Johnjlgndersong 00., HARDY S, NEW BEADED TRIMMINGS, NEW CORD and BRAID TRIMMINGS, New Sateens and Brocades, H EA DQUARTERS SHOE STORE, UA U I I UN- ;'.I ope'} .'i`J`l.`.{2?n3f.'$i5x'.? n".l'l335.23..{?.fn :.`J.'7,`.1'li.i m'.?l232EL`luf&5?.`32 sale closely rt-scmbllg the style of our package. and with names similar in sound. Beware of all preparations styl Nasal Cream, Nasal Balsam. &c. Ask for Nnuu. BALI and see that you gel. it. If you cannot obtain Nnsul Balm from your dealer it will be sent post paid on receipt of price -60 cents and $l-by addressing I-`FLFORD & \;0.. Brockvllle, um. llsend for our pamphlet. "GEMS OF WISDOM." an n nlnm. .. -..m....|.I:.... QAUTION. " ". 9P`I nuuvv Il- Prohnbly not one case in a hun- dred will have them all. but every case will show more or less of the symptoms. The more of them vou have the more so rioua your trou le. nnd the more urgent the necessity for a speedy treatment with NASA}. BALI. and a constant use of II until a complete cure is effected. uulllvllllles wnwry nun eXC('8al V0, sometimes mucous, thick. slick- ing to whatever it louuhes.some- limes bloody and nearly always putrid and od`ensh'c! The above are some of me many symptoms by which Caunrrh may be known. f\__.L, L I_, , . - - DAMAGED BY FIRE, WATER AND SMOKE, Lne accumulations result in cnnghin . hawking and a itlinx, followcdghy nuusen. am often rolnlliung. especially in the morn- "K Are you troubled with a (lischnrge {rum the head into the throat, sonwtimes watury and excoaaive, mucous. thick. OUR. CHEAP SALE 0!` Note Paper lure giveyou 8. cold I Are on annoyed b a constant do- n re to hnwk an apitoutan end- less quantity of phlegm! Is there dull pain in your chest be hind the I-reast-bone. or under your shoulder-blade) Are you ulvmyetired and indie oeed to exertion. whether of bus ecu. work or amusement I Is great effort required to keep your Lhoughts xed upon matters that formerly were easily performed! Do you rise from bed as tlred and weak as 'ou were the ni ht be- fore an feel as thoug you wanted to lie there forever! Do you tlnd the nmznnpt. to dislodge the accumulations RICHMOND. ORR 8?: CO. ucumrly when slooping to pick anything` o the -oor! Does every iulc draught of air nnd every slight change of tempera- ture givcyou you annoyed bv a nnnntnm d.-. It You Are Sulferlng from Any of the Following lsymptomnr Do you experience ringing or buz` zlng noises in your ears I. 13 your hneuthyfrequently oenaive from some unaccountable cause! Have you` A dull. oppressive hcad- V who. generally located over the eyes! - be you have to hawk and cough fre- t quenttlr ln 'the effort to c-leer your trout` . Are you losing your sense of smell imddls o?ur sense of mate becom- ng u Does your nose always feel Ilopped up,forclng win to breathe through your mom Do you feel 1115 thlolilh (yiou mrust suf- ocntew en y n own Are you troubled lth n lme-king cough and geneml debilityl Does your voice hnve n hunky. thick sound and nasal sort of twang! Do `on notice a wheezin or crack- lgng cfunt: in your c eat when reat ng Are you enerally short of breath. and dlf) you breathe with labor and dllculryl ` Do you frequently feel dizzy. pur- ticulnrly when anythingrotl t':,1iem u.'Hinm1sm' int" .' ': u;nI:l and'It'a. mm 0331. Cloth nan-91.3`, 3143. 03:? Na. *. lmil`|.3iId0Bdh'|.0.' ' l'orDryGood|.lilliury uni Houohninhinp, nllut Ihou-ptlouuf . RIOHIOND, ORR & O0. nu cents and Il-Dy addressing I-`I WISDOM." NEW DRESS TRIMMINCS, NEW GIMPS, ) mm the disloc , ('0lnzhim:_ hnwkinn nnll nnmn ONE PRICE STORE, 88 Princess St., Kingston. Reuninlng. These med to sell At 30. You any but your choice for 100 ouch. GREAT CLEARING SALE 14! Princess Stpjgef. : reputnuop achieved by Nun. BALI from its wonderful curative ponies has Induced certain unacrunuloun mu-ties m nlm-.n imiun inn. nu ARI SOLD BY tllu VIII] IITDII | Ill Ialu` IIIIIII LIIU USU U1 BIICII WIIH KLE- pomry relief. followed b` the usual rmploma in I more nvnbed form. he results at sing from the use of . nsal Balm are: sweet breath. stoppage-. of tho dropping Into the throat (consequently ll-at hawking and spitting). clearneas of hearing. and not once SIn(`(`l be an I18 use have I had in in my head. In fact it a my oninion that a care ul and pet- aistent use of lhe HAlm" Kill nffswl .'I run: in tho once since! or us have I had In in use of the Balm" will effect an cure in Lhe worst case of catnrrh. on one u: uu: vv vlluvlu ul m.u:uvo. A. Cardinal. of Mol- ` _ treal. aaya:-Attcr inef- fectually trying man of the so-called remediei fol.`- cannh. I made I me of NA.-IAL BALM. ~whi h nu ma inatantzrelieiand since commencing its use I nily note the benecial changes it is producing after u for applications. It chan es the unpleasant odor of the virus in the throat an the poisonous secretions out which every breath must pass. To any line troubled _i_t_jp a priqelgu medicine. l nnnnn nntrnnn-I-Ir u. rn......... n-_._- n uuuu LL! 1111: "U.I.l|H. unum B p 3 yq 1.; Sudbury 0nt.. says: I many state that I have been affected with cat.-lrrh for seven or clght years. and it was attended by consequent bynmtonts-such an fo brvuth. constant dro ping into the throat. huwki and spitting. partial ertfncss. rlnglng ln the turn an six-kcnimr pains in the head direct] over either eye. I have used powders and douchcs. ut all to no etl't:cL. the only rusu t nrising from the use of such was tcn aggravated aim: the Z"c1m'E IN THE wens? um. B-1'$[ Sudbury 0nL. .-mna: 1 mn\' stale Hm! I hnvn I. nxL'.uu.L uu uuunux II U1IU1.'.I].IL' uu. Adah, H0wlson,ol Brook viiiu. ()nt., says : I had catarrh {ct yous. myhond was stunned u . I could not breathe Lhrough my nostrils. My brcal l was very impure nnd conlimmliy so. Nothinz 1 could get gave me any ro lief until using NASAL BALM. From the very tirut it gxhs me rel1ef.nnd in .1 very short. lime had l`(`l'|l0V ed the nvcuniulnlimis so that I could breu h freak lhmugh the nostrils. Its effect on my breath was truly wonderful. purifying and removing every Y(X')~ Life of the unpleasant odor. which has never rulurn- ex . . RN IAIIII IHIVIIDPC [Of )0 WOITII '1 '50 Lot: of in: 3. an. lino um 'n-'ao ugl IIIIUG: _ no 99011 |hopld_ be tnkgn ous droppings from the head into ll1othro1Hu|vecuau- ed. I breathe easier. sleep better. and altogether feel A new Amrson. I am ulud to ocr my testimony for the bune I of other: nlicted Wllh cmarrh. IIIIYIEIIIIII III! EH1! I nlvv I-unuvvu an new. In - nun un mm,-rs Iulnuleu wnn czunrrn. imam an BREATH wunnmun. *..;;'.;-g Hnwinnn nl nmnk will.` nnn mm. . I 5...! ....n...... uuunxuu nnlunuu uunux UB1 Llllo J, `[1,: Llc. of Mu.-acotah. Kansas. says: I am pleased mp: your.\'Ah`Al. BALM has wonderful! he] ed In `. thou h lhm'c not yet used nnv bottiu. '1 u munch roppings from the head easier. sleet) butler. and Altmrmhur fun] A uuuuu uy unonu nnum. GATARRHAL HEADABH ~'m- "- T~- belie. Mnn.. sn_vsn:-- I Mn dclighmli to be in n. nnaiuon to soy` t.lmL NAn'Al. BALM is helping me wonderfully. nlthonsgh I have been ming it in very short time. It speedi cleared out the hoiul and stopped the disagreeable roppings into lhu throat. For some time I have suffered severe- ly from cntiirrhal headache. Nasal Balm has removed every trace of it. i have every condence in its com- pletely curing me. it is deserving of all you claim for it : A positive cure for (Elmirrh. Easy and pleasant lo use." I hope it will soon be for sale in every town and rillaugo in Manitoba. ' BREATHE EASIER. SLEEP BETTER. Elm Lie. Mll.`!(`0U\h. Knnzum. saws: I run nlnnsiml in nuus I. nu ml UUU-UU. nail. Ont... says f-Yutl' NASAI. BALM has done me more good than all other remedies] ever tried. My case is one of the worst. kind. but BA LM has helped me from the start. It has - stopped my cough and relieved mo of all the unplea- sunt sensations accompanying the disease. I am con mlcnt of n thorough cure. and I know :1 number of others in this section who have nu been cured of mlurrh by NASAL BALM. nlmnnnnnr TIfIlI\llICIIII uv__. u an ,, nu, u uuu U] I sToPPh"'imEnggjggy \'ARAl.Al.\l hnua'4\ SUFFERED SEVERl'}LY`i`;`..3..".'(',`{,'_" ,{,` .f,'I:' rnys:-I have suffered severely from` cam-rrh' am` never got any relief umu I used NASAL BALM. I Iuwor thought [could nd so sure u sure. It is a pit. all ntllicted wim vnturrh do not know of and use! `wonderful medicine. \ lnflnll Irv: nun`-unto u:,,'uu,_n , n , ru grnqcgeps meulcme. _1f15FERnn SEVERELY3} vs-_l hnvn uuwm-mi -urn uuIlull:u, lulu In! D IJIIIU A UOIIUVU A TEN YEAR M8 .`. i.`o. . llln saw: v_\! `All I. Ill! ,\.l nu 11 .1131! Anna unun c1'woodenwarc;McIntoeh'a Milla. an a .~-NA-sALALM.comploLa|y cured me of R mac 0 catarrh1`l'o_Tm-~whieh suffered for ova tomyears. It cahnot be-too hlzhly rocomnn-nded. and should be used b _every no troubled by cmturh. R is one of the won 01-3 of science. ' YUITEYIIIIIIITI lI'\fIlI IR A l'I.....I:_-I -1 It,,, neaue, bDlLl., :1 V0lI., .1120 lot 38. These books are perfectly fresh and clean, but we will sell them at those runes rather than carry the stock during the dull summer months. Come in, look at them, or uh to hnve them sent home on probntion. msnus nnaprxnas-%:;.:.:."*::.-.3"-W; pleased to state that the NASAL BALM has already rellovzd my cmarrh to a vow great extent. I have: not used one bottle. but the nauseous droppings from the head [mo the throat hnvealmoatceasod. I reathe may now. gm. bqtler aleef. and :11 other feel and appreciate; the wondorfu cure of t e BALM. It merits cannm possibly be exaggerated for camrrhnl troublef. and no a cure I believe it to be genuine. I nun Irnln lIlIl_n I. Dunn: ........o....o....... -Mr.` Had'ey Down, Hen- anya:-Yuu- In: Rood vvuvvv u. up now .I.`ll\llllUo -0. L. Potter. mlnufncturel . of woodenware; Mcln tool)`: LM..1:4nnnlaLalv ournd me nf --Mr. ` 'l`h'mn.s Roche. Rochcforl. Ontario. , Union - M nu u-rh {nt- .0. VS il|on'| Tale: of the Borders. 12 voln., 812 for O9. Mncdonnldh, George, Works. 20 vola., 830 for 820. F! in : Works, 7 voln., 8H for 810. C0 lins . Wilkio, 8 voIa., 810 for 88. Rude, Chan, 9 vola., 81125 for 89. Then hank: Am nntfnntlv huh and nlnnn Nnpi.oo'r u Peninsula Wu, 6 vol:., II. KUITII Ellll LUIIII WIIII DXF AHIOTIOID Authors. 4 vola., 85 for 84. Mnoouhyi England, 5 7015;, 83.75 for $2.50 Motley : Dutch Republic, 3 voln., 83.75 for 81 B0lW':l.l'l Life of Johnson, 4 vols. 85 for 83.75. Morris Hslf L'ours with Best American Lnhnra A val- CK bu. IA UIUEIII nllwry 01 (no numlln I voll.. 85 for 83.75. Gibbon`: History of Rome, 6 volI., I 85. KIIUUIIAIHJ I naunya Iuu I UUIIJB, 0 V4 tor 82.50. Knighfs Half Hours with the thou, 4 vo||., $6 for 84. Greanh History of the Enalinh '. In|l,, 5 fnr I3 75 you or un II um nu ma we-do not mutton. no onn uhonld men Advantage of by merchants And othon, who no large quantities of. stationery. Iulununuu 3 Queens 01 nnguma, I V0ll., $4 50 for 83. Hudson`: Shakapeare, 6 vols.. 89 for $6. Mwaulnyi Esuys and Poems, 3 vols.,83.75 I` for I250, Eliot : Novels, 8 volumes, 812 for 86. Dickens. 10 volumes, $15 for $7.50. Thnckernv, 10 volumes, Sl5.00 for $7.50. Scott, 13 volumes. $16.25 for $9.75. Hugo, 7 volume, 89 for 86. Mnrrynt 12 volumes, 815 for 810. Dumu, f4 volumes, $17.50 for 814. Cooper, 16 volumes, $24 for 816. Carlyle : Works. I0 vola., 815 for 89. Hume : England, 6 vo|a., 37.51) for $5. Strickland : Queens of England, 3 voII., S4 50 for 83. nuuuu-nu wv vuvl Jvv ) Bn` Eu for cheap at O1. . I Whit; Envnlannl for M VIILIU Lllllll LU Ullffy lll8lI| 0V8!` E0 IIHOUICF season. Prices of our goods are always marked in plain gures. l`hese specislly reduced prices are marked on I green tug. Each article therefore has two prices there- on--the regular price on a white tag, the reduced price on a green one. You csn tuus easily see the reduction we make. While we thus make special offers in the Fancy Goods we do not want you to forget that our Books are also offered at A very low gure. For instance. what in the matter with The Cottage Library l And A great many other Articles, all of whnch we have marked at a very low gure, pre- {string rather I small propnrtion of their value than to carry them over to another season. Prices nf nnr unndn urn nlwnvl We have duo I nnrplnn nook of Envelopes Smokers Sets, Cigar Holders, Photograph Boxes, Music Holders, Writing Cass,' Mirror Stands Toilet Sets, vGlove Boxes. `Handkerchief Boxes, Dressing Cases, Ladies Companions. Collar Boxes, o Cu Boxes, Whisk Holders, Shaving Sets, WE HAVE LEI-`T OVER FROM OUR * CHRISTMAS TRADE A LARGE smcx OF ' WIIIK BDVOIOW IN DUO WOIHI CI. ow 500 Amber Envelope! for 750 worth 81.25. 600 Lisa Envelopes for 750 worth 81.25. Int: nl Ru-min: In thin lino than -.41.. FANGYGDUAD3 PLUSH GASES, 86 Princess St. _BAJ3GAINs: `We Inn 34 volumes of We have 56 volume: of and Envelopes INCLUDING A--IN- "-zEJ,"J'.scu ... `no the following figures would Indicate. For lutuaoo we oor you I box of um n..a' Il'-..-I...... 0.... FM. ..|.x..L ._ 37.50 for People, 4 Beat Au- .C7.50 for -.--- Rcccntly the qncntlonyu asked: How many school cltlldron arc than ontnldc of school lnncncc sud rcctnlntll And no one could uy exactly. The l0lI00l board depends upon the ancestor for All socuutc OOIIIII, which is fclrly correct. and yet, llh slut of glue wholc population, ncc nbcoluhly `no- cumc. The cculdcntlon o! the fact ro- --.-g. -- v -uvuueu, uvw ouuul IV Il$, Queenelend. South Auetrelle. end about two thonlnnd leIende-ino|uIllIw the Iele of Men. PiI.celrn'e, Tumenln, Serdlnle, Slclly, Nentucket, Long Itlend-ond in Ceeede there le women enrege of some eort end degne. In Onterlo oplnlon on this point eppeen to be the meet edvenoed. end Mrs. Rockwell Mlle ue that the reenlte for wlnloh the W.C.1`. U. he: no unweeryingly laboured ere neer et bend. 'Wlth the extension of the franchise the political nneertelntlee lu- oueee. With the women : vote the brlbere onnnol trie. I It mny be of interest to the advocate: of women : enrege right: to know that in Englend. Scotland end Welee, unleee mar- ried, women vote for all otlioern except mem- ber ol perllement -. In Irelend they vote for poor-low gnordieneg in some uoporte for harbour bonrdl : and in Bolton for All munici- pal oieere. In Sweden woman enrege in enbeuntiully the some on in England. In Auurln-Hungary, in Italy. in Finlend, in British Burmnh, in the Medru end Bombey preeidenoee. in Rneeien Aein, in New Zea- lnnd. in ` Victoria, Nev South Welee, n.......|....a 0-... A...L...Il- __.n _L-._. When it was suggested some time ago thet the Kingston street rnilwsy might be mede successful if operated by electricity. I cheeper Agency then hone power. the idea we: pooh-poohed. It was so Absurd I The experience of some forty railways on the continent does not say so. Most of them are under five miles in length, end the elec- tric eppllenoee work without the effects im- puted to their uee on such short lines. The Kingston compenv had better, on starting out on e new basin. see what can be done with new meterinls. Remove the horses and give the people A chance to ride About the city without the feeling thet they are guilty of cruelty to enlmels. A lively debate in expected to-dey, in the leginlnture, when the motion of Mr. Awrey. for the abolition of the provincial fair, on the ground that in ueefulneu in gone. will come up. The London people are All anxiety in regard to the result. If the provincial show stands by the vote of the house the Western fair euocietion will be disappoint- ed. The Londonera ere wedded to their own fair and feel annoyed that any brenli-- and especially one forced through the intru- sion of en alleged alien inatitution-ehould occur in the successes which their exhibi- tione have been for several years. The supporters or the present order of things in so far as the combines are concern- ed, must feel that their action: belie their wordn. They say that parliament cannot do anything. that the combine: are not an outgrowth of the protective system. and yet they are frantically reaiating the agitation in favour of Mr. Wallace : bill. ill the com- binol cannot be attacked and abolinhod by legialation why should the monopolist: be ocking to Ottawa and lobbying against the bill? .[`hat`a the question which none can ("lip II `I. I0. 500 White Envelope: for 600 north OI. MI ) Amhnr Envnlonnl for 751: north II And made stranger yet. by this new com- plicniou. r.._, ...,... ..... V... bur-u-uuuu, am`, There must be some mistakesomewhere, uthe writer was employed by this very name said Le Caron, and always was given to understand that he (Le Caron) was acting for the Canadian government. Strange, is it not?" IUI IJIC L it not?" A correspondent of the Montreal llcra/41, noting the denial of Sir John Macdnnald that Le Caron wna ever in the employ of the Cumdiun government. or ever received pay from the said government, says : lI'I`l....._ .......p L- .......... .....!-A_LA-_...--L ---- And now we learn that the shotgun is to be employed in keeping the neqroes of North Carolina, who are dissatised, from emigrat`\ ing. And we learn another thing-thut it in the Southern people that our conservative lrienda have imitated. Hence the intimation that he who dards to speak of governmental niisnmnngenwnt, to insinuate that this is suggestive of rebellion, ought to be "shot down in hi: tracks." The Brockville Times is in error in ssying that it was the grits that at first an- nounced thst a revision of the voters lists would not occur until 1889, and then discov- ered that the revision would occur this year. The contradiction of ` statements is the work of the tor_v party, and this is charac- teristic of the contusion that prevails in con- servative circles. The Peterboro Iferiew has taken ho asking` Mr. Mowat political conundruma. What has become of Carnegie the aforetime chea- nut cracker for the I1 erieu- I Has he, too, folded his tent and silently stolen away ? ,-'1`H1-_.`._Aj_JAI{.`_Y YV_I_-IIG. wurl ; maul. unprovuu pruuung pl All chargaa for advertt.nl0..embec1-iptton ad obpv-uui us ad .-um 3. bedisti J'C5.5 3r7:od. mm The WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG. 8 pages 50 oolumne. In published every Thursday morning at 1 siren-. itively in advance. otherwise 01 w 1 be c . 1 ed. EDW.T B. PENSE. Pronriebor. Ru boon I gre-st Iucceu. We have dispos- ed of 3 large uantity of each. However. our stock ll 0 I too large and our origintl nhn as follow: still hold nnnd, vi: - An DVEKTIBEM I-INTS. For four lines. one or mo. lnaerlionl._. ....O0 50 For four lines. each subsequent insertion.-. 26 ~ Over four lines, that insertion. .. Each subsequent consecutive Ins Onces week subsequent ins Twioes wee . subsequent ins. Three s week. subsequent ins. . Tweivsiines io,_the inch.` . Notion of Births`, Mnrrlspa and Deaths 500. esch.unleu when ` booked. when 81 isohm-god. Speoisl notices in feeding columns sre cheru- ed at twenty oents per line for each insertien. _ Oilloers of, unincorporeted__ Auociatigns _or ' ed line to! each Insertion. Oloers oi unincorporated Associations or Societies will be held personally responsible for nll orders they give. Attaohen to the paper is one of we best Job `oloes in Canada: rapid. stylish and cheap work : elcht improved printing presses. advertising, `subscription and fob m-mum are nauable in advance: this ran`-`:-vu-...-.- .- Tn: Bmnsu, wmu in ubll sod` nvefy ev6n- lnz.At.338 King stroe Kin ton. Ontario. M._ SXXBOLLABI r|:n~nun. l _. Whig : nnaphono. Nu'mbor 220. _ - ANNOUNCEMENT. "K " Opp`/`er per D-ic-;r." lbo cha ed. EDW. . Proprietor. THEBRH ICIIIWIIF LIIIVCIIIQ II IOIIIIWIIII Inll- r pond. H0 in Maa {mm non I proa- Indon, oannod by mrirorh on Bouevmo nouplm ............ I4 Bramford. Stratford ho':Yltnl.. Mnttuu gov-onl houpl . . . . .. Pembroke [aural hospital .. Guelph GI. Jane h`: houpltsI.. Kingston Hotel on has (AL. Ottawa Roman Cuholh ouzlt 0|ll' IWOI II IIIII KI) IITRU IINI DUI Ofwnl olfon as follows Itill hold good, vi: : We will nln you I rum ol pood quality of Ruled Note Pnper, White. for 00. worth Cl. and 5 run of nt-clan Cram Colored Note for 81 worth 01.50. rm... In nnthlnn manna mph}. 01.4.. ncuuln Toronto (anon) honpltal ....... .\ Eamon any h ml. llovillo howl uuu . . . . . . . . . . . . . u - - u u . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DIV The increase: no duo in higher prioo of table nocuuriu. internal repairs And in- -provomonb, sad to tho lncnnod service 3 which greater oioio but been obtain The cost per dsy in ct. or hoaplhln In : The ft;|-I-:wrI:g' but been the (:l|lIy can t r dent in she Klnguoon gen houpzl 5:00 1889 : vv uruvun uuu null. Whnt we shell do without I red-hot place of Abode in the next world in hard to tell. The {on of I devil with I cloven hoof and forked tall. and I perpetuel routing on his utenic mnjeety'e red-hot cool: of fire, in about the on` thing that could keep hell the people 0 this world even halfway decent. end now that they are to be left nolely totho pricking: of whet is called their oonlclence the outlook in not very ueurlnu. - I Z:.'.a. '."' A Poor Ilnn loIo-I>od 0! ill: Boll. Windsor Clnrlon. Iuv. . , n u -.u . . . uvuu v nu: uu :1 AU: Poatmuter Huggnrth chmge in the rnte of postage will be I welcome boon to those who write love letters. __.._ -._--..._ -..r.,....v_ .- navi nuuwu, uuy it in no doubt it handsome sum. They are entitled to show their gratitude in some wny, And they cannot do it more ncceptably then by contributing another 310,000, sev- eral times repented, to the party`: cnmpnigu tund. I ` Bellovllle Ontario. President Chum la mind. A In nnl-Ina fun worn! 31.00. There in nothing Iv with gluon good: sad the moon wo o them at that rout In moroly that we have too much of ouch on hand and pro- for the cub to the nook. ` :4. :- .. .l....LL _ L-_.i_-_- _.__- n. nun-luau! aunt an rsv fit of He per lb., when e per lb. would be I hmdsome return. The prot on Csnndds consumption of sugar-200,000,000 lbs.-is 83,750,000, divided smong ve`suger re- neries. It is not surprising that the mono- poly should be so persistent in its methods, that it should ssaist, nnncinlly and other- wise, in ghting agninst my reduction in the tariff. How much the reners give to- wnrds election expenses is not known, but an _.....-.... .._.. ......-..., -..u. -u-. ulanlo un `nun. 000 was curried to the rest account. To enable the uugu men to do this the people bud to pay for their augsr double what in paid in England, and the rener got I pro m M Iln nnr In ...|..... 7.. ...... n. .....:.|.: 1.- _-.. -_- ..... ........... ......... .~..,,... ouv ,...u.. at a low gure. No; only bu it paid off all debt, but lntyeor had a not profit of $2l3,- 000. Out of this the capital stock was dou- bled, the company declared 25 per cent. in dividend und bonus, and the sum of 8150.- nnn .__- ._..-:_.x -- .L- _.._. _ , , Any one who desires proof of \he fortune the high taritf has helped the auger reners to make he: only to peruse the return: of the Nova Scotie company. ,Two years ego the old company got into difficulties, and 3 new one was formed which bought the plant gr . Inn: 51...... M... ....I.. L-.. :. .._:.: _u_n 7H5` POSTAL S['Rl ICE I The Wine is reminded that since the suburban train Ills been running on the Grand Trunk, and the omnibus conveyance running to the outer station has been aban- doned,letters are not sent by passengers and others and paid by gratitude. It is true that a letter box is placed at the city Grand Trunk station (at the corner) and that the postal department pays a man to take let- ters out of it and to the main line, but the hotel men get nothing for their service. It is argued that a night force cannot be re- quired at the Kingston post oflice to make up mails between 9 pm. and 5 a. m. as no letters are posted between these hours and none arrive. That the people do not go to the post-olce with letters later'than- 9 p. ui. is not -at all remarknble since they know that mail matter dropped in at a later hour remains in the ollice until the next day, and business men cannot tolerate such delays. The ope box at Hnnley s corner is made great use of, and this in itself is an evidence that the mails at the post oioe are closed too early. And the people should not have to traverse to the dcpot for the dispatch of correspondence which cannot be prepared for posting before 9 o'clock. If they have to depend on letter boxes why not have a con- ple of them up town, receiving letters until midnight, and then to be emptied and their contents carried to the trains. The Wmt: is simply voicing public opinion, and the people of Kingston tell us that they want all the facilities that circumstances will per- mit of and that the citizens of other places enjoy. 0 COMMENTS 1-'li1iE PRESS- ca It An experiment which was recently tried in 5 school district in London E112-p` Where were many plrentg reported no childrenin their feniilies; In order to `find just how school the school authoritiesxgot two men; keys, dressed them gaylyi. put Hiemill Hug- .gon in which was a brass bend, and started through the district. At` once crowds of children appeared and followed the uaggon, which drove to I neighboring perk. when the school officers went among the children ' distributing candies and getting their name! and addresses. They thus found that over sixty parents kept their children from school,` and an A result of the monkeys, the brass band and the candy about 200 little How would it do to try some scheme like this on the Kingston people. not for the give the correct number in their families, but the number of those who are neglecting to do their duty to the children and the country. mnny children were thus being kept from` boys and girls have been set at .stus1vL, `purpose of nding out how many failed to A rm WBIMWEDNESDAY`. FEB;"2G;" ,___._... __ _____..__.__ `no costs of tho Pnlonu. l-lI-._.l__ |___ L-.- AL. _I. n THE WIDE, WIDE WURLD LIBRARY D HIE!` IITIIIKIIII` IOWI n. and nix no higher. FOR T UNTi;.(\' SUGA R. The Lovor'I I":-land. n_.__ Iomowhat India- nnm nnrunnsa Uunh THE CHEAPEST CARPETS IN THE DOMlN|0N D. F. Armstrong, Boots and Shoes, Former price 450. Take your choice for l5c.