="="M0 s`I6AL. IR. W. 1'. HILL. 8 Methodist Churohwill Slnung. u-mon . at `O;lId lnllrnmonlnllon Ordo::la at loan. Carey! or Vsndowuorh llunlo soon: will rooolvo uovnvt uunuon. - IIII. Buold, who uh all! In hun- od 3! E1unvilk nomatiunc ago. in doddod to rebut d. IUUVIIIIIIUIIIJ II III: I ,| tllvi Inn in. ` j :1 "`...?;`.`n`.*. ...'35..`.'."".:'.`.."'a':s'.'. !"n..`.'3.' Oonnou Oroup H olton laid wlui not nuodlod In time. Leslie 3. Nloholnon. I9 Wollnloy Auono. min "A: I nnkk mnnlnr mun. Collin. . Advho 'lo:otIuI. la. Wlnnlow Soothing Syrup. for chil- dru unsung h :- [nun-i '1! no at the but townie mun nod` ydolann In tho United Batu. Ind Illa MCI and for forty you: with nut moon by million: at nothori for lid: ilflna. DI: the .1 L..sLl_- In. I. l_...l.-u -Isl; fnocu. "'"'f.:'.:.".'. "'.'.".:::;'.".*. ......."'""r..:r.' R I nliovnl the full cu-an dyna- tcry and dhrrhaqgliplug In 0 howdqud `wind-oollo. nu: hulthtothoohlld it nnhthnmothm-_ nnhottlc. um awun. `am; John soooou. xau: Iunol Murriuon. 245; Monaco Honey. 237 3 Hand Tnylor. 237: Bell: Nut, 258: George Smith. MD; Flonroo Ahruu, I61. Reault of Februuy exsminationn, senior third clue. Wellington 5:. school. Marks required 273 : Herbie Spencer. 243; Albert Sloan, 2-ll ; Fred Mnhood, `J34; Richard Squire, 23; ; Willie Guild, 2.'l0; Wesley Mulligan, `Z28; Felix Oberndorer, 2l6: Willie l'hippen, ll3; George Fenwirll, `IIO; Hurry Canon. 198 : Winthrop Sean. I94 : Hamilton Mackerraa. l9~l : Jolm`Kelly,l9l; Anldiaon Jackson. I82 : Mile: Cotton, I80 ; Overton Dix, ls] : Willie MoConnu-Ii. 17?; Willie Peters. 172 : Lewis Hoppinl, M35: George Birch, 160; Allen Stroud. 160 : Hnneord Hera. l5-I ; Arthur Swindlehuret, 153; Perry Uliver. H5; George Fraser, I34 ; Hurry McKee, 128; Fred be her. I25 ; Robert Henderson. Pl); Wnlter In lett, H2; Hillynrd Robertson. H2: Hnr vey Milne/ll0 : Charlie Burris, 98 : Eddie Bell, 98 ; John Henderson, 9| ; Bury Carr. 84 ; Willie Mmhall. 63; Hugh Mc- l Williams, 49; Willie Randell, 36. I u rnnnm, 00 Robinson. 1! It... ...n A-): J- J'OIEE_N"STOl\T&; CO liluupu-uullt \Il\II.'I ul tnuvnuuuu. Corn? I-`uosnzuc. No. 59. RI.-urun Mun- nso. Thursday evening: March 7th. .1. S. MCCANN. Secretlry. ONLY ABOUT ANOTHER WEEK, AND WE HAVE TO VACATE OUR STORE AND REMOVE STOCK, TO BE SULD II JAE AIIIHA YOUR ; LAST :"CH*AN*C. WEDNESDAY, March the 6th, DO NOT MI TI-I: EVENI. %9f%IHf%i$Ab~. Dress Fabrics. "In all the latest and most fashionable materials of Silk, V Wool and Cloth. a First-class t and nish guaranteed. l HARDY? Mantle Materialsa 31' Store open from 1:30 to 9:30 p.m. BUS T'(TN7T1ATL 7S_TO%RE BARGAIN `SERIES. \I This in only one chmce in I life time of getting I" new and deuiruble good: It THE SCHOOL RETURNS. -v .--ave-u IN TORONTO. We have decided to offer for the the time we stay the whole of our stock at whatever price it will bring. _A.'I' OUR EXHIBITION Wellington St. S'II00:. AT "WHOLESALE PRIOE. MINNES & BURNS. One Price Store, 88 Princess Street. TO R- But Decide to Spend at Least Part of \. Illlululi Irrutu I` utuunwu 9. Corn? Su.vL:\'. .\'o. 190. C.().l'.. menu the BICOND um us! Truman` or IACH IONTH In the `Prentice lioya'Ha)|. King Street. 1'. T. RINTON. Recording Secrcmry. W 9192 i'FP__ *` The nmullly Increasing demand (or the ubovegoodn nova tholr popul mu. um um I`! not. LIADIIO unborn: Iluluhotund by JOHN P. MOTT & 00.. no.1--.w so an | FRASER at Hliwron. Props Kim 8t.. owndu Inrkot. Innptou. Everyone should read the UTICA "0103!" the bonding llluntntod Journal at New York GENERAL - NEW8_ - AGENCY % Mot{'%sL Chocolates and Cocoas. | AT HALF PRICE- At N ISBET'S, -170: Genuine tn- ` BOOKS. PlPBR.8_l_l_Il STATIUNIBY. Seaside Library PCHEAP FICTION. DIIIII Ill mu-`Innu- Lllcnnn honor. No. 33. of the Sons of Eng- hnd Benevolent Society. will meet. in their new Lodge Rootn.oorl-er Montreal and Prun.-es St. over 8unchAn'| Hardware Store. the had and uh Tuandnvn of each month. The Itnulny manning demand for tho nbovuoodn won: nolmhrlu. Wmbuu : Old ndfunhroko. BOOKS AND MAGAZINES. CORNER BOOKSTORE. N0. ll ILIIII` lolllllo HALIFAX. N. B. . Rose Library and Su-nchAn`| hardware st Lch Tueodnrl of each month. I! `V - 00K8|.LER --r STA - Z i:;.;... xugn in n..un. .. Xlnden. No. R. on Mondny. Mar. ILh.nI. 7:30 P- xkndmt BL. Jolufl. No 8. onThundAy.Mu-ch ngn Rm I!. M h 1311: I 3 a ` .. '* W I. V. u. r. 5-. yo l'.VD:n 111: Al'8l`ICl8 or `ran GRAND Loom: or .\lAxcuIcnT:n. ENGLAND, meet every other Friday tn the Sons of Englaxnd Room, Princes! Street. Next meeting ARCH 15111 W. bl'sm-'.LL. Ret`on`lln[t Secrulnry. IYI. BAR, THROAT AND N083. Once and Mills No. In Kin: stout` sgxtgo&lIAnc|oulloul.Klnnton. are required to be PAID IMME- DIATELY. We will remain in the store during the) week to re- ceive payments of the same. R. & J. GARDINER. Kingston, March 4th, 1889. JlLJ.0.00NNlLL. - MIIAIOI 1Il ...._ ...-. a-yuan.-r nun unnr A`-L `?'5.BT_S .995 9?! `TENDERS FOR COAE. .\uon ur s.\'n mu \ . lm: mu Inst. 4 Tho l`Pw-st or any lender not necessarily ac coined `Inns and sm-vi lmuiuns nmv be seen In our THE L'NDERRlG.\'l[) will receive 'l`l1`..\'- DERS Tll.L'l`lll'l{Sl)A\' .\`EX'l`. Tun instanl. for 1.000 tons Nova Scmin slack or Reynolds- rillc 1111;. to be delin-red free on dock or in Inill yard. lSignodJ Kl.\'lhSTON (`U'l"l f .\' (`O.\Il"\". JOIl.\' Kl.\'U|{Ul{.\'. !~`m`11-Inr\' 'I`rn~:u~1nrvr Colin /d J . . `Inns and .~'poclIcanuns nmy boaeen at our Ofuct`. 'l`0\\'II!R E SON SEALED TE.\'l)ERS for Trades \\'orka' re-V quired in the o.-rclgjtion and cunmlcliun o!1\ Tur- mcc on Gore Sin-ex wig! he _n-1-cived up Io Nuon uf S.-\Tl'l{l)A Y. the fill: Inst. Thu Inn`.--al nr nnv la-ml:-r nnl I-mm-sun!-Ailv nu- 1'|c.\:n|cns will beTJx-Ived b the under- signed D UH lho`F.VENING OF HUNSDAY. the 7th insl.. for the scverm trades works` ro- signed Ull lho`l'.VENlNG UI|' 'l'l`lUKSDAY. wot-kg` uuiml in the erection of a Brick Mons on Union Strool. _ A _ , I-lam: nml anoc-lcunnns to be men nt mv Union Stroel. Hans and apocucuunns be men In my otcv. (`urncr of K -m( and Brook `Su-oat. over Ummdiun Express 011100. J. 8 INCH). AbolIcly vunnpnroaohbd in us dI"`AlII nun strength and unrivalled in_lls scenic display. Cuuume L. Aumz:\v'a -`-nauunnpn nu-vaginal-r njnann PUHIIUHUIUI uun VI- IWKTTIS. UNDIRSHIRT3. OOLLLBS. CUFIB, 00 10 RATIENEURY S. I . I . Presenting the onlz authorized temhnofdnlu Vefne a Masterpiece. .. ' `_ ltuouanlgn Paris! years: hopdon 1 your : New York no ' nights; 'oronto 3 engnzemuma. Svener ' new and superb- ~ Prices and Plan open. Sunl| !l`L`.llI`t3d without extra chnrgu. ` , MIcHAE[' fi166F?"60MP'Y, |MPORTANf NOTICE. ;A`R?gW"s" 6T='ERA Hous. . [ ThuEsdafMarch 7. ';1;1nmLir A,NNOUNCEM' ENTS. Mnrrh Ill), 1819 ' I ON! DOOR BIIDW CITY HOTEL 1-unaondw: ufror --nu. n-vnnnnlilnlla um I Ann nnln lndogndvent Order of Forosgen: LI-nan Iunn---u.n \'n m D-nu-u AI) \.I\ `?!E'."QAT:. Two ELEIAVT BEAR BOAS. Easily worth [IL 89 will purchaso one to-marrow. but not use day After. lconunued from yesterday.) Cnmullun Order loreuloro. n_ . ... _.. \~.. can 11 :\ ll aARGATiNo. 8. _`eAn`ciuN No. 5. "H"v'E'6'r3'E"C': - I\l\l\.I lll IIIZ (`I111 [IA _ BARGATQ No. 6. BARGIIW No. 7. nun: nu . TO CONTRACTORS. T0 CON TRACTORS. 'FU1.NIsH_mGs. Ono GIIEENLANH SEAL CAPE. Regular prion uothor stout O. Can he go. from In fur ad. Son: of England. IAo.n- \'A X l\..LQ _99I='r_Ii='- n1cEIn. ....I.._ I -4..- POVVER I SON. Archiu-cls. Lion Inert. UIl.\ Kl.\UHUl(.\. 5t`1`X`L'lcU`)' v`|`rousurn:r. R|ll)_ Architect I'll ll 11 N . Architect. uwuvuv v-w Ir awn -uvvvv-vno nnv wvvuy an..- over. an lnlupanblo ohnuolo to the consor- vttlvu notion Income of the education: undo to the unionists, the Itmndo 01 than to home rule, and the dopondoloo of tlgo govt:-snout upon than. The can nua- wlth the oonurvntinn, when they could they would not. when they would they ....u ..... n....|:-|. __x_n__ |.-..1__ ;|.-.._..| `CV " ""l' ""'I " ""' ""1 "" conid not. Knalinh opinion having changed the future of the home rule movement is `brighter than it wan. It look: now no if the Britinh government would like to nd Iovno `my meeting tho Parnell puny nod oonood 3 home rule (or local rule) to Irolnnd. ghlr. Aird, the tory 'moi.nlnI" for!" Vddlnjfo suggest: that the mm: In rolorrod to a null committee, the Inomborl of which chnll ho reprelontr tivoof nllportlo; Mt. Glulntcu Hunts. Re any: he I: not union: to have the nettle- Inoot oi the home rule question. but It moot ho ooulod by -one pvornunonul not by the. protein on by It: nnooouor. He soon. how- .n._ _- I.--.._--LI- -L.A--I- .- LL- .._..-, uuruu aw-rt-u w u `cu :- Oue ALASKA ABLI CAPE. Could not be bought chow ro for led than 09. Will be ollhrotl wmw only for 011.50 ._---__--- --.-3 an:-A-nun The board of health in acting with the con` 1 currence of all rightminded person: when it insists upon the passage of a h_v~la\v regard- ing the inapection 0! milk. The idea in not to haran and annoy the vendon of lncteui uid, but to again them in guarding againlt. the tale of milk which, through the exiatenco oi (liaoue among the cows, perhaps unknown In them. renders the cunumption of it dangerous. Medical 'Icienoo has demon- utatod that some of the ill: to which the ileah in hair own their origin to the milk supply, and the board of hnalth would not ha doing in duty did it not insist upon the course decided upon. The board, indacd. will be donorving oi concurs If it does not in Ilia future pay atriour aaantion to the union oomrniuod to it. Deputation tfter deputation vieile ()tta- ` we. eomc urging upon the government an increase in the teritf, and eome resisting the increase. In the coneidereticn of theee re- presentation: the nance minieter and hi: colloeguu are having I the worry they can etend. The high texntionietn ere, of conree, the more Aggressive. They think there in nothing too cheeky for them to`uk for, no impoeition which the government in the name of protectionjdnre not inict upon the people. By the budget epee:h to night e good many of the teri agitators must be d ieeppoin ted . z The gift of Mr. Calvin to the Kingston general hospital yesterday is one which the people must Appreciate. He gives SL000 on condition that 89,000 more is raised be. fore May 31st and a start made upon A new wing to the institution. Is the undertaking impossible? Not at ell. Mr. Cn|vin's terms are just such as will inspire the friends of the hospital with new courage and enterprise, and in the exercise of these qualities the scheme he suggests will be car- ried enthusiutically to completion. Mr. Calvin is s man of deeds. It is hoped Hon. Mr. Hsggurt will see his way clear tor amending the postal regula- tions which he has submitted for the consi- deration of the commons. Every scheme he may devise for protecting the mails and fnciliuting their transmission will becordial- ly endorsed. but he is genernlly found fault with for increasing the cost of registrmion And of delivering drop letters. He mny in- sist on the changes, but only in deance of public opinion. Not A single individual cm be found to raise his voice in support of them. The ||'m`lz1 intimates that Dr. Watson is first in fu.\'()ut' for the vacancy on the stud" of Toronto university, created by the death of Prtf. Young. Next in favour is Prof. Schm- man. Canadian, and now_a professor in C0! nell. Whether Dr. Watson accepts or not the general aclmowledgment of his very peculiar tness for the philosopher`: seat in the beat universities of America is 5 com- pliment which he must appreciate and which his imny friends delight to see expressed. ...... V/- .. .v_,_.., -. Mr. Robb has lmd one uf the longest ofex1 periences in teaching in this province, espe- ciully in the way of object lessons, and what he enrdorses in that direction is worthy of the attention of tue younger members of the profession. Mr. J. Robb, of Kingston), writing to the Eduvaiiunal Mun!/a/y. endorses the auggc-s tion that a Union Jack be placed in ench school rcmn as the silent but eloquent teacher of loyalty to the British crown. \l._ n-.,|, L _ I I ,,,, r .I,, I , ,,,. 1' liecyuae Sir Richard Cartwright urged our government to meet the Advances of the United States govorunmnt. iu favour of free trade relations "in is generous spirit," the Ottawa (,`iIi:on is alarmed, and wants Sir Richard to understand. that Congreamau Hitt'a proposal is the absolute aurremler of (`uuadefs couuuercial in The goverpmeut organs are bound to be contrary wulu . vllll. llpl'UI l.ll VI IIILIII` ynvuuuuu adilldciharpea for adwrtisiv`|q,aduubscHpt`lh):I nu yable s mace.` I nsJo53uu315J': stood. 'rno`wnK1.v nn-Tan wine, 3 pages so columns, is published every Timrsdny morn{n[ ( I I oar, Illvely in advance. otherwise 81 gulf; be om :-god. 'lll)W_ J. H. PIIINSE. Pronrletor. RIJVIIIIIIBEXXFI1 For four lines. one or two lnserljons. .`.. . .I) 50 For four lines. such Iubseqluyql. lnsorllon.. 26 over four lines. Int lnsoruon .... .. loo per lino Icnwh Ill usnt oousequuvolns. .. . 50 _ Once I was subsequent lns.. .. loo. -` Twloos wsgk. subsequent Ins. .. so " Three s wosk. subsequent Go " Twolvo lines to the `inch. Notices of Births Mm-rl ' And Dosthssoo. , mxlmlnless when "bookedf when 81 lschsrod. Epoch] ubtloos In reading columns sre chara- od M lwonly cams per lino to- each lnsortlon. Olours of nnlncornorau-d Associations Vor BOSTON "; "H11 - STORE, -9-: A- 4-- gm...` on lino ro- sscn lnsoruon. nnincorporau-d or Socluuos will be held porsonsllrreeponsibio for sli nrdnrs they IKIVVI Aitschoa to the paper is one of the best Job olcos in Canada; rapid. stylish and cheap work : eight improved printing presses. All charm; for adverlisina. subscription -..-.-ww.--.-.._.- .. Tun lI|u1'lnn'\Vm_n-In rnhlmmd every even- luu. at as King Hlrou . Klnunlon. Ontario. V ll qlx mn,I.Auu I-In YEAR. -u *:~n:;1;m Wm: -T Whig : Telephone-. Numlmr 220. ANNOUNCEMENT. ` be ohnrxod. IDW. J. B. PIINSE. Proprietor. > Abvncn-aTI:nIuN'rs. |..._ ___ -_ 1...- 1-..- ....- Local Anomaly .1.uIo, I II I now. Huorhlll. Inn. oolnpuud workman on uuohlno and hndnulo atoll but and shoes, Inn volod to uncndor shalt than an`. luau` nl-nnnlunnl nnor Chi M thou. Mn Volta Io Itrnluor war uuur and have orgsnlud nndcr tho ullonql wade un'.oq. \I' I1\J%E I ?o n A Good Hon : Overcoat Mode to order to: 813. LA-~*ws.-..':.-.'%*..-:-.';..m.....-='-%v"*'-`-*- thglouod. u dolondunh settled with tho pl tit. llr. hlolltyro. Q.C.. Ioiodfor tho tilnund Icon. Drltlon & Whit- ing or tho dolcndutl. .~ motr omvu note veto acumen III cunn- uonoe of tho brook in tho Cornwoll oonol. `ho plolntio ollo thot thoy Ion put to [root oxpouoe, how :3 tholr vouoll dotdnod hero sud cldmod largo domoaoo for which tho ouod. rho ..|-L.xn. u- u-l_..... n1`. n.ouIh.- ITIII II H10 Ollllllllg Ilf. IIIVI uavn 3!- ml by Ihuptmnou: of court. ' `nu qua- tinn urn nna nl thmurn-nan. u nlnlnllfl non wee one 0! nelnurruge, use puuunuue claiming demegee for the detention of their veeeeie at Kingeton lut tell. The veeeele were loaded with grein ooneigeed to the dnfendente at Montnel. In re of the Hour e.._I e-nn-nan-bqelnn an-an-lne linen and (In cmonannn u uontnu, II can 0! an nou- tron! tnntportation com y bore. and on their orrlvul hare oulud in come- ..._-_.. ..l AL- I.....I. 2.. AL- (`A-n--II ngnnl Dounuu-ogo Cue: Ionlod. The unit: o! Mylu & Son. 3. Noolon and Much: & Son. brought nguinlt Ogllvh & 00.. I ontncl. ones which Involved qua- tiou of considerable lnurut to Innrlno man And which won bolu brought down for trid n the ensuing no us, have been out- 21-non thn1nn1nn||tnf|mr"l'||n-nn- nun uy muprnuuw or cuun. qua- tiou was one o! domurrcgo, the plnlntli nlnlmlna nmnnnn far III: dntonnn 1:! I111`! gram. 1 n nu my urouur urmor uuu umn to com um haw iuianiomt will behil than 0 this licence fund. and will In not give us A hoipin hand to hop the poddiu with his wort Ian was from our door! Let us not cringe beioro the men who have tried to worry u: out by their pertinent effort to disobey the luv. Lot in -be man and not cosurdu ' A vnnon-In Fnuutn out an I Iemu are we not poorer : Cannot my mther fermer. in your iuue of the 27th u|t.. nee this? In he not advoca- tin an Arrangement exactly I: portrnyed ? If we hove the Iicenee money for every dol lar thnt we get somebody must pay ten or twenty time: us much for liquor. (much of which in Imported or mode II-om foreign grain.) Will brother lnrmer tnlxe time In nnmnntn hm: Indaninnnt Ii hnhll Scott Act In Frontonnc. KIN: Mitrch 4.-(I'n the Editor): I lisve s somewhst numerous fsmily more or less depending on me, and considering my necessary expenses, and in considerstion of the fact. that I have been put toconsidersble expense in trying to nutiutsin my legal rights, snd through fsilure of crops. I nd myself in rather straightened circumstuice. At present it is s question what I hsd better do. In my troubled thou hts I look out snd see spprosching my dwe ling s jewellery dler. He is welcomed. snd opens his puck, and the children gsther Around. I sssure him I hsve no money to spsrs for any of his wsres, but the children sre sttrscted; they see s number of fisshy rings, (brsss. worth five cents each.) Now this peddler makes s very generous o'er-if esch of the fsmily will buy s rin st SI escn, making 8l0. he will generousy denote me 82. I ssh the fsmily. telling them of my necessi ties. sud they nsllv mske the investment. sad I thankfully sccept my 8`). Now, Uinsncislly.) ss s fsmily. how do we stsnd T Are we richer or poorer Y I hsve 32, but my fsmily hsve 810 less sud ten brsss rings. Now if I am so selsh sud mesn tho: I do not cure whst becomes of my family's money. then I run surely richer,(personslly.) but ss s fsmily sre we not poorer ? lhnunt mu rnlhssr lnrmnr, In vnnr insult Ono LAl)Y8' SET BEAVER COLLAII AND CUFI-`S. Usual pr`co III: will be sold to~Inormw for 05.75. | r1u-`.v-..- -`-u u. I View lroln DIOIIIJL IVUJCI WII IHIFXIIUIU. Taking the writ) p m. (3. T. R. out ex- preaa we were soon steaming out of the city. acroaa Victoria bridge, and on past the many French xillagea for Quebec. This city waa reached about eight o'clock Satur- day morning, or rather we caught a glimpse of in spire tops and citadel from Point Levin. Much did we regret that time would not allow us to take the ferry memos and plant foot within the precinct: of a city so well known to hiswriana. \' . ... \'|_~xv . \* at once It was taken hom 0!. On February 19th. at noon. We left die U.1'.R. station at Napanee. l`|bill M00` treal that night about 9 o'clock. Nothing of moment transpired during the journey. The following da was occupied in taking in" the mercanti e metropolis of the domin- ion. As most of vour readers are familiar with Montreal and its environments I will not spend much time in describing them. To one who for the first time sets foot in it the city presents many pleasing features. `lbs narrowness of the streets gives it a much more lively appearance than it would hate were the hi hways as wide as we are accus- tomed to. he folly of laying them out so narrowly is now` being felt keenly. An effort is being made to widen Notre Dame street and portions of other thoroughfares. This cannot be done now without incurring serious expense, the cost running u.p into the millions. Another peculiar feature is their manner of conducting municipal busi- ness. Their mayor is elected some weeks before their aldermen, the election having taken place a day or two before the writer s visit there. The aldermauic election takes place in March. But 'the most striking point is the length of time some of the al. dermeu hold the clhilrmanltip of corrnnit- tees. Wit us in the west the olces are transferred from one In the other frequently, but with Montreal it is not so. One of those to whom I was introduced had held the same position for a tlt-vmle. They possess re- markably good fncilities for keeping the streets in proper shape during the winter. Though the snow is piled and packed until it makes a road bed in itself of from two to three feet high`. it is level on the surface and pleasant to ride over, a pitch hole being out of the question. They have machines drawn by a team of horses and managed by a couple of men that plow and level up the streets. the loosened snow being then carried to holes in roadscraper fashion. Then following this comes a large heavy roller, the road being thus nicely smooth ened. \\`hile the roads are thus fine to travel the sidewalks are not models of con- venience. The businr-.~s men have their own manner of keeping them clean. Some are quite clear while others are covered with snow and ice. Thus there are ups and downs all along, making it very inconvenient for pedestrians. The refuse snow is carted away by numerous curlers with a horse and sleigh. I counted as many as eleven in one string of the sleighs, heavily .laden with the beautiful. 'lht-se csrters, as well as hacks, are met in great numbers The peo ple of Montreal must be exceedingly law- abidin , or the police nglectfnl of their duty, Tor far fewer of them were encounter ed than was expected in so large a city. Montreal has been termed the city of churches, and the name is quite appropriate. The only one visited was the Jesuit edice, a most ma niticently finished structure in ternally. n company with Mr. F. I. Miller, formerly of Napanee, a drive was enjoyed along the streets, on which are placed the many palatial residences and the recreation scenes of the Montrealers wit- nessed. Fhrough a prevailing storm the view from Mount Royal was impossible. Takina Ilia lll-lll nm H T R mast or Lootlunembly 3.!I4.l hollubof. I-rapid M... , .u...n-d worhnnn on 1: Ion to me lot 0! your <-`0I'NIP_lI '50 have Inch In op rtuuit present "0015. id at it was ta on ho! of. lln Uni-ngun lnnl. cf nnnn Ira loft. `IA _ n VllIl.l0 mun...-.... ` Mn.-nun. Mu-ch` 4.-A triP 30 Q|1b0 sue! the` maritime provinces is looked upon by the summer pleuure-seeker `I! one of the greatest Attractions. Murruy Bay. CWOIIDI. and aids retort; loom up nicely about `Ju|y`und August, but in winter they have. no pureicnlur . act}-action. HOWOVOT. When -the opportunity offers for such I trip. "on in winter, one in not npt|"tothI`0W it uide. I: fell to the lot of y0ul"0|'NlP0d0lI! to hnvn nunh nn nnnnvhmitv nreaent itself. and L,ETTERS To` THE EDITOR. A Visit .to Montreal- -.. II n- . .l L-I-.1 AN(`Yl`IllR Fuulln. Nu-A .\`|-:r:.4.\'. mum Is. monouon. II womuoy auuuo. an AI 3 quick ouumlor oronp, colds. dz. non throat. chllhlnlu, on. [an rooouunond B':Pu'd'n Yellow Oil." II E I . ...L g...` nan.` smalls.` -...-n-gnu V- -v_ .v. v_'- I,o,vyo'vg-I It a hodoonm dong}: < TAIJTFI I