Uroon act. 8. How did tho Scott act afoot hsr-room drinking in yuur to-`n Y" The treating lyn- IGIILWAI Almost brokan up under the Scott Act. There wu only a mull fraction of treating done and liquor drunk an cotnpuod to the pnaeut under tho Crook: not. It ha been ututoni and not denied that than \nro_twolvo oouocntivo union in Hnlton while under Scott not in which the jndgu dun pruontod with A pair of ivhito kid gloves, probably unpnnllolod in the lmtory I nnv nnnnlv nncln ileum; That Are mv vuu pruuamy necturq \\`ulter Huppiua, I in New York, and ` home here. He is disease. I.` ll 1 `A .4 -. | "CITE 3f\'ll.`I I5 lllllfil Melbourne exhibition. kl......- l\... I\.._I.__ cuurcnea In nlunnlollu. \ nrgmla. }"ro Villiers. the intrepid \r'\r -mist and correspondent of the Lou-n . will probably lecture hero almut .`~-.. \\`nlfD|l' I-lnnninn -inn..."-nnk..r Iu mu apnnu. Rev. Manly Hanson, of Tornnto, will preach in Sydenham street Methodist church next Sunday. RPV "ArI|n\' ll`lII;:\l1Anl Huuunilonn Inna UCXI, nulluly. Rev. Hartley (lnrmichael. Hamilton, has received a cull from one of the Episcopal ` churches in Richmond. Virginia. Fl`01iel iL'|i Villie-rs. thn iinrpniui -n-tint \'UI'y Ill. Henry George, the lnnd tax rcformcr. will lecture in Kingston Ufure the owers bloom in the spring. ,x{91 MAI\lv mmnn nf Tnrnnfn u-HI Paoplo Whose Muvemonu. Sayings and lluluun Attract Anautum. Mrs. McMillan, Brock street. receivml A paralytic stroke last week. She is now very ill. Ht-nrv Hun:-no Hun Innal my I-n`nrn\n|~ will uuu Instance II me other. The tirst genersl meeting of the Nupsnee driving park association we: held last week. Judge Wilkison presiding. Repotts on the working of the company for the year and the tressurer's statelnent were read, ench being quite satisfactory. They showed that considerable work in the way oftting up had been done, and still there was a nice balance on hand. Messrs. A L. Morden, n n D. |`rnyn were :tppnil1l,v.*ll nuditors. The by laws as pnssml hy the directors vrcw rctul and approved. The fullu\\'lll_L{ ` llll'CL" tons were elected : Judge Wilkisnn, presi dent: W. N. lloller. vice DI(`5l(lt'll[ and Inansger; A. T. H.\rshsw,.treusurcr: S. Hill son. ucn.-tary; W. l. llall, John R. S1-ott, R. H. Potter, Willizun Miller, and '1'. U. (fsrscslleu. The association has. secured thirtyetwo acres of u hat is known as Hunt's woods. in the western part of the town. It is a very beautiful properly with line grove They have had A pleasure drive sud speed track huilt. A splendid cricket crease he: been put. down, and other nece:-snry inn prorements for the pleasure of the towns` people will be made. In the spring it. is the intentionllto build in residence for the care- taker llt CI'll ket trainer. Fhe alfalfa of the association are in the hands of good, live, `responsible men, who will spare no pains to mske the spots most enjnythle rendezvous for pleasure-seekers. m vuuuny luneraIl...~u...1muia!ere `Are so set against the "doings" quoted why don : they pulrtheir foot down once and for ever on Suudqy funerals. " Let the dead bury the dead" will npplv about as well in. one instance an the other. Thu rm! nan--ml ......u:...... ..t `I... \V._.___-,. - n----v vynuuglloul meeting with the approvals hf more than strict Saltbnturinns. '1` he weaker deprocuted the running of trains on ~ Sunday. and said that citizens should not leave on the early (min Sabbath morning to attend the funeral of -n- departed friend. Going this far brings to the frame. theilnpstiun of Sunday` funeralI.,.J.L.1niuiaterc ire ad lilllt fhn "n`ninan?' nuns-) .-|... 3... ; UAK\ ILLE, Nov. 22. I883 J. Amlcrsnn, Esq . .\`e-cretary South Urimalpy \'coet Act Association. Smithville. Denr sir,--Your favor to me of the l'. th inst. vnss received by me on my return from the north towlay. I shall endeavor hurriedly to answer _\our questions us intelligently as I can from my own observations and opin- ions. You ask I u\\`L..4 ........_ 5L- ,.|.:.t n . . . . ..- "A AL. lfqth Aduy," etc. He not `hiffnce 311151589 Sunday visiting uni plenum Ah-iving. his views thnougllout meeting withthb approvals ,lH0I`E Saltbnnu-innn_ The TEMl;-E_F{ANC'E concsar. IT WAS VOTE`) Ol;T. SONS OF ENGLAND. PERSONAL-iti?Ibr`|. IU IICIU iIllI)Ul -U " , stenuvrapher. i~ -- u . 1 I I will be brought In his s sulferiug from Bright : I IIVUUVG VVUVIUVIIVUIVII U&lILL II D E Hndquu-unto! Clover. Timothy. Hold Ind nrdnu Seeds. l`.hnhuI Knmllv l'Innl-. Sllwnnn Rgknrf fhhr IVUGIGUY I I} Modoroto winds. pally cloudy to cloudy `mother, with local mow loll! : slowly doing hmporotuu. , And Human seeds. Choice runny our. Strong Baton hour a specially. WJOSEPH FRANKLIN, Windsor Hotal Block, Princess Street, Facts To In; the Scott \ct. l\I\::. Fe . 7.-(To the Editor) : \\'oul4l you kindly insert the enclosed clip- plug from at St. Catlmrines paper. We are to have a contest as to` the repeal of the Scott act in Fronteiuc county. And A half .1011-.n lines of fuels are more powerful than ten columns of opinion and speculation. The letter of W. .\lcL,'r|ney. ex M. I . for Hnlton, was mldressed by request to the South Urimslny Scott act ussocution. l\ht\'-mu, DIICKWIIXI IIUIIT, ".10 WT |J'Vl I DIUII. `I -`| ; shorts, 894 ; choppod lead. % per ton : pruned buy, 816 w SIB per ton. NM mnnh wand branch: in dnrilm the nu, nut: pur quurt. Whont. $1.05 ; barley, 50 ; onto. Mo to 36 ; rye, 550 ; buckwheat, 4-0c ; con, 584: for old ; 550 for now. win... an in 9.. an .... LL]. ...o.....I 1:: an [or UK] 00C [of IICW. Flour, $5.50 to U per bbl; ontmed, 85.50 to 85.75 per bbl; oornmnl. 81.40 per cwt ; buckwheat our, 89.26 per cwt : bun. SIN ; aka. A - nlunnnanl `not! Q nor inn - T UUIIUI, lull UIIIOIII, ll-' I0 .I POI UUIDCI. Apples. 81.50 to 8`) per bbl : orange: and 'emonI, we to we per dozen, And caliber- riea, 10 per qnnrt. \\'hnnt_ 31,05 : hnrlev. 500 2 Int`. Mn in per uouu, Iran. The vegetable mnrket will not vnry much in price: until the new vogotabies are ex- peclevl. The prices are : Potutoes, 4.`): to 50 per bag ; pcrunipa, 50c per bag ; carrot: And turnips. 40 per bag; beets. 45 per bag ; cnhbsge. 40c per dozen ; beans. SL75 per bushel, sud onions. 801* to 81 per bushel. Annlnn ll 5 In I`) nor hhl - nrgnnan -nll Ill, Illll PIKE, [Kc Every body likes wholesome butter. and thu vary beat. is now snltl reasonably. Pound prints. 20c and 22. Eggs are 25c and 11):: per dozen. fresh. Tho vacmlnlnln mnrlxnt will nn! vnrv mnnlu Pcl ID; IUIIUVTYNK llIIlUH'. k m`. Oysters, 500 and 60 per quart. It will soon be aeuon fur tish. and than the prices of them will go up. White fish and salrmm trout. 10c per I1 ; pickerel and bun Sc per R, And pike, I4` v-r\ lnnulu Ln: Irhtnnnnln Iuutlnr nn `X70 (0 SUC Z IOWIB, LKIC {U (00 W PHIL Hides, 3c, 4c. and 51: per lb : sheep skins, N0c. (xi $|.`. :': ; demons, 25 r 35 each; call skins, 40c (rt 50 each; wool. 16c (:3. Me per lb ; romlerml mllow, 55 @ 6c. (Ivan-rs, 500 um! lmo nor numrt It will 00 to SOC f~ ll:J-_ up , `JCT IU U) lull` IZHDUR Sausmzee Me from 12:: M l`2c per lb. N lreakfast bacon and bums. Me to 15 per lh : farmers aides, We to He per lb ; lur- relled pork, SIS to 319. I`urI.mvn I00, Ila nml l`)h- nor Hp aoonn any 3ul)_|E(.`( nnuuieu uy nun. No more_ true representative of the rising tide of Canada's energy, cnnscince, and trained ability, could be found, them this gentleman. His recent article upon Canada, plllJlislM'ti in the for most. of the nnaguzint.-s of the United States, showed forth in clear words the aspirations and intentions of the Culnula of to-day. His record has been In most dis tinguished one, and it is A tting sign of the times that such a cause as imperial federa- lion should be supported by such I man as Mr. Parkin ; and as an orator it only mods to be said that he was President of the "celc~ Y brated Uxford Union. I) f`. nu LI A Isnug KINGSTON MARK!-SIB KI.\'<:.~`1'0.\'. Feb. l3.-The recent heavy snow storm: have In the country roads in I bod sate, and armor: living I long dia- touce from the city oumot. ranch it conveni- ently. Consequently the mnrketn Are poorly attended, and supplies needed by the citi- zeul have got to be purchued from the stores at prices in advance of those asked by farmers. 4~._.I L- 1 :_ __:_4 .._ 2. _.,s.. ,:'j c`1,', l)_\' larmera. __ V , Good beef in going up in price |.r.d find: I ready sale. The best hind quarter: are sold at from $3 to 87 per cwt; mutton, 6c to Sc per lb by the carcass. Knnrmonn tum frnm I-In tn I'M.` nar ll: Wlll HUHI II IHIII I:Vl'l'y year. ` The committee of management In: com- posed of Capt. J. Saunders, chairman : N. I . Joyner, secretary ; R. Elliott, T. Don m-Hy. J. Pnllv. J. McW|terI, F. Pugh. A. `F. Smith. J. Donnelly. jr., Ind Capt. Mar- shall. I . I\l'\n DIUBUII lu IIUUIIIIUH. At8:510.n`cloek` Mr Thomas Elinor, the prompter. called the first item on the pro gramme. Those present arose to their feet and were soon whirling to the dreamy and fetscilmting music of the Kingston serenade club. At midnight the dancers repaired to the Ontario hall where they had an ex L-ellent supper. The caterer was Mr. I`. lhmlan. The decorations were very fine. The bill of lsre gave entire satisfac- tion, and those who were present gave (Ta tercl` lloolan great praise for his etforis. Afti" midnight dancing was resumed and continued until this morning. Among those present were visitors from uamgnnqne, Odessa and Napanee. It is ostiinated that there were about ['10 persons ` present. 1 hey all expressed thelnselves dc-~ lighted with the nlfnir, and hope that the mcmln-rs of Kingston lodge No. 59, l.0.U.l'`., ` will hold as hall every year. 'l'lm nnmnnittnn nf mannmtmnnt I-an runs- round nay. no no pun per loll. `Not much wood brought in during the uni -oak an good looking. and atureu oecomlngsy. The decorations were more expcneiveand novel than usual. The hall was resplendent. with Iiundrrds of colored lights. Lanterns. with painted glass. hum; in all the windows. and the platform was arched `with lights \\`lii:h I-hone through beautifully colored gluhcs. limhlenis of the order. l.().O. l".." and the` three links made of iron ttihos, were illurninated with gas. and were pleasing decorations. The lights lnul the etfect of exhibitiniz, in a satis- factory way. the magnicent furniture on the :stsge. loaned by Ald. W. M. I{ren- nan. The stage was undoubtedly elegantly furnished, and two figures. in the rich uni- form \\'nl`l_I hy members of the incampmeut, added greatly to the general eiact. At dill}-rent parts in the hall bannerettes of the order were suspended. The ceiling and walls were tJrapped with hunting of many t-olhurs. am tlugs of all sizes. tastily set. `were prominent. The entrance to the ball room was concealed by ags and curtains. und in front of them was erected a lnilliaut stnr made of sword: anl scshbards. This was much admired. Figures of earthen- ware, representing various kinds of vessels. were in prominent places. The tl mr was in excellent condition for dancing. being cove ered with canvas duck. loaned by the K. & l RR. Mutual Aid ssociation. As u.-tn ..`..l....l.t ll- 'I`L-..._- L`I...-.. AL- WIIOLEALI All) RITA". PRODUCE coumssnou DEAlE_l_!._h at IJ..-.I....-.a-.._l....lVI---- $l__.uL_ I "THE 0mEETL0Ws' BALL _ Une or me moav. suoceunui Hula new in `i the city in many years, occurred |ut__ even- ing in the city hall. The ball-mom was beautifully decorated, but the attraction there was one hundrei of Kingston's moat umiuble maidens dressed in costume the most chm ming. But While expatiating upon the appearance of the ladioe, the young men nmst.not I.-forgotten. Thev were of course all good looking. and attired `Jecomingly. i l`|m dm hratinun were mm-e nxnnmiivennd rr occunnso usf NIGHT AND was A GREAT succsss. lmporlhl l"o K |.\'<:.~`1`os, Fen. 1-l,-(To the Editor) : It is to be hoped that all who desire to ' tin- llerucaml the subject of Imperial federation in its present stage, `will attend the meeting to be heldwxhis evening at 8 o'clock in the city hall. - It. in nntml that the meetimr is to be ad- l 1 he In cm-anon: of Ihellnll Wore Simply Suprb-l)nncln[m\Yu Hugell In_|oyed wllquuty Wu: lnrkotlly I'reu~nt--Tho Ihldfoown Worthy of Cunxrutulutlon. One of tho_ most. successful lull: held in AI... l\:`Il 3'-. -nu-uu'n-..-m nnnnuvn-mi Inst nuvnn, I IONTIIAI. ._.__. 8'I`00K,ARI l'l'!, LIVERPOOL 00`l"I'0l ILIKIT. l.____._. In-L n. CONIME RCIAL MATTERS. Dlbrvirla IIIDI Iva! M--0 Ln: Fob. N. 1` outs! ; Alnwlon IMO Wombat Prolohllluu. 6, via |U 'l`J. |, 10. llc And l2c per lb; geese, fowla, 50 to 75 per pair. to, l.`. each ; AIL. 1.. .n.. ......|.. ...,..\| Inn 1.. In. city nau. It is stated that the meeting is to [be dressed by Mr. G. R. Parkin. of New Bruns- wick, and his name in a guarantee for all that in fair and geueruuE'Ti` "tTi``t.reatI1ieiit of subject handled by him. Nu lnnrv true renresuntmivc of lhe risiu-_' . their Voices and-ask from the government In: State: Very. Plnlnly Why Il.'Wua Ite- poaaled laud What '3: Mia In-null. `I horeiIfIor-.Tl|`o Unlnn of the Colonies and Great. BI-Iualn-onr Mr. Parkln To-Nlgln. , v ` .\\ l)lNllAM: Feb. l3.-(To the Editor): In uonnec ion with the above cuuul ucheme $20,000 has bgon granted by the dominion govalnnmrni. The elector: of Addington wish to know from Mr. Bell what has be` come of the money, and, if appropriated. whnre ? As the people of this section have been neglected in the distribution ofnll pulr lic grants. it is reasonable and just thawlhey ahould, as ratepayers and electors. nine than considgmtinn In which they deem them-i selves really env.it.led.--Annmn-u.\' F.1._Igc__- T4 H1, ~ MITTERS TO THE Enmm. .W. M'CRANEY SPEAK-S ABOUT THE . SCOTT ACT_!N HALTON. A llrlot Conversation. 3 1,, _,_2, R. Cam: H.uuu.~'. wan than one. The men who favour it nut." can the ` reply, "on aloud with n Illrplnl hem. (and he pointed to the bush), but tho men who hvoor oonnoroiol union on than who wantru surplus hero. (And he touched his pocket). Thu`: how this city undo." M.\"rm<. Acknowledgment 0! mm. The India of the orphun` hlno tofull acknowledge the following gifts: II Du . uh : In. Von Stnubonzie. tug of np_Fleu ; Mn. Morgan Sbnw, two nose 3 Ilr. oyo. barrel 0! 5 lot : R. W. Shanon. books for children : tun. Mcliolvcy I. Birch. I an but far Inna-I : Mr, I8AIInnAv_ lnnr dnnn K. ucrnul. A service mounorinl obtho Into Mu. C. J. Wu-rick, mother of Mn. Alulntino of thin city. in held In the Mothodilt church at Almonto on Sunday union. The nrviuo wu oonulncud by Rev. Mr. MoCnnn, nuiu~ od by Rev. Mr. Wilson. formerly of thin cit . `Flu barge Goor Clinton ha: been sold by Thomas Run. unlo. to John Humbert and Thoma Folpr. folodo, for 85.5%. The George Clinton wu formerly the schooner Pride of America, wrecked on [Ah Ontario. luuunluo hat -...4.- -..l.....I n.|nnK'O --ul IIIIIIQIUII I STU`. JICRCIVU, C XIV. I {III box for pcpori ; Mr. Hallow , {our donn fol! but for born ; the Touplnn, n unity ol och : Mr. .- apples : sun. Crothon. barrel of brain biscuit: ; Mr. Baden, quantity of apples. FTIIII OI AIIUTK bought Inc It! Amcriouind. IOIIIIG W X KIIO OIIO. Mayor Thompnon nyn than after a car- oory glance over the petition. taking for the reduction oi tho number of licences, he can strike of two hundred nnmu of young men under eighteen. of women when hnnbnndn are livin . and non voters. Now run good: arriving daily. All the new shade: in Nile. in. not-gran. nnvberry, mshognny, . &c. \\e are duo.-rminod not to our any over from thin uuon. and have mu od than at price: the will tbcmnolnl: Inspection invited. R. Ma-Flu]. u now. It is declared by many tint the popula- tion of Kinguion at the present time in N.- Otl). II. in aid that Itudontl nor buttery- men woro not included ill the census taken by the anchor, And an enquiry this In; found to be the cue. ` lI_....-'l`I. . _ _ _ . _ _ . ...- AI.-A -ls-.. - ...... IIIII WIII ID R. McFsul. I ---..l._ - nun. To day the creditors of J. M. Hogdaon, cheenomnker. Suubury, held I meeting and decided to wind up the ante. The ro- peny will be sold st auction or by ten: or. Alrendy two of the cheese fucloriu have |..... ...m IIlIU- Wo am making more expenaive prepsrn tiom than ever for I large home furnish- ing undo this sprung und in order to make room will sell carpets, oil cloth: and lace curtninl at Ivocping reductions. R. Mc- l"aul'|. T- J-.. AL- .._4):s-__ -3 I ll `I.....I-.._ ll lIl'lUl Iauivvtiutlwuo "An you lnhvour of in rial (odors- tior?" said one clthon to not or. ",1 nm not." In the reply. "Who Are lbdld ldvoahl in the city ?" wuthu shod. u'l`t... -ngn -`un In-our it -nnQ " nnnll IIIQ curenuy II been sold. It 2- .I....l ' ITUC DING! null l ru(IL`I5 lwylnr HIIIZIIIUIIU. Delightful prngumune At the: 0 iv: Brunch miuion entertainment next Monday night. E cit hull. Scenes in the Nurth~\\'eu, China, an India portrayed. Re reaoutationo of other had: 1130. Rev. J. . ackie will pre- tide. ll`- -_. _.-I.:_.. ..-_. __..-_-:..- _......._- OEUIC I. IUO rrlncma UITCUII` l\IIIx'IU|l. Al. the public meeting held in the Sum- tinn army barracks on Monday evening Commissioner Coombs gene In interesting nccount of the pro rest: of the Salvatiun army since its ustnblialnncut in Canada. 1`hn hlnnrnl nf [ha Inn: -ll-nhihnl Kin Irluy IIIICC I18 l33[IUIIllHM.'l|( I K IIIIIII. The funeral of the late Archibald Me Conaghy occurred to day from hildaughtefs residence, Princess stn-ct. Represenutivea lore resent from the local Uunge lodges, True ues and'l rentice Boysor nuizsliuua. ll-Iiohrfnl nrmnummn at Hm 0 ins Hrnnvh lvlllll Iullll UI III. ,BIl'. Mr. Davies. u., ofthe firm of Dnvieo st Sous, coutrlctorl, at pneseut at work on the Tay and Cornwall cumds, any: the Riduu ` cnunl cnu be deepened and improved to a dart]: of eight feet for 8,000 000. nulinn` Ilnl` Irhnln nnnl nu-rfnr uvhvu U3 ll] 01 Ull NICK [UT fI,\.l}U IIVU. tmlies` hulf, whole and quarter wigs. lungs, switchea, hair chniuu. rmgs, mud: to nrder. Dress und mnntlelmtliin . (`uunif corset. bent ever made, over i{\'slah it Stacy's. 105 Princess street. Kingulon. Al than nnhlir mmelilnv Iwhl in than .\`A|\`a. \ III pnul. Ill IIIOKIICT Wly. A missionary meeting. held in All Saintxf church last eveuingnvua well attended. Ad~ dresses were delivered by Rev. Mr. Bogart, of lie.-lleville, and others. Collection larger lhnu that of Int year. Mr, "Avian, nr , nflhn rm nf nus. A LAIHIDQIT C \` Illa. Yesurdny we wrote that President Gil- dernlueve, of the Kiugnon and Pembroke ` rnilvuy company, intimated that the year's work was most satisfactory. In came out in print in another way. A lninninnxrv Innalinu lllllnl in A" Nahum` lgillll llll. Our lifelong business experience And practical knowledge enable us to give the best value posaibla `for money in tniloring. We solicit 5 share of public pntronage. Lambert & Walsh. \'..-o_..A-.. _- ..._..- oL-A l.I.....:.l..... l`:I UPC Elle KIIBCIIHHIUII WIN 3 HKIFIIIIS P . Sue-cl Wheat Butler, of Sterling, who haul some recent experieui-ea neur Heufrew, was once in the grocery lrusineas, and H. at W. J. Crothers, of this city. have an unpaid bill Against him. `)II" hnnnnn I'lIIIIiDIIA`Q LII!` :;oveu, pmnnmy unpu-umon nu ma muory any county under ileum. That are my observation: sud conviction. and you can an thn as you think judicious.--\'oun lnithlully. Wu. Mucus. I7`. In A`l. TEIIWIUI IIICUUCII IJIU WUIIIIU. l`o morruw night. Queen`: university coun- cil will meet to consider the suhj.-ct of uni varsity nmtriculatiuu. Priucipgl Grant will open the discussion with a startling paper. H.-ml \\'Imnr Hntlor nf Sn-.r|in.v whn haul 0] dry IIKU T3011. The carnival on the Big Roynl Rink to- morrow night will be I grand utfnir. _'l`he rink will be handsomely decorated with lla and colored lights. fsia soil! that A meeting will be held here to protest against the dominion |m\'ern- merit`: action in allowing the Jesuits estate act to become law in Quebec The uest British Columhin salmon. l3u. can; pigs feet. l01..; rolls bacon, llc.; cook ing Apples. `.. 0c. peck ; gallon can plums. 40 Jnmea ('rawford. Urea; factory sale still going on at R. .\lcl"uul'a. We sell a grey cotton worth Tc. for 5c., and other makes in proporlion. ('mm- and see it. R. McFnul. AL. ll... 1... 1..--.. l\..l.... .... .......l........ I\` \ OWN.` Illlll SOC IL IV. LVICFIUI. u Mouduy Jerry Dolan. an employrc of Hm .\I. '1'. company. had his hem! cut acci- uleutadly. A large iron 9 ike fell on him. Dr. T. M. Feuwick dresaex the wound. I`- .............. ..2..|.p I\........`.. ... ..._.-..;o.. ........ dlllf LFIWKOIWI. There has just arrived at J. Campbell`: wood ynrd, Uutarin treat. the heat. um-k of named or unsaved maple, also the best of dry slab wood. The 4-nrnivnl nn the Rim: Runs] Rink punt. _ Our tluur-our lnrclll Hour at $`.. .7() |s very ne. Rulla of bacon, |lc.; pigs` feet. Wt: British Columbin neat salmon, live. cam. James Crawford. 'I`|.-.... I... n... ......:.--.l ..| ` l`nn\-.|m\'- when you mm: In me me: une at ulelr _varu. The receipts of the Kin vstou and Penn broke railway company In war were over ` $`.!. U,UUO. The net. prulit w hum. $`. .5.000. (iirla have been pin) iug tricks on the member of the fire department. They have received some of the ugliest. \'ul-ntinca in print. ' Hnr Hnnr-nnr lnrmul our I! 32.70 is \'cr\` applied to tur XllL`(\!'p)rt\ll0ll. . For` dry oak and soft umple, soft wooal Mid hard wood at lowest `prices, go. to Grnwfonli. foot of Queen street. Spa-ciul line of striped lwccula for trousers. Lovely goods and cheap as snow. only $23, an Lambert & Walsh's. I10 Princess street. i u.....L. 1`......l.u ...o...\.......-. ...m rnfn Mnrnh : L0 Lulf RHWKIUH HUN Dlllllll 3 I'll"! llIlVV'l_)'. Breck & Booth ,hu\'e the best slulos, hard wood and dry blocks. You cam get just what want in the fuel line at their yard. 'l`hn rnnninfl nf tho: Kinuatnn um] PEI)! mom! pin and 3101'. A board of trade will be established in ~Brockville. The so-(`reNu'y of state has [read "" applied to fur incnx-pornuinn. Fuf nlrv oak umhlc. M Lalnberl a H man 3, no rrlucuu uuun. ; South Crosby nu-payers win vote Marci: 2nd on a bylaw granting a bonus of 8ll'),(F()U to .Llu.- Kimgston and Smith`: Falls railway. I-lnmlz h Knuth Inn-u Hun lmaf. nlnhs. hakrll lY' 10!. m Inc Illllll TIIIO mu me sxnlinf oi liquor bu increased. 7. " `u there on much crime in your Io- cnlity during the period under the Soon not on in I correeponding period under the Crook: act 2'` No, not nearly so much: merely a Oithe oi the crime under the Crooh act. I: call-.. ALI QL- Qnnol -at -`..m L-p,n-nun 300 IIUW. The worlvof clearing a Fi.11..nd Central in: nished. ' nished. ` The collectors sulicitinz subscription: 91` the coming horse rams are meeting with great. success. whil. at um mrnival in Montreal Mr. CIIIICU 13"`. - . For genuine Scrnntou 4 cos] yo to thy Uu Wnrh yud. ` Romegnbor the cdico fair, Friduy.nfter- goon, at Hard '3. ' The en: freight rm": cgpe Vincent r95_c!I- great While at the cunival Macaulay, of Pictou, was robbed of a lia- mond pin and $1039. A hmml of Newly Pnrngrnplu I Ickod'Up by Our Ito- 'purIn`|n Their Itamblou. Cullico Ynir Fri'd$y afternoon. Rad Hnrdy | '|;l\'1t.. for gxpluntion of` calico fair. I:`.... ........:.-.- Q..-..n.u. Na 4 ran] ho to I. DO IITII Iremnc lrulll I ed the` city yesterday. good now. ` \ The worluof clenrinn I 50011, Hard '3. ' ~ lrlt from Ca roach- sd than nitv vantm-rIa\'. `he ioe il` fairly ' mcuoams OF THE BA)? FICIQU OI IAIO UIII tII'l0. rolouod, inbuilt nndl ; A nee tuck at the * grounds in nearly uucer Scott net. 5. "Han drunkenness nncrouod In your town ind county ninoe the repeal 2" Yea, ilnmouurnbly. Some former nntin my ten times, And Another former nnti mu honrd to any n for dsyu Ago that there was forts` nine times an much ulrunkenuul now an undor the Scott net. It in Mid that two hotel: in this `town not long mince got in fty-five bnrmln of beer in one dny, in this. one of the moat quiet. law abiding town: in Uuuadmwhilo under Scott wt. 6. Ha rowdyhm incroued since the re- gal 3" You. in the name rntio that the _-._I_:.. _ -5 I:......- I.-- :-....--...I TH BRITISHT `Wain; THURSDAY. FEB. 14; 7' IDCOIIE l'0ICI`l- 1 fairly \\ elllfll MGIIIOGDI cnurull. IIII noun - Rana, qygglggg on the cotnmnn dboonl-an lg.-o been Ihlonod to with much uunvion. LIA Sunday 0 III dealt with the fourth. "kmlllbl I0 - good. As yet than him boon no PIP" ""03 in connection with ilegvo Puils 0' N0"?! Frodorichburg. I`. in thought that nothing more will be done in the mutter. A luv 90" between (ha political in in suppo- od to have taken plsce. 'u than a nut Mr. Purkl prononl it is altogether ikoly that than M}. Lnpum. N0" of Nuptnoo. would ulhod for In it was worth, wan.` to dbqusl cntion. . nun umn.n.... Hr. June: H. (lnllnlher. to mnquulncntlon. Our towumnn, Hr. Jams: 11. Gnllngher, hu ntnrnod {rout lliq trip to the old oounuy loon` you the worn for: ton II on the big pond. Jim wu `not able to I the lnlornoy none 0! Auld lrltlldn" ' good I) . bu:':.l.-`nI..un0.n:lI....'..ng.|= II, mar. M the but and mud in (non For noun ti:on `V. E. N-.n:3l:or, ol the .`}'.'..`2E'1;`3_`!`:`:`.'!1.'l!'..'.'.' ".:3..'.'..'..J"' ....""..' l'0lll' oorrupondenl IIIIAXU I IIIIIIIIU Ill h '1' sh th N.PiIlo.moI. I(:.wu nt;nn:ol {Inland gt SMIIIIOI, who In curied olf. Th. inn harm-`:0 ha] hll hf. `I DO` Snmuol, who cunoo on. The ice hnrvut has boann here. It in not nurly on thick as other you-0, but fully_u nnntl um-ougnout With new lurllullre. rumor Hogtn Inn taken hold of the work hen with u dourlniution to push it. and in winning Brain way nicnly in the ulfoctiou ofiho pco~ through lilo. " . The congregation of St. l'ntrick'n (R. (.`.) church hove mode homo comforuble for the new putor b furnishinf the Presbytery throughout nth urnituro. Fothor ` Hm... I... us... hold of me work here UIO IIUTAC P0 IIIIIUDII "III `VIII IIIILIBI uuruar. I. "How id it atfect the rue of expendi- ture for the relief of the r in your coun- ty Y" I have unwerod t in in your ucoud question, but l would any we hsd very few poor in Hnlton the lat three or four years of the Scott act, but will have plenty of poor before npng now under license, pro bably more than we had the lat four year: under Scott set. all) ._ _:...._|.-.._..- :........-....l I- .-A... lantern cnurcn on bunaly. mm III`. The friend: oi Mia Butler note her mu- riggn to ex Mayor Cornea. All trust that ` the but of happiness may follow the couple In nnnamnnlfnn nf St. Patrick`: (R. (3.) III rl'_UylCTIIIl CIIUITIII Ull nuuuuy IIIM The Qvernl churches in town hmro young people : organizations, who hold regulsr en- toruimuemn. At each I good pro runlne is rendered. And nice sums are Add to the respective treasury pilo." The Pruby- tcrinnn hold their: for thin weak on Mon- d.y ght. ma the Anglican! their: on Tuesday. Tho mnnv friamdn of the R67. y rgmuey. ox Isrockvulo, wul no Ieueu go hear him here |'li. Ho rate no in the Eutorn church Sunduy. ch in. 1113 fr Inna]: nl ll inn null!!!` nnta har III`!- I Iuenaay. The many Iriendl of the Rev. W. H. Emnley. of Brockville, will be leased to hnnr Minn Inn:-A again "A nrnncteu in [HQ UIIUW UH ("C TUOI3. ' A change has taken place in the captaincy of the Salvatiun army here. a lady being once more gin-n charge. Bertha Smith in the captain, who has for her assistant Lieut. .\lcl7lennegiin. The exodus from this Icction to the west gives promise of being greamr this apring than for some time. Last week Messrs. John Clill. L. Saul, Alf. Remlell and W. Bell left for British Columbia. Thin week Mean. J. (ileasou. A. Thompaon and E. .\lainoa leave for Manitoba. A number of olher`expecl to leave can the rat colonial uvuron on the 26th, and others later on. Rnvl U` \`i"nr mu-uniaui tlua nulnit nf Ol\`l.ll"0l] on me zum, um olueru later on. Rev` W. Miller occupied the pulpit of the P byteriun church on Sunday lut. Thu -wan! nhnmhm in lawn hum vouna [II ll(' IIIIL. It's an ill wiual that blr-Ira uuimdy good" hu bu-u puovun in the falling in of the opera house rm-f on Friday. since many per son: lure fnuml employment shovelliuv snow M1 the roofs. I _I..__,_,.L _g,l.-_ _I-..-:.A AL. ..-..5...:._ .... IIIUIIICH ll-NI Jlr. IITISCVY IIIICHHS TUUUIIIIIIIK. Uur ohliging deputy sheriff. Mr. '1`. D. l'rn,n, has been mum-d an returuimz ot-.-er in the \'`un nut uppcal contest for this cuunl_\'. The selecuuu gives genelal satin function. as Mr. l`ru_vn nukes a xery etiicieul oiu-r. A\|_:.l An` _.,I:__ \II.._ I.-. |,.__ .,_.;..__J .- UIHLPT. (`hief of police Allen has been confined to his house fur solnc time through illness. He in, we uudelamud. on the mum] and alnle 5,. I . ..... Ill IHIIICTQ uuetung IIUOI . Many ex-prc-shun of thuakfulneu have been given rho lull week that the roof of the operalwuse lul um full in while the theatrical troupe were guviug their perfor- mance. Haul it so happened to day Npa- nee woul-l have been in deep mourning, as there were repreulxtnin-s of an very lurge number uf familiar in anemlnnce. It in ru-. muureul [Lat .\lr. Brisco iulemls ro.-building. n... ..|.n..;.... .1..............m` u. `r n Inc) UPC!) rUCQ'l\'Cl|. 3. Dial the Scott act injure business in your town or thxoughout. the county." No, but. it improved all other businesses. It was easier to coliect debt; from those who were in the hebil. of drinking nhilr under license. Now. of the money thn. should go to pay legitimnte debts, considerable u! it is spent for ltquor. It in aid there were fewer ueignmenle in llnlton while under the`. Scott act than in any county of Ontario of the same po ulntion that we: under liw-nee. 1 "Flow id it affect than mm nf arm-.ndi. geuenu cnauc-oer. Uur former Loummam. r. R. R. Elliott, now of the Uxbrialge Tirmv, is one of the `leading lights of the knights of lnbor in the went. Luv. week he was as member of I de- legutiou that wuiled upon Sir John reg|rd- in` matters utfeuting labor. Innv ox-nn'us\mn nf thnnlxfulm-nu hnvn IIIO ('&3C- In addition to zinc clothing a quantity of liquor was found on the premises. The h-ruse has burns :1 none too rcspecmhlc name for EOIIIQ: timr. and it is hoped the ar reels may have a wholesome ell}-ct upon its general clmrac-Der. Hnr fnrmnr Inn l-lI|:|I'I, Mr R R, Hllintt. LIVEI" .'J WQTQ3 rl lill[l,`1I. For some time ditlert-nt residents of the town hue missed uriiclcsfruui vheir clothes` lines. _How and by Whom caused serious Lhoughc. \\`it'_.iu the past few days suspi- cion l 68Iul upon Mrs. D. Vandy, who has her residence in me western part uf the town. .\louuhi_\- ll w.u-rant. was issued and a number of urti. lea found on her promises. ln ull seven pc.-rsuun lune identified one and another plan. -i hm.-u as bcluugiug to them. The show uuumu. and A young girl hy the name of Kelly, uerc placed under arrest. and in this aft:-ru-you appeared before the police magiatrntc, who remanded them to guol until the crown was ready logo on with the vase. l.. .1): .. _...:s.. A! us. Your correspondent made I minute in hmniclinn than dual]: of MI`. PIHIQV. KNIQI`. `iA'PnI'nonnuo npem-cl \I'lth tin I-luuoynhlo |l.'ntoruuum.m--Bun ulug Dnwn ii Tlilol -'l`I|o Drlwlng Park Au.-mclutlnn (`matting lute Sluun-.-\ [Midget `Hint Wlll be Read. N.\l`A.\ l:li. Ftb. l3.-It msy not be gene- rally known to your readers that the West- era Methudiuts. of this-place. the past nea- mn erected a lmrsunage on the lot imme- diately west of the church. Such is the case, and I most comfortable, convenient md commodioua home it in. It is built of red brick. and tasty in design. Not only have the people erected this splendid edice. but they have furnished it throughout in an elegant mnum-r, . the uhrile at ` (cost not exceediiug $3.t.`00. it is at marvel of cheap- urns," uul rellects great credit upon the building c0tumittm\, who. led bv their incli- latigmnlu peutuu_ l`.r\'. l`i. N. liilirr. carried the umlertnltiug through. The heartiueaa with which the cc ngregattirsn responded to the cnll fur ill-l in the erection of the editice. umkiug uee.h-d repairs to the church build ing, and wiping um $l,()0(l of the lll\l8l)lL`:l` lll,'B.`l. lmaln-x-r-. Ill&.lU..`1l. It shows that the people are alive In the interests of their cause and rell? 2. nail"?! the pastor in every guml wurk. Thr pusounge was opened to the public on l'rriu_\' night last when `the Y`.P..-\'u. lreld ll mvvlttl. The house was in apected from thu upper ro<|nns to the cellar by nearly every rue. all expresaingdeli vht An excellent lrlngjdllllllt nf vocnl and in ` strlunemul rmuir .13 prcsentedand well rvu tiered. Mr. A. l. Mnrden. (,`.U.A.t who has very nccvp'ul1y tilled the position of re- curdiug ltcwnrll tur some time, acted as cluirnmn. Alter an opening liyunn_,Vin which all rcsentjuim--l, tin: ltuv. A B. Chambers, of t to liastern .\luthodi:al. church, offered the detlicatury pmyt-r. Rm . H. N. linker gave an addreaa of \\'t'lt'll|llt.'.&ll(l later Mr. Cham- in-is mmle some wry appropriate remarks. (Tunaidering the Luge number present. till- ing Almost every mum in the house, the at- teutiou was good. -The addresses were ex- cellent. A luyul strain to the cause of (Sod running all through There was no admin aion fee, but a "willing oll'er-ing" made by thuse preawnt. the gift uf eucli lacing placed on It plate sittin,_,; inside the front door. Over 825 were realizetl. llol'...-on: .-....:.l....o- ..6` Illn In`... nnlnn INTERESTING ACCOUNTS OF RE- j CENT EV;NTS IN NAPANEE. OUR v5F12`1`+:RN SUBURB. an lllcllllt Ill |,!uV In In! year. IIIU UCTI contribution amounted to 8129.446 ; $3.204 wan paid to tick members, and $3.42] in ahrgoona` faea. There in a handaomo sum of Q1323 in tho bank. and83,974 in the hands of tho treasurer. Tha amount paid in lunaral banalira last year was 83,254. The o`ioarI-aloctaro: Grand reaidont, J. W. Kcmpllng, Barrie ;gran vice-pruidont. Ald. W. R. Stroud, Ottawa ; grand accre- tary. John W. Carter. Toronto : grand trea- anrar, B. Henchclia, Toronto. `\\ '1`. emu--' loo Illuk. Carnival (for clnildnl only) on Friday evening. tab. will. und pruonnllon of then for the lat oamivul. "A" battory L-d prooent. Adnlnlon, children 100.; parents admitted Inn. . 5IrfCIIl`|I III KHZ. IIG; FRI III. l0c. gbologu. l0o.: canned ulmon. l5c.; rupborry jun, ljc. June: Crawford. I` "IS `VOTED among FIQIU IITIIIUTI. [0] ll) persistent and determined etforts of the liquor party in end out of Halton, who need every mgeuuu md Jrgmnent thnt the in- genuity uf man or the evil one could invent to destroy the act, knowing that Hillll was the chief keystone of the situation. (7) The uunstant ning Ind imprisonment of the law-lure-ekern and violators uf the act nppenrml to have begotten a false sympathy for the violators of the not on the plea of pt-r.~vmiIi-n and loss of trade. 2. lliul the Scott net im-rease the rain of taxation in your town or thmughont the country T" .\'n. it li:| not increase the tann- Iinn, but it did decrease the poor rate: largely. The falling otfof the poor rates In-gely compensated for the licences had they been race-n'eti. Q IILI Ihn _\`:-Inf uni inin-a Ln-inuun in The (Inn! Lodgo loan at 0ttuu-A Buo- oouhl You In ltopol-cod. The lonrtoonth nnnuu meetiu of the ad lodge of the Son: of Englnn benevo- ont tools in in oeuinn in Ottawa with about one nndrod dologstu in attendance. From the nnnunl upon it is burned that the soul mounhonhi on Feb. I was 6.300. an incnue o! 1.070 tho year. The `our : Annoy-lI\nh'nn nmnnntnd In IIQQCIH 2 ,gM Ald. W. RobInIon'l Motlon Wan Voted out by an Amendment to It. It ha: been held bv some that the reno- lution of Alderman William Robinson, preeented at the lat meeting of the city council, petitioning parliament to prohibit the manufacture. importation and aale of liquor. wan not voted out, even though the motion wan, by a vote of I4 to 5, decided to be reconeidered. Mayor Thompeon, ueetioned on the subject. said that when e nconoideration wan decided upon, the motion of Aid. W. Robinson`: came before the council aa a aiuiirle resolution again and that the paange the amendment of Aid. Muckleeton, that the petition be not ,.eInt to`the lioenae committee. but he voted on at once, Iipel out the motion of Aid. \\'. Robiaeon as well an all other amendments before the council. \ un-u us \-s-I-qua. The cancer on Tuesday evening by the \\'.C. '1'. L'.. C requi. to raise funds for the Scott not cause was very successful. Dr. Anglin presided, The Ulit'3SI orchestra banal, ecuompegieul by Miss ("nuke on the organ. and Master Willie .\l-Kim on the piano, furnished the instrumenul music: Miss (ireenwood..\liss Urser. the vocal part, an-rumpenied by Mr. Mdiill. Speeches en-l readings were given by the chairmen, Rev. J. Simpson, and Mr. Mecgillivrev. The lest luuned made is stirring speech in which he sold that the Appointment. by the govern- ment of so many persons to till positions in connection with Soon net. work, such es license commissioners, inspectors. etc.. who would rather hinder then further the ceuse was throwing cohl weter on the cause of temperenoe end prohibition. The performer: were enteruined by the otcere L0 colfee end cake before leaving for their homes. An I-Injoynhlo Event with lho W. C. T. l nhm In Canarlqnl. 'I'`L_......___; __ I`,.,_].._ ____,f,__ I_, AL, IJUIIVCIIICIICCU` IIICIIIUIUS an CICEKIIIIIV. pHU|l0- graph in gold, silver and steel, and embody- ing a new automrtic arrangement that Mr. Edison himself completed only on Friday last. Ila`. Rolls or list! loll: Ihoon. 11%. 8 -onrod roll heal. llc.; pip` loot. mo - hnInanA, Inns nnnnul nglmnn. I534 All IICTIIU hurry, lrlcton. '1 homu A. Edison`: forty-second birthday was celebrated on Monday by the presenta- tion from his employees oi A two thousand dollnr outt of laboratory furniture and conveniences, including an elegant phono- nranh in gold. silver nml noel, mu! amlunlv. 0| BCVCH IQCI LIII. Rev. John Learnyd, of Bridge street Me- thodis! church, Belleville, hus been invited tn Windsor. Rev. J. M. Hudson, B. 1).. Windsor, has accepted the call to the Bridge street church. He is A son in law of Police Magistrate Curry. Picton. Ihomna fortv-second birthdav .uenuuurne ummuun. Mnyor Dan l)erb_ys.hiro, of Brock villa, Wu man to dny passing the second stnry ut the British Amuricau hotel, Though a genial fellow he carries his head higher than an}- bmiy we know of. He is within five inches of seven feet tnll. D... 1.1.. I ..... ..l -: l)_'l , _ . _ . _ A ,- ll- `F. Cownn, the well known Loud-m conductor. has rum-ived $5,000 for half A 5'-"'9 Bervim as nuusiuasl conductor of tho \I..n......-... .. n.:|.: l(fl)!s I Ull IBK I. What were the chief causes of the repeal of the Scott not in your county `."` I answer. (1) Political complicetions. It has been stated frequently through the press, and has not been denied, thet the McLeod defeat and Henderson election end repeal of the Scott act was tixeul At the seme time. ('2) The voters` lists. It is said there were some 600 electoredisfrenchii-ed by it. mostly young men, n large Inejority of whom it in well known would have gone for the Scott net. (3) Felsehood and misrepresentation In the farnrers And others as to the loss of revenue and cost of enforcement. (4) Ex- travagant expenditure of money for corrupt }\urp\.sn`s to defeat the Act. (5) The barley question wns used by the wirepullers for All It was worth Among the farmers. (6) The nor-niutpnt. and dntarmined ofrnrln nf tlm