\;(llI UB3: IIIII VII Justus, UVUIIIII` -I own: ololook. Bub ooh "Homo Lfo and Marriage Cumulus I: 131113. the Add:-an will he llluntnud by man ooooumu. A collection will In hkounp for mldono. JOSEPH FRANKLIN, Windsor Street, htcacyl. [U0 rrlnceu street, nunguuu. A young Belleville girl. detected shop` lifu-lg not long ugo. attempted one day to steal a piece of fur. She said she was ad- justing her garter when the clerk detected hcl` winding the piece of fur around her leg. plll In I UCICIUU. . l.adira' half, whole And quarter wigs. b.-lugs, switches, hair chains, rings, made to Hl`Ilc:l'. Dress And umulle nmking. Cauuif ,......-o `\nn Avnln -nmln nvnr \\'nI:h I HI`Ile~,l'. nreu nmu lllluue IIIIIIIIK. uluuu corset, beat aver made, over Walsh & .\`:<-;scy'n. 105 Princess street, Kingston. .\ vnnmr Ha-.ll9viHa girl. detected ahon BGBII Dy auveruselnent. Ill ILIUURIF cululuu. The suit for defnmntion of character, brought by one wood merchnnt. against an- other. has been settled. fhe coats of the ...,..p I... 0|. .l..6`...\.l.a-no of tho in Int. venr. A-seduction suit has been entered for trial at the spring assizea, lielleville, but the de~ fondant, I graduate of the Kingston modical college, is in the states und in not likely to put in I defence. Lyn:-n' Imlf. whole And mmrter win. ` 5. (IN? lP&gll0. While working at Cataraqui bridge one day last week Capt. (`on-hraue broke through the ice and was rescued by A young man navnml Asselstine. '1 L-._,. L..- ...... ..-_:.....l -> I l`......\l...l|`. mum-u nssemune. '1 here has Just arrived at J. Campbell`: W(>u(l yard, Uutariu street, the best. stock of auwed or unsaved maple, also the beat of dry slab wood. ('nrnnrnrinn lnhnrern are busilv enmmed job will be mu cums In every FEBPOCC. R. & I. Gardiner having sold theiratock to S. Carsley. of Montreal, require all debts due them to be pnid immediately as will be by advertisement in mother column. The unit for defamation of character. sun. The vital statistics registered during the months of January An-I February were: Hirtlu, 50 ; deaths, `29 ; marriages, 4|. Many of the reporu should have been sent in hut A ...n.I....oinn an Inn: lmnn untnl-cu` fur frinl memneru. When the \`lc(` presidents were luring no- minute-.l it was suggested that no one shnulcl be elected who wu not is member. Princi- pal Gram read the list. and Midmel (ireuves was Asked if he was A member. .\| r. ('}re:\ve3-"l am not." .\ Principal (}raut~l)u you intuml to be 1'" Mr. Ureavea-lf it is guimz to benefit Canada you bet I will he. Prinninnl Hmnr -- Arc vou remlv to Ionic; nnbmuu; M Wuht winds. Mr washer. Not much hnpln ponnu. Llun. J. M. .3ner|ucu Ia ulr Iuxsuucuu Ul IL. Miss .\lc(rL-gar, who has been 1; mission- ary in India for ten years, spoke 'Iu.the lieghel (,`nm;regMiomsI church lut evening. --l(i.l" snnwrn nml Paddv Lvonn have lS(*!l1el l,llgl O1itu0lIuI Cllurcll llll uvuluug. Ki|" Sumera and Paddy Lyons have , srqured eugugelnents with the Springeld, ` `min, baselull club. This club is in the tri- ! state league. I \\`hi|u wnrlrinn at Cnfnrauui bridge one or ury min woou. Corporation laborers are busily engaged in opening up the grates and cleaning the streets an that the water will lmve fr2e ac- cess to run away. The. wnrlx nf 4-nmnnnmlina the engine: of to away. The work ui compounding the engine of the steamer Niagara, being alone at the ioco~ motive works, in nearly completed. The job will be tint class in every respect. R, I: I. Gardiner having sold theirstock to In the city, II n. mcruul a. li. Bria-co, Nupanee. will build I new opera. hall on strictly modern plans. We can show the lamest. stock and chest . next. . Uur clearing sale of carpets. oil cloths and lace curtains still going on. R. Mc- Faul. H..- ,1 l`....}.nn....A`- cu-nuninnnt vnv-nnv~-~~ monm. ~-~ ~ - The real estate of the late H. J. Crevoliu.` r Cnpg-. Vincent, will be sold to satisfy claims ' bf Jreditors. l`..I.I.. .....,I.:..., cm... Ann on ('7 u lI.~-mu - Lai`il"X()l'(I 3, [005 UK VUCCD HIIVCL. The tinest. line of dress materials in King- stun`will be shown at Minnes & Burns Irv-as goods exhibition on Wednesday next. Muck & Buuth have the beat slabs. bar-1 wuml and dry hlucks. You can get just what vuu mm: in the fuel line at their yard. \ .I_`.. ..I..|. L..- l....... t...........I :.. ..nn.u..ul...i The Spica ol Every Day Ll[o-Whnt. the Public are Tuklng About.--_NothIng Ep- onpon tho Attdntlon 0! Thou Who are Tuklnl Notes. Two boys were fined 8. ) and coats foru- nulting J. Ueddeo. Par annninn Scranton Nn. 4 coal no to colonies. The selection of the other mficera then pro- vsee-led and resulted as follows : I : . .......I An. \I .... urn I! Q i`.uuu-:.-I) nan on Enncuy luuucrn pluua. We can show largest. cheap- est prices in white quills. R. My-Faul. Uperjnzn tn ommse the rcnuil of the Scott est prices In wmw quuul. n. Lucruul. . Meebiugs to oppose repekl Scott act are be-ing held in Leuuux and A(lling~ ton. ' l.... l'......\ .. I).-in.-n-n ntl-nl` Iulalinn fa nn ton. Ice from ll Princess street building fell on an ulu man yesterday and injured him bunlly. V I-`.n-rv lmlv nhnuld attend .\linnt-8 &. Burns llunlly. livery lady should attend gmnd dress 500118 qxhibitiuu on V\'ednenday next. 1|... n`AnII:r\ cnln .\` nnrnntn. A" n`nfI'|u raul. One of (ianannqueh prominent yormg ~~~ `- merchant; will furaake bachclmhoou thus month. I`|ng -n..l potato n` tho Iutn " J (`I-nlynun ` rt. Muraulu. The ice in the lake is far extended. For as far as the most. powerful glass can di8\.'l.'I':l no nprn muer cn be seen. ,1 lI.m'| fnmm. ir.. Srrined t\I\'e9dn and x S, \\ axsu l-2, IIU rrlutesa uI.n:l:L. For dry oak and soft maple, Ioft V0041 and hard wood at lowest pricea, go to Qrun-fox-d`a. foot. of Queen street. TI... O`n.n.n lino nf Arman vnntnrinln in King. WHBI \'Ul| sum: In um luu uuu IL LINEN _\/ulu. A glee club has been formed in C0l)ll0Cli()ll wilh the Young Men : Christian Asaociu tiuu. J. M. Sherlock is the instructor of it. \'I..- II A ... ..-Ln. I... |.-.... u nniuninn. . IJVIIIPOOL 00'I"I`0 KAIIIT. Lzvuu-001.. Inch 4. Ochoa. qulot : Amorlou mlddllnn u. nunung u. ueuuuu. For genuine Scranton No. 4 coal go to the G53 Works yard. ` ' 'l`|m nluunnnr. nhnntilnu nnd nillnvv mttnn vseeuled Anu rosulteu as mnowa : Vin-e prosiulenrs-.\leusIa. (3. S. Fcnwiuk, I. Mclntyre, J. M. Fair, .\1.(ireaves, A. Ritchie. Recording seuretary-Donald Mn-lntyre. lfnurrespuudilug secretnry-Mnjur Mayne. 'l`reasurer--l>onall Fraser. Ex;-cuti\'e committee--7Messrs. Hugh Run` kiu, James Marshall. Robert Hilton, Davie] Nicol; James .\`\\'ift. U. .\l. .\!ac.do1u11eIl. E. H. Smythe ; the utticers to be ex-otiicio members. \\H_.... Al... ..:,... ........:1....o. ...,...., l...:.... ..n. Inc Use Horn yI|ru.. The cheapest cheering and pillow cotton in this city. at R. Mcl"uul'a. M Rrimn. Nunnnee. will l)llll(l I new ox ureuuora. fulnle unpkins from 400. to 87 Is dczen: tu\\'e'I:<. ulwuys the best. value in the city, at R. .\lul"aul`u. `Pl... L... .'.. Ihn `ubn In fur nvhnulml |`nr U \\'lu9l' C& De HCCII. ,, l)uu'I. forget it. Striped tweed: and vcmsu-ls, 53 I0 84 tor trousers, at Lumberh & \\'a!sh'1-2, 110 Princess street. l`.u- Any null And nnfr. mnnln nnft wnml 3 PARAGRAPHS PlOKED'UP BY-OUR I BUSY REPORTERS. {N Monlrou TOI(`l A 11 U0. P.nch. & Onuno AV. 00.. Lily Passenger RR . . . . . . . . .. Menu-and Ga 00.. .. Clllldl Pacic RR. . .. Canada Canon Comps lrundu `ou.on0o..... Hoohelnaa Cotton 00. N. W. 14nd s1`0(`K.-I. Bank of Montreal . . . . . . .. Onunonnk . . . . . . . . . . . .. Bank dn Pouulo . . . . . . . . . .. Manon : Bank . . . . . . . . . . .. Bank of Toronto Banquo Jnu. non Cattle:-.. Merchnnuf nk .. Quebec Bunk. Lnlon Bunk . . . .. bank ofuomme . Imperial Bank . . . . . . . . .. Munlrod Tolt-an 11 O0. . & 00 {NCIDENTS OF THE DAY. WIIOLIIALI AND IITAIL PRODUCE `COMMISSION DEALER. no u--.a....-.. -_ 0.... nun.-. mlmnnhu IN-l. . _. _ A`I, j_'.__:.__L__.__ VCOMME RCIAL MATTERS. T nos'rnc.u. srocu llAItlI'l`.~4. u.........-. . \A......|. I la n... 'UUI(l\ nlhlli UP, r(`llp(`ClL'4l ll IKE lllllllUl[illI|.8 Jeternninecl to pwpetuzltc the uniun. He promised Louid ull hs could in educating the people up to the nocessilv of closer union between all sections of England and her colonies. 'I`L.. ....:,.... Al 9|... ,.ol....- n0`.n.nm than n-n, IOITIIAI. PIODUOI IA III1`. tlnn-u-nu. Ila-ah I n33 Dee 3("lle(1. 1'13 C(}3lI U] II, were met by the defendant of the nun cnuvnn -an-u-u-us, Il0.\`Tulu.. March l.--l2 noon urn. orrr. mxlu-ml [CI m ...... 90 ll . . . . . .. H25 1373 .. 13. 0d. 715. 9d. unity OI tne empire. 1!. Vina cettutiuy u. nuw thin for them to be called agitators. Surely they were agitators who were trying to disturb and sever the relu.tiot;s that (Tan ada held to the motherland instead of those who were endeavouring to perpetuate the union. llut," said the principal, I like to hear names called. The more the better. It shows that we are becoming important." (Applause) The principal said that his third political principle was frit-ndlinvss to the United States. On every ground and for every reason as neighbours they ought to be friends. He had never spoken, and never would against their men. He wanted them to respect Canmlians and the best way to have this was for Canadians to respect them selves. He rejoiced that the record of (`an ado was clean in regard to its relations with the L'nitc-d States. lt had never put to an end any treaty made between them It was the United States and not ('unmlu.tln1t end ed the treaty of l.\`. >-l, the treaty George llrown negotiated and the Wasliitigloti treaty. .\o man dnre den)` that. The prin~ cipal held that Wl]'ut'.\ (`l' the l'nite-d .\`:a'-s wanted to talk tntsqtmllly with ('unuda it wmild rind (l-ull-lllllrl willing to treat with them. The spirit of friendliness should :IL`[lllt8ll1<.'ln in all things. lint they coul-l not be friends lung unless the ('amLlians mtitttnitled their self-respect. \Vhy_d0 men respect the United States? llecause they were determined at all cost to preserve the .l . ..`.... In-:v\n;l nnf \`.. -mumuneu H101!` sen-respect. vv n)j_uu men Because were at union and secession was wiped out. So would ('iinu.la be ronpectcd if its inhabitants .lmnrmim..l tn ||n|'I\u?IInHI Hm nninn, He THE ornczs wane ELECTED on SATURDAY LAST. ` I`:-Inwtpul Grunt Delluu Illa l'nl|tlcn--A New Nannie (Hum :0 `Those \Vhu Wisnl. to I'l'l:|IIs'|lll|l0 the Uulun--Some Llnla By-l huu-An Addnsu to `be Glvou Lat:-r on. 011 Saturday afternoon I meeting of the ._ imperial fecleratiu uista occurred in the council chambcrfor the purpose of elegtiug oilicera. There was I fair attendance. War-leu Rankin was elected chainnnu. " I.` ll \'...uolu. nu-nnnnml Mun nuvnn n. n uuennunousiy uuupwu. , Rev. Dr. Grant was pleased to see so many present. It was a good nugury. He was willing to do all the work he was asked to perform. He never sought an oliice, but when asked to ll one he considers-I he had no right to shirk it. The (lesirh',TC would stem, was to keep the league free of politics, and he took it that his selection was for the reason that he was not allied to either party. He had politics and he could sum them up, in these terms : He was in Cn11:u_iu lirst man. He looked at politics prinurily to see what benet Cauuula would secure from the issue. He resolutely favoured the continu- ing and strengthening of union with the mother country and the other colonies. He claimed that no one had it right to shake his own foundations. Anything that tended to shake the union was ll great evil, both for the country and the citizens. He could not understand uny honest` man distrusting the unity of the empire. Ft was certainly I new rhimr for them to he n.l_ritutors. V` `rlleu IVCHKIU WIS UIVUIUU UllIIll'llN.I|.l. E. H. Smyche proposed the name of u. gentlenmn for the presidency, one whom he was satisfied would meet. with the epprovul - of null the meznhera. He was the gentleman) who had inaugurate-`l the Inovomuqt `in Kingston, who had paid great attention to the question, and whose kll0\\'l(Hl_)Ze of it was equal to that of any Imlu in Czumla. He had great pleasure in proposing the name of liev. Trincipul (iruht. It was re- .-eived with applause. ` The nomimtion was unzmimonaly adopted. Ron , I)'r, Grant was nlnnml at)` l 3100!`! I`. [Dr Ian yplrl I Inluuunnry in Control Ind 5. will [In an address In the (kmguvrtlond hall on Tuesday waning ct eight o clock. ll-..-I--n Pnabannn n `-11: ring arid:-$1 Forolgn llllblouu Mb M00 r. for an ymn a missionary n nun.-nl [ml will nln All uldv-an In tho 'I;\1iiEi.xI. FI`.l3ETRA%TI'dN.% Anny Appointment: In lndln. _ ._.___._. __|.._.x-_ -...... ..a`....... 'l'Io Iolol AI-I-Ivnln. . .1 . II 1.; L A_-_1__ .*s-Yes, I'll tske a clxnce. Inc. Arc vou ready I'I'0l. \/Ill. OK lllll 0'. 50 0. WHO IDIXIZ livlngexponent of 0 philosophy of Kurt and ncl."' 4 . Ilvln expogel sud qol. "' A Compliment to I :-ol. Watson. , In Ipuklna of the future rofeeeor of `mental and moral philoeophy or Toronto university the Mail eeyn : "It in rumored that the permnnnt eppointmenl: in about as good u made. and thet|Prol. We . of Queen`: college, Kingston, will be the uckv men. The greduelee oi Queeu e will re rec the ion of the rofeuor from their elm meter 1! the eppo utment. In mede, but they will elno rejoicq It hit lucreued sphere of 1 nunfnlnnne. Prnf Wetmn In nmnnnnnnd hv [ WI" IIIO TUJUICQ II "II IIICTCIIOU IPHUTB DI } uufulnou. Prof. Wbtoon ll renounced by Prof. Calrd, of (u ow. to the nblont "ulna Avnnnnnr n t A nhnnnnnhv Al An! Lrvlll It tho lirltbh Hotel-- Nlu M. L. Cnvolin. S. S. Blnck, Capo Vincent; J. H. Croll, Auluvullo; J. (L Fl Toronto: H. D. Woolley, New Yo , C.P.R. W. R. Jonas. Auburn,N.Y.; A. Davin, I`. Ste Mn. (hnnnoque ; J. C. Muclarlnno. 0. E. Arqulor. G. A. Mann. MOIIOIIOI; W. Littler. London ; W. C. Boyd sud wlfo..Now York; J. H. Gulla- Mr. N: to : OttoGaegor,,l"utoria; G. S. 'ukolot . Smith`: Fnlll. -uuuuly ..u.- .. ..........nna To secure the peenge of the by-low H0 votee had to be eecured in favour of the by-luv. This we: ecoomplllhed -with en An addition eleo of 51 votee. Mayor Thomp- eon. Alde. Gildenleeve and Muckleeton egent three day: in the township reeentlng t e adveu an n! the eoheme. Ilhey npoke at four di erent leoee. Voting on I by- law gruntin 830, will occur in the rear ` of Lead: an L nldowle oI1__!l_g;gh ltlh ._ The Van In outln croiby on Saturday- Tho scheme was Well bultnlnod On Saturday the by-lbw granting 810,000 to the Kingston, Smith : Falls ind Ottuvs nilwny compuiy wan adopted by the rate pnyeru by A rnnjoritv of 123. The gure: at the vnrioun polling booths were : Inn AnAl\ln'r Ilr U IUUIBHCH PTIICUL. ixhere was I greet audience at Queen`: university yesterday Afternoon, And Rev. Mr. Grant preached. A fenture of the service was the music furnished by an nrcheatra of eight pieces. The players were Megan. Telgmann, Gray, Perkin, Taylor. Mcl henon, Hervey, Jones and ruuell. The selection: were most Iuitable. cnurcn. Anniversary services were held in Wil- liainuville Methodist church yesterday. Ex` cellem. discourses were delivered by Dr. ihmpw and Principal (irtnt. The audience: were large. At. hiuh mun \-uarorinv in RL Marv : VVCIT` I-LFBU. At high mass ycateriay in St. Mary`: cstrhedrul the lenten regulations were read by Rev. Fr. Kells. They are the same II in previous years. On Aah Wednesday, at 8 0 :-luck. the ceremony in connection with that day will be observed. 1.)... ll- \\?I..:p:..,. ......|... ..I......-...aI.o I-.0 `INN . (Id_V Wlll U6 UUICTVHII. Rev. Mr. Whiting spoke eloquently lut. evening upon the otiice of the miniltry. ` taking as his text I] (lorinthinm, n. 7. ` The exposition was an admirable one, Ind was listened to most attentively by the hr 15 audience prueut. ' horn um: I urnnt nmlianna at Dunn`: Knee. On Thursday the oldest resident of Rich~ mum! died in the person of Mrs. Margaret Grooms, rv-lict 0` the late Zephaniah G rooms, aged 90) years. Deceased was born in Na- ` pane-e in 1800, being the first white girl 1 born in that place. Hvr father : n:\me was ` William Suuar. She was married to Mr. Grooms at the age of fourteen. Alr. \mr\nm:r. The choir of St. Mary's cathedral has ur- rmgn-nl an Cluborzntc musical scn-ice for St. Patrick's day. \ navnnlnv Mr Hznlmrn the Jnnnnonn uh)- ruulcu 3 uuy. ` \ esterdny Mr. Ikehnru, the Japanese atu- 1 xleut, mldresaml the children attending the l Sumlay school of the Fourth Methodist church. A._.............-.. ........l...... ...,...... l...l.l 1.. \\':I cum IBHIUII. .\lsjnr I). F`. Jones, Royal Artillery. now 1 deputy assistant director general of military ecluvmion, Iingiunti, is the youngest son of the late Justice Jonas Jones, Toronto, and is married to a daughter of the late Sir John Ruse. 41.. `I`L....-,l.... cl... nl.1nab .-unlilunt nf Ditch. goaretnerl. ' (Keneweu nulgnt.er.4 The executive commitme will compile by- lnwe end 3 constitution. Rev. Dr. Grant. was nixed to deliver an Address on Federa- tion." He said he would and he intimsted the: he would be glad to answer queutione or to hove anyone spent on the other tide. I can nlvuyn speak better," he said. when I know I heve en enemy present." That was one reason he did not like preaching. There was no one to speak back. He believed in` giving I lair Il'l0W to everybody. Th. maotinn uiinnrned to the cell of the Events In the Clmrc-lmn-l'reparlng for the Lenten Seuson. This morning a month's mind was cele- |>l'1Lt(`Il in St. .\'eu"y`s cathedral for the late .\lr. Ual`\liHL`l'. 'I`I_,_ .L,I.. . I Qt Il.._..`. ....I....I....` Ln- ..- Ulrl`. Ruv. A. Uraut, of Toronto, who was to h:l\'L' spoken in the Hu.pt.ist church last even- ; ing, was unable to reach the -.it.y. Ad- dressms were delivered by Messrs. Williams emu] Elliott. \I...'... I) I` YI\l\A\Q D.`-ml A-orilln-u nnw 1 HM. Mr. Lauder, late of Spence & Crumley s dry qnmla :sI<'vr.', has gone into partnership in the hanlwaru business in Toronto with 1 .\Ir. M.-Iutyle, late of Muuklcslou &C0's. nu.-.. Vlsxllng niunus In [nut place. Ex .\lu5nr Joy. uf Napanee, and his clmuglnter .\luggie were the guests of Mr. Armstrong, Williamsville, yesterday. .\`. Km-fer. ('.l`l., Brut-kville. is very ill. \`lu_-ht lmpus are entertained of his recovery. ` llis .s'i\`kl1-M; has extended over several days. .N`. R. ltnhh, city editor of the Hrockville I"in:m, lms gone to .\`tratfurd to take a. simi- lzn` position on the Ilvmlil, his father's jour- h,Il |'oc-pln Whose Muvamenma. Saying: Ind Dulmu Attract Auentmu Mi.-xs Miregnr will address 0. meeting in tlw First (.'un.{rcqutioIml church to murrow evening. ' - Hum-v R.-nkdun is in Smith's FANS organ- 1 !\'t`llllIg. Henry lluwdun is in .\'mit.l1 s organ- izing a court. of the Independent Urder of Fort-stern. Mr. Walter (fzsruovsky left for Montreal on Saturday. He will Ive absent a week ` \ isiting fxiumls in that` place. Iv`: \luvnr .lnL' nf Nananee. and ; Lend-9|` o_! the LIboruI'(lppmIvtlbu In thp Cuumlnm House of Commons. ' 42:1. u".U4`s " Illl` I\:|'ll' I1!) \A lllldlhu 1'he Hon. Wilfred Laiurier is very, active this scasoll. It is true that the motions put forwural by him are voted down by the usual iiinjority, but the people will have to |)ronmmue upon them by and-bye. Mr, Luuricr is of French and Catholic origins He is forty-seven'~yes.rs old, the son of a Tanner and a lawyer by prufession.. As an orator he is uncx.-elled in the Cnnmlian [)llI'lll.IlXt3lll., and he speaks well in French and liiglieli. His address is pleiwing and persuasive. and he is a power on the stump. Mr. Luurier's speech protesting agsiiist the exe-uution of Louis Riel for treason was pro- lm.l)l\` the tinesL picks of 0rs.tory ever listen- ecl to in the Canadian commons. He has been in puhl life since I871. and was minister of iiill-and revenue in the the late lilzersl governineut. Elgln . . . . . ` singleton. Ilvvll Uuuuluuvu - nuuvnu . - . -. V. -.- ..-.. i'or Jul Hhii (Ceylon). Sm! Cu t`. Van Al- on : to the Punjnub, Cpt. Ind 11. Mit- chell. (fupt. Turner; to Colcutu. Lieut. `uowin. Llout. Rnblnnon; to Southern India in MA or Mun HIM : lhvlnlon. Cupta. C-opp and Loyd, Lluut. Stolllkor; shy in Bom- bay at the trninln home, for Mnhratu work. Capt. Llqhtow or, Llout Armstrong, Llout. Hnndlcon ; In trnlulng, Bombny. [or the (hfsrnl work. `Cwt. Carwu-line, l.|ont.' obuonx on the ar Cry to nab- odmor. Llout. Wood. ~--man or THE Houh. YE RDAY S VSE R ;/ICE. ; ASSED THE BY-'_AW- `HON. \V[l.F'IU<}D LAUTRIE R. u-5|: _ I I __.__:,._ l- ........ PERSONAL MENTION. j'1`}j_BRIT'I "H WHIG. Til. J93 cue: nave In many lnllitlllll w or lougur nus. Jnhodid not minty: point to;-,.I.hLpnor to come to him. Thin vv Sic puuge breathe: I molt beautiful nnd tender unuimcnt, and I most charming Ipirit. He deiivgrod the poor than cried, and the lnthoriun, and him that had none to help him. He "caused the widow : hurt to minor for joy." Ho wu eye: to the blind and has to the lame." He did not merely Ill , be {O led, the c at be yo clothed. but he luminhe hing and` the food. Deed: not word: were bin shock in undo. Job know how to be mog- nnnimoul and noble in his oborit . He knew how to give without humbling t 0 rooiploln of hinbonnty. One of the thing: that 1 like About you: order In that It pub is in the power oi nimmt my mm to prepare for order when most In need or ulleunce. Then Job said : And the mule which I knew nntI eeerohed out." Thoee are not elwuyl the meet needy see that tap 0! else door and cry for help. The molt needy have in inetanoee to be sought mm. Jnh did nnt AICIVI min for Lhunenr ? mg. Principsl (}rant~-"\'uu stand as his god- fnther." (Lnughtcn) Then the doctur looking at Reva. Messrs. Jonah, Carey and Dobbl nemarked : That in the tint nod Argument I have heard for godfnthorl. ' (Renewed laughter.) The executive will cumnilo bV- me worm." J_ob nlno Ipenlu of Another clan for whom be cured, than who were uticuad in ponon and no unable to go forth sud aka their place in the great battle of life. I Wu." he mid, "eyes to the blind sud feet to the lune." Poverty is bad. but poverty cou- nliad with nmintinn in nntlv wono. Blind. mne." roverty In ma. out povorty 60- lied with niiction in vutly Blind. poor. uh I trinity of miufortunea. Hm-n Aanin vnnr m-dnr resemble: Job ill b0- June. Uhlt many or mluuruunu. Here Again our order resemble: Job ing feet to the lune And eyes to the blind. by the provinione which It makes for thou _ who ere incepnciuted for lnbor by eccidon :, and who can draw upon the fund: of the order when most in need of nuisance. Th... lnl. ....:.I . Cntl Hm nnnnn -hlnh I not me nwn. ` Job tells us, moreover. that he was inter- eetei in the futmerleae children and the de- solate widow. He was not only interested in the poor in general. but he cared for those who needed special help Hie charity wan intelli cut and discriminative. He not only helpeu the needy but those who were moat nee-ly. W ho can have stronger claim: upon our sympathy and benevolence than thou: in the home where the chief fight has gone out, and from which the bread winner haa been taken away. for the death of the husband and father often means loan of bread. Job knew thin full well. and ac by hi: henevolent thoughtfulness caused the Ividow`a heart to aing for joy" by feeding the hr "ry children. And there in no way hy which you can make a mother : heart more glad then bv caring for her needy hungry children. And thin in one of the thinga which must ever commend the prin- ciple: of your benecent order to the thoughtful and benevolent minded, that it makes apecial provision for the widow and fatherleu. Care for such in a great bible principle. and in apecially emphaaiaed in many plncu. The beat denition of religion in aupplied by th t tactical apoatle Jamee. who aid that "p.ur religion and nndeled before God and the Father in thin : to vielt the fatherleu and the wldowa in their aiic - tion and to keep himaelf unapotted from the world." ` IAI. -l-.. -.....-l.- -1 -nne|uu- alga: `AP cl-tnln l.h )l)!`ln(ll 0! its Innnmtsnts were aneuurcu in less comfort than the moth in its cell or the wolf in its den. Any orginnization that tends to prevent or lessen poverty de- serves well of humanity. Your society does. this in one of the best ways possible. Fhe well circumstanced have duties to perform which they owe to the less fortunate. If the lower strata of society are in a festering condition the upper strata cannot be living in It tire and hetlthy condition. If cellar and itchen are impure the atmosphere of your parlor cannot be healthy. There is nothing that will so soon turn s hungry man into In Ishmaelite as hunger, nothing thst would so soon make in barbarian of him, nothing that would make him lose sight of the nice distinction between what is and is not his l-L o..ll- .... ...n-nnunr that ha 117;: intnr. oi chrlstianity. Let us observe in the development of this siihject, the benevolent character of Job. While well xed" himself, to use a current phrase, he was not inditferent to the necessi ties and sufferings rf others. No Lazarus remained unassisted at his gate while he fared sumptuously. He delivered the oor that cried, and him that had none to elp him." Poverty is a great aliction, and one that brings with it many disadvantages. It is a dreadful thing to be hungry, for anyone to be hungry, tn he illclad. ill fed, ill- housed. but it is still more dreadful for one who has known better days. And yet all this may be found next door to boundless wealth and the most costly magnicence. The most magnicent city in the world a few years ago suddenly discovered that thousands of its inhabitants were sheltered ...\..J'.\..e oh-.. ohn runner}: in if: an" make provision Ior nlmseu uuu uunuy in case of serious avcixlcnt to himself, or to core fur the household by :1 weekly allow- ance during temporary illness. These are certainly nmut praiueworthy objects. What mother times was done l) the individual may no doubt be lwtter aml more thorough- ly done by such a. brotherhood as yours. The brotherhood of man is the ollloreaence of chriatinnity. l.nt mu nhnorm in the devalooment Their Prlnelples Very Clonrly Soc Forth-- Their Minion such In to Couunond 1!- mr to All about Men and True--Somo Features of Forestry which All Mun Endorse. Over two hundred members of Court Frontenac. Independent Order of Forstern, attended divine servicein Sydenham street Methodist church yesterday morning. They occupied the middle seats in the auditorium. and tilled the main-portion of it, crowding many of the pew holdera,who cheerfully left their sen.l'.a._ "Fly... zuuun...-. tun`. n um-u nlmumnf. and in. hiuutl we have men or wualun xorunug uyuur cams, trusts, combines. etc., for the pur- pose of carrying out great projects, or for the purpose of 8(t'l|l'iL'I2 larger ains than could be secured did the ordinary and healthy competition e`xist. On the other hand we have lll8l'l|DiCB and wage earners of various kinds forming themselves into associations to protect them against what they Ieganl as the unjust encroachments of capital. Whatever may be thought of such combinations as those just referred to it seems to me that there cannot be two opin~ ions as to the wisdom and utility of men combining for purposes of fraternity and mutual assistance. The aims of your order are mos; heuecvnt-~to provide for the widow and the fatherless in the case of the (loath of the husband and father, and to make provision for himself and family in (`HID (ii smrimln mu'ixl(`.nt to himself. }FA0[{ESTERS. TN \GH[%TVl{UHL gmug mr snow to everyuoqy. The meeting ndjournod to the call committee. `THE INDEPENDENT ORDER AND `THE WORK` THE DO. ` - their seats. `The service was a very pleasant and in- structive one, uugl the bret_ln`cu retired, de lighted with what the? had heard. The '1-singing wks especially warty. In the an tl|emMius McCartney sang to. solo very beautifully. l`lm no-rmnn whmll RGV. Snarlimz. boaututully. l`he sermon which Rev. Mr. Sparling. pastor of the church, preached" was appro- priate for the occasion, and his good coumel will not be forgotten by the members of Court Froutexlac. TI... .l:.............. mun Imam] nn Hm fnllnwina Hlllllf. . .. In his `sermon Rev. Mr. Sparling nid : This is an age of cu|nbinut,ions. On the one hiuutl have of wealth forming syndi- ....p.... frnafn ..n...\.innn ntn fur H19 nnr. Court Frontenac. The discourse was based on the following verses in Job, xxlx chap.. ll-15: \.\'hnn Ihn mu he-nrnl HM}. H16!) H 01088811 In Job, cnap.. I1-1;): When the uM'l1m\|`.d . then mo: and when the cyuggw Id IL gave witness to me I ` But-muse I delin.-r-d the poor than! cried, and `he fulhcrluss, and him lhut hml none to help mu. '1 he blcssln of him that was rendv In `zcrluh unne upn m:-. and [caused the widows` uulrlhl In Him: fnr im.'_ ` him. ``'I blcssln` In-rluh u~.u'ts to sing for joy. "I [mt nu riul1tc)Imw.~4s and it clothed mo : my jndglmrnt min as 21 robe and u dizulem. ' I was eyes tq.thc blind. and feet was Ito the huuc." . . G. MONDAN..MARCH- 4; Robinson. of Tweed. serving fourteen one In the penltentiery for e elnous ol- enoe committed on I member of his own family. msde e desperste ettempt to teke his own life after being sentenced. I`he elelr hes just leaked out. The morning efter he had been sentenced be nctnelly threatened to burn himself to death, rether then put ln hls term. He bed e hot re In the long stove in the pol kitchen. end turn- ing to e prisoner he sold : "Wlllyou shut the door efter use ; Its no use I can't do thet term," end he started to orewl into the stove. The prisoners. of course. eeleed him end prevented the execution of Isle tllrett. l'l_lII lI|I|IIlIutua-uaa au -In-nu The twenty aalvalion army oicera who won! from Canada to Idla recently have been ulalionod an followa: A. D. b. to Ma- {or -n - on Han I-`nninnh (`Ant And fl. RHI- non WEI OIITIOII. lc in the Intention of the cheeeemeu to eooure Prof. Roberuon to lecture to them on the In of oheeee making. The mutter of the appointment of n cheese in: tor and the menutecturing of cheese wiwbe? dii-` curled at the m_oel.l,'. port as e muure meeung. Mr. Madden aid thnt whntover Wll de- cided upon by the Kingston board would be agreed to by the Nepmee cheeeemen. They would y their than of the expeneee in connect on with the appointment of An in- Ipector. Mr. Rm-raw: uld the nnnointment of n Ipocwr. Mr. Burrow: Mid the appointment choose in: tor wu very doniruhlo. lo -.- 5 .n mound In: Mr Hgnrh -nnnni. ODQXO III 50? VII VOTY UXITIDIQ. It In: t en moved by Mr. Sands. noon!- od by Mr. Smith. "That the noorom-y write to the secretary 0! than Nnpnnoo bond and ask him to furpiah opinion: of the cheese- men in-the Nnpnnoe district rupoeting the appointment of I cheese maker. The mo- tiou was carried. in 1. oh. I-6--.:n-u 1.` Oh: nh-Annwn-n On uon. Mr. Sends stated that he we: I member of the association. At very long intervals on inspector come to his fsctory. His visits, not being frequent. were not roductive of good results. The idea of t. e Frontenac cheeu makers was to have an inspector epsrt from the doirymen s usocintion. Then they would be independent. sud have him when they moat. needed his services. They wented A thorough cheese maker. one who could learn them something. Mr, Hlnrlhnlr nnmnntnd thnt. I committee COUIG IBITII WIIUIII Iumuuuug. Mr. Clerihew suggested that I committee be nppointed to confer with the Nnpenee uheeoe board with reference to the appoint- ment of an inepector. the committee to re- port at e future meeting. Mr, Muldnn said than whenever In: rronwnsc, Leunox nnu nuulugtuu. nc thought if sn inspeczor were a pointed the patrons should pay his salary. `he ex use should not be shouldefed on the c eese mskers. .\lr. Willoughhy, as member of the eastern dnirymen's nssocistion, said that if any of the members of the Frontensc bosrd belonged to the usocistion they would be provided with en inspector. and would only hsve to pay his expenses. He advised those present to join the sssocis tion. u- u.....I- -.-.-.: elmo L- ..,.. . ...-mh...- mu nurrowa. Mr. Knight was appointed chairman. and I!3!cd.thIt the object, of the meeting wins to move in the matter of appointing a cheese and milk inspector for the counties of Frontennc, Lennox and Addingtou. He r.|~..mahr if An innmuvnr u-pm nnnnintad the The Cheonemon Expro-tun Opinion on the SubJacl-ln;rIunI.iou Allued. A meeting of the county of Frontenac dairymen'a 9.1-mociaticn was held in the \\indsor hotel on Saturday afternuou. l'hero were present Messrs. Knight, Sands, Hogan, McLean, Grant, Doherty, Clerihew, Smith. T. Keenan, Brndden, \\'illoughhy nnd Burrows. n- |.'..:._L. ._-- .......:......I ..s...:.......... .....l out no numawr l-`inally, works of mercy and deeds of charity are the supreme test of thejudgment on the last great day. By and bye we shall meet Him face to face, and we shall bring in book which shall be opened-n0t. I bible, not a prayer book, not 3 confe-aion of faith, but the l)0nl( which we are nuw slowly writing, its facts glittering with the record of alms, deeds, and golden virtues, or blurred with selshness and sin. the book of our daily lives, and Christ shall say, Inasmuch as ye did it unto the least of these my chil- dren, ye did it unto me." or "Inasmuch an ye did it not unto the lens of theme, my children, ye lid it not unto me," and the reward: shall beaccordingly. \\'lmn tlm Fnrmntnrn returned to the D0- \.`CI5UI YUU LUL I VI Principll Grunt chance it 2 LI... 4!....-..... II\ rwlrlll Inlu DCllL'COI'llllI8I)'. When the Foresters returned to the Do-. minion business college votes of thanks were passed to the Rev. Mr. Sparling for his ex- cellent serumu ; to the trustees {or the use of .5`,/denhun street Methodist church : and In llw olmir fur lhpir xzunlnnhlo-. services. (H -Vjullulllll SLIUCL `.vu:unnu.sI. t;uu|\.|| to the choir for their valuable services. "Beautiful indeed," she said, but. not the hand that is washed ` in the puring brook, nor the hand that is tipped with the delicate pink, nor the hand that is garlanded with fragrant flowers. The hand that gives to the poor, that is the most beautiful. And as she spoke her wrinkles ed. her staff was thrown aside, and she stood before them an angel from heaven with authority to decide. That de.'isi0n stands the test of all time. Kindred to this legend is that of the holy grail, thd cup from which the .\`aviour drank at the last supper. A brave kn? ;`-' mi- velledfar and much in pursuit of it,... -. --H`. frund it when, moved by compassiu lu- haltod by the wayside to give drink to . c who was in the last agouies of death. And so must it ever be. The largest and richest blessings con.e to us in the service of hu- manity. We must be benevuleut if we wnnld imitate the example of Christ. Freely ye have received," said He. freely give." He came not to be minfstered unto_ but to minister ' L`:....|l.. 'I4`.-~ /\: ........... H...) .L..~.`- H` IILCU up oexore ner HIGH` DCILIIIHUI uuuuu. i the misfortune that may home in the` future. Your society makes it any to give and. re- ceive help ; it melxee ireuy for any menbto secure its beuetifnnd nuke: the new 9- ence of these benefits agreeable by the man- -ner `In which they are heeboweul. We lhmlld inillntn Jnh n nnhln ox-Alnnht 3 `HUI Ill WHICII (H8 i.esr.oweu. _ We should emulate Job's noble exsmple : (if) because we _sre all of the same workman- Vship. slLpuruho.sed by the same blood, re- deemed by thessme Saviour, bo'und together in the closest bond of fraternity, children of the some (lad bound to stand really to extend e helping hsnd one to the other. We should be cheritsble end. benevolent ss/Job was > ('2) because of its inlluence upon our own hearts end lives. There is `a profound: philosophy in Christ's words, It is more blessedtogive than to receive." No men ever did a noble deed from a pure motive without being ennobled thereby. No man can live to himself, live merely in his own interest and for his own gratification with out cramping `and dwnrng his nnture; (3)There is nothing which so enriches and and besutities our nature as philantbrophy. "The tirst laughter to t.he love of (lod,"suid the poet, is charity to man." Sziid Bun- yan : A man there was, some called him mail, the more he cast away the more he had." Who are the men the worldis unwill- ing to let die? Why the generous, the large hearted, and benevolent. The gospel said, Blessed is he that cousidereth the poor Yes.snd the beautiful, too. You will remem- ber the legend in which three fair ones were disputing as to which had the iffost beeuti ful hshd. One set by the stream and dip- ped her snowy hand into the purling waters and hold it up. Another picked strawberries until the ends of her `tapering ngers were ninlr, A thin -H rriitlmnul vinlntn .till her UHDII Lne UUUB OI ner iuparlng uuguru WUIU ink. A thin -d gtithered viulets,till her mud! were fragrant. Thoroupon an old woman passed by. hungry, emaciated, de~ -crepid. "Who will give me a gift, she said, forl am poor E All three deni- ed hor request. but another maid who stood near, her hand unwashed in the stream, unstained bv the pink of the strawberry. nnadorned with llowera, gave her A gift and cheered the ngcd pilgrim. Then they asked the old woman to settle the dispute and lifted before her their beautiful hands. Hs~.mit.ifnl ihris-mi " nlm (Quid. but. not the AN lNSPECT6f;l NEEDED. Ila I'5r3F-7-ii lfiniif. ZUIII-DJ]: ruullvvn -a ---u- lourunz. March I. llou- A-ucolpu. ll! Nah. Eden. (mbbn. gzurket gtgel Rig: gmchuurod. t um um; tar. ` lo nun spring. to 6.50; In-sight. roller. wk 0.0: 5.15 to 5.25; In rtlno. l.ll)lo 4.75: Ontario 3:, ttllo 3.7 ; City hugs. wow MU tortuous baton. Um-n-63 to Ho. Penn`-75 ID 70% 0113-8 to II Bu-loy-46 to . R1945 to 00. 0nunosl--1.3 to 54!). Cornmeul-1.76 to IM. Pol-I- 15.50 to M. Lu'd- U010. , Bnoon- I to II. Hams--ll to 1!. -' Cheat-I to I16. Bntta~-CnAmory25 to I: Townali IO M I l8b!1'W ltn ' G1 . can In! Drmod um hon :O8.U)toI'l.w. E|[I-Llmod Boll; . IMO 18. ._ L, .-. ....._..,.._..... H vniiiiidicnuun nuunrr. Lwur ooI. Iluroh 4-6 pm. ' Ghetto-White and Colors! us Id IIIVUUUL IIVIVIIVIIUUIVII U|..IILLIIo It Houdquu-urn tor Clover. Timothy. Field Ind Gal-dun Bands. Choloo run 1 Hour. Strong Bckorf our I npoolnlty. mr. IIl'UI\t'5-- lea, 1 u L130 n \.nuuu;. ulfplnuso.) . L. Haycock suggested the name of A. Ritchie, of Inwrury, as a Vice president. It was asked if he was L member. The reply came that he was not. Mr. Huycock said he would become responsible for him join- inn