CLEAHLIIIESS IS IEXTWTOVGODLIIESS. Hot and Oold Bilhl It All hour: at ILIYIQI IIIIILIIIIIIAI ZIIIIIIII Na. CH EELVCE 81.. Orrosrn Burma Annuonc Hunt. . Allkjnds ercennemud Preserved Fruits in glass gnd iin, Evipomtod California. Fruits, Prunes, Prunellos, Tunis Dates in s'talk,'&o. Kippored Herrings md Ciscoos. - CORNER BOOKSTORE. OPERAiHOUSE mum mo ovsmz MARKET w. H. W unnnnvxv. 212 Princes:-st, ` 'r_1;:Lr:PH0NE 21. ' ANY DOG W; PAYL3J~_ ` -C'ORNER BOOK'-T.O-RE'.` CUlCL\U\J -nu [I II nun n nu ununuuuuou nuu U510 By C. H.*PEARSONx & Co.. Baltimore, I'd. 'l`|.-r n-4. A}... L..- Lab vnnr nu-Anna fan. 0].-.. rude Mark on every pnckuze uuuuunu). oyvunuq . Goo. No. I Bulllnoh 82.. "()7riEs* FRi:H'EVFIRY*nLY GROOERIES. mqoias.` THE [A /V/T08/1 BRAD;BREAD. I...) :_ I\__- : _'I`HEl CELEBRATED ` KING .\"l`REET BAKERY. 1'1" Tim igaaz/Aiii I .I ll. u.` J-Ld-lL-I-V Manx:-r Somnl THE SCIENCE 0!` LIFE. no Grant Medical Work of 1 the ago. on Manhood. Non. ` on: and Physical Dublllty. Dngnngonung fknllng If--4.: A Fol-vlhlo I508. Constipation in tho moot frequent canon of headaches, bod blood. huunoro, diuinou. vortigo. em. and booouoo ol thin should novor be allowed to oxiu. It not ho toodilx ourod by using Burdock Blood ttoromhlo nnvnr hlh tn can av-n tho man. nhntlnntn CUYUC Dy IIIII` DIITIEI DICINI l)IllIl`IgWlIIUll hour fails to can own the most obstinate and chronic ouu. ' d Twohof the moat Inoooulul co l`|go ml!- tl . _ - t o. A`.c.....':.`x?."5,`l"."u?..!. .'.`3"&'l`.r. -~...`.n....~ and III A.M. Hloh,_proI|dont 0! Clinton I-nllnng ::r..'.'f YIIZ I I'll- IKEl-' Klli ..':.':'.`:r..*.:':'.*..-;`.z;_;:,L.':::.`t"*.r --.:'.-:..: Inna blood in- u-.. . '0'-' ' :"I Itlont atop un- Inn m.'huhn .ndIn-ulcuulr FWO DOIKIBI OI DIITIIOCK DICXNI DIFIIII III found it I COIIIPIOIO ouro. My house in never without it. There we `sign: which Indiana A return to the low ooitfuru, And, with the eighteenth century style: in own and ovorcocu, In any put on wlgl w 2: sad powdor the hdr of the umg for evening nnmlnmnta. An Apt Qnoutlou From I letter by Mn. Sullivan, 124 West Avo., Hamilton. nynz "After trying I number of medicine: for liver oom hint, from which I Iulfond (or yours. I In two bottles of Burdock Blood Bitton And II_ I.._.. I- 1......) In - ..___I_L_ -.._. A dress of yellow crepe which we: re- cently made in Paris hnd the tnin wrought. with jewel: in I pattern of spider webe in which were enungled moth: and drngol ies. Rubies, emernldu, and diamond: were the gem: em loyed, and I hroed band 0! them went Alf Around the ruin. Holloway`: I'Il|s and Olntment. These purifying and soothing remedies deserve the earnest attention of all person liable to out, sciatica, or other painful af- fections of the muscles, nerves, or joints. The ointment should be applied after the aected parts have been patiently {omented with warm water. when the ointment should be diligently rubbed upon the adjacent skin, unless the friction causes pain. Holloway`: Pills should be simultaneously taken to diminish pain, reduce inammation. and purify the blood. The treatment abates the violence, and lessens the frequency of gout. rheumatism, and all spasmodic diseases which spring from hereditary predisposition, or from any accidental weakness ol constitu- tion. The ointment checks the malady, while the pills restore vital power. DRU ')'KEN N553 (IIICIUC, [HID [HIS remeuy. Boas are still very fashionable, but there is a manifest preference for those which are made to lie flat around the neck liken collar and gradually Assume I round shape 5: they taper to the ends. ICIIUUII. The word-wide reputation of Ayor'| Sar aapnrilln is the natural result ofitu sur [cunning value as a blood medicine. Nothing, ` iu the whole pharmncopwin. eecta more astonishing results, in acrofulat, rheumntinm, geuersl debility, and I forms of blood disease, than this remedy. Hnnn APP ntill varv fmnhinnnhln hut. than rs. AYGFI nus sre uom 11y an aruggnsts. New Orleans continues to roll up the fund fur the fsmil of James Givens. hero of the steamer Inns disaster. The Isr- gest subscription yet made is 8669.60. that of the children And teachers of the public schools. 'l`I... ...._...I _.:.l- _-_..A-.:.._ _l A__-_l_ LV,_ vvurcn ez.UUU,UUU. l I hnve used Ayn : Pill: for the put 30 years, and um satised I should not be Alive to-div if it had not been for thgm. They cured me of dyupo in when sll other Iv remedies fuiled."-T. . Bonner, Chester. PA Avnr'n Pi: Al-A nnl `g all drnnni-tn II II DTOKC Der neck. That tired, languid feeling and dull hud- nche is very diaagiooable. Take two of Carter : Little Liver Pill: before retiring, and you will nd relief. They never fail to do good. Lnnin Quad: who lair Runsrlnn this-tv.Run UU EWNJU. Louis Sands, who left Sweden thirty~ve years ago and went to work in the Michigan lumber camps for CH5 `per month, in now worth $2,000,000. ' hnvn nnn `nor . pi". fnr Ola: nnnf vremoulen nu|aa."-1. r. banner, bnener. 3 P3. Aver : Pill: Are uold` sll druggista. New Orleans cnntinmm in roll nn thn UIIU Illa I bygones be bygonea" in no sort of I motto for I woman. She would turn her head lI'0lll)d to look After A stylish bonnet if it broke her neck. 'l`l...s .:.....I I-.......:.I :..|:.__ .....I .:..n 1.--; 1 ml; cuy Ire uu l.ll8_ pouce l0l'00. Always avoid harsh urgntive pills. limy ntmake you sick an then leave you con` atipated. Carter : Little Liver Pill: regu- late the bowels sud muke you well. Done. nna nill Mr." and "Esq. are only empty titles, but it would take away half of a young man`: enjcyment of his tirst. love letter if his fair correspondent had addressed it simply l*.'dwnrd Kidd. 4 All cases of weak or lame back. back- ache. rheumatism, will nd relief by wear- ting one of Carter's Smart Weed and I DUX It \VI(l8ll ilfll IBOTO. Bellsdonns Baolruche Plnsters. Price 25 cents. Try them. Plath noun nlnno-u AC aha...-. i. 01.. .........o ,J` EXHAUSTED vmgm, cums. .ll'Y mem. Patti says plenty of Ileep in the preserving one : beauty. It ie that some of the handaolnest In- York city are on the police force. Alwnvn lVOid hm-ah nuraAtivn ni I uuuua It UOLHG El VV K0078 urug IEOTO. The New York legislature has before it a bill for eight female factory inspectors. Gov. Bill in aaicl to favor it. 9 .. ........... ..-.... ....|.... ._....--_ ..-__ __.1 11...... UUV. Illll II aauu F0 IEVOF Ha. Ham-xon a magic corn salve cures corn: and ` bunioua with three application. 15. per box st Wsde a dru store. "E811. only empty titles, oulu uy W. J. wuaon. Moody began his last week in San Fum- cisoe with four sermons in one day. For couszha and cold: take the Dinmnnd ensue wnn mur In day. coughs and cold! take the Diamond Cough Remedy, composed of elecampnne, wild cherr And hnrehound. `25 md 50 cents a bot! e at Wade's drug store. I The NEW \'nr|t lnoinlnltnrn has Imfnrn it A uy vv. J. nmon. Whit I like best is L little Sreoh Air," nemurkadh kidnapperaa he nabbed I mil- lion na.ire'skid. 1`l...c 1.....|.: _ _ . . . ._L --_ t. ~- -~! I`-- IIUII IIIHH7 B "ltl. That hacking cough cured by Shiloh : Cure. Sold by W. J. Wilson. Mnndv Imunn Min [nut Icons. Italy. Italy. um. `ltu-tuna. lb. d--In nnnlhgtlnn d `C-g-an`: lI&n-K vv . u. ur usuu. The reason a f-nshionable woman carries a dog is because she wants to keep pup the , style. v . uus In uucause we wants to Keep the ` style. Group, whooping cough and bronchitis imme liutely relieved by Shiloh : Cure. Sold by W. J. Wilson. \Nhn I In... km; :. .. |:..n- :..__|_ -:_ n Unlocks All the clogged avenues of the B01? ols. Kidneys and Liver. carrying otfgradually without weakening the system. All the impuri- ties and foul humours of the socrotious : at Lho same time correcting Acidity of the Stomach. curing Biliousnsss. Dyspcvsin. Headaches. Dizziness. Henrtbum. Constipation. Dryness ol the Skin. Dropsy. Dimnoss of Vision. Jnundios Salt Rheum. Erysipoias, Scrofuls. Flunerlng of the Heart. Nervrmsness and General Dability. All those and many other similar complaint; mid to the happy inuence of BURDOCK DI nnn l1l l"I`L`D\.' sum uuu. omu Dy H . J. Wilson. W orked up to the highest pitch -nn ant on top of 3 in tree. Fur lnmn pl: nhln nr nlnmo ...... Ql.:I..|.'- VV . J. H HIOII. I am laying for you," said thehen to the house-keeper. win you uuffer vlith dynpogni. and liver complaint! Shiloh : Vitalizer 1|-gunraneeed to cure you. Sold by W. J. Wilson. A` th LVGILIIG bnnrdimr hhnua Hun nunrnr In rarely "111 we soup." Sleepless nignu. made misernble by that terrible cough. . Shiloh : Cure in the remedy for you. 89}d by W. J. Wilson. Emu lnrltaarnntn gm .lil.. in 9.... ..... Iur you. win D] W. J. Wllloll. Eggs nndgoarpeu no Alike in two. re- apcpm ; they no laid nd.beaten. Shiloh : Cough and Conaum tion Cure in told by us on I guarantee. Y: cure`: cou- aumytion. Sold by \\ J. Wilson. orkerl un tn Mm hiuhnn n:o.\l.,... ....o 11 top 01 It me tree. For lame ck, side or chest, use Shiloh : Porous l luter.. Pricp 25 cents. Sold by W. J. Wilson. TL- ............ .. :,.-L:_.__||, __. nu apnrltualllm. - . ` Catlrrh cured. health ind sweet breath secured, by Shiloh : Csturh` Remedy.` Price {$0 cents, Nut! Injector free. Sold by W. J. Wilson. T in. I....:..... I ..... .. n __:_1 AL ,u . .I \ w uura you. Gold Dy W. J. VVill0lI. the nvenge boarding house the oyster is rarely in the soup." Sloenlesn nimt.u_ muln mi...-.kl. 1.. cl... n" c"`' 0' "I9 Floor: anchored to": ' IIIOIWIIII Rondo:-I; _ Slgafor Coke, of Texas, is I rm believer In apmtualism. " ' Catnrrh mu-ml hnnltl. .`..A ....-..L l._--L|. Plloal Plloo ruins; mu. s:A_.Xnl-no n nnlannn Ilnhlnn A-J 1|` tn: TEA mart. Iclu IU lllu Happy BLOOD BITTERS. can be so quickly We guarantee it. secret. of 5 i N`:-) Rid D .. ` \' ' `nusmn & rmmuron. Props In_- no .._..lo- ll.-Inga ll ---A.- fnnuxx. mns_A[1kru1nlxn!. OENERAI. - NEWS - AGENCY "Int! Ilvlvlh VLVVIIIV IVIllVIlllI& UV. ORANGI. Hun. Ghictgo.I1l.. 28 Union Sqnm. N.Y..l|.lh.s.TeL, St. Louis. IL. Al.lu1!n.0., Snnhmnchco. (`nL Iron nu BY II. J. MeDOWAI.I.. Prlnceu III-amt. Kin:-nlnn. . II nu-cot. Klnnmn. viw mms sewme MACHINE co], ORA Na K Mann, am run nmmmn mcuun or KIUGKLE-J0|l|T UIK [EITHER V BELTIIB PLATE GLASS T. MlLBURN&Co. bold ny urugguu cvcrywncrc. Wholesale by n.\'A.\S & HJNS (Limited). Montreal. OILS,-COLORS. A ARTISTS MATERIALS. wmoow cuss, vmmsu ES, grc. COCKLE'S PILLS--Frqelrom Melcury. ` 2?. >mQ-j -"3-& King St... oppadu In:-I-0: Bncmn. van-ulna nu tho UTIOA "our W lllutnutl Jcnnnl cl Now York siwnmagcunua :OCKLE'S PILLS-For Liver. :0CKLE'_S PXLLS-For Indigestion. :OCKLE S PILLS-For Heartburn. .____. A EAK MEN :OCKLE'S 1>1LLs-Inuseeiginy-sixyem. :OCKLE`S VANTIBILIOUS PILLS. J . O. KOLABIN BILTDTG O0. MONGENAIS. BOIVIN 3. do. EH1 "i`"_'T"`_"!% %%fP?LAINTS4% A. RAMSAY on son, IlQIC_I I snmmnu NEW COIIH: IunL\'. C0.\'SUl.'l`A`fl0N FREE. Dr. Washington. as almost everf person knows, is an eminent authority on Al d ofthc-throat and lungs and has been most am-msstul in the treatment of his patients. HEAD 0FFICE:--Unmrio 82 Mo(`.nul Itreot. ISIMLBOQ ` Mrsomnpgnmosiw Sold by Druuins cnrywhcrc. ln hv n.\' A \.sl 5 mini 11 z}ai>L`s: GRocE' O iiL"S .\'A.\S R i H. JUNAS & Bl]. l'1avuri1`1E"Extracts sunomes HEAD Toronto. -Z Ill] Ii Dlllll II: III IIUIIII II JONES IONSO IAL PABLOB ` -_a.._n. A ____n.-_ Iv.A-| na-.L 1......` 1|; uuuv-avu I runwril. (`nmrrh of the Head and Throat. Fatarrhnl Deafness. Chronic Bronchitis. Asthma and Consumption. Alsoloss of voice, pore throat. , enlarged tonsils. Polypus of the nose removed. Conn: C0.\'SUl.'l`ATl0N enlarged tonsils. l 0l_vp CONSUI Dr, Wnnhinavnn ma Ostarrh. Bronchitis. Asthma. Consump- tion, lloctually Cured. OF TORONTO. THROAT & LUNG SURGEON, A Private Treatise and Adviser in five hnguages; 24 illustrations. To young men only, and those contemplating marriage should not fail to send for :1. II. LUCAS PRIVATE DISPENSMW. OI lhndclpii St... Chicago. Ill. -nu --uunun -nu uunua. vn ` Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neural- oia, Calarrh. Cuts. Bruises, Swel- liugs, scald Head, .C',ol0`c, dyspep- sia-, contraction of the nmsctes, lame back. diphtheria, V sore throat, tender /cot, corns, Mm` _ joints, etc. o _ - may 1'}... n:_; .... .. :.. u-_..-_ n_1-.__-.I ' Iv-uuvv, vwvu `II For Distemper in Ho:-no.5. `Enlarged Joints, and other diseases, incidental to toao useful animals, it in uurivnlled. BRoWN-i`16i'i:R & 00.. REMEMBER THAT E Simson's-" Liniment , an iaken tli ma ml is the bonpn-para. tion ever bffeeed to the people of Canals for 6|... DUI ILVI4` ....) IVIVDL` -2 Sir'nsoFh s L'iniFment, -.v.. v- V. vlovvvtn vv uuv yvvlu the RELIEF And C_URE of BlI(`C(8Sl'lll In the or his patients. McCain] Itreot. Toronto. `Certicates are constantly being received elling of the good work performed by DR. 'wAsHmGToNf lug KEY ro HEALTH. '~ . MEDI,gALi'i?IEsI road by every mu whoun ,nu-voua utod. ddrcuh` ` ; I`. 0. WLI MOODUS Conn. Proprietovrs, Tront. i BunorI|;hanIho chat: at youthful errors. uulydnnu vuuuu wuknou. loan at mu Cnnxsrs. H.u.1rAx. N.S. gnu! Romanian rut homo ours. P splendid medical work: by mu: whoua ,nu-voul d. Addraa. ` ` Hotel, FRIDAY & SATURDAY |MARCH 8th and 9th. "Ial$1(3STON, Would Not In Without 10. TM: is what ovary lady uohout Dyer`: Cucumber sad ` Role Jol for curl`? I nlugn-sg In. l \_.._..l-s- .... IA lllll I1 wail Iviry may IIDOIII UyOl"I I `Y fE'..;"i3'....`3i 3 12' L..'.`. ' ..f"" 'r'. Bye: & (.70., Mon III III I IIIFUW Ull. VVU If I` "If Illlflllg bro cuts. not-no. rhoumthmnm thront. crou . otc.. llld recommend It to all u an uoo lent mnody." ..T. W. App , Wing- atlurn. On. All modlolnfdoolon Yellow OI IIIOIIIOTI l0I' FIIOIT OQIICYCI. III] (III urooeu ol teeth its value In lncelcu ble It relieve: the oh d from pnln, our-en dyna- tcry Ind diurrhtugripiug hrthe boweigud wind-collo. By givlnlzellh to the child it rest: the mother. ' 850 I bottle. A UOOIII Alolo. "I on certify to the O uudulnun of Bayard : Yellow Oil. \ 0 not II (or burn. 5... an: ant: ning rlunnunntln-n Anon ung) Quvlvi av 1IlZ'lv. Mn. WI ow : Soothing Syrup, for chil- dren teeth 3. In the pruori don 0! one of the but found: nuns and Qtydohu In the United States, and has been used for forty years with never-{ailin moon! by million: at mother: for their ogildron. Du tho -0 o...|.|-.. n- .'..I..- 4- I... .. -\.I- sunorlng nan Ina untrue: youltnrul for-ton, daoqy mu w u on o m n Mall. 010.. I will can a vnlum Lrentlno 130:1- Cl I9:{a':?L``:u`.'A`.'.." R".`.5 $"u '..'.a'}`.?.'.:.$ .'rY.'2 Mn. Henry M. Kitchen, St. George. Out, eeyl: "I hell I bed oold which not- tled in my throat. cunning e continue! lick- ling, end I juet coughed all the tlme. I an Hngyerdi Peotorel Beleelmend in three ye wee getting better, and in ten days I went to church. Our neighbor: how thie to be true. M `V If. rroucnor, II DI" IIIU II`. WIN}. UH` ganged on soother novel. Mn. Dolu:d'u oompcnlon in Boston : screen in: superb mum? on big as I lion. Jokou My the dog`: bunineu in to defend her from on- nged Prubyurisnl. Why 7 \\'h'y suffer a aingle moment, when you can get immediate relief from internal or ex- ternal pain by the use of Polaon'a Nerviline, the great. pain cure? Neviline has never been known no fail. Try a 10 can sample bottle. You will find it just an recommend- ed. Non lgia. toothache. orampe. head- ache, and II aimilar complaint: disappear n if by magic when Nervilina in used. Large bottles 25 cents. Tent bottle: I0 centa. at druggieu and oonntry dealera. r llri. Maria:-at Dolmd, Author of john Wu-d, Prone or," in or like Mrmwud. on- nunn nn Anntligr llhbnl In [Hand'- (if the evil ; doing by halves niakes waste half the energy expcndeul by manltinal. Why should you trie with disease 3 When indications sre given that soiiiethinq has gone wrong make the restoration of normal conditions the real, nut incidental, business of life. Few curative agents have equalled Hamilton`: Pillaof Mamlrnliean-l Butternut, uempoumlenl uf purely vegetable substances, on scientic principles, uml beautifully snr- casted. They constitute the most certain. ssle and pleasant family medicine in exist- ance. Try Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Bntternuts. Sold by N. C. Poison & (.70.. Kingston, and by all dealers in medi- nlnn, guson, nu ; ueur,-_;e nrlgga, nm. The council of 030 township for 1389 is, therefore, roeve, M. E . Avery ; councillors, R. Burke. A. Mcuinnia, jr., C. Young and Thomas Armstrong. The aouth triumphed for the first time, having elected Avery, Mc(:'innis and Youn . After Ipeeches by the successful candi ates the crowd diu- rsed in an orderlymanner. Mr. Cham rt waa considered the most. formidable op- ponent who could be brought forward against Mr. Avery, who has won a hard fought battle, and may now be considered the most popular young man in the town- ship of Oso as he certainly is in the county council. When haby was sick. we gave her (hstorin. When she was: child. she cried for Cu-toxin. When she became Mina. she clung to Culorin. When she had childremohe gave them Cnvorin ` K/"IIHUCTU, IUH : lllHJUI'lI)' [Ur Avery, Z0. For c(-uncillor-Richard Burke. I24 ; Alexander Mc-(Zinnia, I22 ; Charles Young, H6; Thomas Armstrong, IL") ; Juhu Dun- nelly, II4 : J. Y. Armstrong, Ill ; D. Fer- guson, Ill) ; George Briggs, I09. Thu nnunr-H nf ()nn tnsrnnhin for IQRQ in DIIIUIE WITH CUIIIIIBU 'I(lI (HIE TUHIIII 3 For ree\'e-M. P. Avery, 135 ; 1 Chambers, 109 ; majority for Avery. ` Fur 1-num'illnr~- Rivhnnl Hnrlm, NH ('0 IIUGTIIU. . That the contest was a very exoitiifg one may be imagined since 248 votes out a total of 307. including non-reeidente, dead and ab- sent, were polled -the greatest number ever recorded-nnd that one voter travelled 350 milce to mark his ballot. while many went fty, sixty and seventy mile: to record their votes. At 9 o'clock in the morning mote than fifty voters were at the town hall await- ing the opening of the poll. from which time they crowded to the booth. Both parties were active in bringing their supporters to the polls and ruehing them into the booth until 4 o clnck, when all except one of the available votere had been introduced to the returning oicer. Although the greatest in- terest was manifested and a feverish excite ment prevailed throughout the day the pro ceedings were conducted in the moat orderly manner. From 3:30 until 5 p.m. the crowd ' and interested parties were simply waiting on time, there being no voters to seek or canvass. Immediately after 5 o'clock the ballots were counted with this result : I)-.. ._..__.._ II I) A .... .. 1-): . ll.-- spoclllo. It booomu an utlor Impoulbllny for the liquor I name in uh. olrouhr and full on uddrol 00 IN BPIOIFIO O0. 1 oo 8%.. Olndnnstl. O. . T`: A 8IIurp,(`.unte3st lmthe Township of 010- .\ Prolonged Weir. l-`or twelve or fourteen years the township of Oso has, no to`epe.ilt, been divided against itself--the South a aim: the North -and, until this week the orth alwayshelda ma- jority in the county council. A year ago M.` l . Aver was elected reeve by a majority of one. '1` e contests in this township have generally been spirited. and this year was by no iueansan exception, and as a result there has been quite an exciting time in-Oso `for two months. The clerk of Oso is also clerk of South Slnerlvrooke, in the county of Leeds. ` In each of these townships there is but one polling subdivision; and the clerk is therelore ext`-o_[h'`io returning otiicer in each. Being unable to be present in two places at the same time the clerk appointed as substitute for ()so, William Armstrong. who presided at the nominatinnson Dec. tllst. and hold the election on January 7th, -.when certain irregularities were said to ho occurrml. At the nomination, how- ever. Mr. .`\\'cr_\' was elected rceve by accla- metion, no one having been proposed as. reeve against him, ` hight candidates stood for councillors. and at the election on Janu- nry 7th. there was some ditiiculty between some of the cemdidntes and the pro tem re- turning otlit-or us to the taking of the votes and counting of the ballots. The candi- dates for vounoillors. then declared elected. being threatened with q no crarrrmlo proceed- ings. decided to disclaim. and Mr. Avery, on the clerk representing that the noniination, as well as the election proceedings. were ir- regular, disclaiuned also. and the clerk pro- t`t`.clt\tl to hold A new election. The nomin- ntion was held on the llth, when Henry ('h.unbcra was proposed in opposition to Mr. Avery an ri-eve. There were also eight candidates nominated for councillors. As evidence that there were no political in- terests at work it might be mentioned at on each "ticket" were three conserva s and two liberals. . AN ELECTORAL 'B'ATT;.E. ` Advloo To lotion. `llohllng Torture. __._ ll lIx..L ._ L1 w_.'[`H"E "BRITISH wma. FRIDAY". FEB. 2-2. 1' `Henry '2 Autumn Wanda-lngln um Norunvut. By A. Survey Hill. 0!. The Cnmnnlcn of the Col. sir W. I .. . no. '1`%:M|5u'un:'- `root. by Gum. Allen I ' ' dl: .b Grunt All . 01.5). u`3'u3 nale and (Le {sh Quostlg, by Joseph Chamberlain. doc. Frederick the Robb. by 81: Menu Ilnokenxlo IL , BK llhndvontnrv. by Frank Bu-nu. mo. 1` 9 ballot` Gallery. by Justin Icon-thy and III. (hnpbgl Prud. loo. The Cu:-wot nrrhgo. by In. Walla Hub- boll. - A Crown ot Sluunobby Flonnoo Iurryltt. lb. Bongnol Oalnry. y the Whyto Bluo. Apn_1:IISBE1:S, n n bnnunfn uiom snomc 1~o 1-moan. Wndorlngln the Northwut. By A. Survey am. . _ ______,.__..___. NEW Boonacs- Or` the Liquor Rabi Posmvel Cured b M- mlnlatcrlllc Dr. not on Spec! 0. It can be given In I can at who or to: with out the kmwlodfe of the person taking It; in uboolulgly hum on and wiiobot A per_mu- __,.|__ ,.__. _L_-L .L- _ ,.;,- _--. ._.-...__ -_ at ALE AND I;c'>"1'"E1n 1: ! Pin Quuuundsnulk hloh ndgq II:unou:'oo the neu.lnthoo1t'y." ' J In Plntl. lrtl And Saul Kqu. pl-ynounooqano lines: In the city. PH "I'IIf\III'\l A LARGE STOCK. . BOTTOM PRICES. DESIRE TO PLEASE, MUST u'r1uc'r ATPENTION. MUST - RECEIVEI5 muncnss STREET. ABOVE smznnuv-sr It contains neither alum. limo, nor ammonia and may be used by the most delicate constitn along with per!-wt safety. its at auoooao arisi * from its in-in inntrlnsicai y THE HES ! VAL tic IN l`iiE . ARKiC'l`.u well as that VALVE IN THIS} MAl{KlV."|', in well U10!` oughlyadnptcd to the wants oftha kitchen. has owned envimui imitations of its name and up penrance. Bewnm of such..- No addition to or variation from the simple name: COOK'S FRIEND IS GENUINE. THE PEOPLE'S Up-Town Grocery. uuna Wllll yL'lII`\'I aluuty. Ila l'l:7n.l auuv-anus I E THE ARKlC'l`.u wellaa nnahlxandnmnd In thn wnnh: nfthn Irilnhnn has out the In-Iwlea or the telling it: in ebeolulely one wi eilbct perma- nent and y can. whom the patient is e modereu ninkox or an alcoholic wreck. it he: been given to thousands of canoe and in over: instance A perfect cure he followed. It never faila. The system once impregnated with the specic. it becomuu utter impoeeibiliiy for the Manor nnneute to For circular PRINCESS STREET. FERGUSONS BLOCK. ` cnux's'ir{i1siJ rii1iiizi`13nwnnn 1 IS A PURE FRUII` ACID POWDER. f JAMES REDDENJ CHINA TEA STORE, ] HOWtoM,4/(EBOTI-IEIVDS MEET; our tale in mm and if you heed it. It will on- rich you. He economical and trade with CAN MAKE RUTH ENDS MEET` BY TAK- ING HIS TAIL IN HIS MOUTH. 1 WE TAKE OUR TALE IN OUR MOUTHI TO SHOW YOU ALA. A LLJ4 AI.J&l4-Jd.LLUI Florida, Vulontm and Jlvs.~rina Ora ng cs, L 0 m ous. Crrm berries 1 ('oc0(mut.~I and all klmls of A pples. m-zms 131103.. Mnnumcluring contecnibnm. EITY * FLOUR STORE. ` CHOICE FAMILY & BAKERS FLOUR SEED GRAIN. PBESSED HAY. CLO- VER AND TIMOTHY SEED. ax -I-\ w%-1% A --I~-u-:--I- ?-I- UIII nuu TIIJIICBI llI1IlIll|.]' Premature Decline, Error! of Youth. and the untold Iniaerioa oonaoquont themon ID pages 8 vo.. I25 prescription: for allvdiaouoo. Cloth. full gilt. only 8|, by mail. Ioaiod. [Illn- crauvo sample free to all young and middle 8801! men. Send now. The Gold and Jowallcd Medal awarded to the an hot by the National Medical Aaaociation. Addreu P. 0. Box 196. Boston. Hana. or DR. W. H. PARKER. grad- unm of Harvard Medical College, 26 you! practice in Boaton. who may be consulted oon nl-uol-ll: Qngannltuu Illngnngn nl Ila-u (W. O 4-\u%: llll\JLLJ.I Dmuy.IN IlAnw-II| Glnnnnn U. 11. IDHHQUAI` Kl UU.. U4l|lLllUlU, I`: o They are the boat. Ask your grocer for them. We take the lead in Quality and I Variety. You can get almost any shape and style. Our Home-Made ` Bread is the latest. Made only at -qqla--------. B H - . I7I\V1\ . Twocu Load: of the Ontario Brown: and Initial Co : superior Selected and pn-kcd with cleanliness and care I ). H `U .n|'.unon|l D. I`- D..Ia:._-..- II ) --- ---, ----- ~-~ - ~---~-, , $0.1: M/min-:1 SQUARE. FULL SUPPLIES 01" THE BEST QUALI- TY` OF FLOUR. Mill Feud. Shorts, Bran, Outs. Blwkwhenl. Hay Apples. Onions. Honey. Beans. e . Also to arrive Manitoba Seed Wheat. al.s_nnd Barley. ll Cash paid to! fun. W. F. BAKER. Commission Merchant I \ YELLOW SIGNS. YELLOW TUBS. Use Peerless Brand" BALTIMORE F.R5S'." 3 . .V_ 9Y.$TE.RS FLOUR, FEED _"AND SEED strain, '11: unuu` UIIIJKIUI III IIIDUUII, wllll IIIC IOU Vlllllluwu ulna ndonunlly. Spooulty: Dluuu of Inn. 0!- gg II. A Dull-AL Do