35 C LUIDGV CIT WV EC` C III} B! M188 W. l. SMITH. Wolllngmn street our P. Ohlkoh Ploun Store. New In voi I bod of Cut I . lh L o! unht In onoti.n`y.'{)r2I\:rnn. ; :'.;"X1 arr Ullll UIUIU lllUlI|lII7|l IIUUIII: LHU C5059. They were all willing to admit that M r. Cleveland has borrowed a pile of money from them in sums ranging from $100 to $3,- 000, but they had evidently made up their minds to grin and bear the loss. The senti- ment. of all was expressed by one of the losers, who said : ('leveiend_s`_tuck us and has gone away. We don't know why he went, but if he comes back we can fix inst- ters up in I satisfactory way all round. Mr, (Tinvaimniha father innnnhul an muzinn [III Old lather \\'lll Dlalnherlt the D]:- grscod 8on- l`he Seed Company Said to "ho soIvont-`l`he_ Friend: ul Cleveland 8coopuI.' Nlw Youk, March " 4 -~The friends of_ Artie B. Cleveland, the heudsome and dash- ing president of tlge A. B. Cleveland need company. at No. '47 Vortlundt street, whose departure from the city two weeks ago and whose mysterious niln nee since have created a sensation in downtown business circles, are still close moutheul about the case. 'n..... ......... ..H millinn on ...I...:. `L... In- BRAINED BI:FORE WIFE. CLEVELAND SAID TO HAVE PLAYED BOTH TO HIS RUIN. ` ' I POKER-AND WINE CARDS] VIII |Dl'0DIUly RUCCPK. Polk-e Muailtrnte McKlm' hu recontlv comidered nix Soon wt can: In the rear of the count . Menu. John Wnm. Robert \Vill0l, \ Illlnm Cu-gig, Jouph Laundry, of the township ol Clarendon and Miller. wore nodl50 Ind coats each for (int oonou ; John footy`: out was Adjourned and Alex. Stalker : out dbmhud. Illll Will requuu 00 IE I] in to be to I nsvlgsblo. Amlv 'nldmAn_ n: I. W X U U IVI'IIIIUo Andy Woldmsn, `Roohuur, known in Kingston. has been nored I pooition on the llhmilton hue-ball team for next Iouon And will probnlily uocopt. Pnllr-A Mnaintmtn MnKhn' hm: nnnntlv Loh Local Nun. Capt. P. MoGnt.h, Ogdomhurg, was in the city to-day, A He ynntyto purchue 5 Itumbont. The bill: of the city council before the Ontario leglllutll hue but their Iooond and third rondinp. ` lmnln are fnrmlnfin tho (hnnnnmm rival- In mlru TUIUIUF Shoals are formlnn the Oumnoque river md will require to drodged I! the river in In In haul nnvlnnhlg ` A venue. oorner Slum street. r?5-one Lot on Colllngwoodstreot. south of n on. I3-ilkone Lot on Colllngwood Street. soul h of \ Union. 0 e nu: Lot on Oolllngwood. very cheap. Three Lots on Union. corner of Collluuwood. snnlb T20. A Two to on Union. corner of Colllngwood. north side. III] nnnh 3 Iain nn Ilavm-It Mendy tor the Word. The winter recee were expected to begin to dey. The entries in the three minute trot ere: Jeeeie G," owned by J. 0. Gel- legher, Herrowemith; Uovernor," A. Van- nletine, Kingeton; "Billy S," W. J. Shihle), Herrowemith; Luc.-y." H. Church. Kinge ton; John A. Allen," H. Hunter. Kinge- ton; "Little Rock." John Weleteed. Syden- hem; "Hurry," H. Merrimen, Kingston. In the 2:37 minute trot, enimeie from `Kingston, Proecott end Ogdenebur are entered. Locel horeee will com to n the running rpoe. owned by P. Le e, P. Mc- Leuqhlin. G. Metcelfe end E. Mcbeughlln. The etullion reoe will be oonteeted by Pree- cott. Genen ue end Kiegeton epeedere. in- cluding Ju go MoCurdy." For the 2:45 minute trot end the freefor-ell eome ne tzottere ere entered. Little Charley," Johnny B." Edgewood" end other well- Irnown winnere are down for the oonteete. IIOUT. An interesting Snbbnth school convention occurred st Camden Eut last week. The next meeting occurs st Newburgh in Octo lmr \ OX CTIDUII CIIIHUD DU UCIIPCCII. welve Trenton boy: have been suspend- ed from school by the board for locking their teacher in An empty room for In houn `.. :-.-....-.:_.. u..|.|.-u. -..L.....I ..........-c:.... i U_Y BUG LIDIIUIICI, KUDIILCU .0lU llcly. Landon, Gunnoquo akster, made record of almost four miles in fteen minutes. Hie ex ertneu cannot be eclipsed. wnlvn Tnmtnn hnvn hnvo bean lunnontl. ` CHCUUC IUHPUULUT IUI' nzusuuu Klllll IU- A charity concert in Re-nfrew, gotten up by the Catholics, realized 8310 net. l..n.lnn l`_.-u.-umn. -Ir-Oar nn-An I-nnnr.` ` VHIU UII LYIITCII Iillu The next Scott set convention in Lennox occurs at Napanee on Mlrch 23rd. H H Pnlulnw Perth ha: honn nnnnintnd OCCUTI Cl AVHPIDCC ULI DICTCII Z-ITU. U. U. Pnblow, Perh, ha been appointed cheese inspector for lantern Ontario. A 1-hnrih: nnm-art in Rs-nfrnw anttnn nn urvvnp-up-wus nu -nu v Maura. Croasley and Hunter have opened A two weeks eugagennent at l'et.erboru A farmers` institute will be held an Egan- ville on March l5th. 'I"L.. ._.._ 9-... -,.n ..-......_A:.... :.. I .... .. The Spice 0! the Articles Cullod From The Ne\vb|m|beru uf tho Vlrlnlty. \l,,_,,_ 4', ,__.___L,_._ __,._, J _ HIfCl`tl.lH'y Ul IIIU [HIV]. John W. Noble, of Mincuri, to be tary of the interior. Jnrmniuh M Ruck nf \\'inr-nrmin Nelson. norm of Princes: of Lou on corner of Nelson "And Princess. Plan this week. M0 ouch. Lou on Vlclorin. north ofPrlncooa. `wo Lots on Johnson. each (3 x 13!. 0375. Four Lou on Johnson. Ian M. back. Two Lou; on Nelson. of! Johnson. with lane nl nidunnd hank. lihwh It'll Lury Ul l-"U IIILCTICIT. Jeremiah M. Rusk, of Wisconsin, secretary of sgriculture. \\'As`|.ll\.'::"rn\ urn-)1 5 _Tha nnnn urclelnry un uguuuuulu. \\'Asul.\'q:'rnN, March 5. --The nominations were cuunned in a. ten minute session of me senate. HIT HI Will'- W. H. H. Miller, of Indiana, to be at- torney general. John Wunamaker, of Philadelphia. to be postnnsatezxeneral. . ` Benjamin F. Tracy, of New York, to be secretary of the navy. Jnhn \\' Nnlnln nf Minmnri In In: IDFPD. n`llUu' 1 JnmesG. Blaine. of Mnine. to be ucretory oismw. ||':Il1...-. \l':...l..... ..I' ll: ____ ._A- A... L- It In Announced by Him To-tiny -'l'ho Sc-nuts Cnnrlnu It It Once. \\'Asnnu:m.\', March 5.-The president sent to the senate to day the following nomi- nations : OI 3153. William Window, of Minnesota, to be Iecretary of the treasury. l 'Rndn|:l Prnntnr, nf Vnrrnnnt tn ha -nnro. tary of wa r. lucreunry Ul LIN! treasury. ' Redeld Proctor, of Vermonhntp be secre- l\' II II lllll-.. ..f I..I:-..- 4,. L- -1. IHUIT r|llU. The army has property in Canada worth a million dollars, and Mr. Sumner declares that every other interest is subservient to the gain of property. The organization is not an incorporated body. they always were opposed to that, 8-: they cannot hold property. All properties in Canada are deeded to Commissioner (foomhs, his heirs and aasi us He in turn transfers them to General loath and his heirs. Really General Booth is the owner of all army property, and the disposal of lt'is subject to the whim ot one individual." f. l -The Salvation Army, Canada, llampered l by-English Arrogance. l'ono_\"ro, March 5.--There is discussion here over the `status of the Salvation army in Canada. There is said tb exist a state of a'airs scarcely creditable to the higher powers of the organization. The armyr has accoinplished many wonderful things is its time, and amassed millions of._do,llars worth of property, its soldiers have carried their war son s to nearly every civilized country, but in t ie zenith of its apparent prosperity the reverse side reflects a shadow which almost obscures the splendor of its most im- posing army. Mr.. A. Sumner, late editor of the War U , was interviewed on the subject, and, while he admits that when the `army was instituted by a desire for the wel- fare of his fellow-beings, yet through it the acquisition of property and inuence has allowed abuses to creep in,and the movement is degenerating from its wonted place. Prac- tically it has fallen to a scheme for acquiring property and glorifying the Booth family, and providing lucrative positions for mem- bers thereof or their inllneutial friends. If the lowly toilers who have trod the streets, and without return have given the best years of their life and energies to the move- ment, sicken and become useless for active work, their lot is lamentable, indeed. Either they must nally come to destitution or re- turn to their friends. l'he army. `with all its resources in the way of tine buildings and funds for the prosecution of the work, and many ways of raising money, makes little or no provision for decrepid workers. '1 here is the Home of Rest, but in the sense of pro- viding a place for all down-tr idden soldiers the term is farcical as only a small fraction ever obtain admittance there. Mr. Sumner adds that nearly'all local officers in good positions, only to be had in cities, have been deposed by ofiicers sent out from England. Old pioneers who threw themselves into the work at the commencernt-nt have been thrust down to make way for strangers with influ- ence at headquarters in England. If Com` missioner Coombs. who has charge of the work was left to his own dictates, he would act fairly, but undue influence is brought to bear upon him. Then the English officers are often domineering` and arrogant, and a spirit of opposition has been aroused against their rule. 'I`L_. .. I`......A- ...-..a|. ........ L-.. ..........._a.. :_ u. ;\fAR(!l{ 1339. I` Ins-J: Inc: I nuuan nan l 3115 gives an 'ourchoice out of I9 Lot: on .\eluon.norl of rincw of Nelson "And Prlnmsn. H ARRlSON'S CABIN ET. SIGNS OF DISAFFECTION. DISTRICT DASHES. '-,2"rJ'.'n'n.'?F'xJ`.".""y'.'ru'f'a'.`.':"'n'.'1'u.`aT &i. % oontrnot bu all-only bug uwudod {or put- ting up an loo homo - and lulu; It with loo. Thdqrootlonolomnumotllnnnorhoulid to In pnobd. N. DUlg|C].lVUIIIlFl"K. IX III II I oom- pmy the one` 0 of Big [Ila-1:6. J. C. Y Cornwall. of or York. in At tho loud. The ......a...-6 L... -I...1- |..4- .-..4I.4I lg. -_s l`4llIlIl)IIl' H. Rov. . W. Bu-ty. olnplsln U.S.A., Fort Luvonworth, Ku..`lormor|y of Kingston. Ont., has received Iollulgo of nation. and now ooou In 5 similar poultlon M For: Sidney, 0b., when In wlll doubzlou ho- oumthu populu an he an: at Fort Laven- wor . R. Bodg|oy.Nonhport. but sold to I oom- nnnv the nnfnolnt of RI: Inland. J. C. V \IOlXlIlIIg l`UV.. III IIOIINII OI l'III'l'IIOII I In Iuaurntiou, the osnnon `van dlnohnr d pro- maturol and Clinics Wail wu kil ed nut! 11...... |u...L 4l---.-_..I- 8-1....) uuorgn anon: unnpmuuu IIJIIFIQ. ` Thleaotun of St. Andrew`: university hnvongtood to counter the degree of LLD. upon Dr. Cnmorn Lon, don ol the chnpel Royal and minister oi` St. Giles cnhodrnl. Edinh ufgh. - D-.. |\l ll-._. ..L--.I-l_ I! Q A I`...- HIGH. (`Ill IIUIIIU W1 Ill IVIUIIIIIIII. Richard Pucool. member 0! the British parlinmont for the Cotton division ol Inu- ouhire, in dead. lgod 09. Ho In an ad- vuncod liberul. \l'|.lI- - -.-.n.. -.._. IIJ-_ .. --|..a- I- VIIICQU IIIUTII. Whilc 9 Arty were lirln 5 nluu in Golconda. ov.. In honour o llu-rhon'n in- Aunnrntinn thn nnnnnn '-an tllnnhgrnnal urn. Then think it zvor. and if you have made up your mind to buy, out this out and bring it with you to 90 Brook Strut. MO0RE'S REAL ESTATE AGENCY, Where you can buy 1 lot at a low gure snd on ossy terms. -u-nu---uv- nu v--awn wu-- un-vu- Wei! Ivu Ii Uooru hook duprmuly Injured. Thfnennnl of St. Andrew`: an ITICKIITDII Iflllif I IIIIII F0 `III IIC `III III.- At Chulotu. Oscar Bnrknr. `RM 9|, n Rome md Wuortown brnkemnn. was run ovar while ooupllpg can sud hurt no link he died. Hi: home In in Riohland. n:..'L.--a u--.,...|`. _-...L-- -5 n.- n.x.:-s. wunu III I Puff 0| .I,UlI - In New York, Oioor Latino tried to en- ter tho uloon of John Samar to enforce the excise luv. The lnthr nnd his wife knock- ed down and bolnborod the oioor, who fractured Scalar`: ukull no that he will did. `O lunllnbln [Lani nd... nmg OI - HIVIIIOII WII I00`. Mike Cuuhin . the Brooklyn ngllln, de- feuted Hurry nrtlott, of Lon on, in I H round battle for the chunpiomhlp of the world Ind I puns of Cl,0(X). In New Ynrk. Oioar lAnn LI-ind In an. UIIU IUTIUIIII III- In the lnrldu Everglades. Jim." s young buck. wont cruy. and in lean than half An hour killed eight Indium. when he himself In: shot. IJXI... I`..-|.l__ AL- D....|.I.._ ..-..lIl_A J- many 01 mo murcnmoni nome. DOIIUVITIET Mr. Gladstone : eldut non, William, in suffering from pdrtinl pnrnlylin. Mr. Uladutonoi eldul: blothar. Sir Thomu, in ulno aerioual ill. L. Al... I....LI_ I4`..-_..l-.I-_ alIl._ II _ Thn unknown womnn. killed in the \aci~ dent at St. George, in M in En link, for merly of the Mnrchmont ome. llcvitz Mr lA.dnImnn n nlrla-I um \.VllH.m In nurupc IUT XUUT lnnnull. ` The budget speech will be made to-night. Few chnngu uro expected to be mndo in the tariff. 'l`L- ....L _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ __ |.:n,.: :_ 4,8.- The Spice at the Morning Papers And the You Lulu: Toloxnmn. Another nhnrp shock of enrthqunke in Etuudor. 1--..-.._.....: n_:- :-...:I.. |._._- -__ ., I`n| IIIIIUIH 1-lenry Ueorgo and his family have gone to Europe for four month. Thn Inldaat nnaonh will ha mud: I>A.nln|n ALL KINDS UFHANK And Unloo Rubber gpun Dntoru. Souls. Etc" supplied by BRIN- AN u.c4uu\r, nnnuhcturen. Bacon 8t.. Kingston. Um. _ uuuu um Iymputnlel OI nngulnrnon. The Slamlurrl says the Ineunge on the whole is disappointing. an III In Lue nuurru to excite Mum " The Chronicle says the address will be searched in vain for anything cnlculnted to enlist the sympathiea of Englinhrnon. The Slam/uni nnvn than um:-nan: An Hun MIIIIBIUIIS. 'l`he 7'I'me.v thinks President Hsrrleonh views are not very ch-Ar. > The 7`(-graph uya: "There in nothing at all in the Address to excite alarm " Tl... /iv-(\nu`n z: ....... st... -.I.I_..-- ...:n L- wurlu will HIVG ueen ucurea. The Daily Nears nya the inmgnrnl Bd- dreaa in remnrknble for in numerous foreign Allusions. 'l`L.. FI'.'_.... .L2_.I__ I|_,_1,I A `II c u ensue: use unusually none Ina nv.r|cuve." Lo.\'uox, March 5.--'Ihe Morning Pool says President Harrison : Address in marked by a commendable Absence of bombut, And if this marks the future tone of the nvionnl polio another element in the concord of the worlt will have been secured. 'n.- n...-;.. n...... --..- .1... :__.___..u -J uuurcu ue Wlll pro"e nlmlell I uron$mAn. " he ud- The Journal of Commence uyu : dress will be regarded by people of all clause: M unusually able And Attractive. I.n\'un\', Mnrnh .-1 _'l'lm .lIn.-mum Pm; PJWCTIUI I00 memorable paper." The World uyn: The president`: ad- dress in bold without bluuer And calm without cringing. If he cnn `hold Mr Blsine to the lines which he has lnid down in his addreu he will prove himself 3 stron$muJ." The Journal nI`('nmmnrrn nun - H In ml. IIIOBIIUUE The Trilnuzc says: "President Harrison`: inaugural in in the only praiaeworth aenae nonpartiaan, and yet aeeh no ahcl ow ap- proval by any concealment or sacrice of conviction. In that respect it will remind the natinn of the earneat appeal which made President Lincoln : tirat inaugural addreaa a p werful and memorable paper." JThe aava: Tho nmaldant`: ad. Isa cs pullululuu Hut 3! II susceunmn. The 7n'nu-.u says :- No one will concluds from s perusal of President Hsrrison s in- augural address that his administrntion is to be marked by the adoption of extreme views. or the use of unusual and dangerous methods." 'l`|... I`...'l....... --..- . IID_4-:J__A tl____2_,._I, ucuus to recognize me tact. The Herald says: President Harrison's inaugural address strikes us as the deliver- ance of an entirely sincere and extremely clear-minded man, who has faith enou h in his political belief to say what he tl.|nlts. and who has no after thoughts or reserves. In that respect. and in some others, it is a very notable utterance. It is the first messa e in recent times in which a president has planted himself and his party squarely on :\ protective tarilf policy. President Harrison commits his party decidedly to the principles and practices of a protective tariff, and until the issue between protec- tion and free trade is decided it must, we think, remain the one question on which parties will divide. The new president speaks so clearly as `to leave nb room here- after for evasion on either side. As his party stands by him `Ive ought to have no more hypocrisy on this subject, whether in democratic Mills bills or in straddling re- publican platforms. Mr. Harrison : foreiirn olic) will not be shilly-shallg, inviting European aggression on this continent, but neither will it be bullying or jingo." His words on this subject will have the assent of citizens of all parties. Like Mr. Cleveland, and before him Mr. Arthur, Mr. Harrison announces no southern policy. This will be a sore disappointment to a good many demagngues in the southern states, who have of late raised their voices in pretended alarm. Mr. Harrison spoke yesterday, not as a politician but as a statesman. The Ii'nir.u Luv: -7 !`N.1 nun will no-ml.-I- READTfHSCAREFU|_`LY% All Parties. Singular to Bay. Are Quite SIstlsed-An Address Whose Modern- tlud ls Noted With Flensure in Eng- land- Harrison is Not I Great Man He Is Certainly in Sale One. , New \'onK, `March 5.-The Sun ssys President Harrison's inaugural address is a modest, sensibly conceived, and excellently written essay on the state of the union. The country has still to learn just what sort of a men President Harrison is. but the ad- dress which will be so widely read this morning in every part of the republic proves very clearly_Whut sort of n gnen he is not. He is not a weakling orefrahd. All of the inelciinisble qualities which in literary pm ductions as in personnel bearing attract or repel without 'atl"ording any explanation of their effect upon the observer c mat in this address in Gen. Harrison's favour, not against him, and we think candid demo- crsts will be as quick as enthusiastic repub~ licuns to recognize the fact. 'l`l1n Ilurnlul nnunv l rnni.Inni- ll;-u--3:.-tn`. AN IN AUG URAL SPEECH. PUBLIEJOPINION OF. IT AS STATED IN THE NEWSPAPERS. ` THE MTH OF THEHJEWS. NO. A run. 1-`Anal Ur 1:) ACRES. IF.-\et Part. of Lot No. 15. Int Conceeelon Township of Kingston, beautifully situated on the Lake Hltore. one mile from the Penitentiary. Good hrgo house. outbuilding-e. orchard. &c.. anim- ble for a farmer or nrdcner. Ap ly on the nremiees to JUHN G AHAM. P. Jtddreu. Zlll IIUHBU` Ull\|l|IlIUllIu'U' UIIFIIIIITI, MU-u Hllll` u-mines AHAM. P. ortsmoulh. ton. No more durable or wou-tonal instrument. lu Canada than the G. M. WEBER UPRIGH1`. Moderate in price and unexoelled by any Cum- dinn lnslrumam PIANO RIEPAIR.`-J of All kinds on Uprights and squares executed at the Weber Factory. corner of Princess and Gordon streets. Kings- No durable well-toned Inntnmlom ln (hnndn than the G. M. WEBER l7PRI(}l>['I`. an m. III one on war wu-muted. uvpnlwrxoms wurrnn III Illhl II? II DIIIWVLI f-Ill_-g__ cl.-- m~;lv.'vIs:s'. King street. I} be sold at wholesale prices. Ul`jH'l'S. IHCNTB. I'f('.. IXJLLECTEI. HOOK! and Accounts attended to week] or otherwise. (`hAmmlow_ F`. (ISTLIHL ( nnnu-ant. lIl`JI) I C. lIIA` ID; -ll .. \I\JI.AIJI3\/I Em [KI or othorwi Chngealow. F. OSTLER. ego Street. HOUSE with oi ht, mom: and extension in- ohen hard and so water with good ambling : convenient Lo Queen : Cali 0 : immediate _ o. seuion. A ply on tho prom sea l38. st I Union . treat. bntunnn nu A Alf:-ad GIN` YOUR WINTER GLOVES n W` REEVES`. King street. soo Sample pain to nrloes. 1 KXJIIVQIJIOIII Queen`: Call N4 Union Sun. at treat. botwoon Go Ill U Next at to llntohooonh Auouon Roonu. -BnohItnu. THAT PLEASANTLY SITUATED D\\'EL- ` LING on Prinooen .-ltreet. 7 rooms extension kitchen. hard and soft water. good fard. ogc. Apply to D. GIBSON. 345 Princess S reel. lhllll. Undonunul unoctnot . 01: references. Address ".\.B.." Wnm ca. THE SHOP AND DWELLING on King street. occu ied In John Henderson as a wholesale Iquor more. Apply to JOHN REEVES. Brock street. A PINE FARM OF 75 ACRES. E\ll Part of Lot No. l. L In (innnanainn Tnwnnhin nf OFFICE. large. central, wall miod. Tenn: . reasonable. Possession lmmodlnmly. Apply 'Box." Wuxa. HOUSE. now occupied by J. Mllls. (`ornor of Princess and Division Streets. from May In. Apply at Wnlu Otco. HOUSE IN VAUKHIN TERRACE. Poucs~` clou May lat. Apply M, WHXG OFFICE. Unnul states and (`umuhI. Steady employ- ment; wn eon 50 par day; or once: Idvnnm ed`; no tn ing ruqulrvd. Loon work for all or gm of the limo. Address with ummp. EM ICY & CO.. Manage:-<. 24' Vine St... Cincin- mti. 0. No nuenliuu umd to postal cards. ALL KINDS 0l"BANK Ind OM00 Rubber inunnn lhlnrn, nnln, ICtn,, nnnnllnrl hv Hutu. I ()\'lCll.SEERS WANTED l at homeor to travel. We wish to employ a re- Inble person In our county to tuck up adver- cvnenlsxmd s ow 1-ms 01' Electric Goods. Advertlsennenlslo bu tacked uf overvwhare. on trees. fences und lnrnpllws n conuplgeuoua aces. in uwn nml country in all parts of the nitul States and (`nmuh|. Steady employ- ment ; wagon 8! par day; expense: Iunllll. KING:-l1`0N Philharmonic sooiotyvrohoaraal at ..`pm. sALlCSMEN-Wo Will`! a few to sell our goods buumple to the wholesale and relax! mum. meat n`nnuhwtururs in our line. En- close 2-cont stung. Wages $3 pur cl. . Porma nont poeluon. .'u postal: mnlvrer . ` Money advanced for Wages. advertising. the. CI!['l`l.'C- my. Mne'r'u Co.. CINCINNATI omo. ['.:::'.u`".:m::r 5:1 5?" '-" I 0| . I`. v Load. Rope. gnu .n`1a'.2u-. DEBTS. RENTS. COLLECTED. Books md Aocounls attended to weaklv or mlmrwise. SITUATION WANTED . unuvun nun _ menIu'ons.. where to be sewn and price. 4 J AMES LYNCH. Box J637. Montreal. A UUUU CUOIK. Ap Corner of King and I A .~-mm 11:0 or mm m-Iugm. ammu- menuions.. Where be and price. address JAMES LYNCH. Box 1637. - ONETYR 'rwB i1i:'r1.x5:T\a Er? cnril ac ~u{{- modalod with FURNISHEIJ ROOMS in an pn- vatu family. Apply at this olco. {g~ogg_n.z`og To mm; A (3001) COOK. Apgly to HRS. CAM EHUN. Corner of King" nlou Slrecu. VOLJLVIII. Luau nrr Max M on Ontario 2 occupied b I ACY. Wain G 7 i3./KR%NEY & co.-._ $PRINOE BTEETa Kincamn. p-an--n- AA.` nu-nu -... ...... ..- If:gIAL MENTIUb{. I-`I RS I` l.\'S'l`ALL.\I ENT ......_ 4L_:,_- _... ,1 -n `zceomiasgwxosgf REMINDR8; un--nn.- 1VT4Ii'-PE9- T A THE DAILY WHIG. Thh Inornlng 0 hosp cl loo {all from A houuon Queen street. It came IOII liming an clhqrhlng merchant. can uuu-Iuuu. ll0lI' [rut aumgo. Among the puungorl by tho City of New York won Count _Lowo, Marqui- Mudo and that under oioulu. who oom- prise Lhopnny ant to this community b the Kmpuor 0! Japan to amino tho mil - tcry and naval Iyntclno of the United Shtm. \/I'IIIlI- In consequence of the unit nt Shanghai 61 n Chtllill by the police nix thouund rlotnn nuunblod on Fob. 5th. burned down the Enqlhh oonnnlnto, attached the Ameri- can oonnnlnu. doing grunt dump. Amonn nnnnmn lw tln mm nf `nu Bulb:-lug ol the People In `Intona- A Von Iol-Ion KIM. . 1 Sn` Fnnmsvo, Mu-ch 5.--I`ho ntoamor 'tN%".t I 4.1. E3. -': .a3:Z..`7I:.'z .:'I i'l'rcI: 35$" :.. K$'. .. I`. :34... fur lhn no-an. tllnbnnnn - \T....AI. vvuvcuuuuwnw v-acct: BY A YOUNG MAN. willing to work at any- Ihllll. Understand: the otrool Goal rcfarencan. Addmn ".\.8.." Wnnn m. J .`1'{.'i`.`a73$Z.."2 n.`. 1'.Y{l':`ii"3m&s1 R2?.: ` I" sides for the great dhtnn In North China. ' Ill IIUC China. I. ..... IIKITICF IIKIIII "ITX ICIVIIIOB, Du` II I. noticed that the pie who want salvation free want other t inga free, too. There are hnndreda. aye. thouaande, of men and wo- men in New York who tramp ahont from church to church, (if the weather in tine.) but never attach themaelvee to any, and never think of paying their footing. Most of them tlreee pretty welliiil have comfor- table homea, but they are dead heate ell the aame. Buidee it ie not from religious mo- tivee they go to church at all. 'lhey don`t know what religion feeling really ia. At one time they go to hear the music. at another toheara preacher that in eaid to be eloquent, hut eeldom to `loin in the devotion: of the congregation. ery often, if the muaic or the aermon doee not intereet them auicient- Iy, the walk out while the aervloe in going on, wit out the eliqhteet oonaideratlon for the people who are paying proper attention ` to it. New York holler. The lune mode by the rather plein talk of Sexton Willieme, of St. Thoma church. about church deed~heule, ie ehnoet over. It wee only 5 tern t in e tee-pot efter all. The indiecreet WI Home 01: e lively reking in the newemen for ie roughness, and hi: superior, tor Brown. felt en oblige tion to repudiete in hie sermon on Sun- dey. But eeverel other eex tone and A good meny reguler church goere eey Williams is right in the main. though both hie menner end hie worde mode e bed impreeeion. I: in not the cane] etrenger egeinat whom he would shut the getee so much u the habitu ll church deed heed. whoee tribe in New York ie decidedly large. There is hardly a eexton in the city who doee not record the church deed heed enctly u Sexton \\ il- lieme doee. end moet of the people who ey for pew: look upon him with e good den of contempt. They eey the men who went; hie religion on the free lunch plen when he con pey for it. deserves very little conti- deretion. It in ell very well to telk in the ebetrect about free eelvution," but it in nniinnul Ohnf than n`nnIA -Ln up--no --Iu-s:.\... Luna :1 Wol|-l(nown Clnrncxor. lie : Nut as had an R0`: Painted. \v-... \'....|. I ...n.._ New York Letter. `I'M: `uni nnnalg in L\UW IUTK PIT. hlr. Ssngster has already set sbout mother ambitious and splendid work~the illustration of the St. Lawrence and Sagu- enny rivers. The text work is to be fur- nished by the artist's uncle, Mr. (Thsrlen Sungsser. of Kingston. it will include a Ion r historicel snd romantic poem. and may wel call forth, on the port of the artist. work in which the imaginative quality shnll be given freer play than in anything he has hitherto done. II`. His paintings. his drawings. and his etchings are cherished b_v art lovers in many cities in this country and Cnnndn and grace Wliil of many I Hujfalo home. Only once ha he been on exhibitor in the national academy. A few yenn ago he sent I pic- ture to the water-ouionr exhibition of that institution, and although no eifort wu mnde toettnct notice to it. it nevertheless re` `oeivad most gntifying criticisms bythe ` New York preu. Mr. Snnnlter hu ulmuiv not About cuulutuw III OI llll W'IDll8TIDgU- In the first yeare of his work he took two lesson: in painting from a local artist. He had intended to take live, but at the and of the second found there was no prot in it, and deaiated. Save for those two leesone he in self-taught-nature-tnught. He has been to school to nature all his life. ||Mr. Sangntefe work in chiey landscape and water atudiee. He began in oil. and has never wholly abandoned that method. though of late years he has preferred water colors. All of his work beepeake a con- scientious delity to nature: not the delity of the photographer, but nsther that which in at once true to nature, while appreciative of and sympathetic with nature a poetic auggeetions; in a word, it beepeeke the true artist. "I- --:..a:_... Li. .I_-.____ __,l L1- Born In Kingston, llut Painting in Buf- falo-A Coming Work of Art. Amos \\'. Sanmter, nephew of Charles Sangstaer, poet, is winning fame in Hutfalo as a modest hard-working artist,one entitled ` to a high place among the artists of that famous cit. Mr. Sangster was born in Kingston, gut removed to Bualo in 1841 with parents and family. Fathe; and sons (were inventors, and successful oues-Amos `as well as the others. He has taken out half a dozen patents on sewing machines, and originated various devices. some of them of culiar value in his art. I n 1858 he began painting. and for more than 30 years he has studiously followed his art. H` lifestory contains no chapters of wanderi gs. no touch of the Bohemianism which some people fancy is part and parcel of the artistic nature. Seldom have his summer sketching tours taken him further from Butfalo than the banks of the Niagara and the near shores of Lake Erie. These constitute all of his wanderings. In the first vaara of his wnrlt he took two union and Uouogo Avenue. A numhor 0! Lou on Alwlnuton Avenue. l;|nlon and Pembroke Streets to bo Iold very c up. Hounoo for sale on Johnson. !?outonAc. Chat- tham. Up rlhgol. Alfred utd King Stroun. A mun r of npplloanln wanting to run: more: and prinlo dwolmal. No dolny In selling or buying at ' IO0RE S REAL BPATE AGENCY, .\!-on do... In` l.lno..L....--- A..-u.._ n..__ NJ `I J-IL`-`IN. LUIHLJJ 1111:: LEADING UND1m'r.u:1in. Pmcnss STREET. CUNARD STEAIISHIP COM PANY. Bnmxa from New York every Saturday. Au- thorized Agent. F. A. Folzor. Ferry Dock foot of Brock St.. Klnzaton. - Rogue. Wutertown Ontdenaburg RIG. To Utica, Mba,n1,New Xork, Phi|adel'a. wumngmmnalumon And all Points In Norttu on New York. VII 0.'l`.R. sud N.Y.C. Rn. in nu . .o- u... TED THOUSAND ISLAND BCUTEV BY 1`. HANLEY. - -' Gen. 'l`lcket Axiom. J '53 Ti` 3*` I Will make some toduction In the price of smue of their lines of lumber and sub factory good! lhllaolson. W0 have one barn frame 30!eot._one 36'and onojo. Also good brick. which will be sold on rououblo terms for good approved notes. 'I`IlII' D ATIIDITXY IVIIIIDAKYV THAT NEW`? vonx SEXTON. THE mrnnbn COMPANY \\'H| unplug -n-.- -AA.-..al.._ l_ AL. __.I.. - AFFAIRS IN CHINA. north side. gill ouch, 3 Lou on Beverly. , TM buy: 3 hot: on Centre. I-light Louon Kl Id llderboclt Slroots. oprouno lawn`: I stiller)`. In tron wl h lane at back. Prices 0175 823553-:0.8i76. Fnnntuuo on Klnu. Ekidrbock Ind Harpor Street. one not on Livln ton Avenue. Flno Lot: on Pen roko Street. non Union. Lotal and I conuslnlnl '2) acre: frontage pn Union And College Avenue. Alwlnnon Avenue. 7 'FAMous AR FIST. J A MES REID. |I\l\ll1 IY\Yl'lIl`I')'l`A Fill!) KINGSTON. CANADA, TUESDAY nxvnzwmp: CU HULK: THE RATHBUN COMPANY. - The Will 0! J. C. Flood. Blnwoon Cu-v. Cain; March` 5.-'I`bo will of JnmoI_C. Flood wu lod ybatordn . Mr. Flood wrote It hlmnelf. It covorl on y three shoots of note paper. The catch in vsluod at M,KXl,0(X). Ono lull 3000 to the widow and the otlm hall to the daughter and non. Bolero llll doutbdouuoddudod `Arno n-nnnnta ll, RPAXI-ll! n lulu I---llu IIIII -llh XIOIT llll UIIDD lurgo amount: of proporty to his family. cllruu "III II nugluuu unoulu ever be In- vodod by I foreign force the `lane will be docidtd within I fortnight. The volunteer forces. he believed. would only require nup- pliu whorowiti: to support life for fourteen duyn. sad the luvnden would be driven from England : shores. Lord Wolulo! 'n Conndonoo. LLNDON. March 5. --Uenenl_ Bord Walte- loy II` the principal Ipeukerbt the dinner given by the volunteer medionl stud . HI: address wu conned to oommontu upon tho condition at tho nnionnl dafnnou, andhh remark wore oorneutl endorsed. Ho do- clnrod It If Englnn should ever be In- vulnd hit I fm-Alan form Han `hung -III In lU|.Il'lalI Imry (II 5515 Ulllllllll. Sutherland wee directin this work when i he wife. accompanied by or two children, in peeling. stopped to epeuk to him. Just then one of the huge block, when nearly to the top of the building. slipped from the hook: end etruck the unlorrunete men on the heed, crushing his skull to ielly end scattering hie bruins end blood over hie wife endchlldren. Death was inetehteneoue. The uufortupue wife in-temporarily insane, and her shriek: our beheerd for blocks. She wee removed to the hoepiul in the imbu- lenoe with the deed body of her huebend. Terrible Death ol 1 Man In Montreal - Crushed by a Block of Ice. Mn.\'-nu-:AL. March 5.-\\`illinm G. Suther- land, foreman of the city ice com any, was instantly killed under peculinri y painful circumstances. He Ivu engaged in unper- intending the Itornge of ice in the company: wnrhoune in William street. Block: of Ice four feet loh . three wide end two in thick- ness were ng holnted from lied: to the fourth Itory of the building. Sutherland in directing thin umrk whnn Two Lou; Nelson. on Johnson. with lane ll sidennd back. Each `Two hot: on Albel-1.1 1 13:1. Etch 0425. rmne Lot on Princess. iii x 132. .I04)ne hot on [curl Street. 2.!!!)--ono hot on Gore Street. .'.`ll)-one House and hot on William. bo- uvoen King and Wellington Streets. I7w-one Lot. M3 2 cl. on St. Lawrence vvuulu HUI. any Ml `VIII! chltlll. A meeting of the din-cton of the Cleve- land need company was held on Suturdny and J. H. Pena. an old employee of the compnnv. vu Appointed munager in the place of the mining man. 'lhe books of the company are now undergoing an exami- nntion, but. it in not probable that the amount taken by Cleveland will he mode public, an the otlicers of the concern seem disposed to keep `utters quiet. in hopes thnt he will retuh and help them to Itrnighten out it: Auiu. They ny tho compnny in solvent And prosporoui. A IIULC UTUIKCTU. The note brokerage firm which handled most. of the compauy`s paper any that onl the company : regular puper went throng their liandu, and that lltoey did not. place any of the notes on which Mr. Cleveland ruined the money which he appropriated. and that. most of these latter notes were from people at Cape Vincent. Among those from whom Mr. Lldvelantl horrowed money is Treasurer Francis B. Stcarns. lt is said that Mr. Cleveland bor- rowed from him 88,00) and $lU.000, a large part of which was loaned just previous to his llight. Mr. Stenrns had the greatest condence in Mr. ('le\"eland. but haa not run- IIUW. George M. Hard, presida-at of the (Thu- hnm Nntional bank, acknowledge: that Cleveland hsd ovenlrnwn his account. but would not my to what extent. A nnlntinu nf Hm nlira-nrnrn nf than l',InI.'n. I PIWT. Ihe company's own paper, used in the regular course of buniness. it is said, was endorsed by both l rusiuu.n. Cleveland and Treasurer Stearns. Some of it. was dis- counted at the banks and sumo sold through note brokers. "I`| . A _ _ A- L....L.._..... 2-... ...LJ,.L L,._..lIAI Luv LUDCI UlICIUUL'y ll}! IV HIJUIIV C`[I),Ul.K There is a question as to whether the seed company will stand the loss or the parties ` who let Mr. (Ilevelnnd have their notes, supposing they were giving them to the company. -It is reported that the banks in which Mr. Cleveland had these notes dis- counted were the (`lwithnrn National bank, Merchants National hank, Western Nation- al bank, and the National bank of the re- public. These notes, it is said, werependory ed by Mr. Cleveland as resident . and in- dividuslly, and he passe the proceeds to his own credit insto.-ul of the company's. This wuss done, it is said. in the sbsence of Treasurer Steurns, who was away at the time on business of the company, and whose indnrsement Wu venerslly on all the com- psny`s paper. The not-nnnnI.v'n nwn manor need in Hm poruou or me losses. It wu said in the seed trade yesterday that Cleveland owed the company of which he is president about $40,000, and the amount borrowed from his friends will carry the total deficiency up to about $75,000. Tknrn in n nnnnlinn an On wluntknr tho cant` UUYUHU IIIH IIICIUH. . ` He was a thoroughly good fellow," said one of them, and very pular with all his acquaintances. He lnv to play a game of poker And was a lieuvy better. I have seen him lose 81,000 at is sitting. and seemingly think nothing of it. I have no doubt that: the poker table was responsible for a large portion of his losses." it wnn said in the semi trmln vournralnv lllUIH9y Ill EHO IHUHL Ni` |'|-I manner. Almost any eveninu he could have been seen in the gorgeous cafe of the Holfmnn home opening champagne, and he was also a well- nown frequenter ol Delm9nico o and other well resorts where money can be made to y - with lightning ease. Some of his friends expressed the opinion yesterday that Cleveland had of late ben living far beyond his means. ` I-II- um. .. ol..\........I.lu m.,..l r..|L.... N ....:.a W33 HIE only Cnuu. For a year or nmrv Cleveland has been loadings very rapid life. and had spent money in the most lavish manner. Almnnf. AIIV nvnninu ha I-rml hnvn lmnn LET! UP III C IQBISIHULUI] 'By ll ruuuu. Mr. Cleveland's father is quoted assaying, After hearing of his son's: di-grace, that he would dilinhqrit him. The old gentleman is said to be worth $150,000, sud Artie B. was hie only child. For A VDJLI` nr mun-. Clavnlnnrl lun lmnn Ilvoen magma Wellington Stroeu. I'Iw-one as. Avenue. Stuart street. &`5-one 11)! on Colllnnwnnd iltranl, nnulh nl