Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Feb 1889, p. 8

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IIIIIII! mun. `Auction .1. ol mm. of M. H. wun. & `co: man. an 1.` mac. sun. utlns. As. gr III!!! ACII % *0 ll!!- Ho Drinks Laudanum And Neurlv Goal --"Ilia Letter [10 Left Behind. The Calabogie correspondent of the Ren- frew .l!n-rum gives the following particulars of the attempt at suicide by a Kingstonian : A week ago Saturday, as the train from the south was nearing the station, a young man alighted and took up lodgings at the Madawaska house, giving his name as George Baxter, of Princess street, Kingston. By appearances he seemed to be a swell and also of a rather intellectual countenance. He did not state the nature of his business here, and, in fact, did not seem at all 'i('Slr ous of conversing on any subject \-.t ` vvr On Friday night he retired, as usual, . room. About 9 o'clock in the morning I u the gong sounded for breakfast he did hut put. In an appearance, and Mr. Duncan, one of the proprietors, went to his room door and called several times. Not receiving any response he decided on going in, when to his horror and dismay. he discovered him lying prostrate on the bed in a state of uncali- seiousm-ss with an empty bottle lying at his side labelled Laudanum. There being no doetoi in town Mr. Duncan summoned all the aid possible and some very strong eme- tics were promptly administered and by Sunday noon he was able to walk around, but seemed veiy feeble. Shortly after he took his departure, walking out of town, not feeling inclined to wait even for the morning train. so ashamed was he of his conduct." The following note was found on the table : "I write these few lines to you. Rose. _When you got them 1 will be dvud. Toll Anme my ant was of her. dear girl. Tell her to K001`) those presents 1 gave her. It is my wish and will meet her in he AVCH. With these few /lines I bid you all good-b `e. ` " ours Irulv. |JhllI|ullb'U, IALHI LIIU TUCUIIL GU'1PIH unu Dur- mcse wars, will lecture here on March 1st unrlcr the patronage of the military men of the city. It will be I social event. I ll Eblbll [II [He Ulll llrllltle. ' Frederic Villik-rs, -the famous war corres- poiricm and artist of the London (Iraphic, who went through the Servian campaign and the Russo-Turkish war. accompanied the Afghanistan expedition end the mission to Abyssinia, served through t|1e'Egjpt.iim campaign, and the recent Soulnn an Bur- inane warn wiii in-nfnrn in-urn nn Xian-In Inf uccwu umn He may unuumucu the Journey. Mrs. Ellen Shanahzm. who for about forty years was one of the leading hucksters on the city market, died last evening aged 75 years. `She Inna been viling for a year. Death '33 caused by cancer. Two daughters sur- vive. Mrs. Shzmuhan was quite wealthy. Before the sluunbles were burned she owned 8 stall in the 0111 urcmle. l`ru.Ia-in \'iIliur..`.. ,Ll.. l'....,..... ...-.. ......_,.- uu uuuu [I1 nu cliarlmule work. H. M. lhitton, general superintendent of the R. W & 0. RIL, is again in Paris. His disease hug recomiy developed serious com- pliumiions. He has lost over fifty pounds in weight in the last. six weeks. Mr. Britton starts for home as soon as the doctors uhull decide that he may umlurtnkc the journey. Slmlmhmi. who for nlu.nt fm-tv III$U(Iu Rev. Father Swift. of Troy, N. Y., bro- ther of Aid. Joseph Swift, invited to lecture here under the auspices of the St. Vincent Ie l sul society, had to decline because of illness. He, however, showed his interest in the benevolent society by sending $50 to be use-xl in its clmritable work. 1" Ni Null/inn .u...uy..l ...........\. ...l....L .. Born Noun Ir-o-m llurrnwunltlu. -\ 0 n n.. , _.,,,,; 5, _A1__-;, 1 nuue pnanes ox Sweqeny C. W. Andrews. an old Kingqtoniau, iI.q notary public at Wplhalla, Dakota, and in doing a; good business. He in 1iuiversally- liked. ` Pooph Whonlo Mnlviomnlito, sayings and "`*"'l9olIIl Atthunt Att.outmu.' Mr. Spuigeon has returned to l.ondon.in, exdellent health. . Min u;....:.. n,.r_.. -..1 L.- -:-A--- "W exueuem nealm. mu Minnie Donna, and her mm Mrs. Conley, lefhfvlontreal yesterday for New York. - ` IJ..: .... -- `v, , . -a. - - " lll IllK|IUK LHU Hlrl3L'|v3. As Detroit is one of the cities situated within the great divorce belt. there is more 1 or less coldness here all the year around. The hot at-awn, however. occur: only in summer. Durimglhia lime warm weather nun` he found all over Wayne county : aye. oven in Ihv beat of fumiliea-fmniliea whone fair name has never been aullienl by the breath of slander, nor whose hands hue In-4-n hesmirched with labor. ..I.. I -... a..Il -:.l.. ......... 4|... ` D .. I Ul'I- Princess Victoris, sitter of thn Emperor William, will shortly be betlnrothcd to Prince Charlds of Sweden. Andrews. an nld Kinantnninn in I GOOD MEN FOR CONGRESS. AT HYMEN'S ALTQR.` ATTEMPTED SUICI E PERSONAL MENTION. V Wurcln in Rl'[!Il`(I to the I III...-an \7..-- Wu-I: Iruly, unzurm 9 lruly. ` u|s`.u|-uuc BAxnm.' Strong wind: or pin from west nd north. Mr, docldodly colder mother. wlth mow urrhl. lH'k\|"lgll[E(l Cll|plUyUUU Ul lHC CUIHPIIHJ ETC stntimul on the buck platform: to watch out for persons running to catch the cur. Of cdllrsc too muc'h vigilance should not be ex- ]N.'t'it.'li of these unfortuimte men. However, hoth .\|r. Riley and myself found that as connoisseurs of plugged nickela and other 5-lmlly coinage tho: gentleman got there with lmtli liinhs. .\lr. llilcy and myself stood npon the llzwr of one of these day cuum.-lidi while it io.lc lll down to the dock this afternoon. The Detroit river, ifpon whose wetty lmsum the city bnautifully slulnbers, diviules it from A hind that is fairer than this, ea- pucially to Boston financiers and young Na- pol-.-nns of ciirn:iic_v who feel callt-I upon to `s[ll\'.4l our country's hum: and other folks` muuey within its borders. The river. how- ever, stones for what part it may play In this 41 Acstioimhle I`!-up Ir main`: r, I-y supply- ing the people with nmgniticent thinking xx .:.er which I am tod they often use in .~prinkling the streets. -\n Hvtrnit. in nun nf fhn ni no ninlnh-J ' Y_ou can't afford to miss hear- ing Principal Grant to-nl M in Convocation Hall, The upm- eso. Our Next Door Neighbors." ll` Hudquartet-I, for Clover. Timothy. Hold and Garden Hoods. - (ihnlnn lfnmilv lnnr. t:-any Rghnrf Ilnnr and unmnn Beodn. Choloo Family Flour. Strong Baton` l'loIc | upoohlty. JOSEPH F RANKLIN, Windsor Hotel Block, Hincoss Street, WHOLIIALI AND igngouncz con4M1$sn5v'a:f6't4LE[z_. __ Illllw. With respect to the butter I can only say that on any market in England they dare not exhibit it. If the farmers who attend these markets could only see and taste a little En lish made butter they would at once labe theirs Cart geese." I may state that I have only been out eleven months. and since my arrival l have not tasted good butter, although I have went to many shops for it and asked no questions as to price. I llVl3 also been to the shambles twice and left word there for them to send rue five or six pounda of good butter when they got it. This order was given three weeks ago. but. alas, no butter is forthcoming. or the benet of all concerned I will give Canadian " farmers advice, In the first place don t keep your cream in dirty veaseis or until it becomes putrid. Always see to it that your churn is well scalded out after using. and deliver the butter at the market while fresh. You will secure a ready sale for it. If this is not done, or if the council no lect it longer, the people should make a 1 cmand upon it that would not burke a refusal. Then again how long are the bakers going to run short weight sour bread and dear loaf? Why can the Toronto bakers sell at I20, while they are extracting Me. I wish a reply. A Cnrsuz. nu V GUI` WW3 VVII I? am`! uvlnrool. lob. 12. Cotton. rm : America mlddllnn 5 I-IO &..-.-. nuirwnuunuuna - zvnruvu :n3-_lu Ilonrruu. Feb. 8!. Flour--.ooo1vu. ll) DDII. Ell Market quiet and unolnuod. Good llnttor Needed. Ki.\'.'.~"ruN, Feb. 2l.-(To the Editor) : I read with much pleasure the letter in your issue of yesterday from '.`John Gilbert" re dishonesty, and am sure the working popu- lation, at least of this city. will be thankful to that gentleman for biinging the mutter forward. Why this glaring abuse of pri- vilege. has been allowed to reach its enor- mous dimension: I cannot comprehend. I think it in the place of the city council to at once take up this .natter, not only an to what. is sold pnblic`y on our market, but to go further Ind make I cuunl visit of the shops. \\'i!h I-nnnonf tn Olin lxnfiar ` nan nnlv nxn Uumu rncmoxux ...... . . Cuuh Cotton Company Dundu Potton 00.. . .. Hmhahn Ontmn On. ueve mm.) Hm street cars I nd to be large, well- lmntml nual easy to stand in. Blind and m-wsighted employees of the company are stutiaxnml nn Hm hunk nlntfnrm: to wnmh OuudAPndoRR...... Cnnuh Potmn amnnnv nmcxs. Bank of Montreal ....... .. Onunrloasnk ............ .. Bank du Pen lo ......... .. Molnoni Bu: .......... .. Bank 0! Toronto ........ .. Banana .1 not Ccrucl-.. Merohnnu nk . . . . . . . .. uoboolinnk nlon Bank ..... .. hunk of Commerce . . . lmporlnl Bunk . . . . . . . . . . .. Montrul Telugu h 00. . Rich. t Ontnrlo av. Go Montreal Telugu n Co. 00.. ` l5.P<|_y'lllK UUIIVJCUU Ul IHC UIIUIUS rrgluu IE .~ulh`cient to give work to more than one pri~ \a`c analyist, and no argument other than a foolish and pl'lliCi0lISli63iX' for ceutrali mtion can be adduced why Toronto should be chosen for a mining school in preference to E city situated almost in the midst of the mining regions and possessing in itself every ; desirable facility for the successful establish meat of such a school. -Ynurs truly, AN OLD Tim: (.`uv..\u.-1'. CURL IIUHC UVCT `s)UU'\KIU. Now coming home there can be no doubt in the mind of any man, who is willing to take a reasonable view of the matter, that one mining school is at present enough for Ontario, and that like Lehigh it should be placed as near the centre or ou:let,of the minim: regions as it is possible to find a city or large town to acconimodate it. Kingston is situated exactly as is required. as nearly all the iron phosphate, mica, galena, etc , mined in Ontario is brought from the coun try immediately back of Kingston to be bought and sold and shipped in that city. Already, in addition to what I am informed is done in Queen's college, the analysing and ` assaying business of the mining region is >|2ll`ll`i(~`.nf. tn aivn work tn more than nm: nri. uy Iue unlveluuy. `V ` When I was in Bethlehem eighteen years ugh the place was comparatively a small town aml the university was far from com- plete, but upon revisiting thelli last summer llnuml the town grown into I buemtifnl city. and the university developed into the leading one in its ;:nrti<'-ular line in the East- ern ax-ates. A single building, dovotd to chemi try. uuying and cognate branchee. cost alone over $300,000. Nh- nnnninn lu-unn Oluu-A nun kn nn Anuld IOITIIAL PIIODUOI IAIII1. n-.._.._.. u-_|.- an ICU I`lKLll'H. And why should it not be there ? .In the same citv are z_inc works and iron works and the lnrgest steel works in the union, works which were last summer awarded the con- tract of supplying steel armourplstes to the United States goven nmenn. It is readily seen that where large numbers of assays and analyses are rcqliired. und where special en- gineering skill is frequently called into rc- quisitiomtlie miningtand metallurgical works are ndiuirubly and protably supplemented by the univeisity. ` `Vin-n l was in llpfhlnhmn niijlitm-n vmiru .4. At illethlehom. l`enn.. nlaront Institution u -linen llullt. lVp-l`lonl.y 0! Work For the An|lyst-lnveIxhIng Against. the Chunsctar of the utter That Is olforod Forsnlo. . Km;.~"1`uN, Feb. 22.--('I'o the Editor) : In advocating the claims of Kingston as the site for a school of mines in your issue of Tuesday last you refer very properly to the City of Golden in Culifornis. You might readily, however, have drawn your compari- son from nearer home. Lehigh university. which is eminently an engineering. mining. assaying and chemical institution,is situated at Bethlehein in Pennsylvanis, as city of about `. (),0UOinI1nl)itants. It is not at the statecupitsl, Philadelphia, but Almost in the very heart of themining regions of tho Alleghsnies, the most prolific source of coal and iron in the eastern portion of the`Uni- ted States. A ...I ...L.. ..l..\..I,1 {L ....L L- LI....... 0 `I - AI... wnen we arnveu LII me uepoc. `Mr. Riley says he often heard of Dem Rrouthera and Harry Richardson, but he thought Detroit was simply their nom de. `II/llllli`. The streets of this city are very beautiful, and 1 am told tbatupeople may he sea-n upon them all through ,the day; (Hie person who informed me of this is re~ iiuhle and trustworthy, therefore I fully b9- heve him.) l`|... ..u......t ....-- I ll...) 5.. I... I..-..... ....II uvmtroox. co:-rox uauhn. I nun-nan: Ugh I LIVIKPOOI. OI IIII DIABIIT. I .-..__.-. n_L an I ... COMM ERCIAL MATTERS. 'ii)N-runu. UTOCI Iuaxmrs ' Mo.\"rnlu.. Fob. 22.-l2 noon. urn. on : Flnnk nf Mnntrml . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . .. BI 93`)? WHY A GOOD SCHOOL OF M|NS 5 .; SHOULD BE HERE. . l moi; OF THE PEOPLE * v -nnn Ir\rnl vII-:n- uunucun Llvunrool. Fob. I!- E-Whlto and Oolol-cl & on. wanna: rnupnuuu. ...l_ J- __ _- _ l,___ _ ll-6 pan. M. HIUIW3 tn` H133 WIIUTU IV]!- This is said to be owing to the public school system. which is exceedingly thor- ough, the childrun lwing taught geography. :\Sl.l`uIl(HlIy, and the location of their native heath almost the first thing. Moreover sev- eral railways run into the town and give it honorable mention in their time tables. lsoth Mr. Riley and myself are exceetlingly vexed that we `haven't Detroit in our rail- way guide. and will never forgive certain malicious parties `for not calling our atten- tiun to its existence until this morning when we arrived at the depot. '_\.lr Rilnv mum lm nfltun lwnnl nf noun `JHE GREAT FUNNY MAN SEES TH ' A ELEPHANT HERE. lIlIl|"` HIUIILI" Iu HIULlU'lUg|lU I * * Mr. Ril:-_v tells me Llmtl).-,troi`c wu found- ed about 1700 A. D. by M. (iudilluc, the wellkuown French voyager, at present de t.`L`|ia0l.' Whether his untimely tuking oil was occasioned by Imlirms or by his attend- ing physicians I can bub illy tell, but if his xhade should now attire itself in rich though not too gaudy apparel and drive up` Wood ward avenue in one of those eerie drosltu` now so mm.-l1 in vogue among the shades of the upper 400, nee l0. it could easily tind Detroit, its mostly every one in town knows more or less where ibis. 'l`k.. L. ...l.l 5.. I... .\..~.... 6,. 0|... -.nl.lin Llru ~JIL I2 I Ulllll. nuwn. .. _ Dr:1'|mn'. Feb. 14.--I am thinkiugof this gum] olcl city of Detroit, and I faiu would hold back I pluuking tour as I feel how old and venerable and weary it in. In mmlpr M (`.mH|Inr-. nnmlninn nnaf Ill VCIIBFIUQC III weary III II. Its fnunder, M. Cadillac. occupies neat apartments, facing Woodward avenue, in A niche belonging to the city hall. Ween you, gentle reader, with what I am lled- not being a drinking man-aa I `interview him --mn.s`t1y in Inuuqlogue ? T ' Mr RH:-v tulle mn Hm! I).-.rmir. w.uI fnnml. `BILL NYE ox DETROIT, DUI. Ivvu-9 unit an- otc.. ll your Oil! | lunar. [Ia munoqumu on um um 11:. Cadillac- Uur Pofaulntlon In `.|"O, Mostly (Inna-` (lIan- Detroit`: Belle: and Swell:-. Btl"'|9o-l _Cun n ml sqlmol Children. ' Dru-.>it Evening News. IX.-uu..um [Pals II I an-. LL:-.I.:.... A` AL}- I ' KIIIUUUUIII 5 " I] dun It. Bill. you Ar` zq` right : never soon I city so (Mr. It` tor hm 'ucuy like haven. at you now [don't want Lot no there." Btu. Nvt. * In)! In lid-ulnar. ...I.__I. -1.` on-nnlnnn --:-?...-_?__- > Innis: sun. I, ,1 L-I-__- -1 II `GOTHI- The executive committee of the Frentenec Fenner'I mum. heve completed ernn e- manta for the convention el town hell. I. y- denhem. an Tneede , Ih Neroh. I` he tullovinaheuhjecte Ir emeeg ohere.be dia- cuued : "Fu1ner'n inetltutee end the bene- te In-men will derive from them," "Roon- omlc nee of beruyerd mum-e,'3 "Fertility end culuvedon of the loll." "Slloee end En- nllnnn " Mnglrul-n," "Rnnt nnlliben "HAIL Ina OIIIIVIIIOII III III! Kill." "HQQOI Illa I54!!- ullago." "bslryllg." "Root oultulro. "Ruh- lng Calvn." VIII aooonuon III vanoun mutt-nu, [Q re- uuthg I wldn rug: of . while 1 oh upoclmon of church III hone Inn on vor Inporior and interning. o rm DE` ample: ol nll pop! on alum to any nu. 'I`|.- ._.....u..- .........ns.. .1 AL- I.....s-..-.. `EU WW IIUIIUIIIIIIIIIOII [Ur OWIUI 0 (IL Tait in conuidenod 3 gratin: In` an the church in nil! in good condition. 0 Prubyterluu no to expand CWO In muting Inc I able. Then: I - Olll I:"udo:r the Ru. Mr.uS.r.iIi:h:,.r, "up" `PL- _-_ -L..-_o..._ -J LL- Il..l`...-I-...I Olll IIIIGUT `III IWV. Ill . BIIIIIII. The new showroom of the IoCauulnnd Iulnod glam worh. Toronto. Invo attracted conuldornhlo notion Ilnoo they opcood to the public. They Inn ontnplu ol oolllng and nwatltllga A old: -I innr: pmon u wronw. The Presbyterian: of Tamworth have purohuod,from the Iothodht body of that village. the church and round: lormcrly owned b tho Wuhyun onolnluuou for mm 1` in In cnnnidnnd I rlnl. hnnn|n' II)! II Bill-wins-r. New rhubarb. rips tomatoes, Ipltmh. r-dish-. 0-hm NlPP'0lu bonnu. grapes. ungorlnon. Florida oranges. and a on of tho: lmltl and nlai tlnngt st Honduran : cheopgrocory to-mon-ow. nlnu OI luuny, III] K II. / Mn. Mary Huilock I-`ooh : new Itory. "The but Assembly liull,"will befin in the Cantury. The scene in hid in aydviiia, and the ducri don of the bdl in the cul- mination of I. 0 story. George Kantian`: nut article will in an episode oi hi: Sibe- rian journey, 3 very Itrango And Amusing visit to 0:6 6! the grout Luna of Auin. I-`nnr tlmnnnml dnllnr: hum hnnn nrnvldul V|I|` `O 0.0 UK `HO ITOIK LIWIII DI lll. Four thouaand dollar: have been provided to buy tobacco for well-hobo vod oonviou. in tho penitentiary. addicted to it. In parlia- ment Mr. Somorvlllo oondomnod this prac- tice of granting tobacco allowance: Ir. was well-known that criminal: preiorred a year extra at Kingston to a norm in the Central prison at Toronto. ` Tha Praabvtarlanl of Ice. 1! ll IOIIG umeuwne wltnoun u crevice. One of the inconnistencien of our munici pal guvernment is thus hit oil` by I Hamilton paper : In the winter the merchnnt has to clean off the snow from in front of his plsce because the sldewdk in his, but in the l summer he is not allowed to place goods on ` the sidewslk because it belongs to the city. Kind 0! funny, Ain't it." Mn, Mn-v Hnllmelx Foam`: new storv. ` ice. ITUCIOC TCIUTIIBH. The stone quarried st Wolfe Island is being lnrouuht to to the city and turned over to lhe(i. T. R. authorities. The stone is said to he the finest in America. Blocks three fact thick I (I weighin ~|,.')00 lbs. have been tsken on and bromz I. across the It is solid limestone without I crevice. H... ..s' sh- :.m.....:.o......:.. 11` mm -nnnini 'M73|lIU |U LII`: UUHIDHIIIJ HHEUDIIICI. New dress goods arriving daily. All the new shades in Nile, sppla. sea green, strawberry. mahogany, red, &c. We are determined not to cnrry any over from this season, and hnve marked them at prices that will themselves. Inspection invited. R. ML-Fsul. Miss Uonohue, Ontario street, lost s purse nnntsininc I sum of money and several Va lunble papers. while skating on the Citizens rink _\-enterduy afternoon. The matter was reported to the foreman whu soon learned the name of the nder and had the missing l ` articles returned. `FA... ..g...... ..... _.l -4 I\'..H`- I.I.....I :- UFBI IICHIIICT IIUUUL Severul -lays ago 1 tipsy youth tore oil the lips of $363 in bilts and threw them in a corner in the llritish American hotel. Clerk (`rites now, unselliuhly, offers to hand over the pieces if the fellow will give him the lmlunce of the notes. J u.-nice Dawson has nvrnrded the Richelieu t Ontario Invigntion company $'.!(),O()0. the amount claimed from Messrs. Lunt. & ('o.. for breach of contract in connection with tho running; of thvntz-immr Rulhesay in up- position to the uoinpnny`a steamer. Noni Jrnu unmln Arriving xlnilv All tllo At Hamilton the achr. Gulmir ha been exteusivc-I_y repaired. The props. Celtic and Lake Michigan are having their engines couipoumled. Cnpt. Hall, nmrine hull in- speclq_!',_f!I\ uthe prop. Lake Uutario is the be-st slamer aoat. u........_.I l,..r.. _-.. _ At..- ...s|. ..__.. -1!` Ill||IlEn We are nhking more ex pensive prepnrn tioua than ever tor at large house furnish- ing trule thin spring and in order to make room will sell carpets. oil cloth: and lace curtain: at sweeping reductioun. R. Mo- Fuul'u. Ag L'.....llo.... Al... ..,.|... l`..I_-:_ L..- L-..-. \`Y.Q'`C" I` 11,1. l>rl"CCSI HLTCUL. [\lH`!`|Ull. The ugrm-um-nt lrelwutu the Kingston and | embmkc uuvl Nupmxev xunl 'l'mnwor(h rail way cumpunics has been completed and signed. an-I will he mmles binding by the passage of it bill through the Uutario legis- Iature. I\'.. _._,. .-AI.:_._ ._ _._- Ill SFUILL agnny. Ladies` half, whole sud quarter wigs. bangs, swil.u,hcs, hair chains. Hugs, made to nrder. Dress and mantle making. Cuuuif corset, best ever mule, over Walsh & Ste-.a.cy n. [U5 Princess street, Kingston. TI1 .-turn.-nu-nr I-xlwa-o n the KiI)u94?.nl) and I`.-`I-C "Do you know much about the Japanese und how clone the on coming to our ro- ligion And olvlllu on And truck 9" No !" Then you on plug to hoot Prluolpol Grunt on this Iubjoct thin ovonlnp in wave- cotion hall Y" "Yon. III` ! I on t olord to be ignorant of o pooplo who on our `non door no-ighborl " UK UIUIHQH HUC TUUIMHVICS. Urea; factory sale still going on at R. .\lcl"aul's. We sell A grey cutlzou worth To. for 5c.. and other makez! in proportion). Come and see it. R. l\lcl"uul. Un \\'c.lneslr.y night an infant son of Dar- ley Allen, Uivisuu street, lull into 3 pail of boiling watcrgstamling on the tloormud wzss an sculded that he died un hour ufterwards in great ag--ny. Laalins` lmlf ulmlo nml mmrter wlus. uersona (0 morrow. M rs. Vuudewnter and her adopted laugh ter, Blanche Kelly. of Nupmco, have been connnitted for Lriulon twelve distinct. charges of clothes line robberies. .- 9.. _...-.. ....I.. ...:II ...x:.... m. ..o D ox ury uau woou. _ Sliced hum, l2 cents; Cambridge sun. Imge, l`2 cents : hum and chicken sausage, bologna. tine bacon, lard, eu:., ct.c., at Ho.-u derson's to morrow. M... V... a.. ...,... .....l 1.... ...l,...o...l .l......1., lcnguln. There has Just arrived at . wood yanl, Uutasrin street, t of sawed or unaawed maple, of dry nlab wood. Qlinml hum I')1 :-nnf.~A- (tn "t'~|'sec11tel Husbands will be given. Butter! Butter! Lots of guud rolls and (hairy packed. IS and I9 coma u pound, priut butter 19 cents at Ilcm1ersou's tn-[nor-' THIN row. Sum Bittle, i.)IB(i).lii pitcher. is still dis engmgecl, but. In. expects to sign with `one of the strongest clubs in one of the minor leagues. 'l`iu-rn hm: nut nrrivmi At. J, (7nnmi)eii'l Willi!" YOU \\'_ll.HL Ill LIIU lul IIIIU cu. LIIUII _V (flnfiatimx Brothers entcrtzunlm.-nt. in opem house this evening. Irish jig a l .~rsecutel Husbands" will be given. I... ..-u I)... v I..o.. .. ..... l .-..Hu 1. "1'crsoL-utecx _nusmums' mu pt: guvuu. Brock & Booth have the best. slabs. hard wood-Imal dry blocks. You can get just what vnu want in the fuel line at their yard. l`I.Li_o .n R.-nokuva gnvnrhnnnunnf in the 'LenlrIl uclmol emu lacing pulcnurxne aLI'ut:\.. Well ! Well I Friaalnsnowbirds, wild ducks, mule ducks, turkeys , cllickeus, etc., etc., at HeIuluI`son's cheap grocery houae to-morruw. (tI.ri.ni.m Rrurlu-_ru' mmarmiumen: in the IICIIUUIVSUII UUHHIIP BIUUUIJ nvuuu It\J`Ill\II|' Christian Brothers` entertainment opera house this evening. Irish Jill I l crsocutei _Hushamis" will bcgivuu. u......|. Q. Iz....n. 1.... elm. hag`: shun: h; you thlnlt Detroit 0 very Deluuluu cny . Ho nnuverod no In that lntennoly up|rlt- uello any of M: with the following touohinz semi-qnatrnln : "flnll dam II Rlll, mm Ar` nan rinhl : the ice to`-morrow Mternoou. For dry oak and soft. maple. soft wood and hard wood at lowest prices. go `to L7ruvford I. foot of Queen street. I`I..-:oo..n I1.-..c|m--a nntprtnilllnmllt. in the cheap grocery. ` . The mule ditiiculty is not settled yet. The ` ipeed of the animals will again be tested, on ` ice afternoon. In... .3-.. ....|. ....1 kn`! mania nnft wnml Liruwrorui. root or queen street. Christian l}rut|xers' entertniumeut in the upera house this evening. Irlsh jlg and Persecuted Huabu'~u will be givuu. The school board has uskeu the g0vern~ agent to sell the artillo.`-ry land near the emrul school and facing Uulhome street. \\'ll ' \\'-ll ' I-`rianh snnwhinls. tlllck. Kevan: Paragraph: Picked Up by our lie-` ` porter: In 'l'|Iell'- Ihmuuhlcn. 1`;g`..I 20 cqnts It Ho.-ndurson'I. ,.- `lmlmxmzoo celery at Henderson`: to mor- run prulmbly be Ilguod by unmu on. Fine comb honey,` 12.} cent; 5 pound at Henderson's. ` Skip this ! H. in only Lambert & Walsh and vertining their cheapytweed suits. Hi: nnnnd nails of ism (guaranteed pure ad vertining their cheapytweeu aulu. Six pound pails of jam (uuamnteed pure fruit And Iuggr) only 75 cents at Heudersolfa cheap The mule diicultv yet. l'()\\. - Fur _;cnuiu Scranton No. 4 coal go to .t.lm Hun Work: yurd. "Kid" Somorl, the baseball catcher, will prulmbly be signed by Hamil Fme comb honav. 1'2} pound INCIDENTS or THE DAY. '. J. Campbell : ` , the best utock >, also the best THE BRi'r1sH WHIG. FRIDAY. FEB. nevermoleu. . ` Mr. Riley`: meil to-dey is largely nug- mented by dainty and eueive Ioensed velou- tiuee, which he has: received from youn ladiee who be my: mistook him for Rlohnr Mnuetiell in di nine. He didn't. uy in what dieguhe. en Ieemod Iotlewhet: net.- tled when l naked whether It might be en .\lr. I-lyde. However. be thet en it may. I have no doubt he will h lily prize the velou- tinee, n he doe: ell h I own shaving end me: u oouudereble paper in the act. \`..I. I In him In ('31. SAV. J. don't 3 L! r I IN]. the and ITUW. I ` r and lul tendon In I888: Rnhbun company, lumber. 25 and I inch. 811.50: cedar Iloeperl. 2- per Hun E foot; oodnr bluch. lfo. oh. Steven: and Turpin, bone and out. pol` dl . 31.77: tum r day, 82.94; Itono r tau. 0! 89. D. oEwon. Ilnithwork, . c. per lb. Mclthon Bron. hudwnro, mill. (NH) 1' log. 33.25; powder, r keg. 83.25; fun. 00 ft. .600. ; Ihoveln uchgl.)o.ploh, Mbnouh. 540.; nleu, per lb, |oc.; plot lundloo, par dozen. . 3 clad`: handles. pot donn. U1-05: mill. 3. 4, 5. and 0 inch r 15. do. Tho committee ndjonrnod an .15 p.111. Accepted up: you. 3 l`he following are glvol 0' '0 `"0003 lul tendon In I888: Dgbkkuun nu.-u.-..u Innnhnl, llld tlou. The tendon ucceptod for In pllu. outing. etc.. are In neuly every can on than thou accepted Int 3 run tnllnuhm ..-. mtrol the Incons- (`AllTl.\'13 AND smnu. E. MoF'udyon. John nmt. horse And our, per dny, ten hours. C1-343 Cm P03` day. too hourI.`3; none. per tolu, 59.17: total, .7 0|. - Jnmnn Pan-On" Kara: and cart. DC? dlll. IODII, 14 UI. Jame: Purtell. horse and cart. 9" dag. Den hourn, 8`); turn, per day. I1 Mu". none, per min, 8`) 40: tntal. 3740- Mr \AnlI`...1u...'. tnndlll` VII lhfld. uone. mm, 52 (0: tom. w.-w. Mr. MoF`udyen'| tender was accepted. being the lowest by 39 come. sruuuu M Tu: .-mrmwonx. D. Mclwen, 4 cent: per lb. No opposi- Hnn lion. 'l`|. . THE LIVMHEK T HE UHILII. The city will need, during the yelr. 300.- 000 feet lumber ; 70,000 lineal feet of cedar, and l2.000 cedar blocks. The tender: were : Rathbun com uny, l.)ouronno-For 2 inch lurk per M, 8 L25: H inch per M, 811- 5; codnr sleepers per lineal foot, 1 5 60 ; cedar blocks, mu, uc. Total, 84.809. Cnldinll 8: Run: _Fnr Q inch nlnnk DI!` oonnuorunn paper In ma non. Saul I to him to day, Say. J. W.. don't think Detroit very beautiful city 2'` II. Annual-Ad mm in Hill HICCIIIOIV lD|l - C0(lIl' ulocua, EICII, IQC. Mull, (nova. Caldwell & Son: -For 2 inch plank r M. Ill ; 1; inch plank per M. 311: OMB!` aloe rl per lineal foot, 9} oh ; cedar bloc a, nu wh. Total. 85.055. Rnthlmnh `:n4 -mm unrdod the con- mocu, lgc own. tom, omuoo. Rnthbun & Co. were lWII`d0d tract. 'lhnir contract in 3947 Ion thst Odd- Ivoll & Sonn. .-.n...... .x-n a-lnuli Anna 0 men, age. The tender of Mcnhon Bros. wu scoop- ted. it being the lowest. Total, 81,343.50. THIT. I.l`\lll|`R TH I1! USED. lU., .15-;. Uullun & Struugm-Nails, kegs, l00 ll)! null, 32 `J0; powder. kegs, 2.3 lbs. each, $3; fuse coils, I00 feet, ()'.')x'.: uh0\'els.at.eel point- ed, l'Ily'a. $6 .34 per ln/.eu ; Ulll steel, 36 24: l eu's, $5.04; picluuteel puiutul. 5 lbs. each, 50 ;alc toll-l atevl, per l|:., llc.-.; pick luunlleu per clown 8! 5:); sledge handles per lozeu. $|.`20mnl $l..`;(); nails, 2%, 4, 5. and 6 inch, per l|>., 35. .l l`.nrlu:Il*._\'uiln luwon, Ill) ll~n mu\l1 U IHCII PUT NJ. 0, .\lcKelvey & Birch--Nails per keg. 82. 90: powder, kega, 2. ) lbs. each. 83; fuse coils, IOU feet, 65 ; shovels. steel. Ely`: brand, $'.',U.`s`per1ln'/.; picka,a'Jeelpuint,e L5 lhs.eacl1. 60; sledges, solid steel. per lb. l`2c ; pick lmull..-a per dozen, $l.~l.3; sledge handles per dnzeu, $1.50 : nails 3. 1, C), and 6, inch. per lh Klu- IUWB I A Strnch-u1--Nails per keg, 100 lbs. each, 8291!; powder, Legs. `.25 lbs. each, 83; {use coils, I00 wet, bit.-.; shovels. steel, Ely`: brand, $5 70 per dozen; piclu, steel pointed, 5 lbs each, 50 ; sludges, steel, per lb., 9.50.; pick hundlea per dozen. 8l.2l) ; sledge handles per dozen, `L90; nnila, 3, 4. 5, and 6 inch per lb.. 3c. ' A-Kulvnv R Hirnl1-.NniliI nnr [tau "1 H0- Award of the Temluiwl. The Awarding of the tenders for Iupplics for city work was fnuml kl. tlillirnlt task. and the alnlermen lid some extensive guring on the prices sulnnittecl. A couple of hours were spent before the work was uumpleted. Each alderman um) supplied by Earnest Rnberta with neatly written forms, which enabled them to ewe.-lite: matters. These forms were found vcrv cun\ enient.. an(l_ have never been laid lief-1`e the streets commit- tee in the past. The tenderer: were as fol- lbws : I L`m_.-L... \'.Zl ....._ I-4%` Il\l\IL --,.L l lV"PelVLy UU HUIU 50 .\II. \} DIVICII [Ur 0*. Un the l'2Lh Jaxnuanry Mrs. Wilson, through D defective plank In the walk on ()_rdnuns.-e street. fell and llP(l an arm broken. She naked for coinpunsuliun for her injuries, anal stated that she is the only support of her husband who is nuuily bliml. 'l he city en- gineer will investigiitu thu claim. Thn Am-nnnvu nml nuv lint un-rn nnnnml 'I|I HUPUTIIIICIHI `"0 \\" i'K. Lawrence O'Brien inked the council sell a. portion of Lunl adjoining his own. I 60 feet in length, hunting on Young atr: and four fectdoep fccillu Division sin The committee re:-mmnenuled that ` property be snld to .\ir. O'Brien for $41). Hn Hm l')lh .|nmmr\- Urn \\'ilnm\ rhrm FUN` IIIUUIUIII UlllL'Cr. I). Fraser was given permission to remove A frame huuae from King street, to Mur- (lug-k'a farm on [)i\'ision street. The build- ing must be relnmrcd by way of Johnston street to Division strum. The city engineer will superintend Ilw w/vrk. l.nlIA'rnl|r`5- `)`RI';nl\ nslznrl flu: nnnnnil hi L,'|\l' Ill? BUN) IUI Villll. IL I! WUIIIL l'llI|.lIUl` up the river, Belle Isle, nee Hog Island, is S-hill to be a beautiful input and ext-eelin;;ly pnpuhu` during the wtck, beer not being .-nlcl Klh`l`(` on Sun-luv. Hie inhnljtautn of Detroit, I notice to be txcec-ulingly intluatrioua anal hunl working kniimlizus, who have &l)!lllLl0l181l their in btlle Canada to come over here and toil by the sweet of the sweating a) stall] for about the same cmolument received by Chinese conlicu nn hulf pin . in the nmtntime the highl protettc-l .\ll`I0rlLill) Wurlilngnmn lingers. out in the glouniing of the uultliv.-r'a monument and de- mure ll very poor quality of highly protect- ml American snowball. It appears while the country at lerge has been oonsider- ing (`unatlu`s liitclmblequnlitiee large chunks of her population have been tindin cut. for themselves what the states are li a, and 5\'e"l well sutislieil, only oing back for meals, sleep, clean house, 0 their trading and duet up the British u. But to pans to a more agreeable theme. The onth of Detroit are its rising genera- tion. u this res ct they compare favour- .ibly with other cities. They may be divided. into two general elauee : Cigarettes und .girls. The Detroit girl struck me by her beauty and her appetite. She also struck me by the Russell house--for my autograph. She is not as often divorced as her bristling sister from Chicago, but she seems happy neverthelees. ll- DiI-..'. mail 04.41;`: In Inn-adv Ana. `VH5 [(5151 rll LU UM` ('Ily UUIHIILUI`. A circular was remi from Mr. Allan Mac- duugali, of 'l`ornu1:u. He atastfd that he is prepared to give advice in sun tary matters. house drainage, ventilation. water supply, sewenrges, disposal of s(:u'nue. and other matters s\'e(:t.iug the public health. The uiocunlcnt was nrmlo_-red to be sent to Dr. I-`en, medical oiiiucr. ll L`.....n,... ... ... A hatter from J. lh`0keI)shire, in which he ` asked for 860 became he sprained his foot ghruugh A defective plank on Gordon street, was referred to the vity solicitor. A 1-in-ulur wan rum} frrnn I3 Allan Klnn. BOIICIDOF. i : A number of applications were read from persons desiring the position of boanl-uulk repairer. Mr. Cohourn was the - lowest tumluror for the work, and the c-nnniittuo will l`C0llllll4'llLl him for the position. He ` must do his work W0. If he does not, the city engineer will lmve power to remove him. Alda. Robinson B.ll\l Hiscock were in favour of retaining .\l r. Cuinpbell, who lid the work of repairin,_; the board walks last year. They were opposerl hy the chairman, Alds. l\`1,c(}aminonuml Wilson, who CODEi(l ered that (lolyourn should get the work because his tender as lower than Camp hell's. ' I I..LL.... l........ I II. I. .....LI.... 3.. _.l.!..I. L- ruacocx, mcuammmn nnu n msou. A communication `mm the: lute Wm. M c-Cutcheou asking for compensation for lose or ashes by glue overflowing of the North street drain, was referred to the pity aolicimr. 51...... um...` .-mu] f..,.... A regular mee"ting\cf the streets commit- tee wus held hub evening. There were` present Alds. L`-askiu (chainnmh), Robinson. Hiacock, McCammnn and \\ ilson. A nrunmunimnin.. `rum Ihr Igtn \\ un SUPPLIESTOR THE my THE SUCCESSFUL . 1'ENc$I=.RI3:Rs ? AND THE PRICES suawurrso. Tllostraohl Commlme HUM ||'1`l|B|'0INI1I Session and .l)eu| With Knotty Mathe- mutlcul Problaugnv-|'||I3Y lid "I0 R-0- oulto at Lent-,-Demands fur Campinas- Non. `IIIUUI WIII IlI\UNll`h tllt7 LIIU UlIlII|- The accounts and pay list were passed. n to I It is unting on street, Fm-imr Divininn an-m-r Q`l\'. Among the various sagas and strange lm -litious strung up around thv custom house, `-11: ia. tulal or 3 mariner more curious than his fulluwa who once stopped his bonny craft. at U\;tI'uit to nd out what place it was. I giro the story for v. hat it is worth. Further |vl\ H". .i....- l!,.lln L.l_. ....n lln.. l.| ..\.l E- Hllllllg `III I (lung !Ll'Ul'.L, street. -1-ununencled the \'i- n'u .. I... am _ Itluutedby um... and mu lawyer` that Magistrate Rudy, of Ronlrow, oirod I.1.0(X)to settle the action 0! Mn arrest. but than oioar denies the nllogstlon. The former: in the county will moot the oxponul nf (ha null in Ihlull Lhn mnnhtnh hlnvolv- l'CI'lnCl'I III II l!0|lllWy VIII IHIII IIII IXPIIIIC :5 than lull in which the mAgmnu_hlnvo1v- IV "VICK ylllyl" l'I`\l|hl' IXFTOIIU. Bill 1 I grand strider and look! ovorv inch the typical xrocm. The "Old Mun" in driving 3 two your old by Stowu-ti : "Boliowood" which in oon to lunch npinut any two your old in the county. wuuw nuruu u---u-n nun-nu--wu----no On ne day: Onowo street in animated. The owners In Ipoodoro beig out brnnhinc. For its po u otiou our om: town can show more troupon to tho Iquoro foot than on town in Ontario. "Clay Bill," owned by V . J. Shibloy, in gaining And full of vim and in thought to I30 `bio to mokgd iillingkl loot Io. oueG,"own y )o o er. and dpr:von by "East Saginaw." lo III` old timer. than h not very successful in tho u in full o . and thought very high of y many ol r odmlron. The old at Whitu|doo" Appear: at inurvnlo showing n whirlwind of Ipoed to the lnnlmdolight. nf "onnlnl Juhn." Wvnllllhl ha] I cron I WIIITIWIIII U] IWU H0 [H6 lll|lll||lI.||I1lIg|l of " nlul John." Wellnld bu a clot: mute ed pair which an chimed ll uoond nelmern. but caution: Jw|L" will not In 9 . || l`a-mo-`' can u-Ir fnrm f`. Htnuu-I I WWII. UHF XIIIIINII "QIIUI Wlll I.l|lI III 0 o "Touta" no their form. C. Stuart ivou "Vlck Ryudyk" rogulur oxoroioo. She n A at-and ntrldnr and lnnki nvarv Inch the Wedding Belle st Wntertown. On Jnnuery 16th. J. W. Hvde, formerly of Oewego, wee merried to Mini Emme E., daughter of John Wuddell, of this cit . The ceremony, preformed by, the Rev. W. Minnie, wee held At the reeldence of G. C. Bredley, Wetertown. Meny friend: of the contruoting pertiu were preeent. After A enmptuone repeat the heppv couple, emidetn ehower of old ehoee and good wiehee, exerted on e vieit to name of the principal cltiee In New York etete. ..u.-. ..- - - sun: ., A1` n J!!! n. L'nder the above heading l ou:eroy's "Ad- vuuved fhought." has the following compli- mentary reference to a well known person- pge 2 Hon. Roswell l . Flower, the de- ` surrcdly popular delnnclutic banker of New York, was called to congress to succeed W. Bourke Cochran. Mr. Flower was elected to congress in IHSI, defeating Wm. Waldorf Astor. He is a positive democrat, is saga- cious politician with a decided tendency to thus better qualities of statesrnanship, A firm friend to his friends and to genuine demo cratic principles. Not so much given to talk us to hard and serviceable work. he will be one of the most. influential and useful Inerubers of congress. Life and health per- mitting, it is more than probable that he will succeed (Governor Hill as the chief ex- ecutive of this state. providing he does not tiring upin the United States senate. Mr. Flower is A man of deep. even good sense ; A friend of foreigners and wealth producers generally. snd uron his large experience And extensive circle of inuential men has lccuniulnloll far more than ordinary wisdom. Had he been nnminsted in I884 for the presidency, sud been elected, ss he doubt- ess would have been, 9 he would have brought the democratic perty items` the Red Ses into which Mr. Cleveland hsu dumped it under his mugwump mockery of msnsgement. We shall hesr more of Ros- well I . Flower later on, ss he is s stsyer sud every hour of his busy life is Adding to his list of friends. Cnn-pllmeutary ` 1].... u u l7l'('ll INSBIIIIICIIUCI W151" Id`NFr. 'l`m-so people, I um told. ride upon the niwr in Llwir cnstly yuchu, and, reclining lore and aft, alreounily watch the large von~ s.-3.: pass by to Toledo, Butfulo, Cleveland. 041.`

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