murderess must have known the }'rK`r mmlvon at Meyerling, with its dogs and domestics. so as to get in without being bsrlied at or challenged. There were several watchdogs there and un- clmined. Why should liunlolf, with his great expectations. have taken the suicidal plunge with his insruorata? At Vienna, where manners end morals are lax, it would have been thought a festher in .\lsrie's cap to have nude 3 conquest of him and to have been con nered in return. The hypothesis of a double murder is everywhere accepted out of Euglend. . CONDITION OF THE CATTL. STARTL|_NG RAn:vi)iv-X3cIoENT- aouLANi:eTiz T`voiiKr3I`eHT. GEN. HARE`!/S6N'S_ (manner. Tho Wound lhahlml the liar and How It Appouru to be lnlctod--A \Vomnn n Hand In Plumly Socn-.`l`no Mystery In Not Clanrml I-'p YM- Nizw Ymtx, Fol. l4.-.\'ir. Lahouchere cables to the Worm from London as fuliuwa: We have not gotbtv the bottom of the May erling tragedy. I(i0 not believe in the authenticity of the letters which have up pcnred in the papers `W coming from the Archduke Iiiudolf uni Baroness Marie \'ese- rn. nfniinu 1|xAim,_in1nxni]}TnT`o.. l.".... .o... I.......... A dry pro ration of Extract of Bot-fund Vege- ubleu: I ollclou vuourluhlnu and ooononucnl hull: of Soup In a aw minutes ' a cround-work for all Brown soups. an excolient gravy. and an invaluable wdlunot to Irish Stow. 1'ho8estn.nd (nmpost Amclo of Diet Em IntroduoodV to tho Public.