Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Feb 1889, p. 6

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nu at-nnuoa. wuponl nmunla on any 0! our A DA It um lunn ht- ly. can 113' nl ne- oery oxpouu A Ion: I9 amnion. E: I in ma. Colon. Nicara- u'.`(5ouLn ll an lheouqulto L` tl'om first C: Ivar our-riod. ddress either PIN . _ )& (`0.. AKCIII. I Hula Suool. .\.\. H08. (`OOK & :50. . Tourists Amnoleo. I ""*""` Alfred Denhl, of Donglee county. Ge.. bout: that he never we: in bed nl ennriee. we: never elck n dey In hlellle, never Ian A tooth. hn never uttered en oath. and in the } antlher of N children. I5 0! whom are nnw I v n`. ` I . Kl-I D lIlI.I0 WICII HUTVIIIIII II IIIOII. Lu-gm {actual 95 outs. To-t bottle: I0 onto, st drnuinh and country dodon. Why 1 Why unt: I single? Inomont, when you on gollnunodlato rollol fl-om lllllll or ex- terml psln by the an of Polsonb Nervillno. the put` pun cure? Novlllno Inn novor boon howl: eohll. T? I I0 out nmplo bottle. You will God I can an rocomnond- od. Non tooth: . or-Amps. hud- noho. and A Ilmllnr oomplnlnu dhppur all h magic when Norvlllno In used. hfl mu ill! mun. Tut I.-mtllh I0 `:1: -u Irulvw :1: v -vv Of the evil ; doing by halvee makee wane half the energy expended by mankind. Why ehould you trie with dieeaee? When lndioationrare given that eornethlnq has gone wrongrnake the reetoration of `normal condition; the real, not incidental, bueineee of life. Few curative acenta have equalled liamilton'e Pille oi Mandrake and Butternut. oemponnded of purely v table enheeanoee, on ecientiiic principlee, an beautifully anger- coaued. They oonetilute the meet oertain. eaie and pleeeant ialnily medicine in uln- ance. `IV-y Hamilt.on e Pille oi Mandrake and Bntlaernnu. Sold N. 0. Poison & Co.. Klngeeon, and by al dealer: In medi- cine. 0| MIC IIIIIICITI `KID PIVCIIIUIIII Ill l'II'IIo Stevenson nd: no litoruy spooh in the thoroughfares of New York. And ho an Inn to the Non of the novoliat par at cure of the moricnn metropolis. Robert Loni: Stevenson on llll return to New York will t up 1 min of apartment: sud nettle down there for an indeniho riod. He has come to the conclulion that ow York oeru better muurinl for I liner- nry mm than my ozhor great city in the world. At the end of every alley in London uturdn the boat of Dichm, nnd the uhudow of Baluc falucrou the pavement: of Pnriu. Rtnnnnnnn nd: nn litnrnnr cnnnin in Hm When baby was sick. we gave herjcaatnrln. I When the was child. she cried for Cumria. When she became Min, she clung to Cutorin. When she had chlldren.sho gave them Caroria LIN: IUUCIIUUI UI CIIHCI IIUIIIIUII UI IIVUI. A meeting of the friends of temperance mu held in the Bath town hall on Tuesday. The repeal will lb minted ntrenumly. Ut cert for the Huh-unociutiou were appointed an followl: l ro.-sinlent, Mr. Kennedy; vice- nraaidnnl Rnv H I Allan 2 nut-rumrv. H, tne IUCUOTY Uelu B(' Up. ' The great mnjority of no-culled cough ' cure: do little more than impair the diges- tive function: And create bile. A_ver'a Cherry Poctornl, on the contrnry. while it cure: the cough, dos: not interfere with the function: of either stomach or liver. A __.g:..,. .1 3|... l'..X.....l.. P\` s..................- TOIIICO. Let qnelity, not quantity, be the test of 3 medicine. Aver`: Serseperille in the con- centrated extnct of the beat and purest in- gredients. Medical men everywhere re- commend it es the unrest end moet economical blood medicine in the market. George Gillies, Gennnoque, is adding to his already extensive establishment, the manufacture of tubular steel bow socket: for carriage tops. The machinery is now in I the factory being at up. The m-ant mninritv ni In-(`Iliad cmmh: TO WEAK MEN II II IIIIC JOIIII Ulla`/UIIUIIKII lly IBFUCO Ill other fine block suitable for sho . Nine or ten good shops are greatly nee ed in Deac- route. I -5 -...I:L.. _-A ,...-..>h.. I... 4|... ;..-s -6 \V. J. VV H.011, GTUKKIII. The use of a. single bottle ol Hall`: Vegeuble Sicilian Hair Renewer will Ihow it: etcecy in restoring the mtural color of the heir And clennein the scalp. I It in thet Johli M `ullough mey erect eu- ntlmr rm hlnnk nnirnhln for nhnnn, Nina nr [I83 0! L/lIy(O!L Shiloh : Cure will immedintelv relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitil. W. J. Wilaon, druggiat. Thn nun nf I ninuln hnttln nf null : IVUIIIJU IIIHDU. A Nun] injector free with each bottle of Shiloh`: Cutnrrh Remedy. Price 50 centa. VV. 1. Wilson, druggiat. D.C. Porter & Son ner a sewing machine to the first young lady married in the vil- lage of Clayton. Shiloh : {Turn will immndintnlv ralinvn UU glll Clayton carpenters have nearly I" se- cured work on the new Frontenac hotel at Round Island. A \Y..--l :..:....s.... |'...... ...:sL ......l. |...Aol.. -6 II lUIH)W'I: I TCUIAIUIII, I'll l\I1llll|'lIy } \I|.`!1- resident. Rev. H. 1. Allen; aecreury, E. ewton Jory ; treuurer. Min Huwley. PTUIHIIWHE. I That tired, languid feeling md dull ll-:aul~ I Ache is very diaagxeeable. Take [Mu ul Carter : Little Liver Pill! before retiring. and you will find relief. They never fail to do good. (llavtnn I-nrnnntnl-I hnvn nnnrlv All ma. LIVE CUTE. VV- II. V` IIIUII. uru ll`. Green is still very fuhionsb a. but shnres its former popularity with other colors, among which Princess of Wales: blue is prominent. That first` lnnauitl (manna And u ho-:u,~ . WHICH IUFU DIIU l'UICIul.U Ul I HIIPP T. Are you made miserable by Indigution. Constipation, Dizziness, loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin? Shiloh`: Vitalizer in u pool` tive cure. W. J. Wilson. druggiat. (Inn... 1. goill `mu-u 6`...|.Inn.hln Inn .|~..-nu WV: U. VV IIIULI, uru 3 lo- ] he queerest of t e queer fads which have come into style recently is the fastening of a watch into the rosette of a slipper. Ara vnn mnda minnrnhln hv Indiannnn uunAuo.11'I|n Olnnroclnl [roll no to do rta. wcuxla two weeks or longer-crow nrnnu - upomlvaulnblo nnyo A l'\ A V steamers uulimz l0rtn|lhI.- usmm l.l'Y tnem. Some of the very prett.iesta.nd moot stylish evonin mantle: are made up in delicate graya, ned with esh; ink. War lhunnnnig and rjvnr r`.nmnIAinl vnn graya, IIDUU VICKI I185: IUK. For Dyspepsia and river Complcinl you have I printed qunruntee on every now. of Shiloh`: Vitalizer. It never fails to cure. W. J. Wilson, dru gist. 'I|1n nnnnu-An} n` 9 A (ulnar fax`: \-LL-In hnun . IIU I508! I113 LIICU I0!` Dlllllg HIGH]. All cases of weak or lame back. back- ache, rheumatism, will find relief by wear- in one of Carter's Smart Weed sud Be lndonnn Baclrnche Plnters. Price 25 centu. Try them. (nun n` fl-in was-u nu--00:`:-bunt` Inna} gin-1| pun teu nu Il'0lll`.|u anu open In trout. The Rev. Geo: "H. Thnyer, of Bourbon, Ind.,'uys : Both mylelf and my wife .owo our live: to Shiloh : Consumption curs." W. J. Wilson, druggiat. Velvet-covererl hm: in tnmm nlmnn urn vv. J. n uson, uruggln. Velvet-covered hats in toque, shape are now worn, and both fancy gimp and metal- lic laces are used for banding them. A nnaen nf wnnh nr lama hm-H, hnr-Ir. V`. 11: V7 H50, urugg A atyliah and etfuctive dinner dress in \mude with lace skirts. The skirts are plui ted all around and oped in front. The Rev. (}an."H_ Thnvnr, nf Rnnrhnn UHU` PHI. ' Pnnaemeuterie hold: its own as a fashion- able ornament. Embroidery in ieen even y- where And an everything. Shil0h'l Cnmrrh RnmAv_.n nnniwn mum ur.. nun u. W. J. Wunpn. druggilt. Cloth jacket; for cold March d: I Are grimmod profusely with braiding in p we of ur. AI.-._...y....-l.I L-___L _.,,, -' `|` W Iuf. . Always avoid harsh pumative pills. They I first make you sick and then leave you con- stipated. Garter : Little Liver Pills regu- late the bowels and make you well. Done. one pill. ` Pnlnnmanfnr-in Imlzln IL. nuln .. . l...|\:..... WIIUTU Inu UH everylnlng. Shiloh`: Catarrh Remedy--n positive cure or Cntnrrh, Diphtheria and Canker-Mouth. W. J. Wilson, druggint. atvlinh and affmetivn rlinnnr ah-nan in It In In diseases of this orl in (but it has ` achieved and is nchlev up such a \ uumuoa tor upnng wen. ` Why will you cough when Shiloh : Cure will give immodhto relief. Price 10 cu.. 50 ctI.. sud 81. W. J. Wilton. druggiat. iwkoh for cold Marl-.h dnvn AI-A usacuru 01 apnng toilets. _ For cough: and cold: take the Diunond Cough Remedy. composed of elocsmpane, wild che And horehound. 25 And 60 cents I bott e at Wade : drug stqre. Thore il little or no vn-intv in thn mun`- r UUIIDI I DOIUB BE VV Id0'l drug Bt0I'8. little or no variety in` tho muffs exhibited for spring Whi Ii van much whpn Hhilnin Cur- 1 mm long over|l_ee\reI. ` 1 Hanson : magic cornialve Aqurenoornl and bunionn with three applications. 150. per box at \\'a.d_e_'s dlug store. Th0 veal: and inner vent will rnmnin A In-\_x` In mugs mug snare. lhe an_d inner vent will remain a feature of spring toilets. couch. And nnlrh uh. oh. na........a MP1 0l'0\m of the Paper: 0`n`t|~:o1-ed lo l an Whiz ngnaen. - - `indoor rdceptlon toilets are now worn with long overllgevel. Hanson ; vnnnhu an-n'....l.... .......`..._..._- -...l Go at Onno tp tho loot u I 1, ,|_.L L... _,,L_ THE TEA "l:ABLE. `E3 and can :iQ?i.Q'.{.]n ban on I JONES rozvsonuz. PA 131.012 .A_I. A ___l.4_ IIAA-I 1-4 IC__.._A|I. N.B.--rn no only am II cl Egg`? .'2'...2T'u..my uuoulc It .5?i.c'-1 fa ' MAr%V%ELL%O%US%%%R}S%ULTs uunmoluoun ample nouns ml 13: 'l`I-avollon. The ban yard and sublet In town. ONI DOLLAR PI! DAY. .j_...._._-_.... .._.. ..... _..._ - - o _- r.__..._._. . cfXgLpu [-_il`E_XT'A'T()_(_i0liL'll_E8S. nanny Iulolm. and a mu dlgnuon. ....'."..2.a .';.".`.'.`i'. . ..`.". Lyn}an 8ons'&. 00., Monima}. U T `HIE ORIAT OTANDARD RIIRDY hr all weakness: and Dlnovuot the Lungs. Impair- ed Nutrition. cm. This on In mus. fresh. nurly uuol. And therefore moouulublo tur dolluu dkullnn. . d lull IIJOIIQ one genuine without the name IZDAHL lumps! on oaohoupulo. Wholesale by nxusoo HOUSE, mum, ammo` A Anlsnneil "nuns" "NORWEGIAN con ll} 5. IIIJHIVELL ' Home audio bu l"l'I\ll'. ""`w'3n"L."."" to comfort It odloun unlu- l`," uiravnini Ivovuw-v---a - gnu:-h Amclcu Haul . .B.-l'hoao no tho only honwd by sum. umobr Iuourlu CCCIIICO III. In ooh: Itulhoum In the world that conmin over one hundred thousand inhabitants. and there are a hundred and one little ailments brought on b an over worked constitution which mig t be prevented by the timely use of em;`m.'..;..;. ' ' Ghiotgo.IlL. 28 Union Squnn.N.Y..Dt11u,Tox.. Q9 '1\IuIn U AoI...I- n -..ll.-_..I-.. ax. -_.._-,___, ..- ._.v_ .1_-. V, ... - .,__._-.'-v... St. Louis. M.. Adams. 0.. Ennhnnclam. (`aL Iron sun at B. J. nIcD0\VAI.|.. Prlncoas street, Khnton. NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE co.', r\n Al run 1:--- IZDAHL Lrvzaagz. OIL- CHOICE FAMILY & BAKERS FLOUR {SEED GRAIN. PRESSED HAY. CLO- VER AND TIMOTHY SEED. rw -I-\ 1-9|-Ia A -Q---or--u- ---- .5; I. 1.4.1: A-Ix.la,Q.l.IIq Florida, Valentin and .`|Ir-ssinu Oranges, Lemons, Cranberries Cocoauuts and all kinds of Apples. REES BROS.. Manufacturing Confectioners IAI AA1ll\J1lJI QQEIIJ G` :'D."'RANK:r_.'IN ll Ann:--u Qnlv .-.- CITY FLOUR STORE. We take the lead in Quality and Variety. You can get almost any shape and style. Our Home-Made I Bread is the latest. Made only at -F-F In-4-5-n----1.... ,,v-.._-..- v.;.:.- Selected and packed with cleanliness and care D.. ll nnnnonu A II. n_I.~ , ll! -. _. ._-"vw.u - vv-. an-nu-vnv, -\u They are the beat. Ask your grocer forlhom. * hf 1;i. "ee"c_-E-E=si: I7`l'\rrV u'I"DI'.`I.V'IV n A Izvnnu The awadily increasing demand for lie nbovcgoods proves their populnrity. . FOR SALE 31: ALL LEADING onoonns. Manufaoturod by JOHN P. MOTT & 00., IJATJIPAVI U D YELLOW SIGNS. YELLOW TUBS. Use Peerless Brand BALTIMORE FRESH RAw_ QY_$TEBS All kinds of Cannod aijd Presbrved Fruits '1; guss and um. Evaporated California Fruits. Prunps. Pxunellos, Tunis Dates in stalk, &o. Kippo_redl_1erringn.nd Ciseoea ` w. H. Aoumuvsxr; 212 Piiioass-st. TELEPHONE 21. V % Mott s Cwhocolates and Cocoas; OPERA, HOUSE ` FRUIT HND OYSTER MARKET L)UIIJ\4'l0\.I ouu pu;I\Uu vvlul wunuunuua BBQ cart: By C. H. PEARSON & 00.. Baltimore, Id. I'|unv n-A 5|... |....6 A..'|- ........ ..._........ I..- 91...... PUTTNER S EMULSION. OYSTER8 FJBHNEVEIi_Y DAY.` `siwlrgjgculua BRAND OF PURE USE ONLY THE BREAD,BEAD. *. L- _- LL- 1___I :__ r\___ .- `MISc1~3i.LA NE5U.w K} N;.:T REITEAIERT AT_ THE *13`AiAX1i. lr..I..,..J.'-- .....I It. ISTRO S A IZMOVES WORMS OF ALL` KINDS IN CHILDREN OR. ADULTS SWEETAS SYRUP AND CANNOT`HARM THE MOST` *3-DELICATE CHILD -E- . HALIFAX. N. S. 'i|ai=`L[I:T T LV -L).J-lJ-J-V MARK!-:1` Souuu: THERFARE165 CITI'ES _I9!_!_T9?lW: 334}. `So 0| Id Iolrpnllod . . I ou.u1...'n..1*'u.. ..u:...c's`3.'g"':.'i..`;'32' {'.`.'`'.3 Data. oocumrlnl two week: lonmyr-cnmI- id GODIIIIMOJ. Andres PROF. F. C. FOVVLE I. MOODUS (`onn. wmmwm Ache tlmy would bcnlnloatlirlcalohn to those who sulfur from thlldlulronlng cuuuulnlnt; but form- Imtnly tlmlrguudneu dues !l0t0lJ(l6l`Q,Ill1lUl()0 ' `whonnce try them will and thaw llttle pills uln- uhla In nomnny ways tint they will not be wil- llug to do without them. But. After all Ilck hand . - L - - j T111 In the bane of so mnny liven um here In when we make our grant bout. Our pills cure it while oL_hern do not (`Arlen-`s Lmlo Liver Pills are very nmnll and oL_hern Curler : very very any to take. One or two H11: umkun dun. Tlwy Ire urlouy vegetable nu.` do nut. gripe or purgc-. but by their golltluurtlnll plane :11 who use them. In vlnlut 9500111! ; nm for 81. Sold by druggllu Everywhere. or mu: by mull. CARTER MEDICINE C0.. New York. Poll BILIOUIN E88. CONSTIPATION. INDIGESTION. DIZZINEBS. BIOK HEADACHI, Ana blunts of `rm: STOMACH, LIVER AND DOWELS. To-In Am: Il|.D.THOIOUGH mo raouu-T III nvuvn, -nu; rvrivu -u --s...---- n.- To U"RDOK Buooo an-rzn In `nu: `TIIATIKNT mo war or CHROIIC AND OISTINATF DISEASES. -I T - Z ` Hetdsche. yet Carter`: Little Liver Pills uh eqllnlvly ulunble In Cou|tlpuI.iuuJclu'h1g and pre- venting lhil nnnuylu cmuplIlul.vv11lXu the} am) C~Ji'r($L`lIn(UllIl`l`(!l`Ol) lheIIlu1I1K('h,lNIlll1h\lBH10 .:ver and regulates the bowels. Even 1! `they only cured - - j - Q nuu regulnlo the bowels. Evun H u .. ...v.I L- -I....... Sick Beodaohomd nuevodl the troublu Inci- dont to nbmonn state of the Iyltnxn. luck as Dlzzlnou, Nnuua, Drovnineu. Dlntrou utter ontlng. Pain In the Side. &o. Whllo their most romnrktbhruulcocu has! been shown lu curing , L - Q - J xx nu namn-nu. ovum-urs o Durability, Evenneu `oi Point. and Workmanhip. Works : Birmingham, England. soup 37 amino aruroxuns. IPENGERIRN ?TEEL [ENS KNNUT-`HARM THE MOS -3-DELICATIZ CHILD -E-- " 5 Lu uv vvuuvul. I-uuuh Dul. luux uunv `CH pg pDIon1Tm? ,7_,_,_... _, ,.__A:__. mu -uuzuu nu! UUIJH luuvln nu A 3URE CURE abll. X`-Mtlx . ly (`urorl h ' Ad- Dr. ll:\luo-.4` Holden Sm-vl v. I in u ("up of cotfou nr tea with gn: 0' thu pt-mun Iuking it; is less and will clfurl u pcr.'n.'|- rnrc. whvllmr the pulitrnl is u `I urun uh-nlmlic V\`I'|-Ck. II has olxsnmlsuft-mu-s :u.d in o\'vr_v 'l cure nus l'nllo\\'-(1. I! Mr: r 3m uncc inuprt-+;1mtud wllh the menu ullur lnuvussilniily fur lulu exist. Fur circular nnd .i.1r...... nnI.nIa.\: QDR`.(`l win A War: lvodng. J inks (to old friend in theatre lobby;-- I notice you come out utter every act. You are not drinking. 1 hope? ` BIinl.'s4--Oh.` ho: III: it In rather tlr0- l sum ~ in..i\1--. I came with my own sister M1` Him`.-New "Elk wikly. A mum Thought. A fashionable boarding school In New York ta-aches its pupils how to eat nsparw \ nus. It is n painful thought that there am t!xou.~.:mds of girls-Lnlcu girls, too- who uro compelled to go thmugll the world. from tho cradle to tho gr:u'o.' wlthuut rocvivingn slnglo lesson in the art I! `eating uspm-ngm.-Nurrl.town llvrald. Suarhm {rum the utfu--ta of youthful errors, early decay wasting woaknosa, loss of nmu hood. em, I will send a \'n|unb`.c Ir-miw (seal- ed) oonmlning full pu`ti,cu|nr9 for home cure. FREE of churfu. A splendid medical mark ; ahould be rent by every man who is nervous and debilitated. Addroa PROF. F`. C. lI`UWLIC 1. MOODUS (`onn_ u an I-um "Ilo dnosu't'."' . `*XQ,__lw does not. It most breaks my heart to think about it. Why. that odious Clara Blank, who isn't half as at- tractive as I am. is blessed with a hut- band who in so madly jealous of her that he Inn. shot at her twioo."-Pl1ilm.lelplxia Iecunl. ll mbamlo and llunbnndn. Anxiuu.-n l\Iuthor-Wlmt? Only amonth nmwiwl and unlmppy! .\I:u'riod D:xughtt~r---Ilow could I'l)o ` otl)('r\`.`isu`. 11) lnunlvantl (loos nut love me. No xnattz.-r how much I pntonal tn irt. with my old bcnlls ho dot-su't mind if (I bit. A.II 1 _ _A_-A-,-v ...,_... ...... J memento. IIVI, _,, , , lA.IK'LLIl'I)'l.Il. The xnurringu took place according to c`ontr;u-t.-L'lxicagu `\'c-xvs. .` UK` I: l \\'iIii:'.:1 I .l1:u`u I 4| 1:13 1 inf:-1' ,t I H'hy! ruptin`-4 o . (Iv.- N1) \.IA\uv rlninu-d lu- - . Or thu Liqum Habit, Iuinlat;-ring Ilr. It can be p in-n 2: 0-11 the kn ~\\'lodg~.~ .1l).wll1t-ly Imrmless zu-nt and :3 c dy nuxlt-rulu nink:-I .`)een given to thousands uf 1-mu-s Knslnncv n pert:-('1 m'r fails. The aystonn wlththe \-ipecin it boculuua un the liquurnppctitu to full purl iculurs mhlrws GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO. 185 Race St... CmctnuatL 0. U l|\lh\ l"l IlJllIll(lr'\' CIIILI UI.l\I5L' DAI\.I ll fu. to unlit tl1uirn1;1rria;_:o Iwcullso this would hmkc our ntzitc fut-ling disgra<'(`. F4 Bliss (iuussiu Ritchie {L-It ungry bnth \\'-nt nth:-r court :i.~l.' that Judge mur- ri:ig~-- .'lIl(i Judge will he would willing to l`(`llli[ .Ii1('ll) to married so that timo- ln-lh fl-4-ling Imppy. But \\'h<)lL` ` ox- 1u-.m- |)`li\1 by .\[iss (iuussic Ritchie. She will lwrn in On-gun nnd ho!` f:itlirr was xiv ul r;v\`('l'ili umntl1.~'a;:onnl_v. She ha\'o l)c:;r hmhnur and was lmw-lim: gm-at m;ui_\' .st.~m-:;:1:ul slm thou_L:ht that is God givv to hv.-r iirst (`him::u."-Purtluntl Orc- gm in an opera company. "The following account of the affair is from a qliinese publication of San Fran- cisco, and was translated for The Ore- gonian by a Chinese savant of Portland. who writes his native tongue, it will not be `unkind to hope, more accurately than lleiloes English. While the translation istoo literal, perhaps, for the best un- derstamling of the subject matter, it is certainly a good piece of work for the trnn.~ulator, and will serve to illustrate the peculiarities of Cliineso iclioins and _ ari'nn'geim-nt of ideas in :1 sentence: .-;:b:i: or mm .\.\'D mm !\'.~\3!E.._ ` "`l\ll'.~l(i1lll.\.~ lt"Rl'l('lIlU she as actor very ;.{`Imll looking young; Lad_\' her age ()nl_\' Eighteen _\'ears old and om-'(la_\' she went to china tlieater with her friends. The name of that 'l`heater Dan San hung on Jllvlisnll sts. Wher._sl1e was there sawing l3e;iut_v Bock pla_Viug for female party Miss Uauissio Ritchie was very anxious like to u.lill`l`ll.`(l Beauty Bock at once llut she (`ullltl not spcukeacli others. Ho ll." went hack home to got somebody to go ask Beauty Bock would like to ll1(ll'l`lI.'(l for young lady. As soon Beauty Bock have heart that felt very surprise that he llul`(ll_\' believe such talk to those party went back ln'on;;l|t Miss (lussio Ritchie in llealtty llock lime conversa- tion with him. Be:iut_v Bock `said to her he was poor and have nopmoncy not able to speak any English but you can- not ix-:1l'es our style I would not promise to you and she said willing to sturly Chinese Laiigtnn.;-,- and wears (.`liiI1e.s`c b't_\'le and Beauty Bock sayinp; if it is so will be slight. "3li.~4s U:lll.~`..~}lU Ritchie felt very happy for acceptiou. Sly` gave Beauty lloek one of nico & he:1utiful gold watch \`:llllL' Sever.-ll huntlred dollars. .\l.~;u she will- ing to turn all over her prosperity the wliicli owning in the Oregon to Beauty Bock. and he felt great delight those whieh she proniised to turn over to him. That is on the '22 (layof Deceiuber. so the both went to court that day to ask Jmlge for -inarriago and Judge said re- their n1;1rria;.:e \\'01)l(l feeling . IV` 4: , n It 1- I. , I .1 III!!! II I u-rnul In `A Irrnlm L'|n- L` . it [ _ -----:-- ,, . Trnnnrintlnn at the Chinese \`-rslon of Bel` _ Marriage :9. no`auty Bock. ;_- '.'Jjho telegraph the v other morning brought Lin news nf the marriage. in ' Sm1Fmn<~is~co, to :1 Chinese m-t51_- of :1" Bliss (Trtlse-in Ritchie, of Oregon, a chorus gl`rl' in an npqra company. "l`|nn f`nHn'\vi'nr'r m-rvmnf. of H19 nffil` {illna 1 Iuuu. I ulu '1) Hula. 1llI|l IIUVV , Dll1l,I: \`u made this foolish blumlcr, please thiw paper and I will keep it as a Innln " `IR IKIAI j III \ -`\ ll` " & UMI-Wa`l\lII:I\l'I'\ . I am rvzuly to prm-ox-cl." rmt .`-utt! I\Iiss Curzum-I!" ex- ml In-1` t-xnployor. you are not tak- m'n my uifvrof Inurriageon that ml t_vp(-writer, are _vnu'r" Izrnpnsulf uhrie-kod Miss Cantmol. .' s. it i.-:. [didn't notice. Itlmugl. .'.'cro dictating. I-`orgivc mu-,de:u' -.111. I am yours. And now, since . ......I . LL. l',_-.I2 .I. l.I...._I. ._ _.I..._..- GUSSlEm R,lTCH`lE'3 PRIZE:-.-f l)i.-Aturlu-1| H in Slu lulu-rs. .-. ...-- ..... ._ .whilo|1or lit the kt-_\`.-l nf -- [)!'('.~.Unt`(* - ...l.- 0.. n.`....... DRUNKENNESS ' ~ pu.x~`iuu:m-l_v. -.....l " )-lli_L'llf.` , what In IVIFUIUI Dudo-You hm been inking umxgm at me for the hut ve minutes. What II It? 7 R_____ __ nu .u 1..4 __\.,A 1 ___A_ __..__ I-II Fanny.-r-'I'lmt u jun what I was won- ; dating. -Ju_n`;;;o. V .1 Saturn! Qnutlot` Miss Ernma, I love you. Will you not mako me forever happy bysharlng my humble Int with Inc?" M uh oh"... .. .1... noon. 5...... .. n... |..a I nu uuululv lul \VIllI III?! "In there a nice little house on the lot. Gcorge':"-Hnrper'g_u:ar. yvu uvarl H.` u KTEII. llt'lll OI crlsuls. _ Lyt('pursse-Thanks. awfully! Would you mind rvpoaung that sentiment to- Mv-tu my tailor?-Plttsburg Bulletin. ' A Gunter Pnvor. Fatherlt-ig|1-My boy. you acted nobly during the re. Let me tell you that you deserve a great deal of credit. M '.rhu\IIn:an_'l`I...-.lr- an-lull-cl Ilfnul llllig I KIUII I l \\ l n Brown--Dam my not, old mm. You hnvexft :1 borrowing face. Nobody would trust you.--Pick`Me Up. 3 wnB tn 8200. -Pro Ito `-9 r0 esmmx 14.3. D rs` Be an: the ntonofrlnc. Jones (to Brown, who had just? dropped in to borrow I ver)--Well. I'll do it this time. but I wonder you are not ashamed to be always in debt. Look at me; I don`: owe a penny. Bran-n...Dm-n uni! nut nl.I man Vnn ' vv u_v . I Iwnr LU DC. Then Icnn never be your wife, Mr. Sampson." V Because n economical?" `- No. because you have to be econom- ` iml!"fOnce a Week. I-LI )lI|lI Il\I_|JI|-\. "Extrm-ngnnt!" he repeated. You have been misinformed. Miss Lulu. I am as economical as a Brooklyn deacon. Why. I lmve to be." l"`|.,.._ I -4, _,., L- __._._ __JD- \'- No. Mr. Smupson." she says sweetly, "I can nun-r ho your wife. We would not be |l:Ipp_\`. You are too extravagant ` in your habits. --l`vo.....-...-....u'* I... _........o...I u\ .... nan fn-sh 4 x u lulu u knuwn \\" of llumv \'. cuntinm.-.1. \\`Ul!H _\'n;x l3illi;;.-1 :- "Lo'ovIi:1." IIUI man \\'ln>lx:1s my Salltluf \".')1l1nt :: reached Ihu :;-Xil "I have been um} n\_\'.~1eli'!" ..I. ,,,-n n \`.'hul in tlw wurld have you been do- ing to _vuur.+ulf`. ropentod his anxious Any` \ I In`: \Iu \ .u u . that Nun:-.im-nl of side \\'hi:\:L\'l';'-. I\'I . - I llk` \|l.ll I.t \.I lll' llIl' Tlblll \\ lI_\ - "Billi;;(-r .\I<-.\w:; . I" v.\:claimml his wife, as hv cuxnv tvaring into the sitting room. what in the world have you been duing to}m1rsclf."' vx-n- u - p . an cues as_:rtm~a [0 it as n mumcnno." LI` Xoum: and growing children thrive on N Qltnes Emulsion. For sale by all dealers at 'l\l\I\l ll l\I \\ IJl`)llIK'lIl3 `V (ELK IIIIIE; Il- It (lm-s11`t'sq-in tn blaze up just ox- actly 21:; it ought." he said. I`ll stir it up :1 littlo." ' Ila opened um furnace door. There was in sudden bursting into ame, :1 ur(`i- pull`. in blimling glare on- volnpod him..".nl with a yell of terror he (lartod up lhv $tair\vn_v. "Rillirv-nr `L-`\'u~-M V" l\\`lI'u;v\\n1` Id.` u-iFn `V VIII; \J\l\I ll I|IlU lllL' ll:l3T.'|.IJCIIIn By (}eo1`gu,ll"ll make it warm enough for her! ho lmntterod. as he threw shovelful after shuvclful of coal into the furnace. I'll give her heat. enough to crack the wall 1:11pm`, if she mxxlts it," l1l`C-'lllli1llL`(l, '.1n hw Sll0\'(`lL'Ll in snnw more. .\'()truu|)lc tn Hll()\'-' goods. If you dou`t see all tho ma] you want. ask for it. I guess that's about enough, Huunrlu " I\'l IL: I ELICDD lIl\||- U |I\I\J\|Ir Ullkillll, though." And ho ('1()so the fumace door and Stood a few mmm-nts wntcllingx it. A... .. IIAAL. lltl\.\' ll\'K.'u-`I IUUI [7 Kllyllu Billigcr laid aside his book. rose` to hi; foot and yxuvm-d--a largo, frank, un- reserved and expansive )'a\vj1. F nffnlul fr. E9 Ynhnnn " Inn Lmhl nnll I Luv: I nu unu l'.\lIaunI \ U 3 an In. ~~1'u uttoml to 1:. Lobona."' ho eaid. and went down into the basement. `.n.. n.__. _ `run .....I. _ u -_. __.. ,1. an all IUI I IIRIIIK "Of course it is," . r(-`forte-d his wife. "'Youd0n`t fL~;l_ it bvczulsc you put on your ov(-rcom. when yuu began to read that atory." ` ~-\\`l..\t .3 r-.... n-uh} nun ln .1n'a" `I... L. (lull I. u. "You know as well as I do. The fur- naco needs more coal." I')flI.' ._,_. I I , ,l_ I.:_ I_..4l_ ..-,.-- IrIIlI;Il UIKFIJ - "What do you want metm1o?" `Inn in- quired. - "\'nIl lrnnnv nu urn" an I HA In fur- VLIMIJ , I.llC llllllll ID HIV Nib DUI: .1 had not observed it, Lobelia'," 1118` replied. as ho hastily sketched a large st on the margin of the page to enable him to find the place again, and looked up. Is it uny colder than it has been all a.ftcrnoon'!" . vi _.A,;_..L-,n L.-- ._,-o IIU IIIJU ICLLIIII `c _ ' "Billiger," npeaced Mrs. Mcswat pres- ently, "the ronm isgrowing cold." M I hon` nn} nkanrxuul if I.l\l\n"-,1, " '11: M atnufactured by Ulllcl lull VI [LI LI UUL Ul VUV IIU uau ILIIIUU with Swackliammor that he couhl do it in` two consecutive sittings and` come out alive, Mr. Mcswut paid no attention to the remark. un.-n:.___ u .1 _.-_n 11."- u'..cv_._ _._..._ runrux Epnuuhe In me nmnry or the Ma- _ ' T seea:.ramnyH4-x A "Billiger. the`:-oo_q_1 is growing cold.3' _ Absorbed in his task of reading :1 story by the celebrated novelist Wowells; in order to win a but of $50 he had made` ...:n. c.....,.1.|...__.._..\.. 4|...+ L,. ...\..1.1 .:.. :. Aux I :-_< M . Ln an ltllll x L.A 5 x ha \`c uuu'r- 8ll:LlGER S `BLUNDWE_R. Whnthlt? I `L loltlllll ll IIIKH aha I1-pli'L-J. as she pul .~:1I\'o on his fave. I \\'ull mnohml_v to take care -_;`<>TTih1lI`.(`. .` rt-pliml. in thu voice of ll 11-} ul thrtiugh tho qui<`k- .-:n.l nncortaint_\'. but has- i l;,-"mum! of truth at last, |z:liin;;`1ln infernal idiot of at. In) "\'.'uuH-- ) put :1 \\'uuM. Rev. R. T Brine, Pu wash. .'.S-.sa 9: "Be ing fully convinced L at sufferers rom ex haustion brain weakness and rheumatic at` (acks wiil gain speed ' relief from the use of Pultnvr's Emulsion. feel it a duty to make known to such its remarkable effects on my s'ysLun1." Dr. H. J. Fixot. of SI. Peters, (` [1, Rays: Judging from the results uh!uim~d {mm Pull- ncr`s |~In1ul:u'uu in the <-m_1r.-w of my raoticu I cordially rut-onuncnd it to possess a l the vir- ascribed it nusdicino. ll Vnnnur nnd Lrrnwlnu ohildn-n fhrlvn nn

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