HEARD ABOVE THE CRASH. louu Ind Ionluu at the Audion!-`Iva wc-dculx Journeys Interrupted ST. Gluuul. Out. FOIL '.'U.--Mr. Kala Q0 oppoullta Ur. vsn ol Wwdntock, who III lulled. TIN? You both in the IIIC-HI` couch. Mr. Kan: up am the such mud on-r three umn II Ivmkug u dcuolut. I). Ru-nu mnlv llnnrn-d I Ilmn III: Afar UHFITIU HHUPI I'\U`|lII|-IUIII l||.'L. Rev. Dr. Stone. cheirmun of the Toronto W'eet District Methodist (flxurch, hue re- ceived the report end findings of the Com- mittee of Inveeti ation in the case of Rev. T. W. Jeffery. luet of the charge: are re- ported not to have been eueteined, but the committee consider thet some rcnmrke made by Mr. Jeery from the pulplt were highly improper. The charges of teking liquor were not eueteined. The committee recommend thet the cheirmen of the dietrict eeriouely edmonieh Mr. Jetiery for the re- merlu referred to. In eccordunce with the ` reeolution of the oicinl meeting 0! the gueen-etreet Methodist Church adopted on rldey night, Mr. Jetfery will be engeged en e supply for thet church for the helence of thin conference year. DUUIU "VII-Cruly IIFCTHUOII EIHI (lllliv I breeze wu raised by A comparison which the Provincial Treasurer institute-ml between the ex udituro on public institutions of the Uni States and thole of Ontario, when Oppoaition members were aubiocting the gural to criticism. The House in commit- toopuued Mr. Fraser : bill to amend the ` Ontario Shops` Regulstiom Act. Rnv nr Hmnn nhnirlnnn nf thn Tnrnntn l.e[l|lnlora Inn] W-lIh Ila lu|InaIoI-Ir. Jelcry Ilene:-and Tonosro, March l.-Tbo estimates for Eublio institutions were up in the Local ouae yesterday afternoon and quite n hr.-awn urn: rni-ad In: a nnmmnrinnn Ilhinh J.U'UO.VOHOI,50l)lI0l'. VVM. .\lll.LlR. ECIALOP It. W. 80011`, senator. L U. l'umn'. senator. T. E KINNY. M.P. J. J. (`um/m. Ml . 'l`m'nv L`ouum.n,M.P. Guo. E t',uucY, M. P. 6:0. LANl)KllKlN.M.P. lumnr HI-;1mlN. M.l . J. MC.\|l'l.l.ItN. M.P. C. W. L,`m.'rrm. .Vl.P. 'l`uos.McGunvY.M.P. E. I`. Fm xx. .\!.P. K. It`. Hvxxa. M1 . 1.0. l .u'L'.:n.~,u.\'. .\H'. Thr Franc`:-Cnnldlnu nwlubx-re mm. the following In Mr. Parnell: Fuench-Unundlnn members of Pnrlinnn-nt joln lri:h-Cuudlsnl In oongraluzmnnpg you in your grant victor}. '1`. LlH.VI. T. RAIN. 1m. (to; umal. F. VAN ASSE. t`.u'r.mI LAHICLLI. A. I)Is.uu:nx~ H. M(`.'\IlfLLh'.N. THIRIIN. H l.A||HlI'd:l-, Mn\l'rp|,uuIn. lfuln lallu Anal: ulruluvli Iv-u. Tho undarnl nod members of the Canadian Parliament 4 Irish nntlonnllry .-mud you hearty uonnzralululonu on the exposure of the plot by which The Times sought Lo connect you and the lrialcauu of which you are I he ronro~ Ienulnve will: the crimes tu which the forged loner: had reference. 1...... n...-.n.u M D |lI-l..n..- Al l..I-..A Rovonue. Sm Joml S. D. Tuoau-soN.,M.P.. Mlnlstor of J uulcc. I-`aux Surrmunntor. Ono W.llow1..\.v.sona- M. SUu.|vAN.uonnt.or. Ior. J.U l)o.vonol,Sonnor. Wu. .`\ln.um. saunter I: \V Hunrr Hnnnmr: L H. I'lcRIl\ . .-lmmmr. IOILBTI IIUIQ FUIUTIIIUU. J0nNCoe1'l0AN. M.P., Mlnluter of Inland Revenue. 2-Km Jam: 8. D. 'l'1-man-sou. M.P.. Minister of lrellu IIUFNIK EH6 IVUUUBE. Mr. L hnmborlain Ippenlod to the Opposi- tion to place the disuuuion on A broad and sound bssis by informing the House fully whnt was its scheme to content lrelemd and bring About I union of h83l.a and interests. [C hears. ] V `SDBWII oonnuence In I`\lyl(N'llL ) -\IlfIl!.'HLl n euswr: Mr. Smith asked that due notice of the question be given if Mr. He-al_v's reference wns to Sir liichard \\'eb5tcr's diaclurgo of his duties as Attorney-Henersl. Mr. Hcnly gave notice of A motion that in the opinion of the House the Attorney- Ueneral had forfeited condence. [Laugh- ter and chn-ers.] A Mr S|\nw.I.nfnvrn ranumina the niphnlm J. K. MAP! lc(:- hruuud. Ira ILA rah [er llnu (.'HL'CX'!.J Mr. Shaw-Lofevre, resuming the xlebsto on the uddrens in reply to the speech from the throne, charged the Irish Executive with incrcuing the rigorl of repression in lrelund during the recess. Mr I hunhnrlnin nnmnll tn the Hnnngi. M`:-, IlcH|j"VIII !love In um lmperlul llunso Ilanl It llau In-on l or. clu-I. L0.\`DuN, Feb. `.Z8.-In the House of Com- mons t.0~d|y Mr. Healy ukocl whether M.- lention had been called tn the fact that as far back In Novemhon Attorney General Webster had received ii ntaturnent. from Pigou. to the effect. that he could not bear a cross-examination before the commission. [Pnrnellite cheers.) Having regard for .thii, he asked, did the lm'ermnenL retain condence in Atfnrlley-(ielwrul \\'ebst`er'. Mr Smith unlnrrl that Alll nntimz nf Hm rumors that the -oompun intends to bnrow money in order to bui d fresh ex- tensions. The Financial news says the bill is decidedly disquieting. The (`hroniclc, however, asserts that the fall in shares is due to A misiimlerstaingling nf the company`: intended operation, which is purely an ccongniical one to replace the existing 5 per eem..`secnrities as they expire by 4 per cent. debenture stock: \ IIIIYUB DU Ill unurply. The Standard doubts whether the company can miss more mom.-y here without an enquiry" into in affairs. The Times rather discredit: the I. .I-..I..J|.. .11.. ..i..on.. W... f`l......\i,.I,. I.)l'U(]l\WUUu II! .'-D HIILUU Il'UllI: IJIIILIUII, Gllll combines the many mlvmmtgcs which the Uanadimns found at Wilnbledon. This sum- 'tner's meeting will he held at \\'imbledon. Th .-ahlma rnavmr-Hum the (`:nuu]i:u) Puni- UHJTK IHCCLIIIE W11 "6 HCHI [IL \' IIIIUIUUUH. The cables respecting the,(`u.na1liam Paci- c Bill before the Dmnimon Purliaum.-nt. i Amused mam) wild a..-s.~serLiuns, and caused shares to fall ahurply. Thu Rtandunl dnllhm whnrln-r the llll JUFUIIHCU. . Juch satisfaction) is expressed ml: the National Rie Association : choice of Brook- wond, Surrey, for the" riew 'Wij1)ledon. Broqkwood in `)8 miles from. London, and 7-1 I ' \ ._ ....,.. .1... .__.... ..|...........n.. ...L(,.|. .1... Englluln lnnnpreaalonu an to (lie I"IlII'I'IOI-' \ A New Wimbledon Bi-cured. LONDON, March I.-An impression aeema :0 be abroad that the British and Cana- iian authorities are compeuing notes with a view to a mbable desire on-hthe` gyart of Preaident {avrrison a Cabiiiet to resume negotiations on the lislierios ii: lute. Mr. Chamberlain on Wednesday nail a long interview in the Colonial Ulce with Lord Knutsford. The Stamlard states that Sir Charles Tupper was hurriedly ra- flllunl to Canada in order to be present to personally negotiate a now ` treaty promptly After Mr. Harrison assumes the l resinloncy. Sir Charles declared,_ however, before leav- ing that his visit to Canada had no political `im lortunce. l....|. ..-a{-f....oZ.... L. -....-nnaml -I bl. mzws mom me on. w.:Fu.o,. .-.n.-- PARNELL CONGRATULATED. mgumd. Su.-plmn llnddon. Dorvheslor. OnL-bndly cut about the (Aonnud skull lrnclurcd. .\lrn M|u1dAn_ Dnrclu-slur.-UuL --`shoulder din cowmomca IN Tveesw 2-.1. __.-_ KCVCIIIIHI ITVIIIDIC. III II EC W -oshoabd NI Ilm-on in the can- noonpuy lusldlobobut ullgh m C|nnI|nd'l nan. can. 11. .v|ox'rr1.u: bu. GIANDBOIB and ulhens. TORONTO TOPICS. . VANASSE. . L . Mox'rrLAmn. And an hm 1, Pnnlco emu lawn. | Ion.l.1~'u.. `.H.-Pr|uu Iinmar Cat In: ruignod. Buun-on, Fob. 2a.~Lut nigh: on o O.'l`.R. {night train was roam the C. P. R. track 5 {night train of tho utter road cruhd bio K, Mk; No way shun`. novor no p . not 5 who! of the CJ . I Onln lo 3 0 truck. The ouqinoor and ' Irornnn jumped and and tluirlivu. A hnhmu run lorvnrd, netting tho brsku uni roach tho ought brought the trail to A aloud In running mllu put W0 Azno oi \o on was hill` 85 t o` `to o rt I tho 0. .IL was dons. Tour o!crot:n,md ` one 0! sugar won llunlly nmuhod Into -4hnLQnn. ' . "...,. nuure, um. may were procc-ouuw onlluuolorlly. Mr. Mclnuu of British C-Iunmm drew onautlon to other points on than I`.nc-nc Cont that should not be uvorlookovl if lortlor noon wry to ho utnblinlaod. He mcntiollod the tormimn 0! sh Cuuulun Pnmlio Roilwny in particular. which, of all places: in the Province. 0 In to be protected. Nnnaimo. the [rut lo: Itouon, should not boov~ Ionkod either. nuluun U0\el n|ll0|l|l. Mr. Abbott, the Government Lander. uid than In-an number ol Innnonal dicpalohoa and olden-in-councll In relation tn than do {anon had been received by the .\ln|iun Do- pnrunent and the oorrupnmleuoe wu nil proocvsding. Thou dumtcloea were II the mum of I oondouciul mturr. II hnd not yet been dooidal denitely whuhor the auction to! humans: mar Eaquimalc will he proceeded with u... you. Negouniunl bolwoou the Imperial and Do- mmion Guwrulnonto I'eI|n-ctillf uh-~ propon- non ol urmum-nu were also a ac cuulldontinl nuure, bm. they won ptoce.-odiuc onzinfuotornly. Mr Mnlnnnn of British (`.uInm|nn draw menu In nuropo It wu wan to cullnlaur uh-so Iunnuvrn. The m-canines for some mum of dc-lencn on our Pucic cent: had been fully ncknuulvduod by both the Imperial nnd Do- mmiun Gmernmouu. Klr Ahlmu Hm nvnrnmnnt Insular, mid and arm Mina I wound. a iugumd. S11.-phow The rnclllc Dale-urn. v. ()1'r.\wA, Fab. 28.-ln the Semue thin u Lernuon .\lr. Mac-lonnld of Brimh (fulumb nixed the (luwrnnmnt for inlorumuun co cc-rmna Um defence-s of the prmim-e. M whether l|n- lmperinl ur Dommmn Uovo-r manta mu-udc-d cu cnnmmm-e the mom of hnuurnca At Eoquimdt. Senna Mucclonnld said ho hope-d ha wnul ....p I.` n.u.....|.-ml an ..I.....i..o I nlllt In`-F|IuQ'0 H) CUHIIIIHIIFC LIE FPOCUUII Senator would uol be cumulered In nlmml1t III making the qumtion. but ln new uf uurleus N Q\OlIlI Europe It wu well to cuunldur the-u Qilfnf '[`". IIQl`Qi..IX '1)? -(III\- Illlll nf e.\ no-ct:-(I. A n ulln-r paper: or juurnnln but dmlnos on wm-klu-n will he Lrnn-unnm-d lre In ubscrr barn. All uther |)*'l'lUlIC.'llI*. In-un m mzlllma, lll0nI,l|l|9"l, c-l.c., will pay lc. nu x` ;u nml. Thu P0-(lunch-r-G-nmlal is l||[I|"-V9`I'Pll to maltr arnangonlenta wuh lurolgr: \'ullIIl.l lt`! n to I parcel pm. A be-tier (lHllll:[.un I.-I cu In given In an douul letters. lnsufcu-Mly IlIlIl])Pll letlen Wlll be funmnled Lu thou do- n.umv.u.u And I luuhl-A penalty Wlll be Ilnpuscd on Lllelr IlL'll\ My. For iusunce, I letter \\'lucll only hu u '2 cent sump Wlll pay (I u-nu at Llneolco of flI'llVPr)'. Bauer rrmnlnnuxm urn mud: of uh-en wln-re u cuuolrs brunch I8 attache-cl. N0 nu-nlmn is nudn ul I rmluco-Al pollute on ordumrv lrltun Lu`. ce-mu. but ll. Is believed that wzll b the nut r--loam. The muemluu-ntu |>r< pose--I alnnv were finally ntlu|)leLl at A n.euln.g ol Cuupcul Lu-lay. The bill Ill no doubt tucuunlur .1 heavy opposition on Its locum! reading. co-uh in Iucneaued lrulu Q uunce L0 1 ounce. _ The mm: rndncnl change mane III the in- cremw 0! drop letter: Iron: 1 cmt to 2 cuntl. .\lr. Human-t mud thiu aim Ilnpht-ll to pm: oi- cen u hvre there was no free dc-Inn-ry. Letter! pu.-no-J in Toronto for dalnverv in Hunt city WI pay 2c. Instead 0! 1c. Thsa clulrm WI men wnh n Im-ly oppouitiou on both, aides It II e.\Lo-ch-d. '.. ...|...- nun... nr Lmrn-.I.4 hut Jnilini on IPLIG In no: ulwu. nnr xuuunn-vvu. (_5ener|| and it was intended to unite ch: registration [no equnlzn Lhe Ann-ricnn and El'IL,'l|ll r|n,whIch II 10 cent: bonds: the unual stump. He also aid that grants: uecumy was to be given to Lhv Lrununluion ' ol vnlunble letters, Illd the dc-nirr Wu so induce the public Lu take the fullest ndunuao of Hm ndlitional nocuritv. Incidentally this clause wu uverely cnticiu-d by the Opposi- o i .m non. The weight of letter: to be carried for! in iucneaued from Q to 1 Th. Innal mduml alumna Demg : All ntenmboncii plying on the inl.uid Int!-rs of Cuimilu will be cmnpelled ti carry Hor MiijeIit.y'u nniiln, on Li-iriiis to be stipulaitod by the l uimiiiinLei'(1`eiir~rul, st in; nmcli per l)u|lll(l or win. Subvnilies will be iibulialied to niland i-iteiiiiilmaui, and they Wlll be deal: with ininilnrlv. to railway: which carry mails. The an-nling of decov leiiwrn will he treated u I fa-lunf, just the nine as stealing an urdinary enter. Nu-iluvuiil rmrulntiuml III to be adopted letter. Slrnxnguuzt regulations adopted concerning the lrnl) uf obscure nnd innnornihtenlure and pbotu,:r:u.hs through the mails. "|"h.. ...on On: nnrruinxv rnamlnr.-1'! lpltnrl ll > (jeneul mail. The rate tor cnrryinsr rPg:slrrx'd letter: 1| to be increased, but the (unnuut of the in- crease in not stated. . 'I`Iu- Puatmutorz 3... ..:...-Io.. lhn Ann-rinnn had ISI members. Jnere are now 110. The Postmaster-(leuerul Lu.l.1y iutroducv ed his umendmenta to the Postal 'Act, and the M1! was read I first time. The bill makes several important. chzmges and amend- menu in the posts] law, the priucipslonol being All mmnabonca nlvinnv the (non and skull lrncllnod. Mrs. Buddcn. Dorclwslun Out. -Q|oulder dip lucnlod and skull trncturod. \Iln- that J Clan Hm-, Pnnllnn Ilbh -u-ul- this was carneu my :10 E0 :12. I The only other tie vote in the House of Commons since ('0 federation was on Msy 6, 1870, on the third reading of an interesb bill. An nmeudment had been moved for A three months hoist and the House divided, 56 to 58. Hon. Jzunes Cock- burn was Speaker, And he voted for the` `amendment. At that time the House ` had HI members. There are now 215. T1... n--...._.o-.. n-........I o... I... i..cm.lm\. rung. r The vote was taken rs! on (`ol. Tiadaltfn unendxnent for a six mum.l1a' hoist and After the Clerk counted and recounted the vote he declared it as Lie, 9! to 91. This is 3 very henvy vow in av. Hnuse of`. l5. There were no Enirsf V this is unnthpr unusual occtfrrence, T a vote was entirely -lcvuicl - of politics, the parties being split up in Ill Ihapeu. Nearly all the French Iiiemborl but Mr. liuiuvert. ((`on.) and Mr Laurier voted against` Col. '[`isclnie. .\'ir lloctnr and Sir Adolphe voted for the snienilment. Tho vote at best is merely .1 cuni).`in1cnur_y one sud when the hill gets into umnuiittee ngnin lt in sltogether likely that it will be slaugh- tered. rm `,_.7 K" L __ L. -_J Them was great. Llapping of" hands and utamping when the mm: was announced. The Speaker vote-1 against Lhu amendment, as he explzxined, " fur the purpose of keep- ing` the bill before the House." L-.. o|...-<...... .....l nnvu u'(-1'15 .-nllnrl an In me mu nexure Inc House. `hentbe*ye:1s and uays were called on the mnin motion to refer it In the Com- mittee of the Whole on Munvluy next. and this carried by 98 to 92. . Thu nnlu ntnur tin runs in Hm "nuns of Lime me lYmJ<)l`lLy won out one. _ Yeaterdny the ("omlnitwo of the Whole rose without rbpurtin Anything about the bill. This afternoon . Ir. Brown moved to re-committee" the hill.` running next Mon- day as the day. ('o1.'i`i|d.i.ic, who cham- pions the opponent: of the measure, at once moved tint the bill be considered in com- mittee of the whole six months from now. No one seemed to want to talk my more on the bill And the division bells were, at `once '1'.-l'OVVll`I Anll-(`rm-ily Io Animals Acl lineup" the Six IIontlu' llulu by the Speulu-I-'5 (`mung Yule. ` OrTAw'.A, Feb. 28.-'l'here was .1 tie vote an the Home this afternoon. the second in aha history of the Dominion l'urlil.mont. Mr. Ali!/Llll lrown's unti-cruelty to zmlmuls bill" was the subject matter on which 'the division took place. `i There. had` oeen two previous votes on the bill, me in its favor and one against, and each Lime the majority was but one. V:-nlhurrinv the Pnm|nif.lm\ nf Hun Whnla A TIE ow A ouvasnon in THE coMaN*|o~ % House, [THE ` SECONI) 1N - 1u1s'1'm:\', A foeulur Oollluou. 2 L _A.. , no I--. _1 Min In-y J. Cluuloe. wound um! aide bruho. Ila-n lfnrhn-4. Nnu I'll uu: mu xavluluvnn cou- ue pruum-e. and Inn. .-...... I 1..-...-. .. mm M- `ulumlun bond and back. '11). llenodlcl. Samnne. .\llch.--rial hurl nnd nodded. and Ieriunl inunnl hunt. lute Mcbood, lug:-noll- bad scalp an upln. count buuu broken and spun imumd. lhehcad. Andrew Mobnnghlin. \\'induor-hun shout and back. \\'nu Ilnnaunl, Rnrnnnn, \Iir~h --|-int hurl Jonathan Martin. WoodIlock located and hand badly bruued. Conductor lheville. Londun-n located and hand Dual) bruuea. Umductur lteville. London--urIouI out on lhehcud. Amlrnw McLnmrhlin. 'indnnr-hun nhnnz bond and huuralllntonluu. Thou. N. Uoulnq. Iuworanoo Ioclurot Do uon_un has broken and had and body In-ulna. David r. mum In dining cu. Sun- nsiou Br e-badly ucnldc-I on bond and `A- K-tucks .l1l.I|.cnuuuInn. end .1. _ _ Io rhpuir the bunk. Three woudm tn-tlco will be greeted lo sup:-on the bcohu upon. The work in prugn-I-ed wall to lg: uni by U0-Inurrow that line unit I op-I nail. Until the to -air: no undo the nuns will run by Park Bnntlotd. _ on the hand nnd [ace and slight body bruise: Dnnlol Peacock. Reeve ul \\'ooduock-righl ankle Injured ud largo soup wound. Hunlllon Joluuton. cook in dinlnn cu--- ankle Iluumd and largo soup wound. dining Ihouldu undo brokon and body could; Mrs. .|ennIn:.,Pnrh-log broken. llny Jennlngn. I Gym-r uld daughter 0! On preceding-skull Incl uronl Dr. H. La Quaint. L`-lovehnd, travels: to: scout: Bonn. I8 .l`l9.h~nvonue. ew Vort- Lhluh dhdouuod and rib: broken. Ju. Dviaor, Dal.loll-hond and body bruins. R. V! n_.ghI.. Wooduuek--nah wound: on bond and hound Internally. Than. N. noulnar. Icmuonnce Ioclunr. Do ' luv IIIHIII VI lll|'II' llul II'I.' D. W. Knrn. un manufacturer. Wood~ slock-ucu|dodou 0 right hip. `esh wound: head nnd face and allhl bud: bruise: Reeve \\'oodoxock-rh:In Bnullurd. Dr swan. Brantfurd. l I-cll-known physi- clnn lhrn-ugh Unlnrio. I. ll. U--inns, uloro department Grand Trunk Rnllwuy. London. - W. M. Wemp. Ilunlgnllon agent. London. Um. Luggal. Mltchen. JoI.n Poem. coulwlllur Woodstock. Chat Crump. colored want: In dining our. \\'|ud|0r. In C, W. Illgxinl. Toronto. The following II a has of the wounded nld - the nuuro of llmir injum-I: H II. turn on-nun nunnuul-a-Inrnr IA :-uul. on the truck. Thu lanes! delth was that uf .\Ir:. Hlguinn, which occurred at 6.30 u'clock 'hIs mummy. The Lalluwnug in the lust of the dund; A. W . Francis. Mayor of \Vood.slocI and editor of The Woudrk Times Thou. Mclmnn. $1: and linwnn daalnr. collar or The woudrk Times Thou. Mclmnn. s: Hnwnn dealer. Detroit. (`npluin (Miss) Moore. Suluuon Anny. Br-nullurd. Dr Swan Rrnntfnrd A I-n|l~knnun nhvnl. 1100010 noun: omnea nvuy nuoncolrwoo and the dining: par, hnnng nu uunport. fell thmunh between the girder: The engine, tender and smoker Crussctl the bridge in uloty mung `.0 the gm: of the (mains truck, which n--xor left the rails. The first pusenmvr much jumped the tuck Ind fell nomennukmg through the Air, And the l nH|nmn_ next. no i:.. remained -unding on the Verge 0! the am 1, obeying equally the rocrqgnde lorce ul LLU dnnua cut and the onwud force ol the rent of the tram. In couplxull it ouch em! VHO uundetod and it relnauu-d tl.:.udm the truck. l`|._. |.......n .l..-ob. _~... uh... ..I \l.._ H-...;... um. mule frnclun-U. J. K. Muihml. Regina, N.W.'l'.-I|nck um We--n hrunnd. . ck-and any use we um: III! In order. Dllll ol uxbor cum from Hauilton .1 I{..-nL- uilh hold-Q nunpngntppn .u1:nlod and skull mncturod. .\llu Nu: J. CI:-nlfoe. Punuu. Itch.-coup wound , ol Chutes Urulnp nua U00. u-nan 'l`hou rulvuy ..mu'.1. wen u the noun ol the nocndont all day: Mann. Jon-oh Hohuoo. elm-I nugnm-r of the Guns Wulocl Divuuhu; mute] Baker. lenonl manager of the unlmrn And Nnnhvonu-n Railway; W-. Pope, ol Suhcntor Bull`: 0501-, Bolltullo, and Cum. sun, nuuormumont at tho Dumnu u( the Gnud '1`: mt. Rplnyo ol nu wean put. to vurk and the wnehn runawa- ll ch-and uad Ihe tuck pm in under. 4;. In .-l n imhno nnum from Hg-ilum no: The whet-L, ntrlpped of IL! tire, tell about um inches, und thv great Ituna pulled the pm: frmu thq (uu|nl.ug rod: On the bridge ew the tum. the back part of xlu-engun-, tel-dear sud smoker jumping frulll an-law side cutting gr:-at guhu In the woo-Ion Kim. The live were Imp from the girderu, the inn: nm-dlo beam: In had hkoncolrwob An-I than dininn our Ilnvlnn nd nunnnrt fall b0LV- ' Jonathan Martin. WoodItock-abonldor dio- Inamllsd and hand lmdlr bruued. Dun Iulenuv, am! '.u-I1u\ It \\'.ns unallcuetl. Looking uoublnuud down the slope the seven Lnll cohunul uf none on ' which the bridge rest.-a um lw new: as quarter uf as Iuile dl.-aumt. Thv uu. III the brulgs, llnl-muh which lhr IH-fulml couch drop bed, (.`lll.A:-tube so-vn. and Hit-ru arr the rm; mu lralluut lmth ends of lhu bridge with tho angim-:4 putng and bhmillg and crowds uf pen}-ll! slxl)` fret Iv--hm ;,';|IllILf lI[I\|:|('d It uh`, wlrck. l o'ph.- cuuw flnun nll mu Lhedlsulct In are It. The road for I qum tone! I mile on rich side of the bridge In lined with vahlcles, and busuen Inn oomlumly from Hunuburg and St. Uumgr-. Thur. u nu doubt us to the cause M the dia- uu-r. Thu tram was wlnrlmg Along mutwnrd um! um: vntlnu Iowa than A hundred ycrda In-m the brnlgn when the tire of the back driving wheel on the right side threw out I nesxxmmv. about eleven nu-In-u lung. The tiro nu u, h'a|n'(| over the cmmhnv rods and aged uvny down the embnnkn em, through a lance ind out into nu up:-n eld, whuo us now IIOI. l`|... uh..-v `In-.n.._l nf nu nip. .nl] .|.n..o D1`. UBOIIGS. I'M. 'lh.-'1'ho llulr lawn 0| St. G:-urge, on its hull-slope lncmg the south, r has been in n fuvo.-r of e.\L|u:Iuem. Ia.-sl. niem sud Iowlny. From `(ml-Iock Iiil Inidmghl. tho Ivhulu u-wn uhnoul Vurkqd bud hand unpenr mgly In o;n.ncutIIuz' llu- dad and wounded from Llu-"wn-irked nuhm. srnin. The. noun! wens noun-tlung tn wri aympnheuo u.`R-.i.~h from Llw huul. $331: uhru-ks of Wtllurlt mm! the groan: and shouts of men in sunny u-um uplrom u.- wn-ckno with which they were ouu-rul. Una by one. bleeding nud mungied, the uufon-unal.o- paoplo who cull Int-d \u-rc.- rescued And the do-ml were cmriud nuuy auu|_ land in thu uunm: houue. The Cummings House. the largest howl in town. was ivou over for the surnce oi the wounded yo-upln. Bns-nlv ruirh-ucaa took those that could not go-I. a place at um hotrl. All nu.-In. |'Jlu(_l.I dnyhrn.-nk this Iuuruuu: the ucih-nu-nt iuu-u. and urduv It unalmu-`I. mrwlnach em ' C.||l:lnIJ}| whu-h Ilm IH-fnlml nnnu-It nlrnnnnd 1 nnvu ` r, Inna: In dining sun- bouaiou nit. THEST.GEORGE*CAI.AMIT\" lulu-than Ann-In sun Allvo but You law --The other Won-led Doing Wayl- llooun or narrow and suit-rlnx. S1`. GL`Om;!. Frh. '25. -Tho little town 0! SL (Irina: nu Ilnl hxll.-4I.n-A Int-nun Hun nuntll vMRS..H;0GlNS 4 NAME Aboeb T0 fr-as ` DEKTH ROl.. yum at local. '1 no cut crop nova |00|lI the union and In dt ed 5 on; on the lie; -'4&otodoonobou0@ Jnnoho iniqu- Wo an slap the train maids 0! IN test. It in down [rub to 3!. Gm)l`l0- I tognnl thin switch at I run dangerous twitch, boeanu ennui; downgndq we unit it heavy. Thco in I earn them We did not law the nut thou. Have no u bow (at we won loiu. \ loupponunrundtluo. abouIlor40mi|uJ I John B. Rowan: Cljhuiltou, G.T.IL doucun, and In In on the brain. In mung in the choking on. Altar no : 80. Coupe union. has by Ike liulo shanty, I ` maxi-d thn um nl u "drin"whol in 3!. union. nu ny IIO mun usury, 1 uotiud tho lire ol the drive wheel was thrown" our the Ifonoo at u bottom ul the o-manhunt. At the nun III! I hood I report. I than In it wutheuncnupliuuul Jw arr hr.--In. v mntht Inn been M or 19' uruuuu. Eoglnt uccuponu ol the ilhturod mm lncnprd uuacnthed. They won : T. B. L` uwn?`u.un-. lnuhr for the Crumplou Cornet J (. unlruy. u-nvoler for Wyld.-Gruou 3 Durlin . 1`oromo. Mr. Halo. In uler lor tho Onurlo Iurhod Wu` Worlsl. Toronlb. Councillor Pout. Woodnook. David Price. commercial Inuhr. Dallovulg 13. 0. Ida. town clerk ol Woodstock. luunuomnn Plunuuor. Euxiuoor WI] Blackwell. . At 9 n'clocb- Inurning Dr. Ridley and Du. .\lu.-Kolonu ldlumltoo on brhall ol the Umn-I Tuuuk lhilwny for the truck nld were jullotd M uruburg by Dr. Duchy ul Bum- hml. The-v undo to-onnluntumu oi the pun-nu llld dating the day Mann Knu and Puouoh M \V cod-lock vrerv runmed homo, and In the Ivumuz Mn. Evans ol Hun il.uu wu uh: Inollu. Allol tho dud hndnou were run. In-mo by shun owning, qt than ul Charles Unnup and 600. It-mat. 'l`I....m nnluuv mam. in` n. the man. nl row-nld. John Plummet. hagganaman uf Wmdaor. ' laahml: The link Impraaoinn Ihadolche accide-nu was I n-culleca amkinu the want and smwll. We attack it very hard. I uoncod u. uvayod the car I van in. My unprcaaion wan that something was tron`. Sc-ml-thing -truck the car than I stood before was reached the bridn. Tho air pupa broke lnounqth the out I III III. What: I lound wo morooltlne track I applied the an brake [tun thonuaido ol the car before roaohin also btuian In trying the bran g lound It cd not won-k, but hung . on In it until we got out the baidga. ' I1 _jn no` (bloc: in` Ibo bridge. Undo: my own car. jun pnviouu in lhauoru ' wan aonethinu wrong. The diatanoo bouvoen the Ian and awiach and the nation in N0 yarda atlcaat. Tbpeat drop down about the Italian dt aolg ` ..zn......;.....1.....ann 1..._n..J...a...,.l lookout. when m mouon. Thoma: Pnquolu outed he was employed II bnkenun on tho Run. II. |Q'u\-~ Windsor M 1. to gun. The driver no nus lhr 1.uu- that left \V|ndsor. The engine I1 change-d at London, nothing being wrong tin-n-. The rnt notice I had ol Ibo accident was elm yunplug u! the cus when we rv-nclu-d t.|.c b: u!.'--. I in In the nnokint car at the tum-. I`. Jud no! leave the bed 0! the truck. 1\'mm- wnnIn~ jurod in that car. I know the hr.-ul..~.< were on by an mouon ol the can I can-mt. ml our Ipood. II ism duty In coo tlm. the brnkn are :11 right. A--UNI the car It the nunh udeund want down to tho pan-mu-o-r much and hnlpod pot the pnuongors out. The train I'll All nth! at Putin. do not thunk the train was 08 the truck before it roach-I tho, budge. Scum III shut ol bcfon reaching; um budge. The brake: warp put an alter the o-ugmo mu run-nod. ` l..l... l|I.....-..- In-.....n..n ..5 \\.'nulnnp ' A Irolc-I lino: Ila Drive I! her-I at the l.ocououn--Iolaonn sun.-hes. S1. Ghoul. Fob. 28.--Curom~. Web-us ompanolled njury Int night wnh \\':lhnu Snowball an lorolnun. but owing lu \l.`u. Hug- mufdnth this morning 3 second pun-I wu summoned with D. Cons A: fun-um-. Thom was 3 large uuoudnnee in l\[-clmma Hull. when the i unit In hold. nnd mu-u~e man on wu mun acted in the proceomzmn. June: Slovul. [anon] lnlpo-L`L4-r of tho Tntc De runom, nntod: 'I`ho- mun I: called Nu. expr. in made up .u \\'mduor Mid runs to Su ' n Bndfe. W -. luck- vell 0! London ad clnrgn 0 lhn -..gnm~ And Henry Angel: In n-man. Dan ft.-ml] III the conductor. Thom u-0 two husl.-uu-n_ one lnculnuz, lot at eonducwr, hum: car . conductor, no waiters and tIum- cook: on this train. Examination in mmlu .-L London und llnrruburt by our in: torn ml the on wlxre.-It and snacks and Also I. n -mm: wherln .\'o uneriun enminniou in Ilutlr 0-.\:" pl bv the ouameer himooll. The trains pa--sung II Pnueaton won oxwtly on Hun-. It is um duzy of tho conductor sud his mm m nu-pact the trim at nay nation And ul.-u cu ken-9 a lookout when motion. 'l`I......-. D......-oo- .n.o_4l L- ....... .......l..-`A -l'I-E`-- Q-`UII VII , I.'lW. I _ ` Loxhou, Feb. l8.-Brnk~mnu .-\w,,,'z-II in still dive but very low. John .\!cKin|e,, when name uppeau in the hu 1! injured. Ines at 147 Sex nth-strt-91.. Drlruil. He in a piano puhulu-r by trade, but ` has boon out of umpluymout fur me time. Work vn oosrod hum in Bonun, -um! he Iek yoatoidny for that place. [An night Ian wifa nooivcdn Iolernm from St. G.-mm-. -imply nuunc hot husband run hurt Shu wuuld (0 N to him It she had moon: to do .~u, but her husband took all tho money the-y h.ul except N cum, to pay hll hrs to Boston. .--- Ir. .Ilc-Inn a Farmer Rum:-nl or for! lop---!lr.-. .IIrII|Ic)'- Pnghl. l|I1'R0lT. Feb. 2\'.--AInouc Ll. kullml at thu Sl..(oorm- rnilwnv accident I4 Tlpulnau U. .\lcl.ean of Du-truit, ut the linu wt Mela-an & Boo-char, I :-ulluulur Furnucv n.'vnt..~. Ho- came tn Detroit nun years mm. from Pun Hope, Out., 104] was em I-wu-I `u f\)l`rInnu for James F. Guiun. ' no v-.-rs ago he commenced business for himnq-If m cunnecuon with .\Ir. Beecher. Some ||tt!o- while nfbot this Mr. Md.-Lean`: wife died, leawnm three clnldron who were lent. to In. wntb relatives at Ron hope. Mr. Mclnan ml: 35 yenn ol nnn ll - x~m`.\\ no-rr It :3 mm ~..'ne mmmpu. .\n.nm( llmzw who c;une up (.4: Hm scene of llu-.acL`uIeul from '[`nrmtu xverv Hun Chan. llrurv nnd Me.-~ru. liayanie-, .\l. L A. for Glmnanrry And Caldwell. ALL. A. for North Lmurk. ton. mmul. .\lr. June Sutlu-rland. M. P., ,0! Wood ock lnves lhu Cnwlui luda)' lu attund the funernl of .1134 I.uwn~'me-u. ' The body of Mlwa .\loore, the Sulwmun Army captain, which \\.u an-ul. Lu Bruntfurd, u ns Wu-\u-I! uu-re by Hm Sah'.u|.iuui.-cl.~ and In- unnx-lw--mud her. Thu In-dv was sent to In x~.l'.\\ herr it and we brluvupa. \lI.|:lIUl||tI1iM \-hm rvnnu Inn in lhn anon. nl `nan I IIV`r CKIICUHICIOIIS "PIC rlltlely P885. The Grand Trunk niciuln ucle-d Wllh gronc prulumiluuh Ill sun-Inc-nmz medical A-H. In um huurs nftrr thu accident the-me dnctnrs were in alto-Iuimncc-2 Du. Ii C. Kuchnu, E. K Kltcln.-n. .-hldxsnn. l`utIun, St. George, Vurl. SInc'uIrand Dun-uu. |'zm~; Hugh) and Howard, lhmutlunl; .\lcK.u' and Mchum. \V0(Ilsl:-ck; and Rld|P_\'. \\"xl\'ez't0iI, 'nllacr-. '|nte, Sh>u\'_ I.-`slug and '()rmuu-ad. H|mil~ 19 in `H. \I. l-..`... \1 I` .1 \\'nnd mjuren. G--urge .\I:\rgt.-tts, during cnr conductor, nu ` been several tun.-an nu-mber of the Wimble- don INHII. Once while at practice a man 1-lep|N'(l nu frunt of the mrkvl. just .15 he red. The l-ullot passed lhmugln the man's loft. lung and Inndv I bull's:-ye on the target. The wound iniu.-Led was nu; fatal. 'l`\\`-I newly nnuriv.l cu-uplva. Mr. nnd Mrs. .\larlhall and .\Ir. and Mrs. lluddnm were in tlw wrrck. The [nun--r were Inurrietl in Dur- cln-utw un \Vnlm-mluy .~uul ware nn their way to S1 (`utlmrine-1, and the latter \\'(Ire mar rial In (`he-an rt-lnl uml were coin;-1 east on lllexr uulrling lrw. All luur are doing well. Mm. Mnrwlull, ulmaa Inmden nzune WM .\':m:v ll:-|n'll3Ti~`.-Wllrnll been Innrrie-d but I few hour-o be-f-ra the uccurruncu. Ho-r lun- lmud. Mr. J. R. M.1rnlna||, lmd just. come (lown lruru Regina tn marry llm young lady. She wrote [11 a lru-mi In Toronto the curly part -1 this wee-k la-mlling her \\'ddin;.: ruur And the places she intundod tn visit. Slu- luul In-I nut wry Immy miles from her houn- when all lwr calculations rudely upset. Thu 1::-and 'l`r....L- l.fHpinln non-rl with Grant l'n;ln-oou|dod badly nbuut had and arms Mm inns. nun-on ol the Children`! Home. H:-|nHton-oI-oak and arm: cut. badly nodded. hrI_ru. A. L Soudoll. Dcu-olb-cuIp woundnud uuou. l_I,_| . -,..___A_ _l AL- III . A _ _ __J A,_._ wounu mnncmu nu: 1.` and foam--r :| In S! f`:nlhnriI|n4 nnd aomg u-ry en INK] will soon oe nouns. Mrs. 5`-nml--ll of l)t'I.rUlI [!.'_0llt of the end of the l u||muu car, wluch was lhfl. standing on the bridge. She fell to the ground sixty fact below,` and strange to say wu not badly Injured. H.-nrrm XI.-nrm-In dmnw nnr nnndm*tnr_ nu uol roan-I. at. ' . . Dr. McLurc uf Wuodntoclc took I IIIOVIIIB .\l-urn. Knru und Peuruck. a... l.`....|....` ml... mm 1...... monue .\l0$ll`I. nnrn unu FGICUCK. Gnu. Forbes,` the mill known sport L \Vondslnck, i< Among the wouuclod. Ho I doing ell and will be abuut. Mn, 5`-mu].-ll nf I).-Lnnn fell out of the an we will go-t over u. an nuns. Mr.` Jar Riclumlsuu, the well known nil- Iny Inn. cnmu down {rum Dodrun on Wed- nesday. ' Ho mlumiml cunning tlnrouuh but llopped u In London on business. He does not regret nt.. "" ` ` l)r \l:-Lnrn nf \\'nmhInnI: Inn]: Munro nl some weeks may nun wu Vvumng in Debcuil and wgmld hlvo come home nevornl day: Ago had show not been detained by the kindness .0! her fricndl. Mr. Himlinl came up to St. George. reaching hue About 3 o clock_IJ}in umumr. He saw Inn wife and spoke to At`? um'*s|n'o wu not too far sunk to recognize him. Mr. Higgins is -completely broken in -pirit. Lin!" hlnv Jpnninku ram-ived A bad frnchuro ' Drolen In vlpllll. Littlu May JeImin';:a raco-ived It had lucturo ul the skull. Dr. `liinllo-y nuys,- hovtorar, zhn F also will get over it all right. Mr Jun. Rinlmn-.|.u-n Hm -all Irnnwn rail. wlhlloa. I Mn. Higgins, wife of Mr,-C. \V_- Lliugim. of the Russill Home billisrd room. |I,u-I been j sway from home for tome months. For some weeks pan nlm visiting win Dabmit And Wllld have come} hunm `* I)oI /l{7`'ell``fl'|llI tho wreck. I Bil. lungs van `. wunod. ` Mn llimvmg Ivifn nl 31:1-C. \V "inning Irate-an Angelo "cry I.-aw. nu Ia`-|. X l.l--I......._.. \ 1. as-r lhrtc Nana] mo Iunonn. Dr.8\r:m only lvngrrvd I: shut Illa` shat THE DEifRO|T:/lCT|\fS- - THE INQUEST. Tum . BRI'l`IH Wain. `FRIDAY; MARCH 1; 1 charge x ! of I.` `I C N.` "'7 ICITIUI Lollboll, Fob. 28. - l`ho report 0.` .`.-1: Jilin Punnoohwn appointment as l .~i i . llama: to tho Unltxl Shea is an--u.l.`.`.. .. ._..J._...-.I -|I|IUCl' 50 (III any confirmed I llorllll II III U- I. went. Wuumorou. Fob. 28.--It In enhunu-.3 ' tithe Treasury Ihst. tho public debt, leap ` out in tbo'TrouuI'y. Ml h|'0|,0Ii $7.001 . i GD since Fob. I. ._-:-- `F ` fIllYlI,lIII1l!I!f lI0llIImlI ` Nuw Yonx, Fob. 28.---Six In.-W In.lict luau burn ban ordered tgninu In-a -ml Shynor. Thorn are now Lou. l umx.-. Dorouiu In aid to be inpliouud. VVIITDIIF , WIIII .|IDUI lll`I II|'lVl' I ` porsryht of'inunIt.y, cug in throat from our to on In! night. Slight hopoa are gn- torulnod of hi! recovery. wound. John McKinley. D-u~olt.~oalp wounds and bod) bruins II`:-od Hancock. new agent. l.aIdon-back hurl and hand cut. John H. Wilson. wutc. C|nhun-|cn bruised and had cut nlluhuy. um. Mnnrelln. dlnlnx rnreunduclor. Khan can be only repaired. _ Tho dunno to rolling Itock an huvv, but it will probably not equal the amount to he haul in damages. Thro an Inn poo;-In _|uHcd, one at London. Any-lo, the bnlltvmuln, Mu-ly In din. and there no uvquty eigln wmmdnd. T: i. nnl Iiln-Iv that In: Inn lluaooo will db. and thorn lwqmy olgul Ivunnnna. II is not liknly shut Inc Inn 0100.000 will con! the whole bill. smn}m,' Fob. 28.-Mr. Groul nl wsmsury, Oh!!! `it Iurhr 3 19m` porsryit. egg .in_ `Ito banana and Immune: Will` Inn Ian: thouuudn. S15 GIOIOI, Fob. 2l.-Sumn n! the loading local oicinln ol the Grand Trunk won hare i during the day. 0! ooum ll:-~v would not live my opinion um tho unuum. of the damages, but it in tho pnernl hello! that chev will bO"l|OI\". The damage to rolling Itoclx conniutn ol the destruction J I dining car. I Pullmnn. n rnt-olno coach, come injury to I Imulror and a bad Ilmlnn up to the engine. Thu dunno to the bri ge i< not vary grant. The whole structure II nll right with the axed-ption ol one Ipln and lllll be ouily rcpnirod. _ 'l`ln clunum In rnllinl lu-nvv. but Drtmluug cronlwlu. It would no nrue 90 run I Lure of 1 Inches thick of ml: at! and nu eighth inch t nickor of hnrd ate-I. Thv reuun the tire: no put on Io thick in that may can be turned down. Could not my wlmcher the and] produced it hurd ur soft. The unqueu Ill adjourned till 10.30 Friday morning. the one produood |l Lg lnclzo-1 [luck at the thinnest in. The crack ruumng the length 0! sho line would not pr vduce cho- bnmkiug cronlwiu. It would bl -cafe to A urn nf H mnhnn thiulx of vault at! And All II_V `DOING? II `II I IOITIIOP (PWECI III MOI, not In in present state I oonl-l nu! oweu thnt tbn In a perfe-cl turn 3! tho lino d the nccndeut, tho crack might have been tln-rr lur two we.-`In. Thu delx-cl in on the msule of um tire. I dud not onmmo the other part. at the urn to we if the tin Wu cracked. ll. cuulnl not be seen by any possibility null and pa-n-um.-n would nut. reveal that dolect. under any Cll`(`|llUltnCPI' ll do-fccl. there were. It could not be zleco-ctml by any man: while on the wlm-I. I nlmuld any that the tire would be from aux Lu ninc munch: turned time but turning. I should call thnl of the first qunlny of utevl. The urea gr. nbou| [mom 2} lu `l IlIClll'l thick, the produced 18 lnclzvi Huck AI. (ha thinnnnl ll|ilL Thu t:l`1l(`,l( runnlml ran. 11. n In not ruuea. I consider that the sire in 3 [Ah nu.-age awe-I turn. Can detect 3 longitudinal mark down the urn which I can`: lccount for, unlem n has been caused by tho beA:m.z u! the turn when it broke on the rail And tum. I can`: whether it A former do-feet an not, ... .. In ......no um. I mmI.l | III! clear. 1 Arthur A. Smith of Toronto. Anuutant ; Mechnnicnl Suuorintondant. uuled he had ` chants of the engine sud men in Hm luoomo- tnvo department under .Mr. Wallis. Mr. Walton of London would have charge ol thin engine. It would be the (int of the angina-or to any that it In nll right. saw the place uf tire produced at midnight on Feb. 27. II not rusted. I ..........I-. ok.b oh- uh` E. a lab nrnvnrin an-.1 jqr or ooncuunon as we curve. ' I don ; know howlong Uoumne wuim nervice. I started on L a road 1:: 1872 on ireizht And pusenger cr_aim, wan new-r perv manent passenger engineer. 1 poked up I piece 0! the tire midwny between the two nntchu, tho Iu-go run and the mace produmod union the tin complete. ldid no: nos the: hammer on the wheel: any tune on this u-in I enminod the Input register and all clear. A .95.... A unk): Al Tnonunln A nnnnknnt brunoud Ind had cut uumuy. Uoo. Ma elm. dining rnrconduclot. Nhpn l'nln-oIa Cd badly about hand and Mm Evans. cnuamn Home. Auunpled Imelda In In-Ila Snuronn, 1rn.u:a-In -nu. `hhnvlni --.l- - --4-... J I (III n0` Kn0I WHIL lb \Vll-`(. I no ticed aulinlz-rs Llirmvn up - and the `tire was: l.lll'JWIl off, 1 lliink lie-tween l Hw two Ii.d|l`I!. I did ii-it iln anytliimz, llltl not reverse the engine-, ilivl not put. on the l iiir l-rakes, could not (10 mi: ill-l nov. blow whistle. it In: impouible t-~ utiiy in the can. I shut the engine OH is soon in I heard the l cnuih. I new I could not do eiiyuiiiig. I ran to the rear of the eiigiiie, i,lie n-mun jumped 03. Ioould not stop the Lreiii, if I I` did reverse, in thnt disuiiioe; woulil line no |)I)Wt!f tn atop the NIH) in I short distance. The trailing wheel, the me uiid the Mt. driviiig wheel were o av. Lhv uthcr niile of Lhe ICCltl'llL on the bridge. I would apply the iur-brakes, reverse the engine and glue all the power I could to uop I trein If iieceeuerv. ` but could notin Ihieconedo anytliiug. Cuuld atop the train In About 100 ur 500 yiirds. l ul:.e~n run over this-med. Did not notice any jI_r ooncuineion at the ' I dun : know how long leuizine wu in bruigr Inna untlllng In um um um nccluc-. \ViHIxun Uluckweh mt l..un!un_ engi sand; I was in clmrgc uf the train ; lufv. dun at -1.30, cook cluu-uv .ul I. nutlum ; no ht Iugersull, \Vm)(l:4Lx-1: ... 'l`uun<--mwln, 1 `mi Iiumn-nd Cr)snin;_' I enxalnnu-d 91 II London. My duty '~ to r-,\.nmnr- 92 before It-uvinv. Lnndun, mt llsuduty of an buulnyarll. ldnd this _u-~u-rdu_v after: fun nulised that she nus l fur t|u- juu. This is nut my regular Hum, tlm reaulu ginrer Ivns ulf. At, \Vuurl.~4Luck Wt` Look I! and ml:-d u-re. \V1th the lmlnnu-r we the crank pins and keys [u are ulu-then were mund ll Lnudun, did not u~u- 1|", 1 nu-I nltur tlmt. `I r... n..oim-.d olur anmnlhinn man my 3 brnkuu l Doll! PIIGU ox the swluzn. UL) no: t cnuuidvr than at break in the truck. I panned -. nver that part uf lhu mml hut 'I'In~s I looked M the switchers; Liwy were all right. I | ne-vex Imticr any cun(`us'.~4it_m 11!. the-~ uwnclu-3. I lune 1-.\an.iu-I the nun nunre-.~`L l'|e1bl`idRt`. The train make-s ax httlu more muse gum: our the switch. Am p01~.mu- mu awncln In-M` Chas brldgr hnd uuthlng In do mlh Um nccidunc. engineer, the Lr;Iin;1L*fL Lou J _ , .. I an ....I. ..| .n I ....I.... . ..o........rl uotlnng nnwtll saw ll.-~ tue R0 HI. _ I Clnns. Still , Jll|)HrI|Iln ml- In all use S--nthern !`nvu.-nun. snial: I lv--1-W6. UH-' ||l-`cldelllt Wu; mmgd by 3 tin, ._)f1,h.A-lri\`m'.' wheclbrcslking an the south side, tlm` unsml L-ha ccmnec.-mug rods Lu bleak. the t.r..v wv *I`5d: I6 Can`! to cat 03 the trick, tlm .n_-edln lmum of tho" " idge in he all crowll.-.'. mgetln-r, ullm\ lng Llm lttrl to full belnwleen tlu-;.;irllcr~I_. nml lhiu_ln-p.-uk- ing took plncv before Um mun reuclwdlclm hridgv. I hcuetrnc--d t.ln_- the-from tha held an which it no\v,..lm-u to tha point whom it la-lt. the mck Ibnut ynrnls must of the bridge. lousk about 100 yanls \v:-at of that. '[`he`n'e are Imlrln on the Lima from tlu=-tliutnnc Innun~ uunod, about 150 yuan wear. of Hm bridle." The englnedriver would lmtlc the dilferzencn of the rnnninv at oncu of the train ; Llmt. I think, would be About 150 yards west nfltlne bridge, A: the ulnosatl he was rnnnnnz it would lune taken t|n- driver wont 500 yards to stuptlle trnm. The time card: show that they 'lIlIl|l run about (4 ur 45 Inilms nn hour. The tnin Inns :4: run nbout -I5 nnles all the way I.ln'uugh. I don't. know how lung the engine hug been In new, Tlni Lima oucasmnully get. broken. I do "0; know how long the tire was in use. I shanld any It hnd not bee-_u `out of the shop long. '3 found the InI.<.~'Ing win-ce ol tinl which in now at the suunm and cannot see my" defect. in it. In is uppuremlv n no-w fracture. The swilchvl examined mqiny, it 3. close} to the uuuiun. Tlwre ishme lurthwr up About 500 yards. There in IuH:urvu an the station awitcln. I lmvo no thnnry of the cranes of the luenlgf An e-m.vine rnnninu uwr I wry rough road might. llu IL The: tire ls steel; as for nsymy knowledgu guns in sm-ms to be pur- lect. ` 1 cannot any huw fur from the bridge , the turn was fnund. I wanna! no any pvsiliblo c0HlI(`L`tl0II llm switclnm lnul _Wll.ll the nccltlnnt. Joseph llubsnn, Clnvl l`lIIgllltL`r uf G.\V.R.. Ilnislon, :t,:It(`d: My duty is to see that the track. lnxdges. lvnce; et.o.. arr kept in good condmun. The track in broken nv. both ends of l.l|:: !~Wll,(:lx. Du not ` ` cnrlmmmn llIl`~o Lhel bridae. 'I`L.. ... ..l.... .. l.nI.. Iv\.\v'u nm.u. nnlnn nuur l tlnnlr the tire beclunq ` f fdund I 0 lat (mm the bridga. but. The mml.-er and engnlr ` right, the su|(9,kg-r dnrzf mp Um! I mTt'i`l Il.-- Line If Stiff, 2Il1|)r9rIIIl mi-~m --C I h--!.n~m n of l.h-- -!ri`vm`.' WL the spmm go; lm .--V-edln hn Andy 2.. Im all an-n\vnI-J. mgelht-r, A BIG BILL FOR THE TRUNK. Increase In tho U. I. In I. _. 11-_L on lo 1. -- Inc II`: New Ilv Gavin. __ :14. an 'I`L. ..- In engine nnvone I afternoon. ms journey. regular en wlxllvck we water` l...I_.n........ ..... n.. ...I wound nml undo Irulle. Goo. I"oc`ho:4. New Yurk--only wound and lIl1lI`IL ml 3 Andnuu, llelIovlo-ou' non-I1 Ionoll um. .uKl\- frlcl un-d. um ouulduuot [OI jglllr \\'r:I. nVc-If I" up. Numccd on (H r - . nun , .. ' engine Pngnw `xu dun` nf nnvnml nun. nun st.n{p(*d ) nu ..n.n Wxllkr V - trwd n the-3' hun- Iumpunnl to no In cnnuln. Nxw Ymuc, Fob. 28.-Ai-tic 11. Clan- iund, president nnd orrsuizer oi the A. `B. Clovoluud Compnny ( imitod), wholunle dnio n in suds at No. 47 (`ortinndt-Itroot, wi`.h bruichel mt Capo Vincent, N. Y., Picton. 011%.. snd London, Eng., ha been mining three wuln. Thu manor hu boon "hp: quiet. Ho wont away ostensibly on .hndnAn.1!..|.I nid. uldil DGUIYIKMDIJ "tying lrom Uovw W wu,uw. 1 no win that he uourod ll ploood so high u .150,- Ill). Spuulniou In ock: which won at- Iondod with bony luau maid tolnvo g...-gal f`InwnIAnd'n tlinnhln, H: In add In IIIMIOG wun lulvy mun lrolllll WIIIVI and Cleveland : troublo. Ho in add to L-_- L--`Ah-antntl Ink -IIA-on in thnnnz. . Tuoonpuy tuna and by Clcvolundh no: buueu. u. uveuu. we on ueuevcuwoe either in Cnndde or Eng!-ud. It in re- ported that Cleveland appropriated to Me own use money and note: of the oompeny, heving obtained on notoe dlecoumed at rloll huh eboueO;O0G It in due ee- porced that he dlaoounted some of the eom- ` penfe reooivoblee. A: laser u on beu- } oerteined he collected about 340,000 oi the coq|peny'I money. Ooere of the company deny, hovevun the! the amount In on - when none In . Cleveland II also (I to line obtained been Meade ol emu mytngtmn ouooo soo5o.ooo. Thetohl I an In mound In nlnned u hill) 5: HM.- nkupu quiet. no won: nvuy onenuoly on -buiu-n.1z.h[uId. uadin bolinudbobo -:aI.-. in f`.gndrIA AI Eng!-vnl It in In. lc 2-bruised. `In M.u-.~lm:l. Rosina, .Vl.W.l`. -nun only around. Juhn M1-Kinlul D;-u~nlL-naln Inldn And