JohnHenderson& 00., as Princess St. 1 J ' 0 ` Now a.d1\rertised for sale by tender in the Toono 'Globe" and Knig- stou Daily N ews_, we will continue to sell,a.s- usual, but at jxpg :___ , DECIDED BARGAINS Tn ..'........_.. u/vr/4 St/0H 7/ME as M 0/sPos of 00/13 8700/(, We have closed out a manufacturers stock of `SPECIAL mmxwmqn. _ WILL OPEN Saturday, 23rd, 1862 COLLARS, RANGING IN VALUE FRUM15 to 20 Cents Each. lOC'. PER "'53)"r'5":e'6'3v"n:.1 & co ' ' Ada`:-uu 1 . ""i3`u~:oo Il.rootS~' o'u'u"`v'."ru _..._._ j. j-.-:---v.;u _n--n--l-_l-V K In s'a.sona.ble goods. In many instgnceszoods are being sold at LESS THAN IEf.AT_.F` PRICE to reduce stock which we nd is still too lat-ge.v INKWCII I A.III7 Ul UJIHIUUII, `I \Ull.. .0 [Ur 83."'5. ' Morria'l Half L'onrs with Best American Authors. 4 volt, $5 for 84. Mucaulnyi England, 5 vols., 83.75 for 82.50 Motley : Dutch Republic, 3 volu., 83.75 for Q. EXCEPTIONAL:LYI6\}3Rl: ONE PRICE STORE. as Primess St., Kingstion. Cltlunr loo lung. 3 I A ,5L. , ). 260 PRINCESS STREET; ONE DOOR ABOVE RElD S FURNITURE STORE. I. &%d. RETIRING'"5i4EAP SALE. In eyery department of te house we will o`er LAD I ES, ANY ONE WANTIND BIL? WITH BOOKS. Accounts. Collection: or In any nae- ul bush-eaI_ cnracla` |on$ A Hard to IHICIJ. ustu: 1. I10 t A nuts nudllodnndbookn km by the weak. onkl Invol on oolnunhdoa an \"rnn.~-aims 8 Lyon. lugunnn. soucuon. 09.. III (hluh IuIII`I'l`II.QO..l-loll `11., I. V LYOU. In A. Q). Nspior'I Peninsula Wu`, 6 voln.. 87.50 for Hi, ICED II 000 III]. Couu Ilulloqot .mAd I llno Imu Ian. A wurxwu-r:'ma. 'iu':5x1-:n- TICES ANTID. ' I188 W. I. B|ll_'l`H Welllngun Bum. Ova 0hllo'I Ploture 1-store. NEW IMPROVED IETHOD 0!` (`II - TINO l.AUlEs' um CHILDREN'S I.-Rl4`.Ssl9. noAru. em. Without pouurnn. Any lady an Inn In day. Dnuu.CouIu. Manda. om. nude In :11 In uv-cuv-I1 MR. W.T. HILL. Ornnlu Quest : Smut 31cthudl;t|Churoh. will give l.Es`:')N8 on UN: I-nan. nno. alngl . nnnon . .ounter- point I-`uxuo and lIm.:Imontulon' Orders lots at luau. (hurt or Vnndowuo Music Boom: will receive prompt slwnuuu. um. uuuvoun mo onmpnny and any ronlnbu- tory rmher dablor. or patio: apprehending llobll my to tho company ; and all questions In any way rolntlngto or ollbotlna the I-0" of the company. or the wludi up cl the com- mn . upon the receipt otnc sum pnyohlent uuc tunes. and [ononlly upon one termamu may bounced upon: with wcr for lho l~qui` dnton to t-uh: any security or the dlnohu-no (1 such dobu or Iloulltiulmnd to give I comp ctv dlnchnrgoln respect of I" or may ouch calla. 1'33o?:' "?:'I""'` r n aoua. am at uaoton. 0 . 8. {IARPER Secretary of Llmudnmn. compnns Iiruy renddrod ainhle. And. also. nut nrizina tho liquidators to com- pmmlao nllvalla, and llllbiiilf to rail. debts. and liabilities capable of run ling in dobts.nnd nllclnimn, whether present or tulure. certain or contingent. nnceruinol or only sounding m damages. subsisting. or only supposed to sum clsl. between the company and ronlnbu- phc company auction: in NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVI-2\` THAT A GPZNERAI. MEETING of the Kingston ('nr Works (`ompany (Limited: will be held on the Twentieth any ol blur:-h Null, at '|`Hl{lClI2 o'clock In the afternoon. at the (mice of J. H. Carruthers. Esq..for the purpose or consider` in; and. if deemed ndvtnble. of passing on ex troonimnry resolution of the company. author him: the hquidnton to make such compromise or olhcr arrangement as 'h-y mnv deem ex dis-rt with any creditors. or persons claiming to be creditors. or persons having. or nllouinu to have. any claim. present or future. vermin or r-ontlngont. um.-ruined or sounding only. in d.|tn.uws n Inst the -munnn or whereby lhr I any renddrcd `in lo. nut arising. the _|lquidato_r_'o to_com- -..h._.l..;. ..n _. I _ ,7 TO BUSINESSJMEN, ANY on wwrxxo tau-' wrru BOOKS. Acooulln. Collar-Llnnn or In any man. 1i1HE"MA1'ii:ifbF`rXHEAxiasfdi CAR WORKS COMPANY (limlted). `and Underwear at a rqduction of 50, meg. onsss cuT`rINdTAu`G}.\ LIIIIJIUIIY I I31`)! nuu K UUlll5' 0 V` tor 82.50. Knight : Hnlf Hours with the thorn. 4 vols.. 86 for 84. Green`: History of the English V0|l.. $5 for 83.75. Gibbini History of Rome, 6 voll., '1 Music}; _ R. & J. GARDINER. ARPEP = 3. ll . Secretary of Llcllldawrs. )0. Boswell`: Life of Johnson, -I \-olI.. 85 for ca 75 ourlcluluu U VUCCUB Ul IHIJKIDUU, 0 VIII... 84 50 tor 83. Hudson : ihakspenre, 6 volt. 89 for 86. Mncnulnyi Esuya and Poems, 3 vola.,$3.75 for I250, And a great many other articles, allof which we have marked at a very low tigure,~pce_- ferring mthera small proportion of their value than to carry them over to another season. Prices of our goods are always marked in plain gures. fhese specially reduced pri:ea are marked on a green tag. Each article therefore has two prices there on-the regular price on is white tag, the reduced `price on a green one. Y on can thus easily tree the reduction we make. While we thus make special oera in the Fancy Goods we do rot want you to forget that our Books are also otfervd ut a very low gure. For instance, what is the matter with Eliot`: Novels, 8 volumes, $l'2 for 86. Dickens, 10 volumes, SIS) for 87.50. Thackeray, l0 volumes, 815.00 for 87.50. Scott, 13 volumes. $lti.2i) for $9.75. Hugo, 7 volume\, 89 for 86. `V Marryat, I2 volumes, SL3 for OH). Dumas. l-I volumes, 8l7..">0 for 8H. Cooper. 16 volumes, $24 for 8l6. Carlyle : Works, 10 vols., SL3 for $9. Hume`: England. 6 vols.. $7.50 for $5. Strickland`: Queens of England, 3 vola., S-1 50 fnr R3, `here in nothing wron vvxrn -.. 7..-rv. with than and the reason we Hum at those nut in manly that we have too much of each on hand and prm for the out: to the stock. goo: The Cottage Library Smokers Sets, bigar Ho|de_'rs,* Photograph Boxes, Music Holders, Writing Cases, Mirror Stands Toilet Sets, Glove Boxes. Handkerchief Boxes, Dressing Cases, Ladies Companions. Collar Boxes, Cuff Boxes, Whisk Holders, Shaving Sets, I IN nllll IVIVIIU I0!" 4013-, wlucu Il"` chap :0 ll. . 5(1) W hito I-Envelope: for 000 word! II. .$(l) Amber Envelopoo for 750 worth 81.95. 500 um Envelope: for 75 mu. 31.25. Don of Rorgnlnn In this line that we do not mention. Than oim should be taken ndvnnup o! by mos-chum and others, who no large qnunluu ol uhtionery. -\ I _ WE HAVE LEF1` OVER FROM OUR C~HRIS'l'.\lA.Q TRADE A LARGE STOCK OF Pl3H%%QA3E3 We have ulna I unrplna stock of FANGYGUUDS. '.2MB>4`A`.J-;C-3-.;_*LIilI"'_1Sf' Envelopes W0 have 56 volumes of We hue 34 volume: of and Envelopes INCLUDING u tho following Egan: u-ould lmlluu. For iuluuco we oor you a box of 500 Bu! Eudora [or 75-.:.. which an Alnnnn A0 .I 0. Poop: ` Boat Au- . 87.50 for ..v--. ---v-... ..u...- ...r-.- ..--- ..-- cent, from 0698.183 in I887 to $881,399 in 1888: but the incline in the upon trade hu boon nlno nlgnic-tn! and In the extent oi 81,488,099 int your. This Ihowiug in u- Iurodly not Against tho Canadian, and tho Inuit Inn law not the but out to prom! to purliunout. It it Inn that Mr. Rylart bullied the minister oi cuotomn into inning uuhnldcrdorinropudtothcpounb backup. and tho In upon them, but it will . \ I"""U"' Clearly this bill is designed to oiet the action which parlixment in expected to take on certain tariti queetione. The lnmherlnen have been crying out againet the export.a~ tion oi raw loge for manufacture in a foreign country into lumber, and agitating {or the imposition of a duty weighty enough to make the bneiqeee unprotable and make our neighiaoromore depandant then they an now on the resources of Canadian menu` factoreo. Then the fruit men have become diacoufented over the increased importation oi fruit under the arnagenuent for which the taril act of I878 provided. and the carrying oi which into el'eoI vac virtually ioroed on our government. The increase in the [import trade he: been, indeed. Iinni- l..._ `Ann Inn 1. laugh A. hula: nnn 1 _- _a | us uupusru I III: uuI_v III! III Ilmlllr p8CI~ min which goods. `urea and merchan- dno are imported into the United Sate: from the country imposing such duty. 6. Thin Act dull his effect frnm nml ll"|II IIII INHIBIT IIIIFKIII IIICII all! 6. Thin wt dull take effect fr<;m and that the dab of in pangs. l`I---I.. AL}- IJII :- .l..:...--.l 4.. .IL.. 4L- \ El PEI" QKIIU. uu Vllorlln. 5. Should any country impose a duty on the puvhgu in which ltd contained goo-la. ware: or men-hnndiue imported into ouch country from the United States there shall be imposed I like duty on all nimilu pack- I main which pooch. Ilrnn nnl lnnrnhnn. UIHIIIITJ ITUIII IIIU LIIIIIUCI DICK-U.- 4. The following rates of duty on articles imported in this country: Barley. l.'o cent: per bushel of 48 pounds; eggs. 5 cents per dozen; hay, 25 per cent Id vnlorem; straw, 83 per ton of 2.0!!) pounds; poutou. '25 cent: per bushel; tiah. fresh. for immediate use, I cent per pound; Applies dried, 2 cant: get pound; poultry uul game of All kinds. ) per cent. ud vnlorem. 5 Hhnnld nnv pnnnrrv inunnn. 1: Jun; nu C.\PUI'l Uly. 3. All Articles on shipment into the Uni~ ted Staten, whether on the frat list or not, shall pay no lea nu of duty thnn in or may be imposed by the lawn of the country or export on like article imported into said country from the United States. 4, Thu fnllnwinu ruin: nf dntw nn nrtiolnn -.Hss been A gm-At success. We hsve dispos- ed 0! A lsrge qlusntity of esch. However, our stock is stl I too lsrge And our origins] olere ss follows still hold good, viz : ' We will give you A ream ol pood qnslity of Ruled Note Paper, White. for 60c. worth Cl, And A resm of rs! clsss Cram Colored Note for SI worth 31.50. fhere goods usrl (In rennin we a than at these Iluus Ul wuuu bunt may DI! uealguea l0I' 0| used as the raw material for any American sawmill. or factory, that the sum lumber. ` shingles or other manufactured product of such kind of Iogmbulu or wood as may have an export duty imposed on it, shall. when imported from such country. be subject. in addition to the prevailing duty to an addi- tional duty equivalant to the amount of such export duty. fl All an-ti:-Inn nn ahinnnnnt inrn than llni. -__---..-... -... _.v .v..... v. nu. -vuuu-nu. 1. On All articles imported in to thelfnited Sure: from foreign countries there shall be be peid. in addition to the duties now col- ` collected, an edditiunel duty equnl iu emount to my export duty which may be impoeed in Iuch country on the ehipment of like erti--lee to the United states. ex JOPI in the cut: of logs, ehiugle bolts, stave bolte and other raw materials designed for the use of Amcirictn mill: and fnctoriee. 0 \\ L-.. -.... 6-..}... ......_.. :...__,._-_ __. UI AIIICII ICIII IIIIIIU Cull l`C(rle.. 2. \\ hen my foreign country imposes an export duty on logs, shingles, boltt or other kinds of wood than may be designed for or ` lined an the rut nmmrinl fur um Annnrirnn vy-.- .. ..v.-v.v. The bill before the United States house of repreeenutivoe, the lower house of con- greee, bu An interest for (.`enadinna,eepe-inl- ly those who have been ngituing for I chnnge in the policy of the government in so far he the fruit end lumber trodes Are concerned. Here are some of iteleetureaz nn .... as the Alnerican gnvernlnent vms going to enforce more stringent regulations in regard to the landing of immigrants. In future every inunigrant to that country hue to pay 85, and this announcement already his its ellect, for the tenslent-_y now is to send all of the class who were unable to pay this into Canada. The chairman was of the opinion that I law should be asked for preventing indiscriminate inunigiatiun. Every mem- ber of the board was in favor of calling the attention of the government to the matter. And the government must act. The immi- grant: Cnnada want: are not those who will not Ito into the country, but become pauper: in the populous centres. i)|Il'\iCD5.`(i by the cure uf mifortuumto.-s who are left to shift for tlu-Insolvos after the go- vernment lus pziiil for their pansuges to .\l0ntreal. SPl`&kEYS at It public meeting Mlmittexl that \hl|t`I't'8S last year they haul to supfibrt those who would not work if they could, this year they have to aupport. those willing to work sud cannot get It. Even this ilnprnveil state of atlhirs was not to list _, .|._ I. _1.,.. L'.V WISE I .l! .|II`GRA Tl(,'.\'. Long since the people of this country. especially through the labor orgnnizntions, cried out against the indiscriminate immi- gration which the governtnent eountenanced and helped. The protess of the people were not without avaiil. For some time im- `migration has been more carefully conduct- ed, but after all the cities aul towns are being populated hy many who are helpless at this season, in fact at an_\"season, and a burden to the rest of the conununity. in a cnmlnnnicntion to the Winn (If a recent date an otcer of one of the charitable nsso'-ia- tions said the most needy persons were some of the late immigrants. And the experience of the Kingston henevulent agencies is the experience of similar agencies elsewhere. The charitable societies of Montreal are The WEEKLY BRITISH W mu. 8 pangs, 66 01llmnn. is published every Thursday morninu at 8) Jen:-. Eosilively in advance. otherwise Il.50w 1 be c .-u-med uluulllu. HI puunumou 0! III I uunuun; ulul u. alfeur, ilively olherw Cl.50w 1 be cgsnzed. EDW. J. R. PENSE.` Pronetor. A nvr; RT-ITBMENTS. `For four lines. one or two Insertions. . . .. .N 5! For four lines. each subsequent inaerLlou.. '26 Over four lines. Int innertiol_1...... looperlino Each Iubuequent oomnecmiveum... 5o ` Once I week subsequent Ina. 100 " Twicoawee . subsequent 1113...... Be " Three I week. subsequent 60 Twelve lines to the inch. , Notices of Births`, Marrin_ee and Dealhe 50. uch.unlaes when ' bookud, when 01 lndharzed. Special nouou in reading column! are chara- od at. twenty cents per line for each Insertion. Omoern 0! uitineornnrntod Asaociat.lon_n _or THE WIDE, WIDE WURLD LIBRARY n all nrde hey who M1 to the paper Is one or the boat Job oloeo 1: Canada; rapid. stylish and cheap wo k : eight improved printing presses. ;ll charge: for advertising. Nubscripon 1: ob prml` re yablc in advance; this iuuslbe disli::':.t`:|:,uu('lrs(ood. ' ed line for oncn lnaornon. Olcern uincorpnrnlod or Societioa 'lll be held personally responsible for" m the manor 'uIjnA1L{wLiat 0pifer var Ovhem Dian-." _ g_ I riiii -cg... .--..._. - . - ,'l`uz Bxlflsn Wmo is llh3hu_-d n.-very (Mon- ` lug. at :11) King Sxree Ki ton. `Ontario. - In an: ua1.1.u;a 1-: run. __- Whig`; Teleplunu-, Nun: her 220. COUNTER AC1lO.V. ANNOUNCEMENT. TiHEBRI_TI$H W315. FRI DAY. _.._......~.... ... u..<.- um-..v-o van-6 V-ru '19: day. but the accounts wouldn't. have been accurate and utrnctiveenough withnut them. The exactness of our civil Iervnuta is to he oolnmenqlcd. \ ` Dedicated. \'-ry Roopnrlflllly. to some up- ` pnnentn M the Scott Act. Jumulmn Jill was ll u-lf-mndo man Very clumsily put (mother ` And whether he walked. or wlwlhor he ran tile niwnyu run in col I wemlwri. He moved like ll duck with e ouniony loo il don`! think educk has L mes); ` And no meller is here Jounl nu wanted lo go He followed his ruhicnud nose. This rubiound now tun gem of its nort : It looked like an overgrown D11!!!)IO- Exoeedlngiy red-or I bountiful Infl- And the way in was colored was simple. He rose with the sun and 1-hrlslenod the day B J i M I .i . Anal Irlllnnhe n4la:l:l'n.|`|,el';l.1Iu`i`!'lonod hie clay Fonncr price 45. Take your choice for 15. The oxpeneee of Ihnbe who had, on behalf of the Cenndinn government to do with the neuotieting of the Int fishery treaty with the United Stetea. are published. They Amount to 8l9,97.`i 78. and include two small bill for tipe" of $.'l.lJl and l3c. Those who did the tipping" could very well have met coon out of the pay they drew from the government. in one instance being 835 per .1... L; cl... -,........_....\..I.I_`. L-.... |,,,_ B Jnutmt ms nu no in A Jug. A when he ml plottely muintonod clny He lowered It down from his mg. When thejug was run out he Illl lgenln And emptled it oqtully fad. wm. an lute:-val now. and an intern] then. For his mom. noon. and evening repent. ewcnt [OM26 bed when the bone went to rooet With hlajun slendllg close to Ila head ll think 5 man`: holdonnju should be loosed When he`: ntoozlnu uuy n M: bod). By purattlnf thh course through the whole!!! his II at His noee got this beautiful butt: I know It. because 1 was told by Me wlfo llfiou uh bur I llunk Iho'll tell you.) But onttthttn`-t fete le tt and one to tell : llo Val bothered by snakes end demons. And after lmilblnn no deep on o 3! . He died 0! dellrlom lromens. _ They wrottho on the elnb placed on Jonothnn e -v -' M "Re bu [one to his home In the thy " But he won't. be mutant In his h9e\'enl'y home Unlue he can plenty of "rye. Jonathon now would no llvlnu down here If be burnt consumed much u lot. 0! brandy em whl-to: ol rum and of beer. or bed done as we're told to "Scotti Tmm Guns. 1: in nlleged by an . omw. Free Pwu that Sir John M|cdonAld a reason for chok- ing OH the debate on the treaty making question wu to prevent Mr. Dalton Mc- Carthy and the imperial federntiouiuta mov- ing an amendment. Mr. McCarthy was out of the home preparing I speech, and the premier, luring that he might be loaded up the wrong way, brought the debate to I sudden end. Hard, very herd, on the bruins of the party," In Mr. McCarthy was described on his entrance upon politi- cnl life an A follower of the member for Kingston. Al tho Unlvenltv T0-l|lI. Prhol Grunt : lecture to-night in In nhslf the work ol the University Inh- ionn uooohtion. when workon stretch rom eldaona the K. E P. RR. to Bonn. Mu. Subjoot, "Our next doorno Ibon ndr their recent revolutions " Ch 1- at 8 hup. 11.-km, 25 cum at unlnnlty build- If Dr. Robertson, Lt Prince l-Edward 1.. p land, committed A violation of the linde- pendence of Parliament act by attending an hospital patient llltl being paid for his ser- Vice out of the government funds, what mutt be said of Dr. Bergen, of Cornwall, who at in parliament And at the same time acted an surgeon-g:Iernl oi the North-West forces 3 Mr. Taylor, M.l .. will hue to go in pursuit of his politicnl lriendl an well as his foes if his Aim is the puricntion of pub- lic life. And in so doing he will have I big contnct on hund. 0 a' Mr. H. H. (Took, ivho has a resolution before the house of commons. on the home rule for Ireland," question is not getting much encouragement from the conservatiwa. The .eason is obvious. The government At Uttawn is conservative, and so is th-it at 'London. It may, us one tory paper ob- serves. be an imperliuence for the govern- ment of Canada to interfere with nhirs with which it has nothing to do," but the party did not always think so. When did the change come_ovrr in dreams`! in- Mr. J. W. Manning is vexed because Dr. McCuliy published ll letter which he says was of a private and confidential character, and which retlected upon the government's attitude on the scott art's enforcement. He threatens to dcfcnd himself by as "full ex- planation of what led to his lettor." The sooner the better. The case as it stands in- dicates a confusion of ideas in the govern- ment utlices at fonuito which is not assur- The British parliamentarians have settlexl down to work again. Theyare in session about nine months in the yenr, and their work still drags. Why 1` Their time is con- sumed in the consideration of little issues that should he sent to local parliaments of BQIIIG kirfd. Home rule may never carry in its present alupo, but local rule of some sort must Ire haul or the political leaders will wor- ried themselves illtn the grave. n o run. ----uo. Thus. it : a case of diamond cut diamond -a tussle for supremacy between two go- vernments and two people. And 3 tussle is not desired. A commercial war, Sir Clmrles Tupper asaurs us, is akin to a national` war, and neither is desired. . Perhaps Sir Charles can smooth things out when'he arrives. _It in hopecliiso at least. OUR CHEAP SALE OF Note Paper IIFCIU QFKIUICH, Wn|ClI lull!!! IUUIIIIIUU Ill!` sespion. We allow Canadian nnraerymen to come into New You k state and sell all the goods they can without hindrance, but they have introduced a bill at Ottawa making unfair discrimination: against American nursery stock dealers. They have also in- creased the export duty` on pine logs,r thus intllcting special ipjnry. upon` American lulnbermen who have invcsled in Canadian pine lands." ` 'I...- :.r_ _ _A_, r .IIA_-._-._'I _...- 1:._____ 1 .1---., ..-. \-vw\I5|lV|, u. u-.._._..v.-. .- . ' You may cell it a retaliatory measure, but I think it is only I step toward: dbtnin- ing jlfetice. The Camdionl show no dispo- sition to deal fairly with u._ 'fhe_y put duties on fresh sh in 1883, whilmwe allow fresh sh to come in free still. They refus- ed to carry out their standing oer to put. fruits. needs, trees, etc., on the free list for years after we made them free, and now they propose to"`re*.~fture~-fho duties-upon these articles, which they sboliahed last nonninn, In nll.-nu llnnmlinn Ilnrlnrvmnn have I be rmoved. The bill before con- gress will bring things to 3 focus. Said Mr. Bnkei, its deqigner, in uupounbing it : NV-.. ....... .._n :. .. -..n..l:..o...... ~.....--....- THE FAVTEOF JONBHAN. EDI TORI .1 L .\'0 TES. UOUR1` rloarr 0. Tuuunou. 7* Uoontuy. l A list oi till newspaper: divided into Burn IIlI will be an on Invitation- who want their uivoriin to My. wooono 1- no better medium tor um: and ooocivownrk than the nriou Iocuonc at our Iolonl [pool IA. Gl P. ll0Wlt1.l. I O0 . oaemu In prion dlnn lnnrumaml Ti? fe-P%VER_T_!E_R5- PIANO mrnms om: man on upruma J and dqunren executed at the W:-bar Factory. ool-not of P:-taboo: sud Gordon uroou. Kings- Ina No more durable or Iiou-toned Instrument n.. (a.....n.n....n..n. M. urn-.un'.H umuuwr. Rondning. These used to sell at .'l)c. You nay have your choice for 10 each. ALL KINDS 0!` BANK and (mice Rubber ltungnklhtorn. Scab. Icw.. uuppnod by Bunn- AN ll4CAULlY.`llllllufl01.lll'0I'|. Bngot BL. lnuulon. Ont. i more Iioll-toned In nnadalhan H100 M. wuuzca uvmum. Modonu In prlooana unoxonllod by any Cun- llu: luclcvlc-I . lung Street. :1 50 hold nt wholesale urlooo. _._ ___,,-_' Li ._*V~..- _. --?--j - (}l'I` YOUR WINTER GLOVES II W` \ REEVEi'. King Street. I!) Snnplo pain to | be sold nrloou. Picton in orgnnizin I bcnrd of trade. The secretary of state an been naked to in- ou rpornto it. u-u-n-uu -aw ----gm ` A! roller rink tonight gnnd hoclzeyx much between the Electric: and the Chi um hams. of Kingston. Play oommencu at 9 p. In. The Hotel Arrlvnlu. Arrinlu At the British American Hotel- S. W. Singer. C. H. Splowle, R. King. J. R. Brown, W. Flower. Toronto ; B. W. Baker, Gnnnnoquu ; J. Croil, W. F. (Tnrsley, G. M. Kinghorn, Montrenl ; I. H. Ferguson, Rnchuter. N.Y. ; D. S. Robertson. Brock ville ; J. B. Milligan. Hungirinn Uvpsy Baud, Tomato ; A. Sturnu. Sacha`: Hur- ` bout`. luwwywunuvuu vu cut I vs U Irl vicin-. Corn-r Flomlm No. D. uun luv- Eo. 'l'uuasou.'nh arch. .8.R. locum. Banana. Another Fire at Cape Vincent. 0 On Wedneadny the dwelling of Thomu Dunee, located in the lower end of (`spa Vincent town, in the vicinity of Burdiclr & Armstrong's, one story And I hull high, was entirely consumed. The lire can ht from the chimney. Mr. Dunee. with 3 mi] of fourteen, were all saved. but some of t em loot their clothing. Very little of the household good: were saved. Mr. Dunee had no insurance. A dwelling house near by Ina uved by throwing snow on the roof. ALL SIZES IN STOCK AND CUFFS TO MATCH ncluu, Luna. :1 vum., on Lzu mr 9:1. Those book: no perfectly frenh And elem, ` but we will sell them at these rues rather than cnrry the stock during the dull summer months. Come in, look at them, or ask to have them not home on probnion. HARDY S, `wE OFFER OHOIOE OF THE LOT 10 CENTS EACH OR THREE FOR 25 CENTS. FEB. 22. Collars and Cus BOOTS and SHOES,TRUNKS, VAIiSEs, RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES. J- ABERNETHY- lldopondonl 0:-dkor ol language. mvnu I`-nu--An U4 3 D-n-u Ana ll: uonnons, aneetings, Tickings, Towellil at less than wholesale prices. Embroidenes. Parasols, Hosiery and per cent less than present values. -v_. .-." uu--- Iuiug IVI-uI-l\ On Silks, atins, Velvets and Plushes at Cl:EARING7SALE PRICES. Dress Good9 of every description at Clearing Sale Pnces. ` Prints. Ginghams, Chambraysfat Clearing `dale Prices. Cotbons,Sheetings, 'I`ickings,_Towellings, Table Linens and Napkins n (gt less t_ha.n_ wholesale prxoes. MONTREAL SHUESTURE SPECIAL uNDuo:-:MEN1'MKL[+;IT' WEEK f\-. Q.`II__ (\-L3, W. \\ ilnou'I Tale: of the Borders, 12 volt, SI`) for $9. Mncdonnldb, George, Works. 20 vol: , 830 for 820. F ier'n Works, 7 vols., SH for 810. ()0 line , willie. 8 vo|I., `IO for 88. Reade. Chat. 9 vols., 8! L25 for 89. Thnnn hnnhn Ann f\;AnI'\I fr-QM nun-I nln-n